BsflBsiBiiHsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiBB ,t Pi1 1 'IW0 MO Ml On COUNTY TOiiisml Fire inrtscc Coii'3' finho rate of Insurance is one dollar on Ja. tW tWsand dollar insured, alter 1 . -which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cover actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon mem bers of the company. The ett profits ajtaug from i&ptwt or ohertvi-, trill be ascertained 3, for vhich oath member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will k&ve credit hi the company. Kaeh insurer in or t it h the said company will be a mem ber theiraoi during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance Ime been thoroughly tested iias been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has pro rod sueeeasful and be come very popular. li affords tte groat ost security against loss or damage by firr, ou the most advantageous and rea sonable terms. Applications for Insurance to bo aiade n pcrsM) or by letters addros&ed te Wm .K. IJAVitAXU, Secnbuf. Stofi11 Stotkes, Robert Boys, 21. Walton, SUa L. Brake, 0. 1). Brodhead, Henry Peters, jr. Geo.Q. ltftiiherry, Chas. It. Aadre, Joseph Vernier. Chas. Shoemaker, Saiuoe) Jiclick, Stephen Kestler, H. S. STAPLES, President. 3. II. Wat,ton, Treasurer. Ftroudsburg, Sept. 17; 1557. " M. W. KING- & SON, PATBXT CHAIR MANUFACTURERS, 435 ')ffoxx St., Osae Dok JUr or BaoAftWAT, (Ute 463 Broadway.) SKW-TOttK, Invite an examination of then great variety nd ?perior ma sortinent of CftAiKii, manu factory! at their own eslaUifch ment, and aederthir iramediate .tw. wtfmi mA it i. J UVn Iff. CitMIIIf Pivot Revolving Chairs, Srlf-Acting Extenxio llecumhent Chairs, Improved Invalid Wheel (Stairs, -j - - - Major Stearic's TVax-clintr Invalid Ckair. Spamish Spring and Squab Chairs, IDuHimatiCi tipiitaUk'Artkma Inmlrd do. a &c, Embracieg Ae most coiaplete areortsient, and choicest kinds for Parlors, Dm win ftootfts; Chambers, Gardens, Libraries, Counting Bow ses, umcee, rutic iaiittuons, wcm Usts, Barbera, &c, together with every desi rable sort adapted to the eoiwfort, ronveni ence,and luxury of the Si;k, the Assn, the IsriMM. the Lake and LZT. In piflt f Ingenurt y f design, elegance of finish. qia I ity and newness or ma term t, ta f u ! n ess of execution, 4 u rab: lity and chen fNiea llfsw chairs are tinsurp&cseu. ror inem w. W. Kixa &. San, wereeJrar4d the finst and only IVtsse Modal, mad the Faculty recom mended Uteoi so far preferable to beds or concha . for Clients -olHictcd irith Spinal, A!hmalic or Bronchial alfrcUons. To either Arm of the hir way be attach ed n cottvent reading or writing Desk, and r.ny cooibination desired wiil he immflac lur ed to order. A Circalar with eaqehuiatory cuts, will he pom by mail if reqaerfaa, and orders with remittances.) promptly (orWarded to any part of the world. KING'S NEV C11AIB.A6 YOU LIKE TT,' An Ann Chair, Chair, CowHi xnd TtodsLoiid. ( combixkd in oxk.1 is stiecen- tible of twelve differetrt poftitiooB, or changes to meet tiie raneo requirements lor ctxmwi. convenience, luxury, said economy (w apace as well a price.) Whether i ssicfcaee or health, this oeleoratod CliAlR "as ytm like it," exce4s in many rarwct6. any chair per haps ever maBufactured in this or any other country. The price varies from Fifteen ta Thirty Dollars, according to finiah. To public InstiYwtion as well as to indi ridunls, this Chair ia a wry leirW article and will be mrupiied m ny number, en the moet liberal -tertne. Avtf? to,' or adtfeeiw 435 Broome Bt; One ooor EsJt of Jkoad wnv, iW-Yerk, (i- 405 Brott"y.) April 2, 1857. --ly.' ; New WtheLesfcb m& Mi&U WHE & LI VirW 'STOWS, . StroK!bsttg, 2J;t. fipzS The mideraigned would inform Jjand jyiords and the pnbUc gcsierally, that he cuntinuos the above business in Stroude hnrjr. in the store house formerly occunied hv John H. Melickasa Jewelry Store, and' has on hand a iarc stock of of all hinds and of the best quality direct from the Custom House, which he is prooarcd tffcrti to landlords and others on the moat ma in torms. Our stock consists of r roiioh ISdv, tiark nnd pale. A'so, I'each, Blnck-1 herrrJlCiiuiamon and her;ry JBwndy ; LJol-L-indn, N. E. Ruin Iridli, e and Apple Whisky Lisbon, ClarejL, Purt, ISweetiala n r.i(3fcjr nml Cijamnaffno Wicl:&c. &c. Also, ontli.nd a large stock of JJitters of all kinds. n, i to 5 gallon,; bottojugf Dcraiiohml yenerany an that can be akedjib our line. Landlords Vftntno-fi to do ill i'.oi it o;;c;itly to thetr ad- ,iti me. 1 ftavCjUp hirc'J. agents to sellj tflsf rrSrwrc ligfrarsifpr'me at: great ex pens t bepfX9Tuy lhe y .vithSmc I intend' consumer. shall be satisfied urti'cleihey get, as nnever thev arc 110L well (as the price, atu T will bc Dleascd to le them return the liouor, and mnlc 'lie known, lor I "m- end to make jt a peta ,bnHiness, and can only0o,eo. by 'norahljr. All river or others, will Kt ItrW 1 r.l in l!ip ; . i n Hi LnoilfJi Kb perst u wee presentPealino; fbr himself. July 6, It 2- J S. POSl'fiKS. " blank" motgage For ft this Office JOT TITO felioes aiid . Qiiicksaiids Jusl PuSiIit-IttM, i5se 3d EfiifloEs. On SPERMATORRHEA or SEMINAL DISEASES, A scientific Treatise on the treatment and perfect cure of Nervous Debil ity, Seminal Weakness, involuntary Emis sion, Impotence, &c, resulting from victou habits acquired during the critical passage from Youth to Manhood, by Dr. CULVEtt WELL, member tr the Royal College of Sur econs of England, (1S27.) Licentiate of the Hall, (l-'IO nd K years ivwwbih i tioner in Undon: Aatbor ofthe "Guide to Health," "Green Book," "How to be Happy," "Memoirs of Single and Married Life'&c. This small, but highly valuable Treatise, written by a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, "point out trm'1'; sure am) perma- cent cure Ivr aw S'seaee resimmg jrom sou abtipe, and is the only peldicaiion of its kind written in a benevolent spirit and by a scicn-i tine man. It should be in the hands of all who value their life and health and happi ness here and hereafter. Price, 12 cents, or 4 stamps, at the receipt f hirh it will be sent, nost free, and well secured, by DR CH; KLINE, Nd. 420, 1st! Avenue, Box -low), iew lorn. J,.miHry 23, 1858.- 'Jmu. -Sold in Stroudsburg, by IIoHinshead & IX-trick. SAMIiEL R&ES, Jr. 'dealer in Jttbls, Sljocs & i?uiiiings3 Desires to cail the attention of the public, to a new and well so iecied stock of fashionable Hats And Cans, which are just received and will be offered to the people of Slrotids- burg- and vicinity, on very ravoraoic lerms for ready pa'. A!s, to a new stock and assortment of ladies and Gentlemen's fash ionable Boots and Shoes sold cheap for cash. Aieo, Shoe Findings of all descriptions ancb as . dressed and undressed Morocco Skin?, Sh(j Pegs, Ifamnters, &c. The sahscriber also lias the agency for the sale of i. James C. Aycr's Cherry Per lor id and Sugar Coated Cathartic Pills and Ger man Www Seed. The above arties. and. many others not .-nentteoed behmjEfin; to his line of business, will be kept constantly on hand and for sele t the lw lately occtipied'hy John V. Rx itm, two doors abore the Bakery ami Coofec tionary of Jacob Goeta. Positively no Credit. "Qaick sales and small profits" is his motto. Please call and see and examine for your selves before parchasinsr elsewhere. Stroudsbarg, Sept. 17, 1S55. ITsT L AWKENOE' S hm Fiite1 Card & Envelope WAREHOUSE, 495 Commerce SlrteL Philaddpkvt, O-Cash buyers will find it to their inter est 1 call. .Tanearv A, 1853. ty. Has permanently located him self m Strondsburg, ana movea his office ne.Tt door to Dr. S. Walton , ami nearly opnositeS. He. Hat & Cao store, where lie js luBy preoaHai to ireai rh natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ihle artificial tee on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have pome fai ore out of a number of cases. and if the dentietliaes at a distance, His fre-'j auetttiy put oft' until it ts too late to save the tooth or teeth as it may he, otherwise the io oorivenience and trouble oi going1 ao far. jj Hencelhe neceaBitv of obtaining the services of Mentist near home. All work warraatod. McllEA'S ('BLEB RATED LIQUID GLUE, THE GREAT A DELUSIVE. Moat useful article ever invented, for himsc, " s&tte and (jfu-c surpassing in util ity emerg other glue, gink,-;: mil ifl f ) ZfM(lM I A sways ready i" Appucauotv ABUE61VE ON PA,nS, CLOTH, LlUTHUlt, i;CJR,Ni-. TVKK, iOK0ELAIN, CHINA, XARB1.E OR GLAjSS. For iRamifkcturmjf Fancy Article?, Toy etc., it has no superior, not only poaeesetng greater streiigth tlian any other Jcnowo arti cle, but adheres more "quickly, leanff ne stain where the parts are joiney' . JNbvmu Fails. . - Within the laaf Chree ypays upwards of 5?,$0 iwttles of tkte isty celebrated LIQUID ; AiUJS have been sold, and the reat couveuiencc .whtcA' it has proved in ev ery ease, has4eeervey Secured for it a de mand which the Manufacturer has found it, rliwloult Jfr tHcet:aeknowJedimjd by. alj wisg iiaVe id it, that 'jts meritgrAre rfbftv anyr fiH'ilr article or imitation ever cerem . " : j - ' 1 q-Us. (3 LUE is extensively counter- feited-r-tMrservcrib lel "Mc Ilea's -Celebm- Uquii Clue, the Great Aikesive?" Take tw other. vwrnrr-TWR cents abottle. SfanufaetuEod iid Sold, Wholesale and Rtyail, hy . AVal. C. ai&lU4 Sltdioner, on7 rt,rtnf f& PhfLliIhla. Ibriil fflfetiCiniients oflorefl to. poraanP desitciuajaniSoUing the above article. vQotobarlS 1SS7. ly". Stone psp&l. THE folloniur 4lia Arises of Stone ' JO ""Tk 'J I""", " "J" --T-- ; Coal, at that J&roudburjfDepot, per tun of, n Ann it. .- 1... i. - 1 'j LumpOoal, 90 .3 15 3 15 3 SO 3 60 2 55 2 35 2 00 JKmdry Jjunipj . ffe- J'SmtfM ir, . btoveCoui, (Dhesnut, Poa'ConI, Dust CoaJ, D. JDKIvHJSRf Aganti "j Dec. 17, 1857. am j the j Takes fJhfis method, of informl people -.of Stroudsburg- am r-! rounatng-couiibry, tuat sue her from the oltl Vl dUt.Oburch, to the brick tlwcHiu" three doors above tho Post Oi&cp, wht day October Rhe will hvi-m in of 1 .i.'.i a n T VT .iAp Pon! ITT Baaa mnuuum. f ttiTTTwrtno- btrcaLlurg Oct 15, 1K7. . .fc...-., . III. ! I " ' ' ' ' ' - I . -&M K 1 li Ju TOE ALL TH2 PTJSP0S22 OP A FAMILY PHY SI. 0. TiifiKi? has Inns crdstwl a puWic AmMnl for an Active mwaiva pill which conrd Jw rdieJ on r. j in 5! (iteration, this has ive trinfof virhiwt has cbnciuriy Shown whatsocccss it ncflupUshe e piirpose -It is w tomalw a phyiral J, hut not ww to ; Tr' . - w. wlkudi nlmithl hare iiaKe sue m ; ,oJ of .A. uUie ctions, W very cliicr. i!us nas awn ",".: , idSnffa nonion and inilattag U This is not. Jlnnv of Uipnypiwducc so much 'rinmg pnin anil revulsion in the Uian Those pills prmlucc iio irntotiuR or jm, ttutes it arise from a previously extahmj trno tion or demncemcut in the Jxwels. Bnn? purch ontitv t it is boltur Uiat auV iediuiu gwmujt Kken'juSnsh-. Mikut,. tlfrcotio for thf.r S. h IU aeffMl -dbmns ; to which thej ar jvp HaiJle an? Riven on thu h"x. Among the com L?r"e..,.,rL. iwUinv cnrM bv them, w Dialing vmi;ii lin... . . e Lv mention Liver (Waint, .n Us ustnv nd Loins: fw. in truth, all these are uiu PT, CI '" "t"' , sequence of diseased action m the nver j . uu - . , .t- i euro rflusf tU LOBr SSi. Me., Colie. T!toVy; Hnjors, Sen Ulecrs and impurity of tho blood ; lit short, wty nd evcrv case Tvhcre a vrgativc is required. Ther have also prodncrd Rome 8ingdarn gUC.- , eeiful cures in Rhumatiam. Gbt, IWn1' Errripabus Talpitaiion ot tho Heart, Paiasin tl c Bi-Vrstomach! and Side. Tuey 6lttU be. taken in the spring.of the year, io tuiry -. Wood aad ptK the system for the change sf scfs An occasional dose stimulates the stomach uu bowcis into hculthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. Thnv nimfv the blood, and, by then stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore-the . wasted or diseased Cnereiearof the wholo orgasm, llcnce an occasional dosa is advantageous, oven thouch no serious derangement exists.; but un netearv dosing shotiM never bo eanMd too ftu-, as eerv'vunrnve medicine reduces the stiwiRth, when tekoB txec?s. The thousand cases m which a phy-io is required cannot be enumerated here, but ihpv suave: themsehes to the rmson of-every JwrtV; aiid it is confidently Sieved this mil 11 mswr a better pup-e than .u.v t uns : vlucli i has hitherto been avaflBble to mankind. Vti0M Uioir doubt -what remedy to employ when hi nd of a cathartic medicine, Bennr supar-Yrapped tbp- are harm cm arise from then use m ay quantity. For minute directions see wreppei o iv 1'RErAltISD BY J.AMBS C. ATEB, PiiscticulancJ Analytical Gbcmiss, LOWELL, MASS. ' Price 25 Ceats per Bos. live Bcjys for SI. ATE it' S HERRI PSCTORALj K-n.- Use raiil Cure of r"ftM)S. HOABSESESS, BR0.WIHTIS, WH00PISG:0BGH, CKOl'?, AS i Hill A. Ai COXSIMIPTIOS. Ti'is remedv has vrtm for itself such notoriety from'its cures of every a ariety of pulmonary disease, ihat it is entirely unnce?ary to recount the evi nances T ite virtues in any commamty where it nSencmpteyed. So wide sis the field of its use frfness, and so nwneroas the cases of lfci cures that almost every sectioM of the eaunnr twounu i j, persons i,Wic;taKWi. ge?S TtHpenni r otbet njiue of its Kma w roo aiF rent to oheei vation, and where its y i.m-iPotntn -ivliat antidote to emplov ftJftbc tStB5m- id dau?cJU? affec tions of the pnlawaary organs ich are inatojt to our ciimale. And not only m formidaWy at tacks upon the kfegs, but for tho milder rietws of Colds, Couojis, HoABSwraes, Ac.; and . jor Cmuxy it is ft pleasaatest and satet medicine that rem be nlitamed. X . , As it has Ima; hfeen in roastant nse mroihout rai aectiou, need not do mere fban tattre the jSffiU quality is hept up. to fte-J g jjer las been. Jttid that the sertuine srh' is sold t- Sarauel Kees, Jr., and by Hollinshead & Detrick, Stroudsburg, August 18 ifco.-Ly. , if- Hollinshead & Detrick; Our stork consists of the best selected goods ever offered fcr'sale in this section of the country, compnsfinjr ' 3!ryers, litfuhl nnd ground. ' SvLojie, cordage Ssnu- vvDoj twine. ;. ,:.., Umber, burnt, saw, tand jg round. r , . ; Ground andry lead, lQ00 jpjHid)3." : ' Suppoiters, lrus$esind braces.'". .J'" If ineral ,ftre;roof paints. : ,,.,?J.1--Pwluj rochelle and glauVer'nUt. J " ienfar japanVftJ coach varnish. Endigo, ink and iodine. Camphor gum, opium and gnrh g.uinr. JTndian medicines, eordage & gm shellac Nutmegs, mace and cassia buds. ISxtraets of lemon, orarige a.d rose. syriges, of ineta.1, glass, Urge & small- Burning fluid, camphine, alcphol, turpentine, linseed, whale, castor, s'iveot and 'heats fool oils, suiphuyr. rojl aiid sublimed, citrate mag neaia; 'v&hihfjF inH Hd starcj; vermllftc(nf mar. Uoacti vnnru "lungnsn: vamisnes,; aiw.: short erery article usuully Jound in a Urug?; Store. ; . - -jn addition.' o jlie above we have n-ns for medical purpoes. Our stgek of patent medicines'. embrace every preparation in' -the catalogue. W'eikeep ori hand an exccHent article of W'-fitmg I hS." which we are prepared -to se)l at a low nttc hy:ihax)uai,.gatlQ.n, tte5 bv the dozen . - - - z - ,. i Ptj'sjcians .prescriptions carefully, com 1 11 -1 pounoeii.. Phvstcians. Merchants and the public are invited to give us a call. P. S.HayMlprchttS-Qd Mr, Moilick's stticiv of PiVf:uiJrf, ours is "the only piut o to u7wn'4wuBra nn assjjrtmont can bo had Ladies and Gentlemeii, pl6ase give us a call.,- . Slom m tllR hllilflinrr nnn Hnrtr l,o)ttr TT.-.l . ! 1 t t-.t - V , . n ' . 4V-A3 CrJARLlCpliltK. ipril2, 17,-rlf.. " " BLANK DEEDS For ap fit this Offic p of Jaundice. Indigestion, i :' '"V V ; petite, Itlessness, Imtabi hty, rf, hm Uoada ne IWiofts Fe, l-rver and Ague, Pain m the do Ofall disAase;the great., lirst cause . Surincs from Wleci of Nature s laws. itJFFEll MOT I Vtium a CTR13 is'gnaranleed IN ALL STAGES OF SECRET'DISSASES, Sclf-Ahusc, Nervous Debility, Stricture, Gket'Gfavely Diabetes, uiscases oj inc in.U,n,.v mul Bladder. Mercurial liheti- Tjmftsm, Scrofula, Pains mihd Bones and Ankles, Diseascs;af ' the -bungs, Throat; A J. Sf Vrlft S lliincc. ami Ull uinvuovo u t.Tiiix from a dcranganentafilid Sexual Organs ..,,-tn N'rrvous Tr.emblinu Loss , ol Memory,' Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision with-peculiar spots ap penring before tho eyes, .Loss of Sight, Wakefulness,'. ,DyspBpsifij Liver J)is?ase. TJruptions wm he face, Pain in the back and hed'i. Femalu, irregularities and all im propeJ dischr' ftppi both fcexes. It mat ters not fronKwhar caL"?e the disease onSi natod. however loaff standing or obstinate the rase, recovery is certain, and in a shqr- tr time than a permanent cure can ok u.,cv--ted by any other treatment, even niter the disease has baffled the skill of eminent phy sicians ami resisted all heir means of cure. 'The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sicfiness and free from mercury ir balsam. Durjn- twenty years.of practice 1 have rescued Trom the jaws dt iJeatli many who 'in the last stages of the a- lbqve-uientionea:discnses had been iven up to die by their physicians, wnicn warrants i me in promising to Ahe'rafliicted who may j nlace themselyes under my. cave,. ji .perfeot and most speedy cure, "ecrgt diseases are the greatest enemies to health, "as they are the First ratise" of Consumption. 'Scrofula and many other diseases', and should be a tnnnr to the human family. . As a permanent toure is scarcely ever effected, a majority ol the cases Iftllmg mio t"" Harms oi inenmpc tent Dersons; who .not only fail io cure .the disqses but ruin the corsstttulion. lilllng the system with mefcurv", whirn, nn urn cjs eaho, hastens the sufl'eter JtQ a'.rnpid Con sumption . But shottld-thc disease and the treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the' disease is entailed upon tho children, who -are ho'm witli":feeblo''constiiu uos, and tho currdnt'Df Iffe corrupted by & mus vthicriTietrays itself id' Scrofula, Tel ler. Ulcers. Eruptions nnd other affections of the skirt, Eyes, Throat and Lungs, en tailing upon them a briefexistenceof sutler ing rnd consianing them to an early grave. SKLF VllbSE is another formidable en emy to health, .for nothing else in the dread ratah gue dkhuman diseases causes so do strurtite a -."drain upon 'the system, drawing its thousands of victims through a few year of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes iiwntai de rangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for marriage, so cictv, business,- and all earthiy happiness, nnd ieaves'the suffeier wrecked in body am mind, predisposed to consnmption and n uain ol evils more' to he deaded than death itself. With the fullest .confidenc e I assure the unfoitunale victims of Self Abuse thar a permanent' and speedy cure, can be effected, nnd with the-abandonment of ruinous prac tices my patients can be restored to robust. vigorous hfraith, -"The nfflictetT are-; cautioned against the tiHe of Patoin Al.edicines,' for there are so ma ay ingenious snares in tiie columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that milliorrs have .-their- constitu tions ruined by the vile compounds of quick doctors, or tiie equally prisonous nostrums WO ft A Of I 41V l!iifn! Mfiflieliies.' -I havecare- luliy analyzed many .the so called Patent Medicines "and find that neariy all ofihem contain Corrwive Subltttiater, winch is one oi the strtmnest preparations of mercuraiy and a deadly"pnison. vyhMch instead of curing the disease dishbles the-system for life. Three fourths of the patent nostrums oA,., nci,nrf out ui) bv unprincipled and ittnuraat persons, who do not understand e en the alphabet of the materia nteatca, aim ro umilv as destitute of arfv knowledge of the human system, having one object on. ly in view, and that to majte money regaru less of consequences-.' s -' lrrHu'ariiies and all di3eases of males amd fc males treated on principles establish m hv tvoniv vaars of practice, and sanc tioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. iMedicines with full directions sent t,i n'nv-tkrt of the United States or Canadas. bv patients communicating their symptoms 4)y letter. Business correspondence stuci- v confidential. Address J. SUM M FRVi LLK;- M .- D. ' Office No. 1131 FUlberl St , QMNo. 100. elovv' twelfth,- -1'IIILADKLPllIA. July .23, 1857.-ly. " REMOyAL!! W JSHDH'-iS-- B'OOt'&ilb 0i)OC MANU'T'AOIORyN ',1c suhsnber respectful' rformf fl'l 1,is ?usorjjfir ndjirionds.that lie h'a removed his 7?ob and IShtfp .Manufac tory to'the storeroom formefly occupied, by .losfiih Sirman. In Norlliamhton street, onf dt)Qr above Ilipfilt9i: street, and between Mrs. E. II. Ilar.tnohy'.s Millinery and Pete Pomp's- Drug Store". He has just received a large assortmen poleon Jipots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen rind Bovs. . -, - .Alsofon hand a large,!ht of Shoes lor Jjaoips anu iuissej3tj vvqin.Qn s iashton ble batters of evcrv vartetv. made to order Ht short-notice. A large assortment of Chil-. drens Slioes always on hand. GUM Shoes, of all descriptions and kinds, -.w.hich he is, selling:. CHAP FO?5 CASH. Tfte 'g'oods are manufactured of the besc materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable mariner, lie emnlovs none but the bespvorkmej) about his establishment. ... Thankful for the liberal 'Wtrdna'e iiere'tn- pfore received, every effort will ba made to' merit a continuance of the, same. tit a xnTinnTi" - " " L ' V U' vy. 1 L . ia sin n , ? epi em ue r -1 u , I oo . siiY Goods, --I'itirV'diica'&'e., 'ose and Eyes, Juicers, ypon me uoay or Jmlify Cancers, Dropsy, Epileptic I'.ils, ra JOlflN.'STOldDSl having' just TOij'irinished"liis- selections, ia now re 'Sl ceiving a choice and fashionable seasrjsJs! assortment of new and seasonable goods, to which he invites the attention of the public. Dry Ijfoods, (xroceries!Cr6cherij!Itar(ltoare fee., MM vn?riety;nnarof:sufporior: tftflify will be found in his store, at prices unusually low. The. public 'are invited to call and sec. No charge for showing goods. J. N. STOKES Smudsturg, Oct. S 1S57 TiOTTdSRlES". - TMin T.ntfnriea cl Samuel Swan & jOo., nhartrod'-bv frio State of Gcorgia,and have sworu oommissiouers . appointed to fnn?l thtir drawtnc?, and certify tliatoverything connected, with the same is done in nstrictly borforablo maonfir. Tbcy'oircr to the public a fair opportuni ty for inrtfctmeut, (b&-ifnterests ot parties at a-distance being as wett prouai-icu ia ihoinrh ihov were n resent. The Mana- gcr3wouW respectfully call attention to the lact tuat aii peraous ihivb -" "s1" to sun d orders fdr. tickets to Georgia, as the lotteries of Sumuol Swan & Go. are authorized, by tho Legislature of that State. A lottery' will be drawu overy Saturday throughout tho year, all order? received beiug.fjlled in the drawing uext to take place after tho same cotiC3 to hand. According to the scheme one tick et in overy nine must draw apprize. Tick ets are S.10; haivos, 5; quarters, $2,50. No tickets sent unless the jnonoy aceoin paoies the order. The flt-awitigs aro up on the principle of one number on each ticket, and arc so simple that none can fail to understand them. There is no combination of numbers to mystify the hn vor. Prises varv from $40 to. $70,000; every prize- being drawn, and result of drawing forwarded to aii purcmisers. ir?3 A lUfc nf tint numbers that are drawn from the1 Wheel, with ; flifi. amoUntj that each prize is entitled: to, will be pub lished after every Ununngj id. me iqnuw tug papors:-r-New 0'rleaua.23a, Mobile Register, (Jhaficston anaara yuw Gazette, Atlanta Intellingcnter, Savannah Neu-s atid-New York Weekly- Bdcy aud New-York Sunday Dispatch!. Write your address plainly, and direct to S. SWAN & CO., Augusta, Georgia. Prizes paid in full uo percentage de ducted from prizes as in other lotteries: All -communications strictly confidential. April 10',.lS57.-ly. Hiiotljcr.'Suppla ., The sufecrihqra wquld. invit: the aueiTUou'Of'thu ettrseue of StroudBhurg and&Ivfcitiltr, Id their varied assortment of just received from the City market?, to wit DRY GOODS: Tu the dry goods fine you will find Cloths, phiin and fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds, Ken tucks, Boys pUids, . Marseilles coating nud vestings, a variety of Summer wear, brown and bfeached Mufeiin, colored Cambrics and Paper MuBlmS, Summer clothe, fee. A choice lot of dress goods, such as Clsillas, B.trec, and Birege Delaines, French Chitz, Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, Fric&t and Ma doaa Cloth. , KOTSOiVS. A full assortment of Yankee Notions, Gloves, Womens black, white and coi'd Hose, Aljsse and Chiidrotis do., Mohair Mils, &c. T?io. Lnmravra. Maracaifio and Jva"Co;Tee, Sugars, xMolasscs, Bakers Coccai and'Ghoeo- T nfilr T5iit?i Screws. Uoo? iiautllcs. Gar-. penlers tools, Gurden iioes atid,rlie, &c. , ' f.ENSWA'8E. A General assortment of .Crockery and Glass Ware. Meat. Fish, &c. Most every ihinf that constitutes a country vafte'ty.V A-NlIiK-tonvjJ!inivivja.rta- - Stroudsburg, May .fi.,.lS0. Kj Cashmere, stella, thibet and crape Shawlj"-. lust received and for sale uy ANDlufi s SiiUJiaiAlvrJilt. May S, 1SG. -Saveral barrels of ' fresh Lime-on hand ahM for sale, bv '" ' A D Klfi & !S t i U JS iJ A IV IMt. Stroudsburg-, March 27, ISti. AH those wantinir While Goods will find a food assortment of cambrics, jacoucts, mptl, plain and dotted. swiss, uooic musttn, emurot- skirts, culn brie and band riotinciug embroidered collar.--, jaconet ettgrmg and m- sertins, nnderweeves, printed smon tor tnu- dreiiS dres(is,:oid. Call at ANDRE &. SHQJ3M AKislt S, Opposite ihcAwenlvm Jloftl UMayS lSG. .GUN SMITH.- ik The undersigned respectfully. in- V-r i' kUt?! UlULCUa. kl-l u.v.u r' and vioinifcytthat he luiS commenwd tho : m ear Kautz's Biaeksmith shop, on William sC.,;and is fully prcpnred; toalo all kinds- of work in his lino, witji-neatucss anu-uea 'Vfili. Haviny" "had- twftntv years ex nerience in .this 'business, ho hopes wil be an indnccmpnt for tho people to gi'e Uini a trial, , . Kcpairing of all kinds promptly attend ed to. liiuosnnhde to order. - -LEWIS kemst: rKfrbiidfibur. Juno 14.1855. ' ; '. : - '" Wim-.'K. HaviSaSa'i ' : ' ATTOSY AT" LAW', , STROUDSBOltG, MO?sROE. CO,(. PA- Office .at James II. Walton's, hsj. 'Oplieotions made, and business attended tp!witb promptness and dispafli. ; trouds'burg,; June 26, lS5(t " ; A T T 0 R Y A T li A W . Has repicM'uis'Sicfd I'q-hWiWtfeg-house,. first d6pr: beV tli0 ''bfihfe of the : Stroudsburg,' 1)qc? 10, 1S50.. OHARLTON . . Attorncy at Law, STilOUDSBUItQ, MONtttlE C0TrNTy , TA. Office on Elizabeth streot,- formerly oc cupied by Wni; Ja-vis, Esq. . inr and shavifiar a'so thbrc'(rib"ratetl shaving cream, for - $AMlrEL MELICK. 4 V CONSUMPTION AND ALL mifcases of the Lungs and Throat , n-rn? f&. W TOTAL ATI02T. Which couey the reatedies to the catitiea m tho lungs through the air passages, ana coming- in direct contact with the disease neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays tha cough, causes a tree and easy expectorations heals the lungs, uurilics the blood, irnpart rencwed vitality to the nervous system; give ill" that tone and energy so mdtsperisauie tor the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable be inhalation, is to me n source of unalloyed plee.sure. It is much utider the control of medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stngos, and iifty per cent, in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent, for the Lntigs are so cut up by the disease ut to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how ever, iii the last stages, Inhalation affords ex traordinary relief tp tho suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the con sumptive's graves. Truly the quiver of kth hue -no arrow so fftinl !k"( 'ortsumniKm. In all aeon it lm been the rcat enemy of life; for it spates neither age nor tsfX, but sweeps off alrke the brave, tho ben utiful, tho graceful and the gified- By the help of that Supreme Being trom whom comclh every good and perfect gift, lam en abled to offer w theaiBicted a permanent and speedy ctrre in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles ilVom import blood, and the im mediate eflect produced by their deposition in the lunge i to prevent the free admission of air inloihe air cell, which causes a wea kened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater gootf from medicines entering the cavities of Ute lunge.than from those admin istered through the stomach: the patient will always find the lunge free and the. breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhn halation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power arid certainly than'remedies adminiatered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct ihflulrfGelqT- thfc mede.of adniiuialriition, chlo roform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibil ity in a few mitutee, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be ampu tated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gee will drffctroy life in a. tew hours. Th inhalation of will rouss the system when fainting; or apparently dead. The odor of many ot Me ineiicmes is percep tible in the skin a few minutes after being in haled, and may be .immediately detected m the blood,- A convlnciap proof of the consti tutional effect of inhalation, is the lact mat sickness is always produced by breathing foul ;ijr is not this pusitiv evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happiest results! Dnrinf eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering from diseases of the fungs andinrtt, nats been under my care, and I h re effected many remarkable cores, even after the sofferere haie been pronounced in the Wst stages, which. feUy satwSes ote that consumption is no kviger, a fatal dis-ease. My treatment of consumption ss original, and founded on iomj experience ami a thorough investigation. My nffem Acottamlance with the raUure of tuber cles, &c, enables m? to dis-tlnffuh, readily- the variuas forms of disease toat simulate con sumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being- mista Ken even m a smg ie case, i n m familiarity, in connection with certain patho l.urifnl nnd mir-rncocic discoveiies, enables me to relieve the lungs fmm the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, puri fy t hi blood, imuert to it retnewi vitality, sWnig energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with lull direexinns sew io au; part of the United Stateetntl Canadas hy pa tients communicating their symptoms oy iei trr. But I he cure would be more cerntm.-if the patient should pay me a visi', vvhich would give iffe en y io examuiu m lungs end etwhie mc to srnae with much greater certaintv. and then the cure cou4du effedted without my seeing the patient again. OJieell'Sl Fitbcrt Str&t, (l. I09,) below iwuwn, July 16,. 17.-1 y. v: ..- - A Denetolent Institution, esiahlith-d ly' cial Mdow wctii far ilia rti'J ot (hid distressed, ajlifted unlk riru . lent and Ejhitemic (hums To al) persnos aimctifrf with Sosunl f)is fttwrtaatmrhee. Seininnl Weak ness: rmptHrnce. Gortorrttra. Gieet, Syphilid Ute-Viee ft Itoartitm, or say wwc. v-. -j The HOW A UD AiXJl.VflO.N', tit vieur.rihh awful aestruftioo.of human lite,, baused t y bestial disease?, and u dere je tton prai-.tis-ed upuu.thtt ur.firttn?l4 vu tims of sn- dis"o ilfy Q"s seetl years go directed thei .GjtmvWng-Surgeon, as a charjt'jlje acl, wojthy ot Uieir name, to ojYcn a lr9ien.ary fefr'the treatment of this class of diseases,' in all their forms, and to aiva Medical adnce traits, u W who apply by iettfr, with a desciiptin of their condi tiuV(tge, oct upati .!. halhs of liie, vi-e..) end m casts of extreme poverty, to tmh medicines fnc ofekerge. It is need i(iS,todd 4ha,V tha .tisoei non commandH Ihe 'highest 4 meWicil sRill of the Age, and will fuHih the- most approved modytn tteat nie.".t. . The Directors, on a: reTievr of the past, Itel assurt-d that lit lr labors m this sphere i f Lenevolent effort, have been of gteat benefit to the Mlhcted, espeeinlv to the tnung. and thev have resolved -to devo'e tliemslves, with renewed ieL ton this vc-iy imj-opianl bill much despised cause. Just Published by the Association, a Re port oh Sperinatonhrva, Or Seminal Weak ness, the Vtre ol Onanism, Masturbation or Solf Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sex ual Organs, b the f ousuiting Snrgeon, which will bfe seM bv n.ait, (in a iealcd lpftr aff.hme.) FRVV) OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO S l'AMPS fur poelngc. i Audrei, Kepfrt or treatment, or. tr.v it. CALUOl'X, t 'onsubiog Sttigetin, How ard Ass cialion, No 3 South Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pa. II v order nf the Directors. RZ1U D. HEAR fWKLL, President. OliU. FA1HOH1LD, Secretary. OeYemher 3. Ife5r.-ly. PAINTS &; OILST " A good ar.tiole of Pure White Lend White Sino,' Snow White Ziuo,' French !ino, Stone Colored Zinc, and Linaetd Oil for sale nt Koton priw, by w .r - ...... . -..-, 1 ' IlOLJiLlJ LAD cV DJUlilLiY Jouc 11. lNr)7 Jbtrouiburg, .Tar.uifv 1 Is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers