11 TREASURER'S NOTICE of Sale of Seated Lands For Arrearages of Taxes. The following is a list of taxes on Seat ed assessments, as returned by the Col lectors of the several Townships for 1864 and 1S65, which lands will be sold at the Court House in the Borough of Strouds the 11th dav of June, next, a- rreeably to the 41st section of the Act 19th April, A. D. ISM, wincn provides for the collection of Taxes. Borough oj Stroudsburg Fames. Property. Augustus Carreer, one lot, William Fiory, do Christian Ilillcr, do Lewis Keinest, do Stem, do William U. "White do Barret Township. Jolin A. D. Custard, CO acres John Colstad, 2 do Taxes. 34 98 9 G2 1 62 5 44 1 08 2 00 2 26 7S7 6 16 5 62 2 62 06 6 S3 4 26 1 4S 2 S4 1 00 4 66 2 75 75 7 44 4 28! Jacob Goetz's Estate, GO do do do do do do do do do George Kintz, Laban Lewis, James Lisk, Catharine Xyp, John S. Donaldson 31. M. Diirtmick Abraham Nye Kmry Price 389 100 04 25 200 3S9 25 ISO Juraes Wilson TIcnry Zergcr Henry Feler Daniel Boyor Chcslnulhiil Hubert Hare Powell William Kronier drome Anslcumyer Township. acres do 2 30 8 22 7 10 S 08 2 00 1 C6 Charles Altcmose Henry Shcnkell llnmson Pnyder Emanuel Shafcr Abraham Butts so 400 do 50: do 4 do 14 1 do Hamilton Township. Andrew Price Philip Fiylc Mt-rwine & llavtzell Willium Ciinetop John M. Kintz Reuben Klciatop Charles Keller 6 acred 2 2 15 1 88 3 3 5 S 3 2 20 71 do do GO do do do do 32 A v.drevr k Eliza Keller 4 Wi-l-sm Levers 2 Fal'v Ann Marsh 3 4 Cootbovgh Township. John Hays 50 acres 1). Hviln3 400 do Matthew Kelly 20 do Henry Smith 20 do . Middle Smithfdd Toicnship Henry Bush 19 acres 1 40 4 10 2 58 1 L4 9 Stnit&jicld William H. Bcil Township . 10 lots 400 acres Toicnship. 75 acres 20 do .lacob Sins-master Jackson Henry Able 2 SG 1 51 1 51 2 80 SG 1 87 4 35 4 50 1 97 5 7U 4 74 Able Frederick Bush 50 .l.hn Knits 101 ,T;ieob Boycrs Estate 1 ile-nry Fenner '30 Jibii Kinsley, 50 Vr.tnklin Merwice 200 J.nob Kufeliac 8S .I. l.n Sinsrcr 45 Abraham Smith 59 j'luauuci Williams 70 V.h. Wouibcrts Est. 20 J'-hn Aibertscn 350 Michael Butts Est. 130 J '.lin Dailey 21 Levi Miller Emanuel Shoemaker 9 Jerome t'c Geo. Setzer 50 Jerome Setzer 50 William Tsdd 12 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4 12 4 18 2 00 2 S2 n Pocoxo T&Kusliip. Charles Hcilycr 49 acres 1 lot J 00 acre.-, 100 do 2 1 2 2 12 .i,cvi SlaUer Jacob Wolbcrt j'eicr Ivirocy William Bronk iknry J.Ehkrs 07 to do to I? 21 10 J;,.ph F. HeskEsau I SO a -Price R L. Cole-iurm " Township. 142 acrc3 115 do aeiuci Xoves 500 do Mr.uison Price 150 do William 11. Price 50 do John Van Yhet 112 do Moses P. Staples 6 do John Yaa Camp 200 do Jared II. j'ctoK 9 do Andrew J.Beesecker 247 do William S. White 120 do Eldved Township. William Barlieb 50 acres i 4 '60 1-80 2 32 3 G2 1 84 .78 Jacob llohu Paiiiel Kieckner Charles Smith Elizabeth Washburn 10 70 25 do do do 2 do PAk Tvtcnship. William II. Folk 67 acres Joseph Heimbach 118 do 34 J. E. lloodumclicr Steward ivresjre do do do do do do do do do 25 10 Jesse Smith 29 sniuel Saj'ior 7 Isaac Becker 12 Daniel Bay LOS Ejliraini Erable 58 Mary Porter 03 Melchoir Smith 100 1 38 8 34 G 17 13 G 00 GL40 18 G8 11 50 John Behler 1 do John Craiir 149 do 15 Kresge k Mcrwinc 13 0 0'hos. k John Craig 1G6 Jacob Ilufiley 126 Adam II. Weiss 50 Jonas Barthold G7 John Menviuc 543 John Dilliuger 07 Thomas Craij: 92 do do do do do do do do 31 27 11 G 0 63 1 5 3 5 2 3 1 6 2 9 9 3 Itoss Township. Joseph Barlieb 20 acres Thomas Christman 100 do 3Iary Droyer 7 do Samuel Gower 15 do John Gower Estate 10 do John Jones "14 do Henry Kinta 131 do Peter Lerch 16 do James lUckhow 40 do James Walton . 400 do Thomas, Buskirk 0 jdg George Flyte Jr 47 do Martin Seiple 200 do J. P. Rudy Heller 1 do Peter Kresgc 27 do Stroud Toicnslrip. 3 13 6 19 . Hiiatn Jj. jjusn James P. Heller Joseph Heller George Johnson Abner Kirk Charles Kinney George Staples Edward Staples Elizabeth Colbert 1 lot 4 65 6 acres 6 do 269 do 1 lot 1 do 7 acres 1 lot 3 0 4 94 8 94 2 1 4 of 4 40 4 10 36 acres Elizabeth Colberts Es. 32 do Tohyhanna Township. John Counelly 245 acres William Eckhard 50 do William Flick ' Nathan Knox 3 16 6 90 148 2 44 5 28 5 50 L. D. Shoemaker Samuel Bond Reuben Flick 4 54 40 72 do do do do do 1 53 2 30 5 90 Samuel Saylor & Co 204 Ira Winter 15 Samuel Ilavs 100 1 94 2 20 12 26 Tunlchannoch Toicnship. Henry Ehler 112 acres Ezra Marvin 88 do do do do .do do 14 52 14 30 11 55 3 30 4 08 George Nagle 429 John Merwiue 50 James Stull 179 Levi George 50 Easton & Wilkes- Barrc Turnpike Co. 24 do 1 86 SIMON MYERS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Stroudsburg, March 20, 1S0(J. j Orphans' Court Sale. Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans' uourt or ihonroe uounty, tnere will oe sold at public sale on Saturday, the 13th day of May next, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the premises, the following Real Estate of Susannah Yan Buskirk, late of Boss township, in said county, deceased, viz : A certain tract or piece of land situate in said Boss town ship, adjoining lands of Michael Altemosc and Samuel Mcngle containing G)isc -BSaSf Acre. . r-m . Ill 5G 61 9S 62 90 99 00 OS 00 50 The improvements are a Plank Bivdlfug "House, 20 by 24, one and a-half stones high. A Frame Stable IS by IS. Terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale by PETE 11 GRUVER, Adm'r. By order of the Court. Tiios. M. McIliianey, Clerk. April 28, 1S0G -3t. THE Till" LATEST ! NO IMPOSITION ! jVj OTWITHSTANDIJVG THE BLOW and Mutters of new beginners, Fable at the old stand, on the corner is still main taining his reputation as the keeper of the cheapest store, decidedly, in this section ol country. There is no mistake in this as the follow ni it tacts ui'i show: He isM!:iins PRINTS at from 10 to 20 cts. per yard. DELATES 25 cents per yard, the price before the war. SILK: nt fiom SI to 2 vcr van!. All binds of FINE ERESS GOODS at greatly rcussccd prices. MUSLINS from 12 to 25 cents per yard. RE A D Y-3IA DE CL O T1JLYG, so 02 25 76 34 so far below war prices as to astonish pur chasers. HATS at a very low figure indeed. Fable also keeps an 030 to the comfort of ihe inner mun, and offers SUGARS at from 10 to Ifi cunis r,s-r pound. COFFEES 25 Jo 35 cents par pound. f.IOLASSE.S, 40 cents o 1 per jallon. A jrooJ astoitmRnt of CARPETS at near ly the oi-.l rates before the war. Fasls has no desire to pnriiculnrize, but if you want anything in his JmCj of good quality and nt less rates th-m can be pur chesed at any other store, cnJI at Fable's 56 14 G2 21 76 45 70 58 old fctand corner of Elizabbth and Creels and you cannot fail to be euitcd. (7" 0 charge for show ing aonils. 1 .srjjit.jrj I'AULb. Ov S-roucVourg, Pa.. April 19, 1SCG. rt 1 ' ' '- OASSIUS M. CLAY. 93 48 20 10 31 39 80 90 12 G4 THE LOVERS OF GOOD horses are respectfully informed that the last trotter CASSIUS 11. CLAY will stand for Mares the ensuing season, commencing April 1st, at the stables attached to MILLER'S Hotel, in Stroudsburg, every week, and at Bushkill, Pike county, during the last three days of each alternate week. C. M. Clay, is a dark BROWN, free from white; 10 hands and 2 inches in height, is a half-brother to the celebrated trotting Stal lion. GEORGE M. PATCH EN, and is him self the flisicsl trotter in New Jersey. Torms: To insure a Mare with foal 20. For further particulars, sec large bills, or inquire of HAiM UJSL. UKEUO, Agent, For MATI1IAS OARMER, Proprietor. 50 01 05 53 ' HAIR RESTORER A Elalr Dresser and Hair Restorer, liOTII COMBINED IN ONE. 20,000 living icitnrssesa.re testifying to their neighbor?, from day to aay, oj its iconderfid effect. Ti Tt is not a dre. 2nd. It will not col- nr ilir .Uin. Srd. It will restore the Hair 50 A from a Gray to a beautiful Black, Jirown, Auburn, or whatever might have been its original color, and cause it to assume its former beauiy. 4th. It will cure all Humors and Diseas 84 77 52 22 50 50 17 50 10 44 87 42 53 82 60 0G 65 65 65 es of the Scalo: keen the head cool and nice; remove Dandruff and Scurf from head; keep the huir moist and silk-hke in ii nnno.n rnnce. as in vouthful do vs. Tlie "Martha , Washington Hair Restorer" ;s :i miicli ahead of aiiyLhiticr of the kind 71010 in market as the sun outshines moon in brightness and giory. The best testimony that can he given, wil ho fniinrt i if ship, of each bottle. Warranted to do all we claim for it, or money refunded, after using two bottles. Try i, nwd bo Convinced. DREHER & BRO., Aireute, STROUDSBURG, PA. SIMONDS & CO., Proprietors, FITZWILLIAM, N. H. Sroudjsburg, April U, I860. lyr. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. 59 71 A positive and specific remedy for all dis eases originating from an impure state of the blood, and for all (hereditary) diseas es transmitted from parent to child. 58 86 24 SCROFFULA. STRUMA, glandular swellings, ulceration, erysipelas, kings evil, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and acquired,) filling life with untold misery, is by all usual med ical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM, If there is any disease in which the Con stitution Life Syrupis a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alle viated enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, ot twenty or or thirty years standing have been cured. I NERVOUSNESS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. SHATTERED NERVES, ST. VITUS' DANCE, LOSS OF POWER, CONFUSION OF THOUGHTS, EPILErSEY, Tnousamis wno nave suiiered lor years will bless the day on winch they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering wo men will this medicine prove an inestima ble blessing directing their footsteps lo a Hope which fulfills more than m promises, IT! ER CURB 'AIL EJESiCASJE SALIVATION, ROTTING OF BONES, AnuFs is Tinvr.s. BAD COMPLEXION FEELING OF WEARINESS. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. P Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of mercury, removing tlie Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums and secures the teeth as firm ly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, of the Sldn like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward -appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS, Either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, and producing troublesome Discharging Sores, which disfigure so many of the youn ger portion ot the community, from six to twenty years of age. Young children are vcr' Kubjecl to discharges from the Ears, which depends upon a Scrofulous constitu tion. Tliese cases so.on recover by taking a cw doses of the Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from gen eral Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsv of the limbs, abdomen and in the fe male. Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen erally accompanied with inflamation and Ul ceration of the Uterus, are permanently cur ed by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or dwelled Ieck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for sometime, as the disease exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not he removed without extra effort. Tumors of the ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body, will be completely .reduced without resorting to the knife, or operations of any ind. Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Disea ses of the Valves, producing a grating or fi ling found, Dropsy of the Heart Case and all the affections of this important oran (per son? suffering from'any scute pain in the re gion of ihe heart), will be greatly relieved by Constitutional Lite byrnp. Broken down and delicate constitutions suffering from Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Loss oF Memory, l-orebodmgs, Horror of Calamitv, Fear of Disease, Dim ness of Vision, Dr-, Hot Skin and Extreme ties, want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Hag gard Countenance, and Lassitude of the M us cular System, all require the aid of the Con stitution Lite fcyrcp. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULGEBATIYE DISEASES. Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue. Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no. remedy has over proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face de nendincr upon the diseased action of the liv er are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A lew bottles ot Constitution Life Syup, will correct the secretion, and remove the deposit which is directly under the shin. In the diseases of the liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizziness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach or an ulcerated or cancerous condi tion of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptom?, will be re lieved by the use ot Conbtilution Life byrup U (KrAs a general Blood Purifying Agent the Life Syrup stands unrivaled by any preparation in the World. The rich and poor are liable to the sa-mo diseases. Nature and Science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all Pure Blood produces healthy men and wo men: and if the constitution is neglected in youth- disease and early death is the result Price, 1 20 per bottle; oncnuii uozen.. - ...t i c 1 r.T P the WM. H. GREGG, M. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. IMoegan & Allen, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, No 40 Cliff-st., New-York. the Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Boston. J.. II. Reed & Co., Chicago. FuM.Eit, Finch & Fuller, Chicago. Collins Buotheks, St, Louis. J. D. Park, Cincinnati, Johnson, Holloavay &Co., Philadelphia Barnes. Waud & Co., New Orleans. Barnes. Henry & Co.. Montreal, Canada. the Hostetter, Smith & Dean, San Francisco California. Win. Hollinshead Agent, Stroudsburg ' I February 8f ISOO.-Sm DRY GOODS. H. S. WAG-NEE, (Successor to George P. Ileim,) STROUDSBUKG, Pa., Would invite attention to bis full and va ried assortment of Dry Goods. All the usual Departments requisite to a complete retail fry Goods Store, Constantly receives strict attention and will always be found to contain full and de sirable assortments. His stock of Ladies Dress Goods is narticularlv worthy of examination, and he shall be constantly opening all desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan ces. iryou want Prints, call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Bleached Sheeting- or Shirt ing" call on Jti. a. vvagner. If you want Unbleached Muslin or Sheet- in sr call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Notions call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Gloves or Hosiery call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Cloths or Cassimeres call on H. S. Wegner. If you want Gents Furnishing Goods call tt n iir on v. vvagner. If you want " GROCERIES, Call on H. S. Wagner. You will find Sugars at II. S. Wagner'. .You will find Coffee at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Syrups at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Teas at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Spices at II. S. Wagner's You will find Fish at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Crockery at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Wooden-ware at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Brooms & Brushes at II. S. Wagner's. You will, finally, be able to find what you want at n. fa. Wagners. Between the Bank and the Post-Office. STROUDSBURG, PA. Feb. 22, 1SG6. Sood Mews for the People! Colten Goods have come down in price ! Large decline in prices of Calicoes, Dc ILaiics, And Gitsgluisiis. I am now selling Calicoes and Dc Lanes at about 25 per ceut. lower than I sold them a week ago. AILEj KEW and FRES23 GOODS. I am scllinr some make of Muslins for less than they have bceu sold for the last two years. COTTEar GOODS Arc low enough for any one to buy them now. Large reduction in the price of fine DRJ2SS GOODS. And if von wish to buy good Cloths and fanci Cassimeres, call in. They are 50 cents a yard cheaper than iu tne lull. AND BLANKET SHAWLS, all wool, all sorts and sizes, very low. I can irivc vou a bargain in Shawls. And then 1 nave a good assortment ol a . - , . Coflce, Sugars, baking Molas ses and Syrups, And lots of other Goods cheap. Qsgr Don t forget the place, it is at , 331101)11 J4 AD'S Cheap Store, in Stroudsburg. Jan. 11, 1SGG. A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jaccnt counties, look to Your Interests! ! ! We arc olferiiicr Liquors, "Wines. &c. warranted pure, and containing no Drugs, Ods, Essences, (be, whatever, at tlie 101 lowing very low prices : Brandies from 50cSl 00 per gnllou less than Uity prices, Gins 50c(froc. Bourbon AVliiskey,40c(G5c. Monongahcla, 40c(j05c. Old Bye, 40c)G5c. " Apple 50c$l 00 Common 15c(j25c. Wines Tall kinds 50crm81 00 tc u u (( (I .( Please trive us a call, or send your or ders. and satisfy yourselves that wo do do it, that we will do it, and the reasons wlw we can do it. Also, nlease remember that we do not have anything to do with 11 Drugged" IA nuors. Anything you buy from us we minrantce Pure, and much below the pn ces usually paid for the Drugged Liquors. Very Itespectiuiiy, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. Pa. July. 27,1805, -. : 1866. APRIL. PILE'S EASTON HALL OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, EASTON, The Largest Stock ! The Newest Goods!: The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices I The Best Gutter ! The Most Obliging .'1 lesmen ! Are at this Establishment ! K. O. PYLB5 Proprietor. SALESMEN, CHAS. W. IB AC HM AN, ISAAC SNYDER. BLAE Our Gun hits the Don't You see , -4 Do von want to buy a srood HAT, CAP, or set of FL'RS , If you do go to Pauli's Hat Store, opposite the Post Office,. where you will always ijnd a at prices to suit all. Of these by calling as directed. Kemember the place, J. Opposite the N. B. The highest cash shipping Furs. 18 LTfIIM! Of the latest styles and best qualities AT PAULFS HAT STORE. This heinir a branch of R. C. Pylc's Clothing; establish- merit of Kaston, the citizens of Monroe County can now pur chase the same quality and at the same prices as though they bought in Easton. All Easton. All are invited to styles. Don't forget the place Nov. 23, 1865. RECONSTRUCTION.. OYSTERS, OYSTERS, OYSTERS. The undersicrncd bavins made arrans:c- mnnts with Tilr. J. G. Offden for a full and constant supply of lrosh Oysters, is now pre pared to furnish Hotels and private tannlics with a full supply of the best quality, and any quantity on short notice. Call at the Bakery Saloon at any hour of the day or evening, when vou can have Oystors propar- ed in every stylo that the taste requires iu give nature a boost. II. C. LEVANYvAi. Stroudsburg, Jan. 18, 1SG5. bmimstvntov Notice. Estate of DANIEL TITUS, late of Jack- cui tnmnsnv. ucceascu. TVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of mlmiriistraiion upon me nuovu ikuuuu Tilsfntn hnve been crranled to tho undersign ed by the Register ot JHnnrocLounty, in due nt law: therefore, all nersons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme- diatc' payment, and those having any just claims arc also requested to present mom . letrallv authenticated for settlcMiieut to JOHN WILSON, Admin'r. Jackson Corner's, April 12, 38GG. Gt, illonvoc do. Agricultural Society. NOTICE. The new Certificates of Stock are now ready Tor delivery at the office of the Secretary. Stockholders are requested to return all certificates for shares and frac tions of shares, have them cancelled, and receive those of tho now issue instead. A. REEVES JACKSON, Sec'y Stroudeburg. March 15, 1866 OF FASHION. PENNA.. to foe found CUTTER", JOHN BOWEN, Late of N. Y. City AWAY'- Mark every time.. the Fin Fly? m good assortment 01 facts you can be convinced A. PAULI'S Hat Store, Post Office, Stroudsburg, Pa.. prices paid for all kinds of Nov. 23. 1865. CLOTHING! 66, goods sold as !owr here as at come and examine tlie latest. PAULI'S MAT STOliJfcfij Opposite the Post Office; . Ii. C. PYLE. Good RWs'for flic Million. Tho subscriber hastens to lay the import ant intelligence before tlie public, that ha has added larecly to his already largo 6tock of fashionable and seasonabln Ciotlis, Cassimeres Vcstings, &c- which ho will make up to order on short ne ticc, in a manner satisfactory to ail. ITis shelves, literally groan beneath the Ready Made Clothing with which they are loaded. Coats, Overcoats, Pants and Vests made of -the best material, and in the most fashionable manlier, nt prices to suit ulK. Klstla asid Cis, ad Shoes, &. &c. &c. and indeed every thing with which he has heretofore supplied the public, will be found ready for inspection and bale at prices which defy competition. Thankful for favors heretofore received tie hopes lo merit a continuance of public faror at the old stand. NICHOLAS RUSTER, Stroudsburg, Dec. 8, 18G5. Minor & Herrmann, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS STROUDSBURG, PA. August 11, 18U4.tf. r 'it I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers