1877 TTIATT P,. TTTT.TVTfTITn-r DAATVCl X' Xi.-LJ.LJ VV JLJ.N J. JllXXi UTW-LO Jg J. II. McCarty & Sons, Practical Undertakers, Beg herewith to offer to the public as a bn p S. WILLIAMS, MONROE COUNTY Mutual 'Fire Insurance Company, V STROUrSBURO, PA. pint-PS novelty and practical convenience the I Fash on Of Thne wishing to purchase any thing in the above piace as they will bud a larger and liner Stock of than all the ret in town put together. All wool suit as low as ?8 00; the Unions as low as ?" 00; English and Gorman basket arid diagnal suits from $18 00 so !?:) 00; the imitations a . i . . . 'p i ri.-i..... .,..-. i. i.. i . i iii meniv j.er cent, less. aiify arc cui in me iuii laic.-a hi vies in "Wliite "Vests and Alpaca Coats. L YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDKEFS CLOTHING, yon can't better yourself as they are made up cun find them anv where else in town. . HATS, CAPS AND Those wishing to buy a stvlish Hat or Cap ni not iinu a more complete siock in town. j.ne pneec are very low. Ladies' and Gents9 Famishing Goods! You will find all the latest novelties of the season always on hand. Those wishing to bnv any ihing in the furnishing goods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other place in town. DRY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are very low. Always on hand a full lineof the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for SI 7o. N. I. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM Vt'OKK. Good fits warranted or no sale. Or.r motto is, we will not be undersold, so those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to call Lo fori; purchasing elsewhere. N. BUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, September 3, 137-1. tf. DOWN TOWN 1 bioming "We the undersigned respectfully inform! th, .1 citlZCMS of StroudVouri; and vicinity,' .t w luc auJed to our large assort- th inuiit of HATS AKD CAPS, i A complete and carefully selected stock of: Men's & Yosilis' Rcadv-j f the latest and most fashionable stvles ; and best quality. We have also a com- j plote line of 1 'least? pivo us a cull and examine our stock and prices before you purchase else where. "We fchull soou offer a lar:re assort merit of Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c. You will Cm us one door west of Key f.,,ne lrug Store, Main Street, Strouds buri:, l'a. X. I. Silk Hats ironed and repaired at -lurt notice, (jive us a call. WALTON k WINTERMUTE. StrcuJur-, April 20, 1S7C. Carriage lilt The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues the above business in all its branches tit his old Stand, on Prauklin street, Stroudsburjr, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general Wheelwrighting, Blacksrnitli ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is tar ;e and very complete; and also has a lull force of first class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, aud guaran tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 23,-1870. UNDEBTAKIHG ! LEE &. Co. would mot respectfully an- nour.ee that having procured an el HEAESE, and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in tlic undertaking business, are now prepared lo attend to uiy. dertaking hi all iis brunches in the best pos Sii'le niiinner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, con.-tant'y on lu.nd. and ready (or (.hii.n.prit at tliorl notice-. Orders by mail prom,)! ly attended to. Our charges arc moderate; we have no riir-isiiiou to distress the living or rob the elates ol the dead. IV. I). Ready-made RODES, neatly got ten up. can be had at any time, at the ire Room of LEE &, Co.. .May 20. 1-70. ly. HY THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS! These superior and heautinilly finislied in Ptruments so far eclipsed their competitor in volume, purity, sweetness and dclicacv of tone, as to carry of! the first and only premium giv en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe County Fair, held September I'-j, 174. JJuv only the iu,t. l"or juice list address Oct 1-tf.l J. Y. SKiAFCS, lLAN K" 1) iTKDS T For ale itt this OlFice. i l I5 U CLOTIIIXG LINE, will do well to call at the Clothing' bij ic aim art; ciiuai 10 custom WOfK. -U me in the best of style and are cheaper than you STRAW GOODS! will do well to call at the above place, as thev Main street, Stroudsburg, Pa. SOMETHING NEW ! SHOE MANUFACTORY. The umlorsi-jntvl wouM respectfully eive notice that 14cr of Uw,rau aild Moliroe slriclSi fctroii(lsbur..t Va., a SHOE MANUFACTORY, f.ir ihp makincr U k:nls of Lady's and Oenllemnns mid ("IiiMrt-n's li. ;. an J Shoes mil liters. Particu lar auontiou paid tu CUSTOM WORK. TpriTis bavins L f-irniiil fct, I'linijr-j or corns, or cliil'ln-n witli w.-ai; ankles. r r.k.ti liml, can hav he re of first class mat'-rials aud at roaocniaWe iriccs !liitfs Tiiaie In suit llu ir cit.'.. llavinir had a larf ex :-i : rn-e in N't w York we feci -.ii:i l i!i t'irit u- . suit i ns'.jtii' rs as to tjuaiilics and Jirii.i', ail "l our ':.ias l.i;h Or n ;.;ut-ial and sp-jciul r.l? ar-warrant-il t. !-. as r pr'si i;ti-d rkust t?ivetia call, oxaii:;ii" ii;r and ni;it ri;il ctinitiiis ol !-.. f-daz" ti I-r--iit li.Mat aud Kr.-n-l. fail" Hid. l-nii: irniiiiid. i.ru.-h atid I'i l iilcd tm.it Mnr :. h rfin h and ri.au 'iif aii'l Kii tkiu, ail -!' wliicli will ! cin-erlully slmwn ttli.,s.j w In. may rail. Intending tu make a tirt rati.- w-arin article we have nothing tw cum-cal, cither in sn k i.r in.ik.- from the public, but would invite their ciusi.it M iuiiiiv. J uly s, "3-tf 11. 11 CIIOMMETT A CO. SAMUEL HOOD" Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COOK & PARLOR STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Uctal House Fiirnisliins Goods. Roofnsg and Spouting dont on shurt rintti-n with flm i leaM.nahh- p,- s. itistk nfCook, I'ai lor and Olfice .-n.rsMiii.iai.n auiiie i'si varn ti.s kuown to tlio trade, t all and see. Store third building, a!ive the Metl.odLst Chiin li, Main street, troudiburi' l'a l ebruary 1, '75-lf. U' J. h. jwyTssfy having long been disgusted with the harbarons custom of burying or usir; Ice on Corpses, not to speak of the horror of freezing the dead, as a relic of barbarism i.-i itself considered, it as obnoxious to the sensibility of the refined as Cremation; and would never have heenmbmit ted to but for necessity, which thanks kto the march of discovery iu longer exists, for J. II. McCarty & Sons, have a pieparation which in its application is as harmless as water, but which in its potenev is able to 'rat.o!f with tin. despoiler of our mortal forms, and say thus far, but no further, hence let thy corrupting pow ers ue Hiayeu. This preparation is manufactured, and used only by .J. II. McCakty t .SoN'., the only unuertaKers in tne t-ounty, or State, that can keep a Corpse any desired length of lime, for wpeks and months, and hrimr it-l- w mellow tint and real bloom of life to assuage the gn. t and anguih of the bereaved, which fact can be wi(need at every funeral attended by them where they have the entire control, and the preparation of the body for burial! J. II. McCakty has made this preparation his study lor over twenty years, and can now ofler to the public this preparation perfected, with out money and without price to those' employ ing them., . . . . ' Oct. 5, '70-tf. J. II. McCARTY & SONS. HA 3 1 1 1 r s : s ' S 2 1 5 3 ff, c s s C O I -.SJ"1;S. The best iii us.e. The only place they can le had iu towu is at the cor ner fore. Try tliein. "73-tt'.J 0. M ANDliE & Co. FURNITURE ! FURNITURe7 1 Goods selling every day nt Auction prices from 7 a. m to 8 p. in. Goods selling at half price to maks room f,jr th ir iiew fall immuU Oct. S, '76.. McCAllTY k SOSH. &mtm mm Received Last Week IE URCEST STOCK 01' J HATS & CAPS, Gcnte' Fsniiishhig Goods, EVER brought to STROTTBSBTJRG. Call andsss thsm. Stroudsburg, October 5, 1876. ONROE CO. BANKING AND SAYIXGS COMPANY. Chas. W. Decker, Tfcos. D. Stites, Chas Fetherman, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. StaulTer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell, J. Lanlz, will pay interest on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rates : C per cent, on deposits left one year. 4 " " " " " six months 4 " " on daily balance averaging live liunured dollars and over. Interest will be computed from the first of each month and all deposits made previous to the tenth ol the mouth will draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to tiie lull amount ot their wealth lor the security of the depositors. DIRECTORS : R. 8. STAPLES, 0. K STAUFFKK, CHAS. FETIIKKMAX, J. LANTZ. THOMAS -A. BELL. OFFICERS : TIIOS. A. BELL, President, CHAS. FETHEBMAN. V. Pres't. WM. B. BELL, Cashier. Jan. 27,'7u J. 33. IITJLL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., "Where will he found constantly on hand or made to order, jioxuuE.vrs, iii:a.sto.es, &C, of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. X-vJ"; Orders by mail promptly attendetl to. feb 20'72-tf Do:it fail lu attend Dlt-Caify's FurnitureSaleseveryday. (Jreat bargins in Furniture, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Pianos, wrgans. iVe., .vc. UcL ii, ti). McCAUTV k SONS. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale tit . this Oilice. . loiiowing price list, of superior COFFINS and CASKETS. An examination of the list will at once reveal the cost of articles in this line, whether metal or wood, from the plainest to the niot elabor ate finished, so that parties at a distance or at home, have but to read to find the precise ar ticle wanted, at prices much lower than offer ed bv anv other bouse in Ciiv nr fVme.trv These goods are all of the best quality, nothing inferior being kept in stock, and will bear the closest inspection, which is cordially invited. The list will be found to embrace all the more recent and meritorious inventions. Price List of Cojlim and Cadets furniliscd by J. 11. McCarty A Suns. Xo. 1 Full size complete $2o 00 No. 2 Full size O (i top and molded bae. comulete 50 no ' I W VV No. 3 Full size, double top and mould- eu oase, rrencn plate Ulass, handles plated. Satin or Merino liiiinw 3. fill No. 4 Full size, round corners, rich mountings, Merino lining, Silk fringe dnnn v vv No. 5 Full size, double top, full glass uctagon ends, .Merino lining, com plete on Imitation Coffin?, full size 9 to $ 13 do do all sizes, from 20 inches to C feet, in stock 1 50 Children' Cofiiins, Walnut $5 to Slo do bite Caskets, complete, from 2 ft. C inch, to 4 ff. 5 inch. SI 9 tr 51 R Children's solid Hose Caskets, kept in stocK, trom it. IU inch, to 4 ft. 10 inch, trimmed and boxed ?20 .mil m- No. 1 Full size Casket, complete $3S OU No. 2 do do polished, handles and nlate. complete 4 nn No. 3 Full size Casket, polished Wal nut, handles, plate, thumb-screws and richlv trimmed, complete d HO - . . - No. 4 Full size beautiful Octagon or bent ends, raised double top, full glass, heavy moulded, Me rino or satin lined, complete AO 0i No. 5 Full size (Jem Casket, in Wal nut or Ii.osewood only, no sizes under 4 ft. G inch, price as trim med, from ?ri0 to ?1."0 OA Style A Wrought metal Hurial Caskets, full size, weight from 2 0 to 400 lbs. plain finish, imitation of Rose wood or Walnut, single elas.from SIS to 50.5 00 Style li Full size beautiful Cas kets, boiler iron, weight from 2".0 to 3-0 lbs. double thick plate-glass, beauti fully trimmed with satin or merino, from S7." to ?1.10 00 Style C Full size wrought metal basket, glass covering, whole top, inch thick, bar, handles, silver corner pillars, weight from 3 j0 to 4-50 lbs. price from SK0 to $400 00 Children's Mctalic Caskets, all sizes, from 3 tt. up. Prices in proportion. No cstra charges for attending Funerals. September 23, lJ7G. V. B 0 1 ' K A FE L LOW DEALER IN Rcadj-3Iadc C!o(!iing, Goals Fuj xiishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine goods. Prices moderate. May bVCO-lf Q. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher L5 (2 doors west of the "Jefiersonian OlEce,") ELIZABETH STKEET, Stroudsburg:, la., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN Drugs, 31cdicliics, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VAILNISIIES, GLASS & PUTTY, Abdominal Supporters aud Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard IlUIIISIIEl TIll'SSCS-Also Sitter's TItUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Pre.scriptions carefully Com pounded. N. IJ. The highest Cash price paid for OIL of WINTERGREEN. may 4, '73-tf. CAUTION I All persona are hereby cautioned not to trespass on anv property of the undersigned. situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, l'a. ny one violating tin notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. i JACOIJ K. BUTTS. Stroudsburg, July 2'.), 1S75. BLANK LIOASKJS J! Q M fa For Sale at this Oflice. 1 Watchmaker & Jeweler, MA IN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner buildinp, third door be low the Jefferson ian office. Room handsnme 'y fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in this section ofcounlty. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plntpd warn ol ways on hand at manufacturers prices. QSrRepairinT neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls public respectfully solicited. o.,ie voent lor the celebrated Diamond opectades. November 5th, 16C8 ly. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WIIO WANT Carriage Work or Biacksznithirur DONE IN A SUPEPvIOR MANNER! THE Subscriber begs leave to iu puuuu mai ne is iuiij pre y pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson aud Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, everj style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, evervthinir in his line of bn siness, at the shortest possible uotice, aud on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed aud naint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on haud, and none but tirst-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none i j i ... out nrst-ctass wort will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shot, he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers J he pubhc are invite to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTIN K KAUTZ. September IV), LSG7.-tf. Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, &c. .VE AT, CAEAP AXD QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEPFERS ONIAN Job Printing OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. fcy All Orders promptly tilled. Give us a call. TIIE Presidential Question Still UNSETTLED AT TIIE Blue Front Cash Grocery Slore OF M. R. BEOWN, Adjoining the late residence of Dr. Syd. Wal ton, Main street, STROUDSBURG, lx., DEALER IN Choice Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, FLOIT1L. MEAL, SPICES, OolTees, Teas, Tobaccos, &c. Ilabbitt's best Soap 8 cts. I'orto Hico Molasses 00 cts, per gal. Rio Collie 2o " lb. Also a choice lot of CANDIES. One hundred and tweniv-eirrl.t tt ntl J - - " ' 10 cents per quart, and other artieles in pro- ruon. uive me u call and satisfy vour- selves or tne truth ol our statement. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ThePv-Lawsof tliisCompay.anrJ n-ulatior.svpm inK insurance have, ncrully bee,, v.rv i.u-rHIU Kir'n1, ,,!:M'"1? if UrK"-a '.'ns "':,:l1 lhutofar Mre IiiMiranop ( onii:iny ia tlio Si.ilo. ' Iniportaiit among tli.e clianites are the following fiv-rear insX9,tA f lK'!n-' PeriHtual, are issurf for All pr-fH-rty is rlsif.l an ! tli.; rato of premium i. fixfsl a. ryrain,' t the ri-k of the prop,., ,,- 1 w,"u", ' JV.-mium ,lf,. aro tatt.n .luJ aIj a.IU, madii on the notes. W9 I'roH.rty is inru. .l f,.r nt morr; than tu-., third of its a. tuai cash yalur, a.,,1 th.. fU amount of inrao laid iu eas4.,f loss. i.r..vi.i...i tt... , "r.ioca amount.,! insuranVe. " v J";" 10 lh Animal :is.-ssm.-iits" only arc ni:et, exorpt in cm-. IWy. l0"S a'Ul V,'CrC U The Company is then foro piepMr.-l to ins.iro proiwrtr "Ion tonus much inure oVir;,!,!.. ih... .... i'..' '. svstem. " JV1 Ule Applications may he made ti any of the Mana-rn Survayors, or Secretary. .T.voh K. Shafor. J. Ih pue I-P.ar C. IK HrIh.-ad, John Ijlinyr, Tliio. Si'h.H'h, Viliiam Wallace. Silas I.. I rake, Jaooh Kni'flit TI. S. Staphs. Jl rt Ivnvs, i-. lrc'iTiiiMu, T. W. Klioa.- Jacob Stoull'cr, E. E. Preher, Secretary ami Tr.-asurer. si'nvi:vo:;s. Silas I.. Drake, Wi'lliani . ilU rt, " " Con. ; 5',,f,,P John Ediiv'cr e... sr--i ....i. .miii.juijViT. 1'or Wavne fount v F. A. Oj.pdt, ( I,., A jlat..-is. I'or I'iko County : Moas Dot rick. I "or Northampton Comity: Uu'ha: J Camd;;i. For Caib:.-u County : Pamuel Ziegcnfus. ,. For AVyoniing Countr : d. ?i. Koon, r 5"T'" M:,'-irs nii'rt nv'r.hu-lv nt th -...nr,.-. NEW MACHINE SHOP ! The Fu?cribcr having Waited a Macliiu Shop, near the head ot Main Street, Stroudsburg-, pa.., is prepared to build, and repair nil kit;tI? 0f Machinery wuli accuracy, and dispatch Being fitted with SPECIAL MACFIXER V FOR TFRX. iyi, S1IAFTIXG. A. XI) PI I4. L12YS. A XI) WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kinds, and having nn exnnriance of over Th.rty years, in 'eyiVniii:. iU1J l uddmir machinery tor special .i,rieN feel warranted n jun rnutfeio ti,e Lest of work. Have on hand, aiid Luihlin"-. P0IJT1BLE STEA7.I EXIES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, de-iirnrd espeeially fr Farm u,e, ,r lor tl'ri u ny hgiit marhin.ry. I also keep i.i ttock, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting; in widths of 1 inch to 0, inches, (can ohtaiii wider ones nt very short notice) ;it i.i.inii ficturers prices, al.-o Luce Leather, Holt Kivets, Punches, &.c, STEAM PIPES 5c FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. Hemp & RubbcrSlfaui K'ackiu?. I would call the attention ..f IJI.ick.-miths, Wheel wrirhtsi, and others, to my as-oit. incnt of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, aud Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The B.dt-en.ls especially, Leing thro ided ami fitted with nuts l,y mnchineiy, enable the Blacksmiths to furnish Lolls ol any !et gtb, much cheaper, and ouicker. timn to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SAXf-)!M). March fi. IST.'b tf. Harness &, Saddlery. The above business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept tiw;iy 7 the late flood, near Pmldwin's Hotel, in iStroudsburr, where will Le kept eousiaiitly on hand the Lest assort inent of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Uridlcs, (ollars, nnd every other article tisuiJIy furnislird in this lineof business. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A IarTe assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your own selection, nnd it will he furnished in.-tyleand price not tube excelled in this market. (Strict attention p.iid to repairingand done in shortest notice, ('all and examine JOHN O. SAVLOIi. Agent. October 6, 1S7H. tf rphe largest ami lu st svlvvtcA 1 stock of V ii I'll if ii r ever ev l.ibited nl (Stroudsburg, can now Le seen at the 0JJ bellows Hall. Oct. 5, '70. McCAMT & SON?. 4 XtVK STOVIL OV CIIOIl'K Family (u-oeeriis, Queens ware, tlla.ss ware, VooJ and Willow-ware, at C. l. ANDKKA Co. Trms CASH. jan. 0 '73-tf. Dec. 21, '7C-tf ir il II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers