JJJl r jr Ei VI ' ' T "'" . ' ' 1 - . B, y 1JL .Li- .Hjiimmj'. -: . . ! ..zrr. ii.' -' ! ? ' " ' J" I JDcootcJ-t6"3olitics, literature, agrtcnlturc, Science; iHoroiitt); nnb':(5cucral ;5nti!iacuce- , : VOL. 34: STROUUSBURG,: MONROE COUNTY, PA , OCTOBER 12."187G. NO. 19. f tr a' D1 1 3 - Published by Theodore Schoch. Ti:rv- Two dollars a year in advance anI riot pail lwf"rc the oni of the year, two dollar aud fifty 'Mit will be chari-d. Kir S paper Jisoontitiiied until all arrearages aro pail. exe'-pf at the iijtlnn if the Ivlitor. f K if Ailvertiment of one square of (eight line) or lo. one or tlir(e insert ions t Iiu-h adiiitiuual in sertion, .10 cpnt. I .o tiger ones in proportion. ;v JO It 1RITIXG OF ALL KIS!S, i ExpciUM in the hizbest style of the Art, and on th most reasonable term. J. II. Sill I.I., M. D. Seond door below Burnett House. Residence 2nd door wet of llick-tite Quaker Church. Office hours S to 9 a, in., 1 to iS p. ia., 6 to 9 p. in. Mar 23, l.76-tf. XJ PL I13slci.11. and Surgeon, STROUDSBURG, Pa. Offii-e, formerly occupied by lr. Seip. Ttesidenee witb. J. It. Miller, one door below the jeOTersonian Offiea. nrliee hours, 7 to 9, 12 to 3 and 6 to V. Mar It, ISTtJ. tf. ;i. I.. PECK, .Surgeon Dentist. nflics in .T;is. Ivliner's new buildin.nearly opposite t hi- Si roii'lburif Hunk, lia.s .tdiiiniltrred for'extacting r. hen desired. iStroudshurj;, Jan. fi,'76-tf. FilYSU'IW, SURGEOX AXD ArCOLTIIEUK. Office in Samuel Hood's new building, nearly p p.iise the poit office. R..-M.ieuec on t-arjib ctreet, a!org Franklin. Att-u-t S,'72-tf Attorney at Iir, );ie ilnr aUore the "troulbiirg House, ironclslinr":. la. Collection-: prompt! v made. October 11, 1874. U Notary iu!lic, Real Estate ar.d lnsurar.ee Agent and CONVEYANCER. 77.'.'" trnrchrd and Convvnncivy in all it Lrasic'iL's carefully ami promptly attended to. Acknoirlftlgmrnt taken for other State. O.T.ce, Kistlt r's Brick Building, near the R.R. Depot, EAST STKOUDSCrKG, PA. 1'. O. Box 'JO. September ISTti. tf. WILLIAM S. ItEES, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Real Estate Agent. Farms. Timber Lands and Town Lots FOR SALE. O.Tice mrarlr oppo-ite American Hones and '1 door l.elow the Corner .Store. M irch 1! lS7r,-tf. DR. J.LANTZ, SURGEON & MECHANICAL DENTIST. M11 li!t hi o;jftf on Main strret. in the .ceond story or l)r. . Uiit.:r hri'-k 1'iiil iiu. narlv oi.rosile the '.r u i-'.. .ir ' ir-iie. and he tlu("r hiin-elf that bveih- t. n nn -f tint nrrtrti.-e and the inot earnest and srifiil aTtii; io to all metier pertaiiiin:; to his pr sicii. that lie is '.il!v able to perform :iu opra! kmis in th.detital line in tin: most careful aud skillful mau- n -r. Sp?-ial attention jiven to saving the Natural Teeth; !v ift insertion of Artificial Teeth on Riib:er, ij! 1, iiv -r, -tr Coiiiiuuoiit tiuius, and erlW t fit in all ea" i n n r-o. M ? p.-rsons know th reat folly and dunjerof en- t !-!: mi; r'e-i r -xr,i K tn the I n.'.ieri-ueei, or to t hoe n in; jt a di-tati'-e. April 1'!, 1S74. tf. 0 ppesition to Humbuggery! The uiideri;tied here'jr announees that he has re- Mini'-j bii'iin'.-s at the old stand, next door to Kusfer s li.:hi:i inre, Main ftret, l roudshu rf. I 'a., and is fully prepared to accommodate all in want of BOOTS and SHOES, tnr.de in tho latest style and of pood material, llepair- in; promptly atteliKsi to. tiive me a rail. iee. 9, 1R7.VIT.J C. I.rCWi.S WATERS. Aorii:it Tiiornv ivo V.T THE ESTET COTTAGE ORGANS! Tlicso Mtperior and Wantifully finished in tnimciiis far eclipsed their competitor in olnnie, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone, a to carry oil' the fir.-t and only premium giv n to exhihitors of reed Organs at the Monroe County Fair, held September 2-, 1S74. Jim- only die Lent. Vor price lit address Oct f-tr. J. Y. SKJAFUS, PAPER IIAiSUK, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MOXKOE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop. SircotDSBURO, Pa. The undersigned would respect fully in form the citizens of Siroudsbtirg and vicinity 'tat he is now fully prepared to do all kinds of Paper Hanjinw, Glazing and Painting, promptly and at short notice, and that he will keep constantly on hand a line tock ol I'aper Hanging of all descriptions' and nt low pricee. The patronage of the publie s earnestly eolictcd. May 16, 1872. Dwelling House for Sale. A very desirable two tory Dwelling House, eontain- J-a irnc seven rooms, one of which Kuiiaoie t-iryV for Store Rnorn aitimte on Main utr'H't, ;;;;,iTin the Borough of Sirou'bbur. The Ilii R,?'''i;ddin" is nearly new, and every prt GagASrt a iu g.id conditwa. For terms &o.f "'! t th.sofUee, fDec'O, 187o-tf- MASON TOGK. J. II. aieCartj & Sons, it Practical Undertakers, Beg herewith to offer to the public aVa bu siness novelty and practical convenience the following price list, of Boperior 'j-j' COFFINS and CASKETS. An examination of the Hat Trill at once, reveal the cost of articles in thin line, whether metal or wood, from the plainest to the motIabor ate hniidied, o that parties at a distance or at home, have bnt to read to find the precise ar ticle wanted, at prices ranch lower than offer ed by any other houne in City or Country. These goods are all of the best qnality, nothing inferior being kept in stock, and will hear the closest inspection, which is cordially invited. The list will be found to embrace all the Tuore recent and meritorious inventions,'' " Price List of Covins and Quiets furniised by J. II. McCarty Jc Sons. i i , No. 1 Full size complete $25 00 No. 2 Full size O J top and molded " - base, complete ': '- ' HO 00 No. 3 Full size, double top aTtrl monld- ,ed base, French plate Glass, handles plated, Satin or 3Ierina lining C 00 No. 4 Full size, round corners, rich monntings, Merino lining, Silk fringe ' - ; 40 00 No. o Full size, donhWtop, full glass " Octagon ends, Merino lining, cotn " pletc ' 4" 00 Imitation Coffins, full size $9 to Slo do do all sizes, from 20 inches to G feet, in stock 1 30 per font? Children's Cnfliins Walnut - $.tol" do White Caskets, complete, from 2 ft. G ineh.-to 4 ft. ." inch. $12 to $1S. Children's solid Kose Caskets, kept in stock, from 2 ft. 10 inch., to 4 . ft. 10 inch, trimmed ami boxed $20 and tip. No. 1 Full size Casket, complete $38 00 No. 2 do do polished, handles and plate, complete 42 00 No. ,'5 Full size Casket, polihcd Wal nut, handles, plate, thumb-screws and richly trimmed, complete 4-j 00 No. 4 Full size beautiful Octagon or bent ends, raised double top, full glass, heavy moulded, Me rino or satin lined, complete 50 00 No. 5 Full size Gem Casket, in Wal nut or Kose wood only, no sizes under 4 ft. G inch, price as trim med, from $50 to $150 00 Style A Wrought metal Burial Caskets, full size, weight from 2")0 to 400 lbs. plain finish, imitation of Rose wood or Walnut, single glass, from SIS to $9o 00 Style U Full size beautiful Cas kets, boiler iron, weight from 2-"0 to 350 lbs. double thick plate-glass, beauti fully trimmed with satin or merino, from $75 to $150 00 Style (J Full size wrought metal Casket, glass covering, whole top, 1 inch thick, bar, handles, silver corner pillars, weight from 350 to ' 450 lbs. price from $190 to $400 00 Children's Metalic Caskets, all sizes, from 3 ft. up. Prices in proportion. No extra charges for attending Funerals. September 2$, 187G. OPENYOE TO THE Oppression of high prices ! RELIEF HAS COME ! ! Now jou can get the benefit of your CASH in purchasing . BOOTS and SHOES: Prices lower than any in Town. If you don't believe it call and he convinced. The People's Cash Boot and Shoe Store. fg- 3 doors above the Washington Hotel-TBS K. K. WYCKOFF, Formerly with J. Wallace. . .: I. Stroudsburg, July 27, 187G-3m.y B!nUlnVi-SinnUrd Ciieumhr nd Orfton Cm.' To"!, wiui I weSMALL. VWwn. P.lr.nrt Trm4e- i2.V.?rral" in u,. u,U hi, K'hlMUM. Tr,l .n r hi fr r-'sl's -. -J erf" e4 le. C G BLATCHLEV, Wanuf r, 506 Commerce St.,Phila Sept. 28, '76-Gui ; CAUTION! ' M:) ATI nrsons are iicrebv . cautioned, not '-, to trespass on any property i of.the; .mderfiigned, sitiiate in Sjtroud township, ouroe county, Fa. A ny ooe yioJatLng this notice will be prosecuted, to the full estept of the law. Stroadeburg, July 29, 1875.. 151 PUPS... Wim w4"V"r- -v P-sm mr- MM - CD J wrWPf IVte m HH WILL EXHIBIT AT : Stroudsburg, ; on Mpnda October 16th, 1876. ';. v iVdmissibir 50 ' cents.;. .Cliildreii; nhder 9 years of age 25 ecssis. JD" ZDoprs:.' open at 1 and Y o'clpcls: precisely. . X. T. Special Detectives accompany the the Ticket-wagon, can procure Tickets on the ground. Dr. IT. T. UelrabolJ, of "buelm" no toriety, who h:x for a year or more been restrained of hU liberty on the ground that i i - .1. . i ne m was iim ie, a m w o rccenuy e.capeu roTTHV1LLE 2a kScpt. 2D. This even again irom the iVnn.sylvama Asylum, has i . Jacob JIuntzi rcr iate prcsident of the turned up iv .New ork. He was diseovcr- . Trugt WM re,aI.restjd liere. ed at a hotel uuilei, dirty and careworn; ! Tcrc aro live.couts iu tlm K.harfrQ auinst but instead of being promptly returned to ,,j tha fit au1 gec0U(1 cUargiiis that by Ins old quarters , li kna obtained the certi- rruU(juleut dividends declared July, Ccatesoi several phy.tcians in that city that anJ ,)c flnJ hi, falllil drcw'S3U(); he is a sane man, and on the strength of tho third fmrtl v thc cm. these he has commenced a suit fi.r the re- hment of $5a 100 frulu thc ,lCrifr, also coy-cry of ln.s property in order that he niay of ttf fums) renlaini r in tht) bank when estabrisli himselt in business iu that city. ho jrs wel.a , tloa ; the . fifth count 11ns is ; altogether a strange turn. Mean- d 1()r a yolvout Lank time lus wife has commenced a suit for 'a! C11 , ., , t.. a..c..,.u ,.e z-- nan i, divorce based oirthefact that he is insane, and there secnis to be no. good reason ' why sue fciiouiu uol uuLuin . , j ' i - i ' i ' "' '; The Kepublicana of Maimiare how hold iner gratitication meetuigs, -and ,thc Deuio- ItraU gruntlficatibn? 0808.. "; - , Ilobert; Barnwell llhett, the South Caro- .i..",nni" J f.t ' r -, . lina fire-cater, diedlin'ousiana, on Thrs - day, Sept. 21 tb, aged 62 years. ci(ic8!0W.: Show for the protection of the publie. Those wishing to avoid the usual crowd around the day of the Show, at a trilling advance in price, of parties on the streets and at 1 II. FJIOST, Manager. . P0TTSVILLE BANK FAILURE, Jacob Hun tzinger Lodged in Jail. was. committed to prison. ; -TitKUii is a.fall of 20 per tent, iu rubWr goods fcince last year. ;-v i ; ..::!:-! i ,i ilOO bushels. of evru.i to tie acrq j3 nqt .tjocouunop. in ,.IUuiois.3 ? :,..-. , ; -ii. -. i l I Tun passenger receipts of theP.,R. K are Eaid. to be nearly 1,000,000 per week. Ax exchange sajs ; :Jvcry lialo while we read of some one who bast-truck a rusty nail in his foot or, some other part of his person, and lockjaw has resulted therefrom. 'All such wounds can be healed without any fatal consequences following tbem. The remedy is simple. It is only, to smoke such wound, or any wound or bruise that rs inflamed, with burned wool or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke of wool will take the pain out of the worst case of inflammation arising from any wound that we ever saw." .Ko.NDoyT, X. Y., lias 20,000 Jogs3 so its papers say'. ';..'. , .' .v. .-. '., . :; : : : : - . (-- . . . , n,7p3 fugitives from j uslice arc report ed asleing in .Texas. . .Titu pfHcial acouut' ofT lVnnsylvauia day fellows a, total attiVdancc . of ,271,019. in cluding 2o,o2 paying visitors to the Main Exhibition. ' Tho receipts . for tlie Aveek were 300,409,75 and the'adiu-?iiiJr,s 'pCO, 32G. " ' ' THE REAL ISSUE. rKKCII OK t-KXATOIi CO X K 1. 1 X G A T I'TICV A (iOOlv WOKD r't'K TIIK HKff KlJCA.V I'AUTY.' C)n(1Tuef day evening Hoik Iloscoc Conk Jiug made his seech at Utica. tu an audi ence of three thousand attentive listener's. The address was ii' candid ami impressive review of the history cf thc Democrirtic party from the time of Andrew' ,aeksoti down to the present, with reference to its attitude the leading questions which have 'divided parties in that -time. In this re view be showed how the Democrats had been a party of conservatism and retrogres sion. The concluding portion of the ad dress dealt with the reform issue, and on this tin; record of the opposition was taken as the index of what it would do if again intrusted with power. Iu conclusion tJ orator said : In ten years, toward $300,000,100 of the debt has been paid, or nearly : $30,000,000 a year. The annual interest has been" re duced nearly $50,000,000. The annitl taxes have been reduced $202. WO.'. Since the war the annual expenditures, where the Democrats found them, have been reduced $27,OO0-,0(M). . Do you believe our oppon ents would have done or would do better than this ? For nine months the- had tin; power all the time in the House of Repre sentatives to propose something. The' re duced no tax, they did nothing to improve hard timet ; they cut off appropriations', must of which they will pot lack in deti cieney bills ; they removed Union soldiers from little places", and, ransacking the whole government at home and abroad, they filled the land with noise about corruption, and found some instances in which men had be traved their trusts and disgraced them selves. I have spoken of some of thc things done and to be dore. They are not resolution or talk or hiph sounding promise? they are deeds. The Republican party is not made up of theorists or critics or profes sional reformers or vain-glorious pretender to supreme wisdom. Its task has bee?i with? actual, difficult,- vast affairs. It has made mistakes, aud the wonder is, nut that it ha.s made so many, but ,ro few. Its counsels have iu the main been guided by earnest ness and good faith. Time will vindicate it. The people will vindicate it by their votes. The opposition is masquerading for re form, but it is the same party, hostile m war and wrong in peace it is the wolf, gaunt and hungry, the wolf wearing sheep's clothes. It seeks power, first by defaming its country and exaggerating facts, and second, by holding out hopes and expecta tions which politics, however administered, can no more fulfill than medicine can! be stow eternal youth on man. Looking at all the facts, iry faith is, that the natiou is safer t o 'r.'bide in thc Republi can sh'p. ?ian is restless and discontented at best ; when times are hard, to chancre in the natural impulse ; but to jump from thc frying-pan into the fire, is a change a? foolish as it is familiar. Commcrical and financial depression prevails throughout Europe and (Jreat Britain, as well a here. Jn this country. the business outlook is improving. Of this there are many signs, but there is one better than all. The people of all clas ses are economizing and saving thev haver been saving for three year?. A penny saved is a penny carrred, and the nation's savings by economy since 1S73, if footed up in figures, would amaze us all. The expenses of national government have been rigorous ly retrenched, also, and retrenchment will aud must go on. Ict us" have peace, liberty nrd order everywhere. Let an American citizen be as safe everywhere in his own laud as he is on foreign soil. Let us have houcsty and economy in all public affairs. Let us lift the publie credit higher and higher. ,vtus have the treaury defended from every un just demand. Let us make every dollar of currency as good as gold. To do all these things let us vote to keep the government in the hands of those who ?tood by Jt ami saved it, and keep it out of the hands which sought to destroy it. The prospect of suc cess is bright on every side. Tf it were not so I should still more regret being less able, than usual to advocate a cause in which I never believed more earnestly than now Trusting that New York will stand at tho head of thc column, and that no county will be laggard in the march, I thank you for your attention and trust that prosperity and sueee-s will attend you all. Ji'Ihsk Hexukhsox, of Lebanon' court- ty, at a late session of the Court of Quar ter Sessions, issued an order forbidding the admission of boys into thc court-room dar ing the trial of cases. He based the order upon the demoralizing effects of the narra tion of crime upon the young. His posi tion has been highly commended by thc press in all parts of tho State. Ix speaking of the rebel war claims 31 r. Tie m is said, at thc mass-meeting in Steuben county : '-They want us to pay for the use of bat tie-field? on which we licked them, and their impudvmee goes to far as to de mand rent lor battle-grounds on which they licked us." ; TllE Pennsylvania Republican state com mittee has arranged , for fifty-six meetings within the next tvro weeks. The whole state is now reported to be thoroughly or gan Led, and meetings are held nightly in ever' county, under the supervision of the local committees. . . Tut late fair in Lehigh ' county was at tended by about twenty-five thousand peo ple. ' " Hr- ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers