SUNBURY AMERICAN ANT) SlIAMOKIN JOURNAL. plf0tf lUnrouts iUnttf r. ' NaCVoo, Illinois ftanroo, Illinois, is be 1 coming in object of' attention again in the Wert. The Miwtouri Republican contain' a letter from Nauydo, Which says s "' , . ." Onlr week since, there was an arriral at Wtntoo, of three hundred citizens of France, who are seeking that repose in quiet of our own well regulated goernment which they could not enjoy amid the stormy and pro criptire spirit which has so long ngitated their own country. This band of emigrants, struck with tho picturesque beauty of the place, and impressed with the fertility of the sorrounding country and tho healthfulness of the locality, hare come to the conclusion that no place an be better adapted to their wants than Nauroo. This company of emigrants is headed by ho distinguished Cabct, who is determined to make this place a nucleus for emigration. It is said that seven hundred, who belong to the same association, are ex peoted to meet their friends here in a short time, and that thirty thousand, who are still in France, and who are said to belong to the brotherly fraternity, will emigrate and settle with their brethren w ho are already in the United State, under the flattering expectations . that Nauoo will be made the.nucleus of this emigration. Pt.tASAST Amcsemekt. "Ma, ma, cousin Bill he's in the parlor with sister Jane, and " he keeps biting her." "What, William biting my Jane !" ' 'Yes'm, I seed him do it ever so many times; bite her rite on the mouth, and tho tarnal gal didn't holler a bit, mother." "Ah ! never mind Ned, I guess he didn't hurt her much." .''Hurt her! cracky, why she loves it, sh does; cos she kept letting him, and didn't say nothing, but just smacked her lips as if . it was good, she did ; I seed it all through the keyhole." I'll fire taters at him next time, see if I don't." - G. P. B. James, the novelist, has common ed writing little books for little children. He has tired out the grown people. The great central coal field of the Missis- sissippi valley covers an area of 70,000 square miles, or 44,800,000 square "acres six times the area of all the coal fields in Great Britain; and yet, this vast supply is seldom taken into the account when estimates are made of the coal resources of the United States. More or it. Mr. De Witt, of the firm of De Witt & Co., arrived at New York, on Monday, the Sun of that city says, from San Francisco, (California,) with $50,000 in gold dust from the mines. Morals in Texas. A Galveston paper, deprecating the number of divorces granted at the recent session of the Legislature of Texas, says, in that State the marriage con tract is not as binding as a horst trade. Royal Can-dob Georze II. beinir in formed that an impudent printer was to be punished for having published a spurious kiug s speech, replied that he hoped the punishment would be of the mildest sort, be cause he had read both, and as far as he un derstood either of them ho liked the spurious speech better than his own. One of the most beautiful gems in oriental literature, is contained in a passage from the Persian poet Sadi, quoted by Sir W. Jones, .the sentiment of whieh is embodied in the following lines: The sandal tree perfumea when riven, ' The axes that laid it low : Let man who hopes to be forgiven, ' Forgive and bice his foe. The Pennsylvania Legislature was ninety nine days in session and passed over 600 acts. VALI ABLE RECIPES. Horn Ail. Pour a spoonful of boiling hot brimstone into the cavity just between th horns. It will effect a speedy and radical cure. Over Apples. A lump ofsalara tus of the size of a common apnle. dissolved in water, will give instantaneous relief to came mat nave eaten too liberally of apples Ciiolic in Ho6es. Dissolve in a quart of i-uro water as mueli salt as will thoroughly saturate the liquid, and drench the animal thoroughly until you discover symptoms of relief. This is a simple and effectual reme dy, and has been successfully applied in ca ses of bolts. Cure roa Foikder. Mi, one pint of the aeed of the common sunflower in the animal's food as soon aa you discover symptoms of founder, and yon will give immediate and certain relief. - This the best remedy known. Remedt for the Galls on the Backs or Horses. Auoint them with an ungent com posed of white lead and milk, i cases of long stading, it will be necessary to repeat the application frequently. Milk is prefera bl to oil. To PaEstavE Flowers Ladies who wih to preserve flowers are recommended to try nitrate of soda. J As much as can be held be tween the thumb and finger placed in the water with the flowers will preserve them fresh, it it aaid, for a fortnight. Coeoii Syrcf. Take Thoroughwort Hoar hound and Pennyroyal, of each a good hand fol, and boil them in just water enough to extract U strength ; then strain off the liquor, jmd add an equal, quantity of molaues, and VI until U form . candy. Eat freely of .Ibis tsery tuna indiuatieu l. cough is '. .y,our.?00h wi" "kw you. Soft Ginger Bread, to at with Cor. Bee. Tak four teacops full ol flour, two of molasses, on half do, of butter, two of buttermilk,' one of thick cream, three egga, bat Uble-spoonful of ginger, and the same of Mltvatas. .Ma tlssm all together, except the wttrwilk and sahcrmtu j the later should be iuisolyejjn lu buttermilk m4 adUed'io the JostVej of 4 wo cups of . molasses, AM M of sugar andoa of molasses. Some prefer ft. Bke jooifje, mixing and est DL TQWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP SAHSAPAIULLA. THIS Eitrect ia put up In quart bottles, tl It six limn cheaper, ulmaanter, and warranted suncrlor in inv ilit. it cures diseases without vnniitinf, purpriiig, lick nees, or debilitating the patient, end it particularly adapted FALL and si-ring medicine. The eTtat beauty and tuperiortly of this SaraapariUa ever vtirar renicniet is, wntin II eraaicatet disease, it invigorate the bod)'. Conaumption eared. Cleanae and (Strengthen. ConaimntlfMi ran hit mrcri. Bronchitis, Oonnimntinn, Liver Complaint, Colds, fought, vaiarrn, Asinma, pnlttlne ol moon, aoreness in ina Chest, Hectic Flush, Niaht Sweats, Diffi cult and Pmfuaa r'spectoration, and Pain in the Bide, etc., Ac., hare and can be cured. Probable there never w a remedy that has been an sue- ceaaful in deqierate cases of consumption an thin ; it clenn aet and etrenitthciia the evstem, and appears to henl the ub cert on the lunfts, and patients gradually regain their utual ncoiin aim .ircngin. Cl'ftlOL'9 CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There it scarcely a day unmet but there are a number of eases of consumption reported at cured by the ute of Dr Tnwnscu'a ttarsnpmilla. The following waa recently re. ceived : Pr. Towjukxo Dear Sir: For the hut three mn I ban Ven afflicted with general debility, nnl nervout con sumption of the hit stage, and did not expect to ever pun my health at all. After going thrmigh a course of medicine under the enre of sonie of them-ail distinguished regular physicians ami members of the llonrd of Health in New Vmk and elsewhere, and spending the nnst of my earnings In attempting to run in my henlth, and after rending in me pner of yotit rnrmpnrilln 1 naolvcd to try it. After nsing six botUct I found it done me armt and called to tee you at your ofhee i with your advice 1 kept on, and do most hcnrttly thnnk yon for your advice. I iwrtevere in vhhih uir ruiMivtrnin, ana nave neen sole to nltenu to my ntunl talmrt for the kmt four months, and I Ikm by the blestingaof Gol and your Sorsninnllii to continue my health. It helped uic beyond tho expeetnt iontf nil wito knew my case. CHARLES Ol'I.MBY urange, h.aaex on. N. J., Aug. 8, lt7. Stnteof New JiTtev. F.wu.i nmulf rVinrlcfl Oiiim. by tieing duly sworn according to law, on hit onth suith, tint the foregoing ttntetneut is true acronting to the liest of niisnowieiigeamirieiier. uiiaiu.i; tjit.tiuv. Sworn and suhacribed to before ine at Orange, the 3d August, ll-IT. CYRt'S iN. Juttice ot the t'cace. SriTTTNO BIXIOD. Read the follwint:. and aav that eonatumMion it in incu rable if )ou can : New York, April 23, 1847. Dr. Towjuoijd: I verily believe Hint vuur Kiranmtilln hut been the means, through Providence, vi snving my lite 1 have for several years had a Utd cough. It Itccume worse and worse. At last I rnised laruc quantities of liliKid, hud niffht sweats niul uiis irmitlv flhilititlnl mtil r..Hn..,Ml B,l did 14 espeet to lt-e. I linve only used yonr Harsnnnrilla v... a ,,re, virv, viicia iu- n winiMcriui cunuve occn wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no bioixl, and my cough litis left me. Ym can well imagine that 1 am tliankfiil fr these results. Your oliedi. ait servant. W,M IU SSF.I.I,. UjCnllmrinest. LOST HER SPEECH. The annexed certificate tells a simnle and truthful stnrv of suffering and relief. There are thousands ot similar en ses in Uiis city and Brooklyn, nnd yet there are thousands of parents let their children die for fear of being huinbiiKged m w wve a icvr satuings. Brooklyn. Sept. 13, 147. Dr. Tawssimd: I lake pleasure in slating, for the bene fit of those whom it may concern, Hint my daughter, two years and six months okl, waa nlllicled with general de bility and loss of s)eech. She wns given up ns past je covcry by our family physician; but fortunately 1 wns re commended by a friend to try your Saranairilln. Before having used one bottle sho recovered her Sieeeh and wns enabled to walk alone, to the astonishment of all who were acquainted with the circumstances. She is now quite well, and in much better health than the lint been for Is months past. JOSEPH TAYLOR. 19. York st.. Brooklyn. TWO CIIH.DHKN SAVKIl Very few fumilict indeed in fact we have not heard of one that used Dr. Townseiid's S:irsnpnnll:i to tune, loat any children the past Summer, while those that did not , sickened and died. The ccrcilieate we publish below it conclusive evidence of its value, and it only another instance of Its saving the lives of children : Dr. Towxsexd Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured by your Snrsapnrillu of the summer complaint and dysentery ; one wat only 13 month old and tlw other 3 years. They were very mneh reduced, and we expected they would die j they were given up by two respectable phvaicinus. When the doctor informed us Hint wc murt lose thein. we resol ved to try your Snrsapnrillu we had heard much of, but bad little confidence, there being much stutf advertised that is worthless: latt we are thankful Unit we did, for it undoubtedly suved the lives of both. I write tins that h era may be induced to use it. Yours, respectfully, JUH. WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, lt47. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dx. Towxsesd's StisAPAMLLA is a wercign and speedy cure for incipient consumption, and for the general prostra tion of the system no matter whether the result ol' inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nothing can be more surprising than itt invigorating ef fect! un the human frame. Persons all weakness and las situde, from taking it at once liecome robust and full of energy under its inMiience. It immediately counteracts the uervelessiicss of the female frame, which is the great cause barreiuiess. It will not be expected of us, in cases of so delicate a na ture, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can assure the afflicted that hundreds of cases huve been repor ted to us. r Dk. ToWMsxxn: My wife being greatly distressed by weakness nnd general debility, and sutlering continually by pain and with other difficulties, and having known onset where your medicine has eOected great cures; and alto hearing it recommended for tueh cases as I luive described, I obtained a bottle of your Extract of Snrsannrilln and fol lowed the directiona you gave me. In a short it removed her complaints and restored her to health. Being greatlul for the benefits she received, I Hike pleasure in tliui acknowledging it, and recommending it to the public. M.D.MOORE, Albany, Aug. 17. '44. cor. Grand Sc Lydia its. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or mcdicina has ever been discovered whieh to nearly resembles the gastric "Juice or saliva in decomposing food and strengthening the organs of digestion ns this pre paration of Sarsnparilla. It positively cures every case of "7 -I 1 -i i mwrvKtv or eunqiir. Brink Department, Albany. May 10, 1hS. Dr. TownscudSir : I have been altiicted for several years with dysiepsia in its worst form, attended withnur ness of stomach, loss of appetite, extreme heartburn, bih) a grent aversion to alt kinds .if food, and for weeks, (what I could cut) I have been unable to retain but a small portion on iny stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they hud but little or no efl'eet in remm ing the complaint. I was in duced, about two months tince, to try your Extract of Snr tapunlla. and l must sny with little confidence ; but alter using marly two bottles, 1 found my appetite restored and tlw heartburn entirely removed; audi wiwld earnestly re commend the use of it to those who have been afflicted as I have been. Yours, te., W. W. VAN ZANDT Agent for SnnMiry JOHN W. FRII.INO; Nor thuinlierland, M.VKY A. McCAY; Danville, W.U. A. Ml RRAY Jc Co., Apulitt, IW ly OAKFORDVS UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOH GENTLEMEN'. CHARLES OAKFORU, So. 104 CHESTSUT STREET rhuudclphia. Woult! respectfully invite attention in tut tuporior tfyleofbttt for lutumn. I84S, which, will ba found tbs moat perfect ever tit fore off red to iha community- lis peculiar forms rentier-it the mora desirable, as il combine all the eaaenn'uU of dura, bilily anduealness, requisite in that attii le of I'rest wliilts hi iiicreaartl facilities in in manufacturing with all ihe nioderu impr.ivemi nts. enables him To Challasse ths Woslo to produce s better Hal. Chiidbkh's Fasci IUtsaxd Cass or ths LiTisT Mons. Thrsa goods have Wen telert. J with great care-, and will be found moat beatiiiful and chaste in their stylet. Lsuixs' Kmias Hats ao Cars or Hartai IT iw PiTTKMat. Great caiehas been heatow. ed in cotistrurtii g these artie'et. th .t (bey may fit peifectly eay and form a graceful upiie 07 ipce. CHARLES OAEFORD. 104 Chettnut St. s lew doort above Thi.d. Phils.lelphid. September 30, 184S.cb June 34, 1848 ty NEW GOODS, CHEAPER TH Atf EVER. Henry Masser, AS just received at his store, in Sunbury, an assottment of the cheapest Goods, that ever came to the place, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, tfe. French black Cloths, Cassinetts, to. Cali ooes, of excellent quality and colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 6, cents. These are not the low priced irnah nrtirla usually sold. Muslin de Lainee, of fine qual ity and patterns 181.- Handsome Terkri and other Shawls and various other articles. " iue public are requested to call and judge for themselves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. 1 I'M SHOES for Gentlensea and Ladiee, just f received and tor sals by H. MAWEK. anbtfry, le. g, 14. V XES of a very superior quality for sale by. ' ', ' H.MAcSER. fiunbury, Dtw. S, 1848. r oUen Vam, Cotton Carpel Chain, Cotton Laps ad Wadding, CoUon Outliiiea, Ready made Pshtaloonsl Ready nil. Va.i- '. ... Ir..: . - - t -w..8.v sunn, f JUftUtW hnetl treaervwg kettles, just received 3 . II.MAWCK,. UESTERW MEW YORK COM. EOF, OP HEALTH 207 Main street, Buffalo, tf. Y. DR. G.C. VAUGHN'S Vrfjctnble Lillionlriitic Mixture THIS eelebraled remedy it constantly increasing its lama by the many euret it is making ALL OVER THE WORLI . It tin now become the only medicine for family use, tfid it particularly recinnmeiide'l lor DKOPSY: II itopei of this complaint hnmcdinte ly relieved, mutter of how long itnixiiiig. Pre 1'tmmnlilet for tetiiiHny. UK A) U-U, nnd nil dineniicc of the tirinnry orpnn for these distress ing conitRinis it stands nlnne ; n- itther nrtirle enn relieve you ( and the cures tt-stififd 10 willeonvinre the nift sken- iichi : ace puinnillL'T. i ,ivr i rnupmim. uniiMun uiHcnoru, FEVER & AGUE. To the Great West cspet-inlly, nnd wherever thcts com plaints prevail this medicine is nffered. NO MINKHAL AGENT, no deletcrlont eontnound is A iwrt of this mixiure. it cures these dinenscs v, ith certutnlv and celerity, and doet not wave ine tyttent torptn. re rnmntuct. PILKS, . a complnint or n mnst nniniul elmmcter. ts IALM EDI ATKLY KEUEVED, and a cure fotiowa Ity a lew days use of thisarticle ; it t far before any oMrm pre(mrntioii fir this diftitse, or fr nny other disease originating from imjiurs IiI'hI. ttc pnni nhlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM. weak buck, weakness of Ihe Kidneys. AtfT, or inflnmma tion ol same, is imint'diHtely relieved hy a few dnys use ( this medicine, nnd a cure is alwnys a result of Its use. It stands ai A CERTAIN REMEDY, for such complaints, and also for derangements of the fe male frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, pninfut menst mat inns. lS't nrttrlc hnt ever lieen offered except this which would touch this kind of dernmremcntw. It may tie relied upon us n wire and effective remedy, and did we feel permitted tn do so rnuld give A THOUSAND NAMES, as nrof of cures in this distressing ciaM of comnlninls. Pee psuuphlet. All broken d'nvn, d'-bilitnied c nistiiutitms friHii the effect of meredty, will find the bracing pnwer of this article to act iuimediaiely, and the p lisouous miuerul rruuicuieu iruiii wic sveirin. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the alterative nnnieriies of this article. rUIUFY THE B1AK1). and driven such diseases fnm the system, ie pomphlet for testimony nf cures in nil difeases which the limilsof an at! vert i sen tent will not permit to be I mined here. Agents frive thein awny ( they cnitain 33 rages of certificates of i is h character, and a strmger ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is one of the peculiar feature of thisarticle that it never fails to be lie lit in nny cne. and if bone nnd muvcle are left to build upon let the emaciated mid linireriin; invalid HOPE O.V nnd keep biking the medicine us I 'tig ns there is sn itn pmvcincnt. '1 he proprietor would CAUTION THE PUBLIC nguinst a number of urticlet which come out under the head of SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, &C, as cures for lropsy, liravel, Vc. : They are good for uo thing, and concocted to cull the nnwnrv i TOUCH THEM NOT Their Invent .ts never thought of curing such diseases till thisarticle had done it. A particular study uf tht pain phlft is earnestly solicited. Agents and all who sell the article nre GLAD TO CIRCULATE gmtuitimsiv. Put nit- in 00 oz. Imtilea. at p; I'inz.dtat frl each the larger holding 0 oss. more then two snmll b t ties. liHk (Hit and gcrtiip"sed up m. l.very h mlc has ' Vaughn's Vegetable l.itliontriptic .Mixture. " bl nvn tivn the glass, the written signature of 't. C. Vnushn" on the directions, and 'G. C. Vnushn. Ijuflalo," stonimdon the cork. None other nre genuine. Prepared bv Dr. G. C Vunchn. and sold nt the princirwd Otficc. 207 Main street, Dnflrtlo. at whohnnle and retail. No attention given to let ters unless post paid orders from regularly constituted Agents excepted ; post paid letters, or verltal communica tions soliciting advice, promptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale ot this article 139 Nassau st. New Vorkcity! Sf F-sex st.falem, .Mass.; and by the principal Druggists throughout the United States and Canada, as Agents. List of Agents. Storrs A co.. Wholesale Agent Philadel phia J. W. Friling, Simbnn Isoiie (ienrhnrt, Seltnsgrove C. A. Wyeth. Iewishurff II. I.Shrnfer, Milton II fives ft McConnick, McKwetw ille Miss McCoy, Nortliumter uuid. Aptil 1, l&lf y vims. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHARLES OAKFORD, Furrier. Xo. lO 1, (iicNlmit Strrct, A few doors above Third, Philadelphia, would invite the lutlca to rail ntnl ex.ilnine bi- tiipeiinr t 'tk nf Mull's, Uoas, Tipppts &c. of every vattety, rnnlsiinz or H'ch Ituxxta S.ilile, Hudson's liny Mnrlin, Norway M ittin, Hit He, Bauni Martin, Puine Martin, Ermine, Pitch. Lyni, &c, Ac. These skim hare bun rel cted with gn at cute, nd arc m .ile hy the lict workmen in the country. I. nlio in .y rest assureJ that no article will he nil. red fur sale in this establishment that i not petlci'l in every l expect. C1I MILES OAK FOR D, Ao. 104, Clirmut ttrrrt, between Third and Fourth itrrct 1'hiladtljihia Si'itemher 30, 1818 6m JACOB KECK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WIXK IMI Ml Olt Ut4M:it, 0 293 Market Street. Ucluw Eighth, Kurth tide rillLillKLeillA. Keept constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, viz : Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Uin, &c. Also white btsndy fo. preser ving, Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. Philadelphia, June 3, 1818. ly 623 OLiNSL 02 CJ? 5S3 Talent Air-Tight SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. Till; aliove Stove, wliieh is e,uullvell odnpteil to Wo,xl or Coal, I1.1t reeen etl sill er lunbls at the luirt of Hie American Institute, Srw Vnrk i iH' t(je Meelaiiiiea' Insti tute. U ''"ton i of the I'niiikliu Institute, I'liilsUHplua : and of the Mrcluiiucs' Inatituie, Wilmington, Delaware. It is capable, it" )rnierly usiil, 01 d 'iiiu in .re work, w ith less luel, 1 run any other M ve et 0ricr.1l to the pulilie: in wintei it w ill warm the hracM kitclien, wlitle in tinuuier with the sitmiiier ilivss attacked, it throws out nil more heat than a chure al luruuee: ami for h iliiur, liroilimr, Ut kuifr, or roast iny. it cannot be surpassed by any other Stove, open fire, or brick oven. KECO.M MKX D A TI OX S. CsBiiricATi or Tin JvncEs or the MccBsNirs' Imti- TtTE, IJ0ST0N. We, the snliscribers. being ch sen Juilgea by the Massa chusetts ClianlaWe Meehamea' Alaoeialion in Boston, on stoves, lurnuces, rungea, ,Ve. w oikl iniorin tliepublie, that alter teslina ull the oikina stoves that were put into the Fair fur exhibition, and leUuiR em-li uiau inuiuiKe Ins own stove with tho Seine kind of coal, in older to ascertain veuicu wtiuKiuomo mite wora wttn tne leaat luel in ihe suine time, and lo it Usl, we fui.l tliat Stewurt's Puteut Buintner li'id Winter Air- right t'o,ikina Stove, inuuafactur ed by the iiatt.itei'", of Tniy. X. V., to lethebest. as it took but 13 minutes to boi) two anlkiiis ol water and Inke biscuit in the suiue tune, anci nrt1'! lieef sleuk, and all ikua in the best manner with seven pounds of cool, in tliirty minutes from the time the tirs wne pu't i:!'o the stove. To which we awanle.1 the silver uiedal. JA.MF.8UOl 1.1), WAiTl'R CORXELI THOMAS MOI I.TOX, A. li. WHITER, and J AMI.iS I'AflE, Jt Dor... Tlie suhseribers reseetfully invite the alteutKW of eoun try dealers, to one 01 the largest and best selected eloc k of stoves, ever offered iu tint city, among which are tu" fol lowing : Bates. Screen Cy lenders. Oven Stovet. Watbington Air-Tight Cooks. Vulcan do do Kurektt do do Large Oven do do Albany do de Willis do do McGregor Mammoth do Premiums Cook Ssves. National Air-Tight Cooks, Psrlor Stovet. 100 Louis Air-Tight Tsrlor Stoves. 150 Charlet the ill Ail-Tight do 900 Lady Watbington, Air-Tight Psrlor. 130 Washington Air-Tight do 300 McGregor's three days Psrlor Air-Tight Coal Stovet, burning three days without stten- tion. For sale wholeiele snd retsil by North, Harri son fg Co. No. 390 Market street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, July 18th, 1818 - JUSTICES1 BLANKS' f'VH SAL AT THW bVHOK. . . OXYGENATED , LE2 H t? t .Lsli HI 23 8 A HOVKHEIU-X HIiMKnV 1 OR ..-.TDYaPBPSZA, r ; AND .--if GENERAL DEB It ITY. 1 1 GEORGE IL GREEN, PiiorniEToit. Windsor) Vermont. 1J a ftsvtreirn irmnly ff DYtPEPfflA, In mony of tn forum, tn:h u pnin In the WMTwhT, hnhitial (JnfHiVftiiPini, Acid Ittnnmli It.-mlnHm. Johbo1" Appetite, Pili-n. Niulit fvmt. niH. PVfii Cnmniipiit)ii (Dvnjwptic PlithtW.) nurl Anihinn, r Phthicir nttrroiitl witli rtnnHiae mrnt nf the Pt-minrli (or DyKpt ptif Aihmn.) Piltkult Brnuhintr. whii'h tU-n rrrnMm trum imnHVct iligpftion (t Dvrtpt'ptir rvpiKra.) in rrlti-red l Ihi w Hittrrs. InBhort, tlirir line tins lit-en prfivH in tht rrlirf nf nltwwt all fie flvmptntim Unit proceed fmm a ilcliilitntt d ir numic comti tion of the (l'iiniirh J oli in poncnil tlcltllity aripinst Irom nfrt' or tnin the ciiVrtu of Fever, pnrliriilnrly l'vir nnil Anfl. Feinnlei iiiltiinpr uiiih r nny tilrrine rtrrnncpnintf nrining from wnikneM, will find the 4,OxvoksatI!D Hit teksoii Mrcllent remlj, nnd irt enrpoel hy any medi cine in line. The history nf this nntlicine is peculiar. It hnfl made its vny to pnl'lic favor nolrly ry the firra of its own intrinsic merit. No nrtilietnl tnennft huve bten noed to give it no toriety and tlirust it nnn public attention. It lina never before even mot aiU but having firnt nhown its r nmrknlile eifienry in the I'nmily of the proprietor, nnd hy him aiterwmdf ndminiHtered to his a f dieted Irimds ami ao qtuiiatanet with a like rtwult, its reputation gradually ex teniled until it is known in thn inotM distant pans of the t'nion, as a mdieine nf nnrtvnltett virtues in the cure if Tynpepia in nil it diffrrent tor in, nnd nln for the cure of Asthma, or I'lithiaie. lis only herald nnd its only eulogy has Nfn the story of it wonderful rflieiiry, ns told from month to month or hy iettr from friend to irieitd. In eve ry inslnnre where tht'o Hitters have been used, nnd the re sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous eertifientes, attesting the aingnfnr rtTieney of the "Oxygenated Bitter," are iu the poepsi'n of the Croprii'tor; asany of them signed by imts aisalreaily widely iiowii to the public. OKO. R. GHr.KX, Tr prietjr. Wl.XPWm, Vt., Octobers IH5. The following Certifirntea nnve recently been received i Washington, D. C. Jtne 10. lH.fl. ! Having nindc use of the 'Oxjgt natr-d Hitters" prejutred i hy lr. lies. H. Ureen, u' WiniU'r., Vt. and from kn.w ledge obtained of their eflieaey in other eae. W'-eheertully rcc 'tmneml them to thepahlie. believing lliatlhey will I ally BUKtaiu the ree miiieiid:iti'u of the lr"priit t. We h.ipe that this valuable remeily may Ie so generally diffused throughout the count rj that it iuay lc neecssible' to nil the attltctcd. WH.JmV"mV.UI; U 8 Se,wtor frtim Vcrrmnit. JAMKS F. PH.MMO.nV. 1t. Senator from R. Island. J. T. .MOKKHKAD, U. Senator and formarly Govern or of Kentaeky. L. II. AUNOLD, Member of Congress and formerly Go vern' r of H . I . .M. WOUDHRIDGK, U. . SrnntoT and fonneriy G.v vernor of Mieliiirnn. M. L. MAUriN", Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin Territory. From Hon. H. D. Foitkh, .Memlwr of Congress from I'eunsvlvatiia. AVamiiVotox. ). C. Jl'k 10, 18ltf. Dear Sir. I hove been a dyspeptic suilerer for aliout ten years, and have res rtcd ti "vmi-ms nmlieines for relief without sueeens, until I made un-; of your Oxygenated Bitters." 1 have used nlnmt two bottles, and Had inyst It restoreil to pcrieet heidih The forms in which the dis ease showed itself, in my owe, were, great acidity ol the stomach, loss of appetil-, extreme rlatulenac, severe cnnll pation of the bowel, nnd violent headache. Feeling desi rons that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly afflicted. take great pleasure in record ing my teptim my to its curative power; nnd would alno return k. that while on a vinit nt home a short time since. I administered a part of a bottle to a number of mv atHicted Jrietids. wnh grent sucesa. Tln-y are desirous that you should establish an nirenpv at PittHinrir. or inform them where the medieinc can lie obtained. With an earnest de sire for yonr prosperity and happiness, I subscribe imselt" tmlv yonr friend II. 1. FOiTI-.K. Doet. (iKo. H. GriFEN.M'inds r. Vt. KW Wholesale mid Retail bv Cireen tc Fletcher, No. 26 rtontli Sixth Street. Philadelphia. Atjeiu fur Smiburv II. li. MASSF.R. Agents for Milton .MACK A V A II A AG. A cent foi l'per .Mahonoy. J. G. HtiN.V. April 15, IMS IViii ili obo of liNhlonalIc CLOTHING. J. W. &. E. 1). STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Ko. 194 .Market Street, First Clothing ttnre be low Sixth, PlIlLADELmiA. VfHERE thry are constantly engaged in gut ting tip from the best French, English and American c'oth. c'othing cut and made up in the most superior and fashionable ity e. i'ersont who buy to tell, will find s large and excellent stock at the lowest city prices. C othing marie up to order, ina superior stylo at the shortest notice. N. B. Odd Fellows Ki'ca'ia, a large assort ment always on hand Ciders from Lodges and individiia t promptly attended toon the most rea sonable terms. Phi'adelphia, June 3, 1 18 ly. THOMAS C. fiARRETT & CO. iMi'oitTnits or 3 o zjL 8 P aled and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, and Kanav Oomls, and Mur.udrlmer if Jew elry and Silver Ware, 122 Chrsnul street, Phila delphia; hue r.vt-ived by hue nrriyi alffjo and liandanmr a'o. It of KnitlMi ni.d Walchea, and Marble, I'nrrelain ami Fancy Clurk. Plated 1'rns. Cnslora. C.iko llni-ta, IIi(?li ami t'luhib. rt'andlesiiiks Sniiji I, idles, N, o.ina at d F.ik. A's a p.i..d assortment of Uii aniiia Ware ai.d Fine ("ml. ry. Theirs'nck .if JE WEI. I! V it line and of the most fi-hioTuhle k'tul, and they are well .npplled -ith Silver S,i.ins. Fmks, Mutu, N pkin Kim?-. Ilmter Knives. Arc., ami wi hun in. king .iny dis piay if p ices in the public print, they sra pre tiarrd In si'll as l.iw a thoe ho dn, uiid invite p iFona wishing to purehase tn rail, l'hthide.hia, June III, 1844 Km I n presenting the public with a remedy for the treutineiit .... - - --. . ..n u m. aimiiiiici Ulliou. Ul.easeS. no aK'loey is needeil. Vast uumliers in the 1'iiiteil s-talet' who sutler Irom llie, naM-ii,,a i, l..i- ....-.1 .- comielleil to seek relief from other sources than the imme diate prescriptions of the regulur phvsician. It becomes tlieref.ire an object liumanily. as well at of public inter est, t.) bring before them a remedy prepared flora much ex perience, und whicli nuiy always lie relied upon as sak, Et FECIl At, AND HABMLAi. TO THE CONSTITrriON. That such is the true character of the INDIA t'HOI.AIiOGl K is amply attested by ihe universal aucceaawiih which it hut been employed, tV" Kxtniri from a eonimunicntioii of the Hon. Wit t.iAM laiuaiiiiiuK, of the V. 8. Senate, late Governor of Michigan. ' Dsiaorr, Oct. 21, IW0. DoCToa CuAHi.Es Oscood, Dear Sir, I huve read with much interest, your III He TBaeatiae upou the cauaes, truilmeut and cure" ol the telade discuses which have so extensively prevailed in our country during the last lew mouths an interest increased uououlit. hy the fuel that I have individually eudejed so much irom lhem..-Tliougli I feel myself very iuconipeteiit to judge ailely upon a subject so entirely professional, vet your theory seems to me well reasoned, and your couc'lu sions just, and 1 ihiuk willuil, llait your isuniihlet ia euku lated to pioduce much pracllcal good. Sikmg of the medicine he snv. :It fully justifie.1 your Haltering expectations, and aa a safe, cmveoicnt, and popu lar reiTVHlv. luv own exiuieiu, a., ;.uu.n V. l. lieve tliui if vn'i prove a great public benefit. I am idrased to leal il duit you nu'e riccur.'y eHtuNislied several ugciK'iea for iisdisiiiou though I regit thai, wi:.1! a view to a - p.,-. -iMotiiiHiKiu ,q ,i, yOU SUOUKI ,m, c I'llim " necessary to remove from your present residence uaoug uu With much respect 1 have the hoiair fo ue, tir, ' Yiair obliged servant, WII UAM WOODUHIDGE. I"t" Flora Hint. TEPttEit V R TaowsaiiM-.',,, li-i.; f, eHsie (Seiaite, ,o ,1,. Agem a. )TTr?aT. ' ' WlCh" Biemikoham, Oakland Co., Pee 13, im pr.ed la hottl. la the .proa, m, WKniav,,,rf lfrtisinsi in sa siiiihh. the d , physician. ; a,a ?. TTkTt has universally pr..luead tlie nvt S,tZ (6rl dl hi, keva it liss never Ue. ,xoe,M by X -tlltehl. b. JJ' VU Ui. bile ais disease, of l. clmu!u nau- Yours, reapaclfulli, , ' ' . j,,,- f WKPIIKM V, H. TROW'BRijxjh rve, MAY KlXittUiV" T' , "A1-"i "sluss. Uss; S. IMs-a v -.-' - . i,a . THE ONLY RADICAL CURE FOR CONSUMPTION ! ! Pernfuln nr Kinit'i Kvil, Rlieitmnlism, Obstinate Cntanecnit f-.rtiiiii)its. l'mii-s ir rrsttiies tin tne inee. nsttr-nes, Bilr s. t'hroiiie r re F.yes. Kins; Worm or Tetter, -oM llenil, I-'nlnrir-ineiit and Pain of the Honrs niul joints, !Siiilrm l leers. Syphi- litir ftyiiiptoins. Heintiea or Lnmlsigo, diat hnes arisine rrtm an itiJudU ci"iis use oi' Mcieury, Dmji- sy, i:xosiire or lnipru-'deiif-e in life; al, ... Chronic Consti ttlti'Minl Pis orders. In this meilli-me several innocent but very potent artielet of the vepeinhle kinirrlom are niutefl, forming a compound entirely different in ittehnrncter and nropertiea fiom any other prepamtion, and luirivnlled ill Its operation on the system when hilpiriup; tinder disease. It should lm hi the h'mi'ts of every person, who, hy hiininess, or fteneral eonrse oi ute, is meuisn"seil to the verv manv aiuuients tnnl ren der lilt aeursc, instead of a blessing, and to often result in MUillll. for pciJorrr.A. fr. Drnke's rnnncra is recommeiifled ns a eertnin remeily. N"t one instance of its failure lies ever occurred when free ly used! It cures the dismiss and at thesame time tmiarts vifror to tho wlivle system. Scnfiiluiis neratia can never ruiy too ninrh nttriiii'in to the slate of their bluod. Its pu rifienti"ii should lie their first aim ; for perseveraiKie will accomplish a cure of t an iierkditary disease, FOIl Kftl PTlONsToF THEPKIN. Jlenmr, fe 'rhutic AITeetioiis, Tumors, White Cwellina, Krysipelas. fleers, Cnneers, ttuitliinir fr'res, Seaha and Hiles. Dr. Dnike's Pminei-a enniiot h ttsl highly extilleil; it tearchea out the very root of the diseuse, and permanent. INDIOF.STION OR PYPPF.PSIA. No medicine perhaps hot ever been discovered whieh gives so mneh t'tne to the stomach and causes the secre tion of a healthy aastric juice to decompose the food as Dr. Drake's Panacea RUrEMATIfM. T)r. Drake's Pnnneen Is used with the a rentest tueccss in Rheumatic Complaints, eSMvinlly such ns chronic. It cures by drivine out all impurities aitd'foul huiiioura whir-h have nceiuimlitted iu Ihe svstent, whieh nre Ihe cause of Rheu nmtism. tioiit. unci rvelliiigs of the joints.' Other remiilii-s aiinetinies rive lempiiniry relief; this entirely eradicates the dinmse irom the system, even when the limhs and bones are drcudiully swollen. CONSIMPTION. CoxsrvPTioM ca be cvi!D. Conplis, Catarrh, Bron chitis, riltinir of Ul id. Asllunn, Dirtieult or profuse l'.x pectoration, lleeiie Flush, Nisht Sweats, Pain in the side ,Ve. hnve beencureil. nnd enn be with as much certainty ns any other disease. A specific hns lona been souirht for,' hut in vnin until the diseo'ery of Dr. Dnike's Inuiicea. It is mikl and safe but eertnin and efficntious iu its operation, and enniiot possilily injure the most deliente const itiltiou. We would pnrnestly riHummend those atllicteil to give it a trint- niul we hi-lieve they will not have occasion to reirret it. The system is cleansed and strcmrthened, the ulcers on the hintrs are healed, sud the pntienls gnutunlly reguiu their usual hcnllli and strength. ' Rend the following; TESTIMONY. I'littA., Dec. 14th. 1S47. Deab ?ib : In reply t.i your question respecting the use of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will snv, thnt although a perfect dmU-liever in the existence of a I'asacka, or cure for ALL diseases, however valuable it may lie in certain conditions of Hie system, still I have lieheved thnt a cure foi Consump tion would lie discovered sooner or later, and ciiimtitv led ine to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases They were pronounced hy Ihe altendine phvsieians to lie rrLMo.vART consumption, and alnndoneil bv them as lc cibablk. One of the persona lind lieen ilnd'er the treat- liienl of several very nhle prm Nti.-iieis for a number of yenrs. nisi iney snni Kite nan "okl inshloneil Consuuiption eoiiiliine with Scrofula." and that she might linger for soma time but could not be periisineutly relieved. Jn hothcases the effect of the Pnnneen has been most gratifying. Only four or live Imtlles were used by one of the persons liefore she hegnu to impiove rapidly. The other tisik about ten. I will only add l hut fiiiiuliur as I am with consumption by inheritance and by extensive olsiervntion as a study, and knowing also the injurious effects in nine eases out of ten of lar, bouesct, and other veuetnhle tonics, ns well as of a many oi tne expectorants nnd smIiiIivcs. I should never hnve reeoiniiuiHicit the use ot Drake's I'nnacea n I lunl ma lieeu aeiuuliitcd with the ingredients. Huflice it to aav that these are lecoininendtd by our mm popular and scientific phvsi eians. and in llieir present ctniibuieil stale, form nrohuMv the la-st nllerulive Hint hns ever Ih-en umde. 'J'he cure is iu accordance with a theory of Consumption broached iu France n few years airo, by one of her m t emiiieiit wri ters on iiiitlicine, and now eatuMished by facta which ad mit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. Gt'NN. To use the language of nnoiher, opr. Drake's Pnnaeea in nlwnys stilutnry in its i-llccts never iiijuriut. It it ist as Opiate it is not and Kxpectomnt. It it not inteinled to lull the invalid into a fatal security. It is a great remedy a grand henling ami curative compound, the great and only remedy which medical science and skill has" yet produced for the treatment of this hitherto uuconquered mnlady. And no person atllicteil with Ihis dread disease, will be just to himself ami tut friends, if he go down to the grave witleuit testing its virtues. A single bottle, in nwst cases, will pro duce a tuvorablc change iu the coudition of any patient, however low." to thkTadif.s. Indies of pale complexion and consumptive habits, and such as are dehiliated by those obstructions which females aie liub'e fo. are restored bv the use of a bottle or two, to bloom vigor. Il is by far lite lirst remedv ever discovered lor weekly chiklren. nnd such as have Isul humors ; being plensnut. they take it. It immediately restores theapnellte, strength and color. Nothing can la- more surprising than its iuvigoraliuc el", feels on the human Inline. Persons, all weakness and las situde lief ,re Inking it. nt once liecome robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediate counteracts the uerveli-sencbB of the female frame. CAl'TION'. Ite cnreful anil see that vou get the genu ine Dr. 1ihakk Panacea it has the sib nature of Geo. F. ftoRRs on the wrapper and also the name "Da. Dbaxi's Panacka. Piiii.a." blown iu the glass. Pretmred only he ProR a. Co., Druggistt, No. SI North Sixth St.. Philadelphia. Agent for Piinburv II. MASSF.R. Soldalao by Wis. A. Muaasx A Co., Danville H Suaes ee, Miliun; Mabv .McCoy, Northumberland; E. P.Luix, ltllMllll.blllg. April I, le ly A O E N T S fllO CXXVASx FOU WOME NKW AND JL Ft) Jl'L'I. Kit Wtlltlf, n eerv IJMIJN I'Y Ihroughnut the Ui.ilnl Sl.itet. Tn Agei tt. the most l.beral rncouiagcmeiii ia nffeird tvnh a tinall capital of f25 to $1110 A ch-rce it nlTerrd, whereby an agent ran make from $10 lo $25 per netk, For further particular!, address (postpaid) WM. A.LEA RY, No. 158 North E;0.U Street, Philadelphia, Kept. 9, 1848. 6m. Pictorial Fdiilon of d'Aublgrne'a Kreat Work ou tlie Hcloi niailon THK SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GF.R V'MANV. SWITZERLAND, & Will be published or. nr about the 1st of April, 1818, by JOS A SPEEL. No 96 Cherry it above 6fh, hit iplendid l'imo edition of the above named work, with 18 engraved illiitlrationt from ori ginal dettgnt; 4 volt in 3, bound iu exlia cloth and library theep The publisher respectfully tallt the attention nf the trade and the public generally, te thn work being the only illustrated edition published in the United Statet He truttt rflat ths of Ha embellishment!, the ttrong and tubttanlial manner in which it ia bound, in conjunction with the known popularity of the work itself, will be a sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A SPEF.L, 98 Cherry at above Uth. J. A S hat alto lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant RelP. tt.... zv. uisble book for children, neatly ;on UD , extra cloth. ' " I Philadelphia, April I, 1848 CUTLERY. i N. irsiTe 8,ock of Pocke "J Tabls CUT L LLRY, for sals by JCE1T IC. COLSMAIT. AW. 33 and 33 ARCADE, am.i ai v.. - THJXB Street, 9 , Comp ising 5000 dozen Paoknisea, Bcissors sml . ntsors. Alto, s choice ssaortmetnt of Rodger it ftorn Woaiei.holtu's, G.rsfea's. W. oV 8. Buicbsi'aaod Psnssy a Cutlery. , . . . . Also, rtpanith. Diik snd Hunting Knisea. -; Also, CJunt, fistula, snd Bowis tCoirea. Ala.-, J1e A merit en litter Strap, a auperiot article, wai-y the sBttuti il DeatBta-.-T TTT CUealera lo Cullaey, still alnd the" abuts Block worthy their ittentjorj, at the. Hlbtcriber't chief iMMrnett la troponins; and oeJIina cutlery. rUlaiie1phia,y uts10bv lii-. l WOTtilsIStr PKNlVSIrLTAlCIA. r Ths fotkmlnf, list ahows As 6orTent alne of all 'enninWsnls Bank N.Hes. Ths most Imnliril re liance may ha placed upon h, ie It Is eeert; meek areiuity eompareu wnn at a eotrectexi rrom Btck nell's Reporter. , Rnnhs in rhlladelphlit. t Dine, tit PttlLAtl. NOTES AT PAR. Bsnk of Nntth America . . Rank nf the Northern Liberties , Cominerrial Dank of Perm's. . . Farmert' and Mer hsnirs' Bank . (Cen.inatnn Bank . par psf par par par psr par Philadelphia Btt k . - . Schnvlkill Bsnk . rtoijihwerU Hank . Western Hank . Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' tt Mechanica' Bank Bsnk of Penn Township . . f?,rar.l Bank Batik nf ('nnimerce. Isle Vtoyamcnsing Bank of "ennsvlvanin , par par pM psr pnr pi psr par Countrj- Itnnks. Hank of Chester Conntv Wentchctlei par par pnr par par par Hank of Delaware Conniy Cheatnr Bank nf (Jermantown Oermantown Bank of Monfnemery (Jo. Norrtstoivn Ooylratown Bank Doylestnwn Rasinn Ttntik Ration Farmers' Hank nf Bucks en Hri-to par linns nf inrlhnm!crlnnil N.-rthuiiiberland par i nlnml-ia Hsiiir rrnlire rn,l;nlnmriia Farmers' Hank nf tttm f.sncistet l.ancaoter Conniy IJ -nk Lancaster Banks Farmera' lltmk nf Reading niTice nf Bunk nf Penn'a. Lancaster Lancaster H-ading HarrUburg' Office Ofltce Office do do do NOTK8 do do do AT l.nncntter Reading Eastnn I SCO U N T. Rank nf the United States Miners' Bank of Pottaville Hank of Lewistnwn Bank of Middle-town Carlisle Bank Exchange 4tank lti On branch of H.iiriahuig Bank Lebanon Hanks' Merchants' & Manuf (lank Rank of Piltiburg Weal Branch B nk Wyoming Bank Xorthnn.plon I) ink lleiks ('oimtv Hank Office or llatik nf II. . On do do Un dn do ll-ink of Chillnl-erslinra llni-'k nl (JrityKlnirg Bank of Sii-quehanua I'd. Erie Bunk Farmer' & Drovers' Bunk Fiankliii Bunk Hnnesdnle li.nk Vtoi nngihrla Bank of B. Vnrk Bank Philad-lphia Pottsvilla LewKtown Middletowu Carlisle Piltburg Hiillidavshnrg Harristurg Lebanon Pitlsburg Pillabuig Williamsporl Wilkcsbane 17 par failed 1 I I 1 1 pr I 1 H i A llentown Reading Pittsburg no sib- failo I fnili brie New Brighton t Ihllnhernhurg fjeltysburg Monlrnac Erie Wayneslitira Washington Hnnesd.ili Dr.nvns rille I n 3 H I York N. II. 'Ihe notes of those banks on whuh no mi.ii iptni!iti,ii,a. and siili.litnte a dash ( ) are mil purchased by the Philadelphia tiroker!., with tl-.e sccpplinn of th-we which btvc a letter of r- feretu-e. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia do do d.i do Oyoli, prop.) Towanda Bedford Bcuver Harrisbtirg Washington Bi-lhfoiite Pitl-sbllig Pitlsl-urg Fayelte co. Ureencastle Harmony failed fiilc.l fnl.-J Philadelphia Lnnn ('o. "chmlkill 8av. Ina. Kensington Sav. Ina. A Perm 1'owtiship iSnt, Ins. Mnnunl Labor Bans ( T. W fownrida llnnk Alleghany Bank nf Pa. B . ri It of Beaver Hank of Swatara Bank nf Washington Centre Batik I'ily Bunk Farmers' & .Mei hVa' Bank Fanners' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmera' A. Merh'ca' Bank Harmony Institute Miinlingdor, Bank .luriinta llnt.k I.unibcrnu'ii's Bunk Northern Hank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhuinl-'d I'nion Col. Bk. Noith Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank I'a. Agr & Manuf. Hank Silver L ike Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. estinoieland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. fiilcd no e.ile closed clohC.,1 failed Cl.l8:d no m'e f.iiicd filled failed no rale Huntingdon no sale Lcwisiown no t.ile Warren DundutT New Hope Milton Meadsille Port Cnrbon Carlisle Montrote Uniontown railed no ailc cIoHI-il' no sale I'loSrd failed closed f-.ilid fSreeitsburg closed Wilkesbarre liosal- (Xj All notea purpnrtiug to be on any Peunxyl ania Bank not given in the above list, may Iu; set town as frauds. ivf.w jr.itsi:v. llank nl ftew Biuntwick Brunswick tlelvidete Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Mt-dford Jotnmercial Bank IVrth Amboy Junilvcrl.ind Bank Bridgeton .'aimers Bnk Mount Holly f armcra' and Mechanics' Bk Railway Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk N. Hiuuawuk Farmers' and Merchattlt' Bk Middletnwn P Franklin Bank of N.J. Jir-iy t;itv failed i ar i par par i failed 1 fail, d failed failed failed failed i failed i par no tale no sub Hoboketi Bkg& Ciaxing Co Hob -ken leiwy City Bank Jeracv Cilv MechanuV Patterson Maiiufaiturera' Bunk Belleville Morris County Bank Morrittown Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold Mechunica' Bank Ncw irk Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Hkg Co Jeraey City Post Not, Newark Ukg it Ina Co Newark New Hoie Del Bridge Co Lainhettsville r. J. Manuluc and Ukg Co llohoken failed failed . 4 fuiled i par par i i N J I'lotecion & Lombard bk Jeraey City Orange Orange t'atern Bank Paterson Peoples' Bank J0 Princeton Bank Princeton rtalem Banking Co Salem Mute Bank Newark Kiaie Bank Elixahethtown Slate Bank Camden Stale Bank of Murria Morriatown State Bank Trenton -uletn and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem Suaeex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Daver par a failed failed i par failed Washington Banking Co. Hackeneack Ilk of Wilm Sl Braudywine Wilmington Uauk of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna iSiiiyint Do Inanch Miliord Farmera' Bk or Stats of Del Dover It 1 branch Wilmington f btmch Ueorgetowo Do branch Newceile B.iiik v ilmington U" Under 6 a par par par par par par par par Hy On all banks ms.ked thut (t) ,here are ik o, aiiereu notea nl the v--ul. nmin. linns, in eireoUiic- --.out us- A Tnocstan DuLisat Savss 1 ASHBV & ROCAP. lint nnd Cap .Tlaiiiifacliireru, South East Corner of Uk and Market Street. vutxrnciTf wury, PUILADBIIHT A. ITAVE constantly on hand a full and complete s-X assortment of HATS, CAPS, and FUR a lao in elegant assortment nfajent' and boys' uegnorn, ranama, and Palro-leaf Hate. All ef wnies d a easing pi yiooo to rent, will he gold, -'"""i" a"u rwaii, ai IBS eery lowest prloes. Counliy dealara srouU da wall ts call, aa by . eooomt sod low ratal, tvs are sosbat I lo sell at very low rales, -i ..... . Juo lOlh, O.DBNKBRT. BOOT MAKlilt. . mior". Soi'TN Fot aTH BTaT, Aaova Chsstmwt. RAH K par ptr p.r I'" pai - lbe-e I offices f On nut I issue it. SALAMANDER, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF CHEftTft. F IRE-PROOF DOOR8 FOR RANKS AND STc'rH! "Sertl anil LnttRr-Copynifj; Presto, Pntent . - 81atp-Llnfdrcfrtrrirnttirsi, WolorFil- ' ters, Patfint Portable Water Clo sets, intentlfd for the Sick - and Inlirm. EVATM8 & 'WATSON, . 78 tenth Third SirceJ, OPPOSITE TUB PHILADELPHIA KXCHAXCE. . '"""'""''""eaiiSkcepcnrtnnt . Vr r Fmk 'X "n hand, a large assortment of (iri"fi.1l lwe artieOs, tiether win. t 11 hi W Improved VL' l ' yift -'-l'HOOKrAI'KS. wluch If- f$& "e e-aistmcted , , '" iwm Jr mg Hriclly flre-i,r,,f. .,i ,h, 2 I .'.'ii n."-'11 "'- re of ...J these tMites are nwide of Inn iron tho . ill hi i Is, ,i..,t iltlltir tsstoss la st of some three inches thick, nuil is fillc,! i,i with imlcstrue tibte mnterinl. s i ns U iraike it mi lni,sihi,ir t ,ri. ' of the contents inside ol this I'hcst. Theae i nr4,,HC fL' kimnnilcrs we are prepared nnrl do chnllriiL-e the veorkl t.V rmalnee any article in the slme of Hook S ites that will atnnil aa much henf, and we h iM ourselves rendy at all tunes to have thein liiirly- tented hy ul,lic h -nfire. We also continue I" manufacture a lurie nml ecneral ass rt. mcnt of our Premium Air-tiu-Nt l-'ire Pre. if Snirs of which' there nre over -isj now in use. anil iu even- iiminoc n,..J hnve aiven entile aalitrnctinn to the purchasers of which we will refer ths public to a few gentlemen who Mvt them in use Hnyw.sHl k Snyder. Pollsvillej Joseph n Lawton P.dlsville; Mi.Villi,nmrr.DovIeMown. Pa N. O. Taylor, 1-ifl n-.rth 3.1 st.; A Wright 4 Nephew J tne st. w hari ; Alcxnnder c,,ror. O.nvevimeer, corner of tllls-rt and ,,th st.; John M. t--rd, :ia orth :),(.(.; Mvers .! o J. y"."' 8 ""'h 3,1 "o MiithewT. Miller, 20 s -illh 3d St.: nnd we could mme ,,r, llf ' r, II It Wcre,ie.-e.,rN-. Now we invite the miction cf the public, nnd pnrtteul-irly lli-.-e in w-int of fire Prool Safes to cull at our store In-fore nnrchnsiiiir cl.en here nml we can snlisly thein they will get a hitter n-id cheaper ariici'e' at our sl'n-e than at nny other establishment In the eitv We nis i iiinnul'nelnre the ordiimrv Fire Proof Client,, m nt very low prices, cheaper tram they enn lie liotirrhl at inv other ttore iu Philadelphia. riwin rvws. JnilAX.NKS WATSON Phila.lelphia, April f, imsly GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & PENCILS C-. Sc TI. XVX. 5?ITITH, (l,olc ot ihe firm of A. O. Ilncley k To ) M iM'Fic n ii i hi nr (Joi ii I'kns, fky uLni,at MI I's.M'IIS, TE.ihc t-'u acriber-i . ll'cr In Hip irnde. and the pitldic ueni rullv. . ur ilili'.-r.-nl stvle. of Cold Pen, wim-h -ire wirrruitd ai unit all nn p rf.c-tons ly fiir iifnee, niol aim to be mpc i u in every ret ect t miv otbe-s m id-. II ,n,g in. r a.-,-f ei'if " s f r nin-'iif -r'nrtrir. we nre deter, mind 1 1 . t no tie,, a ),,. , i lm-re.l fiom n,r t- - ,1 ! ,i,l,,l"n""'"1 ""''"' i icil ct We al o kwep ,),, c -nstaiilly im I, ami our super nr (Sold IVtirile. ulid I cio-i a with I'en. lii, h we nre enabled to ll'-r st n- lowest 'ales. All iiuIcm a lil-esi- d lo the vu!i. cithers, will b,-cur. fully and p-o.npily i,tteii,le l lo. (i K. M SVI I H.No. 16 Mui.len Lane.X, Y Oct. T, If IH 3, r.iNx, sMrru & co. W 0 Zi 2 G Ji. Is iH LSi is 2? 2 2131 Market Strekt, VUlLAlJiul.VlllA. Pait-r. ()its. t,'u!, lire iSTt-rrt, V.ik mih A I-. &c, Al.t- ) I'nleiii M.di ii e. M. il.i ine CIickim, Surgical a' i tbt tricnl Inst-ninenti. Chi micnl Te-ts, Ac. iXj t'td. r. from M i,.(,s,.i, ,,r Physician, b lelt.-r or oheri-i.- pioni. attended to. Ami f. u, is-is. fim 8.J.IK(iAlK;KH&C0 hi pok'I i si; a y im o nil ismo-v, M KliCHA.NTS, And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manufach rers' Materials. No. 33 Coxmi ice st., PHILADELPHIA. fT'EEP rntistdiitly on hand a large asor Ek n",,it of printing and other paper New papcis in the country, can be supplied at a times, with paper nf any tize and quality, . the lowest prices. Plnl.idel,i,ia, June 17th, 13 IS 1 WITI SIIIS & JCWIXRl .T.&AV.L.AVA1U), fSo. KKi rili:sM T Street, I'liilud.lplila, Opposite the Franklin House, f-MPOUTi-K- of (.oi.l and Silver Patent I ver Wiitc! nd Mjiiuhu-turert of Jewel A good as.-ortineiil always on hand. Gold f tent Leve s. i j-w.-U SJS : Silver do SIS $20; (Jnld ,cpin.. s jil ; .-ilverdo. SI2 to 1 CI cks ami I un.- IVi es , Cold Pencils, $15; Ilininnnd I'liinlcd Gold Pens, $1.5 Gold i'luceiets and lireast l ins, in gre .t variet Ear King.; Miniature Cases ; Gu.ird Chaii $12 lo S25 ; I lated Tea Sett, Cantors, Ca Baskets, t andlesiicks, Britannia Ware, Fine l ry Handled Table u lery, and a general asso ment of Fancy Goods AIVIET1.IC N SILVER. FORK AS I) SPOOX MASUFACTOR 1 J. & W L. WARD. No 10H CHE!NUP c Philadelphia, opposite the Franklin Hon Manufacturers of all kindt nf Silver Ppooi Forki, Tea "ets. Ladles. &c. All work m by tit it stamped with our name, and warrant to be made of purely American coin. Philadelphia, Angfist 13, 18 IS 6 mo. FlsVEl ANl)' AGUE! C7" THOROVdllLY ERADICATED i BY ROWAMl'S TOXIC MIXTl'RE ! ! THtT great National, Old Favorite. and S 1 hug Remedy ! ! ! of KIGHTF.F.N V Al STANDING still unapproached in ill wond ful success, cerlainty, a-m saf ty, in the ctat V-BKTCHKn CoMPl.AIM ! ! ! C7" Il you would i iaipe the arsenical (pois nut) coiinterfeitt take not a bottle from ant tha' is n t umirdcd hy I e wrilftn lignntu of the original inventor and proprietor, lots RnwAKo, mi a paper label, cruising tht mm and eiirk. This remedy hat npver been bolstered up false and deeei fu puffs, but baa wnn itt way the confidence and uuive..a ado. tion of the habitant! of Fevkr ANn Aoi f Districts H V I GOOD WORKS. tXD FRVITS JLOSE. which all the agenta, and every person who b uted it, Well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFIC ll3Arch ftieet Philadelphia. A or nts for 8ii- bury Ira T. Clement " Frilin H tu- . , , i e. sser ami Geo Bright. Auents forNorttiiimiieriaiiu frr,,V'6s, V son &Co., R . M Cay. Augutt 5. 18H eow uerreot ype rORTKAlTS rjF a aupeijor qu,l,i, in.ndmelt colored, put up in be-u iful Mor-H-eo Casea cornnL for onlvilE DOLLAR, at SPIKI.BR'S CHE DAGUERRKAN GAI.I.EHV. No, 80 IJt W NUTVtreet. b l-.w Fouith, Philadelphia. Pictutea msde at ibis establishment will be W tiiTin rssrscr. Philadelphia. Sed. 13, 18-18 (W ' J. J. GHEEITOUGH. (Late Keller &, Grenasrli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AtW MEOfiCsUriCAZ. TfiNOINEEB WatsliluKton. I. c. DRAWINGS anj paper for the Tits umcA. piepared and nil llio acted, ai.J prommly ,1,10. atThsir s uiiiswuh mil ft'urt.nt iirfi..A Octuber 28. 1818. - ' - WINDOW (..LASS, b lo. for ailev , t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers