DcIaitalsmich'aTraniia. & Western HAIL ROAD. Time of Passenger Running J.une 2d, 1864. Trains, I.UAVC NORTIlWABD. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. nmitn gor. tinM. I V. M j P. M. STATIONS. Patscn- Accom - lion. P. M. gcr. A. M. Wistar's Balsam OP WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST ANT) MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THfi WORLD FOR I. (HI It. HUB' i.-ie lA. M Pi 3.17 2.S4 2.-10 ' 2.02 j 1.4fi ' 1 OS ' 12.47 12.10 11.38 11.20 A. M. Orcut Uomt, MtHlrtM'. FaclotyvtUc. Abiiifton. ' . Summon. , Mos-oov . Coulcltbaro' Totivhiuina. j F. fcs. Oaklnnd. ) Hcnryvillo. . Stroudsburg. ' Water Gap. : Mount Bethel. Mantiiikn Chunk., Wil'inc'on. New Hampton. Chdiisc lor Phil. P. 7.40 . 2.20 ' fc.20 3.15 ; 0.24 - ir,s 9.40 5.401 10.20 0.305 11.0s 11.28 V. M.c 11.40 t 11 v) ? X ! 12J7 f . 12.33 I i 1 VI : 1.24 ( W 1.55 a 2.33 s 2.45 ' M. INCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION- Tiic PiiciiRerTraiii Korllnvarrt Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of the For Kuls, 172 ice, Itoackes, Auts, Bed Kings, Moihs in Furs Wool ens &c Cm stir, ts on Plauls. Fowls Cotighs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron- Animals & chitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, pul up ;n 25c. 50c. and 1,00 Boxes, Bot Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and tieSt and Flasks. S3 and $5 sizes forllo every affection of tels. Public Institutions. &c. THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, .t01, infullibie remcdies known." ''Free Irom Poisons." 'Not dongerous ioiiie Human Family." j- irt . . n 11 tit!i,i "ivais come our 01 uibt nuna iu uid Wistar's Balsam of wild iacrry. U-soid wuoin-aie i, fi ie cities. so general nas me use 01 una lumuuy oe- (Ej-jsold by aU IMiggfsis ana itetaiiers ev comc, and so popular is it everywhere, tbnt cry where. it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its (7-!!! Be ware!!! of all worthless imitations, works speak for it, and fine utterance in the Q-See thai "Costau's" name is on each ibundant and voluntary testimony of the ma- box Boule and Flask, before you buy. ny who from long suffering and settled dis- Q$-Address HENRY R. COSTAR. ease have by its use been restored to pristine s0d by vigor and health. We can present a mass W. HOLLTNSHEAD, Wholesale & Retail Agent, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 24, 1SG4. Gin. DDIPC0 m CHIT tuc tiwcc ibD) U 0U illL VLOf Tlic Largest atsd CSaeapes Slocfe ever offered its this Oily. GDARLE W. BJEAJV, Wholesale Dealer IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, Oil Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, &c.,. &c, &c. No. 223 Market-Street, below Second, (north side,) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber hos ju&L opened an entire ly new and complete siocl, o goods of the best quality and dec"io-ion. Jo v!ich he would respectfully c.ill i-ie oi"rti'oo of Mer- MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, ESTABSL.SSITIED 1844, CHARTER PERPETUAL, Amount of Property Insured 81,050,000. The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in Mnil Train which leaves New York at S.10 01 evwence in proor or our assertions Uial A. M., and Manunka Chunk on the arrival UUitUT iiU D1SUREUITED. of the Tram which leaves Philadelphia, (Kensington Depot) at 7.15 A. M. At TJic ECcv. Jacob Sccliicr, chants and Dealers, who wish to iinu a crood sured. after which navmentno further cha article cheap for Cash. gCS wjl be made, except to cover actual loss inese gooas were dongni ror iett Uash, by fire that may fall upon members ot the at wiegreauy reuueeu mices consequent up- Company pon the stringency ot Hie times, and believing The policies issued by this Company are ine "nimoie sixpence 10 oe Detter man the perpetual, and attord the fullest security -slow sniuing, mey are now onered to the with the largest economy and convenience. public at prices that defy competition. This company will not issue Tanneries, me miiowing area icw or the articles Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. always on hand: Applications for Iusurance may be made railS ami lUDS OI ail KintlS and OU;i iLieuhn p Ihnrnf t in M:tn:.(TPr. SurvPunMnr Sop j.oy i-ans, oau anu csugar uoxes, Malt relary NOW f ?. Hi The subscriber would respectfully uotify the public that he has now for sale at his Ware Rooms (o'u sUk!) Stroudsburg, a new and splendid Jot ol new and tashionab e fur niture, such as Scratiion this Train makes close connections Well known and much respected among the with Trains on the Lackawanna & Blooms- German population in this country, makes burg and jJeiaivare a. Hudson nanroaa&, apo the following statement far the benefit of the at Ureal Bend with the Mull irain on the afilicted. Erie Raihvuy going West. Hanover, Pa. Feb. 1G, 1859. The Patscugcr TrnitJ Southward j)car .-Having realized in my fami- T.p-vps Rrent Bend after the arrival of the Iv imimrtnnl hpni?firs from tin? ns nf vnur Cincinnati E.vnrcss from the West, conncc- valuable oreoaration Whlcr's Balsam of hSL BMrcaHS KertsJcads, Tables, ting at b'crantrm with Trains on the Lacka- Wild Cherry it affords me pleasure to re- l Chairs &c. wnnna and jjroonifcburg and Delaware and commend it to the public. Some eicht vcar which he will disnose of chean for cash or nuiionsn ml fa ncv rrnndB. Hudson Railroads; at Manunka Chunk with ago one of my daughters seemed to he in n ready pay. He has also on hand a choice Hosier u. Cflavns. Slur's, rimmer TVuvW &c, cheap from auction. excellent Balsam, and before she had taken , . , . . , ' . the whole of the contents of the hoti!fi thorn which nc is prepared to make up m irames was a great improvement in her health. 1 t0 .order or disPose of as purchasers may re- have, in mv individual case, made fmnunni cllll9 Bushel and Peck Measures, Well Buck ets, Towel Rollers, Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, Wooden Mop Handles, Grain Scoops, Toy Wheelt-arrows, Coin Brooms, every variety of shoe, paint, scrub, and sweeping brushes, &c. clothes brushes, baskets, willow and ratan chairs, skirt ratans, bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirt cords, lie .yarns, twine of all Kinds, together with a large assortment of the train for Philadelphia, and at New Hatnp- decline, and little hopes of her recovery wore lot of ton with trains lor icw ori;, the benign entertained, I then procured a bottle of your alley, liarnsuurg, die. l'assengcrs ny this Train arrive in New York at 5.50, in Philn- de'phia at G.30, and in Harris'jurg at 8.20 P. M. The Accomodnsiou Train Northward, connects at Great Bend with the Uiy Express going use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways' been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. Prom Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguished Lawyer in Wcst7)iinsler, Id. Southward, leaves Great Bond after the I have on several occasions used Dr. Wis- arnval of the New York Express going East, tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, OCT" All i'assenger J rains on the Jine and always with decided benefit. 1 know of West, by which passen gers arrive at Ithaca and Svracuse the same da'. The undcrtakinjr business nromntlv at tended to as usual. MORRIS SMILEY. Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 2G, 1SG4. tf. These goods nre all new and carefully so- lectcd, and arc offered at prices that cannoj fail to attract attention. Buyers will invariably find it to their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. O-Particular attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent damage or exce.-sive charges for freight. MANAGERS. J. Depue Labar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, SamueLMelick, Silas L. Drake, Godlieb Auracher, Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob Stouffer, Roberi Boys, Theodore Schoch, Sm'l S. Drcher, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stngdell Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. Jamcs Boys, Secretary and Treasurer. Silns L. Drake, G Aumcher, Surveyors'. Melchoir Spragle, ) (7 i he staled meeting ol I he board o Managers lakes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first luesday of each month, a 1 o'olock P. M. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 18G3. Time is Money : New Foundry AND " (KrOrders by mail promptly attended to. f ii IRyPE'vImmIv f CHARLES W. DEAN. kti&WvlUlall W JLi)UJbVj! 223 Market-st., north side, below 2nd, Phila Railway slop at Great Bend. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent li. A. HENR Y, General Ticket Agent no preparation that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The B.ilsain has also been used with ex cellent effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant. Hall's Cross Roads, Md. Wear's Balsam of Wild Cherry. are able to produce or which we think None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," public irenerallv. that he ..nlv nrnnnrnd tn has ever been made by any body. Their ef- on the wrapper. fill all orders in hisline with promptness, and fects have abundantly shown lo the comma- For sale by in a stvle suDerior even to what Uo u-nS nMo nity how much they excel the ordinary med- J. P. Dixsmore, No. 491 Brodwa', N. York, to do in the old establishment destroyed by icines in use. iney are sa'e and pleasant lb. V. I'owle Ni Co.. Proprietors. Boston. tho flond. Tin vino- n full nCer.T.t.rt - I 4 1 I " - n uu 1.111,414, vii IJU f Ayer's Cathartic Pills . RE the most perfect purgative which we XX a MACHINE SHOP, The undersigned having completed his new Foundry and Machine Shop would re spectfully inform his old friends, and the to laice, nut poweriui to cure, iiieir pene grating properties stimulate the vital activi ties ol the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the Wood, and expel dis ease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into heir natural action, j:nd imparl a healthy tone with strenglh to the whole system. Not only do they cum the every-day complaints of everybody, hut !i?j-o formidable and dangerous diseases. While the produce powerful efiecls, they are at the same time, in diminished dotes, the safest and best physic that can be em ployed for children. Being susar-coaied, thoy are pleasant lo take; and being purclj vrg tble, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief. wtie mey not suosutniiaieu o' men ot such tx.;!led position and character, as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our remedies, while others have sent u the assurance of their conviction that, our Preparations contribute immensely to the re Kef of our afilicted, suffering fellow men. Ti;e agent below named is pleated to fur- n:sh gratis our American Almanac, contain ing directions for the use and certificates ol their cures, of the following complaints: Co-tivcness, Billious Complaints, Rheuma tism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising trom foul stomach, Nausea, Indiestion, Mor b d inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising And by all Drggists, MUSTS fi-sssia ahe, terns made of the best material, he is pre pared to supply all demands for Mill Work," Dark 3 ills, Plow Cast ingsand Sash Weights, The Country Safe ! The subscriber takes this method of infor ming his many friends, and the public gene rally, that he has relumed from the cities, with a large lot of Ready Made Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of COATS, of all kinds and qualities. PANTS of various styles of goods, and VESTS of every grade. From his present stock he is satisfied thai he can meet the demand of every taste and "rig out", in a manner hitherto uiiapproach- ed, the man with the upon FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully established the superiority of E2ddi22ss Rssssia Snivc Over all other healing preparations 11 cures all kinds nf Sores, Cuts Ulcers, that produced by any other establishment in fhn rmfif-Tr fPli 17 1 - l c r - ....... ..... , , . """. vuL, in tuc uuiuugii oi oirouus me jjaui ai uuee, ana reuucni" the most angry looking Swellings and InhV Hon as if by magic. Ouiv 25 cents a box. single dollar, or STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK Possessor of thousands. &c.,&c. Being an experienced workman,"? J ta'S ,afid ,n'f a"d wi" on hand himself, and ei.M.loying1 none hut the best VTTi hands and the best material, the public may DRY GOODS, rest assured that all work cominir from his rnncici;.. r mn,u r,: shop will be fully equal if not superior, to Notions, Hosiery, &c. &c. all of which he will sell very cheap. He has also a snlondid innrmntnl lot of His Store is on Elizabeth Street, South JSTWSjo sifIc, between Ilime's Store and the Post Of- al prices varying from 50 cents to -SO each : CR where the public arc cordially invited to the latest styles of Mantillas. Boots. Shoes. cul1 ani1 examine his stock. The undersigned would inform ihe'public that he has opened a new CLOCK and WATCH Store in Stroudsburg, where lie designs keeping on hand a stock of Clocks, W atches, Jewelry, &.C., &.c, of all qualities, and from the high est io the lowest prices. He will also kep well supplied with YAi?KES MOTIONS, in almost endless variety, which he will dispose of at prices that cannot fail to please purchasers SILVER & FLATED-WAR the supplied to order at a small advance wholesale city prices Being a practical workman with much ex penunce in his business, he designs givino- his personal attention to ihe repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c, and feels assured that he can give satisfaction to all who entrust work to his care. (grAll work For sale by S. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Brodway, N. Y. J. W. J?UVLK Sl Uo., No. 18 Boston, and by all Druggists. May 12, 1864. ly. j.remoiit-st., burg, where the orders of old friends as well as new one are solicited. Orders from a pistance may be addressed, per mail, to F. LANDERS, Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. September 4th, 18G2. ioehx mm m DREJIER & BROTHER, (Successors to Durling & Boys,) Respectfully notify the public, that hav ing purchased the above establishment, they will continue the Drug and Medicine busi ness, at the old stand. The room is commo- therefrom, Flatulency, Joss of Appetite, all d"ousf and is fitted up with every convenience iur mu uispaicn 01 ousinessanu me accommo dation of customers. Having made large ad ditions to their already largestock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, &c., purchased with a view to the ac tion ot the new tax and tariffi laws, they are prepared to offer rare bargains to purchasers. READER, If you want pure, fresh Drugs and Medi cines, call on Dreher & Brother. Ifyou want first quality Paints, Oils and jjye xiujjs, call on Dreher & Brother. Ifyou want Perfumery, in almost nmUnm variety, call on Dreher & Brother. If you want Lamps and pure, safe and cheap Burning Oils, call on Dreher & Brother. Ifyou want any of the most popular Pat ent Medicines, or those which .are noj. quite so popular, call on Dreher & Brother. It you want the best Cigars or a choice article of Chewing Tobacco, call on Dreher & Brother. If 3'ou want Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, call on Dreher & Brother MASS;' TOCK, 3 3P&3tf Gtasica, acad iP;5ci' ffl anger, cheapest, Will attend to, and promptly execute, all orders with which he may be favored. From his Jons' experience in the various hrnnphps of his business, he feels confident of render ing entire satisfaction in his work. He may be found at his shop, on Simpson street, Strouds-burg, Pa. Patronage respectfully solicited. March 2G.I6G2. Gailers, &c, &c, and all at prices surpri singly low. P. S. Clothing made to order at short no tice and warranted. f A T" n t Cm T r n T- - V r. m uajljv and xni&r XKLiSti taken in ex change for Goods at cash prices. The public ore invited to call as he is de termined to sell his goods cheaper than the ALEXANDER RAUBENOLD. Stroudsburg, May 1 9, i864. -Gm. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1859. tf. inshldll Woolen Factory. Carding, Spinning, Weaving AND C2LOTZS DStESSSftGJ. Brown & Keller. DEALERS IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Notions, &c, &c They have recently purchased "MEL ICR1 S OLD STAND," and with increased facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers iu New York and Phila delphia, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEW ELRY, of superior make and finish, as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They also keep conslnntly on hand tfat best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cat tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery, Toys of all kinds, Children Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of mli kinds and Fixtures; Superior Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Boohs. Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, tjc, i$-c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Windoto Shades, and Fruit Cans of every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 19,.18G4. tf Having changed my base of opera tionn, being located in the New Brick store oppo site the Post office, supplied with a new stock of Hats, Caps, and Furs, I am now prepared to sell goods in my line, at prices to suit all. Ifyou want a nice fashionable Hat or Cap, corne to Pauli and you will find it. Store on Elizaboth St., opposite the Pwt Office, Stroudsburg, Pa. JAMES A. PAULI. N. B. The highest cash prices mid ft all kinds of Furs. December 2-1, 1803. liglilj fmportaatt JOHN C. DAUDT, respectfully notifies his old customers, 1 ml all others who mar desire clothing made in the Jatc.-t styles, ad in the best .possible manner, that he mar bo found at the Store of Robert Boys, on TUfiS- un y and oA J UllUA 1 of each w eek, whero he will be happy to take measures and re ceive the orders of his friends.. His old ro.. tomers can leave their goods and orders at the Store at any time, merely noting uch al terations from the present or previous pre vailing fashions as they may desire raado Thankful for pa.-t favors, he hopes to mori and receive a continuance: of the sainr JOHN C. DAUDT. Stroudsburg, April 24, 1S.G2 JAMRS II. WALTOX r A D.seases which requirean e vacuum medicine. Tfiey slso, by purifying the blood and stimu 1 .ting the sytem,cure many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neural p:a and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other k.ndred complaints arising from a low slate of the body, or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand Ayer's and lake no others. Tlie sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have iu Prepared by Dr. J. (;. Ayer & Co., Lo well, Mass., and sold by Vrm. Hollinsheud, Dreher & Brother, in Stroudsburg, and by ccalers in medicine everywhere. August 4, 1BG4.-Iyce2m. fflAMOQ Hoff Lost! ifoir Restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Ctilverivi'JI's Celebrated JENay cn the radical cure (without medicine) of iper3IATosrhcsa, or seminal w cakness, In Jantary Seminal Losses, Impotency, M ntal and Plrysical Incapacity, Impedi- i :cnt to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consump tion, Ei'ilepsy, and Fits, induced by self .ndulgenoe or sexual extrav ga nee. 05- Price, in a sealed envelope, only G cents. The celebrated autlior in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty cars successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without Uje dangerous ubc of internal meoicine or tlre'fcpplto&tion of the knife nolntinc out a tnodoof curt at anco simnla certain and offoctual, by means of which ev ery suilerer, no matter what his condition m?y be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, ana radicauy. OCT This Lecture should be in the hands cf every youth and every man in the land, Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any aaoreee, post-paid, an receipt of six cent?, or two post stamps. Address the pub- I-ilirrs. CUAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, Xnw Yorli, Post of- Lce box 45S6. June 1G, 18&L ly. HS. LIVERY BUSINESS. Tnln,H,n Ifr...., P. IV JJ t. laiciuiHuimiui iv is mi Huntsman, I COFFEE SUGARS WuccUia tu .u. u. i oMens,; And .1 large assortment of waving purchased the stock lately owned by M. B. Pos TEAS, m T A C C 7T Cf tens, take this opportunity to notify r.- o n,,., ? , their friends and the public generally, that LaUi oa isn, ana nuuareas they have added considerable new stock to ? other arfc,cle.s commonly kept the same, and will continue the business at m a grocery btore. the old stand, on Franklin street, where thev ALSO, are prepared to hire horses and carriages at A larc stock of the lowest cash rates. Their horses are safe, jr n n W i 7? 1? fast and gentle, and their vehicles consist of , JiJii.u iUtJ,f all kinds, to suit the taste of the fastidious. subscriber has made arrangements Attentive ostlers always on hand, and drivers in the cities which enables him to pro furnished when desired. Call and see for cure any article in his line of business on yourselves. Strangers taken to any part of short notice. ; H " . meywiiicon. All persons arc kindly invited to call w u tuv. iiv. ir 1 he suhscricer respecllully gives notice to the inhabitants of Monroe and Pike Counties, P.-i nml thr ftftininirifr pntinlioc rf IT..t inaAiiiin .B k'H J 'r- a , 1. j ui UtVJLlV3 Ami MctninaiC scy, that he has. rebuilt and refitted the old established Woolen Factory at Bushkill, P.- 1 T . ) . I 11 . anu ia I'uiv prejuireu 10 nnisn an work en uubiL-u iu mm in v superior manner. lie is prepared with proper machinery to manufac ture all kinds and colors ol broad and narrow cloth, promptly and neatly. Country card ing attended to at six cents per pound cash, and seven cents it charged. o Wool will be taken and returned by the subscriber once in two weeks to and from the following places, viz: at Peteis' store, Mar shalls Lreck, J. D. Labar's and A. D. Freese's stores, Shawnee, at either of the Stores in 4 Haril The Subscriber informs the public that he has opened the most extensive GROCERY STORE iu the Couuty, consisting of very fine and common Stroudsburg, bird's mill, Stroud township, Wallace's or Pinchott's stores in Milford, ndl hoT;i?m'i nS b?U'un Hand examine Ins stock before they pur nd the Railroad DepoU. Persons i 1 1 J 1 All kinds of Grain and Produce uorougn and the Kailroad DepoU. Persons intending to go on the railroad will be called tor at any part of the borough, by leaving 'heir names at the office near the stable. The omnibus will also be at the depot on the arrival of trains to convey passengers into town. Kinney's or McCarly's stores at DiiiFman'; TO . NT , e t . rerry, aiiyces 00 I'eicr s store, Envoi ,-ll, . T ...... O J I ai lirs, ai uecKcr s Hotel m Lehman Isp. Wool the highest cafch price paid for wool. I'our warding machines in running oruer, enaaies nun to card wool at all hours. The subscriber has a quantity of Broad Cloths on hand, the purchase of which he superintended in person during his-recent trip to England, which he w ill exchanne for wool and allow the highest market price. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to re- T)Ur- eeivn ?ik Ur is ilntnrminol t 1:1 1 chased by the subscriber for whio.li thn Lh nTP nf TUIrnnonn 1V : I . . If vou want pure Wi nrl T,;. rJ . A,.Y ",!! w,"ue BPa.reu 10 ?'ve satisfaction medicinal, sacmment.nl nr ntl.r ,OM wuu miy vor mem w. w.. vtij j 1 :t r n on urelier ft'. Krnf ipr Ifyou want the best of Hair, Tooth, Nail with their patron KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. FOR SALE, IOO second-hand seamless 'BAG'S. En 1 lire at JtfMV'W ROY'S STORB. Zdn?!i tTif! 9 SoT' cRsmet- HOWARD ASSOCIATION tcs and Toilet Articles trcncrnlhi. rn nn iwii Dreher & Brothpr. PHILADELPHIA. In short, If you wantany thing usually kept Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary lit a well regulated Drug Store, you can onK' anu" Sexual Systems new and reliable treat- Ji sure to get a pure and genuine article bv ment in Reports of the HOWARD ASSD. f I : I ni 1 mv. - ... rjiumv oa JJreher &' Mrntlw-r 1 OlAXlUiN Sent hv mni in rph pc 1ff. ... -j . ... H,IM,1 xnc undersigned Hope, by strict attention envelopes, lree of chame. Address. Dr. J to business, and a desire to meet the wants olULLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Anvmin. of die public, to merit a continuance and in-U'on, Na 2 South Nintli Street, Philadel crease of the patronage heretofore extended PI,la 1 a- jOecember 17, 18G3. ly. iSoiithcimcr & Mcrniiaiifii, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 11, 1804. tf. to the Phoenix, GEO. H. DREHER. E. B. DRDHER Stroudsburg, Oct 22, 1863. MADISON HOUSE. M. & T. P. WATSON, (LIVERY STABLK ATTACHED) & 39 North 2d 3 -vvn LL 1UU1 XWi and Arch, rHILADFLPHIA. PA February 2G, 1863. ly, 37 BLANK MORTGAGES hor sale at this Office BLANK LEASES' For Sale at this Office. L'EWlS D. VAIL. nRnnrsr n cmnim . - XT " wuvuu lr9' Will nut U'liBffABfl ir Kiiju aim III lifll IV. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Have removed their Ofilce to No. 703 Rnn. som Steet, Match 17, itCl jeiiiladclpliia 1 nig change for goods best Market price will be paid iu ex- )US. door to the Indian Queen Junk 2, 16G4. MATTHEW PROCTOR. Store next Ilotel. BARN KT MANSFIELD :Vpril 2, 1SG3. Sf.rniiflclmvir """'tsl liAIVTZ, DENTIST, Drag (iothic Mali WiilinsBi Doll Billhead, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STROUDSBURG, Pa. constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sud- 1.. f T A T T . r yiy ui oius, iueaicines, I'aiiUs, Oil, Glass, Putty. Varnish. TCnr. ,-Perfumerv and Fanev finnrio . oscne Oil also Sash, Mimls and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. S. Physicians Prcscrintion fully compounded. btroudsburg, July 7, 18C4. Has permanently iocaled him- sen 111 cstroudslmrg, mid mover Ilia nhrn nnvf i.. c mQYO, ;Valton' Where he is fu,1y Prepared to treat . uuiumt ifuui, unu niso to insert lncorrap- -"--iui luuui on pivot ami piate, in tlic latest and most improved manner. Most persons know the danger and folly of trust ing their work to the ignorant as well as luu traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he it liable to have some failures out of a numbes of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distancer 11 is irequently put oil until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other wise uie inconvenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining tl. wt a uujiiiBL near nome. All work WUITilllLUU. Stroudsburg, March 27, 18G2. THOMAS W. TOST & IST. y BANKERS, KROfiEi, AND General Collectors. 2fo. 25 South Third Street, Philadelphia. KEFEKKNCES. Jay Cooke &, Co., E. P. Middleton,&Bro. James, Kent, Santee & Co., Hon. Wm. Wil kins, Esherich, Black &. Co., Hon. James Pol. locJc, C. M'Kib!,on & Son, Hon. II. D. Fo ter, Hon. A. H. Rceder, Hon. Asa Packer, Hon. Warren J. Woodward, V. L. Bradford, Esq. July 17, 1SG2. iVcw Coiifcetioiierj. The Subscriber informs his frienda. and the public generally, that he has o pencd au extensive Confectionery Store, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, four doors below "Ruster's Clothini' Shire." Everything in the Hue of Confection. ry, French or Domestic; all kinds of NUTS, VAN DIES. OUA2VGE5, Can be had at CITY" PRICES, cither at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 8$SAr.so A lot of Choice Flowers.- Please call and examing his Stock. ' JAMES BALLENTYNB. -Stroudsburg, 3Iay 12, 18G4. tf. - STEPHEN HOLMES. JR.. ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STROUDSBTJRG, PENNA. Office with S. . Iiclur. Kkq. N. B. Special attention paid tn thn dim. of Pension papers, and the collection of hack pay, anu nountie ot soldiers. oiroudsburg, Uct. 9, 16G2. DELAWARE HOUSE. This splendid Hotel, situated near the Stroudsburg Depot, pos sesses all the advantages the guest can desire. The house is fitted and furnished in an unsurnassnd sttlo and the Parlors and Rooms aro commodious and well ventilated, with erood attondnnpf. Attached is extensive slabliiiir. Terms rnn. sonable. , A. M. JONES. June 2, 18G4.-tf. At Pri HEAL ESTATE vate Sale. The subscribers oficrs at private sale tfaa following two valuable properties viz: No. 1. A three story Brick Buildimg, situate mthe borou?h of Strondsbunr adjoining the buildincr of Jacob Sinffmnfitnr No. 5. One two story Frame Dwelling-, with Kitchen attached, and Lot of Land be longing to the same situate near the Strouds burg Depot, in Stroud township. Persons desirious of buying, will call upora Mr. Nicholas Ruster, in Stroudsburg. or urK on the subscribers who reside No. 145 Cham ber street, New York City. IIIRSCHKIND & ADLERv February 25, 1864. B73 a CAUTION. All persons aro hereby captioned a gainst trespassing upon the premises os cupied by tho uudersigned, either iw hunting or other purposes. Tre3Dasscrft will bo prosecuted to tho full estont of the law. WILLIAM E. HENRY, Agent. Stroud tsp., August 4, 1864. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers