r - rrr EI)c jTcffcrsoniau, THVSSDAT. SEPTEMBER 14, 1865. Union State Ticket. 1011 AUDITOR GENERAL, MAJ.-GEK". JOHN F. HAUTRANFT, OF MOMTOO:IEHT COUNTY. ' FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OP CAMBRIA COUNTY. The ."Saine Election. The election iu this State for Governor and other State officers, took place on Monday last, the litu inst. bhe went heavily Republican, of course. Details of the returns arc as yet incomplete, but Ihcy are quite sufficient to indicate the general result. Seventy-three towns give Cony 17,2.16 against Howard 9,315 j same time last year, Cony 22,510, Iloward 15; 879. Republican majority l:wt year 10,- 000, in a vote of 112.000 ; this year prob- ably 15,000, in a toto of 75,000. That wili do. Circus Coming. 'Pecry's Great "World Circus, proposes paying our borough a visit on Thursday, Sept. 21st. The company is made up of actors and actresses of repute selected from ail parts of the world ; and the pa- crs published in localities in which they have performed speak in the highest terms of their skill. Get the half dollars find quarters read', all hands, so as to Etep iu and see the best performances Stroudsburg has witnessed iu a long time. Important Surgical Operation. Dr. A. Reeves Jackson of this borough, whose reputation as a skilfull surgeon, stands so deservedly high throughout the county, added another laurel to his pro fessional brow, on the 3Isfcult., by a skil ful and successful opcratiou for. the remo val of tumors from tho abdomen, perform ed upon the person of Miss Sarah Tock. The young lady had been a sufferer for years, and at times run down so low that her lif e was despaired of. Her sufferings are said to be indescribable, and oftcu expressed herself that death would be a relief to her. The unflinching courage ' The Werz Trial In the Wirz trial, on Saturday, Lieut. Col. Chandler, formerly in the Rebel ser vice, who made an inspection of the And ersonville prison, testified to the indiffer ence of Gen. Winder to the comfort and health of the prisoners ; "Winder said to him, it would be better to let one-half of the prisoners die, so that they could take care of the remainder. Winder was a terward promoted. John Pasqe of the naval service testi lied as to a man dying in the chain gang he was told by a sentinel that for ever Yaukee he shot he received 30 days, fur lough and three months extra pay. John A. Marshall,. 42d New-York, tes tificd that he saw two Drisoners shot for at last led her to insist upon a resort to approaching the dead line; in such cases the only mode of relief remaining to her the sentries were released to go on tur a surmiKil operation. Dr. Jncksnn. lough : rations were stopped if men did who was her physician also, expressed a "ofc forD S? line1in ,such a ? as to Pleu.so . J ,. ' l. , Capt. Wirz: he knew of a man who wiuiuguiwa tu ycuuiiu m uiauuu, nut dje(j from tbc effects of dog-bites. AYilliam M. -Pable of Southwestern who was detailed as clerk to Co Forus, a Rebel officer in command, testi caudidly told her that though there was t . ..... i " were altogether against, hpr. Nnfcwilh- M?orusj a on.i; r Ged that while riding out he saw a man iu r , . ... . . , the stocks, who he thought would drowu ful result, she still insisted upon the per- asa heavv rain was fallin unon his facc formauce of the operation, and on the day the witness held'his umbrella, over a him named above the Doctor, in presence of Mr a while, and thau went to Capt Drs. Bond . Uncli Wol'inr lT-nne I Wirz to express his apprehension ; Wirz said, "Let the damned Yankee drown : in a few minutes thereafter, however, an . Pine Peaches. We were shown, a few days since, a lot of thirty peaches, picked from a tree in the garden belonging to our friend Wm. Davis, Esq., without particular re gard as to size, which weighed together thirteen and a half pounds, or an average each of over seven ounces. The largest peach measured ten and a half inches, and weighed nine ouuees. Through air oversight we failed to qualify ourself to judge of the quality of the fruit, but pre sume it to have been excellent. enham Walton, D. D. Walton, Davis, TIT? 11? i -ir ir ... imams ana xur. v an uusKirt, medical 0fficcr was scnt from (W. Wirz's head student, most skilfully performed. Some quarters, who took the man out of the idea of the immensity of the operation stocks ; the crops were not so good in may be formed when we state the fact as in tne year oeiore, out we iar-.1.-. .i...i.. i .... mers had a surplus. tuat Liiu oisiij uau co oc cud open sui- w w Crandall, 4th Iowa, testified as ficiently to permit the egress of a tu- to a man being badly bitten in the calves mor weighing 12 J pounds and of a cyst by dogs, aud soon thereafter fastened a with tlnnk w.-ills flJIoil wUli n xvMm rrolo. each ankle with a chain and ball , the tinus fluid. .rnn.r fi nnnrlR. wW1i i man haviuS been kept in this condition ... . , . . . I for several weeks, the witness went to tneir separation irom vital parts required Wirz and piea(lcd for the releasc of the the utmost skill, united with the strength prisoner ; but Wirz said he could not do of the operator. The most astonishing t; the legs were swollen ana had a putrc connection of the operation is that the pa- fied ?ofc i a llebsI surgeon being appealed tient, so Jong bound down with disease, .t , . , . , ,J , should have survived its performance. lhe man fitialy died . thc' witneas as 011e She is, however, we are pleased to learn, of thc detailed sextons, helped to bury 30 rapidly recovering, and gives promise of or "0 of the men who had been shot ; dur soon becoming a health-restored memento !DS nue ucn. cnerman was marcn r , . . , . ., . . I ing from Atlanta to the coast, the pns ui ii uat sui mtui cuuuvu. iu ciwiiuii nanus I c ' i l .1 n v.xuuvu, i u niuii nauus, oucrs wcre Qf course anxious to hear thc under a good Providence can be made to news ; a report came that Sherman and do. Words are inadequate to a full meas- his staff aud 15,000 prisoners had been urement of the credit which should be bestowed upon Dr. Jackson, for this most successful and brilliant effort. Assess the Soldiers. captured ; Capt. Wirz said he hoped this was true, and if thc prisoners were sent there he could take care of more darned Yankees than four regiments in thc frout on one occasion a barrel of rotten pork- was sent to the Commissary's office to be One of the most important duties de- used by the Yankees; the witness was VOlving upon the different Ward, town- Lmnlnvnrl in tlmf. nffino Mip nrvr. A i , r--j j " emu aim uuuty uuiuiuiuecs, mrougiiout. received orders to weigh out thc same me oiaie, is mat oi properly aud tully number of pounds of beef and turn it o assessing the soldiers in each of their e- ver to Capt. Wirz, who wanted the best, "u aosence oi tnc saying it was far his own eating : he knew lection districts. i'he Sussex County Fair comes off a Xcto, N. J., on the 26th. 27th, 2Sth r.nd 20th of September, iust. Prepara- i: r re making to have the coming fair txct 1 all others, in thc excellence of the rtook exhibited, and in the display of thc hl'iA :,cd handiwork of those'who contrib u'o to its interest. The receipt of a com- ilimcutsry. which it would be a pleasure to respond to, is hereby acknowledged The officers have our thanks. -Cf- L " The Wooien Factory building, now t c urse of erection in the lower end of tho iorough, is progressing rapidly. It will be quite an ornament to the town, as source oi pecuniary benefit. .. -t a source oi pecuniary TI Company deserve credit for the en crty -with which they are urging its com ll 3. The business-like hum of the -pbJ.'es will be heard ere the winter has u: p i. i ii . l - iu.uier irom nis nome, ana ins acquired the pork came from Capt. Wirz's head rigut m ine meantime to vote in the field, quarters ; prisoners who 1 rendered it unnecessary to name in the ing the war. had monev could i ,.it i j "u'uia procure iooa : oue or tnem Dougnt a pic new assessments made dur- but soon vomited itup ; another prisoner 0 ...w ...... t.i.uit.uii tu una. mailV nnnr trrn i mi 11T t in rmaxtm minnc tln cnl, lore l,on 1 xl. , . c 1 tr . ... cu.un iau viijjuuu iiieir resi- and ate them. donees, by wmcli re-a?scssment becomes also necessary. The 30th of September, dead were buried by Union prisoners, un y.g, n.u.t ui iu iu-iu uppoinicn uer the superintendence of a liebel ior tnese assessments. This is ser- verv short period for such an important duty, and we therefore earnestly urge our friends in the various election districts at once to collect a list of all uuasscssed soldiers ii -,. . . ... t;u anu nave tneir names era ve-vard and unbrai.lnd thom fnr .mi placed on the proper duplicates. Evervh.nrvn.cr H,o AnA ;n Kmm, tn j i ti vtv iu uvuui c i. y tu, ca villi: returned soldier must be assessed, or he they ought to work night as well as day! wul forfeit his vote ! Ti,n f mM i ... ed in burying the dead, aud in vain had geant; the bodies were not treated indc cently, excepting that they were carted like logs of wood, in order to get a full load, as there was only oue wagon ; offi cers and soldiers frequently came to the it i w e are now to have a new State, born endeavored to procure more help; some of from the vast territory between Kansas the visiting Rebels said this graveyard and thc Pacific. Its name will be Color- would make a good vinevard. thc Yankee The ffew"Aristocracy." Ever since our Democratic friends blundered at Chicago by declaring that theuwar was a failure," and were so hand somely whipped on that platform, they have been casting around for a new record. We do not pretend to follow their various shifting changes of policy, but only to no tice the last. Wherever a Democratic Convention meets we are sure to have to speech about the Rond-Aristocrats, and a demand that Government securities shall submit to the tax imposed upon State and local corporations. The poor people are told that thc National Loan is an ex clusive privilege conferred by the Govern ment upon its supporters, and that the possessor of bonds is an aristocrat an enemy of the people, free from taxation that oppresses the poor man, and allowed to grow rich and fat while they lowly starve. There is uo knowing the mischief these clamors may create. A similar cla mor about the Conscription" caused the riot in New-York, although three months had not passed before these -who shouted "Yes, Yes' were just as loudly shouting "Nay, Nay." There are three points to be observed in reply to all this : I. Congress has no more the Constitution to allow States to tax National securities than it has to allow them to tax gold and silver coin, or legal tenders, or Government ships and cannon. The Government has the right to levy war, and raise money without consulting local Legislatures. To deny them this right would be to make the Legislature of any State or the corporation of any city superior to the National Legislature. II. Even if this constitutional restric tion did not exist, we were so placed when we raised these loans that money could only be had by extra inducements. So rr ,i i - l . i i wo uuuibu ai.uSu interest, anu inaoc Jackson- mucn oi tins prvviso that the bonds bore Clusky. right under Women is said to be a mere delusion, but it is sometimes pleasant to hug delu sions." " DEED. August the 2Gth, 18G5, Maria Edinger, wife of Jacob Edinger, of Pocono Town ship, Monroe County, aged 4G years- 10 months and 6 days. She has been a professor of religion for many years ; thc purity of which was most beautifully manifested by her chris tian charity and benevolence. She leaves, a large family to mourn thc loss of a kind and affectionate mother. But their loss is most surely her eternal gain. Eight days since her departure, her eldest son, Adam, has taken his leave of all "earthly things, aud gone, we trust with her to"where the inhabitants never say I am sick." Where God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes: There sorrow and pain has long since passed away, And grief and fear never can come ; Where they live in the light of fairEdens bright day, And rejoice in the thought, 'we're at home." . . : DEERY'S GREAT WORLD CIRCUS. Two Establishments Combined THE MOST COMPLETE TRAVELING EXHIBITION EVER ORGANIZED. Consisting of a magnificent outfit, a troupe of Equestrians and Equestriennes, a corps of gymsnastics and acrobats, a company of e-qucstro-dramatists, comedians and panto mimists, a full complement of equerric, grooms and chevaliers of the arena, and a lontc ensemble. Brilliant beyond precedent, compris ing in its comprehensive detail A STAIt RY GALAXY, selected from the crcmc-de-la-crcme of the various amphitheatrical C3 tablishments of Europe and America. The Stud of Horscr has been chosen with no less care, and in blood? beau" ty and training can defy rk valry. . The TrickHorses andEdtf-' cated Mules . are marvels of equine eagtk cuyana the latter, while falsifying the old adage of "stubborn as a mule," com pletely bewilders the spec tator with humanlike inteU lect, and comprehensive facile power in Jury List Set). T. 1865. sh?rt-in ercr ParVcular' lhe Grc' woru vo-arcnic model of thc are. P Jll. Smithficld John I3. Delnot, Eras- The following gentlemen comprise the tus Eylenbergcr, Benjamin Hincs, Mel- corps of Managers and Directors. choir Depue, Hugh Labar. M. J. ROBINSON & DEERY, Proprietor. Hamilton Walter Dairy, Joseph Ear- ALEX. ROBINSON, Manager. man, Amos Houck, Jacob Dossard, Thorn- Dr. GEO. W. STEVENS, Treasurer, as J.XOSS. ajwii m i. a j., jjijuesinan jjirector. Chcsnnthill Edward Gillispie, J. E. 1 KU1' WA1JLL, Leader of the Band. Hoodmachcr. hc cavalcade entering town in grand Stroud Charles Dreher, Simon Dar- procession preceded by thc UEOKGEOUS ry, Xiuwara xiunsecKer 'ueicnoir jsarry, r " u;ii:... rran cent specimen of art ever paraded before tho IV iiutiuj j. i auauu. i -Ezra Marvin, Philip Mc- tax paid by internal reveuue. We were very glad to get it on these terms. The Copperheads never proposed to offer us hotter. TTT rtll in. j. he (jovernment Loan is not in the hands of a few. It is the people's loan niurpny, and l'ntz, and Jacques all putting their little earnings in more Eldred Henry Newhart. TunJchannoch Abraham Datts. Stroudsburg Gustavo Sontheimer. lioss Deter Getz. 7-. 11t 7?. J. ULVIIV JL UlUl Hdincrer. Eldred- k ..ii rt rn.ndilv Hum fiio ii-0..lf l,;..of -UUIUIIY VXOWCr. in the land. We mv call the bondholder ,J.rretL: M an aristocr.inv. hnt it ;c fW nf tun " illiam U. JjOU' v j V KUUW Ul 1,1115 lifOli I A I l'ETIT JUHOltS. Peter Joues, Jacob Corrcll, orris Price, David Price, public, splendidly caparisoned and driven and controlled by JACK AIAPES, thc Champi. on Whip. Two Clowns at each-performancj. HIRAM DAY, the g'eat wit and modern Grinaldi, CHARLES COVELLI, the talk ing and siging Clown, acknowledged aB thc most acceptable man of humor, who ever assumed a motley attire, will occupy a prominent portion in the department of fun. The Company are led by the following artisis, each of whom is a widely celebrated star in his or her profession. MADAME MARIA ROBINSON, pie Tribune. the Correll, I rPl.r r-ii.i u ... tUn c.r... i : .1 ni , ii. Alii, sjuii uiiuiii ui hju via ui;, uiu m Jiuu. (IOU- CharJes Alte- rr ., A J hr.nntv. fpmininr fir.-ii'rrv nm! nrftatl. a-rr-nl. Kerchner. James h i? ni mose. Our State Finances. Chcsnat hill John governor urtin lias othcially announced ""c' """" 'o'1"- LITTLE ANNIE ,lnlif Iom ,i. uio.. coo noo -nn v Hnnn v SI..ft x ,,u ,uo-Jie vtueon oi me arena, andterp. wicb, hoover, Slpi of bods V .W-Gideoa L. Kbuev, A. B. STr.XJ,SiSr, " . . . . . r equally poetic and incomparable. LA FAIRIE ALICE, Thc beautiful little h istnonic equestrienne. 4.1, IT 1 t n . I r uiu runnsyivania anu line Kailroau Uom- JSreese paines should be deducted. Ieavmcr the real Palh Am n Sin for P.onrrrn Tir.rci,: debt only 828,333,791. It is expected that Lor, Henry lloth, Charles A. Fisher, next Ven.1 hv thp nnprntinns nl rn y v r..A ' .I J oiuiwue- Stephen jJohlmgcr. i iiiiii nv. imii vvr ii iifiii r nnir nni irmnm winini . . j - - w . . j imnuiu. UI'J LUU I L1U1JU1 KJ IU. tZ taxation, at least 81,000.000 of our State debt will be paid. This flattering condition Steph Sti'Oudsburj- -Melchoir Spragle, Wil- of our finances reflects great credit upon uie auministration ot Governor Uurtm, and will be highly satisfactory to the neonle. not only because it foreshadows the extinc tion of our debt, but because it illustrates chi Kelly, James Smith. Hani Clements, Daniel Peters M. Smitificld-Uirdw Vanauken, John JuewitD. Stroud Henry Edinger. Daniel Doys, GsS; Loolbaunh Henry W. Miller, Mala- six horse rider, MILLIE LEONETTE, The daring and magnificent horse woman. JOHN STAR, The champion two, four and low readily the growing wealth of a commu nity practically diminishes the burden o governmental indebtedness.. Twenty-five years ago it was feared that our people tit . . .... . wouiu ue crushed bv the iiahi itips nfnnr State, and repudiationTound some open ad vocates. Now, our State debt is not seri ously considered as onerous by a single citizen, and it is gradually being paid without inconvenience to our people. Tobuhanna William Ebach, Jacob Master Tommy Liakestee, fcamuel Hay. Paradise Samuel Hilgert. Price Leonard Lessoiu. THE WHITTONY. BROTHERS, and nev I J mJ ado. Jiy virtue of au enablinsract passed bones alfordinj' c;ood0ran:i by Congress a year or more airo. the neo- vite their friends to com pie of the Territory have at last decided grapes ; he, himself, w.s uiaL tney win lorm a btale government, ior attempting to cscip joiormai act ol admission will bereouired c- miles bcfjro 1 in this case. The Senators and llenre- by scouts as a Jleb sentatives will present themselves at Wash- would be hunir f 7 J ington, where they will roceive full re- them he was a Y cognition. The , I . iv3 UU HI I - ' w m 5 John sides of the Itocky Mountains, north of William , Aew Mexico. It embraces a region nro- Cavalry, testi Wc liope the erection of these temples ductive of metallic wealth, and contains from the Sani - i i i . cf industry will prove but the onennin-It PPuia"oii of about 60,000 people. been appropria a. .i n ., 1 . uenvar is the chief town .mil Mnifni said to h .i m. liir iiio nrnnr i r. rt - .r.nM.u: i wv ' i .BW wutu A 1 T . . . . I ' w VUUlCb. (lli:iJ7'l'1I I w w VU Vt (i 1U11LU L till IV 1 .11 orccumgMiistitutious iu our midst. to freedom, and onnn.nd fn i,mV ui tho fmnf .. V,, unA . i IX "uuiuu uuuu- . . w.. , i i . iiau liilvuibllUU IIF OI1UO Wullace & Co., have a new, larjre saw :iil, nearly completed, on the site of the cU enc, recently owned by Mr Do vs. Our water power is abundant for makin Etroudsburg an important manufactur mg centre, and needs but the display of etitcrpnzc on the part of our citizens, to induce assistance from foreign capital to bring about this desirable consummation. a J ic Yankee age iu every form. niLuuaa iuj auuje trivial complaint, aud ordered the guard to fire upon a man who had stepped out to pick up a piece o wood; he hastened back to the ranks be tore he could shoot. The witness said Tho Monroe County Agricultural Fair The jth Annual Fair of the Monroe -! ! 1 . . county .agricultural Society, comes off 4 i, lilt' I I I ill M m u i nn -AwnL.. j.i i ill . . ui kjnuuu&uur, on me ocatcs to avoid thn rir.-ifY nm 4t" l"and Oth of October, proximo, ircui exercising the elective franchise. It A Timely Hint As the fall elections will soon be com Z on, it should be by virtue of the proclamation of the Vm. amonS other things, that prisoners were ident, of March 10, issued in conformity . , . SKeietonsJ aua W0UI go to the w u jaw oi congress, dated March 3d r0- uf uuuli5wl parucics oi 18G3, all persons duiv nnrnllnrl , .in. tood t he mentioned several cases of shoot- parted from the Jurisdiction of the dis- !Dg .en ; 0110 C thcm ifc was said by at tncts m which they were enrolled or .u U1BI '10 ,iave UCCQ sllt by Capt went iftvnnrf flio m;i nP tt:.j i i ii li utuiauu. j La managers, in their list of premiums, and m the general arrangement of the iuidtuon, are sparing no expense of either time, money or labor to keep up acd add to the already well earned repu- s ucn oi this Sociclv's Fairs. And Troops to be Mustered Out. will be the dutv of officorK in The Secretary of War issued instructions ... . . " " V. IUU 1 . - . " penalty in all cases at the cominj? Oeto- l c c?"img -en. ot the Department uer eieciiou. " ----- mgium, riunuu, xe.xas. Louisiana and Arkansas, directing them to illllllUUIUUeV iniisrpr nnr nt xnrv.nr I1 xne l huadelphia jorth American well lotions ot colored troops which were enlisted says of Gov. Curtin ; "He has saved ! of the commonwealth are now ces in a far us society s x airs. And we Pennsvlv.; fmm o.. pj.l, -ake no attempt on public credulity, it s to his credit mainly that the finances Aua we say mat thc coming fair will ex tccd those llaucy which should aeernn In flio ,ii...... .r r .-., C" . ".r 01 ""en,5 . 01 c,ue.Past. "vc years. The -w ww.BV w ucueut uie agricultural, naeuty displayed by him toward the ci --rlicultural aud stock raising interests tlens of the pending war, has been every - wu.ui.y. j.moug me premiums LP r . , 1 u' 1X0 soldier Strelh of Two Hundr J iinn...J0.L.lcnJnslvan,a s been by him left rrmitihio il i-i . . IT 1 . . ""J i tuc ; M uu LU1S ice noerai scale. JJo1Sl,-ure uave occasionally borne testi -aiwvib aua others should take notice ofl -lc.Ee exhibitions, and at lenst bv cnnim .'Ah the productions of each other, show f Hiram Gliver and JoIm Wesley Hear- v'.ttLcy WoroaHybopo to thSSbuX,' SZ - - uch a display of Monrn n A t 1 " J s' yiu2l Wednes- . , a ..iiu luuruer 01 J. Jj. (Jnnk'o Ae SISfrlllf. PmrAa TIT 1.1 . . Ja - - 'wpuou 1 1 1 , I 1 ') I ni t 1. n . vi LUU boso which preceded it in the bnl ctU:r condition than they have been dur. of it. display, and in tKe interest q,?Jf fi'W-en'y 's- VJ f should accrue ft. ,L l. l ra" t 1 fa trill 1. . .,i upUUuiu eyes oi alJcompet : tj c ur true p&sitiou as a producing ty of the Ko. lbor,der. The o8ieZ our Ihmika-ibn-a complimentary. teen th District. Seven- New Tork drinks six hundred Urrr-r J wmsKey a day. in the Northern States, and arcnowrvin in there lespective commands, the muster out to be by entire organizations, including all additions thereto by recruits and other sources. Another order directs the muster out or o.uuu additional white troops in the department of Arkansas. The two inde pendent companies ot the Marine coast Guard ompames A and B of the New-Hampshire "avy Artillery, and (Jo. 1), 1st Massa chusetts Heavy Artillery, now serving in the Department of the East, are also ordered to be discharged. Maior-finn Aimnr i . -w J "fa "ua also been ordered to rndnpp tUn irnllintnnt f, ... ww w VwIUilLwwi iorce m nis command to 6,000 commissioned omcers anu enlisted of all arms. Internal Eevenue Decision. The Commissioner to-aay decided that a person who merelv canvasses and takes subseriniinna for mnnc books, &c., is not a peddler within the Inter nal Revenue laws. If, however, he receives pay ior uie books, maps, &c., at the time he lakes the subscripton. or if he deli Vftrs tlirm and receives pay therefor upon a subscription Tircvrlniichr tn lion 1... !.: ir ... 1 .1 i-vr.vuv '. ujr imiiaeii or uy anomer, 10 is a peddler and should tnUn n licnnsn nc such. The Mason & Hamlin 'Cabinet Ore-a-ns. forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $S0 to 8600 each. THIRTY-FIVE GOLD or SILVER iMEDALS or other first premiums awarded them. Illus trated Catalogues free. Address. MASON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTH ERS, New York. September 7, 1665. ly. y . er's Sarsaparilla ted extract of the choice root. h other substances of etill 3 power as to afford an ef- for diseases Sarsanarilla is Such a remedy is surely who suffer from Strumous and that one which will accom- cure must prove, as this has of service to this large class or our fellow-citizens. How completely impound will do it has been proven by nment on many of the worst cases to be in the followm" complaints: Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Snms. Skin Disease, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches. Eruptions, St. Anthony's Fiie,"Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, &c. Syphilis or Vcnerial Disease is expelled ADDITIONAL JUKOKS. Smillijidd David Fenuer. Polk lieuben Correll. Paradise Jacob Eeesecker. Pocono David JJowmau, Adam glemoyer. Chesnuthill Charles LaufTer, Stcrni; Jefferson Franlz. . St roud Lewis M cy era . Poss George Mixsell. An- Abcll Price Harrison S Coolbavqh James Welch coring. Argument List, Sept. T. Ezra Marvin vs. John J. Frcy. O. F. llogen vs. Jay Gould and David W. Lee. Use of Stroud J. Hollinshead vs. same, Same vs. same. Commonv.-calth vs. Edward L. Bred-head. James A. McGowan vs. Jacob Stouffer. Same vs. Stephen and Charles Kistler. Same vs. Philip Kresgc. Overseers of thc Poor of Stroud Tsp. vs. John jN;. Staples, llulc on Execution of Frederick Shunn. deceased. T. M. McILIIANEY, Proth'y. To the Voters of Monroe Co. Fellow Citizens: At the solicitation frnm fhr cuclnm lit. !h n..l.....l .1 .1 - I SorMpad ileS'g left U f "r'ST' l"rUU,' ',h CUD parative health. 1 "er wysolf as a candidate for Female Diseases ore caused by Scrofula County Treasurer, i" "!c Dl00tli nnd are ollen soon cured at the ensuing General Election. Should velle. nn n. a- a X- TSTu r - - i be so fortunate as to be elected, I will Do notdiscard this invaluable mod cino.hnJdlcnWrrn n, r ..i. i cause you have been imposed upon by some- fT a & io 1 f vnWlST mia 11EUJ3EN GliEGOllY. Polk tsp., Sept. 7, 18G5. The motley delineator of the Grecian and Roman school of High Art, exemplified in their beautiful classic Olympian melange. MASTER CHARLES, The Arbacian matter of the Egyptian science, illusionist and prestidigitateur extraordinaire. SIGNOR WALLACE, The great Globe eqnilibriest, and matre du cirque. MR. HIRAM D4Y. The wit, jestor, humorist and clown jiar excellence, A merry offshoot of Momus, a "fellow of infinite wit," and a genuine and original speciman of the shaksperian bxijfo. ALEX. ROBINSON, His motley associate and quaint and quizzical com peer. Messrs: CHAS. LONG. GEO NIXOXS, HENRY HOWE JOHN NORTON. BOB SMITH, JOE REESIDES. Acrobats, Gymnasts and Amphitheatrical professors of la haute cede. THE MAGNIFICENT JOHNSTER, The prodigy of thc menage, a superb speci men of blood svmmetrv and intelligence. will be introduced in his educated perform ances, by Madam Robinson, DR. STEVENS' TROUPE OF EDUCATED DOGS AND MONKEYS, FROM ASHLEY AMPHITHEATRE, LONDO.H. Tho Famous Trick Mules, Sancho, the spotted Spaniard, and Taut Pry, unhesitatingly pronounced the wonders of tho Mule family, will be exhibited at each performance by the trainer, Mr. Chas Co- thing pretending to be Sarsaparilla. while it was not. When vou have nsml Avor's then, and not till then, will you know tho virtues of lars of the diseases it cures, wo refer vnn tJ I O the Voters of Monrnn Hn. , , - . VV-wv iyer s American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to nil wlin call for it. SHELLI3ARK. The incomprehensible Roan etc. all ex hibited under a spacious oriental pavillion, amid strains of Orohcus like music by the double band of string and wind instrumentr, led by thc great director. Prof. E. WAIILE. Admission to all parts of the pavilion, 50 cents. Children under 10 vears. 25 cents. Fellow-Citizens : I offer mvself as 03" Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. a candidate for the office of This Large and Magnificent establishment SHERIFF, if elec- faithfully To the Voters of Monroe Co. Fellow-Citizens : 1 offer myself aa a canuiuatc jor thc othce of SIIEStlFF, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, for the cure of Cns- tiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, at tho next October Election, and Dysentery, Foul Stomach. Hpndnrho Piloo I tfid Will fllcnllnrrrn tlm A..t'. P. itheumatism, Heartburn arising from nisnr. Uml fn fl.n ,na np i.:i:.. aerea otomacli, Pain, or Morbid Tnnfii inn nfl T1IT A it ic nnvT-niT ...w x mmu.-iiuy, joss oi Appetite, Paradiqn Aim 31 "I9fi"i Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Wnrm, fin 1 aradlS0 Aug- - nuuruigia, anu lorn Dinner Pill. Tbey are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prepared bv J. C. AYRE &. CO.. r.mvnll Mass., and sold by William HoIIinsliend. at the next October Election, and if clen- and Dreher & JJro., Stroudsburg, Pa. ted will discharge the duties faithfully - hm' to the best of my ability. Trial List, Sep. T. 1865. L PfER mbrwinb,. Supervisors of Middle Smithfield vs ' xouo' To the Voters of Monroe Co. Fellow-Citizens : I offer myself as a candidate for Couuly Treasurer, at the ensuing October Election, and if elected, will discharge the duties of the n - will exhibit at IT rt rt 11 i vuu kj. uoomaugh. David VV. Leo vs. Jay Gould. Engles Admin, vs. Jacob Stouffer. John N. Staples vs. D. B. Burnett. George Krcsge v. Adam H. Weiss. Hollinsheads Adm'r. et. al. vs. Benin min. Hinds. -Lay , IVOOUlinff VS. AIDerfc and Arlnm Olhnn tn thn infnrnofo nf thn Inv Stull. - RTTunxr Aivii'i55' T. M. -McILHANEY, Proth'y. I SmitLficlfield, Aug. 24 18G5.. KRESGEVILLE. Wednesdav. Sept. 20. STROUDSBURG, Thursday, Sept. 21. BUSIIKTLT.. Vr JOE. COOK, Agent. YVM. v oote, Jr.. contracting AgenL September 14, 18G5. Orphans' Cowrt Notice Appraisement of 800 to widows liar--ing been filed in the following Estates they will bo presented for confirmation, on Monday Sept. 25, 18G5, unless excejv tions arc filed. Estate of Michael Butts, deceased. James Keckhow, Jesse Slutter, Jonas Banna, Michael Gower, George Hose, Henry Brown, Charles Bidding, Joseph F. Heckman, Philip Hoffman, ' John 11. Osterhoudt. " T. M. McILHANEY, ClerE. September 7, 1805 it u (( n t: it ti tt a tt ti it tt tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers