NEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT. iTo all wmi ling: Farms . A RARE OITORTUMTY IN A DELIGHTFUL AND HEALTHY CLIMATE 25 MILES SOUHKASTOF PHILADELPHIA, ON THE CAMDEN AIVD ATLANTIC KAILKOAD, NEW JERSEY. An old estate consisting of several thou sands of acres of productive soil has been divided into '"arms ol various sizes to suit the purrhaer. A population of some Ftf tecmllundrcd, from various parts of the mid dltStates and New England hate settled there the pat vear, improved their places, and raised excellent crops. The price ol Uie fund is at the low sum ol from S13 to $-20 per aero, the soil is ol the best quality for the production of Wheat, Clover, Corn, Peaches, Grapes and Vegetables It is con htdcted the best Fruit soil in the Union. The place is perlectly secure from frosts the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crop of "rain, grass and "iruit are now glowing and can he seen. By examining the place itself, a correct judgment can he formed of the productiveness of the land. The terms ate made easv to secure the rapid improve ment of the land, which is only sold for ac tual improvement. The result has been, that within the past vear. some throe hun died houses have been electee!, two mills one steam, fout stores, some forty vinyard. and Peach orchards, planted, and a large nnn.ber of other improvements, making it a desirable and active place of business. THIS MARKET, as the reader may perceive from its loca tion, is the UEST UN THE UNION. Produce bringing double the price thai) in locations away lioin the city, and more than double the price than the West- It is kn.wn that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables in this latitude come from New Jersev, and are annually exported totherex tent of millions 1.. lurnunn here, the settler has many ad tantaces. He is within a few hours ride of the great cities of New England and Mrddle States, he is near his old friends and asso ciations, he is in a settled country where ev cry improvement of aomforl and civilization is at hand. He can buy every article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his produce for the highest. n the West this is reversed) he has schools for his children. divine service, and will enjoy an open win ter, and delightful climate, where fevers are utterlv unknown- The result of the change upon "those from the north, has generally been to restore them to an excellent state of health. . In the way of building and improving, lumber can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $10 to $15 per thousand. Bricks fiom the brick yard opened in the place, every article can t.e ptocured in the place, good" carpenters are at hand; and there is no place in the Union where buildings and itn provements ran be made cheaper. The reader will at once oe struck with the advantages here presented, and ask him self why the property has not been taken up before. Tho reason is. it was never thrown in the market; and unless these st.uements were correct no one would be invited to ex amine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see lam! under cultivation, such is the extent of the eelllemenlthal they will no doubt, meet per sons from their own neighborhood; they will witness the improvements and can judge the character of the population If they come with a view to settle, they should come pre pared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re fusal. There are two daily trains to Philadel phia, and to all settlers who improve, the KiillrnHd Company Elves a Free Ticket for six months, and a half price Ticket fin three years. THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON In conneetion with the agricultural set tlement, a new and thriving town has natu raliv arisen, which presents inducements for any kttul of business, particularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe business could be rarritd on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton business, and manu factories ol agricultural implements or Foun dcriosfor casting small ar tides. The im provement has been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of business Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small ones, as it would effect the improve merit ol the placeycan be had at from SI0U and upwards. The Hammonlon Farmer, a monthly liter ary and agiicultural sheet, containing full information of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents per anuum. Title indisputable warrantee deeds giv en, clear of all incumbrance when nmnev i paid. Home to the land: leave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia for Hammonton by Rail load, at 7 1--2 A. M., or4 1 3 P. M. FaieOM cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences on hand. Parties had belter stop with Mr, Bvrnes.a prinripai until they have decided as to purchasing, a he will show them over the laud in his car riage, free of expense. Letters and applica tions can be addressed to Landis & llyrnes. Hammonton P. O., Atlantic Co . N. Jersey or S. B. Coughlin. 202 south Filth Street, Philadelphia, Maps and information cheer fully furnished. July 14, l65(J.-6m. J "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 Confectioners, Fruiterers and Three doors above the Post Office, STROUDSBURG, PA. I 2 A general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Segars, Syrups, &c. &c. Orders from a distance prompt-1 S ly nltended to. yi vvvvvvyvv'vvyvvvvvv uwiivmvuvww LEWIS D. VAIL, Attorney at fau), Office removed to No. 114 South Sixth st. (below Chesnut,) April 21, 1859 Philadelphia. Persons wishing to change their business to a rapidly increasing Country, a New Settlement where hundreds are going Where the climate is mild and delightful See advertisement of Hammonton Settle went in another column. The Kaimnoulon FarmerA newspaper devoted to Literature and AgrK culture, also setting forth full accounts ol the new settlement of Hammonlon, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for only 25 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount Address to Editor of the Farmer. Hammon lon, P. 0. Atlantic Co.. New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, ol the best quality, in one .of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, and where crops are nererculdownby frosts, the terrible scourge of the north, see advertisement of Hammon ton Lands. Gifts rare and Beautiful given indiscrimi nately without Money to all persons ordering Books from CLARK'S GREAT GIFT BOOS ESTABLISHMENT, No. 806 Spring Garden Street, PHILADELPHIA. This Establishment is connected on a scale of unsurpassed Magnificence and liberality, as thousands can testify, and universally ac knowledged to be the most liberal and punc tual Gift Enterprise in the United Slntes. My new and Classified Catalogue of Books, a pamphlet of 48 large pages, contains a lull list of Histories, Biographies, Travel?, Ad venture?, Stories, Anecdores, Tales, Narra tives, Romances, Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religious, Biblical, Theological, Classical, Philosophical, Geographical, Botanical and Agricultural works. Dictionaries, Lexicons, Albums, Annuals and Presentation books, Bi bles, Hymn and Prayer Books, in ever style of Binding, together with all the newest works of the d.iy, all of which are handsome ly bound and guaranteed perfect in every respect. The schedule of Gifts I present, (as will be seen by reference to my Catalogue,) is the most extensive, as it is alto the most superi or, elegant and magnificent ever offered by any similarestablishmentin the Union one of which Gifts will accompany eacli booK at me time of sale. ITPA fine eold watch accompanies every order of 100 books ordered at one time from my Catalogue fj Testimonial?. As evidence of the truth of what has been asserted, I append the names of a few gen tlemen of high standing, whose veracity can not be questioned, who have purchased or or dered beoks from me and received Gold Watches, namely: Wm. Zimmerman, Esq., Middletown, Pa.; John D. Skiles, Wholesale Grocer, Lancaster Pa.; Hon. G. G. Walker, Representative from Sommerset co., in the Pennsylvania Legislature; Walter G.Evans, Notary Public, Lancaster city, Pa.; Jacob Martin, fitq., Rochester, N. Y.; Hiram Fisk, Eq., Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. Geo. Lenhart, Barrisburg, Pa.; Mr J. L. Fears, Bear Creek, Henry Co., Georgia; Mr. Thos. Smead, Bed ford, Pa.;- and Julia Crosby, 927 Lawrence st., Philadelphia, who received a splendid Silk Dress Pattern, worth Si 5. D. W. CLARK, No. 806 Spring Garden St. Philad. Pa. Agents wanted in every Town and Vill age in the United States. My terms to A- ircnts are such as to afford them a liberal re muneration for their trouble. Full particu lars may be had by addressing me as anove. OCataloirues sent free to anv address. July 14, 1859.-3ra. LIVERY BUSINESS. Valentine KauCz & Win. Huntsman, (Successors to M. B. Postens,) 4Bk Hrivinir' nurchaserl the filers . , , r , , n -t?3L$ stoocK lately ownea dj iu 15. Postens, take this opportunity to notify their friends and the public gen erally, that they have added considerable new stock to the same, and will couttnue tbn buines at the old stand, on Franklin Street, where they are prepared to hire Horses and carriages at the lowest caih rates. Their Horses are safe, faj-t and gentle, and their vehiekles consit of all kinds, to suit the tastes of the fastidious Attentive ostlers always on hand, and dri vers furnished when desired. Call and ee for yourselves. Strangers taken to any part of the country at the shorte-t uotice. They will continue to run the new omnibus between this borough and the Railroad Depot. Persons intending to go on the railroad will be called for at any part of the Borough, by leaving their names at their office near the stable. The omnibus will also be at the Depot on the arrival of trains to convey passengers into town. No pains will be spared to give satis faction to all who may favor them with their patronage. KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. Stroud.sburg, June 24, l5S.-tf. Stomsl SIqvcbI Stoucs! At it Again ! The subscriber would respect fully inform his friends and customers, that he has re- omrnenced the Stove and Tin-Ware Business, at his old stand, where may be found a 'ull and complete assortment of Cook Parlor.and all kinds of Healing Stoves, hih will be sold at city prices. He would further say. that he has secured the servi ces of Mr William Flory, a v6ry superior worker in Tin and Sheet Iron, which will enable him to offer Tin & Sheet Iron Ware at wholesale, and at the lowest figure He would respectfully invite merchants and dealears in his line to call and examine for themselves. ROOFING, SPOUTING, and all kinds of JOBBING promptly attended to R. It. DEPUY. Stroudsburg, September 1, 1859. ly. Persons wishing to establish Manufactories in a new and thriving place where husinessis good See advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement Wire Sieves, Screens, &c Wo. 53 oi!t!i 1th Street, JEASTTOtf, fiM. All kinds of Brass, Iron and Ilair Sieves and Screens constantly on hand, including a large assortment of Sieve Screens, for fanning mills, miners, ireu workers and brick-makers, of the be-l quality made in the very best manner, and sold at exceedingly low prices by NTHONYT POHL, at his manufactory. No. 53 South Fourth street, opposite the Lutheran Church, Eauton, Pa. August II, 1959. 6m. EMPLOYMENT. 650 a mouth, and ail expeases Paid. An Agent is wanted in every town anil countv in ihe United Stales, to "engage in a respective and easy business, by which the above profits may be certainly realized I or lurlhur particulars, address Dr. J Hen rv Warer, corner of Broome and Mercer Streets, New York City, enclosing one pos ige stamp. Feb. 10, 1859. 6m BLANK DEEDS For sale al this Office The Country Safe! m& m m. 3$ a lt ft MJY V7. tt"I Zt vEB r V vOf The subscriber takes this method of informing his many friends, and the pub lio Generally, that he has returned from the cities, with a largo lot of Heady Hade Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of CoatfS of all kinds and qualities. PaB2 of various styles of goods, and Vests, of every grade From his present stock he is satisfied that he can meet the demand of every tastn and "rig out," in a manner hitherto un approached, the man with the single dol lar, or the possessor of thousands. Ho has also laid in, and will keep on hand, an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Testings, Notions, Hosiery, &c, &c. all of which he will sell very cheap. He has also a splcn did lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to SG each; the latest styles of Mantillas, Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters, &o. &o. and all at prices surprisingly low. P. S. Clothing made to order at nhort notice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in exchange for Goods at cash prices. The public are invited to call as he is determined to sell his goods cheaper than the cheapest. NICHOLAS KUSTER Stroudsburg, May 12, 1859.-tf. FRUIT TREES, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Flow ers, Shrubs, &c , &c, from the cele bratcd H. E. Hook, & Co's. Nursery, Rochester, N. Y. The undersigned is now receiving or ders for Fall and Spring planting. All those who order from us or our ngcuts will be supplied with first class trees, plants, &c, to be delivered this fall and spring, at such places as agreed upon. All orders left at G. H. Miller's Store, Stroudsburg, Pa., will bo promptly filled by us. W. C. LARZELLTER, & Co. June 2. 1859. Blairstown, N. J. Nk. vtvAA.a,v'A.'VArt,'.A.xvavAaa.AA.i I KOiniUMPTON ACADEMY, f I Boys and Girls, 5 I fusion, fa. This Institution will open its second ? ? quarter of the Spring Session on Monday g the 4th of April, and continue eleven veeks, when a vacation of six weeks f will follow. The Fall session will commence on Wednesday, the 29lh of July, and con- f itnue twenty-two weeks. The building.a large four story brick edi- f fie1, (formerly known as " Tcnperance g Hall") is now being re-modeled and fit-e ? ted up expressly for a first class Semin- ary for the education of pupils of both soxes. The boarding pupils will occupy j two separate buildings.arranged with pri- vat rooms. Experience has taught that 5 it is decidedly disadvantageous for more than two pupils to occupy the same room. The accommodations and ad van- tages of this school are of a superior or- g der, and it designs to train and fit boys 2 ? and young men thoroughly for college or business. To young ladies are olfer- 5 ed excellent facilities for the acquisition of a solid or ornamental education. - Competent teachers are employed. ? Having long experience in Teaching and devoting his whole attention to the business, the Principal hopts to merit a 5 Urge share of public patronage, and g would respectfully invite attention to his 5 ? School. I Terms, per quarter, in the common 1 English brancht-s, for Boarding Scholars, :37 50. S Tuition for Day Scholars from 5 25 2 2 to 8 00. I I Additional charges are made for the 2 $ higher English branches and Classics, g 5 Extra charges for the modern langua- Jem langu $ ges and the ornamentals. Bills paid in $ .id vance. 5 For Circulars and further information 2 address Rev. J. W. LESCFJER, Principal Fkrry St., near Front. References. Rev. John Vanoerveer, Easton. I Hon. John K. Findlay, " ? M. II. Jones, Esq,. I J. P. Hetkicii. Esq. Samuel Sandt, M. D. ? Henry Detweiller, M. D. t C. C. Jennings. M. D, 2 Easton, March 24, 1859. tf. 77xvvvvvA.'Vv'VW.wvvvvvvvwwiE; CiVETHEWi ATRSAL! SILVER'S PLASTIC PAINTS: CHEAP, DURABLE AND PROTECTIVE, Weafhcr and Fire-Proof. These paints will stand any climate, with out crack or blister and harden by exposure, thus making in time an enamel of stono, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and other metals from rust and corosion. They differ, essentially, from the so-called mineral paints of the day which are, principally, O- chres and Clays, and are entirely worthless, Sliver's Plastic Paints are Purely ME TALIC, containing no Alumin or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Linseed Oil, (without the trouble of grind in,) and flow under the brush as the best White Lead, and excel all others in body or covering properties, one pound of which will cover as much surface, as two pounds ol White Lend, reducing the cost two-thirds. There ure six distinct colors, viz: Olive, J Light Brown I Light Chocolate, mack, J Uark do. Deep do. All equally vaiuaoie as a preservative lJaintand particularly adapted to painting The outside of Buildings, Fences, Steam boats, Cars, Tin and Iron work. 03-REMEMBER! Exposure Hardens and increases the Durability of these Paints. DIRECTIONS Mix with pure Linseed oil, as thickly as possible, as the Paint is the lasting protecting body, and the oil simply the indium or agent in spreading it. For sale, Wholesale and retail, by JAMES N. DURLING, Stroudsburg, Pa. A general assortment of Paints, Drugs, Window Glass, Perfumerw Linuors. &c &r. Constantly on Hand, and to which we invite the attention of the Public. May 5, 1859. ly. ;! new Bakery, Confectionery and Ice Cream ESTABLISHMENT. The undersigned beg leave to announce to the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity that they have opened a SALOON, where they offer an assortment of first class Costfeclioisory, Fruits, Nms, &c. which surpasses in point of excellence any thing of the kind heretofore offered in this place. In the Baking department they have se cured the services of Mr. Samuel Hoffman, whose ability in that line is too well known to need any recommendation. They will furnish I55EAE asart CAKES, of a superior quality, every afternoon, at the doors of their customers, without extra charge. They will also keep Ice Croatsi of a variety of flavors, Strawberries and Crt'ani, SPAFoCUMG SODA WAYEvS, And Albany Imperial Cream Ale, drawn fresh and cool from superior fountains. sFi'esh Oyslors, in season, will he served up in every style. With a determination to spare no effort to pleasp they respectfully solicit a share of pub lic patronage. CHARLES M. PRICE, L. H. DRAKE. April 1, 1859. SPEC5AH- AKMQUKCENSESttT. FROM THE Quaker City Publishing House! fiOO,000 CATTAILOGSJES, NEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. Superior I ;s lavements to the PnEHe! fiSrA new and pure plan for obtaining GOLD and SILYER WATCHES, and other valuable Prizes. Full particular jiveu in Catalogue.-, which will be sent free to all upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 cts. to 8100, GUARANTEED to each purcha ser. 8100,000 in Gifts have beeu dis tributed to my patrous within the pa?t :x mouths. The inducements offered Agentd are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having been in the Publishing and Bookselling buinei-s for the last eight yt-ar", my experience enables me to con duct the Gift Euterprize with the greatest sati'ifai'tion to ail. B-A GENTS WANTED in every Town and County. For full particulars address DUANE RULISON, Quaker City Pu rihin House, 33 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Pa. September 29, 1859. 4 in. MONROE COUNTY HtsJua! Fire laseirauce oisti'y The rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cover actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon mem bers of the company. The nett profits arising irom interest or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly, for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company will be a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance has been thoroughly tested has been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved successful and be come very popular. It affords the great est security against loss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonable terms Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to Wm. K. IIaviland, Secretary. MANAGERS . J. Dopue Labar, Jacob Knecbt, Richard S. Staples, Jacob Stouffnr, Charles Peters, Charles R. Andre, Silas L. Drake, Theodore School), Godleib Auracher, Thomas W Rhodes, Joseph Fenner. Sam'l S. Dreher, Stodell Stokes. STOGDELI. STOKES President. Golieb Auracher, Treasurer. Silas Drake, Surveyor. Stroudsburg, Sept. 10; 1858. The undersigned having purchas ed the right for Monroe County, to manufacture and sell Mess. Apple man & Robbing' patent Composition Gum Oils, for painting purposes, hereby offer them for sale at fifty per cent, below linseed oil prices. The article has been in for use the last three years and has stood the uC. test of experience. Certificates can f5pp!Z be seen at the Store, from some of filSrilie best practical builders and painters in the country. Also specimens of the painting. To Wheel rights, Carpenters,, and Cabinet Makers it will be an indispen sable article. Shop or Town ship rights sold upon reasonable ;-r IW1 1110. WM, HOLLTNSHEAD, C. S: DETRICK, , (i. M. PRICE, Stroudsburg, Nov. 25, 1858; ProprieT6rs. 3& PRICES TO SUIT THE T MES The I,arsst aI Clioapus Stock cvor offered iu this City. CHARLES W. DEAN, Wholesale Dealer IN French, and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, Oil Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, &c, &c.. '&c. No. 119 Market-Street, below Second, (north side.) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber has just opened an entire ly new and complete stork of goods of the best quality and description, to which he would respectfully call the attention of Mer chants and Dealeis who wish to find a good article cheap for Cash. These goods were bought for Nett Cash, at the greatly recuced prices consequent up on the stringency of the times, and believin the "nimble sixpence" to be better than the "slow shilling," they are now offered to ihe public at prices that defy competition The following are a few ol the articles -rlways on hand : Hails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities. Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar Hoses, Hall iSnshelnnd Peck Measures, Well Buck els, Towel Rollers. Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows, Corn Brooms, every variety, Shoe, Paint, Scrub, and Sweep brushes, &n. Clothes brushes. Baskets, Willow and ratan chairs, skirt ratans bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirt cords, lie yarn Twine of all kinds, together with a large assortment ol Notions and Fanrv Goods. Hosiery. Gloves, Shirts, Draioers, Threads, &c. cheip from auction. These goods are all new and carefully elected, arc offered at prices that cannot fail to attract attention Buvers will invariably find it to their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. fX53 Parti ular attention given to packing goods (or shipment, so as to prevent dam age or excessive cbarges for freight UCfOrders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 110 Market-st ,1 north side, below 2nd, Phila November 18, 1&53. ly. MOWAESD ASKOCfiATiOW, PHILADELPHIA. .4 Benevolent Insliiulion established by spe cial Eudoicment, for ihe Jlelief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Vriulcnt . Epidemic; Diseases. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life caus ed by Sexual diseases, and the :iec eptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims ol such diseases ty Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of iheir name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment diseases, in all their forms, and to give Med ical advice gratis to all who apply by letter, with a description of their con iition, (age .iccupation, habits ol life. &r.) and in case ol extreme poveilv, to FURBISH MEDl CINE FREE OF CHARGE, li is need less to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish ihe most approved modern treat ment. The Directors of the Association, in thoir Annual Report upon the treatment of al Diseases, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the la tiors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper mdtorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Oonorrbaji Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or SHI Abuse, Diseases of .the Kidneys and Blad der, &c, and order a continuance of tn same plan for the ensuing vear. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured thai their laboi3 in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great ben efit to the affln ted, espec ially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves with renewed zeal, to this very important and much despised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the ice ol Onaisin, Masturbation, or Self Abuse, and other dis eases of the .Sexual Organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, will be sent bv mail (in a seal ed envelope). Jree of charge, on receipt ol two stamps, for postage. Oilier Reports an.i Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sex ual diseases, diet, .&c are constantly being miblished for gratuitous distribution, and wiil bo sent to the afflicted. Some o' the new remedies and methods of treatment iti covered during the last year, are of greai value. Address, for Report or treatment, DR. J -Kl LLIN HOUGHTON, Actinu Surgeon No. -2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa Bv order ol the Directors EZRA D HEARTU ELL, Prest. GEO. FA IRC II I LD Secretary. March 24, l85i) ly. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1857,-tf GUNSMITH. The undersigned respectfully in- forms the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinitv. that ho has commenced the GUIVSITOTEintfG BUSINESS, near Knutz's Blacksmith shon. on William St., and is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness and des patch. Having had twenty years ex perience in tins business, ho hopes will bo an inducement for the people to give him a trial. Repairing of all kinds nromntlv attend ed to. Iiifles made to order. LEWIS KEINEST. Stroudsburg, June 14, 1855. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at. Uiis Office REMOVAL!! 4 Wholesale and Retail Bool anb Styne MANUFACTORY!! S Tne subscriber respectfuly inform f Ml his cusmers and friends that he has removed his Bool and Shoe Mnufao lory to the store room formerly occupied bf Joseph Sigman, in Northampton strPAt nn door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. IS. H. Harmony's Millinery and Peter Pomp's Drug Store. He has just received a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Moroco Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. forGetlemer and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes' for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion ble Gaiters of every variety, made to orde al short notice. A large assortment of Chif drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoe of all descriptions and kinds, which he i selling CHEAP FOR. CASH. The goods are manufactured of the bej? materials and in the neatest and most fash-' ionablc manner. He emplovs none but the nest workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, every effort will be made to? merit a continuance of the same. THADDEUS SCHOCH. Easton, September 16, 1852. New Wholesale and Retail WilVE & OQUOR- STORE, Stroud!) ui'S, Pa. The undersigned would inform Land lords and the public generally, thai he continues the above business in Strouds burg, in the brick building on Main street, opposite Melick's Jewelry Store, and ha on hand a large stock 01 W??iE3 AND LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from- the Custom House, which he rs prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of Frerfch' Brandy, dark and pale.' Also, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &a, Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from i to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their aJ vantage to deal with me. I have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with me I intend' shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as tbe price, and whenever they are not, I will be pleased to have them return the liquor, and make the fact known, for I in end to make it a permanent business, and? can only do so by dealing honorably. AIF orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing- for himself. July 8, 1S2. P. S. POSTENS. J. SAftTZ, HEWTIST. Has permanently located ;jim- -il'f lit !tl-.ii.Ir-ki.r A jj .t.i 111 uuuuucuuig, uuu IIIUVCU- his offlce next door to Dr. S. Walton , and nearly opposite S. Rees's Hat & Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in tho latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting" their work to the ignorani as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much iexpenence a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it isfre--juently put off until it is too late to save tho rcoth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in- oonvenience and troublcof going-so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining theservices of a dentist near home. All work warranted Something New. The public aro respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, ft in the large four storv building recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and Wintemute, two doora a bove Robert Boy's Store, whers he intends keeping always ou fund, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, cfc. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all tastes can be gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware? Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs-die ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which benr their owm recommendation. Every article will be warranted pure an fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to deserve the unlimited confidence of tho public. Call and see. JAMES N DURLKVG, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Dec. 3l, 1856. Hollinshead & Detrick, DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Drugs lUi'dioincs 'Iaiuls, Oils fy Stuns, Gla, Perfumery &.c. &o. &t. GOTHIC HALL DRUG STORE, STROUDSBURG, PA. N. B. Gorman and English prescrip tions carefully compounded, War. HOLLINSHEAD. c. S. DETRICK. April 8, 1858.Iy. New Goods, Very hcap. JOHN N. STOKES, havinjr iust finished his selections, is now re- 31 Cfiivirur n nhniro nnrt IncKtfinnWA MiaSt assortment of now nml snnsnnnhln goods, to which he invites the attention of the public. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware &c, &c, in variety, and of superior quality will be found in his store, at prices unusually low. The public are invited to call andsee1 No charge for showing goods. J. N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, April 26, 1850. OAP. Fine scented Soaps for wash?? ing and phuving a'so the cc.ebrate, shaving cream, for sa'c by , ... v4 SABTUELMEL Stroudsburg, January 1, 1855. mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers