SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMQKIN JOURNAL. VU Sorts of 3tm. 17 13 19 90 SI Si M it 97 89 39 30 London U moving in aid el Hungari ans. ' A largei publio atreelrnsr ie fc b held, ind fundi robsjcriW tmneptnt tht Hunga rians now in : Enf land tt their wn country, fully supplied with (he means of being use ful lo her. Lord Dudley Stuart,, the friend of the Poles, is at the head of the movement. The tone of good company . marked by the absence of personalities. Among well informed persons, there are plenty of topics to discus, without Riving pain to any one present without submitting to aft the part of butt, or of that still poorer creature, the wag that plays upon him. , The Directors of the Free Academy in New York, have adopted Phonography a one of the studies of that institution. lis Ad vantages are becoming more appreciated every day, and before long it will be an in dispensable element of education. . Mrs. Col. West Hendrickton, at Harrison, Ohio, lately gave birth to three sons, Wesley, 6 lbs., Worth, 71 lbs., and Washington, "! lbs. The mother and family, at last accounts, "were doing well. CcaiotTs Fact One pint of wnter con verted into steam fills a space of nearly 2000 pints, and raises the piston of a steam engine with the force of many thousand pounds. It may afterwards be condensed, and reap pear as a pint of water. New Science. The science of imbuing the minds of the rising generation with ele ments of aristocracy, is termed, by the Cni ted States Journal, the science of Haughty, culture, or a method of refining the breed of pumpkins. . ' ' Tho loss of life among the Austrian beloie Comorn, in Hunirary, from heat and cholera, is mhI to be immense. Fourteen hundred rick and wounded Austrian had been brought into Vienna yi one xtay. A Tyrant. The young Austrian Emperor appears to be a sharp fellow in his way, visiting the army himself, and sanc tioning military executions; has hnd two la dies of rank whipped for spitting at his feet. Couldn't Expect any Tiiisc Else. Some nislits since, a lady was taken with cholera at Cairo, III., but by vigorous exertions she was saved. The attack was produced by eaten heartily of, green corn and cu cumbers, just before retiring. The rnnerssof Orange owns eleven steam- Age. ris, with which she trades to different ports in Europe, going occasionally with net own ventures as supercargo. .The 1'ope gave Col. Neil, the Frenchman 'who brought him the keys of Rome, "a mag nificent chaplct for his pious wife," and the insignia of the "Older of St. Gregory for the brave soldier." ASwoauswoMAii. Mary Chmchill assault, ed Joseph Hertz with a small swrsrd, in New Orleans, on the 27th ultimo. Several slight wouwifo weie inflicted, when the dangerous daimel was arrested. lleMrtor atiiy ix Twenty-two loinirjop.ahic physicians of New York and Brooklyn report, that up to August id, they laired runted 16:! cases of cholera, Only 3 of vhich proved fatal. E'lrtv lloi'srs in CisriNVATi.-It is Via. pd that there arc not less than twenty'-five imidred houses in Cilieinnnti, to let at this ime, the inhabitants having fled from the revailitig epidemic. Rni'git.An tells us that, to write a good ive-lettsr, you ought to begin without know. iy whist you mean to say, and to IMlsh ithuut 'inowing hat you have said. The National Common School ConVeH. :on. which was to be held in this city on o 32(1 rj the present iiiuulh, has been fost ned till the 17th of October. The corn crop, the Hagerstowrt (MJ ) ews says, 'has been almost entirely blasted, that section, by drought. In no case lean ere be aVa'verage yield. A CraioiiTr. Mr. Wni. Flea, of Carn idge, Jflft., tias in his possession a white bin, which was taken from a nest with veral others of a natural color. Will Bow. Pure Wilmer, Esq , in 'eeu Anne's county, raised 400 bushels of teat from a fifteen acre lot. The citizens of Fon du Lac, Iowa, have iscriberl SeOOO towards the construction of elcgraphic hno from Milwaukie to that ias in FoTTSville. A location loi gas rks in Putttrtflte has been secured, and the rks are to fca erected immediately. Counterfeit tt notes on the Hagerstown, .. Bunk, are in circulation. The shading he engraving is darker than the genuine The mother -and sister of John Mitchell, Irish patriot, tailed from Liverpool on the h July, far thra'country. 'he Salary of the President of Mexico has a reduced from 538,000, and fixed at ,000 annually, the same as our President. owt i's "Gtttk Slate," the 'Fisher Boy iserpine," and "General Jackson," are xhibition in Boston. , he ChoMYa "baa disappeared from the as countv Almshouse. The total number eatha in that institution, amounted to 0- 1 ia Mayor of Jertey City bas issued a tarnation directing the closing ol the liq- tlores and 'bar-roortis on Sunday. lere ia a great mortality among the fowls id near Cincinnati, and nearly all brought arkot on morning died on lha farmers tiaiicitotT. Edward Bryan and his (is Uirti ef Utica, N. Y, we tost over ton Fall, on Thursday !. TXCXXNOXl'S - . COXiVXBZAM KPBLLXMO BOOK. TJEINO a progrWvs and t&tnprehensiye 8ye- tern of OrUrSgrapy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use ef Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Tirknor, a Teachet ef twenty .five year's experi ence, and author of the Colnrabian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, 4c - The attention of TeaShers, School Directors, parents, Sce, is invited to this new Spcllinn; Book, which conforms to the Modern spelling and usages inOrthogrsphy aabeingoneofthe neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to die wants ef children, than any other published in the CnUed Plata. It is whst it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, snd only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal Introduction Into the Schools of the United State Just published, and for sale by HcNat Masses, Sunbury. Where Teachers snd Directors can prtcWe copies for examinstion. August 4, 1849. PATENT 10DX3XlT&t Creen's Oxrgensted Bitter, price reduced: Old Jacob 1 ownaend'sSarsaperillo. Baker's Ssrsaparilla. Swsy nc's Pyrup of Wild Cherry. Swaync'e Vermifuge. Ayrc's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Psnacca. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit'sPsin Krller. Dr. Hooflsnd's German Bitters- Indian' Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medic'mes For sale by HENRY MASSER. funbury, July 14, 1849. ELYSBURG ACADEMY, THE second term of thW institution will com nienre on Monday the fith dsy of August next, under the supervision of Spencer L. Finney, A. I). It presents the advantages of cheap boarding in orderly families, a healthy locslron, and 4 Coftipe tent and exjicricnccd teacher. Tep.mb or Ti'ttioN : . For Lrttin and Greek languages, snd Mathematics, $5,00 Nntuntl Philosophy, Chcmistrv, Histo ry, tVc. ' 3.00 Branches of a Common School Educa tion. "00 Composition snd Declamation will lie required weekly from those who arc autilcivntly advanced in their studies. The term will consist of twelve weeks. Klysburg, July 28, 1S49. 4t Kqultnble 1-1 fe ltifitirnnce, Annuity nnd Trust Company. OFt'ICE 74 WAIAT'T FTHKKT, PIIII.ADKLnilA. Capital 82V),a00 CiiATEa fssrsTVAL. riHK Company aro n)v prepnrnl to trannrt bnainpt I nnm the lint lilerul nxl atlvuiUaenu tcriru. Thnr re authorized bjr their chnrler (nrrt. 3) '-to nwk all and ever)- iiuufnnce appruiinitie to life rinks of whatever kiml or nature, and to weive and execute truxa, make endow mMiti. ami to erant and nurclune amiuitiM.fl The Com pany tell annuilica and endowinenti, und act ai Truneea tor minora and heira. Table of rrerniumi required for the Auuranca of 8100 Tor til whole term or Ule. Prera. I ( Age. I Trem. I Afe. Prem. T5"i "aT a lit 4 aas I 53 I SI 9ii 47 I 3 19 168 I 3.-1 4 20 49 I 0i 16 f I 31 1 3 9? 1 tl II) I Ml JJVJJ aulH 1 S3 36 2 40 SI 4 13 1 06 37 4 47 8 IN 1 3M S St S3 4 SI 171 J) 64 4 71 1 40 S 70 64 4 SI IM 41 SMI 6S Si 1 b tt a m 67 6 rvi I'M 43 3111 58 SSt 1 W 44 3 III tt IN 81 43 3 23 00 Stfl The premium lew tlwn any oth-r company, and the Doru'im afl'ord creater ailvaiitoir'ea. Tablea of half-yearly and a.uurturly prcifriuiti. Iitilf crmlil rutca of premuim. aliort iernil, uillll uvea, aurvivrftiri nun cnuuwnienia. aw., fomi ol Application ( wMch there are blank aheeta) are to tie hod ou application at the oriii. or by letter tu the Acent, i. II. I'UIDY, funliury. Kates fok invcrixg ?t(N) on a aingle Life A?e. if) SO 4U 60 60 For I year. 81 99 !.'.'9 1A For 7 veara. ' 1,'tu 1.64 J.II7 3,97 For Life. I,6u 9,01 2.70 3.n4 6,03 Examflk A pernor) aged 30 yenra next birth day. by Dovitia the t'oinnain-on. tunta would accuretohia tmiiilv or scira f 100 ahouhl h die n one year : or for n9" be if eiiran to them 81000; or for 8 13 annually for seven yeura he ai-eurea to theis S100D ahodM he die in aaven ycaraj oi for 1120,40 paid annually during lire he accurca 81000 to be paid when be dies. Iiie in ctver accuiuis Inanwii rj-tnua. by the dnfereiice in am- mm ot praniinma from thoae charir-d bv other ollU-ei. For 8ly,SU the heira would receive 8SU0U h'Hild lie die in one year. Pornw of application and s!l particnlara mav be had at thaoHice. I'KTEH Cl'LLEN, Preaident. ice I'rcaiccnt. na, .n.utm. Kr.AMCn VV. Rawls, Secretary and Treaaarer. Con.ultino PimtciAX Ir. J. B Maaaer, Punbury. 1. H. Pvsdt, Sunbury, Agent foe Northumbarland coun ty- ftuubury, July 3S, 149. I TUG tatiMtCR'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. F.D1TF.D BY OOL'VKRNEUR FAtEntHJ N ONE VOLUME, Roysl octavo, 1165 pages, liesutifully bound, containing, IT. fine plates, besides numerous Wood Cut. , Sold at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without anr I'latcs. "The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a red! treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of sll sges snd countries is carclully rosTXn rr to the present day, snd silimrablv arranged tor con venient reference. I Ur. Darlinirton. "We are fully coutinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be fourjd in po oilier work in so cheap aitd convenient a form lit fuct. no Karmer who prctenda to be well inform ed in bis profcaaion, aliould be without thia Work." ( .cw Uenueaece farmer. An eiccllrnt work. Ill to be uiairinuteu in ore- ruiuiiis by Agricultural Socitiea. J. S. Skinner. r 6Y sale at tins Ullice. price M. AW bv F.. W. CARIL Third strreL snDoaite tUe Exchange, l'hiladelphla l and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. ttr Ait Oaasas xcit as accch THS UMt. July 14, 1849 3ra RESOLUTION. RELATIVE TO atfJV JMEJfDMRXT OF THE . COJYSTITUTIOJr. . ftsaotvso st trri SsxAts sns tlotns ot Rtraxissta trvaa or vns C'onMoMvaJa.TB or PsistTLvanu m OssxaAi, AiauuiLT MKT, That the Constitution of this C'oinmoawaalth ua amended In tha aaeond aeetion of Iks Silh article, an tbnt it "hall read aa followa: The Judcea of the Supreme Court, of the several Court! of Common Plena, an of aaeh other Coutta of Record aa are or shall be rata. bliahed by law, ahnll be elected by tha qualified elector! of the Commonwealth in the manner followinf, to wit -. Tha Jedgea of tha Supreme Oonrt. hy tha oaaliAad eleotora tha CoiDmoflwaalUi at large, The Praatdeiit Judgea of tha aevrral Couru ol Connnou Pleaa and of aaeh other Courta of Record aa are or almll ba eatabliahed by law, and ell other Judges required to be learned in the law, by the qeall. ted tluctora M Uia reapaetive dietrtcte over which Ihey are lo preaiila ot act aa Juda t-a. And tlia Aaaoeiale Judges oY the Courta of Common T'leaa by tho qualified electors of the eouutira raanactivnly, Thn Jwlgea of tha Supreme fourt almll hold their otncee for the larffl of fifteen yeara, if they ahull ao long behave Ihemaelvea well i (aubject lo the allotment hereinafter provided for, eubaequenl to tha Hrat election ;) Tha Preaident Jadgea of the eeveral Coarta of Common Pleaa, and of auch other couru of Record aa ?ra ot ahall be eatalHiahed by law, and aU other Judgea re uired to be learned in the law, ahall bold their officca for the term of ten veara, If they ahall ao long behave them, aelvca well t Tlia Aaaoeiale Judgea of the Court of Com tnon Plcai ahull hold their viEcea fur tha term of live yeara, if they shall an king behave themaelrea well : all of whom ahall be eoniniiaaioiu-d bv tha liovernor, but for any tea eonable eauae which ahall mt ba euriVient grounda of impeachmeut, the Uoverinir ahnll remove any of Ihem on tha addreea ot I wo-lhirda of each branch of the Legislature. The firat election ahall take place at the general election of thia Commonwealth next after Ihe adoption of Ihia amend ment, and the conunimiona of all the judgea who may ba then in office shall expire on the hrt Monday of Decem ber following, when tlia terma of tha new judcee aliall commence. The penma who ahall then be elected Judgea of the Supreme diaVl ahall hold their officca aa followa: one of them for fhfte veara. one fin1 aix yeara, one for nine yean, one f, twelve yeara. and one for fifteen yeara ; the term of each to be decided by kit by the aaid judces, aa anon aftet the election aa convenient, and the renult certified by them to the Governor, that the cominiaHiona nmy ba iaaued ill accordance thereto. The judge whoae eommia. aion will firat expire ahall tie Chief Jnatire during hia leri, and thercalter each judge whoae eonimiaaion ahull firat ex pire ahull in turn Uk the Chief inatire, and If two or more enfmniaei ina ahall expire on tha aatne day, tha jmlgra ridding tiit-m ahnll dn-ide by lot wluVh aluill be the Chief Justice. Any vai-iitifira happening by death, lesicnatlon or otherwise, In any of the aaid enaVtS. sliall t filM h anCoiiilnient by tha Coventor, to coiAhme ttll Ihe firat Monduy of Decemlier aaci-cening the nelt general cler-llpu. The Judtrea of the Supreme (,-ourt and the Presidents ol tha eeveral Courts of Common Plena shall, at stated time, fa ceive for their eervicea nS adequate compensation, to be fixed by Inw. which ahall not be diminished daring their coniiiiiinnce in office, but thev sh.ill rereive no feeAj of pcf qniaitea of office, nor hold any other office rlf profit tnder Jiis Commonwtailtli. or tinder Uie rovcmincut ot the tni- nil euiiea, or any ouiiTuiie oi una union, mo juugea of the S'ipinme Court curing tni;ir continuance in office shall reside within this Commonwenlth. ami the other Judges during their continuance In omce ahall reside within uie darnel or county lor wim-u tney were rcpectiveiy elefted. WILLIAM F. PACKER, Sptaler of Ihe House of Representatives. Speaker of the Senate. In the Senate, March 1. 1849. RnoLVin, That thia rea Juiiou paaa. Vena 21, Na a S. extract irera tne journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. Is the House of Representatives, April 2, 1S4., That thia reaolution pass. YeaaSR, Nays 96, Kxtracl from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clcrk. Secretarv's OrricE. Filed April 6, IMS. A. L. KLbcEL. Dep. Sec. of tht CommouweuUK. Sechetart's Office. Pennsylvania, s; 1 no ckstift Uiat the above and foreeomc is a true and correct copv nf the firiglnal Kea-lution of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution relative to an Amendment of the Constiluu hi," as the nine remains on file in this ufLce. In testimony whereof I have hereunto yEtliit Ht m' h""1' and caused to be afhled the rft (JJi renl ot the Mecretary'e Office at Harris: . uuiv, una ricvcmn IKIV "1 JURC, AIIIIO ihainiii. one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. TOWNSEND HAINES. Scc'ry of tlx Commonwealth-: "Jochnal or Senate. -Iteaottttittn. Xo. lf9. cutitlol -Ilea tint Ion. - resri third lime. On the question, wilt the Senate agree to the reaolution ? The Yeus und Xuvs were bken agreeably to the Constitution, ami were as follow, viz: i Kas .McNars. II us. llrawley, Crubli. r;unnlngliuni Porsyth-, lltiffitit. J,Iiiiiii, liwririii-c. l-vis. taaiin. Mat thias, M't Win., llicliurila, Sullcr, Mdllkey, Kavcryj cvmall, rinixser, rierrelt mid Mine 31. '-.'av Messrs. fleet, Drum. Friek, Ives, King, Konig machcr, Potieigcr and Xlarair, Spikua . n,i tue question wna fletenmiied in the affirniatlve." 'JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF KEPREKENTA- tivm. ' Shntl the resolution nara Tile veas ami novs were taken agreeably to the provision of the tenth article of Uie Constitution, and are ns follows, viz : " Messrs. ijidi-on J. Hall. David J. Bent, Ciaig Middle, Peter I). 1)1 3in, Ilavid M. Hole. Tb ma K. Bull; jucou ton, jonn n. uieni, .-Mitnauu-i a. l.mott. joaepn Rinery-, !avid O. Kshluiiraii. Willmm Lvana, JoHu l-'aua,kl, Samuel Vegely, Joarpli V. Piaber, Henry M. Fuller, Th nuts (oove, Kolien Tlampam, O'eorge P. Hcnazev, Thomas 1. Herring, Joseph Ilicgins, Char Irs lloru, Joseph H. ljotver, Robert Kloiz. Harrison P. Laird, Abruhain Ijirtliertoii, Jumea J. Iwis, James W. Ixia. Jacob M'- Cnrthey, John F.M'Cull h, Hugh .M'Kee,Jolui M'Laugh lin, Adiim Maitin, Nnuuel Murx, Johri C. Mvers, K' I ward JNiekles-in, Me wart rcarce, Jamea I'ortcr, Ileitry t . I'rutt, Alonzo Bobb, (icirgc Raplev. Tlic-sliM-e Hi-man. Bernard H. riclhirnover, eVtmuel Srilert, J.ihii iharpj Chriatian Suively, Thomas C. Steel, Jrrcliiish B. Fknhoa, Joseph J. Stutzman, .Marshall Swuruwelder, Samuel Tnggert, Oeo. T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah Wattlea, fcmuel Wei rich, Akmza I. Wilcox, Daniel Zerbcy and WtUiaui F racirer, npeaaer. ao. oN'AVaMeariea. Aufflistuc K. Cnrnvn. Tiavid M. Court ney, Davit! Kvana. Ileurv 8. Kvans, Jhn Fenlon, John W. George, Thomas OitlcBic, John H. Gordon; Wni. Henri-; Jamea J. Kirk, Joseph Lauhaeh, Robert H. Little, Ji-lin tt. OXIFXXANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuane's of an brilcr of tha OrphsiMr" Cootl of Northumberlsna cbinty, will be exposed to public sale at ths Court llousa in Sunbory, on Bsturdsy tha 4lh day of August next) the undi vided two-sevenths part of a certain tract of land situate in 8hsmokin township, Nortliumberlsnd county, adjoining lands Of Jsrob Leisenring, Mor gan Hughes, Wilson Prtrfc, Holomon Ruch and others, containing in th wtiole about S87 seres, about 73 acres of which art cleared wheron are erected a log and frame hottsW, a barn, fruit trees eke. Sec. Lata tha estate of Joseph Yoeum, dee'd. 8ale to eottimenea it 10 o'clock, A. M., or said day, whsn ths terms thereof will be made known. HUOH H.TEATH, ) JOHN FAUN WORTH. J Guardians. Bv order of tha Court: ) Usvid Rockefeller, Clk.l. C. ( Sunbury, July 7, 184.9. te WEISE & CliKMHNT, Snddle and llarueas Maker. THE UUdersigrirt respectfully inform the pttbllc, that they have commenced the above busi ness in Sutiblirv, and will con stantly keep on hsnd and nisnulacture to order, at thoir stand In Market street nesrly opposite Young's store, all srticles belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured by them will be hisde in the best and most dursble style, and at prices as reasonable ss they ran be had st sny other estab lishment in the county. They therefore rcspe'etfully solicit persons to call snd essmins for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duce taken in by tho stores will be taken in ex change at the nisrkrt price. HENRY WEISE. A UUL .STL'S II. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. CHOICE GROCERIES. COLTOIV & Co. 5. W, Corner Arch V 6th Street Philadelphia, AVE now in store a well selected stock of I I th Verv best Femilv Groceries, which they will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please. Green strd H'.sA Teas from $ I down to 25 cts per lb., the black Tea 45 cents by the Hoi. is unusuil- v fine. L'ollce of all qualities snd prices better Sugar for fi cts. per lb., than any other store. Mnccaront. ermtcelli, Canton Oinger In Syrup, Olive Oil of the boat brands, an assortment of the richest Jellies, nnd every srticle kept in our line. All goods sent to the country, put up neatly and secHrcIv Please trv ns once snd satisfy yourselves whether we can suit you. COl.lO.A & HI. a. W. Uor. Arch it litn at. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. chcUm ly " fiREATAi.imU TOHN W. FRILING has just received at his ' store in 8iniburv an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to stell or exchange for produce ; and consist ing in part of CLOTIIS, CJSSIMERES, $ c. Ltrtcn and Cctton drilling, and svmmt) if ear of all kindx. Caucof.s, CiUKtz, Gingham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bit-ached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HAT8. Quecnswarc and Hardware of all kinds. Dhuos Paint5 And Dyf.!Tvff. ilSItj SALT, AND PLASTER. And a crrat variety of oilier articles all of Which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May S6, 1819. la all rhrlsriantacd snd Hrlllred countries, has csnscd s larger Hroportion of deaths than any other malady thai atllleta the banian family i and. antil arltliia a law years, then- has not been any cerrafa mssdy to slop ass cfovasta. Uua nf tha destroyer. Hat bow BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM On rot srry sung 'if tha mcst sleims-fv marked and del. tiiml rum ol 'ar-sesarv Oss oapiofi a s At. wnrfotaatsd rares nf alerrStsd and diseasail L US 01 nth kvpriMi aa. ass as wars never tale. re cured by any other medietne. !4u Hfrrev KoptUil were some of the afflicted par-ions, aa to have h,-eti .riiiouuer J liy nAyeirniiis and friends to ba arriMLI-f hViua. S,iia. bo had their harlsl elollies aia,la. have lx a rural, .! yet live others, who It waa said wusld hot lire .yytiier day. are sow as well and he.ny aa rh'ey ever srira. . . It rtsrt all t!wi !eaialns and tearlfjrlns vtrtiiaa aearly as towsrlul aJ activs aa Ika prayaratiuai wtsich wm eat) . , at b r ant i indian rumrviMO IXTHACT. This d'fr.-r. fr.n that, hseajuta-ihls tM.esei seaeralsiVv fHiiWu,whUh are serar aasattst W. sad ara aisss, iHtlly narcss'-.r, tu cure , .. Cioiigh and Coftsumptlons, and all diseases f a nulmnnary nature suh dtaeasea as asnslly so falsi aadar or.tiiN.ry traalmeat, waasj Ihey attse.rj the , . , , ,. 11 rr int. Thrnnt; lau, and Henri This .W anils an4 cut I'lrrrt in, tat I lines, aad elsewhere n!trnnlly. as tenninlf and fsstly ss .the Peel rno F.STBAcr rsrti nnd AmI aleerrrsin;iy. This llalssm cares Kim esses nf C'sac and .6'eiuwsistim out of Tm. after all other renie,li--a hnxt ftilut lo do east. tffidusanaa o Consumptions and Chronic OhjfAs, alejmlantlr prttrs Its tmrnilrSa sit re'-y in .m-h disi-H,e., and Its u.iduuhled eiirntiv- tower, and .notion?, healing tropertiea. in the -oMnwrnz ruin- ptnlnts anil diAenses, vic.t .SpMf.t nf Plttd. Flndint SI A iitmes. Fnin in tht itrtatt aniSult. iYlen(-.-4rfAfs Are. emu ('imipldoifs, Paluylation ef Ut Heart. CkoUrn nsa rtiei. thf.fnrery and -y mser ofi:plainls is Chi'.irtn and AdsiU. ylilAauv snd ALL Caution Extra. A fnasj bv the name of rt iss l '' - - uv yoanS man of tha mrne of 8. p. Townsend, and ases his aa "! "PapaPa."". whlah thev eaU Dr. Towa aend'l iSarspanlsi denominatina It GENUINE Original, ato. This Townaend ia no doctor, and never waa i but was for marly a worker on rte reilKrada, oanasj, and tha like. . Yet ha assumes tha title ofDr., for tha nnrposa of talnins credit for what bars not Thia ia to eautlon tha puotte not to he deceived, and purchase anna oat ths Oamins Original Old in. J soon i wmera i rssrspsnisj, saving, on It tha Old Dr's, llsmiaaa, his fsmlly ooat of arms, sjad hia sis&Uire an uaa uss w m -uum. LlQUOllSiWINteS. &C. T'HE suhHcrihcr liaS iust received s new sunnlv of Ihe best I'uniorl that ever ciiii'e to Auhuury, coiisistitig in part of Kuperior old pale Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Ruperior )A Jamaica Spirits: New England Rurri; Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey bommoh do. Superior Maderii Wine. I.isbort do. do. Superior rort Wine. Burjandy Port do. 8weet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champa-pie do. .tin. ,. HENRY MASSER: Sunbury, Ma.V 8-5 1849. is ("imipldoiU, Paluytation of tt Heart. ChoUra na i. Zhf.fnrery and -V mser Geri!T,lainl$ is ChC.irrn si ' ...V J Alt FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No rrmftilT that Jim .rti nlTnprii to thti fiulilif hai eT(T brim half a ftrntin nnrt rfftrtva In corrtttinf AlL the In cMftttsil trtbne)irrefuu,rit't,t'bn rmo mi, a MtAXTtt PVr.MO.SAnr RALSAM. It tnakn no rf.f. frivncf! whtthsT iht rtfrane''"" mprrtnion, tzctft, or ntbrr inridrntal raknes KKUUI.ATKjf. ALL, by ttrmwtheninf th rifim. t-ptKliunf the Htrv.Atlnti, and $onthtn nm, allavinf NL II VI U S IIIKITABU.ITY. Sti Mr rampMets lr prtHif. CONSUMPTION'. A Dying Woman Cured t We stnte tins cure In pmre the p-'lrer to text lift, vhen this BALSAM is used, even after Iht person is rensUrrsd by physlciaa and friends to he In tha isff slses ol aetuslly tivinff-snd. In this esse, to Jar font that the AroW and nrwelrrt were hannht. For th.i rail"- tart of Uils esse, and the rvptttablt and atnfoufrrre' prwif nf sll the snd facts, ws refer to our 1'AMFIII.F.Trt. This cure wis ed'erted on Mrs. 7.IRA PYKKMAM. of Batlttan Sia, Sara'-of fa . A" F We ran prose, hesond s rl..i..s. mans others alismr toMaV ns hoieles.. and fan sieroAle'of Ccurh snd Consumelionf Cl'lt D.wbieh were prunnnnt-ed isesrsolr hy skilful aysitisns. LIVER COMPLAINT. See the euro or Pr. Hubbard, of .Stamford, t't and others. Dyspepsia ! See tha cure nf T S tFilret. merchant, of Attics. Wyo nine Co . N. Y., snd many mora. In our Punohlrta. Dysentery & Summer Complaint In CHlt-m and yidulls are eJrays esrsrf. HV CMdrtn will heroine JU'ky. htalthy. snd Ararly. sad ruw rapidly, by the use of this RALMAM. . No mother need ever mourn the desth nf her child hy V'tinlers, whtln trrthlnl. If MtASTM PVLMOSAttY tALfASt he ariministrrrd. It should he, tar surh rsaes, given la isreer thsn the srdlnsrjr doass. UUu'rORS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND The followina-named IHetnrt end fsysirisss have Stshly raromnlanded SRANTff MtDICINtS s Ur. S. IICHIIARn. Htamr,ird, Conn. Pr. J. N. rlMlTll. Wstertown, N. Y. Dr. KOriHM AN. 13-1 Henry street, Brooklyn, M. T. Ur. T. M. HUNT. Aut.uru, N. t. Or. l!K(l FHANCIH. Middletuwn. CoSa. Pr. OKO. A. KOUKK-S, Math. N. T. Dr. 8. WHITE. Fredonia, N. Y. Dr. C. B. OAI.KN TINE, itvron. N. Y. lr. J. O. Hlllf MAN. Fayellarllle, N. T. Dr. J. KKINNKR. Henry St.. Krookljra, N. T Dr. O. SllirMAN. Cortland. N. Y. FCiR BALK BY John W. Friting, Sunlmry Pa. Marv A. MeCay - N"rthuniberahid. John It. Rnset Milton, Henry J, Shneifer . 'do Kilu-jrd A. Kutanrr do A II leiteri and orders must lie addressed to Wallace k Co . HU Bnanlwnr, New York. fimtury, jMlyBI, 1M0 ly. "ttiitburate Your Own!" HAAS &1USXN. FASHIONADLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOvTftsENlT, , THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF THE f.enuine Towniend 8arsniai lliat VLD Dr. Towitscnd ia now aboui 70 years of as. and J has Ittlig been known as the author and diarrovcrerof uie uenuine urismai rowusena narsaparins " lie ins poor, ba was compelled to limit Ua manufacture. !' which means it has reen keit out of market, and the sales circumscribed to thone only who have proved its worth and known its value. It hdd renched the enra of numy, never theless, as those netsons who had own healed soredisesses, anil, saved from death, proclaimed its cxccllenco and wou- HlTMil HEALING POAVF.R. Know!n, htany years ago, Hint be had, by hia skill, aci ence, ami eipcrieneed, devised an article which would be nf ii,eii.,iMhie advantasn to munkind. when once known and extenaively used, ho hoped and persevered, arjiecting the time lo arrive when the means would Iw tumished lo priog 1( i,itn univers ! inlicq. w hen .its inestimable virtues would be Known and appreciaicu. i ins uiuc vuw, moans are supplied ; this GRAND AND INl.rjlELLF.D PRF.PAIlATlu.n, Is ir'ntinfartured on the tarccsi acnle. and ia called for throughout the length and breadth of the laud, eajiceially aa II is founn incnpauie oi uegeueraion ot ueieriontiiuii., Le. every tnun ring throughout the land, tlutt Old Dr. Jacob Toivusend is row manufncltirinv the real -Townaend Sarsnpaiilla.' which never emirt, never fcrmenta, and never ensures lis enaracier., From thisduv forln the people slinl! have the Pure Ocn- nin. 'r,urt.tul ftnrpnnrilla. V'liieh shall never sour ill the bottle, or in the etoniiich, and it shall yet banish front the Ua,,., ,,! 4 J,.aihs it ihe Hosnital land all Fermenting, Souring, fcxpioiiiiig, vmcgury Bar- i . - , . - ' , saparillas, now in use. A goou rarauisiruia, pure ana genuine, iiuoht to jive j a poor souring, slip-slip horaapa- rum ongiil toaroop ami oie. , , . ..... ., The uiu Lir'e. ftursupnriiin win seep pj:o ai:u pitw. 100 years. i . . -r , , 1,'nlike vnuni 9. P. Town'etid's it improves with age, and never clmngea, but lor the IwtterUccjuisc.U 11 pre pared oii scientific principles by a scicr.tihc tcan. I'hc highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art have all tsren hrouglil into, ruisition ill Ihe mauufiictiire of the OLD DR-6. SAH9AVA IIILLA. The Sursnparilla root, it ia well known to medical men, con tains many mediclilnl propertiea, and , sjme properties which are inert or useless, ami outers, wmen, u rciameu in preparing it for use, pr,slnce fermchtution and acid, urhlrh la iniurious to the svstenl. Some of the properties ol Sarsaparilla are so volatile, Hint they entirely evaporate .,! r l in the nrenarat imi. if thev arc nrjt preserved hy bva actentibc process. Known oniy io u.arc.iriiwK ,i, it's manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which LATEST FROM TEXAS. Emigration to ChihaJwa Indian Deprtda- hon Traders Atdsd Htscowry of a Band of Thicut Elections, Ifc. Baltimore, August 7. By ths at rival it New Orleans of the steam ship Ogden, advices from Tens to the 26th ult. have been received. The Corous Chrisli Stat mentions the de parture of a train of fifty wagons and nesrly one hundred men, for Chihuahua. The Indians were continuing their depre dations on ths frontier; a party of five traders were attacked by a gang of Indians, their goods stolen and two of the traders killed. Great excitement existed in Washington and adjoining counties in Texas, owing to the discovery of a regularly organized band of negro thieves iu that neighborhood. The Tcaa papers were confidently pre dicting the election of Governor Wood. Mr. Brown, who arrived at rJalveston ori the 20th utt. fiom the interior, says that he saw, wliilo at rfuraiigo, a letter from San Francisco, Ja'ed early in June, which gave glowing account of the "diggin " The news from California is the sarrio as that brought by tho Crescent City. curitttU dISpAtche. New York, August 7. The Board of Health report for the i hours ending at nooti to-day, 8i cases of Clkolera and 4i deaths. Buffalo, Aup. 7. There have been 44 cases of cholera and 13 deaths in the last 24 Hours. Pitts'duro, Aug. 7. One death by cholera occurred during tho 24 Hours ending noon to-day. The weather is hot, and business dull. Boston, An. 7. There have been ll deaths from cholera with the past 24 hours, 9 of which were of foreigner. Tho were 1 j Ay oil in vapor, or aa an exhnlnlion, ander heat, are the very esaential medical propertiea of the root, which give toil all its vslue. , ... Anv person can boil or etevrtne root tin incy goi a oars eiloted liquid, which is more trom the coloring matter iu tha root thnn from anvthinir else i they can then strain this insipid or Vapid liquid SWCeten Willi a mr luuiaaara, anil then call it '-Sanopnrilla Extract or fyrnp." nut aucn is not the article known as tne GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN SEN US AK- s.r Tl,i. ia ao nrennred. that sll the inert properties Of the Sarspsnlls root are firat removed every thing capable of becoming acid or of fcrmcntiation, is extracted and reject ed ; then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure snd eonceiitniteoronn; biki tnusuia icuunw un liable of losing any iits valuable und healing properties. Prepared ia this way, it is tnude the moat powenul agent a the . CURE Or lM..MI.KAlii.r. m.-?r..ier..-7. tfeneethe reasm whv we hear commeiuhtiona on e-ery idem its fnvor hy men, women, und children. We find it doing wonders iu the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and lu itneuiniuism, rs-n.iuia, i-nis, Coativeness, all Cutuneous Eruptions, I'niiples. Blotches, and all adeetl- ais arising trom IMI'LKl l i ur iimiiiAiou. Hampdeii, Me., Aug. 7. There has been one case ol' cholera at this place within 24 Hours'. Portland, Me'. Aug. 7. There has been one case of cholera at Portland. St. Louis, Aug. 7 The interments in the city tot tHe week ending Sunday were 162, of which 3 1 were from 'cholera and 118 frotri other diseases. Of the total number, there were under five years of nre 72. CinciniJatti Aug. 7. We have no official report to make to-day, the Board of Health only, mfeting three times a week, viz t Mon day, Thursday and Saturday. REGISTER & RECORDER, &c, THE subscriber has been solicited to offer him self atrain for Jhc office of MIEGIHTEU tf. HBCORDEH for Northumberland county, and trusts if elected, hU experience in said ofliro will enable him todis cliaroc its duties satisfactorily. john p. pursel: Sunbury, June 23, 1818. 'frothe Denibcrhtlij Vi.ijrsi ok" Kor tliiinibet-land Criiihty: Fcllow CiM7.F.xs: Warmly lirirtdby many of my l'rienils, I oiler myself as a candtdute for the office of , , , , , , REGISTER AIN'D RECORDER . at the ensiiiiiff election, . solicitmB st the hands ol 1. n,I,re,IL.iseirinH-V. ill till cnilOI-'lllllS QriSlllS from indigestion, from Acidity of the Mtomacn, irotn iin- i i,. i, ., .i..tL-riniiuiti,ui of lilorsl to the head, palpi tation of the heart, cold lect uml cold hands, cokl chills und hot ttiisliee over tne ismy. ". . . , .1 -1: : . Coughat and promotes ensy. expectoration, nun genne per- my Democratic ,nreiiireti hik jin-uiuiimiy nom....; spiraiion relaxing sinciurcoi aa muS., "", tion. l) cilirum ttivscll (tl noniitiatcii sun cn-n,j n..c. .. ,.-, to d seharee in eooil tatllt oil tne utttics incutu- lint in noin ns is 11s cvwin. ,-. ...7 - - THE sttbscrilicrs respectfully call the attention and is a eflVetital iu curing all tlie..inwot Kulney of .he public to their large and splendid sort- "v-;, wSdiW ackiuwledg-d tliini in all kinds and stages ol t emaie coin- It works wonders in cases of Flnor Alhus or V bites. Falling of the Womh. OIlruelisl, Suppressed, or Fauilul Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual -iiods. uml the like; nerui s)-s- bent on said office. Very rcaticetlully your fcllow citizen. JOHN W. MILES. July 21, 1840. M't'alnmil, J,hn M'Kee, William .M "Sherry, J.aiuih Miller; William T. Morriaon. John A. Otto, Williuni.t. Roberts. John V. Roseherry. John II. nutherford, R Ruinile Smith, John FMnyin, Jonn souder, ueorge wallers and David t ittisms w. '-, the question was determined in the amrmative." ttacaaTAsr's Orfit-s. ) Ilarrislaire. June IS. 1M0. t PrNNSTLVAMA. SS '. I Do csaTrrv that the above and forego. Ins is a true end correct copy o! ths vxeas' snd "-Nuvs." tuken on the -Res dutioa re lutive loan uinendihcut of the Constitution," as the same aiipftira on the Jairnala of lite two Itotisea of the General Asaemhlyof this Conun-inwealth, for tiie seaauai 01' IMS. Wilnrra mv hand and the seal of asid olnee. the nfteentk day ot' Junej otte thousutid eight hundred snd forty-nine. IUH lM-vi l IIAl.NI-.., Sec'ru of the L'bbimonvehllh. iulyT; l49.3m. LAlll) LAMPS, C OR NELIIII fc CO. rlo: ITS rkesntat at j I ESPECTFL LLY announce that they have j just finished the most extensive- aassrtmeitt STRAY EOE.SE. CAME to the premises of the subscriber ,in Low er AugUata township about three weeks silice, s dun-colored horse, with a black mane, black legs below the knees, snd a Hack tail, andof aoottt the common stiet He had on when he esrne a halter without a strap. The owner upon proving pro prjrty and paying the eipcnsvs can nave him by calling on JU11.N BtK.J. Lower August Ulip, July 14, 1849. KOto AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J. W. FRILING. Buhbury, July 7, 1749 .. - - - - T- -.---aasss -- - 1 as - IT ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH rAS ajLTENlNGS-T-A cheap And excellent arti cle lor listening sain for sale by a. vu r mu.NU. SuHburyt JUly 7, 184!h Notice to gubecribera. 'THE History of the "Army sno KaV of Amer. lea," Is now ready for delivery, ana subsrrt. bers will be waited on shortly, by the agent, with a copy ol the work. rssiiD st M9 1 as.. LAMPS, they hsve ever offered for sale, comprising; ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, n n r- tr ri-r-t. ri-k rs 4 s'-t-i at S sifts rrLi.i.i io, iun.l 1 Lb LIGHTS, oic. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamr-s, and sutK are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption, of Lard. , Ueceut improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new arid perfected ffl'hlfiery, enables' them to sell at a ttiry GREAT REDUC TION trom former prices, snd all srticles before leaving the maniifaetcH, H carefully Inspected, aim sis wsrnuicu penccuy ugui, ana w give satis faction, s ... Philadelphia, June 3, 1649; ly JOHN DONNELLY, MANITACTlRfen. or Domsellt's UpRictii SartiTY Glazkd Cai-silkd Elite MATCHES, aud United States Oil Paste blacking, No. 83 A'or(r, i'Atni Street, )?HILADEZ.PHIA, THticSE Mstehes sre justly rrnaidered the best hi the L'nilf d States ; they are free from un pleasant smell, and ran be introduced with perfect safetv into all Stores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten yesVs. The Blacking is 01 superior quality, sna tree from and ingredient that impairs the Leather. COI NTKY DEALERS and SHHTERS will find it to thbir interest to call and see for tliem selvest N. It. Ait assortment of Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Mutches in round wood taxes slso, packed in large or small tin rases, to ship to sny part of the world, JOHN DONNELLY. Lsts of SO Bsnk Street, now 83 North Third 1SU Marc1! !M, 1849 ly JTIST AB.RIT35D. A Sew Assortment! Fresh tdods. IRA T; CLEMENT, his friends, cus- Kwi'lt, rthhi iniorma nta menus, rus- - - , . . , .,-:, aans. ..J ili ih.t U f iisi rccrid i sppcrile J. " oui.g a stoic, snd nearly opposit I U'L-ke Tsvarni . IV COI V V a a s-. BLANKS. I of every description o 1 applying at ths office of tha American; Estate ! Jane felpp, tiee'd. NOTICE is hereby given ihst letters TeaU mentary. have been grenUS tH the subscri bers on the estate of Jans KiH, lsts of Ryan township, Nortliuoiherlsnd county, dec d. Per- ons uidebted to said estate or bavins- claims a gainst the same, ara requested to pfestfil the ssm lor settlement to uie suDscnbers, WILLIAM B. KIPP, ) ROBERT C. RU88EL, J " Rusk towTubiu, Jaly 7, 1849 Ot STONS WAXIS. . . AJJJAatia.Ul . . fJLANKS of every description can M bad by I Mstst wcaAvm a n 0 n irti svn- L I " "v tasftw WM ,J'U" raritw-uuw ".rrl' O TONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitcher eriri, (..cs, olc-, ,0, .ao. n u I tj md other articlas of stons ware just received """-' I ..J - u k. ., JOHN W. rRIT.INli. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. . ., turf manufaclurad Oil X Tea company, roc sale hy JDreiiaa..-vw - - - J, W. f RILING ba. :. ...'. sm Viaar a tuna from I. t'arungruu v"i" iverument organ. I razor etrop mta eliVeriog ictnper- w . . 1 - 1 rpEAS, front thh New York Canton and Pekld L TeaUoaij Sunbury, tee. t, 1818 rHEAT WA?!TEa-.One dollar per CHARLES W. HEGINS, di.TTOB.lTE1?'' AT LA77, rotisviiiei res. wW.busnel. nab, will be paid for rxd wheat 1 pronptly attend to eolleclione and all bust- 1KA A WaUtdl'IStaV as- " - w Kunburv Jsll. J7th, lliOtt ' . - I June 1, Ui, mcnt of iVcry quality and price of CiniXliT-WAHE, which tan not fill to recommend itself to every one who will rinmine it. on sccount of its durable workmanship and splendid linish, mado up of .the best stock to be had in the. city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the auhacribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their sioca consists ci .vianogany .Sofa. Divans and Louugen .astl. t. aWssy . & u ssar a t? a ae sS Ol s la, A easr eS( JJUrcaUS. Slll liat H3, aimwwat ssi SOFA, BRBAkFAST AND DIXIsO TABLES, and al-o VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, VVORrt AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, : .t,.rf ..l.rv artirts in thia line of their business. They' also manufacture all kinds anil qualities CHAIRS. including varieties never before to bfe had in Sunbury, such as Mmoosv, Btara .WiiscT aCt'iuMmiGiru: id Wixnenn CHAIRS, D rases Piaxo Stools, which are of the latest styles, snd warranted to be excelled By none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shsll he no excuse fhr persons to hurchsse fitmilure in the cities, as every confidence can bc entertainrd .1 . 1 1,. .ii,v nl fiiikh of their ware and ft..; Their articles will lie disposed of oh as good .... ran lie Durrhased elsewhere, lyoun- trv Proilure taken in payment for work. CP UNDERTAKING attended to on reason- salvia larma. If The Ware R'fcjm'. Is in Msrjiet Street, handsome assortment of NEW GOfJDS st his stdre in Market Square tli Sunbury, Mich as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, ttc. Silnbury, June S3, 1849. THE CHEAP BOOS STORE. DA1TIEL3 & SMITH'3 Cstsss Nsw it Skcond tfsrlo BooaSiHat, NorA Weet earner of fourth mnd Areh Street PhUeutttvhim. Law Books, Theological s'rJCis(sica't Boots', Wm aW easV W SW W ( sW " V pTt eef BtbbttAPHiCAL ttisTpJibAL Books, SCHOOL BOOKS. . tbiasnrio aso MTsTH,t BoSriss. Juvenile. Books, t'rt great varietk Hyrhh Books sndPrayei Books, Btblss, all sues , sua prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper,andStaiionary, . IVaatras aas) MHmU. rr Ora prices are asuck lower taoa tae assitrLia pries. I Dr L.lDtsries ana aniaii pareeai 04 nooaa iiamiiaass. LST books importea 10 oraer iroai uotmm. J'hlltilelplua.JuMe, IMS y , GEORGE RENN. feunbufy,' April 89. 1849; tf Hsftfee ie) Dellaqoeat Collectort. . Att collectors of taxes whose duplicates pre vious to 1849, hsve not bean settled, ara here by notified, that their bonds will be sntered on re cord if settlement is not made. By order of ths Commissioners, GEORGE MARTIN, Clk. Bunbury, July T, I849h WALL PAPERS. THE Subscribers have on hand the largest as sortment of Wall Parsas in the city of Phi- ladeluhia. tVholetaU aud Jietatl, coiisisluig . :..u aiiitatiln fnr Parlors. Entries. UltiinK Rfoms, Chsmbers, cVr-. which lor quality and style ennot be surpaa'Jed. Doing a1 Cash business ws ara enabled to sell a better article at I much lower rata than any Store doing a TRAdE BUSINESS: On hand, a large' assortment of Wist Pvaj Fir. trims, llorders. dee, which will be sold for Cash.( Paper Hanging dorie in the country at city prices. . . N. hi Dealers are invited to call and exlnune their stock bsfore purchssing elwwhei, . FINN ct BLRTON, No. UJ Arch btroet, South side PhUadelphia, Wsy to. 1849. ly Notice' A It parsons Indebted to the subscriber, either A by iota or book aoeount, are requested to ii . - . ImmAitiauslv Pramnt swttna snd maaa isivuhius ' attention to this notice may sava CHARLES. B. BOGAR. Sunbury, June 0, !849-4f cures al lrmn-l ....,.. NKHVOI UI3l-.ABt3 A:t I. IM.riiu I i-, . . And thus prevents ur relieves a great variety ot ixner ma tarlirs. ns rniiatl lrritntioo. Neuralgia, 8t. Vttua Dance, Swooning, Kuileptie Kits, Convulsi..iis. c. ia nm miainuiB ua wi i. i.un....v ' n , thins in it which can ever harm, it can never ur or sooil, and tlicrcfiTe, can nevcHrsise Its curative properties. Itleansea the hl-wl, excites the liver to healthy acltin, tones the sioinuih, and givea pod dige tioti, relievea Uie bowels of torpor snd ennstipstum, allays niltiim-nicsi, puri fies the skin, equaliMs the circulation of Ihe bliod, pro- ducins (tcitle wuriuU equally allover the rsiy.aiiii at tne insensible nerspirunvii , ieuiip ..,., .......... B n.i.ih.iiire nervous svstetn. Is this, then, Ihe medi cine vou pre-eminently uced f But cau any ot these things be nut ofts. I Towueeud'i iufcriot artide ? I'll is young TS.KU WITH THE OLD Wl-S. Because of one grand liict, Ln the one is uicapshle of de. terioration, ami .Mivr.n ei-uiif, wnue in wisi ass, ft sours, fermeins, silblnvs Ihe bottles einitaluinf it into fmiments; the sour, scie) linuiA exploding, snd dumaguig Oilier RISH1S I .VlUSt ll Ulia uv-lliu,.: ln. r..m..- ous tu the system ! What ! nut acid into a aystem already '.. . Yl.l . I tioniimla l.M, itisesseu wun m-iu i u - -r-r- v - -. . Uo we not all know, that when lood snirs in our stoniaeua, what nnseliief Us poainces : naiiuem-e, m mum 11, ..p.-tutt.-n in the heart, liver mniplniul, diarrha-a, dysentery, cilic, and cimiptiiw ol the hUsal ! Whatie bcr..iulu but au acid buiuor in the body t W hat pr.s!ueca all the auia,.rs which bring on Kruntimis ot tne rain, ociuu .. . Rheum, KryaiiH-taa; Vhlte Swellings, r ever fJorea, and all ulceratiima lulsrnal aud external ! It ia nothing und.-r heaven but anaeid suhstwnee,. which a-.urs bikI Iiui aplii ull the rfuida of the body, more or leas, W hat causes Rheuninlisin, but a aour or ncm nui, ..,...,. ............ ..- sell -totwesa. the joints and elsewhere, imu.ti.ia aial in Zumgllie toiler and dea.-a.le .. uiasi w ikl It aetaf So of duawea, U "l-ul- of"" ,w",.Vf,i?' 1 circulntHuii, SISI acmij au . flict hu.n... ualuro. -. . ..,,-,., Now IB It II 'I nomuia w 1 ' worse ui use this . , FrRMF.TlNr, Arm "ixniruLriij" OK . F. TOWNSKXU! And yrt he wousi faiu have it umlcrst-Hid that Old Dr. Jac Tnwnseial'a Genuine Urifllun i-ursupuniai, is an IMITATION ot hia interior : "... Heaven that we should deal in su article J"hich wiHihl b.sir tbe tuvel clusanj resenibaiice lo o F. Town- semi's article ! aim wnicu woum urinn s p" "e i. ....i,. ,n.u,uiiu I, sul is cmmliiiiiis and ciituirMions front Agents Who have sold, aild pUrcliasers who huve iisot 8. F. Towiucud'a Ferineiiiing Voinuound. W e wuli it un.lersto.l, because it tne wassuis uuin, . Townsend's article aud Old Dr. Jucob Townseial'a fcurau purilta are henven-wide uiart and intiuitely dissimilar r that they ara unlike in every purlicuau, having not one single thuis in coininod. . . . As S. P. rowusena is no u s;ub;,iiu ire v chemist, no phursuisceuiisl knows no iu-"te M iredicine or diseuse tliuu any vther copins'i), uiiacieiilinc, uiifsnses. sionsi num. what guarantee can Ilia public have that they arareceiviiMtaseuttinesLieiiulil: medicine, frsiUuiiing ail the virtues used ui prepsring it, S14 which are URpaUe ta cliangea which might render theai the agents of diseuse in- In si .-sit in nenun : and thus TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER- . LAND COUNTY, rpiifc snjiscrtlier at the solicitation of a number of his fricinls spjaiti rjffcrs himself to his friends snd xllov citizens pt' Northumberland, as a candi date for the ollice of , REGISTER & RECORDER &c. Should he be elected, he promises to spare no time or attention to discharge the duties of the said office faithfully and impartially. , JAMES D.BARR. Lewis township, July 14, 184'J. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rTHE subscriber tclkcs this occasion to announces to his Iricriils sml iciiow ciuxcns, 01 nunuuui brflnnd comity, that he is a candidate frit the oflica "REGISTER & RECORDER, &c. for the county of Northumberland, and respectful ly solicits their support at tlie ensuinx election; Should he be elected he will perform the duties of said ollice with fidelity. FREDERICK HAAS; Augusta township, July 14, 1649. TOTIIE F.EfecTORS 6?. NOfeTHt'- EERLAND COU.NTY; F".iow-C"itiie: At the solicitation of a number of my old friends, in ditVcrctit pactli ol'tho county, I librtby oiler in) self as a catididate for the ollice Of t t . HEGISTCR ti RF.CORDEli at the ensniitg i-lccliun, . , EDWARD OYSTER. Sunbury, June 30, 1849. "county commissioner. . THE .subscril-er pflbrs himself to the. elected ot Noraiuinberlaiid cotuiiy ss a candidate for COMMtSSWXERt should he be elcctefl he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office; t 1. WlLU- -M ILSU.-I. Lewis townsliip, JutU! 1!J, 1848. Stean IS ncinin : 1 1 1 ; , But wlwt else should be eXpaated from one who tasiws M a, J.. frrfTii CtV VCltltWI'M ftB. nothiiUT ooroDarauvely or inedicuie or aiseaas : 11 rciuires int. t.i.uw.v. , "" BOIK1NO, II- ... m eiiKjrieiH-e. to eoolt ana serve up even a of coninion decent meal, how uWh more important js it Umt rAisiN8, l-V sjadurav Su currants, citron, cheese, sauice.Ve, for sals by J. W. FRILIN stinbury, Ps:t, 1848. per Notice to DellaqncBti. LL persons indebted to the subscriber, longer .i.. .i months, on nota or book account, are requested to can and make settlement, or alss their acconnU will be left with a magistrals for collec- dunbury, July T, lit', the nerins.wHotnanufacturrnedivin, designed for weak stoinacns flta, s.nws w"i " -; Boenical propeniesi 01 itinma, um um.i.n. A aud sooeentrsung their aeaiing vinoes,- siao ma exteuaiva knnwledgs 01 toe ysrious aiscssaa .wuica soexj us tmum avalem, and bow to adapt remedies to these d. souses!, k k .null, tha af. It IS IV 1 iimq wit .ulna, im m. a.a'w " " ' . lieted are impnsed upon by presumptuous nssn uw Uie aaka of money ! . Konunea make out f tba agonies of the aick . and 00 equivalent rendered t,hs dsspsiruif suflerers . It is to arrest irautis upon ine uih."j.--l - r into wiainded humanity, to kiadla hops la th dcapairiii bosnm, toraators keauU aial bloom, and visor into the TJkZi .TZZ... .,ul in hai.lsh inSnnity, Uiat Okl Dr. Fsiiow tiTiasss. firlcouragcd hy numerous friends 1 hereby eiTet- myself to your consideration ss a csiididale for the ollke of ... . . COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the nest general election. Should I receive a majority of yoir, I will endeavor to dis charge Uie duties of said office with fidelity, WILLIAM M. AL'TEN, Chilisqusque township, June 18, 1849. Jacob Towiuwid has sou ht snd found lae onportumiy and I ... ., mean. U. bring hi. OrtJ'yyCHr I TQ THE ELECTORS OF NORTHtMBtR- witnia tae teaca, r "TfrfJ.Vi-. ' that Ihe msv learn ana a www, r-; 1 1 TaiNHr;irth)ENT POWER TO HEAL, And thus to save tha unnurcrbla ssusfaciion of havbie miaad taouasuds and miUmns froea tka bed of sickneaa snd aasussassecTw avopa, baalia, and a long Ult ofvuju, uJ IsTuaussas s thesasslves. their faouueaaud friands. Aos5Iir-.HKNBY MASbER, Ituiibury. July SB, IMS ly sow OR tvALEe A good cow, nearly American. g sale cheap. nencen. Banbury, June , 1849, fresh for Cuquire at Uis olfios of ths VjOOKS and Gold Pens. U iesof LAND COUNTY. WM. W. BETTILY0N, of yppeA ugusta,; oilers himself to the electors of Northum. berland county es a candidate tor COl'NTY TBsSIlafcit. Should be elected, he prop'" to diicJuIl duties of said office with lideUty. Upper Augusts, June 9, mJ- iJNTV TREASURER. TACOB YOUNO, of the Borough of Suah encrs him self to tlia electors or ivoniiu On hand aaveral COE the Ufe of Christ, and also a number of iMd County, as a candidate for the otftcs gold pens which ws will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sals at this office. rkADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi I cine for sale by HENRY M ASfitR Sunbury Jsn. ?7th. 1M- TBEASVRCR. Should he be elected, he will endeavor tha duties of Uieeiuce in aucn s. give general satisfaction. ffunbury uns v. ibij. .Jrlicssei in Middletown, ?ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers