SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. RESTRAINT on mahrIaoe. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania have recently made a decision reverting one made in the Conrt in which the question of restraint on marriage was involved. . The facts of the case are thus briefly stated in a letter to the Philadelphia News: . "Some time since, a gentleman died, and left his estate to his "dear and loving wife," on condition that she would "never again , tnarry." Thinking it not "good to live a lone i ladder." she annealed to tha CourtttiiHon v Ellis Lewis presiding to "help her out of I the scrape." His Honor, to his infinite credit i and her great satisfaction, declared the will . invalid, and contrary, 'to the laws of nature and of nations," and in a most eloquent and ' philosophical 'opinion,' spoke as follows: "Marriage is a wise regulation, in harmony .; with nature and religion, and is the only effi ' cient preventive of licentiousness. . - "It is the appropriate regulation of that i great instinct of nature which was designed ! by the Creator to replenish the earth. 1 "The principle of re-production stands next in importance to its elder-borne co-relative, , elf-persevation, and is equally a fundamen- tal law of existence. It is the blessing which tempered with mercy the justice of expulsion " from Paradise, it was impressed upon the . human creation by a benificent Providence to multiply the imagn of himself, and thus to promote his own glory and the happiness of ,. his creatures. Not man alone, but tht whole animal and vegetable kingdom nro under an imperious necessity to its mnnadates. F rom the lord of the forest to the monster of the deep from the subtlety of the serpent to the innocence of the dove from the elastic em brace of the mountain kalmia to the descen ding fructification of the lilly of the plain, all nature bows submissively to this primeval law. Even the flowers which perfume the air with their fragrance and decorate the forests and fields wilh their hues, are but "curtains to the nuptial bed." Had the matter lested here, every thing would have gone on us "merrily as the mar riage bell," but, alas ! it was ''carried" to the Supremo Court, and there the "widow's joy was turned into mourning" by his honor, Judge Gibson, who, most unpoetically de claring Judge Lewis to have imbibfd wrong but beautiful notions upon the subject, re versed his decision, and upset this theory in the following "sledge hammer" style : "I know uf no policy on which such a point could be rested, except the policy which, for the sake of a division of labor, would make the man maintain the children begotten by another. It would he extremely difficult to say why a husband should not leave a home stead to his wife wilhout being compelled to let her share it with a successor to his bed, and to use it as a nest to hatch a brood of strangers to his blood." From the Correspondence of the N. Y. Herald.) A CREDIT TO CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, June 15, 1849. As a friend remarked to me a few days since, "this is a small town wilh very large prices." Board varies from 16 to 21 dollars per week; washing 3 dollars per dozen. A common lodging-room and none to be pro filed at that rents for fifty dollars a month; itores and offices rent for from three hundred o a thousand dollars per month. A "clean have" costs two dollars ; a game ofbilliaids . dollar ; and last, though not least, the da lage sustained to an individual's pocket, in nbibing a gin cook-tail, is twenty-five cents 'ho old hotel, which two years a;;o rented r a thousand dollars per yeai, now rents r sixteen thousand. A new and capacious 3tel called the "Parker House," built by obert A. Parker, Esq., was opened a few eeks since with a splendid ball and supper, 'lis house is a credit to California, being a largest in the country. As a specimen the high rent here, two billiard-rooms in is house, containing four tables, rent for five thousand dollars a year; two rooms propriated to gaming rent for twelve thou id dollars per annum each; several smaller ms for the same purpose, at six thousand h per annum, and the remainder of the tiling consists of dining rooms, lodging ms and offices, which rent at enormous ;es. Mr. POLK'S CONVERSION, "he Nashville Christian Advocate (Metho ) df the 20th inst., copies the narrative of Polk's last days, that originally appeared ho New York Herald, and makes some erial coneclions to that narrative. The ocate gives an article from the Rev. J Icf ertin of the Methodist Church, in re to that narrative, from which we learn the statement in regard to Mr. Polk's eg aked Dr. Edgar, of the Presbyterian ch, to baptise him, is incorrect also the statement that Mr. Polk promised riend years ago, when he was governor, when he did embrace Christianity, he McFerriu) should baptize him," is in, rt. (Mr. McFerriu) also corrects the nent that Mr. Polk asked his mother's nt to be baptized by him. He says she ' his preferences were for the Metho :hurcb, and although a Prysbyterian, yet ive her approval of his determination i that church, like a true and liberal ian. d'Fcveb in SwuzcaiAUD The Call fever is "raging in Switzerland. The isemtfits which appear in the journals using. There is one in which a stock nV proposed to freight a ship for Cali gold diggers. It was expected to take oaths to go and return, and allow two i of that time for the digging of gold time each man was to return with )0 in his pocket. ipleoii BoHAf aste, (son of Jerome, isin to the President,) who is a mem the Assembly, abstained from votin solution of thanks to the French army Khy Arrw-Th6 Woodstock (Va .epion sa vi that Mr. Richard Miller, master at Edinburg, has received his pat irs, and that hi successor cannot 1 ; sueh man being known. i in Rom. It U saiJ that sine the the Pope from Borne, TO.000 copies PROCLAMATION. U OTICE is hereby given that the several courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer snd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence st the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday the 6th of August next, will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their Droner nersnns ta nrnarrute sa-alnst him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the timo appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my handset Sunbury, the 14th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine and the Inde pendence of the United States of America the 73d. JAMES COVERT, Sh'fT. God save the Commonwealth. LIST OF CAUSES FOR trial in the Court Common Picas of Nor thumberland County at August Term 1849. Mary Dclb vs John Dclb Jacob Reed Danville St Pottsville vs David N. Lake et al vs Haw oo J & Snyder vs George Heckert vs John Porter vs M. &. Philip Billmyer vs John McGinnis vs Wm. Ayres vs Leah Stroeckcr vs same vs Isaac Brown vs Wm. McCay's adm'rs ' vs James Cummings vs Wm. Stark s vs Thomas Lloyd vs Samuel Furman vs Jacob Rulil's ex'rs vs Jacob Hoffman vs Philip HoufcI adiar'e Rail Road Co. Wm St R. Feirclv Israel Gutclius Elijah Crawford V m. Marks Frederick Keener John Carver's heirs ' Andrew Carver et al Robert M. Clark Henry H. Burr Thomas Allen John McGinnis G. Mont jromcrv et al Jonathan Furman Lewis Crcssmsn et al Lrach Stoecker Jacob House) & wife John IS. Martt Jonathan Puracl & wife vs Jos. 11. & J. Kline vs same vs James ('overt vs Jacob Weik vs Jas. Do Normandie vs Wm. McCay's sdm's vs Herrincton & Giltncr vs Conrad (.iiltncr vs Jacob Weike vs Dodge Al Barret vs John Jacob Weike vs Dewartit Jordan etsl vs Elizalwth Weitzelctsl vs Leah Stroecker Elijah Search Eleanor Reed's adm'rs T. Paulding & Co. Mary McCay D. Hoats for J. Bound Same for Mathews P. Shulti Peter Richter's ex'rs Peter Erwine Ann Myers Rarhacl McCarty Jacob V. Seitzingcr John McMahan vs M in. Frick & E Shfcr Wm. & R. Fegely & Co. vs John Shissler TJenavillc Clapp vs Ballzcr Garnhart Noah S. Mackey vs Samuel Finnev Thomas Keener vs Samuel Blain Moses Chamlierlain vs Thomas S. Mackey I). Hoats for W. H. Frymirc vs Isaac Brown Samuel Boudman vs Jacob Hower D. S. Dodfje for Moor & Biddlc vs W. cV It. Fegely Sarah Reed vs Eleanor Reed's adm'js Jacob Karchner vs David Frymire et al vs A. Rhawn vs Ira T. Clement vs Frederick Hass vs Ira T. Clement vs James White vs Joseph Pcttit Billington, Buyers St Hunter vs A. J. Fctzer vs J. & M. A. Sweney vs J. Wynn & J. Vanzaut vs Baltzar Garnhart It. Goodman & the Com. of Penna vs Jacob Leisenring vs Jacob Cuhcl vs Robert W Drum vs James Drum vs Cornelius Smith vs Samuel R Wood Jacob W. Pfouts acob Weimer John Hower aron Reply Palmer B. Johnson Chas. W. Richards David Miller Chas. G. Dotts Jacob P. Miller et a! Surah Bovtr et al William Murry Jacob Shitz Wm De Puey m H 1 hompson Mary Snyder et al same Joseph Vandyke 1 ontius q- I homtison John 1 Mel'herson vs 8 Snyder, M Snyder et al John Shook vs John rMiadc & wife Com. for Sand Furman v. S D 8 Hunter Alex Jordsn M Swcney A; wife vs Michael Miller D B Montgomery vs Robert McCormick John B Miller vs John B Bovd's ex'rs Wm L Dcwart vs Northumberland county JOHN FARNSWOKTH, Prolh'ry. Prothonotary's office ) Sunbury July 14, 1848. LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County for August Term A, D. 1849. Grand Jurors. lotrer upusfa. John Ebright, Wm. De- wilt, bam I. Shive. Shamokin John Smith. Samuel John. Sam uel Evert. Jackson Nicholas Drumheller. Solomon Dillmnn, Ruben Zarlman. Lower Mahonou. John Mcssner, John Bor- rel, jr. Little .Valionoy. Gpore Swineliart. I7pr Makon'uy. Daniel Diiukelbeiger. Northumberland. George Everett, Point. Jesse Amermuu, Juhu Mauser. Chilisquaoiie. Juhn Simpson. Milton.-Sutnuel Kvles, Tlios. Taes, D. C. Caul, iurbnt. Andrew rollmor. Lewis. A. I. Karchner, Geo. A. Wykoff. Delaware. Joseph Durham. Traverse Jurors. Svnbury. Daniel Haas. Lotrrr Augusta Ha 1 man Shipman, Daniel Quitman, Henry Kaunmun, John Daniel, Uuu iel Conrad. Upper Aucvsta. Hmon Snvder. Ilenrv loxilieimer, Hubert s. orutit Jiiish. Abiaham Hofinian. Alex. Campbell JacoO folper. Shamokin. Conrad Vetifrer, Jacob Chites. ler, Jnn. DunkelberL'er, Michael Zimmerman, Jului fens) I, lieu, fox, Juhu Uippley, aien line Muse, Jacob IVoecker. Jackson. Dituiel llilbish, ueo. Uarman, (jO'llrey rellley, George ueise. Upper Mahonou. John Alaurer, uent.Mar kel, Daniel Gonseit. Norlhamberland Joseph Wallis, Wm. For- fotnt.J nonon, ChilisauaQut. John MuWilliama, John Gib. son, D.n iel Dressier, Wm. C Caul, Cornelius OlrGinley. JlJiIon. josenn nocentiooier, jonn nesn, Christopher Si i ne, Samuel Shadman, Charles vvaiieia. Lewis Robert Finney, Philip Roup, laaao lamer, Delaware. John Liser, John McKinney D. L. Watson, John uutly. ELYSBURG ACADEMY. T'HE second term of this institution will com men on Mimd.v tha 6th Jav of August next, utulsr tlv snpervutoa of fcipencer L. Finney, A. B. It presents the sxlvantsges of cheap hoarding in orderly families, a healthy location, and a compe tent and experienced teacher. Tirmi or Tuition : For Latin and Creek languages, and Mathematics, f 6,00 Natural Philosophy, Chtmistry, Histo ry, Ac 8,00 Branches of a Camraoa School Educt tion. 100 Composition and Declamation will be required weekly from that who ars sufficiently advanced iu their studies. The term will consist of twelve weeks. Elysbutg. Jul i; Wl tt. Equitable MAi Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company. OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Cantax Chahtsb rssrsTiux. , THK Cixxpany Br prepared to trausaot businaa upon ths must liberal sua admiuieons tnrrni. They ra authorised by their charter (Met. 3) "to make all and trarv imurance appertaining to life risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and wtecut trusts, make endow ments, and to grant and purchase aniiuilns." The Com pany sell snnuitiea and e.'tdowmemi, and act as Trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums requires' for the Assurance of f 100 for ths whole term of Lire. Age. I Prtra. Age. I Pram. Age. I Frem. IS ISO UT too "iTf 3 36 IT 183 W SIS 47 I 8 40 IB 1S 33 S to 48 1 10 1 1 69 94 US? 49 3 77 SO 160 M 833 60 1 94 St 1S3 38 3 40 61 4 1.1 IBS 37 9 4 7 6943 93 16 38 9 64 S3 4 61 94 1 79 39 9 3 64 4 71 86 1 76 40 8 70 66 4 91 96 1KI 41 9 At 66 619 97 1 f 49 9 99 67 6 33 98 lot 43 3 01 88 6 64 99 199 44 3 1 69 6 7H 30 904 43 393 60 03 The premiums are leaa than any other company, end the polu-if artVtril greater advatitagre. Tuhlca of hall-yearly and qiiotierly premiums, half credit mtea of premuim, ehort lerma, joint hvea, aurviviirehipa and endowments; alao, I'urm ol Application (l"r which there are blank ihenti') are to be hart mi anplimtvm st the office, or by letter to the Agent, J. It. Pt'KDY, Sunbury. Raves voa 8100 on a single Life For Life. 1,00 9.04 8,70 3,( F.iampi.s A peri m aged 30 yours next birth day, by paying the Company 99 int would secure to his fmnily or hcira $100 ahotild he die in one year ; or lor 8v,,q0 he b curea to them 8IOU0; or fur 813 annually lor seven yean he BMiires tn them 8HIKKI ahould he die in seven yeara; 01 for S'-M.IU paid annually during hie he aecurei 810(10 to be paid wh1i he dice. The insurer securing hii own htmns, by the diff erence in amount of preniinma from thoee chnrged by other offices. For 81n,30 the hciri would receive $5000 ahould he die in one year. Forme ol application and nil pnrtientara iv he tied nt tht odice. l'KTEH CLI.LKN, Vreaident. Vice PrcaiHent, Wm. M. Haiiid. Fsancis V. Kawlx, Secretary and Treamrer. CosriTio PnvnciAN Dr. J. 1). Mnmer, Sunbury. i. II. Piudv, Sunbury, Agent for Northundierlaiid coun ' Sunbury, July 2?, 1EJ0. To nil Crcdilor(, Legatees AND OTHER TEKSONS INTERESTED NtlCC In Hereby ilvcil, That the fol lowing named persons did on the dates slliicd to their names, file the accounts of their Administra tion to the Estates of those persons deceased, and Guardians' Accounts, &e., whose names are un dermentioned, in the Office of the Register for the Probate of W ills, and frrunting Letters of Admin istration in, and for the County of Northumber land, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court oi tho said County for confirma tion and allowance, on TUESDAY the 7th of -4u-gust next, at the Court House, in Sunburv. 1849. March 8. Inaac Hull, Gunrdian of John, George, & Mary Mutclilcr, minor children of Elizabeth Mutclilcr, dee'd. IS. Michael Smith, Guardian of Jonas Bo Mi, one of the children and heirs of Michael Dobb, dee'd. 17. Catharine Herb, Administrator of William Herb, dee'd. April ' S. James Moore and David L. Irland, Administrators of William W. Ir land. who was the Executor of Ro bert Irland, dee'd. 9. Jacob Karchner, Administrator of John Karchner, dee'd. 9. David Esliback, Gurdian of Lewis and Margaret Eshhach, children and heirs of Philip Eshbach, dee'd. 9. Jacob Karchner, Administrator of Karchner, dee'd., who was Guar dian of Samuel Clapp, a minor. 14. Daniel Win, Executor of Susannah Paul, dee'd. 16. George C. Welkcr. Guardian of Phil ander, and Sarah Emily Giherson, minor children of William Gibcrson, dee'd. Peter Heed, Executor of George Reed, dee'd. Jcsne Campbell, ytdministrator of Alex ander Tharji, dee'd. John Gcarhart, Jr., and William 2S. May 5C. June IS. July S. Mcttlcr, Jr., Administrators, Sec, of Charles Gcarhart, dee'd. 2. William Montgomery, Guardian of Mary E. Montgomery, child and heir of John T. Montgomery dee'd. S. Samuel Furman, administrator of Daniel Furman, dee'd. 3. Jacob Reed, Administrator of Hannah Reed, dee'd. 5. John Hsughawout, Administratorwith the Will annexed, of Isaac Van sickle, dee'd. DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Reg inter. Register's Office, Sunburv ) July Mh, 1849. $ TUB FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. EDITED DY GCIUVKKNEUR EMERSON. N ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1165 pages, beautifully hound, containing, 17 fine plates, I I'esides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates. The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries is carefully rosTro vr to the present day, and admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. "We are fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." New Gennessce Farmer. An excellent work, tit to be distributed tn pre miums by Agricultural Socities J. S. Skinner. f or sale at this Ofhce. price $4. Also, by E. W. CAI1K. Third street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia i and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. Qr LL llHUKBS Nl'ST SI ACCCXPAMIn BI tui CSH. July 14, 1849. 3m STUAY HOUSE. 0 AME to the premises of the tt Augusta townshipabout three weeks since. a dun-colored horse, with a black mane, black legs below the knees, and a black tail, and of about the common size. He had on when he came a halter without a strap. The owner upon proving pro perty and paying the expenses can have him by calling on JUH- BLK.5, Lower August tshp, July 14, 1849. 4t K NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J. W. FRIL1NG. Sunbury, July 7, 1749. K ENNEDY'S PATENT 5A5H FAS TENINGS A cheap and excellent artl cle for fastening sash for sale by J. W. FRILIN'G. Sunbury, July 7, 1849. Notice to SulMcrlberi. T'HE History of the "Army and Navy of Amer. ica," is now ready for delivery, and subscrt. hers will be waited oji shortly, by the agent, with a copy of tho work. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be bad by applying et the office of the American, ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, dtc, for tale at the office of the American. ffEA8, from the New York Canton and Pekin JL Tea Company. l or sale by J. W. rRILLNG. 8unbury, Pec. t, 1848 Aee. For 1 year. For 7 years. 90 81 el 30 S ,:0 4U 1,Vn 1.61 SO l,rO 9.07 SB 3,18 3,7 WHEAT WANTED. One dollar per bushel, cash, will be paid for good wheal by IRA T. CLEMENT, tfonbury Jan. tTth, 184 tf RESOLUTION. REUTIVE TO AX JMEWDMEJVT OF THE CONSTITUTION. R i aol vi n at rna Wisats ass Hoes or RsraxsnrrA- TlVIt vr THS COMMONWIALTB OS I'SIMTLVAKlA IN USskral Amsmslt mst. That ths CorMitution of this Commonwealth be amended In the seoontl section of lbs fifth article, so that it aliall read ss follows : The Judfea at the Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas, snd of auch other Court 11 of Record ss aro or shall be eata blithed try law, shall be elected by ths qnnlilted electors of Hie Commonwealth in the manner fullowiiw, to wit 1 The Judge, of the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at large The President Judges of ths several Courts ol Common Pleas and of sue h other Courts oi Record ss sre nr shall be eatahliahad by law, snd oil other Judges required to be learned in the law, by the qusli led electors of the respective districts over which they sre to preside or set as Judees. And ths Ae.'clate Judges of the Courta of Common Plena by the qualified electors of the eountiea respectively. Tim Judges of the Supreme Court ahall hold their offices for the term of nfteen years, 1 If they shall so long behave themnelvee well : (aubject to the allotment hereinafter provided for, subsequent to the that eloclion :) The President Judrea uf the Mvcral Courts of Comnvn Plena, snd ol such other court, of Rrcord as sre or ahall be ealabliehed by law, snd sll other Judges re- S tired to be learned in the law, ahall hold their office, for e term of ten year., it they shall a.i long behave them selvea well : The Amoeiate Judrea nf the Court of dni mos Pleas shall Md their office, tt the term of five yeara, if they shall so long behave themselves well ! sll of whom shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any rea sonable cause which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, ths Oovernnr ahall remove sny of them on the addreaa of two-thirtla of each branch of the Legislature. The first election shall take place at the general election f Ihia Commonwealth next after the adopti' n of this amend ment, and the c.miraieniuin i f all the judges who may be then 111 office .hall expire on ths first Monday of Decem ber fill 1 wing, when ths terms of the new judgea ahall Commence. The Deraona who ahall then be elected Judeea of the Supreme Conrt ahall hold their offices aa follows : one nf them for three years, one f six vears, one for nine yeare, 011c for twelve venra. and one f.s- (liteeii vears : the term of each to be decided by lot by the mid judge., ns anon altct the election an convenient, and the result certified by them to the Ooveruor, that the commianinna nwy lie iftiuied in oecordunce thereto. The iudee whose conimis. sion will first expire .hall be Chief Ju.tiee during his term, and thereafter eat h judge wh ee eomminion .hall first ex pire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and If two or more commisnions shall expire on the same dav, the judgea holding them shall decide by lot winch shall' be the Chief Juatiee. Any vacnncies happening bv death, lesteimtion, nr otherwise, in any 01' the mid contta. ahnli be tilled bv appointment by the Governor, to continue till the first Mondiiy of December succeeding the next general eleclimi. The Judges of the Supreme C art and the Presidents of the several Courta nf Common Pleas .hull, nt auifed tiinea. re ceive for their services nn adequate v inpcnntion, to be fixed by l:iw. which atuill not 1 dimiiiifhed during their, continuance in office, but they .hull receive no lee. or per-' quisites of office, nor h' Id any other 1 (lice of profit under this Commonwealth, or under the government of the t'ni ted Sliites, or sny other State nfthis Union. The Judges nf the Piimeme Court during their c ntinuanee in office shall reside within Ihia Commonwealth, ami Ihe other Judges during ihfir continuance in office shall reside within tne district or county tor wlueli they were respectively elected. WILLIAM F PACKER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. GEO. DAliSIE, Speaker of the Senate. In thk SENATE, March 1. 1849. Rssotvin, That this res ilution pas. Yeas 21, Nays 8. lxiraci irr.m mo jouruni, SAML. W. PEARSON, Clehk. In the House of Representatives, April 2, 1849. Rholvsd, That this res lutioii pass Yeas SS, Nays 28, Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. Secretary's Office. Filed April S, 1649. A. L. RUSSEL. Dep. Sec. of the Commouwealth. Secketary's Office. Pennsylvania, ss : I DO CSRTtrv thut tltcaliove and furef-oinv rn and cwrect copy of the Ovig'nal Kes iliuinn of the General Assembly, entitled "Resiluti n relative tn an Amendment ol the Caosiituu Jii," s. the sume remain, on tile in this office. j. In testimony wherenf I have hereunto uajrj ' o""- euuseu i ne amxtKi tne uttSS&Si 8' "f 'f1" twr",'r ' t'Tii-e at Harris. I win, mi, cu'vcmn cay ni June. Auni) Domini, one thousauil eight hundred and ?Ss loriynine Scc'ry of the Commonwealth. "Journal of Senate. "Resolution. No. 18H. eiltill,! .Reaohttinn wba 4 . third lime flu the qu.mi .n, will the Senate agree hi the resolution ? The Veu. and Navs were taken ugrecubly to the I'oiistilulitm, and were ns follow, vn: --im .new, usis, uruwiey, i;rabli. Cunninehom ; For.Vtll. HlieilS. J ilitiMiin. Isiitmi... I ..... . ' c- i ... - -i ..,, ...aa ti, ,Hia lluaa, M'Caslin. Rich, Hielianls, Sndler, Sunkey, Saverv '.aV .Messrs. Best, Drum, Prick. Ives. Kine. Konir. mticher, Potteiger nud Darsie, Speaker 8 S the question wua determined in the affirmative." JOURNAL Ol THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. ' Shall the resolution naae ? The vena ami nva tv... tiken agreeably to the provision of the tenth article of the lon.tiiuuon, ana are aa follows, viz : "Ysas Mciisra liideon J. Hull, David J. Bent, Craig Biddle, I'eter I). BIkhii, Duvid M. Hole, Thomas K. Hull, Jacob Cort, John II. Diehl, Nutlmniel A. Kllbat. Joaetih Kmery. Duvid U. F.Nlllelllun. William Efnns. John !.',,. .1,1 Sumuel Fegely, Joseph W. Kishcr, Henry M. Fuller, l nomas move, itobert llionrs -n, (leorge P. Henszey, Thomas J. Herring. J ;seph Higgins, Clmrlea Hortz, Joseph .....Tt., I.UULI, nc, iiuriiKiii ,-, uiira, Auranam Lamberton, Jamea J. Iwis, Jaine W.Long, Jacob M' Cartney, John F.M'Cull ch, Hugh M'Kee, Ji'ilni M'ljiugh. liu, Adain. Martin, Samuel Marx, John C. Mvers, Edward Nickleaon, Stewart Penrce, Jamea Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Al inz Hobo. Oeorire Ranlev. The d re It vman. Remarrf 8. Sehoonover, 8uiuuel Heihert, John Sharp, Christian nniveiy, i nomas v. steel, Jeremiah U. Stuhl, Joseph J. Stutzmau, Marshall Swnruwelder, Samuel Taggert, Geo. T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn. Aninah Wattles, Samuel Wei rich, Alnnza I. Wilcox, Daniel Zurbev and William F. Packer, Speaker. 6S. "Nats Meases. Augustus K. Cornyn. David M. Court ney, Duvid Kvans. Henry 8. Evans, John Fcnkm, John W. (iorge, Thonus Gillespie, John H. Gordon, Wm. Ilenrv, James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubaeh, Robert R Little. John S. M't'almont, John M'Kee, William M'Sherrv. Josiah Miller, Willism T. Morrison. John A. Otto. William V lt,Jn John W. Roseherry. B. Rutherf rd, R Hundlegmith, ji.iiii ciiiyui, an Rvuuer, ueorge wallers SlKl lavid r . Williams, 36. So the question was determined in the sffiinutive." Secsstart's Orrict, Harri.liure. June . Ih4fl ( Pennsylvania, is : 1 do cssTiri that the above and forego, ing ia a true and correct copy of tha "Yeas" J, and "Nays," taken on the "Resolution re- Inlive to an amendment ol the Constitution," J aa the same appears on the Jnurnala of I he ' two II. iiises of the Geueriil Assembly of ibis Coiuin mweulth, for the session of 1MB. Witness my hand and the seal of said office, the fifteenth duy of June, oue thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. lUWINSbM) HAIIVK, Sec'ry of the Ctmmonwealth. July 7, 1849 3m. LAUD LAMPS. CORNELIUS fc CO. No. 170 C'heannt St, RESrECTFl'LLY announce that they have just finished the most extensive asrtuient ol LAMPS, they have ever olTcreJ for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BKAUKMS, PEN DAIS IS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light Irom the least consumption of Jani. lieoent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, snd all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perlectly tight, and to give satis- faction. Philadelphia, June t, 1849. ly t'ttatc ol' Jnnc Hipp, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters Testa nientary, have been granted to the subscri bera on the estate of Jane Kipp, late of Rush township, Northumberland county, dee'd. Pet- on s indebted to said estate or having claims a gainst the same, are requested to present the same tor settlement to tne subscribers, WILLIAM B. KIPP, ) . s ROBERT C. RUSSEL, J " " Rush township, July 7, 1849. 6t STONE WARS. C TONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchera, J and other articles of stone ware just receivud end for salt by . JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury, Junt 23, 1849. CHARLES W. HEGINS. ATT0P.1TE7 JLT LatVTT, jrwiieviisc, srsaa Will promptly attend to collections end all buai- nsse entrusted to nis cert June 16. 1149, onrxiAWS' court SALE. fN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be ttpoted to public sale at tht Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday tho 4th day of August next, tho undi vided two-sevenths part of a certain tract of land situate iu Shamokin township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Leisenring, Mor gan Hughes, Wilson Price, Solomon Ruch and others, containing in the whole about 387 acres, about 73 seres of which are cleared wheron ere erected a log and frame house, a barn, fruit trees AcM eVe. Late the estate of Joseph Yoeum, dee'd. Sale to commence tt 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when tht terms thereof will be made known. , HUGH H.TEAT8, i JOHN FA RN WORTH. Guardians. Bv order of the Court, ) David Rockefeller, Clk.O. C. J Sunbury, July 7, 1849 ts WU1SE & CLEMliNT, Saddle mid llarncan .Tinkers. THE undersigned respectfully inform the public, that they have commenced the above busi ness in Sunburv. and will con. stoutly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured by thctn will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at anv other eatnli. lishmcnt in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to csll and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duco taken in by tho stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. HENKY WEISE. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 33, 1849. CHOICE GROCERIES. COIsTON Co. S. W. Corner Arch 6th Street Philadelphia, AYE now in store a well selected stock of the very bent Family Groceries, which they will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from $ 1 down to 25 cts per lb., the Clack Tea 45 cents hy the Box, is unusual ly fine. ColVce of all qualities and prices better Sugar for 6 cts. per lb., than any other store. Moccaroni, Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup, Olive Oil of the best brands, an assortment of the richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line. All goods sent to the country, put up neatly and sccarcly l'leasc try ua once and satisfy vourselves whether we can suit you. COLTON & CO. 8. W. Cor. Arch & Cth St. Philadelphia, May 26, 1649 che3m ly GREAT ARRIVAL. JOHN W. FRILING has just received at his " store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing in part of CLOTHS, C.1SSI.MERES, 4 c. Linen, and Cotton drilling, and summer wear of r.U kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &.C. Muslins bleached ami unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queenstvare and Hardware of all kinds. Drugs Paints, and Dyestitps. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May 'JO, 1849. LIQUOHS, WINES, &C. rPIIE subscriber has just received a new supply of the best liuuors that ever came to Sunburv. consisting in part of Superior old pale Brandy, r'ine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. I.islvon do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy l'ort do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 56 1849. JOHN DONNELLY, Mantfacti-'keb, of Dokkklly's Upright Safety Glazed Capsuled Blue MATCH ES, and United Statf.s Oil Paste BLACKING, No. 83 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, riMIESE Matches are justly considered the best 1 in the United States : they are free from un pleasant smell, and can be introduced with perfect safety into all Stores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years. 1 he Blacking is of superior duality, and free from and intrreilient that impairs the Leather. COUNTRY DEALERS and SHIPPERS will find it to their interest to call and ace for them selves. N. B. An assortment of Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes also, packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to any part of the world, JOHN DONNELLY, Late of 20 Bank Street, now 63 North Third SL .March 111, 1819 ly JU3T AUDITED. A New iHNortuietitof Frvali Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, Vi ESrECTFULLY informs his friends, cus--t tomersand others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of N EW GOODS at his store in MarketSquare in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens- wnre, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. TUB CHEAP EOOR STORE. DatUTIELS & SMITH'S Cussr New k Second hand Book Stoat, North West corner of fourth and Arch Streets PMteuUltiUa. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MBDIOA1 BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTOKICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL HOOKS. SoitNTtrio and Mathematical Boost. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, ell tiiet tun prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, andStalionary, end Hrlmil, nr Otra prices are ainch lower than the sbodia price. ar- uuianes awl amaii parcels oi nooaa purcuaseo. ty Books imported In order from Loudoa. Pbiladelpkia, Jans t, lb40-y Notice to DeHoqneM Collector ALL collectors of taxes whose duplicates pre vious to 1848, have not been settled, art here by notified that their bonds will be entered on re cord If tetUenient ta not made. By order of the Commissioners, GEORGE MARTIN, Clk. Sunbury, July 7, 1849. . e IJAISINS, currants, citron, cbsss, peppai sauea, cVc Tor sals py J. W. FRILING Bunbury, Tact, 1(41. (tUANilTt tc u turf . Nu-tZZb"i erlnlAs Afeiidu sstuX asj hdu TenZZ VZk DuMm-lkn iStn it imfsratieMiU rsidmc ttai- BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT to rw a MaHriiu. tn every respect i snd there Is sbun. dant proof, In ATesI aunt erreeted, that ON K BOITI.K nf It eontalas mere purll'yi(t, heallne vlrtiMj. sad sWioat pamw tlisa iher Is contained is fear BettlM uf say ear. Hparilla, or sny other nedidiu that has ever been unVred fur sal. There is undoubted proof In our pamphlets, thst bv the e or this frost Jniitn Pwifirr. they that were DriNO yet Live they that were I.ASts and Csie sl caa now Walk they that were Sick, Ucsorvtoos, sad eUierwis diseased, hav lieen Hsalsd aid Cvskd. Hundreds Thousands whs hsv nsed Rsast's Pcsirtis after hnvlnf used asd tested all ihe tarraparilla snd other meillcines recooa aeaded I cure bloud diseases, hav dtcidti that Brant's is tha Cheapest, beeaat One BMlt of It has men medlusl. cursUv nat ter In it. and. In voc j..quenie, cures mart d if cam ia much tut tfffls, than ens buttu uf sny other medicine. If. then. O.Vi Beult of BsaKt i Pvsiriss will enr FOl'R TIMES n.n e dLcase thus ens bot(U uf sirrMM rilU. Ha. NT's Pvairtea" wuulil be as cheap at four dot. tart a Lottie, aa Mrtaparilla al out dollar. But BRANT'S I'L'HIFItll is sul.l lurunly (INK UuLI.AH a buttle i sod ss a buttle uf It hm cured, and Is capablt uf curing, Fcvr Timu as much dimtase as ens bouU uf tariaparill there lure. sar.sparillM. im conscqiienco of its ., power and Ut inpilii-sl ffflcacy, should be suld at as mors than Ttemly Ftct Ont, per buiUs, to bs as cAras as the f vst nss at Om DMw. One Dollar's Worth! How much Cakcss hnw much fviiiua how mwh BcaorutA will Oru Dcltafi north uf Brunt t PUR1FJKX cure T Hen J the fullowlnf statement, which ia a sped tnsn of u power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! 'I his ii tha cnm ot Dvtnw man who vtt torn, lip va eurtd ot it woife cue ot dcrolula. by only JWrr Bottlu of Hrnnt'i Purifier. Xhna mrer wnn rurfd by tha une of Victlvt Gallon ul the but utrfajmriUa tbnt wkMeTfrmnde. SHmnpurille. but not wjhctmt medical potcrr to effect tho cunt of such m revolting ly koptUst cm-e. Mr. J Ii Haskin, ol Pome, Oneida Co . iV, Y hnr Scroj m four year$WM contint'd m his bml the last vrar- bt w o much th sen d nud dnbiliinti-d u to be uimUle to raite bii hmid to hln bend, lie hud tht btst mediciil d vice bud uff. of the tett $vr$apttrillat to no food tfrtft fit nd ttortt and wm considered to br in ft Dying StaU, and could nol live twenty four hour Ion ire r, wiu-ti bf c.Ttiiuif tict-d tutng It HANI" a 'L'lUFIKR. Hit nk wm itUm nearly off, hum far ( ear a hole wm eatf n through his vindpipe untler hii chin, ao thai he brent had through the hole hU car was 10 eaten arouud tlmt it could be lifttd up out nf lt plare, tt only holding by a mall pitm the ue uf on arm wt dtrtroytd by two Vl cum an Ulcir tinder the arm, aa tarf.- as a mm' hand, bad nciirly eaten thraunh his ide into his body. ' hti, he was Ninictt-d with Twenty auch putrid, acrid, offensive VI cirs, on varioui part of hi pernun. h'or further aud full particulars, aee oar Pamphlet. Duct. 'I'MoMAS Williams, one of the molt skilful phy. ticiana of Koine, was CHjled to aef Haskin the day before ne commenced using Brant's Purifier. Dnct. W. exam ined him. and then told him tlmt alt the medicines in the tcorld could not curt him that hi ca-e was Worse than Hopeless ! Vow hear Mr. HASKIN 8 ttMtrment nf cure. He ald : Mv wife procured one bottle of BRANTS PURIFYING EXTRACT of Bitsell V Leonard. Druggit, of Rome I commenced U'ing that and beran to eel better that t,orn. enabled me (0 get off my bed, where I had Wo confined on year the SJ.Cond bottle enabled met to jfet out of the AoiiMthrt Tin it u buttle enabled me to Walk Tw'MiUs. to Rome Centre, where I procured Sir Bottles more ; and when 1 had f.tiihed using them. Seventeen out vt 7Vniy Ulcers mad iikaled rr and three bottles more etlvcted a I'KRFKC I '."Hit uf all the I'lceif, and ro stored me to good health, FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. 1IASKIN has fwurn to the above fscts, and ths facu are wltncsned ami certified toby DOCT. T. Wll.. I.IAMS-Mr. O. H I1KOWN. pruprHi,,rot'the Wtrt Wimt Ht"lHunrt. BISMtXI. ic I.KONAHD. Wliulesale and retail Dnirgists and F.l.EVKN ulhcr rupertablt vitHMtt. We Challenge the World To TROVE a Cure of aa revolting and utterly hopeless n cast) uf Scrofula, by the use of TN TIMKS aa much smrfaparilla, or any other medicine, as was used of Brunt's Purifier to effect the above cure which cure shall be proved by ns many tseM knpmn, respectable witnesses, u is Ihe above cure. FOR SALK BY John W. Friltng, Sundry P. Mary A. McCay Northumberalnd. J-diu II, Tlaaci Milton, Henry J. tShnetTer da Kd!ird A. Kutiner do All letters and nnd-rs must be addressed to Wallace & Co., ltd Broadway, New York. Sunbury, July ill, 1810 ly. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS & "RENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HTHE subscribers respectfully csll the attention - of the public to their large anil splendid assort ment of every quality and price of c isii;t-v itr, which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvety one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Dlvana and Lounges, UurctTus, Secretaries, Sftcboartis, SOFA, UKEAKFAST AM) DIMM, TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE- STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, even' article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunburv, such as Mahogany, Hlack Walmt n Oi HLin Mapli Ghscias ; and Wixnsna CHAIRS, and fanct Piano Stools, which arc of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall he no evcuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the duality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken lit payment tor worn. l tT UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. 5" Tho Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite eaver s Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEOliUE RENN Bunburv, April 58, 1849 tf WALL PAPERS. THE Subscribers have on hand the largest as sortment of Wall Papi ks in the city of Phi ladelphia, WlioUtalo and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable fur Parlors, Lntnes, Dining Rooms, Chambers, &c., which for quality and style cannot he surpassed. Doing a cash business ws are enabled to sell a belter article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wins Psrsa, for Curtains. Fire Prints. Borders. 4c. which will be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in ths countnr at city prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN V BURTON, No. 148 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 16, 1849 ly Notice ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, either by note or book aocount, are requested to come and make payment Immediately Prompt attention to this notice may aav trouble. CHARLES. 8. BOOAR. Sunbury, June 80, 1849 tf Notice to Delinquents. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, longer than six months, on note er book aoaount, art rsx vested to ca'l and make setUement, or else their so ousts will bs left with a magistrate far eollee- tUn. JQHNW. rWUNts Sunbury, LmIjt T, If49, IN MEMORY or TUB MARTtM OF UlMAJUTT. WHO MIL During tho siege, May aud Juno, 1849. at DEFENDERS OF tlOME. against Tha Machination! of Depotism, tha wilea of Ambitious Hypocrisy, and THC lNrtftMAL PERFIDY Of MONAKCHICsS. YlLMAKi WHO HAVE ITOLtN POWU IU FRAKCC, by means of hollow professions of that Republicanism thsy mortally hate, and swearing fidelity to that Constitution which they hastened most glaringly to violate : Thus richly deserving, The loathing detestation of tha honest and Just, mot so they WHO FELL ON THE RAMPARTS OF ROME. sternly struggling against overwhelming numbers, ample munition, against fate : Their highest hope that in them, livingor dead! the sacred cause should not be dishonored. Their proudest wish, that freedom's champion throughout the world might recognise them as brethren ! Nobly dying that surviving millions may duly abhor tyranny anil love liberty: Closing their eyes serenely, In the generous faith that rights for all, do minion for none, will soon revivify the earth baptized in their blood, Stay heedless Wanderer! Defile not with listless step the ashes of heroes, BUT on the relics of the Martyrs swear a deeper and sterner hate to every form of oppresion. Here learn to feel a dearer love for all who strive for Liberty. llore breathe a Prayer for the speedy Triumph of right over might, light over night: and for Rome's fallen Defenders, That the God of the oppressed and afflicted may have them in his holy keeping. "They never die who fall in a great cause ; The block may soak their gore, Their heads may sodtlen in the sun, Their limbs be strung to city gates or castle walls But still their spirits stalk abroad." A', y. Tj -iotmf. REGISTER & RECORDER, &c, THE subscriber has been solicited to oner him self again for the office of ilEaiitElt & HECOBDEtt for Northumberland county, and trusts if elected, his experience in said ofiire will enable him to dis charge its duties satisfactorily. JOHN P. PURSEL. Sunbury, June 23, 1848 To the Democratic Voters of lor lliiiniberlHnd Count)'. Fr.Lt.nw Ctiitnit Warmly urged bv many of my friends, I olTcr myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER st the ensuing cbction, soliciting at the hands of my Democratic brethren the preliminary nomina tion, pledging myself (if nominated snd elected,) to discharge in good faith all tho duties incum bent on said office. Very respectfully your fellow citizen, JOHN W. MILES. July 51, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. THEsubscrilicrat the solicitation of a number if Vilas tfianiiilc Dfcniii i-itliit-n l i n-i f Kial fliarsa and fellow citizens of Northumberland, as a candi date fur the office of REGISTER & RECORDER ttc. Should he be elected, he promises to spare no time or attention to discharge the duties of the said office faithfully and impartially. JAMlS V. LIAKK. Lewis township, July 14, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. T'HE subscriber takes this occasion to announces to his friends and fellow citizens, of Northum berland county, that he is a candidate for the office of REGISTER & RECORDER, &lc. for the county of Northumberland, and respectful ly solicits their support at the ensuing election. Should he be elected he will perform the duties of said office with lidclity. FREDERICK HAAS. Up. Augusta township, July 14, 184U. TO THE ELECT0BS OF NOBTHUM KERLAND COUNTY. Fruow-C rnxtss: At the solicitation of a number of my old friends, in dilferent parts of the county, I hereby oiler myself as a candidate fur the office of REGISTER & RFCORDER at the ensuing election, EDWARD OYSTER, ttunbury, June 30, 184!). COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 'T'HE subscriber offers himself to the electors of Northumberland county as a candidate for COMMISSIONER. should he be elected he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. WILLIAM WILSON. Lewis township, June S3, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citiikns. Encouraged by numeroue friends I hereby oiler myself to your Consideration as a candidate (br the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the next general election. 8hould I receive a majority of your suffrages, I will endeavor to dis charge the duties of said office with fidelity. WILLIAM M. AUTEN, Chilisquaque township, June 16, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. WM. W. BETTILYON, of Upper Augusta, oners himself to the electors of lNertftum. berland county as a candidate for COUNTY TREkSIBEB. Should be elected, he promises to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity. Upper Augusta, June 9, is . COUNTY TREASURER. I ACOB YOUNG, of ths Borough of Sunk oilers himself te the electors of Nortbutj land LOUnty, SS B csuuuuais as Hi TREASURER. Should ha be elected, he will endeavor the duties of ths office ia such a r general satisfaction. Sunbury Juris 9, U4J b!o hvo be3 seM in that eiry
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers