v i.i-L'L, --'-. LU JDrootci to politics, literature, griatlturc, Sticmz, itloraliti), anl cneral intelligence VOL 20. STEOUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. JUNE 6, IS61. NO. 20 Published by Theodore Sehoeh. TGR.MS. Two dollars per nnnumin advance Two 'lollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be fore the end of the year, Two dollars andah.iif. No upersdisc'intinuvd until allarfeaiaBCsaicpaul, except at the option of the Editor. 1LJ Advertisements of oncsauarc (ten lines) or less, one or three insertions, $ 1 00. Eaoh additional inscr ten.25 cents. Longer ones in proportion. Having a general assortment of large, plain and or namental Type, wcare prepared to execute every dc scrintion of Card4;, Circulars, Dill Heads, Notes, Blank Ucccipts Jus.icjs. T.cpit and other llianks, Pamplilets. icc.prlu, ted witli neatness and despatch, on rcasonahlcterins at tins office. SECESSION" KESULTSvs. THE TOTON. In southern clime, where negroes shine, And cotton bales are plenty; Where men are fierce, and money scarce, And wharfs and harbors empty. Where men and boys are full of noise, Who boast of theft and treason, Defy the lajv,and talk of war, Devoid of wit or reason ; Such men of might so full of fight, Who seem chuck full of thunder; Keep all they get, but pay no debt, And save their strength for plunder. Cunning and bold was one of old; He got a mess of pottage; One rebel fair hung by tile hair, And he lost all his porridge. One rebel "troop was swallowed up," Which caused a world-wide shouting; The Southern crew we must subdue; The world approves their routing. They steal their arms raise talsc alarms Commence the war at Sumter; They fire some squibs tell many fib?, Deceptions without number. For if wc think, and only wink, - They call it abolition ; Discard the North and only froth, And that they call secession. Thuir cotton bales now take the rails To Northern ports for shipping, Where vessels sail by every gale, And Yankees get good picking. Our ships go full to Johnny Bull, And gold returns excessive, - We lake the chink with nod and wink Decidedly expressive. w We hold our grip, and we w.iils.hipV King corn as well' as cotton, And keep our hold upon the gold Where negroes arc forgotten. And now, ,they groan about a loan, Sopaltry- for a nut ion. They can't relax their negro tax, Nor dodge repudiation. Artemns Ward in the Southern Confed eracy. TEE SHOW IS CONFISCATED. Yu hcv perhaps wundered whsrobouts I waa for these many days gone and pat. Pcrchans yu Fpos-ed I'd gone to the Toom of Cnpylets, tho I don't know what those is. lis a popler noo-paper frase. Li-ten to mv tail, aud be fcilcnt that. yu may Leer. Ive hiq amon the Seces- fchers, camin my daily peck by my legit- imate perfeshun, and hcv had co time to wecld my facile pen for tee "Grate ELo- rsiek papT," cf yuJll allow me to kcte from yure troothful advertisement. " My sukcess wa skaly, and I likewise had a uarrcr escape of my life. Ef what I've been throo in Southern bosspitality, about which wc hev heerd so mutch, then I feci brjuud to observe that they made ;r,r.Av inn mnli of mo. Ther was al- together two Jav'eh in their atten-huns.- 1 (Ime Bald now, but thar was a time when I wen, among the Seccshers with no I wore sweet auburn ringlets) into as dis foclins of anermosity. I wt-ntin my per- ..beveled a state as possible, & rollin my feshunal capacity. I was actooatod by ize like a manniak, I cride : "Stay, jaler, one of tho most loftiest desires which can stay I I am not mad, but I soon will be ewcel the human Boozuru, viz: to give tbe ef yu dont'bring me sutbin to talk I" Ho people tbeir muneys wuth "by fchowin them brung me sum noospapers, for wioh I SagafbusBtests.and Wax Statoots, which thankt him kindly. T trpnfppr to sav air onsursast bv no oth- t At last I got an interview with JefTer- cr statoots anywheres. I will not calf son Davis, tbe President of tho Suthern ; Put Elder Bushes in the Plum Trees, that man who says ray statoots js hum- Conthievcracy. He was k viite ptirlite j A correspondent of the Michigan Far bu"s a liar and a hoss theef, but bring and axed so to sit down and ttatc my mcr states that elder bujjbes put among him bc4 me & I'll wither him with wun of my skoruful frowns. j But to proseed with ray tail. In my travels tbroo the sunny Sooth I heerd a , nf talk about Sccesbuo. and bustm up the Union, but I dident think it moun- , in tho same way wunct,.but the coufUoa- pa gayg jjag foun(j tbat oampUOr dis tid to much. The politillun3 in all tbe tors air now poundin etun in the States g0ve(i u wbiskev and SDrinkled on the villa-res was swearin tbat old Abe (some- times called tbo Prayhayrie Flower) j shudn't never be noggerated. They also , made fools of tbeiwelvea in varis ways, ; but as they was used to that I'dideut let it ( worry roc much, and the Stars & Stripes continooed for to wave o'er my little tent, i Moreover I was o son of Malty and a j member of several Tcmpranoe Societies, j and Betsy Jane (that's ray wire) she was ; Vioa, Juuv nndTsnoMed those fax ! wood secure me tho influence and pertec- j shun of all the first families. Alas i I was disaoiuted. State after State secothed j and it nrnnl hot and hotter for the un ... t . i dersined. Things come to a cliraaks in a small town in AUbamy, where I was per cmterally ordered to haul down tho Stars and Stripes. A doppytoshun of vary rod faced men come up to tho dore of my tent ware I was etandin takin money (the ar ternoon exhibition hod commenst. and my Italynn organist was jerkin out his sole atirrin chimes.) "Wo air oum, pir," sed a milintary man in a cokt but, "upon a high and-holy miahun. Tbe Suthrun Ee gel is soreamio tbrowotit this suuny laud proudly and defiantly screamin, sir 1" "What's the matter with him," Hed I, "don'tbisitlles set well on hisstu)ruik1, "That Eegel, sir, will cpntinneer to scream all over this Brite auil tremenjus land I" "Wall, let htm scrccm. Ef yer Eegel am, let hiru ean amuse hisself by eorcemin wcntl" The men annoyed mc, for I was bizzy making change. "We air cum upon .a matter of dooty " "You air right, Capting. Its every man's dooty to visit my show," sed I. 'We air cum " "And that's yor here l"-.8ed I, larfin wun of my silvery lorfs. I thawt if ho wanted to joak, I'd give some of my spark- lin epygranis. - "Sir, you air inscnent. Tho plain question i, will yu bnul down the our SpBngled Banner and bist the Southern nagl" "Nary hist I" Those was my reply. "lure was works and bcef-ts is then confiseatod. & vou air arrested as a snvl" Sez I, "My fragrant roses of the Suth- em clime and bloomin daffodils, what's the price of whiskey in this town, aud bow many cubic feet of that reductive flu id can yu indoowidually hold '" They made no reply to that, but said my was fibers was v;onSaOoted. I axed them if that was generally the stile among thieves in that country, to which. they al- : so made uo reply, but sed I w.19 arrested j as a Spy, and mui-t go to Montgotnry in ; iaus. They was by this time jined by a ! large crowd of ether Suthern patriot, J who commenst to holler "Hang the bald hoded abolitionist, and bust up his im moral CAhcrbishau !'' I was seezed and : tied to a stump, and the crowd went for J my tent that water-proof pavilion, where- in instruction and amuscinant had been ; so mutchlj combined at 15 cent a hed j and tored it all to pieces. Meanwhile, i dirty-faced toys was throwin stuns and 1 empty beer bottles at my masiv brow, i and taken improper liberties with- my " person. Resistance was useless, for va ; riety of reasons, as I readily observed. ! Tbe Seccshers confiscated my statoots j by sraashio 'cm to altums. They then i went to ry muney box, and conficated all j the loo3c change therein contained. Thej j then wont and bust in my cages, lettin all 1 animilos loose a small but healthy tager among the rest. This tager has an es ' centric way of toarin dos to nieces and I ' allers sup'o.-od from bis finral condack I that he'd bev no hesitasbun in 8crvin hu man beins in the same way ef he cood git ' at 'em. Escusc me ef I was crooil, bat j I lerfed boysterou-ily wben -I een that I tager spring among the jreeplo. j "Go it niy sweet cuss P I iuaruly cs j claimed, "I forgiv you for bitin orf my I left than with all sy hart ! Rip urn up like a bully tager whose Lare has bin in . waded by Scceshcrs !' , I cant say for sertin that tbe tager so I rioualy injerd aay of them, but as he was ! s-een a few daso artor, sunt ailes distant, with a large ani well selected assortment of seats of trowsis in his mouth, and ashel lookt as tho be bin hevin some viln es ercise, I rother gue?s ho did. You'll therefore perceive they dident confiscate him much. I was carried to Montgomery in iuns and placed in duranco ial. Tbe jale was an ornery edifa.ss. bat the table was Hit-rally supplied with Bakin and Cab- idgc. This was a good variety, for when I dident hanker arter Bakin I cood help myself to Cabidge. I hod no body to talk to nor nuthin to talk about, hows'-vcr, and I was very lone- ly. speshully on the firt day; so when tho jalcr pai-t my lonely sell I put the few strav hairs on the back Dart of mv bed case. 1 did it, and when tie lancci ana said his galysnt men had bin a lectle enthusiastic m conhscattn my show, "Yes," sez I, "they confiscated mo too mucbly. I had sum bosses conuscateu ' in pnsun at injmnapyius. "Wall, wall, Mr. Ward, yu are liberty to depart yu air friendly to the South, I know. Evin now we hev lots of friend in tho North, who sympathize with us and wont mioglo in this fight." "J. Davis, there's yer grate mistake. Many of us was yure sincere friends, and thawt sortin parties amung us was fussin about you and medlin with your consarns entirolv too much. But J. Davis tbe mm- it yeu fire a gun at that piece of dry goods called tho Star Spangled. Banner tho North gits up "and rides en massy in j,,. c . i. . i T Nnl n ti n r n II oh ience oi uiai, jjauum. -a-" . - - indi vidn als not ayin tho boutb even- South but to save the flag. , We should indeed bo weak in the knees, unsound in tbo heart, milk wbije in the liver, and soft in tho head, if wo stud quietly by and saw this glorius Government smashed to poa cos, either by furrin or an intestino foo. The gentlo-bartcd mother bates to tako her nottv child acros-i her knee, but sho knows it is her dooty to do it. So we shall bate to whip tho notty south, but we must do it if you dont make back tracks to wunst, and we -hall wullup you out of yer boota ! J. Davis it is my decided opinion that the sunuv South is makin a cereiua riiutton-.hed of herself I"; - "Go on sir, yure safe enuft. lou air i - n i -r --- . ident of the Suthern Contbieveraoy. j " Wait till I go home and Mart out the luu C,UUM " ' acu w r r. I') J H, T3 Baldwinsville Mounted Hons Cavalry !.' Itno Cnpting of that Corpse, I am, and xavis, beware i i ueucrson u., Beware 1 1 Jefferson D.f I now leave yu 1 Farewell my gay paler boy 1 Good by, my old buccaneer 1 Pirut of tho deep blue sea, adoo, adoo I" My tower throo the Southern Con tievoraay on my way hum was thrillin o nuff for yaller coversr -It will form the eubjcok of my nos. Betsy Jano and tbo progeny air well. Yours respectively, A. Ward. iook out' for Them. In these times of "wars and rumors of .c iUU i uaiu.o ui wars fl , With nn Aim : .nf.raa nA n;nn' ALa i 4 . : emblems &o. and others who nl'iv unon f nlmrif.o nf tY,n nnKHn Kit .Inline fl,n i,,;( t u m:- v .1 l fi, i ii.i .i . . : ar the South barely with their lives on Bo - count of their Union sentirronf, and W an eve to bustnesa. some of whomi:. . . . . . '-"f --y- ing without homes or monev are in needfth ncral toTOrnoeut ; the claims or of public charity. Fellows of this de scription have visited various communi- " ties, and drawn support lately from tbe'T P rZ T .i JLfi x . . board may rcouiro. and to be ho d in tho generous; and we wish to caution the pub- lie against a too liberal use of their-mcans for -i.n hnr.na t i... ,, wi inv. ui.ut.ut ui mis uiusi ui vvuuiu arc mere speculators, getting a subsist ence, or making a "big thing" out of pub lic sympathy. Look out for swindlers. Treason. Wo take tho following extract from a letter of "Occasional" in the Press.' It is forcible and to tho point. 'The miserable Marplots engaged in tho disgraco of trying to divide the friends of the country in the free States should be exposed before they have succeeded in their schemes. I will not name them, but hopo that tho. people of Lancaster, Berks, Northampton, Chester, Danphin, Montgomery, Franklin, and other coun ties, will look closely to certain invidious leaders and nowipapers in their midst. Our cause cannot prosper if stick internal influences agamst the flag of the country arc permitted to operate. Detect, denounce, and punieh them wherever found." "Andy" Johnson defying the Sebels. The Washington National Republican, of Saturday, says: "We have hesrd reliably from Senator Johuon as late as last Monday, when he was bixty miles we-.t of Knoxvillo, on bis canvass of the State which votes on the Sth of June upon the question of seces sion. Mr. Johnson and his friends were at that date, hopeful. "The style of Mr. Johnson's canvass ing may be judged froaj tho commence ment of his speech at Cleveland, Tenn , where threats against him had been large ly indulged in. lie told the crowd that he 'did not come here to be shot, but to shoot,' that if there was to be a fight, be and his friends were ready for it, and that ho proferred to finish up tho fighting before his speech. Nobody coming for ward to fight, the intrepid Senator pro ceeded to speak, and by tho timo ho bad finished, nineteen twentieth of the audi ence were with him. Ho told them n mong other things, that Jeff. Davis and the Governor of tho State ou-j-bt to be banged, at that' not far distant period when tbo judicial power of tho Govern ment could bo brought to bear upon them." JJjTwo Southern men wera talking together lately, in Brown's Hotel, Wash ington, of the progress of events, when ono said to the other, "What do you think of this Lincoln Administration, any way?" Tho siguifioant reply was, "It is a d n sight too strong to butt against." the branches of plum trees will drive a iway thecurculio Ho has seen it tried for three years with perfect success. Ants. Mr. Honrv Lander, of Bath. i " places they frequent, will drive away ants. The young ladies of Buffalo Seminary have organized themselves into a military company, and will be drilled by a com petent officer in the manual of fencing, marching, and forming companies. Gen. Cassis resolved, even in Lis old o . . . tn fiiR with flip, harness on his hack, as mounted tho old uniform, and reviews bis troops ueivon every moru.ug. ""V""' trihntnii -nitf rt inn nriuftfA rnruinc rhZiJ-. 000 to the eouiDment of the Michigan. volunteers, and 310,000 to the support of their families during their absence. t. 1.1 t ti ENCLOSE A STAMP it WOUTU De wen for those who correspond with volunteers J - - - aVA at-" lIW-amB- now in camp, or ou duty away frora home, to enclose a postage stamp in order to sc - cure a rcDlv. it is difficult to procure; postage Btaraps, and this dittioulty may lcad to embarrassment iu correspondence, Aiming the State. Relief of the Families of Volunteers. Jinfnra , j: r t - ! Mwiuiu lhi; iiM mill II j H L Ul LUI! UttiriS n. t,, r paai: i.:n was passed authorizing a loan of S3,000,( I f 3 win rum fnr m P " v 'I ' "' purDOSo of arm no- thn Stato. Tho hill -jmpuao 01 arming tno dtatc. Tho bill also providc3 foratbe t of thfl ilics of vluntserSf as w aa the furnisb. ;n nf nrm- L J.jwiil bo seen by tho following: by tho following RELIEF OF FAMILIES BY MISSIONERS. Section 10. lhat tho Associate Judges of tho Court of Common Picas, and tbo 17777 t , counUos- of this Commonwealth, shall constitute a Board of Relief, to meet monthly or as often as they find it neees- sary, at tho, office of the ComminfionerP, uuu uyvu jcauonaoio oiaim or suggestion, t S-f- t . 0 furnish such amount of support or relief ,u ,,UUiV uuai caso rl ,.my aC"m ;j i . ! -juiiuuiu aim proper ior iamwies or ior i 1 r . m? e tierSOIlS rORlrinnf in fhnir rnannpfurn nnnn. 'tic8 heretofore in any degree dependent Upon BnSix Vo,U!te,:r8 ns.havo been enroll- !-U UHU ca aoo mustered into service from their ,fievera! coanties. under orders from the 'OVorn0r 0f liiQ Commonwealth, daring i l.uu ilslLU" ol ine presonc exigencies on , ciifrnniilinnc Xnv imi h .n ti n I . n k - n- . n .M writing, setting forth the facts of the caso i T BnJ rcU,re' an,J 10 be bo,d ,n, .tbL , 0&eo vohs for Y payments which !IS1,J c a uiercon, payments for re- .-f., , - - , sual form, with an endorsement on tho back of each, "issued by the board of relief," which endorsement shall bo sign ed by ono of the associate judges, and all the vouchers, and tho orders issued there on, shall be duly audited by tho county auditors or other proper authorities, and publishod in tbo annual statement of the public expenditures of said countien; if it shall be found requisite by the Commis sioners of any county within this Common wealth, they are hereby authorized and empowered to mako a temporary loan or loans, at a rate of interest- not exceeding seven per centum per annum, to carry into effect the measures of relief provided by this act. Providedl'bat all arrange ments made by tho several counties of this State for the support of the families of the volnntcers mustered into the ser vice, arc hereby legalized and declared to be in full force, until the pro7isions of ' this secticn are carried into effect. Sec. 17. That it shall be lawful for the proper authorities of any county within this Commonwealth to assess and levy a tax for the payment of such appropria tions as may have been, or mny hcrcafter be made by such authorities for the rlicf of volunteers or their families, or both, which voluntceaosball havoleen or maybe received mio tec service or this otato or of the United States, in tho present exi- spot to. Bhake bauds with their friends genoy of the country. Provided, That ; upn tbe joyful prospect; others went af suoh assessment shall not iu any one year ! tor their pistols, and commonccd buckling exceed two and one-half mills uaou the i them about their waists, while others, dollar of the taxable property of such county. Provided that all loaus hereto fore negotiated, or moneys, borrowed by Commissioners of municioal authorities. - aro hereby validated. pensions to bb'paid in case of DEATH. oi: iQ rP. t : ,,. UVWIIUU . A U U If IU liiiaii 1AU J DUlUlbl shall die after being mustered into tbe service of tho United States, or of this State leaving a widow aud minor children, or a minor child under tho age of four- teen vears, tno mother ot such minor o ICCU jUUIS, llIU UUIUSI Ul 6 UUU UilllUl Ui minors shall receive ciht dollars per month from the State for the term of live vnar. nnle.s all snot, minnr., shall. hriuW!tb SIX horses 10 C8CU gun, were seen(so mach t A. t i a . fore tbo expiration of said fivo years, ba .r.i.. l . oi mo age oi fourteen, or uniesa buo or they receive a pension from tbo United Sm p, if nu H?n nr m,rn Wnm the expiration of said five years, such nno;nn .- sm- nf .lu Anu LiUUClUU. i I Lilly Kf A DUil UUUIU LV& marriage shall go to the support of bucb .I. .-.i .1 i- minnr AhilH nr hiklrnn no nrn thoti Itir- ing. ARMS FOR THE BORDER COUNTIES. Section 31. That the Governor and Adjutant General bo and are hereby au thorized and required to procure and fur nish at the earliest possible time after the troops provided for in this bill shall have been supplied not oxceeding one thousand btand of modern approved arms and ac coutrements for each of tho counties of this Stato bordering upon Maryland, Del aware and Virginia lines, to bo received by the County Commissioners of tbe res pective counties, foj tho purpose of arm ing organized troops for tho defence of said counties and for such other military serfico contiguous to their borders as they may legally be called upon to perform; and the County Commissioners of said counties shall respectively exeouto a bond, in the name and in behalf of such county, in such Duni as tho Governor shall direct, ; . ,. fn!!!! t ' J . t au.u BW, vu" a t ,1 - I n a m ntt nA 1 1 reccivea ov tnem, ior me puiyosu muiu now conTCffatod m J ' . v, r. iiurr vvui vokvu , rt t.n. finiTiiriini mns direct, and the bonda so executed shall ' uu ,u UJ J- eral. A young lady in Brandon, Conn , says if anwouoz man wishes to "embrace an - . v, w . Jl Ml to Brandon, he 1 rf j ( m J ' ( " " . , rm uiessau is uu iuai ia uj aua maiures, ior mo guB w.w- bim. . PKOM .WASHIHGTOU". The Alarm of Saturday. Washington, May 20, 1801. orccc P"i wrneo aiow- . . !'J oack, sorely disappointed at havine m Having nccomp ished its object m tak-1 l03t the opportunity to fight ' 5 102 possession of Alexandria and onnnnv.' rnt .--!- .i.im. : ' n- , , , --rv . ng Arlington Ilights, the War Depart ment, in due preoaat.ou against an at- taok uPon the advanced portions of our 1lne' bAa? tab,,Bbed a sWl by t shniilrl ho tnntrn tn IKn f - - : iL . r COONTT COM.JU. Ibat froah battle 1, begun on : otner side ot the Jrotomac. and that rn- " "u""u ,v "-" tutuca tu me Vjrl y- enforcement, in that direction were at , once required. The Bigual was to be ! w n 6 . , L" a ,r? l,ito this letter that aarlines arc now ,y ell War Department, and this wTfl-to bo'ta-'plaoed and itrongly -fortiflcd on tk'e o'&of ken by all the troops in town as an order Bjdc of tho Potomac, and that tbeto ia so , to move acro?s the bridge and hold them-' immediate likelihood of further battla in , solves in readiness to take prt in the ao-'tbat direction, unless tho insurgents mako nou. luost eageny, mereoi, wera tiiou 1 . 1 11 .1 t. sands of ears inclined during tho whole of I r i i i i , iLraorQ,05: Ior lQ nopeu-ior signal, I .1 L 1 ; u iuuru waa ncareeiy an oinocr wuo ,r u 1 nOSSP.SSnfl fl n n.fflaMR Trim rltrl tint frn- : quently mount to somo lofty perch, where j bo might swocp the expected scene of bat- no. j.ue aay woro on, nowover, without ! any ot the expected avmptoms: and ; public attention became more and more' ugiu i.nu uunequiuo oi uoi. jis- worth, and speculations as to the proba- v,in nr,mLQ ik q1 in ble engagements then raging at bewail s . nin nnrrannmnnra trior, r n ni ni nf .v. ,n .11 'n Point and Harper's Ferry, tho anxiety for fresh operations in our immediate neighborhood began gradually to die out. But of a sudden there came an unusual stir 51-non.T t.hn nroa nlnn., llio clonal, and men could bo seen unon the hns,;: upon tops gesticulating violently, and taking turns at lorgnettes, while women as fran tio as themselves flung about their arms, and waved tber handkerchiefs, to ener getic exclamations. The people in tho streets seemed to catch by instinct tho meaning of these signs, but not knowing what to do, went swiftly to and fro iu purposeless confusion. I could fancy nothing more like it than the hoarse bo- gmnmgs of a tremendous storm, and just 8ajf frc0 from a1 excitement, that to do as I was feeling its infiuence with the 1 gtr0J our office or 6top our windpipe, is rest, the boom of a great gun sounded the 0Diy waJ in whioh wo can be proyen. from the neighborhood of the White , te(i frora denouncing secession, and advo Houee. The report Beomed to transfix foating the Union. Thcro is now but every listener at once, and all ears were bent to hear another. It soon came, but on all sides tho only words which rcspon ded to it were "That is tbe second'." Another pause of fevoriah interest en sued, and then, in a third report, pealed forth the complete announcement that war, grim, bloody, earnest war had be gun between tho people of tho North and South. This, too, was tho call to arms. ' and as the last shot fell unon the car U'l re ft as a burst of cheering voices, such! Deri-ens never t C I J II inaugurated civil strife. And then the most strange things were done. Many, i running to and tro, would turn two o tbe same "; iiuj, uuuju ua iu vu ! still, enthusiastically offered any sort of m . m . TX 1 n 11 il r I . odds that Uncle Sam wonld win tbe fight Before three minutes bad elapsed from tho sound of the lat gun, there cemo j clattering along past Willard's from the neighborhood of the Treasury building a party of dragoons, taiung their way tbeir way a- round tbe oorner of Fourteenth street to- ! ward Long Bridge. Cheers rose from tbo crowds as they went by, but beforo those cheers were done a vast rumbling was heard in tho same direction which ' . , . . , . tuo tlrag00D8 d co?e, h ana; 10 tu0 uwy -j. tearinu around into tho Avenue at fearful . snced. tho trooners and oannouiors r . , ... , . screaming wildly, like so many madmen, i they wont. Their rate of progress i was awiffc that in uturnlkD.S . FoUr" : teenth street corner, the whirl of tho gun- ' t t t I 1 J : carnage spun off a left-hand wheel, and 1 dashed the vehicle acatnst an iron post, , ua3'"u lua r 'I tlinwing tho men ou mo caissons, knocking down two of tho horses. tno remaining uurua wei wihujiuu u. : dragging the tallen animals on their sides along the roan, anu me naucu aX.e lhoth of lbo Statc of Wiscofi'sin, in me duty for the missing wheel Tbey pass- do pronoQDCO y0B mm cd shouting out of sight and the acceler- uman, ating huzzas of tbe equally crazy muiti- tude, wont after them as long as their wheels and voices could be beard. Eut SSSfA good story is told, and it is true, the excitement culminated with tho ap- of a Virginian emigrant, who stopped at pearanco of tbo Massachusetts Fifth, Willarda a few days ago. There was which, like tbe flying battery, appeared ' considerable doubt in the minds of many in tho next moment from tho direction of j whether the man was roally what ho rcp tbe Treasury They, too, came along on ' resented himself to bo, or a spy. He told a foil run, and every man was sereaming' several persons who were standing around and whooping as if just escaped from him that bo was so well known in Yir Bedlam. It was not tho utterance of auyginia as a Union man that S300 was of partieular cry, with which they sought to;fered for bis bead. "Why don't you go direct or stimulate eaoh other, but it wasjbaok and claim the reward," asked a wag tho rage for battle, burning in tbeir who was present. "I would," was tha veins, seeking this necessary vont. Tho reply, ''if I wasn't afraid they would pay crowd flocked after them, andafter theme in Confederate bonds," It was u crowd, followed a column from Connecti-1 naniiaously agreed, after this reply, tbat cut, and after them swarmed hurriedly , the man's loyalty was above suspicion.-- collected local troops. The whole mass Cor. of Post. poured on together, every man on a dead , run, and thousands of voices rising con- rpTbe growing-crops aro in a very tioually out of tho yellow coil of dust that flo,jrjslling coudition iu all parts of' tho marked the direction of the line, in nn-j00UDtrJf GSCept the fruit crop, whioh4ha3. gled screams and cheers. It was a sight beeQ con3idtirablj damaged by" lata Bucb as bos never been seen on this con- frQ3tg tinent before, aud must have convinced every looker-on that we are essentially a m.torial people. On arriving at tbo: 1 "J r t. . w , , brideo, we learned tie alarm was a taiso one, and had Krown out of some gun practice of the troops, which bad terrified ; some countrymen, aud they bad brought' a report to the 7tb 1 that tuo rebew haJ attacked the 12th, which was being cut to pieces. , On hearing Una, the re-en- jforcocacnts froa the Capital turned slow- . xuuru are roauy wuo stuns mat mis ; wholo alarm w.b planned by Gen. Scott, in or(ier to tost the epirit of tho troops, There are many who think that this nnd Un tn nrA in whf. r,-,i;n. t,ow stood for battle; if this bo so, the old ... ' . - 1 rhlnltun nuf hn o o f icHnM fhnf nnr man. ; m u0, S ZatUlO. generated in material spirit from their Revolutionary sires. I have only to add - 'ail attack unon our linos. .1 i . GEORGE WILKES. To Clean Tainted Barrels. . The best method for cleaning tainted barrels is to put one peck of charcoal and , one teacup 01 saieratus into oacn Darrei. as,uil them up with boiling water, cover tight and let them stand until coid. ' 07ei Feeling of a Young- Volunteer, . u e l n a n i ix momDcr 01 wo wevewua urajs ! wr,t:s.:. . . I II A 11 I L L 11 . 1 IL. l.j:.. IX i I lUlUUgU jl uuusy 1 VUUIU UUU lUUIUS have treated us like brothers. This af- .il.. r - Jiti r T Dou one 01 luc l aaiguicrs OI Jjan- , caster worked 'my initials on my blanket, I while I stood bv and talked about tho weather, &c. I don't know, but it seems to mo I never felt towards any per son as I did towards berl" Good for the Parson. Parson Brownlow, of tho Knoxvillo (Tennessee) Whig, still holds out nobly. Iu a lato number bo says: "That all mav understand us. we tako occasion to tIiroe rjuion Da!)er3 jn Tennessee, as wo !COnsidcr, and unless wc aro assassinated. or our offioe is destroyed, wc shall soon have the honor of standing alone. And thero wo shall 6tand neither tho gates of hell, nor the pressuro of secession riots, being able to prevail against our conviction of right." South Side Yiew. A clergyman relates the following con versation as having occurred in Alabama, not long since. The probabilities of tho conflict were being discussed in a coun try hotel, and ono and another expressed i his views pretty freely when an appeal wns made in an old settler, as follows: "Well, old horse, what do you think of it!" "I think we are to be confoundedly whipped," said be. "The North have a jConstitption, a united fooling, plenty of money, and (Jod on their side, ana wo have only a few cursed Spaniards in Cu ba, no credit, and the devil on our sido. Now I own slaves' and am with the South, but let me tell you wo are to bo con foundedly whipped." 0O"A western editor says he is '-going to get married ho saw a young lady handle the broom so craccfultv tbat he is i rnfnrmitin tn mnlrp bnr M wifi " Pnr- " - baps after be is married bo may not ad- miro tnc way sue may uanaie tuo nroom, EST-A Wisconsin reader writes: "Some fivo years ago, when tbe candi dates for Justice of the Poaoo were scarce in tho northwestern part of tbi3 Stato, a man was appointed to tbo office for tbo purposes of settling tho littlo difficulties ,' ! arising and marrving tbo natives whonc- -r, Jver occasion required. A couple carao iUt i , n. ; J. Tk- UOnU iroia jujppuva uuu uuv iu uu ,. , , , r, nar. cnl j ' he said: Aj . th(j &n- , M a.j: "aviTrm-l nnnr kklIii lnm nil 1 1 rnn Ifiltnrfl mint? na F"""' 7: -7" prepaid. Don t forget -"-7 g-Ruai, tobacco, a ry tight lacing the worm a tnrcc grcai'tjwwr i:e:a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers