SUNBURY AMERICAN AND gHAMOKIN JOURNAL. , " A PAINFUL PICTIRK ST LOUS. ' A correspondent of the Boston Transcript, writing from St. Louis on the 29th initant, ! Mys: , .y, . .. v . .. . ... ' , " What an afflicted city is this ! Fire, pes tilence, army worm, rain and fogs, dlscour age and oppress us. Calamities are all around us. Death m every where- Cholera is deal- ing its blows to the right and left, and thou sands of our people have been hurried to their , graves. A well man now, may be, an hour hence, a corpse. The' sextons, the underta kers, and even, trie horses of. llie city, are , worn out with the dreadful, work of burial. Carts ar.d furniture wagons have to supply the ' places of hearses, which, though' numerous., 'arc insufficient to carry out the coffins, though . filed one upon another. '. - . ; Many dead bodies lie, Without a friend to execute the riles of Interment, tint if a public ' officer 01 a sister of charity comes to put them , in the ground. Some persons, to save expen ses, which they are 'not able to bear, bury ' their friends in the woods or on the sand-bars of the river. Many is the house, lately full of inhabitants, that now has scarcely one left ' to tell the story of the departed. Husband und wife will take their tea together at eve niiig. and before the next morning, one or both is ready for the grave. Some of the sextons, overtasked, bury the .tlead at half the usual depth. The City Government have abdicated their powers be fore an indignant populace, and the duties of the Board of Health are devolved upon a com mittee of citizens. The public schoolhouses are turned into hospitiils, and the chief busi ness of the living is to take care of the sick wild dying, and to bury the dead. Muny ' members of the City Government, and proba bly not less than 10,1100 of the citizens have lied. Thu stillness of the Sabbath reigns, while death is doing its work. The newspa pers do not, it is said, report half the cases, ( because nil the tortus of law are paralyzed, , and officers do not discharge their duties. A dullness, nervousness und luck of energy are tnunifested by every one. The atmos phere is hot and humid. Flies swarm iu my riads. Vegetation grows with the rankest luxuriance, and animal life sinks proportion ally. . Painful as this account is, wo fear it is not overcharged. The lust accounts represent . the deaths at 200 per day, a dreadful mortal ity compared with the population. FETEIt MILLER'S WILL. The Supreme Court has affirmed the deci sion of Judge Junks, setting aside the will of the late Peter Miller. By this decision, some of the finest farms iu this rich agricultural region, will full into the hands of Peter Mil lers nephew, who is a sensible, industrious man. and nt present in moderate circumstan ces. The whole estate is estimated at $350, 000. We understand that part of the wil' bequeathing legacies to several private indi viduals, and $10,000 in equal shares to the Lutheran and German He formed benevolent societies, the interest of which is to be ex pended in the purchnse of fuel, clothing, &c, for the poor of Eastou, duiing the winter sea one, do not fall, but will be faithfully carried nit. This immense estate comprises a mini er of town lots in the heart of the town, suit ihle for buildings ami improvements of uny :ind. Eastou Argon. Co i.. Jack Hays. There is a paragraph oing the rounds of the papers, announcing le death at San Antonio, on the 1st tilt., of ia Texan hero, who is slated to have fallen victim to cholera. It is entirely unfounded. Tim Boston Ciironotvpe, speaking of iwers, iSatnury says', "his bust of Jackson is wonderful likeness of the strong-willed esideut, and reproduces his favorite oath thout the aid of history." By this our co nporary means its fume is "eternal." In thu word a&steinious the live vowels f alphabet si and in their grammatical I ler, a-e-i-o-u. The word facetious presents i same accidental singularity, and face isly brings the y. The ore from the silver riiimxj near Little k. Ark., proves to contain SinOO of puie er to the ton. . m -"rrip "' To all Oeclittft'N, loafer I) OTHER PERSON."?' IN'TEIiE-STED lice U Hereby Given. That th fol ntr. named person did on-tir dates affixed to names, file the acrounte r)f;tlieir Administra te the Estates cl those persons deceased, and rdians' Account; cioj, whose namos are un entioned, in tHe'OftVA of th Regit Icr for' tlic ate of Witts, ar.d panting Letters of Admiri ion in,' arid for tin Cdurty of Nbrjhumlcr snd that the same will he' presented to the ana' Court Of the said ounv for confirms md allowance. on TUESDAY the ?h cf ji'a next) at the Court House, in tiuubury. f. ch 8. Isaac Hull, Guardiatl'of John', George, 6l ' Mary Mutchlc,' minor children of Elilahcth MuUhsfr, dee'd. 13. MicI'mcl; Smith, Gjardian of Jonas Bobb, one of the children and heirs of Michael Bobb, doc!d. 17. Catharine iHerb, fdmmistrator of " William Jlerb, doe'd. . 2. James Mudre and 'David L, Irlsnd, ! Administrujtors of William W. Ir ' ' -'' land, who was tl Executor of Ro ' bertlrland, ilec'd.1', 9. Jacob Karohner, AdmiitwUator of John Karchner. dee'd. V i ' 9. David Eahbaek, Gurdian of Lewis and ' ' ' Margaret Eshbach. childreu and heirs ' of Philip Eshbach, dee'd. , ,, , , 9.' Jacob Karchner, Administrator of , . Karchner, dee'd.,' who waa Guar ' ' dian of Samuel Clapp,a minor. ,, 'll.' Daniel Heim, Executur .of buaaunah Paul, dee'd. 1 16. George C. Welker, Ouasdian of Phil ' . lander, and Katah Erltily Giheraon, ; ' rriinot children of Willijue) Giberaou, dee'd. , " , , 28; ' rter Keed, Executor of George Reed, dee'd. . '' . ! ' 86, Jesse Campbell, i4diuiiiwtretor of Alex ander Tbarp, deo'd. , , 1 1. John Gearhart. Jr..' aiid William . MetUer, Jr., Administralor, tV, of Charles fiAArharL dee'd. ' " William Monttromerv. Guardian of Mary E. Montgomery, child and . heir of John T. Mouticomery dee'd. " Ramuel Furinan. ldministrator of Daniel Purman. dee'd. 3. Jacob Reed, Administrator of Hannah Re4.4ec,4. v . 5. Jolin HaaghawoUt, Admiiuatratorwuli tlte "Will annesea, laaae van airile, atee'd- ' ' -DAVID ROCKEFELLER, . ' ... Rr jitter. i Office , bunhury i ' ' H9. I S HESOLUTlbN. REMTIVE TO JIN AMENDMENT , OF THE CONSTITUTION. ttUOLTir IT THI ftalATS AND HoS OS RSPKBaSHTA- tivbs or tns ( oMMoswaALtn or ptamarLvAsu is Usnsral AsanrsiT an, That Um ConaMutloa oi this ConinmiwsalUi be amend ad in Um second section of tb Kith artlcl, an that It shall rand aa follows: The Judges of th Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and ut wek Other Court of Record aa are or shall be erta. blislieil hy law, ahnll I rlactrd by the qualified electors ol the I'mnmon weskh In the mnnner following-, to wit : The J wives i the Huiireme Court, by the qualified elector" ol the t'oinniouweollli at large. The Preaiilent Judges ot the several Cotma ol Common Pleas and ol such other Court ot Record aa are or ahall be eatnbllalied by law, and nil other Jndtea required to be Burned in the law, by the quail Red electuta of tho reapectiva uiatricta over which they are to yreeide or act aa Jnrtr.'e. And Uia AwciaW Judges ol Hi Court of Common Fleas by the qnalifled atoctora ot' the comities rcanecUvely. The Jortges of the Supreme Court ahall hold tlmir offices for the lena of fifteen yoars, If the; vhull an Ituj behave th'trwelvea well: (salt) rot ti the alViUiieitt lii-reiiiufter prov ided for, subsequent to the first elattiou :) The President Jxtif ea ol' the several Court ot Coiimv m I'leas, and of auch other court a of Kecord a are or shall he eatabliahed by law. and all other Judges re quired to be learned in the law, 'hail hold their offices for the term of tin ysura, If Uiey ahall ao long behnve them advea well : The Associate Jiiucos of the Court of ivm mon Picas ahull h"ld thuir orltcra f. the term ol' live veurs, If thry ahall ao long ouhnra theiuaelve well : all of whom shall be eominiealoned by the Ikivernor, but for any rcn- siable cauan which ahall not be anrncicnt trouinl of inipeuPhmont, the lorenr alinll remove any of them on the address ol two-third ofrni'h bronrh of the Lctialature. 'Pie firrt election ahull take place at the general election of thia t'onminnwenlth next alter the afVipilun of thia amend ini'iit, mid the coiuniiapioiui of nil the juilpea who may be then in office ahlill rxpiir on the drat Monday ol' Dec'uin her I..II iwiiif, when the terms ..f the new 'judges almll rommence. '1 lie wh ahull thou tw elected Jnditca of the fnpreine C'nurt ahull hold their ..fS,. i-,,ii..,r.. one of them lor tlm-e yenrs. one aix veara. one f..r nine yeurr, one fur twelve vmrs. and one I'.irfiiineii veor tlic lenn of ouch to be decided bv lot by the anid judgea, na aiHin nftet the elwi ion as e. .nvenient. ami the result ccrtilicd by them to the 0'vriuir, that Ilia eouuniaainna may lie iasued in necirdniipe thereto. The Judge wh"e commia aion will firsit uxnire ahnll be Chief JuaiTr-e .l.irin,. I..- i,m and theranitcr rncli juiijre wli-ne C'lniniMin ahull firat ex pire annii in turn oe me utnei Jnatirc, and if two or nmre commiaaiona ahull expire on the same dny, the juilcea holdins them ahull decide hy lot which ahull be the Chief Juatiec. Any vacancies hainrniintr bv draith. leniirnntinii. or otherwise, in r.ny of the mid couita. ahull tm tilled bv onpnlntineiit hy the Governor, to coutiiiiip till the firat Monthly of December anccccdin the next cnerul eleclion. The Jmlirea of the tSuprenie Court and the I'rnaiilenta of the several Oourta ts Common Plena alinll, ut atuted timea, re reive for their aervicce tin adennnte uuenafition. to be fixed by law. which alinll not lie diminialnil rinrina- theit cHiiinunnce in ofliee, hut they ahnll receive no leca or per. nniaitea is' otlice, nor hold any other othce of profit under thia Commonweulth. or under the aovernmcnl of the rut ted SiiOcs. ur any other State ol this Uuimi. The Jnduea of the Siipieme Court durinir their contimisnce in office hull rcaide v .bin tins Commonweulth iiihI the other .linlgea tliiring their cniitiniinnre m odiee ahull rcaidc within the district or county lor which they were respectively eltvti-d. . WILMAM F. PACKER. Sjnakrr of the Hovst tf K'prcsentalives. GEO. DAliSIE, Speaker of the Senate. Is thk Senate, March I, 1849. nmnLtcn, Tlint this resolution puaa. Yens at, Nays H. Kxtmct from the Journtil. SAML. V. PKARSOX, Clerk. In the House ok Representatives, April 2, 1849. Kn Exttuct (mm Ute Jtiunuil. WM. JACk Clerk. Secretary's Office. rilctl April 3, iBlfl. A. L. RUSSEL. Dep. Sff. of the Commouwtalth. Secretary's Office. Pennsylvania, t-s : 1 rto certikt Ihnt thenlmve and forei-oiiic ia a true uihI orrtvt cttpy ol the Oriirlnul Keaolution ti. General Aaacillhly.enlilled "Kesnlntion rttlnlive to ull Amendment of the Conalitutloii," ua the aunic rrmaina on tile in this ollice. cttjr ..Tuiii'-iiy wiiercot i nnve hereunto JaM?. rt '"V hand, and emitted to lie affixed the Seulol the r.rclury's tlifiec nt Hurria liurii, this clevenlh duv of June. Anno Domini, one thoiiaund eight huislrcd uud tiirty-uine. . TOWXSEXD HAINES. Scc'ry of the Cummoniccutth. "Journal ok Senate. "Reaolutiim, No. let, emiilcd 'lt.n..iition,' wna rend a third time. ( III the ipiesti will the rVmtle agree m the retkiliiiiou i? The Vitiaund Nuys were tnken agreeably to . v.., .,..,.,, aj, i,, now, vik: " aa Meaara. H.a. Uniwlrv. CriilJi. Cunninghom, Forsyth, lingua. Joiuutiii. ljiwreiiee. Ivia. Mnsm. Mat Ilium, .M'Cuslin. Itich, lti.-liurda. Siillcr, Snnltev, Hiverv, tSmull, Hinyaer. Slcrr. tl mul Mline yl. "Navs Meaara. Heat, Urilui. Kriclt. Ivea, King, Koliig luueher, I'otteiger and fJuraie, Spkakkk S. 'Si the ciicaliou wna determined in the uflinnotive." "JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OK REPRESENTA TIVES. ' Shall the pnxa The vena nnd nnva were Uikun ngreeubly to the proviaion .if the tenth article of the Count itution. and are aa followa, viz : "Ye Meaara. Uitleon J. Hull, rjnvid J. Bent. Cinig Bidttle, Peter U. Bloom, Unvid M. Ifcde, Tlaaiats K. Hull, Jacob Cort, John II. iliclil, Nmliailiel A. Klliott, Joaeph Emery, Dnvitl H. Kahlemuu. Willtittn Kvnini, John Fanaold, Similttl Pegi-ly, Joaeph V. Piaher, Henry M. Fuller. Jhomua lii.tve, Kolwrt Mainnaon, Ueorge P. Henazey. Tlennaa J. Herring, Joaeph lligirina. Clmrlea Hortz. J.weph B. 11. .wit, Hubert Klotz. Hiirriaon P. Ijiird, Altmliuui Ullllliertoil. Jlllllca J. lwia. .Illlliea VV li,io Jneol. t. Curtney, John H. M'Culloch. IIukIi M:Kee.Johu M'Uniph tin, AiUuu Maitin, Annuel Murx, John C. Mvera, Kdwnnl Niukleaon. fiewart l'curce, Juiuea Porter. Henry C. Pratt. Alonzo Bnlili, Gairge Itupley, Tlwatore Hyiiuni, Benuud S. S. lksiKver, Samuel Isciliert, John lluirp, Chriatinn Snivel)', Thouata C. ftlcel, Jfr.inmli H. iilibs, JtSKph J. Stiitzmuii, Muraliall Swurtzwelder. Snmucf Tnggcrt, Geo. T. Thorn, Nicholua Thorn, Arunuh YVnttlea, Samuel Wei rich, Alonzu 1. YVik-ox, lhniicl Zerbey and William F. Packer, Speaker. id. "av Meaaca. Augnatna K. Coniyn. David M. Court ncy, Uuvul Kvuii. Henry B. Kvana, Jotm Fenlon, Jolin W. George, Thouaw Gillespie, John B. CtiTChui, Win. Henrt , Jumea J. Kirk. Luuhneh. lt..U rt H. I.inle J..l,n & M'Calussit. John M'Kee, Wiliiaia M'Sherrv.Joaiuh Miller!' iiiiuiii a . .uorrjeiai, juiiii a. titui. vviniuiu i . n.Hierts, Jolm W. ntswlierry. John B. KiithcnortL K BniHllcSmiih, ' -I'll Smyth. John Sourier, George Waller, und tJuvid F Williumar 'Jti. 'Si the question wua determined iu the ullituiative." . Six-UETAnv'a Oprnr. Ilurriabiirg, Juno 15, 119. f I'knxkylvanu. Si aixss. en iiri iisih nw lump mill !Wfi i"? " Tue ami uiurwrt cnnvnf'the forfc.' 'Yeas" uno "Nava," tnkenon tin ''Hcstlmioii re. lutive to an amenHineiit of the Conation ion," ua the aume ujiieura isi the J.siriutta ol' the two llonaea of tbelitjnenil Anaeinl lyof thia CVsiim.inwenllli, f.v the.aeaalon of lrlO. Wllneaa tnv luuid antl the atil of jsiiil otTK'e. the tilteeiith day of June, tine thouaitiid eicht hnntlrttl nntl fortv-niue. TOWNKMl HAINKM, Sec'ry of the Commonwealth. July 7, tflU am. . STP.AT PAME to the premises of the Low er Augusta township about three weeka since, a dun-colored horse, with a black mane, black legs below the knees, and a black tall, and of nliotit the common sire. He had on when "he ctnne a halter without a strap. The owner upon proving pro perty and paying the expenst ehnlirfve him by calling on JOHN 11URNS. Lower August tshp, July H, 1849'. it School Law Notice, , TN pursuance of the late Act ot. Assembly on the subject of Common School, Die Treasurer of Hunltyiry School District will attend at the P'rqthonoiary'a ollice in Sunbury, oil Monday the 3Cth day of July, from 8 o'clock A.M. till 6 o'clock P((M., to receive the School Tax tor the current year. All ' taxable inhabitants of said district, are respectfully notified to pay their School tax on or bt tore fniu uny, in orocr 10 save ltsjis. I .it JOHN FAKNuWpliTH, Treasurer Sunbury, July T, JtrtH- ,.. Nifif 'And spring Mninis-U lat- CH ES'An excellent article, fur sate Wt half he tis'ilai price by J. W. FKILING. Bunbury, July 7, 1749. . ; W7 ENJ.SBY'5 PATENT "ASH FA,"? IV TENING8. A cheap and excellent trti. ete tor lasttjtiing sash for sale by ' ' ' J t.. .-." j, w. r Kti.irfj.' .Sqnbury, July 7, 1849. ...... Kotloe lo.Siibscrlbera). fTHB History of the4 Army ami Wavy of Amfr. ica," is now ready for delivery, and aubacri bers will be waited ou shortly, by the agent, with a eopy oi ute wore.- 1 vBLANKSv TVLANKS of every descripuWcan be had by M-M applying at tua omoe or the American. fl ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paner for 1 " covering glasses, (or tale at the otfiec of Uie American. IJAJSJN8. eurranta. citron, cheeses peppsr sauce, f ee sals py i. v . f K1L1M funbury, Pec. 5, I SI. ORPHANS' COtjRT , SALE. , IN pttraitdnr of n ordef of the Orphans' Court, of Northumberland county, will be ixposed to public le at the Court Hour in Kunbury, on Saturday tli4th day of August next; tt. undi vided twexeventht part of a certain tract of land aituate in 81iamokin township, MorthumUiTlanti county; adjoining lands of Jacob LeiaenrirHfi Mor ganHittrhoa, Wilson Price, Solomon Rucit and others, containing in the whole about 887 acres, about 72 acres of which are cleared wheron are erected a log and frsmo house, a bam, fruit trees &c, &.c. Late the estate of Joseph Yocum, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms thereof will be made known. HUGH H. TEATS, JOHN FA RN WORTH. J Guardians. Bv order of the Court, ) David Kockefcllcr, C!k. O. C. J Smibury, July 7, 1849e 1 Aiollce to Uellnquent Odleclorn. ALL collectors of taxes whose duplicates pre vious to 1949, have not been settled, arc here by notified that their bonds will be entered on re cord if settlement is not made. Uy order of the Commissioners, GEORGE MARTIN", Clk. Kunbm-y, July 7, 1849. Notice to Delliiquenln. ALL persons indebted to the subscrilter, longer than six months, on note or book account, nre requested to call nnd make settlement, or else their accounts will be led with a maitistratn for collec tion. JOHN' W. FRIL1NG Suiibury, July 7, 1819, - Tstatc ol Jane Klpp, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters Testa mentary, have been grntttcd to the subscri bers on the estate of Jane Kipp, late of Rush township, Northumberland county, dee'd. Pcr ons indebted to said estate or having claims a gainst tho same, are requested to present the same lor settlement to the subscriber, WILLIAM II. KIPP, ) p . ROUERT C. UU8SEL, ) tiX Rush township, July 7, 184'J. Ct A Sew 4soitiiiciitof I'lfNli Goods). IRA T. CLEMENT, E.TECTKl'LLY informs his friends, cus- turners and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS ot his store in Market iiiviarc in .Suiibury, such as Dry Goods. Groceries, Queens- wnre, Hardware, &.c. Mtiubury, June 23, 1819. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stono Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale hy JOl IN W. F RILING, unbury, June 23, 1849. CHARLES W. 11EGINS, AaTTCSlTET JLT L.7", PotlNWilli:, t'a. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his cure. June 10, 16 lit, WEIStT CLEMU-NT, Saddle and fllarueiss Makers. THE iinilc.nrigncd respeett'tilly int'ortn Ui' public, that they have commenced the above busi ness in .N'uiiliurv, and will con stantly keep on hnml and manufacture to order, at their s'liind in Market street nearly c pposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line or liusiucss. All articles manufactured lv them will be made to the lies! and most durable style, ana at prices as reasonable as they can be had ut any other estab lishment in tlte county. They therefore' respectfully solicit H'i'8ons to cull and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. HENRY WEISE. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT. .Sunhury, June 33, 1849. lYoticc A LL persons indebted to the sulwcriber, either by note or book aocount, are requested to come and make payment immediately Prompt attention to this notice mav save trouble. CHARLES. 8. BOGAR. 8unbury, June 30, 164'J. If TUB CHEAP BOOK STORE. 1DA1TI.&L5 & SMITH'S Cheap New & Second Iiasd BookSioee, Sort h Weil corner of fourth and Arch Streeh l'MlaittlfMa. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, , , SCHOOL BOOKS. jciKNTipic a so Mathematical Hooks. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sixes aim prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, WhoUtalt and Retail. rP Oub prices sr niucli lower than tlte sbodlak price. ir Liliianr ntia ansill porcela ol taiusa purcuusctl. 1 C" U.atka ill. ported tt iwtler from Istiuktn. riillutltlplna, Julie 9, l4t ' I OltNELIU 1 CO. No. ITU f tir.Dut St., n of espectfLlLy announce that they have just fiuibhcd the uost extensive assartmeut ' LAlilPS, they have ever offered for salo comprising ELFGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BKAUKKTS, I'r.KDARI JHAIXTKL LIGHTS ke. In great variery, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been naitl to ECONOMY. ill the construction of these Lamps, and auch are made as will produce the greatest amount of light Irom tlte least consumption of Lard. l . : . .i . r.i iu'cvm iiiipiuveineiita ui ute maiilliatiory, Willi the introtluction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to sell at a very GKEAT KEDL'C TION from former prices, and all articles before leaving, the manufactory, are carefully iniected, and ire warruulcd perfectly tight, and to give satis. taction.-. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849 ly 2000 P.RKM1U3I BLINDS. ll 4. WILLIAMS, NO 12 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Venltlannilnd und Wlndo' Shade Manufacturer. (AWARDED the first and highest Medals at New York. Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibi tions, for the superiority ofbisBl!$Dt,wilhc0n- Brineu coimaence m mm - sAns;iura,j iic attention of purchaser to his assortment of 3000' Blinds of narrow and wide alata - wilu tancy ttnd plain Trimmings, of new styles and colon. A)ao a large and genera! assortment of 1 KAIYcal A BENT WINDOW fcHADEH, ail of which he will sell at th lowest cash prices. Old Blind painted and trimmed to look equal to net;. tVBEALERS SUPPLIED on bberal term Th Citizens of Northumberland County an ms peetfulry invited to call before buying elsewhere eonnaeni of pieaanf an. PTOf fcN IN THE EVENINGS. Maick 71, ll9.-3m THE Subscribers have ori hand the loxgcst as sortment of Walv. PxltKN in the city of Phi ladelphia, WhoUtolt prui Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries. Dining Rooms, Chambers, Ac, which for quality and style cannot he surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell a belter article at a much lower rate than any store doing TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wins PrH, fur Curtains, Fire Prints, llordcrs, etc., which will lie sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. A. Bra-Dealers are invited to cull and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN tk BURTON, ' No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philsdelphia, May 26, 184U. ly ESSENCE OF JAMAICA UINU I'll PREPARED and sold onlv, at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG at.d CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Firra and Cncsxitt streets, Phi ladelphia. 'Jills Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will lie found on trial on excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow nnd vhror, equal to a wine gloss of brandy or other stimulant!, without any of the debilitating ell'ects, which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind t and it is tliercforo especially serviceable to children und females. To the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to t'.ie dyspeptic, and to those who are prtdisicsed to gout or rheumatic alVectttms, it gives grcut rc'.icl'; nnd to the inebriate whit wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving tho nor.ious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the tjipes tivc organs, and strength to resist temptation ; nnd is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem perance Li?" Full directions accompany ing each bottle. The nliovc article can be had at the office of the Amehvan. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly CHOICE GROCERIES. Ol.TO Y A. Co. S. W. Tonic r Arch If 6lh Street Philadelphia, II AVE now in store a vici selected stock of tho very lest Family Groceries, which they will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from 'l down to 25 cts per lb., the Black Tea 45 cents hy the Box. is untisutl ly fine. Cotl'ce of all qualities and prices better iSngnr for (H cts. ycr Hi., tlmn tiny olhcr store. Mnectiroui. Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup, Olive Oil ofjlhe best brands, un assortment of the richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line. All goods scut to the country, pttt up neatly and securely Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether we can suit you. COLTON & CO. 8. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. chc3m ly LAWRENCEHOUSE, Market Square, opposite the Court House, Si'NiiuHY. Pa. THIS well known Hotel has just len refitted, and handsomely furnished by the undersigned, and he begs leave to say, thot it is his intention to render it worthy of tlio liliernl patronage, hy which it has heretofore been stiKtnined. J. C. PERKINS. Sunbury, May 17, 1849 3tno " cutlery! AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, of sale by JOH1T 3. COLEltlAlT, A'os. 32 and 33 AHCADE, and 8i AVi TlllKD Street, Coiniiriniug 500U dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers jf Sons, Wostcnholm's Gteave's W. A- S. Hotelier's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Ujwie Knives. Also, The American Kawr strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention or Dealers, Cabo Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention as the Subscriber's cntei ousilii'ss is iiiiportiua iwiu acuuiy cuiii-iy Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly Notice. riHE partnership, heretofore existing under the JL name of "Dewart & Bruner," huving lieen dissolved, the subscriber announces to the public that he will continue the practice of the law uii'the, olfice formerly occupied by- said linn, in the Dorough of Sunbury. Business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to..' ' " CHARGES J. BKUNER. Sunbur-, April 21, 1849 3mo GREAT A1UUVAL. 1 OHN W. FRILING has ijst received at his store in Sunbury aa extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, of every variejy which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist ing in part of ' CLOTHS, CJ1SSLMEREH, Sec. Linen and Cotton driUing, and sitmmei wear of ull kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Ginguajj, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached und unhleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queensaare and Hardware of all ki7tds. ' Dnucs Pajnth, and Dykstcffs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will be sold at tlte lowest terms. Sunbury, May 88, 1849. "TANNERSTAKE0TICE. Sew Hide Oil tint) Leather Store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 rfoorj Mow Kate St. Philadelphia. ' THE sultscribers oiler to the .tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos. Ay res, Lapluta, Caraccaa, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Hulled Per aliiburo and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and suited. Also, Gmm Slaugiitcr, Dry Halted, and Black-Dry Patna Kips, Also1. Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. : . .'They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter I.tather, the above Hides, Kips, Oii'jfnd Tools, on hotter terms, than old Houses in ttcity. Cash paid fur Leather of all kinds. ' KEEN & KIKKrATRICK. Philadelpfta, May 8, 1849ly' CaOXDtfc SILVER VAIIC i STOCKMAN, ' No. 60 Ckeinut-st, at the sipi of th Gold Thimble, fccltceen id. $ 3d. sts., kttk side PHILADELPHIA. ANUFACTURE8 and keeps constantly M on hand, at wholesale and retail, Uie ttl- lowiug article, of superior quality, at reduced price i Gold and ftllver 1'encils, do I Inaibie, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, JJescrt, Tea, 8alt and Mustard Wpoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasp, tScisaor Jlooks and CbainsKnitling fcheaths, ic ! ALSO, Jewellery,. Prated and Brittajuv ware, German Silver Spoons, dcc Gold Diamond' poin ted Pens at various' prices i Jackson' Superior EverpointedXeads, Ve, 4c Pbuadalphia, May so, IM9 nfeAR IRON of ail kinds fcr sale low) at the stora of C. 8. BOGAR. bunbury Jan. 30th, 1849tf. ADD'8 oaUbraisd Horaa antf OsttU Msdi una lor sal by HENRY MAfEF- fi unbury Jan. 57th, Ut U. AIinAtL'l '. Concentrated ,Jaraapajr.llla For the cure of TeUor, Scrofula. Erysipalaa, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, etc IT is recommended to Physicians and others, aa the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that jut up' In quart bottle, possessing little or Ho active 'jbinelpM of lha 8araa parilla, but intended to dVfcjv, the public For aalo by M. A. McCAY, NthlMnberland. HEYL'S EMBROOATIOrf for Horses will rure Sprains, Bruises. Cut, Galls, rwelliigs, and nil complaints requiring an external remedy. It is highlv useful In Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness or the Joints, cracked Heels. Bplints, &. It has also been used with great success by per sous slllictcd with Xhenroatism. and other com plsints. Preps red onlv by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale hy M. A. McCay, Northumbcr land, . ' jadelphiu, May 26, 1849. ly APPLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL C HEAP BOOK S T O H E , 104 C'hcKtniit Street, Corner of Seventh, Stratm' Buildings, . PHILADELPHIA. T'NOWINO the wonts of the community, the Proprietor of this EsTtattstiMiXT has fitted up a ."Jtore in the most elegnnt manner, having due regard to the coniloit uf his customers, so that every Stronger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely at home. XIXS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the various De partments of Literature, so llmt visitors can find the Books they arc in search of for themselves. Buying his Stock for the most liurt ut the Arc- tiii.x Sale, and being connected with one of the I.Ainaar Prpi.isiuxn rorscs in this country, besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell all Books nt LOWER PEICES than any other house of a s'unilnr character on this continent. His facilities lor the Importation nr Books from Europe ore unsurpassed, having a Branch of his bHtnhlishmcnt in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Country by every iS'tiameb and Packet. A CATALOGUE of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, which urc in all cases for sule at the LOWEST PRICES. or, from 2.5 to 75 Iter cent. blow Publishers' Prices. Thus iu buving evert .a Few Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further , INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur chases One Doll jib's wuhtii of Books, will re ceive a copy of the Sthanhen ik l niL vnti piiil, an elegant 18 mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents. ( ir 1 he limits of nn advertisement are too con lined to enumerate the prices of any of the im mense advontagca to be derived from purchasing ut the Gheat Central Ciikap Book Stubs, but let all who arc in search of Books send for a Cata logtie, and buy tho Books they arc in want of, and when visiting tho city, give Applctoit one call, and )ou will be s'treto call again. STATIONERY in all its brunches, furnishetl at the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note Paper, neatly ati'mped in the corner, without charge. Utile for any article may lie sent by mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all cases1 will lie fully carried out, with great punc tuality and dcspaU'h. . . r Order's for Cutulogttea should besnr.-rAtn. '; (JEO. S. APPLETON. j5ooA-.trIcr, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer 164. Chfsmit St eor, uf Seventh, Swim's jTkio'iVil', Philadelphia, Msv, 12, 1849. 3m SILENCE 'I'hnt ; (fiend l'u! Couyh,! the ljunjjs are' iri dan ger, the work of the . Destroyer has been begun, the cough of Ci'iisuinption haih in it a sound oi Death, Rev. in'NKY Jtl.Nl'S, MS Kigalli avenue, waa cured of citulia'.Ml cutarrliul alfcyl if n of jO vtra ataiiuint;. '1'lie firat ilnscirave.liiin liatrc rli-f than bit tint otlicr luctlicina he iiiid cvsr lukcii. tr. I.. J. limla, It) l)cUnu'y-atrctt, ftavc it to a aiatcr-iii-luw ,wko wua uiUturinfr antler t'tta aunistioD, sisi.fti luitsltcr sorely atfficttt Willi the Aathina. In both ruara ila clfr-cta were iuinicduitc, soon restoriug them loettiiil'ttftultlr Infill ll. Mra..I,i:cItETlA WKl-LS, IIS rhriatie-at. aun".Tl frtsn Aatluua 4 2 ycrtrs. tllirrnutii' IWlaam relieved her at otic'e, aiul alte. ia t omrairatlycly well, beiuar enublcd to qnLuue cve rv attack by t'unrly use ot'ihis niutlicinc. Thia indeed is tfie ftrcnt rciueiiy inr Cowpha, C'olda, Hititting Bkasl, Liver Couiplaiuu. dia) all the urTvctions of the thioal, aiul een Aatliuui aisl CotiauiuptiiMl. .. Aakl'orK.crniaii's All-IIeatiiisr Balsam, and see that bis written aipiiuture ia tai each Utltlc. Price H. Cfiiua anil per lasile. Ur. Slicnnaiia Worin and though Loscngcs, aisl Poor lluii'a I'lualeri )!d aa alatv'e. w SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S l'LASTKR hns rurnt nwrc! rujifRof Kheuinotivin, ruin in the Back. puW nntl L fatWU ljuiiiii' Bini WmkiifM, tliuii any spuli havi-utlt-i.riW to C'tuniurli'ii it. oitd tttltii it nffuj-ni tbe Reinrtnbrr thul Uie triit' und fft uuui Plualcr is uprtm) Uhr rmittih MtKr nnutr exprcwly itr the purjNiM und rveryt of the i'luts?r. iumI the vlw. at-curml by Copy Kitil. None otlir - i art? at'iiu.iie. Thtrfiirc w lien ynu wiml a mil (Tmk1 Sherjiuir:aJ(iit7 Miiii'm PIukUT. call ut tliculttt', llti Nuwtau trr'i, hihJ you will rut he i1tsiptntfil. , Keiiwnbr-iiriiK'.pui iino iuu Amuaiu-nirret. rw-Ytrk. where uiiir! hentutii' lsttj-fiv rr Ict. Ilia A unit nr .Jrs. Hnv, !. r niton MTrel, Unmlclvji; llnicwaii. M'iiUa.nMiurgj uni HdMtne ft Ct). llttin. mil ( - jiiji.v i ui ah, !-iitrury. " M. A. McCAY, .NurthuiiiberioiKl Mjy 10, ISO ch e'3m ly TOIIX DONNELTiY, SlANt TACTI itEn' OF DoNXELLvV .UPRIGHT Safety Gr.Aznn Cxpsf led Bli e ' MATCHES . ' and Usi rtn States Oit PAstE BXArKixb," 1 No. WNorth Third Street, . PHILADBLFIUsV rpHESE MatcliVs are justly ce nsidered tlic best 1 in llie Ignited Xtates i tliey are tree iront un- pkf.Afit smell, and can tie introduced with tiertect sit'efy iiio all Stores and UwcUiiiga, Warranted to keop eu years, li The .Blacking is pf sttjierior tjaaiity, and free from and iinjrediciit tUat linpai,rp, tliV.Leather. . COUNTHY UJiALtltS and rJHU'riSKtS will find ft to their interest to call and ace for them- ae!ve '" i., N. B.-An assortment of, AUkUbes olvartoua New 'York Manufacturers, i Matches in - round wood Wcs also, packed in large or :patli tin cases, to styp to any part of UieorW, . ' JUHIM lIJMBLlty, LaU of'SO Bank .Street, now 83 North Tlilrd 8L March 31, 1849. ly ' v . : LIQUORS, AVINES; &C, THE subscriber has just received a new supply of lha beat liquors that aver came to Sunbury, cousisting in pari of . Superior pf'pale; Brandy. Fine Cogtuaa Brandy. Superior .Old Jamaica Spirits. New Englaa Run. , Fina Holland 0i... Superior Old Whiskey Common ' 'do. Superior Maiariav Wine Lisbon dpi c . do. Superior Port Wines Buifandy Port do. ftwsast MaUa Wine. Superior Ciaret Wine in bottta. ; Clumpaens do. , d. HENRY MA8SER. 5unbury. May ! 1149. "Encourace your Own!" ' FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE 4NQW4m. HE wbseribor. respectfully call th attention of th public to their largs .na splendid assort ment of every quality and price of ,, ' which cannot fsilto recommend Itaslf to every one who will examine it, on account of Its durable wMniiinshrf) arid splendid finish, made up of the boat' stock, to be had in the city,. No effort la pared in the manufacture of their ware, and the aubrcrihers are' tletermlhcd . to keesj'up with the many improvements which Ire constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Softta, Divan nnd Lounaren, bureaus, Secretaries, sftiet dit5s, SOFA, BRKAKFAST AND D1M.NG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. 1 BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to lie had in Siiiibivry, such as Mahogany, Biack W'aixi t Nn C'rHLF.n MirLt UaECIA ; ami V ixiisoh CHAIRS, asd rsxer Piano Stools, which arc of the latest styles, and warranted to he excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers ore determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained sbou the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will lie tlisposcd of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsew here. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ' CP" CNDEKTAKING attended to on reason able terms. ti? Tho Waro Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite' Wcacr's Tavern. . DANIEL H AAS. UEORCF. RENN, Sunhury, April 28, 1849. If . , .. THE XSZNES OF CALIFORNIA OUT' , SONS I , FINE WATCHES AN I JEWELRY. The DfaiiiQtKtritT of I'lilladelphln Mill AUcadf JACOB LADOMUS, ;246 MARKET ST., bzlow Eighth, south side, :- philadelphia, TS coftriatilly receiving from all the best Manu- facturers of Eurofie, every style of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. C3? Rcod this advertisement cut it out of the paper put if in your pocltcfV and call tho. first tiud you visit the city. Among the assortment will be found J ,- i (Sold Levers, 1 k. cases, full jewelled, $:ilV. Scr Levers full jewelled,'' - - 15 I, Mil 1 r.piuci, 18 k. cases, jewelled, - S5 '. Silver l'Epines, jewelled, - - 10 " ' ljuarticr Watches, - - - 410$ 10 Silver Tea Spoons, equal to coin, jcr set, 4 50 '", Desert ' f " ICOO ! Table " " " " 15 00 Tojetlicr with a spleudid jissortment of Chaste and Rich Jewelry, &c, &c, &c, (ioltl ChaiiiR of every variety antl pattern at a slight advance uxn the original cost. Examine them by ull means. . VZ7" The Trade-will be rnpplied- Ifan the most advahtagtioua,tefris ''. ' '''.. ''; ' " J. LADOMUS No. 240 MARKET Street, Ulow Eighth, South side, Philadelphia. April 14, 1848 3 mo. , r CABINET. WARE ROOMS. THE sMbscribej respectfully informs the public, that lie continues the manufacture of GADI- NET WAKE, i all its branchss, at his stand in Market street in Sunbury, and that he has now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and ntsNtonable -furniture. He also carries on, at his ol J establishment, in Fawn street, the I CHAIR M.4KIXG IUrSlAESS, in all its branches, and keep? constantly dn hand, an assortment of well niade and fashionable CHAIR8, plai and ornatncntal. All of which he' will diarkias of at prices as low aa at any esta blishment jn thQ.'county. - " His Ions; experience iu the business, justifies h'un in the belief that he will be able to give gen era satisfaction', and therefore solicits from his customers a conliuuanceof their patronage. lt Ail kinds of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN H0UPT. Runbiry, March 17, 1841s. ti The Cheapest and Matt Splendid .Assortment el AVATCIIES AND JKWELUY , IN PHILADELPHIA, . ;. . 4. ' .. I Sis. ( LEWIS tAOOMt'S. I X 413' STREET, (413 A 1KV DOORS ABOV tLGVKNTII, NORTH 81UE, HAS just feceived by lute arrivals, from the most cclebratctl Manufacturers of Europe, a jnugnificcnt and judiciously sajjcrti'd assortment of GOLD AND SILVER. ..WATCHES,, wltiejt be will sell eitKAfiK than snv other cstuli- lishuieitt in the I'niUd ISlatoa. 'Ainojig tito as snrtinent will be found : . ' (Jolil Levers, 18 k. case, full jewelled $3fi " itr Levers; full jewelled, 15 (old I'Epinesj, 15-k. cases, jewelled, 25 Silver l'Eiine, jewelled,! , , -0 . Quarticr Watches. 4 to $10 Sil.-er Tea Sitocns, equal to coin, per ct 4:50 ,. Desert, , I " . 10.00 '" Table, - I ,. . ' 13.00 TjHtlher with a fplcndid assortment of Chaste ami Rich Jewellry, dtc dtc, &c , - tiOLD CH AIN'tS, of varioos 'Styles, 'from Uie best Manufacturers. .' ' 1 V3T ricase preserve this advertisement, and call at. LEWIS LA DOM ta'S, Nd 413 MARKEX.. .STREET, above, Eis vth, North Side. . ,.'tf 1ST I have Gold and Silver Lever's still cheaper than tne aupsa prices. , i ' f7" A liberal discount tnado to the traJf. Ayril 14, 1849. 3id, 'r ' fHG subscriber retrpectfulty infomts the public X tbat na kasgaw liecasus connected wnu uie above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be eon ducted solely under his management yand eontroU From his long experience in the bussiuess ns wusui be will be able to give general satiaamoUon to his old friends snd customers. .. 7'he business will . be carried on iu all its branches... He ivill coutiivue to manutacturs Floogas, and all kuds of casUngs Sunbury, Juns 9, , , . nQR SALE A good cow, nearly fresh for aala diss p. .. iuquure at ins omos or us tmencan. Sunbury, Juns 0, 1844. st,EAS, from Ihs New York Canton ant) Pakin X Tsa (Company, .for sals by J. W. FR1UNC. Sunbury, Dae. S, 1848 WH1 v a.- J to. Una HoUsr per SsjatssL cash, will ba fni foe goes) wheat f Ir A I. tLCMtni, Sunbury Jan. ttlh, 119 If. DETECTMtf COUNTr.rll'EIT MONEY. Mr. W. Tt 8tiAiir.ii of Piitaburg it now in this city, at Kendig'a Hotnl, prepared o im part Instruction to, all y,ho may dair ii7'jn th "art and myitery" of detecting cgiitetr feit Bank Motes, ty .various infallible ruf and marks. Mr. S. having explained to us the leading featurea 'of hit aystem,'. tale pleasure in testifying to its claims to the (a Tor of blitines-rnen,'who are wont to handle paper-money. Tothern this species of Ithrw ledge ia invaluabla-i.dncasi'er infrlitgwcir. Ov Sctbn Ton o Laws.The Law of the InM snssion of the Pennsylvania Legisla. ttire, 6800 copljis, 'weigh 0er seven tons and a half, if these raws are not " valuable?, it will aust be tor . the want of g. , ' , U. ' ' ; . The Parsj - Nor, while speak ing of the schoolmaster, in whose hands the printing-press is such a . powerful agent of public instruction at the present, time, most we forget newspapers. Whether we tegavd Ihetn as the gniile or echo of popular opinion, and; in some sort, they partake of both char acters, we are lost in amazement and admi-. ration at tho quantity and quality of mind, and that of the highest order, now to be found in the columns of ' the dally,' weekly, ana provincial press.; from Being a mere chronicle of passing events, a dry register of dates and facts, the newspaper has grown into one of the leading schoolmasters of tho Jay. It. articles amuse 'us with their wit, antl instruct us with their wisdom. ' They exhibit the brilliancy of the classical scholar, and the close reasoning of the logician. It is an encyclopaedia in itself. It reviews fill books, antf treats of all science. It is fami liar with all geography, .and at home in all history. It Is the tEdipu to read the riddles wich every.political .Sphinx nin set before it. It dives into cabinet secret, and antici pates the purposes ef statesmen It has the hundred eyes of lha ever wakeful Argus,tlhe hundred kinds and f.fty heads of Briareus.1 Ti.f limy Battle in Canada tor An nexation. A Quebec paper, the Canadian Independent' contains the following para graph, wliicjh slfows, that the war spirit pre vails to.a considerable extent amcng the City Council at Quebec: , On Frjiluy last, at the ordinary session of the City Council, one of the members pro posed a motion, of the nature of which we are ignorant, but which, another member ob jected to, remarking at the same, time,,tha in .three mouths we would be A.mericaps. Hereupon,, the member who had brougji-forward tho, moiion, crossed the hall, , and. ad ministered a tremendous blow to hist oppo nent, which prostratej him on the floor. The war spirit communicated to others, and tho combat threatened to become general, when' tho flavor called in the police, who put-n end !o(t!ie tmarrel atd ejected the CO LJN'TY. COIMISSION ER. , . rPHE subserilipr offers himself to the electors of -- Nortliiiiiiberlund county as a candidate for :.. COMMISSIONER. : should he be elected" he wi! f-iithnili JiscliiVgo the o1ics of hia otlico. "I ' WILLIAM WILSON.. Lewis ttiunsltip, Juno 23, 1648. ' TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTt. ' Fsi. !. Citiiuns. Encouraired bv numerous friends I .hereby etfer myself to your consideration as a cuiidtuate tor Uie ollice ot , COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the next general election. Should I receive a majority of your sull'rages,, I will endeavor to dis charge the duticsof said office with fidelity , WILLIAM M.AUTEN, Chllisquaqttb township, June f 6, 184.' TO THE ELECTORS OF. N0RTHUMBER- . , . LAND .CQUNTY. .j.;.. VV M. W. BETTILYON, of UPe'r Augusta, offers himself Jo the electors cf Noithum bcrland county as a candidate for .'. COUNTY TRE ISl ItEtt. - Shotrid lie eleeted, he promised to discharge tho duties of said ottioc with fidelity. ' Upper Augustay June 9, 184'J. ' ; COUNTY TREASURER., JACOB yPl'NG, of Ihc Borough of Saplury, otrers himself to the electors of Northuinber land County, as a candidate for the ollice of - TREASURER. fbotild h.' Reelected, he will endeavor to dischargo the duties of the ollice in such a manner af to give gcnerul satisfaction. Sunbury, June I), 1S4U. ( , TO THE ELECTORS 'OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY1. rpHE sabscriher at the' solicitation of a number - of hiu iVionds OKsin tiers hiiuaclf to his friends and fellcw citizens of Northumberland, as a caiidi date for the office of REGfisTEK &. RECORDER tfce. Should he Ihs elected, he promises to spare no time or attention to discharge the duties of the said office faithfully and impartially. JAMES D. BARR. Lewis township, July 14, 184'J. TO THE ELECTORS OF N0RTHUMBER- .' t , LANp COUNT. ,v .. . nHE subscriber takes ibis chasten tO,0vunccs ' to hir friends and fellow, cf Northum berland couKtv, that htfisi cati'Jidite for the office Of . v . v REGISTER 4s RECORDER, ckc. for the oounty of Noatkamberland, and respectful- -ly solkits their support at the ansuiug election. Should he ba elected he will perform the duties of said dffiea with iilelity. , vS r i,' FREDERICK HAAS. ; Cp. Augusta township, July 14, 1849. r', .. . REGISTER &. RECORDERJ &."" HPHE subscriber haa been solicited to ofer him A self again for the offioe of . . ,T . Jt&'OiHTCHX RBCflWBIW 'i .' tat Northumberland ceunty, anf Unists if elected, his experience iu said office will enable him lodis. charge its duties satisfactorily. - JjOHN P. PLRSEL. Sunbury, June 23, 1949- ' ', TOTHE ELECTORS OF NORTHtjM BERLAND COUMY. V. ' .' r(n.ow4.'irtS5s!-a-At tbs solkltaUsn' bf a , . number of my old friends, in diflorent parrts oths county, I hofy oflar anyaelf as,. ClAduiaU fcr th office of REGUTE BFJCORDEB, at th ensuing slsouod, ' EDWARD OYSTER. , fiunbury. Juns 30, 1849 ... f- B001U and Cold Pans. On hand arsJ-eo- ms of th bis of Chiitt, and also number of gold pens which ws will sail at the rtuUdrlr an pTices. fei sal St thu ernes.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers