m 9 Tho oldest married couple alive are supposed to be a Mr. Snyder and his wife, who reside at Burnside, Pa. He is 111, and she is 107 years old, and thoy have been married 93 year?. rjuuua-tmiu.uJjui.LijmAJ ' i n Dallej's Magical Fain Extractor. In all diseases inflammation more or less predominates now to allay inflammation strkes at the root of disease hence an im mediate cure. Baileys' Magical Pain Extractor, and nothing else, will allay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. Baileys Magical Pain Extractor will cure the following among a catalogue of diseases; burns, scald?, cut?, chafes, sore nip ples, corns, bunions, strains, biles, poison, chilblains, biles, scrofula, ulcers, fever sores, felons, ear ache, piles, soro eyes, gout, swcl Inigs, rheumatism, scald hend, salt rheum, baldness, erysipelas, ringworm, barbers itch, email po.v, measles, rash, &c, &.c. To some it may seem inf-rcdulous that so many diseascsthould be renchf-d by one arti cle; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a combina tion of ingredients, each and every one ap plying a perfect antidote to its opposite dis order. Dalleifs Magical Pain Extractor In its effects is magical, because the time is so short between disease and a permanent cure; and it is an extractor, as it draws all disease out f the a fleeted part, leaving na ture as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely necessary to sy that no house, work shop, or manufactury should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuiuc unless the &ax has upon it a steel plate engraving, with xhe name of Ilnry Dallcy, .Manufacturer, For tale by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout- the United States and Cnnadas. Principal Depot, 1G5 Chambers St., New-York. C. F. CHACE. Sold in Stroudsburg, by Ilollinshead and Detrick. Feb. 25. 1853.-1 y. Express Arrangement. The Dope aud Howard Express Com panys are now prepared to forward Mon key, Valuables of any kind, Pakngcs, &c, with their own Gars, aud special jMesscn .gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgto a Uy part of the world. JO MX N. STOKES, Agent, For the Hope and Howard Ex. Co's Stroudburg. Feb. 4, 185S . tf. ALLEN'S GREAT MEDICINE, THE ARABIAN PAIN EXTRACTOR. For the cure of Rheumatism, dyspep sia, &c, for sale wholesale and retail, at HOLLINSflEAD & DETRICK'S G otitic Hull Drug Store. This is the ouly place in town where this Medicine can he had. N. B. Mr. Allen i.s the man who was in town during the May term of Court, selling Lis Mc3iine in the street. Januajy 7, 1853. if. -Stroud.urg. Oct. 22, 1657. tf ST0V:ES, STOVES, STOVES."" THE subscriber, having purchased and laken the o!d store i-tand ol Gcorjre Mai ven, in Stroudsburg, would say, to the public, tint ue is just opening a larjie assortment of STOVES in all their variety. Cookk:r, P:trlct, SI: op & Car om, mil fizes and kinds, for Wood or Coal. Groceries, In connection with the Stove business, the undersigned will keep constantly on hand a generd assortment of Groceries, &c, viz: Sun;a rs, Teas, Coffees, Molasses, Fish, Salt, llai.-ins, Spicep, &c. Flour and Feed. Ho will constantly keep Flour and Feed and whole grain. Cider Vinegar constantly on hand. The public are respectfully invited to examine for themselves. ROBERT R. DEPTJY. Stroudbburg, Nov. 12, 1857. THE SECRET INIRMITIESOF YOSTS' 12 A!Z ITCtTeJKE'S'r, Just Published, Grals, the 2olh Thousand. A few words on the rational Treatment, sj'jlhout medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weaklier, Noctu mill Emissions, Genital and Hctsous Debility. Premature Decay of the System, Iirdimcnts to Marriage generally, . by B. DE LANEY, M. D. Theijportant fact that the many alarm ing complaints originating in the imprudence and eolitude of youth, maybe easily removed Without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly aud at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of Ahe day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in si eeale'd envelope, by remitting iwo postage stamps to Dr. DE LANEY, 17 Lispeuard Street, New York. October 1, l07.-v. v STATEMENT Of Receipts and Expenditures of MONROE COUNTY. CUl ARLTON BURNET, Treasurer, in ' in account with the county of Monroe, from the list Monday of January, 1857, the first monday of January, 1858. to DR. To am't. of County Tax ree'd for year 1853 do do do 1854 do do do 1S55 do do do 1856 do do do 1857 Tax ree'd of V. Kautz '51 '55 '5G Redcmp. money ree'd on un seated lands, do do sealed do 08 25 2 02 232 04 3019 67 2382 3l 5 10 59 55 " 27 23 $5697 00 1712 05 Hal. due C. Burnet Treasurer $7409 U CR. By amt.p'd. L.Slutter, lateTreas. $1155 6G Administration of Justice. Pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors, $1213 05 Constables. Aui't p'd Constables for returns &c. 137 98 District Attorney. By aui't p'd W. K- Haviland, Dis trict Attorney. 30 00 Witness Fees in Commonwealth Cases. Com. vs. Patrick Hart, $337 63 8 25 7 89 3 81 7 16 3 91 10 09 vs. Snow et. al. vs. Nelson Staples, vs. Duflin, vs. Albert, vs. Correll, vs. Vanhorn, vs. J2. Paul, vs. Pat Cunningham, vs. Ray vs. PatCog-an, i n u . ' . 6-JA 9 All 5 00 -$399 33$ Bearding Prisoners. Am't p'd Jos. Dunfifcjd, 94 31 Court Crier an J Tip-stafF. Am't pV C. U. Warnick ana F. Krooman, 9 79 Commissio?iers Clerk & Counsel P'd E. B. Dreher, Corn's Clk, 85 67 P'd J. II. Walton, Counsel, 25 00 811.0 G7 Prothonoiarv and wlerk of Couru P'd John Edinger, Prothoi; itary &c 81 82 Countj' Commissioners. P'd JosephUieckman 102 41 P'd John C. Strunk 168 71i IS 50 P'd Peter S. Ilawk s.. y 04 Inquisitions. Inquisition on body of Eleazor Price 15 SVr Assessors. P'd Assessors of the several tsps, 18G 38 Road Damages. P'd Peter II. Robeson 75 00 " Michael Super, Keller r'd 10 00 SS5 00 County Printing. P'd Theodore Schoch, 91 71 " John DeYoung 95 75 -18746 County Auditing. P'd for Auditing public accounts County Lines. P'p for Surveying line between Monroe Pike and Wayne, Bridge Views. For viewing Bridges 8 00 26 00 77 00 I STATEMENT showing the Duplicates Jor County payments, Exonerations, Commis sions and balances due the same. Ytar. Collectors Niimes. Townships. t'53 I v illiam Jones, Charles Piire, Henry Albert, jEldred, :?3()8 ;Price, j 106 jM- Smithfield, 757 M. Smithfield, 5M !ri,JI.iinl, CO "54 JJetirv Albert, Jo.seph Wilton, 'ud:e Winters, Anthony Bcrger, John Kern, Piiih; iMcCluskey, Joseph. Aloycr. Coolbaugh, vTohyhntma, ;E hi red, Stroud, Uackson, 101 246 588 122 '55 (Coolbaugh, 116 J ji ob Grecnamoj er, Chesnuihill, 476 Jfihn Uusierhoudt Jackson, 158 318 725 323 104 Jnseiih Ivunkle, ;Kldred. John liannas M Smithfield, jPolk, JPrice, ; .Tobyhanna, : Sslroud, Stroudsburg, : Keuhcri Krege, losiali 1. Snow, Peter Merwine. Jr. William Mosteller, .Michael Brown, 131 738 '56 557 Chas. D Broclhead, iChesnuthill. 406 145 Joseph Aloycr, Coolbauoh, Charles liouser, Jo&eph Hawk, John Rinker, ;'libyhanna. jKldred, jllamilton, 151 5 331 ,1034 George J. Miller, John JJanna, (Jackson, N. Smithfield,; 700 in i- I obias isetzer, '.Paradise, 194 George Dorsheimer, Polk, James Palmer Price, 347 114 liobert W. Swink, J.Stroud, I 624 f 312 Sarob Newhard, Hloss, Daniel Wallet, Smithfield, 740 '57i Joseph Mover, jCoolbaugh, 127 Chas. D Brudhead, 'Chesnuihill, 401 320 1028 Joseph Hawk, Eldred, fohi! Rinker, Jacob Miller, jr. Samuel D. Pipher, Levi Frantz, Hamilton, fJackson, 148 St Q.v.M'.fiolsl can r'araflisft. 189 Joel Berlin, jPolk, ;Pocono, Price, ;Ross, jSniitlifield. jStroudsbttrg, C! 1 Jacob Edinger, Harrison Sebring, 283 110 Jacob Newhart, 312 708 561 703 87 Daniel Walter, Henry I). Bush. William Mosieller, tJirouu, Samuel Hay, I'obvhanna Samuel Miltcnberger.'Tunkhannock, 60 Amount of outstanding Taxes for 1857 and previous year?j$4704 52 Balance due County from Le vi Slutter, former Treasur er, at settlement dated 4th January, 1855, and which has not been accounted for, Three years interest on same, 128 58 23 14 Total due County, 4850 24 srf FEET OF HEMLOCK! 1 U,UVU BOARDS for sale by C.R.ANDRE.- Stroudsburg, February 15, 1855. Enumeration of Taxables. P'd for Enumerating Taxables 16 00 $24 00 Refunding P'd on Refunding checks, Redmptions. Redemption on J. Rees tract, 9 62 503 86 do do do Sam'l Morrison, 24 26 do J. Conard 8 00 41 88-'- Court House. Repairs of public Buildings Elections. P'd Expenses of gen'l and tsp's. Premiums. Am't p'd on fox Scalps, County Bridges. P'd on account of Bell's 37 04 339 18 105 78 (old and new) Bridge, 980 28 do Rees do 15 66 do 280 53 do 7 50 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Henry Stoker Philips' Brodheada' Deublers Cotants' Stroudsburg, do do do do do 39 88 62 79J 1 80 14 47 16 00 76 00 37 87 2 10 26 00 17 28 25 00 14 00 1567 17$ Chestnthill do Butter Milk Falls do Pencils, do Castle Garden, do Smithfield, Mackey's, Stony Run, do do do Miscellaneous. P'd Staples & Barry for lumber and wood, 35 05 do do do 12 50 " Andre &. Shoemaker, merchandize, 6 85 " do do 29 66 " W. & J, Wallace, coal and Iron, 5 09 " G.Auracher, merchandize 2 22 " E. A. Arnold, pal. locks to eight windows 3 50 " Chas. M. Price, work at Jail, 2 56 " Robert Huston, md'ize 6 30 " do wood and stove pipe 8 91 V.Kautz, work at Jail, 2 00 " W. S.Rees, repairs in Reccorders office 4 77 " G. W.Gross, work at jail 4 95 " M. II. Dreher, stone and plaster for jail 5 75 " J. C. Palmer, carpenter work 12 70 " S. Melick, stationery 2493 41 Robt Eylenbergei, work 25 David Keller, postage 3 77 'J M. Mcllhaney, Ad ministering oaths 50 " Win. S. Rees, for general and Dev '1 Book 30 00 db do 30 00 " S. Melick, .stationery 24 75 Caroline Dm1 field, work 75 do do 2 00 A.Correll, cutting wood 11 25 Conard Hammon do 1 00 Carey White do 25 S. Tuttle, work in oces 7 13 279 24 Trea commissions on rec. 5697 W at 2 Per cent 1a 3 94 do p. i;'1"? o 5ioa 13 at 2 peJ cent. 143 t?4 S256 98 S7409 11 Examined a nr.1 allowed the fifth MY of January A-. D. 185.8. A. J. LABR, ED. L. WOLF, I Audr's SILAS L. DRKE", ) JOHN C. STRUNK, P. S. HAWK, ConnCY Comr's ROBERT BROWN, ) Attest. E. B. Dreiu-R, Clerk. Com'r's Office, Stroudsburg, Feb. 4, 1858. Am't of I Bal. due dupliciitcl.iistset'mt Payment. Exon- JC era'tns'i Com- Over-1 Balance p'ta. 'yet due. ions. 7 103 85 68 25 28' 23 1-1 2l 47 63 vJ.02 35i? r.il rrn t 44? I 35 1G 23 14 47. 63 102 35 7 59 nn fc2 5U 7 59 'J6 7 93 74 16 8 1 6?j 30 58 36 25 36 16 81 30 58 22 74 16 00 2 62 10) 16 00 70! 23 71 25 00 5IO 22 23 32'34 83; 60 00 82 64 57 88 24 79 6j 19 56 55,102 55 62' 14 97 4 57 ) i 1 19 581 50 00 52 55 14 97 4 62 58 07 35 58 69 55 13? 67 06 40 00 16 57 5 87 69; 89 44 -V 50 00 8 7731 S4i 1 16 5J'347 00 ;2S8 02J25 07 ?9;2i(, 45 ;y3U 87 '. 55; 69 55 1H 2 61 M2 34; 7 08; 16 81 16 57,85 07 SO' 96 50 '165 Of) 33'499 33 -417 81 31 390 13 16 57 79'700 79 :3S7 4215 55 - .. 5313 36 04;104 01 5 90 00 16 40 8 88 15 24 91 192 91 140 82 44 64 44 58 72 52 09 5 72 32489 32 485 87 16 94:30 21 13 50 09jll2 00 H00 00 9 3615 13J12 40 581353 07 -315 53 44;37 10 271 127 27 351 52 I54 53 J786 28 98 65 680 81 I2I 25 52f 53? 28 i 50 00 5lGG 00 242 00 50 00 65 Qli 35 52 25 15 85 il95 00 240 35 I 42 00 l45 00 ;6ia41 166 60 9 08 9 65 6 19 151 25 325 055 33 32 G8 05 80 30 81 12 40 161 61 89 89 95 21 !238 2i)h 464 91- 76 56 5 62 5 28 66 54 54!. $4704 52 Total due county, 84856 24 Amount of of outstan ding County checks as near as can be ascertained, $228C 49 Amount duo C. Bur net late Treasurer, 1712 05 -83998 97$ $857 36j; CEDAlt AMD WILfcOtf WARE. For sale by ANDRE & SHOEMAKER: May 8, 1856. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS OF COMMISSIONERS. Jobn C. Strunk in account with County 1852 To cash received per check. 20 00 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 .1 115 00 it tl It tt 146 70 t 4( it 158 00 145 74 184 00 8769 44 Peter S. Hawk in account with County. DR. 1856 To oash received per check 840 00 1857 " " 138 50 8168 50 Joseph Heck man in account with County. DR. To aggregate amount of cash received for full term of three years 8412 50 The amount of the cost of the new the Commissioners check Roll. STATEMENT showing the Duplicates for Slate payments, Exonerations, Commis sions, and balances due same Year. Colfectots Names. Townships. 1852tPeter Gilbert, iHenry Overfield, 1853 John Kellcy, jWilliam JonesK Cbesnutbill, M. Smithfield Coolbaugh, Eldred, unarms rrico, Theodore ohoch, Henry Albert, Price, Stroudsburg, M. SmithBeld M. Smithfield 1854 Henrv Albert. George Setzer, Ross, Paradise. Coolbaugh, Toby hanna. Price, Eldred, Stroud Jackson, Stroudsburg, Chesnuthill, Coolbaugh, Eldred, Jackson, Abraham Transue, Joseph Wilton, Jude Winters, Elihu Posten, Anthony Berger, John Kern, Philip McClusky, lMichacl Brown 1855' Jacob Greenamoyer Joseph Moyer, John Kunkle, J. R. Ousterhoudt, John Hanna, Andrew L. Storm, Josiah B. Snow, William Mostellcr, Peter Merwine, Reuben Krcsire M. Smithfield Paradise, Price, Stroud, Tobyhanna, Polk, Stroudsburg, Chesnuthill, ISSOAiichael Brown. Chas. D. Brodhead, Jo.eph Moyer, Joseph Hawk, John Rinker, George J. Miller, Coolbaugh, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, John Hannahs, George Dorshimer, M. Smithfield Polk, George Warner, Tobias Setzer, James Palmer, Pocono, Paradise, Price. iJarob Newhart, Ross, Stroud, Smithfield, Tobyhanna, jRobert W. Swink, iDaniel Walter; 'Charles Houser, 1 857 Joseph Moyer, Coolbaugh, Chesnuthill Eldred, Chas. D Brodhead, Joseph Hawk, iJohn Rinker, acob Miller, Sarrusl Pipher, Levi .Frantz, Joel Bt'rlin, Jacob EJingcr, Harrison $ebring, Jacob Newhart, Daniel Walter; Ilenry D. Bush, William Mosteller; Hamilton, Jackson, M. Smithfield Paradise, Polk, Pocono, Price, Ross Smith0.eid, Stroudsburg, Stroud, ,Vmuel Hay, jTobyhanna, Ssn?'l MHtonbergcrl'iTunkhannock Monroe Countf ss ' c tho ut -forsigned County Auditors do certify that the foro coing is a statement' of tho State Tu'sres as assessed since the year 1852, upon which there are yet ballance'' remaining anu out-standing, as taken from tho books up to Jan. 1, 1658. Witness vur hands this eleventh day of Jan. 1858. Those marked thus h paid n full irrce settlement of Auditors. Henry D. Shafer, late Sheriff Monroe Counnty, to said county, -J--To am't of Jury funds col lected from Deo. T. 154 to Sept. T. 1857, inclu- . sivc. so t To am't of fines oollected from Dec. T. 1854, to Sept. T.1857, inclusive. 173 00 To am't of checks from Commissioners. 9 80 $246 80 Something New. The public aro respectfully informed that the undersigned hns opened, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story building recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and Wintemute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keepincr always on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Pai7its, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, cjc. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all tastes can be gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs, &c. ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQU0US for medicinal purposes, which leer their own recommendation. Epcry article will be warranted mire and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose exnerience in tne business is sucii as to deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. tJall anu see. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. Stmudsbtirnr. Dec. 31. 1856. CR. 1852 By seventeen days service, $25 50 2853 " seventy-nine days 118 50 1854 " eighty-six one-half days 2 5 '1855 " 94 days, 141 75 1 1856 " one hundred and 57 days 220 50 1857 " one pundrea and 60 days 240 00 $876 00 769 44 balance due J. C. Strunk, 106 50 CR. 827 75 143 25 1856 By 18 days service 1857 ' 95 daysservico $171 00 168 50 Balance due Peter. S. Hawk", $2 50 CR. By aggregate number of days service for full term of three years (two hundred and seventy-five days). $412 50 bridge at Bells Mill, in full as taken from 81785 34 A. J. LABAR, Ed. L. WOLF. V Auditors SILAS L. DRAKE, Am't of Dal. dueiPaym'nts LVonc 'tions. I Colli sions. Bnlance yet due. duplicate lasisei'i 315 57 489 25 03 20 207 58 74 94 301 13 515 09 497 57 214 00 96 81 67 49 79 61 72 90 219 82 538 58 106 96 298 45 315 69 70 65 216 70 105 59 500 86 109 16 72 88 514 12 75 54 211 15 359 53 308 09 76 97 222 72 6S7 23 101 89 482 11 229 36 182 06 115 13 79 08 215 70 139 73 498 93 89 43 71 78 308 76 210 96 696 44 101 73 472 61 108 34 231 31 180 99 78 95 215 75 47 67 303 30 488 82 51 04 37 39 43 93 56 38 24 25 43 93 56 38 24 25 53 167 49 61 94 76 03 185' 65 14 5 27 3 00 32 19 29 49 29 42 93 33 37 146 82 57 88 106 96 48 64 4 21 15 57 47 20 70 65 4510 81 90 59 129 92 3 16 60 88 12 42 25 08 7 60 67 90 131 15 39 49 207 84 76 97 155 17 8 01 23 95 69 89 3 93 478 18 164 10 84 9 06 4 65 5 52 7 82 3 95 4 47 10 56 5 25 116 73 9 35 4 68 3 03 4 35 51 45 71 78! 308 76 216 96 696 44 101 73 472 64 I '18 107 16 1 86 229 45 3 73 20 99 78 95 3 00 212 75 437 67 363 30 4S7 78 1 41 49 53 37 39 S7161 65 168 49 01 94 92 2S 188 65 10 25 145 27 3 00 32 19 29 49 29 42 58 79 146 82 57 88 106 96 48 64 19 45 102 02 35 00 25 44 70 65 36 70 105 59 15 00 500 8G 370 94 3 16 72 68 12 00 365 62 404 12 75 54 30 00 266 22 100 25 67 55 655 27 32 00 65 10 123 23 161 15 355 71 303 09 76 97 22 72 b'o7 23 101 89 482 11 L'29 36 135 16 115 13 79 08 104 96 67 31 190 67 215 70 139 73 317 13 498 93 474 80 sn 30 b2 156 27 24 Hea.ry D. Shafer, CR. by the following fees due from county. By summoning Jurors, and making returns to the several Cou'rts frora Feb. T. 1855. to Dc T.1857, .nclusive, and adverti-eing-the Gen. Election. Si 89 00 By am't fees due on .Com monwealth suits. 93 80 By per oontago on $173 00, fines, at 3 per cent 5 19 . $287 99 240 80 "Brought down Bal. duo from county to II. D. Shafer, Shoriff, 841 .3 WALTON'S sn. AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. Youus Americu- Victorious! rinn small hnv nf VfUs cures ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. jSo Balaam, no Mer cury, no odor on the breath. 1,0 ,uaro1l dotec lion. Two small pills a dostv tasteless and harmless as water. Full directions are giv en, so that the patient can cure h.selt as certain as with the ndvice of the most expe rienced surgeon, and much better than wii' the advice of one of little experience in thit class of disease. Sent by mail to any part of the country by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton, No. 154 North Seventh st. below Race, Phil adelphia. A liberal discount to the trade. None jrenuino without the xcritlen signature of D. G. Walton, Proprietor. Dr. W.'s treatment for-Self-abuse, Weak ness, &c. is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit. Tho treal menysertain to cure as the sun is tc rise, jjfbmp- stamp, and address Dr. W. na th rise. Jtiticiose u buuuji, anu addre" s above, giving a full hialo- rv of your case, and you will bless the day you madUie euon in secure wuai tsceriau I - 4jBEA,L URF' jflHMn ico. ay. Winter Arrangements. NEW R. R. ROUTE. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western VES .-xT-tU'.l . - RAIL ROAD. New and expeditious broad guage route from the North and West, via Great Bend and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming" vallies, directly through to New i''rk and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, January 18, 1858 j trains will be run as follows: Tbe Night K.vpress Trrsin bound east on N Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bend at 4:00 A. M., and connects with the Expirees Train which leaves Great Bend for New lork and Philadelphia, nt Due at Montrose, - -Tnhkbannuck, Factoryville, Scranton, -Stroudsburg, -Delaware,(15 minutes tndt Bridgvillc, Phila. passen gers leave, Junction, -New York, -Philadelphia, 8:80 a; mi 9:07 9:50 10:33 11:00 1:38 p. m. !)2:10 2:40 " a-.ao 7:10 " 8;20 " c 7:30, a. m: 6:00 ' 10:55 11:45 " 12:00 " 12:47 p. m.' 3:35 4:27 4:48 " 5:35 " 6:10 Pier No. 2, North River at From Phik. leave Walnut st. Wharf at Leave Junction, Duo at Bndgeville, Phila. con nection, -Delaware, 15 min. dinner, Stroudsburg Scranton, - - -Factoryville, Tunkhannock -Montrose, - Grrnt Rrrwl Connecting at Great Bend with" the Dunkirk Express west, at 7:15 ' Accommodation Train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 7:20 a. in.' Arrive at Great Bend, - - 12:25 p. fri; Connecting with tbe Emigrant Train west; on the N. Y. & E. R. R. Returning, leaves Great Bend, 1:25 p. m; Due at Scranton, - 6:10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Trains leaving Scranton at 5:00 a. m: Due at Stroudsburg at 10:20 " Junction at 2:10 p. m: Returning, will leave Junctional 5:00 a. m: Due at Stroudsburg at 8:35 " Scranton at 2:50 p. m. Passengers from New York will change cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R-. R leave or take the cars at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take L. & B. R. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale", change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through. JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. Wm. N. Jexks, Gen'l Ticket xgent. iiorcsi's Liqno uaik dye. TIh testimony of Prof Booth and Dr hiis!,!c having previously been jmblisblied, :he foi ouing is now added : From Prof. AleCLOSKKY, formerly Pro-fes.-or of theory and practice of Medicine' if tbe Female Mcdiial (Jollege of Penn sv'vania, and late Professor of Surgery in the American College of Medicinec- Philadelphia, Nov. 27th, 185(5. Mr. Joseph E. J lover: A trial of vour" LIQUID HAIR DYE will convince" the nosi keptical, that it is a safe, elegant and rfjiracwus preparation. Unlike many others", it has in several instances proved servicea ble in Ihe cure of some cutaneous eiuption on the bead, and I have no hesitation in corn mending it to those requiring such an applf-' cation. Verv respectfully, J. F. X. McCLOSKEY. M. D. 475 Race iSt. above 13th HOVER'S WRITING INKS, fncludinn. HOVER'S WRITING FLUID, and HO VKR'S 1NDELLIBLE INKS, still hitfirV--tain their high character, ivbich has always distinguished them, and the extensive de mand first created, has continued uninter rupted until at present. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory No. 410 Race street above FOURTH, old No. M l. Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.-' " cernber 24, 1857. 3m. Decer III (t53 A general assortment ; Vindow Shade?, Wall Paper, &c. hi. 3 le, whiih -i will be sold at ritv tates. Cln ,ahd exam- . ina. - May 7, if 7. ly. WIIT will you sufiigrhh a btid Cough or Cold, whenjlief may be had for 25 ccntSj by usinsWLLlNSIltAD ,t Detrick s coinpojgjpByrup of Tar, Wild Cher This is the ch Medicine in th For sale wh IIOLLlNSHJiL' Stroudsburg, And Merchants gener throunout toe county. Price 25 cents pcrbottle. Oetobcr 22 Qtf-tf 9pnu lloavhound. 6iipd retail by III
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers