THE DAILY GAZETTE: ettm.lllMull? EENNIKAN, REED & 00, Office, Si and 86 Fifth Avenue. P. IL PRIIIIDELT. T. P HOUSTei, /MOUS 1= 1011111 111111. IKEA PLUMS OP TU DAILY. /IV MIL per you !Ml=] D sli "nd b 7 carriers, eta Etre Eit6lntrO Gaytte. GENERAL NEWS. MA/. GM AUGUR IS in 0172/1.12. MOKTUOUZRY, Ala., is to hire 'skating rink. &nom. teachers are In great demand in Texas. MAII2IIALLTOWN, lowa, 12 to have the Parsons College. THYRY ITO five colored Aldermen at Wilmington, N. C. OMAHA has given Ole Bull magma& cent' gold, watch." AT Bt. Pollen, Germany, a rust has just died at the age of - Tnana were 8,1 2 1 Manliges in North Una daring the pest year. Tumult is an old colored woman In Caldwell county, N. C., who's 110 years old. Dm BRIORT, the inventor of Bright's disease, died recently. His work cur• Three. Immune coal fields are said to have been discovered in the Great Wind River Valley. IN lowa City-the Republicans made a clean sweep - at the city election, &log the sham Democracy a most terrible VIRGINIA CITY is to be the scene of .a waltzing match for a puree of one thou sand dollars for - the championship of Na- Tads. roeuc school teacher' in Cali fornia has been sentenced to six months Imprisonment for cruel punishment of a puplL . Um. University of Georgia has one hull. dred and seventy-five students_ proper, and sevlnty.fiTe in the preparatory de partment. Tan Ban Franciscans are so well sa tisfied with thorium= of the great musi cal festival that they think of having-it repeated annually. TAZ number of students in Beloit Col lege is 230; professors of religion, 83; con versions during the year. 9; studying with the ministry in view, 34. WALKER, of New York, Is to pant Joe Hooker's battle above the clouds on Lookout Mountain, for $16,000. The price to, of course, higher than for a bat tle at the foot of the mountain. Tux Sioux City Times says a . young lady in that vicinity, only fifteen , years old, was married Itss than a year ego, and is now-the mother of three plump, healthy infants, all girls. That will dot A COMPAST has been organized to build a coast line railroad in California, connecting Ban Diego with'Los Angelo, and Ban Bernardino. Over VlO,OOO has been imbscribed to the Stock in Ban Diego. Gist. 'Wersta reports that the Chinese imported by him to work on the Texu Central Railroad, .labor steadily witk docility, and evince not the alightestln. clination to strike. He is about to fend for more. ...,... AVrtsfr Alexander Smith coma back from Glasgow to Edinburgh, a friend met him in the street and asked: "Have you come back for a change of err "No," was the quick reply of the poet, "I have only come for a change of smoke." AMONG the recent graduates of the Woman's Medical College at Philadelphia were the following young ladles from Western States: Miss Elbells T. Baker, of lifinnesbta; Miss Jennie O. Brown, of Illinois, and Miss Jennie L. Henderson, of Missouri. On the 11th inst. the Rev. James C. Pratt, of Jersey City, died In ids 90th year.. He bad been a member of the Irish Wesleyan Cofifercrice upwards of 69 years. With three exceptions he was the oldest clergyman in this country, and excluding the Rev. Henry Boehm, the oldest minister in the world. J 0111144 'UM/MKS, the smelled per son of his age in America, lives In Win tenet, lowa. Ile is tweety•four years old, thirty-six inches high, and weighs Just thirty-six pounds. He was born in Pike county, Ohio. His father and mother are quite large. He Is not so tail as Tom Thumb by six inches. He ceased growing *five years of age. He refused Barnum's offer to travel. A win in. Sacramento City has sued\ , savings hank for one thousand dollars' ' deposited by his wife, who died recently. The wife deposited the money in her own name, with an order that in the event of her death the amount should be paid to a certain reverend father of the Catholic Caurch, in trust for the bump of her children. The bank refuses to pay the money to the husband without an order of the Coral. • Tnst Bt. Oliimille (Ohio) Gaudio says: "The many friends of Mr. B. g. Booker and his accomplished wife, now residents of lowa, bat formerly of this plane, will no doubt be pleased William that, although her youngest child was but thirteen months old, she, on Monday week list, presented her husband with triplets, all three females, each weighing four pounds. • The mother and two of the children are doing well. The third is dead." • - A JIMMY. at Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, combines, with bit:judicial datiesthe bus inets of a provision dealer. A newspaper speaks of having seen nice fat beef bang ing up in the Court room while a case was on trial, besides bins of 'grain and feed, and sacks of flour strewn about the room. His Honor was often obliged to leave the bench to attend to his customers, the excited lawyers in the meantime grinding their teeth while they waited Impatiently for his return. - an Exciting ace tie-Desperate Ricans. ter With a Wnala la Provinceton, Mass., Harbor. (Promacetorra (Mr, of Yarmouth Iro aislar.l Two "rights" whales were discovered In theitarbor about three o'clock Monday afternoon last The my of "there she blows" was soon repeated along shore, directly followed by hasty massing of ••• while Mats, and hurrying Into them, the • weapons and gear for clue and capture. Some half-dozes boats, equipped and manned with six men each, soon started in pursuit- After a chase of about three. quarters of an hour, the whales all the while deftly. eluding their partners by soundings and *eviler sPotitiliP, • boat steered by Mr. George Smith, and "b ea ded" by Archibald McCurdy, both experienced whalemenow ran rtpon th e broadside of one of them; and McCurdy to use his phrase, "seat his iron home to than seizing into her bilge." The scene now became exciting to the actors, and hundreds of spectators who were witnessing the proceedings from the the town. : The wind at the time was • blowing a giro from the north ; and so cold that the spray froze as ft flew. The whale ran sharply now to windward, now to leeward, then following to shoal water .back and forth along the west end of the harbor, the loose whale all the time keep. ing • close company with his wounded Inge, and thosea s pray envelop the crew, anti at dm s obscuring the boat from view. The enraged whale, fa her • frantic career, poised upon her nose, and elevating her dukes 20 feet above water, would again and again strike fearfully for her invisible foe. Every attempt to bard up and lance was met by her flakes just clear of the toil Thus the contest continued with. _ out muck change ormaucenvre or Wean. tag° Pined b 7 either antagonist, wall a bout half past . e. M. when Um whale succeeded in delivering tha boat a slight blow with her tali, k noc ki ng ta e hied o f the stern•Coakbreehint the eteering• or into several pieces , an 'Meg tow to itha. thwarts with water Another bold near at hand took her tow.llns„ but o a f .a abort time, the whale still lighting end preventing any near aPProscb, and night a wing in, the harpooner reluctantly cut :the line and let her go. • Her wound Is nbought to be mortal, as she bledprotneely; And it Is expected site may be pickedep in a few days in the bay. - • The crew of the crippled boat on reach. • ink the shore were completely enraged in • toe, envelerleg even the head of Mr. Smith, who had lost his bat Several of She other crews were badly frost•bliten. .4 ,, ' , :5 ,, i4 , " 14 - - - ... -'''- - 7 -- -' . • -- - -- -- , '4 ,,, .::41.4ii.4i , ,,-. , • , ;.! , - - -...:3-- . . , !:. , -:6::,•" ,- , , f7.- t ~ n ;...-i• - .: i , , -,,-. - ;;. , ,•••:-,,..- , ; - k , - , : - : : ,;,*:]• , „?. -- i,. , ,•..7,,W.;! - ,..t-;, - ,!.5;,.--2.;;-.;:-:• , z-:::f..:.: - :-.:! : -...-"•, , i, ,5..-g,*.4 : , , , - .,, -:..i..:,],-_ , ;f::.-;;• , i,; - ....1w..z,. , _E. ....-..,-;: , . , .. - ..::4::,:,1= , :1 , ,:it-,t-.;-,,:;-;: , z•. , : ..:-,-:,7 ~•::•,;-., _ ,.:.::.., • ::.,:-:i:.•!::..-.:, , ' j...,, ; .• : ::• ; ,:g..,;;!..:v. : :•-,:.;:,.-i ~,., . ., , ,, : .,44,!;.', . :::•-)..=,.5.?:.:.•45- 4 - : ,,;:.- L i, . :..:,.,:.-- . ..,- . - - .,.,..::?,::i, , :•,.4, ,, ,c4., • :•,0...• •.i,••.:.:.-- - - ' - • • • - '' " - .'"'' , W;:tkiiwitoa.F-P , --•-i.5• - •' , .. - - ,- --. , 5 - P4 - 7;A-.Ti . ..-4?.. 4 4; ,, % ,--. tm , . ,-- .7g -- ; - ;:z.r.ft: - .k0 , :q:.-.:: 1 •?.i , .k.: 4 . ,,,, i 0, 7 ,,,,, ---- ----,- --- -- -. . . - -._ -- ,- -1-.. , -.- ,, k , --- - -- -,,, A ,,, f , t , .. ,, ,- . 4.v4 - 14,- , -.;•5,,,- - ...ii!,--; ,, , - .. , • , ,, , •--7-. - :::•t ,, • , :-,.-••.fri , :-., - - -,,, . - , , -*•-:1- - f,..: - . ,,, ..4 , .:• , .-f, ,, ‘ , 4 -, , , , ,, ..:Atr,-..t i. :eiv % .: - -, 1 / 2 •N,, - , ...- , ,--4,; ,, ,N,%,!: - - - 4:.?-:..-- , .:• , ,,-1- ,, ,07.---,.::• - ,,i::.; - :-:-.-pqp....- -- -- - " "''''''a4- 1 ,;) 1 014 , , -- ifi 5 A4t' 4 -- 1 / 4 w''''' - "" r ' . '" - " --- - • - . . : .., - _ • , •) /v/4/L4ike ( , iv .4 vo . , T., XXX V. FIRST .'''.i,EDITIOX. IDXIGHT. HARRISBURG. Another Raid on the Sinking Fand riSmlslDlspateb to the eltteb , “*Zh 6eeette.] HAHRIU3I764I, Marra 16,1670. The proposition to rob the Sinking' Fond of ten millions of dollen' was In. traduced In the Senate to-day. -it Is the culmhuaton of the scheme to rob the Treasury of all het bonds. CUM% Pennsylvania Legislature. Huge Railroad Scheme—The Poor - Directors' Unexpended Balances —New Boroughs In Allegheny County—Constrnp :, tion of Bridges-Senate Com. mutes and the Appropriation Bill. [7ptcl.l Dlapatelb to tbe'rntsbarsh Clasetle.) Hemusnono, March 15,1870. . SENATE. smut PAINED. Mr. WHITE Introduced a bill chang ing the names of corporatora, capital stock and extending the time forth° organization of the Enterprise Ws Light Company of Indiana. Pawed. Mr. HOWARD called up the House bill allowing appeal to the Supreme Court ;from decision and order of COM. mon Pleas of Allegheny, No.. 14, , June term, 1884. Peened. ' RILL% INTRODUCED. Mr. CONNELL. introduoed a bill regu lating railroads; also, relating to the transfer of 'stook of corporations, which obllgos banks to pay dividend; to per sons holding certificates without ques tion. NNW RAILROAD PROJECTED, Mr. OLMSTED introduced a bill to facilitate the construction of a railroad between the Susquehanna and great lakes and canal'. This Is a project to construct • line from Jersey Shore, in a northwestern direction, to the city of Buffalo, to develop the mineral resources of Potter and adjoining counties, and to direct the grain trade, which now flows from Buffalo to New York, to the city of Philadelphia. The bill pro vides that the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo Railroad shall Mane first mortgage 'bonds to ..:the amount of six million dollars, paying live per bent. In terest, which shall be deposited 1n the sinking fund of the State and applied only to the payment - of public debt. In consideration of this deposit the com pany are to hare an hone of an equal, amount of bonds belonging to the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, now in the State Treasury. In order to secure the State from any lora, it is pro vided that the new bonds shall be paya ble at the same time and in the same amounts, and shall bear exactly the same Interest ai those belonging to the Pennsylvania Company; neither shall such transfer take place until a contract shall be made for the construction and equipment of the new road within three years, and the contract dial be absolute ly guaranteed by either the Catawisaa and - Philadelphia. Reeding, Catawleas and Lehigh Valley, Catawissa, Lehigh and Susquehanna, or. Philadelphia and Erie. Northern Central and Pennsylvania Central Rahroada, which guarantee shall extend not only to the payment of the principal, but to the payment of three hundred thousand dollars per annum interest money to the State, and • the franchises and roads of the par ties making guaranty shall be liable therefor. They shall offer the mast di rect and shortest route from the Buffalo and Western • Canals to Philadelphia. The grades will not exceed over fifty feet to the mile. The road will be about one hundred and forty miles in length and for sixty miles of its route will pass through bituminous and semi bitumin ous coal fields, the veins in which are from two to seven f e et in thicknem. It will also pa= through about a million of acres of the DM hemlock and other tim berlands. . APPROPRIATION DILL. The Senate Finance Committee, com- Ctof Messrs. Bilgriffon,. Brooke, . Wallace and Mclntyre, have been Induirtrionsly at work on the appro priation hilt. .Last night the Committee met in Chairman Mllingtelt's room and labored till alter midnight. They e to report it tomorrow. The total amount will be nearly halt a million lam than as pissed by the House. The Committal Is harmonious and do not seem to be the same Committee conducting the Treat ivy exandneikm. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TINALLT PASSED. The following bills from the Sonata ware passed : Exempting Pittsburgh Ciurch Guild from taxation. Empowering Guardians of the Poor of Pittsburgh to sleet a Trammer and m otive Interest on all .unezpendsd balm- MEMEIIM HOVEN 1111.7.21 PAISIND, Requiring committing magistrates of Allegheny county to transmit the name*, occupation and residence of decendants' ball and witnesses in cameo to District 'Attorney within five days. Changing Pittsburgh city elections to the first Tuesday of December. Incorporating llllidale is:hough, Alle gheny county. Mr. Walton's bill regulating thiloon struction of bridges over Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio rivers passed. with Monongahela and Allegheny struck out. STATE LEGISLATURES Ss No:WM! to tai ritutrargt emits.) =1 bormainve, March 15.—ThetMouse mimed the bill giving mttles, town ships and cities authority to ualat in constructing railroads. The tax for this purpose is, not to ixoted ono-half of one Per cent. litany year. NISSOURI. Or. Lcrcria, Mareb .15.—The Lower House of the Legislature to-day refused either to expel or censure W. Webb, whom the Corruption Committee ro• =as having been bribed. The nee Is investigating other ease. Gen. J. F. Sheppard, km:nasty of Bos ton, has been appointed , Adjutant Gen eralgne of d.the Mate, vice Col. Children, reid • NEW JEasgr. Taxwrow, March tha - Aaaembly Mr. Brinkerhoff presented articles or Itn• peaebnient against Justice John White, of Hoboken. for having. tt , calved exorbitant feu In a cue over Which ha had no Jurisdiction. KENTUCKY ` Lontavit.t.a, March 1.5.—A blu paned the Koine to-day making It a Wade. meanor, punishable by a pretty - severe penalty, to Import Texas cattle In the grazing counties of Kentucky. MAINE, AuourrA, Much 115.—1 n (he Sonata to day the bill to authorize Portland to loan its credit to the Portland and Rutland Railroad Company' was Indetioltaly postponed. —A Wuhington dispatch states that West Point is beooming an exceedingly attractive point, and If Congress keeps right on in Its. duty, it will soon becomo a place to point at. General Butler has nominated a negro cadet. Mr. Pruner demands s ceitparative test among the negro boys of Tentlinose, with a view to following Butler's snit. Mr. McCormick Is going to 'end an Arizona Indian. A California Rommel:OMlTe promises - to nominate a John Chinaman, end Mr. DialltateNnekolls will send a Wyoming gitL Could not Captain Hall; of 'notoriety, be Induoixt spare hi , Es. qtanlini bey? ORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECOND SESHIONt) SENATE : Appropriation to Mrs. Stanton Passed—Arms to South em States—Effect of the XVth Amendment—Special Commit tee on Indian Affairs—The Geor gia Bill. ROUSE Funding _Bill Referred to Ways and Means Committee—Bill to Ad mit Texas to Representation Reported and Passed—Defi ciency Bill Farther Considered in Committee. Br Telegraph to the rittsburgh Oasette.) SENATE. Home resolution giving 'll, year's salary as Justice of the Soprano Court to the widow of Edwin M. Stanton passed. ' - Mr. SUMNER presented a memorial for an appropriation to Wilberforce Uni versity, neer Xenia, Ohlo. . Mr. CHANDLER, from Committee on Commerce, reported adversely, the bill authorizing the transportation of lm ported merchandise from the port of first arrival within the United States to Chi nese, Cincinnati and St. 1.1311111 without examination, inspection and • appraise ment. The bill was indefinitely post. poned. Mr. ABBOTT introdnood a bill for the distribution of arms to the Southern 'Pates In the same manner as If the act of April 23d, 1808, had not been modi. lied, Referred to tbmmittee on Mili tary Affairs. - Mr. CARPENTER introduced a bill extending the previsions or ithe act of ' klatch 3d, 1883, to certain other judicial proceedings. Mr. SHERMAN Introduced a hill to Incorporate and charter the Cincinnati and Chattanooga Railroad Company to connect a railroad between those points. The Vice-President presented a memo rial from the Society of Friends praying for an appropriation to aid the civilisa tion or Indians of toe Northern Superin tendency of Nebraska. Refeared. Mr. SHERMAN, from the Citizens Committee, reported back various prop. muttons referred to that Committee in regard to the Increase of curreuay, which, at his request, were tabled. Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to enable the Secretary of War to revise the general regulations for the government of the army. Mr. RICE offered a resolution direct ing the Judiciary Committee to report the effect of the 11th Amendment upon the Indian trines of the country, whether by the provisions thereof Indians are not citizens 'of the United States, and whether thereby treaties between the United Statecand Indian tribes are not Mr. TRURMAN remarked that as: there had not been any °facial notice of ratiheation of the amendment, the remct lotion was premature. One objection being sufficient. the res. olution was laid over. Mr. KELIAXIO offered a resolution directing the Postollioe Committee to report upon the expediency of establish• Mg daily mail service on the, Mississippi River between New Ori • Cairo. Adopted. Tocroonenrrent resolution for c pointment of a special joint oo on Indian affaini was taken up. Mr. EDMUNDS nagged toumend_it so that the committee would have hilt one 'object to consider, to wit: the general policy of the Government with reference to Indian treatise._ Mr. DRAKE said he thought at erst hostile to the resolution. Be would be disposed to favor it, if the amendment as proposed was adopted; believing that If . restricted to the mare qt 14.20013 of policy' no harm would rune from the organiza tion of the committee; but he believed no good would follow Jr the committee went beyond that. He had already re ceived an intimation that this propoff4 Lien for a joint committee was looked upon as a acheme into the bands of what was known as .•the Isdian Ring." He would not charge the Senator from lowa (Mr. Harlan) with any such purpose, but each it was believed would be the practical affect of the project. Mr. BARLAN saia he would accept the amendment, believing the powers of the Committee might subsequently be enlarged. Mr. HOWARD preferred to leave the' subject of our Indian relations where the Constitution placed it, with the Kiexii. Live. He thought the Proddent's polloy would result In utter defeat and dlasp• pointment, but he was willing to give It • trial. B. thought the appointment of the joint committee would remillin CCM ftudon worse confounded. Mr. WILSON expressed faith to the humane and ehritelan policy which the Preeldent bad %ought to inaugurate. Mr. DRAKE moved to table the whole statism. Mr. HARLAN hoped the vote would be oonslderat a test of the sense of the Sen ate upon the resolution; The vote resulted to a tie; but was de. 'ermined against the motion by the We Prealdent. The morning hour expired end the subject was laid aside and the Georgia bill came up. Means. 8 PEWART and EDMUNDS addressed the Senate upon the status of affairs In Georgia. Mr. Bingham's' amendment, limiting the terms of the present legislature and governor, was apposed and favored. Mr. DRAKE, offered an amendment providing that whenever any legislateree of the late rebel, States or °overarm thereof represent to the President that organisations exist therein for the per.. petration of sots of violence against per- sons and property, or to obstruct. the laws of the Federal or State Government, and it is unable to suppress Guth violence or destruction, it shall be the duty of the President to furnish United States troops for the subjugation of such organizations. Uptln the arrival of such troops In die• trims In which these °menhaden' exist, martial law shall be declared, a levy made upon the inhabitants to pay the expenses Of trawartation of such troops. and they shall be subsisted upon the inhabitants. At 4 o'clock the Senate went Into Ex. eentive session and afterwards . ad journed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATiVri. After the presentation of a number of unimportant petitions, the Funding bill was called up by Mr. SCHENCK, who tuovod its reference to the Committee on Ways and Mea'vt, Mr. GARFIELD moved to refer It to the Committee on Banking andtkuvenoy, as it proposed to revolutionise the whole national banking system, and did not propose to lame* public, debts or bor row money to carry on the Government. Mr. NIBIACII asked If there was any reasonable prospect of an indium of the Totowa of currency by the present Con. M g? Mr. GARFIELD did• not feel author. Iced to make any atatement what the Committee on Banking And. Currency proposed to report, but would say that for two.weeks. the Committee had had under oottaidentilen thenecilio point base beat to meet the very general demand, especially In thewest and southwest, -for enlarged blditing facilities " and the Committee hoped to be able to report very coon, but considered 'the question' of a loan at a lower rata of Interest in dlspensable to and Pallesaarily Connected with any proposition to increase banking facilities. The two should nscssaartly go tnether, and the Committee would be utterly unable to report • bill that did not Include silo the Luna of bonds at a lower rate of interest, on which to base the entire banking facilities of the coun tryM. r. NIRLACK Inquired whether RAY Increase of the currency would take the form 9f national bank bills or legal ten der notes?. . Mr. GARFIELD replied the resolution of the House did not state which farm the Increase should take, and therefore the Committee would leave the matter to the decision 'of the House. making no recommendation on the point. - Hr. SCHENCK said the bill win one that related, In its whole subject matter, to the National credit, and as aneb should lto to the Committee on Ways and Means. He added, without claiming that it give him only jurisdiction over the _sable* that II part of this very bill relating to . patina credit had been written by him self, :(Mr. Schenck) In conference with PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1870. the Secretary of the Tammy within the first week of the session. bathe certainly should not have troubled himself with any of the matters o3nnected with the funding bill If he had not expected the subject would In the mune of Wane 's come before the Committee on Ways and Means. .Mr. JUDD, member of the Committee on Banking and Currency, ar gu ed In favor of referring the bill to that corn. mittee. The entire bosh. of the banking interest} of tbe entire country wu affect ed by the lu 11. while It did not provide for creating new debt. After further dlecustdon by Messrs. Wood, Randall - and others, a vote wee taken, and the Florae, by 63 to 79, re fused 'to refer the bill to the Banking Committee, end then sent It to Ways and Means Committee. Mr. BENJAMIN, Mo., than addressed the House in an hour's speech on the subject of various bills proposing to change the present mode of paying pen• along, arguing against the plan of having them paid by postmuters or by internal revenue collectors. . The subject was then postponed two weeks, on Motion of Mr. DAWES—yeas 73. rimy' C. Mr. BIJrLER, Maas., from Reconstruc tion Committee, reported a bill to admit Texas to representation In Congress, statinrit was Identical with the Virginia and MiseLselppl bills, with the_ exception of an additional provision that its passage should not affect the conditions ender which Texas was originally admitted Into the Union. • Mr. WOOD,. member, of the Ream at:nation Committee, Mined an addi tional proviso, that Texas shall be ad. witted with all the rights of all - other States of the Union, without qtialification or fundamental condition, except am stated In the bill. Mr. BUTLER Bald there was no objeo• Lion to the proviso, except that it wee useless. Theamendment wee rejected by 'a party vote, as was a substitute offered by Mr. Beck, simply admitting Texas to repro. sontation, and the bill passed. The House then went into committee of lb* Whole, Mr. Scofield in the chair, on - the Deficiency bill. On motion of Mr. DA.WE9, the item of 100,000 was inserted far a court house and postofSce at Die Moines, lowa. On motion of Mr. ATWOOD, the item for court house at Madison, Win, was Increased from 120,000 to 00,000. Mr. OOBURN moved to add to the item of 1100,000 for the New York poet, °Moe, a proviso that no part of the money be expended until the • plan and mat are fixed by law. After conaldentble dlscniolon the com. mittee, without action on the amend ment. took a recess till evening. Evening Seranon. The dlacusalon on the New York Poetoffice continued at length. Finally Mr. Coburn's amend ment was rejected. Mr. LOUCIBBIDGE also offered a pro vie) that tke work Khali not be carried on so as to prevent the plan being re modeled and clanged without additional expante. • Rejected. On motion of Mr. DAWES, ISOO,OOO was appropriated for continuing the wbrk on the Capitol grounds. Mr. HAIGHT Inquired of the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations bow bush reconstruction had cost to the pros• ens time? Mr. DAWES replied about two and a quarter millions. Mr. HAIGHT inquired whether the money had not been expended rather to make men loyal to the party than to the country? Mr. DAWES denied that, aed said the only desire was to make men in th. South obey the government and laws. Mr. ELDRIDGE declaimed against the word "loyal" aa a word be despised and hated. It always reminded him of the definition of It given by a contractor during the war. When premed to ex plain what ke Meant by eying he felt "loyal," be said he felt as If he wanted to Meal something or somebody. For him self be was patriotic, not loyal. The word did not _belong to this country. It only belonged to Massachusetts. On motion of Mr. DAMES, an Item of 1147,786 was Inserted Or expenses of the following committees: Elections, 1125,06; Ware and Meane.16,772; Foreign Affairs, $6.870: Judvolaty, KW: Deltas of Amer ican Commerce, $2,000; Ninth - Census, $3,944. Mr. DAWES moved to insert an ap• propriation of $200.11160 to enable the alatorbocid of Ladle. of Mercy in Charles ton, 8. C., to rebuild their orphan eap lum, destroyed during the war, In acknowledgement of services to Union prisoner. in the beepital at Charleston. Mr. BENJAMIN, of Mo., made the taint of order there was no law author ising the appropriation. The Chairman suatained the point. Me. DAWES appealed from the dee-t -alon, bat it was sustained-60 to ISA Mr. STILES moved to strike out the 8 op •ttte• Nem or $25.000 for repairing and mine. climbing the President's house. Rejected. Mr. LOUGURIDGE moved as an addi tional section. that no money shall be • xpended on buildings to cost more than taro and • half million dollars; Rejected asnot In order. The committee rose and reported the bill to the House withott final action. .I.djeurned. • THE WEST. Parlous' blare—Aeeldent au the Miles I=! (Ee'relesnaa to u• Milburn Quetta.) Owans, Starch 15—The weather was very severe yenterday. Wa had the most furls= Atorm of the WW:ion. The thermometer makes thirew degrees be low zero. The tessourt river he Imposdb tile. sad ell Irma Eastman stopped. Re• . ports from all pots to west to Itiontanaare to the some effect. , - The Eastern expo= on the Union Pa cific Railroad was th pawn from the track at North Platte. Several persona were injured, but none killed. CHICIAOO, March 113—A. violent snow storm commenced hero early this morn ing and Is still raging, threatening to In- terfere with the telegraph lines, many of which have not yet recovered from the effects of Saturday's storm. The snow la now nearly six inches deep. Sr. LC1.1113, March 15.—Alter another heavy rain storm, secompanled by thun. der, the, weather turned cold snow fell several boars, and this morning It was nearly as cold salt was during the Winter —TM" committee of architects which Investigated the falling of the roofs of the wings of the Chicago Court-hones, report that the truisms of the roofs, not being of sufficient strength, bent and allowed a portion of the structure to fill, the diluter being directly treatable to • defective plan of construction. They recommend the strengthening of the walls of the wrings.. The mein building lattronueed safe, but In need of re pa The judges end lawyers -who oecupy.bits main building. not putting Implicit trust In the committee of archl tents. propose examining the edifice for thennielves, to aseertain as to the safety of its ['other tenancy. —Vie Red River New Nation of Fab. 16th says the late threatening movement of the English settlers for the release of Canadian prisoners at Fort Garry has subdded. President RIell; to prereat I bloodshed; released all the prisoners, whereupon the English force, number ing sir hundred well organised armed men, disbanded and returned home. Dr. Schultz hes been declared banished from the territory. Delegates will shortly leave for Canada to conolqde arrangements with the Dominion gov ernment. it la understood that that Government is willing to grant all the demands of Me Red River people: —The Chicago Common Connell • his settled the fight which hae teen going on between the Illinois Staab' Zeitung, and the Illinois Yolks Zeiler's, for the German city printing. The former claim ed it under thb law that Council print. log should be given to the paper having Um largest circulation. and the latter under • subsequent law that L at erus* shotild designate the paper. night they voted to ffiVe It to the Stoats Zeibmg, It having the lamest circulation. The other miper was started to uphold the citizens' ticitet last fall on 'the promise of receiving the printing which it now loam C. Backer, a prominent inclines* man of Clinton, lowa, died on Saturday of paralysii. During the week previous hena was engaged in defendi • mit iad hien gsg la which twenty- ng llvetlacco and dollies damages were dinned An alleged face Imprizonment and wee carded taloa:nut daily In a chair. nee snit wag decided in his favor and heeled two hours afterward'. His life was In. eared for thirty-Ave Mouse:id dollars. SECOMI EDITIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK. 4. a. THE CAPITAL./ Concern About the Army Bill— Conference on Indian A ffairs - Railroad Trouble in Georgia-- Remoriar from Woolen Nana facinrers Nomizations Con firmed—San Domingo Treaty— Belligerent Rights to Cuba, &c. (By Telegratiti to the Pittsburgh Ussetlei) WASHINGTON. March 15,1570. 12MIE=ZBE The fact that Mr. Logan dot* aot give his speech on the army bill to therprintar for publication, excites conaideiable aut. picion hire, and has a very bad irdract on publici sentiment. It la said to have contained so many grave error. that he means io have it thoroughly revised and oorre.sted before giving It to the people. The more closely this sweeping bill Is examined the more glaring do fie dan gerous features appear. According to leading army afloat. it Is said Gat it will save to the people only a few thousand dollars after all, while the injustice it will do to many of the bravest and most patriotic officers of the army cannot be estimated by dollars and cents. It is thought that the bill strikes Oland aims to degrade such officers as Sherman, abstinent, Thome, Hancock, Meade, Park, Humphreys, Barnes, the Burgeon General; Spires, of the Oommlstary partment ; Dyer, of Ordinances; and as effectually dest roy. whatry ;they gained for military power In 1p country during the ware. the rebele i ctild rye done had they been viotorio ISDIAN A. meeting of &befriends &the Idd lans was held at the rooms of the Indian Com. zalsaloner today. Present! Secretary of the Interior, Oommirdoiser Parker, Felix R. Brune, Vincent Oollvar, and the following Influnrdial members of the committee of Elicksitiklatudrers: Benj. Hallowell and Mary O. Mai% of Md., Samuel Willett', Edmund Willett.. H. Williams, E. H. Macy, Charlie. Macy, Thomas Foulk, Stephen Bakke, Frank lin Haines, and Daniel Underhill, of N.' York, Wm. Dorsey, John Saunders, De borate F. Wharton and Susan D. Whar ton, Pa., Wm. Parry, B. Stratton and J. W. Plumber of Indiana. The present being generally regarded as the crisis in the affairs of the Indiana, the object of meeting was onunitation on the situa tion. The most cordial harmony exist' between all bodies represented and a prospect of other religious bodies taking up the work of civilisation for the Indians was reported. It was agreed that If only a portion of the money now annually expended for military purposes was used for educating and christian ising the Indiana, It would be much more to the advantage of the western territo ries in encouraging emigratkin and more satisfactory to the whois country. Tee Cosiminalon separated to vhdt the Capi n:Wind endeavor to impress Boar views upon Common.. NOMINATIONS 001SIST87IXD. The Senate to-day confirmed Chu. 11. Lune, Vliginia, Minister Resident at Portugal; John Russell J• 134111. of Illinois, Minister Resident at Stockholm; Robes* C. Kirk, of Ohio, Minister Resident if" Uraguay: Gustave Jarrekleof Yponpl tania, Gamut at Aagglisang,--$llO It Waltlems. Collector of Ctiedintia, Dankirk, New York: Jacob Anthony, Surveyor of Customs, New Albany, Ind.; G. D. Orner, Collector Internal Revenue, sth Missouri Dbitnot; Peter Rose do.. 18th Ohio; Abraham H. Bowman, do., 7th Ken tucky. Postmasters: Herbert A. Par. ker. Kankakee, Ills.; Theo. C.. Phillips, Bay City, Mich. Charles O: Crowe, Ala., Register. Land Moe, Wyoming Lend District; Lafayette Carter, Surveyor General, Idaho. RAILROAD TROMILE IN GEORGIA. Dispatches received here from Vice President .t.kriant, of the Brunswick & Albany railroad, Georgia, says the re• cent disturbances on the road were not caused by the nonpayment of wear; which were paid in full to . February 15th, and ready for payment again to•day, being the regular monthly payday. but because the demander some of the em ployer for the dleplaosment of Colonel - Hulburt, General SepWintendent. and a rimier man, was not seceded to. Thev i were paid and discharged at Bruns wick. whereupon they seized some trains and threatened the giver Judge Ovary, Colonel Hulburt and other". Conant save the Authorities sided with the men, with the evident expectation of driving away Northern employes. Gen. Terry, upon investigation of the Gets, to-day ordered more troop. to Brunswick. , STRONG A memorial has been presented to the Committee on ' Ways and Means -, and Committee on Manse, strongly endor sing Oommisatoner Wells report, signed by persons representing thirty. three corporations, and two thousand in dividuals, comprising nearly all the great woolen manatacturemt, represen ting a capital actually engaged in man. uranium of woolen goods of over fifteen million dollars, and owning upwards of dye hundred seta of woolen machinery. They pray the (Alining tariff may be modified in such a manner that flue wool may come into the country at as low a duty am carpet wools. AM/ONA, Governor Safford, of Arizona, left to night for that territory. Be wUI be pined In Nevada and Colorado by puma. Intending to *WI* in Arizona. Daring hie visit here the Governarlmpreeeed the Govornmant with the Importance of affording additional facilltiee for protect ing life and property, that encouraging the development at the natural reeourom of Admits. II ECM Parties Just' from Tema state that Supervisor Brigisnd within the . pest thirty days has mind thirty-seven Illicit. distilleries, princlaalb in the iburth Dieted, end arrested General Barton,- Armor, and George R. Spauld ing. Deputy Collector of that district, for collualon with distillers. Minim Alf/AITUL The Committee on Fore4u Affairs, with the exoeption of Willed, of Vi.. is in favor of .taking some motion in lavor of the Cubans, and it le not Improbable that a ennoble reeoltdicm will soon be reported to the Home. I= The Committee on Reeamitruetion to day heard the colored men on Tonneau° affair& Tomorrow they will examine the presiding °Moira of the Legislature. The Committee ham not yet prepared to reporte bill. BZOONZIDIRID It Is gild the Senate today confirmed the nomination of George H. Butler as Oanatd•General to Egypt: but that a MO- Lion was Immediately thereafter made lb immudder the vote, which le now pending. BIL.T,,IOIIXNT RIGHT& It ts reported tonight that the Mine throonmee on Pbrelan Adana tom agreed to recommend the peonage of a A m i n . Uon according beingerabt rights to thi• _ _ ban Insurgent man boinnao TAXA:M. T he s en a e committee on Foreign Af. fain; to-day decided to :sport against the ratineation of the Ban Mining° t r eaty. the vote being two In favor and• five against It - TlilloeoE BILL. The friends of Goy. Bullock, who say they have oinvaseed the Sonata, express themselves confident that Body will Ma. agree to the Blogtuun amendment to the Georgia bill. CONTIXTED 1111011021 CUE. The Indications are that the Bnh•Com• mitts, en Elections will report In favor of Ettracter, Democrat, se °tattled to the east from the Clocinnatt tlistrkt. PAM Milt RICSMIXTDI. The Senators and Re atatleee sleet hum Texas, =CM lid by SenaforWll - of hhuseohnestik pald their impede to the F.:addend to-day. •The,Commlttie on Wars and Mans w=twred one In to•dthe ay In leaking verbal ulff. NEWS BY • CABLE. Disturbances in Ireland and Meas ures for Repression Parlia ment Proceedings—Events at Rome Beeomhtg i Graver—The War in Paraguay—Flight and Pursuit of Lopei7Gon. Prim Assaulted by a 10l in Madrid. EyTelegraph to the lltesbargli Qatette.) GREAT BRITAIN. Lennon, March 15.—Arrangements zro I making to strengthen the garrisons in Ireland. There are Incendiary dreg and disorders In Team. Large bodies of troops ire being sent there from Galway and Athlone. The Times -ernuddere the manures the government proposes to. wards Ireland will peeve little more.than a monument of good Intentions. It will not secure the desired object. The Times *acreages its confidence in the belief that the House of Commons will exclude sectarianism but not relit lon from the educational bill now before that body. • Letters received from Zanzibar, east coast of Africa, mention that the preva lence of cholera deters the movement of the extadition which recently get out to ascerteln the whereabouts of Dr. Liv ingstone. In the House of Lords- - to-day Earl Granville explained that the disturbance in Galway and Mayo bounties, Ireland demanded . the presence of amps . and . since their arrival quiet bag been re stored. Adjourned. In the Commons Sir Pakington said it was reported the steamer My of Boston left America loaded twenty inches deep er than the underwriters allowed. He gave notice be should ask the Govern ment to inform the House if there was any truth In the report. • It was agreed the budget should be in - Induced on the 11th proximo. Mr. Tarrant announced a resolution In (avow! colonial self government and of enabling colonies, like lbreign States, to snood their own interests. The debate on the education bill was resumed. Mr. Winterbottom expressed dbosatisfaction with the measure, con aidering it In advance of public needs and wishes. Lard Robert Montague denied the necessity of excluding relig ious teachings from the schools.. Mr. Tonsils said Mistletoe showed that most of the perishes in England expended large sums for drink and not for educe. lion. "The absence of the conscience clause made the title of national schools absurd. The bill was In respect to the education of pauper children somewhat faulty. Mr. pauper deprecated the opposition at this stage. If it was con tinued the masstus would over till next session. - ..Mr. Herbert said the failure of the ex isting system was owing to insulficiemoy. The new measure was valuable because of its provisions for compulsory attend ance at school, boards and rates. In other respects It was defective. He especially objected to Its sectarian char acter. Without taking action on the bill the Commons adjourned. Livgaroor.. March 16.—Robt. leading bear in stoats, his stopped pay ment. Liabilities heavy. FRANCE. PARIS, March 15.—Two hundred Cana dians, who have Served two years In the Papal service, passed through this city today on their way home. They have a number of flags and medals presented by Ilia Holiness the Pope In consider*. don of faithful service. • The Ocutois, Independent organ, etatee that a well attended caucus of members of the party of theieft -in the Corps Leg- Selatif wu bald last *vernal& at which it was decided that questions relative to the Budget shall hereafter be controlled by that body. Th. caucus also adopted a resolution affirming its oppooltion to the system of Executive creation of credits, granting money, making war and pro clyaiming neutrality Corpa , without the author- f the Le it - Forty mombera h gaveislatiL signed a demand to the Praddent of the Email:deal Coon , di that the order of deliberation bo changed and the schemes relating to in feintaftty Immediately discussed. Event, In Rome are daily becoming mraver. It le reported the Marquis - Banneville, French Ambasaador, left to-day for Paris, ■nd that the Ambassador of Austria at Rome nos received from his government directions to sustain the demand of Count Darn for the admisidon of the French representative to the Council. I= LISBON. March 15.—The steamship from Rio Janeiro brings later news from the allied array. Lopez has re. treated northward to • point near Mir anda, in the Matto Gramm, • province of Brazil. Hs was ecoompanled by a few followers who wars making every effort to pass the frontier into Bolivia. Prince D'Eu, allied commander, bad made • Judiciona disposition of hie 00 Pa and entertained strong hopes of mptruing Lopez and his band, before they could escape from the Brazilian territory. Now the war is practically over. The first division of the army of Brazil had re• turned to Rio Janeiro, and was received by the citizens with the greatest enthu. slam. Rio Jammu; February 23, Via Liston 16.—Lopes still eludes pursuit. Addi tional troops from the Argentine prov inces are concentrating In Paraguay. =IQ Vizarta, March 16.—Austria offers to saelst, as an independent _power, at the International oongren suggested by President Grant for the protection or over telegrap deliberation. tables, but declines to preside its GERMANT Binturr, March 16. The Reichstag ham enacted that political offences am punishable only ed: when criminal purpose is demonstrat = MADAM, Mirth. 15.- I :Yeaterday Gin. Prim was aaoaLled by an anti oonacrip• Lion mob MUM. (My, but camped unhurt. RUSSIA. Efit Preansoutto, March 16.—The Clair blui paid a ?Luther visit of oondoloabo to bfloWar Barlingsmo's widow. I =1:331! Esser, Kirsh Is—The steamship St Voirlent has arrived. Bann, March 15 —The steamship St. Laurent, from New York, arrived ..tsy. FINANCIAL AND 00811:11611CIAL. Lormort. March 15.—Eoenkg—Oonao1a for money lag; account 98. American se. mantles buoyant: 'B2l. 91; 'Ms, 911,ti; TM, 89%; Ten.fortles 87; Brim 2111'• Minds Ventral 118; Atlantic & Great Western 80. Parmavoirr, Muth 15.—Bondi quiet at 95%. Pam& March 15.—Bonne dull at 74 francs 42 centimes. Ltesurooc, March IL—Ootton steady and unchanged* sales 12,000 bales. Man chester adetnes'are favorable. .California white Wheat fla sd; red western No. 2 13e ld 2d; red winter 8.10d®4111; re• mints for thred days 12560 quarters, IL. 600 American. Western !lour Be Id. Corn: No. 2 mined SIT• 9il; Cats 2a sd. Barley 6s. Pau 375 Id. Pork 92a. Beef 1034 Id. Lard 641. Obsess 70a Id.. Ba. eon 56.00mm0n fineln . sa. Spirita Petro• leum la Id; reflood la 9Mdgia 10d. Tal low 44.0 d. Turpentine WS- Linseed oil Ilite 10d. Lotuxut, March 16-Sperm 011 thin. Sugar firmer. Whale oil qulet. Clover 13eakd 49.4. Unwed 011 active at en 10e. 'Tallow Arm At lea 9d. AwfwEar, March 15,—Patrolatim Arm at 67,if. Xavas.„ Mar& IG-Cotton quiet. . AddlUonal Markets by Telegrspb. Niw Ommota, March 16. Cotton cedes at full ream ego waddling at 21 ,1‘_@ 22 .e ree44ll, %MO bales : exports, %me baleen Wm %POO bales. Flour: low grades plenty and dull, Moto@ wades warm and dm salta at 14, 1 1266,7640,03. Oat' at Mo. Hay at vs. Pork: noes at risjziaszisa. Lard firm at 12:10114o for tiara% and 17N0117)0' for keg. Other articles unchanged. Ontzwirwa. March 14.--Cattle reeelpq 791 had; market lees active, with teas et me lower; Wu of aura at 1112,600 MU; Ant qualli7er,6ool2,oo: esarelL quality third quality mem. sheep and Limiest reoelpta 11,578: prime nnehatised. itaurialoara Mardi 15.—Yarnpork Arm at Pd. Widaky doll at 97Q910. NEW YORK CITY. Methodist Book Concern—Re markable Slander Case—The N• Situation in Cuba—The Van derbilt-Erie B.allroad Fraud Case—George Wilkes Cowhided, &c., &c. • BT. Telegraph to the Mttabnreb liaseLte.) Naw Your. March 15,.1870. METIZODIST BOON CONCZEIN. In the New York Methodist Preachers' Meeting yesterday, the Rey. Dr. An drews presented resolutions indorsing the report of the majority of the Book Committee, in their newt Investigations. These resolutions Balled forth consider ble discussion, in which Rev. Drs. Ridge way, Foster, Curry, TllLmy,Crawford, and Messrs. Hermanos, Taylor, Ring, and others participated. The general ex pression was that the allegations of fraud had not been and could not be sustained, and that the verdict of ten against three was sufficiently strong in itself to de mead approval. The publication of the minority report, and of Dr. Shires' paper, in the Baltimore American, were denre cited, and declared to have been 11legitl mately ace uLred *and made known, and that the Committee had their minority report ready to be gent to the General Conference, together with that of the majority. The action.of the Baltimore Conference In censuring the majority and withholding Sunday School Union fends, was also commented upon as un just and hank, there being no proof either before Confgrenoe or before the community to sustain the allegations of fraud, and alter careftil Investigation the Book Committee had failed to nod proof. Their action is final arid can only be re versed by the General Conference. Her mance moved to lay the ”wieolutions on the table, which was lost, and they wore adopted by a large majority. I= The unprecedented atilt 'by Miss Della W. Moore against John 8: Bonnet!, to recover five thousand dollars damages for alleged slander, was ohncluded year terday. Borman claims that he was married to - Miss Moore on the 26th of November, 1884, by the late Rev. Dr. McClintock, of the Si. .ranl Methodist Church. On Friday nearly all the testi mony was taken, aad during the trial a copy of the church record of their mar riage was produced In the evidence. Notwithstanding all this, ther with numerous letters written by Mina Moore to Bonnet', claiming him to be her Deer Jack, Dearest Darling, and other pet names, she ewers she had never been mar ried to him, and that she was never In Bt. Paul's Church with him. The &andirons words complained of are that Somali said: ..She is either my wither miatreas." Miss Moors's counsel recognize the church record, but their main point is, that the lady to whom Boanell was mar ried upon the 26th' of November, at Bt. Paul's Church, and giving the name of the plaintiff, was some other than this Della Moore. • Dr. McClintock, the offi ciating clergyman, deposed and declared positively that he married Bonnet', but could not tell for indigo whether the plaintiff waa the person to Whom he was married or not, but had a faint mallet, Lion of her features. After Judge Spen cer's charge to the juryNthey were di rected to bring in a mated verdict. The Judge admonished them that there was remarkable fraud and ingenuity, and also perjury, in the calm, and that they must endeavor to dud out where it wait. The Jury being unable to decide, were discharged. CUBAN ntsanitscriolt. Gametal Jas. Watama Webb writes a long letter to the sTratune from Havana March sth, - favoring the accordance of belligerent rights to the Cpbaia, add Flip If President Grant and Secretary. Fish had been Permitted to know the whole truth they would have been eon coded six months ago. He nye the Cu• bans have fifteen totwenty thousand well armed troops and as many more carry log pikes, scythes, do., and that on the authority of a Spanish volunteer °Moor, Hone hundred thousand arms could be landed they would find Cubans to wry them and 'Havana would fall in a fort night. The omcer claimed that the gun. boats built to the United States had so guarded the Island that it was haposel hie to land arm! and ammunition. Gen. Webb says the cruelties perpetrated upon Cubans actually exeasd belief. and the cold blooded murder. and India criminate butcheries perpetrated by both Spanish soldiers and Spanlah vol. unteen upon defenseless women and children make one!' blood boll with Indignation. RATLIZOAD burr • The suit begun by. the Erie Railway against Cornelius Vanderbilt, to recover 15,000,000 alleged to have been obtained by fraud and collusion, was before Judge Barnard in the 8111)I8M111 Court today. Jay Gould testified that two checks of 8429,000 and g. 540,000 were passed to Van. derblit with the understanding that the sults against tns company, with which Vanderbilt subsequently claimed to have no connection, should be ellsoontlnued. 00WHXDSD George Wilkes was cowbided thls atc ternoon on Broadway by Major William W. Leland, formerly of Bt. Julian Hotel. A large crowd witnessed the' assault. Wilkes was much cut. Leland was taken into custody, but Wilkes declined IA prosecute. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Late Rlo Jane*, Widows stets the punmit of Lopez Is twins continued. —A new Democratic club, similar to the Manhattan, has beau organized In Brooklyn. —A tornado pulsed over Greene oonnty, Ohio, on Monday, doing an Immense 'amount of damage. —The question of reading the Bible in publle schools will come before the LOOllll - Council next week. —There was another. Areat mow storm At Chicago yesterday. It eztended:weet• ward to the Missouri river. —Judge Ingraham, at New York, has decided that Impr isonment for non. payment of militia dues ia unconstitu tional. —Michael Halle= ban been sent to the New York State prieon`OWne year. and a halt for attempting to eaddec hie father. —Theilayor of Chicago has referred to the Common Council an Immense peti tion for closing the drinking uloone on Bonder. —The fins on all corporation bulldlop at New York, were displayed yesterday alteraoon, In honor of the birth of An drew Jackson. —Oen. J. W. Shaffer, of Freeport. the newly appointed &minor of Arab, has loft for tialt Lake City to enter upon Ids official charge. —Governor Alcorn, of lihrLaidppl, hie offered a reward of one thousand dollars for the apprehenaion of Yam' the escaped murderer. - —On amount of the prevalence of Ice In the Atlantic, commanders of Euro. peen steamers have teen Instructed to keep the southern mune. —ln Alton, 111., Monday night, Wm. Bohlen, In attempting to enter burgMr lenity the house Of W. W. Martin,,waa shot vat - Med by the latter. —The Indlatolle Board of Trade are making quite atir to attract the atten- lion Or appallits to the advantages of that city as 'manufacturing point. —lt Is said that .Yergir, the murderer, who escaped from Jackson, Mira. • few days ago, captured a horse near that city and thereupon made good Ms flight. —At the Woman's Rights Convention at Pearls, 111., yesterdsy, about three I hundred persons were present. Bonn B. Anthony was among the smokers. —A Temperince Convention will to held at Albany, New York, to-day, te take action to secure a thorough organi sation of the temperance voter/ of the —K *l7 Buckley, of New York city, ban rearmed 10,060 from the Harlem Rail road Oompanv fbr injuries immained, being thrown from the platform of s car by a conductor. —The Board &Salmi Vteitrosof Noah vine hen adopted the suggestion of Bu• portutendent Iptb , prohibiting all roil. la= exercises In the public schools. Tide also excludes the Bilge. —John Greencp, 'Ocularly steward of the Hawkins a =Bon Bone, Coring. NO. 64. ton, Ky., committed suicide at Louisville yesterdayovening by hanging himself to a bed Post. No cause assigned. --Slime last October, 63,000 emigrants, blank and whits. have passed through Nashville, of which 16,000 were foreign ere, principally from the neighborhood of Chicago, hunting homes In the cotton States. The blacks were principally from Virginia. --Minion Richardson, alias Thomas Johnson. colored, one of the murderers of Wm. Boyles, In Prim% George county, •Md.. In 1866, has been arrested at Boston and sent to Maryland. Two of the mur derers, of whom there were live, have already been executed. NEW ADI7ERMSEbtEINTB ACADEMY OF MIMIC. = Commencing MONDAY IVININO, March 91, TH IC ONLY MORRIS BROS. MINSTRRLS, Organized December 1947. TWENTY-SIX STAR ♦RflTdl tqN, BILLY and CRARLIT MORRIS. With one' bloater Mistral Oonmaa. Ylrat apwara►ee I► 19 year► of la poDnt►r ►alloy, manlier ad ooze nth., =I Wbo wtll appur at tack pa:fon:mum la htsgrest speedalttes. EMERSON, CARLAND and POWERS. than- Riau Song .d Dance Ma mid Alabama Trioleta. " The Groat BERNARDO swam:lcy Bal. CAMPBELL. BELA:PHAN and BILLY B:B02,10, oar Pattietio and Phoaay realer.. - • BILLY NORM awl his MOCEINO. BIRD First time of NEW YZAIVB CLLLIL Change of Programme each cre.lag. Prima alTarual. mikll:e4o NaTICE- IS HEREBY Givrar • to all isomers of Dram Card. Wagon,. TeVeaa,rai than!. BagSlai ao.. Mat orly al of Sri TT (.0) Pia CZNT,,,toO Po tat do of 00 c.a.. will be !Weed to an 'Glenna 0000010 on oATURDAY, Moroi 19 1 1. 1000. .1. J. COCHRAN, City Treasurer. PIT[BIIIROU, March 10, 11170. sable °Trial Or CITY Richt/Ma AND Mill•MT011. Pittabursti s March 16. 1610. §EALED PROPOSALS WILL be rocelyed at this once ostil MARCH 24. 10. for supplyihr each of the Road Comae *loners with el OkES, for keeping the itocds Bid. district mod. pals daring tha year 1510. most Os out for each district eantrs &MIT. Any farther information can be obtained Ly c.titot ni 011. Macs. mhm B. J. Wools. CitY R.AtAe.r. A NII62YCE 9 11 NOTICE. - 17.rur DISTRICT COURT or THE UNITED STATES TOR 1114WaISTERN LhISTRIOT Or TEN NSI LVANIA. . . . to the matter of C. C. MAMA. BealtraDt. No. 1338' le B.kract<7. At Pittsburgh,. ea the 14th of Mardi, A. I). 1810. • • • • • . . The underalened hereby glees EMI. that • seated general meettne of the Creditors of meld Beetroot be held •6 No. 110 rodent stmt. Al legheny Otte. Da cold District otr the 31'1d• of March. A. D. INTO, at IQ <Otto& A. at.. at the oMea of JOHN N. PUBVIAJNOS. LlCeq.. one Of the llegistere In Baskeeptey to cold Dlstrtet. tor the purposes ens to the With seetton ef the BankraptAet or March 9, 1107. lehMaD BENJAMIN IIeLAIN. Ist M. NOTICE . OF DISSOLUTION. re• partnership heretofore existing bet , reis THOMAS Titr.rOED. 8 H HZBBIT eadJ. t. 11808. Z. es Moore &Ile.. tou Mundt. wired, Themes Trifontwithdreertsurrom tie TZL/POHD. HOOK%A CO. Moving 'foreland the Interact of THOMAS TtLTOED in 10 e lon of Telford. Moore a Co. wiwill continue the Job Printing Unwise.. der name and wt le of JACKSON, MOOKII CO., 84 And 86 Fifth mune. Off=ll Formerly wtth W. S. Nero & Co. Prrremniox. lable:•4B CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium, AND c~on Ma 41=0 iv CARPETS. Our Stock is the largestsee have ever offered to Me Trade. BOYARD, ROSE ct, CO. 21 FIFTH AVENUE. mhti:d&l. READ THE PRICES . 4 ' AT JANES HOAG, NS, 174 Federal St., Allegheny. At 10 CENTS. 50 patterns Wart Paper. bright colors, good at the once. At /23i roots, MUTT 1121011 T NWT WALL PAPERS, a blrgalo. At 15 cents, PIN! WHIT! PA.P2115. At 25 coots, yard wide WEITZ AND BUYS HOLLAND tar Wlagow Shales, good at lb. rziric . OIL CLOTH WINDOW ISHAD2S at low prim. YARD-WIDE /LOOS CLOTH; bright color.. 45 ream WIDN OIL CLOTH, cot to Albans, rdo*LAe. ELEGANT GOLD all HAND HAHN WALL PAPER, at Low Priem JAMES HOAG, Jr., No. 174 FEDERAL STREET, AILLZIGIEIZNY. GOVERNMENT SALE 1 By authority of the Eon. OZO. d. BOUT. WILL. Eecretery.of the Treas¢rf.l wIU PR. at Pablle Anetton, on WROhRBDAT. the leth Met.. at 12 X., at the Custom Boom aforesaid, that portion of the Marine 'Regalia Lot widish Is separated from nisi Hospital tralldleg by Prattle atreet, running parallel with the Pittsburgh old Cleveland Railroad. This property matslas be tween two and tame arse, and Is located glom to the Iles of Allegheny City and Is ansurpmsed fee minafactaxiim 90e901101 Owing to MB pros- Way to the cities of Pittsbargh and Al .eghouy and its fsailltles for nioylag freight In any eine sion—the Pittsburgh, Port Wants and Chicago Railroad froming tlm Upon . line, and the Pita harsh and Clenched Railway passing over the ground; Foible street forma the lower boundary while the Ohio river Is bat MTh or four hamtred yard. oft. Tntn—Ohs•oßb cash. the balance la four equal quarterly payments. the Int of whirl shall be made on the lettt of June next, with intarrst from the day of tale until paid. Pall detalle will Os gives at time and place of . All bids to be made subject to to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury; the Department re- serving the right to reject any or all bids if deemed to. the - Meng of the Government to, do SO. THOMAS STEEL, IZMZI lIIIIBVILTOR Or OIIIITONS. J. S. DILVITO Invite attention to. their Lax G 0 C Patrol:mica at the La We Can and wil PRICES THAT CAN By any Hous CALL AA'D GET riev Nos. 130 and 13 THE WEEKLY GAZETII L Uu test Lea cheapest commerclal I:===l BRIO 11111:r. 1011.1.&141 et imaranat iltoslii . I= Sinai: Mee sztemibers—;—...-- SI BO Oils of Si Chiba et —.—..-- 1 ♦gm 1. fersigke4 Illalato4l7 to LS Wilt, =73 IP et dab et W. tout as seat. REED C 0. .& trioprutati UrNOTKlES—"2l)4.64''"ibeetafe . ul,„ 0 0." Wangs.. siNaukstp/b~ da., not exceeding, FOUR LINZ% at be inserted in Man columns aux /or TWENTY-Find OEM'S; wed addl. howl Una ..riva CENT & WANTS. WANTED.— SITUATION As 13A1.1C811•N la to. Ilstat basla•sa. Address U. W. W.. U•zsprs Orrws. its WANTED.—It you want your JOB PItINTINO dose cheap. go B o nd •Ifro- AVENUZ, Wed Apo, over Di ►root Sloe Mont (SU) JOHN F. Dll/111. TANTED. April first, rR IN? ROOM. Isecond Mr,. sad 11coall sujolulax (slerplog roma.) unfltrol.h...l. cram 21•2120 loastlonspd terlsa, "J. L.." 211 Necund avenue, Plttablargb. 112 TO-LET TO-LET.—A Brick House of 6 large room• and mittialldings. with. • or au., 3 mitre out on the Wadulagion PIIt. Enquire or W. TR eNTEIE or No. - 111 Otdo street, Allegheny. . 3-11:WYM LET.RoolEB—Single or Tt.;.- ueMed: forn , .hed or ostarnuord,witl boord, enquire at 161 YOUSTII AVZ/CLIZ. rrIO-LET.—The large (oar-star! AL PRICK IiTnBZUOUBs. No. 136 l3 ld street, St present occupies Ls • furniture store. The best bosh: m.B location In the shy. Dohan on the premises. LET.—A large and hand. ttil as T i ItLY FURNIttlihD HALL. with oats roe pUos now. complete...a Fourth ova tioe. on U. W. riII.PLY, TO Wood Meet. Tiel--ET, --41. first-class STORE -1,160011, 70,10, wlth cellar, Masud at 60, 60 federal street. Allegheny. 7he room Is well V h "l. W bad w/111 the storeoer. II required. Wont le rKO.LET.—Fonr New Brick HOUBLS, Malted on Indwell! street:lmm 1./n MCI.. Allegneny, Pa. Itarh boom, een talm 4 r oms and bath room. gm lbronaboal, kitchen range. hot and cold water la kiloton at bath room. Impure of .I•Mlti 110D1PladY No. 44 Ot le mapl e Aligh<llllY• Pa. 11.10 rLIF.T.—One good Store room ...DWILLI2.I.I, nexts 0510 stmt. 3 mars from Diamond sad door to 3556/U55 &Irmo Bonk. Use or the beet location. IS the city.heat moderate. Also, N IttlOklS UM rear of bald store roam. locale •or mart:99n W. CAM:3ON. 46 Uhto rLET-OIIPE.—That dale. 11 rabbi Dwelling Howse No. TO Hemlock street, *flesh. ny, oeu:y new, costa steel rooms, bath. hot sod eo'd water, odd k sae throughoos. Tor term.tht.2f jA v i ,ara n. No. lisioloeir stmt. - or No. 10 0 Oa: Washy street& MO-LET—From A pril 15t,11.70, that elegant two atm BRICK BOBU. with ostballdlags and garden. .Masted' on the earner og Roes and Neale, meets. gent Llbirtg, at present occupied by W. P. Elden. Zan. lamina of W. 610. GIBBON.; • .No. Si leed.wal EL. Allegheny elm Pa. frO-LET.--Brick of 9 rooins, ZrAt f ro:LM' gt'Van.:Tni w . e• B :4 ; of 0 Boom.. Na. 130 midden •Pey. year Sampson et.. Ad warn, Alleglnety, 6110 per month. O T LE of 4 booms. No. 111 Mop hoz Bt., near Federal lit. 111 1 . 800 Frame of 8 Booms, Hall sad 41111., and Water. lareo •erd. NO. 100 Na.. 1000 y Bt. one square from Mreet ears. 14t.I.ST—Prsase or 6 R00M5...4 Hall, No.lBl, Shear Id street. b St of S rs. Brlek of S mu, 8011, SsAle, Not and Coed Water and On tAroughcsit, lolebed In STell y res Pent. g 0. 160 Mutat IL. OM ward, Allegheny. • 90-I.4T—Brle4 of l Room.. tun, Woo mull. • No. 140 Marketlit., 6th Ward. of . Sta above proy le le goad repair. and will be rented low., Apple to W. e. PIL CI. , mate Al Dimmed. Annetta% FOR BAIX. BALE.—One No 8 PLAT. at g 4 lollll SCALE (1600 1b..) for tale <lmp. IS PiNN OULZWZ, Fittsbargh. 011 Fon SALE.—lfew House of Rooms and good Cellar, oglo^u sterol. oar Calowell meet. Indoln of W. WILTON. at ago hos•e. Ten.. Clay. ID. MNORS.ILLE.-3 Brick Bo as No.. 13 and 75 Loran latent. ey sad cu l = of 75 on Carpenters Wiry. ThWill be sold low for cash. Inquire os O. SACKZTT. 751 Bedford avenue. • $llll-zWn Wen NALE-lIECOND AVENIIII3. Iti+SID99CX.-nr rim brick d.rellttig b0t=71 , 7 ""- o. 113; billy II roma Ana cellar, yard. eta: maw ed In good order. Immediate pommel.). ♦ ADOI7 to atm .79 OUT - 11996T &sum. dixtbIIVILMO. 'ooli BALE .— That Desirable property snouted Oti the corner of Crud etreet end Sixth avenue Pittsburgh, on Wide! Is erected a (ibureb building sod one Tito Igor, Mick DoellinglEinuse. Toe Lot is 00 lets oat Grant stree inquireo tett on filial . Por terce as.. of Is. II LW, Ole illlg geld: reet, or alth MST Wr.55g1.0.61m.1i brenimi, near the maim. vloß BALE.—Good Iwo story ltrame Nouse ofslx. rag.. halt WI goat ar. Lot SO feet lon lathes true, mew., out TA% fee; to • tee Joel. oiler. .hated lea good ortahbortrad, so* ma h y .... dem soave the All. gamy Part. Priem $11.103C Po ..... lot Apr I lot. Per further talonaaWg apply on the p I mile.. No. SPA eaalisay oureet, All•theny city. Alto, Um stoat 4 Astores or a netall Woo:cry. Apply at a u t o. 2531 Sande. ty oty ee I. 34 FOR BALE .— Cottairßowe of. . Male Street. beet of Union Peek. ooshilio leg Flee Rooms. Tele is • beeetfAll ptomM. eel MW be told vele cheap If railed tor goo. . R BILL *Me. TOR El &LK—One or the bes t Tavern ham:boa Peon street. %toe stand sad legation has SWF . • to e be Nee to be •pprrelated. and to be regeveed as alt invaluable oroherty for that game,. Terms of payment ern easy. Aeply won. . THOS. }LOU... II MUM. .• Dealm le Teal lestme. Mortgsges aid ergetts.,e . ton co Loans. Ofeee goner of Peon we MIT.efoL Plttsber.h. sable FOR SALE. Eleven dots ,of , Fine Garde" .tr0"4 1 , 1 , • WItII 110178 Z find BATIK ALEN. A 1111 4 ,1110 1: `: • OSIOHAID and a. sbwidastat of 'Min all kinds. Will MI an wy MO. 45 11 , 0 .4 1 . eVarytilat beton:dog to the was. 4- Tame—Onsqldrd clubs bsZsw Pi7IAIO WM* yesnmllltk Lektarest. Aiderm . CHARLZII Rpm, . Hr.:Moot'. rilld.l% $525 WILL BUT OVER TWO. , *CUM OP LAND. 80U L,ST A- • SIX sad WELL, Wasted aro alia hr Maps. tiny. Oa the old lkMeunier doe& ladelie at A. WILLI¢•d TAVERN, near the 01010. Tams eYL• 114 AT 75 CENTS, LADIES' GOOD KID GLOM& AT $l.OO. Extra Quality Kid Gloves. The test to the market at that talea..„ AT 81.75. Full !tufted all Celan ./ LE GIINIIINE KID GLOVES. JUST OPILNZD New Spring Gloves, New Stockings. • New Embroideries, AT lORGANSTERN /c, Co's, • BUCOZSIOI3 TO ILiCRUIIt, GLIDE & CO., Nor. 78 and 80 ?dulcet -Eared. Ulf & CO., ge end Well Seleetei Stock of ERIES, test Decline for C 4,004 1 Bell Them ; . at NOT BE UNDERSOLD e in the City. yi l joES BEFORE IN v rung. 2 'Second Avenue:-
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