SUNBURY AMEBIC AN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. THE IMMORTALITY OF THE aVOUL. Tker It not, In my opinion, a more plea. ting tut" triumphant consideration in religion thin this of tho perpetual progress of Iho toul ' towards the perfection of St nature, without er arriving at a period in it. To look upon tha aoul aa going on in strength, to consider that she is to shine forever with new acces sions of glory, and brighten to all eternity, that she will be still adding virtue to virtue, "and knowledge to knowledge ; carries in it 'something wonderfully agreeable tn that am bition which is natural to the mind of man. Nay, it must be a prospect pleasing to God ' himself to see his creation forever beautify ' ing In his eyes, and drawing nearer to him, by greater degrees of resemblance. Methinks this single consideration of the progress a finite spirit to perfection, will be ufficiont to extinguish all envy in inferior hatures, and all contempt in superior. That cherub, which now appears as a God to the human soul, knows very well that the pe 'riod will come about in eternity, when the human soul shall be as perfect as he himself ' is; nay, when she shall look down upon that degree of perfection as much as sho now falls " short of it. It is true, tho higher nature still I advances, and by that means preserves his distance and superiority in the scale of being; but ha knows that, how high soever the sta- tion is of which he stands possessed at present the inferior nature will at length mount up to it, & shine forth in the same degree of glory. With what astonishment and veneration may we look into our own, where are such hidden stores of virtue and knowledge, such inexhausted souices of perfection! We know not yet what we shall be, nor will it ever enter into the heart of man to con. ceive the glory that will be always in reserve for him. The soul, considered with its Crea tor, is like one of those mathematical lines, that may draw nearer to one another, for all eternity, without a possibility of touching ft; and can there be a thought so transport ing, as to consider ourselves in these perpetu al approaches to Him, who is not only the standard of perfection but of happiness! Ad dison. AViRDASTPiCTcas. The City Item, very fjngallantly says that the Philadelphia ladies, in their Spring attire, are the greenest set he ever saw! Just hear the slanderer : "Green dark, medium and light green plain, changeable and figured green pea, olive and invisible green apple, golden and grass green indeed every hue of green has been drummed into the service of the fair and uch a green such a thoroughly green set as they are I Tho world has never seen the like since that silly old woman Eve devoured the green apple.'' WO.HA.TS SMILE. There is a star that brightly gleams. Calm in tUey sky above, And throw s o'er life its golden beams Of happiness and love : A beacon pure, whose radiance bright No lowering cloud confines ; But in affliction's stormy nifc'ht With heavenly lustre shines. There is a star whose magic power ' So firmly binds the soul. That e'en in joy's most sunny hour Man feels its sweet control; A glorious light, whose mystic spell ' Life, hope, and joy imparts And calms the wild tempestuous swell Of earth's despairing hearts. The star that from iu glittering sheen , Gilds life's declining slope. And throws o'er youth's resplendent scene The rosy tints of hope ; Tac star that drives the clouds away. Though dark they frown awhile ; And ever shines with peerless ray Is woman's angel smile. Wealth like the dropping well at Knares borough, has the most petrifying properties. It hardens the heart, it deadens the affec tions, it narrows the sympathies, it chills the warm current of benevolence, it raises ar tificial and unnecessary barriers between the necessitous and the affluent between the suffering aud the successful, it banishes the memory of past services, breaks up the bonds of brotherhood, converts the living breathing man into stone. Gold Hunting ist Massachusetts In consequence of the statement of a convict in the State Prison at Charlestown, the City Marshal and Warden went with him to Baru table to procure $50,000 of atolen money, 934,000 of it belonging to the Wheeling Bank which was robbed sixteen yeara ago. In a piece of woods the search commenced, and a hole four feet deep dug straight down, then an excavation four feet to the right was made The convict, who had been digging, got the Marshal to take his place. The idea etruck the Marshal favorably, and he readily assen. ted to the proposition, descended the ladder, entered head foremost the sideway passage excavated by bis disinterested fellow laborer, and commenced removing carefully the earth supposed to be in the immediate vicinity of the treasure. . The Warden, bending over to receive the money as it was to be handed tip, was suddenly pushed head foremost into the well by the convict. He instantly threw s quantity of dirt in upon them, much to the detriment of their eye-sight, and taking to his heels, effected his escape leaving the two officers to get out as they could, with their labor only to reward tlteir adventure. It will afford sweeter happiness lathe hou of death, to have wiped one tear from, the cheek of sorrow, than to have ruled aa em pire, or to have conquered millions. NorMsos. The nutmeg tree flourishes in Singapore, Mat the equator.- Cltaveland Timet UAopriahea ja Connection, also, where it U flORMtonly called white oak. -Boston Timet .via-, U. t n . ' To Imfbovc thi FiAvoa or Corrr.f . To each poun4 of weD tasted coffee, add foriy or fifty (rake of carbonate pf soda, , It really tapveiM 'he beverage, bside making it wVSIOl Sllbf. DIAMOND POWDER- ron 1 RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any thing in use for Imparting a keen, smoothed p to Raton, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Ccrttav ( it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Rstor, Knives, and J"ertt mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agwrt. Depot of Fine Rsiors, Strops, Brashes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. (. TESTIMONIALS. Pnsiai Feb. I5th, IMS. This may eertifr that I have) used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNE3' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, snd can attest in the most unequivocal msnner, that there is nothing csn be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, snd must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any heietofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp rator woe before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron 8afe Maker, 41 & Third st Prilidsifbia, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender lace baa compel led me to seek and tett many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett. snd Roussci's Sharing Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the moat stubborn beard, without irri tating the akin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sals at this office Price 25 cts. per Box. November S5, 1848 Gm. THE GRAND PIJltGATIVE. FOB THE CTJBB Or Headache, GkMincss, Meeale gait Rhram, Rheumntitm. Pile? Heart Burn, Worms, lysperia,Scnrvey. Cholera Morbus, Small Pox. Jaundice, Cough. IJuinsev, Pains in the Back, Whoopiug Coura, Inward Weakness, Consumption, File, i aiinuiiinn ui inc neen, liiver complaint, Kiting iu the Throat, F.ritinelas. Deafness. tropsy, nsinnia. ItchhuTs of the felt in, Colds. Gnat, Gravel, Nervous Complaints, revere ciall untie. Female Complaints, SND A VARIETY Or OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPURITIM OF THE BLOOD, AMD OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Fspertenee has prwcrl ihnt nearly every Disease originates Irom Impurities nt the Bl'iod or deraiureinents irfthe lliees. tivrs Organs and to secure Health, we must remove those obstruct, 'iisor restore the Blood to its natural stale. the aversion to Hiking medicine is mist erfectually re nvrved hy Cticasaa's Yntruii Pcssativc Pills. Heine e unplsteiy envd ped with a canine "f pore white Sugar, iwiiii-n is a uisiinci ir irn me internal ingredients as a nut shell the kernel) and hnvenitnste "f medicine. Butareaa easily swalliwed at bits nfeandv. M'ireover they neither nauseuta or trine in the slirlilest decree, hut operate enunlly on all the diseased parts of the system, in- sicanni cmnnine; tnemscires to, nno recking any mrticanr icjhu. a uub, ii miu itiin raiuenni one insreairnt will onernte on thnt particular organ, and, by cleaiiaing it of an F.xcras of Bile restore it to its natnied state. Another will operate on the Unnrd and remove all impurities in ita circu lation ; while a third will etTectuelly expel whatever impu rities may have been discharged into the stomach, and bene they strike at the root or disease remove all Impure Hu mor from the body , open the pores externally end inter nalty j separate all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyls. that the hind may be thnronehly pure thus secu rhiaa free and heahhr action to the Henri. i.nmmand l.iver and thereby they reitote health even when all other means nave lauea. The entire truth of the above ran be ascertained bv the trial of a ainale box; and their virtues are si msitive and certain in restoring rieairn, that the proprietor binds himself to return trie money un tor tnera in au cases where they do not give universal satisfaction. ItcfBll I'rlce, 25 cts, per Box. Principal office No. fi Veraev St., N. York. Sold by JOHN Y. YOUNG.' Pjnburv. M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. V It member Dr. C. V. Clirkner ie the inventor nt ih Sugar Cont'd Pills, and that nothing of the t m wee ever heard of until he introduced them in Jude, ISI3. rurchasert thoiild, therefore always sk for Cliokner's Sugar Coated Pills, and take no others, or they will be made the victims of a fraud. February, 17, 1619 ly WiSSTERS SEW YORK COM.HGC OF HEALTH, 207 Afaiu strref, Buffalo, A". Y. PR. G.C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lil hoitt riptie Mixtnrr. THIS celebrated remedy is constantly increasing ita fame by the many cures it is making ALL OVER THE WORLD. It has now become the only medicine (at family ass, and is particularly rvcunimetided lor DKUI'M : all stages of (his e untilaiiil immcdiateHr relieved, no of how l-ttig standing. See Prmmnhlet for testimony. Jll. V CL., snd all discsacs of the urinary organs ; for these distress ing complaints it smnds ai me ; no other article can relieve y a ; anil the cures tcttiAcdto will convince the mit skep tical j sec panil'hict. I.ircr Complaint, BiUious diseases. LTfl.'i c. . -t-r. ' CLILUKatlVL. To the Great M'eit esnceiallv. and wherevr tW hm. plaiutt prtvai! this medicine is offered. ISO MINKKAL AGENT, na deleterious ennrrmnd is a nart of this miitun u eures these diseases with certainty and celerity, and doea Hi n,t uic cni turpia. rve rampnict. rtLbs, a eomplaint of a most painful chsraeter. is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and s curs follows bv a few (fan uv M i-rt .1. . .. far before any other nreraration tw this diseue. or far other duaaaa criginauiif from impure huod. ea rwa pniet. JJtBlLUt Of I HE Si STEM, weak back, weakness of the Kuineva. Ac . as inlUnuna tion of sninc, is immediately relieved by a lew dava use Jt this medicine, and a cure is always a result of lis use. It A CERTAIN REMEDY. for suck eomrJaiuta, Slid also for derail cments ef the fe male frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, painful menstruationa. No article haa ever been otferrd except this which would touch this kind of derangements. It nuy be relied upon sa a sura and efleetlve remedy, and did we feel permitted to do so eouid give A iMULSAINU NAMES, aa proof of caret in this dtstreasina class of raennlainu. Fee pamphlet. AU broken down, debilitated constitutions from the effect of mercury, wui Snd the bracing power of this article to set immediately, and the poisonous mineral ERUPTIVE-DISEASES will find the altetativc properties of this srticle. PL Kir V THE BLOOD. and dnven such diseases from the system. rV pamphlet f a testimony of cures in alt diseases, which the limits of an adveniseoteut will not permit to be immnl here. Agents Iive them amy ; they eouuun 31 psf cs sj certifieatea uf ijh eharaetef , and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF of Uia virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is ana of tut peculiar testate of this article that it never tells to hcueut iu any esse, and if houe and muscle era left to build a poo let list emaciated and lingering ui valid HOPE ON and keep taking; the medicine aa I wig as there is aa in provcucuu The rr,wietor wonkl CAUTION THE PUBLIC agaui s number of articles which com oat wider the SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, tC, as cures for Dropsy Gravel, Ac, : They are good for no. Uiuig, and concocted t. gull the nuwarv : TOUCH THEM NOT Their inventors never thought oi earing each iiii ill til this artid had done it. A particular study of ta saw phlct u earnestly solicited. ' Agauis aud all who sea the article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE gratuitously. Pot up in 3D oi. bottle, at 81 j IS os. do si 1 each to larger hokliug 6 os. more than two smsil l. ties. Lywkavtand get imped npon. F.very Katie has "Vaughn's Vegetable Ijthontnptie Mixture," bSnva up at the glass, the written algnatitra of '-G. C. Vaughn' o the dtrecuona, and "G. C. Vaughn, Buftil i," stamped on the cork. None other are genuine Prepared by Dr. G. C Vaushn. and aud at the Prineinal Oftee. SirT Nam suaM Biufulo, st wholesale and retail. No attentiusi given in 1st Urasnless post fane) orders fm regularly eonatitmed Agents exeeptea i pool pud letters, or vernal eninauuua. tions soiieililur sdvles. nromntlv allendeil ti, rails OSfees devoted exclusively to the ssl of this ajtiels 1M Nsassa st. New York eity S9S Feex st. Clem, Mass.; and by tha principal Druggists tWuugkoul lbs Uinhsd Btatee snd Canada, as Agents. List of Agente.etorr A eo, Wkoteaala Agent Pfcikdel. ria-J. T. P riling, rnbtuy lease GearnarT, Kelintrrove C; A. Vt, Lewiaanrg-JI I ncjeafer, Miku-Hay A McOoraaick, MaLwausyilks-Miaa McCoy, Noahaaaber- Apiil I, tStf y GUM 8IIOE8 for Genllemen sod ladiai, jtstt received and for sals by H. M A8S R. aunbury, Dc t, I84S. XS erf si tiy tapailor tonality fog sab by." stsU MA&ICta) sraitksry; IW t, 1ML , IMPORTANT TO THE I'UBLIC. E0R3E A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Titan, taavmit vmif TT n MtLa at 4La mL tha mean of cure sre within th reach of all! 1 M aMerstjrned baa pent several year in the study of Veterinary practirs in "London and 1 mnDoro, ne dss also availed htmseirof theresr cbesof Leibiff, and otherrelebrsted men, who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment 01 antmais; lbs pnne ple of our practice consists in tba rejection of general bleeding sod the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to the directions which sc cornpsny each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, bene are saiein the hands of every one. U. H. VAVV, SI. U. A List mt Iters and Cnttls Medlclar. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75e per pack- Heave powder for diseases of tha lungs, 75e dc Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for infiamation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting th growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c per bottle. Wash for inflamed eye, 50c per bottle. Ointment for msnge scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50c per bottle. Hone Liniment, the most celebrated srticle known in England for lameness of every description, 75c 91 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by STIMPSON A REED, SG Mcr- chants Row. also at D.ADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Xos. 1 cV Havmarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies sre used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Mcdi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHE R, No. 26 South SIXTH Street, Phtlsdelpuia. and by bis Aot.tTs. Hcvnr Mtssxa, Sunbury, February 3, 1849. tf DR. TOWNSEND'S COHPOIND EXTRACT OP SAliSAPAIULLA. THIS I'.xtract is pat ap in qnnrt bottles. It at six times cheaper, plaissiiter, and warranted super! to sny s 4d. It cures discuses without vinnitiiig, purging, sick ness, or debilitating the patient, bin! is particularly adapted hm a FALL, AND SPRING MEDICINE. The great beauty and superi'irity of this SarssparirJa over otner rerncues is, wuiist 11 erwiicatea disease, it invig mtes the b ty. . faisumptim cured. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consuraotum can b cured. Bronchitis, Contumption, l.iver Compuiint, Colds, Coughs, vatarin, AHinna, canning Of uionu, B h eness lu tat Chest, Hectic Flush, Nicht Sweats, Dim cult and PnsTuse Expectoration, and Pain in the Side, Ac, Ac, have and can be cured. Probably there never was a remedy that has been aa suc cessful ui desperate cases of consumption as tins ; it clean, see and strengthens the system, and appeals tn heal the ul cere on the liuies, and patterns gradually regain their usual nun .1 anu hiciih. CIKIOLS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There is scarcely a day passes but there are a number of cases 01 consumption reported as cured br tha use ot Dr Townsen'a SarsnpaiiUa. The foUuwuig wna recently re ceived : Dr. TovounD Dear Sir: For the tut three vein I have been afflicted with general debility, and nervous con sumption of the last stage, and did wot 'expect tn ever gain my health at all. After going through a course of medicine under the care of some of the m at distinguished regular physicians and members of the Hoard of Heulth in New York end elsewhere, end snctaliinr tlie m at m mi siniiim in attempting to regain my heauia, and alter reeding in some paper of yiail SarsapnriUa I resolved to try it. Alter using six bottics I found it due me great good, and called to see you at your office ; with your advice I kept on, and do rnosi heartily tnnnk you lor your advice. I persevere in taking the Sarsanarilia, and have been able to attend t my usual labors f.: the lust four months, snd I hope by the iNesBincs of God and your Snrsurnnlln to caitinue mv heoltii. It helped me beyond the expertationa f all wimj knew my case. CllAltUjj 14UIMBY ursngc, tJmrx en. . J , Aug. 8, lr47. State of New Jersey. Essex uonntv as.Charles Ouim. by tieuig duly swiuu according to law, on his tsith saith, tint the forcg 'ins statement is true ace ading to the best ot hn knowledge and belief. CIlAKLES tttl.MHY. ewornann subaenbed to belore me si tinuige, the Su Adguat, 1S47. CYKt'S IIAI.DWIN. Justice vt the Pence. SPITTING BLOOD. Reed the fottovt uur, and sov that oousumntiiai is in incu- labia if you can : :ew York, April 23, 19t7. Dr. Towassm : I verilv believe that viair Sursaiorilb has been the means, through Providence, ut saving my life I nave f several years had s bud e-tturh. It became worse and worse. At last I raised lurce quantities ot' baaal, bail night sweats snd wss greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to lire. I have only used your Sarsaismua but a shiwt time, and there hat a wonderful change been wrought in me. 1 sm now able to walk all over the city. I raise isi Wood, and my cough haa left me. Yon can well imagine that I am thankful lor these result Your iibedi. ent servant. W.M. R I'SSKLL. IU Catliaruie st. LOST HER SPF.ECH. The annexed ceruhcatc tells a simnle and truthful storv of siuTeriiai snd renef. There sre thousnnda " simibr ea ses ui this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are th msauds of parents let their children die fur fear of being humbugged or to aavs s few shillings. nro wiyn, set. 13, ih7. Dr. Townscxo : I taks nleasure in statin, fur th. km. tt of th'ise wnom it may couceru, that my iktughter, twu yenra and six m aiths uid, was atnicted with gueral de bility and I of siwech. Shs was given up aa past jc- covery by our family phaiciau; but f.irtunately I was re. commended by a frieial in try your SarmpsriUa. lief re paving useu ons notue sue recovered aer Sieecb and was enabled tn walk alone, to the astiausbmeiit of ail wh 1 were acquainted with tbe circumstances She is now quit well, and in much better health than she has been f la m-aiiha 1-. JLrr,i-n ta V IAJK, Ita York st Brooklya. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. Very few families indeed . in fact wa have not hard of onethat used Dr. Towiisend's Saras nanus in time. I at any cniiaraii in post Bummer, wan tavaw thai da! not, etckctied and died. The cercioeate we publish below is conclusive evidence of its value, aud is only anutner instanc of its savuig the lives of chudreu : Dr. Towssaan Desr Sir : 1 had two children cured by yuur Barsaparukt ( the summer enpbnut and dysettmry ; one wa only IS saouth oal aud tha other 3 yeara They were very much reduced, ami we expected tsey would die ; they were given up by two resiactubie pbyeictaiut. When the docb uif Tmed us thai w must lose them, we res 4 ved to try your Sarsanartua we bad heard so amen of, bnl had Utile confidence, there being si much stua advertised that is worthless : but w are thankful thai w did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of b h. 1 writs this that oth ers may be inrtnreit to ass it. Yairs. mensrtfullv, JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Scot. 14, TO THE LADIES. CREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da. Towksssb's SassArjiauxa is a sovereign and speedy cur f incipient e eisumptiou, and f. the general praam It of tbe system an mailer whether lb resuk ut inbe reut cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or sc. eracui. Nothing can be aa re surprising than its iuvig-voting ef fects un the human frssaa. Perauai alt weakness ami las- ailude, from taking it at cms? beean r datst and lull of energy under its induence. It inunedwtely eatnteracu the sMvcaeesuess uf lb feunu fraine, which at lb great uauar Darrauneaa. It will m 4 be expected of us, iu coses of so delieat a na turo, 10 exhitai cer u Urates u cures pcrl.smed, but we caw assure lb sfflirnnl that huialreils ot cases have beeu reoc- lea m us. Ds. Towasamt My wifs being greatly distressed by oreakneas and xeneral detulity, aud snSetuax e eiiiuuallv ut pwj and wtlh .alter dimcukiea, and having kn wh cases Wast year saauaaia aas eaenea great rare , ana asi bearing u reetanaseiuled lor such esses as I have deavrtbed, I oatained b ail of your Extract uf Sarsuparilai and f 4 lowed th direeti eat yat gnv sa. In a aarat peri al it removed her eanptaiuls aud rasha-ed her to health, iisiuc great! ul f v th beaenia ah rereaved, I tak ptaasurs iu tausacsuiowaalKing u, and racaatnaandiaa; u to ta pahta:, M. D. MOOHE, Albany, Aug IT, H4. our. Grand 4t Lydia ate DYSPEPSIA. N 6uid or medieiu has ever beeu disonveeed which so nsarry rsssmblee la gastri juw or sauva w uajewpnauaj food and ainaunbsunai la orsans of digastioa a tins ore panuioa of Sarsaparills. It pisuuvely euea every east of dvspspaaa, kowsvar sever or chronic. ' - .. . n .... . U ,A .O laana umcmvumm, aaanr, y av, ia I flir ' I hav been srHnSwl fur several Dr. ysars with dyapepsis at iu wia-st fm, aueuded with a nsr mm id" stiisaii h, I ss uf siii 1111. ssuaaue hesnhero, aud great aversHoi ta all kiads of (tud, and fa- avscoa, (traat I eoasl sat) I hav baea ousbls to retaia nut a sumu poruoa cat my stusaack. I tried lb asual remedies, but lacy had bat bnl or no elect In removing th e. studs int. I sms iu daeed, shout two ssonths sine, to try your LxusM of Her r""i nd i saust say with liuss aastdwa-i j bat at let ssiug nsorly twu staatsa, I luasal my appetite restored and la asartaara auursly ssefwed; and I watat saniestlr rs emms la use of it U taoss arh-i hav been attictea! aal aavatassxv Yoaaa, 4c, W. W. VAN ZA.NDT Ageait for Sunliary . JOHN W. FRIIXVO; Nut tatuultarkud, UAAV A. McCAY Istsmila, WH. MURRAY At Oa-, r . .. a . AffM.IM-r-t, ' , U . C. . OXYGENATED .-t A aOTEKtIGN KEMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, '' PHTHISIC. AND -OXaVZSJaX OSBtLZTT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor. Irirufjor, ftrmont. Pf.' S sovereign raraedy f DYSPEPSIA, In marry of sa mm, such as nain in tha Storm.Ji. Ilaarllmru. babitnal CosUvenraa, Acid Stomach. Headache, losaof Appetite, Piles, Might Sweats, and even Ciamrmption (Dvspepti Phthisic,) snd Asthma, or Phthisic encoded with dersiare ment of the St roses (. Dvspeitie Asthma.) Difficult Breathing, which often results from imperfect digestion ( DyspetaMc Sysimrs,) Is relieved by these Hitters. In short, their as has been proved in the relief of almost sll the aymptians that pnwed from a debilitated or atonic condi tion of tbe Stomach; also in general dvwlitv arising from age 1 from the edects nf Fever, partirulafly Fever snd Ague. Females suffering nnder sny uterine derangement snsit fnan weakness, will find th "OxTotnaTBn Bit. Tsas' an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medi cine in nse. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It ha mad ita way to pulaie fays; solely by the fore of its own intrinsic merits. No artificial means have been used to giv ft no tonety and thrust it nrrn public atlenti n. It hns never before even lieen advertised, hut having first sliowu its re trinrkahte elucncy in the family f the pr irictr, and by him afterwaids adniinistered to his afflicted friends snd ac OTMiatances wilh a like result, its reputation gradually ex tended until it is krrrwu in the mt distant p-irts of the L'nt'si, as a medicine nf unrivalled virtues in the enre of Dj-speptia in all its different firms, snd also ! the car of Asthma or Phthisic. Its only herald and its only eul fry haa been in etory nf its w etderful emracv. aa told Iran mouth to mouth by tetter fr an frieial 1 1 'friersl. In eve ry instance where these Bitters have been used, and the re sult made kisiwn to the proprietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificate, sttenting the singuhtr effienry nf the "OxrcxasTCD Birrsas." are in the tsessi si 01 the PT Teietor ; msny nf them signed by pcrsowi alreaily widely knowu to tlie public. GEO. B. GREEN, Proprietor. VINDSOR, Vt., Octobers. IMS. Th IWIwwIni Certificate have recently bee a received 1 Whiotoji. D. C. Jras 10. 1SI0. Having made nse of the "Oxv gensted Bitters" prepared by Dr. Geo. R. Green, of Wind'., Vt. nm! from know ledge obtained of ineif efficacy iu other cases, wr cheerfully rec mmend them tn the nuUic. believing that they will fully sustain the recenmendathsi of tii Ve hope that this valuable remedy may lie so generally diffused thnmglmot th country that it may be accessible to all tlie amicteu. VtliiH V PH AM,' V- S- 8ranl' from Vermont. JAM F. SIMMONS, U. S. Seintor from R. Island. J. T. MORE1IEAD, U. S. Seintue and iWmerly Govern or of Kenlnrlry. L It. A R.N OLD, Member of Congress and formerly Oiv vernH of R. I. VM. WOODBRIDGE, C. S Senator and Idrmeriy Govern-a- of Michigan. M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin Territory. From Hon. II. D. FnTxn, Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. AVahi.Vsto!c. D. C, Jcsrs 10, IS40. Dear Sir I Intve been a dyspeptic sutfercr i a sliout ten years, and hav tea vted to nil 111 medicines f.w relief without success, until I mode use of v mr "Oxvgetiateil BiUers." I have used nUait two bottles, and find niva.ll restored to perfect hadth The forms in which the dis. esse sh-nved itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the st mulch, I ss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe cnnstl putim 01 the bowels, and vnaent hembche Feeling desi rnis tint a knowledge of your vuluniile remedy may reach others similarly atnicted. I take great pleasure in rec.rd ing my lewtim mv 1 its curative power; bin! would also remark, that while on s visit nt home a short tune sinre. I administered a part of a h atle to a number iT mv arNirted frieisls, with great euccss. Thev are desirous that v.m th mid estalaish an agency at Pittalnirv, or inform them where the medicine can lie obtained. With an corneid de sire f w your prosperity and happiness, I snlacrilie mvtelf, truhr your friend H. D. FOSTER. Dirt. Gin. B. Garsn.Windstr, Vt. S 4d Wh nranle snd Renii hr Green A Fletcher, No. MSmth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Asmt f v Sntllwryll. B. MAtKR. Arentsf Milton MACK AY A HA AG. Agent f 4 I'pper Mubau . J. G. UENN. AprUlS, 1848 ( IMS In preeentinc the public with a remedy Pr the tr ent ment Bod cure of Fxvxa a0 Aorx aialollirr lull ius diseases, nospTV is needed. Vast iiiluilien in Ihe I'mted Mates, who suffer trom these afli-.-tiinu tn their varied forms, are cimnclll to seek relief fr. an other s urccs thsn tlie imme drnte prrcriiii na id the r.-sruhir phyririan. It bee nncs inerri re n iicci oi iiuniniiiry, nt well ns "I public inler- esl. Ii bring liefore thcin a remedy prepnrctl fiom much ex perience, aud which tuny always I relied up ai as snt, trricTcst. axo ntSKLi'a to tub cwistitctio. That such u tlie true character of the INDIA CHI M.AiiOfil K, is amply attested by the univerail success with which it has been empfiyed. n Extract fnim a eommnnieatim tt the Itoti 'i. . WunnsaiDcs, of the V. S. Scuate, bite Govern tt of micuigaii. TIktsait. rVi 9t mm Doctob ritiSLM Ossood, near sir. 1 nave read with mnch uitereat, your little TxtxsTKl nn the "causes, treatment and cure" of the fel.rile diamtet which have a extentivefr nrevsile.1 in 1..1. country during the hat few mutlu en iuierest locrenaed ntd-aiht, by the fact that I have indivuluallv suffered ai much fr mi them. Inough I leel mtorlf verv' inc mprtrut to judge ctfely upon s subject si entirely prideasi uul, yrt your theiry seems t me well reus med, snd your c ns'lu si,ois just. sihI 1 think withnl. Dial your pamphlet is calcu lated to produce mnch practical g vkI. Speaking of the medicine be save : It fully justified vour fisttermg expertnti nt. snd as a safe, convenient, snd p'mu hr my own experience, s far. iikluces me 1 1 lu-. here lluu it will pr ive a gresi puUir henrlit. I am iilented i" lenrn inui you nave recently ctctlMistied several sr em-let f.w ils disp silionih nnh I recret thai, with a view 1 1 a m ire general diieemiunti ai of it, y at slvailri have f aind it necessary to remove from ywr present reeiilenre among us. With much respect I hare the hmor tn l, sir. Your obheed servant, WI! MAM WOODBRIDGE. OV From Hon. STentm V. R. Tanwcainoi, of Michi gan Stat Senate, to tlie Agent at Detroit. BiaxutiiaiaM, OaxiairB Co., Dee 13, 1S41. Sir v-m wish me tn inf irm von what I know of Dr. Oarmd'a Iniia Ch dng -gue. . anii-btli.aia medicine. I d believe that if the virtue aud efficacy nf this medicine were generally knowu, the rrvca and sots would disappear in Michigan. 1 pr .cured a bottle in the spring of 1541, and have good reaann to believe that myself and family escaped th ague bus season in eansequene of its use. Perhaps in no summer sine the settlement nf this fin peiuusiiai, ha the fever snd ague been si prevalent as the sst. I have rec anmended thia medicine iu numerous in. stanrra. and when the disease had become fixed and tallied the skill of physicians ; ami 1 hav never known it fail. I. has universally produced the m t happy effects, and I bet heve it haa never been exceed! by any medicine iu remo vuaj the bilious diseases of ihe climate. Yours, respectfully, ' STEPHEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. xJil'.?Yarf-n- B MASPER; Northambarlsml, Kl?AWfciiy MUto-' H RA8ER May , Utts cf OAKFOTiTTS UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS CllikLKl Ultlaan So. 104 CHESTNUT STREET runout tphia. rt'i ulJ rv ectfully invue siirinion in his ruMiinr -tyle f lisig Ut auiiimn. 1846. which v. n , f untl lt nMU) pmlrri a f.r nff.tnl Ii I lie OMitu.uiil.y. I peroliar f inns icmlrr- it the nvwe I aifil.l , asii combine all th rsseuiu'a ..f ilu'a. Hhiy ndiieeinex, nu .it it, that stti. le ,f , re.s i.ii lii iiiro..l f trililies in in in miifacluring ai h all b' I'mbiu, impr vrm-nls. enabl.v linn I'm CnsLtsssk ins VYuaLn In ir iluca a belt, r H Canasta's Tsacg HsTssaa tJsrs r ma I.stssi Mtinx. .'Clu ihi.Is hsv l en se'ev t-tl in grv.i e rv, ami will I f.M.nd m at I.imii(uI lulr i s in itifig -1 . 1. 1 nix' Uinta Hars tsa Cars or Evtibs tr w 'sTTSMa.. Ori raishos ' nb. slow, nt lit roi aliwln Iriiw ail ic e ih I ihff may H M.i(ctly ea.g sad I'.Mra s t'acvfiil i r nr , CHARLES OAKFORD. 104 CUalniit at, a lew d.. T, i.d. PhiLileliihi. HH Umber SO, IstSjh JuosSI, 1818 Ir JACOB KECK, WH0LESALR AaO tCTAll. WISE AND LiqiOR DKtLRR. AT t93 Xarktt Stntl. Behio F.ghlk, Nurlk tdt I'MittaairHiA. - Keens rontlanlly on hand sll kind of old Li quor, vii : Superior- old ry hiskry sunericr Brandy, Uin, tie. Also while bismly fa. prrsef ring. Wildi herry snd BUcktMiry bisudy. I ailadelpbia, June 3, IS 18. ly WINDOW GLASS, by 10, fcjr sals t . , it , HENRY MASfiCK. , fctak-ary, Jaa tTla. !, aj. : , . s Pi JfM sl 7 , Tilt ONLY RADICAL CURE FOR , CONSUMPTION!! Scrofula or King's Evil, Hhenmntism. Olatinnte Cutaneous ivraptions. rimpaa.a: I'enities on mo isce, m wnes, Dilea, Chronic S re Eyes. King Worm or Tetter, Scald II end. Enlargement and I 'mil nf lb Bones snd i intB,Stiil.b tii l leers. Syphi litic Sympumis. Srintir 1 Lnnilmgo, diseases arising trom sn iujudi. . ciimt use nf Meicun-, Drop ay, Expiaiure or Impru denre in life; slsi, Chronic C'sitti. tuti ial Lis orders. In this medleiue several inn vent bnl very potent srtictes nf the vein-table hiinrd m are united, forming a c impound entirely different in its chnrrcter mid rrTerties fiom any i.tlier preparation, snd unrivalled in lit opemti- n on the svttem when laleriiig under disease, it should lie in Ihe hands of everv pert n. wh by business. T geliernl c sirs H lite, is predispiieeil to tint verv many ninmeuts timt ren der liies a curse, instead of a blessing, and n often retult in death. FOR SCROFULA, nr. Drake's Panacea is recommended at a certain remedy. N"t one instance nf its failure hut ever in aurred when free ly nsed ! It cures the disease ami nt the mine time Imparts vigor to the whole system. Scr.H'ul ms pert ais can never pny too much attention to the suite nf their IiImn1. Its pu rincatiint sh'Hild be their first aim ; fir perseverance will accomplish a cure of avxtt hekkditskv disease. FOR ERUPTIONS" OF THE SKIN. Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, White Swelline, t,ryBiprlas, I leers. CaiK'ers, Itiiuiilng S-ires. cVtatw and Biles, Dr. Drake's Panacea cauruK le bsi highly extolled ; it searches out the very root of the disease, and permanent. INDIGF.STIONOR DYPPF.l'SIA. No medicine perhaps hns ever been disc vered which gives so ranch tone to the st.imnch and enures the secre tion a healthy gastric juic to dcc.nnpiae the as Dr. Drake's Paiucea RHl'EMATiSM. Dr. Drake's Panncea is used with the grente..t success in Rheumatic Compluints, esrtTiullysiichiischr'iiic. It cures by driving 1 ut alt impurities nnd'foul humours which have accnmulated in the systetu, which nro Ihe ciiute i" llheu matism, Gout, ami Swellings f the j. iuts. Other reuieilies a nietimes give tempimry relief ; this rntirrlr emilirnu the disenre fr wn thesysiein, even when the limbs and U net are dreadfully swolleu. CONSl'MPTION. Coxscstrnox can bb ctiten. Conchs. Cntarrh, rtrm cliitis, S, itlnig of 111 nd, Anihuiu. Lirl'u ult or pr ante Ex pect 'rati. 11. llirc ic Flush, Nuriit Sweats, l'oiu in the side Ac. hnve been cured, nnd can l with ss much certniiitv us any other disease. A Sierific hns I ne lieen's tight f r.'bul iu vain until the dine 'very of Jtr Drake's l!inacra. It is mild snd ante bill certain and eluciiln us in its i peiati 11, nisi onin t pmihly injure the ni -st ilelicnte e nutitull 11. We w uid cnrui'sllr rec mini-ml lb tc alliiclnl 1 1 give it n trial and we lielieve they will 11 it liuve censi it t regret it. The system is cluuni-.d und streiiirtliened, Ihe uli-ers iu Hie liiugt tire heulcil, t ud the iwitienla gnidiinllv irgnin their usual heulth and strength. Bead the fullowiug : TISTI.MONY. I'niL., Dec. tlth, IN?. Pssa Sis : In reply to yonr onesii 11 resiTinig the use of Dr. Drake's Punacen, I will snv, lb:it ullliough a perfect dislielievcr in the exisience of a Panacea, nr cure fir all diseares, hi wevei v'duuble it inny l iu certain emslitl his ol the system, siill I huvu Mieveil tint a cure f t C aimim ti. 11 would l disc .vcred s ruier or later, nod cull sitv led me to try y nr medicine in tw Verv inveterate cuies They were pri.n niuced by ilie nitciHliiig phvsiciiius to be ruLMOXASTCONscMrTtox.aialaliiis.inl bv iliem as in CISABU One of Ihe pen ins had heeu uml'cr the treat ment of several verv nNc practiti m is f .r a number of yeara, and they anil she hnd " Kl nahined C nsiiiuptioii nmlune Willi Scr Kiiki,-' ami thnt sliemiilit lumen ir s n time but could not Ih; penn'uienlly relievetl. In h ith cases the effect if the Pnutieeu lint lieeu wwt gmtifviug. Only fmir or five Uittk-s were used by one of the persons lief ire she began to impi we ripnlly. The other Imk uh .ut ten. I will only aikl thnt fuiniliiir us I am with c nnniinpli.ui by inheritance nnd by extensive nhtcrvari 11 ot a ttudy, and knowing alt the itijurriut effecti iu nine cnes mtol'ten a tar, buetit, and other vegeLiNe t aiics. us well asuf many o the expect irnii'sand sedative, 1 -li uld never huve recolnitieiideil the uw of Drake's l'anncen if I had 11 t len acquainted vvitli the inarcdienta. Suriice it t riy that these are ice nuuenoe.t ny our in st p pillar and scleutllic pllM ciaus. unit in their present c 'Uihined ttnte, f Tin i.r luilily the lest slterntive lluu bus ever been mule. The cure is iu aec wJ ince Willi a thcry of C lisuiupii 111 hr mcheil in Fniiore s few years air 1, hy iie "f her in st eniitifiit wri. ters on nieiliciiic. and 11 iw e&t!lUihcd by facts which ud uilt 01' 110 dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. Gl'NN. To use the hiuimt- of an ther, Tr. Drake's Pnnncea 111 always salutiiry in its crfccln never iujuri us. It is 11 t ss Opiate it is 11 and I'.xiectorniit. It i 11 a to lull the invalid into a fatal security. It is a great remrdv a graml healing and curative compound, the great and 'only remedy which medical science snd skill has vet pr vtuced fir the trcstnieiit ih tins hitlirrt 1 line nipirrrd malady. And no pers hi attlicted with llus ilresil disease, will he just to himsell and Ins frieislt. 11 he g 1 d wn 1 1 the grave with -ut testing its virtues. A tingle h Itle. iu m SI ruscx, will -.'. duce a fuvonihlc change 111 the condition ol' any luUent, however Ijw." TO TIIELADIKS. Ijidieaof pnle coniplexi n ami c nsumptive bshits, snd such ss sre delullutnl liy th' se ohttrucli us which females aie hulJe bv are restoreil hr Ihe nse 01' a b ttle or two, to W aun vig . It is by fur the Ivst remfulv ever riiac ivrrcd for weukly rhililreu. ami inch at have had hum rs ; bring pleasant, they take it. It immediately restores the appetite, strength ursl e-il ir. 'Ihing csn l ni-re turpritiug than in invig .rating ef fectt on the liumrin friuiie. Pert lis, all weakness ami ton. silude lief we lakine it, at once Ik-c une r -bust snd mil of energy under its iiidurnee. It immediate counteracts the nervelessiiess 01' Hi female frame. CAUTION. Be careful and see thnt von set the ..mi. I ine Dr. Diaxk's Panacxa it has Ihe sin'intiire of Gin. F. '. Stoxxs ou the wrapiMtr and slai the luinie "Ds. Draki's I ANACIA, t-IIILA." IH iWH III ItlC glnm. Prepareil only bv Srnaxt A Co., Druirgisls, No. Ul North Sixth St., Philadelphia. Agent fir Suiihitrv II. MASSER. 8..M also bv A .MutEAi Co.. Danville II.Shais t.u, Mihnn; Mast McCoy, Northumberland ; E. P.Lcix, Bl Msnshutr. I Apill 1, 118 ly IMCIOliRl Illinois Of 1' tlllllrriie'H grvut Work on f he ttt lui ituiiloii OK THF. SIXTF.K.M H TENTURY IN (JF.R. MANY. SWI'I ZKKLAM), fci'. Will W pnblisheil nr. nr slmut the 1-1 of Apiil. 1818. hy JOS. A SPF.EL. No 60 Chetry at ahnvo 61 h. his splciiiiut limit edition of Ihe above named work. ith 18 engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vols in S, bound in exits cloth snd library sheep. Th publisher respectfully calls Ihe attention of the trade and Ih public generally. In this work being the only illustrated eililinn puhlihd in th Unit-il States He trusts that the h-nty nf Hs enihrllishinlit. thv strung ami suhstaiilinl manner in whirh it is bound in rnujuiielinn vtttn Ihe knftWH Hpiiljlly nl Ihe wmk itself, will he a suie rrraiunieiiilalinn In public la'or. JOS. A SPFF.L OflCh-iivat abov Cth J. A 8 has also lately published, a n-w and beautiful F.ilitinunf Sergeant Bell's Raree Shnw, a suitable book for children, neatly dor up 111 extia rlnth. Philadelphia. April t. I8IS CUTLERY. n iv 81 nek of P.u kei and Tsh'e CCT A Next. I.KK RV. f"t sale hv JCE1T Irl. COLSlvTAlT, A'ui. 33 and 3t A It CADE. bh.I 8J JWA THIHDSItff, tnp 4n snno iloaen Cankiiivi , Scis r s d K sots. Alan, a choice assolnienl of Ro'frscV Ron, W ns ei bo' in'., C iav.a's. W, V 0, Ruirhtu 'ssnd reiine'i t'utliry. A'sn, Hpsiush. Ui'k S" d Hnnliua Knives. .'l-, ft I' st '"s. an1 R .wl Knive. AU . 7 Amirienn Rutf Snii, a suptriot tpiile, o Iv Hie alu nti'Hi if Ue.lera Caaa Healers in Gull'. i I 8 el tha ah.iv t' k wiMihy their t.rn'i'u, as the 8u rrilr"t rdief I u ne t irn, . r u g nd saJlint cull, ijr, Phil d-l hi.. Juna lUih. IMS ly S.7.1TkGA1sGEE k CO. IMPOnTIKO ANDt OM.UISklON MERCHANTS, And Dealers in Paper, and Paper SJanufactu : u t. ren' Material. : - . No-33 Coaamsic si., PHILADKLPHIA. KEEP roualatilty m hand a tarn aafl meat of pvHaiiiif and eitier istss-e ' N ajpei t lhaunlr)', ran n sapuil si all tinMB, avaihswps of anv siaa- samI apMlitv, at lbs loar! pries. ...1 J Mi PhiUdelphta. Jass Pta, 4v I ?aIA -Mi ; 1IAJVH ROTE lelBT. ' PElV8YLtAIA. , . ,, Th rnllowlni IM shows ih current value of all ennsvlvsnis llsnk N.Hes. Tha moat Imnllrit ra- lisnrs ran I placed upon It aa it ! evert teweit arefullv com tat red will) aid cot reeled from Btrk. tail's RrnnrtM. , naiiks) In PhllsWIelphla. - . t Dise. in IS a IK, liarinnv. Pa nan NOTEM AT PAR. isnk of Nmth Amarirs r . , . : pat tank nflhe Northern Llhertie , 1 pat tVmtnereisl Hank nf Penn's. . . . . pet Vrprt' and Meehsnirs' Bsnk . p eninglnn Biti'k . a pst hilsde!ihi Rank 1 . . . paf Mimlkill ftatik . , . , ; pat 4onthsrk llsnk psf vlcatern Baiik . , pa eelalle., Hank . pal Mi.irpmrers A Meehsnirs llsnk pat 'Isnk nf I'rnn Township . ' . P li-ar.1 H-I.a . pa "auk nf t'onimine. hie Mnyamrnaing I" Rank of !nnlvtih , . p r Country llnnkit. 'auk nf Chester t't t Westcheslel par pat ft pst pal psf pal I'' snk nf tlelawnrr I'minty (Chester Oermanlown Nnrris'nwn Divyleidnwn tanlt nf I .ermaiitnwn flank nf V niiiromerv ;.a Diiylentnwn Itnnk Ksstoii rtaiik Rua'nn Psimera' Hank nf Rucks en Rri M Junk ff nrtlnimheilinil irihnmhertaiid ' ilium1 is Hoi k cV '"ile'nliimbis Pnrmera' M uik .if lam sstei l.anctoel l.nnra-ler 1'oiii.ty II ,11k Lancaster f.snraa'er Ttnk Lane itier I"" pai ' l' p. I pai Piinncis Rank tif "'sdiuit It as.litiat tiirire id llsnk nf IVi.ii'a. Knee do do 1 Wire do do Office do do NOTE8 AT tlarrisbuiB' The-r l.nncnaier nflicei Hemling do nol Raslon J issue n DISCO IJNT. atik of the Tniicd Mtntes PhilsiMphis 17 Miners' Dank nf Pnllsvillf tnpk f l ewiMnwn 'l.mli -f MuMHi.wn !arlile llank Tchnnee Hank ! d'' branch of ImriJiiirfr Rank I'ntisville par railed Lewiatnwn Miildletown Carlisle Piltslniry Holllilavalmrt Hsrrisburg lifttiannn Pina'.nrj Piits'.ullg Williamspnrl Wilkeslwrra '.e'l-ii.nn Hank tin liaiii.' tt Msiuil Rank' uik Pillbura . at Itiiitn'h II Ilk vomtiis Rank ' - rili4iiitini It mli i- l t'. Mai.kt . l ll'ink id I'. II.. do .In II. do do . a of I 'tiaiul''loiiif 't -k id li.' nnli of Sn ijneliannn I ,i irn- II 11 k -' nnr-'A lr.ei' II ink ''iitk'i.i I 1. ,il I, lt.nk I'l . l !T l l.-t I itllk III II. . tk Hank pal Allenlnwn itcailitu Pilisliurg no sale faile-i fml.d do Krie Ve ilrijliion l'htrnlersllur ('tlyshursj Mniilnwe Kr.e Vt-'avnealiurf Wnsliliieton Ilntiem1,i. Dm vim nlle Ymk d I I n 3' tIA 'i Ii I 1 V. II, I he notes .,f iliMsn banks on which we o il iiiiiitiiiiB. and sulMtitiite s dash ( ) sre not iritniM'il li Hie Pliilulelpliia lirnker, with ihe s fe,.ini. ol ih..e which have a lelter of r. ference. UHOKRN RANKS. t' Sn. lint. Phil.l.l,.his do do do do Dvntl, prop.) Towanda failed failed filled ''Iiilndetphia Loan C,t, i . 'kill S:iv. Iu, rieti-liiffiiui rHV. Ina. A I'et.ii Tnwnliiii S iv Ins, Mai ir.1 l.ab..r Ratiit ( I'. W t'owiii.ila Rank failed Mlmhanv ilnik f Pa. Hrdford no sale cliajetl t .i.k nl Heaver 'ink nt Swainn Rank nl VVH.hinui ni I .'.'litre Rank '11 v Pnriurr-" .V Vn li'ra" llnnk Pattner' A- Meph'r-' Hank ''nmiers cV Mecli'cs' llmik l itmiiv Inaittnti' ..itiliitffiloi. Rank Jmiliita l.iinilMrnieii' lUnk ..r'heni Rank of !' t. V.v. Hope 11. 1. Il'i.lee lot, Viirtlillliil.'d I'liioli I 'ill. Ilk, N.oth VVeslrrn Rank nl Pa. illl'ue ol Schuylkill Runk 'h. Aur At M iimf. Hank ilvet I, ike Ilni k t'liimi Riti k nf IVnn'a. - eiMMtreiniMi Rank Itenver llarriabura; WR.hinstoii llell.fonle rh IS0 1 faih-,1 rlow.1 no -ah fniletl faded filleci tin ash PltUhlllg Pltli.lur? Faveile en. !reencBt:e li'iriiiiinv Hniiliiiit loii mi sale l.vMowii no Warren U'llldllR' .New Hope Mihnn Meadsille Purl Carbon t'srlisle Mniiiiose t'niontown la de. 1 no aile rl.aieJ 110 -nil rlom il failed cloned failetl rhwed (rmiaburc A ilkiharre Rntltie (,'u. VVilknl-arfe no ail ijj All iii.ii itii.ivtinc in tie on any l'enny. aii link in 'I niven m the slmve liet, may he set own a- fraud. .i:w ji:ksi:v. u k o New Ruiiiswirk Rrunsairk lleivuleia Mnlliird Perth Aml.iy Rriil.-etiiit M.uiiit Holly faded 1 par i pa 1 pat ' viilei lliili r It 1 . u- ' Ranh ' ni'. trial Rank 'tiii 'ii rl lol lt.11 k ' i-' H..I.U ''ami' le t.d Wltiuiili'' tak ':iiiin r ainl M.-riiaimV Rk 'aruier' etol AIir'lialila' Ilk Kiniik'in RanknfiN.J, lia iwbv j N. Iliunseriik fllle.1 Miil.lli ion 'i. 1 J. ri v I Illy fail il Hoi oki ii Rkg & (Muzing Co Hull 'ken lad. il fsile failed fall: i faileil i pai tin sab IH! sal- li'.ei v l.'itv Ii ink Meet. aim a' H ink Jeraoy tyiiy Patterson IJill.'vilte Morristowii Froeb dd Newjik Trent-mi Jersey lity YIuihiIai lur. rs R ink ' Morns i Rank di.liiiuiiilh Rk id N.J. tl. rlisiinn Rank do loninV and Vtanuf. Rk Morile Canal and Rkg t'n I'o-l Nme vsik llkit & In Co ew llo.e Oct Undue Co V J. Mauiilac. ai d Rk, I'll .ewaik l.lllbeltafi Moroken fuiiid failed i J I'iim. ruin rV ilranso R.iik .iiini'ard bk Jersey City ilrttiK Pstermin do Princeton 8slio Newark Kliiahethlowi tlsntileii Mnrriatown Tri-ntitn tialem New ion Tretilun Haver raittrs.ui Runk People' Rank I'iiiiitiuii Rank rlaleni Dsnkilig lo Stale Hank i.r Rank ""ate Rink "i.ile H ink nl Morris -itle Rank .dem and I'hilad Msnuft'o Ho.,. Hank 1'ieii i-ii Ranking to. I' llank W .lui Hank ms Co. fsilwl i pai par par failed failed psr Harfcetiasck faded UKLtWARE. H f WilmcV Hrnialy wine Wiimiuglna llai.k l iMawSH' Wilnilngtoo tiaiik -I yrna HiuyitiS b. Heucb Mdliud f .1,101 II k nl Mate nf Del Uivel lo hraiu-fa Williilnutun lio hianth tinirgetnwn tii tdaiH-h jNewcistl I'lii'iu Rank Wilmington dj 1'inlei ft's pai psr pat par par pa' par psr pai ,j I In all lainka inaiki d thus () iher sr ei. net 1 nun ie) leu "i altered noiee of ih varutu do. Mini. s'in. . in mretilaiiiui. A Tsovaaaa Unlit "avc t ASHBY &. ZIOCAP. Ual and Cap Vlaiiufaclurrr), &tt k Ecut Comer 44 und Market Street, Bat-men! siury. rBILASIirHIA, HAVB c pstsnl v " hand a full an eamphrUI BSHir'm nt nf HAT. 0 kPX. and IJURi AU'sn rl'Ssnt saorim"Ht nf ' q I hoys' ldahnrn, Janaina, ami Palm-leaf Hat. AM of w it h by ssvni j nl $1000 in r nl, tsill hs sasltt, winds lc S"d retail, at tha . ry lowest prirsa. IHiu'iy dealers ajdul I d rll rail, as hy e,mO'ny snd low itqt, w ar u iblsJ, lo sail at tmy Vvm lle Juna lOih, 1841 ly . . r c. CEimniiT, . BOOT MAKER, ! .-. -0 -N.VwO.. . . ( -H , SoiTii PtivaTai IrTistr, Aaovi CafsTTaiir. SALAHIANlDEtt, FIR It ANb THIEF PROOF CHESTA, FIRE-PROOF DOORS FOR BANKS AND BTO Seal and Letter-Copying Prefwos, Paten Slate-Lined Refrigerators, Water Tit ters, Patent Portable Water Clo - aets, intended for the Sick - nil Infirm. ' : T EVAM8 & WATSON, i, 7 fWA. ThirH Street, , . '. . , OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. a. Mamtfactar snd keepcratsaint Tf "n hand, a htrs; sssorttasut ot I me ah me articles, together with , , r A rwnt Imnrovwl Wsoaisimli r z r -i ji . iuvr Mr wsicn I "L "I I ''CHMructedsstoset strsst 1 s I 1 S.""" of doubt as to thait 5 fH uti"'"' are-pnsa-, and that tnrse rare are msne ni w"i ,w, me iiuntte eaaanf atone, and lietween the outer ease end inner ease is sriac nf sane three inches thick, and is Sited in with hefcstruv. tll.le material, s 1 ns 1 1 make it aa impossibility to burn any nf the eiaitents inside nf this Chest. These rtme S. hunandera we are prepared and d 1 challersre the world to' nr-since anv article 111 rae srmpe a reat rwtes mat will stand ns much heal, and we host nnraervr ready at all times to hnvethein fnirly tested by public bonfire. W nlso cntiime to maunfnernre fl tnre and reueral assort ment of our Premium Air-tialit r ire Proof Safes of which there are over Hon n tw iu use, snd in every instance they nave riven entne sntisiacriai to me pnrefauTrs-flr which we will refer th public tn s few gentlemen who. hav them in nse Hsrwaid wivrter. Pntttville; J.airpri O. LarwtM P.ttsvillej Mt. William Cnrr. Dovlcstown, fa". N. A O. Tayl 1 n Tth 3d .; A Wrurht A lkefe Vine st. wharf AlrX'inder t?nnir. Conveyancer, corner if Filbert and pth sts.i John M. Ford. .T2 north 3d st.j Mver Itush, Jti nirth aist.i James M. Paul. 101 srath 4th St.; Dr. David Jayne, snith l Mnthew T. Miller. SO a nth ."kl St.; ami we c nl:! name snme hundreds of others II it were neeesmrv. N"v we invite the attention of the radili", and particularly those in want of Pire Proof Safes, to call at our store before purchnsiuc elsewhere, and w can satisfv them they will j(ct a belter nnd cheaper srticle at "iir store than at any other estuhlishment in the city. We alsv manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at at very low prices, cheaper than they eon be bought at sny other store In Philadelphia. DAVID EVANS. " JOHANNES WATSON. Philadelphia, April 9, ISIS ly NEW GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masser, 11 AS just received at his store, in Sunbury, L an assoitment ofthe then pest Goods, that ever came to the place, consisting of lUY GOODS, GROCERIES. LIQUOES, fre. 1 1 r rench black Cloths, Casxinetts, &c. Cali coes, of excellent quality and colors, price 6 lo 10 els. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 6, cents. Thfse are not the low priced trash articles usually sold. Muslin de Liiines. of fine qual ity und pittems 18. Handsome Terkeri ami oilier Shawls nntl various other articles. The public are requested lo call and judge for themselves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 18-18. I'ali nt Aii -i iht SUMMER AND WTNTER COOKING STOVES. THEaWe Stove, which is equally well adapted to Wood or t ol. has received silver module at the fairs of th American Institute, New Ym L ; nf the Mecluuncs' Insti tute, Omtou; ofthe Franklin Iiislitnte, Phiuulelphia j and nf the Mechaiiicl' lualitute, Wilmiiicbai, Delaware. It it capable, if properly used, of it'iing more work, with lest fuel, than any other &ove yet irferaiJ tn the public: in winter it will warm the luraeM kitchen, while in summer, with the summer dress attached, it thniwsont no rove heat tlnui a chare al l iiriitice; and for biillng, bmilnif, ba kiinr. or ninstiiux. it catusit l surpassed by any other Stove,, opcu fixe, is; brick oven. KKCliMMENDATIONS. ClSTlFICATS or Till Jl'tlOBt OF Till MlCHASICt' IsSTI TCTE, ItllSTON. We, the auhacrilieri. lieiiis ch sen Jniles by the Massa chusetts Chnritutile Arechnnics' Assocuiti.iii iu il'iatiqi, on stoves, furnaces, ranees, Ac. w iukl inform the public, that after testuiB all ihe c atkins; stoves that were put into th Fair for exhibition, and letting each man maiuiite hit own stove with the snuie kind of c sit, in older to ascertain which would do the annie work with the least fuel in the siuie tunc, and do it liest, we find tliut 8teunrt's Patent P-iiiumer und tViuter Air-Tiht (7'ioknir. fit "Ve. mnuafuciur ed by the patentee, of Tr y, N. Y.. to he the best, as it took but il iiiiiiutes to lioil tw . aallout of water and huke biscuit in the anile time, and bniil beef steak, anil all d tie in the beet iiuiuurr with seven p .uisls of cieil, 111 thirty minntea from the time the tire wnr put into the stove To which we awarded the silver uieitnl. JAMK.Sr.til l.l), WAt.TFR CORNELL, TIIU.MAt MOI. I.TOX, A. D. WKUULR, and JAMEr PARF.. Jldom. The suhscrihert respecifiilly invite the aitention of tan try denlers, to 'lie .f the birirett and best selected stock "f stoves, ever urTered in this city, am ug which are tha fl lowing : Hates. Screen C) lenders. Oven Stoves Washington Ail Ticht ("nokt. Viilrun do do F'lrekn Ovra Albany Willis do 1I0 tin do do do do do do McGregor Mimmo'h I r-inimns Conk S uvea. Natiutial A ir-"l i;ht Conks. I'ai lor Stoves. trill I. miit AH'Tiiiht Psrlnr Stoves. I.'ifl Char es the Ui Ai'-Til.t do Sim Lady Wliini!tiiii. Air-Tighl Parlor. 1111 vtVuiiifc-tnn Air-TiKht 1I0 .1110 MrGr-iior't lhre daya Parlor Air-Ti(ht Coal Sloves, burninf three days without atten tion. For sa'e whnlwsale and retail by North. Harri son & Co. No. 3n Market street, Philadelphia. Ph ladelphis. July I8lh, 1818 jVWEIT AND AGUE!!! THOROUGHLY ERADICATED BY RUWWU'S TIIMC MIXT1RK ! ' I'll T Nniional. Old Favorite. snd 8ier- ling Remedy!!! of HIGH TF.F.N V ARS TANUIN( still iinapproarbed in its wonder ful sweet, reilBinty, a il taf ly, in tht ciaa or wkctchkd cimri-AiNT ! ! ! K7" Il yon would recape th arsniral (poimn, oka) counterfeits take not a boll I e from any ne. tha is n t ifturifrf by t' e 'written elgnature" nf tho original iuventorsnd proprietor. John R Rowand, vh a paper label, cruising the moulk und etirk. Tbii remedy hss never been bolstered up by false snd decei fill lulf. but hss won its ay la Ihe eonriilenre snd unive'tal sdii tion ofthe ta habitants of Fsvki and Agui Distsicts rl V ITS O'OOD WOKKSJISD FRUITS dLONB, ta which sll thasnenti, arid every person rh av, ted it, well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 143 Arch "ireel Philadelphia. Aosnts for Hu bury Irs T. Clercwit, J. W.: Frilinn, H. M aser snd Geo Aright. - Agsnts for Northumberland Foriyths, Wil. son 4 Co , R M. M'Csy. . Auruit S, 1 8-44 eow Wardrobe of Fuahlonablt) CLOTHING. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, No. IH Market Street. Fint Out king store ke. Suto Sisfk, Pait.anaLeBil. : ' a r.' (V HFRE they sr ronstanily eni(d in. get. tisg up train tha beat French. English and tmerirsn 1 01 h. ntbinf rut and inide up in tha most superior and faabionsbla ty , fsrsons who buy lo sel . 'il nnd a large and esreileat stork si Ihe owest eity prices. C othioa mi. upta order, iaa saperior style at tha shortest " noiiee. j - 1 . .1 N. B Odd Fellows Regalia, a larca aaaart. i i i i i meal always oa band. ' Orders from Lodges snd imlividiu s promptly attended to on the mast t... sonsb'e tersns. . . , vi... Phi'sde'phis, June 3. 1848 It. ,. , , , sT J. OREEITOTOS, . (Uiie Keller Qritttrk.) PATENT ATTORNEY. tain noHAirioAa. awouraBaa, WaMkltsctOaa, D. C. ITIkRAWlNGS an4papra fo"r. lh PWs.' JaOlRoty.preparaiuUlI lhnecesM -iiieaa, in reUtiM to tavocrrinr sXkmH, Into" actetl, and proniaaly altesylad to, vt ttWir vk"' lio opposite tha Falat CRiptAM Octabar tl, li.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers