SUNBUKY AMERICAN'-AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. s 2UI 0orfo of jrtttiM. "ths root. AAO hU nqnkt arc boon '.V. ::,. fillll. f We published a few dayl ag6 en extract from a letter in the New York Post, from a disbanded volunteer, in California; who stated that he had . accumulated t7(XX) in gold in California, and was coming home. , ThB Post gives the sequel as follows : r The letter was received here, and pub lished, in the Post on the 20th inst. Only two days after its receipt, to the extreme sur prise and joy of his wife end family, Lough eey presented himself before them. He had accumulated at the mines nine or ten thou stand dollars, and supposing the sum inex haustible, took passage to this country very oon after the above letter was written, hav ing about $7000 worth of dust in his trunk, and the balance of his wealth on his person. 'His idleness and prosperity were too much for his new resolutions. He abandoned him self to intemperance, and the money so easi ly acquired, was lightly prized. On his arri val in this city he hired a carriage to carry him to his home, which his golden letter had but a few hours previous made so happy ; but before he reached it he contrived to spend forty dollars, in drink and upon his driver, 'end on his arrival, the trunk, containing his $7000, was missing, and a large portion of the money which he had brought away upon ' his person. His unhappy wife, when die ' became aware of her foolish husband's im providence, solicited the aid of gentlemen to whom she was known, and steps were im mediately taken to preserve what money had not been wasted, and to recover what had undoubtedly been stolen from him. About 81200 were thus saved and sent to the mint at Philadelphia. The trunk and its contents .are probably lost for ever. Loughrey can give no account whatever of it. 1 On the subject of Behavior in Company, 'Leigh Richmond gives the following excvl , lent advice to his daughters: "Be cheerful, but not gigglers. Be seri ous but not dull. Be communicative, but not forward. Be kind, but not sprvile. Beware of silly thoughtless speeches; al though you may forget them, others will not. RememberGod's eye is in every place, and his ear in every company. Beware of levity and familiarity with young men; a modest reserve, without affectation, is the only tafe path. Court and encourage seri ous conversation with those who are truly ' serious and conversible ; and do not go into valuable company without endeavoring to improve by the intercourse permitted to you. , Nothing is more unbecoming, when one part of a company is engaged in profitable . and interesting conversation, than that ano their part should be trifling, giggling, and talking comparative nonsense to each other." ' New Bedford and Cal ifornia fever in New England has scarcely . ever ruu higher than at present, though there is more method in the madness of the 'out goers. There are no less than seven . large vessels fitting out at New Bedford for the Gold Regions, mostly loaded with lumber c and bricks. The owners will unquestiona- bly make profitable voyages. The whaling fchips of both Nantucket and New Bedford are bringing in a good deal of gold from Cali fornia. As he is wont, Major Noah, of the Star, has hit the nail on the head. Take six thousand readers of a public journal, and no two of them will see things precisely alike, yet afl may complain if the paper fails to , reflect tfhe peculiar notions of each. The most ridiculous labour a man ever under took is trying to please every shade of taste by a single dish. Augusta Sentinel. f It is said that Mr. Chas. Stetson, of the . Astor rouse, goes shortly to St. Petersburg, i Russia, to superintend fhe establishing of a 1 first-rate hotel there on the American plan. . Peaches. The editor ofthe Yazoo City , (Miss) Whig, acknowledges the receipt of a box of line clingstone peaches, raised near UV L-l l Trial piace. Condescension. The English admiralty 7iave granted permission to the officers ofthe American frigate St. Lawrence to visit Shee'rness dock yard. Wonderful conde- ecerwion .' ' The following are infallible recipes to makers- Play at blind man's bun in printing office. To have music at dinner teil your wife she is not so handsome as '.he lady who lives across the way. To save butter make it so salt that nobody can eattt-. . Peettv. Good A man in Albany, the ither fright, thought he had an attack ot iholet', some friends encouraged the idea; nd fiifiilly cured Mm by giving him three nils, maae from a celebrated shoe blacking. maginanoti ucvefiefl and cured bim. One of the severest struggles In life, is tat between ft proud spirit and an empty urse. The Suu-kua Rcmedy. The newspapers te teeming with accounts of the success of ilphur in cholera at Chicago. In real cho- ra the sulphtr has been utterly futile in .is city, and will be ae every where else Louisinlle Courier, June 21st. Senator Footr, of Mississippi, now a re lent of Washington, fills about seven col tins of the Union, denouncing the great issourian.i Mr. Fxtfte says, the Democratic jty can never take him up for Piesident, Wilson's Business Direotory for the city o w York contains the name of 87,670 per a or firms engaged in business on their n account. ' Among them are 2824 grace i and provision dealers. 1086 lawyers, 1390 as and shoe maker, 14 dry goods and cy goods merchants, and 1640 keepers of ter bouses. ior Bd. The marriage of Col. Bragg, of tittle more grape" notoriety, is noticed by New York Globe aa a surrender of the ant colonel, which the Globe says "served . riirht ! He should havo known that his u ..,,1,1.! nut resist the imall armi of Gtljc iltarkcte. HUbAHXA KAU1T, Jell 4, 1840. . Wmat Prima Pennsylvania reda are held at II 00 a 101 and white at 1 1 04 a 107. Rri Is in demand at 57c. Corn. Further aalet of yellow Corn at 57c per bushel. Oats. Delaware Oats arc held at 28 a 28 ; Penna. 32 a J4o, Whisk bt. Sales in hhds at 21 e and in bbls at 21 1 a 22 cents. BALTIMORE MARKET. OJJict of ttn American, July 2, 1849. GRAIN.- Not much Weat offering. We note sales of small lots of good to prime reds at 88a93 cts. A sale of a cargo of Pennsyl vania mixed, white and red, at i)S cts. Sales of Corn at 54 55 cts for yellow, and 50a51 cts. for white. A sale of Pennsylvania yellow at 54 cts. A lot of Pennsylvania Rye brought 55 cts. Oats sell nt 24n28 cts. WHISKEY. The demand is very limited. Small sales of bbls, at 21 cts, and of hhds, nt 21 els. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Masser. Whiat. 100 SO 90 33 14 8 S 125 10 IS . 8 10 62 300 Rrs. Coll. . Oats. Bl'TTIB. Enos. Pona. Flixskb. Tsiiow. Basswix. Flax. Heckled Flax. Dried Arri.Es. Do. Peaches. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUM BERLAND COUNTY. FrLLnw-CiTizsns: At the solicitation ef a numlwrof my old friends, in different parts ofthe county, I hereby offer myself es a candidal for the office of REGISTER a. RECORDER at the ensuing election, EDWARD OYSTER. Sunbury, June 30, 1849. REGISTER & RECORDER, &c, '"THE suliscrilier has been solicited to offer him- sell again for the office or rkgisteu & itEconnr.n for Northumberland comity, and truste if elected, his experience in snid office will enable him to dis charge its duties satisfactorily. JOHN I PURSEL. Sunbury, June S3, 1848. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 'THE sul'scnl-cr offers himself to the electors of - Nortliunilierhinil county as a cntuliiluto for COMMISSIONER. should he lie elected he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. WIM.IAM WILSON. Lewis township, June S3, 1848. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fkilow Citizexs. Encouraged by numerous friends I hereby offer myself to your coniiideratioii as a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the next general election. Should I receive a majority of your suffrages, ! will endeavor to dis charge the duties of said ollice with fidelity. WILLIAM M. ALTEN, Chilisquaque township, June 16, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. TI7M. W. BETTILYON, of Upper Augusta, offers himself to the electors of Northum berland county as a candidate for COUNTY TRE18URF.H. Should be elected, he promises to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity. l.pper Augusta, June 9, 1849. COUNTY TREASURER. JACOB YOUNG, ofthe Borough of Sunbury, offers himself to the electors of Northumber land County, as a candidate for the office of TREASURER. Should he be elected, he will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office in such a manner as to give general satisfaction. auubury, June 9, 1849. Notice A I.I. persons indebted to the sulwrrilirr, either by note or book aocount, am requested to come ami moke payment immediately Prompt attention to this notice may save trouble. CHARLES. 8. BOGAR. Sunbury, June 30, 1849. tf 85 JIEWAKD YT7TLL be paid by the subscriber for the dis- covery and conviction of some miscreants who entered upon her property on Saturday night, destroying her fruit and shrubbery, and ollierwise damaging her property. Sunbury, June 30, 1649. CAUTION. Jt 4.1, peraons are hereby cautioned against 2tL purchasing or receiving a note of hand, given by tne to Silas Woolverton for Ten Dollars, dated June 19, 1849, payable in ten days. Having received no value tor the same I will never pay it, unless compelled by law. miLlf KKIfcUBALM. Upper Augusta, June 30, 184931 sTTOT AsMtfYEsD. A New Asaorimettt of Fresh Good IRA T. CLEMENT, T ESrECTFULLY Worms his friends, eus tomcrs and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square In iSunhury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June 23, 1840. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. F RILING. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. CHARLES W. HEGINB, JLTTOXUTEY AT Li.7", FotUvllle, Pa. Will promptly attend to collections and sll trasi nea entrusted to his care, Jone 16, 1649, BLANKS. 1 of every description e VBLANKS of every description eats ha had by I applying at the office of the American. fl'ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tiasue paper for i covering classes, &.c, for sale at the office of the American. TjAISINb, currants, citron, cheeak, pepper XV sauce, &c t or sal by J. W, f KlLI.'VG, . Sunbury, Pec.?. I 18. WEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Harness Makers. THE undersigned respectfully inform the public, that they have commenced the abova busi ness in Sunbury. and will con stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their tin of business. AU articles manufactured by them will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at any other estab lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duct tnken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. , HENRY WEISE. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jnno 93, 1849. SHERIFF'S SALE. T) Y virtue of a l. Krymnat to me directed, will lie exposed to public saloon Monday the 9th day of July 184 'J, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, the following described property to wit ! The undivided one-fifth part of a house and lot of ground, situated in Sunbury on the north cast side of Blackberry street No. ISO bounded westwardly by annlly, cast by lot No. 179, north by an ally, south by Blackberry street aforesaid, whereon ia erected a two story dwelling house, Putter ahop and barn. Ac. ALSO: The undivided one-filth part of a house and lot of ground, situated in Sunbury on the south side of Blackberry street No. 264, bounded on the west by an ally south by the rail road, vast by lot No. 862, north by Blncklwrry street whereon is erec ted a two story dwelling house, and a small log stable. ALSO: All the right title mid interest of John Bogaif of in and to a certain lot of ground on the south side of Market street in Sunbury No. 13,libunded north by said street, east by lot No. 1 6, west by Centre ally, south by Barbary ally, whereon ia erected two two story brick dwelling houses, a frame table ifc Seized tnken in execution and to be sold aa the property of John Bogar. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tT. Sheriff s office, Sunluiry, June 16, 1849. FARM FOR SALE. '"PHE subscrilier is authorised to sell at private sole, A tract of Lntitl, in Union township. Union county, Pa., 3 miles from Northumberland, and 5 miles from Lewis burg, lying on the western road between these two Boroughs, and continuing about lf0 acres. Bounded by lands of Frarnn, Merrill, Cauley nnd others; only 130 rods from the West Branch of the Susquehanna. About 60 acres are cleared. The rest well wooded- some good timber. The improvements are a log house, bnrn nnd apple orchard. An unfailing spring of pure nnd wholesome water, near the door. For some years past, more or less lime has been put upon the land annually, and as Iron ore of good quality has lieen found on continuous tracts, there is reason to lielieve it exists on this. In consequence ofthe distant resilience of the owner, Mr. Samuel Hains, of Philadelphia, This tract will le sold probably nt a lower rnto than any tillable land in the neighborhood, A title "clear and unquestionable" will lie given. For terms and conditions, inquire of the undersigned at Northunilierlaiid. 1 AVID TAGGART. Attorney for Samuel Hains. Northunilierlnnd, June 16, 1849. 5t TUG CHEAP BOOK STORE. D JL1TIEL3 & SMITH'S Ciikap New- ft Second hanh Book Siokk, A'orA Welt corner nf Fourth and Arch Streeti rhitadrtphin. Law Bonks, Theological and Classical Books. MEDICAL BOOKS, BIOGRAPHIC ALA HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific ano Mathematical Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, WhoUtnlt and Retail. V Oca prices are much lower than the rkottlab prices. re" I.ilimrirs awl nimll parcels of tMki purclutaed. 17 Hook impnrtnd tn order from liundoii. rniittaeipuia, Junep, ltiu y LARD LAMPS. CORNELIUS. CO. 1T0 rhesnut it.. RESPECTFULLY announce that they have just flnished the moat extensive assortment ot LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEOANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, HKAtiKKTS. I'KNDAMS, MANTEL. LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of OUKilNAL DESIGNS. Much attention hnsbeen paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory) Willi the introduction of new and perfected machinery. enables tliem to sell at a very UKEAT KtULL TION from former prices, ami all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and arc warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly WALL PAFEP.S. FTMIE Subscribers have on hand the largest as- X sortment of Wall Papehs in the city of Phi ladelphia, Wholesale and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Lntnea, Dining Rooms, Chambers, 4c., which lor quality and atyle cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash buaineaa we are enabled to sell a belter article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a lanre assortment of Wide Pirn for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &c, which will be sold for Cuah. Paper Hanging done in tile country at city prices. IS. H, Dealers are invited to call and eiarmne their stock before purchaaing elsewhere. r irI it HtniuA, No. 142 Arch Street, South aide Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly 2000 PRE3IIUM BLINDS II. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 12 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Venltlan Blind and Window Shade Manufacturer. (AWARDED the first and highest Medals at (aw York. Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibi tions, for the superiority of his ULl.MJb, With con firmed confidence in his manufacture,) asks the attention of purchasers to bis assortment of 2000 Blinds of narrow and wide slats witn tancv and plains Trimmings, of new styles and colors. Also a large and general assortment of TRANSPA RENT WISiDUW BHAjJts, all of w bicb be will sell at the lowest cash prices. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new. tVpEALER8 SUPPLIED on liberal terms 3 The Citizens of Northumberland County an res pectfully invited to call before buying elsewhere coundent of pleasing all. QroPtN IN THE EVENINGS.u March S4, 18493m fADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi- LP cine for sale by HENRY MASbE feunbury Jan. ZTth, 1819 tf. , If ESSENCE OF JAMAICA OIKOEIl ; PREPARED and sold pnjt, at. FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL Store, K. E. fomer of Firra and Cbkssct streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuabl properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found bn trial an f xcellcat Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as s tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops Irrtpartitig to tho stomach a glow snd vigor, equnl to a Wine glass of brandy or other atimuland, without any of the debilitating effects, which arc suro to follow tho use of liquor of any kind I and it is thrrcfnro especially serviceable to children and females. To the aged, it will prove a great comfort i to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections, it gives great rcllcTs and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whoso stomach is constantly crnving the imxioi liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation t and is consequently a great agent in the ruuse of tem perance. LF'Full directions accompanying each bottle. The aliovo article can be had at the office of tho American. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly CHOICE GROCERIES. coiroN & Co. S. If. Corner Arch If 6lj Street Philadelphia, HAVE now in store a well selected stock of the very best Family Groceries, which they will sell nt the lowest prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from $ 1 down to 25 cts per lb., tho Black Tea 45 cents by the Box, is unusuil ly fine. Coffee of all qualities and prices better Sugar for G cts. per lb., than any other store. Maecaroni, Vermicelli, Cnntou Ginger in Syrup, Olive Oil of the best brands, nit assortment of the richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line. All goods sent to the country, put up neatly and securely Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether wtj can suit vou. COLTON cV CO. 8. W. Cor. Arch & Cth St. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. cheSin ly SALE. IN pursuauee of an order of the O rphsns' Court of Northumberland county, will lie exposed to sale, at the Court House in eSunhury, on Monday, the. 9th day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a certain lot of ground on the South side of Black lierry street, in said Borough, No. 234, liouudcd East by lot 233, Vest by lot E32, on which are erected two lop dwelling Houses, a small shop and a log Barn. To be sold as the properly of Daniel Itoffmnii, dee'd., by Henry Manser, his administra tor. Conditions of snlc will be made known on day of sulc. MARTIN IRWIN, Clk., O. C. Orphans' Court office, Sunbury, May, 28, 1S19. LAWRENCE HOUSE, Market Square, opposite the Court House, SrxnuRY, Pa. T IIIS well known Hotel has just lsen refitted, u i id handsomely luriushed uv the uiiilersigtieil, and he begs leave to say, lhat it is his intention to render it worthy of the lilienil patronage, by liii li it bus heretofore been sustained. J. C. PERKINS. Sunbury, May 17, 1849. 3mo CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, of sale by J HIT 3. C0LE1O.1T, JS'os. 32 and 33 AKCADE, and i North THIRD Street, ompristng 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgcrs Sons, Wostenholm's (Ivcavc's V. iV K. Butcher's and Fenncy's Cutlery Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, nnd Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention ot Dealers. Cnn Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing mid selling cutler)'. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849--ly Notice. riHE partnership, heretofore existing under the A name of "Dewart & Bmner," having been ilissolved, the aubscribcr announcea to the public that he will continue the practice of the law at the ollice formerly occupied by said firm, in the Borough of Sunbury. Business entrusted to bun will be promptly attended to. un.trti.r.o J. uiil.u.ii. Sunbury, April 21, 1819 oino CHEAT AHKIVAL. 1 OHN W. FRILING has just received ut his ' store in Sunluiry an extensive assortment of NEW (10ODS, of every variety which he ia hbw ready to sell or exchunge for produce ; anil consist' ing in part of CLOTHS, C.1SSIMERES, frc. Linen and Cotton drilling, and summct wear of all kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gi.;iiam, Lawns, &.C. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Quccnswarc and Hardware of all kinds. Drugs Paintk, and DykstitPs. FISH, SALT, AND TLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will lie sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, Muy 20, 1819. TANN ERSTA KENOTICE. New Hide Oil and Leather Store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doon below Race St. Philadelphia. THE suliscrihers oiler to the tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayrea, Laplata, f.aruccas, Laguira, Hung-Llry, Lhili, baited rer- ambuco and all kinda of Spanish Hides, dry anu salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, ant) Black Dry Patna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will aell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, oil better terms, than old Houses In the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 184'Ji ly COLD & SILVER WiRE. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 C(mf-sf, at the sign of the Gold Thimble, between W. if id. its., &01HA side Philadelphia. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly 011 hand, at wholesule and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a auperior quality, at reduced prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks aud Chains, Knitting Sheaths, &c ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware, r,.rm.n Silver H noons. Ac: Gold Diamond Hois ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior Everpointed Leads, ore, etc. Philadelphia. May 86, 184& DAR IRON of all kinds for sale low, at the autre of C, & BOQAB. bunbury Jan. 20th, U49e 1 TJOOKS and Gold Pena. On hand several top- ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pena which we will sail at the Philadelphia prices, ror salt at this omre. MAllRALLtl Concentrated Saraaparllla, , For the cure of Tetter, 8crofula; Erysipelas, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, ice . TT ia recommends! to PhysltlSns and others, as 1 tho strongest preparation fiow in Use, and en tirely different from that put tip Ut quart bottles, possessing little or no abtlve principle ef the Sana parilla, but intended to deceive the public For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. ,' IIEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and all complaints requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone," stiff ness uf the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, Ac. . It has also been used with great success by per sons iiltHctcd with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly AjPPLETON'S fJll EAT CENTRAL O II E A 1 BOOK S T O 11 E, 164 C'heKtiuit Street. Corner of Seventh, Swaim't Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. KNOWING the wonts of the community, the Proprietor nf this Estarlishmext bus fitted up a More in the most elegant manner, having due regnrd to the comfort uf his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Storo, lny feci entirely at home. tltS HVHVtliNSH STOCK of Books is elnssified according to the various De partment of Literature, so thnt viaitors can find the Bonks they are in search of for themselves. Buying his Stock fnr the most part at the Ai t tiox Salk, and being connected with one of tlte l'tci imitMi 7oi-sf.s in this country, besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell all Books nt LOWER PRICES than anv other house of a similar chn meter on this continent. His facilities for the Impoiitatiox uv Books from Europe arc unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Establishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Country by every Stkaheb and Packet. A CATAtCOtjB of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his largto collection, which arc in all cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, or. from Sli to 73 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in iiliying even a Ktw Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to stronsers visiting the city, every one who pur 'buses On Dollar's woiitii of Books, will re ceive ii copy of tho S-riiAMiKn ix Pnii.AHKi.riii, an clegnnt 18 mo. volume, the price of w hich is 25 cent. I The limits of an advertisement arc too eon lined to enumerate the prices of any of thtf Ith incline iidvnntuues to lc derived from purchasing lit tllC OlIKAT C'l.VTlt AL ClIKAP BllllK STORK, bllt let nil who are in search of Books send for a (.'uta logue, und buy the Books they are in want of, and when visiting the city, give Applelon one cull, and you will be sure to call aguin. STATIONERY in all lis branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note PaH'r, neully stamped in the corner, without charge. Orders for any ortlcle may I sent by mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all cases will lie fully carried out, with great punc tuality und despatch. Orders for Catalogues should bcrnn-PAin. (iEO.S. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer 10-1 Chesnvt St cor. of Seventh, Su-aim's BuiUHns. Philadelphia. May, 12, 1M4U. 3m SILENCE Thnt drendful Cough ! the Lungs are in dan ger, the work of the Destroyer has been begun, the cough of Consumption hath in it a sound of Death, Rev. HENRY JONKS, 109 Eighth avniue, Wna cured 01' couitll anil culiirrlinl alirctinn ol 50 yrars standlns:. The lirst it'isefruve him mors relief thou ail th other medicine he hnd ever tnken. Jlr, 1.. J. Hints, ltl Drlsnry-slreel, tnivt it to s iieriii!uw who wum bilMHiring ituilrr t.'ou Mitnptioin und to another stirrly nfllietril vvilti the Asthnia. In liMb macs its eri.n'is were immediate, soon restoring them lo cmfortiiMe health. Mts. I.Ul'KKTI.V Vi:i.l.. Ik', r.'hrhitic-st. suuVreilrroni Asthma 4Jyenrs. Hiernvtn'i Itulmnii relieved her nt ones, and the iucontprirativcly well, bring enabled In mibdiie eve. ry stuirk by s limety use oi'this medicine. This indeed is I lie great remedy lor foiiphM, t'olds, Hniuinit l!lil, l.iver Comiluinte, nnd' sll the slfwlions of tne tluoat, suit even Arttimu snd Comiiiniption. Ak lor Shernuin's All-lienlinfr Unburn, and aea that Ilia written sifrlintlire is on ern-h hotlle. I'riee lfc cents nisi vi per dome. Dr. tOi'inum's mid Osifth Loaengea. and Poor Mull's 1'Uwlers sold sw aWtVe. SHERMAN'S POOlt MAN'S PLASTER Itna rurrd mors rtiutnf HHHimatiwh; Pnilt hi tht Hhrk, Hitlt uml Chrt. Luinlatiuo ninJ WwtknW, tlitm iiy ppli rutiixi that Ihi intTtwHl, limulrfds f uiiprinriplttl rttMiila haveultfinpt(l In ctmntoriVlt il. awl putm it upon the community im tlic peuuine. llu-ar itf Drreptii,.j KtmrmlRT tlmt the tnw nnti ppimiiw PlWer in tprnid tijNn rrnklikh pnpr nvttlf xprfmly l'-r the wrpow and eerv ftiiw till ttipiuiturt'of Dr. Klifrntaii printed utmn the laat-k tit' thf PlHrtfr. mtd the yhAr inn-nrnl by Cpy Kiht, Notirt othrm are gftiuiiM. TltrisTi ire when you wunl a ril fmtl KlieriiHir1 lnjr Mttn'i Plunter, mil at (IteotfitHf, 1()Q Nhikiu urtft, viul you will ivt le dmnpp-nnted. KrinrmlM'r prinritiil liftine I(i6 Niiswiq-irtrrft, WW-York, whftrt hII lr. ShcniiHii1 Utzenffti lire nold. Hip Aawitt nre Mm. H)iyt l:tti Kulttwi trrt?t, Brooklyn; lliutn, Willwniatliurg ; aitd Ue1ilitic K IJ-nUn, ami JOHN YlM'NU.Himlurr, M. A. MfiWV, Norihuiuberlaiid Muy 10, 111' r It c3.ii ly JOHN DONNELLY, RtAifVACTt'nER or Donnkli.V's Upright Safety Glaf.d Caihixkd MATCHES, and United Statm Oil Paste black I n. No. 83 Nbrth Third Street, riixx.Aosx.raiA, rpHESE MaUliea are justly consiJend the best a in the tinted eta teat tliey are tree train un pleasant smell, and can be introduced with perfect safely into all Mores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years. J be Ulaekiiig la of superior quauly, and tree from and inamdient that imstir the Leather, COUNTRY and oHU'rERa Will find it to their interest to call and see for them selves. N. Ii- An assortment of Matches Of ttltioils New York Maiiufiicliirers. Matches 111 round wood boxes also, packed in farce or small tin cases, to ship to any part of the world, JUHIN IJtl.XlN tl.Ll , Late of SO Bank Street, now S3 North Third Ht. March 91, 1649 ly LIQUORS, WINES, &C. nHE aubscribcr has just received a new supply A of the beat liquors that ever came to Sunbury, couaisting in part ef Superior old pale Brandy. Pine Cognise Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rurrii Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Snperior Port Wine. Burgandy Port do. . Sweet Malaga Wine. ' Superior Claret Wins in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRV MAS6EF funbury, May f , IUti i :- "Encourage Your Own!" p HAAS &UENN: FASHIONABLE MAKE dP FURNITURE AkD CHAIRS. of the public to janre and splendid assort, ment of every quality and price of . l( , C4ninfKT.WAIE, which tanhtft fail to recommend Itself toem one Who will examine ft, en aeeorml of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared hi the manufacture of their ware, and the subscrilicrs are. determined to keep up with the many iintirovements which are constantly being tnado. l heir stock consists ot Mahogany ' Sofa, Divans and Iounprca, liurcntts, Sf f rc tarf cS, SH)f to.iriis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIN'INO TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLlNtW, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pricts, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CAN DM2 STANDS, TOILET TABLTiS AND , EXTENSION TABLES, in short, even- article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in ISunliury, such as Mjuiooast, Black Waixct ami Ct;ni.Kii M.trn (tiitciAX ; asu WiKnsmt CHAIRS, A!DFAwrY 1'iA.xo Stoois, which arebf the latest styles, and warranted to be bxcclled by none manuractured in the Cities or elsewhere. The aubscriliers are determined that there shall Ik! lid excuse for iersons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence cuu be entertained about tlib quality ond finish of their ware and Clniirs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsenliert!. Coun try l'roiluee taken in payment for work. (If UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. Tho Ware Room is In Market Street, opHisite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849. tf THB XCXNUS OF O ALIFORM XA OUT" DONBI FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The Diamond City oflMilladclplila Mill Ahead t JACOIJ LADOMUS, 2-16MAKKKTST, BELOW EIGHTH, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA, TS constantly receiving from nil flic best Manu- iiicturers of Europe, every style of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Keiul this ilverlisenieiit cut it out of the pupeT put it tu your pocket, nnd cull the first time you visit the city. Among the assortment will lie found : Gold Levers, 18 V. eases, full jewelled, $'30 Silver Levers full jewelled, - - 13 Gold rKpincs, IS k. eases, Jewelled, - i!3 Silver 1'Epiiics, jewelled, ... 10 " (uartier Watches. - - . 4 to $10 Silver Tea Spoons, equul to coin, per set, 4 BO " Desert ' ' " " 10 00 " Tnlilc .. 13 no Together with a splendid assortment of Clinste ami Kich Jewelry, &c Ac, &e, liold Chains ol every variety anil pattern at a slight advnucc upon the originul cost. Examine them bv all means. C Tlic Trade will be supplied upon the most advantageous terms. J. LADOMUS, No. 240 MARKET Street, Mow Eighth. South side, Philadelphia, April 14, 1848. 3 mo. CAIJINET WARE ROOMS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branchss, at his stand in Market street in Sunnury, and that he has now on hutid a handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He til'o carries on, at hit old establishment, in r awu street, the CHAIR 9IAKIXG UTTSIXESS, in all its hranchra, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and f.isluonaWe CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of nt prices as low aa at any esta blishment in the county. His long experience in tho business, justifies linn in the belief that he will be able to Rive pen. cral satisfaction, and therefore solicita from his customers a continuance of their patronaire. llr All kinds of produce taken in exchnnpe. SEBASTIAN HOTPT, Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf The Cheapest anil Most Splendid Assartlurnt ill WATCHES AND JKWELUY IN PHILADELPHIA, No. ( I.EWI LAW1MI S, 1 Km. 413 ! MARKET STREET, j 4 J3 A "KW HOOKS ABOVE ELEVENTH, NORTH SIDB. HAS just received by lute arrivals, from the most celebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and judiciously selected assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which he will aell cHursn than any other estab lishment in the United States. Among the as sortment will lie found : Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled $38 Silver Levers, full jewelled, 15 Gold rEjiihcs. 15 k. cases, jewelled, 25 Silver I'Liiinef, jewelled, 10 " Quarher Watches. 4 to $10 Silver Tea Spb'tms, equal to coin, per act 4.30 " Pesert, " - 10.00 " Table, - 15.00 Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jewellry, Ac, Ac., Ac. GOLD CHAINS, of various styles, from the best Manufacturers. t3T Please preserve this aMvertiscrnent, and call at LEW 169 IjAvUMIoo, No. 413 MARKET STREET; above Els vexth. North Side. jy I have Gold and Silver Levers stili cheaper than the above prices. (Cy A h.eral discount made to the trade, April 14, 1849 3ra SUNBURY FOUNDRY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has again become connected with the above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con ducted solely under his management and control. From his long experience in the bussincss he trusts he will be able to give general eatisfaction to hia old friends and customers. The business will be carried on in all its branches. He will continue to manufacture Fioughs, snd all kinds of caatinga will be done with rrfomptness ahd ta the beat manner. GEO. ROHRBACH. Sunbury, June 9, 1849e3m FOR 8ALB. A good cow, nearly fresh for ale cheap. Enquire at tha office of the merioam Sunbury, June 9, 1849. TEA8, from the New York Canton and Pekin Ts Cempanv. For sale by J. W. FRILING. 6unbury, Pee. t, 1848 WHtAT WANTEP One dollar per bushel, cash, will be paid for good wheat by ISA T. CIEMINT. Sunbury Jan. J7th, 1813 tf, , y . ' Max n Home. - rnipors ana nkt Italian: the fetter of Blsndp Hughes, W which we referrfd a day of twrj ago, explained, to Mr. Greely that the collob'tibni to be taken tp ifi He Catholio CHnrohes in hit diocese oh Burl, day nex, were to aid the Pope in hi pieserit Vnnis, and not to stipprfrt him in his struggle agninst the Italian people. Had the Bishop stopped Kpi; the letter woijid not hare Riven any further cause of discussion, but the Bishop expressed his opinion in regafd to the revolu tion in Rome in three words : ' "A revolutirtti has indeed takrn filace. bilt there is no evidence that It is the work of the1 omnn penplH;' whilst it is certain that to a great extoni those who have taken part in it tire stmnrrers to Rdrtle, who found Othe parts dfltnly and of continental Europe url willing to receive or to retain ifiom; they inve succeeded in expelling the government shitli had privet! Iheht hosb'ilalilv. Thev linvo established, according to what t tecrard as the truest nboontits, a reign of terror over the Roman people; whicH they bull a govern ment. They lmve broken and bdrned tKe carriatts of the Cardinals, ait if that Were heroism. They have plundered the churches they have extorted rho'ney from the peo ple -they have uJmost legalized assassination wHet-erer their outhority prevailed. And thi s the phalanx lecoenized by Mr. Greely as the Roman Rennblio! Yet no ambassador from fnreiur. countries has recognized sucM a Kepublici." The Tribune replied id tHis letter bn Wed- tesday in a lonjr article; in which, after dis posing of the matters personal to' the editor, it bnuijihl forward facts to' shoiVthat the Ro man people approved the revolution," that if, was their work, and that they were worthy of support by republicans in every land. Yes' terday an Italian exile, residing in New York G. F. S. Cassnli, published a letter in the Tribune, in which he reviews the arguments' and Btnterhents of tjie Bishop's letter as fol lows : - "The object of collecting money," says Bishop Hughes,' i ''merely lo relieve tho present wauls ol the cniet l'rli-st ot the Cam. olic Church.'" To this 1 mnv respond that Pius IX ia not yet in a destitute state. The Pope is in Gaeta. surrounded by the royal family ofthe bloody tyrant of Naples; and, from what I have lately heard, is living in sumptuous ttyle. The King of Naples has' offered to tho Pope 560,000; the Emperor bf Russia has sent to him 60.000 ciowns; Queen Isabella of Spain has presented Pins IX her sweetest bonbons, nnd plenty of Spanish gold" the Austriali Generals in ef ery city they Cap-' tured imposed on the poor population heavy taxes in favor of Pius IX, saying nothing of the tlimisainls of beincs they have butchered in one word, the Pope hai received, from the first day he deserted Rome to the present time, large -supplies of money front vifioua quarters. This money is not needed for the use Of the Church nor His Holiness. Tho llohiun People, when they proclaimed hhn fallen from his temporal throne, offered to maintain his spiritual puwer with his prince ly incomes ns in former times; this the Pope has declined und his conduct in making an appenl to foreign nations to reinstate him ill his temporal sway, even through seas of hu man blood, ef (in though Rome should full in' to ruins, is enough to warrant a belief that the funds collected in the Catholic Churches in the I'nited States will, in effect, be used to overthrow the Roman Republic. Bishop Hughes informs the reader that "Pius IX is the same man now that he was then." It is very truo that the pre.eut living Pope is the Pope of last year, bill with this differ, ence that from a liberal ruler he has become tho ally of the Despots of Europe; and hag denied his people the right of Self-Govern ment, and delivered them up to the wolves of Austria. His Holiness wished to retain his temporal throne, surrounded with bayo nets and with all tho Roman Hierarchy. In regard tu tha other point he adds Bishop Hughes asserts that the Roman Re public was proclaimed, by foreipuri, whd could lint bo received in any other part bf Italy. 1 assure the Biehop that the Rombn Republic was established by the Romans a lone, through their National Assembly com posed of Roman citizens: Sterbini, the first man who proclaimed the Pope deposed from his temporal throne, is a native of Froisnoqe, only a few miles from Rome. Savini, who on the 9th of February announced to the pub lic the creation of the Roman Republic, it from the Roman Slates, as are all the mem bers who composed the Ministry as well as the Constituent Assembly. The Revolution was made by the Romans. The Swiss Guards were fought uud beaten by the Roman peo pie, and not a foreigner had a hand in the affairs of the Republic till the disastrous issue of the late war of Piedmont with Austria. The Romans then called to tliem tne best children Of Italy ; men who had given proof of their bravery, patriotism and talents. The Assembly then passed a degree, approved by the Rdraan people; that Mauirti, Generals Avezzana and Galrribaldi should be named Roman citizens. These noble men; since their arrival in Rome, Have not only defended the independence of their adopted country; but have prevented much effusion of biod d by the vaunted champions of the Pope. Respecting Rossi's death, he says : Rossi was murdered while the Pope wal yet in Rome. The Republic of Rome is not answerable for such a crime; as it wal etab lished four months after. He concludes tha argument as lollows: , Let us tee now where is anarchy lit Rome, and what Romans have done since tike fall of the Pope. All the measures of. Ihe Roman government bear the impress of wisdom, and attack the people more and more to them. Even if Rome should fall the memorable deeds accomplished by the modem Reputx lioens of Rome cannot be forgotten, they have distributed tb every poor peasant aa much land as two oxen can plough the contents lately uniuhobited aod use leas, are now the horoeeof the poor who, under Fine IX, lived in the most unhealthy quartern ef the city. The Inquisition hat bees deetrtrya ed, and those . unhappy living victims wh had been suffering there for many years, are) now free, .... ... ,.,t. .., , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers