ax SUNBURY AMKHICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUHNAL. fC IRtHtatTMf AT R. " mtTLtsa rmcLotiat. IsiteJ lately tha works going on in the mncma Vault of ib Holy Office, and not little horrified at what I uw with own eye, and held in my own hand, fhongh I have been familiar with every ing m and about Home for a quarter of a mtnry, I confess t never had any ciiKoiity f visit the Inqoisilion, taking it for granted hat every thing waa carried on there fairly and hoBeetly, a I was led to believe by peo worthy in other respects of implicit trust. ; Besides, the place itself is out of the beaten track of all strangers, and in a sort of rut V sat behind St. Peter's, where it naturally re tired to perform its blushing operation, and do good by stealth.7' I was struck with the outward appearance of civilization and com fort displayed by the building, which owes its erection to Pius V, author of the last creed; but, en entering, the real character of the concern was no longer dissimulated. A range of strongly barred prisons formed the ground-floor of a quadrangular court, and these dark and damp receptacles I found , were only the preliminary stage of proba tion, intended for new-comers as yet uniniti ated into the Eleosinian mysteries of the es tablishment. Entering a passage to the leftj yon arrive at a smaller court-yard, where a triple row of small barred dungeons rises from the soil upwards, somewhat after the outward look of a three-decker, ' -accommodating" about sixty prisoners. These barred cages must have been often fully manned, for there is a supplementary row constructed at the back of the quadrangle, on the ground floor which faces a large garden. All these cellular connivances have stiong iron rings let into the masonry, and in some there is a large stone firmly imbedded iu the centre with a similar massive ring. Numerous in scriptions, dated centuries back, are dimly legible on the admission of light, the peneral tenor being assertion of innocence : '-ddio ti libtri H tingva talvmniarice,,' "to Dumenko Gazxoli vissi jut anni IS,' '-Calumnialarts wiendacts ezttrmmchnntur.'' I read another somewhat longer, the drift of which is, '-The caprice or wickedness of man can't exclude me from thy Church, O Christ, my only hope." The officer in charge led me down to where the men were digging in the vaults below; they had cleared a downward flight of steps, which was choked up with old rub bish, and had come to a series of dungeons under the vaults deeper ntiil, and which im mediately brought to my mind the prisons of the Doge under the canal of the Bridge of Sights at Venice, only that here there was a surpassing honor. I saw imbedded in old masonry, onsymniclrically arranged, five skeletons in various recesses, and the clear ance had only just bcjtin : the period of their insertion in this spot must have been more than a century and a half. From another vault, full of skulls and scattered human re mains, there was a shaft about four feet square ascending perpendicularly to the floor of the building, and ending in a passage off the hall ol the chancery, where a trap-door lay between the tribunal and the way into a suite of rooms destined for one of the officials. The object of this shaft could admit of but one surmise. The ground of the vault was made up of decayed animal matter, a lump of which, held imbedded in it a loi:g silken lock of hair, as I found by personal examina tion, as it was shovelled up from below.- Why or wherefore, with a large space of va cant ground lying outside the structure, this charnel-house should be contrived under the dwelling, passes my ken. But that is not all ; there are two large sub terranean lime-kilns, if I may so call them, shaped like a bee-hive in masonry, filled with layers of calcined bones, forming the substratum of two other chambers on the ground floor in the immediate vicinity of the very mysterious shaft above mentioned know not what interest yon may attach to what looks like a chapter from ' Mrs. Rad- clirTe. but had I not the evidence of my own senses, 1 would never have dreamt of such appearances in a prison of the Holy Office ; being thoroughly sick of the nonsense that has for years been put forth on that topic by partisan peas. But here the thing will be come serious, for to-morrow the whole pop ulation of Rome is publicly invited by the authorities to come and see with their own eyes, one of the results of entrusting power to clerical hands Libels on the clergy have been maiiitoLl during the last four months, and have done their woik among the masses. But mere talk is nothing to the actual view jf realities. Segniu irriiaut aaiuos AVsaias per aures Qua aue suat oralis subjects fijelibus. The archives (wanting the very recent mes only) have been overhauled, and a - lill be forthwith published. The i are of the most intense interest, reach eg from Galileo's time down to modern aye ; and here most disgraceful letters from he Sardinian and Neapolitan courts, inclu ling a choice correspondence from the Duke f Modena, will be given verbatim, in ti ease. Latterly the concern had become al aoct exclusively political, and ou! y busied -self with 'carbonari" and "freemasons," nder which terms every aspirant after a onsihaliooal form of government was thought sir game, and hunted out ucuudvm ericas. MOBB MlSCIAL WcAtI.II IM PmasTLTA ia A rich bexl of manganese, heretofore uuJ La this country ooly in Vermont, has e discovered in Greenwich township, svks coontj, on the farm of Mr. John Koh- K, jr. The ore ss of the richest qualily, iclding fO percent, of pure metal. Messrs. iejeUaretch It Co., and R. Bast k Brother sve aoaJo a contract for working the mine, ad hare thus far obtained from eight to ten M of oro daily. Manganese is much in the msanfsntsrt of porcelain ware and i colartof (Use. It It subsUuce rather rkiter lhaa cast iron, granular in tenure, and aay be odoced to powder by pounding. . tkiU-Uigtr Tgsan, Bvu. TaVt barque Do'phin, frosm New Orleaaa for Boatoa, canghl fire at asa. aasl was ns aahoro and seotlled. Tlrs v earesi irstwadv in the boats Estate of llitbrrt ft. Grant, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given, thst letters of Ad 11 ministration I'pon the estate of Robert 8. Grant, late of Upper Amrnsta township, Northum berland county, dee'd., have been granted to the subscriber, residing in said township. All persons having claim or demands against the estats of the said dec'dV are hereby reqoested to mske known the same to tha ndersigned without delay, and all persons indebted ant desired to make im mediate payment. The undersiirned wilt attend at the office of J. B. Packer, Esq., in Sunbnrv. on Saturday the t3d day of June next at 10 o'clock A. M., for tha purpose of settling with such as may havs demands against said estate. WILLIAM REED, AdraV. Upper Augusta tshp. May 5, 1949 6l IfPEB iTy & COOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For tbe tale if Fish and Prorinioni. .Vo. 9 VRTII WHARVES, PKTT.APEt.PmA. Mackerel, Shad Cod and Dun Fish, Salmon, Herring, Cheese. Philadelphia, May 5th, 1S49. ly. Frank Street, between Arch mmd Market, Pnn.ADri.miA. '"PHE proprietorship and management of this well known hotel, (which is located in the very centre of business,) having this day passed in to the bands of the subscribers, tliey beg leave to state that it is their purpose to render it worthy of the liberal patronage with which it has been here tofore sustained, and hope, by unremitting atten tion, to deserve the patronage of their friends, who may visit tbe city on business or pleasure. C. & J. McKIBBIN, Formerly of the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburg. May 5; 1849 Instate of Henry RhoadN, dee'd. V OTICE is hereby given, that letters of Ad il ministration on the estate of Henry Rhoads, late of Shamokin township, dee'd., has been gran ted to the subscriber. All persons knowing thera- Ives to be indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims am requested to present them for examina tion and settlement. WILLIAM AMMERMAX, Adm'r. Shamokin tshp., April Id, 1S49 Gt "Encourage Your Own!-' HAAS klvEXX. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'THE subscribers respectfully call the attention - of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of caihi;t-y aki:, which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvery one who will examine it. on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the citv. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subacn!ers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany SufiiM, IMvaii and I.outiget. Uurcaus, Secretaries, Sf&ccoarfcs, N0F.1, BRUKFAST AM) L'IMAG TABLES, add also VEX ETI AN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, T0II-F.T TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. I bey also manuuiUtrc all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mihucixt, Black Waivvt ivd CriitD Mini Gieciiv ; axd Wi5nsna CHAIRS, svd rsvrv Pio Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no cieuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained abou the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of fin as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun trv Produce taken in payment for work. "jT" UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. tF The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HA AS, GEORGE RENX. Sunbury, April SS, 1S19 tf Estate of John Penyl, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given, that letters of Ad ministration ou the estate of John Pens) I, Ute ol'Shamokin township, dec'iL, has been granted to the subscribers. All persons knowing them selves to be indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are requested to preseut them for examina' tiou and settlement. JOHN PENSYL, LEONARD PENSYL. Shamokin tshp., April 21, 1849 6t Adm'ra. CENTRE TURNPIKE HO AD, Leading from Rending to Kiiiibiiry. THE Stockholders are hereby notified, that an election for officers of said board, will be held atthe house of James Lee, in Northumberland, on Wednesday the 4th day of June next, between the hours of 10 o clock A. M., and b o clock r. M J. R. PRIESTLY, President. Northumberland April 88, 1H4'J 4t Co turn i am. Cotton t axpe - "" Cotton l.aps aad Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made PanuiootiS, Ready made Vests, tntngress Knives, Poti-elin UeJ preserving kettles, just received for sale by ''sfwt Sunbury, Dec. --. rilEAS, from the ew lork Canton snd ream JL Tea Company. iorsaleDy J. W. FRILING. unbury. Dee. , 1848. sTkAT RfM An excellent article for sale O by HENRV MASSER. bunbury Jan. 7tu, 1849 U. PLASTErTs lot for sale by ; , CB.B0OAB. 8unbury Jan. 50th, 1849. 1, . AR IRON of all kinds tor sals low. at that store of C. & BOGAR. Sunbury Jan. loth. 16iWtf. PATENT Trusses of sll kiuds, Harrisou's writiitg and indeUible ink, Cotton yarn snd Upa, just received and tog by ' , J. W. r RILING. Sunbury, Dec , 1848. BLANK EOOK& An assortment of Blank Books, just received and sale by H, MASSES. ' Bunbury, Dec S, 1848. rvYKUP M0lA8Sl&-smof Mutes! Bvrup O MoUasss (or sals by HENKT MA6ER. . BMbury, Dsc t, 1848. ITkADD'S csuebrsts4 horse and Cauls MWU. UW etas far as Is by HENRY MASSES, umbswy Jan. tTth. 1I4 f LIVEH COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both Male and Female: raeh as Constipation. Inward Piles, Faltaese r Blond to the Hfd, Anility rf the 8t mneh, Nsnsea, Heeil-bum, Diarast fur F t, Follows or weiftit in the Stomach, B sir Krnctati Its, Sinkine nr t-'lnttrrin at Dm i-itoTtiie Stomnch nrimmiiie if ihe Head, Hurried and Difficult llreethins, Flattering at the Heart, Choking rr ftnrficating ssnmli ns when in a tyins; p- store Dimness if Visi-st, IMS -r wrlis hefnre the flight, Fever snri dnll rain in lbs Head, Defirien evrf Pws: imll n, Yell wners f Ilia Skis and rjres, Pain in me phic. Hock. Chest. Limbs. e., nn lrien flushes 1 Hei, Burnii in tha Fksh. Constant Imnslnln s if evil and great depressi n of S, irits Can be sflecttudir cured by D?. HOOFLAITC'S Celebrated German ' Bitters. Their pnwer over Ihe shore diwnses Is imt exrellnt if en,tmlled l.v snv other rrerarnti n In the United States in Ihe enres attest, In many esses after skillful physicians had failed. Deninrnnrnt of the tjver and gtranseh sre surcee of Inmiuiv. snd will slsn pnxtne disease of ths Heart, Skin, I.une anil Kidneys, snd lavs the Ijndy open til sn attack of the Cholera, Bin lit, nr Ye!lnw Fever, and ii senerally ths Hist cause thai m st baneful disease, Consumption, Opinions o f the Pfiiladtlphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." Iecem!! 31st sara: AN IXVALf AB1.K We have frequently heard the Ceicln-ated German Billera. manufactured hy Dr. Iloou'lnnd, snokeu of in terms of commenoaU si, snd we kn 'W deservedly sn. It is a too common practice, in cer tain quarters, to puff ail manner of useless traih, but in the str ive Bitters, hundred, are living witnesses of their great m val and physical worth. Asa medicine of ths l.tver Complaint, J:iumlicr. Nervous Dcl.ility snd Dyspepsia, it hnshecn fonnd iiivalimhlc, eflcclinr cures and th r iikIiIv eradicatiiut disensKa, when sll uther medicines have failed. We fcl convinced, that in the use of the German Bitters, Ihe patient d mm bcconie debilitated, but constantly (tains strentrth and vigor t-i the frame a fact worthy ot great eonsidernti n. The Bitters are pleasnnt in UiKte'and sinill, and can he administered under sny circumstances, to the most delicnte ntotnath lndceil, tlicv can lie ncd liysll per-s-ns with the m t rerf-et snfety." It w uld lie well for those who sre much nflected in the nervous system, to e-mmence with one ten sjioi'nful nr le-s. snd gradually in crease. YVcapefik from exjierience, ami are f e turse, a priper judse. Trie prens fur and wids. have united in re. ennimendms the German Bitters, snd to tie stHicted we m .st eatdialiy advisetheir use. SPIRIT OF THE TIMKS," "DO OL'R GCK)DcrnZKS who arc invalid!, knnw tti inaiir aslntiishiiif cures that have betn pf rf rnred by Dr. ii ifl laud's Lelel rafctl Oi-rimn Bmcrt J it tnev a. nor. we reootnmriM, ihrmthe'rernuinAlediciii Slore." tkll whnnrt? tflit-ted wifh Liver Cfunplmnt, Juuiiriice, l)y perMia. ur Xi-n-iwi Drbilky ; the Dtet r hn cured many of our citiztms after the bttt plivsicuuis had failed. Wa hn nted theni, mid they have provrfl t be a medicine thai every une ahoutd kn-nvf, and we ennn-'t reimio c,v'nf our tes tinrxny in their tnror, and that which givet themgrenter claim up"i our humtjle ctfurt, they are eutirely Vegetable. "THE DAILY NEWS," July 41h sa8- "We peak knowingly of I)r. tlooflnnd's Celebrated Ccr man Bitters, when we sny it is a hlerfttnt of tins sge; snd in diseases of the hilinrr, digestive and Nervous Systems, it hnsnot wethinkan ei)itul. It is a YceetiiMe Preporation, and made witlKMit Ale hoL and to all invalids we would re c.imniciHl it as w Tthy their CJinlidence. For Mie. vliilenl and retail, at the principal Depot, GF.RMAN .MEDIC1NK STOKK, No. 478 Kace Street, Philnoetphia. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland snd Sun hnry and r'esiecuible dealers (eiieraily throughout the Hate. April 31, t&tB ly SADDLE & HARNESS MAKING. MiE undersigned respectfully mtorms the nulilic, that he has commenced the above blisi- wyai i ness in Sunburv, and will con stantly keep on hand and uianulucturc to order, at his stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles lielonging to bis line of business. All articles manufactured by him will Lc made iu the bent and niost durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at any other cstab lUhiuciil in the county, lie thcrclore respectfully solicits persons to call and examine fir themselves belure purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of tra duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex- Lange at the market price. AIGLSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, xVpril 7, 164U. The Cheapest and .Mast Splendid Assortment ot WATCHES AM) .IKWKl.UY IN PHILADELPHIA, No. I I.KWl LAItOMI'M, ) So. 1 j c J MA RKET STREET, 3 a rcw ouorts above eleventh, noktii side. HAS just received by late arrivals, from the most celebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and judiciously selected assortment of COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which he will sell cheaper than any other estab lishment in the I'nitcd States. Among tlie as sortment will I e found : Gold Levers, 18 k. rases, full jewelled $36 Silver l evers, full jewelled, IS Gold I'Epines. IS k. cases, jewelled, 85 Silver I'Epines. jewelled, 10 ' Quartter Watches. 4 to $10 Silver Tea Spoons, equal to coin, per set 4.50 - 1 Desert, " ' 10.00 'Table. " " 13.00 Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jewellrv, Ac, &c, Ac. GOLD CHAINS, of various styles, from the best .Manufacturers. Li Please preserve this advertisement, and call at LEW IS LADOMLS S. No. 413 MARKET STREET, above Ets vevth. North Side. CP I have Gold and Silver Levers still cheaper than the above prices. Ly A lilicral discount made to the trade. April 14, 1849 Urn CABINET WARE ROOMS. flMIE subscriber respectfully informs tbe public. I that be continues the manufacture of CAB I NET WARE, in all iu branchss, at his stand in Market street in Sunburv, and that he has now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the II 4111 !I 4IiI'C lU'SIXESS, in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which be will dispose of at prices ae low as at any esta blishment in the county. His lung experience in the business, justifies turn in the behel that lie will be able to give sen. era! sutisfactiou, and therefore solicits from his customers s continuance of their patronage. k au ainus oi prouuee uaen in exenange. SEBASTIAN HOLPT. Kunbury. March 17, 1849. tf BRIG AUK INSPECTOR. rR. J. J. Upde-r-ratr, offers himself to the electors of the 1st lbriijade and 8th division, as a Can didats for tlie oluce of BRIGADE INSPECTOR. Should he be elected, he trusts that s military edu cation, with considerable experience in military tactics, will enable biin to discharge the duties of theoibccina creditable and satisfactory manner, Jackson tslip., March 34, 1848. Notice. flHE partnership, heretofore existing under ths X Iiaine of "Dev. art dc Uruner," having been dissolvod, the subscriber announces to the public that he will coiiunus the practice of tlie law st the oSirs lbruierly occupied by said firm, in the Borouirh of ftuiiburv. Uusuicss entrusted to Dim ill be promptly stieuuea io, , -. CHARLES J. BRUNER. 8unbury, April tl, 1849 Sua Notice AS ths subscriber is dons selling st Auction, he rsaussU sll those who bsvs not com pi led with the conditions of sals, to call immsdisUly and do so. 11 hss still sums MOLASciEt. PLANTER, Axe on hand, which Us will sell low. As Ins store is cloaad. customers will pleas call al the use, CHA.O. B. UUUAK. Sususuryt Aprtt T, U4&W-S . 'tK. 1 Kfia TBS M1NB10P OALXrOKMIA OUT DON Ml FINE WATCHES AND JEWELkY. The mamondlityof IMilltidclplilnj 8tlll Ahead I JACOB LADOMUS, 246 MAKKFr ST , BELOW EIGHTH, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA, 1 8 constantly receiving from all the best Manu ' facturert of Europe, every style of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ftj Read tliis advertisement rut it out of tlie paper put It in your pocket, and rail the first time you visit the city. Among tlie assortment will be found t Gold Levers, 18 k. esses, full jewelled, $30 Silver Levers liill jewelled, IS Gold I Kptnes, 18 k. rases, jewelled, S3 Silver I'Kpincs, jcnelled, 10 " Quarticr Watches, 4 to $10 Silver Tea Spoons, equal to coin, per set, 4 50 " Desert " "10 00 " Table "13 1)0 Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jewelry, Ac., Ac, Ac, Gold Chains of every variety and pattern at a slight advance upon the original cost. Examine them by all means. The Trade will be supplied upon the most advantageous terms. J. LADOMUS, No. 246 MARKET Street, below Kighth, South side, Philadelphia. April 11, 1848. 3 mo. 2000 PRKMIU M BLINDS, is. J. vi 1,1.1 at;, NO. 12 NORTH SIXTH STREET, rHlLADF.l.riIIA. Tcnltlan mind nuilw tinlovr iinlc Manulattui'i. (AWARDED the first and highest Medals at New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibi tions, for the superiority of his BLINDS, with con tinued confidence in Ins manufacture,) asks the attention of purchasers to his assortment of 3000 Blinds of narrow and wido slats with fancy and plains Trimmings, of new styles and colors. Also a large and general assortment of TRANSPA RENT WINDOW SHADES, all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new. nr DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal tcrms The Citizens of Northumberland County are res pectfully invited to call before buying elsewhere confident of pleasing all. ri"OPEN IN THE EVENINGS. jac March 24, 1849. 3m Ayer's ('ht-iry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP ISO COUGH, URONCltlTlS AND CONSUMPTION. THIS valuable preparation, si nsti'iiicliiiifrly succemrul in curing diwusr ot the Limes, is the result a ikii:- ful coiiiliiiiiiti n ol the known eitnitive principles of meiiicine. Its inffremeuis are Ireelv nvule kti wu V the public, and are those acknowledged tu medicul men hi ! Kissestine rure meincai virtues, winch peculiar virtues sn combined in the "CHKRKY PIX'TOIl At." in their great est purity and etneacy, and when used, as will be seen fri'in llie li'H Wlutr vourime temtlll -nv : PHIJKKSSOK Cl'.r.VEt.AND, of B wd .in CVHetje, Brumwiclr, Muine, writes: 'I hsve witnessed the etTccts t f y- nr Clicrry Pectoral in my nwn family and in that of mv fiiendf, mid ir luis siveu great aitiiisction in capesh th ! ailnl's ami children.' A VOICK FROM MASSACHUSKTTS. Fr m Dr. Br ant, Drusgiit and Postmaster. Oiicmee Falls, Muss: La J. C. A rm Dear Sir : r.nel"serl dense find remit- nce f sll tlie Cherry Pectoral last sent me. I can utl- hesitalitnrty sty tint n'i meiiicine we sell gives such sntis fncti nmy ur'sil es nor liavo I ever seen a medicine hich cured s i manv cases nl cough sml Itina eiannliiints Our Physicians sre using it extensively in the practice, uiul nn me nappien enecis. Truly V. uri, U. M. BRYANT, nn PF.nKiNS. President of Vermont Medical C llese, one of the nv'St teamed snd intelligent physicians in thecmntry, (tconiiiders it s e mn sition 1 rare excellence ut the euro of that for midable disenae. C nrumpliou.' Anslm st incrcdiUe number of rcrlincitcs have hrtn received ; niovmg thru the rhe-rv Pectoral is, in truth, a GREAT RKMKDY for Cinighs. CoH. Aatl-ma and n!l pnlmmry c jmpluiutn. litlLC, in i i. in ' l l Premred hv J C. AYEH. l.' -ell. Mass.. and a -lit bv II. MASSEII, Sunbury, audMAKY McCAY, Xortliuni berland. March 31, 16t JOHN DONNELLY, MANrPACTtrnEn op Donnelly's Uprjcut Safety Glazed Capsi led Cue MATCHES, and United States Oil Paste BLACKING, No. 83 North Third Street, PB CLADB CPHIA, HESE Matches arc justly considered the best in the United States ; thev are free from un pleasant smell, and can be introduced with pcriect sutcty into all Mores and LwUhngs. Wananled to keep ten vears. 1 he Blacking is of superior quality, and free from and intrredient that impairs the Leather. LUL.V1 KY ULALEiia and SHirPERS will find it to their interest to call and see for them' selves. N. B. An assortment of Matches of various ew York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes also, packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to any part of the world, JOH.- DONNELLY, Late of SO Bank Street, now 83 North Third St, March ill, 1849. ly SORES CAM lit? Mil ED. Burns, Scalds, and all kiuds of inflamed Sores Cured sjOUSGVS I'MVKIiSAt. OINTMENT, is the most t: luuilele Bum Aulid ito evr ku wit. It iiisuuitlv, (ai.J as if bv Music) slotis tains ot tho m at desiierata tfurnuiw t-caiu. for mi sorus, uiuises, iu:s, llrallls, a:e. u niall or beust, It is Ihn best amiliculloii tlmt can be made. t'nousuiida Uuve tried uud thousands jiruiss it. Itistlisin st pcriect uttiiier f hiiii ever due vcrol Ail whj use ro- cmutciKi it. r.very lauiuy an uld tw ivided witli it .None can lei in w so a m ux f Die uruily niuy need it. Is" tlliserve each hoo tf the ilt-imuie Ouiluieiii has the name of b Toi'skt, writuu ou Uio outsoie lubel. Tu unite tu this is I tirery. boanucn, Livery Alai, rsrmcrs, snd ull who use Horses. will find this Ointineut Ihe very best thins they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks. ,c , c , on ihtir aiiunsls Surely every nierci ful wan woukl keen his snlrnuls as free fr, iu puin as x ssiiile. Tousey's Liuveisal Omuucnt is all Ihul is required, j ryit. Hi i ts ni- i.s-i.t its rtiio suns or bits of noisca us Insects, T ms y i Uiutawut u um nailed Hundreds I Uinl it snd found it aood. PI1.IB CLUED ! For the Piles, Tmisey's Universal Oiut- nieut isimt of Uioliest Remedies thst curt bs anpuod. AU who have tried it f v tlie r lies rec snmeue it. OLl SORES CU11KD. Vt old obsiinals eV'res, there is uouniia ouual to 1 ouscy's Uinlmcin. A per -a ni Mami. us had. lor s numrier i4 years, a s rs lee thai battled ths kill of Ihe (sct'irs. Tousey's Ointment wis recommended by one ot the visitant physicians, (who knew us crest vir tues,) snd two r ses prnrtucoii rn-ire u-ittml than tbe pa tient had received Iroia any aud all prsviuus remedies. Let 11 trv it. ui'io'b .vn Or- a na propn Th-iusatids of cases f Bums end scskls, iu all imris of tho o wnry. have been cured by T tusey'i L'niveraal Ouilmsnt. Certiucuies enuub couhi ne nan nn ine wnoie oi one eneei. VIOLENT BHUISKS Ctltr.D. TewimonUls on teati, nvHiiut in fuv "T of Tousey's Oiiuuwnt f r eurine Bruises hsve beeu offered Ihs prinet as. Hundreds iu Syracuse willcemlv to its (rent merits relieving tlie puui ol tho m st severs Bruises. All pers ns sh Hlkl Irv it. SCALD HKAD I TUKU. Sxos f oases of ScaM Head have beeu cured by Tousey's OtuUueut. Try it it sekl-sa tans. SALT RIIF.UM CI. RKD. Of all ths remedies ever dii enveren f irths m sjt dieisroaable e sanlsuit, 'iusev's L'ui- vernl Ointment is the iu st c. uiplete. It uevsr was known to full. CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE CI RED T Hisev's Um. vsrnl Oinimeut will always euro In w rat cases of Chap. Don nanns. nc ires oi ncrs 'lis will BtstslDis. BOHE UPSCURFD. For the euro nf S ro Lips there was uevsr anyinuis nuuie ouai to Tousey's ututnteut is sure in euro tnera. i rv ll. It iss soientific comr. and, warranted no to enrttaiu say ntenirati w '1 Morcurv. 1ST Price 45 cents per bos. Fi f urtberrairtii'ulurs o nceminf this really valushls Oiutracnt tho puhlie are referred Ui psrauhlsia, Ui us has gvatis, of ro snecuiblo Drug; iata and ilaroliaius uVnufhout Ihs United States. Preparsd hr 8. TOl'SEY, Drufjist, No. IM Nassaa Agists JOHN YOUNG, Suubury, M. A. McCAY rioruiumtiorNina. rooraarylT, 1641 ly BLANKS. 1 tit every description e BLANKS of every description can be had by MM applying st ths office of ths American. " APS An assortment just received. .Also, silk UA sv at sja, lor stilt by - II. MAS9ER. Puntrort, Dash t, 1848. ' nF.lTHTOFAIH Rklict to ths Sice: " TVTrT 'Health eslth to the Weak I! A JF&i ""uOj ) BALM tSjLj V "S GA Whole ,M is found for tne Huinan Kace la An- PAIN KILLER. This is sn entirely vegets- Me compound, e niposed of and Is au Internal and External Remedy for the va rious ills Unit human flash is Lair to sucr as, Cotiphs, Colds, Pains, Nervous and Sick Headache, Rheuiniitittn, Cuts, stirain, pjmd AfTecttons, Summer Complaints, Ch-ilera Morbus, Toothache, Krnptlisis, Corns Piles, Fr sen I'nrti, Hums, rk-ultls, Amic In the Facssud Rrentt, Pntiitera' C llic, llruises, old H rcs, of sppe tits, General Debility, Anthmn, c. Put tip In bottles foi I. or 4 shillings per b stle. For further particulars sea Ptimphlets to lie bad il" every sscnt aratis, containing s lirief hit rv of tbe origin, discovery and g-iods ejects of Andrews' 1'sin Killer, Certificates of Cures, directions. Ate LOOK CUT Fort FRAUD. The tfinmnlniiit tnicew of Andrews Tain Ki:!r in re moving tho Cannes that nr xluce donth. the untimely death nf millinns nf our race, has induced me men of vvhem it niav be truly said, their viliam-ius uccuiaiipus inunii'et their villainy, to attempt to pnt in circulation spurious and counterfeit articles called "1'nin Killer," lisins fictitious natiics for tlie pretended fiu'h 'r, lorreil certifcate, Ac. Sime bnve appeareil, mid others n i d m'it wtil nnpenf. Let all remember that Audrinvs licnnine Pain Killer 1ms the written sitrnoture of 1. AmlrewR on the IpM of each bottle In black ink. 1) nrt aimplr nsk for l'aiu Killer, but ask for Andrews' Pain Killer, ann hare no other. 9ld bv M. A. McCnv. So!" Airent. Nnrthumbarland : J. W, Friliiiir, Sunburv John II. Uaser, Milton I John R. Mvver. Bl siinslmrr : Wm. A. . Murray Oi, Danville I Davenpon Smith, Plymouth : Andrew Yohr. Wilkca barre j Hays 9c Mcrnrmiek, McEwensviile ; SchnflTle St Chnmherlnin. lrfwislmre i Gc'irse McAlpiu, Jersey Shore; I M l,W V, II, in, ...... I Oiders siMreied to I Andnnrs. Inventor snd only Pro prietor at lthecn Tompkins county, N. V. Will reoeive prompt atrcniion September 30, 1S48. ty COLUMBIAN SERIES OF 7"i Pvpil't frirmland Teacher's comfort. 'THE COLI'MDIAN CALCtri,ATOR. This ' work is already introduced into some cf the best Acnil.irnics and a larre number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa- tisfactmn, liolh to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal system tf tnrrency. It contains more, the arrnntremcnts are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it is so rohsidcre.1 by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our rieatt Scholar : By Atnon Tirlnor. Tna YnrTit's Cni.fMniAS CAi.cctTon. This volume contains 01 pages, with about 000 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces tlie Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. Tit rtvon's AniTiiMtTiCAL TAbtr.s. is destined for the uso of younger classes in tho Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and plow ing; to children, and the only one of ihe kind of any value. There arc Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which tbe solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black bonrd. These Keys are tlie most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the scienco of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce thrill the t est works that bnve ever been published in this or any other country. .Vttioujh issued but a few monlbn. they have already leen introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of KeaJin:;. Also, in about twenty Aendamics in the ilaic of iVnnsvlvaina in a Iurrc portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and lis tlie Uorouchs of linrris'.iurtr. oik. Chunihcfebiiri;, Lebanon, Uoylcstown, Potus lle. Urwipsburtr, tVc, Arc. For sale bv lii'.Mtr Massku, Sunburv, Agent or Norlhumlierlutid Countv. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1S43. 1TEV7 CHEAP GCCsDS. The Inrgeftt Issorlnuut InTosVii, John V. Friling, ESPECTFULLY informs his fricnJsand cuslomcrs, that lit! has received the freest itttd best assortment cf lroods ever of fered in Sunburv. Consisting of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Liquors, Drugs, Puirits nnd a creat variety of other articles. The public ure respectfully reouested to all ami examine his stuck before purchasing lueu Here. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1S48. Summer A r run ge m e n t . PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO POTTVILI.E. CHANGE t)F HOURS, andTlVO TRAINS VAILY, tacA way, except Sundays ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April Sd, 1849 two trains will mn each way, daily, between Philadelphia and rottsville. MORNINU LINE ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily, except Sundays. Passes Heading; at 10. 45 A. M Leaves Pottsville st 7i A. M daily, except Bunduys. Passes Heading at 8 10 A.M. The aliove Line stops at all way stationa on tlie road as formerly. AFTERNOON LINE FAST TRAIN. Up Train Down Tiain. Leaves Philadelphia at Leaves Pottsville at Si 2i P. M., daily, ex- I . M., daily, except cent Sundays.' I Sundays. Leaves Phceuixville 3,43 Leaves Sell. Haven 2,S7 Pottstowu 4,15 Reading 9.00 " Port Clinton S.45 Sch. Haven 6,10 Port Clinton 3,00 " Reading 3,50 " Pottstown 4,40 . ' Phanixvilie 5,00 Arrives at State R J 5,60 Arrives at Pottsvillc0,20 The Afternoon Train will stop only at the s hove named stations. Passengers for other points must therefore take the .Morning Line. DEPOT in Reading, coroner of lhesnut and Seventh streets, hassengera cannot enter the Cars unless provided with Tickets. IHr ftOlltJE. riftv pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these hues ; and passengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thine; as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of it) owner. No freight will be taken ly these lines. . By order of the Hoard of Managers, S. UR.1DF0RD, Ssc'ry, April 7, 1843. EVEBV MAN HIS OWN PATENT AGENT. Tit CNN & Co, publishers of ths "SCIENTI- FIC AMERICAN," have favoured us with a Pbamphlet containing the Patent Laws of the United titatcs, together with all the (Wins necessa ry for applying for a Patcut, information n regard to hung caveats, with remarks on its uses, etc., a mount of fee required at the Patent Office, and every other information that is uocessary to instruct a person in making his own aupucaUoiia. Price lit cents single, or VI copies for on dol larssent by mail to any part nf the United States, Address l LA. dc UU., Iew-Y0rk. March 10, 1649 MACKEREL, SHAD, SALMON HER11LNG8, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD CHSESE. Constantly on band and lor sale by J. PALMER sV Co. f Market Street . Wharl PH ILADELPuIA. reb. SI, 1849 Sm I. ANDREWS.' TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND t;.4.lI10l.iLT APIMtoVEDt les- - 14 5! M O 5 o ! 2 15 a o r Evsry day is tliis eslebrsted medicine evtenrHrij Ihs Sjihere of its usefulness, and every ysar adding to tha loaf cstnlirus of iis triumphs. A MILLION OF BOXES are distributed annually with, out fully meeting the demand! Fur some time past, the ales have been limited ilely for want of facilities of sup ply. Truly this Is a universal remedy ! I'nhersld, these pills hsve found their way into the remotest comers of tho Union, everywhere proving their title ns tho poor man's friend sick man's hope the marvel and slessini of the age. " For a trifling sum, every individual and every family may have HEALTH INSURED to them for an Indefinite p riod ; and what is life without hcnl'.h but s miserable exis tence ! It is too predmis a boon to ks tampered with, by trying all sons of experiments upon it. The sick should use those medicines only which experience hss shown to bs the best a physicianTtestimony. From Catskill, Green County, New York.) Dr. W.Wright Dear Sit: I hsve found your Indian Vegetable Pills s valuable remedy in esses of General De bility of the system, snd in all Billioua disorders. I sm also in ths habit of recommending them to females in peeulia' cases. I observe them to operate in the system without producing debility or pain, leaving it in a healthy ennditi m. June tw, 1648. Jolts Posits, M. D. the best family medicine. From Norton Hill, Oreen County N. Y.J Dr. Wright t We have used and sold your Indian Vegeta ble Pills for throe yesrs past, and do nvt hesitsta to recom mend them to our friends and euitomen ss ths best Fsmily Medicine in use. N. St L. Rsmsssxi.. From Msrhie HsU Ts.) Tj Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir : For the tost two ysars 1 hsve had Ihe sgency for the Kile of your Indian Vegetable Ttlls st this place, and hnvs ld snnuslly large quantities at retail. They have in every instance given entire satisfac. sinn. Many fsmilies iiithisscctionkecpthem,9ndeonsider hem iuvolualJe as a family medicine. There is nu medi cine sold hero that can be so universally Tecimmerided ss Wright's Indian Vcgetsblc Pills. Yery truly yours, February 1. 1PIC. Vf . M. Lcieks. TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PIIYSICI.VN. The following letter is in reply to s note from our agent asking- Dr. Bouton's opinion of this medicine : TcvKHANN-ncx, Aiifim 39, IMS Mr. A. Durham Dear Sir : Iu reply to your uote of yes terday, I would state, tint I have occanijnally found it cun. veriiet t,i une the vuri us '-Patent Pills" vended in die shops . and while I sm unwilling to say anything todeprcciute ths value of others, I am free to confess th'it 1 consider Wright', Indian Vegetable Pills superior to all others with which I am Bcfiiaiiiled. I have used them for many ymrj both in my own family and in my practice generally, and Uiey have uniformly proved mild, certaiu and sufe in their operati n Tin; care and skill with which these j:i!s have been hitherto rmmttfue:urcd arc, in my opinion, a suriicicnt guarantee lur likcgjod results ill future. Very rcnpeciful y, B. A. Uoi,-to.v,M.!D. .Mr. B is a practitioner of I Tg expcriincc, well known in and even beyond the lines if Wyoming county, lie is a graduate cf Pennsylvania, and highiy popular with ths people atnur.g whom he resides. ISc-warcorStittr t outed Cotuilcr- HemenJisr that ths original and only genuine lii&cu Vc;cuUc Fills have the wtitten signature of Wra. Wright on the top label of each box. acB3-isas2riag3 ros Wi I;IiI'm Indlau Vegetable IMIU. John W. Frilii'.g, Sunbury. Henry Master, Sunbury. linya St McCoriniik, McEweasvills. E. Kautriu.111, August tp. John H. Vincent, Chilisrtuai;ue. Kase 4 BergMrrswr, Elysburg. W. Rcliiermcl, Little Mshonoy. Ilaiucn St Broiiier, Milton. Forsyth, WUson St Co., NorthumbsrlruJ. Jas. Reed, Pottsgrnve. W. 3t It. Fcgely, Shamokintown. J. C. Morgan, Snyderstown. W.Deppin, Mahonoy P. O. BenneviUo Uolshue, Up. Mahonoy. J. G. Reuii, Line Mountain P. O Benj. Ileflner, Lower Mohonir.g P.O. Amos T. Brisiell, Turbutttville. 0. J. & T. Piper, WatsonviUe. E. A. Ku'zucr, Boonsville. H. II. Knreble, Elysburg. Offices devoted exclusively to Ihe sals of Wright's In lian Vrgetable Pills, Wholesale and ReUd, 169 Race St., Phila delphia, 25? Crocuwich street, New-York, and 19STremout, Boat m. Dec. 9th, ISIS. ly. Kquitablc I.lfe Insuraucr, Annuity uiid rriiNt t umpaiiy. OFFICE 74 WAl.NCT STREET, PHILAbELPHIA. Cir.TAL g J X),UOU. CUiKT. I'SKItTVAl. HE Company are now prepare! to tratiwi businrs upon the most liberal and ailvnntaeeoua terms. Thev ars authorized bv their charter (tret. 3) (,to make all and rvtry insurance apnerlainiiur to me risks of whatever kind or nature, sitd 1 1 receive sml execute trusts, nuke endow ment i, ami to jrraiit end parrhass surnames." lhs(.om. pany sell annuities and eiulowinebts, and act as Trustees fo: minors sua heirs. Tabls of Premiums required f)r th Anunuice of S10U for tne wool term ut gjf INDIAN 1-5 jfelM VcSctatlc g Age. 1 1'isra. Age. I Prem. Age. Prem 16 ISO 31 iltn) 4 ' 3 30 17 lia 31 9 IS 47 3 49 19 us an 3-n.i 4a 3i 10 1 1 31 s-j; 49 77 20 160 3S833 60 9 W4 tit 1 01 54 40 61 4 13 !H 1 t 37 8 47 M 4 M 23 16 38 I) St 13 l -! I "a 39 3 6.1 54 4 71 25 I 6 40 71) 6S 4 II ! IU 41 Srl SS Sttl S7 I 4 J S Oi 67 STl lot 43 8 01 SO 64 it I sn 44 a 14 st in 30 3 01 44 33 60 03 The premiums are leas than any other eorannuv. and shs ttola-ics all rd ereatsr advautuaea. Tablt-a of half-vearlv aiul quarterly preiuiuuia, hall credit rates of premuim, sliort U-nus, )oiia lives, survivorslups and endowment s; slso, furm oi Applicati si (for which there arc blank slums') are in i'ii spnucaii 'it at tne oni ihe orlice, or by letter to the Ageut, J. H. PLHDV, Suubury. Riii ros i.iseauie 100 on a singls Life Aee SO 30 40 SO For Je,f- Fi 7 ytars. el For Life. 1,60 . S.04 1,70 Sr4 ,U3 . 9 1.v, l,K 3,ta 1,30 1,01 8,U7 37 S F.SAMW.S A persw sied 30 veins next birth day, hy paytuf tus Cisnpuiy og ceuts would socure So his family heirs fciuu sliouki he die 3 one year ; or for So o0 a se cures to them SlbuO: or fir 813 annually lur save years as secures to tnem ptuuo sn-iu1 hs die in seven yw , for f'J-J.tU naid annually riuruis; bis he secures IU to bs paid wheu he diaa. Tlie iiuurai sacuiuis kiaowii bouas, by ihe difference in ain nintot nreiuiuuis fMiutlvawcliaraed by other offices. Fi Slg.W the heirs would reesivs ttouw should hs die iu one year. , Forms ofapplicatiuu aud sll jstrtieiihrs Jjavbe had el the office. I. W. CLAOIIORN, prestdeut. TasAscaaa Vacis W. tUwts. II. Q. Tuckett, fucrstarv. CcttsvLTiKS PHTicu-r J. 8 Mssssr, SujUiory. J. H Pxaar, Huuburj-, Agsut for Northumbsrlaisl eoun y- Sunbary, July t, IMS- HAISINS, currants, citron, cheeee, pepper wuce,&c For eale by J. W, PK1L1NG. 8uuhury,Dec8, 1SA8. PLASTER, 6slt and Fsih, juai received and for by - J. W. FRIMXG. 8uuburv,Dee.t, 184 . . 7 HEAT WANTED One dollar pet bushel, cssn, wui m paid lor jooa wneel by IRA T. CLEMK.NT. 6unbnry Jan. J7lh, 16411 tf. ' f , few for sale by ' CaaiV tl aMAieVK. . IVimbury, Mareh 10. IU. 5UI Sorts of Zitmii Goib Ilat W) hs been furnlshedt with sorhe interesting partiotitnrs about tbe Mine at Cold Hill, Rowan count?! It it aid to have br-tn distjovered 18. or 20 years ago, but that no cold of large amount wns ob tained un'il w ithin the net.fiveprers j sine which it is calculated that ?360,0UU jer an nnm is obtained. Three engines ate in - op eration, which cost $25,000; and two other are being erected. Eight ditT rent mining companies are working llie mines at Cold Hill, and a large amount of capital ia invert ed, eatimated at 8300,000. There are some 700 inhabitants in tbe village, and the bouse are wood ; some neat white frames, and many merely log cabins. There are three slorts, one tavern, six smith shops, a radler, shoemiikcr, five physicians, a lawyer There i no resident clergyman, nor an,y church immediately in the Village. North Carolinian. , . Explosion or Steam Boilem. Mr. Burke, late Commissioner of Patentf, in his interest ing report on this subject, attributes the burst ing of steam boilers mainly to the use of cast ircti boiler-heads, and the absence of such guards us inventive genius has furnished,,- It is more than twenty years since the Go vernment of France passed a law prohibiting the U3a of ui!.t iron boiler heads, after some destructive explosions from this cause; yet our Government has neglected to follow its example. From the report it appears that, within the pa'at twenty years, there have been killed by explosions in this country 926 persons aiul 298 wounded, many of them made cripples for life, while near a million dollars in property has been destroyed The appropriations made at the recent session of Congress, according to the official Matement published in the National Intelli gencer, are as follows : Civil, diplomatic, aud miscella neous, 86,301,605 74 Military, including fortifica tions, Indian department, revolul iouary and other pt'ii sionn, 7,937,161 98 Naval iiieiiniing naval pensions 9,601,882 9i PostOllice Department, 4,328,391 00 In fulfilment ol the treaty with Mexico, 7,260,000 00 . Total, 835,429,041 614 In the appropriations for fortifications, for the year ending 30th June, 1 360, there is an item of 540,000 for the fort on Solleis' Point Flats, Baltimore harbor. r 'i Btrcisrvc Lilliputians, The Homestead Journal, published at Salem, Ohio, says theiei are exhibiting in that place two miniature men, one sixteen and the other nineteen years of aoe, the younger weighed twenty seven, the elder thirty pounds. They are suid to ba well proportioned and perfect in form, and to have the appearance in the face of beig at least 40 years of uge. The Chops is Ohio. The farmer in Pie blr. as well as those in the whole Miami and Mad River valleys are expecting fjnn crops. Tint wheat looks remarkably well. TlitMe ate more ncres of wheat this year, in this portion of Ohio, than there hnsever beftn before. We are informed by formers that the lute cold "snap" did not effect the appln crop's. The peaches and cherries are much 'ess injured than was anticipated. A good half crop of both may be expected. In Darke county the peach crop will be very large. Eaton (Ohio) Register. LRr.E Dividesd. The St. Louis Insurance Company declared a dividend on the 4th inst. of fifteen per cent, on the profits of the last six month. Tht. Gold Dollars are sold by the brokers of Providence, R. I., at only SI 23. i " ... - eswea APPIUBTON'S GREAT CENTRAL en k ap nooK store; 1CI Client nut Street. Cornrr of. Seventh, $caim's Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. KNOWING tlie wants of the community, the Proprietor of tliis EsTnLisumsT has fitted . up a S tore in the most elegant manner, having due regard to tliis comfort uf his customers, ea that every Siranccr visiting his Book Store, may feci entirely st home. , , HIS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to tlie various Pt of Literature, so that visitors can find the Books they are in search of for themselves. ' Buying his Stock for the most part at the Arc-tio- Bslc, and beiug connected with one of ths Linnrsr Pin i.iuso Hoists in this country, besides publi'ihing largely himself, enables him to sell m Books at , LOWES FBZOSS than anv oilier house of a similar character on this continent. Ht facilities for the larosviviov or Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Establishment in London, where ' orders of private gentlemen are carefully execute snd forwsr.led to this Country by every STSaasaa and Packet of Books with the prices attached is issued quar- . tcrly. containing LisU of New Additions mads to his lcrge collection, which sre in sll cases for sals ' st the ' LOWEST FBI DBS, , , , or, fiom SS to 75 per cent, below publishers' , Prices. 7'lius in buying even a Five Books'; quite s considerable amount is ssvtd. As s still further ... INDUCEMENT! , to strangers visiting the city, every one true rjur- chases 0t Doiiaa's wobti of Books, will re- ' ecus a copy ol trie ( SrssKuta 1st Pyiispkiraii, sn elegant tl ma. volume, the price of wjucb is 55 ten, is. ... . rl The limits of sn advertisement are toe ceo- lined to enumerate ths prices of any of ths isa 7 mcnte advantages to be derived from pdrchssiaff I atthe GaiiT CtxTRii Cutst Boos bveas, but let sll who are in search of Books send for a Cetat logtie, snd buy the Books they sre in wsnt of, sn when visiting the city, give Appleton one call,' and yu will bs sure to sail again. STATIONS alT. ,-1 in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Price. Ths Initials of those purchasing Lejtsr si4 Notej . Paper, bcatly slsioped iu ths wrosr, wiihovt . charge: Orders for bt article nay bs seat by ssaO. si dressed to Ihs Proprielor, and ths iirectioeui is) t sll cases will be fully carried out) will) great pune lualitv snd deepatch. t , ,k , t Orders Or Catalogues should be ras-rsia. , did: i: :Xpp1etox. :' " BotinUer, Publisher, importer, and Stationer ' Itl .Ciatuuf ,St sos. of SevewiA, Vwmin't 1 B uildinfif .tkiladtlpkii t ' . J.4 e- v-i Usv, la. If 40 to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers