f "PUBLIC VENDUE. Thcro vcill be sold at public vendue, at the house of John Barlip, dee'd, in El dred township, Monroe county, oo Saturday, January 7 th, 1860, at 1- o'clock p. ra., the following Real Estate, to wit: No. 1 containing 64 acres, of which about 50 acres is cleared, about 12 acres ofmeadow; a good Apple Orchard.regS Ibo improvements are Tr two etory LOG HO SE. 22 'by 28 feet; frame BARN 35 ft. by 55 feet, with stone stables : & Wagon House attached to the barn, 16 by 35 feet ; a log Stable 20 by 25 feet; a never failing spring near the house; a Btream of water runs through the proper ty. The cleared land is in a good state of cultivation. No. 2, containing about 37 acre1?, about 25 acres cleared, the remainder good Timber land, lyinir on the public road leadiog from the Wind Gp to Smith's Gap. There U a good spring on the prop erty and a very desirable place for build ing. The land U in a high statc-of culti vation. No. 3 contains G2 acres and 150 perch es, about 7 acres cleared, the remainder good Tiroberland well watered. Conditions made known on the day of pile by the undersigned. GEORGE BALIP, David barlip, JOHN BARLIP, Jr. - WILLIAM BARLIP, JACOB BARLIP, SALLY SMITH, LYDIA SMITH. JULY ANN SMITH, SUSAN KUCUER. Dember 22, 1859. JURY LIST December Term, 1859. GRAND JURORS. . Jackson Adam A. Singer, Philip A. Frailey, Johu Felker. folic Jacob Alteroose. Tankhannock Frederick Kccnhold, Jaoob Altcuiose. Stroudsburg William S. Wintemute, Samuel Rocs, jr., Molchoir Spraglc. Hamilton Jese Yon Bu-kirk, Rich ard V. R. Addam, Samuel Ree, sr. Pocono Samuel Shick. Stsoud William Transue, John Still veil, James Van Buskirk. Peter Tecrpcn Dinz. Smithfichl Henry Detrick. Jioss Timothy Marsb. Price Edmoud Price, Saiith Price. Cfiesnuthill John J. Bartbold. Eldrcd Jacob Correll. Tobylianna William Eboch. . PETIT JURORS. Chcsnutliill. Nathan Sbupp. Philip Kresgc, Christian Decker, Jacob Greena xnoyer. Smithjicld. Honry Meyer, William Snyder, Amos Labar. Pocono. Manarseh Miller, Anthony Sebring. JacJcson. John Ousterhoudt, John Bosbiugcr, Peter Frailey. M. Smithjicld. James Place, Martin Place, John Y. Coolbaugh, Martin Cort rigbt, Simeon Scboonover, Dimmick D. Overfield, A. J. Coolbaugh. Polk Reuben Gregory, Daniel Sac ger. Stroudsburg Robert ITuf-tori, David Keller, Robert Boys, James N. Durling, Gersham Hull. Price William Cramer. Hamilton Levi Slutter, Chas. J. Sha fer, Jerome Williams, Samuel Bossard. Paradise. Cborle- Henry. Stsoud Horace Peck. Tobyhanna. Philip Hoffman, Samuel G. EThcnbach. Coolbaugh Theodore Brodhead Additional List of Fti'it Jurors. Findlcy Busb, SmitbGeld. Lewis Sox, Chesnutbtll. Dai id Smail, Eldred. Washington Fraiblc, Eldred. Charles llouser, Tobybanna. Joseph Heckman, Pocono. Abraham Fonuer, SmitbGeld. S. J. Holiinsbead, Stroudsburg. Joseph DeYouni, Pocono. -Joseph Dusenlerry, Stroud. Enoch Buskirk, Ross. David Ackcrd, Stroud. Trial List December Term, 1859. Peter Krere vs. David Kresse. Daniel B. Burnet vs. The Overseers of the Poor of Stroud township. Edward R. Sigfried vs. Conrad Dries fecb. Potcr Gross vs. Conrad Driesbach. Jame6 McKoen vs. John 11. Nace and Solomon A. Stecke!. William OvcrGeld for the use of James Place vs. Martin Cortrijrbt. Theodore Brodhead for the ue of Thos. M. McIIhaney vs. Edward P. Hawkins. Lewis Weiss vs. Charles W. Decker. Francis Hagerman vs. Harrison Sny flltr and George Snyder. JOHN EDINGER, Decomber 1, 1859. Prothonotary. 7W"OTICE is hereby given to all persons interested in the estates of. the respec tive decedents, that the following accounts have been filed in the Register's office of Monroe county, and will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of said county, at Stroudsburg on Monday, the 26th day of December, lb59, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Accoantof James H. Walton, Admin istrator of Chas. J. Walton, -late of Ham ilton township, deceased. Fist account of Philip S. Brown, one f the Administrators of Win. W. Cool baugh, late of the Borough of Strouds burg, deceased. First and final account of Stephen B. Moore and Gershom Moore, acting Exec utors of Amos Moore, lato of Lambert tilU, N. J. doceased. WM. S. REES, Register. Register's Office, ttroudaburg, ) Deceber 1, 1850. $ dourt Jprodamatioit. Whereas, the Hon. Geor R. Barrett, President Judge of the 22d Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the .ounties of Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra ham Levering and Michael H. Dreher, Esqr's, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their offices, Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is sued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, for the said County of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudsburg, on the 26lh day of December next, to continue one week if necessary. NOTICE la hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun ty of Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and give evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to be then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (God save the Commonwealth.) MELCHOIR BOSSARD, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, November 24, 1859. Notice. Estate of JOSEPH KELLFR, deed. Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mouroo County, to examine, and if occasion require, to resettle the account of George B. Keller, one of the Executors of the last will and testament of said deo'd., and make distri bution of the balance in hands of tbe ac countant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his offioe in Stroudsburg, on Thursday, the 22d day of December, next, at 10 o'clock a. m. of aid day, when and where all persons interested may at tend if they think proper. And all per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present tbem, at the time and place aforesaid, or be debar red from coming in upon said fund. WM. K. HAVILAND, Auditor. Stroudsburg, Nov. 24, 1859. Valuable Real Estate mti mm. The subscriber offers at Private sale the following property situate in Tanners ville, Monroe County, Pa. A Tract of Land (designated as No. 1,) containing about 100 Acres on which there is the following improvements : A two ttory Fntme House, 29 by 3fi feet, with a good cellar un derneath; a framo Barn and wagon house, 25 by 56 feet; wood-house 18 by 25 feet; stable 24 by 30 feet; corn crib, smoke house, &c. A well at the door About 40 acres cleared and 9 acres of it sown with winter grain, which will be sold with tbe premises. W. S. REES, Agent for M. M. Goff. Also: A Farm in Smithfieid township, near Marshall's Fall, containing 40 acres and 24 perches, on which there is erected a sood SZoasc and Kuril. 2 The land is in a good state of cultiva tion, and is now in the occupancy of Wil liam Cypher. W. S. REES. Agent for James A. Stevens. Stroudsburg, Nov. 24, 1859.-tf. SUiMtor's Notice. The undersigned appointed by the Or phans Court of Monroe County, auditor to adjust and resettle the 3d account of tbe Executors of the last will and testa ment of Adam Huffrtnith, dee'd., hereby gives notice that he will attend to the du ties of his appointment at his offioe in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Tuosday the 13th day of December next, at 2 o' clock in the afternoon of said day, when and where all persons interested may at tend if they think proper. Wo. K. HAVILAND, Auditor. Stroudsburg Nov. 10 1859. CONRAD Z. WARN1CK Announces to tbe citizens of this vicin ty, that he is prepared to take Ambrotypcs IUu!ai tintypes, And ft ielolypcs in the most appoved style of the art, and respectfully solicits a share of your pat ronage. He has taken rooms at tbe Odd Fellow's Hall, (second floor) where he is prepared to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. PICTURES taken for from 38 cts. to $3, to kuit the tiste of patrons. Call and sec specimens. Stroudsburg, Dec. 15, 1859. A (iOLD WATCH FOR YOU. Any person desiring to procure a good GOLD WATCH, warranted 18 Carats Fine, by a sure process, requiring no money und but little exertion, can do so by addressing R. MELVIN, Gift Book Store, Bulletin Building, No. 112 South Third St, Philadelphia. November 3, 1859.-3m. NEW Express Arrangement. Tho Hopo and Howard Express Com panys are now prepared to forward Mon ey, Valuables of any kind, Packages, &o., with their own Cars, and special Messen gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgto a- ny part ot the world. JOHN JN. STUlvES, Agent, For the Hope and Howard EkHQ?4 Stroudsburg,. Feb. 4, 1853. tf. CHANGE OF TIME. Winter Arrangement. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. Ot!?1 On and after Thursday, December 1, 1859, trains will be run as follows: Express Passenger Trains. MOVING SOUTH. -The night Express Train east on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bend at 3:28 A. M., and connects with the Express Train leaving Great Bend for New York and Phil adelphia, at 8 00 a. m. Due at New-Milford, 8 17 " Due at Montrose, - - - 8 36 " Hopbottom - - 8 59 " Nicholson : : : 916 " Factory ville, - - - 9 40 " Abington : : 9 57 " Scranton, - - - 10:30 " Moscow, ... 11:17 " Tobyhanna ; : 11:53 " Stroudsburg, - 1:12 p. m. Water Gap, - - 1:31 " Columbia, : : 1:50 " Delavare,(15 minutes to dine) 2:00 " Hope, (Phila'da. connection) 2;35 u Bridgville, - - 2:40 " Washington. : : 3:13 " Junction, - 3:30 11 New York, - - 7:15 " Philadelphia, ... 8;20 " MOVING NORTH. Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2, North River at 7:30, a. m. From Phila. leave Walnut st. Wharf at - - - 6:00 " Leave Junction, - - 11:10 " Due at Washington : 11:28 44 Bndgeville, - - 12:01 p. m. Hope, (Phila. connection) 12:05 " Delaware, 15 min. dinner, 12:20 " Columbia : : 12:44 44 Water Gap, '- - 1:01 44 Stroudsburg, - - 1:15 44 Tobyhanna, : : 2:45 Moscow, ... 3.-19 Scranton, - 4:05 44 Abington : ; 4:42 44 Factoryville, ... 4:59 Nicholson ... 5:19 Hopbottom : : 5:42 44 Montrose, - 6:04 44 New MilTord : ; 6:22 44 Great Bend, - 6:40 44 Connecting at Great Bend with Night Express west, at 1:45 a. m. Accommodation Train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 10:35 a. m. Factovillo : : 11:55 44 Nicholson ; , 12:35 p. m. Montrose : : 1:03 44 Arrive at Great Bend, - - 2:50 p. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Ex press West, at : ; 3:39 44 And Accommodation Train west,at5:33 44 Returning, leaves Great Bend, 3:10 p. m. Montrose : : : 4:05. " Nicholson : : 5:15 44 Facloiyville : : 5:55 44 Due at Scranton, - - 7:15 44 The Accommodation Train does not leave Scranton until after the arrival of the Morn ing Train on the Lackawanna & Blooms burg R. R thus giving Passengers from the Wyoming Valley a direct connection for the West by the Morning Train. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Train leaving Scranton at 4:30 a. m. Due at Moscow . : 6:00 " Stroudsburg at 10:30 44 Junction at 2:40 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at 4:00 a. ra Due at Stroudsburg at 7:45 44 Moscow : ; 1:10 p. m. Scranton at : : 2:35 ,4 Passengers to and from New York change cars at Junction to and from Philadelphia via. B. D. R. R., leave or take the cars at Hope. For Pittston, Kingston, and VVilkes Barre, take Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R. R. at Scranton For Jessup, Archibald and Carbondale, take Stages at Scranton. Tickets sold and Bagfiae checked through. JOHN BRISBIN, Sup't. Wm. N. Jenks, Gen'l Ticket Agent Scranton, November 21, 1859. Shoe business and Factories can be carried on profitably at Ilammonton. See advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Books and Stationery. THE OLD ESTABLISHED CHEAP BOOK STORE, IV o. 221 1'orth Second Street, (Between Race and Vine Street,) Philadelphia, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Store keepers, School Boards, Teachers and every body in want of Books and Stationery will tinu at this establishment a complete assort ment of English and Classical Text Books, for Colleges, Academies and Schools, wheth er public or private. Also, School and Fam ily Stationery in great variety. Besides an extensive stock of ail kinds ot Books, in eve ry department of Literature Family, School, and Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Blank Account and Memorandum Books, Ink, Pens, Slate and Lead Pencils, blates, Wrapping Papers, &c, &c, &c, all selling at the very lowest nett cash prices. LEARY, GETZ & CO. Publishers & Booksellers, No 224 North Second Street, Philadelphia. 07Particular attention paid to all orders by mail. August 18, 1859. To the owners of Horses. The undersigned announces to the cit izens of Monroe County that be is pre pared to effect tho certain cure of the following diseases : Spavin, Ringbone Spli?it, or any bony Tumors, Swbicy, histula, Pole Evil, and other diseases. Call on or address SAMUEL L. BREES. Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 29, 1859. Grape Growers can Carry on their business most successfully at Ham moulon, free from frosts Some forty Vin- yards set out the past seasen. See adver tisement of Hammonton Lands, in another column. Wm. K. Ilnvilaud, ATTORNEY AT LAV, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., PA Office at James H. Walton's, Esq.. oollections made, and business attended C with promptness and dispatch. Stroudsburg, Junc.SG, 1856 FOOD FOR THE MIND! IF YOU WANT A BOOK, SEND TO GEORGE G. ETAKS,. 439 C-Sicsiittl tiect, PHILADELPHIA TOR IT. YOU CAN GET GOOD BOOKS, YOU CAN GET CHOICE HOOKS, YOU CAN GET BOOKS WORTH READING, OU CAN GET BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE AND A IIANSOME PRESENT. - Worth from 50 cents to S100. is pivp.n with each Book sold. In fact, the best place in tne L-ountry to buy Books, is at GEORGE G. EVANS', No. 430 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, ORIGINATOR OF THE GIFT BOOK BUSINESS. AND PROPRIETOR OF THE OLDEST AND LARGEST GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD ! Who calls attention to the fact, that he has made such arrangements with other Publish- rs and Manufacturers, that it gives him pleasure to offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS than ever, and such that cannot be equaled oy any otner uiit Ucok House in the world. 1860 Gold and Silver Watches Gold Chains, and Silk Dress Patterns, AND OVER 350,000 Dollars worth of Jewelry - WERE GIVEN A WAY, during the six months, from Jannary to July, 1809, each article ol which has been of the finest quality, and has given satisfaction in every instance. All Books are sold at the Publishers nri- ces, and you can select from the Largest Stock of Books in tho Country. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE, Which will be sent by mail, and which con tains a complete list of the most valuable standard works in every department of liter ature, comprising HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, VOYAGES, POETRY, SCIENCE, MEDICINE, THEOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, MECHANICS, GEOGRAPHY, NAVIGATION. ADVENTURES, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, ARCHITECTURE, FREE MASONRY, NATURAL HISTORY, ODD FELLOWSHIP, ALBUMS, ANNUALS, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS,' HYMN BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SINGING BOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, LETTER PAPER, AND ENVELOPES. Which are given with the Books, consist of Jewelry, &c, of the finest quality and of the best manufacture, and are valued at the man ufacturers' prices, and comprise a large va riety of Lad ies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches. Eight-Day time pieces and Bronze Clocks, Ladies1 elegant black or plaid Silk Dress patterns, Silver-plated Tea and Coffee Setts, Cake, Fruit and Card Baskets, Tea and Ta ble spoons, Butter, fish, bread and fruit Knives, Elegant setts of Jewelry, for Ladies, includ ing Bracelets, Breastpins and Ear Rings to match, neatly put up in boxes. Costly setts of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquois, Lava, and every variety ot Jewelry. Gold Lockets, of all sizes, for Minatures, Hair, &c. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Pencil cases, with fine Gold Pens. Gents' diamond-pointed commercial and en grossing Gold pens, with silver and ebony handles, in boxes. Ladies' gold neck, chatelaine, watch and guard chains. Gents' gold fob and vest chains. Gents' setts of Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine, enameled and engraved gold studs, bosom and sleeve buttons, cluster breastpins, with opal centre and gold chains. Pearl pocket-knives, porte monnaies, cabas and purses. Ladies' breat pins, ear rings, finger rings, cuff and chemisette buttons, gold and sil ver pencils, crosses, belt slides, etc. etc., of over a thousand varieties, varying from 50 cents to 25. REMEMBER THAT, BY PURCHASING BOOKS AT GEORGE G. EVANS5 GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, You pay no more than you would at any other Book store, and you have the advant age of getting a valuable present with each book that you buy. SEND FOR A CATALOUGE And one trial will assure you of the honor able and prompt method of transacting business. AGENTS WANTED. Any person, either male or female, who desires to engage IN AN HONORABLE AND PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT, And one that requires but little time, is re quested to address GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Originator of the Gift Book Business, and Proprietor oj the Largest Gijt ISooU Jbs tablishment in the World. June 30, 1859.-6m. Persons Wantiiiff Change of climate for health. See advertisement ol Hammonton Lands, in another column. TfiE GREEN BOOK. Just Published, 150 pages. Price 25 cents: ON SINGLE and MAR RIED LIFE; or, THE INSTJTUES OF MARRIAGE: its Intent, Obligations, and Physical and Lejrul Disqualifications: the ra tional treatment of all private diseases in both sexes, &c. To which is added a poetical es say, entitled ilCallipacdiae: or the art of hav ing ami rearing beautilul and healthy cbil- dren, by the late Robert J. Culverwell, Esq., M. D. Sent free of Postaec, by the Publishers, Chas. Kline, &. Co,, Box 4586, New York, or Dexter & Co., Wholesale Agents, 113 Nassau Street, New York. Agents taunted everywhere. Also, Gratis, an extract and sample of the above, entitled: Dr. Culverwelis Lec ture on the rational treatment of Sperma torrhoea and private diseases generally, de tailing the means by which invalids may ef fectually cure themselves without the use ol dangerous medicines, and at but little ex pense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage, by addressing CHAS. KLINE & CO., Box 4586, New York Citv. Dec. 8, 1859.-2m. Fall and Winter Goods. Thomas W. Ev:itis & Co. Have now open for inspection one of the lar gest and handsomest assortments of Ladies Dress Goods to be found in the Country, se lected carefully with a view of suiting all tastes. The stock will be found to embrace a variety of goods in all prices. Among the articles to be found in their extensive estab lishmcnt are Silks of all kinds and prices. Shawls in the newest designs. Cloaks the Latest Paris Sfyles. Poplins, Mous. de Laines, Vnlencias. Challe's, Chintz, and other new textures of this season's Importations. Lace Goods, Embroideries, the newest novelties Gloves, Veils, Mils, Handkerchiefs, &c. Morning Goods, a full assortment. White Goods, in every texture. Hoiscry of the best makers, with a full stock of other goods worthy a visit of in spection. A large portion of T. W. E. & Co's stock is their own importation, one of the firm vis iting Europe twice a year to make purcha ses, thus enabling them to offer to their cus tomers, the newest and most fashionable styles and textures, simultaneous with their appear ance in Europe. They have also purchased largely this season at the auction sales, and can thus afford to give their customers the full benefit of the depreciated prices, result ing Irom excessive importations. Ladies and others from this vicinity, visiting the City, will find that a call at this establishment will pay them. 818 & 820 Chesnut street, opposite Girard House, Philadelphia. Nov. 3, '59.-6t. $200 to $500 Wanted For one year, for which 8 per cent, inter est will be paid, and secured by personal property and real estate. Any one hav ing the above sum or part of it, to loan, can find out full particulars by calling at this office. Nov. 24, 1S59. Farm Lauds for Sale 25 ITI lies from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. i he land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. 1 he orops pro duced are large and can be seen growing The climate is delightful, and ecure from frosts. Terms from S15 to 820 per acre, payable within four yerrs by instalments To visit the olace Leave Vine Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7 12 A. M. bv Railroad for Hammonton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter, Hammonton Post Office Atlantic County, New Jersey. See full ad vertisemeni in anoiher column. Delaware Water Gap CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Eev. H. S. Howell, A. M. Principal. The Academic year of this boar ding school for boys, begins on the first Monday of September, and ends on the last Thursday of June. It is divided into three terms. The first begins on the 1st Monday of September, and continues sixteen weeks; the second begins on tbe 2d Monday of January, and continues twelve weekp; the third begins on the 2d Monday of April and continues eleven weeks. Vacations; two weeks at tho Hol- lidays, and one week at the 1st of April Pupils received at any time. Young men preparing themselves to be Teachers can pursue a courso of study specially a dapted to that purpose. Terms : Board, Washing, Tuition, furnished room, from four dollars to four dollars and fifty cents per week, bay scholars tuition, two dollars per month September 29, 1859.-2m. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Stroudsburg Female Scminery Under the care of the Rev. J. E. MILLER and Miss M. S. MILLER: Mrs. J. E. MILLER teacher of Music, Drawing and Ornamental work. The year to be divided into three terms o M weeks each. TERMS. For day scholars . For all the English branches usually taught in Seminaries of the first grade, and Latin : $5, per Session. Music on the Piano, 8 per quarter. " on the Guitar, 5 for full course. Pastel Painting, $5 Monochromatic, 4 Material furnished Leather Work 4 S Six pupils will he received into the family of the Principal as boiirders, at a charge of S200, per year, for Hoarding, washing, am tuition in all tho English branches, Latin, and French. Half payment to he made at the beginning of each session, and the re mainder at the close. No deduction for absence, for either boar ding or day-scholars, excepting in case of sickness, or by special agreement. Pupils received at any lime during the session, and charged irom the tunc when they commence, July 28, 1859. tf. All WtliitiiM Farm in n delightfu climate, rmli soil, anil secure from frosts. See advertisement of Hammonton Lands in anoiher column. Sdrofdla, or "King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of tKbj! blood, by which tbi-i fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor." Being: in tbe circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in ' disease on any part of it. No onrau is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it inny Utt destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, Iovr living, di.-ordcrcd of unhealthy ftxxl, impure air, tilth, awl filthy habits, tlic deprcsinjj vires, and, above all, by " the venereal infection. Whatever Iks its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, decendi "from parents to children unto the third and. fliurth feneration indeed, it seems to lie tlic rod of Him who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the" blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and inrcnial organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corrup tion, which genders in the blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitution.? not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attack-? of other diseases: consequently, vast numr-crs jwrish by disorders which, although not scrofti lous in their nature arc still rendered fatal by" this taint in the system. Most of the consump tion which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kid neys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise lro;n or arc aggravated by the same cause. Unc quarter ol all our people arc scrofulous : their persons arc invaded by this lurking; infec tion, and their health is undermined by it. Jo cleanse it from the svstcm wc must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medi cine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical r skill of our times can devise for this cvery-where prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remcdials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disor der from tlic blood, and the rescue of the sys tem from its destructive consequences. Hence ' it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affections which . arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Dis eases, St. Anthony's Pire, Rose, or Ery sipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tujiors, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring-worm, Rheujiatisji, Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Dedility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitiated or Impure Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood," is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsa parilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, witliout which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human or ganism, correcting its diseased action, and restor ing its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day com plaints of every body, but also many formidable anil dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Alma nae, containing certificates of their cures, and. directions for their use in the following com plaints : Costiveness, Heartburn, Hiaclaclte aris ing from a disordered Stomach, Kaixca, Indiges tion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, nnd other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tor the rapid cure or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consnmp tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the dis ease. So wide is the field of its usefulness, and so numerous arc the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. "When once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, nnd where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangcaous affections of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on tho afllicted they can never forget, and produced,- cures too numerous and too remarkable to bo -forgotten. prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Sold in Stroudsburg by Jraes N. Dor- " ling and Ilollinsbead & Detrick, and bjf . druggists everywberc. Juno 2, 1859.-1 y. GSazicr9 fisn! Paper ISaarcr, Will attend to, and promptly execute, all orders with which be may be favored. From his long experience in the various branches of his business, be feels confident of render-' ing" entire satisfaction in bis work. He may be found at his shop, on Sarah street, nearly opposite tbe residence of Hon. M. H. Dreher, Stroudsburfr, Pa. Patronage respectfully solicited. February 17, 1859. ly. KORSE POWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES. ; The IScst ssi use. - The undersigned having spared no ex pense in getting up accurate patterns, aro now prepared to furnish Doubled-Geared Iron Framed Horse Powers, and Iron Framed Balanced Cylinder Threshing Machines, which for compactness, neat ness, working capacity, and durability, (to say tho least,) unsurpassed by any now offered to the public. Call and jude for yourself. GEORGE E. STAUFFER, & Co. Manufacturers of Agricultural imple ment, Steam Engines, Mill Iron9, &c, &c. Tanncravillo, August 4, 1959 -tf. To all wanting Farms. See ad vertisement of Hammonton Lands. CHARLTON BURNET, Attorney at Law, STItOUDSBURQ, MONROE COUNTY, PA Office on Elizabeth streot, formcrly.oopj oupicd by AVra. Dvts, Esqk Cautioii ! I heroby caution all porsons again-t hunting, fishing, or going through grass, grain or orchards upon my premises, as L am determined to proscoute trespassers to the full extent of tbe law. JOSEPH HOHSER. SmithCeH-tsp., Aug. II, IS5U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers