i ; STATEMENT Of Receipts and Expenditures MONROE COUNTY. CHARLTON UURNET, Treasurer, in in account with the county of Monroe, from the list Monday of January, 1857, to the first monday of January, 1858. DR. To am't. of County Tax ree'd for year 1853 do do do 1851 do do do 1855 do do do 185G do do do 1857 Tax ree'd of V. Kautz'ol '55 '50 Redemp. money ree'd on un seated lauds, do do seated do 08 n 3011) 22B2 50 27 $5007 I7J2 Hal. due C. Burnet Treasurer $7109 11 CR. By ami. p'd. L.SluUer, lateTreas. $1155 G6 Administration of Justice. 3Pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors, $1213 05 Constables. . TVm'l p'd Constables for returns &c. 137 i)S District Attorney. By Jim"t p'd W. K- Haviland, Dis trict Attorney. 30 00 Witness Fees in Commonwealth Cases. Com. ts Patrick lla.tt, $337 03 " vs. Snow et al. 8 25 ' vs. Nelson Staples, 7 89 " ts. Duflin, 3 81 ts. Albert, 7 l(ij ' vs. Correll, 3 9 1 " vs. Vanhorn, 10 09 vs. E. Paul, 5 55 " vs. Pal Cunningha'n, fi-j vs. Kay fl 11 A " vs. Pat Cogan, 5 0() $3D9 Boarding Prisoners. jml r'd Jos. Dunlield, .01 Court Crier and Tip-staff. Am't p'd C. U. Warnick and F. Freennn, 97 79 Commissioners Clerk & Counsel lVI JE. B. Drdier, Con.'.; Clk, 85 07 P'd J. IL Walton. Counsel, 25 00 $110 Prothonotary and Clerk of Court. P'd John Edinger, Prothonotary &c 81 82 County Commissioners. P'd Joseph Jlcckma u 102 -11 P'd John C. St riink ICS 73 P'd Peter S. Hawk 78 51) $349 6i Inquisitions. Inquisition on body ol Eleazor Price 15 87 Assessors. P'd Assessors of the several tsps, 1S6 33 Road Damages. P'd Peter H. Robeson 75 00 ' .Michael Super, Keller r'd 10 00 $35 00 Cotfnty Printing, P'd Theodore Schoch, 91 71 44 John DeYounr 95 75 -$18746 Count' Auditing. P'd for Auditing public accounts Ct.-unty Lines. P!p for Surveying line between Monroe Pike ami Wayne, Bridge Views. For viewing Bridges 8 00 26 00 77 00 STATEMENT showing the Duplicates J or County payments, Exonerations, Commis sions and balances due the same. Tear. Collectors. Names. Towns-hips. I A.ii't of I diiplicKtt '53! William Jon-," 'Eldred, Prire, M- Smiihfield Al. Smilhtield Coolbaugh. :Ti)byhamia, . F.ldred, Stroud, Jackson, ;308 lflfi ' 757 Charles Piire, UL iirv AH eit, "MJIIenry Albt ri, Joseph Wilton, ludje Winers, iiihony Bt-rgiT, John Kern. jPlsiliji .Mr Cluskey "55 .lo.seph Mover, 82 101 24(i 588 122 llfi 170 158 318 725 ;Jooltauh, Jacob Grfcnamner, Ohesnuiliill, John Ousierhoudt Jac kson. , Joseph Kuril; !e, John Jlarmas Reuben Krcge, Josinh B. Snow, Peter Merwine, Jr. William Modeller, 56. Michael Brown, Chas. D Brodiiead, Joseph .Moyer, t'h.irlt-s Iluiier, 'osepli IJnwii, ' hri Riti'- rr. jfleorre J. Miller, j John IJannn, Ired, ?M SmiihfielJ, jPolt, I'rire, Tobyhanna, Stroud, Stroudsburg. Chesnuthill, 1 Coulbauoh, Tub) hanna. .Eidred, 323 104 131 738 557 400 145 154 33! 1(131 Il.imiltnn, Jaikson, N. Sniithfield, iParadise, 153 7UU 11)1 317 111 C24 j 1 oi-ias etzcr. Oeorge Dorsheimer. Polk. jjames rainier rrice. Siobert W. Swink. ?Stfcnid'. pae-ou iewjiari, Ross, 3I2 740 Daniel Walter, 5mijhfield. Wi Joseph Moer. ;Cooltiaugh, 127 27 401 52 3-20 53 1028 28 1 18 65 050 81 169 35 355 GO 283 32. 110 05 312 80; 708 30 5fU 8l! 703 12' 87 40 GO 51. Chas. D Brodhead, Chesnuthill, .Jus Joseph Hawk, .Eldred, Johu RitiUex, Hamilton, Jackson, :.M. Smithfield, J'aradise, :Polk. ; Pocono, I .Price, 'Ross, Smithfield, ; Stroudbiirg, Jacob M filer, jr. pamucl D. Pipher, Lei rrantz, Joel Berlin, Jacrfb Edinger, Harrison Sebring, Jacob Newhart, Daniel Walter. Ifenry i). 1ukJi, WjiUam Mosteller, bamuul Hay, J'obyhanna Samuel M ilte nbe rger Tyatbai) nock: Amount of outstanding Taxes for 1857 and previous years, $4704 52 Balance due County from Lc 1 Sluttcr, former Treasur er, at settlement dated 4th January, 1855, and which has not been accounted for, 128 585 Three years interest on same, 23 14 Total due County, S4856 24 h FE'ET'OP" HEMLOCK BOARDS for sale b- c: r: antwe. S'roudsburg, February 15, i855. Enumeration. of Taxables: of p'd for Enumerating Taxables icoo 24 00 Refunding P'd on Refunding checks, Rcdmplions. Redemption on J. Rees tract, 9 G2h 503 80 do do do Sum I Morrison, 24 2u do J. Conard 8 00 25 f.rt $41 Court House S7' Repairs of public Buildings 37 04 31A ... P'd Expenses of gcn'l and Isp's, Premiums. Am't p'd on fox Scalps, County Bridges. P'd on account of Bell's 339 55 23 00 05 105 78 (old and new) Bridge, 930 28 do Recs Henry Stokes' do 15 66 do 280 53 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 7 50 39 88 02 79 1 80 14 47 16 00 76 00 37 87A- 2 10" 26 00 17 28 25 00 14 00 v Philips' Brod heads' Deublers' Cotants' Stroudsburg, Chestnthill Butter Milk Falls do Pencils, Cattle Garden, Smithfield, lackey's, Stony Run, do do do do do 156717$- Miscellaneous. P'd Staples fc Barry for lumber and wood, 35 05 do do do 12 50 " Andre &. Shoemaker, merchandize, 6 85 do do 29 66 W. &, J, Wallace, coal ana Irni) 5 09 " G.Aui'aclier, merchandize 2 22 " E. A. An.'e'd, pat. locks to eight winu'ows 3 50 " Chas. M. Price, .ork at Jail, 2 56 " Robert Huston, mdS'ze 6 30 " do wood and stove pipe d 91 " V.Knutz, work at Jail, 2 00 " W. S.Rees, repairs in Reccorders office 4 f " G. W.Gross, work at jail 4 95 " M. II. Dreher, stone and plaster for jail 5 75 " J. C. Palmer, carpenter -"-work 12 70 44 S. Melick, stationery 24 98 44 Robt Eylenbergei, work 25 44 David Keller, postage 3 77 41 T. M. Mcllhiiney, Ad ministering oaths 50 33 J 3 lj 67 I tt Vm. S. Iters, for general and L' ed Book 30 00 1,. GO 30 00 S Mp'if.1- cts Jionery 4 75 Caroline Dunficlo, 75 2 00 do do 44 A. Correll, cutting wood li. 44 Oonard IJammon do 1 00 44 Carey White do 25 44 S. Tuttle, uork in offices 7 13 $279 24 Treac. Commissions on rec. $5097 (16 at 2 per cent 113 94 do , paying- 8 $7152 133 at 2 per cent. 143 04- 25G 93 $7409 11 Examined and allowed the fifth dnv of i January A. D. 1858. A. J. LABAR, ) ED. L. WOLF, C Audr's SILAS L. DRAKE, ) JOHN C. STRUNK, ) P. S. HAWK, County Ccmr's ROBERT BROWN, ) Attest. E. B. Dheuer, Clerk. Com'r's Office, Stroudsburg, Feb. 4, 1858. j Hal. due j r.tymwit.I'xon-1( I list srt'tn'i cra'tiisj' nnn- Over p'ls. . Balance ' yet due. H'llS. 1-2 I0U 28 23 14 '27 47 (13 (ib 25 41; I 35 10 v 23 14 47 63 102 35 7 59 I 793 ; 1G81 ; 30 5S 5!) 7 59 IW 7 !)3 74 Ifi Si fi7' 3 5S 3fi 25 30 1(V Ifi 00 7fi 23 71 82; 01 o7 68' 24 7!) Ci: 10 5fi 2 02 25 00 00 00 7 05 50 00 22 74 10 00 0 10 22 23 32 34 S3 4 5 I 60 15 91; 19 53' 55 102 55 02 11 07 13 07 Of! 09.' 80 4U 52 55 14 5)7 4 GO 40 00 50 00 ,1 fi 57 5 P ; 8 77 31 64' I in 59'317 00 288 0225 07 i 58 07i 35 58" G9 55 SO 200 45 230 67 55 0'J 55 ,' i 1 1 2 01 12 34' 7 08 10 Sl 50 00 50 105 00 10 57,85 07' 33 100 33 i-117 81 '31 39 50 13' r no' 1 57 05 57 79 00 Ifi 57 113 3G 52 09 !J I'll 1:1 tJOi 10 a; 04 101 (11 90 00 1G -10 8 88'15 24; Ul'IH-2 91 fl 10 82 j j 4i Gi 44 1 53 72 j 5 72; 32.4SU 32 J485 6710 fl4 30 21.13 50 OS). 1 12 09 100 00' 58 353 07 315 53 9 36J15 13 12 405 44 '37 10; i W21 27 ;35l 52 1 1 54 53 :78G 28 i 98 G5 ;fi80 81 1 12 1 25 151 25 33 32 I 68 05 161 61 89 89 95 21 50 00 ; 1(JG 00 ; ?2i2 00 ; ' 50 00 I '' x.52 25 n B5 rJI95 00 i a 08; ',240 35 9 G5; I 42 00 I f ,145 00 G VJ :G18 41 I '166 GO ji. . 238 20h t464 9l 70 50 J 5 G2; ' 5 28 66 51 S4704 52 Total due county, $4856 24 Amount of of outstan ding County checks as near as can be ascertained, S2286 49 , Amount due C. Bur net late Treasurer, 1712 05 $3998 97$ $857 36 CEDAR lXr0 WILLOW WAKE. For sale.by : .. . . ... " I t " 'ANOR'E ,& SHPEMAKER, May 8, 1850.. ' STATEMENT John 0. Struck in account with County. DR. 1852 To cash received per check. 620 1853 115 - 1854 1855 1856 X; 1857, 146 158 145 184 6769 it ' ft ... : y,ti -'-' 1 Hi a 88 X Peter S. Hawk in account with County. . ... . , - . O ' DR. 1856 Tocasli received, per check 840 ,0.0 1857 44 " - " 138 50 18 SI 68 Joseph Ileckman in account with County. DR. To aggregate amount of cash received for full term of three years 8412 50 The amount of the cost of the new thr Commissioners check Roll. STATEMENT showing the Duplicates for Stale payments, Exonerations, Commis sions, and balances due same Tear. Collectors Names. Townships. 1852 Peter Gilbert, Henry OverBeld, 1853 John Kclloy, William Jones, .Charles Price, jTheodore Sohoch, jllenry Albert, 1854 H enry Albert, Cbesnuthill, M. Smithfield Coolbaugh, Eldred, Price, Stroudsburg, M. SmithOeld M. Smith6eld,497 57 George Sctzer, Ross, Paradise. Coolbaugh, Tobyhanna. Price, Eldred, Stroud Abraham Transue, Joseph U iltoo, Jude Winters, Elihu Posten, Anthony Berger, John Kern, Philip McClusky, Michael Brown. Jackson, Stroudsburg, 1855 Jacob Greenamoyer Chesnuthill, Coolbaugh, .Joseph Moyer, John Kunkle, J. R. Guterhoudt, ; John Ilanna, jAudrew L. StortO; Josiah B. Snow, jWilliom Hosteller, jPeter Merwine, Reuben Kresge, 1856 Michael Brown, Eldred, Jackson, M. Smith field fParadise, 1 1 nc6. Stroud; Tobyhanna, Polk, Stroudsburg, Chas. D. BrodheadjCbesnuthill, Joseph Moycr, Coolbaugh, Joseph Hawk, John Rinker, iGeorge J. Miller, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, John Hannahs, M. Smithfield jGeorgc Dorshimer, Polk, Pocono, Paradise, Price, jtreorge Warner, 'Tobias Sttzer, jjymcs Palmer, 'ja ob Ne wharf, !Robe.rfc W. Swink, ''DanM Walter; Charles Jloascr, l Joseoh xMcyer, Ross, Stroud, Smithfield, iTobyhanna, jCoolbaugh, Chesnuthill .Chas. D Erohead, : Joseph Hawt, lJohu Rinker, 'Jacob Miller, Samuel Pipher, Levi Frantz, jJoel Berlin, jJacob Edinger, (Harrison Sebring, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, U. Smithfield IPa radise, l-'olk, Pocono, Price, Ross Jacob jNewhart, Daniel Walter, Henry D. Bush, Smithfield, Stroudsburg William Mosteller, Samuel Hay, Sam'l Miltenbergei V t V LAW j Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock Monroe County, ss : We the undersigned going is a statement 01 tne fctate Taxes as there are yet ballances romaining and out-standing, as taken from "the books up to Jan. 1,1858. Witness OUr hatlds this etavnntli rim? of-Tnti. 1858. Those marked thus have paid in full Henry D. Shafer, late Sheriff of M onroe Couuuty, to said county, DR. To am't of Jury funds col lected from Dec. T. 154 to Sept. T. 1657. inclu sive. $64 00 To am't of fines , collected " . from Dec. T. 1854, to . Sept. T.1S57, inclusive 173 00 To am't of cheeks from Commissioners. 9 80 $246 80 Something New. The public aro respectfully informed that the undersigned bus opened, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story building recently erected by Messrs. Fow- ler and Wintemute. two doors n- bove Robert Boy's Store, where en' E? lnat" tnc Patient can cure himseif as he intends keeuino- alwavs on'certain us l'Jc advice of the most e.xne- on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, cjc. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all tastes can be gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Ilajr and Toilet Brushes: Combs, &c. ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which beer their own recommendation. Everv article will be warranted pure and fresh, ana win ue oispensou uy an 1 assistant -nt i; it.. ?. .1 whose experience in me Business is sucn as lo deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. ' JAMES N. DURXGProprietor..; . Stroudsburg, Dec.')', 185G. OF ACCOUNTS OF COJI.TS ISSIONISI&S. - . - if CR. 1852 By sovontecn days service, 825 00 1853 44 seveuty-ntne days " . lib 1854 " cightytsix & one-half days 729 00 70 00 74 00 44 1855 94 days,: , 1 1S56 44 one hundred and 57 days 220 50 1857 " one hundred and 60 days 240 00 8876' 00 769 44 Balance due J. C. Struuk, 3106 56 CR. 1S56 J3y 18-i days service 1857 . 44 95 days service 827 75 143 25 $171 00 163 50 50 Balance due Peter S. Hawk, 82 50 CR. By aggregate number of days service for full term of three years (two hundred and Beventv-five davs). $412 50 bridge at Bells Mill, in full as taken from S17S5 34 A. J. LABAR, ) Ed. L. WOLF, V Auditor's SILAS L. DRAKE. S Am't of , B;il. due iPaym'nts. I duplicate l.istset't Erone 'tions. Colli sions. Balance yet dtc. 315 57 489 25 63 20 207 58 74 94 301 13 515 09 43 93 56 38 24 25 43 93 56 38 24 25 167 49 168 49 53 01 94 92 2S 61 94 16 25 76 03 188 65 188 65 145 27 3 00 32 19 29 49 214 00 96 81 67 49 79 61 72 90 219 82 538 58 106 96 298 45 315 69 70 65 216 70 105 59 500 86 109 16 72 88 514 12 75 54 3 00 32 19 29 49 29 42 58 79 29 42 38 37 19 45 93 146 82 146 82 57 88 57 88 106 96 106 96 48 64 48 64 47 29 102 02 35 00 4 21 15 57 70 65 36 70 70 65 25 44 15 00 45 10 81 105 59 90 59 500 86 3 16 72 88 370 94 129 92 3 10 60 88 67 90 12 00 365 62 12 42 25 08 404 12 75 54 60 2il 15 30 00 161 15 355 131 15 266 22 100 25 359 5S 308 09 76 97 222 72 687 23 101 69 39 49 308 09 207 84 76 97 76 97 222 72 67 55 655 27 32 00 ice if. I iJJ I f 69 89 !687 23 8 01 23 95 101 89 482 11 229 36 182 06 115 13 79 08 215 70 482 11 229 36 135 16 115 13 79 08 3 93 478 18 65 10 164 10 123 23! 84 4 65 9 06 5 52 104 96 67 31 7 82 3 95 215 70 190 67 4 47 10 56 439 73 498 93 89 43 71 78 439 73 317 13 5 25 11673 493 93 I474 sol 9 35 89 43 30 62j 3 03 14 68 4 32 51 45 71 78 308 7.6 30S 76 216 96 216 96 696 44 101 73 096 44 101 73 472 64 472 64 107 16 108 34 I 18 1 86 3 73 231 31 229 45 180 99i 156 27 20 99 78 95 78 95 215 75 487 67 3 00 212 75 467 67 363 30 1.363 30 ti?8 82 -24 487 78 51 4 37 39 1 41 4G 53 37 39 $7161 65 County Audirsdo certify that the fore assessed sinne tb " year ibo. uDon which dav since settlement of Auditors. Henry D. Shafer, OR. by the foliowing fees due from co uufy"' By summoning Jurors, and making returns to the several Courts from Feb. T. 1655, to Dec. T. 1857, inclusive, and adverti sing the Gen. Election. SI 89J00 By am't fees due on Com monwealth suits. 93 80 By per cent age on $ 173 00, fines, at 3 per cent. 5 19 T7S287 99 Brought down . . .,24.0 80 Bal. due from county to H. D. Shafer, Sheriff, 841 19 DZ?. WALTON'S AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. Yoitaig America. Victorious! une small box ot Tills cures ninety-nine cases out ot a Hundred. jSo Ualsani, no Mer cury, no odor on the breath, 110 fear of dctcc- lon' vvo s,,,aH pills a dose; tastoless and harmless as water. Full directions arc nriv- rienced surgeon, and much better than with the advice of one of little experience in this class ot disease. Sent by mail to any part of the country by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton, No. 154 North Seventh st. below Race, Phil adelphia. A liberal discount to the trade. None genuine without the written signature of D. G. Walton, Proprietor. Dr. W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weak ness, &c. is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benufit. The treat ment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. W. ,as above, giving a full history of your case, ;as lhe sun is to-jBe Enc!ose a stamp an( b address Dr, W. as above, giving a full hifito- ry of your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secure what" is certain rA RADICAL CURE, " January 28,' i857. ly. ; ' ' . ! : Winter Arrangements." NEW R. R. IlpUTE. Delaware, Lackawaisiia &. Western KAIL ROAD. New and expeditious broad guae roiHc from (he North and Wist, via Great eno" 50 oU 75 and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming- vallics, directly through to JNow.York and riinadelphia. fV 1 ml C f f iUnnfTni. T.t.it.n-.. 1Q I C.tO 11 uiiu ciiiw luuuuuj j .Juliuuijr IC.Ju, trains will be run as follows: The Night Express Train bound east on N V. & Erie Railnv.d drives at Great Bend ai 4:00 A. AI., and connects with I he E.xprees J rain which leaves Great lieml for New Vork and Philadelphia, at Due at Montrose, - -Tankhunnuck, FacJoryvillc, Scranton, -Stroudsbur;r, - 8:30 9:07 9:50 10:13 11:00 1:38 a. 111. p. m, Delaware.(15 minutes tod me) 2:1U Bridgville, Phi'l'a. passen gers leave, - - ... 2:40 Junction, - -. - - 3:30 New York, - "... 7:10 Philadelphia, - - 8;20- Passengers from'New York, leave Pier No. 2, North Jliver at 7:30, a. m. 6:00 10:55 " 11:45 " 12:00 " 12:47 p. m. 3:35 " 4:27 " 4:48 5:35 " 0:10 " From Phila. leave Walnut st. Wharf at Leave Junction, Due at Bndgevillc, Phila. con nection, - ' -Delaware, 15 min. dinner, Stroudsbunr, - - .. Scranton, Factoryville, - - , : Tunkhanncck -Montrose, -Great Bend, - Connecting at Great Bend with the Dunkirk Express west, at 7:15 " Accommodation Train leaves Scranton fur Great Bend at ' ' 7:20 a. m. Arrive al Great Bend, - - 12:25 p. m. Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on the N. Y. & E. K. 11. Returning, leaves Great Bend,,. 1:25 p. m. Due at Scranton, - - - . 6:10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Diiision, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Trains leaving Scranton at 5:00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 10:20 " Junction at 2:10 p. m. Returning, will leave Junctional 5;00 a. rn. Due at Stroudtibtinr at 8:35 ' 4 Scranton at ' 2:50 p. m. Passengers from New York, will change cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R. leave or take the cars at Brid"eville- For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take L. & B. R. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessun, Archb.ild, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. 1 ickets sold and Bairraje checked through. JUtJiN UKtSUIA, Sup I. Wji. N. Jexks, Gen'l Ticket A-'ent. BUYER'S LIQUID liAill DYE. The testimony of Prof Uooth and Dr" lirinrkle hat ins previously been nubhahhed. the following is.now added From Prof. McCLOSKE.Y, formerly Pro- icssor ol theory and uraCMce of medicine in the Female Medical College of Penn sylvania, and late Professor or' Surgery in the American College of Medicine, &c. J'uladclptua, Nov. ,27th. 15(5. Mr. Joseph . joccr.A. .trial of yom r T " f T T T T f 1 W r -r ... L,neuiu JiAiiv uj i!j will convince the most skeptical, that it is a safe, eletzant and efficacious preparation. Unlike many others. it nas in several instances proved servirea ble in the cure of some cutaneous eruption on mo lib'ao, anu 1 naieuo iiesitaiion in com mending it to ttjose requiring such an appli cation. Vcrv respectfully, J. F. X. AIcCLOSKEY. il. D.. 475 iace St. above. 13lh HOVER'S WHITING INKS; including HOVER'S WRITING FLUID, and 1IO VEIVS INUELLI13LE INItS, still main taiVi eir high character, which' has always disth.iJahcd them, and tho extensive de mand h.st created, has continued uninter rupted unJil ''f present. Orders, aJJressed to the Manufactory. No. 410 Race SWeet aboveAF.OJRTIf, old No. Ml. Pli'ilaQiVhia, will eceive prompt attention hv. JOSEPH E. IIO't'ER, Manufacturer. Dece;nber 21, 1&57, 3ul Qf" A general assortment of Window Shades, Wall Paper, &c, for sale, which will be sold at city rates. (.'all and exam ine. May 7, 1837. lv. 7&r 11 y will you suffer with a bad Cough or Cold, when relief may bo had for 25 cents, by using JToLLiNSUEAD x Djjtkick s compound Syrup of Tar, and Hoariioiiiid. This iliSilbfe8apest and host Cough Mcdicinexxx th e jvor 1 d . For 4fctfi wlW(lipBlo and retail by IIOlfnAD & DETRIOK, Stroudsbucflj.-AiWf Merchants generallv bounty. . er bottle. - ,-', . , 57. trV o V -3 throuhQJliMf " Court Proclamation Whereat the linn. Gkorck It. B,fn:a:TTf President Judge ofthe22d Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the eouiiuies oT Wavi.e, Pike, Monrueand ('jirhon.andlAbra- Iham Levtr:p(i and Michael Il.Drener, J2sqra, I Associate JuiGcs of the Court of Comuioif Pleas of the-Couhty of Monroe, and'by vir tue of their offices, Justices of the Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Jai! delive ry and-Court of General Quarter Sessions in md for the said County of Monroe, have is-siu-d their prcrcpt to me crir.maridinf that a Cou'l of Quarter Sessions of the Peace audfp Common Picas, and Court of Oyer and Tcr- . miner anu Gcnen:! Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, Sr the .-aid County of Monmc to he holden at Sir "burg, on the 22d day of February, to cuntii. week it iiccc-' sary. KOTECE Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Juslicetf of the Pe.icc, and Constables of the said coun ty of Monroe, that they be then and there" ready with their roils, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai ning, and also that those v. ho are bound by recognizances' to prosecute and "iveevidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail tf the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to he then and there . to prosecute or testify as shall be ju.r (God sa ve ihe Commonwealth.) xMELCIIOIR BOiSSERD, Sheriff. ; Sheriffs Office Stroudfcburg, ) February 3, 155S. in Ihe i'eisrl of Common Picas-p Monroe Courrlv. i John T. Bjlcman vs Joseph R. ! Stroud. No. IS, of Mav Term, 1857. Foreign attachment. December 31nt, 157, on motion of Mr. Davis:, Attorney for Plaintiff, the Court grant a rule for the Prothonolarv to assess tne daVn-". ages according to section 1st of Act of 8th of May, 1855. Affidail filed for $80 paid on two notes for defendant, on the 1st of December, 1852, with interest from said date. The defendant is hereby notified of the above rule, and of tiic filing of the affidavit! as above. JOHN EDINGER, Prothonotartj. Strouds-burg, January 14, 1853. Ot. In the Court of Common Pleas of Mo 22 roe County KS;; Ueorge M. btroud vs. Joseph' jaiV "5 r c 1 vt; it. virouu. ii, ui inn v 1 ui 111 ljul . Foreign Attachment. December 31st, 1857, on motion of Win. Davis. Attorney for the plaintiff, the Court granted a rule lor the Prothonotary to assess' the damages according to section 1st of Act of 6lh of May, 1S55. Affidavit filed for two notes of 50 each, with interest on one of them from January V2lh; I953 ad on the other from April 12th,-. 1853. The defendant is hereby notified of the above rule and of the filing of the affidavit "as above. JOHN EDINGER. Vrolhonclaru. atroudsburg, January 11, lb58. 01 Stroudchurg, Oct. 22, 1857.-tf STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. THE subscriber, having purchased and taken the old store stand of George Matf ven, ia Stroudsburg, would say, to the 1. 1: it. . . 1 " : . ' .. . ' ' .v, puuiic, inai ue is iu.-i opening u large assortment of SIOYLS in all their variety. Cooking. r! or, Siiop & K:tr all sizes and kind3, for Wood or Coal. Groceries, In connection with the Stove usinca's the undersigned will keep constantly on. nanu a general assortment o: Groceries,. &c, viz: Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Molasses-', Fish, Salt, Raisins, Spices, &c. Flour and Feed. 'f He will constantly keep Flour. antT Feed and whole grain. . i j Cider Vinegar constantly on hand. JJ The public are respectfully invited to-V.'i examiue for themselves. ,- ROBERT R. DEPUY. . .; Stroudsburg, Nov. 12,1S57. " THE SiGRiT IHtlRMlTlESOF Just Published, Gratis, the 2oth Thousand. A tew words on tho rational Trn.irmrnr Without me.IicillO. of SllPrmntnrrhr.-! nr I .-.Tl U ea.'iiiejs, rvocturiiiil Emissions, Genital aijC. Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Jju Syitem, Impediments to Marriae "cnejUly; by . R. DE LASKymy TllfT mnrfr.nl f.,f tl.ot . 5l!''JlV and solitude ofyoi'th, may be eitmbv"d Without Medicine, is in this siiSjll tracir clearly dcmonFVratcd; and the entijy nev!' and highly successful trpatmentaadopletl by the Author, fully explained, gneapf.' whiih every one is enabled to cuff' 7ifnvjVr" '? 'I it f perfectly and at tne least pofcjisf, there by avoiding all ihe adyjfllwr nastnims of the da.v. Sent to any .address, an P0s free in n scaled envelope, by rojiing two postage stamps to Dr. DEjfEY, 17 LwpenarO, Street, New Vork.lEiVr October 1, 1857.-17 .3 OAP. Fino scented Soaps fit wasl?4 " ing and sluivinfr-r-a'so the c'n$l'ftiY,:t shaving cream, for sa.'e bv ' x Sfroudsliurg,, Januarv 1. I s;i.- ' 3 i '3 V,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers