11 II tiolitistardr H orrumu. PAPER Of PlittJunky Allegheny Cit y andlogkeni County. .077102: lUMN 10411181 K 111 8i NY Til WEDAIIUMAY, ■ASCU 10. lino BONDS i Frankfort, 951 Parsourit at Astrarp, 67it. Gossi amnia In New York yesterday sit 1110111 i. Wz reprint, from the Philedelptda V Igia, an article on the appropriation bill, sow pending at Harrisburg, which should add* lnielf to the reader's thoughtful oonskleintion. ad. city contemporaries yester day bulletined the news of the explosion of the tow-boat "Eagle," In the river, 1, sixteen miles below the Idly. At the same 1 timeithe itEsgle" was quietly moored id our lone, Ind the nly explosion heard I of was the mirth of the river-men over this reliable , mite/prise of our neighbor. Yon the shocking brutality with which Captain Eyre deserted the crushed Onto* sad left ono hundred and dfteen Anted. esni to perish, whom he might Imre n • BOA Court- of Inquiry, at Hong Song, *hes "suspeadwi Ids certia. Cate for six montliki t. It tequila another form of mapendoa which he hu merited, i64.jOdiCOOtIV Of In Ciaistendoin, except his cormrrymen. Cosmsoncuy holds her State electlois on the'llrst Monday In ApriL Her votary musthe registared twenty.days previous ly, Wei the right to vote accrues sub eszpreftly, when the citizen may be regialeru' . l_ to within a week from the elecdon day. The 2,000 colored voters of Me Vote will therefore be enfranchised by thd President's proclamation, if leaned befotietha 25th hat. That depends upon the idmissiOn, seasonably, of Texas and Tan.mllitis, of Tennessee were dis banded by the last Legislature, and no othec mesa' were provided, to enableihe Governor to enforce the laws among the turbulent population. That anew bas IPPelilld, therefore, to the President for military aid, which, as the Fede ral Luis are now said to stand, can only e ren dered by calling the militia of the gjoin leg States into service. We doubt this last statement. The - Government has - glvea : military aid, 'with the regular troops; to State authorities in several lu ster**, and notably in the mat ter of ,tbe Dorr insurrection In Rhode Island. The President • will therefire be • able to comply with the demaild• made by Got. Berman. Beyond that, there would be no difficulty in the preadmi if the Governor were worth his salt. But,,ualortunately, hi is very much under Improper Influenwis, and no roll- Lace eta be placid upon his energy or ofildiarlntegrity. Tetnessee is reaping herself all the just fruits of her own polit teal- mistakes, - and it Is questionable whether any intervention•by Congress is noga(goWta,or justlflable. Tan. Lath new. near Madrid, between two • aspirants to the Spanish throne— Prince Henri of Bourbon and the Duke of Hontpensfer, a eon - of the late Louis . Phillips, Fling of the Preach—is one of Yier-allskra "2110 . 4 Cite the recent tour der committed by Prince Bonaparte, is fast bringing royalty into contempt among sensible people. - After considerable fir ontoth sides, the Prince wan shot through the brain, and of course fell dead. "My God I (exclaimed the other party) what have I done I" Mad be asked himself the question while going to the Held, or while firing his first shots, "What am I doing ?" it would have been .„ a little more sensible. Pride, pusion and rMual cowardice goaded him on till - the fatal point was passed, and then re sirse and honor suoceeded, as deep dark. ness succeeds the lightning dash. Per haaNbdwerir, ft was better that . one of that fools should be entombed, and the other go' forth a wretched and self con deinned homicide, than that either should haie monsfed the throne of that miser able nation, which, for more than a year puVbas been feebly trying to rise Into light and liberty. - art" PEQOI3I2III, in Wyoming Terri tory,' s 1 treitight woman face hi face with one of the m ost trying responsibill ties incident to e fullest political rights of citimmship. is all very fine to talk about the right of suffrage, and no doubt it would practically be very pleasant for her to exercise that right. But the ptivi leges of the Toter are accompanied with other duties, imperative and far less an *Wile: •If her :physical ' conetitutine disqualifies her for military service, Mat plea should not &Tall to release her from duly e & juror. Accordingly the panel in:a capital case just tried at Lam Inies.ineluded three or four women. who were duly sworn, took their seats in the box, heard the testimony, the sirramesnOt of counsel, and the charge Ira* fit - Court. end retired. with their. male associates, to deliberate upon the verdict. For four days this epicene jury hung in debate upon its finding, until at last all wen of one ailed to convict far wrikts. We' shall conclude that the female jurors were of that opinion when they first left the court-room, or that the merits of the case must have been very s trong to have changed their minds. We have no other comment to make, except to cheerye that to very many women the bart ingestion of an exposure to a duty so painful as that of a capital conviction would itself be \ quite enough to impel their desertion from the cause of an sm eared rang e. Tat London Times, in a recent article on the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, declaring the legal ten. der law of 1868 unconstitutional so far as it related to debts contracted prior to its Passage; suggests 'to the foreign holders of tiondsof our States who received their interest in currency or its equivalent In value under Trrotest, that now, they can, by legal process, recover the amount of the difference In the two currencies. The Thies in ! this to mistaken. In the case of the State securities there are _ IWO bus to ituCtv,* process of recovery. The noticing Coestitetion expraudy proiidee rhigrnor Stele shall be llble to 'suite Ia the warts of the United States on the part of dams of other Stater, or of chinas of any foreign .. „B , lore k , Bat were that ',Dot esti the law of both England sidlhe rotted Btitairie: elaryitiutt It creditor accepts mutant olt&lloehethelL : lie proteste oi not, wales, Ids — right to my legal reFedles In the panntses. We know - that a dfiliremtlii: MR* prevalls, and Unit In nips Weil ipioteiiideil bien entered; :but this being the law, there - will be no raking up of old scores on• ith*9rukt 4ti data, whether. prlncdpal of Interest, which hate been gold la ettnency, and that paymeat • 110copted. Tlga Is wells, and it Is well that • everybody should know It It was law ful to pay debts In that way before the late derision, although contracted before the passage of the legal tender act. It Is not SO DOW Purity Samarium 'enjoyed w brilliant fame for hli gallant achievements in the galley of the Shenandoah, and few names made great by the war of the rebellion called forth more spontaneous and hearty acclamations from his countrymen than It Is sad to think tint a man may have spirit, cottregeAnd dash, and skill to renderthem Available,- end yet be desti tute of the higher ud nobler qualities of manhood. That side of which we read and sing was - glorious, far it changed rent and disaster Into yictbry; but that order to Cal. Baker to ride over the i n. and butcher northern plains t surprise butchera camp of Welt In d~w, made up of both sexes and all ages, . as the got of a barbarian rather than it hare. The order itself was atrocious, the manner in which It was carried out wait equally so. To attempt to apologize for either would only make the matter worse. But, worst of ill As the labs order from General Sheridan, congratulating Col. Baker and his party upon their murderous achieve. By this act General Sheridan has in. Meted a sorer Wound' upon his country than traitor or rebel ever did.- It is one of.those damned spots," as ShAspeare expresses it, Out will not out. It Is one or those Mile dark sad shameful episodes which tarnish the fair lame of men and nations, and which history neither ignores nor .washeak OM. HOW ROW can good men, spliointial by government to gather thine miserable outcasts al humanity, those Limed' of our border, upon reser rations, and labor to lead them to a better, safer sod happier PCs, look the survivors In the face, and ask them to put their faith in the words of white men ? HolP now shall they tell thom of Bre hose mission it was, not to destroy men's lives, but to save them t That order, witk its execation,_ was an im measurable calamity, ap ever-during statue. . • - ' =I Senator Sumneris apparently not con• tent with The slow bet steady movement In our finances toward a geseral resump. lima cub payments. - Ho would hasten its progress by express enactments, talc log the responsibility of thing an arbi- trary date only nine months hence, from and after which the Government shall resume payment in specie upon all itabilltleo. The Ilrat effect of the in trodaction of his bill, a synopsis of which appeared in yesterday's Gezerre, was to advance the gold 'premium. How the passage of his bill filially would re-' act the other way, it passes the pub lic comprehension to imagine. Since he proposes to lock up gold in I monthly - instalments, in the bank malts, until one hundred and fifty mil , liens ehall be withdrawn from the market, one must conclude that either that policy whuld be a mistake,,or that the ?Secretary his made it palpable blunder in reducing ', his own reserves by„monthly Bales upon Rthis New York rachangn Yet the Treasury Wier, lisdisitted to have tier ilend a potent Inituence; not only Idcrash. jai speculaticin; but in: convincing , the Ipswich] world of the actual abundance of the supply of the metal for all the de mandsof the market. Ha bas made gold .se active commodity in the exchange of solid vetoes, Instead of withdrawing it from use, and boardieg It up on the prin ciples of the Sumner bill. If the Secre tary be right, in holding that we have gold enough in thb. country, pine a re stored patine confidence, to warrant us in expectiog • reasonably earn) restora tion of specie payments—and his opinion is sustalneitty the settled and resistless' movement of the market Itself—is not his pelisy bearing its fruit before our eyes, in such a solid appreciation of the paper resources both of the Treasury and of the banks, as shall, at not a very distant day, maks these resources convertible at plea. sure, dollar 'for dollar, into their coin equivalent? When all these assets shall have recovered, ander that policy, their fice value in coin, not only without lock lig ono - dollar up - , but in fact with the re* lease of the bullion se fast as it accumu lates from other causes, is not a policy which accomplishes that' - potential result doing more to forward resumption, by rendering everybody able to resume, than war have any reason to, expect from a Mauna of so opposite a character as this which-Is oraml to us by the Senator from Haseachussets ? Mr. Sumner has evidently adopted the Idea which is mi . satisfactorily urged by a New York journal. "The only way to resume is to resume," and so he brings Ina bill which in effect would run down and crash the struggling marktt, and lend the debtor class to the bottom, with as little care for the oonsequeucez as Cap tain Eyre exhibited In the we of the hapless Oneida. ' —Esitomptkin"will come to stay when 'it comes of itself, and the country will have cause to delineate any legislation in the premises which shall go one inch be. fond recognizing the situation as It shall be arranged by the-course of events. Such bills as this of Mr. Sumner's can only do mischief by obstructing the way; It would certainly do as, little good as a papal bull against the voted. Omintse Bzmi, writing to the London Aidingawn, gives one more "wrinkle" of an intending sort. 011 that rather indis crest subject of th Nile origin. Refer ring to the 'accoant of Linage' Magyar, a Runprian traveler, who wrote mlB5B, he concludes that the Kalmar!, a great river, rising in the mat forest Oberbuid of 010 Minds, near the west coast of Africa, is really the origin looked for. Livingstone, in 1854, low this river, and thought it ran westward, but Beke says it trends to the north aside runs through the great Nyanza lakes, taking the name or "Nlie_," on its way to the Mediterra nean. One thing la Mum' of this conclu sion is that the source of the 'assert is the very forged any one Can look to, since it Is in the last mountain ridge of Africa on that western side; between eleven and twelve degrees, south latitude. The guess tarries a show of probability with It; and if it is a Imo one, that re nowned old Nile willbe found by far the longest river on the globe. A liiitAzi.z antkority gives the follow ing decline 1* retell prices In New York during Um week, as the result of the cot ton in gold, • from .115: Staple dress goods, from 10 to 13 per cent; carpels of domestic msnufactiire, II per cent; for. alga lints, .5 per. cent; American silks and ltillsll4otbs, froM.ls to 20'per cent; shawl', from 10 to 12g per cent. Java agree tas Wien from 45 to 33c per pound. Best white anger s which sold a month ageBID4 Is xcter held at 1210 1)y the P•Jrpui Ira from 10 to 15c per k i firie. I. Good' brands of flOur are offered at $7. Boots and shoes are not elected, as labor 4 high. mid the price. of Wittier 11 'abaft:lllg. " AU *ie this 4tailikal7 Commit. granting to' all'wtportZons mated bythe States the sights and inununities of atoms in all the States, will probably. not be reported to the House until the Warn of Mr, IThsgiume, the ;OW:man of the Committee, who is now ill at his pomp Ind io The bill is spoken of fa 41,0robly men of ifl *ties; 11111C8 the digptlolll of several of the Stain to dis criminate against non•resident corpora , Voss hi feltio be &growing evil. It will, if adopted," interfere with some of the railway legislation of Pazuuylvaala, as well as the llfs lastirsautlaws of several southrt and western Mates. l•ii. • Infallibility in the Connell The Roman correspondent of the Augs burg Altvmeins Zfitung writes: "The 1 , members of the Council are divided by a Tait chum into two Instals camps The , question of infallibility, though the most I important is net the only one which sepa• ' rates the bishops. Both parties have en tirely different and indeed conflicting programmes. The majority, with its 800 Papal pensioners, speaks and acts on the principle:—.We are here to accept all our ' master, the Pope, submits to us without objection, and without any substantial change. What the Jesuits are as priests we are as bishops, the heralds of the Pa pal power and infallibility, and the obedi ent executors of its commands. We shall therefore vote against every, proposal which does net probeed from the Pope Asa has not been sanctioned by him, and oppose everything that can displease him , or tend to lessen the revenues of the Cu ria both' in the Council and elsewhere.' Hence the 180 or 140 Lishoin who desire ecclesiastical reforms axe met and hinder ed at every tura by the opposition of a well led and disciplined majority of 400 prelates. In this respect, Cardinal Har nabe, the prefec of the . Propaganda, has rendered most eminent services to Ike On. ria. He keeps the missionary bishops in good order, and does not hesitate to spend a whole evening in laying sego to one of them who is supported or assisted by the Propaganda, until, by threatening his with the withdrawal of the subsidies his diocese enjoys, he induces him to vote exactly u the Pope may desire. "Iletween these two hostile :camps stands a party of BONA 150 prelates be. loaging to TIIIi01:11 nations, who are averse to the manufacture of dogmas to which the - Jesuits are driving the Pepe, • in general, dad t 1 the law dogma of in- Llllbllittyv particular who abler ac knowledge that many reforms are secs.• wary and desirable, and yet, for various reasons, do not wish openly to support their opinions withtheir names and Mllii , one. "As far as I can Judge from frequent personal intercourse with many bishops who favor the propcieed dogma of Infalli bility, the following train of thought is the secret source of their zest. They feel more sr less distinctly that the old dogmata are not sufficient for the wants of enr age, but new articles are required. A I single infallible ecclesiastical dictator would be more likely, as they think, to sanction suck an addition to the creed of the Church than an episcopal assembly, for, even supposing each new dogma should not be opposed, as it Is almost certain to be, at any rata by a minority to a Council, the bishops can still only be regarded as wanes:we to the tradition of their Churches,' whereas an infallible pope, standing under the direct Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, might at once pro. claim a new dogma, as for example the corporal assumption of the Virgin Mary, without heeding the history of the put, or the tradition of any single Church, even that of Romp. "'Again, and this Is the principal thing to beremembered, the differenoe between ignorant bishops and those of great theo- logical leaguing would in future lose its signifleuice. As the prelates would only have to announce and execute the Papal Edicts, they could not Justly be blamed for being unversed in divinity. Those who can never be required to pronoun 4 a judgment need not be ashamed of SAM S' Incapacity for doing so. They are merely the spesking.trnmpet of a higher power. "Thirdly, theology Stuff would be simplified; it would become an easier. and shorter study. The long and careful in. quiry into the history of a dogma, and toe painful investigation of its scope and consequences would be superseded by the authoritative dicta of the Pope. Such rescripta might be collected and published ander the title of 'the Art of Theology learnt In eight days.' A copy of this work might then be presented to every candidate for Holy Orders, and It Would supply the place of a whole. ..icy.., EinigianU and the South. The Commissioners of Emigration, in their report which is now in press; speak as follows of the disposition of ensign:nit to settle in certain sections of the country: "The South still strives to find the means of attracting emigrant labor, but it loses sight of one important fact, namely, that most of the immigrants look out for the pram where they are sure of employment It is In rata to tell them that many tracts of land are to be had cheap, or even for nothing. Work Is more attractive for them than land, at least at Ara. For this reason, =din con sequence of the large Xuropean settle ments existing there, the Immigrant is at tracted to the West, and especially the Northwest, where the fertile soil enables lumen to give ready employment to all the laborere that may present themselves. It Is only at present the West and North west which offer them a secure support; and, once employed, they easily arrive at independence. By economizing their monthly wages, they secure the means of attaining it; and, when the proper ma sent comas, they have learned by experi ence where to settle, and what they must do to succeed. The matter is simple, and requires on the part of the Western Maths no exertion, of thought or money. On examining the conditions offered by the Borah, we can easily detect the causes which put It at • disadvantage la the labor market. •A clue of farmers ready to re. ceive the laborers who may offer them selves, is, with few exceptions, wanting, especially la the extreme Southern dis tricts, where there are only great planters, whose mode of cultivation has no ottan i tion for the immigrants. The European Immigrant detests to work in gangs as much &atlas kind of work Is sought alter by the negro. Ills Individuality is over looked, his self-respect impaired, and be is viewed as a mere unit in the mass. He seeks not the Planter, but the farmer. • • • • What s hould be done un der: such circumstances may be inferred from what has been said. In default of hands these large-planters have to 'be »- Placed by small farmers,' who will begin to work themselves, and who will be able and" willing to employ the white Immigrants like the Western farmers. A modest culture is required, with two or three hands living la a patriarchal way with the farmer's family. Immigrants will then come and remain, or, if they leave, it will be to settle in the neighbor hood. Farms should be laid out for the reception of European laborers, and It Is upon the formation of these farms, and the Introduction of European s , that the (attire of the South depeada.' The lieeUiseepe at the Lhhat4its Ob. ==2 The spectroscope recently procured for the use of the utronomers at the Chicago Observatory has already been employed to advantage. Mr. Stone has examined the great nebula in the sword of Orion with much care. In other instruments this - bearded object is represented as giving a gaseous spectrum, with three bright limes. These are a hdyrogen line (F), one corresponding to nitrogen, and another representing some unknown Fab. ounce, but occupying very nearly the position of a barium Sae. In a com munication' made to the AcadeMy of Sciences, last Tuesday evening, Mr. atone announced the discovery of a fourth line near the solar line CI, bin apparently somewhat nearer to the red end •4:11 the spectrum. The instrument is not, how ever, so well adapted to the measurement of the lines on the scale, as to enable him to say with certainty th at the line-le not the well known G line. The phenome. nen of four lines has been observed in the CAM of only one other nebula—known in the catalogues of 1811 IV. Mr. Stone also described the Zollner Bpeetrescope—a new instrument recently invented for the especial purpose of enabling the inventor to measure more accurately the rate of motion towards, Or from, the died stare Tirs Texas delegation Is pow all Sit- Washington and the proper papers are on file. so t h at there need be no deli In the adminton or that State. Geor a my' be debated le • few days on Mr. ingliam's amendment, which will be stricken out and the bill passed. The House will, no doubt, concur. and before the week ox. pires both Slates will be admitted, and the President's proclamation will bo ed announcing the Fifteenth Amendment is now spar 'of the Constitution. IN the State Library at Harrisburg there is only one picture, sad that is of Gnat and his Generals. Grant, Sheri dan Mead, McPherson, Pope and other distinguished soldiers were an In the plc. tur; but the artist omitted the portrait of the hero of Lookout Mountain, so the aid of another artist was invoked. Tbe pic ture Ims been reconstructed and the features of Governor Geary bans been n slated over those of General Pope. PITI'SBuRGH DAILY GAZETTE IPe :Appropriation Rill On Saturday, we called attention to the neces.ity of early action by the Legisla tore on tho Appropriation JAIL Since then we have made an examination of the one riaisrd by the Bones and now before the Senate for its consideration, and are confident that, unless early and careful action is taken on it, we nail bayou ex pense account to' foot far beyond our means. Our revenues for tue year cad; tag November 30; 1389, amennted to $5,240,000. Under the existing laws they would amount this year to $5,400,- 000. Our expenses for 180 were $4,874,000. This year they should not he se much, la there will be a reduction is the amount of interest to be paid of $lOO,OOO, aid of military expenses of $70,000. By these Items our expenditures should be reduced to about $4,200,000, leaying for the re. duction of the public debt $1,200,008, which is lust about the amount that should be paid off yearly. This, we say, should be the case, if this Legislature was simply Wallow is the tracks of its pre. decessore We had certainly expected better Missed' it, bat are now willing to compromise on Ws buis. • But taking its action so far, with the bills sow beforelt partially acted on, as an indication of its intention, we do . not hesitate to used that the 80th of noyem bee, 1871, will *ad ns Makeup:. We say 1871, because the misdeeds of the present Legislative will only go into the portion of the year between Jane let and november 38th, as the appropriation bill commences on June Ist Rare are' the figures: Koreans senordlor te➢ment laWa skeOttot aide now In progress to reduce too Rev- j Cralfottlo bUi n . !AZ: " "4-- cos also 3 , lo redoes avast Mock In Slot dead, glued bonsall/ --wirA"anme Erma. dd0.414. Cdd Approprialiaa =as plume bi , idessee......•i Deleteney btil gas sod ..... *. rls:Pla do .yac to pass . ...•. IC= Paper and prtatlag sot la Ay plaprtatlon MU MOW . . Passau expenses nailer special ' Y 4 man • likely la dame of - thla 10.1149 . • SI,ISS,OOO ..-- Alums& far Ilepildailia of debt II N,Ola This statement of expenditures does net include $250,000, which, by the Con stitution, we are required to apprepriats 'towards the liquidation of our debt. Now we submit to every intelligeat reader whether we are not marching straight to bankruptcy, mien the Legislature con. term their appropriations to ourrevestum We shall net go into any specific state ments as to where this reduction should be made, as we are not advocating the reduction of any special appropriation, but simply demanding that the expendi tures be reduced at least as low u they were 11 1889. We repeat our caution to the members of the Legislature that those voting for the above :aids on the Revezue will assuredly be held to the strictest accountability,: and that this ar. couatability will have to be met by open and practical issue of the ballot-box. —Philadelphia Au/Igin. LOVE'S NEER= SPRINGS. = La aakfat bow I <Mil to abeam Shia tower to Sate 967 brow to Woo. Yon mem to Lay 70. Ct. W. 1.. T 497 990199., ,97 Mead. Whtli I bid WWII Ana by roar 111114 brow axolotl.— , •Wbot clams tiara charm.. Ya. 7 ., . thrl: mum:, Nay. toixdon le, I cannot say These are the charm. and these powers. ♦nd being Ina traxee one day. I took let for lay Sewer of Sewers. Lore detl net Satter what he pea— tint hen, sit. are some motives: , 111 mot the Itttla entlk-wlelte hand. That grace whatever work they do: •Tls not the braided silken band. That shade :be area of to edar blue: ►nd Oct the voice se low and sweet That holds me captive at her feet, 9'ils not In frowni knit up with males Whertmllb .be scolds me for inn el.o Nor pain trielary wnit nor wiles That I .an sty true lova begins, • Out or tuat sou It did not iron I ura.—and that is all I kaow. Jim 141. Urbane g feet so mud', Nor shoulder enelaz testa her slays Nor yet hsr'llrtues, on sad all; • Lora eras act born to uk oaf lean. Sae was not Irwn!, nor was I won— What draws Ms dewdrop to the sae pardon so. the. I casual telt— • Nor san yon hope to sudentaa.ll— I stkoald lm my loin krerall; leer hoer noon the border land It fell Oat dm 46110 go ertib toe Through time into eternity Tux little daughter of lamb Miller, a resident of Qeborne, near Mt. Vernon, Ohio, wu seat to the house of a neigh bor on the 10th, and upon arriving she wu seised by a couple of ferocious dogs, and literally tons to Pieces before USlS tasce could anive. Sho died almost in stantly. rOit NINE 111.11DITIMILANILAPI SPONGY'S, illatblSS EP O AP.. 6 Buten' amp Naomi, n.• Toilet Spay. at lam deleriPthm PENN AND MTH. Atm, a full anortacui or WS N , Clair ru. Intim pawn; d CLIAM sad ICALE. 0371 Mold at the vote lowest lo dee. St JA.3.1:0111 E. 1317111 4 11116 efli COMO DRUG STURZ, = CONIIIIIIPTIOII OP TUB LONGS. If tiers IS say one siesesilos list needs to be . man cerefelis 'nomad epee tie Wade of thou rn►lect to the Monts of Um hap MA staissaare mass, it is tad titporttht het that uteatioo s►oath M athi to t►a irst begtastagi of lame skews• La the start a hw Illues of stab seedlshess as DR. LlTai[`D PiCTULLL 8111117 P wal be tam be arrest t►s flame, ale mot ooly MOltly tanttloas of tla sots, Mt alto of tbovholo Why. Of .11 TV diet fey dleease• at Ow talks mad oloatlasdat' emus. Dr. Keys ee ii rectors' limp has Wood the teat of years of experleace4ad yes sesaaol sad a @lnes person who boo not latest It that will sot speak highly of Its ttetes. Let say owe all lete4 with a meta only UT ono acute...ma ►. mare as It !stakes It .111 rare then. Dr. Imes has as othwi stumbe4 to Ms Great Ileshd” More. whets all =swats Of e►reau dleesww are sacaessfally treated. wipleeta/ly those of ;is hullo too Palmnv7 , uA ha would respect:ally bulk Lawn who •Fs sat. falai' and bass MINI to get 1•11•11 . •Mar t. all htaasstked tmstassal a Mal. Nat long aims, klablirtopeated gsattetala, sea masa wit► tie sewayaper press of the city, called at le. Kayseri Dace W ink his midi. Car, sad was israil Ay Iwo than lull . kettle., Another (slalom, who bad soasbed wt.. ter. sesaared la KU shoo Oren. ♦ ladT e w ..... od sad onsauted with lawy inuattai. wits sew la bloom Into rewired health 0.. d Tiger, was inked winos PU wet the awed undiesne that erred Mr. 11e saswor wane at Dr. Keynes. ♦ sklld, pony and title wsn'ontscdatod, was soon oared to a notes or two of Dr. "Omer I==3 • lady *a Maw*" atrial. abuse kap wira far dimmed, was regored to perfect kW**, Ils ***Mut us of DI. ILZIIZEI LUPO CIII•T. *ad Dr. Eel ?Wand • orations* nit dor to Dr. loser'n Ron MI IS will refoomend Dr. I. yser's Potosi Syrup is all osas; Ins tram sraottis sued Dn. NLYSIIVI ORZAT MEDICAL limas AND XIDICIAII, 07710 E VON C 11160610 DUILASES. No. UT LIIIEIIII STREET. Or• floc boo' until 1 o'clock, WI trona X to 6 sad T sot at sight. Gt=l •THABIIa AND 11111111111110. . It Is dot neeeetet7 tojeardel froth the Oehler to Almlta le et.ier to expertelea the en:rases of beet aid wild. TheueeediendirgOalltle !noon venteneen of tble thereenetrleir ehaals bear ay. or eyeryuther day. as Ile ease goy be.vltb. at the ttonbla st shoving Ober the threshold word, with thee, iniolenta y Oaken.. Whet are' they doles to aspod!ta Unite roma to a thedluin temperature 7—to break the Ols Mend balk the [veer? are they dollen tliteitelves eltb eetaltere thereby Imperilled the soendeess or 10010 Deere and Imparts," the vigor of thelr tralal end her.' yens eyeless? done of Ulaln are. no donbt. but not the Oiajovlty of Ur At. It is believed. The v alas of Seetettire Menai k *awn Au • karate' lees and servals . wall!, for fever and area le ea. deretood end sppreslated In alloartsel lbS aeliv- Vil ' lrlinlr:s a kl a t Vat It l. T rlil . ll7l l l ep. tea as a preteenon stela ther . lesteeibe vele% they ere urreinda• hot all of them. nee- ill for &bible edit. britto One[ lent opal .. of wee le. Oast MAIO auntie. • if there is any lied fools [hers It L. teat ta• 111111001 are lan WANT INtegnard ditalati all tbavaslatlrder.PerlddiglillllMll"P" . ludad l lly . aawbolenana exhabaless than any e,... r 4 r.=,l t tag : Irma, ths bat OW 0, an 'lnvariant stm angtiddarlf onnarno td . nossparta of iheeonetrY. temp. Pb.uil Marge. It Lima hew VT=wea eve. an ia. thaw. d:1411 , :d__ pr4 ,,, e 2 :Z z dead i f l24 ...t. • _ WEDNESDAY MORNING; MARCH 16, 1870; Horse-Car People Mr. Howells recently gave in the At lantic a very pleasant 'ketch of horse = traveling, into which he threw some nicely -cut profile views. The subject is far from being exhausted, and perhaps when theauthor referred to comes to re vise and enlarge his essay for some future edition of the ' , American Claealcs," Le will not object to a few hints in the same line. For instance, and dna, there are the people that never learn the most or atory rules of car management. They persist in expecting a car to atop on a curve, and when the conductor has rung the bell, they ring again, and never com prehend that they have undone kis work. Ms rule about stoliphag on the farther side or an intersectis g street will never get through the heats of this class. See ondly, we have the people who always get into the wrong car. If they want to go to the Baltimore depot they Invariably take Navy-yard mr. It Is in vain for the company to put all sorts of lettering around the cars, aid to paint thereof dB/ere:Mines in colors of the most glazing contrast— these people who may be sharp enough to be detectivu In other matters, will con tinue to delegate those of their clue to repeat the same sort of a blunder every day. Thirdly,- we have the people that never move up. They sit LS inflexible as the Ramis Senators when the Goths broke In upon them. The only way to do with thane fixtures is, after having counted and made sure that there to room for one more, advance to the 'pot, tarn deliberately around, and then—beginning gently bat giving away at the right angle —sit down. If you have sufficient weight in society, the movement succeeds. Fourthly, related to the above are the people that sit sideanays and thus manage to take up a sat and a half. ' The plan low been recommended to those who sit next this clue, to open a newspaper and thus accidentally give them a dig in the ribs. It must be skilfully administered, howevin - or else the effect is to give • still farther turn to the sideways posture, making it a greater nuisance than ever. Fifthly, then are the people who dodge fares. -Is it possible? most people will exclaim: ask the conductors. They will tell you that it is a vice or a foible confined to no social rank or station. so far, at leut, as dress or appearance affords I any indication. They are apt to have curious stories to tell on this topic, which I not being very agreeable, we peas to our last clam for the present—the mysterious people. They are the romance of horse car traveling, -which would be Insuffer ably fiat without them. Sometimes it lea straage-leoking man, who may be a Westerner or a Cuba n, at any rate he is entirely different from everybody around him. Again, it is a lady, who bears a bewitching mystery in her eyes, her hair or her dress. Again, it is a couple. Can she be his wife, or is he her father? We see the-whole car evidently posed by the conundrum before them, and gazing out of the windows to see where it vanishes. Such are some of the curiosities of "hu manity on a horse-car." Tan furnace house of Karns, Head man and °annuli's Gamuts's window glass work at Zanesville, wu de stroyed by fire on Sunday night. A heavy wild storm prevailed, sad if it had not been for the rain and snow, the whole square would doubtless hue been destroyed. The" roof of the Masonic Building was blown off, and the Ma railed ite beautiful fruco r work. Several other buildings were dueled by the wind .rin• IN reference to alleged murders and other outrages ea Ammican citizens, Secretary Fisk assured the ~ lianate com mittee that they were greatV exaggerated. It appears that he does silt destair of Waging about a settlement of the Cuban question that will be satisfactory to both Spain and the insurgents, provided Con. greas does not embarrass the admlniatra- Lion with nseleu NOTICES ELECTION FOR PRES IDENT and 612 DULL' x! of the MA.I(CRTBTIR 56171223 BANK will Da held at the t anklea Haase. N.. 209 Bearer mate. on lIALIURDA.T. Yank 26. 11170, betemedi the 60Ctra / and 2 &cloak r. N. 711011. B. UPDIXT., ALL 111)112117. Kassa 111. 1210. sakiertle IarOFFICE MONONGAHELA DRUMM. C.o.—Tlia President mid Mans. yen of this Company AND do . ismit s Dividend CItNTi per Ain. - p 4 t to u. etoeseela.r. toproso• tads.. at the Hankins Bons, of N. Molars rm. ionliwith. JAILS . wmanr, 'newness . . rittaintegl, Match 7. 1170. whl:eaT LJLU . 2lll . =allUi2 HATING.ON THE nth Inst., Italf of the atuntloat. 01111.11- 13/LCIL to Mr. YEEDIRICE 17PNEEt. LARGE ADDITIONS TO STOCK Jest arrivlng, to which we'lnette the atteetles Of Wholesale nod Bethlt Chub 1 , 117.11. JA IL rs B. Amis. 177 411 r 79 MARKET STREET. 1 oble Ps rreeman. lb; h mbM:el3 33.11.PLIST331111iii, !ialu of Telghto sod Imam, I= N 0.5 F4IIRTH AVE., Plttaburigh. iloblo:7.LL HARDWARE. Harbsir's & 1 / I :sess. Illwitoo*o& Ilyear,L4aoksonW Saws. Swisaess . • Files, Solames /sloe fools, Week Pismo, &e., &e.. Family Tool Chests. -WHITESIDES 8; DRUM, gawky° verIMERAL ST.. ►ll .1.1 OLD STORE IN A NEW PLACE • • Tea anderslgsed Is rrepared to furnish,' le In , ds ssP7. Is sr in say desirable eaeatlty, e Ulan lee: Crime Mute's,. New Cedeslsceseekid and Netted f aloes. Hell./ and Mauer Merriman. .1.11 . 01.1/11. • . • •lie Artlt fee WAYILTOII JUNTA' Oat !Items Ware. esiostirsettred at Oreestbero To- Basoutk Sad Seal patterns. countstiss of dugs. Jars. Crcals, eta.. 01011 sties. Large or Mall leulllld supplied. cotton Tares. Walt, Sod Colors* Comet Mau, Posh, Dried ppd Canoed Fruits, loots. !assocs. lslttes. aeon artle'• to be fOlftll le •irst.sluss Bose. Maple ttitelell Of OroltriCh, loch So Sugars. 07,101, 05111. 4110•• for J.bblui Trade, gaol at low ruts.. RD la/ MID lIIIIAZLICTON. Sus. 119 and 89. hOuth. Welt o,roer Plarnotio roosts, 3102:1PL•rousal . HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION W"trlst to cell the attestlou of A Pen to cot Iw/tam:to vonede twort mental • Solid !Dyer .od Sllvrr Plated Spool.. • 102k tIttor 11:71.111.be. ! • • Cato Ittitett. Ms Bow. to. . A P . llltOTT '. lVi d (l7tx,rt:7ll t of y . rett inc ja N Pall et • 1/11101 ItsLUCTtutt r uti SITATTLIII & Jiiwelore, / 0 / FIFTH ♦VINO', atm. BmltheAld qtnist. NOTIVE.—The arm of OLIVES VOLUM= = CO WAS Diuolrett by Maui' Consent J111.1;18714 b 7 the Iltbdreeral of W. WeOLIWTOCK. The business will be wet/need by the remeteltht paitnera as b• motor., ozder the SIMI of 0. MaCLINTOCK & CO =I = NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. PEW Bourii TO BUFFALO AND TO THE • NORTH • ThAALLZOII ENY VALLEY RAILROAD CO. an vo• rapared to dila ►reltetdlns , to nur. 'PALO. DUNKIRK, and all points la WIDITARW NRR. • Vor W ralcOs, R apply to • • • . . W. W. C. MILREDITAI. Yrelitht Amt. '• Corner Plka andlltb Amp. I. S. L&INNIENCE. 61411/111 Iluaatta4adtat. • r=l:3 INDIA 11111811E8, BENING, Hen AID MIX Pioll3lo of tun Dootou B<e■CgopoOin P ow. AlOll 001p7.(.001000 0 00 thdoooD9llnd at moue• J:d, mutt ir Aentnor.."." Fonneat xrxezEm vitiorr. • Jut received, Te chats Mir _ Punt ,e seam Duch deeded n' 7+ Plumy .0. Austria% tdierrieseusie letter., l ll l4 f4 joi WIN A. Corder Libenr tea FIIIII. FIST". . . • TnIA I t tle Ilm.lasi WI No. 71, II oad a arjaili—sa /WI Ob. kg . nor iu rblackond; . . • : Cod risky tit" as - fa ATY. UV% COO 4, 140. 111 sad Crok wood as • „ a: sol,lh l Po.A so ker111; . • *0 bath do. • de ii • ad Dino No. Large Yoeleroli PM bard do. • do: 1.5 ibis 4 Medium • do.; PS ballt do. do. , do; • is.4P 5 0 bOts Pickeadattlitr r t. i . tat . 4. Mk/AIM: AUL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALT MILIAN SEMPLE'S, Non. 180 and 182 Federal Street, IMECCIM=3 It it.; fort Leitthi et-Prints it i 14e., Dark ?flits. it Be., rut Colend hints. H it e., Best Intl PAiti. It II 1.h,, yard-wide Ilibl'd heeling. At II 1-fe.,yard-wlde WI /leash Sulk t.selmertz, Jens, Raffle Men, 'key Red Damtek, striped and Figured Dsmuby Napkin, Towels, , flirt Fronts, Rudierekiefe, Aprons, lid glares, Reek Ties, ie., lie , Wholesale and • Retail, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NoB.lBo 0.1111 182 Federal Street, I=3 c.ALtssrmom EtES! 30.1r.0e•11.e32. FINE AND DO BILL & N MUCCII7OII.II TO IN . CO. En Fitt A NEW Aor HORNE & CO'S. . Hosiery ! Gloves I lIIENHIVE AND CHOICE 11801TIE171 Prices Unknown SincelB6l! ♦LIX•NDItra LID GLOVILI, ♦ MI alumna:mat at $1.15. COURVIUBSIZIVS KIDS At al. T 5. ' LONO TOP NUM chaise shades, At eLOO. ITOULAN MADE BBITIIB ROM. Heavy. al 011.1t1. rwait AND BIBBED COTTON NOM. SO seats azd DOKBI2IO COTTON nosrs t sr. By OW or Dew. ozlrre• sum ETU HALL goat. 4,4. so . mums , surza Tzar Holm Is etat.Y. Also. syleadld worts:meta SASH AND BOW RIBBONS. LABILE' TANGY BOWS. EILANING MILL MEN AND OTHERS. =ELMO The osdertlvre4 boa letters patent of the United Sulu for the Uprou4 unstrostion of weather-b. tralog, 10e14e Labor mot or wales gotlog bootee. The weatber- Potreo& h 1 this Wasted Isiprouneat. Deus more particu larly laten4r4 tor earthed am u 4 oomblidot Mot oluabslll7 .4 *matt' of suearsato; sad It Is fro eeosionoted so to wallets • *told tke ame of OM MAO% and to prevszt inter rhos eats. , tot the er tau gulag or taw shuloltot the lototo by scum of the wntue ea the Um ber. Melee liable- sad tralasecelss he Me We method ere se easstreeted to Ana Del thet peewee as cheaply es be the ordleare bootleg board@ eloae; thereby pretreetiag the &howler of the Jonas from ”y abut , . and leaving so Woos for beret , • Be boa &leo parebaeld the palest right et *bat ealMl.ollo7 hrwa se the • ••Koaleed Weather bo:rdleg.•• . Us ►as dispoost of the followtos Sarritorte and bop right Ix ♦ comm. for both PA owto, tons IM!EEMEMiiI T. lgotgarisoo It Mme.'s, the right . lbr the Vbs.. ward Of Pittsburgh. To Nolte* Doti/Ism shop sight for OW, mill listortith Tssrd, - Pittsbursb, _ To Will. Pallor... II 0o..: shop right. for tiog , NHLXth snit* Pittsburgh: To oz. leselaro, for a s borough of We- Noes rt. To tor • Pool. for •Int, bevoltd, TOM sad' ' W ' il d strn of£ 41 0 :il prat S = ward,sayof/Ari. t ayit bolt mall. 11 To Dunham. Point t 00.. for Um boroughs of liburosburgh sod I.; also tits tosraswto of Ind Ind sou. . . All prrras ImutA .(cleat tef I•glAt upos either of sad pates% awl Shoo visaing so pasha.. •'lll nleue t•II. err address as, as N0.1.131a114,1.111 street, Pllt.lmarsh. Ps. - J. O. Jaill2ll6olf.. NEW WALL PAPER • YOlt SPBING' SALES, N 0.197 Market St., near 15111 Avenue We wow otter to lte nubile • nook or PAPIER HAI 011011110.0Temed in the West for 'why ate be►ott or stile., embracing ►llth. novelties 1.1111500. 1e011.1.10,19111111.0 end 0101011.21 11111011 II plain eed bright felon. for Halle, 111.111 BMW, de. Also. WOOD end YnISLI DICOS&TIONM, TINTI9 sad 011.1 PABLO! PAP'S% Will an Wet eaglets earlier 'or 0112 AP ILTIII ?Ant wurrs and BROWN Mai= for thembers, Is. Atk' wblob we propose to sell so low el ids loweetUe tbotpealmt. 0111004 see. et N 0.107 Market St., near sth Arenas JO& K. HUGHES & BRO. lob12:1111 . PITTSBURGH WRITE.LEAD AND COLOR WORKS SCHOONIARER & SON, • PiYOPRLE.PrOne. • Boßibiataren of WRITS L1141:L. RZD • Asaco 10 BLOB I lon BY OINA% Fr PUYtlt 017105 MID PAOTORT. 440, 461, 464, 446 and . 4lB, Rebuts Aired, IC= We call attnititia to the flambe pelted os Oar WWII rani While Wm. cod whoa Ira tap a ' , Velar carbonate of Moo* .." aim, pan. , tkat,lt, Rag Item Assists Sail drug, sad thiwto , whit. aad sapanot, balk la sad amanita ptopany. UttARANTEID to be a putt Carl:oasis of Lire will tarta sail w ' haalals, llow than any la the L aad n at UM pay. If egplala. las Ile text adaltaralloa. CHOICE AND HARE tONFECTIONS, FOR PRESENTS." AT GAEO. BEAVER'S, 112 /Federal Sired, driterhetsy 1311;a1 `.'+`~.+" -. ~nfl ,✓ } o a,5.,-.~~lf _. .hr. 3-4e>,.:x,.n...r x~i,:~~'4h.~s~~rz.r~?~»a~''~'':.rs'a~.°~..E~"i i ~yS~ i !L•,,~•'~' f ~ ~ si ~y,;~<nc: 3' -. ~' NEW ADVERTISEREENTfi GOOD BARGAINS _WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, I= Black Alpacas at 370. Black Alpacas at 50c. Black Alpacas at 371 c. Black Alpacas at 50c. Black Alpacas at 371 c. Black Alpacas at 50e. Having purchased over $lO,OOO worth of the above HOBBLE MP ILPHIS, which for weight, color and On* cannot be excelled, if equalled, tie attention of my patrons 'glut ted to them, feeling assured they are the best value I ever had the pleas ure of offering them. The Goods will be received daily until all are delivered WILLIAM SEMPI•E'S, NOII. 180 and 182 Federal Street, I= CA.SSIIVIDE RES t Varied MESTIC GOODS 0011110 USE, I!'. = ZL -AL "fge 0 MIL IX 0 STOOK. 26 • Z T c> VAi 5 1 46 g 1 gi, A g, P z I m r, z.r4 .*4 4 . r ''3 : 5 P = T ce -4 4 1 4 W S 0 0 I diM 1 Ulki gi 0 4 0 Pi rLE-4 0 E4 r 1 .-, a _m "1 'D d 4 g A Z' I:3 UNITED 'MATES MAIL PENNSYLVANIA. ' POSTOrlici DIPAISIIMXT. WASIIIMOTOW. January 81. 1870.1 PROPOSALS will be retell , . d at the Cosix.el OM. of this D.oarinsent de c i d ed ..lack P. m. or Mardi 341. 11170. (co be by the litta •pril.) for elleylrg lb• =WU or tut Unite, BMWs mem July 1, 1870. to Jame 30. 1879. ea the nilowlas routes le tae State of Pemseyleskals and by ti a Kim do lc. of departures tad *Meal& natele speelned, via: No. SlllO. trout Mositroie. by Jib LaYa,_ An. lan goer Cornet - Lamborn Omar/Ault Math Auburn, to Let:ovine, AL% miles nod 0008, three tia ee a week. Leave Montrose Me.. day Wednesday and le riday at 0 111 •• 9.1 a rrive at Lae•TrOle 1 7 4113 r• P. 0.; um.. Lagervlll. a ursday . Tbanday and oatardav at . 1.30 a. a.: Arrive at llentro.• 17 111:30 7. 300. From Lockno . t. Station to Weal Fidr told. I ' d suss and buk, Mx times •wesk. , Leave Lockport Ins too daily, es ea pt basdky. At 10 A. M.; /Mate at Wen. Falrield bv ll 8. se.; heave Wait 7.1,8.14 &by, except , at • A. le.; arrive at LOCaPnri Bier Mon tre gl A. M. No. 5333. Prow Washington. by Clots), Dan . min/wale. wooer 71 It. )(aeon/she. Mtn Beanyde and d ilir, tO Wirt Pearls:el. 014 mu.. IMek. six limes • mink. • , Leave Washington dally,_etteerst &today. at 8 • M t •171•8 at Wttr. zio.ten by 3Y. N.: Lea.* Wert Newton daily, aneeot O . at 10:20 A. et ; AMT.'S!, ireabillgtoa by 7139 Tor forme of proposal, I.loooloe zed mill. eats. and also far fastrucUens sa to Um wadi. moss to be eantieaced la ibe ....tract. ie., lit aderrireeteeut of °meter 31. 1761, +annul lg. 1111.0: Slid Jet 3. 1879. Inviting propmds for molt wink. la Penn .... .alt, ac., to be Nand at the vitae/pal post einem Side ehould be tent In sealed envelopes. Miner. milted ..Mallpront.eals, State ef Pea•Olvna , a... tad ad deemed to the radioed Assistant roma. ter tientral. saa-vr , JUNE A. J. CSIVEIWALL, Postmaster General. I" n. 31 5.1 Mthutheturers or PPRINO. HAIR and HUSK PlaTTlti bid, Feather Fosters aad chump tumble., Com.* Mouthing. and all leads or Upholstery work. •leo. athlete I. Wieder Phodees Ir,_Orren and W hits Holland e, 0r..5.T11.41. , g o . Particular all, neon lathy. to UMW, up. elthalug .all brushing, al teeth gad Ineelveth". Oar more or *leaning throat U tha ref b 4 1a which you eau reel seemed that the colt to ant omen. a n dat the good, thoroughly feted tram ad doe venal., The pd. tor Gleaning hatt peepprosily thcluced. Our as ore. will pa for eta delver all doese the of shard.. BOBROTS, NICHOLSON 16 THOIPSON. Opholstems and Ilopri.U.l. Steam Carpet Beating Eltablishmeat, No. 127 WOOD STAMM, E=M=:!!l;.=E;M WALL PAPERS. SPRING, 1870. PRICES REDUCED 40 MOISES wide elate at Tie. per roll. UILT—a areas varlet, at 500. per roil. OLAZZD-611 land. Attlee per roil. IL.II.UAn'T Preece and AZIOlit•Il raper Haat lege. not the toasterre, -ealeerier 10 027 ito- Nutmeat la the. For Ws al W. P. imor A 111.R17 A T1:13 New Wholesale and Retail . Store, 191 plberty agree& mM P/TlllllOll4ll. IME:E=I M.TON S. lir DANIA_ ins.s4mmeAmrlAnwsmna GAS AND SWAN PITTION, PIRh Avian., Dear /DIM Street. rnTmeozamr. PA. Lead rits, *um Um. 4 1 . BUM*. talk Tubs and ,WWL Mazda. Iron .11= flitlads. Al. .ad Beer Pamairala Ulu 041•43 slim. as hand. Fabliau/ irlyste wtok,:br...Watt.:M:lwurwE M. ssitag =Z Moivr..itorr. LIDDILL PHIENII STEM BRBURY, SPENCER, WRAY 8; CO., Maltsters and Brewers of 415, PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. FITTSBURUH, PA. • ROBE= WATSON. Eissagar. [Wei E.:TICE TO FLOITR DEALERS D 110111317LEBS:—Wo LI sow randy. VW of trdrlthttrraln= T. yardmen In Gibson. Puts. Orton What orM cantata, Law. 74L lot of _Whom le the Tory bon to Pt Mad and ainnot rlanooloa 1 , 7 or 7 tao United BtAtIM. We nave alto Ward oar Irinatte In Iloollnu. Bolting olld best sad ore now pdrat to Lonna roar wo mods for tin years at rotate LL do* at an Um Las grades or !oar. T. 111.1:111111110 1 r & Eno.. in II Allagnona. Edentatina U. Me. lITC7OII AND TIMIWATUI, lIINDII6B, OVAL DOM, snug TRANI, M., /la, at P. O. marry& IMI Om& One*. ,wm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE OF FISK & HATCH, Bankers and Dealers GOVERNMENT SECEBITIES, No. 5 Nwan.Street, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 1110,1870. The remarkable isioeu which hie attended oar negotiation of the Loans of the ClnreaL r•cm• RAILROAD COMPANY and SRI! WIMPY:RN ?amid RAILROAD Cotentin', and the Imbhlef - try eat *MIS which them Lo maintale. ed in the mutate, bOth Ia We «mon and Eu rope. km skews that the /SU Yamada Sonde Of wisely 4ocated and Dominate-m.IMM frel• foods are readily Sakes is the most enitable, Rafe. and advaitageose form of lareetmeat. yielding •inere liberal lemma than santereafter he derived from Governmeet Londe, and averts hie to take their slam. • Aseateed Qat, L W aeleetlos sad begotlatlos .f superior lallroad Lana, wo aro meet's, a mall 'Wolfe want, au/renderla a valuable eer viol to the bolder' or . Pl4l sad WU!. Mat Nsdotal works of internal troprovement whose Intrteste stern at stbitedlel ehdeder *tittle shun to She tee of Cantle and the confide nee of 'seeders—we now offer with tooted ocoeldenos end satufsetles the FIRST IOBTOAGE BONDS OF THE SWAB AND 01110 R. R, CO. THE CH LIAZZAET. AND OHIO RAILROAD, connecting the Attest e maul and the =gala. east harbors et the Chesepeak• Hsl with the Ohio ever at a polat of reliable navigation, and time, with the entire Railroad teetem of the great Weitz ante lionthweet. TOIIIII THE AD DITIONAL ILIJT AND W EAT TRUE IC LINE. se imporetively demanded for the accommoda tion of the immense and rapldl7•gtmwtng traw -1 portation between the Atlantic seebeerd and levels ea "t►e one baud, sad t►e greet pro• dogleg region of the Ohio sad letaeleolptit Val- lays on the other. THE IMPORTANCE OF THlll ROAD AB A WSW OUTLET FROM THE WRIT TO THE SEA masuldes It Into one of national conse quence, sad Insures to It an extensive Houma trallo (rem the day of Its emoplctlont mhlle, fa Um development of the extend , * agrlcalturel and =Mend resources of Flrglnta and Wes Vlrrials. It no sssssss Moen Its on llue, the •• ota of • Largo and probable local basin Thus the greet Inteiuts, bath cameral and local, which demand the completles of the CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD to the Ohio Blear, afford the sweet anarastee of U omen and value, [lid RENDRE IT TEI MOST IMPORTANT AND SUBSTANTIAL RAIL ROAD SNTSRPRISY. NOW IN ethcatEss IN THIS COUNTRY. Its superiority es an Zest and West route, and the promise of an Immense and profitable trade awaiting Re..aviation, have drawn to It the attention and 000peration of prominent Clout- Witte and Rdiroad . snen of tide City of gonad lodgment and known integrity. whole Gonne*. Got wills .1, tog.ther with that of eminent eithiens and bullies. men of Virginia and West Virginia. INSURES RN ENERGETIC, HONORAIILE AND SUCCESSFUL MANAiii. WENT. Tim Reed is esimpletiA anK in operation from Richmond to. the eigetireted White Sulphur flintege of West Virginias 997 Wien, 'and Oath' reasela hat SlDOaslieslnoerpartlallysononthoted) to be eomplatod, to eery it to the proposed W alton lea the Ohlo flyer at. or our, the mouth of the Rig Beady .190 tam shore Mein; nall, end ISO miles below Pittsburgh. ' Lints are Row inoirctril or la taboo= through Ohio and Kentucky to this pohitoshich is I Icon sleet the CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO WITH THE ENTIRE HMV/MAD BYITKIRS OP THE WEST AND souruwEsT, AND WITH THE PACIFIC RAILROAD. • • • *Linable franchises andsupertoradeantsges Kill idiom the CRESArrairR AND OHIO RAIL ROAD CoßrearY usiong the richest sad most ponerfal led truethrorthy aorPoroffoßii of the otiotarTi AHD THERE WETS A PRESENT VALUE., IE COMPLETED ROAD AND WORE DONE, EQUAL TJ THE ENTIRE AMOUR/ OP THE MORTGLEOL Tee details of tb• Loan Inma been arranged with insets' reforests to taa wants of 111 elasaes of tovestosa, and cambia' 1b...541M Algona • f safer,. met ',Maalox mann !=i7M3 Tim Nona an to dooomloolloai of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO. t 1.7 Irtll Delimit as COUPON HOND3, ?AT .um111 ; to Swim, sad May be bald Is ast ham The easpaas our be detsebe4 wsd wee U 4 the Bold /wade n IMINANINT 8101111TZIIID Baint. transferable only on the Imola of the Costo•4l. end the 'Jewett wade poyota4,l7 to tae reestered 'owner at kit attonley. The three slams will be known tetpettitelT M. "COUPON ' BONDS PATABLX =OM "EVIIISTICHICID • BONDS WITH 00H MSS ATTACHZU. , . . , 34. ..siorsrmazu BONDS WITH COO. PONS £TTJOHID,•• angsbool4 be ea designa ted by Correspondent. In speelfying the elan 01 Benda desired. ?bay has* THIRTY TZARS to tau from Jan -11. lIITO. with Waren at six psi oast. Dar imam from Niinxiabor 1,111410. PAL ADD brmitSr ELT/ALSIN SOLD IN TOO OriT OF Nam TOXIC. Tbee Interest le payable la MAY awl Nov=SIM WA It NW, take the pima of that of the earlier ham of-Iflve-Tweatles, OOA ..It the ecorreeti moot wee Mends vino already hold Ceaust sot Pesten Pae Le Moot% with totalize Pere!hie to, Fames!) sad art/. and yrito may deelve, In umb ras sadidooal.lavesiensnia to hare their lobo* eat reuivable at dlirersat MIMS of the year. Ile Loan la steam( bj a ntortpie shoo the whirs Liza of Rood hots ittelneoad to the Ohio Rlyer,mith the equipment and ill other Prop erty and Miparbroanora anal ere/ therewith. ♦ lIINEITIO YUKIO OF 4100.000 Piet Ale NUM It FIIOVIDZDZOR THE ILIDEYPTIDIC UP ram noirDs. lUD TILE zrrscrr otrs Tina JulTliit TIN 'COMPLITION OP Till TOAD. • • • n. mosque Is les 1.8,000mu0. whleb 1.000.000 will be nagerred and Midi* Unit for Um redemption of initglanding' Nona of the Virginia Centrallgallrii edema:may. now mined La the Cm iggragma vain Ow o. Of the remuning 117.000,000, a nilloWit amount will be seld tweinatdete the road to ttni Ohio river. puree& rate lainewri the portion now' is animation, and hhorooohl7 eglttp the whole far • large and native train, .0. J. WIIAlli The anent Delta Is" ad d scorned intend. ♦ Loa* aeastalyloadired, so aandallyeauded. aad w aertala karmattar le command smith:pal }law =crag the • tavoilia imaarltle. la the mar• kola, bola la tido coati aad !drop., will be at adds dalddelalad and Wally aboorted. Yen resucaltally. - 111111. & HATCH, • Bankers: I.W.r. have Laud laamblets matalelng fill parties], as. itatiftlcal detW,. maps. au IrkkJilrllllAs tarnished apos applici4ol6 tB'A7 but and NU Govern ment Bonds. and receive the ac counts of Banks, 'Bankers. Cor pora Gone, and others, subject to check at sight. and Wiwi, interest 0 * daily balaiscia. al. , IN , CMAN & COk, 41021NT54 git a Marti LTG's% Plitsberge‘ Fs. 1,14 so/ CARPETii:OIL CLOTHS. &o. C A RP ETS. 111BL4ND & COLLINS, =I Wednesday, March , 1611), 1870, =DM • SPRING STOCK. • The goods lel Ibe l!lleplayed each • meaner that more can he !men of the.liew Palter,, tow few momenta then Dr Shoppluc for boon. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL. Itsitors AIII Not be Urged to Buy, • Prime will be found low enough to Pell the geode. 71 and .13 Fifth Avenue. ISTCOND FLOOR.) LIVER IrCLINTOCK & CO. rT It P T S. LATT STYLES ON EXHIBITION. 2113 Fitts NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices TO CORRESPOND WITH WHOLESALE RATES. IffoCALLI I N BROS., 51, FIFTH AVENUE, ABOVE WOOD ITBILET. we • FOR SALE. FOR. SUBITRAAN RESIDENCE At Newickley.. Va.. determined upon removing tomi Dom at the halt Work.. near T•renturn, ogee for sale the property where I nowt eride, .totni. the borough of bewicsay. Th. gunds coeslst o(nearly acres. finely d iversifie d with gnus. blopes. level mud • abrupt bon,. A planet rook. panes ,natal by sham. dad •Ane old lariat trees of • 000:n wan.. There are near) 200 - 04.1.1 Pear Ger. of cboleest selectious, Insides apt[, peach, plum, cherry, de. 'Aloe, allpt., runt, rrrrrr . black berriesUGad weber - Geo and other mealier holt. There Is a large ape. for Tra..ble (Miler, The ornamental %OMNI' reenr.ers, roses and IWO Diana are an attrac.ise very TrP.Pri p9;ll.l4.llllslgs D VIZS " tj " :e " ge 7114.121: 111/1216d the vallty,reeder tit t le .PG matera sued in tl i gh.erall=fa a Ant cll. brick, .d beside attic and cemented cellar under the whole —contain. 14 rooms and •waanr.o nod coal htn.. in temeatent, with Betutron. lane closets for China. stores and clothing. There lea large and never-M1.4 stone-walled cistern • Vied with ...ter from sin e roof, and pump. 'for boa end cold water In bath room., latches/ and wash ..e. waste waters duenarged through pipe. mane dletaece Mtn the house. Therm le as los boon and coma , dices COOliDf room, • good. born, carriage sled and chicken yard. The place Is bounded on • I aide. en highways, and totem la can Gem relieved or t.opiks. Inewlekleyielle miles tram the city, on the Vt. Wayne Gal troad,aud roams. enny ettmetioe. for a suburbs& ...Ideates. Thu nu Mere. K cam modailo trains Travis nattier to be sabred In the way of communication. and the railroad tee kill in t illfe ' g i etTraf7 " T gre%tra h Ol thy Valley must 41eatt able, or, besides Its worthy farmers and artt.ns, here are found the reentry seat. of many city ...to, prole...ea. Wrier., bankers, son other business MR and retired ebrch.le. Good schools abound, and arm are urce. of 'anon. ecilaillinello2e, Perin the egret 'Minister,. Co , price and terms call at my Dreg Store. No, 111 Lanny etre, I, Pittsburgh. If not old be fore/Lyra list, this property will be t 0... • WILLIAM BRACKEOWII punue SALE OF VALUABLE, REAL ESTATE In the City of Allegheny. • By thine of an order of the Orphans. Conn of of Allegheny County, the underslgned. as Tr.— tee, under the wilier gather st.kt on. deceased. wig offer et pablic We, on the greeds.. on 711T1/150AY. the n h day of Mach neat: atlo (ed.:ft A.. 4.. • lot of ground belonging tot. estate at esig decedent, situate an Stockton aysnute and Webiter street, fronting *4 feet on Stoekton arena. and pre; the .ante width along Webster etre. northwardly 940 het to Water street, on arbleb Is ereeted a two luny Bret Dereillogilllntalnlng 14 e.t.a:id • fame liable Tills property mso located that Roan be seb.divided into lots P outing on the Pat korblich for beauty and convenience cannot be s•hassed. Tangs or LlAms—One.third of the purchase money cub on contirtnatlon of lb. sale, the bal ance In two echal annual pa - Mlnth, scoured by bond and mortgage or the r ' Per hale. Information thqulreef THI7II. B. 11PDIICL. At Ve kflochester lacings Rank, 909 Deaver avenue, Allelthettl. or of W. A. SIPE, Attorney.at.T.aw, I 90 Diamond greet, Pittsburgh. M4DII. PALE.-lIIIILDING LOTS IN ALLEGHENY CITY.—I off,r for ante the moot dellglnfoi helldltg tots elm.ed to the Second Ward, 4111Pgi.by. OU Pen-wally glean Road abb Obseivatory avenue, adjoltdeg the - Observatory grtneds. These Lots are Pert or tin one-balf 151 d) scree. • plan 01 items Lots un Ins seta at thy store, No. LA WOOD <BIST.. The plan hoe also n ene coded. Each Lot la a front lot, fronting on Perryttll'e road or Observatory anoint; sine, BB feet wide 131de T.. Ton iots opposite the reddened of Wutilegino and Walter lieClintods. Ewe.. are 111* by 115 f.et. Most Of the tote are /1. wlis to been etteted axle. ger .. dis t ant to leave the low vrounde and meaty moles tan here end an oppOrtoUily. The locality Is one of the Inset In ton two cities. and hot fans soleutiret wait frog, the brat of B street; a tend watt lead. to the prtubsey The greet beauty of scenery and dirratuidogs ere de. - Telma eaty; prices low. gatittre of No 13 Wend street. Plttabargh, or No. BO 'raver • •Ileghsny city. , & 20 LOTS FOR SALE R AP —Blllllh nearly adJolelos th e Mere °baba oQllradaybeis E E and boelb eleubargb M . lusd veltolo Aileen teltspea 0 of Canto eet Cam Tfauthr 800 lota b s a lo se lately be., cold hem, a good many of .bleb have been bell: epos. Only .twos IWO remain th at are °fend far sale by the erlemele .bleb east how be 610 toe balance 10 see. o ' . 7 f Lou bow zsies 11170 to ply en 804 Yohgese*.. VOR PALL—Engines and Bo il ints. Now and Second flood. of .11 Matta eaastootly on bond. Orden from all parts of thicouatrr promptly azoentiol. Jamas luta. a co.. Oorne, Marton Menne and P., 7. W. • CL. Allegilenv. Ps. - Dn. IA7I3IITTIETEL riONTINIIES TO TREAT ALL sagrate discus", Syphilis la a/1 its Mom. ail IllseueA ano um citects of musary ase Completely armited: liperramorrbee or Yew. nal Weakness and Impotency. tannin Mole stitabase es other muses, and 'MIMI annum rose 01 tae following wireete. as plateau, Wel? weatnees, Indigesiloo, consesopti=. aversion la sociesy. arimmiltnees. frost% or Mara menu. lees otasamory. Indoleaoe. nocturnal =Mania; and Muni gio prOatistlns the Ismael sysonn ro to render assirlase onmalstscbery, and thereloni torderter=i. ige=r=4 os 'tit mammas M a l: emapleint shomm Alva Um Doellor • Mal: MI lIICT. ham. A. outage. attootiOn Oren to all f ernala Dent. =Micosillte, lo•oomber. or WhitesOtellinsCaz s ty me Ulceration or Um Woreb, re aria. profit% Amenorrhoea. Menarrhagia. ..,,,t buteinty Or BarrellEra. Of unto ••4 llb ,. 4,,rar t tat e rply#P la who easZula exelasprely to the staayof • cenCli, Casa of Meal =andl ., miatej . ......zia. =prim enamel practice. TO . Dosses yablisbee • atedleal pampliPA OP Oty p Siml AIM • WI errfaltion *Mama' .. isaases.nhat can be had trertlitMlo or be MS Soo iMMIsli. bei seated es =emitanol WOW= Inflaroadol . to . --. 711 sad alpitilaig Wan to dein - alas IM pinp. dv a. s, we Of =Mt ootololnla. • sistl ft;m Whe . tictegNi orlido " Vin be ale iaeCa Ulna a writtea Mimosa Um Mar mad forl ff , Sorwarded by man or rels =pore lastaneas. , lurever, ar Is abeolataly Uffealial. 1r .1.• = "M armoso=relheVale r a i Aull mertamals loiraaer:iWl wit\ SU onteetlyit i ssClir rnigr a tat is NJ _..... All preactiotions an p la."W• • a a ltaioal ben aprairs id ot& nma _.... TO 67 anti PO Soo aterapa. _o =en ,••- Kop p re ilin."l:l7. 7 :4 li " " .laser .floort MM.. • ' I RE POTTERY. S. M. KIER & Mitzaratarerior QUeenetoarei:Bria te• itAr.rZnenbcoserrlinitiii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers