Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of a writ of vcn. ex. de terris to hie directed, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to eale, at public vendue, on Friday, the 2Uh of February, I8G5, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, m the borough of Stroudsburg, the tallowing described real estate, to wit : FIRST A certain tract or piece of land situate in Stroud township, Monroe county adjoining lands of George Snrder, formerly James Monian. land formerly ol James U Stroud, Rachel Rccs and William S. Rees, other land of George Foster, and land in oc cupancy of David Green, containing Fifty-Giiac Acres anil it ESalf, with the appurtenances, all cleared. The improvements are a two story Frame tscise, 18 by 20 feet, with Kitchen attached. 12 by 20 feet, and Frame Bam 24 by 30 feet. The l'ocono Creek passes through the promises. SECOND : A certain tractor p.ccc of land situate in VraiJ Stroud township, adjoining lands ofJcs e Slutlcr, Philip Shaf r, and other land (a- hovc described,) of said defend-int, contain ing about One iEnisdrcd & (wciey Acres more or less, with the appurtenances, ninety i i l t i mi acres cleared, balance woodland, ine im provements are a two story Oircliing i-OIlSC, 3G by 40 feet, Frame Bam 33 by 50 feet, and a atable 10 by IS feet, and oilier out-buildings. The Poccno Creek passes through the premises. Being the same two tracts of land which John Palmer and wjfe granted and confirm ed unto George Foster in fee. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of George Fooler, and to be sold by me for cash. LIN FORD MARSH, Sheriff. .Shcrifra Ofnce, Strotidsbr.rir, Feb. 9, 1SG1. 5;f Msg (fi'eSH n 2 K By virtue of a writ of a I: von. ex. dc ter ris to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I will ex jK)?t to sale, at public vendue, on Friday, the 2 Uk of February, laG3, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, in ihe borough of Stroudsburg, the following described real estate to wit: A certain lot or piece of land situate in Rofs iownship, Monroe county, adjoining lands of Henry Kintz, GeoigeFlyle and Pe ter bobcrs, containing Four Acres, more or leys, all cleared. The improvements are one two story p -v 24 by 28 feet, one Frame Stable, lt by 20 feet, one Log Stable 34 by.lG feet. There arc a lot of Fruit Trees, on the premises. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Charles Borger, and to be sold by me for cash. LINFORD MARSH, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, Feb. 9, 16G4. Mceutor s Notice. E$ttc of JOHN DOWNING, late of 3f. SmilJifiehl toicnshijy, dee'd. Letters testamentary on the above named decedent, late of the township of M. Smithfield, Monroe Count. Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. DEPt K S. MILLER. Executor. SmithOell tsp., Feb. 9, 1SG5. M 'hmtm of Mm The suV?crilH-r would inform the public, very respectfully, that since the dissolution ol" partnership between Keller &i Waters, he has been carrying on the Bott fc Shoe 2HEKCSS at his old stand, one door alove the Expres? Office, osr Elizabeth St, where he will be happy to wait on his old customers, and as many new ones as can make it con venient to call. Besides being prepared at all times to fill all orders for custom work, the public will find on hi6 shelves, for sale an elegant assortment of ready made BOOTS & SHOES, for men?, womens, misses and childrens wear, the selection and purchase of which he su perintends in person, anu can, tJiereiore, rcc omend them to purchasers. To the craft ho offers a general assortment of Shoe FiiiIiiSi, f,a.fs. &c5 &c, of the best quality, all of which he offers at small advance upon cost Thankiul lor the liberal patronage which he has already re ceived, he hopes by prompt attention to bus iness and to the wants of the community to merit a continuance of the same. No charge for showing goods. Drop in. CHARLES WATERS. Stroudsburg, August 4th, 1864. Hlonroc Co. Agricultural Society. NOTICE. All persons are cautioned against removing Any manure from the grounds of tbe Society ; and those persons tvho have already done so are requested t'o call at the office of the Secretary and make settlement for the same. Jy order of tbe Board of Directors. A. HEJSVJ3S JAKSON. Secretary. Stroudsburg, Feb. 9, 18G5. Notice is bcrcby given that tbe sub scriber intends moving his place of bust ricss to JJrodhcadsvillc, about the first of Marcb next. All those ludebdtcd to him are requested to settle their accouuts previous to that time. L. M. HELLER. BossardsvHlc, Dec. 8,,1864. BLANK DEEDS For sale ai this Ofiieo 1 cms STATEMENT OF Receipts and Expenditures OF MONROE COUNTY, For the Tear 1 6d. GEORGE FABLE, Treasurer of the coun tr of Monroe, in account with said Countv for Receipts and Expenditures for tho year onaing, January U, 18G5. DR, To amount of Taxes received by said Treas urer during said year as follows : Rec'd from Collectors on duplicates for year,18G0 811992 " 18G1 123 53 " " 1SG2 1323 31 " 1863 4G34 04 " " " 1861G2G2 19-12,462 99 lo redemption money re ceived on Unseated Land 790 30 " " Seated 24 71 815 0 Road Tax rec'd on unsea ted Lands 2312 70 Seated 33 78 231G48 School Tax rec'd on un seated Lands 1872 31 Seated 12G2G 1993 57 Poor 4 " G22 County Tax rec'd on un 1593 90 seated Lund " " Seated 197 92-1791 62 Cash rec'd from Peter M. Eylenborger, late Treas. " " Linford Marsh, Sheriff, 8 10 113 00 .1 30 Soldier Taxes County Com m itf lioners 87 $19,514 36 CR. By payments made aB follows: Administration of Justice. Pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors 1147 78 Coii8t8blc3 pay and mileage 164 88 Elections. 'or holding General, Special and Township Elections Assessors. 1072 21 Psid Assessors of several tsps. Bounties on Scalps. Paid for Bounties on scalps Refunding. 95 74 5S 6 Paid Refunding over pay ments on Duplicates " on unseated lands 120 33 59 86-179 74 Redemptions. Paid redemption on seated and unseated lands 558 31 Boarding Prisoners, ?cid Jacob B. Ilincline for Boarding Prisoners 80 48 Qostsiii Commmvealth Cases. Paid costs in several Common wealth Cases. 193 95 - Boarding Prisoners in Eastern Penitentiary 208 13 Medical Attendance on Prisoners Paid Sydenham Walton 1100 " A. JL Jackson 9 00 20 00 Road Damages. Paid Joseph Fabcl, Road Dam- ages in Ilamiiton, 155 260 00 Distiict Attorney. Paid Stephen Holmes, Dis. Atty. Sheriff Fees. Paid Linford Marsh, Sheriff 64 00 153 00 Inquisition on Dead Bodies. Paid for holding Inquisitions on Dead Bodies Judgments vs. County Paid Judgment of Charles Bor tre vs. the Courls of Mon. roe iu Common Pleas Mon roe County, debt & costs Wood for JaiL Paid for wocd for Jail Court Crier. Paid C. U. Warnicfc, Cuurt Crier 55 65 249 03 20 00 85 00 Printing. Paid John De-Young 291 25 Theodore Schoch, 241 54 Coal for County. Paid Coal for Jail, Court House and Commissioners office 535 79 64 12 Bridge Views. Paid Ticwa at different Bridges Stationery. Paid Brown & Keller 31 52 - Smith & Allegar 15 50 H. Zochc 20 35 II. Hammon 4 76 Frank Huttcr 5 60 J. B. Storm (Pur.Dig.) 5 50 Samuel Mellick 12 14 Wm. Hollinahead 30 90 10 00 B. S. Thomas 1 50 127 77 York at Public Buildings. Paid John E. Snyder 10 51 Aaron Keimcr 1 50 Joseph L. Bowers 1 50 19 51 Auditors. Paid Stephen Holmes for Au ditor to examine ac Is Prot., Reg. and Rcc'r 5 00 Isaac S. Case 16 50 Peter Gilbert 6 00 27 50 Kxp res sage." Paid John N. Stokes Expreasagc . 3 82 Bridges. Paid for Pencils Bridge 3 75 Stofflets 7 87 Buttermilk Falls 1 73 Bell's Bridge 75 39 Marshall's Creek 3 50 . Deublera f 50' Dutotsburg ,2 00 Smiths 4 28s-'- Smithfield G'45 Shoemaker's 23 70 , Little Pocono 52 85 ' Brodheads 303 75 Phillip's 7 75 - Tobvhanna 235,79 Strondsburg 136 4JT Tannersville 83 35 Hawks 30 97 CaBtle Garden 30 01 Fenuersville 1527.49 Smiley's 575 00 Mott's 9 46' Perry Price's 6 -10 Kerr's 1 00 Kreseville 270 09 3403-23 Bonds and Interest. Paid Principal and interest on bonds 3404 45 J)iscount and Interest. Paid Discount on note in Bank, and interest on Bonds ' 478-54 County Scrip. County Scrip redeemed 500 85 Road Orders. Paid Frederick Siglin, -Supervisor, Ches mithill 3G 00 Daniel Callao-lian Ooolbauirh 487 00 487 00 Hiram Warner Samuel Bowman, Paradise, 5281 Samuel Hay, Toby'a 250 00 John Stiger, " 100 00 Jacob Blakcslce " 25 00 J. J. Angle, M. Smithfield, 15 00 Mi!o Orerfield, " 15 00 Philip Greenamoyer, Tun khan nock 100 00 George BoiTseh " 100 00 Conrad Kintz.BarrettlOO 00 Jacob Price - 100 00 Smuel llostens,Price 80 00 Emanuel Bittcnben- der, Hamilton 14 00 Mcl'oir Hay, Jackson 25 00 Xho. Sluvely, Pocono 40 00 2026 31 School Orders. Paid Samuel Storm.Treas. Pocono 35 00 Thos.Frantz Jackson 55 00 Fred. Siglin, Treaa. Chesnuthill 23 00 John Pope, Treas. Coolbaugh 530 00 , A. L. Storm, Treae. Paradise 50 00 Abr. Butz, Treasurer Tunkhannock 185 00 Daniel Seagcr, Treas. Polk, 25 00 63 00 8 00 21 00 545 52 166 00- Ilarrrison Subrig " Price Jrtbcr. G. Kirkoff " Hamilton Charles Waters " Stroudsburg Tobyhanna Barrett 1730 52 County Commissioner's Ser vice aid Reuben Krcsge 1C3 24 James Smiley 124 01 John T. Williams 193 50 Charles Price 13 95 494 70 Commissioner's Clerk. 'aid John B. Storm, 1S03 53 25 " 1864 244 88 298 13 Protlionotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessions. aid T.M. Mcllhaney, Prot'y and Clerk fees 211 19 - Merchandise. Vid George Fable 6 74 Durling & Boys 3 81 Wm. Hollinshead 2 28 Robert Boys 13 76 Wm. Wallace 8 85 Robert Huston 6 52 66 95 Miscellaneous. Paid Susan Tuttle. clean ing Comm's Office 525 J. B. Tlineline, white washing Jail 5 50 Mclchoir Heller, plank 4 00 R. S. Staples, 10 70 Jacob Price, adminis tering O-iths 2 50 Morris Smiley, making and lettering sign for Bell's bridge 40 00 . J. B. Storm, for Reve nue Stamps John E. Snyder, bell rope and putting on Charles Frankenfield 1 doz. chairs for C. 1 25 90 House 15 00 C. II. llancy repair ing Pump 75 "Linford Mash, shackles and hand cuffs 7 00 1 00 Wm. filosteller, crying Bridge sale, George Fable for ad vertising 54 pieces of land erroneous ly assessed and re turned 27 00 Jacob Price swearing in Assessors 75 Flory &. Bro. hardware 7 05 stove &c. 28 12 John B. Slrm, assist ingat Andilors' sett't8 25 Reuben Krcsge, reve nue stamps J. D. Frailcy adm'r'g oaths to Township officers Jacob Price 41 79 1 50 300- 170 31 Treasurer's Corns, on Re ceiving S19.544 30 at two per cent. 39Q 88 Treasurer, Corns, on pay out $18,611 15 at two per cent. 372 82 703 70 Balance in hand of Treasurer due the County 139 51 319,544 3(3 Examined, passed and allowed by us this ninth day of January, 18Go. B.V.BUSH, i Auditors J. S. WILLIAMS. J Autmors- JAMES SMILEY, Commissrs JOHN T. WILLIAMS, J omlss rs Attest, J. B. Storm, Clerk. Outstanding Notes, Bonds, Checks and Scrip. 7 per cent bonds 2500 00 6 " " 4722.36 Outstanding Checks 6'38 05 Note in Stroudsburg Batik, 2500 00 Bountv Bonds 17-75' 00 Scrip 231 05 12,3GG 4G .Outstanding tax due Couhty 14,432 G3 Balance in iavor ot Uounty 2.065 16 Just Received, AT A lame assortment of Extra Plated SPOONS, FORKS, &c.,of superior quality to take the fdace of Solid Silver Ware TTavJnrr ma du a larjre purchase, they are ena bled to supply housekeepers at astonishingly low rates, uaii ana examine. Stroudsburg, May 5th,-1864'. Statement showing tho County Tax, Duplicate, with payments, Exoneration bal. yet due. Amount of Duplicates. Tear Collector's Nam Townships. 185S;Lcti C. Shupp, 1859!Charlcs Row. Polk, Paradise, Tobyhanna, Hamilton, Barrett, 314 1J3 1SG0 Jacob Learn. Henry Iloeder,. Valentine Deck, Charles Shafer, Jclm West, 1S46 223 807 G3G 1713 283 308 18G1 Strondsburcr 18C2 Eldred, Hamilton, George Larue, John Wilson, Robert Labar, 1'au'l Bkss, John E. Suvder, Peter Hufsmith. Jackson, tarauisc, Polk, G8S 1074 7G4 553 1078 79 255 5G7 52 G 1298 11G4 1G1 101 17G4 457 357 143G 915 24G3 3S1 1771 115 41S C90 18C3 Stroudsburg, Chestnuthill, Thomas Chrhtman. George Brotznian, John S. Snow, O. D. Smith, lildred, Af. Smitl'fleld Price, Paradise, Aaron oerlasa, Daniel Frace. Polk, Ross, George Snyder, Stroud, n in. x. iuycrs, William Adanik, rienry Keenhold, Joseph Trach. Smithfield, ! Tobyhanna. Tunkhannock 1SG4 Stroudsburg, Barrett, Coolbaugh, Chestnuthill, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, JL Smithfield Price, Paradise, Pocono, Polk, David Price, Daniel Callaghan, rcvi C. Shupp, o.epb Fable. rilliam llancy, riiomasFrantz. Vastus Kilenberircr amuul Postons, uliarles Henry, -!Jeter A7arner, C. II. Bartholomew 948 S7G 2103 Jacob Slucker, Ross, V mfllostcller, Stroud, Smithfield, Tobvhanna, V m. T. Myers, John Slider, 1959 203 171 Henry Keenhold, Tunkhannock Statement of Accounts of Reuben Kresgo, DR. 5, $!G3 24 20 01 To Cash per Checks from Jan. 1S64, to Jan. 2, 18G5, Balance duo ou scttloraent, $1S9 25 DR. Jame3 Smiley, To Cash jicr Checks from Jan. 5, 1SG4, to Jan. 2, 1S05, 124 01 John T. Williams, DR. To Checks from Jan 18G4, to January 2, 'G5, $193 50 50 To balance due on settlement, $201 00 DR. Charles Price, To balance due cn settlement, $13 9 Statembnt showing the State Tax, Duplicates, Year Collector's Name, Townships. 1S51 '"William Jones, Joseph Berlin, Levi C. Shupp, Jacob Learn, Charles Row, Frederick Dcubler, Jacob Learn, Valentine D.cck, Peter S. Hawk, Charles Shafer, Paul Bloss, John E. Snyder, Eldred, Polk, Polk, Tobyhanna, Paradise, $207 58 231 31 194 12 55 93 133 59 102 73 57 34 87 00 244 38 343 48 215 27 420 2G 311 90 222 11 55 G 12 29 05 91 95 207 06 509 OG 35 3G 501 89 125 9G 235 49 3G5 14 637 42 9G 22 447 22 30 78' 104 63 173 G3 240 29 223 50 53G 11 504 47 67 36 43 10 857 185S 1S59 Price. 1SG0 18C1 18G2 Tobyhanna, Barrett, Polk, Stroudsburg, Polk, Stroudsburg Chestnuthill SC3 Peter HutsmiMi, Thomas Christman.! Eldred, Charles J. Miller, John S. Snow, O. D.Smith, Daniel Frace, George Snyder, Henry Keenhold. Hamilton, Price, Paradise, Ross, Stroud, Tunkhannock Stroudsburg Barrett, Eldred, Chestnuthill 18G4 Joseph Troch, David Price, Joseph Frable Levi C. Suupp, William llancy, Hamilton, Jackson, M. Smithfield Price, Paradise, Pooouo, Polk, Ross, Thomas Franlz, Erastus Eilenberger, Samuel Postens, Charles Henry, Peter Warner, C. II. Bartholomew, Jacob II. SttuVker, Wm. Mostclicit, Wm. T. Myers, Stroud. Smithfield, Tobyhanna, John Stiger, nenry Ivccnliolu, Tunkhannock1 ffCES TO SUIT THE T TIic :usS CIscapcsSlocK c'cs offered in Ubis Ci8y. Wholesale Dealer IN French and Gorman Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, Ou Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding; SlC; &c, &c. No. 223 Marhet-Strect, below Second, (north side,) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber has just opened on entire- v ncw ana complete stocK or goous oi ine best quality and description, to which he would respectfully call the attention of Mcr- hants and Dealers, who wish lo una a goou article cheap for Cash. These goods were bought for Nett Cash, at the greatly reduced prices consequent up- pon the stringency ot the times, anu ueucving the "nimble sixpence" lo be better than the! slow shillincr," they are now offered to the public at prices that defy competition. The following are a few of the articles always on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds ami qualities Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar Boxes, Halt Bushel and Peck Measures, Well Buck ets, Towel Rollers, Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, Wooden Mop Handles, Grain Scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows, Coin Brooms, every variety of shoe, paint, scrub, and u . sweeping brushes,- &c. clothes-brushes, baskets, willow and ratan chairs, skirt ratans, bird cages, clothes linos, IipiV rords. skirt cords, tie varne. twine of all ; , . . P kinds?, together with a large assortment oi i nutinnsnnrl fancv floods. ! JIosicrrjG loves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c, cheap from auction. These goods nre aH new and carefully so Iccted, and are oflered at prices that cannoi fail to attradl attention". Buyers will invariably find it lo their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere OT Particular' attention given1 to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent damage or excessive charges for freight. fc-Ordcrs by mail promptly attended to. U"" CHARLES W. DEAN. oon Murkot-st., norlh'.sidb.a'clDw'Snd, PMla'- Exo nera t'ns. Commissions. Pay meat. Balance yet Due. 24 71 0G 31. 04 ! 24 71 34 85 G3 74 34G 17 77 41 367 18 430 99 5G0 OS 137 2S 115 SG 355 57 1074 2 440 45 249 84 G10 99 7Q 03 217 70 291 43 317 74. 129S 2G 414 32 1G1.35 70 98 31 8 63 74 80 S3 S6 21 11 92 SG i 19 43 32 G 7 77 41 8G 11 2S1 07 90 00 44 G 78 13 20 328 7 84 21 29 04 J03 00 38 00 34 00 77 SG 88 82 G5 49 1G 03 70 93 7-1 2G 51 35 5S 48 80 51 75 78 77 81 G5 89 01 70 128 00 G55 00 227 57 419 82 257 00 1 :. trr 210 15 39 G9 354 92 25" 00 6 0 280 04 41 12 12 91 5G 46 113 03 151 21 178 40 91 65 917 00 388 40 79 3GS 43 00 942 37 250 00 310 70 399' 81 351 00 1033-53 240 G5 3G1 87 12 27 10G 92 SSI 2G 41 97 74 32 IS 31 822 11 207 80 40 81 1055 94 5G4 78 1430 24 141 2G 1109 7S 119 89 418 04 37S 12 399 77 416 50 1528 14 155G 19 163 03 171 00 13 95 ,7 7 9 G7 S12 58 550 00 1 18 "59 19 03 00 459 575 403 100 GS 45 00 00 $14432 62 Countyg Commissioners. Reuben Kre3ge, CR. Bv 90-2 days service-, $135 75 By balance due on last settlement 53 50 $189 25 James Smiley, CR. By Go -2 days service, $95 25 By balance due on last settlement 3 13 County on . 25 G3 $12401 CR. $157 50 43 50 John T, Williams," -By 105 days service, By balnacc due ou last settle luent, 201 00 Iselson Hefilefingcr, By 2G duys service, CR. 39 00 with payments, Exonerations. & Bal. yet ?duo Bal. due at last -settlem't Amount Bal. due Exon Com of Du- at last Pay- era- mis- Balance plicates. scltlcra't ments. tions. sions yet due. 91 89 15S 98 14S 12 1G 30 73 59 7S 11 57 34 56 91 19344 44 78 75 27 SSG 26 231 90 110 G6 528 19 29 G5 81 95 157 0G 509 0G 35 36 91 89 158 98 14S 12 1G 30 73 50 73 0C 09 26 7 63 57 28 I G5 00 ! 56 91 128 44 16 80 20 45 75 27 2G0 00 i 150 00 j 80 00 395 00 i 126 26 81 90 30 GG 133 19 12 09 66 95 63 97 145 0G 33 32 101 S9 50 96 125 49 1G5 14 237 42 .46 22 19 15 SS 00 I 00 rW) 09 3G4 00 2 04 400 00 75 00 i 110 094 I 200 00 i 400 00 i 50 00 ,! j, 200 oo ; I 100 00! i 200 00 j U 12G .01 ! !.3ob oo: 200 00; j i I 247 22 30 7S mi fits 73 G3 40 29 97 49 23G 11 304 47 66 36 40 10 $2G55 S7 The Country Safe! The subscriber tahes this method of infor ming his many friends, and the public gene rally, that he has returncu trom mr cuics, with a large lot of Heady Made Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of COATS of all kinds and qualities, PANTS of various styles of goods, and VESTS of every grade. From his present slock he is satisfied that he can meet the demand of every taste and "rig out", in a manner hitherto unapproach ed, the man with the single dollar, or the possessor of thousands. He has also laid in, and will keep on hand an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Clothe, Cassimeres, Vestings, Notions, Hosiery, &c, &c.', all of which ho will sell very cheap. lie has also a splendid lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to SG each the latest styles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c, &c. and all at prices .surpn singly low. P. S. Clothing made to order at short no tice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken m ex change for Goods at cash prices! Th. nnhlir. nro invited to call as he is dc iroods cheaper than the cheapest. NICH0LAS RTJSTER. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1S59. tf. ric laii Brag store. Wiifliam IHoIliBishcad, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly oil hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glas3,vPdtty, Varnish, Ker- oscdc Oil, liprfurncry aud Fancy Goods'; also $asSi, SiiiaIs ad Boors. Pure Wines and Liquors-M- IMadiciniil purpose. I. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. -Stroudsburg. July 7,;J"80 Time is loney : Important to Everybody"! Tho undersigned would inform the public that he has opened anew CLOCK and WATCH Store in Stroudsburg, where he designs keeping cn hand a stock of Clocks, Watches, i ewelry; , &c, of all qualities, and from tho high to the lowest prices. He will also keen' &c. l t'SL u uie lowest price well supplied with '3, in almost endless variety, which he will' dispose of at prices that cannot fail to please purchasers. supplied to order at a small advance upon wholesale city prices Being a practical workman with much ex perience m his business, he designs giving us personal attention to the repairing of. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., and feels assured that he can give satisfaction to all who entrust work to his care. QZF'Au work icarranlcd. His Store is on Elizabeth Street, South side, between Dime's Store and the Post Of fice, where the public are cordially invited to call and examine his stock. ALEXANDER RAUBENOLD. Stroudsburg, May 19, 1864. 6m. J DEALERS IX Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Notions, &c., &Ci They have rcccnllv nurchascd "MEL-. ICR'S OLD STAND," and with increased, facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage ot the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and PiiiLYr dclpiiia, and in possession of peculiar ad- . . -1 1 vantages in mis rcspcci, iney are preparea to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES &. JEW- ELRY, of superior make and finish as well. also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They also keep constantly on hand the" best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives,' Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery; Toys of all kinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing- Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of alt kinds and Fixtures ; Superior Sewing. Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, Envelopes,' Pens, Ink, J-c, tj-c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper,' Window Shades, and Fruit Cans of evert) de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocfcsi," Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly; and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg,May 19, 1SG4. tf Buskkill Woolen Factory; Carding', Spinning, Wea?iirg AND CLOTH m2S5I??C. The subscriber respectfully gives notice to' bthe inhabitants of Monroe and Pike Counties,' Pa. and the cdjoming counties of New Jer sey, that he has rebuilt and refitted the old established Woolen Factory at Bushkill, Pa. and is now prepared to finish all work en-" trusted to him in a superior manner. He -is' prepared with proper machinery to manufac ture all kinds and colors of broad and narrow cloth, promptly and neatly. Country card- ing attended to at six cents per pound cash," and seven cents if charged. Wool will be taken and returned by tho. subscriber once in two weeks to and from the following places, viz: at Peters' store, Mar- shalls Creek, J. D. Labar'sand A. D. FreeseV stores, Shaivnee, at cither of tho Stores in' Stroudsburg, Kurd's mill, Stroud township," Wallace's or Pinchott's stores in Milford," Kinney's or McCarty's stores at Dingman'sC .Ferry, at Nyce's &, Peter's store, . Egypt Mill s, at Decker s Hotel in Lehmarl' lsp. , .. Wool the highest cash price paiU foe. wool. Four Carding machines in running order, enables him to card wool at all hours.. The subscriber has a quantity of Broad cloths on hand, the purchase of which ho superintended in person during his recent trip to England, which he will exchange for wool and allow the highest market price. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to ro-, ccive, as ho is determined to merit, a liberal' share of patronage. MATTHEW PROCTOR." June 2, 1SG4. Has nermanentlv located him-' igiijbksclfin Stroudsburg, and moved' his office next dooi lo Dr. S.- Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat hc natural teeth, and also to insert incorrup tible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in thop latest and most improved manner. Most persons know the danger and folly of trusty ing their work to the ignorant as well as" ithe traveling dentist. It matters not how; much experience a person riiay have, he it' liable to have some failures out of a numbes" of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distanccr it is irequeiuiy pin on umzi it ia iuu iuiu save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other- wise the inconvenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the; servicee of a dentist near home. All work' warranted. , Stroudsburg, March 27, 1SG2;: SoMielMcr & Ilernnaiitfy WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AND YANKEE NOTIONS', vSTROUDSBURG, PAV August 11, ISu'l. tf. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this 0'fiiov
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers