Something for Douglas-Democrats to Re? ..ineinW. Before the rebellion broke out Senator Douglas, referring to the Southern States, said : "If they remain in the Union, I will go as far as the constitution will warrant me in se curing their rights ; but if they secede, I am in favor of allowing them just as many slaves and just as much slave territory as they can hold at the point of the bayonet. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous De bility, Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to ben efit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge), the receipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by hisiexperience, and possess a Valuable Rcm edVwill receive the same, by return mail, fcarcfuik sealed), by addressing v JOHN B. OG3EN. No. 60 Nassau street, New York. May 19, 1864. 3m. Trial List, Sept. T. 1864. John Merwinc, vs George Altcmose. Andrew Scoring, s Joseph AVoolbcrt. .-iBursou's. vs Del. Lack. &, YVcst'u R. 11. Co. Use of Frederick Kiser, vs John Mcr wine. Charles Rortrc, vs the County of Mon roe. School District of Tobyhannn township, VPfJudc A. Winter. George Kunklc, Executor, vs Jacob K. Shsfer, Adm'r of Peter G. Kuuklc. Abraham Butts vs Jacob K. Stouffer. Henry Hester, vs George Rilberudt. T1IO. M. McTLTlANEY, Prot'y. Argument List, Sep't.T., Rule upou David Miller, Guardian of Myran M. and Viola Jane Fish. Exceptions to appraisement of property retained by Isabella G. liowcll, widow of licratio S. Howell, dee'd. Overseers of the Poor of Stroud town Fhip, vs John X. Staples and Abel Sta ples. Exceptions to Auditors Report tasking distribution of the proceeds of sale of Theodore Urodhead's Ileal Estate. Kr.ra Marvine, vs John J. Frcy. jie.o Riley, vs Peter Felencer, Kt al. George L. flutter, vs Theodore Brod licatl. and Jacob Stouffer. Ua'c of Catharine Hartz, vs John Coin. Rule ou Supervisors of Ohcstnuthill lmvn.lnrt. TUO. M. MclLIlANEY, Prot'y. Registers Notice, o NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested in the estates of the respec tive decedents, that the following accounts have beeu filed in the lleyister's office ol" Monroe County, and will be presented for confirmation to thc Orphans' Court of said county, at Stroudsburir, on Monday, the ?fM, .W nf .ipntptnher. 1801. at iu o- dock A. M. Supplemental account of Joseph Sta dcs, Administrator of Jacob . Freder ick late of Stroud Towuship, deceased. Account of Peter Mackes. Administra tor of Iteubcu Miller, late uf Hamilton Township, deceased Third account of Andrew Storm aud i!rtt.rt V fiwijil- Kxnputors of thc last a v - Will and Testament of Peter Ercderick, late of Stroud Town.hip, deceased Townshin, deceased. First account of Samuel Plattenbnrh. Executor of the last Will and Testament of .Tohn Plattcnbunrh. late of Stroud -Township, deceased. Sccoud account of Philip S. Prownsonc of the Administrators ot Villiaui Coolbaugh, late of the Borough of Strouds burg, deceased. Pinal account of William McNcal Ad- ininistrator of Mary Sobers, late ot Irani- ilton lowuship, deceased. Pinal account of I'ctcr bnydcr, Artnuu- istrator of Ceorge Heller, late of liamil ton Towuship, deceased. First account of Silas L Drake, Exec utor of the last Will and Testament ol Luke Staples, late of Stroud Township, deceased. Account of Peter M. Eilenberger and .1. Madison Eilcnbcrirer, Administrator of llcnrv Eilenberger, late of Srnithfield Tuwiishin. deceased Final accouut of Elias Mixsell, Ad ministrator of Michael Mixscll late of Iloss Towuship. deceased. ... Vreount of in mi n el Ii. uunsauics Aa- xiiiuistrator of Samuel GunBaulos late ol Middle Srnithfield Township, deceased Ftrtv(accouut of Rudolph Wels, Ad- tuiiJtEtrator of Henry 11. Woihs, late oi Chtinulhtll Township, deceased. 'Second and Pinal account, of Prancis E (Irattau. Administrator of Matthew (. G rattan late ol fcimtaucid lownsnip - . . n . . ... I deceased. ' . f Atirnhnm Arnold. Aiiniiu - htrator rfCW Arnold, hi. of liamil- f r ' I 1 1 1 1 111. f 1 TSU.uUU.k. - 1 inn Tnwnshin. deceased. Rnonnrl nnd Final account of Jacob A. VMlmm.nn Administrator of Abraham Fctherman, late of Hamilton Township, deceased. , . . , ?:i. .nn.,f nf Rfimnnl LeSS12, AU- j1 ii at, mvuuuu v i 'Ol ... . o -r.i. T lon nf l?OSSl ZUllxUJkrUbUl Ul uuuu Township deceased. JOHN S. FISHER, Register, Register's Office, Stroudsburg, 1 September,!, 1864. ) NOTICE. . i -i , C c' t .All norsons indebted to bimeonbehpon - Vi .-. TiaaI- onnnnnf. nr nflu over, either oy uw, T; --- y erwise. are requestea to scuwu iuwi - !nn?;rRoon as Dossible. He hopes that this reqaest.will beesponded to, as f s" T ir.c mr nrn iiKiaaiixii-o Him -W Uiiiuv. uiio i-ui. SIMEON SCHUUiNU VJit. t..u A,..;,,;tr.,tnr, of SumucU T, LINFORD MARSH, High Sheriff ot M V ' r " ,.7 .i. ' I mMniiins onlv. is oledced for payment, 8 of S3, and 18 of $2. ! Hi:!! nrrnilllL (U OaillUUl UUW, u i mum vww - - 7 I nnU c l.ic. mn ifinnttnnc nm r41 1 V.,,, ,.f lI:,iihon Township, dee'd. the county of Monroe, do make known by nrio Vfinr nr ,nnrp hiK nnth Le . . th .vholo oronertVof the country ishcld Vegetables Best and lar ,' rTrrZ 1 "Slty of Monroe, that a General Election will P, ' rSeo'a" """" FRUIT AND MELO v .ccutor i - be held in said county, on - ; - i, eTwitH ot U,c Uu,tCd blalCS' app figs, blackberries, oi riiu.p .Traui, .aco ui , ? .... of 0(,U)hcv .urir' ' While the government oliers thc most lib- on oranffcst melons, lownship, deceased. m 5f,..rai 0.ptm districts hnlowl .v nin,t;nn n.l nlcr. him- eral teims for its loans, it believes that the peaches, prunes, plums, Account of hvan 1 . Lroasdalc, Aumin- ; ' , . . . . , , oc nrofn I mc;,im ;n f oni .;n t,0 tn thn lnvnltv hieneral assortment of fruit lKtrator oi oane .visure. iaiu ui u'""-'" -Jury List Sept. T. 1864. taRANP JURORS. Barrett, Ichabod Price. Coolbaugh, Isaac S: Case. Chcstnuthill, Philip Kresgc, Peter S. Altcmosc, Joseph Dorsheimer. Eldred, Addie Daniel, David Corrcll. Hamilton, Philip Metzgar, John Fel loucer. Jackson, Peter Frailey. M. Stnithfield, John M. Eilenberger, George Labar, John Turn. Pocono,- David Burritt, Adam Angle moyer. Polk, William Gregory. Ross, Charles L. Frantz. Stroud, John llohensheldt, John Teel, John S. Aran Vliet, Joseph Lee. Stroudsburg, John DeYoung. Tobyhanuah, James Xewelh, Jonas Christman. TKTIT JURORS. Ban'ctt, Almeron Utt. Coolbaugh, William Thompson, Hen ry Dowling, Daniel McCarty. Chestnu thill, Frederick Siglin, Jo seph Kresgc, George Altcmosc. Eldred. Washington Frable, Adam Brotzman, Thomas Mixsell, Philip Drum heller, .John Antliony. Ham ilton, Charles Bossardj George Bittcnbcnder, Joseph MCtzgar. Jackson, -Eera Marviue, Joseph Smith. M. Smithlield, Martin Courtright, John Angle, Jacob II. Place, George Pe ters. Paradise, Joseph Jones, Henry Hel ler, Levi Frautz, Depue Bush, Jerome Heller. Polk Stephen Hawk, Charles An diew. Ross, Samuel Lessig. Srnithfield, James Kiutncr, Peter Wolf. Stroudsburg, Darius Drehcr. Tunkhannock. Frederick Keenholdt; TIIO. M. 3icILllAXEY, Prot'y. COLLKCTOU'S OFi'ICS, United Slates Infernal Revenue, llthDistrict, State of Pennsylvania. Bethlehem Pkx.w, Aug. 29, 1S6-1. I have this day appointed Daniel Kalbfus, Deputy Collecior of the third Division, Eleveuth District, comprising the counties of Carbon and Monrce, to whom persons will make payment of In-J ternal Kcvenuc lax. K. T. FOSTER, Collector 11th District of Fcnn'a. September 1st, 1864.-2w. Sheriff's Fiociaiaasioit. Whereas, by an act of thc General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act regulating the General Elec tions within the said Commonwealth." nass- C(j on tlie 2d day of July, 1839, it is made the duty ot the High Shenn of every county to give public notice of such elections to be holdnn. and to make known m such notice U 1. t)m frnnmnn nf t), nnnnlr j ,-w"-'"-'7 i nnrnn. I One Person For Representative in Congress, to Re pre-1 fcUUt lliU UISLIIUI Will lUSlUUl u.ll.. u. Northampton, Monroe, Carbon, Wayne and T.r, i'lKC. One Person For member of the House of Representatives, t0 represent Monroe and Carbon counties in the House of Represcntives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. One Person To fill thc office of County Commissioner, for the county of Monroe, for the term of three years. One Person To fil. .ho office of AudUor of U,e Cuy of Monroe. k'uicci oi v ouii. The lreemcn ot the townshin ol Ohcsnut- . . . I .Ml 1.1.1 !,; l:.. . !. mii uru uum unu viuvnun ui liiu iiuu-w ui Felix Storm, m said township. The freemen of the Townshin of Cool- baugh will hold their election at thc house . . - . i t . t of John l others m said townsnip. The froemen nf thc township of Hamilton will hold their election at thc house of Isaac said township. The freemen of the township ot Middle . . - ...... Srnithfield, will hold their election at thc limt;i nf James Place, in said township. Thc freemen of the township of POcono, l.nlfl their nassah M;iler, The freemen I lir.1.1 thoir I n Ml JIUiU - Abraham Gish. in sa.d towns.,,, The lreemen oi tne towiisuip ui x uin, wm Tinrr. 5n fsiiil tmvnhin The freemen of the township oi JMurcu, - - . , fr1 1 1 -ii i ni .1 - l... r Tt. i will iiuiu wcii ticiuu" Miw ..w Hawk, in said township. Thn frnnmon oft h tmvnshin of Ross, will , i-.: 4. i r Torti, tt x n;A k; OlUUiVd J1J CKll WH iJOIIllt The freemen of the township of Srnithfield will hold their election at the house of J. Demie Labar, in said township. ll. ' e c, ..-it uu I The freemen oi Qirouusourif, win noiu i . i, rrf ttc in Ultu litwuu boro t m.-r reemenof the township ot &troud, wjii . !rf S ?on at the house of George K in me bo Sts Ln,; .; , bnTd .,eir election at the house' 1 'I'lio irnomon nT i.iik uiwusuiw v --r 7 ICobert warncr, m saiu to viio i. v this proclamation to the electors ot thc coun- "' . " r.i. "1 ,,.n i. r . . ' ' .L G of S2 each, and 17 of SI. hold their election at the house ot lienry this commonweaim, tne juoges oi u amnion r.ra, .. - vj - Sewimr Machines, Roth, in said township. . ... t'on ln ?ac". c0,unty having met as aforesaid-, rijiner and General Ja. j;e '7 J"d 1 premium of Si The freemen of the township of Price, wi 1 the clerks shall make out a iair statement oi puan s ioun, ior me vuu., u. mu.nuu, ----- nrpm;limq 0r jain each, 4 hold tl S -XtioiTat the house of Lewis all the votes which shall have been given at be holden at Stroudsburg, on the 2Glh day Medals 3 P"nium8 of $10 , Lonrr in said towndiip. such election wiinm uic county, iui uvui,y pi oupmiiuui, iwi, nu.wuo um.- .., will hold their election a$ the House ot John R. Osterhoudt, in said township. The 'freemen ot the township ot Tunk- nannoch., wm uoiu uwir eiecuon at me house of Benjamin F. S chafer, m said town-1 ship. . The freemen of the township of Barrett, win iioiu tneir election at tnenouse ot 'hiiip itocKaiejiow, m saiu townsnip. TCk1i. 5e SSbw.Ev AivAin T hat nverv nprsnn. fivrnntincT JiiRtir.RR nf t, J if , ,i C Ti n: nbintment of profit or trust under the United Stater, or of this Statp. or anv or porno- rated district, whethera commissioned officer ; . i- . or ouiurwiBCi a suuorumate oincer, or agents who is or shall be employed under the legis- Jative, executive Or judiciary department ot this State or the United States, or of any incorporated district ; add also, that every member of Congress, and of the state legis lature and of the select or- common council of any city, or commissioner of any incorpo rated district is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the appoint- ment of Judge, inspector, or clerk of any c.- lection ot this commonwealth, and that no i...n v.. i-i .i . iiuu stiuii dm i;iiriniG m nt; intm voiGti inr. 1 And the said act of Assembly, entitled "an act relating to elections ot this common- wealth, passed July2d. 1839, further provides o-imu tiiu JiiuLTiviuid anu j uuco ciiaii at the respective places appointed for hold- ing the election in the district to which they . respectively belong, before nine o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday of Oc- noint nr. nlnrb. wlm Rhnll L , n,mV,Rni vn. i t 'i ter 'It shall be the duty of said assessors re- spectively to attend at the place of holding every genera , special, or township election mirimr tlin wlinln tinifi Rnid plnrrinn is kfiw.l openfor thc purpose of giving information to thc inspectors and judges, when called on m relation to the right of any person assess- Off hv thorn in vnto t sunn nmrtinn nm such other matters in relation to the assess- ments of votes as the said inspectors. or judg- es, or either ot them, shall from tnneto time reouire itiiuiic. Affrccablv to the provisions of thc sixty- first section of said act cverv General and Special election shall be opened, between the hours of ehrht and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. Ao person shall bo admitted to vote u'lioo. name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the Com- missioners, unless first he produce a receipt for payment within two years, of a State or county tax assessed agreeably to tne uonsti- tution, and give satisfactory evidence either on his own oath or the affirmation of another that he has paid such tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath to the payment thereof ; or, second it he claims a rin-ht to vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years he shall depose Ln mill or affirmation that he has resided in annlication and make such proof of residence in the district as is required by this act, and . . - ., i - .! that he does verily believe, from the accounts (riven him, that he is ot the age aloresaid, and give such other evidence as is required by this act, whereupon the name of the per son so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a note made opposite thereto, by writing the word 'tax,' he shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word 'age,, if he shall be admitted to vote by reason ot such age ; shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them. "In all cases where the name ot person claimincr to vote is found on the list furnish ed bvthc Commissioners and Assessors, or his ri(flit to vote whether thereon or not is ob jected to by any qualified citizen it shall be the duty of the inspector to examine sucn 1 ...C..1 ' 1 1 ; it, nUUln tlio pursuancu ui ii iwu. uS - riiptnf nnr thnt ho if nnr. rpmnvfi in klki uiouivit w ..w w. ,! r. r tlmi-nin Ute. Sc.l.r " -,.1 Ir""! i,JdenoSi. The nartv doDositinir must endorse , . 1771 , , . p . r-o;.l e ,nll f - " I , " be aumitieu to vote m uie luwiibin , wnu ui ue uuimuuu iu utu m tu. - I)U ilUIltn;u IU vulU HI uiv IU.WBU.J,, "If any person not qualified to vote in this Commonwealth, agreeably to law, (except the tuns ui. 4UW11H.U iuuCimuu1Tvui piuuuui iu ;.1.n(L. in(lunti(-mir t tn ntivnns nitnltftnill 1 nl ny4- tnn t Itt nil 'X'rt tl 1 1 1 1 1 CTT to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit, and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, lor every such oitence, anu no imprisoned ior any term not exceeding nree montns ik tim Cth section of the act aforesaid, the Judges -r-.t f :.i ..i.n i,o,r. "So" or return of of their respective districts and produce them at a mectmtrot thc nidges Irom eacii district 1 . ... . , .- . . , nc. l.. I at thc Lourt JJcusc in uic iiorougu oi oirouah- -PI -n I,n il,:l ,1..,r (lr thr itnv nr (HPf. i kuj jii uiv. niiiii uujr uiivi ....j ----- tion, being lor the present year on j kijja. r the 14th day of OCTOBER next, then and there to do, and perform the duties required I r l 1 At i.t...i ...1 by law oi saiu judges. jiu, uwi whuib o. iudL'c bv sickness or unavoidable circumstan ces, is unable to attend said meeting of Judg s aforesaid of the In- f said dis- es, then the certificate or return as i . .. . . , . , shall be taken cnarge oi ny one specters or clerks ot the election ot trict. who bhall do and perform tl .T,oi1 ,i ,i nr.rfi.rm tl.n duties "'v I----,- ; required of said judge unable to attend J" IJ'l, I - . ... iM;jiiKscuuiun;a ui I . 1 r 1. l.M. mn.n person voteu ior, as such muniuui ui moiu i..-,- ,,.!.,',!. di.ill I,n ciiriii-1 iv anid illflirnsl i - ci - 1 bers, which snail ncsigneu oy sum joug and attested by the clerks, and one or. saw iudffes shall take charge of said certificate .. ..!, n nrniiunn tlm enmn nt a meeting no itidirn from fiaeh r.onntv at such place in vv J - it such districts as is or may be appointed by law for such purpose, which meeting shall be held on the seventh day after the election, r-- r 1 TnJif the OfHIi i oeiny iui uio jucocm, ui j-uvj -- nrnptnhpr. at rhn f!nnrr. House in Strouds- I. J nr k T A.MAnfnf ;a burg, inonroe county, ior return judges, men ana uiero. wuiw uD duties requhedby law ofthe aforesaid vssem- bly disct . of .LINEOID MASH.'Sheriff. i . u,s r . , SliPrifTc OnirP StrnndHli.irrr. ) . 77:;; B' fll n rj OA J I ll F I Jl iH.I I - .w. . w v Tle Secrotary of the Treasury ; lL . . , r. "ce umuownpuons win ne receivuu .or Coupon Treasury JNbtes, payable three years trom Aug. loth, with semi-annual in- tprest: at thp rate of spvpn anil thrpo.tonths JAMES S. BUTLER, r . . ... . est boltl 10 "e Paiu in lawiui money. These notes wil1 be convertible at the op- tion of the holder at maturity, into six nnr cent, crold bearing bonds, payable not less - J I than fiye nor more than twent ycara from nm(11.nmpnt mnv pW . . J mi mii -i i c ct.i iney win oe issuea in uenommuuuua ui w S100, $500, $1,000, and $5,000, and all subscriDtions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the own- ter the receipt of the original Certificates of D u ag th can be d Af? the nnt.a drnvv ntnrost from Aucrust o 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from (ate of dcposil , . . . 1 arilcs oepositmg twenty-iive uioubunu tin t i r . dollars anu upwards tor tnese notes at any one time wul be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid b7 thc Treasdry Department upon thb re- ceipt ot a bill tor the amount, certineu to uy thc officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the d gita Special Adrautag'CS of this Loan. jt ;s a National Savings Bank, ofTering a , . , .n - intarnat nn ntw, J thc bcst security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating me- t . i . t ;n ,l,,iin nt t in rnntitrv nnrl it r.annnt nav in ... ... anyunng uuuer, lor iiauwn m in government securities or in notes or bonds mv.ible m .government naner. It -3 e j, convenient as a temporary or f rP,, tno nnn n. ""U11UU . r" . ways be som ior wiunn a iraction oi tneir face and accumulated interest, and are the hest security with banks as collaterals for uifccouiub. UonvertlDie into a oix per v,em. o-su uoiu BOM- In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent per annum, for the current rate 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, premium, and before the war the premium on six per T. .. .... nwyRto ti J Will Uf aucil uiau lilt uuua. loan, at the present market rates, is not Jess than ten per cent per annum. lis Exemption from State or Hu nicipai taxation, But aside from all the advantages we have oiiiimpratnd. a SDCCial Act ot Uonirres e.r- cmts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemp tion is worth about two per cent, per an num, according to the rate of taxation in va rious parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so reat inducements to lenders as those issued bv the crovernment. In ail other tonus ot indebtedness, the faith or ability of private nnrtips nr stnnk companies or separate coin , , . . . - , . , and patnotibm ot tne people I n . n xuiuii v,-.u..v,uu ..... , i a i - 4 i i ii i coiinn inr n ,.1 ,W rnrt ficate the denomina- . -I I. - .1. , U1. - f "" 4 u..l- rnv.-,l, n tn nn er . . . ,. nk navabie to order. I (171 I, lnf ifill. tllO officer receiving the deposit, to be torvvarueu t0 the Treasury Department Suhscrintioiis will be rcccivca oy mu I - Treasurer of the United States, at Washing IH.U'" ul i o ton, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries and by thc jtjrst jjuljonai Bank of Scranton Ta. Nnt;olial Rank of Scranton, Pa i ps-w ' and by all Rational uani s men a -1 rins ot nublic money, anu ail RESPECTABLE BKS BANKERS tiirn,Thout the country will give further in rnrm.,t;on aml . er, i..:i;t ,n s:r.v;i,rfs I JJ . J 1 Sentcmbcr 1 l"l4 j Court proclamation. Whereas, the Hon. Ghokoe R. Bahrktt, President Judge of the22d Ju . citl District o! Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Wayne, Pike, Monrocnnd Cnrbon.nnd Abra- bam Levering and Jeremy Alackcy. Esqr', Anrinin Jndcres of the Court of Common - -o ,, I'inna nt tnr i;miniv nr nionroe. ami oy vir nt ... ! . !fr? 22 J "Z u uvu,,.w, -- - I !( ..Ani.pi.Hftr - u uij, . T. " . r...: - WOTJIuE is nereny given o uic vq .ooer, u.e of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun of fv of Monroe, that thev be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions II A I examinations and olhor remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai- ning, and also mat uiose wno r uum.u ropnorninnps tn nrnsfip.llte and !TIVe evidence . 0 t acrainst the prisoners that are or shall bo iu I Ut n .T t m mi i nnnn v nf Mnnron. Of a- I" : J . "L".. . n,t i with the th .the BaniHp6iniB " . , Ti 6 . ,i i,oro commission of ounces to be len ad there t0 SSS-wK .. x LWFOUD MARSH, Sheriff. Sheriff's Othce Stroudsburg, September 1, 1864. T0 YOU WISH TO BE CURED 1 BUCHAN'S English, Specific cure in less than 30 days the worst nervousness, lmpotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness.. Insanitv. nnd nil Urinary - - matter from what cause produced. Price une .uouar per box. Sent, postpaid, by man, on receipt oi an order. Address, fetation D. Bible House, tvgw York March 17, 18G4. 3m THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE fll? ATI TNV AT.Th Published for the benefit, and as a CAU TION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who J-iKJiy j iv. ff from Nervous Debility, Premature rj)ecay of jtfanhood, &c., supplying, at the same time The Means of Seif-Cuke. By onG who has cured himself after undergoing fffA quackery. By enclosing a post- paid addressed envelope single copies may NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. Y. June 1CU LJ 'cimsylvania State kgueidtnral Society, WILL HOLD ITS sTEXT I ANNUAL EXHIBITION At Easton Pa.. cormmeiicinfr TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27th, and closing FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1864. Premiums over .$10,000. Read the following abstract CATTLE Foreign Imported, 10 premiums ranging from $30 to $20 ; all other grades of Cattle, 31 premiums, Irom $25 to $10; and 42 premiums from $8 to 2. Best herd of Cattle, not less tban 15, owned and hfld as farm stock, &c, $40 ; 2d best, $25. Best Team of 10 Yoke of Oxen from any county, to be paid Agricultural Society of said coun- lv wu, u nest, HORSES Best Imported, G premiums, r . ' ' viuiuiuu, irom to ??io; xnorougn-brecl, iu premi- urns, irom JbU to .1U; Trotting Horses and Mares, a premium of $300, one of $200,and one of $100; Pacing, one of $50 : Matched "orsf' fa!Jcy premium of 50 ; best Matched Irotting, a premium of $30; best draught, Gelding, and single Horses, 12 pre miUms IromSloto $10; Stall ions and Mares for all work, 15 premiums from $25 to $10: Jacks and Mules, 7 premiums from $25 to $10; best Mule Team of 4, $30; 2d best, $15; making about $2,000 in premiums for an descriptions of Horses and Mules, SHEEP For different kinds, 16 Premi Ums, from $20 to $10; 55 Premiums from $8 to $4 SWINE 2G Premiums, from $10 to $-1. POULTRY Best lot owned by exhibit ors, $5.00 largest collection owned by e.v lubitor, $d; best exhibition of pigeons, $3 best trio of Capons, $4; best Caponed Tur hevs, bo : best collection ot fctuneu I'owis and birds, fey ; 2d do. 5i. 4U premiums o: , f ufr. rent varieties, and 39 pre miums of $1 each for 2d best. Agricultural Implements Best display, a premium, .)U, STEAM PLOW Premium, med al or special diploma; for different kinds o: Plows and Plowman, 15 premiums, from $10 to 3 Rollers, cultivators, drill, &c. 14 premi ums, from $7 to $3 Wagons, carts, riggms, x:c. 10 premiums from $20 to $0. Leather and its manufactures, harness. whips, &. 18 premiums, from $5 to $3. Butter and Cheese 2 premiums. $T0 ; 0f 3 5 0f 5, an,i g of $3. Sugar, Molasses, and Honey A premium of 610, $6, 8 of $5, and 4 of $3. Flour and Meal 5 premiums ot $0 and of $2. Grain and Seeds 1 of $25, 4 of $5 each, gest display, $20; NS, consisting of cramberries, lem- nectannes pears. and quinces. Best of all kinds, sil- VCr CUO Or , 4.U Hebl, SUV Of IllcUa I UI 1 V, i i i trt t- . . . , ,rst ft0iiection of each 0f the r " e - . IUUOWIUH UUllO. 1UIJ1, Mi-uio I'""-" n ii - i i i P8t $10 each: 2d best, 4 each. 18 premi- ms of$i and $3 each ; and 38premiumsof 5) UIIU Uill.II Grapes and Wine G premiums of $o -n r iq nf .c-9 n,i n r i 1?U.., ,lc;.,ne l,ncl-ntc vneotf nn.1 hn. quets.-o pru,w..,...& oi .xu u, , - - a" AU " u,m U1 " Stoves and Tin Ware 12 premiums of $5 each, and 9 of $3. Mantles, irlass, ffas, cutler', turniture,v:c 4 premiums of $10 each. 15 of $5, 5 of $3, 11 ot S2 Mc. Domestic manufactures L-lolh, uncus, shirtings, &c. 14 premiums of $5 each, 2 of 84, 0 of S3, and 7 of 2. Needle and knit work, embroidery, Urotch C, .er ,. lM- 'j- ums of $3 each. 23 of $2 and Gl of $1. Bread, cakes, pastry, pudding, jclliGs, meats, fruits and vegetables in air-tight Cans, and spiced fruits. A premium of $3, $5, 3 of $3, 7 ot is2, and ti.i ot 1. Fine arts, painting and penmanship. Best display ot photographs, &c, $J0; 2d best ditto, So; best collection ot oil paintings, $10 ; 2d best ditto, $5 and for paintings in oil. water colors, colored engravings, mono- chromatic drawings pencil and pon d "f , 4 premiums of $o each 10 olJjJ, 2, and 11 of $1. Best display of plain draw 7 of am and ornamental penninansnip, , oy ncuuu v- n(rs .Ciri. O, hpct , tin. - i'wt - Porofa, Arms. 8 preminma of 5, and 8 of. - . - pianocs ?20, 3 silver ot $Q, 4 Pnr nnn-mnimnrated articles, it deemed worthy, a premium of $3 on each may be a J warded, but no diploma, unless the article is f verv'sl,perior ierit-and then only with - w ' very b F Executive Committee. tlionmirnun ot the executive ominiueu, As the above ia a more abstract of the premium list, exhibitors are requested to se cure a catalogue, so that they may conform to the rules and regulations in presenting articles for Exhibition. Premium lists can be obtained upon application to thc Secreta ry, and also Railroad Regulatious-the freight on some is free and oh others at re- freiffh duced tuccd ced rates, The leadinC'. Railroads will issue Excur sion Tickets at reduced rates. THOMAS P. KNOX, President. A. B. LONGAKER, Secretary. : Norristown.rPa. August 2o,-3t. OfPtaladelpkia: v ner ne nas been in suagjitnliu.ractica for a number of vears. witKBaexDerienco of all the different HopptfaTlgp&c., is now Schneck's Eugle ilotel,"y wher?n will be in Btncl utleiiclaiice to all Professional calls. No Patent iVlelliciheaUSfrJ r recommends ed. The rnmprlips ndniiniatefh'i which wj'.l not break down the constitution," . but renovate the system from nil injuries it has sustained from improper treatment, and! leave the system in a healthy and perfectlf cured condition. Melaucliolly Abberation, (hat stale-of alK enation and weakness of the mind whicb renders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasures or performing the duties of life. . DYSPEPSIA. That distresaing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness,, undermining the constitution and yearly car rying thousunds to untimely graves; can most empnatically be cured. RHEUMATISM In any form or condi tion warranted currable, Epilepsy, or falling sickness, all chronic or stubborn cases of female Diseases, radically removed. Salt Rheum, and every description ul ulcerations;. Piles and Scrofulous diseases, which have' bullied previous medical skill, can be cured by proper treatment; and I do say, (yes Consumption) can be cured by wearing my Medicated Jacket, which ia a protection to the Lungs against all changes of weMher in all climates. Having investigated tbr years. the cause and character of intefmiltents,-(E,c- t ver and Ague,) in all parts of the United ' States will cure permanently all Chronic or Acute cases ol Ague and Nervous diseas es, in a few days. ,ir- TAPE WORM. That dread to the IJu-, man Family, can be removed and permanent- y cured. Consultation in my office in the English and German language, free of charge. Will make visits any distance. Wednesdays ond Saturdays set apart for patients from a dis tance. May be addressed by letter (confiden-. tially,)and Medicines sent with proper di rections to any part of the country..' Dr. W. II. WITMOR, Office In Eagle Hotel Building'. ANentown, Lehigh Co., Pa. September 1, 1864.-1 y. Widows Appraisement Notice is hereby giveu, that the follow ing appraisements of widows, claiming to retain property to the value of $3u0, of their deceased husbands Estate, have beeu filed in the office of the Clerk of the Or-; phans' Court, of Monroe County, and will be presented for approval at the next term of said Court, to be held afc Strouds burg, Monday Sept. 26th, 1864, at 10 o' clock, A. M. Sarah Miller, widow of Tcter Miller,' late of Jackson, Tsp. deceased. .. Susannah Shupp, widow of Frederick" Shupp, late of Polk Tsp., deceased. Jane Depue, widow of Elijah Depue, late of Middle Srnithfield, Tsp. deceased THOS. M. MclLIlANEY; Clerk. September 8, 1S64. The subscriber would inform the public, very respectfully, that since the dissolution' of partnership between Keller &. Waters, "he has been carrying on the &1 JSOOl &. &110C 12US1HCSS at his old stand, one door above the Express Office, on Elizabeth St., where he will be happy to wait on his old customers, and as many new ones as can make it con venient to call. Besides being prepared at all tinies to fill all orders for custom work,.the public will find on his shelves, for sale an" elegant assortment of ready made BOOTS & SHOES, for mens, womens. misses and childrens wear, the selection and purchase of which he su perintends in person, and can, therefore, rec omend them to purchasers. To the craft he' offers a general assortment of Shoo Finding, 1, Ac, 4e.,' of thc host quality, all of which he offers at small advance upon cost Thankful for the liberal patronage which he has already re ceived, he hopes by prompt attention to bus iness and to thc wants ot thc community to . merit a continuance of the same. No charge for showing goods. Drop in. CHARLES WATERS. Stroudsburg, August 4th, 1S64. VALUABLE Farm for Sell I Thc subscriber offers at private sale, the valuable Farm on which he now resides, situate in Middle Srnithfield towuship, Monroe County, Pa., about nine miles' from Stroudsburg, adjoining, lands of John' V. Coolbaugh, Martin Place, and others. The Farm contains One Hundred and Forty Acres about 100 acres of which is improved and in A goocf state or cultivation, anu me "balance Timber Land. About 40 acres is srood Meadow," w,and a stream of. water the premises. The im- runs through the pr provcuicnts arc a Ti... l...Ilinn- llnticn suml a new Barn and Wagon House, and other out-buildings, with a never'failing Spring of watefat the door of the dwelling. There arc a number of Fruit Trees on the place. LIMESTONE on the premises. This is one of tho best Dairy Farms iu the Coun try! -- . If not sold at private sale by the 150 day of October, it will btf offere'd at Public Sale on that day. Persons desiring to view the Farm, car ' do so by calling on the undersigned, re-' siding thereon. . CHARLES SHOEMAKER "O"" ' h Just Received, AT ' BROWN & KELLER S, A large assortment of E.yitJt Plated4 SPOONS, FORKS, &c. of superior quality tn take the plnce of Solid Silver Wae-: . , , i .1 " Having made a large purcnase, inuy nro cij bled to sunulv housekeepers at astonishingly? low rates. Uall and examine. Stroiidshurg, May5thRl864V Bushkill, June 9r, 1864 ' r ip irmpii 01 uie luvviiciij ysn r '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers