ty i-""f". - "!-v SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. . snisxt Uatuouo Sltattct. , EHT r FARMS IF-U.if . Celman, of Barton, wko hu poblwied took giving an account of his trTtl lW thgrioulturd districts of England, ; inake tha following -statarnents in rsgard to the rent an rslue of certain farms in Great Britain: . . t ., : P, ! .-. i. - ,!., On page 7, vol. i ho spsaks of a Mr. Olivsr, who pay S5000 per annum for hit farm, on a lease of 19 years. The tafcles," he says, "of some tenant farmers, who are tries of wealth, are covered with silver and vfnrauhed with wine of the most costly ohar ler. . They took me te visit the farm of a Mr. Hope, in their neighborhood, who also is tenant, and who has made a fortune of six ty thousand pounds, or three hundred thou sand dollars, by farming." Ibid, 262, "One farmer had paid a rent of 7W, or 35,000 per year. The farmers here are exceedingly rich and intelligent, in all that concerns their -profession. One of the farms on this roule, Scotland.) recently sold for 61,000, or 831V O00 cash. I believe it contains not over five or six hundred acres.7' Ibid, 72 : "On Fri day I Went to a farm, where the farmer pays bont 810,000, or 2000, and he and his two Summer Arrangement. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL- ROAD, FROM PHILADELPHIA ' i ; mk.T..,. ;TO POTTSVILLE. ' 1 " CHANGE OFHOVHS, andTWO TRAINS DAILY, (tack viay,ecipt Sundays. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April 8d, 189 two trains will run eech wsy, daily, between Philadelphia and Pettsville. , MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily, except Sunday. i ; , Paw Reading at 10. 45 A. M. Leaves Potuville at 7J A. M., daily, except 8undaya. ; Passe Roadlng at 9 10 A.M. The above Line Hop at all way atations on the road as formerly. AFTEKNOON LINE FAST TRAIN. Up Trmn Dovnlratn. Leave Philadelphia at Leaven Potuville at 2 J 2J P. M., daily, ex- I 1'. M., daily, except cept Sundays. I .Sunday. Leave riiornkvillc 3,45 Leaves Fell. Haven 2,37 Pottstuwtt 4,15 Heading; 5,00 rortClinUm 5,45 Sell. Haven 0.10 Arrive at Pottwillcfl.20 Port Clinton 3.00 Rending 3,60 Pottstown 4,40 Plifrnixvilie S,00 Arrives at State IM5,50 The Afternoon Train will atop only at the bore named stations. Paasenqpr for other point mtiat thcrelorc take the Moriunjr Line. JJhl'U 1 in Reading, coroner of (Jhcsmtt and ."JeviMith .trri.feK. Pn.nenfrf.ru rnnlint enter the brothers, in the immediate neighborhood of Car unless provided with Ticket. rach oilier, had more than three hundred peo ple engaged in harvesting and threshing. I went into a cottage, where one ef the laborers old me he had lived on the farm more than fifty years; and another said he had been - there sixty yesrs. I wonder what our laborers would say te such keeping as the Scotch la borers have, oat porridge and skim-milk or butter-milk for breakfast, a pound of bread and a bottle of small beer at noon, and sup per like breakfast at night, without lunch or ny thing else of any kind, and a shilling a :day for their labor." IMPORTANT Td THE PUBLIC. THE GRAND PDltOATlVE. p?" NOTIC E. Fitly pounds of br-scarre will be allowed to each nnsscuccr in these line ; and passengers are expressly prohibited trom taking any thing as bngtrnge hut their wearing apparel, wliich will I nt the risk of its owner. No freight will Ik- tnken bv these line. II v order of the Board of Manaeer. S. BKADFURD, Scc'ry. April 7, 1849. , . A HORN." .;, Some years ago the expression "in a horn" was in common vogue, particularly among the "b'hoys" of that day. A Frenchman but ..lately come into the city, and speaking not very intelligible English, related to an Amer. loan his sufferings about "in a horn." "The first day I arrived in your vare fine cuy, i see one small sans adlotcs, oh ! vare , small little boy wis papers in his hands. I i:Pay , "Leetle garcon, where abous be de Purk i Hotel City!" : , 4 "Ho say to me, Dam ! -ho you call gosoon 1 lou find de Park in a horn." 'i link what 'in a horn' mean ; but 1 no - find him out may brain in. So I go a little further, and I speak to one man in the street, 1 who go thump, thump, wis a big baton you 1 call him one paver. 1 say :r ''Sares you can tell me where Broadway ; street be, for I loss my way 1" . , Ha say, "You old ass jack, you old quiz, dis be Broadway, in a horn." " ', I "I tink and link, but 1 no comprehend what .-it mean. What can him be 'in a horn V It must be some great man, or some great ting in de oity ; so 1 stop and ask nudder man, and I Bay to him r.t: "What mean dis 'in a horn !' " i i "He look at me, he put one finger at his nose, and he say i i "Yon one dam ole fool, in a horn." v : f)en t get mad I find my way home, 1 go quick to my room, and I take my book dictionaire, and ( look for 'horn.' Saert J 1 ' find him belong to one cow, one coat. Den I recollect 1 was one dam quiz, and I trow ' down the dictionarie, I jump on him, and I y aay, 'You go to one devil, in a horn.' " N. Y. Atlas. Equitable IMle InNtirniine, Annuity ana i rust company, OFFlCKTt WAI.Nrr PTltr.RT. PHILADELPHIA. Capital giVyKiU. Ciurtus Pukpetcai. rpHF. Company are now prepared tn transact husitirs I iinon tbetuosl lilieral nisi aitviintiiceoiis ttrrnts. Thev are nulhurlzi! by their elmrter (srrt. 3) ''to mnke all and wcry iiutnrnnec nppftmimtie lo me ri.K 01 whatever Kina or nature, ana 10 receive ami exwute iruBt. inaKC cuoow mnttii. and to rnnt and punliuw ntimntVe.1' The Out put? ell uumiUr and endowment., and 4l a Trustee UK ininor. and heir. Ttble or Premiums renmrrtl for the Assurance of 8100 for the wliibe Icrm ol l.no. Age. t Prem. - , Af e. Prein. Age. is iso ' ;n son tn 17 1 S3 32 S IS 47 It) I 1 SI) I at 3 47 4 80 1 IK) 8 SO 81 1 6.1 .10 8 411 SI B4 J W S7 i 47 58 1 1 tin 3K 2 M S.1 St 1 78 3t 3 V4 44 ft". 1 7rt 10 8 70 5S JS M 41 8 81 fit 87 1 C9 48 8 M 57 8H 1 pi 43 3 01 5S 8U I I 44 .1 18 S9 111 till 45 3 83 60 33S 319 3fl8 3 77 3 IM 4 n 438 4 SI 4 71 4 St i 18 s;n S54 5 7H 8 03 Tlte pretnittniR are Iru thaa any other rninaiiv, and the noticie. aft'-trd greater advantairei. Ttihte of hnlf-yearly and quarterly prcmitun. half eredit rate, of nremuim, abort tenn., joint live., aurvivorahtpa and endowment.; nlf form ol Applieittion (hir which there are tttaak .heeta') are to ne nan nn niipTiniu"n iti tne nuicc. or uy letter w uie J. H. r L l v, eunuury. Rates for tK.uRtxa 8UK) on single Life Agent, Ace. For I vcur. For 7 rcara. 80 M fll 30 99 1.30 40 1.8o 1.01 50 l.MI 8.07 60 3,IS 3,g7 r. it Lost the Bet. A good looking and jovial - friend of ours, a day or two since, related in ' our presence the following : At one of our ' first hotels a stout, red-faced gentlemrn, in a white beaver, blue coat and buff vest, offered to wager a "ten spot" that he could close his eyes, and simply taste name any sort of - liquor in the house. The bet was taken, and ' the process of winning or losing commenced 1 forthwith. "That is genuine Otard," said ihe fat gentleman, tasting front a wine-glass "and this i this Is whiskey," and so on through the hotel's "manifest," of hardware. A wag then poured a few drops of pure water ' into the glass and handed it to the connois I'seur "This is ah ah this is (tasting ' aeain) by thunder! gentlemen, 1 lose the bet' Intver tasted thit liquor btfore Bos- ''ton Mail. For Lite. 1.60 8.04 8.70 3.p4 8.U3 Kjumplp. A perrm ngeit 30 yenr next birth dnv, by anvin: the CoiniMinv nn cent would secure to hi. fiunilv ur heir. 611)0 should he die . one year ; or for Sp-aO he se eiirc. to Hum e?iuuu; or lor sin nnnuauy lor seven years ho neeures to them 81000 should he die in seven vtr.: oi lor 980.40 paid mutually during lifn he secures 1JU to lie nnid wliru lie tttes. 1 tie insurer secutmg hi. own ttonus, bv the difl'crenee in amount nf prentiiuns from tho.e chnived liy other nftirea. For (Mu.50 the heir, would receive 840OU should lit die tn one year. Forms ofapplicaiiou and all particular, mav lie had at the office. J. V. CI.AGHOKN", President. TsKAsnant FsArts w. Rawm. II. G. Tuckett. Secretary. t'oxstt-Tivo PnviiiciAN ur. J. B. Mnwrr. Snnbiirv. J. H. Pcbdv, Sunbury, Ageal lor Northumberland 'court- -, . ... ... funoury, jury p, if Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP 1XG COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. THIS via limbic p re po ration, mi artoninhiiiply wucrrwful hi ruriitf disNiaeft of the Lunjr, ii thf rrmilt of a ikill ful coiiibuuitiun of the known curative nrinciDleeof I mrxlicine. In uirxlictare frerlv nuuie kmiwn in the iniMir, and are thoae arknowiedirpii to nutlicnl nirii poHsWNtiitK rare medtral virtuta, which peculiar virluei are combuictl in the "CHKRKY PKCTdRAL" in their eniit- tat purity and cmeacy. and when uacd, o will be actu from liic iuiivwiiw vuninnio irwuittniy ; PROFKSSOH CLK.VKLAND. of Hirwdoin Collar-, Umurwick, Main-, wnun: hae witnrnaed the etieew oi yuir Cherry Pertonil in my own fstmtlv mirl in lltat of mv frimwlm. anti it Imsi rivn tmI , MBiiaiuciitm hi vuwtmvnn n maww una Rnnart-n. ' A VOK'i: FROM MAi?SArHl SKT'IV. From Dr. tiryant, Drucciat and PoaiinuKtur. Chiconec r nitM) (Tiuta: Dh. J. U. Af Dear Sir: End(fd tilt-nnefind remit toiMre fnr all the Cherry Pertnrul lust arnt me. I ran nn limiiutinply any. that no medicine we aell givea mvh auiia fartion as your'adoea nor have 1 ever en a metiicine whu:h ci i ml j many rasea of nmph and limjf winplaiiita. Our Phyairian are lining it exten-ivcly iu the practice, and wuii m" nappicsn niwii, iruiy yuura, u. m. UKVAi T. DR. PErtKlNS. Prriiidrnt of Vermont Medical Collrgr mie of the m"Bt learnen una intelligent pnynrmni in the country, ''contidrn U a ii'itipositiitn if rare excellence fur the cure of that for tutduble dikeuae. Consumption." Analitttiet incredible number of rertificatea have been rt-ocived; ptuviiig that the Cherry Pectorul ia. in truth, a frir Ciltphp, fotdf, Anthinn and nil pnlmnnry eoinpluinta. Preiwred bv J. V. AYKH, lnWell. Mnnn., and Bold bv II. MASSKR, Sunbur-, and MARY McCAY, Nort hum- tier lund. March 31, lr 10. A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. 1 Don't permit rout Hon or cauls to dis, when ths mean of curs are within ths reach of all I Tht utidsrstimed has aoent srveral rears in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the reaear- cheaof Leibig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards s judicious treatment oi anunat ( the principles of our prsctiee consist in the rejection of general bleeding and ths total rejection of all medicine that experience has ahown to be of s dangerou tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to the directions wliich ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural function, without ill minishing or destroying their power, hence arc afcin the hands of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. A List ol H.rse and tattle Medicine.. Physic ball, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 7V do. " powdcra for bad condition, 75c per pack atso. Heave powder fordSseasc of the lungs, 75c dc Urine pow4kr for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powcVr for md condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inilamation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister. 75c per bottle, Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. r bottle. Wash for inflamed eves, 60c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, dec, 60c per bottle Embrocation for sore throat, 76c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof; &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. W orm powders for the removal of worm lrom the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For alc by STIAH'SU rV KK1), 2fi Mer chants How, also at DADD'S HOUSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 1 dc 2 Huyinarkct Square, Boston. Pamphlets ueticriutiig the diseases lor wlucli these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificate arc in potsxcssion of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cine. Soldbv GREEN &. FLETCHEU.No.SCSouth SIXTH Street. Philtuk'lplii.-i. and by his Agists. Hknrt Masser, rninbury, February 3, 1840 tf CR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOtXD EXTRACT OF SAltSAPARlLLA. THIS r.xtrart in put up in quart bottle. It ia aix timea cheaper, plennanter, and wurruuted auperior to any ld. Ii rurea dimoiea without vontitinv. purg-inff. ick ne!t, or di'biUutuig the patient, and ia particularly adapted for a FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. The great beauty and aupcrinrity of thti Snrupnrilla over otaer reiueniea ia, winmi it erauicatea uiteaw, it invigorate the (dy, Coiiftuinpti'm cured. Cteanae and Strengthen. Coiifiimption can be cured. BrotirhitisT, Consumption, Liver CmiplainU Colda, Toaha, caiami, Anunnn.ppuiinoi itinoa, rxjcmrnrt in me Cheat. Hectic FHmh," Nijrht Sweats. Diffi cult and Profane Kxpecioraltott, and Pain ia the Side. Ac, Jbe., have uud can be cured. Probnblv there never win a reincdv IluU hot been an auc- cesat'iil in dcperute cnaea nf coiutumptmn ai this ; it clean te and atrencthent the vitcin. anil anneara to heal the uU ! cera mi the lunga, and patient gradually regain their uanal health and atreith. CURIOUS CASK OF CONSUMPTION. ; There ia acnrcclr a dav imasra but there are a number f itim-ft of coiiHiimpUoii rerKYtnl on cured by the line of Dr TowiiKetra Suraupaiilla. Tim flliiwing waa recently re cuived : Dr. J'owN?exn pear Sir: For the lunt three yenn I have been aillictcd with fteueml debility and uervnus ttoif nuiuptimi uf the hint Ktitirr, und did niit'cxiel U ever gum FOB TBS Howtarha, Olddlnass, ' KhmtiMitism. ruts, , ) DysocDSis.9curver, Himill Pol, Jaonrlie. ratnaintneiMCK, oxtbb or MaasM Skit ft heam) Heart Darn, Worms, i.notsra ninrous, Inward WcakiMS,. Palpitation of tlw Hsart, .1.1 i Tknl. l i.irt in -j DrorT, Asthnsi, r avers ot su .nui Fttnala Complaints, Cnorhs, Qnlnseyi Wbraiptn; Oouch,ii VMmstimpunn, t it. , Uver Complaint. Rrisipekw, Deafness, Itrhuifs of the Skin, Colds. Gout. Gravel. Nervous Complaint, and i YARirrr or other diseases Aistfo FROM IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, AND OBSTRUCTIONS Il THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Entwrtenee hu proved that nearly every Disease originate from Impurities of the Blood or derail emenl of the Utgea- tives Orrans and to secure Health, we must remove uiom ODStructtonsor restore theBloixl to its natural stale. The aversion to tnkin rnectictne is most ettectuaiiv rr moved hy Clksksr's VitoTABi.a Ptimnnvi rnxs, netng eisntileU ly enveloped with a coatinn of pure white 8ii(rar, (which is as dwtinct from the iiiternnl ingredients as a nut shell from Ihe kernel) and have no taste ot medicine. But are aa eoaily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover Utey neitlier nnuseute or aripe in the slightest degree, hut opemte eviunliy on all Ihe diseased part of Ihe system, in stend of rnflninK tliemserves to, nnd rac:kifg any rnrllcnlnr region. Thus, if the Liver be effected one insredieitt will otcrate on thnt porticulnr ornn, and, by cleansiiis; it of an Kxrm i if Bile rfstnrc it to its natuted stnle. Another will opemte on the Umrd andreiin ell impurities in its circn- . will AVnlni.llw evit whntevi iinnu- ritiea may have hecit discharged into the stomach, and hence theyatrikest the rout or di sense remove sit Impure Hu mors from the body, open the pores cxternnlly nd inter nallvi Kmmte all foreimand obnoxious nnrtii les from Ihe chyle, so thnt the bl.id may t thoroughly pure thus see u rinea free and healthy acrioito the llenn, l.nngsnnd Liver aiKlthereliy they restore health even when all other means have fiiilrd. Tit.. M.iiri. truth nf the shove can be ascertained bv the trial of a sinjrl box; nnd their virtues are so positive nd ferritin in rmronne lien in. unit i ne nronricitir uiuu. mmm-ii toretunt Ihe money paid for tlietn in all eases wlierc thoy do not give umversul sutisiuctiou. Ketall I'rlce, 25 els, per Ho. Prineipnl oftiee No. Sfl Versey St., N. York, 1.1,1 hv JOHN Y.Vni'Xti. Simlmrv. M. A. MeCAV. Northiiinberlsnd. ty Remember Dr. C. V. Clickner is the inventor of the hnt Coutnt Pills, and thnt nothine of the sort was ever baud of until he introduced them in Jtule. ltM3. Pitrelinscts should, therefore alwnvs ask for riieknar'a fngar Tcmtert Pills, and take uo otliers, or thej-will bemndctlie vtrliinai" a immi. February, 17, 1SI9 ly SORES CAN DE Cl'RED. Burns, Scolds, and all hinds of inflamed Sores -. . itirea rpiOrSF.Y'S UNIVERSAL OTNTMKNT, Is the most I complete Hum AnticMo ever known, it instantly, my ht-Mtth at all. Alter gtiitift tlmmah o comae of medicine uiuier tne rare oi aouva ut Hie tiat diwinvutabed reuulur i iH Health in Ni nhyiitriajio and meiubera ol tlte Uoara i York and elM-where. and apeiaiinti the mrt ilealth m New : H uiv enriunira in attempting to recuiu my heuHh, autl after reuilmg in amne tupiT ttf youi NirKipHrilla 1 reaolvcd t try it. After UHng nx btittlea 1 found it dune me grent good, and culled to ai'.e you at your ortirc ; with your ndviue I kept on, and d moil heartily tliunk you for your advic. 1 peraevfra in aiKing uie iNirmpHTiua, ana nave oeni able to attend lo my raual Hilton for the awt lour mxmthi, attd I hope by the oiewnga ot iroo anu your aarwpariira to continue my health. It helped me beyond tha cxpcetationatf all who knew my cnc. CUAKLK8 QUIMBY OTuniP, h.wejr Co. n, J., Aug. V, Ib47. ISuiteof NewiaraeA'. Ewex oounlv. Cnnrln Ouim- by being duly iworn uccording to law, on Ins oulh aaitli. thit tlte foregoing atatenient ia true acrsinling to the lieat ol' hiikiK'WledgeaiKl belief. CHAKLKH qt 1MB Y. Bwornaitd aubacribud to before me at Oronae, the 'id Auguat, lHi7. CYKL't BALDWIN. Justice oi the Peace. PP1TTIXG BLOOD. Read the Mlowuiit, and auy that coniumntion ia in incu rable if you con : New York, April id, 1W7. Dr. Towjotad i I verity believe thut vour Snrauiwrilla hua been tle ineona, tl trough Providence, ol' auving my Ufa 1 hava lur aeveral veara had a bad ooucli. It became worm and worac. At luat 1 raited large quantitiea of bliNxl, bud niulit awttita and waa greatly debilitatril and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only uaed vour turaninirillu but a ahort time, and tiiere hua a wonderful chuiute lHeii wrought in me. I am now able to wnlkall over the city. I mute no blood, and my cough hus left inu. You can well iinugme that 1 am lUankful tor thcae rcaulla. Your nl cli ent acrviuit. M. K 1 8SKLL, tij Cutltarmc at. LOST HKR SPKKCI1. Tlie annexed certificate trlli a Kiiunle and truthful atorv oi auncriiig niHi renei. i nere are in tuaniuia ol an in lur ca asa in thit city and Brooklyn, and y?t titer are thouKinda of puretita let their chiklreu die lor i'eur ol being huuibuggtxl or to euve a few auillingi. IJrooklyn, bept. 1,1. IM7. Pr. Towsskkd: 1 take Dleaaure in atalinir. for the bene. fit ol thoae wlmm it may concern, tliut my dauxhter, two yottra tuul ix mMiiht old, ww atmcted Willi genral de bilnv and 1im ol aiteech. Hie waa given uu ua putt je oovcry by our family phyaiciuni but lorluimlely 1 wa re commended by a friend to try your H.incijirUla. Before nuviiiu unea one ootue tne recovtireo nr wiMJcch and una enabled to wdk alone, to the ttatiaiialimeiit tk all who were acquainted with the cireuinataiava. Slir ia mnv quite well, ; and iu much better health than alie hua lii for lt tniHiiha 1 pus;. JOSKl'il i AVisOH 12 York at., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVKD cm id na if hv Mnirin ttontnninfi of the moat dnpert' RuriiiiiMl Srnid. For old 8on-t. Itiuism. Tula. SnrnuiR, ice, on nui 1 1 or beirat. it it the beat nnniicutioii that can be mnrle, Th nisamU have triwl nnd thoumindapmitc it. It is the nit wt nert'ect mniter of min evir ditcovercil. All who ute re commend it. Every family ah"uld le piovidcd with tl None can tel how eoon aome ot the inniuy mny neeu it. CV Obarn'e each boo, of the genuine Ointmcnj linn the iiatncof S. Tcajhky, written on the outside label. To unite tn this it lorgery. t lofttmcn. uvery 3lcti, r nrmera, anti uu wnn utc iioraca, u-ill find lliis Ointmriit the very brut thing they can use for Collar tinlte.Seratchet, Kicks. Ac. Ac.oit their auimfilt ffcjrelyccery mercvfnlniim would keep hi ttiimult aa free fnra pain lit p wailile. Touaey'a L'uivertul Ointment ia all thnt in required. Try it. B1TKS OK 1NSKCTS. Fertile tting or bile of poiton nn Iinectt,Toihtey't Ointment it umi vailed Huudredt have tried it nnd found it good. Yl LKS I'll It KD ! For the Piles, Toutey't IJniveranl Oint nient ia one of Or butt K (-medics that can be applied. All who have tried it for the Pilea recommend it. OLDSOHF.S CURED. Fri'ld nbatiiwte S-res, there ft nothing equal to Touacy's Ointment. A pem.n in Motni ut hud, for a nunilaer of years, a a-ire leg that bo (fled the kill ot' the doctora, Touwy's Ointment was recommended by one of the vmtiiig physicians, (who knew ita grcai vir tues.? mm two fixct prtKiuceu more oeiif m man me tient hod received from any and all previuui remedies. all try it. HI RN'S AND SCALDS Ct'UED. Thoiiaaudji of enses of Burnt and braids, in all inrta of thec-uutry, have been cured bvTunev't l:niveraal Ointment. Certihcalcsenough ttnld be hnd to" fill the whole of Una sheet. VIOLENT DllTISKS CI'HED. Tentimoniiils on tcti moninl in fuvor of Toutey't Ointment fr curing Bruites heve been offered the proprietiwie. iliindreda iu Pymetmc wiliecnifytoitagrmt merits reheving the ptiin of the mitst severe HnntM-a. All perns tbtaild try it. hCALD HEAD CTRED. (Wea of cases of Scald Ileod have bceu cured by Touaey's Ointment. Try it it seldom fails. SALT RIIEt'M CFRED. Of all th remMiea ever dit rovfrpn foriha moat difucrceuhlc coinntaint, Tmisey's L'ni- versnl Ointment is tlte most complete. It never was known to tun. m CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE CURED. Touaey's uni versal Ointment will always cure the worst caws of Chap ped H:mlt, Set tret of persitut will stale thit. SOKE L1PSCURED. For the cure of Sore Lipa there was never uuythhrg tnnde equal to Touaey's Ointment. It is sure to cure them. 1 ry it. It ita scientific comnnund. warranted no to contain any preparation of Mercury. V9 Price tlA cents per box. h x further particulars concerning this really vabmble Ointment the nublie are referred Ut Pamphlets, to 1 hnd gratit, of ro sneclnble Drueritta and Mcrciuinta tbroiigh'jul the United Kt.nisi Prerared bv 8. TOV8EY. Dnnsiist, No. 108 Nassau Street. New York. .. Ar.svrs-JOHN YOUNG, mmbury, n. A. mcvai Northamlierlnnd. February 17, 1640. ly , . - COLUMBIAN SERIES OF";, r . , antitmrUto. . Tkt Ptipt'l'i friend and Teacher'1 comfort.1 rrHB COLUMBIAN CALCULATORThls A work is already Introduced Inttf aoma of ths test Acadamies and a largs number of Schools, where Its use has given decided and universal a- tiafaction, both to teacher and pupil. It Is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful aVttsitW tysttm of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are hetter, and it ia the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it ia so considered by hundred of the most competent teachcra and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It ia the book, particularly and expresly prepared for saw Amt- riean Scholars I HI Mown ixctnor. Ths Youth's CotrttsCALCtitTei Tin volume contain 91 pages, with Shout 900 exam plea for solution on the alate. It emtirace the f undamental Kulea, uompounu nuies, limine and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, dec. Tickhob's AiTitMr.TictTABtr.s,is destined for the use of younger classes in tha School of the United Stnte. A beautilul little noon ana jiicnn ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. . There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachcra, in which the solutions of the questions arc given with much extra matter for the black board. 1 nese Kevs are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensurntion, Ac, for the use nf the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the alwn-e books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been puWished in this or any other eootttrv. Although hwicd but a frw months they have slreadv been introduced into the ISieht Public Sehool of New York Citv in all the School public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in avwui twenty Acaanmiua in mo Rtnte of Pennsylvania in a lartre portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and m the Uoroughs ot Marrisiiurg, York, Chainliersliurg, Lebanon, Doylcstowh, Potts ville. Orwiirsbure. &c.. Ac. For sale by H krt Massxr, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. DIAMOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. FT1I1IS Powder is warranted far superior to any 1 tliinz in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge to Razors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fims CvTLEnr ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Kuzor, Knives, and 1 crtu mcry, wholesale and retail, by ALr KEU UlSiiMS 1 I , Agent. Depot of rine KnwrB, etrops, Uruslies, an Cheap Fancy (Joods, Xo. 18 South Fifth street a- bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TKfSTl.MOMALS. Piiilahelphia, Feb. 15th, '.SIS. This may certify thnt I have used one of tl Strops prepared with H.VYNES' MAGIC TJlA MOISD POVVDEK, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can 1 found that will produce tiro same cflect in my onin. ion, and must sav to otliers, try it. and you will find it auperior to any Iieietofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third st. SAXiAKXANDEXl, 1Hfc A THtat nuM CHWlT), fiRb-pboop doors for banks and stores Seal and Lettor-Copjrlnff Preesy Patemt t i BtateLinedRrfrieTOtrJTs.Wo.tsTt'il. ters, Patent Portable Water Clo- -n sets, inUfrxfRd for ths Sick ( , i , .. ad Infirm. J ' . fiVAS & WATSON, ; j. , 76 South rttW Street, ' OPPOSITE THE tHILAbF.LPHlA EXCHANGE. STnnnfartnre and Seepnonswni IMilli ly on hand, alnwa assortment of the .hove aetielea. toeether with their Patent Improved r"olamender FlRE-PMHJl'SAKra, which are eo nstnieted as to set at rest all manner nt dnnht aa to tlieit being strictly nre-pnvf, and thnt thev will rosist the Are of any bniUlins?. Tha outside cases of the.. Safe, are made of bl '". '"'"l"??."! stone, sud between the outer case a.id lii.tier ease of some theee inrhes Ihiek, and is SHed in with tnd"trnc. ib.,te,i...r,s,.ornnk. in tne enniemi. innmn ... m. . , , . lamanders we are prepared nno eo eranri " " produee any article in the shnpe oi rxs's atand as tntieh heel, and we hold ourselves ready at all timea to lisve them fairlv lertcd liy r4'c WW"- also continue to iiianufnetiire n Inrpe Olid eenernl aiw-n- mettt of our Premiuin Air-tilit Hre 1-re.s mi", .. there are over HK) now in use, nnd in every instanre iiiej have trlven entiie anliarnction to me ptirrnnsem i'. - we will refer the public lo a few gentlemen who have them in trse Haywood ft finder. PoUsvillei Josepn u. PollsMlle j Mr. Vilbam Carr, l)")lestown, Pa. SI 'I'RVbtr. lOn norlli HjI i A rifflll tL .Cllir Vine st. wharf: Aleimiiler Cmr, Coinreynneet, corner of Filliert and 9th sts ; John M. Ford. 34 north M st.( Myers nii.li. Oil mirth 3d St.: .Intnes M.Paul. Hit south 4lh St.; Dr. Dnvid Jayne, south at st.; Mutliew T. Miller. l uith 3d at.; and we could nnnie s-nne hundreds of others It it were necessary. INow we invite tiie attention 01 me M.Kti nil ntirtieiiinrh' thnm i wnnt of Fire Proof Safes, in Mtl nt ..ur rtnre lMfire nrlTc-tineiiiff elsewhere, nnd we ean satisfy them they will rt a belter mid ehenper article n..r a..,r thnn nt miv otner esTah isnnntit in tne eity. Wm Min ninmifneture lire onlinfirv Fire Proof Chests, at at very low priees. ehenper than they can be bought nt any other store 111 iiiiindeipnia. Ii. ii' r. v JOHANNES WATSON PhiMelphis, April P, 1M ly LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Jlnd all diseanes arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both Male and Female : Such as Constipation, Inward Tiles. Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust lor Food, Fullness or weight iu the rMomuch, Sour l-nctuti'.is, Sinkine or Fluttering at ttie pit of the Stomach Swimininn of the Head, Hurried and llidieult Hreuthiiur. Fluttering ut the Heart, Choking or Suturatins; sensations when in a lytut .tttre l)imnea of Vision, IKss or weba before the sitit, Keer ami dull .iin iu Ihe Hcnd, Defieien evof Persnirntioii. Yellownes. of the Skin nnd Kves. Pain ill Ihe hide. Hack, t-'hest, I.1111I1.. hv.. Sudden fluslies iif llent, Huriiiuir in the Fteli, Cotiftnnt Imagining of evil und grtut depression 01 hpint. Can be eitti'tuuiiy cureu uy DS. HC0FL-1TES Celebrated Herman Hitters. Their power o-er the nliove disenses is not eseelled if etiuulliil by any other pretiimitioii in the Timed Status as the cures uttuat, in inuuy eu.es ul'ler skillful physieluns hnd lulled. Deruntomeut of the Liver and Htouineh are soureo. of linsiiiity, und will ulso pioduee disease of the llenrt, Skin, l.uiiRS and Kidneys, and lays the body opeu to an attack ut the Chwlero. llilious, or Yellow Fever, and is generully tha first cause of tlmt liSMt btuiellil diseuae, Consuiuptiun, Opinions of ihe Philadelphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." AS !NVALlTAUI.K MKiIOlK We Imve frequently, heard the LVlt-hruU-tl (sernuii Billeist. niunuitirluml by lir H'sflhin1, i'lva tl in ttrni i coiuinanliitiiii, uud we kii(w il-frvclly m. Il uu Uu ctmiunii prurlic. in rrr tuin quiirter. tu putfail iiuuinei of uwU-nst inifli. hut in Ihe niNK Sote LllT. 1U-.S . PtiMWSTtsVAflniA " ' Ths following list show (hit current sains of sM 'aiHMylssni Bank N.rtes. TM mnst impiiek WS lisnce my bs plsodi upon it, s It Is eflety met arefirtW torn p red with Md ecrrreclrjj frftra Bica7 ASH'S RerVM. ' ' ' 1 ' ! nstnka m plIIiitsillB. . Nasis. .' Lscsrroti p",, NOTES AT PAti. 8snk of North America , - .) fii Bank nf tha Northern Liberties . pat Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , paf Prmer' and Mechnica Bank pt4 (Censineton Bank ... psf Philadelphia Bank . . , , psf Schuylkill Bank , ... . pf Southwark Bank pf Western Bsnk . pf Mechanic' Bank b Vlsnufactnrer cV Mechanics Bsnk nf flank of Penn Township . paf flirsrd Bank . Baf Hank of Cnmmerre, late Moyamensing ' paf llsnk of Penn.vlvntns . . pat Count ry nnnk. psr psr psr paf par OXYGENATED rJS 'J? 1-21 2 o A SttVI.rtEIfJN RliMUDY I OR D73PE?3IaA.," ' 1'IM 111 IX, , ANU GENEKAL DEBILITY. GEORGE 13. GREE,, Puopuietor.' Windsor,' Vermont. TSai 1 foil vriim rm.1v for Tl VSPI-'ll in innitV ftf Sit s, such as pnin nt the Stm.ich, lleurtburn, liubiiniil Lancaster par Lancaster psf1 Resiling par1 Harrishurg The' Lancaster I offices' Resiling f do not r.sstnn J tssusOi PaiLtiiiLrHiA, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face hu compel led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shoving easy and pleasant, hut with imlillrrrnt success, until I made use of Uie Magic DIAMOND POWUEit, sold by Alfred Bennett, and KoukscI's Shaving Cream. Their bniicd pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, wittout irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this oilice Price 25 cts. per Box. November 25, 184S tiru. One or the Diggings. Ths Albany Argus " publishes an extract from Mr. Henry Judson, w who went out to California in Col. Stevenson's regiment, and after being honorably (lis- '' charged at Monterey, left that place with a . party of five others, fellow soldiers, for the mines, well supplied with tools, provisions, a ' cart, three yoke of cattle, tie., &c, and who ' went to a dace called McCallamy's Dissinss. He says : -' ' v ' We were twenty-one days making the ' journey here from Monterey; when we ! built us a log-house, killed our cattle, jerked - our bfef, and had everything snug ana in ; order in two weeks. We went lo work a fortnight ago, and, in this short time, our party have dug over one hundred and eighty pounds of gold which gives us nearly $8000 niece. I happened to discover tne spot iron. ' which we dug all this gold which is the 1 only cood luck I ever had. We have nearly six months' provisions left an advantage when every necessary is so extravsgautly high, which you can appreciate. After the rainy season next spring, I shall start for the North and American Forks, where the most 1 pold is found. It is too cold to winter there. : i .hall do wall this winter, and when I do return I shall have a pile." The Gbass Tbec, which grows in India, X from which the fibre is obtained for mauufsc- Muring grass cloth, it is thought would flourish 11 equally well iu the middle States of this Country. On 0f our missionaries to China, Rsv. Mr. MacGowaa, writes thai ha has 1 drawn up for the Agricultural Society of In ' dia an account of the article, which may be Aissful to those who may feel disposed to at " tempt its introdustion into the United States. Tha report will probably appear ia the tran- actions of that Society for 1111- '41. I. ANDREWS,' . rrr'ITv '11 i Mm .X-SESJSV- V,.' DEATH TO PAI Hsxiiv TO Til titit! vllth to the Weak 1 1 A HALM ia found lur the n hole Humau Hace iu An drews' PAIN KILLER. nn is an entirely vegeta ble eonniotuid, comuoM'il of Tweuiy-r'ivsduferent iiigre dienls, and w an mtenuil and Kxternal Heluedv bir the va rious ilia Uiut kamaii flesh is heir tu Courtis, Colds, Pains, Nervous arid tiek Headaclie, Hlieuniatisin, Cuts, rir:iius, tpuial Alfeciuuui, bummer t-'oiuulaiuts, Cholera Morbus, T'Mitluti-he, Krunlkms, Corns Vile r'ronen Puru, Burns. 8calds, Ane in the Faee aial Usecist, Painter.' Collie, llruiscv, old rore 1 4 mm of uufie tite. Ueuenil Dehililv. Asthiu. . Put u in IsaUea lot I. S or 1 shillings p-r bulle. For further particulars see I'liuiplilrts lobe hud of every Tent gratia, emtainiug a briel histiwv 01 the oriariii. discovery and goods elteeuoi .11dr. w .' Pain Killer, Certificate uf Cures, direuiuuut. Ac WMJK OUT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant success of Andrews lain Killer in re- moving Ihe cause. I hut pruduee death, the untimely death of miliums of our race, hus induced aome men of whem it may be truly auid, their villainous neriisitiona maniiest their villainy, toattmnnt to nut in cireuRilion aourioiui and counterfeit articles called "Pain Killer," using fictitious immes lor the uretenden siiuior, forged certiheates. Ac. sk ims have appeared, and others no doubt wiil appear. lt all reinenilier IluU Andrews Ueuuiw Pain Killer hu. ths written siiriuture of I. Andrews 011 the label of earn bollla iu black int. lWrsimply ask for Pain Killer, but aak for Andrews' rain nuier, ana nve no tuner. R.H bv M. A. McCuv, Hola Agent, Northumberland: J. W, Friling, Bunburv ; Jolin 11. Ruser, Milton John K. Myyer, Bloomslairg ; Win. A. Mnrniy A Co, Danville; Davenport Smith, Plymouth ; Andrew Yohi, Wilkes barr 1 Hays k McCormick, McKweusviUe 1 gchafTIa k Chamberlain, lwisburg ; George McAlpiu, Jcrwy Suoraj u Willu.ni.noil. ri.lt-. xirimd to 1. Andrews, inventor sod only Pro. prietor st Itheea Tomplun ootutty, N. V. Wit receive prompt aiieuuuu September 3U, 1848. ly Vorv few families indeed in fuel we liuve ma heard of ! alxve Hitlers, hundred, are living wiuiewaof their great sTatAY BUM. An excellent article for sals WM bv HENKY MASaER. Sunbury Jan. STth, 1849 tf. PLASTER, Salt and Fiah, just revived and for by 1 . 4. v snufinv. ., uuburv,Ds., 1848. ' DAINT8. a few for sals bv X CHAS. 8.B0GAR. 8unbury, March 10, 1849. SMfTTILEY'S COVGH CilNDY. An excel. WW lent remedy for coughs, colds, for sale I this offics one tliut used Dr. Townsend's SnrsHiarillu iu time, lost any chikiren tne puat nuiutner, while those tlint did not, sickened and diiil. The cereificute we publish below is conclusive evidence of us value, uisl is ouly snoUier uuuuuce (l it. wiving the lives ol' children : Dr. ToWnskid Dear Sir : I had two chllth-e euretl by your Sursaistrillii tf ttie summer eiuuplaint and dyseutnry; onewns4.iiy i-i rrssiin oiu ana uu otner 4 years, rney were very mtH'li reduced, and we eiiieelcd tliey woukt die ; they were given up by two respectable physicians. When the doctor informed u thut we must liae litem, we re li ved to try your rMrsupnrilla we had beard so much of. but hud little caiDtletu-e, there being so much stulf ailvertised tliat is wiriiile.. : bat wear thankful that we did, for it luidonlsrdly suvoil the lives of leMh. J write this thut oth ers may be' induced to use it. Yours, respectfully, fir jun.i vil jmj., jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. IS, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. OKKAT FEMALE MEDICINE. D. Towvsb?hj's ftASsAP.atLL. is a sovereign and speedy cure for incipient ciswumption, and for the general imastra tion ol' the system no nuttier whether ilie rewilt oi' lube- rent euuse or causes, produced by irregulurtty, illness or ae-cidnt. NoUung can b snore surprising than its invigorating ef (ecu imi Um buiuan I'nuue. Pei-ius ull wenkneas ami las situde, from biking it at once become robust and full of energy under tla iitduenee. Il innnediutely eounleracts tha uerveieasiiesa ot lb leuuuc Irame, which is the great causa burrenneaa. 1 1 will uot le expected of ua, ia enaea of ao delicate s na ture, U eihibit eerlibcatea ol cures performed, but we enn assure the atbicied utal hundred, uf nun have beeu repor ted to us. Da. ToWKsaxn: My wire heme greatly distressed bv weakueas snd general debility, and suffering continually by paiu and with other diibcuhiea. aial bavlug known cose where your medicine has ell ec led great cure. ; and also hearing it recHiuneuded lor such cases a. I have described, I untamed a ball tS your Kxiruct uf Marsapurills and fol lowed the direction, you guvs nut. la a short period it removed her oomplaiot. and restored her to health, lleiua- greutful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure iu Uius sdutowieaguif 11, anu reauuuuauruiai u 10 tne puraic. Albany, Aug. 17, '44. ear. Grand k Lydis su. DYSPEIHIA. No fluid or medieiiu has aver bsea disoovared which so nrmrly reaeinbles tus gaatrus juice or saliva in decomposing lood and streimlhemng ua organ. 01 aigosiiun as una pre- psrutiou of buisupuriila. It ptautivaly cures svsry cue of dyspepsia, however severe ur onrojiie. ssaila uepanmem, jsimuit, may iv, snta. Dr. Townsend bir : 1 have beat slnietad for several rears with dvsneuaia iu iu worst form, attended with sour- neaa of sumuch, laa of appetite, aiu-em liamnburu, and a great aversion 10 au kluua 04 luoo, sua lur we.., waai 1 could eat) 1 have been unable lo reuia but a small punioa Oil my stomach. I tried uw usual remedies, but they had but lull ut no aeut in rvmoviuf Ike ausnplaint. I was iu duced. about two otoliths since, lo trv vour Extract uf Har- supariUa, and i usual say with little cookdenc. but altar usuuj nearly two bottles, I luaud my appstiu rastnred sud tha keurtburu anlircly rswovad aad 1 would asruaatlv re eoairoeud uw use of U 10 lauss who hav. been srHicied as i have baea. Yours. Ae. W. W VAN If.ANDT. Agsnt far Bunbar-jt.nni w. raiunu 1 nor. thumliarland, MAUV A. MeCAV i Daaviue, WM. A Ml HRAY ft Co., A pill SS, 141 -ty uiorul nnd nlivsicul worth. As a tnetliciue of tlte Liver Compluini, Juuisliec, Nervous Debility und DyBpcpsiu. it hus been found iuvuluuble, edecting cures und thoroughly enidicatiug disetiis'S. when ull other medicines have failed. We feel convinced, lluit ill I lie use ol' the liermnu Hitler., the patient does not become debilitated, tail eoiisuiitly guin. ilreugth and vigor lo the fruine a fact witfthy ot great ciinsHlenill.ai. me flitters ure piensanr in taste aim amrii, ami eun Isa administered under uny eirciuusumces, bi the moat delicute stouuich. Indeed, they can be use 11 oy all per sists with 111. 111 Hit perfect sulety. It would be well for those who are much u dec led iu the nervous system, lo coinmrnce with one tea a.ssifulor leas, aial gruduully 111 creose. Wesiienk from eiperirucc, and are of emrse, a roner iwlse. The nreos lar and wide, liuve united in re commending the tierinuu Bitters, uud lo Ihe BlUicted we uvl coidudiy ailviw their use. SPUUT OF THE TIMES," Junr JUU ssiyn "DO OVR (jOODClTlZKNiS who arc invalid. kinw the nuniv tuitrii.aUiiii)F furm that Lav been pertained Uf Dr. Houdluutr CWcbniia Geruuii Uitu r f It' Uicy iii lti, we retMNiittwiiiJ thciutulhe''li(rniuii.ieilk'iiie Isiirrt," all who are atlticteri wiih Livrr Ctvniptaiiit, Juumlice, lyv pepaia, ur NervituB Debility ; the Doctor hua cured lUtuiy of our citiieiia alter the beat pliyairiaiw luid tuilil. We have uaed than, bimI they have proved Ut ben inetlu-iiietlial ever' chi ahould kiuw nf, and we cunut refrain giving uur tea- timnny in their tav, and thsit which tiivea Ihem areater claiia upod uur aiuuUe etfurt. they are entirely Vegetable. "THE DAILY NEWS" July 4th auy: Wa aieak knnwiugly of lr. Hfliind'tCeWmited Ger man Uittera. when we auy it ia a Uemtitui of tliia uaei and in diaeaaeaof the biliary, diyttatiye and NervtiualSyalema, it halt nut we think an equid. It ia a Vegetable Prepanilion, and made withuut Akhol, ami M all mvidida we would ro eimuuend it aa worthy their confidence. For anle, whtMeaule and retiiil. at tha principal fVpott GKRMAN MEU1C1NU BTOKK, No. 47ti Kuce Hlrert, Phikulelohia. For aale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberlaitd and Bun bury and retpec labia dealera generally througliout tha biale. April 1, lt40 ly In prracntinr the public with a rnnetly for the tntitment and cure of Fkvkr axd Aorx andottier bilime d(Nim8, no apohyy ia needed. Vast numbern in the United ftntta, who MiAer from Uirse alTeclioiii ill their varied firins, are compelled to arek relief from ether auircea tlwn Uie imme diate preemption! if the rnriibr phyvirinn- It IxrmiK-a theref re un object of humanity, aa well at of public inter eil. to bring iHrfore them a reui'ily prepared ftoin much ex lerience, and which may alwuytt be relied upon at Mm, arrnrTrAL, D hahmlkh to thk conptiti'tion. 'fS:it uch it the true character uf the INDIA CI!OIAtjOfiTK, it umply ntteatrd by the univeraul succeaa with which it hut been employed. t& Extract from a comma iiieatiiHi of the lion. Wil liam W'ooiiBatiK.1, of tho L'. $. Semite, late Governor of Miehiguii. 4UKTROIT. UCt. 1, ItHV. OnrTAB Char lei Otoooo, lur Sir, i have read with much interest, your little tuaeatuk upon the ''coiiat-, treatment nnd cure" 01' the febrile diteuaes which have bo extensively prevailed in our country dun tiff the Inst few mmithai an interest increased no tit hi 1 , by the fact that I have UMiivitluaily aunereU ao much from them. Though 1 feel myself very iiK-nietent to juclife tit (VI y upon a subject ao entirely pnifcssionul, yet your tha try seem to me well reasone), and your coiieiu aioiit just, and 1 think withal, that your pamphlet it calcu lated to produce tuucu prai'Ltcui Rotm. Hjieiikiiif: ol the medicine he siiyt It fully jtiillfiwlyotu fianernni expectntiona. anu aa a aale, convenient, and popu bir remedy, my own experience, ao far, induces me to be lieve that it will prove a great public Itenetit. 1 aiu nlttmed to learn jluit you have recently estiblithed several asreneies fr its dUitioi thoujrlt I repret that, with a viett to a ui 'ic fcoitrint Missarmirirsiiisii it, yw stsiuu nsic iirurtu t neeeMtry U remove irotn your preaeut reaidence among ua. v un nmcn reaped i nave ttie nouor hi be, tirt Your obliced servant, VII LI AM WOODlittlDOK. C7" From llou. Htkphvm V. R. Tkowbxidgi. of Michi gan Valuta Senate, to the Agent ut Detroit. HiRMiNOHAM, Oakland Co., Dec. 13, 111 Sir vou wish me to inform vou what I know uf Dr. OaariRsrl s IiMlia Chotaprofrue, or ajiti-bilinui medicine. 1 do ueueva that if tike virtue aial emcatry of this ntedtciae were eeneiHlly known, the rrvxtt and auix would diaappear iu Michisan. 1 procunvl a bottle in the nruur of 1941. and have cnod reuson to believe that myaeh ami family escaped the ague last season ia cnsequeiicf its use. I'erhuus in no sunimet since the settlement of this firfe peninsula, hua the fever and ague been so prevalent as the nst. I have reeommended this medieiiwin numerous in stances, and when the disease had become fixed and battled the skill of physicians; and I have never known it fail. I has universally produced the nvt happy effects, and I bet heve it hat never been exeed-d by auy medicine in rcmo ving Uie bilious diaeaaea of th climate. Vours, reapet-Kuiiy, STKI'HEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Agent foe rViubury H. B. IMAGER; Northu miser land, W.THINOTOM Co t MUton J. H. RASfcJl; feWlua grove, MAY k KURK. May , IM-41 Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lap and Wailding, Cotton Outlines, Heady made Pantaloons, Keady made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by H. MASSfcU- Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848, AXES of ft very auperior quality for aale by. H. MA&JER. Sunbury, Dec S, 1848. TJLANK DOOK8. An assortment of Blank Books, just received and sale by 11. MASTER. 8unbury, Dee. S, 1848. O VKl'P MOLA88a-upenor refined Hyrop Jrlolassos tor sale bv HtiNKI MAbwtK. unbur-, Dec. S, 1818, aov ifnis, CostivencMi, Acid Slonineh, H'wlache. Isa ol Appctne, Piles, Night tSwcnu, and even (.'inouinntiou (Uipfptic Plithixic.) und Autumn, or Phtliimc nttcmleil with tU nniffc inent of the Stmnnch (or Dyspeptic AMhma.) Difticutt Brent hi nir. which oitcn rctiillii'iroin iiiiMT!ccl riigcHtion (or Pynpeirtic Syspnira.) is rchwett by these liittcrs. Iiili"rt, their nte hit ben proved in the relief of alinort nil the symptoms thut prt'C'rd from a di-tiihtntcd or atonic coikIi tiou of tlte t?l mich ; alto m general debility armnig from ngvor from Un; etU-cts nf Fever, particularly Fever uud Aie. Fernnl) suircrinir umh-r nny uterine dcrtiiiecincut anting frtnii wwikiitwt. will hud the ''Oxyoknatki. Hit tek'' an excellent remedy, and not turpiiHSulby any ineUi cine in Tlw history of this medicine in peculiar. I tint made its 1 way to public tuv r fttlety by the force ol" ita own intriuMO merits. No nrtilirial iuciiiik have Iwen twil to give it no toriety nud thruM it upon public intuition. It has never Irctore even lcu ndvcrtiKifi, but hav ins fiit shown its re markiible ctficacy in the tnimly nt the proprietor, nnd by hi in afterwaidN ridmmitUcfrd lo his nlllicl'd triends nud uc quaiMtancest with a like p-miK, its rcputntuai gniduully x tended until it in known in th in,t. distant p.ina nf tiie I nil ni, ns a medicine of unrivalled virtue" hi tin; curif if Iv)ejs,j in nil it diir-rent forum, nnd alto for tiic cure f Asllniux or Phthisic, lift only herald nnd only cid' gy has been the story ff itt Vi.ndcrl'ul effiracy, uk told from mouth to mouth or by let re? from friend to friend. In eve ry intmuce where these Bitters have been nwl, nnd the re sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved u re medy. Numcpmn certificates, nttestiuf the rirjrnlnr eflicay of the 'OxYGtNATLii UiTrKii." are in the p-Mi"ti oi the proprietor: many of them signed by puramrt alrvady ttidely known to tho public. CEO. n. dRKK!f , Pniprictor. WINDSOR, Vt., Ocbiber 3, The following Certlficntrff have recently been received t Waahis-otox, D. C, Jr 10, 1R40. Iluvinfj mndr use of the 4ilsypeimted Bittcra;' pr-p:ired !iy Dr. tieo. H. Green, of Wnulw-r., Vt.and from know letlge obtained of their riTieaey hi other cusen, wechcertuliy recoiuinend them to the put. In, believing that they willfully ffiiKtuin the rn'ommcndntinii of the Pniprittor. We hope mat linn vaiuaoie reuteuy ma? be so generally auiufeu throughout the country tliul it iiny be accetuiblu to all the afflicted. T'ht Vi m tfu ' I 1T- Junior from Vermont. JA.MKS K. SIM.Mt'i.NS, ". f. PciM'. r from It. Inland. J. T. MOIIKUEA1), L. S. !tiinUrr uml lortiurly Uoverii or of Kentucky. U. II. AK.VOI.D, Memlicr of Congrem oud funucrly to Vernor oi K. I. " WM. WtMnmilD(iI, t'.S.fcfcnaturaud formeriyHjo vcrnor of Michigr-n. M. L. MAK'1 1, Delegate in Cougreti from WiactMisitt TerriUryr , . 4 j ; . - y From Hon. H. D. Fostee, Member of Congress from PeiHi.iylvHnia. WAMiiNG-ftiN, D. C, June 10, 1S4. Dear fir, I have been u dyspeptic auirerer for alcut tetf years, and have rtrtel to various mertpines tr relief without succes-s, utfil I made use of your "Oxyirciwted Ihtteis." 1 have urd nlxitit two lotUes, and find myself restored to perfect health The forms in which the dis ease niiowtii it veil", iu my case, were, great acidity of the sunnuch, loss ni uppttiU, extreme rtutiilence, severe constt piitiou ot the bstwcls, and violent heailuulie. Feeling desi rous that a kimwledife of your vu limbic remedy may reach others similarly itinVted. 1 take great pleasure iu record iug my testim ny to its curative power; ami would also reinaik. ttutt while on a visit ol borne a short time since, 1 admin tt cm! a purl ot' u Ixatlc ti a numler of my nliticted friends, with great succss. Tliey are desirous that ymt should establish an agency ut Pittsburg, or infirm them where the medicine can lie obtained. With au earnest de sire for your prnHperity and happiness, I sulutcrihc rnvself, trulv your iriend H. D. FOST1.H. Doet. :i:o. II. CiBKKN.WiwIsir, Vt. Hold Wli -lesale and Retail bv tiicrn k Fletcher, No. 26S'Uth Sixth Street, Philuileiphin. Acrt f"r Snnlmry II. It. MASSKR. Agents for Mikon M ACKA Y A II A AO. Agent foi I'pper Muiitmoy. J. it. ihSS. April 15, lb45 oTudfrmrs L'NUfVALLEn STVLK OF HATS KOll (iKXTl.KMEX. CIIAKt.CN IIAKMIIIII, ' No. 10 f CHESTNUT STREET Pniladelphia. Wruli! rpsprclfully invite altrnlinn In his su frior style of lisis l"r autumn. IS4S, w h'rli will lr fuunJ Ihe must r-rfrrt sier b.f.ire ntlVri'il tn llie eommuniiy. lis peculiar furms rrnitfr- it the mure Ji sirnl'l , as It combines all the essentia1, of Ju' i. blliijf ntliieaines, requisits in that article of I're. whilts hi liicressid (.icilities rn in m iiufartarins' aviih all ihe inodVru impr-'Vemcnls. enabl.' hnn Tu CMitLsaos ths Weatn to pMluca s Ml. r Hal. Cuitnaia'a F.aer Hit sag Cars ut rat Latksi Mods. Thea (iiihIs hs Ivan wn hil with great (are, snd will be fjund m.t besaiifin and chasia in their styles. I , Limes' Himso Hat sb Csrsnv Eariaa IT s lw I'sTTaHRs, Grai rare has be n Ii. slow, oil in construrtir j Ihese articles 'h t iher may Ii perfectly easy arid ruirn a grscrful ai .r rirs' ' CHARLF.3 OAKFORD. 104 Chestnut t. a lew ilr alae '1'i.iid, , Philvlelpbia ; Hriitemher 30, 1848.ch June 94, 1818 ly RsnV nf Chesler CnnniT WrhftsWr Bank of Pelnwnre Conniy Chester Hank nf Oermsntnwn T3crm.aY4wn flank of MonlBomery Co. Nnrrfatown Dnytrstnnn Ttsnk Dnylestown Ga.tnn Hank Esstnn Farmers' llsnk of Bucks co Bristol Rrtnk nf NnrthnnilietlamlSf Northumbetlsnd par ('olnrnl'is Bink cV tlridae ro.Onlumhi par' Farmers Brink of Lancaster Lsnctslet par l.snraler ;nuniy D:iriK Lsnrnster Bsnk Farmers' Batik of Reailinn Offire nf Bnnk of Penn'a. Office , do do Dllire do do (lfTice do do NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Hank nf Ihn I'tiiled !tites finers' Dnnk of I'oltsville Hank nf Lewistnwn Hnnk i f Muliltituwn Hsrlislc Hank Bxcliaiiap Hunk l)n d.i branch of Uarrifbnre Bank Lel!iinn Hnnli 1e'chani' & Mimtif Bank it mk "I Piltsburii VV.st Ilianch ll.nk Wynminrz Bank Nurlhanipimi Btnk Herks Cnutity Hnnk in.-e nf Bank ol U. S. )n do do. Di do dn ll:ink of ('homlier.luirg HuHk of f leitysburit Bnnk nf Su-iuehanna Co. Rrie liiu.k Fanners' & Drovers' Bunk Kmnklin liitik ILinmbili; li.nk Ntiii'nnB.hela Bank of B. V..rk Hank N. B, 'I he notes nf those bsnk on which ws imil qiiiiiniiniis, and sulitituto a dash ( ) are not nurrhnsed by the Pliihulelphia brokers, with lbs e tcrption nf tlmse whic h have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 17 Potisville psr Lewi.tnwn failed Middlniown 1 Carlisle 1 Piltshurp I Hnllidsvshsri I Harrishurf I Lehsnnn par Pitleburg l PiHshutR I Williamsporl , 14; Wilkesbarra II Atlentowo no aale Readin; failed Pitlshurg failed Erie da New Brighton do ChsmberabNrf I Gettysburg 1 Montrose St Erie 35 Wsynesburg S Washington l Hnnednle 1 1 Brown rills I York 1 failed failed failed Philadelphia Lis. Philadelphia Loin Co. "rhiv IU til !Snv. Ins, Ken-iiictnli rv. Ins, A Penn Township Sav. In. Vlaiinal Lslmr Bank (T. W r..wHnd;i Hank Allegbanjr Bank nf P. D ink of llravcr It. i nk of Swatnra Hunk of Washiiixtnn Centre Bank I'ity Hunk Farmer' & Merh'cs' Bsnk F,irniPr' A' Meeti'rs Bank Farmers' fV. Mcch'e' Bank Harmony Institute Miiiitiiigdnr. Dank Juniata li;ink , Lumbermen's Bsnk N.irihcrn Bank of ls. New Hope Del. Bridge IS. N.irlhumb'd Utiinn Col. Ilk. N.nth Western Bsiik of P. . Dllire of MrhnylUill Hank Aar- & M iimf. O.nk Silver L ike Bank I'niKii Brink nf Penn'a. W estniorrlaml Bnrik Wilkesbnrre Bridge Co. Cfj- All nn'.e purporting to he on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in Ihe above list, may be sec lown as Imrj.N. SEW JEnSKY. Philadelphia do do do do Dvnti, prop.) I owanda Bedford Beaver Hsrrisburg Washington Bellefonte Pitlshurg Pittsburg Fayetle co. Oreefrcastle Harmrny Hunllngdnti n sale Iewistowh no s.l Warren TJundalT New HdpS Millrtn Mradfllle ' Port CarbtM Carlisle Mdnitiwa . I'nlntiiown Greenaburg failed no aale closed closed fsiled closed no al failed failed failed no sale failed no asl closed no sale Closed fild closed railed closed Wilkesbsrre no sale KanknfNew Btlinswick lielviilere Bunk liurlinslori Co, Bank Jiimmefcial Hank Juniberland Bsnk' ?arm. rs' fluirk Brunswicl Bnlvitlsre MedfoFrf Perth Amboy Bridget on Mount Holly ."nrnii rs' ami MechmitiV Bk IJahway f.ileJ 1 par 1 Pictorial Edition of d'Aublgrne's Ifreat Work on the lierorniatlou OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY. (SWITZERLAND, fcC Will b published or. or about the 11 of April. 1848, by JOS. A. bPEEL. No 96 Cherry at. above 61 b, hia splendid 12mo edition of the above named work, with 18 engraved illustration from ori ginal design; 4 vols in 3, bound ia extrs cloth snd library sheep. Tbs publisher respectfully cslls the sttention of tbe trede snd the public generally, to this work beina- tb only illustrated edition published in the United SlateeH trusts that the beauty of ita embellishments, the etroiif and substantial manner in which it ia bound, in conjunction with the known popularity of tbe work itaelf, will be s surs recommendation to puoue iaor. JOS. A. 8 PEEL. 98 Cherry st sbove tb. J. A 8 hi also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell' Rares Show, s auitabls book for children, neatly dons sp in rstrs cloth. Philadelphia, April I, 1848 ' - APS. An assortment just received. Also, J silk HATS at S85, for sale by - H. MAS8ER. Hunbury, Dec. 1. 1848. TO TIIE PUBLIC Come who want to have IIwri.es Cured! THE subscriber informs the public that he haa devoted much time and study on the numerous disease afflicting Horses, and that he haa success fully been practising aa e KAKKIER,for several years past, and therefore respectfully oilers his aid to those persons who may deem it prufier to give him a call, and he bones to render general satis faction. W1LLOBY TKEXLEH. Bhamokiii Dam, Lnion county, l'a May 19, 1849 Sin J. J. GLRICElTOTTGrE. (Late Heller A. Grcenough.) , PATENT ATTORNEY. amd MSOHAiricAXt mraurGSB, nashln;tou,U.C. DRAWINGS and rjopirs for tho Patent Ottivus, prepareU JiiJ all the necessary bu siness, iu relation to securing patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of lioe opposite) the Ptiteut Oliice. . October 88, 1848. ' WJATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's I writing and Indellible uik, Cotton yarn and Cps, just received and for aal by J. W. f RILING. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1849. N. Biilnswrck tailed Middlstowir Ft- 1 tailed ttilec tail. tailc P no aal no sal yarmrrir' and .Mechanic' Ilk r'sriners' nnd Merchanis' Uk Frsnklin D ink of .N.J. Jersey City ti.ii i.Krn Litis a luazing 1-9 Hon.. ken lerwy f 'ity Bank Jer-y City Mechanics' Bank Patterson liii.nfiriurn' Bank Belletills Murris Cftunty Bank Morffatowli'' vliinniouth Ilk ol N. J. ' FreoboM Uechamrs' Bank IteWark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton , Morris f -sitdl and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bk oi In Co Newok ew Hope Del Under Co Lamberuville . J. ManniHc ai .r Bkg l!o Hohoweh fail. J I'totrcion & LmiVLard hk Jersey City fail Orange U mk Orrrrrge 1'aiers.in Uauk I'strrson Pei.lcs llsnk do Pnnceion Bunk Princeton Salem Banking Co ?arWn state Bink Jrewark Mai Bank Blizatielhtowo Slate Bank t'amtii siat.' Bank of Morns . Warnowa Mute Uuuk rrenion Salem and Philad Matiuf Co' &fitttt Susses llank- New ion Trenmn Banking (Jo Trent) Cuh.n Hank ,. . , - Dner- t. V hii.gi..o Banking Co. . Harkensack ft Ilk of Wilm dt BraiMlywiiH! V iliniiigloo Osnk ol Delaware Wilmington ., Bsnk nf Smyrna ' Smyrna '' Do biancb Millord . r'srOM-rs' Bk of Msis nf Dol Duvet . Do , branch Wilraingtoa Do brunch ' Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Cnion Bank Wilmington UjT I'nder 6' (XJ" On all banks marked thn (') Iber as 'her rounlerfeit or altered nolea of ihe varioui nmirisiiiMis. in circulation. fail I I (ai fsi NKAV GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVEh Henry Masser, HAS just received at his store, In Sunt au asaoitnient of tha cheapest Goods, ever came to the place, conaistuiff of . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ifc. French black Cloths, Cassinetts, &o. ooes, of excellent quality and cole price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, s yard wide, at 6 J cents. These are not tha low priced trash ar usually sold. Muslin de Laities, of fine ity aud patterns 181.- Handsome Tc and other Shawls and various other art Tha public are requested to call and , for themselves, bunbury, Nor. 18, 1W8. . ' WINDOW CLASS, 8 by 10, for sale I HENKY MAW Kuabury Jaa S7lh, 1849- lX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers