0. SUNBUKY AMlAlICAN AND SH AM0K1N JOURNAL 'POETRY- tC?" The following fines ore evidently Ti4m .youthful aspirant to "poetic fame" vho is anxious to aee herself in print; Rnd :a we would rather encourage, than dampen the ardor of youthful genius, we give them a place in our columns. Lest some of our readers should be disposed to scan the ver se of "Claire" with a critics eye, we would suggest they probably have the merit of containing "more truth than poetry." If so, the young man who was "that night" exposed by the moon breaking through a cloud, to her who observed his "nightly revels" with "despair," must be drsperate indeed, il he does not profit by this lesson. For (lie American. NK1HT. Calm thou art in lliy mystic light, Gloriou ami beautiful uij-ht ! The lone afar of even' gives note of thy coming , 'Tit followed by twilight roaming, Aa twilight titles grin after gem, Shines forth In the Heavenly iliajein ) v Followed hy the mild queen of night, Asserting o'er the beautiful train her right. Imagination wanders forth, 'tis her hour To the forest, where the darkened shadow s lower! To the bubbling rill, where the fairy laves her tiny feet ; To the bent oak scat, where lovers often meet. Ni'U is the time to rest from toil and cares, In the airy visions that dream land wears, 'Tis the hoi:r for the reckless assassin to seek l'liiiuler and murder, darkness may cover the meek. Ah ! why an unhallowed this maif hour. With staggering step, and swaggering jjwer' 'Tis young man because thy deeds are dark and young, And (Aon- thiiikcst that darkness will leave them all unsung. We oft told her of thy nightly revels, nut she would not raise thee to that level. On the still night wind, thy voice was borne above, To where we sal, yet she believed not; such is woman's hue. Her. I oft saw watch thee with a prnud glance. As thy manly firm stcp'd lightly through the dance i ltutalas! thatmpht; can I J.aint licr despair The moon broke from a cloud, exposing thee there. Night! 'tis the time to break from earth, away ! away ! Far up in the blue sky, to list to the night stars bo-; 'Then pray ! mortal pray ! that thy home may be on high. When mi earth thou brcath'st thy last sigh. CLAIRE. Si'RDCUT, April 1 1, 1619. ACTHENTIC ISTCI.M'iEN'Cr. OFVj'uLn COMIM: r0M S.is Francisco. Wt; are p:-riiiiltt-il to publish the following extract from a li tter, written to a hiithlv rrenr-etttlile mercantile house of this city, by a gentleman w ho h-re in November last for California, Cape Horn. This letter was received left via this morning. X. V. Mirror. Vau-ahaisu, L'5;h February, 1S40 Doar Sirs Great was my astonishment on tny arrival here, on the 1-tili inst., to ticilover i million of dollars worth of gold from Cali 'orniaun board of u vessel in the liASbor, jotind lor the United Satcs. I have seen $250,000 worth in bars and c.nhinijs, tho proceeds of two cargoes. tl. IMiue," ninl the '-Virtrinin." wild by Ward It Smith al Sua Francisco The Yirpinia" (turned with the gold, ami the '-I'dine" had .til.td for CantoM ; moie than 20 cargoes have teen sent from this port, and - 17 are now hipping from San Francisco. At (U'INCV, llliiliiis. on the 20. h ult., there rtfie live fatal cases of cholera. Three splendid new cats, with India rub er springs, nre this week to be placed on ho Oswego ami Syracuse Railway. A Yankee is said to Iism'c shipped a couple f hogs for the gold ilijjyinys in California root up the "lilthy lucre " Tur. I.oi tsviLt.i: Jjihnai. says, it is sup. is 'd that (Ivc thousand persons will leave orl Smith some time this month for Culil'nr ia. LlTTLR Mts. Liulo men can neither lie mg iii bed nor wear grcuf coats. Coisrtiirr.irs. Counterfeit notes, of the nominalioiiof five dollars, on tho Merchants' id Manufactures1 Hank of I'iltsbuig, are in rculation in Baltimore. There wf.ui. $850,000 in coin in the Sub jasury at Boston on Wednesday lust. BOARDING. IIIB suhiM-riher will continue to receive and ac L eoinindate few transient or permanent utmiuis, at her residence ill SiuiUiry. Xhc lo. I ioil is III a l:;S6ine auu pleasunt urt of the vv ii, coimmiuiliiii; a line view of I lie ftumpichun i, rV urt tut nil ertand and the scenery adjtueiit. H'rsons from the city, who wish to sieud a nt iiioullw iu the country during the summer Ki ll, bunbury allurds a delightful rctrcut A.VN C. MOKRIS. March 10, 1819 6in nitiGAttK.IXSI'KLTOIt. )R. J. J. I pdcRm (T, ofTcrs hiniwlfto tlie electors of the 1st Brigade und 8tU ditision, ass Can late for the ollice of BlilGADE IXsrECTOR, lould he he elected, ho trusu that s military edu il.ui. ukh considerahic experience in military vUea, will enable him to discharge the duties of -ollice ins creditable and aotislaclory manner. Jackson uhp., March VI, 184V. BLANKS. It LA.VK.S uf every description cay le had by applying at the ollice or tue American. AI'SAn anorlnient juat rmwived. Alss, JU1S-,,!5'f0fWleKMAS5ER. II W.QX vs'ell kinds fcr tale W St lbs a t4w4 C. 8. UCKJAR. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, . COLDS, , CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP INQ COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. 1" 1114 vnluntilc pTopnrallim. m antnninhingly MFCfMftil Hi curmp t) iht Lntipn, 1 thv r.-milt f ft nkill fnl tonibiimtitia of th known pnnitiv prim-iples .f tnrdiciite. lm iiifrrettiriifn nrc fr-y nwwle kifwn t th I oUir, nnri an; ttmM nrkivwtatred tu nwdtcnl tiien n I omrmliif rttr inw.ira. virtue, which itoculinr virtue art romMntil in the rIIKRHV PKCTOHAl' in thalrprmt M purity am) etticarv. ami wittn uaad. m will be aven frm thr t 41- -tviiri vnlunhle imtim nv : PHUFKfJR ClaKVrXAND, of 0 mil in Cidrrjr, HrintPWrrk, Mntnc. wrilMi "I hnve wiliH-mcil the HtV-rtaiT y.ur Cbcrry Pectnral in my own family nitri til Ihnt if tnv frfeiHtt, ami it hit k utvrn gr.t nlituclion in rnwculfiS nf n In list onH cMbtren. A VOlrK'VKOM MAWAriltrWTTO. r'r -ml)r. Hrvnnt, Drugnint ami portaiaater, thicopee Full, .M.wh: , Vn. .1. l Avrn Dcnr Sir : fti-flnuM plcait find remit tiimrc f r nil tho I'herry Pcrmrat kt m ut me. I mn n iicffiliiltiiiily iriy. ttwit infNhcinr we ncll gives audi mtii t'irti n it y mi'n A n r Itavr I cvi-r sreu n imilicine wliti-li etircit i mnny crnm m e-Mtirti ami In tip cmplniula Our liYiriiin nrr iiftiitar it rxtftifrivaly in the pracliret and wilh llii- litippient illii t. Tnily y.mr. I. M. DRY ANT. lR.PKnKIX. Prraidenl of Vrrtn lit Alnhral C' llir, omt nf Ims wt leflinvil ami intrlliprcnt phyiritnm in tltcc tmtry, ''rnitlr!- it n r nip 'fit mn f rnrr rxrpll- tire fr iht cure of tlml l.tr mii1ttlil ilitmmi. C nmuiptim." Annlm at hrrreililile ininiKer nf rrrlifimtra hnve Itrrn rcfxivril ; it rinB; lint ilir ('licrrv Prrtral ia. in tmib, a G R F.AT R KM KIY for Cough, T'lKK Aa;l m. and nil pnlm-wrv cmplnim. PHU;K 76 rKNTS PKH HOTTI.K. PrcmrM bv J. C. AYKIt, I. wi lls .Mnaa., and a -W l y II. M SSF.II, S'UiUiry, and MAUY MrCAY, Nortlium. bcrlnnd. March 31. 1B-If JOHN DONNELLY, MA.Nt'PAOTt.'RKR OP DoNNKI.l.Y'S UrRIUHT Safety CJLAznn CArst-i.ijD IIlde MATCH ES, AND U.NITED STATF.S OlL PaSTE BLACKING, So. 83 North Third Slrtet, IHILADELPHIA, 'B'HT.sE Mntclies ore justly eonsidcred the beat I in the United Stales ; they arc free from un pleasant smell, and ran lie introduced with perfect s:ill-ty into all & lores snd Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years. " I he llliiekins is of superior nunntv, and free from and ingredient that impair the Leather. t IM.M l UliAI.KRS aiidHlill'l'KK.s will find it to their interest to call and see for them selves. N. It An assortment of Matches of various Xcw York Manufacturer. Mulches in round wood hoses also, uueked in large or small tin eases, to ship to any part of ihe world, JUH. DOS.XKI-LY, Late of 20 Dank Street, now 83 North Third fit. March HI, 1849 ly rsf:f;r Oanlel Ilon'mnn, ilcc'il. OT1CE is herehy given, that letters of Admin istration have I een granted to the suhscriber, ii the estate of Uaniel Ilnllinan. laic of .Simhiiry. lire- il. IVrsnits niili'lilcil to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to present the same Ivr sctth incnl to the suliserilier. IlK.MiY MASpiEK, Adm'r. Suiit.urv, March 21, 1S19 Ct G1K8K& SON, COMMISSION M K ItCIl A NTS, FOll THE SAI.K OF FUUIt, Ctt.ltX, SEKUS, I.IM UCH, III0. JtC. No. IS Commrrce Strett Wharf, BAiTIMOllB. T'" Advances made on Consignments. .1 March 17, 1S19 :tra REMOVAL. ' It. J. I). MASSER has removed his - ollice, to Ihe ollice formerly oc cupied hy II. I). Masser.as the printiiiR otiicc of the Sunhury American, hack of II. Mas-ers store. buiihurv, r'ch. 21. IS10. MACKEREL, SI1A1). Constiutly on hand and for sale hy J. PALMER & Co. Market Street Wharf, niiLADELriHA. Feb. 21, 1849. 3m SALMON' HUKRINCS, I'D UK, HAMS AND .SIDES, silOl LDEli.S, LAUD & CHEESE, EVERY MAN HIS OWN PATENT AGENT. MI N.N Si Co. puldishers of the SCIENTI 1IC AMERICAN," have favoured us wiih a I'hamphlet coiitaiuinir the 1'ntcnt Laws of the I'liiled Slates, together with all the forms necessa ry for applying for a Patent, information in regard to I'dina cu wilts, with remarks on its uses, etc., a uiount of fee required at the Patent Ollice; and e cry other information that is necessary to instruct u prison in niukiui; his own applications. Price 1-5 rents single, or 12 copies for one dol laif fent hv mail to any partofthe Ignited States. Address Si I NN & CO., Ncw-York. Manh 10, 1S4U mui:.s vax iti:niKu. Burns Scalds, ami alt kinds of inflamed Sores Cured. fixovsr.Y's inim:i;sai. oi.vrar.XT, is the tW I c in,'lclc Hum Antitl ir cvt-r kn wn. It iiiatanilv (and us ti hy Magic) snips jmuis i tlie in at despt-rute llurnuiiii 7c.iwi. I' r iu ?irr, HMiistn, i u v, trmns, c, hi minnr IrjibI, it is the Ih-si iipplic;iiiiin thttt cmii le initle, Thi'usnuds huvvlrn-duiultlisiUMiiMlspntiBe il. It is the in at l-crlcct iulcr l am i-ver Uic -vt-ft-! All wli umi rr v uiint-y it. Kvcry luindy sh ultl s pi 'Vitlnl with it. N' iic e.iii tl h'WN) n siiiif l thr fiiiiilv nuiy need it. ( t ' ( Hiwi ve cttch Ihm m' the fifiiniiit: I hntiiH-it) hits the iiuim-h. TutNKY, wntlcii on the outside ktbcl. To unite to this m i' rv ry. It Kiinie.i, l.iviTy Mii, Farmers, and nil wlninse II lrst-s, will find this Ointment tn very I mm ttnnp tht-y run line l r t'nliar tinlls, S-raii-hc, KirkK, Ac, Ar.,tit their aiiiiimls Surely every nnreyful mini would keep his annual as tree fr id imin us snilile. T- ust y's I'mverKil Oinluient is ull that i rwnnrcfl. 1 ry it. JUTI-SOl INM-trrs. I-.Ttliesiinffor lute of iw-ishi ns Int- cu, T 'Uejev's Oiiitinent is muivullcd lluudreds liuve tritil it tuid f"Mind it kI. i I'll j:L'l'ltl'.D! For the Piles. Tonwy'st'iiiverimlOint- I mint if one i'l thelMSt Iteint dies lluit eun lie upplicd. All j ttifi kivetrtod it fir ihelMis recommend h. I Ol.li KK.S LTKKU. !' r olil oUiMiate Tes, there is noitiiiex etpinl Tonsiy's Omtinent. Apertunin Mumi us huil. t t n iniuitscr ot" years, a sirehtf that Iwillcil Ihe bkiU' l ill d'rt rp. Tun wy's Oiuluu ut wa rec nimi'mkil by one i the visitint phyieuiiin, (who knew its prenl vir tues.) ami two b sea pr"luceil inure twuetit lluut the m I nut hid rci'civwl troin any and utt previous rcuiedies. I-et ull trvit. 11111 NS AND HCAI.DS Cl'ItKO. Th msiiml f e:taea of Uiirus and SmM. in ull ivirls of (lie e untrr, hnve been eurrd by T HiseyV t'niversal OiuliiH-nt. C'ertiucateaen ugh C Hi It I I bait t till Ihe w)tle I't'lhis stwet. VUM.KXT HIM ISIIS ri'RF.ii. Ti'stlinnniNla on testi m' hi ml in fiiv- of THisey'a Oiniutent f r rumifc Hruisea hfve ler,n iHl'ered the pr piiet us. Humlreda in Syr:citse willeernty in its pre;d merits relwviun ihepuni 01 the in ml aeverr !irioies. All irti nmli Hild try it. M'Al.lHlvM (.'lit 1.1) Sires f caws of Sealdllmd hav bc;iicrcili.y T"-';' MMiiioKil; Try it il arlU in lull" lAl.T RIIKI'M llTHin. Of all the reineiliea ever dis- 0 -veren f rtl s iu -at dirifiroaible e cnplmni, fonacy a Lm verad OiuliiK-ut n ihe iii st v niplete. It never wua kn w u t if-il. vi'i'CD II l:s ( AN UK rUKD. T iisey'f I'm. ve'S'l Oiiitnmil iIImIwivs riiin tte w rt cusca t4 Cbai uxl IIm.mIm S-irtvof mm lis u ill slate Ihis. STRK .5 I""!T" V-t. Fr the enrc of (-r I.ipalhere whs never imlluun nnde epiru 4,H,V Ouitmenl. It s sure to eure thrill. I ry il. It isa ncteii'iut cunipi inul. W'lrnmttd n lo esmitiiu any nre'finiii ti f Ms-reury. I r rnee a eenis er r . For fnnherfvr'ti-iiiniac neermiMf this really vnUmlile Omiiiteut 'he nuMir ar iWerreil to mmlilet, to be had irrntig. w' re siteetuble Druggists uml Mifoluiuls througlioul Has I'mtcd I'rei-rr.l bv H. TOtW-.y, pnifgiil, No. 1(4 Nassau Str. NewYirk. Ar.EST JOHN VOVNO, Punbory, M. A. McCAY, VrihumherHDil. r Fcbrunr) 17, 1840. ly I wriliii;; ami imlcllihle ink. Cotton yam and laiis, just recentd and for sale hy J. W.FRILINO. tSnntniry, Dee. S, 1848. ritAS, bom tlie ticv York Canton and Pekin 1. Ten Company. For sale lr j. w. rniuNG. Sunlmr. Dee. 5, 1848. RAY IJVM An cxrelleut article tot aale by - . IIENRT MASSER. tSunlury Jan. 87th. 1819 pASTrulor..orc f jooab; cuur Jar. 0th, HID tf. Spring jMillcncry Goods JOHN GTOND St SONS, ' IMPORTERS AND DF.ALF.R8 IN Silks, Bibboni ind Hlllinrry Roods, No. 45 South Sttond, St., abovt Chestnut, T170UT.D oil the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their large and rich assortment of Pprlng Millinery Good, IJeec'ivcd by late snivals from f ranee, turli it llliee Silks for casino; bonnets. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Kihbons large arid beautiful assriiiment. of all prices i Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to Xo. 12 j French and American Artificial Flowers, (in great variety;) Colored and White Crapes; ' Fancy Laces and Netsj French Chip Hats; Face Trimmings Quillings; Covered Whalebone Cane ; Iluckrains'-Willow ; ISoimet Crowns and Tips. Together wilh every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. M:irch 21, 1S49. lmo RAISING BLOOD And Consoii iptinn Pain in ihe Mile anil Night Swctittf, Aihmu, Whooping (onh, l'iliii;ilion of the Heart. Liver Complaint, DronrJiiii.s iM:inisv AIU COSIMITIO, Mrt. BACOAS, ft My hj wnnl f 70, reaitling t1 SherilT, hut f r vrarti bt-cu jnilnect t nitinckt' f I'lcumy, H;iifing ot HI "H, severe 0n'h, S)torlncM r Hrcfitli, luin in her ilfml and VBri 'Ui inrti yf her body. Ilcr tVicndi believed licr. J AST It If CO VERY The AH-Heaiing Ilttlcarn rrlievnd her At rnre vf all her nliirniing ymiUmji, nwl nuw alie ia able tu attend to her uvrk. " ASTlfatA AND M'IOOPmO COUGH. Mm. I.urretia Wells. f Chrinlic-MiTrt : U.S. ftenln, 19 PeiHiicej atrcrt ; AVm. Jl. Yttung, 75 W'nluui si net, kit w the vuhie I thu great rcmMy. Aik t'lrShaniuni'a Ail-Uciilmg Balum, aud ie that hia U'ritieii ipimture in n cttch lttle. I'ncf Ho cvntn and fl ,er Uuilu. Dr. Sherman ' Wurts and O-uph Loteiifea aold n above. MIEKMAVS POOH MAN'S PLASI KH hfit cured mre cast of I.hrnniatisni, Vain in the Hack, Sitle and Chest. l.nmlBH)(j and WeHkntai, than any apj.li. ruli it tliut Itns incieasctl, hundreils f uii) rincipled rnaroli Imve nttcniplcil to ouiiW:ficit it. and jlin it (I upim ihe c 'iimnitnty tin the (jr-nuino. (y Hi wnre i Drrrpti u..f ltrinrialxr Hint the true nod pt'iiuute I'bstcr id Nprcnd ujnii n.tkliKh pnpr nuiilc expirs!y I" r the urp.se ai:d evnv mw the si'uuturc t f Dr. Shemuiii is prinlrd np-'ii the Wick f the l'l.isu r, aud the whole iTurcvl byCpy llilit. N. ne others arc ptiiume. Tlicnf iru when you wunt a rent gml SliLrnmc ltKr ihm l'luntcr, tall tit the dice, HO Nassau slrrcl, and yon will n l I disiipp inted. Kciminltrr rincipnl(jtrirc H'G N:issaii-s!reet.cu'-Yrkl wl;re all l.r. Sherm in's lozenges ure a 4d. Ilia Acn:s nrc Mrs. liny, l!t0 Fnlt.'ii street, Htm kln; llmesjii, Williamsburg j and Keddinp Ac :, H ln, and JOHN Y(.itNO,StiitUry. M. A. .Md'AV, .Noritiuiiilurlaiid Tetruiuy 17, I&1Q. tu e Jmly i in: ie wii 1'inti.Ai ivu. FOR THE CtTlE OF lttioilnche, Oidiliiiftf, Uheunuttisin. files, J y(Miiia, Scurvey, Hiitall lijt, Jmindice, I'ams in the Itnck( lnwurd Wfakiirns, lnlpiiaiion tit' the Heart, Uibiii( in the 'J'hruat, lmpsy, Asihinu, r-'etcr i(all knulr, Fvniitte Cistnpkmtts, Mcasli-a Suit llheura, JlmrtHurn, Vnrmst ( Ii- li-ra .ilorbus, Cough, Cjuinst-y, hp1l Cmitfii, Coniumptmti, Ki:s, 1 jver C(mpJtun!, Krivipetns, Heatneta, lU'hius ! the HLiu, O his, U'tit, tirnvrl, Nervous Cum plaints, AND A VARIETY Of OTJICn P1SCASC3 ARISINU FROM IMl'lIllTI LS OF TIIK BI.Ol)L, AM) OBSTKI'CTIUNS IN' THE ORGANS ' OF DIGESTION. K.zneriener hnsprovnllhnt nearly every Disease oripinntes fr.im Impurities tif ihe Itl vA r deraniremenls of the Diges tives Oru.ins; out) t aeeitre Iletilth, we must remove those obfltnveii nsor restore th IIIimkI t i i'sintfiiral state. The Mvcrsi m to fcikiii inedieine is in-at eifceiimlly re m veil by CurKXEK' Vkoktahi it Ptnr.Tivc Pills, being e mjilctt-ly rnve) pnl w ilh u r iinp I' j ure whi'e Snpir, (which is us tliMtinet IV m Ihe interim I ingredients us a mil shell If in ihe kernel) nitl haven i tnMu i f medicine. Itutnre as easily a wall ived ns bits if enndy. M -rrover they neither navinrute ir pripe in ihe aiteliiest decree, but operate rtpi.illy mi n!l the iiise;ifud (wntsof the synlem, in s'riidi-f e 'iifinntff themselves U . and mekiiifr nny imrtieiilttr rejri 'ii. Thus, it Ihe l.iver 1 tillccted one i iipri.il lent will ojterutc on that particular orjrnn, and, by eleausiui? it i f mi I.zeess of lide restore it 1 1 i:s nnluied stt.ie. Another will operute in the Board untlremovettll impurities in its eircn lilion ; win lea third will eflvtunliy exjiel whatever impn rilies may have been diselmiped into' the at- mnch, midhcnec Ihey strike nt the root -r disenan rem -ve nil Impure Hit m rs fr -m tlie body, onci Ihe pores externally and inter iifttly; aemrate all f ireif.unnd otmoxioua ah tries from the eh vie, a tltat the Mo h! .nnv be thoroughly pure thus ami rmra free and henlthy net! -nto the llenrt, I.uupsand l.iver and thereby Ihey reslurv hettllh even when all other menus have fulled. The entire truth of ihe ah ve enn be asrertniti'd by the trial of n smale Imix: and their virtues are si p suive and rertuin in restoring tlerdth, that the pr iprtet-ir binds hunself to return the monev pmd lot them in all cases where thry tlo not give universal autisfactiou. nctall f'rlcc, 25 Ik, ?r Ilx. Trineiphl ofTiee No. fil Vers v at., N.York, S.ld by JOHN Y. YolAii.' Snulairv. M. A. .MetY, Northumberland. Rememlwr Dr. V. V. Cliekner is the iuveutnr of the Sucar Touted Fills, and that notions i-f the rl wua ever beard f until he mlroduerdtbtm in Jude, 1M.JH. Purelmseis sh'-uld, tl erefore ulwnysnsk for Cliekner'a So par t'onietl Fills, nnd titke no others', or thty will bemude the victims cf a fraud. February, 17, l&lfly IMPORTANT TO THE I'lTBLK1. SORSK A1TD CATTLE MKDICINKS. Don't -ennil your Horses or cattle to die. wlicii the means of cure are williin tlie reach of all ! Tlie iiiulersiKncil tins sicnt several years in tlie stuily of Veterinary pructirc in "London and E ilinhoro'," he has alo avuili il hiinreU'of the resear ches of I.cihig, anil olherielchniteil nii'ii.holac cniitrilintcil so much towunls a judicious treatment of imiinals ; the prirc'l'les of our practice consUl in the rejection of gcncrgl bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that ecricurc has shown to he of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act iu harmony with the vital principle, and when (riven according to the directions which ac company rat h article they are eapahlo ol'exciliii" and increasing the natural functions, w ithout di minishing or destroying their power, hence arc sul'ciu the hands of every one. G. II. DADD, M. D. A l.Ut of Horse and faille MmIIcIiih. Physic halls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75eporpcW- aire. Heave powder fordiscases of the lungs, 75c de. Trine powder for " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inllamalioit of bowels, 75c per bottle, Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment fur promoting tlie grow th of hair, 50c per pot. lleuling balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per b iltle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50e per bottle. Ointment for mange , scratches, old sores, cVe., 50c per Dome. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoot ointment for sand crack, brittle boor, 4c, 50c iier bottle, iorse Liniment, tlie most celebrated article known in Enghind Ibr luiaentss of every description, 75c & 1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $ I per bottle. Worm powders for tlie removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package.' For sale by fcTIMTbON A REED, !6 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'3 HOUSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEI'OT, Nos. 1 & t liaymsrkel Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diaeasea for which these remedies axe used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of tlie Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi. cinea.' Sold by GREEK FLETCHER. No. 38 South 6IXTU Street. FuilaMphis. and by bis AessTa. Usaa Mssssii Punbury, February 1810 bYPUP MOLASSES. upt Hot tttuM Svmp MoUsscs lor sale by HENBY MASSES. bunb-iT, IW. S, tilionoli J. V EAVl: . KDWIN II. FITM'.n. 4eorc;e J. iVt'ttvci & i'o., ROPE TtlAtfXTT A CTtTBERS Ik SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 19 N.H'altrSt., and 11 N. Wharves, Pl!tLAtLPI!tA TTAVP jniwuimly on hanil, a sciiers! uM-irimmt ot bih..,ii it.me, i-nrred Ki'iie, itiiiwn me. roue nre Mllft ni.il tti.....k , 1 1 j i T . a,. BI of which lliey will iluii f, n roc.im).lr terms. i.wH . any oikc or jLicscriptiuD, i.tatie w vwuvr, nt sJfrt n ilea. riiiisilrliliia, Feb. 10, IMS. ly. REMOVAL- C C. 1YIACKEY. Al ( I IONKKI,, PHItATElPHIA. nAS remnved from No. 31 North 3d rlrcet to No. SCO MARKET Street nbove Gth nt. 4 doors altovc the Kr.n Lmx Hotli.. Ilercspect f i illy invites tlicatlcntioii of ('oimti v ston ker peis visiting the city to his EVENING SALES ot which will generally 1 e found a hvnrc assortment of Hariiw .Mir., Citi.:iit. Honrs, f"'ni:s. 11 its, and a greajt variety of Miscellaiicaus goods suited tn the sales of country storekeepers. IMuhtlclphin, .Imi.'lO, 1 MB 3ino. Is'' L) coming Gavctte, will copy. COLTTMBIAN SERIES OF SliftluurtCtsj. The Pupils frirndond Teacher's comfort. 'rilF, COLLMDIAN CALCI'LATOR. Thin ' work is already introiUccd into some of the lst Arnilamirs and n Inrtrc tminl er of Schools, where its use has eiven decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher nnd pvpil. It is purely American in its character. 1 n,-c.l upon our own licautiful iteritnal tystrm o f niimmj. It rontii'ns more, the arraiiTeiiients arc l etter, nnd it is the easiest and cheapest work of Ihe kind now iu ue ; and it is so consider! ly hundreds nftlnV tnrwt competent teachers and men nf siienea in the Lni on, who have rtH-ommcndcd it. It is the hook, particularly and e.vnrcss!y prepared for our Amf tican Scholars : Hy Amoii Tir i;or. Tiik YtnTii't Cmi'M in i Ca eftATon. This volume contains 91 pa-jes. with al oiit 000 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, ('ompmmd Rules Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Throe, Proportion, &c. TiCKsnK.' Abitiimi:tici. Tsnrrs. is destined for the use of younger classes in tho Schools of the Cnited St.vtrs. A beautiful little hook and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the Kind cf any value. There arc Keys lo buth Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, fur the convenience, of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions nre -riven with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys arc the most complete works ofihckin-l ever published, and contain, in addition, ubor.t twa hundred examples in .Mensuration, Ac. for t use of ihe Teacher. All that is wanted is to have tht-above hooks examined, and no teacher who is ncipinintcd with the science of Arithmetic, will herniate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this ot nny other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Nii-'.it I'ul-lic Schools of New York City in ull the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the Stutc of Pennsylvania in a larfje portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, ami iu the Dorouirhs of Harrislntr-.', York, Chaniliershurtr, Lebanon, Do lcslowti, Potts villc, Orw igshuig, Ac. For sale by Huxnr Mut, Sunbury, Ajcnt for Norlhuiul-erland Couutv. Sunbury, Deo. 2, lts-18. 1TEV7 CHE.? GCCIa. The lurgcKt iMsortmritt In ToHii, .Tolm W. Fi'iliiij.-, KSPKCTKl'LLY iufntms his fri.-mUnnil ctiMnini'is, thiit he Ims n-cfivcil th-- lnr-.'1'st ninl bt st assiitiiM-nl of jrimiU c-vit nl-fi-rftl in Sntilinrv. C'tisisistiii't of DRY fJOODS. Groceries, Hardware, Queenswarc, Liquors, Drugs, Vuints and n crout vurii-ty of other m ticlcs. Thu public uro rtpcclfiillv ri-()u-sti'J lo rail tiiitl examine, his stock before puichainy elsp where. " Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1S43. DIAMOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. riMIIS Powder is warranted far superior to any 1 thing in ut.e fur iinparliiiL'a keen, suiotiihcdu'c to Jlnzort, Surgical instriinif ntx, and all kinds of tine Ci-tlkiiv ; it may U-ai ilied to unv kind of strop. Al.-o superior Rnor, Kuiveg, and Perl'ii- nierv, wholesiile and retail, bv AI.KUED DENNETT, Agent. Demit of Fine Razors, Siroiic, llruslies. and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. IS South Fifth street u bovc Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Piiilaiikli'iiia, Feb. 13th, 184S. This may certify that I have used one of the Strop, prepared wilh WAYNES' MAGIC DIA- JIO.M) POV UbK.-and can nttctt in the mot unequivocal manner, that there is nothing eau be found that will produce the same ellet t iu mv onin- ion. and must say to others, try it. and you will null ii ii-'rior to any ncicioiorc III use. 1 can tsuly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was liefore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. P-iiiAiir.i.ruiA, October, 184S. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and lent mnnv contrivum . ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with intlitlereut suncs. until I made uxv of l!u; Muaic UlAMUAlli-unutli, boltll.y Alfred Uennett, and Rousscl's Shavin-i t.'rcam. Tlmir .'.- t cr act like manic, ar.u impart a iower to the Razor wi rvn-.ovc uic most slulilmm licard. trilhoul irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 411 South Fifth Street. For aale at this otiicc Price 25 cts. per Dox. November 25, 18-1 S Cm. 1. ANDREWS, li:iTITtM'AIV It rt.it- io ma S;ca: llu.lilt i ihe W cik I '. A II A I . XI i i -unit i- r Ibu Wli If lltniiaii Itace iu Au tlrt'wn I'.Vl.V KILLER. litis in tin entirely vegeia- l-tc c -lllf -Ulld, c lll-M:ii ill' Twcuiy-rivi-iliffi-rvuiiiitfrc. rlit'iii, mid u tui interim! uml Kxtcrii tt Iti-iucdy i' ir ilic vu rioas i!U iliai huuian ilvsii is heir tv vcn as, Cii!). C-;',;., pains, Xervsis sic I f-ick IlcaJarlie, ItheuiuntlHU. Cuts. Hintitts. Hiilnal Au"t-rti.-iu. hnmlacr t-mi-lHinls, ClHilera .Morliui-.'r-nllitM'lit-, llrupli -Hv, L'rul I lies, r r -zrll lirts, iiiiiiii-, j-tujiif, A);uv in tue f ace uuu Itreiut, I'smlTS1 C -ttii-, llruisc., old S rt-, I w 01' hiih liic, tiun-ful llehtiiiy, Asihrua, tc. I'm up in I. silts i-n 1. 1 I siuUiiias -f b su. K further loru.iiho. .see I'ttuu-lilew t-ihtj uud ts every ugettt fruits, r tiluiniiu; a l iel liisf-ry -f tit origin, rtmc.vvery mI g ifls eS'oc: cf Autlrcws' 1'siu Killer, t'eitiueairaul Curea,tlirvctious. Ac LOOK OUT FOB FRAUD. The uiuiui-haiit success is Ajwtrevvs l'uia Killer tn re nvivlua lbs euuses llwi lir slucc tlsultt. tlie uutiinely tluaih of uiillurns T our race, luui iudiutxt sue nc -1 wnnu it may he Irttty suul, tlieir villtuu ius ticcitiuuniis intutiiesi tlicir villsluy, to atleniS t pui iu eirculanm sSiri -as aud c.Hintelfeil atliclus uill.-d "ISiiii Killer," Usui Acme -us names f inehe proteinic! autie, lorded ceriiacaies, k-c. S sua kavc apputrud, -uul "Uiofs u - doubt will spriMr. IS all remember Uuu Audrews Geuuius fuitt Killer hua the writlca siiinulure of 1. Andrews --U lit 1-ihrl " seek b stls iu Iliac iuk. I) n't simitly tuk l'-u feui Killer, but ask f. Audrews' Pslu Killer, aud kv u Ibet. Id 1-v M. A. MoCuy, H--ie Aireut, N -rtlmmherWnd; J. W, Frllituj, Suuburv : I hu II. (laser, Milum 1 J-bu R. Myyer, B) mushtus ; Win. A. Murray C S Irtiivills Psvenpon fc Bnuih, Plym snhj Audrsw Ynhr, Wilkes. Urea I Hnys t McCiuick. MeF.we.-sri lis ; Schsffls CksmherL-iu, lwtshurr ; Usur.'S McVluiu, Jeisty fcJ.ore; i. M. Jl, WiUuuusp . ' (liders a-Wrassed l I. AiKrs-'s, lnveni' sn1 only Tv nrlet-sral lilies T-snkiee eVMsty, f - Y. Will rssxtv M ut issnti-.-e ' fesAstabw SU, ISIS-tr CALIFORNIA GOLD! DISCOVEHF.U BY SWNOR D'ALVEARS GOLDMETER! THE GOLD SEEKER'S GUIDE OR v feertt Art of finding Mints of Gold, Silver, Iron, Lead, Copper. Cnal. and other Mint' ral liithes. r3" 1 1 1'2 first ilisrm-prv of fJoln in C (lifornia ivas 1 1 made ly DON jOHE D'ALV EAR, nn emi nent S'panish Ccolor;ist, Chemist nnd Natural Philosopher, by means of a newly invented Magne tic instrument, culled THE C.OLIJOMETEH OR COLD SEEKER'S fJUIDE! SinnotjD'Alvcar has just arrived at New York, from the t'ul.l regions of Culifurtiia, by way of Panama, Chares, and New Orleans, brin'irinn wiih him n very lur-;c quantity of (.r-ld ore. valued nt nearly one million of Dollars, which he collec ted there, otn before the existence of the fiold mines became known to the residents of California ircnernllv. Hl'-vTOPY OF THE DISCOVERY! Si;;nor Il'Alvcar wctit out to Ctdifomia nearly two years ao. in con6Cipicnce of -rertuin informa I i on which lie had received of the geological char acter of that country, with the fnm belielthat vast mines of precious mctnl would be revealed there upon careful investigation. He was encouraged to this enterprise, alo by his confidence in the powers of a certain Masrctic instrument which he had invented!, caVcd "Coldoineter," by whose aid he expected to be directed at once to the "Cold Placers," if any such c.i.;tcd. Ncr were his ctt lactation disappointed, llci scientific calculations proved to be Ibutid in truth and profound wisdom, and his nctv1 instrument, the "Ooldometcr," fulfil led his hisht.st ho;tf In lesi than two months utter re tcliiin; California, he struck upon on! of the richest rold mines in that country, upon an o! scure blanch of the f-neralo river, in a (rorgc of hills extremely ro:k;y and dillicult of nccess, and seldom visited by the native Califomians. Dis iruisiinr his object under the pretence of purely scientific rcnear.'li, he obtained the aid cf some fif teen or twenty simple nnd faithful Indiiftis, and steadily pursued his task. ccllc.tinR often more than is.COO worth ofpold in a single day, which he concealed in a deep ravine, without eveitint; any suspicion whatever, until after the discovery of t;old at Captain Sutter's Mill, when the mountains were ransacked by irolJ seekers, and fsigtior D'Al vear's "gold placer," the richest in nil California, was beset with irrecdy adventurers. It is now found that the real mines or sources of the gold, fie in the gortjes of the mountains, nnd not in the beds or sands of the riv ers. Previous to leaving California, inor D'Alvcnr sold his instrument, the Coldoineter, u very ini erfect one, for 3, COO. 'I ht- person who iurchasod it coutidently expected to inr.:c a htM.do-omc fortune, by simply finding "gold pincers" und selling out tho fiyht of dijjuinii to ihe iruld workers, MAN I FACT!. RE OF TUE ("OLDOMETER PL lil.ICATiON OF THE ULIDE. -Signor D'Alvear. in eoiuidianrc with the request cf numerous scientific gentlemen, ha; commenced the inai ulactnro of his new Magnetic Instrument, the ( ioldometer, which he now oilers for sale, in the l ui'.cd tsiutes, at ihe remarkably low prine of ttl each. aeconiianicd by full instructions for use, and a variety of Philosophical hints drawn fiom the ancient and nu dcrn science, or the AIM' OF FINDINO MINES OF COLD ! .Silver, Platinum, Ijuieksilver, Coal, Iron, Cop-' per, Lead, nnd other Mineral Rit lies, the whole bc itig given in a pi blii ation called Ihn OOLIJ SEEKER'S CLIDE! This new work, and the Coldotr.ctci, aro both now ready lor Sjlc. The (ioluumctcr is so simple an instrument, that a child may kavn to c Rot ate with it in five mini. l.:s. It is not nll'cctcd by climate, moisture, or any other known cause, (except the natural magnet,) aud will retain i's power of pointing out mineral tithes in the earth fur any number (.f c.irs. liy the aid of the Cui-'c lliV pcrsoit lltav use the instrument at mice with perfect success. FARMERS AND LAND OWNERS. Fanner nnd Lund Kmc.-.; Ihioicfhoi.l Hie L'ni ti J States, who have reason to suspect thu exis lemc ol'niiy l.ii'-l of Mineral riches upon their lands, alu-uld a- cil thi-insclvts of this opportunity to test that fact, ly the Mirr-tit of ell known tjsu, befoie the ubitndi.r.ee of discoveries in nil parts of tho country shall have lessened thia source cf wealth iu tlicir est Vo. ADVENTURERS TO CALIFORNIA. Persons goin-j l Oalifornia raunot make a bet ter investment than by pim hasing one cf these instruments, vhiih wilt not only be worth filly limes its value there, to sell nu'ain, but will he of iin-siimnblc worth to those who )ro in search of O'old, us hns been proved by the most abundant r xperimcitt both in California aud the I'nitcd States TESTIMONIALS. Si'iinr D'Alvear d-'-cs not dues not deem it tie- i ccssary to eiicuiuler this notice with a lon;r list of j testimonials, in proof of the value of his OOLP- ! OMETERoud tiOLDsEEKER'scl'IDE. The I I tiliiunt results of bis labors iu California, and the j discovery, this very week, of iiesli veins of Cold iu iiniuia, mid l e.ls c-1't'ot.l i i Uhe.de Island, l-y i it use, uic ulutic Kuiiicieiil to stamp il as thei-reutcst i disco cry of the uc. N'etliiic,' but the extreme j el.caj'uci'a of liic iitstrumciit, and his desire- to see it UM-d for the hciu lit of maul. ind induces him tu : tlixpiise of it at the low price of w liich ho oiler- it. l!tides this, his own dcstie lor wealth is nearly satislaelicd. The following Testimonials, in proof of tho ' value of Ihe Culd.imcter, selected from u (jrcal ! iinmlcr cqtially stttisfaetory, must sufihe for the j sul'.iee for the pri M-iit : i Avion Hoist, N. Y., Fee. SI, IS IS. The undersigned, having this day il'.iesed ! the pmiii. ul oi l-ration of .-i.;uor Joo DcAlveai's I i.euly iiivculcd in.ii etie iiislruint lit, the Iiolii ttMoTitii, feel entirely salisiicd that it posscscs the I eMruordiiinry power of tle-tectiuj Mineral ores hid den beneath ti.e so. face of the earth, and have no doubt that il will pt'utc invaluable aid iu the dis covery of the Mineral leaourcca of the United States and the world. J. R. DtiAi-ttn. Jr., Chemist, L. S. TiruM iw, Magnetic Ins. Maker, ti. S. D.I .N A, Gcoloiat. ' Lus Axi.r.Los, California Attg. 1S18. This may ccttily that the undersigned is fully coiiviuccd that Siguor jote Dc Alvcar was the first discO' Crur of the. viold dc.-positcs of 'Jalifornia. and that this discover was inane l-y tl e aid ot u Mj; nclic iiistrumciit called the Cjohhaiu tcr, w hich I huvo seen sutce.ssiidly applied to the discovery of veins of Cold ore, places where no indications cf the earth. T. W. tsll EK.MAN, Lieut, 3d Artillery, L. S. Army, NU ACE NTS. In consciUCiicc of the dillicully of lindiiir; faith ful agents, and of prevciiiinl'riiiids, where attieles of this I. attire ure seat out lor 'eiierul aie, Signor De Alvear has dcteriiuned to sell none ol his works or instruments unless or .'.eiCil by letters sent ill icitly lo lain, when ll.e tjcired publication, or in strument, will :e forwarded under his signature and seal, so Unit all doubt as to its gcuuiucucss ninv be leiuovcd. C.V" EE WARE OF ALL IMITATIONS of this Iusirume.it which may hereafter apj-car, us the secret of imparling the Gold Detecting pow er is known to no person whatever, except the ori ginal inventor. i V The OOLDOMETEU and (.OLD SEEK ER'S CI IDE, wilt both be scut by mail, closely cnvelojied uud sealed, and heretofore, noi subject Li inMCtioii by Post-iiiaf tera lor the sum of THKEE LOl.LAKs, wilt post paid to SlliNOR JOSE Dt ALVEAR, llox '.1 13, New Vork City. The instruuicnl is very Ihht, nud the Ciude U printed onlhiii iuKt so that the charge by mail or express will 1 very small lo any part of the I nited States. The Price of the fiODD SEEli EK'H GUIDE alone, is ON E DOLEAR, sent as above. Address, KIGNORJOSE Ds ALVEAR, Dox 7 1 :i, New York City, ty OFFICE fui'thesalc of the Gut Ssi.Hi.it's Gciiii and UuLiniNvris, No. U8 CcnUo Succl, New Yoik Cily, where vutitcta may see several casks oi Cithluruis Gold, in the rottgii state, as tx trsclvd by Signor D'Alvr frotu the Soc-suieuto Mines, sod ala witness Uio operatioii of the GoLs.uMi.rt.il, when held withiu the Magnetic in tluence of the prcctoas meul, Slid unorring nan ue in which it indioates lee raswtuti ol' lht sd otbnr inotallu! suhsssnmas TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND l.M.MtUOHil.Y, Al'lltVi:i ! 3 pi o pi o o s, f 1 hi o 5 , w H ir. s a V5 u 5- z u INDIAIM ru.u t rS5-srsrr F.ratj day Is this celebrated medicos extenJlng tlie ; )iro of its iisciulucss, and svery year aMing U lbs louf catal. gno cf itl triumphs. A MILLION OF BOXES sr distributed annuaHy with, out foliy utcciiitg the flcmnnd! Fcr tneue time past, tht ales Imve been limited s -lely f jr want of fseiiiuea of nip ply. Truly this is universal remedy! Unhersld, these pills hove fonn '. their way into th remotest comets of t)-t Uui -ii, crerywhera pr jring theft tiU aa th poor rnsn's f iemt tick mill's lepo tie mar) and bletsln of tht age. For a trifling um, every inJirirliial oml erety fitmily may hav HEALTH INSURED i them for aa huiefiuit pc ri-J ; and what it life without htt-lth but a miserable exis tence ! It ii UOpreciiiunlnon to ke tampered with, Ly trying nil sir t c-l experiments apou il. The sick should use those medicines only which experience hts ihowu to bt tht but- A PHY91C1AN9TESTIM0NY. From Catskill, Crccn County, New York Dt. YV. Wright Dear Sir : I have found yonr ladiaa Vegetable Pille a valnttJo remedy in ctiies rf Oentral De lility of the tn-stcm.niid iu all liiliiont disorders. I am alt) iu the habit of rcc-mracuduig intuitu fcmiict in petulint cases. I observe them toeperste in il.ttrttrm wiiboat prudueuig debility or pnia, leaving it in a hcslthy cjinhti n. Janeaa,181B. Jous Doist, M.D. THE BEST TAMlT.Y MSDICIXE: (From N tton II ill, drecn C unty N. V.J Dr . Wright : We have mod end t5lj your Indian Vegout" blulM!sforihiecycnripos!,anddo nJt hesitate lo reemi. mend them to our friends and custcmert et tht best Family Mlicu.e in use. v. a r n.v..,., , From Marble Hull Pa ) To Dr. W. Wripht Dear Sir : For U.e last two yesrs I hnve had -.he agency for the sale of y jut In-lun Vegetable Tills t ttiis phce, and have sold annually large quntititict at retail. They hove in every instttiica civen entire sa'.isfte i m . Many famUics in Ihis section keep them, and coutiJcr them invaluaUe es a family medicine. Thero is njinbti ciuctTlJ here that can bo eo maversally recmmendej tt Wrlglil't Indian Vegetalls P.Us. Ytry truly yours, Febrtiaiy 1. late. w jt LrsjiKt. TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The foil win; letter is iii reply to a note frtm oar ageut asking Dr. Boutin's o;aiii m oi lias meilicine : TcxxiiAsrocx, Ansnttao, 191B. .Mr. A. Durham Dear Sir: In reply tt your note of yes-inula;-, I woulil state, tliat 1 hove occasi -imlly f ,und it cjii. veinet to use the van -us i.''Patei.tPill."vendc.li,,th,,!,T.i!aiKlmaybefounJonhe gSMh f fc -IS I say anything to depreciate tho I , r .,- . , v aim wumi am unwilling u say anything todepreciate tho value of others, 1 am fret to cauf ess that I consider Wright 't linliin Vegetable lii!s superior to all others with which I am acquainted. I have used them fjr many years both in u.y own fjiuily and in my practice rc.ierally, ind tlicy have uniformly proved mild, certain and jfc iu their orjeraii.au 'iV care and skill wiih which these -.ills have !,. i.itt , manufactured are. iu my opinion, a saffcdent guarantee fur ' l.ke g.-od rtsulu iu future. Very rcsjiceifullv, I U. A. U-it-Tc.N-.M.D. j '" naprictmonerof I ng ei; eneace, well luiiwu in and even beyond tie lines rf Wyming eiunty. He it a graduate f Peiuisylranis, and highly popular with th, rei !u timjiig whjm Lc rctidit. ecwarcof Su-ir lonted t ouutor- IlerorniVr ihat tht original and only pcrafiit :ii's,i Vegetal le Pil!i luc t! c wtittea t; jinttne of Wra. Wright in the tjj. lubcl -f cncli b.-x. roa IVrJsiit',, Ititlistn V K.la!lo L'iUs. Juhn V. Friling, S.itil'iuy. Henry Master, Sanfcary. H-tys i McConnicIi, Mcrwtnniile. E. llauiTuian, Augama tp. J'. hti II. Vincen-, CUU!trnac,ue. C:n-c.V Itcrjrst re?cr, lllyrburg. W. It.Mhemu-l, Little Mahnnoj. Hcjifii & Itiotlier, Milmu. Forsylh, Wila.ui ,V Co.. Northumbsrhsd. Jns. ltct-l, Potl-icrmve. XV. & It. Tegi-ly, biiaiuokiut.nvu. , J. C. M -rgaa, hnyderstown. W Peppiu, Vnli -ii y P. O. llenuevillc ll -Uhuc, Cp. Muh-sioy. J tl. lteMi, Line M -nnii-in P O. Hruj. Ilcllner, l.-wc-r Mali -ning P.O. Am t T. I!ricll, Tart.uttyVille. 11. J. -V T. Pipe-. WalSi-nvillc. V.. A. Kutzacr, Itn-nsvic. II. H. Ki.aitle, Wysl-tirg. f nT.ecs ilcvote-l ext-lusivety to tlie sale of V.'ritht'i Indian Vegetable fills, holi sale and Retail, 103 Itaee St., Pi.;.n: A. i- liia, 3- Grecuwicli etrcet, New-York, au l ICS Tremout, ll.Tt II. L'cc. tith, 1?tJ. ly. i:litlt;tllc l.ifc Inviiram-o, inniist)' iiikI 'I'i'iist Com puny. orncTwwAi.NVT STttr.r.T, i'ihi.adf.lpiiia. C'AriT.tl. ?jVJ,UUU. Ciuitrxi: l'tnrrifAi. 'I'lin C -mi-flny lire n iv prentnwl r, lratiat-t luliiiiies ' 1 up ii tin1 in 'si liU'iul und iiiiti.uliie .tiff otitis. Tiny ! an- a. ill. -iiy.c-1 by tlirir chiirlt-r i---i. tn "li in ,Vo all nn-'l j LVi-ty iiKuraiice ii-H'iliiiiiiii-i ti luu ri-is nt whstctcr kili-t t or nature, un-l I i ireeive and rivule Irnsl-i, nukr eu-iuw- I tn-'ills. an.l t t riitat mid piirclrie nmuiiurs." Tbc ( .,i. i isiiiy sell amuiiiius aiul endowment, and act ts Tnistets ! I- -r iu.il -r and heirs. Table uf Prtaiiumt rennirnt fr the Assurance of St 00 for I mn Wh ae term t-r l.i -sc- I IVcm. j Age. 1 1'retn. Age. Prcm la i .io ui et 46 1 a no IT I .".I 3! 11 15 47 40 H ltd M 31 4-S 31,1 l!l 1 Sf til 3 37 4! fir? 31 I'M !l 31 ull 3U4 31 1 61 3d 3 4H 61 4 It) 2i 1 Iii 37 3 4? a- iM -i Hi' M 3S4 rfi 4 si 31 1 73 3 3M SI 4 T I 3i 1 70 40 3 7U .V" 4 tl 3tl lti 41 8M id s 13 37 1 tO 43 3 f3 ;i7 S :cl 3S I ft! 4:1 tl III W M 3.1 I ls 41 8 13 .'ill 30 3 01 45 3 3.1 CU 6 Id The pmiiiuinft nrc less Itma auv oilier c -usiav, ainl li.e njlicit's ,'ilf -nl gre-ittr uiviuini:es. Tul-ii s i-l liul..o.'iriy and quarlerly pit lliituns, luill cretlil ratu-s ol prcrounu, stiiirl ti-riiu, j'-iut lives, siirviV -isbi-s and cml.-wuients; uls -, 1'. rut ol' Appiic.ai ii (l r wlncli there ure l-l-.nki sbt-vls') urs 1 1 i-r hit-l 'ii ut-riimti n i the mlicc, or l-y letter tt the Ajeut, J. II. i'UUlY, rHiiilmry. Itittt rim insiuisu gKOoii a tiuglt l.ii'a Asc. I Fur 1 year. For 7 yean. For Lift. Ft 3d PI I pi 1.611 m (,9 I t,M r 4 1 '-' I LM 3,70 Ml l.ttl 1 3,u 3,epl ' to - tfittf j,87 F-xsmpli A pert aged 3D years next hirth day, hy paving the C-Miirsniy (j cuitt woudl tccitre lo hit family .-r heirs tltiu should he die . one year j or for Co,;) lit ee eures 1 1 iht'tii SlutiO: i-r l"-r ?13 aiiiiiiuilyf -r sevui years he seeitii In litem MlOt sit iuld Iwidie in seven years; ar i -r i.tu i-uid iittiiuuihr tluriiur Ui'v he secures c-10ou to le imid wli-'iil-t diet. Tlie iuturer securing h.sovu bmus, l-v th diiTervrtea in am iutn nremiunis ft -mth'-sechsnred hv other "ih-'es. Ft Slo.90 toe heirs would receive 85000 sii itkl lie die iu one year . V nus of applicatLui and nit particulars mav ht had at id cilice. J. W. ( IJIOHOHX, President. 'l axAst'saa Fssxctt W. Kswls. II. ft. Tueketf, injorrUrv. 'itsrt.Tiiij Pnrsieus tr. J. D. Mssier, fnnl.iiry t. U Puanr, tsunuury, Agxait for N-nhnihraii cjetm ty. Sunbury, July f , IMS. , IJALSINS, currants, citron, chevae, pepper mice. 4c. Kor talod-y J. W, FKILINV. Sunbury, fee. , 1S18. I L ASTER, Pali sold FW?juti reejvJ and for 1 by ., J. W. yiULINQ. fiuubtirv. Dee. S, 1S-18. tW? HEAT WAM'CD One cJoUsr per V V buahel, Ctrl), sril) bo paid lor trooJ wheat by . ITa T. ClZMiUM. Sunbury Jan. tTt'a. 185wtT. PAI.NTSrTfcw fo7k4ti bv X CUitV. rV BQCtW SkuaNirs, Vfitsrh l, IS 9. ! rntsiuEMT jvnorn in tue TArr Thu following are Ihe Judieis.1 District uf Pennsylvania, wiih tlm names of their Pref i. dent Judyes ftlRxetl.. The savers new tlis Iricl recently crested, .'and ttiij newly, a p. pointed Juilgi.-s ttiij also be found in the list : 1. Philadelphia Eiwenl king. 2. Lancaster, Ellis Lewis.) - , , 3. Noriharnpton and Lehigh, J. l'ringlii Joih-s. 4. Ccnlrr, Clinton Itnd Clearfield, Georfro Woodwnrd.y ' . . 5. Allegheny, Benjamin Patton.T , 6 Erie nnd Crawford, Cay lord Church. 7. Bueks and Montgomery, David Kreust'.y 8. Norihumberlanil, Lycoming aud IV ltftnbia, Jos. B. Anthony., 9. Cumbeiland, Perry and Juoista, Fred crick Watts. - , 10. Wcutmo eland, lndiara nnd Armstrong, John C. Knox. . 11. Lozorne, Susquehanna and Wyoming, Williitm Jessop.t 4J. Dauphin and Lebanon, John J. Pear son.; 13. Biailfor.l, Tioga, Potter and McKean, Horace Williston.f 11. Washington. Fayette ahd Greene Sam uel A. Gilmore. IS. Chester and Dolawure, Henry Chap man. 10. Franklin, Bedford and Somerset, Jere miah A. Black S 17. Beaver, Butler aud Mercer, Juo. Bro i!in. 19. Venango, JetTerson, Warren and Elk, ' Joseph ButTnigton.t 19. Vork and AJams, Daniel Duikee.) 20 MiJlin and Union, Abm. S. Wilson. 1 21. Sehujlkill, Luther Kidder. S2. Monroe, Pike, Wayuo and Carbon, Nathaniel B. Eldred t 23. Berks, David F. Gordon.) 24. Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria, Geo. Taylor. Appointed by Gov. Shutik : 4 by Gov. Por ter: Ly Gov. Johnston. ALLAN PERCY. Hundreds of inquiries have recently been made, savs thu Louisville' Journal, in regard to the authorship or Allan Percy, and maiiy fruitless efforts have been made to obtain copies of it. Tho ballad is bv Mrs. Norton. nuvei ui "yoman s itowaru." ihe words arc as follows: It was a beauteous lajy, richly dress'J ; Around her neck are chains of jewels rari A velvet mantle shrouds her snowy breast, And a y.mn:; child is softly slumliering there. Ia l.cr own arms beneath that glowing sun. She bears him onward to the greenwood free ; Is the sun dun hcalh, thou loir and thoutlest one, The place w here an carl's son should cradled be T Lullaby! Though a proud earl be father to my child. Vet o:t tlie sward my blessed babe shall lie ; Let the w inds lull him with tlicir murmurs wibl, And toss the green boughs upward to the sky; Well Knows that carl how long my spirit pincj; 1 loved a forester, glaJ bold, and free, And had I wedded as my heart inclined, My child were eiudicd 'nenih the greenwood tree Lullaby! iSimnl-or thou still, my innocent mine own, While 1 call back the dreams of other days Ia the deep forest I feel lest alone, Than when those palace splendors mock my S.iw, Fear not my arm shall bear tlicc safely back ; I need no squire, no page wilh bended knee, To bear my baby through the wild wood track, Where Allan Percy used to roam with me. Lullaby ! Here I can sit, and while the fresh wind blows, Waving the ringlets of thy shining hair, Givinsi thy cheek a deeper tinge ofrosc, lean dream dreams that comfort my despair; I can make visions of a dillcrent homo, 'u?h as v. c hoped in other days might be ; There no proud carl's unwelcome footsteps coins' There, Ailuii i'crcy I am safe with thee! Lullaby ! I Thou art mine own I'll hear thee where I list, j Far from the dull jimml tower aud donjon keep. From my U-n; hair Ihe prarl-chaint I'll untwist. And with a peasant's heart, sit down and weep, j Thy 1,'lilieriiis; broidcr'd rune, my prreieHis one, j tVliancd for a simpler eovi riu shall be, And I will dream tlice Allan Percy's son, I And think poor Alla.n guards thy sleep with rut. Lullubj ! 2000 1MMOIIUM BLINDS, is. j. Vsi.iM j:, NO. 12 .NORTH SIXTH STREET, rn;i.Aiixi'iiiA. vuitluii Uiliid niidvliiluivStbad M a iiiilacl urt'iv (AWAKIiKI) the first and highest Medala l New Voik. li.tUinioie and PbHatleliihis Kihibi- lions fr Hie superiority vf his 11LI.U&, wilh eoii frnicil toiiiidciite in lus niaiiufacture.) asks the nltoiition ut purchasers to his assortment of 5000 Uluidsoi narrow and witle slata Willi raney na i.lains Triniininus, of new styles and eolora. Also a lari-o unJ ucnentl asoiiment of TKAXSl'A IJUM' W1XHOW WIAUES, all of which be will sell ul the lowest cash prices. v Old Llinds painted and trimmed to look equal to now. t-VDEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal terms jrj The Citizens of Northumberland County are res pectfully invited to call before buying elsewhere couliil-'iit t pleating all. tVOl'LN IN THE EVEN'LNGS.jp March St, ISl'J, 3ia " ' CABINET ware noons. riHE subscrittet respectfully Informs the Public . I that he continue the manufacture of CADI A LT W'A KE, in all iu brsnchas, st his stand ia .Market auect in Sunbury, and that he bee ne on hand a handsomo stsortmeut of well pisde and Ctrhivnul-le furuilure. - - He alio carries on, at his eld eetsiilialiHsesit, isv Tswn strset, the Iu at! its branches, und keeps constantly ea keL n seartincnuvLuf well made sod sasbioMbie ITIA1H.S, plain aud erruMDentaL AU ef wbirh he will dispose of at prices as low as t aeji ees blisbment in the couutv : t. . . - His lonrr experience ia lbs btssiBsts. justiies bin io the bcliof that be will bt (jbla to m f. rl sstiafsctiou, end tbereiofe solicit Irtsu bss cu stool era s eoutiuuanee of their palmnsj. -,. 3T AU kiudt ol' produce Ukeu in eicbu,. frEIMKTUK llril l'T, Vsarv, Uv k U, IfriO.- 1 Ja. IMS. t. j -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers