' "ii ' ; v; -;j .1 ; i f f ' IL-rZ U fit. k' o w jJcCFcvsonicm. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1S7G. IlcTmbliean National Nominations. ron rRr..-:pr.NT, ii:niorii) n. haves, of Ohio. ron vi ck-runs i pent, WI UI A M A. AVI I EELEE, of New York. I The Pcm cra tic Congressional Con '. n nee of this Pitrict, mot at tlie Court jbm-e, in this p!;ur, oti Tuesday last, arid the KYth ballot nominated ilou. Frank their candidate. i Tu-t 17 days from to-day Hayes and ;v; 1 Vlic 'or will ho td'-f.j.l President and YYo Pp-I Y;it of those United States. Are t.ie !!; ubiicans of Monroe county prepared t .!: a full daws work for the county on that (!.-v ? Maw the townships toon canvassed? I i avc the friends Leon strengthened in tlie i.iiili? Have the doubtful voters been made s ro. 1 1 i c i dilatory one spurred up to the k:ir,v;r.iL-e l their dutv and the lukewarm u.:; !" enrhiwaMio? Are arrange in cuts made to -v that every liennbJiean vole jrcts into the U;Tiot boxes and that i'rauds are rendered imp -s:b!o at the polls. If these things are i .i un-Yne. v.e should begin to do thoni at o.i. There is but little time left ibr work, a.: J ic should le improved without delay. V: 'I t... v.ht-to reform Pemoeny have Inters. La-t Friday night they v a ma!i 01 nay ami wor.-nippea it. Y ;';;!;; len.lnds us of that of the poor ' 1 ni:;ii h: was about to shufile oif .-i-ctai cii, and being very uncertain as !, .-; h url- he was about to fall into, d to ;i ;ike a sure thiuar of it by praying . . 1 (li- l and good devil. Iut it is to i. ; i il.:it our democratic friends will ! and i;l t add any more to their Ion-: ' y.j A' ultiea! sins, ior we intend on Till ! the a; j reaching moiitli to civo :i th j substauco of-that which their wis only a type. Couaiug events cast L fibre. O.l'WS :i Tint Slivll. ::i;y on ;;iit Friday ninht made an 1 wh it d. vou think it was y were ueieateu ritv, and thev Whyo'ytliis Th v an iiu-ro-isvd ma.i-. i rate w;i:k succeeded in carry '. i i i a greatly roiueovi m;ij irity i-t " C'"io.MV; smen. and .-: I C-'nzreimcu and itci in also -1, I'cp.iocrr.cy carried Iu liina y h's ear only by ;ib. u 5.000. :oj .'-racy t -leeted thoir (bvtr-m-ti.-ri'v and in the Presidential i ('-!!::' oil i:i tlie .November it . i0 sail o r . ' i "... i tt ' i' i ; 1 1 i f 1 . n in . t tt U .U U 4 . 1 - t4.' hould prevail the l'ir a crushing de Tih of November, hid 1 ecu defeated o!ee'ii:;, it would. '. v C nut pivpau stiiti- on the p-.irty r tvrit i '1VI1 slion-. rut its silent success in ',y re;-i:es the ouht-to-reform exi-teljee to tlo2 Tth of NoveiU- t vii:!. with out hone of further h enou jh to make even i. ) Ibr i'jur years tc i;iU':si.t it- .I!iiii( alio:;. -la , tb- a g: :rts. a oi ! 1 b: h la ti:uc mr the I'.v thr- aid ol :;,e ! :i irf-'U th"V suc- (ic-iria lVlid'" f ..rTilJen. ui i s'averv cieinent thev t'lnnir WY-t Virginia, bv :;- teelli" theV mereiv held caused the lion. Amandus' ire to lull over. For a moment he gave way to amazement, but only for a moment, lie gathered him self for a start; and such a start, lie ran ; and such a run. 1 1 was a pprcciated I y every eye witness, but Webster is impotent in words suited for its description. American Deer was no where in comparison, and the efforts cf'all the rest of the ten mile an hour fellers are clear outside of comparison with this effort of the Hon. Amaudus to recover his dearly cherished hay baby. In all history therein nothing like it, save possibly his own effort, in the years gone, when he started as herds man on a trial of speed with the heifer com posing his herd, and was landed on his back ere he reached the green pastures where the gentle rill measured its gladness in f-oug as it glided swiftly on its way towards old ocean. LJut this time the lion. Amandus was success ful. His plethoric le-imbs, urged ly the arguments of his immense Congressional enabled his hands to prasp the loved babe from the custody of the youthful vandals, and soon it was safely stored within the clas sic precincts of the Tildeti and Hendricks club room. This completed the jollification, aud as with the Hilly Button, the best and most ludricrous was held tor the iinale. lut, after all. what was all this fuss and furry about this jollification, if you are so pleased to call it. Was it to show the joy of Democracy over the shame secured to the party over solid Georgia, made solid by the threats and other means of intimidation which deprived at least a hundred thousand voters of the privilege of voting ? Or was the re joicing over West Virginia with its slavery element organized to prevent the spread of Republicanism in that State? Or was it over Ohio, where an majority appeared to encourage the North as well as the loyal men South with the assurat.ee of a triumph of Hayes and Wheeler? Or, was it over the result in Colorado, a state which celebrated its birth by the election of a Republican governor, a Republican congressman, a Re publican legislature, three Republican elec tors nnd secured the election of two Republi can United States Senators? Or was it over Indiana where though Democracy elected its State ticket it lost RJ.O'JO of its majority of 1S74, lost a majority of the congressional delegation, lost both branches, and, as the electors are elected on the district system, lost every probability of securing those elec tors for Tildcn and Hendricks. This is the extont of Democracy's successes and mishaps or defeats in October, and if it rejoices over trifle such as these confer upon it, we pity tlie follies of the party which thus manufac tures food for rejoicing only to aggravate the poignancey of the overwhelming defeat which is sure to overtake it in November. But the jollification demonstrates one thing the lion. Amandas Orevus can run, and uo mistake. IVr.somil. Mr. J. E. M. Keller, returned home from Philadelphia, on Friday last. Mrs. Theodore Draft, of New York, is in town on a visit to her father, Mr. Wiiliaui Clements. William F. Wamick and John E!lott of this place, left for Philadelphia on Monday, to visit the Centennial. Mr. Edward Cross and wife, of Belfast, Northampton co. IV, spent a few day.' last week, in this place and vicinity, visiting, friends. Jos. Keller, at one time a resident of t h's borough, and now of Allentown, was here visiting his ma:y friends the forepart of this week. Mr. A. J. Retzr, the obliging bar-tender of the "Burnett House." who was on a visit to the Centennial, returned and entered upon his duties on Friday lat. Mr. Robert E. Blair, of East Stroud-bur-who was seriously injured by a fall, an account of w hich we published last week, is getting along as well as can be expected. Rev. J. S. J. MeConnelh of Philadelphia this 7 puuoi Cii ti 10 l-I. E. Church, ol on Mondav and Tuesday last, and whilst here received the "roofings of his man v friends. lhe Rev place, was in town Col. Fred. Conkling, of N. V., addressed the ought-to-refurui Democracy in the Court House last Tuesday evening. The Col. lias been a sort of political experimenter. He has been a Whig, Republican, Liberal 'and now he is trying to help the Democracy to re form. It is to be hoped that he and they will succeed in thoroughly reforming themselves. The Col. by blood is very nearly related to U. S. Senator Conkling in fact, a brother but in point of capacity very far off. In the commencement of his speech we had hope that he would treat the political issues fairly and honestly. But in this hope we were sadly disappointed. There was too much dis play for truth, too much fancy for fact. His oratorical appeal to the flag of our country was very well done. He announced that he came here to open the eyes of the Crecly Liberals. In this he succeeded finely, forhff had not proceeded far before his bald and groundless assertions caused their eyes to open wide with astonishment at his assurance in attempting to retail such unwarranted and unsupported assertions. Such as, for instance, if Gov. Hayes' in come report could be got hold of he had no doubt that it would send him to the Ohio Penitentiary. What an unwarranted slander. Haves' private and political life is as pure as the air he breathes. He declared that Tildcn was a pure and noble patriot as the sun ever shone upon. That anything detrimental to his loyalty was a base slander. In 1 SCO, Oct. 12th, Mr. Tildcn wrote a letter to the Hon. Win. Kent of N. V., in which he gave utter ance to the following disloyal and secession doctrine He said : "They the masters of political science recognized no right of consti tutional secession ; but they left revolution organized when it should be demanded by the public opinion of a State; left with power to snap the tie of confederation as a nation might break a treaty, and repel coercion as a nation might repel invasion." Jeff Davis himself never uttered more strong seccesion doctrine than the above. The Col. did not attempt to defend Mr. Tilden's Internal Revenue return, except by his above unean did fiing at Mr. Hayes; and by stating that Tildcn was contributing to the support of 12 or 15 of his poor relations. This brave Col. had the boldness to assert that'filden bursted up the Tweed ring. When it is notorious that lie did not touch it until the uprising against Tweed and his gang had been in pro gress for over six months, and when it was clear that Tweed's time for plunder arid leader ship of the Democratic party was at an end, and then to cover or hide his complicity with Tweed he ungenerously fell in and helped the Republicans and Charles O'Connor knife him to his political grave and eternal infamy. But said this Col. the Tweed ring was composed of cpjal numbers of Democrats and Republi cans: and the onlv proof he offered to estab lish it as a fact was that he had made the same charge in Ohio. But Col. that is not enoiuli. 'tor lying in Ohio is not telling the truth in PciiiiM Ivania by a long shot. A dec laration of the sort has nevur been ventured on the public before because it is not truth. The Col. said that the Tweed rinc; was op pocd to Ti!dcn. This is another original assertion. Fir it is notorious that Tweed's original followers with the famous bruiser Join Morrissoy at their head, arc shouting themselves house for Tildcn and reform. ThvJ De-mcr.'.ev re!, on them for their hope of siicce.s in New York. The Co!, cli ! n t like (Jen. "Cranf a bit. Well it H al'og-th-'r likely that irart did not use him as kinllv as ha (mvju. i'or he never ii.ive the Col. any office; but then it is an open question as to whether ( 'r rant did not act wisely in this particular. The Colonel pitched into iraut mot bitterly, but faded to show what (Jrarit had to do with (Jov. Hayes. He did not say that (I rant had half asiii-ich to do with Have- as John Morrissey, Billy McMullen. Bern Hill and Jeff. Davis had to do with Iov. '1 ilden. The Col. asserted that Ohio had been car ried by buying up a certain portion of the miners who were out of work in a certain section of that state, with the money which Grant and his party had stolen from the peo ple. Stolen! How ba-e the charge. The Col. stated that the charter authoriz ing the Frnedr.nu'c sviug Bank at Wash- Wf. again ask our readers to look at Decker & Cos., new advertisement in another column. Mr. Decker, deserves success for the determination 'he has manifested these seven years to furnish tlie people of Monroe county cheap goods, thereby saving thous auds of dollars to the county. No mistake, you will save your money by purchasing jour goods of him. . -m- The Sunday porcine committee is making arrangements to commence operations, and soon the grunter's fattening in the pen will be subject to the inspection of those expert critics ,wdio can guess anywhere within a hundred and fifty pounds of what a hog weighs, or will weigh by killing him. -O- : Mr. Charles B. Keller, lias just com pleted a new and very neat brick pavement in front of his boot and shoe store, on Main street. Charley has shown commendable enterprise. Would' tit it be well, and to the interest of the public generally, and pedes trians generally, if the Borough fathers would see that the property owners at the lower end of the borough would finish up a like job before winter sets in, and thus prevent wet feet, severe colds and heavy doctor's bills. iatedat the Evans-Brodhe:., iton originally provided that no invest ments could U; made in anything 'iv. C uuci. an i ! io It!: 1 ( ) Up times thon t mo riousiv i a iio, but liavinir licked out entirely out of five the lion. ! o. v.-s thought it w;i proper to YVe. aii 1 a jubilee thy bad. i:;g to orders the faithful on the na 1 ti-seml !e-l in front of thi ol on a 'tors on Main street, and at :;t o i .:i:i: ! :rw.. aticy. say lor nu hour, or. f ; 1 borrowed without the consent was exhausted. The small ioa ivd with some of the powder - ieit over in the Confederacy after : .:, and a gho.-t or two of a ''hur . !. , a ; was hoard to come from the y. on their retreat from Gettys r ."'l a ! : sutTcrod them to pros from the show was opened with which was kept up with i. hi- r ,'e a a u:h handling furnished faint -coasion, an 1 the whole proceed out as sorrv an affair as could been uottcu up. V. Sta; Ies, lYnr., was the orator Yon. Charley is smart, but in no uld iix it could he make the occasion to the orator. His talk could i a speech ; it was oneof those ,:c!i orator-; sometimes indulge :-i:.e 'art'! -e sak when though the flesh f i . i l.e willing tlie spirit tiuus noui.ng 10 upon. T!;e speech of our friend Char ab - it the extent of the official per- t :i' 'Ugh 1 ail com ei n plated by the ;o " i the CIS". U 1 n t u :en aceompa- ngs to 1)0 done t. . o. i UO'Jt. , and which. .'IV 1. Amandus Orevus, promised an mount of sport in was the burning man labelled Gen. Hayes. The i !. in West Virginia and at other (.1 I : ;i (i'li'ing me jaie oupieasiui -s." worked sore a fillet ion upon the Demo ,;ic Lii-ihien South, and as lie promised to ;" tli'-'.n so again on the Tth of next c;-'i. ti;.! Sitting Bull of the tribe north, :r dYYgYr-hed friend over the way,'' ei Y.t it v. o iid be a good thing to show the e.itbei.i fii nls just how they would treat Y e. i ; YiYc general in reality, if they had ia ::, .-'. power s 'al him and then burn ;a alYr the m et approved Indian fashion. tie- 1 '-tt'M- sense t tlie better Democrats aiYd and the Hon. Amandus Orevus lYis shorn of nearly all his fun aud full .; glory, ,1'he hay-man, however, Ail out arid placed on a wheel bar n it was easy to be seen that the ;u' las was wroth, though the rest t:i i.a.i 1 was i ro-.v, Jl er ot lb v.u Y. gentleman 0 wedding. Mr. Daniel Bonhaui, a former reisdeui. of Stroud township, this county, was in town on Friday and Saturday last, looking for former friends and acquaintances. Thirty-seven years ago he kit this County for Wisconsin, and from thence to the Rocky Mountains, where he engaged in digging for gold, in which undertaking he was quite successful. He remained in the gold regions about four years, when he re turned to Wisconsin and located in Trem pealeau county, and engaged in farming. A Ifirlla-day E'asJy. On Monday evening the loth inst., a very pleasant party were assemble4! at the large and elegant mansion of Mr. Geo. E. Stauffer, in East Stroud.sburg, to celebrate the eighteenth birth-day of his fair and ac complished daughter,. Mis.s Fit AN" ('is. No pains were spaircd to contribute to the happiness of the guests. They were invited to partake of a feast, the sight of which was most leasing to the eye, and the taste of which could not fail to tickle the palate of the most fastidious epicurean. The heart was enlivened by excellent vocal and in strumental music, and all were most agreea bly entertained, was clearly manifested from the joy that animated the eye, and wreath ed the face in smiles. In the midst of the festivities, melodious sounds of music were heard from without and at the door appeared the gallant S ntouDsuuRO Cor nets, who in beautiful serenades '"wooed with soft melody" the smile of beauty and the love of harmony. To them the doors were opened wide, aud M. A. Do L. Van Horn, Esq., on behalf of the fair recipient of their favor expressed her thanks for the most agreeable manifestation of their respect and regard and extended to them tlie d States securities, but Grant, and his ring got th::r eye- on the funds in th? bank and got Con ires' to pass an act repealing that clause of the charter so of ' 1 I: -maii boys cf whom there was a large r on-,-cut were tickled amazingly. i ne pi -si uce ot tlie oliigy gave room ior ,-o'ti ; rather an using remarks. One geutle- n; in hit the lion. Amandus under the eye, 1 y remarking that the getter up of the eflisry (,'iY'it to be sent to Danville ; another thought that it va : s me defunct "grabber" looking a ' . ....... i.,..!. ... .-.!. .... ti. --; i..-ii-.4 lllTNl Ull more Till en than Wb-t more might have been Hendricks. said is not k.io.vn. as j:r.t at tlits juncture, one boy tip ped M;. II '.varan over, when the rest :;.a'. be 1 bioi up and ran away with him da;'.: a : off d i-vn town at the top of their . ... .,.. YY;s was t liV last straw which broke . i i ....... .i. , i : ...!.:,.i. f 1 that the Inn-is said bank could be invested m Bjuds, Mortgages, and then Grant and his ring robbed the hank and used the funds t carry the elections. Ha l the Col. no respect lor his aud.en.'e? Did be think his hearers were fools enough to be lieve such contemptible bosh? The Col. read a teletrram from some enthusiastic Tildenite in Indiana, to the effect that that state would go for Tilden in Nov. with increased majori ty. Our pious friend over the way, then moved three cheers which were given. Me Kune went a tiger on it. The Col. wanted to charge the hard times on tl.e party in power but seemed to feel a -named to do it openly, but stated that hun dreds of men had starved up in the coal re gions because they could get no work. Here the (Job showed too much ignorance for his audience, for they all knew that not a person had starved in that section. The (Job stated that he was born in the geographical center of N. V. State and went to New York Citv as a drv goods clerk about the time that Tildcn came there to study law; whore they both boarded with Mrs. Barnes, Mr. Tilleu's aunt, who had two charmingly beautiful daughters, but unfortu nately, both died before they reached matur ity. And w predict that the Col s. beaut i ful hopes of office under Mr. Tilden will die before they arrive at maturity. Then the small fry joliticians were called upon one after another who responded brief ly. Mr. Broekway proposed to gather up all the ships there arc left and load up Grant and his office holders and take them out in mid oci'-m and duuip them. Then of course the offices Would be reformed by recruits from Lee's army and their friends and sym pathizers from the North. And that is just what reform moans when it comes from the Democraov. . But the loval people of the Icouritrv, Democrats and Republicans alike, MAIUUFYD. October 5, 1870, by G. D. Carrow, I). I)., Mr. John Hays, of Scranton, and Miss Cecilia Setzcr, of iStromlsburg. October 11, 1ST (5, at the house of Judge, M. II.Dreher, by the liev. 11. M. Wallace, Mr. C. II. Wells, of Mesboppen, Pa., and Miss Lizzie Dai ley, of Stroudsburg, Pa. October 11, 1ST0, at the house of the bride's father, by Rev. K. M. Wallace, Mr. (Jeorge W. Sears, and Miss Prancis Iinsh, daughter ol Win. F. Iiu.-h, Esq., all of East Stroudsburg, Pa. On Thursday morning, Oct. o, 1S70, at the residence of the bride's parents, bv the Rev. On. Diehl Foust, Mr. Peter T. Wolfe, of Mar shall's Creek, and Miss Kilen S., daughter of Simon Myers, Ksq. of Fast Stroudsburg. At the Delaware "Water Op, Pa., by the Rev. fj. W. Knipe, September loth, Darius M. Armnst, and Miss; Sarah M. Weaver, of Smith field tsp., Monroe Co. On Oct. 10th, at the parsonage of the Fast Stroudsburg M. F. Church by llev. Win. P. Howell. Mr. Benjamin Bush, of Kingston, and Miss Fi!a Smith) of Bushkill. At the Delaware Water Op, by the Rev. S. W. Knipe, Oct. 12th, lX7d, Fugt-nc Shellen horger, and Miss Oorgiana Wycoff, both ol the Water Gap. On the 17th, inst.. in Stroudsburg, at the re sidence of tlie bride's parents, bv the Rev. J S. Janes MeConnel, Mr. Charles Fvans and Miss M.arv L. daughter of Col. Chas. D. Brod- lieail. The happy couple in the exuberance of their iov did not forget the printer. Shortly after the conclusion of the ceremony we were pre sen ted with a liberal supply of cake with the compliments of the bride, and in return extend our warmest and mot heart felt thanks. Special jSTotice. Meksks. "Waxamaktj: and Biiov.,of of Philadelphia, never stand still in their business energy and enterprise. No soon er is one point of improvement made than another is meditated and brought in due time to the front. And the beauty of it all is that the" study the public interest as the basis of their own business prosperity. They have grasped their trade thy right handle. Increased facilities, decreased ex penses, enlarging business, all mean better goods ;it cheaper prices for the people. n 'JiimJ mn.'3i Mm. i'im. jlbj'awm.j m-Mi m v iii-trrfa ELECTION OF " DIRECTORS. Th. r. will l"-1 an -P--ti m lifl l at llif r.Tiikinj !rtn-r ..f tu- Sirtuli'itir.; Bank, ; .M-m-1 iv. N'v.-iiil.-r 1'K lf-Tu. botw-'-ti tin ii-'U" "l l i a. in., ana ;i. in., l-x-h-it tliir:"'.'i! in l"r ait IS-mk. l s.tvu ttii; cnuin; (AUl'.i-ll. J. MA. KT.V, Ca-l.i.T. jMETHODSPOSsWS. METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF AQVAHTAGE khe-IN THE PURCHASE OF CLOTH ma AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which we Invite the Interested Attention and Care'ul Scrutiny of THE PURCHASING PUBLIC- POiNTS : rrloo menm of r.ecctylho Low l J cit l'rkc METHODS: ."TE have but Oao Prico for All ... ""yyil receive Ca&ii Ptymcnt from All-... W give a Guarantee protecting All..... WE Return USney vrlion vro cannot suit All " WE buy our goods at first hands, in immense quantities, and at tho lowest prices for CaUh ... "Tt7E manufacture -with extremo caro V V every garment we sell WE inspect every yard of good3 that goes into our garments WE put a ticket on every garment, showing plainly its quality and price...... - WE cut off every item of unnecessary expenditure WE employ first-class workmen in every department "TX 7"E give satisfaction to every purchaser , V V or return tha money...- CASH ?avcs C7rpcn?T r f collections and roia uulI c.ljlo.. ............ Till: Gnr.rr.nf co prnicts tho luycr who Liy iiv,t Lo a ja-j ct" gjoJj We rc'y on rr.'cs r.-ul are sat fcf.od with a very n:u.ll percent age of prosit ITiser?y to huy of us, sirre all p. re treated alike, no one getting favors that Ere denied to others DICKERING and debate are done away Ly us.ev rybodj-geisourbefctwiih-out having to a;k lr it OUIi lnrrc orr-er!c?:', cnpflal and faciT-ii:c-3 we u:;e lor ti.e y.eoilc's benciit in lowering j ilcs WE f.U orders rccctvcd tvmail from all ps ru of the United States. 'Wriia fr particulars NOT a partfela r f ri!: ra in bayinjr of us. A child may buy as cheaply as a insn In addition to our Immcnsa Stock of T.eady-Mado Clothir.- we have a r.r.ignlf.ccr.t Lino of Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods, Ehirt3 (of our own make) and Underwear, all at tho Very Lowest Prices. WAWAK3AKER & BROWN, " OAK HALL, S. E, COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PTTTT, A "OSIiPHXA. Xuvember -l, 1875. Mi 3 GSTY A W j A-IIEAD IN v - P i J I AT 1 tt r v 5 i ? x TO THE PUBLIC. Th- )m11!'- :ir hiri lir itii i-:i-J :'t tn 1iarlr or tcu-a Wilhfii I 'nii.ll Nun', wliu a!.-. ir.'Ii-'l on tho last nl .Inly or lir-il of Aucusl, li-iiin rue II;- wii-i i i)il-nt nrrsl to til" in I7t lt rrvv until lit li-.ul nrrivinl 8t the age orisy.ari. W.M. b. (11. CM AN, Oi-t. iy- '.l :J Stroud t-ji., Monroe Co., I'a. FOR KENT. A Fann in Iirutliso Valli1 will lie rented for 1 ye-ir with tho jiriveleo nf longer time in shares or money rent. I inquire o('ir a(Llre.- li. 8. S.'ip, Jviton, I'a., or Ivs.-jr. rJulin Transue, l'ara-llse Vall.'y. Oct. lJ-iai. Auditor's Notice. Eetatt of DA WALT FISHER, deceased. The nn'Ursiznpfl Auditor, appointed by the Orn!i:ini' Court of Monroe counlv to make di- trilmlion of the money in the hand of Jacob Alteniowe, Administrator of tlie Kstate of Da- walt Kisher, deceased, will attend to the duties of hi appointment, on .Saturday, the IMIi i:y of November next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the olliee of Stephen Jlolmos, Jr. lYq., in the bor oiiirh of Stroiid-burir, in paid Conntv, when and wliere all parties interested arc repiested to attend and thev will he beard, or else le tor ever debarred from cumin? in for a share of said fund. ' M. A. I)k L. VAN HORN, Auditor. October 19, 187(5. 4t. T?y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, will be sold at 1'ublic Sale, upon the premise, on SA TURD A 1', yOVEMRT-R 4th, 1 S7G, at o c lock hospitality of the house. Quickly passed i s deilnv on iho Tth of Nov. in favor of the merry hours away, and as time was another way. For they are not yet ready to . . . . . . .1 i i ii. . it .i i i. Jjout to chronicle another day the party pay me reoci ueot. nor a.iow ume iu iuie dispersed with the wish that each auui- overnn.eut wlioj.y nioouy an-i cruel 1 etl- i I, j , ,j i,.,r,ni' war lousrht to destroy it for live years, vcrsarj of this day m.zht be as hapP3. ,...,: h;ls Wl.i;rilPj and riot toiui'l wanting. The party took tlie (lovcrnment when it was rent by a Demo cratic rebellion. It put the rebellion down. It freed the slaves, and made them citizens in reward for their loyalty. It has paid' off one quarter of the war debt, and our nation al finances are in a most prosperous condi tion, and we are gradually approaching a spe cie basis. We are fundiu.ir our bonds at 4 percent, while Huehanan was compelled to jjiye 12 percent, for money to run the (Jov Oument during his administration. And during his term of otfice it cost $1.97 per head to run the (Jovernment, while under Grant, to meet the ordinary expenses it takes but $1.00 per head. During the Democrat ic administrations from .Jackson to Huehnnan on every thousand dollars collected and paid out there lias been lost or stolen 811.02, while during the Kepublieau administrations from Lincoln to (jraut there has been lost but about 1.12 cents. Will our lVmoeratw friends tell us who the thieves are? FlitE. The "Pocono Mountain House," located about one mile aud a half above Tannersville, was destroyed by fire last Saturday night. The lire originated in the kitchen and is supposed to be the work of an incendiary as there was no one iu the house at the time the fire occurred. The fire was discovered by some of tlie neighbors before it had got under full head way and most of the furniture saved. The building was totally destroyed. The loss is nearly covered by insurance. John IlEMtr Williams, (colored) who was in attendance at Van Aniburghs Mena gerie, on Monday evening last, fell from one of the back scats, and in the fall re ceived injuries about the- neek and spine, which will, in all probability uk.-it achate h'm fjr some time. Auditor s Notice. EMate of MICHAEL JIEINEY, !mW. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make distribution of the uionev in the hand of Jo seph (i ruber. Adm'ur of the Instate of Michael llt-iney, deed, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Friday, tlie 17lh day of No vember next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at his office in Kiid Stroud township, containing in the borough of Stroudsburg, when ana where all parties interested are required to at tend and they will be heard, or else be forever debarred from coming in lor a share of paid fund. S. HOLMES, Jr., Auditor. Stroudsburg, Oct. 19, 137(5. -It. Hats and Caps 4." cents up. Ladies' and Misses Hats trimmed in frits nnd vr'v t - cents up. Also a full line of untrimmed Hots !; :.i -:." Furs lor Ladies, Gents and Children. Ladies gou'I .-: v:"-!i drens sets 7" cents up. Gents' Fur Collars and Gloves from 2 50 up. hawis, lull size from i ; cents up. Felt .Skirts, largest lot in town, (i cents up. Hosiery and Under-wear for Ladies and Gents" at t f f - t 1 1 r: Gents' half Hose 5 cents up. LadYs Hose S ret its ;:. liuek and Kid Gloves at panic prices. A larger si'' k tha Kids at the same low prices. -10, (.", SO. and io tY The new wide Ielts in velvet and leather from Yt c, ::ts Gents' cloth-faced paper Collars 10 cents a box up. A complete stock of Ladies and Gnts linen CY.iars a::-; d Hanukerchiefs, cheapest in town. Ribbons, all shades and colors. Hamburg Edgings and Trimmings. -1 cents up. White and colored Dress Shirts SI 00 up. IV.ue. brown and check Flannel 75 cents up. Shirt fronts. Over-alls and Suspenders, cheapest in t-wn. The largest assortment of Perfumes, Colognes, Toilet a; town. Real Hair Switches and Curls 81 00 up. Corsets from '.)") cents up. The latest improved RimY Lmbrellas GO cents up. Try Crowley's patent sewing and and kid glove Needles, tl m ill up. Chil- !,irb :i '. v 1 Y r i L:. : : ) ctS. up. two button 1 Scarfs and and o ; welry in i rut. Call and esamine the lowest j)rices. Stroudsburg, Sept. 28, 137C. 3m IVoprieto J. f the T T i I ; V. a.-aU'iiS. REINHART'S Pablic Assignee ik ! The undersigned. Assignee of Renjamin F. Reinhart, of Fast Stroudsburg, will ex pose at the Lackawanna House, on SAT Lit DAY, XOY., Uth, 1S7G, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following Valuable i Real Estate, viz: A lot of ground, situated in said Rorouh, 17 feet front by 150 feet in depth. The lot is nicely located in one of the best parts of the town. The improvements thereon consist of a new CAUTION -r hi :i r.t ' i 1 1; : r : ry ': i' ir'iiil . i'!i' ii u-'t. : it :i t . I ;iiii ;. l:i-r -ii.rr i.-I In::. (K't. lsTi;-::.. w.n. i l.vl ami 1 ln'l-fl y t !i niv li'Mx .It" AN. fa. T-.t-. A':iH-.in (HI. -: 1' Uls, OaIjjLj. ll.-.W . lt;li:i. H'i!:--!'-. i' .-, .., ! : I' 11. -ll'.i hi. Al, KIN 1 NK!l. ASSIGNEE'S f'T'TriTP J. iu JL-l. Two Story Frame Dwel-f;v? lino- House. J, 20 by 2G feet, with a kitchen attached, 10 by 20 feet, and other necessary buildings, water, Sec. Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by WILLIAM II. REINHART. East Stroudsburg, Oct, 1370-!. Ajm-ul-if R:;.K:t '. i: ;:'!rl"t il:ld Wife, of Eit if:,.yfn-j, lt. Whereas, lhe above named have made an isMsinn nt of all i!.ir real estate f the under- ! sigruMl, for the benefit of iheir creditors, notice ! is therefore jiiveii tl.' il ;.ll peiui- Iiaving claims against the said assignors will pre-ent lluin at , once, and all indebted are notified to make immediate pa v:m :.!. W m. ii. K FIX HART, Assignee. Jackson Corners, I'a. Oct. ", 'V'-ot " dissolution notice. Orphans9 Court Sale. ii-!wir hi'twiiii mi. is I his da v dis- Th.' C.-iivtm-rliiM h-r.-lol" WiNfin feirnn :unl S". .1. 1 li i Mil veil li v iuulu.ll tiiiM'iil. WII.m iX f F.UISOX, VM. .1. l lloMfSON. The lmsin:vs v ill si ill 1. cutiinul ;U the .U1 I'laeo by V ilsmi I v i i-.i ' n. "l'.at Striiiiil-.hu!'..', S, i(. -.-J, 1 7.'.-:.;. Auditor's Notice. Eitat of BURTON HAY, decmsed. Excep tions to account of At7.so lhiy, Adiuor. Notice is hereby jriven that t lie undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' t.'ourt of Monroe county lo examine and resettle said account ami make distribution of the balance on the account of paid Adinini.-trator, hereby gives notice that lie will attend to tlie duties of bis appointment, on Tuesday, November lf, 1870, at 10 o'clock a. iu. at his olhYc, when and where all persons interested may be pres ent if they see proper, and those having claims against said estate, aire required to present the same, or be forever debarred from coming in upon said fund for nnv share thereof. H. IIOLMKS. Jr., Auditor. Is'troudriburg, Oct. 19, 187, 4t. CAUTION. Having loaned t Andrew Walk and Haimnb W:dL- ol" V:iivi.!is. townshio. f,1':, t',171:71,Ita;'l"fiIonroe County, State of Pennsylvania, 1- LAO lAl, late ot SUroud township, t . , 1 ,nntv. deceased, viz: during my pYaMire, the following named A certain Messuage and lot of Land, situate articles, and l hereby caution the public not to meddle or interfere with r.iy property un der penalty of the law. vi. : 12 bti-bels of rve, 15 Acres and 29 Perches, bounded lv land of John Metealf, David Kel half a tui of straw, LO bushels of com, 200 Ui A.J. IJiifh, Lavina Fabel, Enoch Flagler I bundles corn stalks, IOOsIumvcs of oats, 25 and others, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. I he improvements are a Frame Dwelling House, IS x 30 feet, one and a half stories high, and FRAME KITCHEN' attached, 12 x IS feet ; FRAME RA UN 31 x T.'J feet, and other out buildings; a good well of water and also cis tern. Stream cX water passes through the premises. The public rod leading from Stroud-sburg to Tannersville passes along the fame. The property lays within a mile of the Rorough of Stroudsburg. Terms ru;ule known on the day of sale. ENOCH FL.UiLER, Adm'r. Ry the Court Tho. M. Mcllhanev, Clerk. October IS, 187ti-."t. ' NOTICE. Thrt Annual Meetin of tho FtuckhoMi i of the St ifni.Kliur l'.-ink, w ill be b id at tlii-ir Bunking llou.st; on iho first Tupbday of Novcinbor, (7th,) 1S7i, hclwn i the hours of 1 anl 'I oMm'k, 1 M. CKt. i-t .1. XIVKEV, Ca-hior. bushels of potatoes, 1 bed-stead and bed ing, ") chairs, 1 roeking- cliair, 1 sfla, clothe.vjuvss, 2 chests, 1 gtind-stoue, 1 grass scythe, 2 looking-glasses, -1 hoes, 1 clock, 2 stoves, and a lot td" kitchen furniture. 1 1 A X N A II SXVDEE. . Paradise tsp. Oct. T, JSTii-Ht. To tliv. Biitli oudi Ht i:it lrs ol MONROE COUNTY. I offer myself as a candidate to represent this County, iu the State Legislature. If elected I shall serve you faithfully and to the best oS my ability. I do this at the solicitation of many of my fellow I Vmocrats in ditierent parts of the county w ho believe the interest of the County can be best served by electing its offi cers without the manipulation cf a convention.. C. S. PALMER. Stroudsburg, Aug. filth, X u'l UK in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers