t-itf Viv i"'': fir." J 1 io-' A Omlle English Wlf. .T'. i. v i. T.i.'ia T Mft8 'fcBDT. f r. .'4-r- tcl ftti'Ll Whene'er I ecek 'mid haunti of glee, A partner in the dance, , .. ,t Oh ! let that sprightly partner be A graceful girl of France: lo And when my raptured senses thnll '' ' To music's witching sway, May Italy's sweet, songstress still Pour fourth tho tuneful Jayv . -' But when I feel inclined to speak Vows that shall last for life,' Trust me, I shall not fail to seek A gentle English wife? ; ' I Ioe at noonday's sultry hour, ' " - ' . Beneath the lime-trees shade, To hear st ranee tales of mystic power Told by a German maid : I love, when day has left the skies, To watch the evening star Gazo in tho Spanish Donna's eyes, And list to her guitar; -. But when my active fancy lays . , -'' 1 ' 'Schemes for my future life ''a-s ' Hope's fairy pencil still pourtrays t A gentle English wk'e'.o t) ' Dear England, oft in former times : I blamed thy fogs and rain, ' But, wearied now of brighter climes, I long for thee again : Thy skies are seldom dressed in blue, ' " Chill is thy wintry air J' But yet thy sons are brave and true, Thy daughters good and fair; , So 1 shall cross the ocean foam, Abjure my wandering lift, And place within an English home A gentle English wife! SUl Sorts of 3tcms. Whits Sulphur Springs. Amonji the visitors at the White Sulphur Springs of Vir. ginia, are R. Taylor, Esq., son of the Presi dent, one of ex-President Van Buren's sons, the Russian and Spanish Secretaries of I.ega ;.. lion, and a number of naval and military officers. Mr. Clay is expected there soon. A lady entered a dry goods store up town, the other day, and, after inquiring for a va riety of articles, requested the young cleik to show her some cambric of a hay color. The clerk inquired with some surprise what she meant by that color. "Why," replied the lady, "cambric the color of your drawers." "You are mistaken, madam," said the clerk, "I don't wear any ! ' It was some time be fore the ladr could make him iiiulnrl-ui.t that sho alluded to some fixtures with knobs , on them. , Bedford Sprinos. Mr. Buchanan, Senator Cameron, Hon. T. M. T. AlcKennan, Col. ' S. W. Black, Wikon McCandless, Judge Black, Col. Bigler, Judge Burrell, and a large number of other politicians, principally dem ocrats, are among 1 the guests at Bedford Springs. " 1 I Fi'nnv. On the Fourth, the Declaration of Independence was read in a certain town in 'Louisiana. After tho names of the signers had been repeated, a Frenchman arose, and - j indignantly asked why Lafayette's name was not there, and made a motion that it should be added forth with ! The roof of the Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, when it lainp, divides the waters that flow west into tho Chaltuhooehe and empty into the Gulf of Mexico, from the waters which flow east into the Ocmulgec and empty into the Atlantic Ocean. This proves that the city is "a city set upon a bill." We owe to the wisdom of Queen Eliza beth, and the prudence of Lord Burleigh, the circulation of the first genuine newspaper, - the "English Mercurie," printed during the time of the Spanish Armada. Tho first num ber, still preserved in the British Museum, is dated July 23d, 15S8. . . The Height or Coolness. To go into a ' 1 man's field to pick blackberries, and trample down his grass till you aro driven out by a shower, and then to seek refuge with muddy boots in ins parlor. A young barrister, intending to be very elo , quent, observed, "Such principles, my lord, as these, are written in the book of nature." "What page, sir?" said Lord Chief Justice Elleuborough and the orator was silenced for life. Indecent Exposure. In Cincinnati, the undertaker's establishment pde coffins up on the side walks, labelled "for sale cheap." Bishop Olev, of Temicsse, has issued a .circular to the clergy of his diocese, prescri bing the services to be used in the Episco- pal churches on the National day of fasting ' and prayer, appointed by the President. Cause or Choiera.-The water of a "cal careo magnesiau" spring in Cincinnati, is said to have caused many fatal cases of Cholera lu its vicinity. The cholera is still confined to the Alms , House, near Baltimore. Not a single oaoe . has yet occurred iu the city. What's m a Name 1 A writer in the Ne .. wark Advertiser recommends that the name of cholera be changed to "Typhoideihea." The editor of the Cincinnati Commercial says he saw lately, in that city, two women ' beastly drunk and wallowing like swine in the mud ! Shocking. Death of a Pheacher. Rev. Jas. Hamil ton, aged 82 years, for 60 years of which he wag member of (he M. E. Chuich, and 55 , a local preacher, died in Baltimore county, near Woodstock, last week. The mmy worm is making sad havoc with the wheat and grass crops in Edwardscounty, Illinois. . . , . Cm. E. Gale, Quartermaster-General of ., Ohio, died of cholera at Columbus art 'the " 16th mst. ' ' ' Ninety-seven convicts have died of cholera iu the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus, since the 30th of June. ' ..:.. Mr. Si declared that bia wifa had five fulls) 'that aha was beautiful, dutiful, youth .. fnl, plentiful, aud an arm-full." - ID.: ' it ' 1 r t , -tiM Tho Cotton Crops of Mississippi end Loui aiana are reported to have suffered great ill- jury from Ltt rains i .ii . I .c New Orleans was never Lltf (hn it is at present. ti-. ,. f'.': LAWRENCE HOUSE. Market Square, oppop.it Me Court House, ' ,:!, SttBtff, Pa.' ;,. rilHIS well known Hotel ha just been refitted, ..M. and handsomely furnished by the undenrigned, mtu oe doss leave to ssy, that it is bis .menu to render It worthy of the liberal ptronag, by nmca it Mas heretofore been sustained. 4 . J. C. PERKINS. ! I Bonliury,' May 17,1849. 8mo ' J pSMif CUTliERti! i'U AX entcnsive 8tock of rocltei ana i .me v-u i -LERV.ofealobr t ' JOE1T 2. COLEMA1T, Nos. 32 nttd 33 ARCADE, and 81 ttortk THIRD Street, Comprising 6000 down Penknives, Scissor and Raton. Also, a choice assortment of Rodger 4; Sons, Wnttrnholin's (reave's W. 4- 8. Dntclicr's and Feiiney's Cutlery. Also, Spanish, Dirk nnd Hunting Knives. Also, Guns. Pistols, and Howie Knive a. Also, Tho American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Cbd Dealers in Cutlery, will find the aliove 8tock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing nnd selling cutlery. . Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly MARSH AI.1VS Concentrated .Sarsaparllla. For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Ensipalai, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the ' Blood, Mercurial Discuse. etc. IT ia recommended to Physicians and others, as the strong! preparation now in use, and en tirely ilill'errnt from that put up in quart bottles, poM-Kinjt little or no active principle oi uie oarsa parilln. nul inicnoen to ncmic nie iumiic. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Aorthumhorland. HEVL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruit.es, Cut, Culls, Swellings, and nil complaints requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness or the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, etc. It has also been used with grcBt auccess by per sous amictcd with Klieumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadcl' phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northutnber land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER PREPAKKD and sold onlv. at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Firm and Chesxut Hrects. Thi lailclphia. This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found oh trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as atonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the atomach a clow and viiror, equal to a wine glafs of brandy or other stiniuland, without any of the debilitating ellccts, wlncliare sure to lollow the use of liquor of any kind .' and it is therefore especially serv iceable to children and females.. To the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to cout or rhcumulic affections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes lo reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving tho noxious liquor, it ia invaluable giving lone to the diges tiveorgnnsond strength to resist temptation ; and ia consequently s great agent in the cause of tern pcrancc. L2'Full directions accompanying each bottle. ' The above article can be had at the office of the American. Philadelphia. June S, 1819. ly Notice. THE partnership, heretofore existing under the name of "flew art & Bruner," having been dissolved, the subscriber announces to the public that he w ill continue the practice of tho law at the ofTce formerly occupied by said firm, in the Borough of Sunbnrv. ' Business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. CHARLES J. BRUNER. Simbury, April 21, 149 3mo APPLBTON'S GREAT CENTRAL C II E A 1VBOOK T,0 II E, 104 Chestnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. T'NOWINO the wants of the community, the Proprietor of this Establishment has fitted up a .Store in the most elegant manner, having due regard to die comfort uf his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Storct may feel entirely ot noir.e. ' HIS IMMEN3D STOCK ' of Books is classified according to the various Dc partmer.ts of Literature, so that visitors can find the Books they are in search of for themselves, IJuyiug Ins (Stock lor the most part at the Ave- tio ftiiF.. and heme connected with one of the I.ahmst Pi-pushing 7orsES in this country. beidcs publinhing largely himself, enables him to sell all Uoiiks at OWEH PRICES than any other house of a similar character on this continent. Hie facilities for the Imi-ortitioic or jjonx nom J.uropcaro unsurpassed, having a Urancu ot Ins Lstalilishment in London, where orders of privute gentlemen ure carefully executed anil liirwurded to this l.ountry by every- tiajis and Packet. A CATALCOTJH of Books w ith the prices attached is issued quar tcrly, continuing Lists of New Additions made to his largo collection, winch are iu all rases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. or, from 5 to 70 lwr cent, below Publithers' Prices. Thus in buving even a Few Books, quite a considerable uuiouut ia saved. As a still iurthcr . INDUCEMENTS . to strangers visiting Uie oil y, every one who pur, chases um Dollar wuutu ol ilooka, will re ceive s copy of the 6iK.bH lit rHiLAiiLLrm a, an elegant 18 mo. volume, the ince ot winch i2j cents. . I r 1 be lirhits ol an advertiscmciit ure too con Hncd to riiumerats the prices of any of the inv mpnse advantages to he derived from purchasing at the Great ClntKal Cutxt Book Store, hut let allwho are in search of Books send for a Cata loffiie, and buy the Books they arc in want of, and wiien visiting the city, give Apple ton on call, aim you vtuj he aure to call again. STATIONBBV in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. 1 he Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note I ape r, uratly stamped in the corner, wi charge. .. .. Orders for any article may be sent bv mail, ad drensrd Lo the Proprietor, mid Uie diVectiona jr ll raKs wil be fully twM out, with great punc UU...,, ...... UBM.U I , Orders lor Catalogues should be rai-i-Aip GEO. S. APPt.l'TuM iJotdifirr, Publisher, haportertand Stationer ifii f........ k' e c .... uitdtng, Philadelphia. , Jrtay, li, U4U-8ia . . - SUNBURY FOUNDRY, THE suWriber respectfully informs the public that he bos again become cornice ted with the aoove t oundry, aud that hereafWr it will be con. ducted solely uiukr hi muuspmcui .! Ann I ml From his Jong experienca in Uie busunei ha lruu y',t" bU)t4give (eneral sutiafaction to his uiu iruna and cusloiaera., The fcusiuew will be carried on iu all iu brmuilms. . iu win .li,.... t0.?1U5"'UI0 .J:'U,u8h dU kiuds of castings "u proAnpinma and in the best Surftmry, June, 1849-3' - n iiuiti ei ail kinds fat as I Imr. ' tU noreoi r iiu. C. S. BCWJAR. unbuiy Jan. Mtli,',IM9.lC ' J -SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN '. r-t A -flT-lTTim WAHE ROOMS. THE siibecriber respectfully Informs the public, that tit rontinuea the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branchas, at his stand in Market street in fiutibury, and that be has now on hand a handaomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. ' He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the - . ' j '"' . v: ciiair M4Kt)v nvsi ss, in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment ot well made and laauionaoie CHAIRS, ulain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low as at any cta blixhment in the couutv. ' His long experience in the business, Justifies him in flic belief that he will be able to give gen eral ratisfaction. and therefore solicits from his customers a continuance of their patronage, t e" All kinds of produce token in exchangee . SEBASTIAN JIOUPT, Sunbury, Mvch 17, 1849. tf ' COM) & S1IAER U AUK. J. STOCKMAN, Ao. 60 Chesnitt-st. at the sign of the Gold Jhxmble, between 2d. If 3d. sts., aouth side Philadelphia. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do r niffer Shields, Silver I able, iiesert, lea, bait and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Roup and Oyster Ladles, do l;ombs, 1 urse llaps, Scissor Hooks and Uhnms, Knittinz Niratht, Ac. ALSO, Jeweller)', Plated and Brittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, fire; trold Diamond pom' ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior Everpointcd Leads, cYc. ore. Philadelphia, May 3(1, 1849. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. New Illtle Oil nnd Leather Store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 dnon below Race St Philadelphia. rjHE sulwcribers oiler to the tanners on tl JL most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplats, Caraceas, Laguira, Hung-Drv, Chili, Salted Per ambuco nnd all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry nnd salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry Fatna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of burner a 1 ools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips. Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the citv, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May SO, 1S49 ly Ayvr's Oherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, IIUJWbKA i-,.v. ll.MA. I1UUI' IS ii COUGH, BRONCHITIS AyiD CONSUMPTION. THIS valuable prepurutinn. m astntiishing ly successful in curinE diirusoa of ihe Lungs, is the result of ikill- t tit combination ol ihe kunwu curuiive principles of medicine. Us infircilleiits are Irtfly mnne known to the puUic, and are those ackuowlclffi'd lo medical men as pnnemiiifi rare mlinil virincs. wliieh peculiar virtues are combined in the "OIKnm 1"KCT iltAI." in theircreBl. est purity ami ru-afy, ami wbr u used, an will be seen from me loii'nving vaiiuinie Teninonv : I'KOFK&MMt n.KVKLAND. . of Bawil -in C'ullfc. Ilruiiswick, Maine, writes: have witiirmd the etlects of your Cherry Pectoral in niv own luinily onil in tuut ol ntv Irieuus, and It lisi given great htiMtnntioii li, eM.eKilfi i,ri.Hiill nn.l hil.l.n.. " A VtllCK Kltll.VI MASSACHUSETTS. I rnmDr. llrvsal, Pruesist uud Pusnnamcr. Chiejnre 1. J. t". Avpr Dear Sir: Enclosed nleawfjnd remit. tnni'e f ir nil Ihe Cherry Pectoral lurt sent me. 1 can mi. nemtiiiiniy sjy. thitt no ruolicuie we sdl aives such satis facli in us j-mir's il s u.w have I ever seen a medicine which curr.l muny isises ofumph and Ims; eomplaintl. Our Physicians urr using it extensively in the practice, and wmi uie n.MUit-i.i riiei'ia. Truly your-, D. M. BRYANT. PH. PERKINS. President of Veimilil Atttliral CoiicffS one of the mmrt learned oikI inteljig.jiit pliysician In the country, ''considers it a e:'np'1siunn 01 rare exi-e:i.-nce K.r the cure or that for- nudul le niscate c lu-uinption." An alm- st iurredihlc numlier of certificates have been received ; ptmiiig that ihe Cherry Pectoral is, iu troth, CHEAT KKIKI)Y for Coushs. c.i, Astlr.ni nnd nil pulmonary complaints. I'Kll i; 7S l.-K.MH PKH BUTTLE. rrenarcil bv J. ('. AYEIi. lowrll. Mass.. and soli hv II. ,l.Mi, Anbury, and MARY McCAY. .Norlhum. UCI l.lllll. Maic!i31, 1SI9. I. ANDREWS." - s-. ' Itf IKiTHTOPAl ! RtLttr to Tmr Sics! Health to the Weak!! A HALM it fuuud fur Uie Wis ile Human Itace in An- flrews 1'AlN KILLER. This is an entirely vereta- Lie compound, e'.miposed of rweuty-Fiye different uigre- oicius, aim is an internal una r.xtcrnal Reinedv lor the va rious ills UaH human tiesh is neir to seen as, : Coushs. CoUs. rin. Nenvms and SieV Hesdarhe. RheuuiatiEin, Cuts. Hpruius, Bpimd AuVeiioiii, Sumuivr f'oinplainls, I'holeia Morlius.Tootha'-he. Kruplioii, form 1'ilea. I'ro.-n larla, llurns. S-aMs. Arue m the l uce aud nreatt. rainters' uoiiio. jirinsvs, ld 'ra, lxms ol uppe the, Geuend Jhiulity. Asthma, o. I'm up ui tttlea for I. 9 or ! shiiliitss pi rbotile. Tor further particulius sec Pamphlets loin had if every ajrenl gratia, ciiuoiiiitf m oriei iin-tury oi itie orn;in. iliscovfry and yooda ctTecte oi Andrew s' l'uui Killer, Ccililii atea of Cures, direction!, ice , ' LOOK Ol-T FOH FKAUD. Ttte triumphuit sueeeas of Andrews Vain Killer in re moving tha rtiuai-s iluu produce death, the untimely death of millions of our ruee, lius iuduiu-d s ine men of whem it may be Imly aaid, llieir villaniom oeeti;iaiioiia nnnileat their vitaihiy, to attempt to nut in circulation anurious and countclfeit articles railed "I'uin Killer," uaius uctitiiiUS numeti for the prcteialvil uiuh'.ir, lorded ccrlifivauis, Xo. Bmie have apietired, and others no doiitrt wiilup,M-ar. Let all remember that Andrews to-iiutna Tain Killer lias the written aitrnatiire of 1. Audrewa on the Inhel of eaeS IsMile in hlaelt ink. H urt uniplv uak f t l'ain Killer, but iuk for Aiiurrua i-ani riiiMT, ana nave n-i oti,er. 8 Id by M. A. MeCay, Sole Audit. Nonhuinlvrlnnd j J W, I'rdiiut, Suulairy : Jolm il. Ruaei, Milton : John It. Myyer, HI mmshura ; Wni. A. Murray Co. Jlanvilie ; Dnveiipor Smith. Plymouth! Andrew Vohr. Wilkes Imrre ; Hays ir Alellornnck. Ali Kvuai.ville : K h-.me t. Cliniui.erlniu, Lewiilmig ; Georjs McAlpin, Jersey riliorei J. M. .ludd, WiHianispoil. Orders addressed to I. Andrews, inventor and only Pro- (irietoi at Hiieca loiupums county, ri. Y. Wil rcoeiv prompt attention Septem'oer U0, ISIS ly SILSNCB That diendful Couuli ! tlie IiUngs are in dao gcr, the work of the Destroyer lias been begun, the cuugli of Consumption hath in it a sound of Death, Rev. IIKNRY JONKS, 108 Licldh avenue, a cured of c.nighand ealarrhui alteetion of St) years stunduig. The first doaesnve him more relief than ail the other niedicina he hud ei.r laim. Ur. ., J. Uepla, v lli umry-atretl, gave it lo at aisli-iib-hiw w lio was luhntirine under C1 umplium aud tiiaiuulhcraofely itrnleled with 4h Asthma, la UoUi suaaa ius :SsUa ve iunMadaatrr muoii saatoruif them lor ;llirfrtuble health. Mis. IXt RF.TIA WF.1.I-", B5 Chrutie-at. .nfTcred f rtn Asthma ii yenm. r'uemuiii'a HabBun relieved her at oui, and the ueoiniurjiivrly well, hciug eiuiUed to anljdua eve ry uttuck by a timely liar w'this naWieme. This indeed is the grent remedy for Coughs, Colus, fniiting Bluod, Liver Complalnls. and ui! (tie vlbx-linus of the throat, and even Asihnin mid ConsanHSiou. . i 'j - . . Aakfr Mierimui's AU-lleuling Balaam, aiat are that bia written sltrniiture ia on en. a bottle. Price U. eeuta and all )iar IsHtle. Dr. bnernatu'a Worin aud Cough Loganfaa, and Poor Mau'l 1'watera sold aa above. . .. SHERMAYS , POOlt MAN'S PLASTER has rnred more cases of Rheumatism. Vain In the Buck, Bide and t" hwt. Laaiuagu aud IVenknons, tliau any apiili oation Ihul luts UuneuHcd, huudrtxla of uupriucipled, aawuls have attempted to counterfeit it. and palm it off upuu tha community aa the genuine. tT"Bewure of IWeplloa Reniemher tliat the true and genuine Pluater is aurtaui uion reddiah ppper made extreiisly for the purpose and evry ease the signature of l)r. rherniau is printed upon the baek m. a Vlaavar, and lb wkute saoaxaO. byOopy klgbt. Noaa others are gruuine. Therrfora when you wunt a leal goad Sthmiate'a Pnnr Man's I'taater, call at thaoAcc, toS Nassau aural, and you will a he dieappoinied. Keuieniber priaeipall.DV'a IUS N'aasau-aUaet, New York, where oil llr Kherman's lienges are sold. His Ageiaa are Mra. Havs, na Pulton airaet, Broolrtyn Hinearn, WiluauuaSurg aud atcddiiar Cn, Hoaton, and ' i ' iT'V I JOHN VOI'.NG, ruiihury. . J m:a. McCAY, .Northumberland May 18, lW9 ea a3o ly . vi ' . - WI.NDQW GLASS, 8 hy 10. for aala t I SunbmyiJa 7tJi, 1S40. it' - ' cbttlMBIAN SERIES OF, ( 1 ..IV The Pupil's friend and Teacher's tomfort. . rpHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This A work 1 already Introduced into some of the best Acadamies and a large number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tlsfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful denmai ay stem of etirreniy. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and It Is Ihe MJ u n w COJwi(,ereil b nmarej, of the most competent touchers and men or science In the uni' on, who have recommended it, It is tlie book,. particularly and expressly prepared for our Ant' rican Srholart ! Jly Atmon Tiel tior. Tus Youth's ColumbiasCaicvlatoii Tins volume contains 91 pages, with about 000 exam ples for solution on tho slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Kulcs, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &. . Tickxor s Arithmetical Tablm, is destined for the use of younger crosses in th Hchools of the United rKatcs. A beautiful little book and please ing to children, and Uie only sue of the kind of any value. There ore Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given witn much cxtr matter for the black board. These Keys arc the moat complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac., for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them tho best works that have ever been published in this or any other country Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in almut twenty Acadamies in the Stute of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the boroughs of Hnrnsburg, York, Chamliersburg, Lebanon, Doylcstown, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, etc., Ac. For sale bv Hknbt Masskr, Sunburv, Agent for Northumberland Comitv. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1813. DIAMOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any I J. thing in use for imparting a keen, snioothcdtrc to Rmors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of lino Li'tlkrt ; it mny be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Knior, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by AI.FRKD BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Filth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PuiLAiiEirriiA, Feb. 1 5th, 1648. This may certify that I hove used one of the Strops prepared with 1IAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same elTect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will luid it superior to any hdetofore in use. I can truly suv that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third sU PniLADCLPiiiA, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and teat many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with mditlcrcut success, until I made use of tlie Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold hy Alfred Bennett, and Itousscl's Shavinj Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to theltazor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri tating; the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this ollice l'ricc 20 cts. per Dox. November 25, 1818 Gin. In prewiitmjr the public with a remedy for the treatment and cure of Fkvkr and Anm and oilier bill ,ns .1.,.,. no uiMiloev is needed. Vtist uiuntirs in ih ir.,ii.l k;,..,.. who softer irom these ntleeliiins in their vuried forms, are compelled to seek relief from other s ure than the imine diaie prescript iona of ihe recutir plivsicion. ll bocouies tlierefore an ol.wt of humanity, as well as of public iuler. est. to hrinr b.-fore them a remedy prepared fi.nu lunch ejt- qim-d, aun wiih-ii may mwuya ue reliwl U)khi ss safr, KrVECTFAL, AND HARMLESS TO Tint roN'vTlTi:TinM TI...I such is the true character of the INDIA CHOLAUOOI.T, ... ..,,iu ic uiuteram suvcesswiui Whlcb ll uua been employed. ri" Fjitraet from a cnmrnwiieation of the Hon. Wg. liam Wooubriiws, of tha IT. S. hienute, late Governor of Michigan. Deioit, Oct. 81, 1810. Doctor Charles Osgood, Dear Sir, I tinve read with mnch Interest, your little trasatiss upon the I'eanara. trentinent and cure" of tlie lebrile diseases w,ich hnve s extensively prevailed in our country during tlie last few mnitii tin interest iuereused no donht, by the fart that I have individually snnWed so mueJi from them. Though I feel myself verv iiieompetent lo judge safely upon a subject s i entirely pr'ol'easiotial, vet your theory acems lo ine well rinHnmeil. and your conclu sions just, und 1 think withal. Hint vour uoinphlet is calcu lated to produce much piacticul g,iol. Swiiking ol' the medicine he lays : It fully justified your flattering expccllitioua. and as a siile, convenient, and poiai lar remedy, mv own experience, so far, iudueea me to be lieve tliat il will provs a ereat pnl.he tienafit. I am pleased to le:.ia lUt yoa liuva renmily eatnlilished M'vend ugeiK-ics for its disposition though I regret mm, with a view to a more general disremination of it, you should luive found it necessary to remove from your praeiil residence umoiig ua. With much rciiocl 1 have the honor to be, air. Your obliged servant, WI! LIAM WOODHUIDGE. nr Fiom Hon. Htspuks V.R. Tkowsriik-.c, of Michi gan Slule 8nate, to the Agent al Detroit. IliaxfiMiUAM, Oahlasd Co., Dec. 13, Ml. Pir yon wish me lo inform yon what 1 know of Dr. psooud'i ilndis Cholagogue, or anti-bilious mcbeiae. 1 do believe that if the virtue and auVucy lu'tlna modleiae were ;,c oui, aiwwu, ine rrwH and aoc would disappear in Michigan, 1 r 1 piocurcd a bottle in Ihe spring of 1N1, and luive good reason to believe that mvaetf and family escaped the agae last season iu canscquciice nf iu us. i Herluips in no suiumcr since tha settlement of Ibis fina Kmusiib, has tlie lever and ague been so prevalent us tha . 1 have recoiniueuded Una medieins in numerous in suuiees, and when the disu.be luid becioi lined and twilled the skill of phyticiuiK j ami 1 have never known il fail. 1 has univeraully nnalueitd the nl at happy affects, and I bet heve it bus never len oxceedid by any madieuie iu remo ving the luliom diseases of tha climate. Yours, respectfully, ' ?TK1'IIEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. ..ATTi'.'J'J? Pnnhury H. ti. MA5KR,- Norlhurubelland, Wl fHINGTOM A :,., MUtou, J, . BASER, Ballad grove, MAY ac KI.OSK. May , Ittle if . . J. J. GPaESlTCTJGZ. j( (Late Keller Graeiaongh.) r PATENT ATTORXEYr , AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Wakiiiiiton, I.C. DRAWINGS mill patmii for the Patent Oi&ce, Di ereJ ain U1 the necessary bu biuens, in relation tu ocuriii) putenU, trans acted, and promptly attoiHlnd to, ut their of. fioe opnositti tha Patent OU'use. Outober 28, 1848. . : ., . BAIT, KUMeeAn ollfat strtiHe for sale " - HUNRV MASSER. fcunlmry Jan. t7th, 1849 jf. . . r", . ULASTEK, ak and Fish, just nwrivrd and for A by - . . . j, W. FR1M.NG. - fiunburr, Dec. 3, 1848. PAINTS, a Uw fur aaU by . . . CHAS. S.BOOAIt fiunbury, Marrh 14,14(; w Eev's vovom cNyy. ja lent raiuuly tor couirlia. Kl.la. .Fur aala al this oilic JOURNAL. f IMPORT ANT TO TUB 1'UULlC. HORSSS JllTD CATTLE MEDICINES. ' Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the tnesns of cure are within the reach of all I The undersigned has spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice In "London and E- dinlKiro , he has also availed himself of the resear ches of Lcibig, and other celebrated men, w ho have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment oftnimals; the principles of our practice1 consists In the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experience: bus shown to be of a dangerous tendency, . liese re medies act in harmony w ith the vital prhidiplei and when given according to tlid directions which ac company each article they aro capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, henco arc, aafein the hands of every one. U. II. UAUU, M, u. A List ot Horse and Cattle JledUines. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75cperpack- aore. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc. Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75e do. Tonic powder for bad Condition glanders. 75c do. Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75e per bottle. Ointment for promoting the grow th of hair, 50c per poU Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac. 50c per bottle. Embrocation lor sore tliroul, i.ic per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, etc, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c eV Iji 1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water. Si per bottle. Worm powders for the rctnovul of worms from the lutestiniil canal. 7$ per packnn. For sale bv KI'IMPSON A- KKF.D. 20 Mer chants Row,' alw at DADDS HORiSK AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEl'OT, Nos. 1 & 2 Haymarket Squnre, liostnn. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies arc used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates arc in po&cssion of the 1 roprietors, ot cures perlormed by the above .Medi- cuiea soi.iwnnr.EV a- i-i r.-t'i-iiPU -.. i. . vu...a . . uu . u ... v SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. tid bv his Aosirrs. Hsxry MASatii, iSunbury, February 3, 1849. tf Ml. TOWXSEXD'S XD EXTRACT OF S A US A I' A III L LA. tpiUS Kxtract ii put up in quart bottlM. It S'X tlllKS J. clit-nper, plr;ifnler, nun wurruiitnt uprri"r to nny 'li. It cnr--K dii-ensfi without vniiiitiiijr, pur(f int?, i'k newi, or dtbiUtaling tiit puinnt, in id in parrRtiLui'lv ula;)lf:d fur ft FALL AM) SPUING MEl-iriM:. The jreat ltenuty aud upcri rity of tliin SarHrvfnilla over otter reineflieft is, whilrt it cnn-!ic:Hc Jim.-.isc, it inviR rnten the b y. C ut!uuiti n am.. Cleanse ontl aSucngtiiun. Consumpttoti can (il cured. Broitchitii, Consmnptitm. Liver C -mplaiut. CoMf, foughf, Coturrh, Athtnat Saitttiig of liki.-J, S treurs. in the Chenl, Hectic Fiu."h, NipM Sweats, Ua.n cult and Irfusc l;xp''..'t'iration. and Pain in the Suit-, Ac, have mid cun bt vurcj. Probnbljr there never wan a rfinpcly thnt hsa bevn no nun cearful iu dcperate canes of coniumptu i. tin tin ; it ck-an. lea Hiid strengthens the mi: em. utut upp',:ti ai t. IumI th ui eeraon the Innpi, and patients gruduuliy r'iiin their uriij) heulth and strength. CL'lUOl S? CASE OF CO.N'Sl M PTK . . There ia scarcely a duy pnsen Imt there nn? u muuSci vf cases of onamnption rcptiried un nurd hy tde use ut Ur Townacn't Surraputiliu. Tj.c tollywuii: vj r":t:iitlv re ceived : lr. Townse.nd Hear Sir: Fir ttie last 1 1 j ro v'jrs I have been altUcie. with pem-ial debtnry, mid ncrvoi: c.n- suni;ii.n oi tiic tint ki-.v. end ih-i nt ux xct u ui r - un my health at all. After fiu! tlm -tyni n clunsy -u mc ln-ii.t; ; under the caie of some nf ihe m i di"timrnnij ri re-jn nr physicians and meuibcrs ot the 1 icurd i-f llci.;!i m ,-av 1 Yoik and elsewhere, and puul.nj( t:ic m vi uf iny i-annni;' in attempting to- recain inv hc-iiili, nn'l ui'tt-r ic.k!;i;'. h aome paper ot' yU! HirKijunlUi 1 res Ivml t trv r. Ami r 1 umnp six bottlca 1 found it d mu mc .;.t r, cl'. an cal.t-.! ; to see vou ut vourofiVe: wu!i v.mr aiU n-e 1 at-t mi. .... I I do most heartily thank you tor yenr ti h n r. p, ;x- ru in unvuig uie carsapurnia, and iiave been u.e t hiiLit.l to my usual labors for the lust four monlhr, anil li;pe f-y th't: bletisiugs of God and your Suifcipurilb to C Miiiitir; inv LWir nmcutiiv?.v,7,,M Orange, Esse co. N. J., Aug. 4, M7. Ptateof New Jersty, Essex count)-, s. Tharles Qitim- w, wing ,.uiy w 'ill aci-nniilip lO IUW. OU Ij.S ,;itti .iti,, ,1,0 ,'.cB mttn Bujiciitciii u iruc iiccnuiinr m i.i-: ijfst ut bit knowledge and belief. CHAItl.i:S Qt i.MHV. t-wirnand subscribetl to before ine ut Onus. theSd August, Itr47. CVnt S BAI.liWIN. Jiisucc "I the lVano. SPITTING BLOOD. Rand the following, and say that cjnNumnlinn is in incu rable if you cun : New York, April SI, isvv?. Dr. Townsemd: I verily believe ih.it y..ur Sjrainlli , . .nwii.. .iiiouuii i 111, i.icuce, ui vivine un- me i nava ir several years iiud a lnl c. sign. II 1 ,( , ana worse. At last 1 ruisci larcc fiiianini, ,it t,l.,..i i..i night sweats anil was gre-itly deL.UH itod ami reined', nml did not expect tn live. I have onlv used y..ur Kiininanila but a short time, and thrc has a won leriui ch.in;i;' been wruuc,ni in me. 1 ain unw ub.n 1 1 waU aJi ovnr tin: citv. . ,, j utini, auu in, v niL'ii i.js icu me. i uu can wcil imapme that 1 ain thankful i r these results. Your oVdo an sonant. A ,Y1. It 1SKLL. 05 Catharine st. LOST l.'E.H fSI-KIXH. The nnnejed certilicnle tells a sniijile uud truthful st.cv of siillernijt uud rrli.il'. There urq Uivusands of snmUr oa'. eea in this city and Ilroi.kVn. and yet there arc Ih uvunls of parents let iheir ehikiren die for lour of beiu huinlnvccd or to save a lew ahilunga, . Bro-'klyn, Sept. 1.1, 1M7. Dr. ToWNSESD: I tnbe nlmsnre mi..!..... .1. fit of those wiion. It may eoiawn. Hint my tlauehter. two ' years und six mouths okl, wus uiliu iol with general dc. ! Inliiy and loss of speech, biio wiu given up us nan jr. eoveryliyour family pltysiciun ; b it .rtnnatcly I was re- ' commended by a friend lo uy yinir Sannairilla. Krf.na IlilvillV IIMmI fill,. Ibtlll,- ul. ,...L.,..I l. ....1. 1 f .,. ... ui..,,,. i.KTa- n, imui enubl.J ui walk alone, to tlie astonishment of nil wh were acquainted with the circumstances. Mic is now ipiite well, ami in much belter hrnlth than alie has hern for 1 months past. JUSKl'H TAYLuK, ia Vork al., Hruoklyn. TWO CIIILDIU'.N SAY Ml. Very few fumilies indeed iu fact we have not heard of one that used Dr. T"Wnsrnd' Sarsannrilln in time. l il any children the past S.iiniiicr. wnile liaise that did not, aickeip.d and died. The cerciiicate we publish twlow is conclusive evidence of its value, und is only another instaia e of its savour Ihe lives of children : Ur. Towsssnd lJ.nr Sir t I had two rhiklrcn cured by your Sarsafiarilla of the summer e.mpi.iini utal iKaeuluiy ; one wu only 15 nvnilli old unit Hm oilier a years. Tlii y were very much reduced, unit we riieclf-d they would die ; they were given up by Iwo resectable phvaieiaus. When the doctor informal us tlwt we uiusi lose them, we mol. yed to uy y.ir Saraupnnlui we had 'heard so much of, Imt had little coliSdcnce, Ihere heini! much alulT adverting that is worthless: but we are thuukfiil that we did, for it uiidiaitilediy saved Uie livti of tssh. I write Una that ntli era may Imj induced lo use it. Yours, rcaoertfuliy, u ., , , J"U wiusuN.J,. Myrlle-a venue, Brooklyn. Pcpt. u, isi7. TO THE I.ADII S. CHEAT FF.MAI.E MLDICINK. D. ToWNssrtn's tAsrAiLL ia a aovereiirn and speedy cuie for incipient eaiisaiiiiii...i, and for ihe tiaueral pr.suia. tlon of the system an mailer whether the leauli of inhe rent rauae or causes, produced by irrnuluritv, illness or ac cident. Nothing can he m re surprtsiinj than its invigorating ef fecta ou tiia hutiuu fruiiie. l'cia.us ull wmkiau ana ius situde, from taking it at once become r .bust uud lull of energy under us inUuencr. It immediately roiintrrarts the iierveU'Ssueas of the 1'eiuaiti failile, which is the greet cause barrenness. it will not Ue estcil of us, in cases of ao drh.ntr a na. Kire, to enhthit ccriiticutcs of cures ieiformiil, but -e cun assure Uie aiUu ted Ihul kiuidrnla of cases have bean renor led to us. l. Tow.sxu: My wife living greatly distressed by weakness and general debility, and aulh-rmg continually by pain and with other dina'ultiea. and hal ing known cases where your raodiciue iuas edevled great cures,- and also hearing it rccouuueuded for such cuvs as i have deacribed, I olitained a b itlle of your Lxiruct of rkifanpurilla und ps' luwud the Uire.ii.sai you gave me. In a short peuo.1 it remwed her eoniiluJuls and riMureM licr to health. Heuig greatful for tiia benefits she received, I lake nleusure in tausastkuinvieilguuj il, and i-e'uiuiicodini ii in ihe public, M. V. MtMlKri, . Albany, Aug. 17, Ml. our. Grand A l.)dlu ala. , ' li'Mf I V ! No luid or madicina kiei ever aeu discovered which ao nearly reaeuiblca Uu. guatrw juice ur saliva ia acoee icaing lood and alreiiglheniiig the organsof digesuou aa kisi.ic panrtsw of SnaunaiiHs. It positively eurre every ease uf dyspepsia, however arvere or chnaue. Bank ireianuueiitvAlaunv, liar to, IMS. Dr. Townaeud ur i 1 hate be. u aiiluiied fur aeteral aera with dyspepam iu iu wil f.m, atlend. d with aaur neas of stomach, Liaa of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great uvaraitai to all kuala 4' fund, eml for weeks, (what I euald eat) I have beeu unable hi raeam Iml a aiuuli pm..i on my abmuirh. I tried the usual reranliea. bia I in i lual ln hills or no etfecl in mnoTiiig the complaint. dueed. alsMll two uaailhs an ice, lo try your Kxtract of Sil aaauilU, and 1 must any with lutlr eaulidaiaw i out alter using nearly Iwo bottles, I found my appetite resulted gial tha heartburn entirety muived ; and I would eiu.HJWliJe aiunmal the aw .a M U tiiaaa who nine btssn aihirt4 s 1 aaveuoeu. , Yours, c , W. V. VAN '.ANBT. Ageut (at fiuiiliary JOHN VV. FRILINiT ; No- tTCK.i.AHY A NvCAVi DwvUle, WM 'J, Ml K K A i ekC o.t 1 4liW. H. y -rn r rr t r -r r r r -rr-:.r-- tiih tiiiAnlto'pimiiA.Tivii. toh tub cttub or j TtcnoVhe, OidilinrM, ' ' , k Wmisi.h rnli Rheum,' ' ! HWnnmuam. run,- " 1 ni Hum, Wornu, 1 ' Uvneni. bcarvwyj VIvHera Mntbue. Si'iiall Pox. Jiiumlice, , Coughs, quinm-y, ' , . ' fmnmptlrm, Kiu,( ' ,f ' lvcr-cnitipisiiit, ' -t. j Kriripelaa, llenineas, iHimirs 'A Ihe SVIn, (' Mils, r sil. liravel, 1 ) Smt mi (Joniplsiiita, Painain the Hues, Inward Wenkiiens, Pnlpitiiuim "I ilie Hurt, Itising in the Throat, Ilropsv, Aathml. Fevers of all kuula, Female Umpiainta, . AND A VARiarr UF. oi hah ihki:s AHISIKO . FROM IMPUR1TIM Of Tit r, 111 (10 D, AKU OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORUANS OF ' ' : MOESTION. Experience has proved that nearly every Dmmw originates frimi Imnuritiea of the Bl ind ,t ileraueenH!iita of the lJiB'11- tlves Orpins ) and to Secure Health, we mnsi remove th'e obstrocti insoT restore ine bukxi lo luiisiuralsuun. , The aversion to takttujt uiedu-ine ia msi eib uiuaJIv re mneil hy Cucsneii's Ykoktabls Puii'.aihi Pills, Iitiiij, r nnneiiiy en ia ;ii"i wiin ii conimn i-i pnre wlu'e rins-ir (whirli la as nininci ir in ma intrrnnl insrrnlienta aiaout fiii'll tr.'intlie Kurui.-iJ and have no lawui ui mcdicina. mil are as e.-ifiiy swuiloweu ns l.ns ot rnmly. 1 iri:nver they niiiltiiT imiiseute or trrii-e iu the s'.iffhteirt dt irree, lint onr'nuo e-pialty on nil the diseased irtirlsrf itie' sysnin. in-R:4-:ulia' r .iitinoi'r tlieum-lvs to, mid mckinji anv ivirtit-ular r.:ijin. Thus, if tin: Liver la affected one liifnilii-nl MU oterte on tint pnrtieular oraan. nti:l. tiV clemi-in? il of an Eeen of Hilo restore ll t.i es nrmMl state. . An-itlier will oj er.iie on l'i.' H . ud ai.d rcioo.eall impurities iu its eirirli lati'u: w'uien third will '.tr,:i:l nolly espel whatever impn rities m-iy hnve ten iliMmrpeiutii the st iniaeh. and hc-iee they s:rikent the r-Kit or disrato rem a all Impure llu. nvrs fr an the lx.i!v, opnt thcinres exlernallv and inter- nitty ; smaratr nil f ireijin nnd i.linoxinus particles from the I chyle, an that the I .kail may be thw "Oihly par, ihus ntu ' rimn tr.-a unrl limlihvarii h, ihe Heart, lvnnesniul Liver nnd thrrr liy ilicy renura health even when all oihor means I lia-e t'nilnt The entire truth of the above can bo ascertained by tho ttial of a sinple box : and their virtues nre ao nositiva nnd c":ain ill resinring Health, that the proprietor binds himself lo riMurn uie money nam hit tne::i m ou cases Where they no noi give iiiuvevsTii saiiuiaeiioii. Hofnlt I'rlrr, ?2rct. prr Ilox, 4, rrinrijfll nfllr n. i'A Ynnrv r , V York, bv JOHN V. VOI'NU," Siu.i.urv. r. A. Mr(AV,.(Jrllninilprrimf.. n?mrnirSnrrif. C. V. I'in-IiiiiT in ll-r- invcittni .if (lis f Si leaf Cttfiler.t PiliH. nnd ttut nuiliuiif if lln ffirl wtn rvir i hml f until h' iiitrnriitreil t hem in Jiulo. Inrplin:fr!t I fh 'ulil, tlirrrt'irc n'.wav ns fur riickiM'r's S'Tytir rtrij j nnd tnko irotliiTx. rr lliry will bp untie Tlui viniiiH.f i a lrriinl. I'rbruary, 17, l(fl y fiORCS CAX iiGiiitnu. Ultra: SrrJJ and all Idmli of inflamed Sores I urea. rglf'XriVS t'NIV!:rt:AI. OINTMENT, is the mcst j oinoleie Hnin Antid de ever known. It instantly, (mid as if i.y Ma-jic) stops pains of the most desperate Rnrnand Sidd. for old Sore-, Itiuises, Cms, Hpniins, flee on manor lien:, it is the b.-sl upj.lioation that euu he made Thousand have irii-l-ind tliou.-aiiiis pr.iisc it. It is tlie most i perlVct iiKiater of pain ever aiw ivenst. Ail who use re j foinnieti'l il. Kv--iy family sii uld lie provide) with it. . None can tel h 'W so li soti'i.' ot ti.e family inuy need it. i IV" Ohs-TVe ei'-h Nin of the e inline I liiiltn.n, hus Itie j nmneoi m I ovshv. w ritten on ihe out.i:.le libel. To nuite to t'us is f usetv. i Jir-T.iy-J'-. w"1 1 wl"?nw "c""'- ; ., thij. i Mii:mem iih' rry hvei lUiiir tiiry un use t' .r C.'ilur 4i:illn.Srjifbm. K . . A eon thrir uiiiumlM i hrcly vvcry fiu-rcwul m.-in wmM l;e'.-; his riaimiil.t tiBl rtr I ffin iviiii as TiM-ya Litivcrivil Uiniiuciil i all lh;it niiiirp.1. Trv it. lUTISt't-' INSKiVI!.' Tor tit-si in? or htn of ptiimn ur Iiist-m. T 'UKcy'n Onilnicul uniivulitil HumlrecU huve ti it nml f 'i'ti'1 it c"ti. PI LI'S f ( l!r:i! l'Mrthp Vile.". Tmsfy's t'liiver.vtl Oin! tni'iit is one ot ilifhr! Iii-iiinlit thnt rn he BpplifJ. All vh v lrif( it f r tfn- I'iI-.h rrr ninund it. f!.liOKI t'l in;j.. K.Tfll .lftniite S.ren. there I is n 'thiiiir rrvM t' T"us' ( u.!ijkii!. A t u tn Mtmii it h:nl. i'lf ft imml?r ytinp. a r Te kjr that Ij:)(llct1 the j skiilt'the fJ"ft ts. Tiihv'h Oiulinrnt wjui rce' itmnemlcil j by ntv.' "i thv!Miirr plixrti.-imtfi. (win) kuw iti grvut vir ! tin s.) ntttl (wi b r.rn pr.KiiKvd Hi ue hfiietit than the jw j tic-tit h ul n eeim. fro.u any ami uH pnr iuof rtntcdifR. Let ; ail trv ir. m:KXS AP SCALDS CTIMU). Tli uimntl uf ens ff lii,fi! rifi'l Sm!is. in all pnrts i the c umtry, have tiorn enrol by T.ai?y n I nivertl Onitntfm. ('tTtificatescinJupfi CtJttli! br Irxl tu Lll h Willie il ihin !tect. Vlol.KVr liH l ISllS rl l!i ;. T..Liinonin!s on tcMi nmnttil in fa--r"f Tihihi-v'k tiiii'mt'iit f r curing Ilriirsra tu-ve b fii oitL-rf.il tiie pripriri :c. Htintlrc'g in Sv-nirnxc will ct-r lily to its cr-it nwimrrJirvtnu the pain oi" llie m nt m ", t-i" liriii's. Ail ire- us h nld trv it. NfAUMIKADCTKKn. S n- "f eafvn nf S-tM II end hayi: been itirej by Toiury'ii Oimnicnt. Try it it scld jm i;iui. SALT nril'I'.M Cr;itt:r. OT ell the remedies ever dis. .vcren f ines m-wt (lis-ierecnble c unjilaint, Touscy's I'm- yerral Ointment is Uie tii.t complete. It never wus known I" bill. fllAI'I'KD HANDS CAN HF.Cinni). T.hiscv's fm. 1 verp il Oiiitm,-nt will nhcfiys rnrn the w-.rst cases of Cliap i ped Htiii'ls. S't.'rcs m' i-is : will ntntethis. Si HI K Lll'Si I HF.D. J'.t the cure S.re Lips there j was never :niyl'iioK luadc .,iul In Touscy's Uiiltmvnt. It j is sure to eito-them. Try it. i It i:--a scientihe conip..und. warranted no to cntaiit anv ! iTe.pirati n "f .Mereury fi- I'ri.-e S3 rents f er b Vor : f.irt!.rr!ir:i nl-irs e tieerm:,- tl.'s realty valuat,.e tlin'rnenl Die public nrrrc crn.vl p, I'ainp'ttl.'ls, b.'lie h id gralif, nf re. : siic-a! ic Drujf and iMcrt Uants tliroiigh su t:.e t.'nittj lre,ml l v S. TOVSKY. Struct, av Y.Tl.-. . lot! Nasuu ! A. Mrt'AY, ' A itr .RUIN" YtJl'NG, liii:hury N 'r,..-.!ittil., ri iiut. F.-'..ruurylT. 11! ly M. LIVER COMPLAINT, I JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CIIU0X1C OR .NhliVUlS DKBll.n 1. DISEASE OF j THE KIDNEYS And all diseases arising from a disordered i Liver or Slomnck in botli .Male and j Female: j S"cli as Constipoti -m, InHird l'llea. Fullness or BIck) to , the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Ileitt-burn, i lurgusi lor I'o al, Kuliness or wen-tit in theftamacb, S r 1 llructaii jus, Smkii t or FluiiariiHr at the pit of the Stomach ; Swinrii.iic i,f the IK-a.l, llnriicd and DiiTicuil Urautiiiiitr. Plmimuz at the ilmrt. Cbnttiinr or P ni'icatine aeaatri ., use ! whrn in a lym- p stnre lliinncs ,.f Visini, lVus or w-l.s i.ct .rc tue - ever i.,l o,il .min in Uie Head, lliricicn. ci i eisi irsa- n, l ell owi'. M tin, MTim ami I v. .. l'ajn ! 111 ",c Luci, Limbs, fcc, sn.lnen linshis of ! I'", 'nrsiina: in ihe l- iea'i, ('..iiMuut Inyiuin t cf evil "uu b'rt'ai aepitksi n ol s. intj ctoi lie eilettuully curd by CeK'l)raled (.rrmiin Hitters.' Their power over the aVre dlsjenfrg Is n t exreiied if I en.ii'led by any other urr.urati n in the Tnited Stairs ' us the cures atusl, in taauy eais after siiiful phjsicuns hu.1 failed. Deoingcment of the Liver and Hfontaeh are S'urrw of Insanity, uud w.ll also pr. since disease, of tiie Heart. S.iji, L'l.ics ?n I Ki'.liieya, and l.tis tiie Isuly open to an attack cf the rh 'Irra. Iliil us. or Ycll 'w Fever, und is rneiahy the iiiat cuiuie Ol' Uiat uual bnuei'ul diseusr. f V'nsuutpiioii, Opinions o f t he Philadelphin Press. "TIIE DISPATCH."'" llV(rmle! li!slKlv: AN INVALFAHI.K AILbH'IMC We hve frequently heard the Celebrated Geruuiii Hitters, inaiiuuetured by Dr. II Mitiii.t. p .ki u of in ti'uiis i f c uuinuiiUli m, and we kn 'W di'M;rvetliy so. It isa too ennui n practice, iu cur tain iiuartcis, l.i putl'idl luauuel ol' uncus trurli, but lu Ihe all ive llittrrs. Ininitred, ure living witnessea of their gnut tu iral and phya.cal worth. As a meuieiue of tho Lii'ir I'ouij'laiut. Jaundice. Neiv.'iis Debiiuy and D siwrsia, il has hceu f 'tind invaluable, etTeetiiig cures and Ih r 'ushly rrti.biM.liug d.seusca, wheu oil oilier tnciieiuea have failed. e leel convinced, thut in the uo of ihe Cierioiui Kilters, the patient d em. t bee nne debilitated, but coiiktautly gains streuiiih nnd liort ithn linniMi fuct worthy of great consideration. The Hutcra ure pleuaaut in tuste and ameh, and can b-i adiuuiistered uiuier any eircuiiuuauce, i,i ti,e moat delicate stomach Indcd, they can Ik used by ull per. s ms wnli lli ni .st pcil'rcl siilcty. ll would be wellfi.r those who are much uifecli-U n. the nsrviaia ayateni, to commence with one lea t'uful nr less, aud gruduuily iu. crease. We sji.uk frmu rxjwriencr, and are of r sirse, a proper unlge. Tiie press lar and wide, have united in re. ci.iiiiuriiding the l.criiian liillera, and n Uu) aluiute4 we nr'si coiuiaii, au ise ineir iu. 1 SriHlTOKTUETUlEJ:,'' JuncOlth sava; 'DO Ol It OOODdllZI'NS whence invalid, know the man) astonishing cures that have Is en perfuruied by Ur II s.ulaiiii'a Cehbialcd llertniui hitters.1 If they do un. we rm-onnneiid them tothe'Mierinan Medicine Store," ull who arc uttiictcd wuh Liver t'lunplaim, Jaundice, Dye. pepsia. or Nervous Debility li.. Doeti r hancnred many of our rititegns af:rr the b- sl phuicians had laih d. We have lined thrm, and they havrS.lved hhrn medicine that every inie should know of, and w cauins reiruui givnm our tca liui my in Iheir lavor, und llmt whu h give tliciu greener claim uisju our humble ell.irt, Ihc.v are entirely Vsgelulile. "THE DAILY" NEWS,"' July 4th stivs t ' "We speak knnwmiilv of Dr. Ibiolland'srelehrated Oer. niaa UiiUini, when we ;iisi hieaung ui' this age ; ami in diseases ol the biliary, iliites'ive uud Nervous S) slum, it hasn.it we think an espial, tl is a Vegetable Preparation aatl uualu without Alcihol. ami to all invalids w w,ald re-' commend it as v inhy their ooutidcace. , I'or sale, wholesale nnd relnil.al Ihe princinill Denot liKAIA,i MUDIlHNK Hl'OH,ir.. trs Hace tkieet! t'lnlaiWphia. Feraale hy M A. McCAY, .V,rlliuitrrtaii and 8ui. buryaiul respecuble dealers geuerully throughout the Nate. , - . April 41, 1819. ly ' ' ! , lottoa Yam. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laai a t nl W'ailJitig, Cotton Outlines, KcaJy ib1d Pantalooiia, Koaily made Vesta. Con free JKuives, Purorluui kued preaerving kettle, juat received for aula by li. MASaHEU. : cSunliury, Dec 8, ISIS., . , . . , A XE8 of a srery auperior quality for nle by. H. MASSKR. SunburV, Dee. t, 1848. . TH.AMC BOOK8. An aatwrUBatrt of -J liooks, juat received and aalc by ''" Blank . 1 Uj i h , ,,, . ... tunliury, Dec a, IW8. H. MAEK. ,') u. ll " SYKLJ' MtUAia-'te-.'U"ori,aT titled Hvmu MoIumu-s lor aale by HI NKY l VrtKU. SALAIV1 ANDER, r i FlltH ARO THIEF fit OOF CHEHTaVvt FIBF.-PUOOF DOortS FOR BANKS AND 8TORES Seal anil Letter-Corijinjf Ptfssos, Patent S!itte-Linoil Rofn-rcrators, Water Fil ' tnrs, Patent Portable Water Oo- " sets, intended for the Sick ; 1 ' ' and InGrm. EVAS & WATSON, - .i ,j 78 South Third Street, . , OPPWITE THE PHILADELPIHA KXCHA.NCE. Atnnnfiiefiire niiH kMi,iniMfal IIS ly on hand, a Inrgc avanrtmaut of the l.ve articles, toeethar witk thelt Patent Impmirerl (ilamnm1er r uth-PHOUF SAFtS. which eoustrueted na to aet at real firs maimer of disiht as to their lUK Strietlv (tre-nrnnC ..A .1. they wltt resist the fcr. of tny Inlilduin. The oiu.iA. Ji these fafes nfe mmle of Imiler Irnii, the inside ease of amp stone, and in-iiyecii the inner ease ans inner enac is a space of s inie three liii-h.'S lliiek. and is filled in with indesiruc tililfi nut'Tinl. so h ti muse it an impossibility to barn any oi hip euiui'Tio. insiiip in inn. .ii.:-i. i in wj n'sipstone na Bimanders we an1 prepared and ilo rhiillnire the wiri to (irisiuf-e anv firlirle lu tuc snape oi iiimiktmiics lltut will stand as inii',h tieai. and we hntd onrselves ready at all tihi to have them tiiirly Inated by puMic bonfire. Ws miso ei n iiiu" to maiiiinietiire a mrpe ami renernl nsaort saenl of oin- PM iniuiii Air-tirht Fire Pre'if Sales of which thrre nre over Wi now in nsn, and jii everv insUince thef have eiven entiie nattHfaction to the piirehasers of which we will refer the paluic to a few goirtlemcn who have them in use Hnvwourl ft Pirrder. Pottsville: Joseph O. Lawton P' ttsville s Mi. William Cnrr. Dovltstown. Pa. N. ft O. Taylor, ify n -rth a.1 at.: A WrkM leew ine st. wharf; Alevindir Caror, Conveyiinrer, corner of Filbert and ptli sts.: John M. Fonl. .12 north M at.i Mvara Hush, ) inrih 3d tti James M.Paul, 101 aonih 4th at.; Dr. Ilavid Jayne, C south rid si.; Mathew T. Miller, 80 south rtd st. i oral we emtlJ name some hundreds f others II it were nf cessary. Now we invite tlie attention of Hit pntilf-. nnd portienhTtr those in want of Fir.' Prnf Hnfes lo call st our store bid" ire purrhnsino: elsewhere, and we! can satisfy them they will tp't a bftti-r ami ehener article at our stoic than at snr oilier cstnbtieirment in tlie elty, Wc p!"i inanutiii'tiire the ordinarv Fire Proof Chests, at st very low prices, ebenner than they can be bought at any other store iu Philadelphia T)AVm FVANS, JOIIAN.NES WATSOrf riiiladelphia, April f, 1S4S ly OXYGENATED H3 12 '-O? aj JJQ A SOVEKf.KiN ntMEDV TOR I'!1TIII IC, AND GENEr.AL DEBIUTr. GEORGE 15. GliEEX, Piioi'rietor. Windsor, Vermont. TS a sover. ign rc-nerty for DYWT.rsiA, in rnanvof t A lomi. such ns p-iin u, the Stom ieh, Iteartlmrn, riatjliai. Iosiivtow, Venl Swnach, Heuilnche, I,sol A,.etu., !,i "u- tw"'l'. nnJ CI '.11 r"IHIimnt..n (iK-suentic 1 lilhisic.) iinil Asiln,,;,, ,,r 1'Mliisic nttiniM with derail incut ot Hi ,. wcl, (..r I y..:,e.ti,: AMlirun.) Iliinvuit liri-nll.-uij. wliieh "l i-o remits ir,u inmcrfeet digcKliiu (or ll;s;.e;,r- S;.-i i,,..-,,) jk n-licvcj by tbcic llmers. Inah'Tt, tticir usnlit.. l:er. T,H-el ill ihe teriff of utmost nil tin sytu;it -iiif tl-rst prutfccJ iruin a tUtljiliLitetl or al.aiic cniuli Imti "I t.R-fM .inaohj ills., in emteral ikhl'iiv arisiiu. Arm. ii- 'in tlie ellecta of I.cvi-r. particularly Feyer int.! I- ciii ilos sinlcrinc, nu-lci- imv uterine derangement tr .m Wrul.ncii., will fnvl tfie "IHvhctittiiII.,. Acu-. tn ilill? F!. uiiei-.-euM.l itmc-.ty. uud not Muriasi.eu by any ineiii- 'I'ln. hist .rv o: ibii rneiliciur is peculiar. It has ina'le iti -iv l-.pnbl.c inv r s .li-'y by ific luroe of its own intrinaii morns. - llllllicul nicvllK have Hern iisnl in lv. it n I riety nml ihrurt it iv..n r.!,lic s-.teuti n. It has neve Ivf.. r even l.cc:i .., trli11. but Imviii" first shou n lis r maraable eirn-aoy in the lionily ot the pr.inrietor, and 1 "ierwai.i l:,il:,il..T1.-.t t'i Ins .-, I II ii -U-J Il illlds and at 'luuiuiunccis wnli a iikc re.'iia. in rcputuiion craduallv e t'vi.i.:.! until , !, ,-i in the m ihiUnit p.irts of th I til 'n. us a inc.tieiMe oi unric..,!!.! ,-ir ;n ii.... . IHf in ;i i;s do.,-,,-,,! I ,rins. aiel also Inr the cure I As:hti.-i or flit.llsic. Its onlv l-cr:i!d nnd ita only aul lus li'-ili !:io ftmy jf us Mvu.lerlul ctVicjicv, as told If.., i in-mtli 1 . in .ii' k ..r bv latter ir 'in irienitt-.irieral. In mv. ry instance wiiere tln vj li.ttcrs l.ave bus need, end the r ni'cV-"1"'" l"' '''" P,"Pri-'Jr, tliey Iiave proved a r I'uierom cc.'tir.c:o-s, uitestins the sincitlsr ctT.cncy llic 't Ivvr.nv itin liirin.. I. . . ... I proprietor; manv m them siirucd t.v ncrao is already wid. knuwu i t the public. . nrn ii r:n i.'t.v .....:...,. WNUSOIl, Vt., Octolr a. IblS. " ' The iullowin Certl Scales have recrnlly been received i . ' W".-,iiiSnTOj, I). C, .IrNE 10. 1f l Ilnvuw trade use of the '-OwReimted Killers" pieua-n- Dr. C.c... Ii. reen, ,. Wind, t., Vt. bud from kilo . -uge ,ej;ai..tl ol lli. ir etiiincV in ,.ther caos, weeheerti rcc .niniccl term t . tin ;;nL!i.-. toiiaviua thai they willfi sustain the reo n; aeu.lnti. , f the Pnj'priet..r. We n that tins val-ial ia remedy nay bt so Rennalty iluru thri'nvlnul the i-ouim v i.'mt it inuv Le aeciwbu, lo ail kit: cl'.il. '. , samffl rur.i.vs, 1 WILLIAM l I'lIAV. L . S. Si imt .'i from Verm rA.,V7..' t:' s- vi-it..i from It. UM J. I il"Lt..lKA.). V. H. Seit.:.,r and f irmaily Gov or l t'-ii-iii-;.c. L. II. AK.N'.M.D, Mrinber of C'l giesaamt f ruierlr Ver-l ! ot It . 1. ' VM. Wf'f'MT!; verii-.,- ol Mth-.an I'CL, V. S. Senator and formerly M L. MAi'. r.A, h' Territory. ya.e in Consitioi from Wise Kr 'in Hon. JI D Fecrsti, Member of Congress fn Pcuas.-huiiia. Mamiin'sios. 1). C ivsn 10. Dear ?ir, I have been a dyip.:,tir sutn-rer lor alsnj years, and tc.ve res 'rted . van .us nnxheiues lor i wioniil sure."., nulil I M!!e f ,ur ..i,;re I'.ittias." I nine iie(l ab ui! two bottbn, and Uiiu ll restoret t'.p-n.-c! hoalth T.ie fsrms in which ihe e-ie l. ...I us.:!:, in ray cjise, were, treat acnhiy . Ft -m i.-I-. I ,s ,.f a:.f.:t.r. rtreii tiatiileu.-r, scverr c pati.ui ol tie l.jwe s, n.irl violent headache. Feeling ' '' oi y .air vaatai..',: r.aiic,W nuv otl.-rs M.iiiturly .11., !,.,!. 1 f,Vr great pleasure in ri lug r.vtcMti.i ,.y i , ii, c irutii-e power; and woi,p r:""'i. "lMfn a 1'ii.t at line a short tnnr s: a'c.ii, istue.i a p-.n of a bt:!r .. H number itf inv at fi.ea. s. with great siicass. Thev are desirous 'thn. s'rn Id eMabtish un nrenr al Iittrlr. or inf'Tir v h-rc il.e ni.-dici,,,, c;. p, oi tamed. With an rami aire lor your prosperity und happiness, I subsenl Int v..a- ... ,1 J. I) POST D'ci.i.ro.i;.G;,r.w:Hs r,Vt. "'U h0!'1 S id I, U .sale and i'rniii t y r.reen It Flrtche. "'' ''! I'hiia.le'j lei.. Ag":it f r hiinl ury II it. M.SFH .;-ui'f r Mi'toi. MAf.'KAY 4 It A n. Agent r i I ; cr .Mah -noy J. G. ItEN.V 1?, OAK FORD'S U.NUIYA I.I.ED STYLE OF I FOU GEXTI.EMEV. i n v it i. i s o a k fo a r No. 104 CHESTNUT STR Philadelphia. Would rpsprrtfullv ii.yita ttcinl,m ,n hi. - j style of bat lor nutiimn. 18 IR. which I found the most prilcct irr before nirrrml i coniiiuinr. . 1's peculiar f irms render, it th di irM , as it rumbinr sll the; eeniil. ..( bilily aiKtiteatnoss, rrquisit i that articln win. is Uis iociess.il r 'iliiie in in ra mufs wi h nil the n oii.ru inipr .veincnts. enabl To CjijitisoK Ta Honm to produce Hat. CaiiDnra's Fairer Hat and Cam . Latest Mong. i'lie.e go.sU have la-en. with great care, alllj , fouuj j, snrl chuce in iheir styles, LaiiikV Kiiuko Hat aud Ca? of E itr w 1'jttshx. Great tare ha liem eJ in coiifcirui tn g these anicles. that they peif.ctlyeasy ami f(Uni a grscefnl pai CHARLES OAKF( 104 Chestnut st. a lew Joors above i'h ; .it Fhila.l. q U?mlier 30, 1818.ch June 81, ISIS 1'lC'iorlal r.iliii.,11 of dAub Krral H oi k oil llio Hrlui'iiii I OK TDK 5l. I'KF.N TH CKNTUHYl , MANV. MV1IZKRLANU, 6iC. pnlilishe.l or. or about the 1st of April. JOS. A. SI'F.EL. No bfl Cherry it. ab hi splendid lgai drli of. the ho work, itb IS rnitaved illustration at ina I designs; 1 vols iu 3, bound ia ex) and library sheep. . The iutilisbei rriettfiilly rail th of the tiaJc and Ike public generally work being the only illustrated edition t in the United Starrs He trust that tr of it embellishments, th strong and d manner in which it ia bound, in conjune lb know popularity ol the work It a sure rrf oiupieii.ldlion, to public favor JOS. A . VPF.V.L 96 Chnry t aU ' J. A S has also lately published, a beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell' Ra a suitable book for children, neatly al ex'ra cloth. i Philadelphia, April , gl8 ' P ATENT Tru-ea of all kiiid. siTitinj and indelllbte ink, Cotton l4, juat received and for aale by Vi . ,ti o .-) i. t .4. vv.ru ftunliury, Dec 3, 1843. GAVH. An aaeortinent jut recei1 (ilk U A"l (4 at Xl'J3, fur J hr ... . , . vj i,jll.. eiiiiiSntv. Or.-, t, 1S1. Huntmry, Dec. ", IsllS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers