r wSJ.a 011c 3cffcvsomcm, THURSDAY, ArSII 26; 18G6 "BMON STATE TICKET. ron GOVERNOR, Major Genera! JOHN tY. GEARY, OF C C MBERL AX PUN L )r. Josoph L. Keller advertises for the re covery of some $40, lost, on Wednesday last, while attending the Sheriff's sale at JTcunersvillc. Hamc Changed. The name of the Naglesvillc Post Of-,fice- has heca changed to that of Toby diaiina Mills. Simon G ruber, 42sq.3 still retains the postmastcrship. e a- The first thuuder shower of the season passed over this soetion of country on Sat urday last. Another shower, accompa nied with hail and heavy wind, visited us on Monday, but did no damage that we could hear of. Tuesday followed, cold and blustery as a winter's day. . . Mr. Darius Prober advertises a general assortment of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Millinery Goods, &c. &c, in this week's paper. The motto of his establishment being "quick sales and small proSts," and an exquisite taste having been displayed in the selection of his goods, it would be well for these looking for desirable bar gains to give him a call. t w An Editor Looking Up. Among the nominations sent to the .Senate, by the President, on Monday last, was that of Josiah P. Ilctrick, Esq., of Iaston, for confirmation to the office ol Collector of Internal Revenue for the 11th District. Mr. II. is well known as the in defatigable editor of the Northampton QouHty Journal, of which paper, and the $forthnuipton Whig, he has had the pro prietorship andcharge for the last thirty six years. His untiring labors certainly Reserved some recognition, and wo are glad to kuow that so "fat a take" has fall -en to his share. The Eight Hoar System. It lies been noted by an exchange that during the last ten, days "Eight Hour" bills hnve been defeated in the New York and New Jersey Legislatures, lost in the Ohio Legislature by a slight disagreement JietweetiYnc two Houses on minor amend ments, and passed one branch of our Leg -islature, but failed in the other, for. want of time to consider it. rtor.so Rents. The New York papers announce that 3tuscs placarded "lor reut are visipic u kil directions now. and that a rapid de cliue in routs is taking place. There are flamilar indications as to rents in jjOsion ItTPhiindelphia a number of houses tha were closed to tenants more than a yea ago, and offered for sale, have been rented ju consequence of the limited number o ..persons willing to purchase. ilrs. Lucretia Molt, the uotcd Quaker iproBcheress. in a recent Sunday lecture. said the time was fast approaching for women to ask for higher recognition of their powers in ail the various relatious of .life. She thought there ought to be more equality in the marriage relation : that "womau ought not to be required to prom ise "to obey." The marriage contract, says this gcutle Quakeress, ought to par-, taker-more of the nature of a "reciprocity treaty" between the sexes than it does at jsreseut. 6 O A wealthy lumber merchant of Toledo, Ohio, employed a returned soldier as teamster. This man fell in love with the merchant's wife, who during the ueccssa ry abseuce of the husbaud, eloped with the hired man to Jackson, taking both her children. The husband returned, iound how matters stood, and traced them to Jackson. No persuasion could prevail -on the wife to return ; so the husband bought her a house, left money for her and the two children which she had taken, snd returned to Toledo, to get a divorce. Immense Resources of Nevada, The vast wealth of Nevada is only be ginning to be understood. Recent re ports from that region prove the exis tence of immense deposits of silver-bearding ledges that 'have not, as yet, been ppened'hyHhc hand of man. The whole Amount of silver taken from the mines of "Nevada during the year 1885 will reach the enormous amount of fifty millions, thus proving that the productiveness is grad ually upon the increase. Pittsburgh Com mercial. The Cholera is slowly but surely ap proaching us. The arrival of a ship at Halifax about two weeks ago, having a number of cases on board, has already been noticed. It was reported last week that a man supposed to have escaped from that vessel ha 1 died of the disease at Portlaud, Maine. On Wednesday, the British steamship Virginia from Liver pool arrived at New York, on board of which 35 Had died during tue voyage, all, it is supposed, of Asiatic cholera. As there were over 1000 passengers in the vessel, this mortality is not to be won dered at, as diseases of a somewhat sim ilar nature are frequently engendered un der ordinary circumstances in crowded emigrant vessels. There is, however, no use in attempting to disguise the fact that the cholera is certain to visit this coun try, aud only awaits the comiBg of warm weather to manifest itself. No time should be lost in adopting the necessary sanitary measures for its prevention or atneliora- For The Jejfersonian. Mu. Scnbcn : Yesterday was a charm ing spring Sunday, aud to enjoy nature out of doors, with an anticipation of a spiritual enjoyment at church, I walked to your plcasaut village. The goodness of a kind Providence, who forgets not to awaken the frost-killed vegitation to a vcarly resurrection, for the necessities of man, furnished happy thoughts for con templation, and ere the walk became tire some I was within the most spacious church of Stroudsburg. I will not flatter, buthonest commcn- da'ion should be encouraging; We are all so fallible, the strongest so weak, so - dis trustful that if we are aiming to do our duty, it helps ua on greatly if others lift up our hands encouragingly. For this purpose though it may not be needed would I speak of Mr. Alday He preaches vital piety, and it is plain that he enjoys it. His faith makes him earnest and his zeal is breathed out in words that burn. He does not expound the Scriptures in order to please men and tickle the intellect, but feeling his res ponsibility before God, he brings the Law as it is written and strikes at the hearts and consciences of men. SWz preaching caunot be in vain. Would that there were no other preached anywhere. Tf the Dible is true ; if there is any reality in religion it is a ichole reality, and ear nest reality. Sentimental Christianity is only of that sort of which the Pharisees boasted and which our Saviour so plainly condemned. The well filled scats told plainly that the people of Stroudsburg ap preciate plain truths, although these truths are thrown broad cast ngaist a false Chris tianity. Souud doctrine deals with plain facts and though we may feel condemned, there are but few but must approve. I also visited the Sunday School at the same church. I was pleased especially to find so many male teachers. In most schools we find only female teachers. Though these may do their work as well as the others yet should not the fathers show as much interest here as the mothers ? 13c cucouraged, Superintendent, teachers, children, you will not lose your reward. Thinking on the pictures thus freshly impressed upon my mind and pondering upon the blessedness and the wisdom of the institution of the sabbath which dates back six thousand years to the time of Adam andEvE, I returned in the eveu iug, well paid for my walk,, to my home on" the Jersey border of the Keystone State. W HACKHAMMER. Mouday, April 16. Caution to Farmers. The Pennsylvania House of Represen tatives has passed a bill which is of interest to farmers and drovers, aud which it is well that they should understand. It prohibits the sale otany cattle or sheep afflicted by the pleuro-pneumouia or oth er contagious or infectious disease, wheth er alive or dead, and also declares thai any other disposition of tlieai shall be il legal. So that it will appear that the farmer cannot either sell or give away his diseased animate, or slaughter them aud turn the poisonous Sesh into meat, .bur thormore, cattle and sheep which have been diseased cannot be sold or disposed of for two months after they ha;c been perfectly recovered. A violation of this act renders the offender liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding six months. Provisions is also made in the act that cat tle and sheep shall not be allowed to run at large in townships or boroughs where any contagious disease exists, and such animals as arc found astray, contrary to this law, shall be liable to be sold for the payment of costs, in the same manner as cattle at large -under former acts. The law will apply as well to the rinderpest as to the pleuro pneumonia, and its terms and penalties arc worthy of attention by our friends in the country. C- The following is the estimated income of the U. S. Government for the year ISGG : Customs, $130,000,0000 Didtiiicd Spirits, - - - - 40,000,000 AJe, 5,000,000 Cotton, 40,000,000 Tobacco, 18,000,000 Petroleum, 3.000,000 2.000,000 Naval 'Stores, -Incomes, - -Licenses, - -Stamps, - -Bank?, - Express Coa Stock Sales, Salaries, -Legacies, -Miscellaneous, 40,000,000 lf,050,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 9,000,000 4,000,000 2.000,000 3',00T),000 21,000.000 307,000,000 "A Fruitful Vine." The Morris Jcrseynxan is informed that the wife of Mr. Stephen G. Hall, of Par sippany, iu that couuty, has given birth tT five full grown living children within a ear and nine months the first two a son and a daughter, and on a second" oc casion three. One of the latter died when about three weeks old of small pox. The others "are all doiug W2ll. Sussex Register. Onions and Poultry. Onions seem to be a preventive and remedy for various diseases to which domestic fowls are liable. For gapes, aud iuflatninatiou of the throat, eyes and head, onions. are almost a specific. We would therefore recommend giving fowls, and especially young chicks, as many as they will eat, as often as twice or three times a week. They should be hncly chopped. A small addition of corn meal is anjmprovement, Gencstcc Farmer. The European Situation. A Wt. t.Jnio afro Prussia and Austria each protested that it meant nothing atressivc by preparing for war, but each declared that the attuuuo ui we caused the adoption of those measures. Austria still insists that her thoughts are bent on peace, and Court Karoly, the .... iM:-:Uof Uorlin TmQ flp.livered IlUMI Will iUllllOfclil iv..., V.Umnrk. that "the accusation is ut terly at variance with the evidence of facts, and he says lurtncr, inac uiu tinselpesnnss of such a supposition is no torious in Europe." But Bismark says that this declaration is insufficient, and that his Government will continue the hn si nn.es o f the armament. At the same time he has no hesitation in saying that "Prussia does not intend to attack Aus tria " This hp.lnrr the case, it may be ask ed why the parties arc stripping for the fight ( Their preparations snow nuituuj each other. Prussia is probably waiting until the intentions of Franco arc understood, anu in reiercuL-i: to that important subject, there has late ly appeared at Paris one of those mys nhlets which precede the po litical .movements of the Emperor, and which arc intended as teeters ot mc pop . . ularsentiment. In this casay the groun is taken that while France ougnt not intervene oi-.eulv in the war, she shou seek alliance with Prussia, as a means of showing her hatred of the Hapsburgs. The consideration might be "a slight rec tification of the Rhine frontier," a matter always desired by France, and which may be obtained if Prussia aud Austria should rn to war. This reallv means that France shall give Prussia the moral benefit of a resolution not to attack her and to assure her also that she will not aid Austria. t will be a very ingenious, arrangement if it is entered into, aud who knows that it has not been agreed upon long ago 'I Phil Enq. The Peering Family Murder True Bill rouna ino mat roBiponea. Philadelphia. April Id. The grand jury thia morning found a true bill of in dictment against Antone T0DSt lor tnc murder of the Dccriqg family. The pris oner was brought into Court and arraign ed at one o'clock thia afternoon, after much legal delay. The prisoner having no counsel, the Court assigned him Messrs. John P. O'Neill and J. C. W. Albert The prisoner at first stated that he did not wish to have any defence at all, but subsequently withdrew his objections to haviug counsel. After conversation with the" prisoner Mr. O'Neill asked that the arraignment be postponed until himself and Ins coiieague could be attorned time to examine the indictment. It is under stood that the prisoner expresses a wil lingness to plead guilty to the Court, in the bill charging him with the murder of Cornelius Carey. The District Atttorney proposes to trv him for the murder of Mr. Deering. This will show the confidence of the commonwealth officer in the strength of his case, without availing himself of the pretended confession of the murderer. Tnc Iron Horse is speeding rapidly to wards the Pacific. Last Monday week the gap of a mile and a half between the Missouri, Pacific and the Union Pacific railroad.-, between Kansas City and the Kaw river bridge, was closed, lha oc casion was celebrated by the officers of both companies in a formal manner, xt is stated that the road will be fiuished and open for traffic to Fort llilcy early in Juue. This point is three hundred and seventy five miles from St. Louis. From Fort Kiley the line will be rap idly pushed to Denver by what is known as the Smoky Hill route. If the remain der of the road is completed with the speed which has marked the construction of the portion now fiuished, 'it will not be long ere Denver win be united with the East by rail. General Cass was boru in 17S2, aud is, therefore, eighty-four years old. He was born the same year as Martin Van Bureu, Daniel WebsterJohn C. Calhoun, and Thomas H. Benton, all of whom have preceded him to tile grave. Gen. Lass is almost, if not quite, the only survivor of that class of public men who were per sonally acnuanintcd with the leading characters of the Americau Revolution of 177G. Worth Remembering. It is said that if a piece ot charcoal is laid upon a burn, the pain subsides im mediately. By leaving the charcoal on one hour, the burn is healed, as has been demonstrated on several occasions. This remedy is cheap and simple, and dc serves a trial. Some. , Swindlers arc advertising extensively a "European Pocket Timekeeper," sent by mail for the low price of one doffar.- It is simply a pasteboard dial with astring pendulum, for telling time by the sun, could not cost over ten cents, and would be dear at that price, as it is of uo use at all. A mau recently broke off a marriage engagement because the lady did not possess good conversational powers. A henpecked editor commenting upon, the fact, says, " He should have married her and then refused her a new bonnet to have developed her powers of talk." ...-'ii m m The President has declared that his late proclamation does not do away with martial law in the lately revolted States. The-War Department has issued an order to the officers of the Freedmau's Bureau to the same effect. The Bank of Lawrence County, which at first was enumerated among those which failed with Culver, Penn & Co., is entire ly solvent, aud suffered little or nothing by that firm. The only banks that have been shut up are the Crawford county, Venango, Oil City and Petroleum. An editor thus logically nudges his de linqent subscribers : "We don't want money desperately bad, but our creditors do, and no doubt they ove you. If you pay us, we'll pay them, and they'll pay you." , , , - , -, Mini wi i i II i I 'I "nr GENERAL NEWS. Gold closed in New-York yesterday at $1.26 Monday last was the Anniversary ot 1 nom as Jefferson's birthday. The Internal Revenue Receipts last week were 3,339,077. The disbursements of the Treasury De partmcnt last week reached 10,388,077. Is is announced that the House Commit tee of Vay3 and Means have the new Tax bill nearly ready to report. A fire at Philadelphia, on Friday evening last, destroyed property to tfie value of 850, 000. A young lad was arrested in New-York last Saturday, who stole a sum of money ex ceeding 80,000 in amount. It is said that the Judiciary Committee have agreed to report against auy modihca tion of the testoatli. Treasurer Spinner had in his cash vaults on Saturday noon last, gold, silver and other cash amounting to .sUo,Ulb,9 W. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, has been nomina ted by the President as Minister to the Hague, vice Mr. Pike resigned. The Parishes of Raton Rogue, Bierville and Point Coupee arc overflowed with water, owing to-a nresiK in ine jevuu. Gen. Grant and suit, who have been so journing in Richmond, Va., for some days, left that city-, on Tuesday for Washington. Tfie wall of a building in course of demoli 1" tion in Boston, recently fell, and killed three boys, aged between six and twelve years. Mai.-Gcn. Judson Kilnatrick has arrived in Chili and presented fiis credentials as Minister to that Republic, lie was well re ccived. The Grand Jury of Philadelphia has found a true bill, against Ganter alias Probst, for the murder of the Deering family in that city. The French troops are to" be removed from Mexico in three instalments 1st in Novem ber next, 2nd in May 1807, and last in No vcrabcr 1807. Gen. Meade has headed off the Fenian movement looking to the capture of the Brit ish Provinces, lie captured a -ship load of arms, ammunition and clothing. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts has decided that the validity ot a note is not at fectcd by want of a stamp, unless it js fraud ulently omi.tted. The total number of National Banks doing business throughout the country is 1,G50; the total amount of their circulation is $263,023,- 940. The House Committee on the Bank rupt bill have resolved to try and arrange some hill that will meet the approbation of both Houses. The British North American squadron to be sent out by our Government will consist of seven ships, with an aggregate of 7,812 tunnage, and mounting o9 guns. A great conflagration took place on Wed nesday of last week, beginning at 1 o'clock, a. m., at Titusville, Pa., resulting in a loss estimated at 8300,000. The U. S. Treasurer at present holds in U. S. Bonds, in trust as security for the cir culation of National Banks, 320,278,550, .md as security for deposits in designated Government depositories 83G,014,nu0. It is reported that the President will s-on issue a proclamation, setting apart the 17tli ot May as a day of lasting and prayer, m view of the anticipated visit to this country of the cholera. The general State appropriation bill in creases the pay of the Governor, commencing with the next term to .$5,000, that of Presi dent Judges of Country Districts to 83,500 ; city Ju.iges $1,501). I he legislative pay was increased to 1,000. The charges implicating Dolgc alias Scratch Gravel, in tho murder of the Joyce children, in Roxbury, Mass., have been with drawn, the investigation showing that he was not- in Massachusetts at the time the murder was committed. Twp explosions of a new infernal agent known ns Nitro-Glyceiine, tho invention of a German Chemist named Arnold, have re suited in the death of a hundred persons. One of these occurred at San Francisco, and the other at Aspinwall. The President has ordered the release on parole of C. C. Clay for a long time con fined at Fortress Monroe, for complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln and for treason. He has the whole country to range m m pursuit of business, but must retain a home in Alabama. In a speech at Bridgeport, Conn., din ing the recent campaign, Senator Slier man told the" following good story : "A modem Democrat came to a dis tinguishod Democrat of the stale of Ohio (Gov. Todd), last fall, after the war had ended, and said ; 'Now my friend you supported Lincoln all through the war; now the war is over ; you have had every thing your own way; and now suppose we start the old Democratic party. 'Well,' said the Ohio Democrat, '1 don t know but that would be a good thiug ; I like the Democratic party ; I was raised in it, and l stuci; to it until id deserted tne country and weut over to tho rebels. don't know but it would be a good thing to revive and purify the old party ; but I would not do it yet.' 'Ah,' said his frinnrl 'wlirm wmihl vnn do it,, thftn ?' - 1 " J 7 'My friend said the Ohio Democrat, 'when the Union party shall have dis charged in full all the obligations it has assumed during the war ; when it shall have paid all the pensions that are due to the widows of soldiers j'when it shall have paid every dollar of the natioual debt incurred during the war; when it shall have punished all the rebels ; when in short it shall have accomplished all that it has promised to do then I am willing that the old Democratic party should be revived. I am not willing to trust the Democratic party to perform ob ligations that they opposed iu their con tracting. I prefer to see it done myself to pay my own debts myself.' " It was announced a levy weeks ago that the assessment of the Income Tax for 1865 would bo postponed for sixty days, so that the expected action of Con gress upon the Internal Revenue law might be applied to that assossmont. Orders have sinco been issued dirootiug tho Assessors to proceed with their work without further delayj upon the old system. The assessment of last year's incomes will therefore bo made as soon as the neces sary bjanks arc, received from Washing ton. Snuiner thfi Elephants Abram Bush, a resident of Monroe county, Pa., and who is stopping ai, un, Dcy street House in this city, made his appearance m mc iuuvui o uiu-v., day, and complained- uiac wuuu kin"- up Broadway on tne eveuiuK ui tho 18th inst.. he was given a handbill by a persou standing in front of store No. 430, which handbill had the name of William Lynch on it, who was represen ted as the manager of a gift enterprise at that number. Bush entered the premises and certain articles were shown him. IT purchased a gold pen holder tor 1 ; then a box containing envelopes was hnnded to him : he drew out one, which was opened, and a small pin, or some thing of that sort, was given to him, which he left in the store on a show case. At the some time another person was buy ing, who, after -making a purchase, toot d chance for 50 cents, which drew a watch which was re-purchased by the storekeeper for 85. The storekeeper then placed the watch, together with 8140 in greenbacks, in the showcase as a prize to be drawn for; the purchaser in duced Bush to go in with him as a part ner in a chance for drawing said prize ; au envelope from a number containing certain numbers to be drawu for, and in case the number drawn answered to that of the prize, the watch and $140 in mon ey were to be won. Bush paid 830 for his share of the chance, the envelope was drawn, and the prize lost. Bush then paid bdU more on his own account for another chance, which he likewise lost. Bush complains that he has been swindled ont of 861 by the storekeeper and his confederate by a "ambling device in the nature of a lot- terv. Officer Kinney, of the Mayor's office, was despatched with a warrant to arrest Lynch, lie was taKcn into custouy, am: brought before the Mayor, and confron ted with Bush. As Bush did not wish to remain in town to prosecute, (not hav ing time,) Lynch was allowed to depart, 'on condition of his refunding the full amount Bush claimed he had lost. Lynch handed over the entire sum (861), and before he departed was warned by May or Hoffman that a repetition ot the of fence would certainly be punished to the full extent of the law. AT. J . Express. rtmrrrr yurru.r g-.ru'. vita Special Notices. A MONTH !-l-Agcnts wanted for mi J six cntirelt; nctn articles, just cut Address O. T. GAREY. City Building, Biu- deford, Maine. January 4, lc6G.-ly. T3io Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different stylos, adapted to sacred am secular music, for SSO to ftGOOcach. FIF TY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other firit premiums awarded them. IlJus tratod Catilogtifs free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTH ERS, New York. September 7, 1805. ly. PER, YEAR ! We want agents everywhere to sell our im proved -0 sewing .Machine. Ihree new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large commis sions paid. The only machines sold in the United States for less than 40, which are fulhi licensed bit Horce, Wheeler &, Wilson. Grovcr & Baker. Sinner & Co.. and Bachclder. AH other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine January 4, 18GG.-ly. ..t STRAHGE, SUIT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge), Ly -?Jdressmg the undersigned Those having fears of being liunusffc" WI oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 633 Broadway, New York. January, 4, 18GG. ly. S2E2S-:S1!3 OF YOUT13. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple-remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adverriser's experience, can do so by ad dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. January 4. I860. ly. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South A merica asa missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the U rinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Gicat numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Promo led by a dosire to benefit the afflicted and un fortunate, I will send t he recipe for prepar ing and using this medicine, in a scaled en velope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, ad dressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INiMAN, Station D. Bible House, March 9, lSGfl.-ly. New York City. TO CONSWMPTJIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with severe lung affection, and that dread di sease Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means ot cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with tho directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for (yQNsuMPTiox, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lung Affec tions. The only object of the advertiser in sending the 'Prescription is to benefit the alllicted,aud spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove ablessinnr. Parties wishing tho prescription will plnaso address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York January 4, 1 806.-1 y. MARRIED. In Stroudsburg, April 21st, at the Pres byterian Parsonage, by the Rev. Benj. S. J . " TIT . 3 Eventt, MY. CHARLES hoolkauu ana Miss Hannah Keller, both of Paradise township. "NEW STORE -:and:- HEW GOODS REDUCED PRICES! DARIUS DREHER. begs leave to an nounce to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Motions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILLINERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Lawns, French Chintzs, Children s Dress Goods, 1Vor7:cd Edgings, Parasols, Zephcrs, Shetland Wools. a Shetland WoolSliawli, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert ings, Ladis and Children s Sachs Flannel and Cloth, Ladts, Misses and. Men's LToes, Gloves and Collar.-, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, &c, it'c, Gnails shown with oleasure. "Quicks sales and small profits" at tfie old and well known Milh'nery Stand of r. A. LK&H.lt. The Millinery business wi!l be carried on as usual bv Mns. Dkuiiek. PatrOnagc respect'y solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April -2G, ISGG. AGENTS WANTED FOil OUR NEW AND OEU'TsFUL WOiiii, THE PICTORIAL ROOK OF Anecdotes aafi Ineideiits OF THE REBELLION : Ueroio, Patriotic, Political, Romantic, Humorous and Tragical, Splendidly . Illustrated icith over 300 Por traits and beaut if ul En gravings. This work for genial humor, tender patho?, startling interest, and attractive beiury stands peerless and alone among all its com petitors. The valiant and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic, the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Pathetic. The Roll of Fame and Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, Scout, Bivouac, and Siege; Startling Surprises ; Wonderful Escapes. Famous Words and Deeds of Woman, and the whole Panorama of the War is here thrilling! and startingly portrayed in a masterly manner, ot once historic and romantic, rendering it the in est ample, brill ant and readable hook that the war has called forth. Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, en ergetic young men, and all in want of profit ab!1 employment, will find this the best chance to make money ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see oar terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CQ. No. 507 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. April 2G, ISGG. Im LOST! ON WEDNESDAY last, the 13th inst., at Fennersville, a sum of money amount ing to about S'49. A large portion of tha money was postal currency, &e., among tho lot was one 2 bill on the Penn Township Bank of Philadelphia, supposed tTbe counter feit, and one 1 bill on Northampton Bank of Massachusetts, supposed to be worthies.. A person of the currency was somewhat mu tilated and had strips of thin brown pnp?r pasted on tiic Jck. The money was wrap ped in a plccy of y3!i0''v straw-wrapping paper. The finder will le liberally rewarded Oil returning the money to JOSEPH L. KELLER, April 2G, 18GG. Stroudsburg, Pa. i1 !PfcEf!T' ;uxflt it us. aainimj Li tile-Orphans' Court of Monroo County. To the Jlcirs ant! leal representatives of SAMUEL B. MILLER, late of Stroud township, Monroe County, decked. YOU and each of you arc hereby notified that au Inquisition to make partition of the Heal Estate of said Samuel B. Miller, deceased, will be held upon the premises at the house of John J. Frey, in Stroud town ship, in said county, on Saturday, May 19th, ISGG, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all parties interested may attend if they see proper. CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff's Ofikc Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff, April 24, ISGG. I wanted Board Anions: iho 3!otiHfais!s FOR A FAMILY of 7 persons, (3 -frown persons, 3 children and one servant.) from about the middle of June until Septem ber. Please stale location, how near R R. Station, lowest terms. &c. ' Address S. A. MM Box G71, Station D. PHILADELPHIA, PA. April 19, 18G6. CAUTION. ALL PERSONS are hereby notified that I have binned to my father, Rudolph Kintncr, for the space of two ye.ars, two. Colts, the one four years and the other fivo years old, both Iron Grey in color, and one sett of double Harness. Any person med-v dling with the above property will be prosc-i cuted to the full extent of the law. SOLOMON K1NTNER. Stroud tsp., April 19, ISGG. 9dlO T0N PLASTER for sale at UJ Stokes' old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & HOPLRR. April 19, 18GG. HPHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for. X Grain at Storks' old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & IfOPLER. April 19, ISGG. FLOUR AND FEED of best quality, al ways on hand and for salo at Stokes' old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & IIOPLER, April 19, 1806. v 1 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers