r nNANOLA.L. '; _ GOLD, SIL VER,, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price. • PH. R. .NIF,RTZ, BANKER, ' woodCor. St. and sth Ave. -r; Jas. T. Brady 1 0. 1 . iSseeseer• LO S.IONESh CO.J Cornet' Fourth Avenue and WoOdStrt, -BANKERS • ,\ . BUT ANO SELL ALL BINDS OF t Govern, at Securities l GOLD, SIL 'ER AND COUPONS, ON MOST I , ATII.A BLIL TERMS. • „. Interestkilowed on Deposits. .. 1 ,.... z. , 447: 33e4 on , orernment Bond. at logs ; A' Minim KAECt, n TOIL Tilt rrltCliasr. Ann SALE or STOCKS, BONDS AI. WAD. JAMES 1. B lADY & CO.: • THE DAILI GAZETTE, MONEY AND COMMERCE Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh lialettol New Tong. June 27, 1071. • • Wall street rivoket unsettled and depressed • .; under telegrams from Washlngtbn. The latest invert was that the Conference Committee on Garfield's currency bill have agreed to anew . I bill. the mein features of which were the using ' ..I of forty-live millions additional bank currency . ; for the retirement of fort VAIVO milt, thrt , o 1 . , per cent. Certiticates, • redistribution of twenty-doe million National bank circulation, 1 and probably free banking Ton al gold reserve. This ngfrlpprcirod.derlide In-prince and in • I creastaithe pres.nic to sell in markets. - ' 1 i t ' e ' glt a tliiel t tu 3 iii s trg c a e tli:fitoi, -; Gold lower: opened nt 1115 i. fell ' to 110% a nd I closed at . 1(1 Borrowing rates. nut at t 2 percent. - tdearances 626.006,C00. -I - Cioventrannts dull and henry: 'conions of '6l. 117N61,117.1:: lE. 1105,Q-111; T. 4, 11(P. 110Ist 'tlas I UOSOI/Ohi; i5ew112%.0112; 'd 7. ,11 ' •11.3`5: '6B. ; 1, 11316113 k; Ten-forties. 107%V..107%; currency 11.3h0151N. , u • i State. seenritles dull; slissouris. 54%; Ten . , nessees,66X; de. new, SP..; old. North Caro -1 linas.49; new:lll.. : - I Stocks heavy and lower: Ohio & Mississippi • I. led the list - and fell to 2.55 C. bat afterwards re . I. covered somewhat, and there, were linen.- ; atlons in other shares which were in close sympathy therewith. • :.i Canton, .67; Cm:Merlin:id. 28; Western Ca . 1, lon Telegraph, MR; Quicksilver, IN: Mari posa, 7; preferred, 15; Adams tames. ink: c Wells; "hit American 4l; - United States. .- - r 45%; Pacific Mall, CI; New Turk Central, • le7: Scrip. MX: Erie. y....N ; preferred. CI; Harlem, 1.1& Heading, 1057 - Michigan Cen tral, 119;e: Lake Shore, Sc * lllinois Central, 1 131): Pittsburgh. 106; Northwestern. EN : • do preferred, s7t; hock Inland. 116 N; New Jersey Centnil, 110; St. Paul, 65k; do d pre - ferred . ,_BoN: Wabash. 1.51;: do preferled. It; S Fort Wayne , 84; Chicago & Alton, 117 N• I . I preferred, 118. - . Terre Haute, :e; do. re ferre d, ' t . Ms: Ohl° & Mississiptd.3s s ; C. C. & C., 86; Bur . 'ft:AT 4 FY O Ljoe.TCPI P C.. 1- . 4M‘rif.,T lErie,Tl: e. C. &.e N. atm pricer. I.Ndrimet. 75; Copper Falls. ' 5,- ...E - Franklin. 4: Recta. Ng Quincy, la. . - 1 our-Trensurr balance: gold 876,40 . ' , 0 . cur -- terms. F 13,127.214; general. 1 , 61,01 1 ,2:10. • • Omen or l'rrrserruon tiAscrea, f . . • . Mostoty, June 27, MD.- I .e. Closing ouotatleint as received by Pb. It. •-•.11 Mertz: . I Gold Uo' America.; ' ~ • •}d Silver Ms Western Limon.. trIN . di 18111 Bonds 117 N. Y.Central . -... . PIP' -'• .• d 5.20 Bonds 15=-110 Heading .. No: . -41 5-33 Bonds 1te4...110 P- Ft. W. &"e" 14 - .: . 1. 5. 23 Bonds 1866.-110 - Ohio & Miss " MIN ' - 'll Consols 1865 112 Mich. Southern.- 98% ~• • 5-.1) Bonds 1867.-113 'Cleveland & P... 100 M • • 520 Bonds 18®...119 C.ll. I. &P EN '....: ..c,'! . ' Adams Ex . res.... 68)( C. Prlg.Wrel: . . N N i •. 'd Merchants P U. Ex. 43% Erie - • Lorrx. &non-, '• • lanadon Exchange • per pound 5.45 15.1.1 . Part. Harlukto, fo, Trwoo Lt.. % • , .., .. ..: . 7 . ll .4=ligalig e .Thatr mi. , r it ti Central Pacific EL R. ffnds. M . tat ..• • Union P. R. It. Bonds 87 .. 88 ".....1 Closing quotations as received by James T. Brady ft Co : . ' • -,•is, Gold lio s . 5-.1) JILL ir Jy. ISM 12N ',..4 U. 8.6 e. UM 177,;• 5-23 Jan. &Jy.1867 12 , , - , ~...,...4 U. s. 5-M isec..... 10N 5-20 Jan. &Jy. 1865 12', ~;,.- U.S. 5-R) 1864 .... 10N . U. P. R. IL- ... .... 87% “ -; ' .S U. 0.15-3) 1t165 ... lON C. P. R. R. •TM ~,._. :24 U. S. 1040 ..... .... 77. Cr. Faeroes. . ..... 1 3 ... I=2 Ommr. or Prnsintraon Gasmen, I. /donnas. June 27. 1370. Bustness.generallyJs dull, nor is it likely 14 that there will be any Improvement while the mercury ranges from e 0 to PA so has been the case for several days past. However un pleasant It may be, It . Is very timely and al -1 ready harvesting • has been commenced in .1 many locakities in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, and the advices. generally. are all that could be desired. There is no doubt but what there Will be a full average of both Wheat, Rye. Barley and Oats; Corn. we learn. dose not look so well as It ought,-being back ward, but with good .weather, it too, , Will I turn out all right. It is not a little remarka ble that harvesting is much earlier ails year I thanusual, being some two weeks in advance in this section of country as compared with teat year. ASHM—Steadv but unchanged: Common Soda. 401 Ratted. ChM Pearls. nisc: Pots, c. APPLES—May be quoted at !fan per bbl to ousilitv. BROOM—CORN—SaIes at 13i$ l4c. BCITER—Is quiet and unchatl i ed. ;ales of good to fresh prima fre packed at lac. cooCHICKENMagicIe live chic ens by the pit 8-8 a per s of pan. BROOM-Bton prices: Fancy, $5.,50. No.l, li gf l M...-Wtnd andTke same Ls true of the arty. we continue to quote at. 95 E l tigrP4ial l iti of Louisville Hydraulic at P l P Atta r N l llll.—Dernand light but thin is nearly alwars the case at this season of the Fear: we continue to quote standard brands at glets in &jobbing way. CIDER—No.I sweet cider Is quoted at $lO per Dbl. CREWE—DuII, oa Is nearly always the case In extreme - hot weather; we continue to quote at 11e. • BUM)" FRUIT--(Votinues very dull, and the season Is almost over. We continue to quote Apples at Weak; Peaches at ega7 for quarters and 7)(41.8 for-halves. EGGS—DuII and notwithstanding the arri vals are only moderate, prices are weak—slice reported at 19; but quotations may be fairly I given at 1 PEATY!%, let and unchanged, at KO I 11.5 eta to the t e. FLOOR—The market is steady but devoid of excitement and prices areunchnured. we • continue to quote Western flours. In. sun, as. $6X06% for well established brands of either winter or spring. Panay brands IMO. Nye flour. g 5. GRAIN—With continued liberal arrivals the market b hardly as aroma though prices are, unchanged; We continue to quote at 141/911.S for fair to prime Iled. Oats held - pretty Armly, notwithstanding there Is not much in quiry for them. as holders nre confident of a stronger market and better prices. Corn is Arm with sales of shelled at 93, free on board, which Is equivalent to about 88 or a 9 eta. on wharf or track. Ryo.is quoted at 901/1.93 cts— dealers offering Wff..B7, In first hands, furnish ing sack. We can report s sale of new crop Tennessee Barley, to arrive: at gl . lO. - GROCERIES—Market (inlet and dull. but this Is to be expected at this season of the year, as our country trade Is always light du riog the latter put of June. and from that until after harvest. Sugars and • Coffees are weak with a drooping tendency, In sympathy with the decline In gold, though there is no quotable change to make In quotations here. New Orleans molasses quiet but firm. Syrups dulL HAY—Is dull but unchanged with sales at PQM. from country wagons. RlMP—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp " 1 1 08kS—Corn . husks, =V et, LlME—Sales of Cleveland at VA per bbl, and eastern at AIM. LARD OlL—Extra No. 1 Is quoted at $1,31 DIA and N 0.2 at 40. PROVISIONS—Rama Arm and higher. otherwise market is =eh/taxed.. Shoulders. 14 eta for plain; Ribbed Sides lOC acne S e tf i z lifl i Ztreakfast . Befal.% 199 035:: Sugar Lard quoted firm at 17 lutes, and 181 n buckets and keffe. Mess Pork $3l. " Miti t 49--Dull. Tennessee, 809 el. PEARL BARLEY—No. 4. s)(c pea lb; No. A b No. 1. D4' Oat Meal—A B per bbl, of 9111 . Iba SID: forhalf bbl. RO lbs, $5.50. YOTAIDEid drop I. light suPPIT bat dull, as they will soon be driven out of market by the new crop. SERD6—Plaxseed Is In active demand, and Nothing am taking all that o ff ers at Nothing doing In Cfoveror Timothy Seeds.. • Dry slew", • NEW Sofia, June — Business Is xtremel !dull and the Prietweeherwr browd e sbeetlng s ; are broken down badly In empotu r trim too reduction already- not ..10 In one 1 brands. e quote Atlantic Aat Ito, - 1 r ,46.31 S Head Ile. being& decline of le. Lyman F. Is ; o da ... to iffe, While Appleton A is offered a t Augtle:ingreAtiaMlZre!ch"e"V*4ek Wieet- Inge are held at 14e. and Anteriot Aat Llc. If cotton were to fall six emits per pound thew !Arcade could be made to pay profit at the above este', and hence we may Blob f or up .. at-Bonin prices with a wrong probability' of some rampant IllnolllAtiort at once. Micro°, June ST.—Hogs dull at $8,00(55,50 _for common to choice. Cattle steady and nrm for good to cholm V5,Z4115,13 for common PTesan to choice shipping steers. • "•-• •'= ..,..... • . . , ALLE!;HENV C,STTLE OFtlet ' Or, TAP. PrrmetYllllll ai r. MONDAY. June :=F./.97,. • Follott ing 'thou, the number .T L 14.1 .1 in which they c - ere Shipped,' and the names L. k.l. Shanibc:rg. ItaN X. Vat-rnrst.'hiratt,u,,:•."::,' 3 cars , elms. If ans , Chlriinp;i4 - 4:,:s:hicagn I car car Hratewood BOPLoplo B..MarkS - I • Rothchild% , .......... K eefer. X 3 rk g Macke S: ~„,„,,N , 1.,:4- C .Delascare......- . . ..... 2 can .umv'a & Lobman.'Delaware 2 care Tr r 1 ..0011 er.. Nem a rk' I car , ~,,, , Needy, Newark 2 cars µ•Batikerboff. Wooster 2 cars j,Si Early, Damascus ' 1 car Total Total last week Thirty tar loads averaging IS head to the Car. would make sP)—aild to this :Al head driven In from Butler Washington, and other adjoining Counties, and we have :ILI, which , the atnenee of eastern buyers was fully up to the demand, and at 10 o'clock, there appeared to be quite a mimber in the taut unsold. There V.-.1.n larger number of Chicago cattle on sale t han for several weeks past, eighteen ear loads, but they were mostly stockers, and the largest number of the better /trades were front Ohio and. Indiana. It Is welt knows to the trade that good cattle cannot be brought from there to this market,. in the present con dition of affairs . ; IL costa no more to ably from Chicago to New York than it does from Chi g° to Pittsburgh. and this being the ease shipptirs generally regard NOV York the best market and, tot might he expected, all or nearly all the good cattle are going that way. Consequently nor drovers have had to seek other adds, and it is probable that from this time out we will have but a very small .num ber from Chitagoond that our market will be supplied nialulY by llennsylrinfin. Ohio and The quality of the cattle on sale this weeks,. as a general thing. was not good, consisting mainly of green slippery stock fresh from the pasture held l and while the; were sold at comparatively low prices, many of our butchers would rather pay a f at nr even two cents per nound more for corn fe cattle, as these gmssers kill badly. the nteat looks h en after being dressed for the k egs. and thaw there Is a heavy loss in shrinkege. The for mer kind sold to.tiny at earfe, while the lat ter brought SEP, and many of the c heap- eon the 8 and s cent cattle the cheap est there twos for th•reasorts above stated. no there is not mach doubt but what thee can right: There was qudte an umber of stock cattle on aide to-day. and as there were n good many stock buyers in attendance, we premium that they would all be sold at an av crage of 4 to as to quality end condition. , Compared with last week, prices for green slippery stock have still further declined. and even prime cattle were also a shad lower, but the decline In this latter grade of stock was I very mnall—some deitlern reported good cat- I tie having been-sold at last week's prices. As wipe be seen hy reference to the report of inlet:. prime to extra fat smooth steers , sold at 0,k1h . . though them wen. Nit Neu fen . ,111, MAO, Peter Hartman sold 36 head Green Co. stock, on commission. at 5.908T,64. • . . B. Katz sold ffa head of mixed mhstly • stockers from Chicago. at 4073 i. Sol Shainberg:sold :I head of Beaver Co. stock, at Halewood & illackttock 'sold SI head of mixed Ohlo and Chicago, at 5414 etc. 9. Parka & BM. tai head Chicago and Ohio. sold at iliTta.q. Greenwald & Kahn sold •75 head Ohio stock at aSSra,. S. Kauffman 6 head of trashiest on Co. stock, at BI W. • Traurman & Lohman sold 13 Mixed Ohio stock xt elsEsBls". I. & J. *hauliers . 61 head of mixed stock, at • Carr McAllister. Al head of medium Cni mgo stock, at I3MON. Hoboes: Lafferty & Co. 711 head of mixed stock, at 5 , 471 ti. H. C. Crum sold head of Washington Co. cattle for Weisenberger. at 4Kligets. Jas. Hamlin sold 9 head of mixed Washiug ton Co. stock. at fed•acts. Emerlek & Co. 19 head of Ohio stock, at MlStv. flaglewodd k B. sold 10 head from Licking Co. Ohio. fur Vannatta at 01441.81 f. Geo. McKinnan sold head of Butler Co. stock: - John Walters sold one steer and one heifer. at 5 eta. Peter-Sheltementle sold al head_ Butler Co. stock, at 5 , 3.7 cis. - Stately Bm sold 10 head of. mixed Penna. Mock at an avenge of Ms. J.& S. Needy sold 34 head of goal to extra steers from Ohio. atMin cis. Chas. Metz sold la bead of good Washington • Co. steers, at 02,7 etc. Chas. Boyer sold 19 head of medium grade stern, flir L. Itothchilds & Z. at 65141.7 ets. S. Kraus sold 13 head of Butler Co. stock. at 0. Keefer& Lowenstein sold 39 head of coin monish stock. at 8Q.7 cts. Bo s tock, & Zeigler 35 head or Washington Co. stock, at Ct.; ms., 38 from Chicago. at C4f..7) .Haits ft Kraus sold 100 bead, all from Chicago; fat cattle: at 01flit.71,f. M. Vanier sold 70 heads[ mixed stock from Chicago. at MISS. sugar A n n LAMM Tho supply was uusually larger to-day ating over two thousand head, the /ar ' 1 4'i t;Tt number we had reported 4 these Yeards tor several months. As in the camel cattled however. the better grade were In limited supply anal sold readily at filler ices. while scalawa,gs. or which there were an over supply. dragged anti it _looked at ten o'clock as it there would ben number of this kind ousold. There was agood localdemand. F - r;tts : he;.;117 pi ,', vrv " ,4 " itli ' he • exception' of the meanest sumaseng; would be nd, so. Sheep sold at . fa pee head to Ge per pou and lambs from 75c t o 11... ea per head. Jobb Walters sold 7.1 sheep at Vsitsl.sl.l; lOU lambs at 0.1 James Nichols sold at head sheep events.- Mai* lbs. to Millian & Neely at sc. • Isaac C. McNeese sold sheep 822,1,50; and lambs at 4.1 1 -0. • Cteo. Nelson sold 77 head Butler . Co. lambs 't ireannon sold 11 bucks for McKeon:La at AZ; 17 ,sl,e,p Ma:ro,ll lambs at $1.75.. Adam F.ckert Hold :I sheep at. $:.*C.,11,50 per head: 150 lambs at $4 WO Stouffer & Sheltmantle WO head at $.14 - 55 per bead for sheep. and lambs at s2(kot per head. Stouffer & andever sold BB she at sl,:ale, 2...10 per hehd. • B. A.Wanderer sold 95 sheep at E'l.'-'S per head: and lambs at 13a:3. John Beeler FO head of mixed sheep at s4ft. 5.2.5 per, cwt. • Stokely & Bro sold 1121-. beep pl. 1:04 pert head: lambs at V..E,Crit.:/.50. 1 .1.11. Pringle sold 125 head of mixe d . sheep*, and lambs, from Butler Co.. at 7.4.1e1,50 per head. $3....' • J. Fairly PO lambs, from Butler Co., at an reran of g3=. Neely had In hunks—sold 10 ,ead for f.r..50. E. Jackson sold; 100 head mixed Washington 0. sheep nt $1.Z151.3.30. Gamin S Co. told ;30 h heel, and lambs at .I.:KIW per bend. - J. ra L gebt EL. Bad sold 12. nheep and lambs at an sels. Beighly ger sold 131 head of mixed sheep d lambs nt 770.,13. • • nowo. Continue very dull at these yards, and. an might be expected. there Is not much inquiry for fresh pork, with mercuryup close to 101 tiome few were retailed at OtiblOc, and 10c is now considered an outside price. PETROLEUM MARKET Orrreg or Pivranmton Clarcrra, t• MONDAY. Jane 5i.11170. The oil, market continues very quiet and dull though • there In little or no change in prides. There Is not tench inquiry for either crude or refined, either for present or future delivery, though there Is not mock Offering at the quotations. - -Quiet and unchanged. Spot or June, wort. 114. Seller nil year nominal at I1N111%: buyer all year. la; Auguet to December. 114 - Sale 3,000 bbis idly reported at 933{.‘ 14epten. ber and October It In said:was offered at 271 f. ioncTirrannong on., Commercial On Works 100, on"acconnt J II Barbour; Pennock & Benson 80, on account T Chats; Fairview Olt Works 320, on 'account Goldrick; J oti 'account Phila and Bost= Pet Co; Vesta Oil Works 30t. on at copnt A V It 10 Lockhart, F & CO 1.390, on ac count same: A It Mills 80, on account W Bartle. Total . 2JIIPS bblr • •. on. RIIIPX6NII4 not A. V. R. IL -Fulton. Marvin & Co.. 158 bbls ref. oil Logan. Jiro & Co.. Phil'. W. G. If oldsblp 50 bbls refined on to W. Logan, Dm & Co.. Philadelphia. McKelvy Bro. & Co., 99 bble ref. oil to Lo - Can Itro. & Co. Phila. J. A. McKee. IMO. bbls refined oil to Logan Bro. & Co.. ?biro. J.M. filter.:Zdbbi ref. oil to Logan Efro &Co. Phila. • - H. Koehler. & Co.. 0H bids ref. 01l to Waring, K. & Co.. Phila. Mordzhetnier & Koehler. 450 bbls ref. oil to Waring, K. & Co.. Phila. Mann & Wil o gnv h r i Z d b e b i llre . need 01l to War J.C. Kirkpatrick Co., fa lAAe ref. oil to Waring. K & Co.. Phila. B. W. Morgan 3:10 bbls refined to Tacit Bros.. Philadelphia: Bros., Citliens' Phila Oil Co.. a. nal obis refined 011, to Tack delphi .1. C. Kirkpatrick 1 06 bbl., refined to 'rack Bros.. Philadelphia. • Pennock & Beeson f.O Mole lobricating 01l to J. C. Bond, Philadelphia. • __Keystone Oil CO., 815 bids ref ! oil to Warden. F. & Phila. Standard Oil Co., all bids ref. oil to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. Total MARKETS BY TELEGRAM 'kw York. NtrW ;YOWL, Jane :21:—Cotton unchanged: sales 1,330 bales at Mc fur middling uplands. Moan receipts 21,41:2 barrel.. Market arr• changed; sales age barrels at ss,ze.s.,4o for superfine state and: western; t 3.7001.6,90 for I extra do 5.h ide6,M (or good to choice do; 4 We 70 for white wheat western eXt 0,33030.80 for extra Ohlo; gerigt,M for exl St. Lou!,. ltye flour and corn meal unchang ed. Whisky active and firmer: sales 300 bbla at $1,M411,03: - closing Arm; the latter price also 3:0 bbl, last half July at $l,OO. Receipts: Wheat 131,6.1 Mist,: markets unchanged for sound parcels spring and all other kinds dull and lower males 123,000 Imsh.at, 411,16„ for No. a spring; f 1.M61.-M for No. 2 Chicago; $1.35 ler Rae lie slwing; $101131.33 for No. Milwaukee: g1,4=1,45 for winter red and amber western. Nye very quiet. (Ira Is heavy and down: receipts 34.356. .lalesl2.ooo bush atirOory.sl fur new mixed western, closing at islCte7m western yellow at 01.64ird.00, Oats heavy and lower: receipts 0.954, sales 4000 bush fill3oVc western: Mg. &We Ohio and State. flay steady. Hops quiet and arm. Cdr. dull. Rice quiet at ARc. 3ltdasses dull. Surmr steady: sales 000 -MM. Cuba isignic. Petroleum quiet.l4o crude: 21113.33,Me relined. Turpentine dell Mc. Pro visions—Pork heavy: WO bbis at CIO mess; 41:31,50 prime; terN742.33 prime mess; also 1,40 mesa part July and Austen 030 and less. /Me quiet:`.2l) bbls 0110,15 Main messpiti,so ex tra men. Tierce Beef doll at prime I1333:11 India mess. Mid es didi. Cut unn: pkgs 12Q1210 shoulders: Pah 19,Mc hams. Lard dull and beery: M 0 to 14M q,lde steam: L% - r : l6e kettle. rendered. Butter stoodr letiZtPlo western. Cheese quirtWtllvic., Freighte dull and drooping: wheat per, cream to Liverpool 4,2.4 s, .1. bettest Flour 00,,j quiet andunchanged. Wheat dull and scarcely so Own; No Z Chica go ii1.r.1.24; Nn 3111 watikeefl3l7l.3l: win ter red and nraber . wettown Roe dull and heat.) , Oats lower and dull atibt, rarwetterte t%TJilo forllhio. cons dull Tnd declining; new /nixed w extern liicO.97e. uck nominal fur inees at t - _,,,Rwa.33. lint n du and unchanged. An motto closed quiet till tlnu. Rayon nominal. 1.,m1 dull and car , 2 ctr . s heavy at I:•Sve for Printe steam. Egfra . quiet and unchanged. • ' • 1.1.. srne Market.. EW n N Yog. dune. . - Freights .itre .Olinest. nothing front Itughlo. 1 a..sl per corn, cattle. bedding Included, unit le per head fur sheet , and hogs on Erie and Central roads. Cattle receipts fur tu-dar Catike Pt! ears at line /lundreth street. sa at Weehawken and CP at • rommuniltaw. QmditY Food, With Many tin tra Kentucky droves nod some poor Texans. Trade lively and all were sold at about : s e ad vance, or 106yre far smite then Texans: Pk for fair, to good,. awl 16 5,417 u for prlom to extras; JlrstVe of 57- iv:truck) . X cwt. prince sold at Mitre: Itltllthlo ewt at 15% f 17:t.1-1.6,s t l ?e.-.711ii lllinois i ' t t s: I It i ti i tt ‘' ,.t ' i I k. 53 bead TegJos, E re w at 142 k Mt Illinois. Rk cwt. at 14511fle; the will hen market next Monday. the Ith. Total receipts of Sheet. :NAV head:for to-tlay rs'-ktk market Slower And prices weaker; fat sheep are worth tkket a few extras 7c: common Mtn sell at sc: poor at Ike: western lambs sea•nt 100Lte: - .lersern at 1141 13c: sales one ear. M ithlo sheep at Itke; oar ND lbs nt like; a deck 77 lbs at se: A ear 61 lbi Kentuekv lambs at Ito: a ;leek f.ktondlos, fat lbs. at 122. 'Total receipts bads 77310; arrived toalav 45 con.: market slow and .weak at ll,!se —also few pigs nt PirtssliguntM. June 27. and Sc lower. with sales of :ball bead. extra at leblie for fair to good arab 'ISIE.SItid for Seat mow Sheen dull and lower. with sales ¶U brad at s%fd,a‘sc. Hogs nuchatumd.withaales. of =On head at $ 1 11e3: 1 : latter for prime cor n fed. y. Chicago, . ' CHICAGO, JIIIIC Flonr dull and tnthy nt £.5.2.50 5 ,771 for M`rinf. extras. Wheat-unsettled and irralgulim at 94 , 3c lower. clotting at t.1,0a3, in more, and $lO% Quo seller July ',for No. 2; thif afternoon market won dull alai unchanged. Corn In twir demand. closing I Ya6tl , 4e lower nt 'o3)4gsalkqe for N 0..; tt In afternoon market m dull at 71C1.79.‘te for seller July. Onts mile( nt Ifot ane lower ml cloning at r41..4:13h SorNO. 2. Ilno ainiet and 2c lower..elcuing nt il2e !fur, No. Ilarley dull at iloc for No. 3. Ilighwinel firm, cloaing at FI for i'ront o ot. Provlalonomlet unchanged. jteeelvts for the past 24 hears were aa 3.41 thln flour; 84,4:11 1.41 wheat: 124.710 bush corn: .dattu . 3.310 bosh rye: 4.590 bush barley: :Mlle head bogs. Shirmetab: flour, 3,765 bbln: m beat. 62,1iti.5 bush: corn. K 5,600 bush: oats, s.rO bush: rye. %of bush: barley 3.131 bush: hogs. .1.55.! head. Freights quiet and firm at fUr wheat to Buffalo. Cincinnati. June dull Awl un changed. Wheat dull and deeilning; sales No 1 red at *1.211. Corn very dull and held at 84.Z.L iiso but no demand and orkei nominal: Outs dull And unchanged at WMOO. 'Rye and Bar ley unchanged: salon of WO bosh . new Ken ttiekv barley at #l.Ol. Cotton dull and.prlces nominal, but no Nall.s. Tobacco unchanged. whn.key held al #1: ...ale, :It 10., and but little demand . . Ira. kion,..ital but the prices are nominally unehalit'al; no salt, Butter dull at for fresh. Egg,. lk. Su gar dull tuittNti lower (or all grades. .Coffeo dull and drooping. Linseed oil dull at SI,(WTs. 1,10. Lard oil $1,111.11.15 for cement make from lard. Odd 1101;. bgaing.4. Vga Clan nn at far buying, premium Tell, lug. Louis. ST Louis. June /11r111. Wlll na ehnitred. Cotton hull at Me. 'Lean) dull at $1.4tre01.:5 for undressed. Flour quiet and un changed: tall superfine sl.gritt.s.l; extra $4.2.1 rd 4.2.1: double eau. $.5.1.1470,0.1. Whuat , sPri.tW weak and drooping; No. $1; fall - declined about 2c; No. 2 sl.terd U.N. latter for choice: No.l tie. 1,1704.17.5. Corn dull: except for choke mixed it leNcedc; yellow WitnOC:.white Oat. firmer at. au,55.c. :Rye quiet at antes. Whisky steady. with sales at $1.11: Groceries Auli anti unchanged. Pro- visions quiet and unchanged: pork V:n.,:i4a.20: dry salt clear rib ltie. and a lotof loose do. up the river at private sale. Baron: dery I:Pser;l:P..; dear rib 161,0,16, , : loose clear sides ITsc p a cked do 17,,e. Lied nominal at 15016 Cattle ca4y . at Flogs steady at Tise,Pc. DEEM Lortserta.r... June . 27.—Ileulp and nal. Air. Cotton tall and moiler; middling ili}je. Flour qffiet at $5.50. Grain, except corn, unchanged and nominal. corn lower at _PLO& Pro vision,. very quiet and nominally unchanged. Whiske lower at 90c. Tobacco, - sales of Outs at rather firmer prices. ranging from OM to fig for frosted to good leaf. Philadelphia. • PHILAPELI.III.t. June:in.-410dr iron :tCti,e with small receipts: prices are well maintain ed. Wheat:M.llllll business:with red at thisi Rye $l.lO. Corn less netts,: western yellotr mixed wegtern steadT . at 1.0. Pri.11 , 10119 firm. Mrs.. Pork at dol‘fil. Lard lti/.16. , ,c. Petroleum unchang ed. Whisky Mu,: webtern bouns /LW. , • Baltimore, 'H. June 27.—Flour dull and le,: Arm. Wheat dull: ii'esterre Corn dull; white at $1.12q.1.15: yellowfl.W."4l,a7, White mixed 'IX- o .t.t.X. k/. 1!R Mesa Pork firm at Pal. Baron firm: pat sides ITet clear ribs I:hc. shouldera Ile: name 2.1(f Lard quiet at laiett•C'al , IVltf.ky tlm at. $1.4141,ut. • Memphis. litnnurts,June r;.—Cotton quiet mod receipts 17) bales: einorts =Y. Corn Idenl dull m /.4.htl. Corn: yellow Me and white Hats dull at in:Q:6k. nay quiet At $2l. Item quiet at lOXGr.:llc.,Lard nominal. Pork dull at pt. naeou: shoulders layii; sided:l6;4 CLEVKLANI,, June tr.: , Viottt toilet and up. cha”lged, Wtreat dull at sl,27aLle for. No./ idealaelisll.li ' p' changedl nod nath ant' 11;• 4 4 4/111114 an*, par Harley nominal. Petroleum onlet. 1111%•alier. IMlLWArtirb. June 27.- Flour is unchanged Wheal quiet 01 El.la for Nin I and f 1.124 for N't 2. Coarse grains nominal. Freights manila ai r a po.mc to noeralo and lie cmptat _.ore bbls flour and MOM huh wheat. Oswego, OSWEGO, Jane 27.—F100r • unchanged; bale :WM bldg. Wheat tinier: sales car lots of Yo I Milwaukee club nt $1.23; red winter $1.39 Cart quiet at We for No. 2. .. =I NEw Ont.n.sas. June 2:--Cattoti quiet and steady with middling at lißilgJfe; sales I.S Lades. otronis BY RAILROAD CLEVELAND AND FITTDBUDGEI liattemen Conceal - , June:Z.-5 cars Lake Superior ore. Shoenberger, B & Co; 5 do do. McKnight. 1' at Co: 1 do do, Reese. (1 & Dull; ado do, J Painter & Co; 1 'do do. Hussey. W & Co; 4 do dO. Union Iron 31111 s; 2do do, Coleman; It fis Co; t do pig iron, Union .1 coo .51111,10 hf hbls Mb. J Canner: Sdo do. Volgt, 51 & Co: 1 ease w ware.') Robinson; 1 car ice. Scott & Co:2 ODre car tchntnings. 31uorhend & Co; ED tar kbls., le 11 Lupton: 10 hf bbls fish, 31 do trout. VOINE. H & Co: 10 cases tobacco. J II Lippin cott: IS bas tobacco. W A McCune: 1 box cop per, Park & Co: 6 bee oranges, L 11 Morton; V) kilts lob, E 11e.ieton; 1 bbl wine. H Hank: 5 bat f Jars. Atlantic Glass Co;*9 drums tobacco. C C Boort 1 case f plateas. C G Homey: I dos brooms. Dilworth, 1t & Co; 1 car wheat, Scott & G:2O ball cheese. J Wilson & Son; undo do. Voigt, M & CO; ski gs. J Walden & Co; 1 bid bacon, McCullough, S 5, Co; 75 toilschain. Bedford Choir Co;2 cart lumber, J Nesbit:MO oil bble,,B D More:23o4loz brooms..N Fulton; 40 bdis tenors. M McWhinner: and kegs. Spen cer . . Preranuaran. Fuse WATNE AND Cnic.soo RAILROAD. June :H.-9 cars metal. Nimick & Co; 7 do do, Hallman & Hammett: 1 do do, Loomis &C; 2do do. Brown & Co; 1 do do, Coleman, Rohm & Co: 2do do, Union Mills; do stone, Batman & 42 bales wool, S Her' bough & Co; 2 bag leaf tobacco. A Schaub; 1 bbl coo. Pennock & lk 12 bay rakes. J 11 Beck ham; 46 aka ra H Christy; 66 bdle p gs, Hall & Spear7Zs tea hams, W 11 Hays &Soo: 700 bbls door. T C Jenkins & Den:2 bbl., tallow. 1 cask bacon. /terse Owens; 140 bills spokes. 25 .dos trees, Harper, G & Co: 129 boo cheese; IN .bas cheese, N J Braden; 10 do do, W H Cooper: 5 abs potas. Meauor & Harper; 5 bbis eggs. 2 bble butt e H Rea Jr. 1 bbl eggs, 10 boo cheese, Woodworth & D: 1 car oats. I H Early: LUDO e pots, .1 Rae & Murdock; 45 aks -kegs. 5 blots Dleobot, 11Fahnestoek; 174 sits oats.. Bricker & Cu; 19 aka wool. ti Bradley & Son; 14 aka b wheat. Hitchcock. McC & Co; 01 has cheese, W Miller & Co; 11 bbls Dil worth, 11 Co: 6 boo f jars, Atlantic, G Co; 10 do do, Bennett & F; 178 eke oats, Grahanc& M; 59 b. rga, W .1 Meek; 156 but or glass, C Igen & bon; 34 green hides. Gillespie & MO bdls feLloes. Thou Ha. Bro; 16 bas paper. Hostetter & Smith:l car scrap Iron, Maiony 14 15 bids I s oil, J Keeling. PETTEDDIROII CINCLNNAiI AND DT. LOWS RAILROAD, June 27.-1 car abases, J Painter & Son; Lbbla, 4 ban coffee, J S Dilworth: ID eke tow scraps, 5 bbls gine, W Flaccus & Son; 168 she e corn. 56 do wheat, 18 do shorts:Snood: she wheat, 16 do oats, 10 do VOID, McAnOV & 1 . 1 . 1 , r 6 r; d ' ohs flour, 10 lAsomd.ole;f7 e ke Ia ,1g; beef. 84 do he o ms. 1 do ' sausage, E. h /Bye. I Co; 25 has, 52 cads tobacco, W L Jones; 57 tea home, H Owens; 30 has wax, J H Lippincott; 10 toe home, Watt. Lang & Co: 2.1 alts con ey, Dickey & CO; 10 bbls oat meal. Arbackles & Co', 16 cads tobaccos CO Baler; IS Dbl. whieky. Milligan & H; 6 boles cotton, E Hyde; 40 tee ice 10 bble I oil, J H Parker; 140 bbls dour DlWallace; 4 Ors rags. Godfrey & Clark: Maks oat., McHenry & 11;5 bales tow. G HDauler: 5 b. tobacco, H T Weddle: 5 bble acme Iron Reiter &.C: 16 bdle forks, Logan & Gregg 100 bbla flour. Culp & Shepani; 125 bbls do, HO blis do, Clark & Bro. EEZZ! . - . PITTSBURGH , ASH- CUNxe4IS jLI.S RAH, ROAD. June t. 7.-135 As corn. 06 bgs wheat, W Welsh & Cu; 03 dodo. Scott & G; 050 bdls paper. Smith & Francis; 30 bbl. whlsy. Dilllnger & ld do do, J McKay; 100 kg. nails, G W l'aul; bbl. cement, C B Leech; 1 ear lumber. Gut man & Co: 50 bush corn, 210 bush oats, 25 sks do, Welsh & Co; 3:113 bis Sr glass, Fry & Co; 13 bbls whisky, McCullbugh. Jr & Co; ?Asks when. J Liggett & Co; 1 pkg tallow. A WI/- son; 150 bbbs cement, Owens & Mooney: MI mks cats, Monona & Anjer; 141. aka corn, 24 do -oats, Scott & Gina'. EEEE . . ALizaltgarg VALLgg Ranacts.D. Jane 27.- 65 cars coaL Kier, F & 18;9 do do. Colemma, B & Co; 46 do do. Leo Openheimer;: 51 eta eats, A Whitten; 10 bbls ref oil, Lockhart. F & aka scraps,. robs leather. W Flacons &Hon, 3 cars I atone, Shoenberger. & Co; 2 cars metal Brown & Co: 2do do. McKnight & Co, =rail railroad irron.l Dorrington: 6 bin, rates, Whitcmnre. * D & Co: I ear grain, Floyd:earlime, Henderson Bro; 1 car cloy; Btarr co ; sks rye. 6do corn, A A.tin.. = • EaNDWILLE ran JULIA- June 25.-24 hbds tobacco. MO bbls dour. trl do eggs. 21 .kw wool, kir. butter. Clark & Co; 21 slot oats, 1 1.2 Utli, 2do chickens, DOT 01: 1 tub egge,2 pkirs butter, W 11 Omff & Co; al 'do potatoes. odo egg., 3 do butter, J N .LTO.. 12 pkg. but ter. sdo eggs, Wo . odworth & , D11118011; bbi bacon. J A Graff; bb l eggs. . pkgs butter,s do boney..l .1 Pettit; 170 sks rags. McCullough. 8 & Co; 70 bbls dour. Shomaker & La.ngen beim; 45 sks wool, W Barker. Jr & Co,• ' boo eggs. Clerk & Tiro: M ohs glue scrap.. W & Son: ICBI chairs, H Berger; 104 do do. J Fear Woodwell; 118 do do, Dauler & :Ion; xi do Ore, lelb & Co; 42 do do, )(emote & T. 12 do do, Facklner & Irwin; 12 do do, T B Young; 51 do D McMullin; e 8 do do, Lemon & Weise; 18 do do. Close. 8 & Co. PITTSBURGH. B r. Jane AHD G =DMA PAM= CADET. Jane 25.-37 • sks oats. 21 do corm Kell &Ritchart; 88 do oats.Enay & 11; 50 do whent.Kennedy Bro; 117 aks_Otitsr•MC' . Hears & Hood; IC As wool, A .ftrtWe; gl ski oats, Watt Lang & Co; 101 sks wheat. Hitchcock. Mc & Co; 17 do mats, Mc- Cracken, CF& Co: 84 do do, Ra m McElroy & Co. PITTSBURGH- DAILY: GAZETTE.: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 2,8, 1870. RIVER NEW 0. / lie river COOlillll.l try recede steadily •itb stmlit two feet in the 'Flannel. by he Monongahela . marks. Weather o r iresaively, witic mercury up to tII in The from 'Zanetivillr, in the only arrival we Lai-e to repoii She had about Atotp. of freight, though she N'lll.l obliged • - to double trip it train Brunot. -.." The Mandate, as we learn Imut a pri , rate dispatch, passed by Portsmouth yes• terslay, anti it may now be inferred that her trouble Is over, no fai at 111141 114 low water its foncerned. 'line Wild Duck was at laden, a few miles this nide of itechentei , on . Sunday. 'With" thle Of her barges aground. 'Pro. Vnt, Barnhill with n tow of canal to and the Tiger with n _tow . of empty barges, were ale. in tpttlele' : . at the 1411111. The Juniata was lying accniusa the chan nel at the head of earpouter'a bar on Sat inlay loorning,, hunt aground. Etl b rt wen, being. made. which l it in hOpet Ma.Ahl suemeasf a k to , Rghten her Or. Thu Mollie Ebert afterconsidetable di( ['wait r, got op to llcKees Rocks, and tus sht could . get through Rowley, Capt Ebert ha very wisely Iftitrher up tit that place. The July 2 departs for Zanesvilh today learing at 4 o'clock v. M. • =TMMI . —The St. 'Louis Deinorral of Thurstlai• says: The fact is, that the Natchez has pros,' emelt the fasteat boat that ever ran bet •eeti St. Loots and Sew Orleans, and teereennno she can b made in go, over th distance in severil hours. less time.., tut we eresunte that Capt. bentli. ers put her on Oils tashisloiv to .her tit 'woo, S wed consistent with safety: Perlin-0i le It. ILIA* in a (ant, boa than tho NatOlez. but pera.,ns of antual ateanalmat inttgentent think otherwise. —Mr. Morris Dorsey, late ,of the St. Marys; has been nppointed cashier on the lAherty No. d and hargem, —('apt, C. C. Pocket has purchased the Selma at New Orleans, to take the place :Of the J. li. Blackford. : —The. ittwhosto Ajax, Marcolea and brand. Lake were ntrairo on Friday. Wauanlta left St. Louis for Pitts burgh on Friday. —The Mary Davage arrived-at St. Louis on' Friday. RIVER PAMETS MOIEONGAIIELA Bl%Eft THE FLEET STEAMER .BELLE, P. hlItTll • L'emnni . nder. J. WJSCOTT clerk. • Ifidepindenl Pittxbugh, Brownsville and Gengra Packet. • • Leases Mead thett above Monongebelp Bridge :r 3 11 .. 1 . 11k9DAY, THURSDAY and HA'yUlttlAY WIII earsi ?rlight and Paseengere lo annotate on the Meenngabela Mier. .t:','.lreP:;=°.:PPizon""."T"wb' 4- Wlt. AIeELROY A CO.. Agent. 12=2213:1=13:2 FOR WIIEELIM_4 MARI ETTA, A RE .titoNros AND PORTNMOUTIL Lessee fittsbergh wrant FRIDAY-4 r. w. Leaves Portsmouth ETERS lIONDAY I 0 A The new and splendid passenger .tamer MffilM Will leave as announced For [reins or ~.nn &tier on War& or to O. U. UI"MUT & CO 'ittsburgli and Cineinna PACKET LINE The new and aplendid .ld.-.n..t 10,13.111 r JZ T , I 'art. Hur,or will laavat t ittatmm - h for VW ctnnatl HATURDA at 12 , rlact prv,topt -1411.11.411,..RU1 /care Intann.o.lost Tut:2,l,A v. at 12 M. r"lgMc"" ifi. ' An l ir?trggtom. nala • : JAMI2I etIuAANS. Menu. • STEAMSHIPS. TOLIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN.—THE INMAN MAIL ti:l7.AMMllT'd.orrmbertnireilteen Ilrrt rhW res.!, arnord them the delebra, ted , a4r Saillnd EVERY SATIMIIA Y. from Pier 43 North Myer. Nee York. For yardage or farther thrum.. doh amply to. . WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., , 143 BMITLWIELLI STIMSET. Tack,Bro & Co.. PERRY BUILDING, Dnqueene Way, Pitfisburgh. TACK BROS., !' mya • Philadelphia. WA . R IN ( Constrasinn Nersbantsand Itrotern Im Petrolewd and its Products, DALZELVB BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY. 19311adelphia Address. • VjARING-,KING & CO.. 109 WALNUT.EITHEET. • ECLIPSE' PETROLEII REFINERY. Herbert W. C. Weddle, KANUFACTURRIL OP Lobeicating and Dish Test Burning MIL leCi.olll/ RAILROAD AXLE OIL. •_ Blanes met beat without ettansin moons lbw. of st lowest temperature.. Special oh for Dori ' cal ellen.. ar hot weather. LOO3II(YSIWS, =OMB. MACHISS OROS. WIII cat ricSawal SAW MILI 4 ,..StiD Pl.. ,3I!LP, OILS. sttil.d ab br=frinAo-LionT OIL. TAN ' STOP- BE A LKI ALS, YING end' FINISHUrG LIS :;• • ?iklAVvellgar: to ARAn r; l FYl . .lspi Iron Wert end MachlnerT Iron ofe e m Aa a t E • These products aol ManWOlareil an Dr. TweridleM Wait 171 Stlre7tleitel Stem InToomo. The Lubricating Ohl eleplollOSlOdOrlese. prdectly ilt u um a. . i rrorm. and maierisi d ligut oniariaL during entrame null The Brilliow.nal OU. sre me ow:tujit. 13•117o= n 7: d r where left at 114 'WWI/ STRICET. Work. at Sharpaburgl4l4m. REMOVALS. R.EMoVX - t. S. P.- SERVER & CO. Have reward trottr olog iv o. pros. .:t7 and 2 7 114 . to -2 Non. El and IR Liberty LC, ADo vat the Dew] of WOOD EMELT, tbe? witi be pleased to ace all their Mai hug& sad cu. tumors. . 8.4). -. SHRTVER & CO. apy:TSS E NOV4L--FRED% SCHROEDER; R' Merchant Taller and Disler In Gentlemen's finnsishlng Goods; also Gentlemen and Clothing on band and Made M ord., at We ehort eat notice. hm removed:man hlelatestann.G...92 Fourh nienne, to No. GI ROOD - BTGEGT. earner of Thhel • ' mtn:6,7o-F VIALTIMORE HEERING, SHAD, &c. WresT3Vdo Maul b Potomen lairrZLeyr Of pack4BlNA.l l. or2=A;dmier i X• /WV:at he , Irti= 1rw14tr.P.04...2 balTaa Babson In lac Holland uernar •For .ale low to the inae. tatlO rritraiiatitre.C"L DOTIOE IO HEREBY OITIN TO all property owners %loth' Pep. avenue. from tier to 48th etroet. to the City of ?Mahwah. that the elootlOtt of , Zoteletr a , fee Peon ave nue Itoproventeot take ~,,, . WiDNEP DAT..IttIy eth3l3TO.ln the XTEItriTR WARD BCIIOOD HOOBE. on Liberty even, betereen toe boars of 2.07 Woloott• P. a - ' ex scumnyr: !The•Co...mittei TR. EDWARD. - O. • .103. VOGEL, ' EleeDon. _ EZM MARSHALL'S ELIXIR. ZURSHALVB MU: =TM 171UIDACHIL s tet.nal ELIXIR WILLCCriti DT211,3411A. . • W 470 Of Marshall's EllaW4a ." oar bot M. 341 .. 1 1 Market Meet. 44ARSHALL tnitabanr4. 2:1"."" ' " r:tg"°E.A. SPECIAL NOTICES • I:46 — DOCTOR WIILITIER Ants TO TREAT A.LL PRIVATE resulting EASES. This!. 'numerous alum of canes resulting from selissbuse. producing Uncouthness. neriour debillty.uutaislity. eruption, seminal emissions, uid final]) potency permanently cured. Persons adlieted with Wheats., intricate and, long standing constitutiornd complaints are politely invited to rail for Maisultation. which oosts nothing. to dance, the ben: of leachers, has enabled him to PerfePerfect wihrellas at once ancient, nide , pannanent... ct which in sumst eases ran be used without hind ... to hasinersA Aledlcine. Crannied In the 'es tablishluent. which embraces Ohm, reception and waiting Moans; also boarding artd sleeping alien manta for patients rogniring daily personal atten tion. nod natio and chemical baths, thus concen trating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed, state your mite. Road what he says in his pamphlet of art, pager , sent to any uteri). fur Ow Winans in tended erprolope. l'huctannds of earn treated annually, at illicit and all over the rimntry. Consultation fine. personally or bymall. °Mee No. r - ......tr.t.ismar Court house) twburgh, Pa. lours w tu IS P. st. Sundays 12 tt. to P. 11. Pamphlet sent to any address for Two Piastre. _._.ate_. OT*DTSPEPSIA-NEW MODE OF Y lln ,Yr/.Velolt WALK Mt, the tlintiordiatied Eng. tiat:al la r In caeollent and Lly'rr Complaint:. u ti r i: . d Thee to the. :Oilladallobla Inatitule. rotary will. co application, forward free to lhittgr4rNA „in Ogtc°,7= r/ ,.... but in raturn rdytiost thoon who are tlld to f igrli d us ' n:l l 4ltriVrlgalliri t fo n a n t ' lidalltoont in medical reforay. floclona di; di Innl Attic ""5y...,1.110.1:11tY 1r ft.. ty Small 1.515 at el. l”4 y 2 MANHOOIf: H OW, 'ASTI I ff •••••a Pt:anat./141ln a .aled 7 4 iiiclior ii. 1:1,1caell4 5 yna i . A I.ltlllll Itr, Tin , : aPernattortioaa.'or antultial ' VTlltr i Zi. k. :lld I ' Ad o l f . 1 _9,... 1 1.10 aanarallyLNorristooneas C00fi.,71'41541,41;1,;9747114%111ic'itr.,. fi.,71'41541,4 1; 1,; 9 747114%111ic'itr. , . Nlnt Seal, lo a plalownyolopo. to any address. postpaid, top roonio. 1., Ca oral, tor two grant ypo slump n L kii r AM, J. 1(1.1Y1h1 127 g,„,„ tr..?" - lAV It ELOR'S II the beta E. 11.1* enkindle Italy l/ye la n the wed& flambee.,-enable, Inetatitannoun.liOne net' pcontain lead, nee- any Verni.to Pala an perdue. paralyele or death. Avoid the vatinted see ,delu glee pretuvrallette hoanting Thiel. they do we ;nig. angel. The genuine W. A. Ilateheleen flair Dye has had 30 mean vinlarnletsee reputntion to upheld Its Integrity at the eely Perfect ;lair Dye- leach or Itrewn. Kole by all Immanent.. APP/led at 10 Mud .t trot. N. Y. • • tel IRT . w orn ttli ACKM.—A t letini - of t.s. , early Inelseeetlen.ratunlng nereenseebelty, ter.enature decay, Ae.. !Invite; tnell In rate every solvertleed remedy, hem eleeoverre n Almelo mean. of self-ettre, whleh he will lee! Free le hi. sulTerers. • .1. Ir. ItPIEVZe. tem:Mere 7N Nanette Street: New fort City. WHOLESALE GROCE:RS. ESTABINIBB BY A. k T. GORMLV, 1.911 W. NI. ( 10EMLY, VlloleSale Grocer, 271 LIBERTY. STREET, IC=l= Prrrstivitm!...gA. H. M. Sni.:EL & SQN Commission Merchants, And Donlan In FL. °HAIN, No. 93111110 STREVT OUR .nnr • RA.PI Common. Alle allemtlty. W. C. Armstron n o. ! (Successor to Fetter & ArcustronE.l . PRODUCE. COMIISSION „31ERCIOT, aptelfe tr0...13 MARKET STriEET. L. J.•BLA.NGRA IRD Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 396 PENN STREET El= Meaner & Harper FLOUR. DRAIN AND PIO/DUCA Conimis6ion Alorehants = =l==!Ci !TIM; BAIRD PATTON. Whole VALK GROCEID4,CoDuDoc. h Ilerehao..nd A.Cashart rco. 141r..h, ClKh. l'ard.o aid iArd ,011. Irrm. NMI*. 0t5.... Cotton Van. sad an I.l.6DrCh MAnulacpare.igenrrally. 112 nod 114 Kt'ONI. STREET. Illtaburuh. ;Mtn enw. our!, w5l. JOIN I. 11012SES:BROS.. Sureessors t t. Ciatiii.ragnA nuse Water strcets.TlDaba lon,/ D'ArlAtT. QIIIPTON k ITALLACE• Wholesale GROCER., AND CRODreg DEALERs, 6 SIVA araeaa. PlMburgb. ; _ 7 •Pet' - Cent. Gold. FIRST MORTIIAGE BONDS =1 . • OF TIM BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS MINNESOTA.% R. CO A UNITED QUANTITY YON SAIL At 90 and' Interest • ,Irstereat paiable Mai and Ntrrembe!. . .1. Mt a THOMPSON. • CflAftLY23l. IatOST. These bond* have 30 rears to run, are min vet t. Ible at L ille option of the holder into the stock of the Co. pan, at par. and the pasmcnt of the prin. d II provided for by a pinion., .2-71,TVX,Pg=n14g7g1=11t2 We Is reales puctrnlnansti. unbestfattnslynacommend those Bonds as the safest and nest Investment In the market. . . . Wmisswenttm, Mmes.:al priced. n . itly return nee per cent. Interest. while thew la y eight imd one-quarter per cent. In Gold and we reward the security equally good. The Company reserve the right , . withotil. notice to advance the {ince. HENRY CLEWS CO. -Bankers.. 32 Wall Streo, New York 8. McCLEAN & CO.. Pittobunth. P. _ BARKER. MSS . . CO..&Philadelphi•- • TOWNSEND. WUELEN &. CO.. l'hiladelphl KURTZ & HOWARD, Philadelphia. BOWEN & POE; Prdlidelphls. BEHAVE& & BROTHER., Philade HZI ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK t No. as FIFTH. .A. 171 , 1N Capital Stock J. W. COOK, President, R. W. nearer, Oishler, e.:15 8 W. 1140:1ANDLESS. : As... Cashier. PROFESSIONAL Jos, M. Gazzam & Co., ATTORNEYS AND COUNBELLERS AT LAR , fnUicitora in Equity and Bankruptcy. Oflica. Ne 98 FIFTH AVENUE. Plttaburah. Je'DrlUo G . l{'. DeOAP, .ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Iles tetat tired to No. 37 . GRANT STREW , Pitts burgh. 4TIII practice lathe 11.13.throult and thstrict All In the Melo Supreme and en the most o f egheny counts. end elate colleen°. In most - of the ...on counties. ARCHIBALD BLAIEF.LI", • Attorney-at-Law, Na 116 rIPTI! APIMJE.' 0= H. H. McCORMICK, Attouleyt•at-,LaNr.- 7 No. 48 GRANT BTRIIIICT, b r u TPnytopt atteratlonfdr,., .4, all tindegVl WM. B. NEEPER, ALDDRIIAN AND ELOPTICNO IMITICD OF TIEN PEACE. Office, 112 Fifth avenue. Bpocbal Menai, woo tommtrerracTO toWono. Deeds. , Flood, and Mrotommo OrroP Owl all Mimi tomMosa attended'to prompt sad ar m root, 1:(elly3401:1 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED.' BARKER, Proprietor, . Cor. Penn Staid Ilth, formerly old Canal L ODON - CRACKERS.. . • 1 A froth, ipnly of Mneteniies oelobrntorl Al •t7Wirenr, 3filliirrara., ' •siliA'insattPigi A ll tam TC=r d." ns for Peale hrilio N yound ß oil " qt.l% 1 . 161117 Grooery Stare of JOHN A. RENSIIAW. ._ Pm . ._ Corner Liberty and Ninth Mote. _... ~uF.~~~~ .~...,...; . , ~._..,. ~,... s <~~~ a~... s. ~ k... .. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK, No. 80 Fourth Avenue PITTSBURGH .8100,000. I= Stockholders Individually Liable 111=3! ME;M! . Thos. M. Harahan. I John M. Mortlabd. Wm. T. Shannon. Archibald Wallace. J.IOIOA W. ArlOlt.Xnal. I). Kenn Pats. B. Leech. I Wm. Tiny& ... . . . John Floyd. . tolleetions mono on all point, 'ln the United Fillet and Canada. Prompt attention paid to oor oo2hndentn. leloll3 TI IF: DIAMOND SAVINGS BANK, No. 6 DIAMOND, PITI,BrIIn6 CAPITAL == IiToCIIIIOLOCItg INDIVIDUALLY LIAIILk. llopniol al l o w ed n. of $1 d ep o sits . Wrest un time deposit. Partlenlnr et {lon given to collection. proroede of Which 11l tie remitted prompt/y. James M. Conner. I Abraham Gammon. James E. J. Allison. I Andrew b. Kobinson. Wm. .L. wirierbehi Jo I n. Fleming. N. P. Nawyer, Wm. D. l'oo President--N. P. SA WYF.h. Si. SCULLY FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No. 100 Fourth Am, Pittsburgh. AVITAI /100.01011 u1(0 oo.uoo DEPOSITORS SECURE', RV REAI, ESTATE AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON' TIME DP: POSITS. • Presldynt—EDWA RD MOUSE. %lopllll.nte—.l. O.IIIA FT. A DAM J KI/W A 111/ till1;81, ii. 1.111 rill MAPS JAMES CRAFT. ROOT. W.MACK EY. TIMM AS STEEL ' JARED 31. BRUSH. THOMAS W. DA VIS. 14..rrel.nry and Trrnxurcr—THOMAS STREI.. Co.hler-.J A MKS P. SPPER. . . . . . ()Moo enure In•nr9 0 . ,10ct A. M. 4.4 O'clock P.M. det Val ,4 iool ever, rktturday evening from 7 to I O. •• _ , • COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY No. 7t Fourth Ave.. Pittlhorgh CAPITAL Stockholders Individually_ Liable W. C. MACKUM . Cuhler. W.ll. KVY.III4/N. A . 11. K: X..141111k .. A 011.1611. W.ll. I.lllllll+oli ir Witiaii. , o'4l . .101iN 0. 10111.1.1113, W. 0. Reu ii %BA i It. v,wti.sort ' J ACOB' 16. - I.nt:. . . weed, to all aoceulble oolota of th e .3.lnlted and. I snuffle. !INTEREST alloleon oe TIME Pnnurt ntteall.ni even to all bnelneee of mere. Clilll l . BANK, 112 IFT 11 AVENUE, PITTSBURGIL . PA "*"• STOCKIIOLDERSi INDIVIDUALLY' LIABLE. ' INTER-EP' PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXIT ANtIE bought and sold. and when derired remitted to Europe. Collecth..n made on all and in all th principal point* Alf the United Stat. and Canadas e . DOSLINICK lIIMEIEN, President. I A11P.3 11cCABE. Vice Preald.L W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. PIRlCtt • • Thmsert. Jam. McCabe'. Thum. Itourtn. 01.0 Boating. Panicle Kane. : Terence uanapoes. Ch.. IL Barr; • James Phelan, Chas. Magian. IL A..Freprogle. I. J. (Ira.. • Thomas Barn.. • B. SAPPY. 1a125 JOS. M. IL AZEAM. Solicitor. EMED2I THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO 01' Pittsburgh, OWEED Safe Keeping of Valuables = Fire and Burglar-Proof No. 83 Fourth .Ave. Presinelr,Wl7.77l74l Plll lan% Vine President—HENßY FLOYD. William Phillips. -- Byron Mutsu% .. Brno Lloyd . , I . Jos. N. Morrison, ' IVIIiIZm Ilea. iileoma. William M. Lynn. I Curtis O. Hussey. Jas. I. Bennett. F. asely and Tmota—O. F. VON BONNITOBST. Open daily truur 9 o'clock •. st. to 4 ,y . c.lock P. MORGAN, KEENE, & MARVIN - Wall b'treet, =:M=:Ei:IIIM Huy and 9ull on lidlr KRNMENTv transact STOCKS, BOND, ECU um ES and ,GOLD. sad A General finking Business. N. NAMIJEL N. KEENX, =I :411,71 ve d w A i tl . p gl a festal of I.t. rayrono t t t f; ;1. Delp, 01 the 41:1 • ehanee and the 0 orders am Czech &Date vicinit mem b er s altick thxrd tend of each with the 'created pouable d Merchants and Investors: using Si a distance. ean•rely upon oar attention to their smallest or largest orders. withattuat tare and promptness. . As in roan put, a. shall eontlftwe to tranaset all business of Matoal Hanka and Corporations on the most Neon% e terms.. Individuals and at Companies, mottemplaUng Inquiryhange In their securities, or drafting to make concerning any estanchn Mildness they may hare In this city are incited to communioata with us personally or by letter. Reterence—Mmara. Jay Cooke Jr. Co., New York. mytlrrytt N. ilolmes & Sons, BANKERS, 67 Market Street, P [VI'S BETRGII, PA. Coll Mtulb.eN.l.l.ll'. tt',1:1.1'1""" STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECDRITIES, BOUGHT ArD BOLD ON COMMISSION Fanfold. atteuthua paid to the purchase and Woof United States Securities ,slO al HART, CA lIGHEY &-CO., • Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH;1110.100O_ STREETS, Pitt burgh. Pa., ISUCCEBBOHB TO . HANNA. HART.% CO. Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Alf d partielar attehtton ptlfi to the purtbato sad Wel of Ci-overnment' -Bonds. ).1,130 SigkL_Dranghts on London. mykss3 - NEW YORK eta y2O 1870. FIRM OF T. L. TAiLOR & _l_ COOPER la di/mired by mutual eenaent..and we have thin day formed a 'Watt.' [winnable under the name et TAYLOR & COOPER, No. 5 BrOdd fur the trereactlon of a general Brokerage line Pl ummets! ttelneas. negotlatlng MR. JOHN BAILEY •• tivrg ap oll t xW aring contributed 11140.090 We. tate s opportuelty of Mantles the cne, tomer of the old arto for their fast patronste,eed of soucitfog a eoatioussee of MeV favors. • . We also ofhw our services to W. tod mspeatallr all solleit their Dosinekt la the parkins* and We of orkluitl dealt. sf the Nam York Stork or Gekl Exchange. Coupons end restdeods collected. Interest allowed on Cinema. Orders 07 Mall or Telegraph erotootly executed MOS. L. TAYLOR. WIL COOPISCp., JOHN BAILEY.. Rotor by portobrion First National Butl. Pltlaborgb. .10Ktra Tradesmen's National WOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND AVE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, - Coupon Bands and Btoek BOUGH? AND BOLD. VN. B V RA ARVI ZT ILL . .ydpo P""4"‘ CYRUS CLARKS Ja °ashlar. JOHreILLESPIE, ' Chimneys Swept. . . wort ate. on cwnet..4o.ut maim Dirt_ orders let at Pottoese Boy 77a.. St No. 7 . 1 STRAWBERRY ALLEY. bolt.** Llttertr timithriell Hants. Plttaborgb. PA, 1•111 IA yII prompt attrunlon. m ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. FORT. PITT . Boiler, Stift and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, DMZ I= TUBULAR, DOUBLISIYLUED TUBULAR FIRE. Btu AND CYLINDER STEAM BULLER& GIL STILLS AND OR. TANKS. • LIIIMNEYS, BREECIIINU AND ASII PANS, SETTLING .PANS. SALT I'ANS AND CON DINSERS, PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON PRISON DOORS AND COAL SUUTN.M. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE: Cor. 2d, 3d, Short and Liberty Streets, r zlrv o the .soya add.. wilt be Aemo. 8.1/0 HUGH M. BOLE & CO., cui. Point Alley and Duquesne St., =I 11213 Engine Builders, Founders, AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONEWC itiIIINES of all int.. . . . . Specialattention Invited to mil. new STATION AIt Y OIL WELL. ENGINE AND - ORTABLE BOILER. or 13 home Dower. CASTINGS;or every lOnd,_inade to ruder at I,llr Foundry. on Tillitr) sTRICET, below litorkne BIOS for Oil Wells. SUAYTINO, PULLEYS, ILYNCEIIe. HOUSE . and TOBACCO SCREWS. and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order. at the nintsTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point Pgtehurgh, r.. . . Lir All ord..prompt!) ml.n. TRY US . Riesick & Bro. mu{ AND BUKULA141.1(001 , SAFES AND VAULTS $200.000 ENGINF,SANDNACHINERY. BREWERY WORK, REPAIRING ,u 4 PUTTING . UP 31 ACHINERY,HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Cur rier 17th end PIKE STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pg. nolr.:40; . O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & CO., Menutseturen. of STEAM BOILERS, 011, TANKS STILLS, AIIITATORS, SALTPANS.,OA.BOSIY TEILSL SKTTLING PANS. PRISON DOORS. CIILAINESS. BRICLIE. , I FIRE BEDS, de., for. of Se fond Avenue and Liberty Street PITTSBURGH. PA. $lOO.OOO Repairing done promptly. Orden sent to. the atrove ad Ire. will be promptly Attended to. - V. It EPIIAN. formerly Mang! r at CARROLL A &NYE/ERR. • oelg:pig POUNDERS, MACHINISTS: NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe Work's.. Corner Carroll and Smallman Sreets =I WM. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, GAS AND WATER WORKS. zs Nri si rt'd W. 7 11, !:,:,',;46r,ifro'i Castings for Gas and Water Works!, ofa tootto totoroton Otappyintondeoto Geo Work. to My mate of RYWOUTO. W. S. /111011101011 L. ..,rimrynntg. MONONGAIIELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., • Mannfah - arera .4 IRON HOUSE FRONTS, WIN DOW LIAISES .nd SILLS. and Castings of all Descriptions 41: ,:I•RVALTZ74II Mame. • Pbu•oi,ie. A ND FOUNDRY—NO. 130 WATER T. nat. ROBINSON, REA & CO. Pnconsont to floeiNsOtf, AItNIN d Bitu.sxr WASHINGTON WOMB. =I Motisfitctorero of Boot and. StationarT Stem roßtner. MU Machinery ,Goartag. .:•sf: . l='s r atittr i gfalilescrl=B,ollTanksamt . (Moo No. I t i L stfm_or PIM and Smithfield etreell. f aecal._ colt 'LAUD'S PATENT INJECTOR for ftt, • CO., THW...CARLIN CO,„ Fourth Ward Foundry & Machine Works. I=l Manufacturers of endlonary and Portable Steam Znainea. m. Paliere. Shafting Gen and . Saw Mill Wo rk.. Rolling =land klachlA Castings. .Ante Sara. Weights. Wagon Boma,ah Bout to order andhave on hand Bloaranes of all $1.4. myll:qs Phcenix Roll Foundry. Cor. LIDENNY AND 24T11 81 . 13. BOLLMAN & .BAGALEY. irrosurseturers of Superior Chill Rolls,. Sand Rolls and Pinions BRASS CASTINGS: . Henry Bier & Co., to JOHN M. COOPER A C 0..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNBERS. Brass Castings • • MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. tim i v i t.a k sqular o IRON amnion. 7 . Ir r eir&AILVECIC COCK VALVES. ALL OLOBE t BRASS WORK OF BEERY DESCRI PTION for Steeln.Water told OIL irifeuatrcarkCeLßPßOVED BA sgg Y di pu i P , AGENTS of DREFUS . PATENTDILERS, beat in the mutat. OFFICE AND WORKS; , 7 Corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. non ATWOOD & McOAFFREY Corner LIBIRTT 8231Zir and THIRD AYSICRII, Pittsburgh. Pc, BRASS BOUNDERS and IRON PIPE ITITERS.and AGENTSSurA.S.CAMERON &COB STEAM PUMPS AND BLOWERS. FLOUR. PEARL STEAM FLOURING MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO I=l EZMEI=I;;MM . . 3 itar Chico Brand an unequaled natty Flo. • -la tar Blue Brand, A No. 1 T.O.ra Fatally TI• that gtrea entire sallidoetlon. 1 Btar Bed BaideodianLlt r.enel Wl.T.m.intht M Tl%,anted °° eoreeened. el lie, 11670.. p:4101611::i:te7.T:);1v4wa4:1 ; .PULTON 0 . 1. WO YMON dz, IieGANN, • • Practical Plum GAS AND STEAM WITTBnd. itrth AtOaoe near Iltda Street; ?MANI:110a. Lead Otha lloatOSalladarlajhata. Bath Tat= sah Staadli===trttnat n tt Wlsheardr ` rar WIMP. dthad ha r ttler dan. Water and Steam liewtot Arraratua. Jobbing 1.0120, 1 7 atteaoOCl W. ',r ~: c. ~ h .+v a.'.~a_-.Z. _,,,v_ .G__ ~d .....= ar~t.~,;~,u._v~c~h.,;:.sQc..G. , ...~ Fc,`.~.....a;tk~' IRON WAND CIZEiCVNT STEEL. WORKS. MILLER, BARR PARKIN, OFFICE: No. an Ltherts Street PITTSBURGH. CA. DUQUESNE WORKS, = Col On I an, Ralun & Co., IRON, NAILS STEEL; Axels and Springs. DUQUESNE, L X ANILJUNIATA FLAT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON, BAND, IIOOP, SIIKET AND TANK IRON. " BOILER PLATEN AND REARS, GUARD IRON DRAG AND DROPPER EARS. FLANGES. CU ' I TKR RA RS.CYLLNDER DION. T AND FLAT RAIL. rot Coal Roads, CROWRARK WEIVG ES and }JARROW TEEM SPRING. - PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS,eut to pattern. STEEL TIRES.STEEL SHAPTINO.A 00ACIL BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES.. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted F. AND WORKd-181b otiant and Ana Ora Meer, and 77 Water alma, l'lttaburgh. Pittsburgh Steel Works. lISTABLISMID ANDERSON S, WOODS, Best Relined Cast Steel MEM= = ,egi Refined German Plow ik Spring Steel CONNED. AC,SS; AND FIRST AVENVD. burgh. Pa. 1 - • PITTSBURGH velty Works. • - FOUNDED:A. D. vs 33. MOORIIIF,AD, ADAMS ti, CO., Memo foolorars of ICEVSTONff STAN DAIUt iFM, bent's Patent, PLATIVIDA AND COUNT SCALES. Jam,. Paned Patent. Door Locks and Latches Palm. and Coffee 31,110 ,Sc. Cotner of PIILYT AVENCP: and GRANT BTS. Fdttaburah. Pa. Sheffield Steel Works. SINGER, NI3IICK CO., Manufacturer, of every dewription of Cast and German Steel, RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC , AND PLATFORM SPRINGS. AXLES STEEL TIRE, Re., SG WfiRICIIOC9E-733 Waterand 100 Find streei• BLACK DTA'AiOND STEEL WORKS. Gl= PARK, BROTHER & Co., Manufacturers of all Descriptions of • STEEL. OFFICK end WARE1101:18N-30th. 316 t aria itellrtul streets, Pittsburgh. STOVES, OASUNGS, COOK STOVES. Get the Best! BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, For Bituminous Coal Warrented to COOK, BARS or ROAST.. se , terly. other Store In the bolo.. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street ALSO. ON RAND AND FOR SALE: PARLOR STOVER. HEATING STOiES. GRATE FRONTS, FENDER.% COWLING RANGES. A, GRAFF HUGUS & CO. =1 STOVES, Boston 'Cooking Range "TEE - FIERY FURNACE" YOR,WARMING BUILDINGS. • TEE NEW ANTI-DUST COOK Did STOVE. " REGULATO“,” COLUMBIA COOK MOVE. VANTI itdoclomall Puttorol PORTABLE RANGE, CAST IKON MANTLES. W ELLMAIVEREYLEC TOR, GRATES, flee from dirt and dust; ORATE FRONTS. FENDERS. Ao. . . 206 and 208-Liberty Street, - - prrrsavaaa. /.BRADLEY& CO. No. 30 Wood Street Maufactuani of the Oreateat Va OOOL PARIcOII and BEATING STOVE the famd. In our arcortment ME be found ell the Mast PAT TERNS .d IMPROVEMENTS. and the reputa tion of our Stoves l purchaset any one In want of • good article ohouldnone but those man ufactured by ea, as they will be found the moat du rable as a economic:a. Would all particular attention to our sto res. VOLCANO STOVE, for churches, halls and Over 500 sold Intl.* months. Intended for with or without castng. .6.11 who have used them pronounce them euportor to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue end nice Llst. WINES, LIQUORS, arx. • WAGNER'S FRENCH -COLORING, • The- Very Bat in - the United States, • MANUYACTITMCD BY WIVE WAGNER, - 981 NorthBerenth Street, - PHILADELPHIA. Rxmasscia—All Mei 1.41ns tomses hs - Phlls. dephl. 1.1.10141118 Schmidt & Frigay IMPORTERS OP; WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, 81. p, IVROLEBALE DE4:4;18 PURE RYE WHISK I ES. Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, Oina, Cor. ELBIEKTII ST., formerl JOS. S. FINCE.& CO sat. 113 , /MeV BTRSZT. Pittoblusb. • Almisfsetaron 01-COPPER DISTILLED PURE AYE WHISKY. Also. &Alen La FomuoN Wtves. and Lmooss. llals,4to- • solataEs PAZITING, GRUNENG, ME3 JOHN T. GRAY, • ' NOM AID 81011 PRIMER, ORA-I:M7li AND O.T.A.keER, = Ja70t1417 (Lto Band 'ANN.) Ptttelnutb. P.. RAILROADS PENNSYLVANI J. CENTRAL RAIL to., D.—After June ulth. IS7 0, Trains millagi • •••• nruve and depart as f01k... eto,crwa TM:4T%, RP Thius. o .7.h Trains . Through 'resins Lea•at-dion Denot. Arrive at Union Depot. ato Ntall Train... 1:30 an •ta•n• • •Pe smo,Fast I.Me I% am A....._• • • • • •11211 rinonnati Too am PinrinTia.A•-••• i f t flittatigh Ea.. •30 Pm 13Pfelat 3, ' , MI Nein(' t 30 Pm Fast Line TAU P..wap paaan... .10:00 pat • N• t f.• '.6 4 Wall's No. ii.. 117 I • ,„ , , Nol Wail . . No. 3.. 3,03 cm' Walt. 30am Johnstown At:. 4 , 04 Pl. , ""Wr . ne. 14141anv Wairs N o. 3... 6.OaN •A: op. No. 4.. 3:1 pro 'Wall s No. 4.. Ae. 1.1 30 tn'W• ll,l 4. Walls No ; 0...11:00 Pm elncinnstl Express and Facile Express leave :ri l lnulrst 4 .C.l olll ; o .I.plf. All other trains daily. estop, Panda? . .. Tito t north Trains leayes Wails Station. every ..tdoldy at 8:30 a. m.. , reaching Illtabargh at 9.30 a. m. leaves 'llttsharan at 10.30 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station at 0:10 For farther Information apply In , W. - 11. BECKWITH. Ascent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Comps.] Will nott." some any lab Tw '`""x""*".lTAlttof7Vrtr: pareland fedi their . resp._ll Y _ th _ dred Dollars in value. All Pag..lace of ri• ••••• .Ineamount in value will be at the riot of tne out . s. aura by ''''dn' A " . J. CASSATT, tperinteodent, Alltvinn. Pa. COMM 'r iT A, c fitiTtlti R. :=ll2 burgh cite 11ine. - rd.& letig NFL : ti n . .:1.4r..• m t 2gtr. Yn ' T :U .41 Chleon Mn.. .. 10.13 a 7 m \Clio p 111.3...• AV% .Z p Fader Fa • Obi p • W . ! a rwaxa..4:33 p a ; Ede pre Erie r..• ; • Derain . roux AL.O.V.tAtoilvA • Beer Fails A .S.3N • rul I.retsdale • 14eladale 10:13 a so' firer Fails " • " 11:1. m' • yo.-d ., New Oldie 4 12 Dm' New l'astle .• • • iren " 3 ti l.retedah , m Leetsdate 1:13 P Urge " p Beer Falls " 6:33 p Lee: " :3 I,endiniale . 10:43 p " 7:3 Dto bole (lake Sun- Fair Oats Pen- • day Feared -1:13 p ay . da y Church—P.3B aus l'acttl l effairrees leareo and arrive. dallr. • a e gZs d rldri.N. ierAll other trains will leave and arrive kilt. 8 r. d R1117 . 4. " . .1. N.:Melly-O.IIEII, . k Tldket A g ent. Beni. 31anager. ESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA IL R. lit . 1 at n h a eNhTseTg're' • rrana o . the Weate Pennayleasla Railroad will artive at and depart irfall the Federal Street Depot. Allegheny Iltl. aa follows: lALL7IENY TIME.) . Attain. I DATAIVI , ._ . No. fgeltUlZX . 1 .t 6 10 ITti =port NI. 1 843 r„1 E.„m". ' 1 111 anuClaremont Ae.11210 am ilareriii.t. Ac.. 14 p ali Express. • '39 9 . Freeport No. 2 3:3. P co Mprinsol e No.i. .24 p m Mall • 4,311 p m,Yreepoll. Nu. . ....0 p m dpringire lle.1.0:1111 p prinini oho. ,tIiJU pm• Above trains ran daily except hun.m. The Chunili Train leave. AllcithenT Junuth. e t , .r/ at 8:00 A. IS.. notching Allegheng. City at molth A. X Returning, leave. Allegheny City at 12:30 P. 'Land anivu at Allegheny Junc tion at 3:00 P.m. • . rig h /o4ri l Tilf ti ! allg i r l i r i flr 3 m! * Viii n riV " „ " . 31 t . ilt, near the Sumionvion Bridge. Pitts. sat the Depot. Allegheny. • ' Cr P-up.brApeiNEßTs. Afta,t Federal Street Re pot. hem to ell Important Mations on the f the Parmolvania Central Railroad. A. J. CABBATT. U'''''' ' "l'" UPlVlll: Il i gglih r . ". SUPerlntendent. Pittsburgh. iiIIIENV I'ALLES RAILROAD. (r TO BUPP.AI.O TllltOUtill TUB OIL .. • • et -. • Liu r bomb. on. For fun 1,,en1 T • ale line ALL IE , A LI. i'ggiNe6V4Alsapiafig . Tilt.T.Vir s buVelrot, corner of i2O, lb dreets. for Fninklln, 011 City. Iliiih n slo. Mo In he 0111teglps. 1.1,•Z ' - A1.1v% AT PITT.I,IOH. PITIVIVIRIII. Day Expre. .-7: S O A. 9. v . , Er ~:.:. Way Passeneer Night bap.. 0 0 I. st 9 * . 0 .L: 9: ' I '" * * MaliTridn 1 6:00 r. X. Bradt, Bend Acen.. 1:12 1:. : Iglu A. :. ViNV 610 A. 9: 17_, : 4,?..11 . 9: . nEII.I . 4:01 ii. M. 10 A. M. • d Ilulton .. 11:0 P. lit. 7. 0 P. 9. Parnassus. 11:4 A. H. 3: OM. M. Church Id. 10: 0 A. M. Express tnins stop only at pinclpal poluts. Ac commodatliin trains stop at all stations. toer Palace Bleeping Cs. on filuht.:.Express Taintrs. but, ways between Plltsbur*li and Cowl , .._ . 4...1...1tA.1VT1.T.1t1eP1-81.P!._. June alb Trains ds 111 leave d Pike I d all pa =MI Jell JA Mid If. HAAT. Ticket Agent pITTSBURGII. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. PIN RANDLE ROUTE. - - CHANGE DP Tl7lll—On and after SUNDAY. Juno 11. 1870. Pains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot. Pittaborgh. as follows: Pittsburgh Time. Express i'JT. illV..ln . a Wn - oo n Fast Line /0•48 e. m. 7:1 0. ca. So ot Itepross . • 3423 ~.3, 1 , 41 333 J 1 au..3303. 3 4 a... _ ...... McDonald deCOMIIIO4I . II. 11r 7 ' Sloubenville Anotimmod. 40. p.m. 1.4).1.01. Mgonat b il Ag h ou n tifn. 1 1JAli s ' p. m. .ig Pt . S Tbe 1048 A. N. Multi "Line will leave daily. ' Tr. 11113 noon Express ardoes dolly. All other Malta ran daily exoept Sunday. W. I. O'BRIEN. General Ticket Agent, Coinntna. O. W. W. CARD_AuyY. Dennison. ORR lel3 IiDITTSBUUGH AND CONNELL* R_ VILLE RAILROAD. Onand attar RUNWAY. Febrears 200. 7870. Trains will arrive and depart from the Depot: DA ster of. Grant and Water street., as follow. • 1•21,117. • Augzirg. Mail to and from Untlk. 7:00 a.m. 11110 p.m; i klellmolfayt, Acm2prood.ll,llle m. _BARI p. m m. Wes ' etn ' lltf/r A=Mc/ . . F.: E t . /haddock's Amman:Ws. 11:1 p. m. 7: OP. Bt. Night Ace. to AleKeespk.ll.l:3o p. m. 0:43 u. m. Sunday Church Train to and from Welt Newton. 1:10 pp. 111:110..s. EL— • SUCHARD B. doWEIRLAsnott HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Pittsburgh Utility Work WEAVER & JONES, Cornet of Juniata and Fulton Steeds, \ Sixth Ward, Allegheny. MenntaAorent LIARDWARS and ell kinds LIGILT ORItY IRON GAIIITLNOS. . We tender our Goods s and errlees to the Trade et the Loweet Prices, and waNant all our tort rightfully gelato& Orden solicited. I The attention of Dealers generally Is called to Make /If ISED AND PLATE CASTERS. • - ' WEAVER k IDNES. - 11 . 1Arnes Pll4turAh Postalfs zn. A6l ETABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., DEALERS 1N HARDWARE N0..62 Wood Street, PITISBUILOU, PA. Spring Hoods, Hoes, Bakes, Forks, Scythes, Maths, &c. Merchants are invited to examine our stock whenin the city. Orders by mall will have prompt at tention. • BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO., No, 70 Wood Street, Table Knives & Forks. Pocket Knives, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, Caving Knives, Scissors, Razors, Putty Knives. AND ALL OTRER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY IT LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., No. 70 WOOD STREET; LEAD. DRUGS, dfro White Lead and Color Works, J. Schoonmaker & Son, PROPRIETORS. 0371 CR, AND TACTORT. 611,:4 it, Eit, 446101 . 1,448 Rebecca Etrtet, W. cni cia‘ ,... , , iumainsoice ported co oar Strictly Pore leo&aol olujotee .47 Wirer, er erbortato M Otte moll. _mmt_f ROM teat to frt. from- wi t t gatot._•.. , - t..... fore Is ottltereite Montt. tO toot.' Mtl one . ' IrdaraltD to be sparer carbonic of and Winer Ulna Me in tba market s aril win forfeit therm of talc plans if coning . u, re...,,,, ICO. 0180N 1 J. & BROTHER:B, 2sembesty amt. lhalen b Than art IM FORT WAYNE & will len,. from vlb *lto. !lila. MUM I= PITTSBURGH. PA. PITTSBURGH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers