jMttdjU'iii mi MfaMMai Mini -in tma mm mm "JJuttodBjille, July 14, 1661. 'Col. E. D. ToWend Sir Gen. Gar nett and all bis forces arc routed. His baggage and one gun taken. His army are entirely demoralized. General Gnr sett is killed. We have annihilated the enemy in Western Virginia. We have but thirteen killed and not more tban for ty wounded. Wo have in all killed a Icaet 200 of the enemy, nod the prison ers will number at least 1,000. We hare taken sev'en guns in all. I ptill look for the onpturc of tho remnant of Garnett s army by Gen. Hill. The troops defcate'd are the crack regiments of Eastern Virginia, aid ed by Georgians, Tennesseeans, and Car olina. Our success is complete, and Se cession is killed in this part of tho coun try. g. b. McClelland, Maj.-Gencrai Philadelphia, Monday, July 15, 1861. According to The Richmond Whh Ocu. Garncttis Robert S. Garnett, late a major in tho Fodcral arm v. and not a member of Congress. Advance of Gen. McDowell's Army. The Grand Corps d'Armee 50,UUU Strong. Washington, Tuesday, July 1G 1S61., At lastl The movement has begun! Already the great army is on its march, fcnd the Heboid are te be indulged with no child's play. The 6rst atcps in the advanso were la ken this afternoon by thi N Y. 7 1st, tho two Rhole Islaui llogiments, the Now-Hampshire, and the Marine and United States Artillery, who formed on the Long Bridge to take their place iu -the liue. While we are not nt liberty to give in full the orgauizatiou of the array nud the order of the inarch, wo may say that the entire force will number more than SU, 00J men. It will consist of Gvc divi sions, and i to wove from Arlington House, Alexandria, & Arlington Rights The wholo is under command of Gon. .McDowell. Brigadier General Daniel Taylor, Col. Dtid Hunter, Col. S. P Heintzoluian, Brigadier General Thoo. Jtunjon, and Col. E. S Miles will com tnaud the divisions. They will include twelve brigades, comprising 47 or 43 re giments. Each brigade will be accom panied by cavalry and artillery. The columns this afternoon -probably moved only to the advauee picket-; to morrow morning, at early dawn, they m press forward upon tht? enemy. The firt fighting may take place near Fairfax Court House, where there are nine rebel regiments. It is believed that the de.iin of oar General's is to avoid Mannasses Junction, and, if po-sible, to circumvent it. A positive intention, how over, is to allow no delays, but to pu-h vigorously South, and fight their way to Richmond. It is also supposed that the movement to this important point will not bo direct, but by flank, and that our columns will pass around the city and approach H from the South after cutting of all cdmmunica lions. Military Printers having- their Joke. A delegation of printers from the Tnen ticth Ohio regiment, now stationed at Fairmount, Ya., have taken possession of the True Virginian printing office, in that town. Tbeir first leading article was an invitation to the late editor, to come back thus : "Men with military trappings now oo ttapy the identical chair in which your peaceful boly once sat. They write U nion articles with your 'fecesb' pen; they drink Union whisky out of your old bot tie, Driukard; and the devil wears your coat; aud the pike jou kept as a rciic of John Brown at Harper's Ferry, the boys use now to cut your rules, and the paper and ink you prepared for secession pur poses are now u-ed to print army blank" upon. O, Driukard ! you ought to be here. How can you ttnj away I Your type are set up for Union article?; your prcsn prints them. And more tban thi, tbo Stars aud Stripe? float from your win low; and we all know, from tbo files K ft in your sanctum, that this doesn't suit you. Come back, then, and take poserf sion. Bring all your friends Henry A Wife, John Letcher, and the rest with jou." j-The Trenton True American hav ing repeated its false assertion that three fourths of the soldiers from this State Were Democrats, receives the following proper anwer in refutation from the Trenton True Democrat The revamped lie that tbrce-fourths of tbo.-'e who have eulUted in support of the Government, are democrats, is scarcely worth noticing. If any one, however, Tcels disposed to test the assertion let him investigate the politics of tho rank and file, the men who carry tho tnuskcts and live on one ration per day, in either the Cumberland or Gloucester county com paoise. We refer to thes-e companies be canao we are personally acquainted with tbo men. Not one in Fix of them are democrat, tod not one in a hundred was a Breck inridge democrat of the True American stamp. And wo do not instance toese caees to prove that the democrats of those counties are lees loyal tban their oppo nents. But as the population is largely anti-democratic, it goes to show that pol Sties are lost sizbt of, and that the politi 1 prcponderence of a company ie only iB accordance with that of the section from whence they come. In this connec tion we may say that the strong democrat ic comity of Bergen has not produced a single company for Hie First or Second New Jersey Brigades. Tbe Cincinnati Inquirer says that Mjor General McClelland's command, t8 exhibited by the consolidated retarns to the War Department, showa tho force to be 45,000 men from tbo States of Ohio, Indiana, Dd Illinois. Many returns have not been sent in, but the War ue partment have been assured that the to tal cumber in the department of Ohio will exceed 80,000. C0JSTKAEY WISHES. BY THE HARD OF THE EASTON HALL OF FASHION I hope we'll have a soaking rain To morrow, for I'm sure Tho garden truck nnd grain, for want Of it, are looking poor. The morrow will be clear, I hope, Then boys, rise with the lark; For all the grain that has been cut, Must be hauled in by dark. I hope 'twill rain all day to-morrow, That callers may he few: That day of all in the whole week We find so much to do. An excursion to the forest glades, Is planned for on the morrow, Oh, much I hope it may be clear, A rain would cause much sorrow. Would it would storm to-morrow, so Our plaguey bore can't come; For nought but pouring rain will keep Miss Betsy Grimes nt home, A visit from dear Uncle Joe, Just listen, mother dear; I'll come (if there's no rain) to-morrow, Oh! I pray it may be clear. I trust we may have rain to-morrow, For our cistern water's out; The meadow springs are drying up From. the excessive drought. To-morrow is the lime to fix Accounts for the whole year; 'Twould much facilitate our work, "If the day is bright and clear. ; 'Tis ever thus," conflicting wants, Desires, opinions, may 3e. in our intercourse with man, Heard on each passing day. One subject there is, upon which Most men agree the while; 'Tis that superior clothes are made, And cheaply sold by Pyle. A splendid lot of all kinds of Clothing at Pyle's Easton Ilo.ll of Fashion, opposite the old Easton Bank. The -Victory at Rich Mountain. Washington, Tuesday, July 16. Fuller dispatcher have been received here from Gen McClellan, stating that he victory of Rich Mountain resultod iu he Heizure of eight cannons, 300 horses, 2.000 muskets, 800 tents,-and 200 wagon rom the enemy. Col. t cur am surrend ered with hi- commaud of 700 men, with tragderi enough to make up 1,000 men Member Expelled. John B. Clark of the 3d District Mis- oun, was expelled from the House of .leprcfeutatives on Saturday by a vote of 94 to 45. It was said by Mr. Blair of Missouri that Clark was in arms aain?t he government at Boouville. Col. W rizht voted to retain a rebel in bis eat, which we are sorry to see. He might as well vote to keep Jeff. Davis in Congress. Every one ho has read Secreta ry Chase's report mut bavc been amazed at his announcement that the value of the real and personal property of the people of the United States, according to the cen sus of 1840, i, 810,102.024,115. In 1550. it was only 7.060,502,000. It has, therefore more than doubled in ten years Duriug the last decade, too. occurred the great fiuancial crah of 1857, seriously checking the prosperity of the country. Skill and Bravery. While our army was on the march to Mar tinsburg, a private of the 3rd Regiment had his arm dreadfully shattered by the accident al discharge of a musket. Dr. Jackson, the Surgeon of the Regiment, without a moment's delay had the wounded man carried off the road, and under the shade of a tree amputa ted the limb. The soldier stood the opera tion without wincing, and after it was con cluded was asked how he felt. "Bully," he answered, ''but very hungry. Can't some body give me something to eat" Such is the metal which composes the Union army. When can it be conquered ! Arras for the Government. The Hartford (Ct.) Pres of Tueaday evening states that Sharp's Company re ceived an order, a few days ago, from the War Department, for fix thousand rifles. to be delivered as soon as possible a job amounting to over a quarter million dol lars. The works ruu uightand day, em ploying about 325 men. Col. Samuel Colt received an order from the War Department, on Friday last, for 25,000 Minie niuskcta. Swindling the Government. j It is stated that Congress will be strong ly urged to appoint a committee to inves tigate the alleged frauds upon the Gov eminent in the furnishing of supplies to tho army, the purchasing of horses and the chartering of steamboats. If oue half of the statements published be true, ad vantage has teen taken of the necessities of the Government or good will ot its members to make most exorbitant bar gains with it. IV. Y. Sun. . A Remarkable Parish. The first church in Braiutreo, Mass., was gathered iu September, 1806, since which time it has had but three pastor. beside Rev. Dr. Storrs, the present minis ter. None of bin predecessors has lived leas than fifty years. The second pastor was blessed with good health to such a rare degree that be preached every Sun day but two during forty-years. Dr. Storr has just entered upon the fifty-first year of his ministry, over tho ancient so ciety. The undersigned hereby informs the nnblio that he has loaned to Jacob Den nis, of Hamilton township, a new light truck or butcher wagon, during bis pleas ure. The public are cautioned not to meddle with said wagon. PETER KELLER. Stroud tap., July 18, 1861. Caution! 03-John W. Fornoy, Clerk of tho last House, was on the 14th chosen Clerk o tho Senate, receiving 20 out of 36 votes Mr. Forney is capable, energetic and in dustrious, and makea an efficient Clerk Ho will bo a great improvement on the late Olerk, Asbury Dickens, who is so pcrannuoted. 3Jew York Markets. Wednesday, July 17, 1861. FLOUR AND MEAL Wheat Flour The Hales are 22,000 bbls. at 83 75aS3 90 for Supcrfioe State; S3 70a83 85 for bu perfine Western; $4 65a$4 77 for ship ping brands of Round Hoop JExtra Ohio lvye flour is in fair inquiry at 82 50aS3 5U. Uorn Meal is firm; sales of 250 bbls. Fairfax Mills at S2 90a$3. GRAIN Wheat; sales of 51 ,200 bosh. Milwaukee Club at 80a03c.: 24,000 bush. Chicago Spring at 72a87c.; 17,150 do. Club at 89a91c. Oats arc better and in good inquiry at 28s29o. for Cannodian, rfOa3Io. for Western, and 32a33o. for State delivered. Rye is plenty and is heavy; sales of 21,400 bush, at 45a46c. for Western, and 67o. for State. Corn; sales of 64,000 bush, at 42a44o. for Eas tern Mixed, 45o. for Prime Shipping do , and 4o. for Western Yellow from Btore. PROVISIONS Pork; sales of 350 bbls, at S15 62a$l5 75 for Mens; and S 1 UaS 1 0 25 for Prime. Cut Meats; sales of 1 60 hhds. and tcs. at 4f a5c. for Should ers, and 6a7c. for Ham. WHISKY The market is steady, the inquiry fair; sales of 450 bbls. at 16o. 2UtMtor'0 Notice. Estate oCA TEA RINE RILBERND, deceased. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to examine and if occasion requiro, re settle the acoount of George Rilbernd, Administrator of Catharine Rilbernd, dee'd., and also to make report of the fact upon the exceptions to said accountant, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, on lhursday, the twelfth day of August next, at two o'clock, p. m.,in the Borough of Stroudsburg, when and where all parties interested, may attend if they see proper. JOHN DeYOUNG, Auditor. July 18, 1861. QlnMtor's Notice. Estate of JOHN SPA CE, Jr. deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make distribution of the fund in the hands of the Administrator of said Es tate, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, on Friday the 16th day of August next, at 10 o clock a. m., at the office of Samuel S. Dreher, Eqs., in the Borough of Stroudsburg, when and where all parties interested may attend if they ee proper. And all persons having claims against said es-tate are then and there requested to present tbo same duly authenticated, or be debarred from com- ng in for a distributive share of said und. STEPHEN HOLMES. Jr., Auditor. Stroudsburg, July 18, 1801. Came to the premises of the undersign ed, in Paradise township, Monroe coun ty, Pa. about two weeks ago, a two year old Steer; red and white spotted. The owner or owners thereof are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges nnd take him away, or he will bo disposed of according to law. JACOB HARDENS TliNE. July 11, 1861. 3t. CUbministrator's Notice. Estate of Wm. Singer, late of CJiesnnthill township, Monroe County, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of administration upon the above named Sstato have been granted to tho under- igned by the Register. of Monroe Coun ty,' iu due form of law; therefore, all per sons indebted to said Estate are requeu ed to make immediate payment, and those having any just claims are also requested to present them legally authenticated for settlement to ANDREW J. DE TRICK. Administrator. July 11, 1661. The Country Safe! The subscriber takes this method of informing his mauy friends, and the pub lic generally, that he has returned from the cities, with a large lot or Heady Made Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of Coat of all kinds and qualities, fr:iBIlSot various styles ot goods, ana Vsls. of every grade. From his present stock he is satisfied that he can meet the demand ot every taste and "ric out." in a manner hitherto un- approached, the man with the single dol lar, or the possessor ot thousands. He has also laid in, and will keep on hand, an elegant assortment ot DRY GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Notion?. Hosiery, ccc. &c. all ot wnicn ne will sell very cheap. He has also a spien did lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to S6 each; the latest styles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. &c. and all at prices snrnrisinplv low. p. S. Clothing made to order at short notice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in exchange for Goods at cash prices. The public aro invited to call as he is determined to sell his goods cheaper man the cheapest. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1859.-tf, 07" Agents Wakteb tow-l! fhn Erip. Snw inrw Kf .1.! Tit m s luuuiiiue. we win give a commission or pay wages at from $25 to 60 per month, arid expenses paid. The Erie is a new ma- enme, and very simple in its construction. A diploma was awnrded our Machine by the ...uuuw,ui ncnucmuuu 01 r urmers oi mechan ics, field at Chambersburg, Pa, nt its exhibi tion in IBuO, over the Grover & Bakerand Boudoir Machines. It is equal to any ma chine in use, and the price is but fifteen dol lars. Address R. JAMES, General Aent U . M. Co., Milan, Ohio March 14, 1601. 6:n. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. . SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated female Pills. PROTECTED LETT EK 6 II Y ROY Alt dtik PATENT, Prepared from apresriplion of Sir J.Clarke, in. U. rliysician Jbxtraordinary to the Queen. THIS well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Femnle Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever : and although i powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married ladies it is peculiarly stiitpil It will, m a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous anil Spinal Affections, pain iu the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita tion of the heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iion, calo mel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution Full directions ittthe pamphletaiound each package which should be carefully preserved. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the igent. N. U. $1 00 and C postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containg$0 pills by return mail. For sale m Stroudsburg, by July 31. I860 ly. J. N. DURUNG, Agnnt JO o ALE, By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to rue directed, issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale at publio vendue, on Saturday, the 20th day of July next, at Z o clock in the afternoon, at the public house of Jacob Knecht, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, tho follwing de scribed real estate, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, with the appurtenances, situate in Polk Town ship, Monroe County, adjoining land of Peter Kunklo, Jr., Stewart Hawk, and others, containing, Ona liuaidrcd imd Fifty Acres, more or less about Beventy acres cleared. The improvements aro one two- story Log House, about-16 by 24 feet, one Framo Barn a bout 35 by 45 feet, one Hog stable, a well of water and a lot of fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles Kunkle, and to be sold by me for cash. JAMES N. DUELING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, June 20, 1S61. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to mo directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mouroe County, I will expose to sale at publio vendue on Saturday the 20th day of July nst., at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the publio house of Jacob Knecht, in the Borough of Stroudbburg, the following described real estate, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, with tbo appurtcnaoccs, situate in Pooono Township, Monroe County, adjoining aoda of Jacob Stouffer, Charles Rein- hart, and others, containing Thirty-Eight Acres, more or lesB about fifteen Acres cleared, about six acres meadow balance timber and. The improvements are one two Log House, Si as J about 18 by 26 feet, one Frame Stable about 16 by 18 feet, and a lot of fruit trees. There is a spring of water on the premises, and a stream of water passing through the same. Seized and taken to execution as the property of William Bisbing and to be sold by me for cash JAMES N. DUELING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) June 20, 1861. $ Remaining in the Post Office, at Strouds burg, Pa. July 1, 1861. Ace, Simon Kutz, Abraham Keim, William 2 Kintner, Adaline Keller, J. J. Kint, Geo. W. Kimball, Adalaid Livezy, John Lesh, Surah M. Lechnor, Richard, Laugh ry, Edward Morrison, Joseph, Moyer, Eliza D. Morgan, Hellen Miller, E D Malvin. George Price, Perry Parke, A C Peters, S G Rowan, John Sohmitt Jacob ' Stametz, Sabina Buzzard, Isaac Burel, Lucintla. R. Beam, Catharine Beckel, Samuel Bellis. David Buchc, Seraphim Cummins, Geo. Cary, Nalium Cassad, T F Crowell, Sam'l M Case, I S Dibler, J M Dornblazer, Emily Dieter, Simon, Deieve, Peter Don Ion, John EIIif, William Fellenzer Sarah J France, John Geiger, Isaac George, P R Garis, Simon II Sturdevant, Alexander Sylvester, J Strunk, Timothy Gauf, John Greirorv, Reuben Swingle, Dr Hiram Gerspacher, Reinhard Sebsrhine, Leonora Gill. Thomas rl Kcemon, aiiKe Heath, Mrs R Stull, Adam Tyler, Ellen K Vancurk, Sarah Wise, A J White, W S Watson, J S Wulfinger, Simson 2 White, William Heller, Amos Henry, Lieut J J 2 Hutchinson, J Hadley, George 2 Haldeman, Jos. Heller, Catharine Hanna, Melissa Heller, Rachel Wilson, F W Howell & Kingsland Yetter, Andrew B Imbt, Henry Zeller, Michael. 03- Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please say ailvertiaeu. THEODORE SCMOCH, P. M List of Letters MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT Of Monroe County, for 1861 rri r II ine louowing is a ijst 0f tne venders of Merchandise, Kestauranls, &c, in the said County of Monroe, clas3ed in accordance with the several Acts of Assembly relating iu me same. Slroiidybnrtr. Class. 14 14 14 14 14 8 14 14 14 14 14 14 P. & J Miller, Lynford Marsh Henry Shoemaker, Ferdinand Dutot, John N. Stokes Jacob Goetz, (Restaurant) Samuel Melick Robert Huston (liquor) D. H. Wyckoff & Co. George H. Miller Robert Boys James A. Pauli, Amount S7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 14 B.iker & Staples confee'ers 14 Wayne G. Drake 14 Wallace & Co. 14 Wa'lace & Co. 14 R. S.jStaples 14 G. Auracher 14 Nicholas Ruster l4 E. S. C. Horn 14 M. M Burnett ;H Alexander Fowler .li 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 Samuel Rees, Jr. 14 Christian Hiller (Restaurant) 8 Nelson Cook 14 Peter Schook (Restaurant) 8 Drugs and Medicine. James N. Durling (liquor) 13 Hollmshead & Detrick 13 Hamilton. Jerome S. Williams Distillery 12 12 50 do do LiquorJ 14 7 00 Casper Metzgar 14 7 OP Lynford M. Heller" 14 7 00 Joseph A. Bo33ard 14 7 00 Charles Saylor 14 7 00 Joseph Fenner 14 7 00 A. W. Loder 14 . 7 Oo Peter Snyder 14 7 00 Chcsnnlhlll. Danner $ Flick (Distillery 14 7 00 John Merwine 14 7 00 Samuel Arnold 14 7 00 C. D. Brodhead 14 7 00 Lewis Sox . 14 7 00 Pocono. Brown & Morgan 14 7 00 Jacob Stouffer 14 7 00 Nathan Frantz 14 7 00 Morgan J- Custard 14 7 00 Jackson. James Westbrook 14 7 00 PoIl. David Kresge 14 7 00 John Behler 14 7 00 Peter Gilbert 14 7 00 Ross. Reuben Harfzell 11 7 00 Daniel Andrew 14 7 00 Joseph Altemose 14 7 00 Eldrcd. John Harter 14 7 00 Joseph Hawk 14 7 00 Barnet & Snyder 14 7 00 Smitlificld. James Bell, jr 14 7 00 W. N. Peters, 14 7 00 Brodhead & Bro. 14 7 00 Labai & Heller 14 7 00 George Heim, Liquor 14 7 00 David Shannon 14 7 00 Wm. A. Brodhead Ten Pin Alley 6m. 15 00 Amos Labar 14 7 00 III. Smillineld, j E. Bevans 14 7 00 E. G. Shoemaker & Co. 14 7 00 D. S. Miller 14 7 00 A. D. Freese 14 7 00 Stroud. Wm. s. White 14 7 00 P. H Teerpening 14 7 Oo John Thomas Restaurant 8 5 00 Coolbaugli. Wm. B. Thompson 14 7 00 Isaac S. Case 14 7 00 Lehigh & Tobyhanna Land Company. 14 7 00 Smith & Sebring 14 7 00 Paradise. James Henry 14 7 00 Charles Henry - 14 7 00 James Kintz, (Liquor) 14 7 00 George R- Smith, 14 7 00 Daniel Staples 14 7 00 Barrett. Northroo & Palen, 14 7 00 Sliafer & Rinehard 14 7 00 An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners Office, in Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 15lhday of July next, when and where all persons who feel aggrieved, can attend if they think proper. K. w. vvirsis.. Mercantile Appraiser. Stroud Township, June 10, 1861. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to mo directed, issued ont of tbe Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale at public vendue, on Saturday, the 20th day of July next, at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, at the oublio house of Jacob Knecht, in tbo Bor ough of Stroudsburg, the following de- scribed real estate, to wit: A certain 101 or nicoa of land, with the appurtenanoes. situato in tho village of Kresgeville, Polk township, Monroe county, adjoining lands of Correll. Kroge and Merwine and oth ers, containing in front on tbo public road one hundred feet and in depth one hun dred and fifty feet. The improvements are one n PLANE HOUSE, about 18 by 24 feet; and ono Framo Sta ble about 14 by 16 feet. Seized and taken m execution as the property of Ambroso Baumholtzer and to be sold by mo for cacn. JAME N. DURLTNG, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offico, Stroudsburg, Juno 20, 1861. . 3t. $ CAUTION. The undersigned having loaned during his pleasure, to Ferdinand Kester, of Hamilton township, a BAY MARE. The public are hereby cautioned against meddling or inters fering with the said mare. SAMUEL R. SHAW. Hamilton tsp. April 18, 16L lmo FOR SALE NEW ItOCHELLE OikLAWTON BLACKBERRIES, 50 cents per dgie;, CIIAIlLESMUSCfl. .S'troud, April 18, 1861. AYER'S PILLS. Aro yon eick, fcMe, anrf combining J Are you out of order, with jonr sjnteiu de ranged, nml your feeliogs un comfortable 1 Theao symp' tonis are often the prelude to' serious illness. Somo fit o( slckuess Is creeping ujon you, and should be nverted by s timely use of tho right rem--cdy. Tnko Ayor's Till, ami cleanse out tho disordered hu mors purify tho blood, aud let tho litii'ls more on uuob etrncteil in health srnin. WS5v3 They stininlate tho functions SEaiSsPStf of the 1-ody into vigorous ac tivity, purily t&o system iron tlio nhstrurtinns which ir.atu' disoaso. A cold sotUes sonicwhoro iu tho body, and ob structs its natural functions. These, ir not reliorod, react upou them-selves and tho surrounding organs, pro ducing general acgravation, suffering, and diseaso. While iu this condition, oppressed by the derangemonts tako Ayer's Tills, nnd see how directly they restore tho natnnil action of tho syetem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is tmoand so apparent la thii trivial nnd common complaint, is alio true in many of tho deep seated and dangerous diatempori. Tho samo ptirgntive effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc tions and derangements of tho natural functions of tho' body, they are rapidly, nnd many of them surely, cured' by the same iuenn. Nona who know tha virtues of Uinta' I'ills. will neglect to employ thom when suffering fronv the disorders they curt. Statements from leading physicians in, some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per' sons. Fi-nm a Forwarding ItercJiant tfSt. Louis, lib. 4, 1856V Dr. Arm: Your Pills aro tiie paragon of all that la great in medicine. They havo cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years, llor mother has been long grfer oitsly afllirted with blotches aud pimples on hr skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she alio triJ your Pills, aud they have cured her. ASA stouaniDGE, As a Family Physfc From Df. K. If. Carticright, JSew Orleani. Your Pills aro tho prince of purges. Their oxcsllent qualities surna3 any cathartic we possess. They aro' mild, but very certain aud effectual in their action on thd bowels, which makes them invaluablo to us la tbe dally treatment of disease. Hcnlnclic,SIcltIIcnt!nclic,E,ottl Stomacliv From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DsARBno. A mi: I cannot answer you what complaints I havo cured with your Pills better than to say all that tct -veer treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depen dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us tha best we have, I of course valuo them highly. Pmamnio, Pa., May 1, 185S. . Dr. J. C. Ater. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of tho worst headache any body can have by a dose or twa of your Pills. It Fcems to arise from n foul stomachy which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. TY. PRKBLB, Cleric of Steamer Clariwi Billons Disorders Iilver Complaints From Dr. Tlteo-lore Bill, of New Tork City. Not only aro your Pills admirably adapted to their pur roso as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com plaitits thau any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely rejoice that we nave at length a purgative which is wor thy tho confidence of the profession and the people. Department or the Interior. 1 Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 185C. Sir: I have used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say thoy aro the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently thoy are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, 1 havo seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield ta them. fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., l'i'ti'sician of the Marin t HbspitaL Dysentery, DIarrlirca, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. G. Gretn, of Chicaga. Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them iu esteem as ono of the best aperients I havo ever found. Their alterative effect upou the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dysentery and diarrhaa. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the uso of women and children. DyKpepsln, Impurity of tlic Blood. From Rev. J. V. Ifimes, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston Dr. Ater: I have used your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among those I am called to visit in distress. To regulate tho organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are tho very best remedy I havo evor known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. IHMEd. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1S55. DetR Sir: I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse tho system aud purify the fountains of the blond. JOHN G. 31 EACH AM, 31. D. Constipation, Costlvencss, Suppression, Rheumatism, Gout, jVcurnl jjiu, Drop sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. 1'. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for tha cure of ciislircncss. If others of our fraternity have found them as efficacious a3 1 have, they should join me in proclaim- ing it for the benofit of tho multitudes who suffer from that complaint, winch, although bad enough iu itself, is tho progenitor of others that are worse. I beliovo cw lireness to originate in tho liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midtsife, Boston. I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at tho proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural secre timi when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cteinje tho stomach and expel worms. They are so much tho belt physic we have that I recommend uo other to my patient.". From the Eev. Dr. Hawcs,of Che Methodist Epit. Church, Fclaski HorsE. Savannah, On.. Jan. C.-18SG. IIonorcd Sir: I should Iw ungrateful for the relief vour skill has brought mo if I did not report my caso to you. A cold settled in my limbs nnd brought on excru ciating neuralgic pains, which ended in clironic rheuma tism. Notwithstanding I had the bt of physicians, tha dineaso grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr.3Iackenzio, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in tho uso of, I am now entirely well. Sesate CuAStiiER, Baton Bongo, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Ater : I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Bhtumatie Gout a painful disease that had afflicted ma forvears. VINCENT SLIDELL. fi-5-3lost of tho Pills in market contain 3Iercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, Is dangerous in a public pill, from tho dreadful conse ouences that frenuentlv follow Its incautious use. Then contain no mercury or mineral substanco whatever. Prico, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. I. C. AYER So CO., Lo7ell, Mass. Sold in Stroudsborg, by EloUinahead & Detriok. DELAWARE WATER GAP CLASSICAL SCHOOL The next Terra opens, May 1st, and con tinues five months. The Principals have had much experience in conducting such Schools, and will spare no labor or expense n giving their pupils the best advantages. In addition to the usual branches of an En glish education, thorough instruction will be given in the German, French, aud Spanish languages, and in all the branches required to prepare young men for college, or for bu siness nursuits. Day scholars, and young men qualifying themselves for teaching, received on the most liberal terms. Rev. H. S. HOWELL, ) Rev. CM. BLAKE, Principal. Delaware Water Gap, April 4, 1361. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. The undersigned having disposed ofchia entire stock of Stoves, Hardware, 1m- ware, &c. And also transferred all notes and T3ook accounts to Linford Marsh, who is hereby authorized to collect and receipt for the somo. SIMON FLORT. Stroudsburg, April 25, 1861. Tbe Stove.Tin and Hardware business, will be oontinucd by tbe subscriber in the large Store Room of Abraham Ediner, adjoining tbe Indian Queen Hotel. Whore all who are in want of any goods in bin line, will plusae call and itmioe for themselves The servictorWilliaw S. Flory, will to reU?ti to transa fcbjs business during my absence. LlNtfORD MARS.EP. Eennersville, April 23, 1B01. i 1 1 1 . aMr ftwsa SLfl iL NOTICE. r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers