Ill . .' ' f. id V-'- . - ' " K.?.isrsa 5?y?( ;,ss"s rvss-Teas ,T.r?a-iia s-m-j-- (,vRv;vcss strFinNK5 nvss ;assk-s r-rrs, Mraevs .vrvrfv rysftim i. k mmzm mmm er mmr mrn mmm mugm mm mm ..tji':-, " Scuotcb to Ipolitics, literature, Agriculture, 0ricurc, JHoavliiiJ, anfc (Smurat 2ntclligcntt. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. FEBRUARY 25,1858.. NO. 10 Published.lhV'Th&odo'rc-ckoGh. TE!l-TodoJ!iirsperKH"m:natJrancc Two dollars nnl qiiirrcr half yearly ami 11 not paid So naipcrSfitf wtiiawri until allarreuagesare paid except nt tfifc jW of fho EXhtor. Ai toj i Imo mwts not exceeding one qiare tou lines) tilll fe ift.erte'l three Mcfcks lor one JloUAr. aHH vrcnly-ftv'auiiiiUjftH' rrr Jb(ioqniHttiiteriin. 'l'ho ehHr2g''r1M HtuJ Wh"-c ifiscrtion the snirvc. A lib art! urscouht Rleto arlr mlvertcrs. IIC?AlUHtrs idJr ool t tfce Editor i-iuslbc poM pai g ,. ; ' to execute very descripJuioi J:itIC(is. .eti atafl otTifr- BTSu , rititcd"vfltii-jjtwtaesf aa. lc blcltLm.. . . . -t. 4T TS.E OFFICE 9F f152 52 J & P IP 32 O fS-I A 25 . is needful. " Such shall, be my course ficers who hado adieu to earth on that day. j his pure spirit, aad bore it through the e wrbile I nm from thee, battlin? in defence. Wo can only drop a tear to their memory. ther blue to its home in the far off skies! of onr country's rights. There arc frieudj ; The intrepidity of a Ridgely and of a 'Twaa a solemn sceue--that upon which hn win ho nU tn Miao inf. thn mikI; : iIav. we cannot In'btiv nass over, luov i me oaicer ffazeti to oeooia me torra oi wisbi Farewell, mother!''1 nobly earned their well-bought praise for j the youth, rigid in death, reclining upon And claspinc tier nana', wun a passion- ..eaorts wmcu nave enroueu meir .naiaca . tu giueu swaiu, uvcijr micuweui uusuu ate embrace, he left a scalding tear upon upon the proud list of fame. Aud gallant her cheek. I Taylor wo would uot forget thec. Thy "Farewell, Clara!" murmured he, as he -'name, far above tho rest, stands among caught her to his burning bosom, and j "The few, tho immortal names wbdn met their tearful ,gazc of love, he That were not born to die.5' to the rays of the deep full-moon. His throat was bared, hi3 head thrown back, his, once glossy ringlets bedewed with en sanguined hue. He gazed upon that form beautiful even in death, absorbed in his The round full moon looked down on , ,? and was soon lost to view. He soon Afl) imprinted a kiss udou her ruby lips.- JMCcliongmg lockets witb nor, anu again , nnn a hnstiv i,ean 0f slain cmbraeing her and his mother, and wring-! ... J J e . At . , and was soon lost to view. He soon re- ing the hands of his friend,, he joined his j ''Horse, nder fnend and foe, in one led turD tmt attendant, and a ?t refiiment in waiting, and proceeded to the j t!IU)li If US iJltiVit UUUVI LUC UiilUl;iiC; Ul IUC pier,, there to take the steambort which : All souuds of strife had ended. The ' tree.. Tho "last sad rites" over, with ma- ;sel that lay i oeicning mscrumencs ot ueain uau ucaauu ny a tear on tne uniortunate youtu's : their work of devastation, and tuo eie- grave, he left J fSjjp'j& Afaclicr's bi4dia?, ou Wh t.blth ,ftftt;,Srou.3ildrg, Ph., where Bat we will return to tho mother, she though he were inanimate. An officer who had bidden an adieu perhaps, for-.strolling from the camp, was carefully es jven to the only link that bound her to araining the cold and motionless heaps, lea.-th. Mrs. Gorbetthad been a widow a ; perhaps secKiug to discover a comrade, alL.and examine befare uurchasiug. nnmber of years, burying her husband ; when he came to the tree under which the th dpvnsf.jitinw ravn-s of that fell soldier was reclining. Almost involunta- snaybo-'liafi aU times Sash Doors, pil4s ShiUieri, hi clr wUl besold at a lowest rute. cl.-jaw hx-F'VW ike Carmel (N. V.) Gom-icr. '1?H Iv D ft U ft I M B R BOY . A"cmi?.!sa-jude of BBCca lie. la Palma. GUEENVTOOP COOPJMi. v . " GfiAprjii if ' . ; H tnntlmr ween not for njfi" said a! tomiff maii. eniraf'efi in conversation with j a lady, a they wer(r&&atl, ne fine Au tumnal morning, iu th drewinj-room of a. spseious maiisioa feitunted in one of the fashionable streets ;of the Empire City. Kach was in tear, and n shade of gloom Fcemetl to be sfced over tha whole part- thfrm; rntertain thcai not; for why should ihou Stri-ve to reader life wearisome? At theftffihest, the UpSe of tirae I ara ab FCnt;from thee isiil He hrici. I wi was to conduct them to a vess anchored a mile from the dock : their work of devastation, arid tno ele- rav'e, he left the spot. - Ah! many were the last partings, many ,cients of war had subsided, broken only j "Ah, poor youth!" interjected the sym f.he. last embraces given! And as many , at intervals by the horse bark of the wolf j pathetic officer, wiping tear after tear an eye glanced for the last time at their j as he indulged in his favorite repast, or j frou his battle-stained cheek, "thou art homes as thev disanDeared iu the aiazv I tho cry of the sentinel, "All's well." A j aonc from among us! a friend, a comrade distance, manly breasts heaved, lipa quiv- j wounded soldier had dragged himself un- has departed, and we feel, how deeply, ered,aud blanched chocks were wet with cr the spreading branches of a palmetto J hie loss! Ah, poor youth! thou hast no fears. j tree and lay as calm and inotionles as I bly battled for thy country's weal; IH.tu hast fallen in a good cause; but thou wert too good for earth! thou wert wanted a bove! Transplanted from this n t;T sphere, thy pure spirits rovest o'er plains of balmy delights, and drinketh from the 'River of Life' until thy thirst is satiated! No more will bo heard thy drum notes at muster;' the 'roll' will show an erasure! No more will be heard tby efforts on the battle field, as martial muMc urges on the sons of freedom to strife and to victory. Thy implements are hushed; the hand that was wTant to hold them is pulseless end coldl No mausoleum covers thy loved remains; no funeral requiunt is thine .save the hoarse bark of the prairie wolf, as he sceuts his prey, chanting a dirge o'er thee! But rest securely thou art not forgotten. Thy name is, and shall be kept in remem brance of Reseca do la Palina's bloody field!''' CHAPTER III. Some ibreo years subsequent to the en action of tho abovo detailed scene, a re- eouFWtre. th cholera, in IS36. At that! exclamation ieil Irom nis Hps, as time Charles, the hero of our sketch, was he surveyed tho recumbent one before reveille; a form will bo missed tho yoiuigc.-t of the family, which then bim numbered soma balf-a-dozeu. Butdis-) "Charles Corbett!" ease and dc ath had thinned the household ;' m "Who speaks?" asked the soldier in a aud Chnrles and his mother only remain- faint voice. ed. Nd we woudor that that mother "Tis I, George Washington May," was hduld dread the ngonizins parting? the assuring answer; "know'jou not mcl" Need we urmiic as to tho nature of the ; "Yes Lieutenant," said ho mournfully, conflict; which ivould rage within her bo- j extending bis baud. "I am you see, one I - i . . ii. ... 1.1 .1 lif thn mifnrhni'ifn 7nf. nil fl?nrr3 nrn (oms none out a nioiuei couiu uucpiy " -"'-b" svmnnthisc with her, and t-tnve to heai,Ior lUe ocsl' Follovciug witb h'u eye tbt direct:ou of tho raovemcut h Heored tafc be wan the lacerated heart. Clara Ashtou was as beautiful as an "These are the fortunes of war these, its votaries," said the officer, in a remark who questioned bim with Jltairi. nnl nosscsscd all" those Qualities to the soldier, v nWrb'iTva to ennoble woman-kind. reference to the result of the battle, and o i spoke of the defeat of the opposite nartv mont.- "Harbor ui thought whtcii may B t.hrnhhl. and imnulses. fen- and the silent oecupents of tho battlefield. excite thy tender seu?ibi!iUes; dioaid( " . thn nl- nn "1 am dviuL'!" said tho soldier in a fee- fresh from the "moroy Stat," claimed ble, yet calm tone. their oriin from that source. Should wci I cot better have you removed?" ... iM that two fond .snirits. such as thev. asked the ohicer. who had alwavs been very intimate, should ! ""i useless! I prefer this spot to the return to thee, aad lh ml chap et f ,f easb ofihar a . pfl;aion. njor e ow. bulling carnp." brow of5 mia. ! "-"Well, if vou are better suited bv this 1 hH1 "rJct'T . 'ship' when the very air they breathed j arrangement, 1 suppose I should ac qui- liuills ifl b4ig oa y head, ad thiue eyes shifts hi clods ed Si p"eace. 0, for rayaktjVry up tbtse"iear3 which course tlrelr way Jdown tliy clrcok!. Engendor not i?io?e prcsomiiaeHla which have a 4 eemed cooffenial to them? (ientle read - - - er. be not surprised when we speak of thatYciwose which existed between them, is each was, in ovsry respect, equal to eaob Hb?r;. Tho.passiaiis aud feelings of wuub uty OT3cMtn tears w iti-.i ., . i ,j i, , vi.. v -... j.., - - 'un in those of the other. Thev had been describabl rrwise. . Jjct tav tuwoiiUis rove owj- . . - e u i v . , : ,? , r T rti, :b a actuadions.of the one were fewallowed it- , dcttrt, .ad beat of moth-, - . , , escc; but I cannot see you die thus. It is not riaht." "Hark! Hark!" whUpered the soldier, striving to rise from his recumbency. "Hear you not sweet, seraph etrains issu ing from yon blue heavens the music of angels who are waiting to waft my spirit to the presence of its-Creatorr' but replied not; fell upon the pal- drummer boy, (for s none other.) a tear roiginofe vi TakrmineCaion,'.wheu-i , fak- of that seGlblance fell upon:the green sward near to whero TCr l , PfrkUnrOJn theCrfof holy purity which ever characterizes he-lay, and mingling with a dew drop, cberwtea Ghrai ' am he advanoed.and Jl - J f , g . f glittered in the effulgent rays of the Queen toot; tbo hand ot a darfc-eyed. blooiaxuij r . .nilmirn ofNisht. The feelings of the bravo and cenerous officer were overcome, and he wep er.iohouM .dri tb- p.riiag, Aotntaj; j , , Garlvehi!dhoodI each wore The officer listened, ooulti faave tcm-im l ento.pain, ai .,,-buddiny eighteen, the and as the nWs rajs;oNa-w?U the childish snorb Mid features of the xii c u ,n r j , ootti 5Hir u v ei r- ;iSut. Ijqw mora.. , I , ' ' a ... 0ft..,i,;,.f Charles Corbett wa an iiista nt of time he found himself cn his feot grasDing his trusty rifle ho had instinctively seised it as ho sliped to the ground and looked for nts foe. ne mieht easily oeeaped by runuiug, as the guns of the Indians were empty and they eould uot pretend to compete with him in speed. But Joe was not of that sort. He boas ted that he never lost a battle field with out making his mark, and he was not go ing to begiu now. One of the savages sprang into the path and made at him; but finding his oppo nent prepared for him, he retreated again. Joe knowing there were two of the var mints, looked earnestly about hini for tho other, and soon discovered him be tween two saplings engaged in loading his piece. The trees were scarcely large enough to shield his person, aud in push ihg down the ball he exposed his hips, and Joo, quick us thought drew a bead, turned Lieutenant was lecturing in New fired a struck him in tho exposed Haven, Connecticut, on the subject of Por6- ow mat us nne vras eptj me "The Campaign in Mexico" and when re- biS Indian wuo had at firtt made his a?" luting tho abovo incident, his audience pesrance rushed feeling sure of his prey, were startled by a shriek proceeding from i ad rejoicing in the anticipated possesa a part of the building. A lady deeply 100 of -Joe's seaP- was cot going to dressed in the sable weeds of mourning, loosc tliC natural cdvenng ox hts head, whom sorrow had caused to assume the , however without a struggle, ana stood form of decrepitude, had recocnized. in : calIHiJ availing ine savage wun ms n - m o A Fist Fight with, Indiana; AN OLD-TIMK A&TiSNTUlUfi. ' Joe Logston was one c-f that elaas of frI5g to dfeeujragf bt kbifc, mheh was half horse, half alligator Keutuckuus, j m h belt, the handle of which was short that could to use hia worth "out ran, , tll8t ttftd slipped down bevoni reach out hop, outjuasp, throw 'down, drag oat' aBi he waa working it up by preying cu aad whip any man in the country." the point. Jo watched tbe nOT.tuent Joe was a powerful fellow of six feet; with deep rnteret, and when be had three in his stockings, and proportionally f worked it up arifl&eicul for hw r?e stout and muscular, with a haadsoiae, j aei ftnd with etrt potrrrfnl blow good natured faoo and a fist like a sledge r0 ifc t0 lm hl the Indian's heart, hammer. Fear was a word he knew not j ad he lay quivariog ja the agonies of tho meaning of, and to fight was his pas- : eath. time, particularly if his scalp was the Springing to hi feet Joe Bo.wbetbou-ht prizo he fought for. On one ocea5ionhe ! of he other red-ekin; and looked a was mounted on his own favorite pony, : r?uml to diaeorer hr. He Hntt !sy with (Joe owned two or three others which ; s he broken, by Joe's, b-all, where ho had "run" from the Indians,) which was ' had fallen; and having his piece loaded, leisurely picking his way along the trail, : he was trying to raise himself upright to with his head down and half aslcep,whi!e , fin it but every time he brought it to bis rider was enjoying a feast on some his right shoulder he would tumble for wild grapes which he had picked as he i v !ind aSl rentfW hia struggle. came along. Neither dreamed of any concluding mat bo bad enough hghtmg danger until the crack of two rifles ou ei- for exercise, and knowing that th,e woun- ther side of th& path, killed one and woun-1 c,eil Indian could not make his escape, ded the other. One ball struck Joe, pas- 00c tooK "5S waJ to tbe tort. sing through the paps of the breast gra- Aitbougb ne presented a Irftiy awfil 2 lot' the skin bone but without doing ma- I M8nfc "oec Be raacnoa mere nts efotties terial damage. The otherpassing through DeiQg tora ucany oir irom bi per- his horse, just behind the saddle aud in 1 &ou KUU covereu wiui nooa ana Girt fie clubbed and his feet braced for a pow erful blow. Perceiving this, his foe hal ted within ten paces, and with all the vongeful force of a vigorous arm threw his tomabiwk full at Joe's face. With from his head to his feet yet his story was scarcely believed by many of his comrades, who thought it was one of Joe's big stories. "Go and satisfy your selves," said be; aud a party ttartfd for the battle ground whero their supposi tions wero confirmed, as there was no In dians to be fouud, and no evidence of them except Joe's r!er ti horse in the path. On looking carefully about, however, thoy discovered tho bod y of the big Indi an buried under the leaves by the side of a stump, and followiug on th?y fouud the corpse of the second, with his own knife thrust into his own heart and his hand still grasping it to show that be came to his death by his own hand. Nowhere could they discover however tbe knife with which Joe killed the bir Indian. They found it at last thrust into tho ground; where it had been foreed by the heel of his wounded companion, who must have suffered the most intense ago ny while thus endeavoring to hide all tra ces of the white man's victory. tho account given by the speaker, the death scene of the drummer-boy. Need tho reader be told that it was other than Mrs. Corbett? She was on a visit at her fptnnflc in ('iof. fiv frnm Mflw Vnrlr. hpv native place. Bereft of friends, kindred the rapidity of li?btmngit whirled through and all, .he cared uot to exist, and looked the air, but Joe equally quicK in bis forward to the time of her departure from movements dodged it, suffering a slight eartjJ cut on his left shoulder as it passed and Tho officer nobly oxeouted the last wish then dashed in. The Indian darted into nfHhnrlns Corbett. bearimr the heart-ren- the bushes and successfully doaged the ., i f kind Why should we cease to admire maiden, who was alo,oenaut of the i .!' ,t 1 ' !- I I r the craving of thai earnest heart, when,; aparlmeut. "Be Jioxs, wyfle I toper-.." . - -x. .1 i t -t tr i jhust as the was expanding n juit it, the lcn-pnt agony i f-uffor.ivuld j.J , - f . t - x , r i. - t Ibloomtu" beauties of womanL gush forth in ftrcams of unrestriniug . . , , f gus tears. But thy would J 11 v suffice to re ve.ahthc true elate oltay fcelicgs. ito all the nbood; when ! each passing wind seemed fraught with Here," again resumed he, "may I ask of you a boon? Here is a Bible, the i - - - .. - ... rt'jiji'r. nil xi'ii ... .1 . a. fliiriinw oitr, ox mv mnr nor. ninu naa cv- . .... M r sucr r-1 t ij L. iiiu ivfj i ' -, T There repose th An,r i,,tfiiiionnP. And breakintr the sad' i blow made at his bead by the now en news to the distracted mother, and j rased hunter, who becoming mad with the no less discomforted Clara, upon his ! rage at the failure of his successive ef reiurn ! forts, gathered all his strength for a final But what of Clara Ashton? asks tho j Wow. which the cunning savage dodged reader. Go seek in Greenwood Cemetery, as oeiore, auo tne naa wuiou U) i ui se the remains of hor uho lov-' ! as reduced to a simple Darrei, strueK a near, i, aimoa srcsai WfB o: . coud of from have becn dc.15ghted leaving mee anu wr motnen ; . , . mnthfr n-hpn f . . . . ., Iniirsiunsi its undevia'inf course: wiiViIUJ moiutr, wulu Amil tna jourg span brushed a sceiu-ir . , - , , tho inulpition J ... fe, ... lahftiilil we cca.e to admire her noblencsa, tuc lnwUieaiiou mg tear irom ttis deep oikc eve. i v ' - t , ;,,. hppn'mv nrnfst c I . . - 4 rlwan.narlin Jroui one whoJe verv image , Pt-u my e.irncaii luarhe:" tititerafl t-t!Mir rnaiaco, - - ..i' unt fk tn.riU nfhr even now as a lamp the pcatly tear. g1istUi z through her'- lo(ug eve-IuMios. ' Charlie, I cannot realize ueaJ,- sundering of which slud that its light is to my wearry'feet m ,( ! threatening to rend the very heart-strings j '"iand cause them to' bloed anew, rendering! that iJti art so scon to go from us. .. ,i t. 7 j : uT -.- t ?l i -n vr? Vj every pa sation oiliiculu v . .( nf son fa a i! suinn. Would It ... were only, a dreJ! for then would I be iiajmj! 0 Charlie! my brain almost reels vhVnI allow mTBclf to think of the wortt m perusing it. Ieil , , r , . ,, J , , . e i next you see her, that ! "V: X " , of its blessed precepts have A Secret' Worth Knowing. I tried rather a curious euxeriment ;(!lo l.nionJnfT -o ahull xnpnt with a few potatoes last season, dome no more on earth; iu heaven we shall ncv- 1 12 mouths since I saw a letter from a far er be separated! "Here too," continued . mer stating the great success that bad at- 'v". i . . x'.-. r .r r vo " a t.h imnnn n hr whn will wnnn pik ei an experiment iuo writer uau it is liunossiDie to picture mt: tzi wi ... ..Q ..... r. --- Ti t.t .,i ft,, f ' ii..." aoMt.lpi when she hears of my untimely death I made in tho previous season. It consists ! Clara when they sadly realized that: I havo worn it next my heart, and even j in inserting a pea in each potato set, and I m i.. j..r-.,i. ii,i hie fnnf iions ! now am loth at partioir with it. In it is . plantinc'tho potato in the usual way. Ut-r cannot, would not restrain thee. G-o' ld nQ UJOro ge hcanJ ec10in through- a lock of my hair, twined with hers, which The result, ho stated was a large yield of rfnd !be blessing of one itbal loves you Mi0 ..; the m3ni0n nor his handsome, beam- I put in ere I received the wound which peas and splendid crop of potatoes; but fe1 your . ; . C0lintcninco greet their gaze until clotted these glossy ringlets with" gore and the most impoitant result was the entire And sba r.esll Jrad, upon the man. effacej"tj,e memory of many a i destroyed their silkue'ss. She will bitterr freedom of the potatoes bo treated from lj itoAom of .tlw--iutb -betHe her. J f T p & fc : 0bllon deeds of! ly bemoan my fate when she realizes that i any disease, while all those planted in the "Mysou," 8pok the-aiother, Ibooglij j fortjtude and darin and acts of I my bones rest within the sound of the usual way m the same Held extremely de- . . . . . Ttr ' .... I I - i i' i I . I . . r ' .1 j. . . tnvirtfnr.lll f wnu .11 riv I, 11 iiti r I! 'Ill nitv. u'e.rusuiu ivuiors 01 tuu iwu u.uuuu. oiu u-iuin. - j to her, that next to tho mother who bore ou .a small scale in my own garden tins , I love her beyond all this world can ! season. I planted not quite half a peck. the tfffert seemed painful, "thou canst uot .suffer hiore than 1. Tkou' canst not real ize the' emotions whfch must! naturally' a iriin the, breast of a ttuother, when her lasLftV", the only sjirvivinione. is about to. deavc the maternal roof perhaps, for evxjrH Aye, call thcerSynaptoias premon- itotjij-of whtcb I spaak oall them aug atrocious ud fiend like malignity cannot portray 'grief of so piercing a n " .v - ! i " . .1 ft.':.' turo J reflections which time may CHAPTER II. , BESECA 37E' LA PALM A. bit'fn.r me. 1 l.o ve her bevond oil this world can flections which time may obliterate afford-aye, even beyond conception j only fifty sets m sis ranks, cutting a -,.v , -ii v t . i r i caoiucrvviw ycacrn ior aer iooiiza dov. &y iuvs w f14 -"t r JbistToor. amPcHag to bim as doth the rvy to tbe ; survived tuc tcrrtnie coiiuiui, m auSu.u- . J?rjend. giant oak. 'Tis true, thy country calls ry struggle; ana tne Atouneuu aiuiy bide b? mv thee, and it is but right that thou sbould'st, preparing to bivouac on tbe battle ueiu oi , ,M j. lUfrhtl The evening of the Oth of alay,. t!ie meraory 0f him whose every thought . i . f i J l i . i tn rrt ?nniAn . '-i. . ' . 1 - - . . ypumay nut tne ueurt- oi a devoted , roiieu arouau-au ecus "w , was of her. But I am ffrowm teeble. i kA. trim- norripin' imii i f l titiii's - ' . . trail tenement cannot long ex- I am going!, Will you a- instructions?" fiouly," answered Licuten- accept; but tbere is an inducement; tost : . nfc sboulst wean thy Owughts from milita- 'short hours before, had been a comming- fcr ; to tai:e breiitb, (for he - 1: t : rv.i ii.! mass of Hvimr inhabitants now pre- . . r lt ? i.- m.ii.' ji .uuiisuiis. r am growing ujuiv icutnu o . . - iwus uviuvuuy iuuiug,y uuarics agaiu re- every day. The oooflictins oveute thro'.sentiilg a scene of the horrors ot a con.-.j. hieh I have parsed; ihe death-of a dear! test in which brothers by nature perish by , Bu ana : devoted lruslmod, Ibeiose of an af-; each -other s "anQf; ymhiM paetto when l am cone! Tho fAXStihnio. rtf ne)v :hMWrcn. and It IS neeuieab now, tby, sudden nigh .caused my those to whom I cj i.Mn ifiuences. And when the mornins sun fielj' shall, arise iu all bis resplendent maguih and that her name was among tho last u- ! piece out of each, and putting a pea firm- ly in. Tbe peas grow up and nouriaueu well, and last weok I dug the potatoes. i of our affection, and may she ever lovd departure, have ,wbl noquane w. f f", , woaviDg brflDebeS, will make sweet music relief from earth and tcu iu ui uuj --f-o - 0 lulling to repose unearthly murmurs, and ing. But 1 am wW'jng arts diHpiayea y iu. ""rirr: ,mv ravo will be fanned byits gentle in- in-thee. Follow thj inclinations; feme ucaris oi yuom -- . ?' . . . uf vva nn 'tint, dfiserinc tbe istbcfore tbec a n awaits iu y approacu; ',.7 A :tc,, huttU ili. i v.i ;u 4t.rt du.s.oDemndi' of the eventful battle Thev were nerfecly free from the slight est faint of ppeek of disoase, and very fine and large; while the same bed close to them was another lot plauted in the old style, nearly half of which was rotten. I leave your own readers to draw their own conclusion. Lettqiu tho Gazette. Agriouliural 3 . . e t .i.-j e .t uv.,i,ir1ir.iniT nf thfi eouroseous troops, ier ' nightly onson preatuea ior toy . T7J ' ' a. ..,.:c nZn. Smc will .flow p to the throne of nim tsjullfui mnpouvrea, t weua.t wii-u t u w f.u,-Mi. ths onset and. the i' nusoanti to mityM? w iuyi.i, , t . .. . f the bpJUgerant parties cur w - - i who hath prorated to 'be a yes, mother," said the" on, in an as-nds o u -'-o - t ioflll surinz idJcV will be thy stall and- P"6 - .-'V.;;: ,nlleV; the visitants Ml swtcnt a'nd watch o'er r.y revu. , - - - , Ho-D9inted his finger tolieavon.- V:j --.l f ornairs ot t bo wounoeu anu riiisw.-.-r) . : ., ., . ' .. u:. . Tder i to XIW liOU a 11 U "UlUW. T" h r, . , -:- i hritrltr fiIlllie-WU3 IlliiVIUir- uuuii tiiauzw ,i ;n t T . J ' " 1I cnrvinfT tn rntldfir 1110 SGtlUU 'b . . ' . I i e. and then continued in .91 -V .7 ... . -.i 'jiftfc'tirrbs: ashe'rnntarousiy. wtnsparea; .... ..rK frtr ijmiimnmvm. wiiu. a" -i . . .: t. ., .-, t; t. .: . t,n;Pnr,Tho. small me- v'ryy . .-r;"; ? r , . 0 t0 TOiQ theim- momct: utararrtri.j.iia. .1 4.. M mnii. iiiiv 1. iiiuiii iui v . . . i . y.i. ."I ii r ; ' r& 1 f . . . i:'tn i 11 uii cence, bis golden beams will gilu- my grave, and all will be joyfuL . . . "All your .wishes Jshall bo complied .ui. . . Mnsxv. This well known scent is im portedifrom China, .Bengal and Russia, It has a bitterish and somewhat acid taste and in color resembles dried blood. The scent is obtained from the musk dcer.atid possesses, a most penetrating and diflWvo odor, rather agreeable when feeble, but when concentrated is decidedly offensive; so diffusive is its power that a few grains will scent a room lor years,' and it never seemstofadp in.slreugtb.,, Touquip musk ia the most esteemed... .Pod musk is tbe comfort, and .v .thee. JL-jLe. wU He paused awl -thb Jipie tope,.o,f incnto tbougaynft.nse.yesjeruuy gw a . 'yv - - , nr)0ri th5 Inerilon- natural bntr containing tho musk, and each T Lrtnr ihpm-nirnin. mrvrn ,15a- : One WOlffhS UbOUt SIX UracnmS UftMUg ID - ...... !--,-'.. , ......1. and thoy are approaching; winged . qacb about eigiit scrupies ot pure uuisu,. oMhe celestial-sphere!" " gqperany y- uuu. ,. nUt.JUtO U.lJUIJUtuilUlW it I U UilSllJ wi:i.vv..jt- tbe microscope or py anniy&n. . .tatd . that 'there arottftu iraas aft apo.Ps printcidju German lapgHJi And tbe zephrys of Heaven caught np m America as there arc in lTenuiny. tiee and fiew out of- Joe's band at least ten feet iu the bushes. The Indian sprang to bis feet and con fronted him. Both, empty handed, they stood for a taoiuem, for tho blood was flowing freely from the wound in Joe's breast, and the other thinking him more seriously, wounded than he really was, and thinking to take advantage of his weakness, closed with him intending to throw hiai: in this however he had reck oned without his host for in less time thau it takes to recount it ho found him self at full length on his back with Joo on top. Slipping from under him with the agility of an eel, they were both on their fee.', again and again closed. This this time the save was more wary, but tho same result followed, and he was a gain beneath his oppouent. But having the advantage of Joo in being naked to the breach clout,' and oiled from head to foot', he could slip from out the grasp of the hunter and resume, his perpendicular. Six different tiroes was he thrown with j tbe ,sunc cilect, but v ictory, nettle jade, RAther a Salty Lake. TWis a scemod disposed to perch upon the ban-1 jaj.e irj m;fe3 between" Corpus ner'of neither of the combatants. By this Chriti aud Braaos Satrtiago, so salt that timcthcy.intheirstruggleaud contortions, . a gkjff carjnot prjBMC but "about 40 miles returned .to.thc open path, and Joe con- j from th.e ,attor piacc bevt: of largo eluded to absnge hia taetic3. He a,bc" ; solidined.cakw extentfiug olear aqr& the coming sensibly weaker from tne lb.3 of pass,,,e-?o say? tbe writer in "ThaPIa blood, wbilo on tiro other htaud, the sav- i qU8rQes ?enttueJ,,, wlio havKitcd it. age secradd to loose none of His strength pie saij,e writer adds that on tbe side of from the many falls he had had. Closing the .j,,, ejpstilized salt i to be agrfii) in a elc-e hug, tbey fell as before; ge?n pej Up f btee? one upon anoth- but this time, iuftai oi endeavoring tu eivaad &hiuvng ib theiua like -ir.zar s. A Fortirao Chasing a pretty Girl by Tel egraph. Some two weeks ago there arrived in our city a beautiful young widows- of twen-t3'-five a Hungarian by birth on her wa to 2ew Orleans, en route to Havana, where she intended to engago iu her pro fession ss a female physician. She was alone aa exile froai flun'rr, where her hubaad bad lived end died a pstri ot. FeeKng aow that the "fartherlawd,' in its subjugated couditton, had little left to promise for her future, he was with a truo woman's heroie resolution, betook herself to travel in search of a new and and a mora gonial home iu a n oilier hem isphere. Reaching New York, hhe took the inland route to New Orleans, making Louisville a poiut. After tarrying a day here, she continued hr journey, and, on one of tbe good p'ackct -.learners, reached New Orleans a few day ago. On Friday last, an ageut from tho house of Rothschilds, the great Banker", also reached our city in chac of the beautiful, young, self reliant widow, who is intent upon hor journey to Havana. He has been dispatched from Europe to seek out the wanderer aud bear to her tha ''glad tidings" that she has recently eoaie into immense possessions at home, and to in vite her trip. By the aid of tho tele graph he learned that she had arrived safely in New Orleans, and was stopping at the celebrated St. Louis" Hotel. A sec ond despatch urgiu- her to wait bis arri val was forwarded, and ou he hastened to bear to her the iuformatiou that she has a fortune of 511,000,000 at home a waiting her. disposal. TbisoU.i?d of for tune trying to escape the wealth, bhe all uneonsciousiy. possessed, nod how it has chased her to the New World and by tbe aid of faithful agents, quick travel, and telegraphic wires, she- at bJngtb lea rnsr the etory o her - wealth ! IrouisviUe' iteao crst. " keop his antagonist dftw.n, Joespraog at . once to his fob agfiffn.rfuVas the lndiatlij is m-DgnvofM wi fiMious.-The National lntdliJiccT eaine op dealt him klo'JJ ctf,r8 .udoV1o-f -fa'eHhat in Pf am- betwoen tho eyes which W f llf urgi whurb -an exclusive- metals ou'rren. an ox, at. the same uaio fallltfgi! JH tQ hts might upon the body. .- Vilv, have been as-great-as in couutrUs uhere This wi repetitod every I 5$!- emulated 3 aner eurrcuev.' and and. tall with . Jarful effeet up haAnm, lhcre vre not so his body as well m'Iub moo, for Joft w,, Woaswl -Wth a pi. thora of specie as no light weight, and at every cw;djn0djin m ,bat m b, &Tftfebea fall he eauia up weaker and seemed di,. ? -fc j qlhcr poscdo .tffcr&tfi this hjs foe decidedly .objected to aud dealt his blows more rap, P "M rj"TOr idlv. until the savatea'' lay apparently int ' mm . . c.h. Wa at. his fcctl. Filing, qn.on him . Affiennea?ee paper records the inaitu t he crasped the -Sn's tln-oiit'with a faqTu, grip. Ijkjaviste intending to gtr8ngl?h1rof. Tfeboaffolind however, that the savage waiy'O.pos'uni, and that some taoye pjaopt jvasgoiug f rwidn ,fh;o purpvirt of which he bouM uot imrucdiately guess.-- Good-.-j ingrci and sutfSg point fka, uovi-1 beverage, Tfl'Re's-hapo nianufaotu-red fmiu tomaffiosl ItenKpre th m rc noQr. pronounce it exo.-ilf.nt. . It of jhe toujato :i I l.'s ipano in L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers