nrO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED 1 AND DESPONDENT OF BOTH SEXES. A grant suffer having been rc btored ;o health in a few days, after many years of mi.scrv, is willing io assist his suf fering' felbw-creatures by sending (free on ihe roce-pl of a postpaid addressed envelope, a conv of the formula of cure employed. Direct to JOHN M. DAGNALL, Box 183 Post Office, Jan. 12, Co. 5m. . Brooklyn, N. Y. TJO YOU WISH TO BE CURED 3 XJ DR. BUCHAN'S English Specific p;;; nrf in less than 30 davs. the worst cases of Nervousness, Impotency, Premature Decav, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Sovunl IVJorvniia Afti'CtlOnP. nO niuw.ii ' w" -. . ' . iMrfpr from what cause nrodticed. 1 rice, One Doiiar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D. Bible House, New York. March 17, 1S&1. New Liveiy Stable. The undersigned would respectfully in fos m the citizens of Stroudsburg. nud the public gcucally, that he now occupies' the Stables attached to the Indian yuecn no tel, where lie is prepared, with a super or stock cf Horses. Carriages, Bug- cics, Sleighs, &c, to accommodate all whose busiuess, or ulrasure. icouires the occasional use o these articles. His horses were selected with a view to the Livevy business, and can be recommended as kind and gentle vri willing and free. II is vehicles, with their anrointincnts, are of the first order rod his prices so reasonable as to suit the pockets of all. Careful and cccorn mcdating Drivers and Ostlers will always le ready to attend to the wishes of cus iomers, and he feels confident that he cau jmvc satisfaction to all who favor him with tticir patronage, lie invite? tne puunc to examine his f-tock before g?rements elsewhere. J. E. W. MI JJ;ER. Proprietor. . Stroudsburg, Jau. 2G, 1865. Eieentor's Notice. Eitatc of DA YID EDIXGER, laic oj Uomilivn toicnsltiji, dee'd. Leliers testamentary ou the above nr.vced decedent, late of the township ol Hamilton, Monroe County, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment, aud those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J 'JI1N K. ED1XGER, Executor. - Binithucld fsp., Jau. 26 1565. Money For the payment of the loan heretofore fore made for Bounties to Volunteers, the Town Council of the Borough of Strouds- bur; desires to borrow Ten Thousand Dollars, for which bonds will be issued at 15 rer cent interest, payable iu one, two, and three years from date. Ike responsibility of the Borough, and certainty of the bonds being redeemed at the time specified, together with the fact that they are free from taxation, render th' one of the safest and most desirable in, psiments. The bonds will be issued in sums of 62. C-50, and $100 thus putting thi favorable opportunity for investment with in the reach of all. The bonds will also be ui?de payable to bearer, which will make them readily negotiable. 'i hose desiring to obtain these bonds will please call at the office ofthe under signed, Secretary ol the Council, who is authorized to receive the money and is tue bonds for the same. By order of the Council. JACKSON LANTZ, Scc'y. Stroudsburg, Jan. 20, 1855.-4t. Court proclamation. W'hcrccs. the Hon. Gkouoz R. Barrett. President Judge ot the22d Ju . cial District ol Pennsylvania, composed of the counties af Wayne, Pike, Monroeand Carbon, and Abra ham Levering and Jeremy Mackey. Es-qr's. Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their offices. Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have e- . - . . T: . t tuetl llieir precept iu inu cuuuiianuing iuu a Court of Quarter Sessionsof the Peace and Common Pleat, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, for the eaid County of Monroe, to be hoJden i Jtrouae?l)urg, on tiie2U io of rebmry, iruD, to continue one wee if necessary. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justice of the Peace, and Const iibles ofthe said coun ty of Monroe,-that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai ning. and also that those who are bound b recognizmceti to prosecuteand give evidence againj-t the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail cf the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to be then and there to prosecute or testify as ehall be just. (God save the Common wealth.) LINFORD MARSH, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office Slrnudsburg, ) January 26, 1665. J Iprotljonotarn'B Notice. Notice is hereby given that the final accountof Thomas (j rattan, deceased,Com mittee of the person and Estate of Mar garet iviutuer, a lunatic or Middle bmith- field township, Monroe County, by Fran cis E G rattan Executor of said Thomas G rattan, deceased, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, and will presented for allowance and confirma tion at the next term of said Court to be held at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 27th day of Febnrary, A. D. 18G5, of which all persons interested will take notice. T- U. McILUANEYj Proth'y February 2, Lc05. lf Until Be Registers Notice. j&TOTlCE is hereby given to all persons I interested in the estates of the respec tive decedents, that the following accouuts have been filed in the Register s ollice oi Mouroe County, and will be presented lor confirmation to the Orphans' Court of said county, at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the ittl day oi jj euruaiy ioui;, " ' "hi f T?Wh Y. Swiuk Ex- on.nt.or of the last "Will and Testament of Mary Frederick, late.of Sroiid Township, Final account of Sydenham Walton Administrator of Henrietta Lck, late oi Coolbaugh Township, deceased. l?innl nftcrtuot of' Jacob Kiiecht, Ad miniRtrntnr with the wiil annexed ot ann.,n. p TCuncht. late of Hamilton Towushin. deceased. Account of Melchoir Heller, Adminis trator of Anthony Heller, late ot Smith field Township, deceased. Account of Jacob Eugler. Administra tor of Elizabeth llichncr, late of Eldrcd Township, deceased. Account of Addic Daniel, Executor of the last Will and Testament of William Dauiel late of Eldrcd Township, dee'd. Account of George Warner, Guardian of the Person aud Estate of Emelinc ar- ner a daughter of m. Warner, late o Jackson Township, deeascd, (the Emeline being now also dee'd.) san; Account of Philip Kresge, Administra tor of Adam Bowman, late ot Polk Aowu ship, deceased. .Final account of Nathan Frantz, Ad miuistrator of Isaac Widdows late of Po- cono Township, deceased. Account of Geonje Butts, Administra tor cum testasicnto annexo of Jacob Sha for, laic of Hamilton Township, dee'd JOHN S. FISHER, Register. Register's Office, Stroudsburg, February 8, 1S65. -j OTn?"DTl?T?0 SALE. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me directed, issued out ot the Court ol Com mou Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale, at public vendue, on Fridtiy, the 2Ath day of Februarys 1SC5, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, the following described real estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of Philip S. Brown, in the equal undivided moiety or half part of the following described REAL ESTATE, to wit: A certain lot or piece of land, situate in the borough of Stroudsburg, in said Monroe county, bounded on the South by Main street, on the East by land of Robert Boys, North by land of William D. Walton, and West by land of Mark Miller, containing two hund dred and twenty-eight feet in front on said Main street, by two hundred and twenty five feet in depth on the East side, three hundred and thirty-rive feet on the West side, and two hundred and twenty-eight feet on the North side. The improvemeats are a two story Frame Dwcliinsf House. Mm 25 by 32 feet, with Frame Kitchen attached, a Frame Shop 22 h.y5i2 feet, and a Frame Stable 13 by 24 feet, aVell of Water near the door, a Butcher Shop 16 by 13 feet, two two story FRAME DWELING HOUSES each 16 by 26 feet, with Kitchen attached to each 14 by 14 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Philip S. Brown, and to be sold by ine lor cash. r LINFORD MARSH, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, .Stroudsburg, ) Feb. 2d, 16G5. J miuistrator's Notice. Est at r of XELSOX COOKE, late of the JJovovfh of Stroudsburg, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration upon the above named Es tate havo been granted to the undersigned b the Ilegister of Monrce County, in due lorm of law : therefore, all persons iudebt ed to said Estate arc requested to make immediate payment; and those having any just claims are also requested to present them legally authenticated for settlement to 1A VIS D. WALTON, Administrator. Stroudsburg, Feb. 1. 18G5. Ct. AT THE OLD STAND. The undersigned respectfully informs the public, that he has taken the old stand formerly occupied by Jacob Goetz and latterly by Win. M. Loder, and hav ing ttiorouglily cleansed aud renttcd it and secured the services of a first class Baker, is fully prepared, at all times to nil orders lor Bread, Twht, Cakes, &c. The Confectionery jdepartment will be Oil ed with Cakdies, Nuts and Fruits in their season, which, together with every- . 1 1J Mil .If ... tiling Kept at. tuis estantisliment, will prove to be ofthe firstquality and be sold at reasonable prices. An eating saloon will also be connected with the establishment in which the best ouality of oysters will always be found, aud where ladies and i;euilemen wi II be assured of quiet and ofthe best atten dance while enjoying the delicacies of the season. The public are invited to drop in. II. 0. LE VAN WAY. Stroudsburg, Jan. 19, 1065. CAUTION. The public are hereby cautioned a u'nst purchasing a due bill for Twenty Dollars, given by me to Jacob J. Frey. Having received no value therefore. I am determined not to pay it unless compelled vjr juw. JOHN WiTDAfTCT? Stroudsburg, Dec. 24, 18GL OYSTEES. Families aud Hotels supplied with Ovs- ters, fresh from the City, every day, at reasonable prices. W.HJTE & SCHOCH. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. Bunning Time oi rassenger j.raiD8, UCt. U4, 100. LEAVE KORTHWABD. 1.EAVB SOUTHWARD. Accom ;Passcn- Accom moda- lion, i eer. STATIONS. moda tion'. P. M. P. M. P. M. 2 10' l.-tO 1.(15' I. 1.25 11 50. I I , 15, 10.45 10.30 C40 CJl 6.00 5.3S 5 U i.i6 4 40 4.32 4.10 3.10 3.27 3 15 2.ya 2.18 2.00 1M ' Great Rend, S New Milfnrd, s Montroso. Hojibottoni, i. Nicholson. ' Fiirtoryville. I Abiiigltui. t Clai k's Summit, Scrnnton. Gjccnville, J Dunning, Mosoov . Couldsboto' Tobyhrtiina. iFoiKS. lOiikland. ' Hcniyvillc. i Sjiraguevlllc, Slroudsbnrg. Wijtcr Gup. ' Mnim: Relhcl. s I 22 12.55 12.40 12.:il 12.10 5 12.01 11.51 5 11.42 i 11. 25 (. M. f Manunka Chunk.1; ' Biidgevllle, Oxford. " J Waging' on. New Ilriinpton. ,' Change lor Pliil. P The g'siKscstgcr'Fraiu Northward Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of the Muil Train which leaves New York al.8.00 A. M., and Manunlta Chunk on the arrivsi of the Tram which leaves Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 7.15 A. M. At Scranton this Train makes close connections with Trains on the Lackawanna & Blooms burg and Delaware & Hudson Railroads, a.nd at Great Bend with the Mail Train on the Erie Railway going West. 'STiic Fasc:tcr Train Soscf hvar Leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the Cincinnati Express from the West.connec linn- ut Hcrantun with 1 rainn on the Lac lea wanna and' Bloomsburg and Delaware am; Hudson Railroads; at Manunka Chunk wit the train for Philadelphia, and at Nev. Hanip ion with mints for New York, the Lehigh Valley, Harrisburu, &c. Passengers by thi Train arrive in New York at 5.40, in Phila delphia at 6.30, and in Harrisourg at 8.20 P. M. TIjc .tccoinodalJoM Traiaj Northward, connects at Great Bend with the I);iy Express going West, by wliich p;issen rers arrive at Ilh:ca and Syracuse the same dny. Southward, leaves Great Bend after the arrival ot the New York Express going East. 03A!1 Passenger Trams on the Erie Railwavsiop nl Great Bend. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. Ii. A. UEyR y, General Ticket Agent. WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron chitis, Difficulty of Breathing-, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and every affection of THE THE OAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, INCLUDING EVEN CO'SfJiTlPTIOIV. Wistar's Balsam of Wild herry, So general has the use of this remedy be come, and so popular 13 it everywhere, tbut it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its norks speak for it, and fine utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony ofthe ma ny who from long suffering and settled dis ease have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions that CON NOT BE DISCREDITED. The Kc'. Jacob Scchlcr, Weil knoun and much respected among the uertnan population in this country, make ibe following statement far the benefit ofthe a filleted Hanover, Pa. Feb. 16, 1859. Dear Sirs: Having realized in my fami ly important tenefits from the us-e of your vviJmble preparation Wklar's Balsam of vvua Kjiierry it anords me pleasure to re- cofnmtnd it to the public. Some eight years a:o one of my duugbiers seemed to he in decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle 6f your excellent Ualsam, and before she had token i he whole ofthe contents of the bottle there as a great improvement in her health. I liave, in my individual case, made frequent use or your vuioaoie medicinej and have al ways been benefitted by it. JACOB SECIILER. From Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguished jjatoyer in Westminster, Md. I hare on several occasions used Dr. Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for severe colds. and always with decided benefit. 1 know nf no preparation that is more efficacious -or more de.-em'ng of general use. t he L:ilsait has also been used with ex. cellent effect by J. B. Elliott. Merchant. lliiii s Urubs Roads-, Aid. WMsir'N Balsam of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless signed 1. BUTTS ' on the wrapper. ror sale by P. Dinpmore, No. 491 Brodway. N. York fc5. W. FOWLE & CO.. PrUrilor. Rnstnn And by all Drggists, Ilctluiug's Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully established the superiority of Rcridiiig's Russia Salve Over all other healing preparations 11 cures all kinds nt Sores. Cuts Ulcers Sall Rheum, Erysipelas. Sties, Piles, Corns, uiic iiyo. iouic Astjcs, OiC, Removing the puin at once, and reducing uie moei anry looKiiiir owniiinga and Infla tion as if by magic. Only 25 cents a box. For sale by S P. DINSMORE. No. 491 Brodway,. Y. J. W. FOWLE & Co., No. 18 Tremont-fit., Boston, and by all Druggists. May 12, 1801 ly. Paiscn- l ser I J A. M. f ' i i 7.30 i 2.30 7.49 3.00 6.10 o.:5 8.33 4.15 8.50 5 IS X 9.14 5.50 9.20 0.15p 9.33 6.35 10.15 7.05 : 10.35 4P. M. J : 10.47 ( c t m.57 t ' 11.20 C 11.34 : 11.53 X : 12.U - 12 27 j -j 12.37 JO 12 48 P l-"2 l.f7 1.42 5 1.50 l 1 55 2.07 2. 19 2.47 1 . M. f istars laisgm OF MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. ESTABLISHED 184J, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Properly Insured 1,050.0(10. The rate of Insurance in this Company s-one dollar for everv thousand dollars in titired. alter which payment no further char- ses will be made, except to cover actunl loss by fire that may fall upon memaers ot tl Company. The policies issued by tins company are perpetual, and attord tne iiniesi security. wilh the largest economy and convenience, This company will not issue- lannenes, Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Annlications for Insurance may be mnde to either of Che Mam.gors, Surveyors or'Sec relary. MANAGERS. J. Depne Labar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staple?, John Edinger, SihiB L Drake, Godlieu Auracher, Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob Stouffer, Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch, Sm'l S. Dreher, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdcll Stoke. STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. .Silas L. Drake, Melchoir Spragle, Surveyors. F. A. Oppelt, ) The slated meeting of the board c Maiiaeera lakes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, al I o'olock P. M. Struuds.burg, Oct. 6, 1603. Valuable Heal Estate 'VT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sal the following described property, viz: A Farm situated iu Stroud township Monroe county, Pa., adjoining land o John Ransberry, George llouck. A. Fow ler, and others, containing aoout 1ES AUISES, about 75 acres cleared, enclosed with rood fence, and in a hijih state of culti vation, of which 20 acres are Meadow, th balauce is well timbered with Oak, Ches nut and Hickory. There are about 21 acres of excellent meadow bottom yet t be cleared. I he farm is well adapted raz!ur. The improvements thereon consist of new Frame Ron so, one aud a half stories high, 22 by 2-1 feet; a two story LOG HO USE, 20 by 28 feet weathorboardeu and plastered, a frame 13am 32 bv 4G feet with cellar stabling underneath, frame Wagon House IS by 24 feet. Corn Crib, Granary and other outbuildings with a spring of never failing water near the house. There is also a thriving APPLE OHCHAHD of select gralted fruit aud a variety o other lruit trees ot dillereut kinds on the premises. This property is three miles north of Stroudsburg and one mil southwest of the line of the Delaware Lackawana and Western Railroad, and convenient to Schools and public meet ings. Persons wishing to view the above prop erty will please call upou Silas L. Drak or at the Jeffersonian office, Stroudsburg Pa., or upon the subscrincr residing the premises. HORACE PECK. Stroud township, Dec. 1, 18GL-tf. Dissolution Notice. The copartnership existing betweeu the undersigned, in the Livery, Wagon 2h king, Rlacksmithing, and Farming busi ness was dissolved on the 20th of Septem oer last. All persons havmir claims a gainst the firm of Kautz & Huntsman are requested to present them for immediate settlement, aud those indebted will come forward and pay up without delay. TJio books of the firm can be found at Esquire Dutots orace lor four weeks, to whon payments can be made in the absence o the undersigned, one or both of whom will be found there on Monday and Tues day of each week. At the end of that time suit will be brought against all who fail to respend to this notice. VALENTINE KAUTZ, WM. HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, Nov. -24, 1SGL P. S. -The Livery and Wacon Makinir business will be continued at the old staud by the undersigned, who will ho fully prepared with superior Horses and j Carriages, careful Drivers and cscellcut workmen to answer all calls upon him. WM. HUNTSMAN. Nov. 24, 1854. STEPHEN HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STKOTTDSBUKG, PENNA. Offi' wilh S. S. Erulir, E. N. B. Special attention paid to the filinn of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties of soldiers. Stroudsburg, Oct. 9, 1862. 'NOTICE. Office Stroudslurg Cemetery, ) Stroudsburg, Jan. 11, 1865. At a meeting of the Roard of Managers ueia at tne umcc oi tne Secretary, Tuesday ntrnn 1 1 tv lUth inst.. It Was rosnlvntl tbif the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th installments of Five Dollars each, on the Capital Stock be called iu on or before the 20th inst. Jiy order of the President. A. REEVES JACKSON, Secretary. BLANK MORTGAGES, For sale wX this Office fa a i iiUU Valuable FARM FOE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale, the aluable Farm on which he now resides, situate in Middle bmitniieia townsnip, Mnnmfi Countv. Pa., about nine miles ' , . . . . from Stroudsburg, adjoining lands ot John V. Coolbaugh, Martin riace, and others The Farm contains One Hundred and Forty Acres, about 100 acres of which is impvoyed and in a good state of cultivation, and the .nhmce Timber Land. About 40 acres is "ood Meadow, and a stream of water ruus through the premises. The im provements are a n x FrameDvrding House, a New Barn and Wagon House, and other out-buildings, with a never failing Spring nt water at tne door oi me uwuniug. There are a number of Fruit Trees on the place. LIMESTONE on the premises This is one of the best Dairy farms it the Country. Persons desiring to view the I'arui, can do so by calling ou the uudcrsigucd, rest din" thereon. CIIAHLES SHOEMAKER. October 27, 18C4. IMPORTANT TO ALL INVALIDS. IRON IN THE BLOOD. It is well known to the medical profession ihal IRON is the Vital Principle of Lite hi ement of the blood. This is derived chiefly from the food we eat: but if the food is not properly digested, or ii. from any cause what i;m- ilio iipp.pssarv niiaulilv ol iron is not ttiken into the circulation, or becomes re Annm iho ivhulti svslem suffers. The bad HUWXiUf - - J blood wili irritate the heart, will ch g up the lungs, will stupefy the kniSn, will obstruct Jroliver, and will send its disui-e-prcducm elements to all parts ol the system, and eve ru min will suffer in whatever orsan mav be predisposed to disease. Tlie great value of IBfiOff AS A MEOBCaSTE is well known and acknowledged by nil med ical men. The difficulty h'is been to obtain .uch a preparation of it as will enter the cir eolation and assimilate nl o:;ce with the oluod. This point, S'iys Dr. Hayes, chuselts Stale Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination i:i a way before unknown. THK PKKUVIAN SYRUP is a PROTRACTED solution of the PRO TOXIDE OF IRON. ANEW DISCOV ERY IN MEDICINE, thai Strikes at the llo'tt of Di?e.ise by supplying 1 he Mood wilh its Vital Principle or Life Element Iron Til ft PERUVIAN Yi UP Cures Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Dropsy Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirts. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into Jthc system, and builds up an t uIron Constitution." TUB PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrhccn. Scrofula, Boils, .. Scurvy, Loss o Constitutional Viror THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Femnle Com plaints, and all diseases ofthe Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a Specific for ail diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accom panied by Debility or a Low Stale of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cure and recommendations from some of the mo; eminent Physicians, Clergymen, and others will be sent free to any a duress. We select a few of the names to show the character of the testimonial-'. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, ESQ., rPresident ofthe Metropolitan Bmk, N. Y Rev. ABEL STEVENS. Lute Edilor Christian Advocate and Journal Rev. p. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., cxclu sively for J. DINSMORE, No 491 Broad way New York. Sold by aii Druggists. Reading's Russia Salve Heals Old bores. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Burns, bcalds, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve Cures VV ounds, Bruises.. Sprains Redding's Russia Salve Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. Redding's Russia Salve cures ball Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. 3flilmg s Knssia Sa Cures Ringworms; Corns, &c, NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Only 25 cents a Box. For sale nv J. P. DINSMORE, No. 4Ul Brodwav. N. V S. J. FOWLE & Co., No. 18 Tremont St.. iioton. And by all Druggists and Country" Store- May 19, 1864. ly. NOTICE. All persons indebted to Simeon Schoon- over; cither by note, book account oroth """i "; luiiuuaiuu 10 seitie tneir ac count? as soon as possible. He hopes tiiat una request will be responded to, as 11s late serious loss bv nrn nnoncui urn to make this call. . ..wwv-u.jiLm.uc SIMEON SCIIOONOVKP Bushkill, June 9, 1S6-L MADISON HOUSE. M. & T. P. WATSON, (LIVERY STABLE ATTACHED) 37 & 89 North 2d st., between Market and Arch, PHILADELPHIA. PA February 26, 18G3. ly, L.EWIS n. VAIL. OEOUOK I). STHOUD VAIL and STROUD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lave removed their Office to No. 703 San son! Street, Match 17, 1864 J Philadelphia Highly Important. JOHN C. DAUDT, respectfully notified his old customers, md all others who may desire clothing made in the latest stylus, and in the best possible manner, that he may be found at the Store of Robert Boys, on TUES DAY and SATURDAY of each week, where he will be happy to take measures and re ceive the orders of his friends. His old cus tomers can leave their goods and orders at the Store at any time, merely noting such al terations from the present or previous pre vailing fashions as they may desire mad Thankful tor past favors, he hopes to merl and receive a continuance of the same. JOHN C. DAUDT. Stroudsburg, April 24, 18.G2 JAMES II. WALTON. THOMAS W. TOSX WALTON & ST, BASHERS, BROKERS AND General Collectors'. Bo. 25 South Third Street, PhiladelphiaV ltEFEUEXCKS. Jay Cooke fit Co., E. P. -Middlcton.&Bro - James, Kent, Santee & Co., Hon. Wm. Wil- kms, Lsherich, Black & Co., lion. James Pol lock, C. M'Kibbon &, Son, Hon. II. D. Fos ter, Hon. A. 11. Iteeder, Hon. Asa Packer Hon. Warren J. Woodward, V. L. Bradford Esq. July 17, 1SG2. .'occries ana Hardware. The Subscriber informs the public that he has opened the most extensive GKOC35Y STORE in the County, consisting of very fine and common COFFEE, SUGARS, And a large assortment of 1 Ejl S, J! GLASSES. aisons, bait i'lsh. and hundreds of other articles commonly kept m a Urocery btora. ALSO, A l:rge stock of i IR D WARE, The subscriber has made arrauiremenfs in the cities wnicii enablco him to pro cure any article in his line of business ou short notice. AH persons are kindly invited to call and examine his stock before they pur chase elsewhere. All kinds of Grain and Produce pur chased by the subscriber for which the lugncst iuavnet price vm be paid m es- cnange lor gooas fctorc next Hotel. door to the Indian Queen bAiX XliT MANSFIELD. Stroud; burg. April 1SG3. Sew ueenosery. The Subscriber informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has o pencd an extensive Confectionery Store, in the Unrongh of Stroudsburg, four doors below "Buster's Clothing Store." Everything in the line of Confectione ry, French or Domestic: all kinds of KSJTSf, LJBsWOSS. A is.s:?. F2G5?t &r.., Can be had at CITY PUICJ5S, either at Vt HOLES A LE OR RETAIL. fiSTALSO A lot of Choice Flowers.-15s Please call and cvnminfT his Stock. JAMES BALL Stroudsburg, May 12, 1SG4. tf. Is 1? IT7 O rP A ryiTj! &7 s The subscribers afters at private sale the following two -aI liable properties viz: No. 1. A three story 3 f3 sitnate in the borough of Slrcudscurg, JljjjiL adjoining the building of Jacob Singnuster. No. 2. One two story Frame Dweliimr, with Kitchen attached, "and Lot of Kind be longing to he same-situate, near the Strouds burg Depot, in Stroud township. Persons desirious of buying, will call upon Mr. Nicholas Ruster, in Stroudsburg. or up on the subscribers who reside No. 145 Cham ber.strect, New York City. HIRSCIIIvIND & ADLER. February 25, 1SG1. Having enanged my base of operation, being located in the New Brick store oppo site the Post office, supplied with a new stock of Hats, Caps, and Furs, I am now prepared to sell goods in my line, at prices to suit all. If you want a nice fashionable Hat or Cap, come to Pauli and you will find it. Store on Elizabeth St., opposite the Post Office, Stroudsburg, Pa. JAMES A. PAULI. N. B. The highest cash nrices naid (at all kinds of Furs. December 24, 1SG3. DELAWARE JiOUSli. This splendid Hotel, situated near the Stroiidsbtir; Depot, pos sesses all the advanfaL-cs the jiiest can desire. The house is fitted and furnished iu an unsurpassed style, and the Parlors and Rooms are commodious and well ventilated, with cood attendance. Attached is extensive stnblinir. Terms rea sonable. A. M. JONES, Proprietor. June 2, 1S64. tf CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned a- gainst trespassipg upon the premises oc cupied by the undersigned, cither for hunting or other purposes. Trespassers will bo prosecuted to the full extent of the law. WILLIAM E. IIENKY. Acout. Stroud tsp., August 4, 1864. BLANK ;DEEDS For sain this Office Great Victory.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers