ri .JA.I.M'IWW.'JIVIJ.'J J!H.t ll.li.XJiJJtJIUIJ EJcootcb to politics, fiitcroturc, -Agriculture, Science, iiloinlitij, onb enecal 3ntclliqcurc. , ... . , , ' t a l e VOL. 34. Published by Theodore Schocli. Tki:ms Two tl.dfcirs a year f n ii'Ivnnco and if nut jciiil ln-forc the en! of tli; yo:vr, two dollars and fifty cent" will In rli.nrj-fd. No n:T lisc.ntiiiM',d until nil arrearages are paiil. exeept at the option of the IMitor. r. r Advertisements of one soii:iri X (eiu'lit linos') or J,.., one r three insertions 1 .". ICaeh additional in ertion, IK ills. Itner ones in proportion. JOES I It I X T I X ii ' OK At.T. KINDS, Kxci tilod in the highest style of tho Art, and on the niot reasonable terms. J, II. Sill I.I, , M. !. Second diKir below Kiirmtt House. Ilesiilenee 2nd door west of Hicksite CJuaker Cliureli. (Hike hours S to 0 a. in., 1 to :l ji. til., ti to ! p. in. Mav -", lsTo-lf. D it. s. 3iirs.i;j:, I'li.VMlciau ami Surgeon, STROUDSBURG, Pa. Olliee, formeily occupied by lr. .Si. Residence with .1. It. Miller, one door below the jett'soiiiait (llliee. ili.- hour-, 7 to 12 to :: and " to !i. May 1 1, lsT.;. it. lK. X. I.. P5:CIi, D' Stu'scon lcntisl. niliee in .Lis. I'M inker's n ew bu ildi ng. nea rly oj poitc the Siroii.l-liurg Hank, (las admnhtcrod for extaeting hen ilesire.l. Striud'iiirg, Pa. f.Tan. fi.'Tn-tf. jit. c;s:o. iv. .1 .tciisox piivsinix, si'RGEax am) AirorniELR. ;ti'-e iii Sainii' l 11o.n1" n b-iiMmt;, nearly ot p ile the pnt oilioc. Jlc.-idence on Sarah street, iili.oe K ran fcl in. An'i-t S.'7'J-tf w rn.so ii-:inso. east sTr.ori)i;i K(; ta. knoul iljv.ietits ta'cen and a!! btisin p.-rtaiiiing t.p the oiiiec carefully exeentJ. i'ii:i:sx THOMl'sox, K al ll.tat- 1 i:ura!iee Au'elits. li;l'e-e, Ki-'ler' 11 - le.-.il lin' n--:ir the 1 JmI. J'.if s; ro:iiN'eir'. l'a.. Jan. L'7, is;.;. D.ivie s. r.i:s:, Attorney al Law, One dtor alvive the ".Stroinlsburg House." S;i)-i.!-'!ir. Pa. C'il!ecti')ii promptly 1:1 ade. tetober lS7t. WILLIAM S. RSES, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Seal Estate Agent. Farms. Timber Laiids and Totth Lots FOR SALE. O.Tiiv? nn-arly opposite Aau-riean Houes sn I - I d-fir lu'low the Corner Store. M tn-Ii 'JM, HT-Mf. DR. J. LANTZ, SURGEOxT & MECHANICAL DENTIST. "l ill has lii. oiiic on Main street, in the second story o iVaii oi iii i. i: luiildiii-'. nearly opposite the Si r.ei ! - 'in r- II use. a 1 el le- Iia1-r hini-ei (' t hai by i ipli t 11 y -ars e.ii.la;it pra-tiee and th- uet -arii"s! and e.ir-l'd Mil -ulioii to ail ni jlters p.'i t ui tii 11 lo bis pio I --i-.ii. that In' is fully aMe to j ri o iii op-rat ions ia lli-il -iila! line in the most careful and skillful man lier. speeial attention -ivi-n to savin-the Natural Teeth: to tie; i 1 1 - .-1 1 1 : 1 of Artificial Teeth on IttiMicr. 1 iol l. Silver, or t 'out : uiious ' ui, and pel feel fits in alt ca- iiisunil. M'ii p-roiis know the great folly and danger of fn t ni.i in - t Ii: ; r work to t he iricxerieiieeii. ". to :!ei-e li v-ia-al a ii-!a:e-e. April 1-, 1-7-4. tf. Opposition to Humbugg cry! Tlie 11 ii'l-rsi.'neil hereby nn:ioiin' e that he has re-Mini-si lni.in- a; th-old stand, next d-nit to l;iiterS ( 'lothin j ior-, Main street, .-iroiid.-biir::, l'a., and i? Lilly prepared to accommodate all in want of BOOTS and SHOES, Mane ill the latest style and of good material. Ilepair- in; p rouim I v aTtent.il to. ( iive me a fill. ii- . :i, ls7Vty.i C. I.KU'IS W'ATKKS. a.otixs:zi Toiiav ivox i:v T11K ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS! These Ptiperior arid beautifully finished in struments so far eclipsed their competitor in vol u me, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone, as to carry olTtlie first and only, premium giv en to exhibitors of reed Organs at tlie Monroe County Tair, held September 2", 174. Jhiv ont- the Lett. For price list address Oct 1-tf.l J. y. SIOAFL'S, PAPER IIAiMJEK, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MOMIOE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, SrRotDsBuiia, Pa. The untiemgned would respectfully in form the citizens of Strondsburg' and vicinity 'lint he is now fully prepared to do all kinds ot Paper Han;itir, Glazing and Painting, promptly and at short notice, and that he will keep constantly on hand a fine stock o! I'aper Hangings; of all dcscripi ions and at low prices. The palruuage of the public, is earnestly solicted. May 16, 1872. Dwelling House for Sale. A very desirable two story Dwelling House, contain ing seven rooms, oik ot which is suitable for a Store Koom, situate on Main street. in the Jiorough ot Siiroudsburg. 1 he ! building is nearly new. and every part .of it in good condition. J'or terms Ac, at thin ollice. J lee. JI, l75-tf. D OX'T you know that J. H. 3IcCartv A' Sons mo the onlv Under takers in Stroud -sbui "; who understands their bu.Miies.s ? I f not, attend a Funeral managed t'y any other Undertaker in town, and you wij ee the proof of the fact. Juno ls74-tf 11 1 1 " .1. p i in iju juium TO WHOM it MAY CONCERN! SEBASTIAN ECHLE, Has resumed the HOOT and SHOK nuking husiness, in all its various liranelies, in the basement of J. b Miller's building, one dKr I-iist of Jt ttersonian Office. All who desire anything in his line, done up in the highest style of the art, are cordially invited to drop "' March ::o,'VO-tf. CAUTION ! All persons are hereby cautioned not to t res pas ss on any property of the undersigned. situate in Stroud township .Monroe countv. Pa. Anyone violating tins notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. JACOB H. IIUTTS. Strondsburg, July 20, 1S75. DOWNTOWN We the undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of btroudsburir and that we have added incut of to our large as.sort- 3 HATS AIS1D CAPS, A conijilctc and carefully selected stock of Men's & Youths' Ready- made Clothing of .the latest and and host fjualit'. jilcte line of most fashionable stylos We have also a coni- CE.V ST FURNISHING GOODS, 'lease give us a call and examine our stock and prices before you purchase else where. e shall soon oner a meiit of large assort- Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c. You will find us one door west of Kej' stoue Drug tftorc, 3Iain Street, Strouds burg, l'a. X. 1. Silk Hats ironed and repaired at short notice. (Jive us a call. waltox & wixteiimi:te. .Stroudshurg, April 2, 1870. OFFICIAL NOTICE. $000 EBWAED! t c t m 4 Itx, jj j, 4, Vlimi STROUDSBURG, A tall-complcxioned YOUXU MAX, n-ed ft. in., height 150 lbs. Had on, when last seen two pnirs of swallow-tailed sealskin trousers, fashionable mutton cutlet waiscoat, with delirium trimmings; double-barrelled frock coat, with horse collar and sausage lining; patient leather-bottom top shoes, laced up at tiie stile, and buttoned inside. He is deaf and dumb of one eye and hard of hearing with the other, with a slight squint in his eye teeth ; stoops very up right with a loud imju-diment in his look, chignon on up per lip with whiskers bitten od' short inside; mouth like a, torn jiocket ; hair of a deep scarlet blue and parted from ear to yonder; Calves of legs rising 4 years, to be sold cheap on ac count of the dearness of milk ; very liberal with other peoples' money, and well known to a good templar, having been eleventeen years a member of the 1. O. G. T. (I Often Get Tight SocietyJ. . Any one who knows of his whereabouts will please report at the -Empire Clothing Store, where he will find the L AUG K.ST and BEST ASSORTMENT OF Men and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valices, &c. &c. kept in this vicinity, and which we will sell at the LOWEST PANIC PRICES! If you want to save money don't fail to ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. If you want GOOD GOODS allow prices, there is no place in Monroe Countv to com pete with the KM PIKE CLOTHING STOIiE. Our new Ftock is complete in every particu lar. 1 'lease call and examine for yourselves. SIMON FRIED, at Empire Clothing Store. Strondsburg, March 23, 1S7C tf. BLANK MORTGAGE F' T s;il' at this Office. Store I STROUDSBURG, MONROE jiljjji. Aiim NASBY. MR. XASRY GOES TO TIIE ST. LOUIS CON VENTION HE RETURNS ENTIRELY SATISFIED WITH TIIE PLATFORM AND CANDIDATES. Confedrit X Roads, wich is in the state uv Kentucky, Joon 2lhh, 1S7G I hcv returned from St. Loots, and wity glad I am to get back to the scene of iny fuchcr labcr for the next four months. St. Loois is a a hot city, but cz the likkcr is alluz good there, and ez the Tilden delegates, ez well cz the anti-Tildtu ones, hail lots uv monej', I made out to get on. Ez they never argood with a delegate without ask in him to take suthin, I didn't make up my mind till the very last. It wuz the most intcrestin convenshun I ever attended, and I have bin to cm all pence the one that nominated Martin Van Rooren. This was the most intcrestin, becoz so thoroly devotid to reform, wich alluz is my best holt. Ef I can't be a re formin suthin I am absolootly mizrable. It gave me noo hopes uv the republic to see the spent uv reform that filled the soles of all the Pitnocrisy present, that is, nearly all ut cm. Occasionally an anxious-lookin farmer delegate wood remark, "what shed we do with the currency ?' and then Mor risey wood immejitely shut him up with the remark, "1 u the currency wat we want is reform in the government." And when a Xoo England biznis man would ask, "what shel we do with the cur ruency ?" Ross Kelly wood d 11 him for introdoocin disturbiu elcmeneo into the con venshun. "What we want is reform," the Ross would continyoo, and ef the man didn't sing small some uvof the Rosses' reformers wood go thro him. I don't wonder that the X 00 ork Rimocrisy love him. John M orrisoy is the most ardent re former I know uv. lie was so entirely devotid to it that I saw him stop a game uv faro, at a bank which he run doorin the the conven.shuii, to argoo with an Injeany delegate, who wuz a loozin bootifully, that cf the Dimocrisy didn't git control uv the Noo York custom house and postofiis, the country wuz ruined shoor. In the coz of reform he wuz willin to devote all the pro fits uv his banks at Saratoga and Washing ton. Ross Kelly was even more urgent for re form than Morrissey. He said that until Tammany got possession of the govern ment, he cood see nothin but rooin ahed. (Jive him a platform which pronounced squarely for reform, and he wood feel en eurridged to promise a Democratic majority uv 40,000 in the city uv Noo York alone. With the Custom House and Postofiis in the control uv Tammany, he cood afford to pay ten thousand repeaters, and give stiddy employment to every shoulder hitter and bruiser in the city. He wood feel justified in charterin a thousand gin mills, and to make sure uv the state he wood promise to give any majority in the city that mite be needed. Reform wuz his watchword. Roolittle wanted reform he yearned for it. He said that until a president wuz elected that wood make it possible for him to be Minister to England there wuz no hope uv the Republic, lie wuz disposed to yield everything in sich matters cz cur rency, and tariffs and sich, but it wuz uv the first importance that the country be property represented at the Court of St. James. The southern delegates wuz ckally ur gent for reform. What they felt wuz ne cessary wuz a complete change. They had ground for twelve years under the horrors uv nigger votin, and anything that wood give em relecf that wood satily em. Eny thing to the good old idee uv the soopre macy uv the sooperior race, and the re doosiu uv the nigger to his normal condis hun. One Georgy delegate actooly shed tcers over the suiferins he lied endoorcd. He sobbed audibly wen he remarked that it wuz now ten years last Christmas sencc he hed shot a nigger. His shot gun hung 300.se! Is over his fire-place, and there wuz ashes on his harth. "Give us a Dimecra tic administrashen and reform !" he yelled, and immejitly accepted the invitashen uv a Tilden delegate to take suthin. None uv em ever refoosed that, from anybody. The work of the convenshun wuz well done, and victory must perch upon our banners. There was a row amontr. the Xoo York dclegashcn wich threatened at one time to mar its harmony, but it wuz hap pily settled. There wuz a conference, and the ofiiscs wuz divided so ez to satisfy all the reformers. Kelly is continyod in pos session uv Tammany Hall, and the city, while them cz favored the great and good Tilden will hcv . controle uv the Federal patronage. Ez extraordinary service will be needed, noo 0 fuses will be created, and appointments that naturally wood go to Rc publikan states will all be given to the doubtful ones. Several reformers who wuzn't satisfied with this arrangement with promises uv wat wuz to be given em after the election wuz pade so much money in hand, after which they were ez enthoosiastic for the great reformer as anybody. I stood out, myself, and got a fair slice ; but it didn't do me any good. Raseoin wuz with me and saw the money paid, and he demanded it uv me, and got it too, on account. There ain't anything in life so disgustin cz pay in old likkcr bills. That likkcr is gone, and ain't no good to yoo it can't warm your bowels agin. Under stiniuhitin inflooences one kin afford to pay but to pay thisyeer for last yeer's delites, wich hev fled for ever ami can't never be recalled, except in memory, it's disgustin. I never did like COUNTY, PA., AUGUST to pay for memories they ain't substan shal. Rut I shel hev the postoffis at the Cor ners shoor, cf Tilden is elected, for long afore the time comes, I shel be in debt to Rascom agin. The platform can't help sootin the Dim ocrisy uv the entire country, pcrtickerly when the candidate is taken in account. It is the most flexible platform I ever helpt to construct, and the Dimocrat wich can't stand onto it ain't worth the name. In Ohio and Injeany we shel swear it soft money and reform, and pint proudly to Hendricks. In Noo York and the east we shel swear it hard money and reform, and pint proudly to lildcn. Ez I shel have to stump both seek -shuns I hev two speeches alreddy prepared, one uv wich is hard money and one soft, and the other orators uv the party hev .fixed theirselvcs likewise. I wood scjest, now, that thar may be no mistakes, that a eom mitty be appiuted in each place where a speech is to be'made, to see that the specker rises sober, and that he gits the right speech started. After the reform speeker has made his speech to the citizens, uv course he should be allowed to git cz full cz he chooses, but it wood be terrible to hev him git up and make the speech in Hartford, Connecticut, that was intendid for the lati tude uv Tcrre Haut, Injeanny,or to make in Injeanny the hard money speech wich he shood youse in Connecticut. With sich care, and reasonable work, thcr can't be any question ez to the result. The Dimocrisy hez bin on to grass so long that they will fite cz men never foitglit afore, and we shel win. With "Reform !" in our mouths and postoffis in our harts, we shall march forred to victory. Rut we hev got to work for it. Petroleum V. Nasuv, Wich would like to be Postmaster. P. S. A serious trouble threatened us at one time iti St. Loois. The mayor uv that city hed fixed upou the nitc afore the scttin uv the convenshun to make a rade onto the gamblin dens and the houses of ill repoot in that cit) Forchnitly we got wind uv it in time to hcv it posponed. lied it been carried out I shudder to think wat wood hev bin the result. Two-thirds uv our reform delegates wood hav bin goobled up and wood hev bin up before poleece ma gistrates in the morniu. Tildeu's money hed bin distributed that mornin, and the reformers hed cash enufl' to justify cm in makin a nitc uv it, and they wuz a doin uv it. Hed them houses bin raided onto that nitc the convenshun would hev bin obliged to adjourn for want uv a quorum. P. Y. N. The New Hotel Law. The following act, passed at the last ses sion of the State Legislature, has become a law in full force : AN ACT To prevent fraud and fraudulent practices upon or by hotel keepers, inu keepers and boarding-house keepers. Section 1. Re it enacted, &c., That every person who shall at any hotel or inn, or boarding-house, receive or cause to be furnished any food or acounnodations, with intent to defraud the owner or proprietor of such hotel, inn or boarding-house out of the value or price of such food or accomda tion, and every person who shall obtain credit at any hotel, inn or boarding-house, by the use of any false pretenses or device, or by depositing at such hotel, inu or board ing house any baggage or property of value less than the amount of such credit, or of the bill by such person incurred, with such fraudulent internt, and any person who, after obtaining credit or accommodation at any hotel, inn or boarding house, shall ab scond from such hotel, inn or boarding house, and shall surreptiously remove his baggage or property therefrom, shall, upon conviction, be adjudged guilty of a misde meanor, and upon convictiou shall be pun ished by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of not more than six months. Sec. 2. Every keeper of a hotel, restau rant, inn or boarding house shall post in a public or conspicuous place iu the office or public room, and in every bed-room occu pied by guests in said house, a printed copy of this act, and a statement of the charges or rates of charges by the day, and for meals and items furnished, and for lodg ings. No chanre or sum shall be collected or received by any such person for any ser vice not actually rendered, or for any item not actually delivered, or for a longer time thau the person so charged actually re mained at such place. For any violation of this section, or any provisions of this section, the offender shall forfeit his bill so charged, and upon conviction thereof, be judged guilty of misdemeanor, and shall be punished by imprisonment 111 the county jail for a term of not more than six months. Sec. J. In case ot default on the part 01 the. guests in any hotel, inn or boarding house, to redeem withiu sixty days all bag gage, etcetera, shall be sold at public auc tion after due notice by publication for five days previous to sale ; all excess of pro ceeds exceeding charges incurred shall be held for the owner. Sec. 4. This act is to take effect imme diately after the first day of June, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-six. pprovcd The 20th day of April, A. D., 1876. J. F. Hartranft. "Isn't that extravagance?" remarked a gentleman to his compauion, as he ob served half a dozen men taking an Sl,SO0 piano into the residence of a West-side physician. "Why, no, not for a doctor," returned the other, when the gicen apple season is at its height." 3, 1876. Reformer Tilden. The Brooklyn Argus is a Democratic paper, edited by a Democratic cx-mcmber of Congress, and it has this to say of the Great Democratic Reformer: "Governor Tildeu's advocacy of hard money is as insecure as any of his ositions. As a Reformer Gov. Tilden is a fraud ; as a business man he is badly smirched ; as a hard money man is without convictions ; as an advertising adventurer and suborner of the press he is impudent; as apolitical trickster he is a disgrace. He is willing to to talk about National honor and advocate hard money in the East, while violating the laws of the country by issuing an illegal currency in the West. Ho bid loudly for reform throughout the State by attacking Dennison in Syracuse and Lord Rochester, where the Democrats have uo strength, while barganiug with ring scoundrels in Albany, Xcw York and Rrooklyn, where the Democratic machine is powerful." And yet this sham reformer, this political huckster, this railroad wrecker, this issuer of wild cat currency, this enemy of public schools, this associate and confederate of Tammany thieves, this business man who is badly smirched, this advertising adven turer, this suborner of the press, was the only Democrat who could, by any possible stretch of the itnmagination, be put for ward as the Democratic Apostle of Reform, the only Democrat in all the country found worthy to stand upon the St. Louis plat form, which is a screech for Reform from one end to the other. It shows how entirely groundless is this claim of the Democracy to be a reform party. If Governor Tilden were the pur est man in any country ; if his record were as fair as record could be ; if he were a genuine, carest reformer, it would still be dangerous to elect him to the Presidency, backed as he is by a party which professes itself without another leader worthy of re cognition as a Reformer. Iu this country the President is what his party forces him to be, and the significance of a nomination is to be sought in those who are doin-jr the votmjr. There can be no doubt that Tilden is a most adroit politician. He has for 3-ears practiced the arts of the politician most suc cessfully. He believes that every man has his price, and his first move was to put nioncy in his purse, which he did after the most unscrupulous fashion. Having se cured the neccssar3' funds, he proceeded to buy his way to power, lie is the largest specimen of the political huckster ever pro duced in this county. Knowing so well the power of money to change men's polti cal opinions, he made no secret of his asso ciation with thieves and plunderers of the Tweed regime. During all Tweed's ascen dancy and control iu the Democracy ofXcw York, Tilden, as chairman of the Democra tic State Committee, gave the weight of his name and official action to Tweed's nomina tions, knowing when he supported Hoffman b assisting in stuffing the ballot boxes in the cities of Xew York and Rrooklvn, that he was Tweed's man, whom Tweed had nominated for his own purposes. All this disgraceful record Tildeu's paid supporters expect us to forget because 1110 ucy had been used to silence the Demo cratic press, with some few honorable ex ceptions. The nomination of such a man as a Great Reformer, upon such a Reform platform is the most stupendous farce of this age. A Powerful Band of Brothers. From the Reading Eagle. On Tuesday, while the sun was pouring down its blistering rays, making the ther mometer dance up to 140, Adam L. Fisher, of Marion township, engaged the services of eight brothers at mowing oats in a thirt-ty-two-acre field, something which havenever before been done in Marion township, if in the State. Below we give the name, age and height of each of the brothers: Ben jamin llcfiinger, 41 3'ears old, height 6 feet 1 inches ; George, 33 years old, height 5 feet 11 inches; John, 35 3'ears old, height C feet; William, 30 years old, height 3 feet 111 inches ; Franklin, 2G 3'ears, old, heighto feet 11 inches; Daniel, 24 years old, height f feet 1 1 i inches; Pearse, 23 3'cars old, t feet 1A inches; Gabriel 19 years old, height 5 feet 11 inches. Here were eight brothers averaging six feet in height, all from one father and one mother, all sound in health. They mowed thirty two acres of oats in one day, which is an average of four acres to the man. Thej' all live in Marion township, the farthest within an hour's walk of Mr. Fisher's. A Sheep's Teeth. I often hear persons disputing the age of sheep, to my surprise, be it said. For them to tell the age of sheep nothing is easier. A sheep's front teeth the first 3'car are eight in number, appearing all of a size. Second 3'ear the two middle ones arc shed and replaced by two much longer than the others. Third year two very small ones appear one on either side of the eight. At the end of the fourth there are six large teeth. Fifty year all the front teeth are large. Sixth year all begin to show wear not till then. Spring and Heidelberg townships, Berks county, are said to have been devastated b3' grasshoppers. Fruit, trees, clderbcrr3T and blackberry bushes have been entirety stripped of their foliage, and the grass, grain and corn have been entirety destroy ed by the pests ; not a head of grain was to be found in several fields of oats examined, while the stunted fruit upon the trees was hanging to bare branches. NO. 9. There are nearly 1000 Indians in Florida. There arc 70 prisoners in the Xorris town jail. Paris cats two thousand horses and mules every three months. There arc 50,000 Sisters of Charity con nected with the Roman church. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. run 140 Centennial tarins daity. A catfish 21 inches long was lately caught by a boy in Tulpchoeken creek" (Berks county). It is now said, as an apology for the do? in the manger, that he wanted the straw for his bed. One hundred and twenty thousand buffalo were slaughtered on the northwestern plains of British America tile past 3'ear. During the fiscal 3'ear ending June 30, 1S7G, 22,570 Chinese arrived in this coun try, 259 of whom only were females. There is to be a monster camp-mccting at Ocean Grove, near Long Branch, in August, iu which Moody anil Sankey will take part. Two gii Is were carrying a pail of milk in Carsville, Virginia, last week, when a stroke of lightening killed one and stunned the other. Bernard X. Boyle and Kate Boyle arc in prison at Pottsville, and William Colihan at Maueh Chunk, for alleged perjury in the Mollie Maguirc murder trials. Chili will export, this year, about 30,000 tons of wheat and 10,000 tons of bark', two-thirds of which will go to Europe and about one-third to Bolivia and Peru. An inebriate recently fell and struck ' his head agaiust a barber's pole. On be ing raised from the ground, he asked : "What's zat woman wi' stripe stockings on got again me ?" An evening or two ago Mr. Philip Lcssig, of South Coventry township, Chester coun t3r, caught an eel three feet long, which on opening he found to contain a water snake twelve inches long. A merchant went home the other night and said cheerfully to his wife, "Well 103" dear, I've failed at last." "Oh, that's good !" exclaimed the wife, with a radiant face. "Now we can go to the Centennial, sure. New York city has lost a great part of its jobbing and nearly all its tea trade. Its inalienable iutcrests appear to be banking, fashion, beaux, arts, belles letters and the future manufacture of gloves, millinery aud small wares, upon the scale of Paris. In the Manatawny creek, near Griescmers ville, says the Reading Times, there has existed for several years a chub of unusual large size, which has engaged the attention of the sportsmen of that vicinity for a long time. It successfully resisted all efforts to be taken by either nets, spears, hooks aud lines, shot gun or clubs, until a few da33 ago, when it was caught by Mr. John Willman, who was fishing, with some lad3' friends from Spring City, Chester county. An examination of the fish showed that one 030 had been shot out and that it had also been pierced through the head with a gig. Its escape and vitality were truly re markable. The fish measured nineteen inches in lenght. Of the crops in Indiana the Indian apolis Journal bears this testimony : The last few days of dry, warm weather have been worth a great deal to Indiana, and we may now count with certainty on large and profitable crops of nearly cver3r thing. The wheat crop is saved. It will not be large, but fully an average crop. Oats will be much above an average. The hay crop will be man3r times larger than last year. Corn never looked better, and the indications are good for an immense yield. Of all fruits except peaches there will be a vcr3' large yield, including small fruit?, both domestic and wild. Vegetables of all kinds never were more abundant or cheaper. The Lancaster Express, speaking of the crops in that section, sa3's : The farmers in this section, and through out the country have reason to rejoice. The crops of wheat, hay and oats have been excellent iu Eastern Pennsylvania. The corn fields show a splended growth. The reports are encouraging in nearly all parts of the West and South. Cotton promises a good yield. Fruit is abundant. Pota toes have flourished iu spite of the bug. When the freshets of last 3car, sweeping away the crops in the fertile plains of the Mississippi Valle3', are remembered, there is sufficient cause for gratitude. Iu our own count3 the drought last summer re duced the yield of ha3' and wheat far be low the average. The River and Harbor bill, as it passed the Democratic reform House, appro priates about seven milieus 'of dollars, mainly for the improvement of insignifi cant creeks and small rivers in the several States, the most liberal slice being for West Virginia; and for imaguiary work on inlets, bays aud harbors on the lakes and along the seacoast. "Thitj bill," as the New York Herald says, "shows the falsity of the pretense" of economy which the House has set up. To save seven millons by cutting down the wages of poor clerks and letter carriers and by curtailing mail facilities to fling it awa3T in improving Scrubgrass creek and the navigation of Salt river, is not economy. It is simply robbing worthy objects to squander the money upon unworthy ones. There are, doubtless, some good appropriations in this River and Harbor bill, but a million or two would cover them all, and the rect is thrown away.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers