t i t ' I A" • • CZ n 13 "THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME, NEWS. remote leaving the city for the summer; 104 wishing to have the GAfxrts seat' to them, will please seed their addreasee to the office. Price_ by men, 75 toots per comb. Depots Mayor Iltehota iii two.. war rants Terterdar- a big d!iyv bu.inrg' Venter:lay the enaliiinationo of •iinlicants for adirdirlontosfse High school yFlmndar¢hlel end toilet ore, ~ nate. IE7 ~,,, day I Anil; warm. Very WILLI. decidedly warm {perfectly ryt/O t.OlO VOL 60. AS It yott were ct unaware of the fact. liintantay Justice Hill. of Mansfield. rotn- I:ratted to jail for trial Hem,' Plotnmer. fur striking Caleb Johnston In tha eye with his Eat. Just Receives).—A lineldt of Peeler statutes and a line collection of vases of choice designs at D. W. Roans' Department Store. 51)..ylfth avenue. Wm. Lanahrey yetteraly gave ball before Alderman McMasten for a hearths for - first . choking and then atrlklug Kate McManus, or Church alley. Meer Herr, nf.Deputy !layer Nichols force. Sunday afternoon arrested John Snyder for druukeuness sod disorderly conduct 01:1 Butler street. He paid a flue auri,sras discharged after becondrig sober. _ A little son of Mr. T, T 51(ykr, of Rebecca etreet. Allegheny, ton from a shade tree In front of .tho-OeuSe yesterday morning and had his arm fractured. The breaking of a limb wall the cause of the accident. 'Kate Donovan made Information before Alderman Butler yesterdar charging her husband, Timmoor Donovan, with deacesion. 'upon which a warrant W. Issued. The par ties hall from the Fifth ward. Renters ilea Cosopleted.—Mr. It. It. nay. As tester of the Third ward. Allegheor, Pah coot pitted the registration of voters Inthat ward Ile found one hundred and teventy negroe who will have a vote at the neat election. Catoctin. O'Brien will have a hearing. o Thutsday evening. before I)eputy Mayor N'lch oh. on a charge of larceny by bailee—the all , 'ration being that be had attempted to client M.P. M. P. McLaughlin out of a board bill amount lag to $.16 43. wno cherged before Alder= McMasters ysrda with false reten . obtaining 02 e frote y m William liollan p d, 1,5 ce I renting. himself the owner of land In Fre don, Beaver county, when such prayed n. to be the case. Wamnt issue& Moreland yesterday had itcase before MM. wherein Christiana rreal charged a nelglibor, John Haler. with whited:lg. her ion—a delicate youth six years old. The ma gistrate succeeded In having the parties com promise matters and return In peace. Mayor Callow. of Allegheny. was thrown out-of a buggy. by the breaking of a wheel. -yesterday afternoon, on Fifth avenue. above Smithfield street. His ankle was holly svrained. Drs. Miller and McCook attended him, when be was removed to his home in Allegheny. The attention of readers in West Newton is sailed to the fact that E.Patterson has opened a first class News Depot. where the GA72712 and all late periodicals can be had. end to ad dition he has a Soda Fountain where all the - finest fruit syrups eon be had on draught. Give him a colt. tlerman In the Nehools.-I,a,d night anothe meeting was held at Turner Hall In relatio to the introduction of the study of German a our public schools. att en dance . After s and there was a full OO dlscuaslon re olutions similisr in Import t what has already been - published, wee. passed, when the meeting adjourned. • Blues by a RaltleMake.-The Forest Prow says: Chas. Ileverly.aged abOut hl, u - bo mides nu Sandy, near the old Slab Furnace. was bit ten on the wrist by a copperhead make. while drinking out of .spring at Cochism elats.'two miles below Franklin, where he was employed at a well. and died about six hours thereafter. Four snakes were discovered and killed. - Maria Caldwell made n Charge of assault and battery yesterday, before Alderman Mc wut.,ea, against Joseph Weiss, who keeps n tavern under the Academy of Musk- She af leßes her brother was In. the tavern; and she being afraid he would get Intoxicated, went down to get hlm Crut,--Wben Well Vt./- lentil Jerked her outs Warrant Issued. s Big Thing.—The Oil City, Timm announces that the contract for are works for the even ing of July 4th, In Oil City has been awarded to a Baltimore company. One car load will arrive next Saturday morning, and an agent of the manufactory will take charge of the display. It will be the e rn spy of the kind ever witnessed in West Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh notszcepted. . • The Festival Inst . night at' the :oath CoM mon M. E. Church ofAllegheny' Oil - was a de cided races.. The tables were all Well pat ronized. and everybody was delighted with the admirable arrangements for the accom modation of the people. The Festival will be contlnuedto-night and to-morrowulght. One ,of the chief attractions Is, the ton °tale. We advise our readers to attend. . A. J. Bard alleges that Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Audis received a brass clock fro e m him tor cekl gitaan a gt r itit iug Tga pa p y for " they paid the fleet week's imtailment—V--but sold tbe-clock and departed, forgetting epay him the balance—P. to A charge of lar ny by bailee was sworn . and a warrant Issued by Alderman Mcbtmters yesterday.. A brute to human { shape yesterday excited' Of Boccignao of edestrians .at the corner Of street and Third arenue by his cruel and heartiess beating of a stalled horse at tached too cart overloaded with coal. -With a heavy stiea he belabored the poor animal about the knees of the forelegs and over the b. Such en are mockeries to . an ead d It is pity that they coon[ be adeqmstreiY punished for their heartless cruelty. Fourersth of July Elto.loll.—He Is a fortu nat p who bemires an Invitation tor four e on th of July' esmasion of that most elegant e ant of genial organizations, the 311nrichaha Club on board the first clam atuainerChtnella down the Ohio to Steubenville and return. limos and string bands will accompany' the excer sionista and sumptuous meals will be served on the boat. The Committee will leave noth lug undone to secure the pleasure of the ea cureionista. the Chapel coneers.—This evening the Qulutette Club will Ore their first concert in the Chapel of the 1 amnia College. Hancock street, to which we direct public attentlm. The club consists of Miss K. Brewster. McCandless, Mrs. Geo. W. Lazear, alto; Dr..l. Guy McCandless, tcnor; Harry Horner. bass; and G. M. Alezander, baritone. Only sufficient number of tickets to All the chapel will be sold. Those wishing to enjoy a feast In musk should attend. - The Philadelphia (neurone., Reporter .Y. Policies of thedefunct "Protection Hsu, ance Company" are sail in existence in the West. We were shown one of this character lately, under which a loss . had occurred of some two thousand dollars. We are informed that In the vicinity of Pittsburgh anu in Western Pennsylvania. many of the worthless contracts of this swindle are still in force, the assured note being aware that the com .pany has failed. We observe notices in some of the Philadel phia papers that a former townsman and State Senator froth this county, Dr. E. D. Gazzam, is booked fora lecture to be deliv ered this week at Atlantic City. on "The Dates of Commerce." In which be is to show that the improvement and commercial growth of Philadelphia have been hindered by bad men and corrupt officials. and how it may again become the chief city of America. The Doctor has Ideas, language and untiring ener gy. and it Is difficult to ;say what such a man - cannot show? The Doctor is also the reform candidate forthe Legislature In the Fifteenth District of Philadelphissounty. Itanakerebiers, Hosiery. Beth'TlM Playing Cards, (Mines, Envelopes, Writing paper. Brown Windsor Soap ft cakes) Fans, Combs. Buttons, Tooth finishes sad hundreds of other articles for the small sum of ten cents at D. W.'Evan.i Department Store.s9 Fifth avenue. Another Fire—Dwelling flonsenDestroymt. Last Saturday night two dwelling houses on he Butchers Run Plank Road were destroyed by Ore.' They belonged to Mr. John Hoedie, a butcher, and, were occupied as tenements. The families succeeded In saving a portion of their /roods. The Ore was from a defective gee, and es the buildings were Sr.= they were quickly consumed: The lose nmounted to about 1/200 which was fully covered by insurance. The Camp Meeting• . We learn that it has. been decided to have the Tarentum C.rop Meeting comment" on Friday. August lath. The Committee to meet Jot holders and those wanting tenting ground will assemble on the camp ground. on Mon day. July 2.3 th. The spiritual affairs of the camp meeting will be In the hands of the Item. Illekman. A. Leonard and W. J.St.ert, together with the President and Secretary of the Baird of Trustees. By calling . upon Jos. 11. obbs, Twelfth ward. any one wishing to do wo can Obtain a lot mm a tent previous to the meeting of the Committee. rat Maw Work. - - • . Yesterday quite a little scene occurred at the new city betiding amongthe workmen. A very flue stone to t the cornice got badly chip red In some way, and F practical stonecutter posing by observed the mechanics cementing the big pieces that were knocked off, to their places with sand and eggs paste. He remon strated, as' was his elgb as a taxpayer. against the imposition. and summoning the builders he demonstrated • that the stone wouldn't s hr bursting the piece off with his open b led. du not know whose busi ness it is to Inspect these stones. but certainly Mcli:lntrilrm'lrsltTlV4Oubee.M.c cost ' Cool Beverages- that de sot Meat the Itleml. Igothlng Is mote delightful than a cool and r e ,freshlrne glass of-cold sparkling soda water. such for Instance as somes gushingly forth from the pure marble fountains In Messrs. las E. Burns 8; Co.'s popular and first clap drug store, corner Sixth and Penn streets. 'ts horns mates • leading specialty In min eral waters. and aside from the delicious and cooling soda waters. With the Tulsa malts and the new MXIBIIOBII arm) =tans, the finest sear introduced bere,ffisenEes, Con gress, Vichy and Blue Lick waters are aware on draught or in packagps of bulk bottles Readers wasting lust the thing in the way of mineral waters, Pure. freak and sparkling. on dllWht or ln packages forborne use, should by MI means favor Messrs. BUM 4k Co. with a CITY COENCILS. Regular IwObIJ and Bo Connannina wlines. • A regular meeting of the Felect and Com mon Connell of the city of Pittsburgh was held yviterday l Monday), June Y,th. WM at 2 .i clack r. 31. I= Members present: Messrs..Ahlborn, Aiken, Bissell. Brown. IhargWlll, Coma. Devlin. Ed wards, Gallaher, Glenn. Gross, Hartman. Her roti. Junes Isaac. I,lddell, Llttell. Lloyd, Moe tow, Murdoch. .Murray. MeEwen, McMahon, Rush. Schmidt, Seollxx Shipton, Thompson, Wainwright, S.J., White, and President Mc- Aut'. • The ',dimes of the preceeding meeting were rend and approved. On motion of Mr. Gross it was resolved to take up unfinished business. A number of petitions, etc., from Common Council were taken up and the action bot that body concurred in. A number of petitions read and accepted in C. C. wenytnken up and the action of that body concuiked A numbered petitions presented In C. C. at a previous meeting, and referred to Gas Coin mittee, were rend and action of C. C. concur red In. Several petitions for water pipe presented In C. C. at a previous meeting were read - and the action of C. C. coucnrred la. An ordinance authorizing a sewer in Third s trect,•froin Pennsylvania avenue to the Alle gheny river, presented In C. C. at a merlons meeting, wax taken up. Mr. Phillips moved Its adoption. • Mr. Itecse objected. Mr. Thompson moved to lay the ordinance on the table. Lost.. Mr. Liddell moved to lay the matter over - for one month. Lost. The question recurred on the suspension of the rules for Ll:tonna! passage of the ordinance. and Mr. Coffin called for the yeas and nays with the following ming: ayes :it, nays 11. It requiring three-fourths of the members pres ent to suspend the rules the motion was lost. The Chairman decided that the ordinance having beenon the table eta previous meet ing that it was not necessary to suspend the rulesund the ordinance passed 'Snails . . Mr. Ilurgiviii moves that the work on the abbrc sewer be done if practicable under ,vctfon of the city Attorney so as to postpone theussessment until after the ant of April next. No action. • • The chairman after referring to the rules. reversed,his ruling and sold that under th rule the ordinance would lay over until next The ordinance for the extension of Fifth a, nue presented to Common Connell at a pre ious meeting Was read and action of Common nodi coocurred in. • • .. • • • . A number of otherpnoers acted upon in C. C. at a previous meeting were read and as - t lon of C.C. concurred in. NEw 111.15INGW. • Mr. E. P. Jones presented a petition from sundry citizen*. asking that a license be Im posed on foreign agents and "sample sellers." Referred to the Ordinance Committee. - 3lr. 'McMahon presented an ordinance ap pointing viewers on Main street. Read three times and passed finally. Mr. Collin, a petition for an iron clad. Ite fened to the tommittee on Wooden Build ings. . me. morrow, petition fJr the grading of Sturges stmt. Referred to street Committee. Also a petition from Messrs. Stien Bros. for ptivilege to erect an iron clad. Referred to Committee on Wooden building, Mr. Scully. remonstrance against paving Reed street. Referred to the Street commit- Also a resolution requesng the passage of a resolution to prevent th e driving of cattle on Fifth avenue. Referred to . the Committee on Ordinances. Mr. House. a remonstrance against the pay ing of Try street. Referred to the Street committee. Mr. Lloyd presented from F. Slataper. civil engineer. resigning his position on the Water Commission . accompaming which was a reso lution receiving the communication anti re questlug Mr.Slataper to reconsider the mat ter. Adopted unanimously. _ Mr. MeEwen. an ordinance providing uever Inn of Miller street. • Read and laid ever under the rules. Alto. petition for water on Arnett _ street. Referred to Water Committee. .Mr. Slagle. City Attorney, a report of assess ments agninst the city for Op.ing certain streets. accompanying which WaS S. 1,4.0111- lion nutborizing the payment of thentne. .Adopted. . Mr. Schmidt a petition of John Van Itynd for privilege to erect n Jackson frame build ing. Referred to Committee on Wooden Luddings. The c r. a resolution authorizing the pay ment of SIM bills. Adopted. Mr. Schml petition for:the repairing of Mill street. It ..ferred to the Survey Commit- PC. • Mr. Lloid, report of the Water Committee for the month of Mar. Accepted. Also a communicailon from S. Malt - eine & to.. :taking Wby an approtniation cannot be made for the payment of. the Liberty town ship specialldebt and the other for the agree ment of Lairrencerille paying ten. _Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. iturgwin. a :evolution requesting the ity Solicitor to give a written opinion •rhetber or not the cit y y turnpike road In the city limits which the city has failed to pur chase and make free as Is provided by the 7th section of the act of April 6. lad:. known as the consolidation act- Adopted. Mr. Gallaher. a resolution Instructing the Ordinance Comm:Mee to prepare an act to be presented to the nest Legislature. making it Illegal for non-residents to collect from ten. musts the assessments for street Improve meets. Lost. • (OmMOC COUNCIL ants LOS. An ordinance vacating a portion of North street, passed in C. C. at a previous meeting. was referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance for the grading of Reed street. passed in Ci C. at a Previous meeting. was laid V ver under tha rules. The ordinance granting bertain privileges to the Pitt/burst and frirrningtram Paasenger Railway COmpany. Leased at a previous meet, lug. was taken no, and the action of C. C. ego. encred in. Ordlnanee'for Fading Thirty-.econd street. adopted in C. t.. at a previous meeting and non-concurred in by S. C . Subsequently C. tethered and asked a committee of conference. Messrs. Aldborn and Brown appointed in S. C. An ordinance fur the erection of e'en'. for the Pittsburgh and Chicago Mining Company , on Canal street. passed tri C. C. co o :revs meeting, was' taken up. and aftederable discussion Wad laid over. Ordinance authorities the Central Passen ger Railway to remove their track to one Woodof the avenue. on Fourth avenne. between Wood and Market streets, . adopted In C. C. at ..Previous meeting , was taken up and action of C. C. concurred in. • Resolution authorities the anpointment of a committee to inquire into the practicabilit of the construction of stairways from C9l t street to Second avenue, and from Ciii to LI betty street. passed in C. C.. was taken up and action of C. C. concurred in. and Messrs. Iler ron and Hartman appointed In S. C. Colmcil adjourned. COMMEM The Common Council Chamber presented a desolate appearance - until nearly half-past two o'clock. The active Mercury of that body be strenuous exertions succeeded in gather ing from the by-ways of the city building and other haunts, twenty-eight members of the Branch, when the roll was • called. Six' were yet needed fora quorum. The President sat placidly fanning blinself and occasionally glancing at the door. in ttriSiCallß expectation. City Fathers in front and around. melted slowly, yet appeared determined upon bust new perspiring humanity, limp and nerveless looked op to the official. from the reportorial desk. with an appeal for sympathy absolutely Irresistible. Thus. after a delay of ten min utes longer. the Chairman yielded to the mute appeal and decided that no business could he transacted without a quorum. Captain Cooper sadly reported no snore could be se cured. A rigid adherent to rules wished to - wait a little longer.' Rot the pressure was too great. Mr. Doff earned the gratitude of capering humanity by moving to Feeble remonstrances were heard but the mu lion was decided in the affirmative, and the C. F,'s of the C. C. slowly retired, • Quarter *.alovu—Jseige Ikewe MONDAY. - JUne 23.—1 n the case of the Com mOnwealth vs. Smith Elkins. previously re torted. the jury returard a verdict of guilty and recommended the defendant to the mercy of the court. • • COMmonvrealth vs. Ann MeClune. Indicted for *smelt and battery . Mrs. Agnes Patterson. prosecutrix. The parties reside at Port Perry MayMcClurkey'e coal works. On the Mth of May but a difficulty occurred between the parties. Mrs. MeClune bad a calf which it ap pean trespassed upon Mrs. , . Patterson ground when she was banging up her cloth.: Iles. Patterson struck the calf and Mrs. Mc- Clure atruek Mrs. Patterson with a club. • Commonwealth vs. Agnes Patterson. In dicted for assault and battery. Mrs. MeClune. prosecutrix. This case arose out of the calf dlMculty reported in the above ease. during which. it Is alleged. the defendant struck a daughter of the prosecutris. while she was beating the calf. In the And clue the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, each party to pay one-half the costs. In the second case a verdict of not guilty *ex rendered and the prosecutor. John McCune, was ordered to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Charles Fritz, Indicted for assault and battery upon Patrick Welsh. The prosecutor In this ease was tried for the murder of Jacob Ambose,_and convicted of voluntary manslaughter. The assault wax al leged to have been committed at Bedford Hall. on the same night on which Arabose was stabbed. Fritz. the defendant. wax also cut in the same affray. It was alleged that he struck sh on the bead with a handy billy. casehe is still on trial. TRIAL LIST roe 71.325 DAY I=l Corn. vs John Nicholson. Mal. James Grant. et al. :Xis •: C. It. Davidson. Wt Ann McLaughlin. get •• Henry Hackillan. 3:16 John N. Williams. L. Ritchey. 121=112 MB. SWIELLN PeansOn. the genial, gentle , manly and,Accommodating Receiver In the Fifth avenue office of the P. and A. Tele , irmPh CemPent. has been ordered to Chicago, where be will OR the responsible position of cashier. We are glad that Mr. Pearson has been promoted and yet sorry that Pittsburgh should lose such a popular and courteous of neer. Our best wishes attend him. and may he be as successfnl In cultivating friend. In Chicago as he has been here. MARTIN COMMIT and wife left for so en teeded European trip yesterday. Mn. C. FLA.:ma and family will leave for Cape Hay neat week. • Rev. WO. H. Kriscun sod family will 'Pend the summer at Cresson. axv. S. Ramsay, of this city. °peopled the pulpit of the 011 City Presbyterian church on Sunday. Annoy $4.8 is already submitted toward erection of new Episcopal church at Oil City. mainly through the praiseworthy exertions of Mr. H. I. Deem who beaded the list with a generous oontribution, and solicited dona tions in the town and nelahhorhood• - - - It. H. KXLLY, Zl i y i ll regarded as one o[OUT very best schOol and he has been In the serrlce of training young ideas haw to shoot about an long as any hereabout,. Gelid soli pens. plea. dads and ofleeTe but tons and ' misty of other article. Dow opew hog at th Department Store, where every. body toe s for bargains. ITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY • MORNING, JUNE 2S, 1870 JEALOUSY. A Doakle ParoTrolrt (p- Wax She East Liberty. although generally enjoying a reputation for peace, order and quiet, had un Sunday a very interesting bit of romance with which to arrest evening family devotions aid tickle the fancy of gossips. It appears that two gentlemen have forsonie time past been Profitably engaged in a very respectable bu siness in the lawough• whose card might have read Smith 6: Brown , but it didn't. The asso ciations in business and the relations in pri vate tile WPM of the most agreeable charac ter, a nd. everything went on swimmingly. The seniermember of the firm has a wife—no very strengecireumstance, and she Is particu larly fascinating. Somehow or other the hms nand took it into his head that the partner of his store anal the partner of his affections were a little too sweet with each other to sat isfy his ideas of the pronrieties of - married life and the conduct of al true roman.'w The suspicion PM stronger and stronger each day. and the husband dittesmined to keeper close watch on themovements. , of his partners. / On Saturday afternoon h announced his in tention to take a long 14, ik into the woods from his boarding house, but he only walked out of one door into anot ler. and hiding him self behind a door prepared to take observa tions. His patience U. ' soon awarded and the green eyed woo ter assumed huge proportions, for his um Mile partner en tered his {OM, was gla ly received by his wife and the door was closed, hiding the couple from his view. It knocked. the door it . was locked. But bosom of in. First he seized the water pitcher and with it knocked down his onitner. Thee he seised the heavy wash bowl and broke it. in repeated blows, over his prostrate foeman's head. Then. be fore.the unlucky man could arise, the infuri ated husband rushed to a bureau-drawer and taking from it a loaded revolver, cocked it and leveled it at his already badly used up victim. Before he bad time to fire. however. the occupants of the bouse. who heard the row, dashed the door open and rushed into the room. Just in time to save the partner's life. The hasband was immediately over . powered and disarmed. and the partner dragged out of immediate danger. 'The hus band remonstrated that they might as well permit the killing to be done then and there, as it was merely a question of time. and he would accomplish the fatal purpose some time in the near future. He was not permit-. led, however. to earry out his wicked and sanguinary designs. Fannerwthout waiting to have the books balanced " o n to af ford any explanntion of his suspicious con duct. cleared for parts unknown, and the irate husband cannot be coaxed to again take his wife to his antis. The wife eloquently pleads her innocence. alleging that she was delivering a temperance lecturcAo the part ner when she was interrupted by her halt er-rued husband. Navy think her guilty of imprudences, while maily more denounce her husbandas a foolish fellow blinded by jrnh. nay MOUNT -- WAsHIN(VTON THIEVEs • Daylht Maid nu a Dative In the bkirough Dam ig age Dime by the Thlerca--Mtseb Pain but tattle Gala, The borough of Mount Washington was t ens of a robbery last Saturday, which 'e cotes that the thriving little corporat also has Its inconveniences, In this resoect like other places. The thieves selected th e residence of Dr. A. 0. Walter. The boos. wasnot scrupled by the family at' the time bht couple of To.ni gentlemen friends op pled a room In it. ' Everything sons locket A apparently secure when they left in th orning. At night ',alien returning the. found the doors open, and the evidences of a visit of unwelcome visitors. The thieves seemed to have entered first through thel lar. and subsequently, by placing a ladde ce r against the house. and entering through the second story window. The house was ransacked thoroughly, locks bursted.-drawers broken open, bureaus aver hauled, and a general inspection gone through with. The operators, however, failed to and anything worthy their pains: They seem to have hero angry at their failure and revenged themselves by smashing windows, chairs and everything altich could be readily dernolixbed. A beautiful lamp in the entry was restored to fragments in this planner. The. damage was about $OO. The strange part of the affair, it. that it hap pened about six o'clock in the evening. A gentleman passing the house taw a number of men in the grounds surreundlrig the place. . . and suopncttog sonlethio* wrong went In Warn them off. Thee dbotopeared without thi formality. Proceeding further he entered tit house and scared off about a dozen rowdle, , some of whom Jumped fro - n , the second sloe window and escaped unhurt. mac or them I known and will be prosecuted. _ The borough has , me tiolleenian.amon who devolves the duty of maintaining It. mac and t,mod order. It is .Itl recently, rowdy ism tom greatly increzmed In theplace. on Vu , day especially.- 'the Inclined I'lane rende ing natess to the hilltop an cony Matter. • AT LAST Thaw Alleribetsy Baratar.--jlmaher Att Testeriay The Operate? Cattalo New le Jail. The Allenheoc lock•op yesterday Morning was rendered Interesting by the presence of two Individuals who hod been detected in an onsticcessful burglarizing-operation. It hap spened thin: Shout one o'clock Thomas _ . was proceeding along his' - beat on Liscock street, when he passed an illey at the rear of Excelsior Hail. A sound as of some one walking in the secluded thoroughfare attract ed his attention. and he proceeded through •It toward Robinson. Cppri reaching the, Yard is the rear of Elliott &• Lyon'swiothinestore he observed LWO men endeavoring to effect sus entrance abut endea voring to roar window. They beard his— ate proach and crooeked /town Ste pre veered hes revolver at one of them, rendln In sighte individual sur er ended. A boot p , and rotrudin th g from an empt I box. which he saw by the light tram a match, y , revealed the hiding place o the next' party. who was as easily secured . The officer then started to the lock-up with his prisoners—the call for assistance not being responded to. They proceeded quietly mutat the end of their journey gave their names as V.llliam Clayton and Henry Hoffman. They were verY and gave no information, save that they hailed from Cincinnati. A subsequent trip to the scene of Abe cap ture was made and the tools—a brace and bit.. chisel and. screwdriver found. The window had been raised several inches When they ere detected. The tools were 'derai l ed as part of a lot from Moore a; Chambers. Heaver street near Ohio. The men bad a hearing before Mayor Callow yesterday afternoon at four o'clock, , and •In default of ball in the sum of $1.500 were com. allied for trial. Officer Thomas deserve. great credit fur the vetoes. and prompt wanner In which he lc barged his duty. tisk Fr...care It l very little known that in our blessed smoky city of Pittsburgh, renowned as a ter-of -tact plate, seemingly indifferent to any other progress but those in mechanics aid manufacturmard apparently convinced that education consists merely in residing, writing and ciphering. that there exists a club com posed of the elite of society. boOr ladies and gentlemen, entirely devoted to the culture of the French language., Organized last fall through the exertions of several accomplish•dladles.it nth successfully for the last ten mouths. The Meetings took Mace every Friday from three to five o'clock. The members spent these hours \in the- most pleasant wsy with reading, compositions, es says and the French classics. as also conversa tion, all exclusively in Pruned. All the-mem bers seen, to have enjoyed itt exceedingly, ail congratulate themselves of having found thin to tle " C e rcu a arr ble c7:l r dlr much ri€e lWr h . em a n1. 1" 11 CO htlr this satisfactory result of long and in e- - bo ous studies. soon would have gone Into oblivion. without each en institution. The warm weather had Its effect upon these songenial reunions and the meetings for this season have come to a closepast 'Thurulay by the most charming fete chomps/re. convened at the - Meadows." whose kind hostess had In vited the members of the French club in a most amiable wny, and offered them a most sumptuous hospitality. After a day so de lightfully spent as not - esoon to be forgotten. the members separated. returning thanks to the amiable hostess of the lovely retreat and unanimously resolvml to do their best to pro mote the society and to come to the next re union September ilOth, with a full force of new recruits. Long live the Club Frrtnealm. I). The CommeneemeniLigxercises Of the Western University will take place this evening In the Third Presbyterian church on Sixth avenue. Judging by the More tboo usual interest evinced In the proceedings of this noble Institution hod week. we anOCI - Pate that a great.crowd will be in attendance: but the church is very hart nn4 very comfortable and It would be diMcult to And any audi torium In the city so little likely to be uncom fortable at thin time of year. But the pro ceedings of thin evening are to be of a char acter which has always proved nide to draw out our best citlsens in to face of the most Inclement weather. The annual procession from the _University building to the church ill take place immediately prior to the open ing prayer, nod will be under the marshaiship of Captain Baloney, of the U. S. Ordinance Department. The excercism will consist of Casa {and oration. by the students and two .bratlons by graduates for the Degree of Master of Arts. • Flee ha Allegheny-Hand Mashed. • Yesterday ;about croon one of the sheds' cov ering a brick kiln in Huckanstein's brick yard. on Nunnery Hill, Third - ward, Allegheny, caught Pre from falling spark... The flames communicated to an adjoining shed and caused considerable- excitement. An alarm from box 43 brought out the Department, but the difilcuity of getting up the hill prevented the steamers from getting to the fire. The Frimidship steamer. however, drawn by four horses and a company of men. was hauled up and prevented the destruction of the entire works. Only two abeds were burned, the loss amounting to about. POI While the Friendship engine as being hauled up,'the citglueerJoseph Waddles, had hls hand smashed In attempting to - scotch" Hewheel to prevent [ ground running back. bravely stood his however. until the pre was over. Ilia fingers, It is thoughl, will have to be amputated.• Youthful Rogues—TM Broke. Open. Three yOuthful rogues were before Deputy Mayor NiChol&yesterday. They weme rupee tively John Lietarth, Jacob Lialarth and Wm. Deli—none of them being over eleven yearn of age. It Was charted that they had broken Vets t h e near Forty=g 4 %gr.r.t. robbed the till of forty two dol. Dart of the mousy, thlrteen.dollara, Wi n found in their Possession. They will have a bearing this evening. • Retirees PaAN, forms a eery light. outride* food.. miperfar article for. PiddlUr• and Jellies, an d r highly mine. menneoi so litplirAcians :fri laminas and eh,p -"'" THAT LAST RAID The Fenian. at Canandalgoa—Bernre ,the . Grand Joey—Who They Were mad Bow They Were Blimoited or—The Senate Party at a Blitecinni-- More Money Needed: Last evening Dr. Donnelly, Head Centre of the Fenian Brotherhood. arrived in the city titter a pleasdnt eolourn of a week -in the pretty little =I New York. He went there, as perhaps some (.f our readers will remember, in response to un urgent invitation from the United States authorities, who wished to Interview him in relation to thelast Fenian raid near Malone. Last Monday morning toand him promptly on hand. Others were there 'beside him: some of them wore the green, and otbers.colurs which represented an entirely ditlerent senti ent. while neutral tints were donned A , Y the United States people.. The town was [Hied with Nisitors and the hotel keepers - were Mlly. Among' the, most ihteresting and important visitors to "whom partiolar attention W3l paid I=l Composed of General Starr. of Cincinnati, Colonel Thompson. of Albany. Captain Mon is,. of Malone. Colonel McNeill. of Philadel phia, Quitain Lindsay. of New York. Captain (Hass, of New York, Major Cullen. of Ohio; Colonel Kenally, of Albany. Otptitha Grady,. of Albany, Colonel Pit - /patrick, of New York, and Dr. Donnelly. of Pittsburgh. These gen tlemen were charged with violating the neu trality laws of the United States while ex hibiting their zeal in the Fenian cause. Dr. Donnelly, from whom we obtained par . Deniers. says: The Grand Jury took the mat ter up on Monday, And continued their •intes tigatlons during tail the week. J Judge Woodruff. he says, delivered a strop., charge against.tbc .Fenians at the beginning of the case, and before the witnesses had hem examined. About seventy witnesses - Were exit:Mined, sonic of whom came from Canada and others from Mttlone • There was intense excitement throughout but no disturbance occurred, al though the town was tilled with starlike ele ments.. Friday at noun the business was finished. when true bills were. found against Starr. Thompson and Mania -all the others being acquitted. Dr.-Donnelly was charged with making an incendiary speech, but letters from Generals Mead and Hunt relieved hint of thin. and he thinks secured his acquittal. The p Mies against whom true bine were found gave bail for trial thin week at Canandaigua. An attempt WWI made to remove . the matte to Albany. but it failed. ()MOWN IN COUNCIL. The officers held a meeting at night to con sider further in regard to future operations. Dr. Donnelly presided, and the meeting wax held with closed doors.•Strng speeches were made against the Senate party, the speaker being particularly severe on Meekau, •of Nen . . York. and Dobbins. of Philadelphia, for their conduct in relation to the movement. Among others the following resolutions were adopted: itcsolecti, That all arms now in posesslou of the Fenian Brotherhood be retained order: persons possessing then, till further from the officers now in Canandaigua, or un til convention of the Fenian IWO herhood Is lield;:md this body recommends that such a convention be held. litx4rrif, That no moneys be' sent by circu lar Di any , so-called headquarters of the .Fen. lan Brotherhood untlla convention as refer, red to In the foregoing resolution. be held . lirx4crol, That It sum be raised by the Mike. present and sent to the Rev. Father .1. .1. Sherry of Malone, to aid to defraying the 55- penses of the prisoners yet to be tried. i THE TRIM) PARTY. An Inoecatite Pon:miner tppoleted. • Those friendly to the organlsot Mu of l'ilCw third poittkol party met yeetenloy ofternifon than office No. Ini Smithfield street. Thpre were about thirty pere4ollB in attendance. tin motion of It. It. Carnahan. Esq.. kir:John Wil son. of the Second. watt!. was tailed to pre side. An Executive Coninsitteetif twenty-tine was appointed On follows: John Wilson. Chairman: Springer Itorbaugh: Jesse li. Lip pincott. Eighth ward: O. P. Scaife. Fourth ward, Allegheny: It. F. Vatidervorl, W. in. oo Johnn: George - Finley. Twenty-drst wain, Pittsburgh: Jonatletn 6 allother.iteconil ntpl. Allegheny: John Ileirrlson. Thirteenth wart. Pittsburgh: David Kirk. F.lghteenthl. l'ittsburgits: John It. 'Camp wa bell: John 3. W fi nales. Milleole: J. It. need. Third scant. Pit is- Mirth: John. A. Carothers. Potion iownsh Is: Wirt. Woawfir. second ward. Pittsburgh: Ca°. Neel& Lower St. Clan; Thos. 1 . Stephen...Oa: 'Alex. ll:littler. Twentieth - ward. Pittsburg ii COL 'lath too: A aron Floyd. Sonoml w Pittsburgh; Samuel 11. Mayon!; 11. It. Tomei .• Nineteenth ward. Pittsburgh: tunas Charlet, Third wool. Allegheny: Charles .trlosthent. stressed word, ,tllegheny: J. F. Keeler. Second ward. l'ittsbuten Campbell It. Ilerron. Third ward. Allegheny - . O. 1.. Miller. Third to ord. Allegheny; Jas. Pork. Jr., Fourth ward. •Alle. shear: J.. I. Ilennett, Mel inte townshiir. John W. Chalfant: Itobert Dickson. Ninth watd, Pittsburgh: Robert Finney. Wilkins E t reZ; h! F;l4 l . Vt.' Carnegie Fifth ;Vitil";-. E. Kennedy. .510nong.thela borough: James Rend. McCandless township. A set of buncombe revolutions were offered hr Ma. David Kirk end allt.perti. among them Wn.it Ihe fOIIOWID IV . /i0.11V , 1, That in order to prevent any at tempt to - Pock - tbe Conventine IT thr "[To neat. of this movement. all voters at the pri mare ineettuts be Inquired to sign the-coll for the Ponventlint before deMoiting their bal lots Mr deletions: and that a cop, of the call be placed at the polls in each elect ion district fee this purpaae. The meeting then arlionrned. . : . . • I F.SUI.►RISM Fier Lem Meat ...IrtUwee *tease Ellrm,4Lese of Tor. WV •••.• toad night about heir past eleven C'elork contr.tor. on Maria at reel at the head of Magee.- Sixth ward. The structure was of frame and being filled with bay burned rapid , Ir. TIT the time theentines were there it was ' enveloped iP dames. ln it were tour valua ble hones which were gotten out after Irrrat dllnculty-and taken to Patterson's stable. It was found. however. they were so badly burned that they will proleibly.die. All else In the stable was consumed. The loss will oforolot to ak.hoo or VAG. Mr. Flinn says the conflagration was the work of no incendiary. as there had been no lamp* or tire about the stables. dating the day or evening. —Thigmoraing at two oclock one of the hones was_ taken out and• shot. the other three were also eSpeeted to Ole. Mr. Flinn had no Insurance upon the nolinnis but not on the stable. 'stitch. together with the feed it contained. I. a total loss. Am MI 'nub Smock by Usbutbb.--2.0011 panels of 1111$ UseirOyed.. The Oil City Tinos reports that on thituidar afternoon last. about two o'clock a territli ex plosion was hoard in Oil City. which was fol lowed hya dense cloud of smoke rising into the sky which proved to be tut•oil tank locat ed between the Ityad and Tarr farrns, owned by Mr. etftunbaush of Petroleum Centre. The the had ti capacity for 7.0(11 barrels. tout at the thee of itidestruction there was stored In it about 2.,(i0 barrels of oil. The flash was caused by the intense heat. wnich it will he remembered was fully as severe as yesterday. As far up the road tis Petroleuni Centro the explosion was distinctly beast. The. Sells .no Insanities on the property. We learn that three Car loads of oil we . de stroyed in the collvratlon, and also eor two ear loads of coal. The Mprinn Work et Henry U. Usk., Mew cheat Taller, at corner of Penn Rientl, an Sixth street, is now torte and complete. Mon sieur Dormant continues to preside et the ttcut • Writing Desks, checker boards, music port folios, bags. satchels, nod pocketbooks In Evansand at low prices at D.• Department :gore. rm Fifth avenue. at Nem It Is trne. chat Yon can get cmr.Vot,t and (Warn Jellies. se George Heaven's, HS ledernl street, Allegheny City. sans from! cents to V .00,Embrellets from 73 cents to VFifth 00, nt D. W. Evans' I)cpartment Store. , ' l , llllCh to the knowlefiged hendimu avenue ters for birgslos. no. • BRIEF TELEGRAMS — thirds Bailer. residing dear Sumer Tennessee. poisoned himself and three chi. - then on Saturday last by giving them bed hug poison ren al , l tdied,i buhinkng t he w il l recowhis key. ver. The chit. d —A London special states that great excite ment prevails at Madrid, In cousequence of the discovery of a plot to blow up the powder nlanismin es magaze at the Fortrs Gibraltar. Is supposed supposed to he at of the bottom of It.' —General Kimball, 'Treasurer of Indiana. left Indianapolis yesterday morning with checks on New York for nearly a half million of dollars. This, with a half million sent for moata impost, few days since. will, If not entirely, liquidate the State debt. —S. S. L'Hotnmedlen has resigned the Presi dency of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. to take effect on the fourth day of next month, the twenty-sclond anniversary of his first election to the place. Daniel Mc- Laren has been elected as his euccessor.. —According to the report of the Board of Trade. of Cincinnati. just piablished. the manu factures of that city for 115115 amount to VIP,- HOOD. Of this clot hing is overte.ooo.o3o, Pro visions tti-V310,000. stoves and hollow ware 400,000, oils, seeps and candies nearly .000.000, liquors OWOSSO. —Spotted Tail's . favorite Wife died en Mon day last, just before he and his party reached the Indian agency. All the prments given him by President Groat and other. he placed In her grave. and it was thought he would kill , his favorite hors medicine' ys go ing to•Wastrington was "bad —A great' Independence meeting was held In Montreal, on last Saturday evening. In the course of thetimerg spewh, Hon. John Young said that had now tame fortNnada to sever her connection with Great Britain, announcement independent nation. At this the greater part of the vast as sembly cheered lustily. La Flamm, said that an appeal to Fugland for support In case of • an invasion of .the Dominion would be futile. The present Imperial administration has de serted her colonies and proved herself a step mother to those who had fostered the deepest affection for her. It was. therefore, folly to think of anything but independence. Other' speakers followed in the same strain. and the meeting adjourned to Tuesday. The indepen dence movement may be regarded as folly started in the Dominion. —At New York onSunday the usual tinge diem were announced. The most extraordina rr was the stabbing of a young Frenchman namedJolzean. by a jealous husband. The murderer. Edmund Janne, had suspected his wife of infidelity. and at nie o'clock r. X. meeting his annynnied wron n ger, plunged a knife Into his neck. Mrs. Janne 'was taken to the station lionse with her husband. She denied the allogatiOns against her name..- . German named Letche n was t stabbed b3' Thomas Sheridan, a printer. and was taken to the hospital in a dying condition.... James McManus quarrelled with his wlfe. chasedher down stairs. and during her flight fired four shots at her. One of the bullets entered an opposite dwelling and took effect In the bank at 'Mrs. Fitzgibbons as she was lying In bed. The wound was severe. The free shooter was marched off to prison. UNPARALLELED ADTEICTURE. Down the Salt Lake Angstrom - -A Week Under Ground--A mile or Gold—Hack to 'Lank' Through a • Geyser. . . In the Denver Rocky Moutifirin Xeirs of the 17th instant a 'correspondent • tells a tale which is probably intended as a com panion to the recent account of tli7; whirl: pool outlet of Salt Lake. Utah; which Mu been going the rounds of the papers. In San Luis, Park, at Denver, it would ap. pear, there in a pond called Lake Salt. watch, and hero the writer's wondrous' experience took place. 'He Kays: -' Those visitors who haveLcamped near the lake must sometime. hard been awak ened in the night by a singular gurgling stoma like that of a fluid esraping from the neck of is demijohn, and perhaps - have uncharitably ascribed it to the guzzling propensity. of anew comrade: I have often heard it,. but on a recent night, when I had penetrated far into the swamp in search of mud-turtles—really the finest game ter the pot in this region—the pa- . I gling became so loud, and at the name time KJ evidently distant, that Toy curl rushy was much excited. I determined' to make an attempt to ascertain the mute of the stmuge sound. -- 1 I "I pushed on as I redid in my skiff fur several hours, through water, mud and thickets of Weeds. and at length nirlar I.st was rewanled. I camp into an open 'lnk , perhaps half a stile rend., which wit bubbling and foaming ike a boiling pot and I could see that be -ond a little inlan the agitation was Mil greater, and the water was leaping up n a great jet there and flowing out in all directions', rapidly extending and - deepering the lake. At considerable rink I wished quite_ near the centre of operationk , and could sel that the outburst of water cal growing larger every' minute. The a Kathie Watt now so great that I did not di e to remain long near the grand jet, and besides there were clinking fumes rising from the surface, suggeatiee of anythi p but 'the better land: °Just as I started ut nkilf towards the point at which I eaten.] the lake, my - at. iention was suddenly arrested by what seemed to be a long .1 gout ejected vio lently from the Isdlin flood. 'An good luck - would have it, it as driven towards me, and what wan my a tonishment to dire cover the form of a Oh it lashed to the thwarts in the inside. Al. quickly as pits slide I taught hold of the dugout end towed it to a safe distance from the laii!• ing.water. thinking only that I was taking an unknown body to its barial. Atilt some signs of life were soon visible in the prostrate font/. Ilapp4 I had a flask of whiskey in nty,•pucket, with which I lad occasionally Wet his lips with ;21.1 effecta,_and when I got both boats to the outside of thoISWMIIIIII, DONT" Vert' respect able lake, it was evident _that there wit, hopes of saving the man't(life. Securing help, I took him to the nearest ranch, and after three days of careful nursing he is now able to speak. lie !Wenn) to he a %Vett:lmam and a Monniiii, and anti - win. !lately can speak veer few words that we understand. But we make out the drift ' of his story, which in AO incredible that I do not blame My neighbors for saying ' that lie is a crazy fellow I and I am Jiis i r silly clop, But I know here lie otnie I out. and so nut prepared t i put some faith in what he tells us , Mhit.ll is this: -lie says his name is ` eneke Sik wot, or Sikwurt; that he raise from With, I with Elder Harty, who entiVerted hint six veam ago; that lie was out fishing on Salt . I lake about a week ago, NA lie thinks. when lie found that his boat was being dra en into a great whirlpool; that, finding he most inevitably go down lie lashed himself to the thwarts of his Ismtt, think lag it might prevent his being Modied to pieces on the rocks, and that its lightness would cause it to rise to the surface again with him. After lie went down into the vortex lie remained insensible, for, how long be does not know. and when he awoke lie found himself rapidly borne on o efishing river in total !,darknesa. (mai. ly lie land some food hehis bag.and bail ing the water from him dugout with Ida hands, he made himial ..comfortable as lie mild. Occasionally there wan a gleam of light through a crevice far above, just sufficient to show that he was 011 a wide _river with an immense archway of jagged Hocks above Its head. The occasional fall of a fragment into the water canoed hint mach alarm. His idea of the time elapsed on this subterranean voyage in necessarily I vague, hut his famished condition proven 1 that it must have been ,several. days. He has but a single remarkable incident In ' tell of all that dreary time. Not long be• fore his boat emerged into the lake, he 1 t n.... 4 ander a lat4ae_nr.n elan In the x mountain. au.hig t.a.. t e maid look ti p re filonl, oettowy pe.ikei. tosel ft..' w e.,ii e.t.a.,. of Ill e • rive, was tonal.. bright wail sonslime. One side of the arch - say at that point xeetn.si to him a wall of solid: brilliant gold for hundreds of feet aliove his head. and liti thinks for a mile In et• tent. Ile has no doubt there lien the gold 'in massaud position's° often spoken of by the great prophet and eulogist of this centre of the globe, and am soon as lie is strong enough we shall explore for the cleft where he KIM it, which he ii confi dent must be among the mountalng en circling this valley. "Such is Sikweit's Tory. Is it the dream. o f a madman or is it a reality? I can swear that he came out of the fake, and the teat is an vet a matter Of faith. If a great' esbterranean river trout Salt Labe flows under this park where Is its outlet, for evidently Its debnueli Into the lake can only be caused by an occasional goad in he waters or the obstruction of the stream further down. • But 'speculations are fa tile. if I obtain any further information from Sikant or by mit joint explorations of the lake and the neighboring moun tains I will linden to make it kraiwn to yes. Ever since I heard •Sikwot's narra 'ire I keep repeating to. nivrelf the - liner is,,, Coleridge'n Kubla. Khan : "'Where Atph. the sacred riser ran Through cavernameasureless to man. Down to a sunless sea."' I= I.IIANT,i June 27.—Tho supply of cattle Is bout equal to Not week: average quality le Inferior. The highest prices reached were *a.75 for selected Kentucky steers; other choice lots brought atice,S,sc, with these ex ceptions toe highest .price .wan Pc, but bulk sales at eittaKc. Sheep and lambs are active at an advance of ''Fif e . lambs at len/12Xc Sheep of Wade for fair to good. and 6!:o7)fc for coed to estrn. Nothing doing In hog.. —Eight hundred workmen. thrown out of 'employment by the refusal of Mayor Kalb fleisch, of Brooklyn, to sips the bonds of the Prospect Park Commissioners, went 11:1-8 body' on Saturday. accompanied by one hundred dirt carts to City - Hall, for the purpose of con sulting with the Mayor. ills Honor Informed the eoutntittee who waited upon him that the law appropriating funds for their Pay Wks unconstitntlonaland upon that ground he re fused to slim the• bonds. MARRIED PlTCAlRlV—xvninvirs—on Tuesday evening. Junel I et. by thu Rev. A. Id. Leonard. Mr. ALMS C. PITCAIRN to FANNY V. MATURWS both of Pittsburgh. No cards. - DIED Nr:rdoebl•TwN.l7thg:lpEditij..Y.V`atrbllnt'Lt .NoUna of runoff! In evening and Wedneoday, ...Inn papers.: ' 110 On Monday morning. Jo. 271. h. shun Sod ck. mAa1 . 1101.3168.. from her - late realdenee, NO. 109 Penn atreet. WICIMZSITAY Arrnoooo, at 3 o'clock. GORMLY—Onglandayerenlngthotntla.MAßT lOUlnsly. . da terugh of' Charles M. and Genre... u r SH. aged wont. Notice of funeral hereafter. . OWNNIY—On Wednesday, June 011'th. 11470. 4 ,P . filMk, NOWA AND D. IF ENS. In the Sa lb 1 , of his age. . Funeral on WanNcanA Y. at t 0 O'clock, f corn h' residence No. 242 Western avinne, AliWthen7 city. Friends of the faintly are respectfully tool• ted to attend. NAWDON—At hl. residence In East ltk twenty minute. to ten o'clock. SA W r even- Inn. June 9171. b. len°. THOMASDON. • Notice of tnneral In aternoon peen. - _ inoirrr —On Monday. Juno TM. at tweet ,to the gag:. M. t c , 4Tit A . n 12.6 G. Funeral from the redden. of Mo.. .101101 G. Soillah, No. 147 Pennutruet. on Wm:want/AY. June 211th. at 10 o'clocli A. M. Friends of the fatal/ are respeettedlyinvlted to attend. (Alexandria. Va. pa ..rs plintaa 000/.1 NEW _ADITERTIIB CARBOLIC SALVE ' • Bede with mire CARBOLIC ACIIL .blab ir need tin Hospitals by direction of =intent si Physician., bee resdy proved Itself in be th e moetmrofy and efferent mire for all Malignant Some Mad Uloer.. and for Burma. Cott. Wentiabb end all nein Dbieases equal as ;kV a n shre t bee yet been. Henry's Insect Powder, rth PRICE e &a. Destruet.los 2 of CENTS, al ROACHES. BED BUGS. ANTS. , 3 L.II.ROSENBACII'S Patent Metine Depot, 140 SMI.T lELD • ST. 200 BBL& I tIIEWILLE Hy. DRAULICCIDINNE DMA Caldaed palter. For We by • 3.'D. CANFIELD. 14r% I 141 Wilt IMMO. • . . . Trio North lienuan aprreepondent says We hear that on account of the under standing arrived at between the North German Confederation, England and Ameria, with respect to the extermina. ,tion of pirates in the East-Asiatic waters, the Bertha and Medusa are to be sup ported by two gunboats. Besides this, the c onstruction of the two stearn advice shtps, Alltat roes and Nautilus, which are specially intended for the Indian seas, will be 'hastened, SO that the. former will be able to arrive at its futuie destination during the autumn of next year, at latest, and the latter in the same season of 1872. Both advice ships have a speed of from 12 t r i 14 knots, draw 11 feet and carry three i n h o nisii.; breadth.ttns T andhe feet t a i r l t e t v lll , 7 .,.em in a ,1 1 , i e n n , g ti ti ci lid horse power. Tiw arrival of these e ssels in the Indian Archipelago will em ble tiermany to 'fulfill the part of the ask She has undertaken, as the shallow vs in which the pi tea hide themselves cannot be approach , by largeitihip!t, and gun boats are ill .ui ed for the service on account of their wan of speed. 1 NOTICES SPECIAL REPUBLIC N , County Conventions, • Lbha:a Voterp of Allegheoy county are to meet st the must slues for holding actions In tht severs! Wards. Boroughs d Townships. on The Rep rehhested priehhry Saturday, August 27, 1870 anti elms delegatri from each Election Diairict Vi each of the following Con rentinns. as follows : . TWO DELEGATES from each Election DiarlC to inn COUNTY CONVENTION T the purpose of nominating candidates fur PROTHONOTARY. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, . • CORONER. JURY. COMMISSIONER. mitranon OP THE POOR. .._ TWO OTHER. DELEGATES from each Klee . lhatnet, to the 4. ( !ongressional-Lewislative Convention, . ,-, 1 • --- 14, the punxmo of nosilnallng ONE CANDIDATE FOB 'CONGRESS In the 224 Corteresslonal ONE CANDIDATE from that portion of Al legheny county 4,0-trlt : North and Villn of the Allegheny and Ohio Risers) which:ls crab:need In the - 23d Cour:es - 404Si Markt. • ONE CANDIDATE TOR STATE SWAM_ SIX CANDIDATES FOR A:SMOLT. Three Convention. gill meet In Olt (Xi) , of FRU burgh'. at the COURT DOUSE. nn. TUESDAY, August 30th. 1870, at tho folltiwlryg thellf. an tonnes. . - COUNTY CONVENTION will meet In the Com- MOO Flees Cnert Room, at 11 o'clock A. It. The delegates' th the CONGRESSAI ,I ,I I t L tils- ATIV'E.CONVENTION from th FAd Congre , f sional Diptrict will Inlet at 10 of el XA. lit. In the inw Instrict Court lb ,m for the mist.. of nom ating • CAN11111)A It 'lolt CONGRESS from said NOON. 1 The Delegetes fn. that pOrtiorico Allegheny county which In In the 23d Congressionabllletritt. 1011 meet at 10 o'clock X. tr. In the old Diatriet Court Room for the purpose of nominating •CAN IODATE FOR CONt•ItESS,.d electing TRREE I:ONVICRIGES 4 , 1.4. the Conferees of Armstrong and Butler Collette.. . And at 11 o'clock A. le.. or as noon thereafter as both the Yingneeolormt Conventions above dein...- nat. shall have con Ind. there respective duties •such, they will ect In the old District Court Room for the minx • of n° ,14 . 11 U" ONECANDMAT . kVIR STATE SENATE. and SIX CANDIDATES FOR ASSENIDLY. The elect!. of IRlegata• will be held between the hour, of iS and 11 ti chick P....in SATURDAY. Augtot 27th. 11470. and will be hold as far m cratettnitde by the ItePublimm ...D.. of the election boards In the different divtriets, and In those dittilets where the election officelu are a minority of the ribruler hoard the Republic. autheriied Le elect enough addition oroniblete the board. Tile voting la the cit.,a and bonnighe shall in .11 a by 10511.4, and in thelownvbtea by marking. The Prevident "II the County Convention, and the Congrershau.Sgbitall ea Con e mina tO , tit Conventbula order otherwise and coo tie in a.•d.Ong. appoint 1 ComraittCov of three. the io Conant ibees that rum , mud to meet ?AO. lon /10 , 'yr...feeble after the attlonerimant of the 'on ..Sion to appoint a Coe nty Committee Teethe nanine leaf. At the rrytievt of many tlepublleans. and with a view of aveertainlnst the savrittatrat of the people • apoe the queetion of the adopUoa la this meat/ by the ltepublicatarty of what is known ea the Crawford County •stern of bolding Prlmal7 lions and matins lootninatione, te., each voter la requested. to dcwornatins his choice for delegates to the reepertlye C riventions, to Infirm.% them to note eye or earth t he said recreation. on • prop. osltion the's, n. to *unsettled of adoptloa by the party of that systsre. a fell and explicit explana of which will be hereafter publistiedby tats' Committee In the ismenlieth press of the CIO of Pittsburg. Dr order h or the Ciee r Uttre ..... • o ova< w• • • orrirx or Tux ENTERPI.LINsen...rx Co. Ihtt•AurgA, icon 14,11570. Kr im DHRECTORS HAVE THIS r=l TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE the • tree , ot tkotennordt Tea. notable at amts. 1 , No. 4' 9 Prnn strAd. on and r4 ' ,ter July 1. 1!1711. torr - rts J. J. ALUMS Secetary. ÜBLIC i<OTICE,-11aTteg betas aretthted OAS and OAS-MISTER INSPEC TOR fat A Reetteny meaty: notice is hereby gireo that emit the err:ether/4ERN and illeehanthal Test- 101 l Ilisihlnery ear. be provided. I will be (nand at the OVVICC or THE NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. 'PeenlyAbird sliwroL • neet Penn. pilt•bnigh. = IZEZI 03 -BOUNTY 4100 Bounty Collected enlinere • ho enlisted between Ilse 4th an? July lad. Is4l. Irbil were died...reed for disisblb Ur beton, .erring two rows, and Irbil bare bomb,- • fare received no bounty. . • The undersigned bas retooled his oince . td 13A airri Det:ding.corner Meth averineandEnaltlidald meet, and le no prepared to coded. debris 'pedal" 11y and at moderate Mee. an.oraddrees, with stamp. B. T. BROWN. cielm *Vat, GALSZTI Bel Coiner Kepi mums and Smithfield meet. Pittsburgh, P. r7•TIIE AlilcUAL EXANINATION af3 of candidates for :llW= to the High School -•111 commence °a MONDAY, 97th at 9 a. N., in the Grant School Building, corner of Grant street Sod atrattberry Alley, Candidate!! Nast present. certineato. Maned by School IllteetOr that they am actual residents of the City ilotrydg Wuee alltal Eaten! of CO oattlon. j e m JO IN A. SIIIRGICANT. SoireentrY. Pr r r ' s ' " a Pgag i ;Milt 1 Peltritrl r " 1 1 f•roi. OTIC TO BONDHOLDERS.- 1..... '—rOUPO. No. 4: rinft hi Bootle of Mai comma , / 11 , 54 Rio nerl, n •I ''' N Fr . 11 ' lie paid on 11. "I sbnISHCII. NT;i n AATIONAL tbo Titling BALTIMORE.. - j 02131 31 IIN It PAO?. in.. Trooooo'gr. Promr. Si Corner at mom - Bank Or ALLirialiVlN) 'Minna an 4 Laeock somata: I /RECT I" O I AV ' 1 87 THIS a tl4 day declared • dlrldend of -out of the prodta of tbcpat dean and after July let I , PP. YOUN • Cashier. arTHE Bank .PINE PER C ix month., six of tax. “AII E L A INCLINE NOTICE—The Plane will be and loreligbibutdneassZVEßT deledo. and will cbNet 11 p. on Jut car (rod 'Pittsburgh on Flineingbarn Passenger Red- Erg N PLAN open for Pantie NIONNINU et connecting wtU the Plttabutzh way. IDATES !UNIT COMMISSIONER ! RGE NERLEY, • ...mr...bleet to the deelstott of • bile= Omoty Ootiventloo. • iff.FOR Of DfstrlttsaU T the Union Ha • ,• KID:Mk& f otRiTY COIMISSIONER • MIN 11OUTHETT, [ff.Foll BEI4J Of Indium, tartan , . U . 1k • aeadleate for Cooat7 Ca soltylooer.lallllooll/ L 11514106 to the deettlos of Itooublicen Coareotlon. Est modes la reran. =ES °fere. or rat Corneorken Or ALL/eOMOCY Prrrencnon June Wk. 16116. :NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Haled Propmeele VIII be reeelved alkkieolkoe until JULY N. IficisUire. for MUMS.. • NEW BRIDGE rrrer flebtmon . . Eon,oo the raa leedlog from Steolmoville W.P . M. to Miller's Run Plank Boa., Emu,' eau . . plane eyot eentle•Es. mbe men 0. •Piginss- Uois. [ • • .Eltllreetims mr.Coentf COmlnfutemere... • HENRY LAMBERT. CoetroUer. . - 'orrice or fee t Corntousaor ALlSolt=r PrinWIROB, Mna43487,7 NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSORS. Th. 11.30 for the Beifietnalon of Vetere are now reedy for deliver? et the Mee of the coooty Coomatseloreirs. Rehm. *MI be reeetr.d „ithin the time pre...thee 01 low. sae no menet will be nude miles. the terms of the low we ?Morally emophed with. Sf direction of Covet/ Coetralveloners. 7627a1141•T MISCELLANEOUS CHEAP C,ARPEsTS. Superior IngTains, .$l.OO II 1L YARD: COMMON CARPETS, 30 T 0.13 CENT'S PER YARD. NI:CALLUM BROS 51 Firth .4venne Je2, IA NITP Wood Street JOHN M. COOPER Si, CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES Made ProreptlY. to Order BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept mIE-land nrotniatore and Manufacturers of f.M. Cooper's Improted Balance Whee STEAM PUMP. OfAce-BPP2 PENN STREET. Foundl7—C.rner ITTII and RA,I4ROAJJ STREETS. PlttlbOlgh FOR SALE. On Saturday, July 2 At 3 o . clock r. u...r11l be offered on the tweed. at Public Sale. the InttilltlKNer: or the late M ELIZAISETiI TIICIINAN. deed. The property fronts 70 feet on Stockton sec nue, Allegheny. and runs back 240 feet to irate street. There Is erected thereon a cent comfortabl Dwelling. with 11 rooms. anterooms, bath . boast large attic. he.: cellars under the whole house ft. coal, '•• house. wssh house. wine cellars. 411 T y Mink Stable' the rear • also a lama on lac. t. with every convenlenee tor:homes. Mtge,. ho. Triutd—One-foorlh mean. the balance in on, two and Owen Moititialit House, CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. This fsvorile resort hroi been enlarged and inn proved sinew last sessOb. Wilt he Wien for guests JUNE 13th.1870. EXCURSION TICKETS sol by the rennsylcanla Rallroad. at New Tort. Phil adelphla, Harrisburg and l'Atsbunth. All Vain stop at Cresson. ROOMS may be secured In salt, or single. • VIHILISIO'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA h been engaged for the eflon. For farther knformation,addreee G. W. MULLIN, Proprietor ONE. TV RN IS ED CCITT AGF. to rent. Jet orrom or TIM __ La.rn or A Ltroorsr roovry, Trrrrisroutt.ime 20111.1870 IVOTICE TO BAKERS.—SeaIed Pro- POSA lel. undressed to the - Board of In pectoro of the Allegheny County Prison," will be received at this office until JOth Inst. inclusive. for furnishing the County Prison with BREAD for eta months from July 13th. INTO. Loaves to weigh one-ands half and two pounds reopectivelY and tole of appmvedquality. 'Moto ho made at rap much per pound. 'fond for two thousand dol lars will be required for faith( ul performance of eincr nanoact. The or the steatite must accom pany the bid. Indorsed hy the Warden and - .bated this oElce, will het id Controller. =1 G RAD ItE.OPF.SING NEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots and Gaiters HENRY PAULUS', No.I 4 01110 AVENUE. ALLE6IIKNY CITY underahrned has attain taken posseaeon old slam. and stooled It with a rich siaort . 8110 ES AND GAITERS. l arXi as ink en will give aatisfaction. Formerpain , . anti Um rahIIr)!IWAVIVo HOLIES, BELL & CO. • ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, its of hts • wont , Ms.. Dictum!" of MEATY MEDIUM mad LIGLIT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and _Batting,. Livingston & Co., MAsafacutret of 'AUNT GREY IRON CASTINGS. .J.ll%`,.l".lt.°4;erthi'tL.,'POte TLIBIT; ankle, Of ganders' I gale always on hand_ Oaks an 4 Worts. near Outer Depot, Alle heal . City. Pre Cs. bends address. leek 800 0011. Pitts burgh. ,L F 710 LIST, 1570.-ATPLICA 710:18 nell Liquors. filed In the therV- Urnet . McDonald, tavem_Fourth ward, Pitts burgh. Thomss (*Minton, 0. D.. Thirteenth ward. Pitts burgh. • . George Bummer, E. IL. Seventeenth ward. Pitts beiZiliam Rummel. tavern. Third nerd. Alio ghglicii. Monahan. E. Sirth ward. Allegheny. Robert Ilamilton. IL. Sixth ward. Allegheny. Frederick Drewes. 0. G. Baldwin townshiP. Herman tichileden, - E. I t.. Scott township. Albert Young. 6.11-Stowe townshiti. The lAcenee Board wlll hear the above applies. lion on Ye EDNESDAY. the IBM Met.. at EP o'clock JOSEPH BROWNY.. Clerk. Jcsx )4. 15470. jessit CC= LADIES' HUNTING CASE Gold Watches for $25.00 AMES & SHEAFEW =I Ala, a lino fusortment of LADIES' and GENTS' PINK tiOLD WATCHKS mdCIIAINS attlef mood reaconablo prices. A nloo no•ortment Of CLOCKS and FANCY 001/1: on band. • Please grlvo as • call. 1020 Clews oc rue C0N711041.r./1 or A 11.1[011.1 . COUNTY PA.. Meshy nos. June 17tb. MTH. NOTICE TO.CONTRACTORS.--.-Sea PROPoSALS em be reeelved at this Pee enttl 280 Ina., thelplllve, for 'banding e 00 anuxm over XeLeughlle'e Itun, on the d leading trout the Wuhlrertoe rllo to Sodom. Upper St. Clalr tow - whip. Also for eteetine• • WOODEN . ternucronz et the HMS. ore* X I. lees Hurt, on the road leading rrtuu HeehlPirt 6 Pilo to Monne Collins' MLII, In South:46y° e Tuenahlp. HY dlrecilou of County Comutlealouere. jett..779.d6T MIMIC LAMBETIT. Contrdler. nissoLunoN OF CO. PARTNE SHIP. The putnershlp heretofore extell between D. P. Scott and A. I. Scott, ' Under the dm name and style of D. P. SCOTT & SON, w"dl.l.lred by mutual consent °atheist day June. 12470. All dem. due the alm will be paid to A. I. Scat who will alee pay the debts of the Mtn. D. P. SCOTS, A.. 1. SCOW. . Prrmidmaii. June 17.1870. • - Au.l):Dri C. BARNES, 1 Sealer of Weights and Mean • . - OFFICE • 1 Nab FOURTH AYE., Pittsburgh. _._--------- PISSOLUTION. The co-partner. Ode heretofore turicteg_ between JOAN JEER and WII.LIAN SPEER. ender the dem name of J..k W. 13PEER, Mall grocers. 810th ward. A11egt1633)0.1 1 4 dUIVAIred 137 mural °cinema ea the 3d 'wt. The Onstnees etu be coettlaned at . - the old , nand and .0 amounts of the hada= eel- PA .10 10 .1 ,6 CHARLES. P. snotq, Carpenter, and Builder, Ws AIWA:2= •f VAT 67 arts avenue. corner 'Reba. street. Alleiro.T. INDIA RUBBER Barnum. uosa AND STILUI PACIUKU • ••• _ . 7 Of O. 30 .t0n Is4ltins Ormsany'a staka. A f all =Daly of all awl The trade sanded at amertfae. Were plan. 1 J. k H. PHILLIPS. • . rli . Asmara for IM a ear. - ----------- mPMir -.W1014 opts Clonll26llmg L'M F. I -1. by !I 11. CANTEELD. 41 Pest ma... BARLEY A To arms 2.04 b toes • IIEEEY LUMEN!. Controller VINEGAR. _ THE PITTSBURGH yINEGAR,. : ---. -.r . .' WOR,S.. 'wg....:Ap OS, 1679 - 1685 •169 and no'. 7 7 T IND kl LIN i rco Is no cratd - ad to. Rodish VINEGAR. ,dt the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Attention Tice. called to his Extra Wine .Vinegar. I= INSURANCE Sl i :tglg . S c l 'H E CRITERION OE EX The Empire Alutial i It th 111. achieved a Suct'ess history of Lilo laseirrince. = of the Comp: nS FOR THE FIRST FISCAL TEAR. Whole Number of r 0 .101.1 Issued 34A Total Premiums 9389.7 .0 _ Amount Insured 97.2113.41 11 hallo of Claims and Exp. to Total Income , 7.30 Average Ratio of all ComPanlea .. 31.49 For every $lOO Liabilities the Erallire has 0231 of saetts. Average Amount of Polities 91.496 Total As is 9330.090 9100.000 Cash Capital delunal o4 with the State and the balance securely Inxested. Manager for Western Pentoolvanta. Office 78 IVURTII AV 6NUIL Plttabnigh. tr'oool3 AGENTS. both male t 4 fatoole wanted. ledo A. AuTARLAND., HAZTMAN. Pepuncyr. Vwc ruzator_vr. Federal Insurance Co. OF ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. OFFICE: Cm Federal and Laeoek Simi% • rldlOteTolot: Edward I;remr. W. 0. Gibson—. Valentine Baker. IJ. Kahan. M. Nhe \l.mlll7lllWrleg[th. J.. 11. Borland. Wm. Schorr, M. B. dOrdarn. W. J. Lang Mt. . James AMSOII. • 1e17173 T. M. LOVE. General Algol SRARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. =ll2l • . OFFICE 433 AND 437' CHESTNUT STREET. FUOO.• Jn. Ist. 1870. 5'1515.734 7. Capital. 40 ; 000 00. Accrued znd Premiums. .1.423.731 67. Lomas paid elnizt" Itimpt. over .300.000. Perpetual and TFri.P." I.nay Polities on R ent, The Company mai Rent, I ' d ' a B'"d -utstECTOßtettlf rod G. Baker ' ..Samnel Grant, feu. \Y. Richarde. Isaac Leo. Geo. Fides. Alf red Thou. Sparks. Wm. S. Grant. Thomas S. tilt.. G ustarus S. Renzon. A GE L O F . R ALE B , AK m ER Pr ePsdesinde.nt. Jae. W. McAllister. Secretary. . T.U. To . ii•ur & EZLI •000, ago 0 Cot. Tbird AT41:1110 end Wood. Ft. WESTERN INSURANCE COMP'Y Of Pittsburgh. ALEXANDER NIMICK. .President. WM. P . WM. . HERBERT, Vice becretarl. President. , CAPT. GEO. NEELD. General Agent. Office 91 Water street:BP.M Co'sWarehoulle. op ebtra. pittaburgh. Will Insure against all kinds of Fire sad Marine Rinks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to maintain the character which they have assumed. as offering the beet protection to those who desire to be Insured. • Pinky - Dim 'Alexander Musick. ; John It. klethiee. IL lather Jr.. • .1 C111111..1. Clarke. Ideas McAuley. , William IL Dram An Aledrew Axander dOey , Sono I Milli Reymer. . Joseph Kirkpatrick. David M. Lon,. e D. Itutren. n 027 CASH INSURANCE COMPANY, Pb Irt.n..tat rart FLOOR. caPITAL PAID N.J. hoc,. r.l4l;l " Vigll, '' 'Capt. M. bailey. Th!cer IV &Race .'ll.llartman, A. Chambers. l ' ake 11111. S. McClerks. IJaa. M. Bailey. 11. KING. President. JNO. F. JENNINGS, President JUST. JOHNSTON Secretary. t. INSURES O t , '‘ N A T.I N LI R E 3 RA G IZTI CE RP B .:FA A It a rIii: .0407 . =1 AL LEGIIiNf INSURANCE CO Of Pittsburgh OFFICE. NO. 67 FOURTH AVENUE. Insures splint all kinds of Etre and Marin Risks. • I 301 IN 3E. President. UOSKINSON, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. John Irwin. Jr.. T. J. Hoskin son, C. U. llooseT. Martel Cimino flays. Capt. Wm. Dinto PEOPLES' IN OFFICE. N. F.. CO A lime Comp./. roes: .. WITI. PhIMPL John Welt. , OWL John L. Rhone., PII6IOO P Shateer John K. Part. Chattel A - rbnekle.. - C. IL Lowe, Motel M. Ihmeh, Wm. Yen Kirk. 1 Wm 1 , , Jame. D. Verner. 1 , hanknei s i Mehnn.. WM. PHILLIP:I Prondent, , JOHN WATT, Flee PresideaL •• W, P.2•MMNPIL Pecrelarr. NATIONAL INSURANCE CO-AIP-i COR. FEDERAL AND DIANOND.ALLR- Ocoee I, the SPICOND NATIONAL BANE BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN, President, . JOGN BROWN. Mt- Tice President. . . JAY= K. STRVENBON, SetraWlT. - Jns A. /flier. !Dix. em. Lockhart. DDWATonst t ; c. aI. Drell, Jas. L. unt.m,l rt Les, no w Gent. ,Jsooto opp. tr. h o.s.9l=?Aa ThompsonlJ.MeNeWsosr. DECRCTT TAU ICES P. McARDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, K" I '""4 llq:l h rl. c lealk c nlN E Ali t &MI . • No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St., PITTSBURGH. PA. Lir Genti Clotbins mule to orderin‘belaLest , • REMOVAL. GRAY LOG A N No. 89 FIFTH. AVENUE Tcl No. 47 Sixth SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES - , j. c.. 5,,,.. x . 1870 0. L. ISUBLANIIRINO. NITER SON & MURLANBBINB, • Meretinnt Titilqin. No. 10 SIXTH STAMM (Into 'lslnl'i'dooli"ririeVirdini: i g:11 liihr h 7i ats in mix km a great portion of which aro oar Ziportation. e . s,tal i lg . t=f i gi r .:= "per,,,,,,i, sksainistion of our stock of Fins =gig ' .Ve . IrcTillittltON &14NALLANBEUN J___ i I Vi ' SPRING GOoDs. No. 10 Birth strl fi t. j ' .'' 4 •Plontlid new stock of viesiar Moths, Cassimeres, &c. =EI Miectimit Taller.,3 Smithfield Anat. WEST COMMON 14Lachine :Stone Works, Northwest none , : ot Host Common, Minton' , YRIEDIC ATVATER & Hare on bead or vre a Hers ream Hearth rautM= stWetgroaV ". . en. Bm ,r 7 " ten remould:lN Lorms • _ WITTER. Met 801 l Butter lg = " banclll J. B. CANYUCLIX 141 tun a.m. ' CEDAR BOARDS. ' glat B&W& =or ov s a o DICKY!' & CO. =DI SODA ABll.-)100 cask at CANYI or sal N e by J. I.M. CTPPICI6L •.AV ORTANANCE-,For the Repeal of n O'ldinutee authorizing the i petting:l , f 11 ." - r i td • It 'Ares, • SSC. 1 Re it ordained and enacted ter the eitY e PlO'b r ..enh• In Select and Common Councils as.. and it in heresy ordained and enacted hY aut%tority of the name. That. the •tnitnaneo passed day of Setitetuter. A. IS. ltitifs. entitled an tArdtaistuss for the limning. Crydinit. Ae.. of Her. risen street. De and the MIME in hereby repealed. ~ See. 4. That any ordinance or part or part of ordinance ere:inn:Wu with the age tit 00 or dinance at the pea .et time, Do py and She awns la hereby rapfand in far as \ the wan affects this or- llNulaed and enacted Into n taw in Councils this 450, day of .Inns. A. D. Itl7lll A. ii. UHOSy. Preeldent prt , teal. of .SelertCeinnell. Atteel. S. Moitionv. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TO)ll.llUtiliN, I's - evident of Common Connell. Attest: 11. _it27 Clerk of Comnitin Counal. VlTrourltuu. June Irith. 1870. VOTICL—The Assessments for the 1.1 Construction of the Bteard Want .r 1 Wylie A venue. :homers ettreet,Old Township lloadotud }tunas etreet,and the to-adteg. Paying end t urtr Inn of TWENTY-SECOND STREET, front Penn nue to Mtn, .tree[. to now ready Jro one 'regrow/and eau betevena , thin other. until m1.1..3 tr. Rea r, se, on TE ESL 1. June . 28th. 1!...70 when It In ho returned to the Cur Tr...rer• °thee Tor relleetio. • 11. 4 • 31001tE. Jetzt tltrFaunouee, °..°. 0, Clir 6,1 A S 10 ,{ . IIV netr4. 147,111 . 510[1. inn, 17.1870.1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—f Prouo-telt 11 , r Gradt.i. a ti ST rr E. (Mot 4sth " to ß" Lith ' treet, l will tr, ctilend al thls nthe until o'clUek rNr * 27th. 1870. The :Ittittoittee mum , the right to an S Wrl s itl a dVig o f•a:l n bll= at b.U n k . ." ,. .Don blank; turnia.hed b 1 r (hie ottlee. Ctrl' CONTRUI.I.Iµ s urrV r. Fin et:lliii, June YO , IS, O. . 1 10TICE. -- Sealed proposals bill be Teeelverl this olc On 31Q:4 c. Jr -V6 for J th U e f, '" i f t " rtl - n " , recelt•te. ther Riiloy. to the nee, of said Scale.. Finance C. 1.110. re serve the right to reject any l i t all t,tli owAN. nal • Controller. CITY CONTROLLVI , Oyeter. PirnSenttait. Pe.. Mae 12th IS7O. IVOTICE ,Is ILEREBV GIVEN TO .11 all holders ot Overdue Aluntelml Bonds of the City of Pntabureb. to 121:1rard them to QM Mace for Payment. Interest Will be allowed on eh Monde atterJn ly No let. INTO. By order of the Finance Committee. It. J. 31t170WAN. Controller. BANK STATEMENTS TRIRTIETII Semi-Annual Report OF THE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. =I "Dar" ''''''''"° l °`42.33o.tia Inuornstavel3cpanklton,Joata Ist. a. , 11670 Contingent Ftmil,Jonell4.lB7o II 190938 I=l Lunn. , un Bonds awl 3108.anar,,, 411,681.9 3 Real Estate l ' lrtagn r a g .lB7l" . 'iti S:00 1 • U. S. Mx per tvat...Bunda. 81. 10.04 Bills Ilerelyablr /... , • 1.70 Cash In Hanka and nTr hand-- 1 3,00 82.747,09 . 1 34 • The undersigned. Auditing Committee. respect-, full. part thatr 11:ylVtr:tft17'%lf,teh.1.17rd; 31.41.70. and hove examined the Assets at e Hank, consisting of Bonds and Mortgages. DWe of Real Elitist, Centric:ins of Bank Scree, Bills Ineeirable, U.S. Irtre-Trrenty Ai. per cent. Donde. 'O3 and . 67, U. S. six per cent. Bonin, Itl. end Caeb in Dents and on hand, and find the same to correspond with the above report. C. TEAGEIL J. J. GILLESPIE. r Anditing Committee. A. TINDLE. Ttrniuti to D. June Inh, 1810. The Trainees hare declared a dirldend of three 13) percent. fur the irott sir months. ending May bear7o. payable forthwith. If not drawn. Interest from 14 inst. CUAS. A. COLTON. TlValUtOr, PrllsinntaA. June 13th. 1870, 1e17:y72 ESTATE OF THOMAS B. HAMII, TON. BECBABEIL—Letters testamentary untie estate of TIIOHAS B. HAMILTON. ceased. tiering been duly granted to th e under. stT edn. all persons Indebted to the said estate am requested to mate immediate paymt. and them en baring claims or demands against the sancto make them known without drier to Mr, CAROLINE HAMILTON,BseentriI. Or to IL T. MORRIS, No. OH Fifth avenue Jeflrtf- T VOTlCE.—Mbereas, Letters •of Ad- MINISTRATION ea the estate of 113..A.A0 - YeKNIOIIT. late of Baldwin township, deregieed. have been granted to the subscriber. all persons Indebted to the sold estate are tad to make Immediate payment. am/those hari Nrc. 1 . 1 ..... de mands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the Same without delay. IL W. kIegNIOPIT. Administrator. VMECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters-: testemealary upon the estate of EBER HARDT ELMS ANGEII. late of AlieghenY Oat des...having been granted to the undersigned all oar.. Indebted to sold estate see requeate to make immediate pa ym ent, and nil portion s ho dint claims lt=itara IZ‘4, 2 .regg,V4 4'lntgt, BLAQI.E. Attorneys'. No. loft Fifth avenue, FILM DD h WitL ELLIYANGER. PAP.EIRS.L• tZtn=22 FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 167 Market St,, We now offer to the peddle-a stock ef PAPER ILANGINGS uneurintseed In the West for Toted' r:Tzta „f mtvric a . Vir s zt N all:le .; 118;817; DESIGNS to Plato and Inleht color.. for Ras, 'IV DONSNARBL PAPERS, with an &mad endless tweet, of cuzAr SATIN PAPERS. WHITE and BROW N BLANKS for Chambers. he. Allot which way m. to sell as Ire es the lowest ,In the market. WI and see .at • IL 1.. Munster*. W. 11. Everson, Robert U. Davis. .11RANCY COMP'Y . Ell WOOD a 11)7)1 rug Fire .d Natio! Ellst . IFIZCT , I HAVE lIEMO77ED FROM E=l STONE El 9311=111TIZE2 I=l .$•2,747.69'3 34 ECM FATVIAIi VV \NALL PAPER,. NEAR FIFTH AVE No. 107 Mark}t St., near Fifth Avenue. . 1‘ 1 ,2% . it . & BRO. WAL PAPERS.. • 1870. PRICEB REDUCED. • CGILT 7.4',1'4..V4,371?4,7rr1V 1MAZ1.11-747111klowist Woo per 'NV . _ ELlSthtliT French end . Muerte. Fur. , HUMP. hsfu. not Retitled above. superior to soy lissom. ment io the ououtrr. For sale st W. P. - MARSHALL'S No Wholeesle Ise . d Retell &ore. Ha Liberty street. Pittsburitt, rfir - g7 Patterson Sz,Co., Robt, =EMI Seventh Av • nue and/ Liberty Street PITTSBOROIt. WILIAM Its ERY SATURDAY UOLD AN AT-TC lON SALE • 0! • Hones, Carriages, Buggia4,l l 4gons, Aad everrthlngappertaining to the Long '• Parties dotting to soil will Weave leave their no. tice of conslannient t.f1....r0 71111.1,4.4 of each week in order Ow advettistor. rtocitri aritiotiOri and good care ¶ ll be circa oi. Isla for sale. H. STEWARtT • JOHN 11.NTIMART ROHT. H. PATZWON ROBERT - PATTERSON &. CO. rv, Sale and SION STABLES, .11 Avenue and Liberty M. Liv COMTE cur. Senn I=! = City Exammes 0 ALLRODY.ST Crnr. Jme 1 MO, - • To Sewer Contractors. • The &mama CorunaWien of the Clty of Alle• icheer are prepared to receive' promo,s for the Westraetton ot,the }Oh.Um Seven. with their Setrettenanoee.lniere.Nhlhboles. trui, • I• Con traill•No. 1. ' Comptistog about 1030 f ece of 4 feat mad about 1330 feet of 33f feet Circular Brick. liamsr en Jaclraost .treat. five. Beaver street to P.M,* Lave. along Pasture Liine to connect with the West Common Sewer. . Contract No. 2. SOO feet of 1.1-tneh Clten Pipe dortrer on Stockinet avenue. from &tern= avenue. to connect with the Federal Steeet Sewer. Colitact No 3 Comprng W a rd 's feet tom .in Circular pipe nee o Alter, Walton etreet to connect 'nth the Stoniconia street Sever. . Contract Comprising about 3/40 feet of 13-laeh. Circular pipe nmer on Herta alley. from the north nue of Aveery t Be Hreet. t I omega wi th the Was Strever. Drawino and Specthcations cm be seen and full at this omit. Bide mast te endonat "Sewer Proposals. Con tract No. 1. (or te: dc.,_se the case rimy bp) and de livered cm or bef oro a v. 1. TUESDAY. Jul, S. 11011. • versos of Proposals, on which forma aloes Mail will be received. will be furnished at this WNW.. The Cotionbaiun do • not bind themselves to Se 7. mpg the lowest or my bid. By Meer of the Curotalmion. CHARLES DAVIS. Cnit CrizsT.-100 .bbts. LagaTille /I t" &walla Cement. &lig best. am. for saa ' • Jll. ckarma.o. - • "1"'
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