STfNBTTRY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. JTo reign News. El'ROFEA TI:f.LIGENtE BT THE NIAGARA. EVEN DAVS LATEfii tHom ElROI"E. St. Johns, N. B., July 13th. GENERAL SUMMARY. In Parliament the removal of the Jewish Disabilities bill has been rejected in the up per bouse by a majority of 25, the Minister not venturing to call for the proxies. Baron Rothschild having been rejected, has already accepted (he Chiltern hundreds and made an appeal to the electors. His success is considered certain. ' The House of Commons has affirmed the second reading of the Marriage Bill, to ren der valid marriages with the sisters of de ceased wires. FRANCE. The new law against the Clubs has already been put in fotee. On Monday the ministry introduced into (he legislative Assembly a bill for regulating the press, which M. Odillon Barron stated was intended merely as a temporary mea sure to regulate the position of the press until they could organize a law on the subjt.-et. The law proposed is nearly the same as the law of Louis Philippe) and powers are given by it fot the temporary suspension of every journal attacking the Constitution, or making direct appeals to the army tiguinst the Go vernment. 'The number of persons arrested at Lyons for participation in the attempted insurrec tion amounted to upwards of 300. The bickering which has been carried on between the Prcuident and a portion of his ministry is rapidly approaching an issue, and jt is supposed Will result in the retirement of. some of the leading members of the Cabinet. The principal cause of the dissensions is the anomalous and fratricidal policy of the Go vernment in regard to Italy. In the course of the debate in the Assem bly on Foreign Affairs the Minister declaied that there was ntf drtnger of war. M. de Tooqueville said' that after having more care fully considered' the subject he had been una. ble to discover the slightest trace of that new holy alliance of which honorable members had expressed such jealousy. In the course of his speech De Tocqueville talked of the f.-lmkness of the Russian Government, an ex pression which was received with bursts of laughter. During the debate Gen. Cavaig iftomads a most important speech. ROME. After a severe bombardment the squadron of the French army succeeded in establish ing themselves within the outer walls of Rome early on the 22d of June. Since that time they have been occurred' with attempts to acquire possession of the inner bastions and defences, but up to the 23d & 24th they had not made much progress. The gallant Remans nobly contested evury inch of ground, and were determined to resist to the last ex tremity. The latest intelligence fiom Hume says that Oudinot had so far succeeded that the city was entirely at his mercy, but, to spare it the horrors of a frightful carnage, he has submit ted terms to the triumvirate which it is thought would be ucccptcd. It is said that tho English Government offered a friendly remonstrance against the bombardment of Rome, urging upon the French Government the necessity of coming to an accommoda tion.' HUNGARY. It is said that the Hungarians were par tially defeated by the Austrians on the 21st, and compelled to "retire beyond the Waag, where from the nature of the country, they will be better able to rdpel the invading for ces. The Austrian and ' German journals state that earnests have occurred at several points on the Waag and some ascribed vic tory to the Hungarians and others to the Aus trian. The German Reforme, which has hitherto been favorable to Austria, says that the Austrians have sustained checks and that the Cholera and otber maladies are raging in their camp. It- also' says that the- Magyars are displaying greater enthusiam- than ever, and that Kessuth has ordered the Austrian prisoners, -numbering - several thousands) to work oa the Breezitv Railway. ITALY. Anccnahas at last surrerurered to the- Aus trians after a terrible bombuidment. The bombardment of Venice-has been suspended on account of ' terms of capitulation having been proposed by the besieged. Bf ble Anecdotk. The following is pub lished in French newspapers: A - poor shop ard of the environs' of Yvetot, father of a large family, for whoso wants ho provided with very great-- difficulty, purchased la summer from a dealer in old clothes, furni ture, kc, an old Bible, with a view to occu py his leisure evenings during the- present winter. Sunday evening, as he was turnin over the leaves, he noticed that several of them were panted togother. He imuiedi ately set himself to work to separate those leaves with'grfrurctwe ; but one can scarcely form a conception -of the -surprise of the man, when he found Ihua'caTefuHy-aifclosed a bank bilrof five hundred frahes, (9100) On the margin f one of the 'pages were written ihese-words ; "1 gathered together this money with vert jreat difficulty ; but having none as Vatural leirs but These who have absolutely need of lotbing, I biacks thee, whoever shall read his Bibley nyhr." HoMaiATCBalvtMSiiTT. The Pope having leased the Spanish Flag at Gaeta, stepped n it, to show that-hi spiritual power was reatsr than any temporal power. A Bihop ent on bis knees aud begged the Pope to ive hint the shoes he bad worn on the occa on. Tho request was graciously granted ! '"do not learn that any One asked for his ockings! Cold ATiHt Mint. -We understand frJn en of the mint, that the whole amount of lifjfaia golreceived there for coinage, lounts very nearly to two millions of dol . ' ' ;.'.. THIS AMERICAN. SUNBURY. ' SATURDAY, JULY tl, 1MO. H. B. MASSER, Editor Fravrlctor. Democratic) Nomination. rOB CANAL COStMMMOIER I JOHN . GAMBLE, Of Lreemlng Ceanty, NOTICE. As tne lat firm of Masser & Eisely wns dissolved in March 1848, and the books left in the hands of H. B. Masser for collection, persons are hereby notified to set' tie with nnd pay over to the said H. B. Ma ser any balance due for advertising or sub script ion to the American. FDITOR'S TABLE. Btislneas Nollcru, finnns T.Ant'x Uoiik, aii the Amkbicas. ThnM" of our render who would like to aubneribc for thin rlrcnnt monthly periodical, can now do so nt n very kiiiuII cost. The Lady's Book is pub- iahrd nt wr annum, but us an inducement which vc arc enabled to hold out by menus of nil lu-iiingciiii'iit with tho publishers, w e will furnish the Liidy's Book and the ."Sunluiry tnicrican, one ciir for .$3,00 cash in advance, to those who may wish to subscribe. IttLIGIOUS KOTICE. The Rev. Mr. Foote of Northumberland, will preach in the Presbyterian Church in this place, on to-morrow(Sunday) afternoon, at half-past three o'clock. FAST DAY. President Taylor, has recommended the first Friday of August next, as a day of fast ing humiliation and prayer, in vtteW of the visitation of our country by that fearful pestilence, the cholera. The cholera has extended its ravages throughout the Union In some places, particularly in a number of our western cities they have suffered most severely under this terrible scourge. Such recommendations, though common with our'state gowrhments.are not frequent with the President. We believe the last recom mendatiort of tins kind was by President Tyler, shortly after the death of Gen. Har rison. We presume the recommendations of the President -will be very generally observed. IGr" The Supreme Court has been in ses sion nt this place for several weeks.- The Judges are all present. The new rule works well in despatching business, and will en- able tho Judges to clear the list. Chief Justice Gibson, we regret to say, has been ill and confined to his bed for several days past. We are pleased, how ever to learn from his Physician, that he is rapidly recovering. OCf The excessive hot weather of last week was followed, by what might be term ed, cold weather, in the beginning of the week. The thermometer, which had ranged from 93deg. to 95deg., came down, on Monday Morning, to 50 deg. IT" The harvest has nearly all been gathered. The weather has been fine, and the crops have been secured in the best pos sible manner. The wheat, in grain, is pro bably not quite so large as last year, but is nevertheless plump and full, and taken in without any 'damage whatever, which was not the case the previous harvest, when much of it' was sprouted. QV" Our readers will find on our- first page, an address delivered bv the Riv. J. P. Shindel, on the 4th of July, to the' chil dren and teachers of the Lutheran Sunday School in this place, which, but for prior claims in our columns, Would have appear ed last week. Mr. Shindel has long and faithfully labored in this community as a pastor of the Lutheran Church. The edi tor of the Lancaster Intelligencer, pays a high and well deserved compliment to th personal character of Mr. Shindel, in his notice of the address and truly adds that "it exhibits in the Orator a deep devotion, as well to the truths of Christianity, as to the principles of republicanism, established by 1he heroic deeds of our forefathers." Kwi.ofiiuM o. tub Charact? or Mm Podk. E W. Hutter, Esq., of the Lancaster Intelligencer, Was selected by a committee to deliver an eulogium on the' life and character of our late Ex-President James K. Polk, on the 19th inst. This is a high compliment to the talents of friend flutter. There are few men more capable of doing justice to the subject, than Mr Hutter. UTT The Easton Argus is urging a re. form in the mod aud manner of publish in the laws of the CbrffWonwealth, by hav ing them published k the newspapers, in stead of the present pamphlet form, which. generally appear about six months after the session, when a few get into the hands of the lawyers and Justices, and many of hem art stored away in the garretts of the pub lic oihees. II the object is to - gwe 1 publi city, there can be no doubt, but that 'the proper way would be to make them knewd through the Press. KF" A press of job woik and advertising has crowded out several editorial and other articles this week. CHOLERA Off THE JtTOATA. Caotain Hooper, of one of the canal pac kets on the Juniata died of Cholera on the 12th inst., fitter an illness of a few hours. Our informant, gentleman who was on board, states that the captain was in appa rent good health at noon, excepting a diar-' rhea, for which he was Using the usual remedies'. That at one of llie towns on the line of canal the captain left the Packet to visit a sick friend, and overtoolc the boat by taking more direct ((Ah b'f rieveral miles, on foot. Having become beatedand ex. hausted by his walk) as soon as he came on board, he drank pretty freely of ice water, He was soon seised with the severe spasms and cramps peculiar to this disease, and died in a few hours. He was buried at New Hamilton, about 15 miles above Lewistown Shortly after the Captain's attack, several passengers were attacked with cholera symptoms, but recoverod by using frictions and other remedies. The steward of the boat, was also severely attacked. The boat did not proceed further than New Hamil ton, and on its returned stopped at Lewis- town, where they were supplied with medl cines by the Physicians, but none of whom could be induced to go on board of the boat to minister to the sick. Rather strange and unprofessional conduct, especially as the faculty have declared the cholera not to be contagious. OOUEY'fl LADY BOOK. Godey's Lady Book for August is a most splendid number, containing as the preced ing one did, 24 pages of extra matter. The August number is embellished with no less than 28 engravings, besides a "handsome piece of music. "The Bath of Beauty" is a most beautiful and finished engraving. The articles are from forty-three contribu tors, and among them we observe the names ot some of our most talented and popular writers. Mr. Godey is determined to spare neither labor nor money in making the Lady's Book, the best periodical in the country. Persons wishing to subscribe, will do well to examine the terms at the head cf our editorial columns.- DEATH OF n, MADISON. The telegraph' announces the death of the distinguished relict of Jami:s Madison, which occurred Friday tire 2th inst., in the city of Washington. One of the most brilliant and accomplished women' of the era, when Bhe shone a the lady of the White House. She has, since that time,' been the recipient of every honor which tho society of Washing. ton could' confer. She goes down to the grave full of years, but leaves behind her a name and'reputation ns pure and spotless as that of "Mary, the mother of Washington." C7" The CiioiEiu'.---The following is a i.-st of the cases reported by the Board of Health at Philadelphia. Cases. Deaths, Friday, June 13. 81 30 Saturday " 14. 84 32 Sunday " 15. 54 16 Monday " 16. 59 23 Tuesday " 17. 73 31 Wed'day 18. CHOLERA DESPATCHES. New York, July 16 The Board of Health report for the 24 hours ending at noon to-day, 158 cases of Cholera, and 55 deaths. Baltimore, July 16 Five cases of cholera and 4 deaths have occurred in the Almshouse since last night. The city continues healthy. The weather pleasant. Cincinnati, July 15. The Cemeteries re port for the 24 hours ending noon, to-day, 154 interments of which 87 were from cholera, and 67 from other diseases. Cincinnati, July 16. Today the Ceme teries report 104 interments, 60 of which were from cholera, and 44 from other di seases. St. Loi'is, Jclv 15 The interments re ported by the Cemeteries, to-day, for tho 24 hours ending noon, only reach 92, of which 53 were from cholera, and 34 from other di seases. The total number of interments du ring tho past 48 hours is 2'.'3, as follows: cholera, 147; other diseases, 76. tlRElX ALLKKIIESY CITY. rpwards'of thirty buildings were consumed by lire in Allegheny city on tho 16th inst. The fire' raged with1 great violence for about four hour. Tho loss is eitimated from &30.. 000 to S-td.OOO. At the time tiro fire broke out there was a difiiculty betweeu tiiu lift-men aud the mu nit-ipal authoiities, occasioned by the refusal of the authorities to grant the firemen an ap propriation of $4U0, which the latter de. mandud. The councils had the mutter under advisement at the time, and the firemen, taking advantage of the emergency, locked up their doors and refused to go into service. The Pittsburgh firemen were promptly on tne ground, but the Allegheny boys would not permit them to even attempt to check the progress of the flames. Much excitement prevails in relation to the conduct of the firemen. During the evening the mayor had a strong patrol on the ground, as threats wore made' to hre the entire city. Tbe poiise are ou the alert for the rioters. EnctTs'or "Imagination. The London Medical Times relates a curious experiment recently tried in Russia with, some murder. ers. They were placed, wttndut knowing it, in four beds where four persons had died of the cholera. They did nut take the disease, They were then told they were to sleep in beds where some persons had died of ma lignant cholera, but the beds were", in fact, new, and hod uot been used at all. . Never theless, three of them died of the ' disease within four hours. Hcalv has nearly completed his painting of Webster in the Senate in reply to Col Hayrie." He Has introduced portraits or the Senators and' "Vies President. So says ths Boston PoM ' THE TULAREE FLAIM IN CALIFORNIA. The Galena Advertiser publishes the fol lowing extract from a private letter from Cal ifornia: . . The cold mines have actually ruined Cali fornia in an agricultural point of of view. In fact, agriculture will never be of any conse quence in this country, except where water can be found to Irrigate the land, and water is scarce all over the country, except in the mountains. As a grazing country, it is pro bably the best in the world; and a statement of the numbers of cattle, horses, elk, deer, antelope, &o., that loam wild over the Tula- ree Plains, would not be credited if stated. These Plains are, on an average, SO miles wide, and 500 miles long. In crossing them I have seen a drove of elk that covered more than four square miles of ground, all running at the height of their speed. Droves of wild horses und antelope were quietly feeding a j few miles distant, without manifesting the least alarm, as they are accustomed to such stampedes of elk. Millions of wild geese were flying overhead, haviug been aroused by the elk. Their noise was deafening. Travelling two and a half hours, nt a brisk trot, through this wilderness of animated na ture, brought us to the San Joaquin's timber ed banks and to water. At the crossing, the Tularee plains are forty-one miles wide. The river, like a huge anaconda, winds through their centre. The plain is without wood or water, except im mediately on the batiks of the river. The plains are literally covered with elk-horns, soni of them so large that I conld not lift thmn. One set in particular was so enor mous, that two men had a heavy lift to throw it into the wagen. It is to bo sent home as a curiosity. At the river we got some if the finest salmon, which were speared by our In dians. We also cautrht some small fish with a hook and lino. The water is cold, clear. and transparent. Salmon of 25 to fiO pounds weight were seen wending their way up the stream. We crossed the river in a boat, swimming our horses. The ferryman, a Mis- sourian, told me that fever and ague prevailed to a fearful extent in tta neighborhood, and I soon had occuiar demonstration of the fact', by the shaking of a couple of lsereditary bondsmen from Mexico) who were crossing over with us. But the mines, considering the exposure to which a man is subjected, are healthy. Intermittent fever is common, but it yields readily to quinine. But one man died of bilious fever while 1 was there. He was an Cregonian." CIREAT FIRE I MAUCH CIIcSlC. It is our painful duty to announce an awful conflagration and great loss of property which occurred in Manch Chunk on Sunday. All the business portion of that nourishing bor ough is laid in ruins. The loss is estimated at $150,000. At least thirty-one houses have been reduced to ashes. The follow ini is a st of the sufferers: Dodson & Beuhull's store and four dwellings: Deison & Williams; dry goods merchants; Polk's drug store: Legget's wheelwright shop; John Joseph's hop and dwelling; Ebert's new building; John Mier's two dwellings; John I.eisenringi storehouse, dwelling, etc.; Mr. Fisler's harness aud sadulerv shop; Packer & Ol ivine's shoe store, owned by Judge Pucker: Judge Pucker's storehouse; the court house buildings and jail; the otiice of the Carbon County Gazette, and materials, together with several dwelling houses, including the Eagle hotel. The Odd Fellow's Hall was saved by dint of daring seldom excelled. We understand that the fire originated in Dodson's & Bea tim's Warehouse, which was communicated by means of hot ashes carelessly thrown under the building. When discovered, the fire had gained such headyway that resist' ance was vain. A heavy wind prevailing at the time, the building was soon wrapt in flames. Its course was east, crossing Market Square until it reached Harlan's large brick dwelling. Great praise is dne to the citizen and distant friends for their efforts to subdue the flames. A man, in attempting to gain a seat upon the cars, while in motion, as they were de scending from Nesquehoning, luden with men coming to the fire, lost his balance and fell ucross the rail. The cars passed over him, severing his body almost in two. Ho died shortly. Tamtupia Legion. Tun Defenders of Rome. The regular troops defending the city of Rome amount to r6.00 men. Among them are 1,600 Swiss, who have passed from the Papal service to that of the Republic; 1,500 Poles and Hun gamins, ana about e.uon Lombards. The Sicilians, Neapolitans, French, and others, amount together to about 1.400 men. About 2,000 civio guards have entered the regular service. The remainder is composed of Ro- niaii-volunteers. Besides these regular troops, the civic guard and the armed people de fend the walls, aud sometimes take part in the) sallies. Nativity or tub Suhkswo. The New York Sun publishes the names-of the persons reported as having died of cholera in that city during the week. The following shows the nativity of the sufferers : Natives of New York, 72; Massachusetts, 2 ; Rhode (aland, I ; Conneciisut, 4 ; New Jersey, 12; Pennsylvania, 2 ; Delaware, I; Virginia, 1; Georgia, I; Ohio, t; toial na tives of United States, 96. Natives of Eng land, 10; Ireland, 138; Scotland, ; Wales, 3;! France, I; Germany, 28; Poland, 1; Denmark) 1; Portugal, t; nalivityx-nkuown, H-'-whsle total, 111. Divid B. Ocdiu. This eminent eouosel lor; has gone to his long home. For about half a century he has been a member of the bar of New York, having been introtiuoed to it by the illustrious Alexander Hamilton. Ha came herefrom New Jersey, btiing scion of tna diltinguuhed Ogden family of thlt State He wis a sagacious and ripe lawyer, glory ing in 'his profession, and seeking to render it wortny to t Honored. Lasiwino. The Hungarians lasao- their enemies the same as the Mexicans. The cord they throw is also armed with an ison hook, that inflicts a severe wound. To Keep Fish Alive. The London Liter- ary Gazette, has the following, in relation to keeping fish alive : ;t "Those worthy individuals who take de light in lzaao Walton's art, and who, more over, are in the habit of sending the results of their sports to their epiourean acquaintan ces, must learn an indispensable piece of in formation, viz: how to keep fish fresh. This may be done by soaking the soft part of bread jn brandy, and insertiug It into the gill of the fish while it Is yet alive, afterwards sprinkling it over gently with brandy. , Thus prepared and carefully packed in straw, the fish will keep alive ten or twelve days, as may be proved by putting it in fresh water at the end of that time, when, after a few hours immersion, it will recover from its pro tiacted drunkenness." WoNDKa shk Didn't Die. In Pittsburgh, on the evening of the 4th inst., a lady im ngined she had an attack of the cholera, and called in a physician. He asked her what she had eaten during the day. She told him ten saucers of ice cream, six dishes of rasp berries, nine glasses of pop and mineral wa ter, two cherry pies, one gooseberry tart, and Bny quantity of sweet meats. The Dr. told her if she had only drunk a glass of butter milk, she would have saved him the trouble of calling on her. The Formal Commencement of tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, on the 4th inst was witnessed by about 4000 persons. It has been found, by experiment, that 1 lb. of cork, floatinir in water, will sustain nearly ten times its owu weight. COM MUKICATIOXS. II. B. Masses., Esq. Dear Sir: As the time is approaching when candidates for the Legislature are to be selected, permit me to recommend to the voters of Northumberland county, the name of Mr. JHlLHAbL Al SOPEU, of Shnmokiu township fur that cilice Mr. Sopor is a farmer and is well known to the democracy of this county, as a firm and consistent democrat., He is a ma-t of good moral character, and of that plain practical sense that would render him well qualified to represent the sturdy democracy of old Northumberland ccunty in the next legisla ture. Should he receive the nomination,' it would be gratifying to MANY UKMOCRAT3. Mr. Editor: Allow us to recomrne'iid through your valuable paper, Major WM. L. DEWART, of Sunbtiry, as a candidate fur the next Legislature. It has been the custom of late years by tho Democratic party of this ounty to choose their Representative alter nately from eifhersido of the river, and as the Forks have had the member for the last 2 years, it now belongs to the (oirrr end. And in fuct it is ceded by them to this side. We know of no man who we would more cheer fully recommend to the Democratic portion of this county than Mr. Dewart ; he is a man of pure democratic principles; ho has ulwnyj battled in the good cause, and we arc sure that he would attend to the interest of his constituents, and go in for the great principle of "doing the greatest good for the greatest immEer." There are many principles of great interest now agitating the public, uud wo want a1 mnn of a strong mind to represent us. one whose own interests nor Ao:,e ol any clique1 or faction would control hfni,'iind such a one we find in tho Major. By publishing this j-oft will confer a favor on nnny. Democrats or' Jack-ion. Cl)c ittcivktfs.' rZs'l'ULSE'LPHXA XX A HRE IV Ji'i.T'18, 1849. WntA-f Prime Pennsylvania reds are held at SI 00 a 101 and white at St 04 a HI 07... Rre Is in demand at 57c. Corn: Further sales of yellow Corn at 57o per bfishel. Oats: Delaware Oats are held at 26 a 38 ; Penua. 32 a 34c. Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 21 c'' and in bbls at 21 i a 22 cents. BALTIMORE MARKET. Ojfic of the American, July 14, 1849. GXAIX.- Some parcels of new Maryland red Wheat were sold to-day at 93 a I'M els. Com is rather scarce. Sales of white to day at 57 cts., uud of yellow at 59 cts. Oats sell at 2S.i30 cts WHISKEY. There is a good demand, aud prices are advancing. Holders BtS ?,14 cents for hhds. Sales of bbls. at 22 cunts, and in soma instances at 234 cts J 91 A K It 1 12 U, On the 7th inst., bv Rev. M. J.,Alleman, Mr. WILLIAM RAYN to Miss MARY RI- THEL, both of Columbia county; In Sunbury, on the 18th insf., bv Christian Bower,: Ksq., Mr. ROBERT MARTIN of Nor thumberland, to Mis SARAH REESER of this place. DIED, In Little Malionoy to iihip, on the 5lh inst , Mr. MOSES UElCfrXRT,' aged about 23) Airs. Umim To the Deniorratlc Voters of Nor thumberland Con-it?.'' F.-S.LOW Ciiisina ! Wartnly urgpd liv many of my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate' fur the of fioe sf REGISTER AND RECORDER at thai snauing eluction, soliciting at the hands of my Pemocraiic brethren the preliminary nomina tion, pledging myaelf (if nominated and elected,) to discharge in good faith all the duties incum bent 'on atud office. . Very respectfully your fellow ciliun. JOHN W. M1LE8. July S1.J819. TVIN'S 'CRACKBAKEBX Xo. 198 North Front St., abovt Vine, roXXSBLPHXA. 'PHE.subaerioer eontinuea to make of the beat material, and keeps conaUntly on band a full assortment of CRACKERS, Sugar Soda and Brand BiacuiU, Jumblea, peea, bcotcb cakea and GingernuU, Ac Alto a Urge supply of Navy, Pilot and other shipping bread all of which they guarantee to be made of the bent material, and engage to sell at the, lowest caah Price, at their tld utailitkU Hand, No. 198 Kordi Front aC, above Vine. J.8. IV INS'A C o. I'hiUdrlpltia, July SI, 1813 4t- MENAGERIE. Contatnlns Hare CallnUsn ml WILD BEASTS, BIRDS, AND BEPTILES. Ever before Exhibited in the United States. Will inhibit at NoBTHCWSEMtANB, on Mondsy 30th of Julv. 1849. Open from 1 to 4 o'clock P. M Admission 25cts, Children under lOyeam cts. ilnionir tne most conspicuous features of this exhibition is the specimen ol tne mPPOPOTAMUS! r.'nnlurrJ liv C.iriL John Tuber, of the ship flood Riturn. uf New Unlford. Mass., sftcr a severe and drsperute struggle, the men barely escaping with their lives, bvlore tney wore auie u uesjmu-ii mm with their lances. The Perf orming Elephant Tlppoo, Who has caused such a great sensation all over Europe, will go through a variety of Performan ces, such as Waltzing, Balancing, Hinging the Bell, t'reopinir on his lbro-Iecs, wulking over ins keeper, picking him up, drawing a cork from s bottle, c THE EMPEROR OF ALL THE MOM, IN THE DENS OF WILD BEASTS, His perform a Decs differ from all others, not only in tho skill and grace which he displays in his ex ercises vith the TERRIFIC GROUPE OF Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Cougars, Panthers, frc. But in tho maU'hless and almost superhuman command with which lis exacts the obedience of these fiercest and most remorneless tenants ot tho forest and the jungle. MU. P1ERCK may have many limlulurn, hut be has no equal. The cmliraees ull the finest Living Speci mens uf WILD ANIMALS ! That the ureal experience, enterprise, and resour ces of the proprietor have enabled them to bring together in one Large and splendid collection, a full description of the tuiniuls contained in the Exhibition, will be lound in the Bills at the prin cipal Hotels, previous to the arrival of the com pany. Julv SI, 1819. If tXmitand of (turn nf ftrrfnU. Cattrrrn. fivphili. ant other imoMTr Hum'u( the l.ltHhkanH if the ray SMALL Ui'JXViTT hi-k vu MnlL-ln to effert Cr of tUfk Jh-mfff. h jmmf of tkr ftMriv'iif mtttirat pine rr in the M'dhine tvhuh kit oi ru'Tri tuck UliOtt)i- Jt Ikirr W ttiHjertwmthf,: rtetrttft th lt BRANTiS INDIAN PUHIPVIX& EXTRACT u Mtit-Ji r. Af.rfMr. in rv,rv r.-.'rt; fcnH tli.-n i nlitm ilnut (mii.iI, in f'n.K i-trrt r'rtn'lml. Hint lNK llfiTTt.K ' f it ('inrniiiji wi trt purii.wrw, hi'MhtiL' viruiH. iwiil W'li'nt pttttT llmi ll.i'irt i. ftiiiliiiifil in Four InttJf uf Hi, Mitjnrilla, or uny ulhir lArdv-inr tlMt hu evrr Hri ri lur rml fur ulii. Tin rn in iiiiiIuuIiIihI iif in ir mii)i!ili t, Hint liv tlm ue nl' lhi. Clint '(( PtiriJitT. Mwjr tlmt nn. Ovisa vi- I.ivk th.-jr tht.1 were I. ami- nnd i:mi ri.Kn. Hi. imiw Walk tl. llit wKrari'CK. r!eurt-f.ri, lid utlnTi.- diwiutil. Imv.; im-a IlKAiao ami Ctm:o. Hundreds Thousand- vim linvr, uM BA-iT- Pi-nnsn. altar bviim wed nnd toted At.l. Ill paTMiirilUt Mild nlluT im.tli.:nri reuunt incndfit In ,miiv MihhI dl----, Imvf tUtiiLd llul Brant's is the Cheapest, lwfnu'4- Out lUntU of it lift more m.-di-'ul. ru-Mte mut lr in ft. hi hi. in i:nintt, run- outre in uiucU it$9 thn ate buttle l wiy other im'tiiH It. thnn. ft'K Iht'lkui lilt ANrs iVhlKilK will mm yot it TlMh's limit iii" th.-n b'Hi'fiA -or-npn-ritia list i nt i l,rll'-m wimM lw i nt 'our fan h bt.irle. MWuriilA "r tl"f!-tr. lint UK ANT? ITIMKIKR i piiIiI lor I'll v ONK IMH.I.AH niM-tllr. wi m h liuttiMtil it Am run-ti. mi t i- nttihl:u( i-urin-;, h'nur 7'inw nnii-li tWus- one bottle nt fr.-rtwn. thcrr fore, NMtMuirill. in cmnn iini'iirw ul it t, iiiwr mu! jew in.',)u':, titi.-Hcy. -IhhiM ! ih11 "t mo w.r Himii 'IVettv l'ire O ht uutllfl, lu bo ik.ap u ibo rif. tit One ji.n'ur. One Dollar's Worth! Ilnw nm.-li ri vrfcH nim-li Svrim.lH hw much I ScsH-tt'LA will One ikjtiar HWtAoi I'.wits i'Lftlt raro ' H:m. ihu lulluiviu .nU-Ninit, which u jt'-i j meta wf iu uowvr. j CANCEROUS SCROFULA! i tl.. i r. iii ritof nt Inin nan who Oct li II trfli currJ of ft cu n htTotuk. by only 7 rtirt DaUiee ol HiHitt'a I'uuUer. thus ever wit roreil 1 the us of Twelve liclhou the bent Mrmptriltm (hat wm evr tut-de. duriMpiiriiift hit nt tuju Uml wiMical potter to etfcel ib CUrti ul sMirli rirmunitio iwyrtr -. Mr. i lUaKiN, ul Hotne, Oruidn Co . X K. h-.l Stoj vim four year ctnatin. fi to hit ht'd the uf fror- Ut wi u rr.hch til ii(i rb-MlitftUil tu ln Miut-tlr in rttiju' in iutiiii to Im bend, ile bad tlm bet uii'IichI ail T-.relimi r.M'ti c'.l ot tlie bttt mrtapvtUu to iiu piwut 11ift riot Hwr Miid wvm fttid m roii'idorcu in tu in ft Dvin Si Me. mid roiild nrt ive tonrfmir It our 1ii(ur. wn.ii b eftniMwuisft-ti-sint.' HMAN f. IL'MIKIKJ(. Iiu nk wni eaten tuvrhj oJ Iimih ear k fur h kole k mini throuuh bi win dpi ( umlur bi thin, mi ttiftl he hrtHihad thrmuh Iht hoi hi Mr wm mi ,Htrn ftrotind tlmt it conlil m lijitd up nut nt it yUe, it only holding hv n mmstU nt.! the UN- nt' one arm wh iletroved hv two L'l cur mi rr-'T'iiiHlt-r tli tirtn. h litn n m iiiwi'i kilt bud iM Nrly W tbuMifh In cidr intf hi boty. ,HIU-. wo kniu u d wih 'Vt-.!y aut-h pHtrtL ji-rfj. opnMee X'U err. ou vtittuttt trt at tt (mrsioa. pur luritser uu iuu DHrtu-ultirsv ifir V''iV'-IHh-i. '1ii )ia4 William. im-of ihn moil ktBi-l fihy. Wim ol ltoi.ii. rul t d t Jlik'n Uir n.-.y bejhrt ttn intiiiii ii-i'd iNins frttnt' fwrV W: Mtii- nifd kii.I tlsru tu!d Imu ihxt W tbu iwy,)'.! m iIm worl.i iO"ld f.jf cure it.iu tiixt liis i'hm- wm W'orge'than Hojbdliss ? Nnw li.r Mr IMSKIN S tatfinrnt of run.. FM Mv wilr nrntuml uai- bnltln . ItHASt'lf l'l lilt ' w EXrltACT ,.l I...-.H .V i.raiMM llnii;Kt.t.: nl Kmw, I viiiiinoiH!tfil ii-iua iUhl ami hefam ui act trcfrtr-riitAT BUTTLK t'llMliled Hi,' tu fit of my ftftl, Wlierr 1 llf.d t'r,' c.HihiK-rt y,r tli akCoNO hottl unalilKl in),n out of fA t,ujttiH tiiihu lumlti imalileil mu tu W'Uk 1v'.tiU, to Hiimn CMitr. where I jinirureil .Vix B"ttltt raurr ; and when 1 Imd niiiht,,l uui them. Srvrittec iwl of Tttentu Mcer- had hiai.kd cr mut thrte honlm morv eM I'KHhKCl' :UI(K ul all Uw Ulcera, aud re- ttun'd me .tu food At-ru. FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IIAHKIN H -wArn'tii tha fi.rl-, and tha farta ara OIU.I'JJ auit rnnitittd to by DOl T. T. WH,. I.IAMS-Mr. ti. 11 HIKIWN. iirnfirletor ol th WtH-Rumt .-i-Mra. lUaSKl.l, 4t LKONAKD. Whulela and rutul Umsijuu and KLEVKN olUr raptcuhlt wUhuui Wo Challenge the world Tu PROVK a Curt of aa malting and tutrrlf koptlmt a eaaa ul Scrahilii. Iv tun IM ol Ttfi '1'lMfe.S aa Uluvk fmrtmpitritiiX. ur aiijr litbt-r liiJUiiie, aa waa uavd of Brmnt't Pttrijur to e-feel tbw ahuw curt; vblrb cure ahull b proved by aa auay avi( autr, ruptcubU tfltuaau, aa I ttia atMv ctir-.. PUR SALE BY J.4m W. FrUiiui, Suiihury Pa. Marv A. MrLUiy Nurthumberalial. J.ilui H. Rim Millnu, Heiiry J. Hui.-tTiT do tUlwanl A. Kutxiier 6Vi All let-era and unLrra muat Ue takreaac-l (o Wallace A; Co., 11 Hronttwav, New Vnrlt. Kuiilairv, July SI, IWU-ly PROCLAMATION. NOTICE ia hereby given that t)tsaeveral courts -of Common 1'leaa, General Quarter. 8eaaioni of the peace, and Orphans' CoArt f'ourt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of lS'orthumberVnd to enaaance at the Court Houae, in the bore ugh. of Sunbury at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday the 6th of Auguat neit, will continue ONE WEEK. Th eotoner, Justices of th Pesos! a ad enta Ules in and tor the county of NorthunerliantL are requeated to be then and there in their proper per sona, with their roll, recorda, inqulailion, and other remembrance, to do thoae tli-ag to their several offices appertaining to , be dqn. And all wilneane pioaeputing in behalf of the Common wealth againat aji'y priao'rier are alaorequeatedand commanded to be theh and there attending in their proper personal to proaecula againat bun, a shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors sre requested to be punctual in their attendaBc, at the line appointed agreeable to their aolieeai. , . Given mides my hand al Sunbury, the 14th day of July in the year of our Lord one tbotuautd eight hundred and forty-nine and the Inde pnvinic of the I'nitad Htatee at America th 73d. . JAMES COVERT, Sk'lT. Cod wv the t'enimonweallh. ! LIST or JURORS O A. dTi'm1"'1 County Ausurt T" ' " Grand Juror. Lower Augu$ta.-John ZbtiaU wittj Saml.Shive. 4 " ' nel tert!n "i,ohnfiraith Samue hn, Sam- i iotrer aionoj. JohnMessner, JohnBor rel.' jr. 1 Baionoj.-George SwinirW--, Upper JlMonoy.-Daniel Dunkelbeicer. Aortftumirland George Everet', Point. Jesse Amermsn, John Mauser Chili fqtiaqtu. John Simpson. Milt en. Samuel Kvlon. TW rr.j.n'. k Canl, ' ' '"" i rftf. Andrew FollmerV ' ' ""- Lewit A. I. Karchner, Geo. A. Wykoff. Dclaxeare. Joseph Durham. . , . Traverse Jurors. SuuWi. Daniel Haas. Lower Augusta Harman Shiprnan, Daniel Zartmun, Henry Kauffman, John Daniel, Dan iel Conrad. , ; Upper Augusta. Simon Snyder, Henry Yoxlheimer, Robert S. Grant. Rush. Abraham Hoffman, Alex. Campbell' Jacob Folper. Shamokin. Conrad Yenger, Jacob Chites ter, Jno. Dunkelberper, Michael Zimmermau, John Pensyl, Geo. Fox, John Uippley, Valen tine Klnse, Jacob Noecker. Jackson. Daniel Hilbish, Geo. Carman, Godfrey Scii'tiley, George Geihe. t pper Malwiioy. John Slaurer. Benj. Jlar kel, Daniel Gousert. Northaihberlund. Joseph Wallis, Wm. For- sythp, jr. Point. J C. Horton. Cltilixuiiaqiir. John MuWillinms. John Gib son, Daniel Dressier, Wm. C Caul, Cornelius McGinley. Milton. Joseph HoL'endobler. John Resh, Christopher Sline, Samuel Shadinau, Churlcs wallers. Lewis Robert Finney. Philip Roup, Isaac Turner. Delavarc. John Liser. John McKinnev, D. C. Watson, John GufTy. . LIST OP CAUSES FOR trial in the Court Common Pleas of "Vor thtimbcrlaiid County at August Term 1849. Marv Doll. v John Drill vi DuvtU IV. Lake ct 1 Jaroli ltoiH Danvillo & Pottavillc liail Knnil Co. va IIuwooil & Bnydor vs G'corpc Heckert h John Pnrtrr M. & Philip Uillinyer va John McGimiia Wm. Ayrcn v Strocckcr va auine va Iiac Drown va Wm. McCaj'aadm'rs va Jnnicii Cumminga va Wm. Starka . va Thomas Lloyd va f-'anniol Fiirmaii va Jiiroli Knlil'a pra va Jacob Hofl'inun va Philip HoiiKfl adrar'a Win ti R. Ye ?cly Imicl GutcliiiR Elijah Crawford W in. Ktarks Frt'iiorifk Kooiirr John (jarvcr'a lirirx A nilrew d'an-cr ct nl Kotwrt M. t 'lurk Henry H. Burr Tliomna Allrn John MKiinni J. (!. Motiti-oiiipry el nl Jxiintliun Kuriii.-iii Lcuih Crcnmuii ct nl I.culi tStruccki'r Jiu-oli HoiispI & wife John N. Mum Jonnihnii t'ursfliV wife va Jos. H.& J. Kline va aninc va .Tampa Covprt va Jacob Wcik va Jiih. )c Nonnandie va Wm. Mt-Cny'a odin'a va HcrriiiKton Pid'iltiar va Com-ml (iiltncr va J, iroli Weike la Dodge ic. Barret va John Jacob Wcik t llenart& Jordan rial va i.liplirtlt Klijali (Sciircli I'.U unor la cd a ailin m T. l'uuld.ii & Co. Mary McCi-y I). Honts (Tjr J. Bonnif f'aiiipiiir .M.illuHi J. J fhA Fctcr Kicolvr's ex'ra IVtcr Kr.tine Ann Mvt r R.K'liat'l 'trfartv Jncoli W. S.iiitingrr I..T.1T Ntrncekrr John .Mc.M.itmu va Win. f rick & KSIifrr Win. & ir. 'dv fiVo. va Jnhit ."hiaslpr Urnuvillc Cliijip va Kiiltxer finmlinrt Nouli f. Mui kcv va Samuel f'iuiicv rinmias Kcrllir va S.iiiuipI lilnin Mnw-a Chnuilnrliiiii va Thoimui ff. Macker I). HoalK Mr W. H. Krvtnire va Ikhiii- Brown hum no I lidudiiniit va JhpoIi Hower ). K. UorVlor.MrA W.AR.Fcgfly Saruh Heed Vn Lli-unor Ucpd'a ailm'ja Jacob Knrchtipr va Duviil Krymiro ct al vk A. Ithuwn , , a Int T. Clnmcnt . va Krrdpriek Haaa va Ira T. C'lrinrnt v,i Jamea Whiln .a J.pih Pettil Billinilon, Buyers fc ' HlllltlT va A. J. Fci7.-r 4 J. A- M. A. Mwsney f J. Wvnii A. J. Vanzant va IialtJir fi.iriihiirt va It. Ciootlmnn A ih Coin, uf i'rnna Jacob Leiaenriiii a Jacob Calicl va Holiert W Drum t Janiea Drum va Corneliu.- Smith va Sumurl R Wood Jacob W. I'foiits Jaiuib Weirnrr John lfowi I Aaron Hi nlv Palmrr II. Johioi'n , Chna. W. Kichnnh David Miller Chna. (. DnltH Jiicoh P. Miller t-l l eSttrnh Hover rt al I William Mtirry Jacob Shitz Wm Dp Pncr Wm H Tlxiion I Mary Nn) dc et ul aumc , . Joseph Vundvlc Pontiua v 1 iioinpson John T McPhcriioii a K Knyder. M Snyder i t al v John S'Shade it wife John Shook Coin, for SaiiiV Kuriiinn va S D Jordan, S Hunter ' Alex Jordan M S eney Jr ifr vs Mirkael Miller I) U Monttromery va ltohert' McCormick John H Miller va John B Boyd's ex'r Wm L DewarT v NtitJliUmlefland county JOHN F A RN 8 WORTH; Protk'ry. I'roUionotaiT aotliro r Sunbury July 11. 1648 THE FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. KDITfcl) BY 6CrVK.M:rK F.MtUO.N. IN ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1165 page, beautifully bound, contusing, 17 line plate, beside numerou Wood t'jl. Fold at about ori( fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates. 1 'The Farmer's Encyclopedia, is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and eountrir is carefully ros-run cr to the present day, and admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. "We are fully convinced that uch an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form lu fact, no Farmer who pretend to be well inform ed in his (jroieakion, should be without this work." New Oenneasee Farmer. - ' i Au.ncelknt work, fit to be distributed in pre miuwa by Agricultural Socitiea. J. S. Skinner. Fof sale at this OfUce, price $4. . " Also, by E. W. CAKK. Xbild street, the Exchange, PhiUdclpiila and N. HICKAfAN, Baltimore, Maryland. . .a, v ty An, Oausas nr.T ss arccuriwiie ST tss CitSH. 'July 14, 1849 8m' "'IT I VT Grecu's Oxyeanated Bittert price reduced. , , Old Jacob Totvieemf s Saraaparilla. . Bakar'aSaraaparilla.. . ' '. , Swy tie's fyrup of Wild Cherrj-. Swayne'a Vermifuge- 1 , Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake'e Panacea. Dr. Culleu's i da ! Tibbil' Pain KiUcr. Dr. HooAaud'e German Bill re: Indian VegeUble Pill Hone aud Cattle Medicines' 1 ' For sale by . . HENRY MASSER. , Hunbury, Jury 14, 1849. ' .; Taluable Books-.--' ' LIFE or ChbVit, handaumely bound, DAe siaxt'i His-reat or Tea RsroansTlea, Buna Dat-book ass Lietxa, full bounded Tor sale at the publiahers price by - ' ',. H. B, JJASSEl. Sunbur. July H, 110. . ,. , ' . 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers