ttitititsturgt( Gag*. n (4T BIIIIIIBBAS. Change of awe. The win and atm of the Daily and Welagy. Gazer= will he nunored. from the 20th la the last of March. from their old deaden YUtM IMPI2IIII to the large, Ibureterted -ntiassram Buildings,. at the mann filmitelield street sad Edxth amine, reoantly purchased by the pro .toletais si a permanent home far the Clastorra Tbelbearbernealth failed in bold their" regular monthly meeting yesterday at earboos. fur want of a quorum. curios stream , of the Eleventh wad e - Pittsburgh, ire understand to s andidido bt the eel* of Prothcaiotary, the,ool4lltrem. firstelsas saloon on one sitbstlintSpitlstrests of the olty. Long IsasSana. gent cheep. Apply, at No. 1 1 ), DiSMOlik Pittsburgh. A Swat .71UL—A house on Fourth avant* Th& B y l, war entered by a sneak thlartme da last nook and valuables at from the parlor amounting Allegheny L. Two n Woos la Allegheny to t.— as op: the eopch•eut corner of the Ally Common, suitable for soy kind or tusinesa. Apply to A. Lens* VA riterirstrott. • guir Thig Ceere,—We see byour Her ristuutieed*.thst Pittsburgh is to batesoether neweesper, The Herald. We **Writhed it is to be . Dateactratta lo dl►'lt.won't take long to kill it . muma topjiwlng itoc)u.a 1:=31 witallialopast evinlng ea thepxnmercial Ilidai3MEAlolll3colibnead Area, bb Untlistia.; anotkaberr: tg;rtoToot Bel( •al to ....—.. IbB.oo Illtatipayn—Jamed Barry was before the :31fitycno yesterday on a charge of ollsordealincuiduct, which consisted In thiramte women whbOut her penethalen On thelebyet.. The Mary Imposed elfin* -- of Peon blm and In default committed him Olin we/khans. for ably data. , yesterday of • hone at. Inehidlo a dray on Liberty street tore ■ - wheal off a Lett wagon which was Paw log, and scattered the load, composed of hernia of apples, sides of bacon, etc., In a prinaloonorui manner through the mud. But • txtnnately resulting In nothing serieno, Lail week there were two Lamp explo• Mods in Findley township, which resulted fatally. In the first • little child of Joseph Springer upset a lampan d was so severely burned that death ro. salted to a few hours. hilsa McCormick. • ' , Mug lady, wag the next victim by a abillar accident. She only Lived a short time after the accident. Mere Is any truth In the old adage wbeg *March comes In like a lion It will go Mit like • lamb,"l we may expect the Dreeent,raonth to make Ita exit In a very cabla And name manner. Yeeterdpy Woe Om et the few winter days we have eipsitenesd this season, having, many aDangdl In the line of mow,. sleet, rain ytA y the freesinn—tended le stiffen the ingredients which predominated at theatres% aromings. The Fork.—On oath of Thomas Weber, made before Aldermen holster, of Alla. gheny, Ids wife Margaret Weber was yelgarday committed to jell m default of 1600 tell. It spoons domestic happiness did not reign supreme between Thomas led ht -wife at all time*, and more asps. daily on yesterday Margaret, having be: oohs aggravated beyond Inessues,..went for. Men with a table fork. indicting di. vera wounds and scratches on his bee and body—hence the arrest her aggrame. ted assault and battery. Jam Dewey; an old man residing in the Ninth ward, whom the boys take sputa delight In tormenting, yesterday, ea often before, had a row with the boys, and having come out second beat he forthwith repaired to that efficient ax. wander of patios, Alderman O'Donnell, and there alleged that the boys had coal , treated him shamefully, the chief insult being In the nickname of "Cockadady," which they had ctiriatened him. After ■ bearing and the oft repeated advice to the boys, the case wee dismissed. Geode 'Recovered.— Several months dew a trunk warn stolen from the depot of the Pan Randle Railroad In tile atty. efbltlicontaineilladiee' wearing apparel worth •alignat 1500, among which RAM -• 'Velvet cloak valued at gttoo, and • light silk dress of the value of $6O. Officers Long and Cripples yesterday found a cloak and dress in a pawnbroker shop In the Ninth ward, which answered the dia itcription of the stolen - goods. The arts oleo Sri at the Mayor's office awaiting the &Weal of the owner to Identify them: The Fair to be held In the -ball of the Oa tti& Passenger Railway at .111ment. villa' promotes to .-be In every way • wort4y: alleir. 2TO trust both young Mid old of all these • who may end it convenient, will not fall to favor the cense by their ettendanoe ' and we pro. Wee them they will fare sumptuously the.well Oiled board . which will be spread each evening. For real 'social enjoyment we snow of no place better Men a -church fair. It will beheld on = Memo= and evening of Mirth 3d 4tf. AdriMition 25 amts. , Academy, of Unite—Mho Bonn B. 2 ,l4thcri, deliver her lecture' on! - uWork, • 'Nuns and the Ballot , ' • Oda • the Academy. of , Musk, ‘deserthe!siespiceia of the Grand Army 'tnie Ropabllo. Our people should mot Pal to hear this celebrated leader of - Women's Bights on her favorite subject. Miss Anthony is a lady well known and whom • very few of our people have ever had the oppoetunity of heating. Wet trust thererwill be shill turnout knowin; that ranch :Nicht will tie glue to the g subject of the day to one who nn= de it well. No reserved seats. Tieltets,bpponts. er ttiti Police ; The Pollee Cbssumittee of City Council' ,sciet at the Mayor's Office yerterday, at . • SOalciellr. 7.' M. The polloe• pay roll for the month of Tebrnary,, amounting to 17,74 CW, was qtemented and approved, and , Vrananta ordered to be drawn for the payment of the men. AlstismnnicallOn f rom, the! Waehing; ,. ton I n fantry , the Mayor to pro. orldistbim with as armory, as the city -ta 'reignited to do under an Act of - Assent! bly, waspresented and referred to a Coto:. mittof Three. Themetiting then adjourned. - tics Caasaany. • Trout our correspondent at Calaten, Findley township, we lea= that Mrs. the beldam/is, laid down In front; of fhrr Jonathan Dehaven while suffering Irmo tire place, - She had been there but • few momenta when her clothing caught. —Whew aroused she ram to the door - and screamed fbr help. Her husband who was Just entering the bowie endeavored %pp egtingulah the dames,- bat filled bier the clothing oft untilwbe had been almost burned to • crisp. hfedrerd aid woe summoned but It Via or mistreat. . I Thivieuninnitered until - Saturday morn. lag. when death put an end to her Ruder bans. Three by this small cabimlM sa children - are left Motherless d , - Fire Matter. .Foßowing I. a statement of the °pent ' lions of the Fire Alarm Telegraph for the month of rebrnary,/870, as prepared :by El. T. Paisley, Esq., Superintendent: .• blows ea witual YOI 611 " on !Nils:Winn Word In on Treat:4lord Word Dela. 194 Twin levi let flLeOco " Lan The largest fire of the month waif - that rt the Livingston Brothers' oil refinery, on - the kith.. Six of the'alarms were In the First District, five in the Second, and • six. in the Third. On only one occasion ~wee It tooemary to call out more engines +' than those of the district when, the • • • &hunt occurred, and that was on tho 18th when the Oro occurred at Herbst's Ordl rurl . , Special survices and Semen,. I - , 'The Bishop end clergyof the Episcopal "'"Otrarch - inereatietr have emulated services to held In each of its 0 .. churches daily. elsoes Paturday, during the season of lant, which, this txdreg Ash 'Wednesday. Wean 40-day. These ape. version are to be sa m edltlon to the regular services math* may be dm. Ignited by the Pastors. of the respective parlabss. st . .; Andrew% Mouth, being not included In Os sr. tangement. The Holy tkinumullon WM' • he celebrated every. Thursday at noon in CheSei. - =Dept hisunday Thum .7d&Y; on liaanday Thursday the Euchate Tiede Barytes wall* Amid, et 7if r. a St. Patera Church. All persons are invited to attend these services. at which all scats will be free. These special set , Viola will begin at 73i o'clock each eTerk rfg• - PtiBLIC liCitiNlL AFFAIR& Meeting of the Allegheny Start of Con. trot Prosperous Conetion of the emus.—The Smanciat Situation. Lest evening a regular monthly meet lag of the Allegheny Board of School Soars:llms win' held In the Common Council chamber, city building. Mr. Eaton opened with prayer, alter which the roll was called, the following members ans wering: Mem& • Astiettzth, Al 1 Barker, Brown, Borland, Ben i lap, Eaton, 'Francis, Fo : Hobson, Kimbal, Ka ll ock, M t Miller,Moser, Morrison, I Robers, hi oilcan ell. Malin .- _ Trimble,Wilson...King. __.,_ The taint:tea of the p zu.......'t ing were read and anProir&Z' ' • • neporte from the various I boards ware then r e c eived, showing the schools to be unusually prosPerium ,, ; i xv, Franc* Chairman a the Com. =ousel on Finance, presented his report: from which It appears .that the receipts Mum far for the school Tear ndlog June I, IWO, have been Si follows: • F,0,, D. Madman. Steely ~sr. .. W . llll Cifiler.imuk .....1 bapt ism Boyle. aey, Dun. pr, FIM4 nelnYe o. r. ans. M .BPratENN 1M331 1000,312 .11 'll4Ol 03 ..... R3OO c r ux: l&przpv44l4,lloe. llc T:tal. The !Ito:Ottawa at DoHowls bases or Wird tonlertolo • ire &Wasted lan oa 5ame........ . . Hs= . • .. Wh:chwill mete the net revenue for one? Tear L- , 473.437 le The expenditures for the six. =lithe ending Jan. 81, 1870, have tom as- ibk vocals paidSe:Attila; Malta. . . . Secretary and Janllor ...................41:41 1.1 Consent ant lizoce 11. a ColOsta b noels. alO linatineess. OLSON,' :c 'reek artar begot ... . re pad try Treasurer II 41.105 50 Yes nest sone marts. au Mew, Int well ne letletiedde. •rn pal' %%MAO. .... ow OS ' T. eel Music IStervary Ann Janie. Contingencies 51147014, 4.10 DS Deatit last yew. • • Malkin& a total l'of Tani at ' 111:4,11616 70 Lesvikko a Wanes to cotest.c. new . Tear ................».«............ et e The estimated expense for theyear oommencing June 1, 1870, is u follows: -•- 'hitchers . en :- tarki.. .- ..... . oo Tighten trout MIXI6 .. VIM Ca Night 00000 a .......... .........—... 2.10 Co U.:ratan suld J gad 1 . 4 i .1; • We Ye VolkUngeneles for 03107.111300001 s 50 MI 50 03 • • • Total ' 671.700 00 The valuation of. the city is 17,577,- 288.00. Willis tax levy of 10 millathe duplicates:will amount to' the sum •of 176,772.00. Deduct r andt taxes, dia. exOnerations Treasurer's commissions 15 per cent. or 111,565.00, and we will receive on the duplicates 184,407.00. Add Stater appropriation, 15,100, and inirplcur Vain , duplicate. of 15:41,00 and the total estimated .. revenue will amount to 170,028.00, ahowing an estimated deficiency of 11,132.00. It will be Been by. the foregoing that wo will come out clear of debt the year, and that we can manage to carry on the schools for the year to oome at tne pee.' ant rate of taxation without running much in debt. . YourCornmitteeltam therefore agreed to recommend a levy of ten milli on the dollar and for the p of bring . tog the subject before the Board offer the (chewing. Resolved,. By the Board of Controllers of the Allegheny City School district that tan mills on the dollar be esseased and levied upon all subjects and thlngSem braded m the last aojuiteavaluation of said school dishier. sod that upon every resident male taxable of the age of 21 year; or over there be assessed and lav ed Chown:id-mom occupation tax allowed by law. - We also beg leave to math. on attenti of the Board to the propriety of extend ing the provisions of Senator Howard's. Dill restive to thb unexpended balsam, to the city of Allegheny. The report was received and resolution adopted. • • TAMIL/01 ITAITO7/10T. The ' taretar prattled a . tabula statement of the attendance at the schools, ea follows: 21/1•11 ti. AT. it. Par Ct 07. 1 - 17 145145 41 1:11 07 1,1111 . eu 721 177 747 Cl • Cl It a 43 74 In 71 10 aw _IC 711 UI Ir. 74 Ward W.rd Z. . Ward 'Word 4 Ward b Ward {lards.. Woodville. T4Td orboola Totals It,CS 5.C4 The statement weereoelvedand Ned; The Secretary also *wanted several bills. amounting to lie 12. for the pay ment of which warrarda were ordered. Triesesolutinu in relation to the shell- Wm of the Committee on the Visitation of Schools. laid aver at isstmeoting, was called op. - After some discussion. it was rejected and the committee continued. Mr. Eaton offered a resolution pro. vidlnefor the usual two weeks vacation 00thiSteXtftg March 2Mb. AdoPted ..cresteszinno ner.szcz." Mr. Frannie offered the lbLlo wing : Resolved, That oar Senators and Rep• resentativas be requested to have the provisions of Senator Hoirard's bill relit. tire to the .firairxpended bslanoen," ex tended to the reboots or Allegheny. The resolution was unanimously On_inotion adjourned. PRATECITON. Farman In Coaxial-Ate Ditty on Bar- Mv—lleaolutlan Against Repeating the Tax. " The proposed repeal of the tax maim' ported Barley ban been ambled of con sideration among our farmers. In order , to give_ expression to-.their views, the farmers of Allegheny, Baorer and Walt togton emirates usual • call toe a:mat ing, which wiabisld tat 'Saturday even; log, in w Cllistoe, Findley township. . . There as altill'delegation from everyl county. Janua Moßall. :- Feu ptedded, and Mr. I George Burns °Endued a Secretary„ Atter • free interchange of opinion them hfliowthir.Paiseable sod reach:Mom afro unanimously adopted: Wititsucsth The farming and agricultu ral interests of the several great States of this Union might to receive from the Gaverninent Of tee Bolted Stalls such prottotionas milk - a:lure theta _from for eign competition, both in the raising of I wool and all kinds of grain: and whereas; there an suricultnral lands now.neder Celltbstien, soffielent not only to Supply durlioine_deiziarida but a very large por tion of Europa, in addition to the mil lions of acres in our great West which have never: been improved or brought into the market : and whereas, there are now and have been for years, thousands of .bluheLs of barley, Imported into the United States by- brewers and others, whilst an immense quantity of this and of grain is lying on the. farmers' hands for wanted C auttlatemt priee to justify them in paying the expenses incurred in raising said grain, causing the *grim:tut valuations to be laid Prootsuta all over the bonntry,- and especially in- the treat West, for want - of a market such se will' save the LEMR/ . Irom bankruptcy and distress: and whereas. there is a petition before Congress asking fbr tho repeal of the duty on foreign parley: therefore Maseford; That we ale our Solemn pro. text 'Mahar the repealOftbs trresent duty on barley, and ,that we instruct our rep resentatives in- Congreas not only to nab their influence to prevent the present dna" from beteg taken off, but secure such additional tariff as will prevent 'a foreign competition-and create a harm market for the tamer. Radved, That wo prepare a petition ihr aignorsto Congress urging one claims and remonstrating against the repeal Of the duty on barley. Postal .Alrahv. Following are the reports of the Letter Carriers of this city and Allegheny, show tag lhanamber of letters delivered and Collected during the month of Alm:tare! = •INitocred. Co 'eded. .:110,767.89,448 .. 13,083 14,880 .. 44,073 11.0.°3 MAU letter..... Drop lettera.... Newetuper.... `M0te1......_. 167,928 ALibanzwr. Delivered,. darted. 41,64 5 16,181: 152 - 1.609 Mail lettere Drop , letters Deuregspers...- 70,831_ 19,206 clop—wrote Again we aro oalled - nyon to chronicle one of thom CAM 'disrespectable, yet an sat. of the mapsotable. In which aver . • iab? .. , rung m an . is brought to time, by the oath of a fair one, made before hider ,Onhmffell:cuatglut him with for nication and bastardy. But on yesterday .the tan was withdrawn by the young man bowing bunstO to the yoke of mat itinotrwanethis -par' being made one flesh ft was thought adelaable to mordant no name* but to allov tho couple hap• py, or otherwise aa they may he, to re turn their accustomed ranks in good so- MeV/. °Wit all lint marry" as, .. =Cr NOT THE ILAN. sow ...vane. Barna obtalised Trans portation from Schuylkill to Pittsburgh -The Officials "Sete." "Buffer". Burns, an old vagrant, well known to the police, authorities of this city, perpetrated an immense joke" on some of the officials of Schuylkill, as well as upon some of our city officials, a few days since, in order to obtain trans.. portstion from Schuylkill to this city. "Buffer" was at Schuyi.- _ k lt ill PPml and wan th red to came to trittitiffirds; He had no money and the idea ormaking the trip on foot.wee too much for him. so he pliable wits - to wore and finally bit upon which, notwithatanilng It. was en excesiffinsiticrudeolie, succeeded admirably • and brought "Huffer" Into the city, where be arrived yester. day • morning. Having perfected . his plans, Buffer started out to execute them, and meeting Officer W.Valkinst on the street, inquired of him where he would find a constable.' The °Meer in formed him that there were • severtd them In tOwitwand desired M . know what be wanted with a constable. Buffer piled that he had committed a crime near Temperancerlde In : this - county about ten year ago, and se he bad not been able to' sleep sound since, desired to surrender himself to the officers of justice. Mr. Watkins informed Buffer that he was an officer and would hear kde statement. Well," says Buffer, "come up to Blind Tom's and take a drink, and I will tell you all about it." • • The offioer declined and. Buffer said that he would go himself and would dome backend till his story.. - "No you don't," replied Watkins, "you prisoner; and suiting the action to the word, he look hold of "Buffer" and hurried him to theoffice of &justice: of the Amon "Buffer" was a stranger In the town, and of course no cue knew his name, and after considerable Questioning before the Magistrate he told his leery, which was as follows: He said that In the Month of June, 1867, he had killed old "Buffer" Burns by holding his ••)bead under the weterin Chartlers creek, near Taniloorsooe'Aim, Until he was deed, and that he bad left the dead body lying In the creek. • • The J tunics mode out a commitment and lodged the "murderer," as he sup. potted, In jail, and immediately tele. greeted to Chief Hague thereat& without distinctlyy names. The Chief recollected of a murder having been com mitted about the time stated and locality named In the dispatch, and after two days' Investigation of the affair ered that a man named Bond had been dieeov murdered, and was fully satisfied that the man arrested In Schuylkill was Michael Torley, who was accused of the murder. He telegraphed to the officer at Sohnylkill to hold the man until he could have time to send a warrant, and then wrote a letter, inclosing the war rant, and telling the officer to either bring the man on or hold.hlm until the Chief could come for him. The next morning after Burns was arrested officer Watkins called at the jail to see him, expecting to get some farther details of the horrible crime be had committed. He was met by old "Buffer" at the door, who laughed at him heartily and remarked. "That was a aloe .joke- I played on ye's last night." "What !" said the officer, "do you mean to say that you didn't kill a man?" "Sure, yer honor," said 'Buffer.' "I rev-', er said I killed d man; it was only a dog -old 'Buffer' Burns was the dog's name, and it was him I drowned In tte water two years ago, bad luck to him." = As no reply had been received at that time from Chief Hague, I "Buffer" was released and his plea for a free ride to Pittsburgh was likely to prove a failure. When the letter trans mitting the warrant arrrived, however, "Bader" was rearrested and yesterday morning, accompanied by officer Wat' 1 king, be arrived - in the city. As soon as ' be landed at the lockup he was recog nized and a hearty laugh in which "Buf fer" Joined lustily was indidged In at the expense of theofficer. Of course Chief Hague wee not one of Ifiltlfrat'S" TiO• time, as he only spent two Mutt -in look ing up the Mate Us Informed "Buffer," however, that if he caught him - loafing Bound town he would have hinferrested and sent to the work house for ninety days. Exit "Buffer" with a broad grin on his dirty countenance. . - - • SWAMI. 0,900 00 4Ayme CO . LIU 10 *tglicirmJ6v . idnr . im6_ The following is a statement of the bitsirries done in the Register's Officir during the month of February, 1870, ahowlng the number of letters of admin. istraticm granted, and wills admitted to probate, by Joseph H. Gray, Esq.,,Regls ter for Allegheny county: • 22Tigall OP ADNINISIBITIO2. Dreedant. - • Adatlalttrator. - Bead. p. jaagmway John Sillums .106 Wm Graham ' E. U. lirehad IMI gliseardh Adams... Moo. W. HUI.-- I=o Joan Madam= Waa. LlMagmoae.. 600 James Halton Mammas Heston 00 ,mac MelClld 1.. Melilla • 300 J. 1.. Vettratmer w. T. 8a1mte1d...... 1.000 C. A. Bowe Tao. 31. Hut.Ml LW Wm. Ca1dwe11...... J. B. Paid well 1.001 Tr=el. Britt ' Jam. Erich ad ....0a Largarl Jobn W. '.000. 1 .= J. .f. Tama tel Volta 1.000 A. Potter Robert Pattar 2 MD T. Lawton Mauls= Lawton.— -MU J. P. -- dmltla..—JAG= M. Eaultll.«. KO r, W. liroboa T W. lirubbs...... 6.120 W. I. Morrison W. II Nagai . 1.100 W. P. Ahlea.... ...... H. Alrleb 14AMI M. llcedndlea.... ..... 1.. letrgatuff 410 A. 1 4 .7 11Moa.. ..... ....J. B. Bayard 10,120 A. Lilsnop Margaret 11141.4. a.... B. Loolsalloba re laugu Holum{ 1m V. are11twy,....'........110. 11 him 110B1P07 40u Varollllo No ' • Prod. K. Bolte tral Wm. Betz P. Ileerlmum ..... ... 600 • MILLS ADyrertn TO Mons - ex. Mse , dent... 'Ascent. , . James Myst. 'A. nleyn A 4. 3 , 111. u. Joan- Enema... ....... ..E. Known A W.. Known Ann Mewitt ' Walser' Yettalinso. • ~ ....7 Holt W • . m. rattorloss J PastartonslMlersch Ellen Poland Wanness A..".rimand• Myths Chambers D. Dennleon. II tiny. James Essetersy.. ..... Inerms sNeetdt. Una Leman J. Lemon A W. Lemon. sautes Della ' Mush Dolan. Also Endow. - '[Hods.. ill,niaddlOp Ft 1.011 MeClaren 11. Mntlnneo. , .. Lottery Iscatere Bagged. :Fpreetne time, past crew:dab Force isimes,Force and Americus Force, father and sons, have been, as is alleged, en gaged In the lonely business Ina roam on the second story of el:Miffing on the southwest corner of Fifth avenue and Market street, as agents for the Ken! tneky State lottery, which establishment' was visited by the authorities yesterday and the drat two gentlemen named were arrested; Infornuttion was made before the Mayor against the parties named charging them with selling lottery tick ets,-by Mrs. Margaret J. Jones, who al leges that her husband has for some time past had a mania for purchasing lottery sicken', and that be had expended in the purchase of said tickets over *MOO and was In consequence thereof Involved to serious difficulty. A warrant was issued and placed In the bands of Chief Hague, who, accompanied by officers Cupples, Ignag and Dressler, made* descent upon lbe establishment. The *ceased wiPred • hearing and were held to ball for their appearance at Court in the sum of 12,000 each. Badness at the Mares Oface. • Folio:Minis the statement of the busi ness et the Mayor's Office for the month of February, 'bowleg the number of omen disposed of and the amount re• wired for tines, licensor, &c. polingli OF OASIS IWNIIIO 1103711., Disorderly Conduct...-- ..... 176 Drunkenness. 266 Velum:toy .... 38 Total Number dieeharged 1007g1Tre. FE% CO —... 191.00 —. 217'0D 50 00 100 00 50 00 Fine. Jail Recnipti. ...... night Ponca Dramatic License Pawn License...... Switch Llama.... Total 11.494 00 Beoelpta ihr February, 1800, 11,03 95. An' Excellent Appolntmen We were pleased: to learn yesterday that our genial friend, Col. Robert Allen, of Now Pealet bad been appointed agent at that point for the Union Rum= Com pany. If to merit Welly suooess, oar tairdy no better selection could have been made. It seems but a few days Mote Robert commenced boldness in the town in a modest way, and now he mon. - *disposition second to noneinthe mer cantile community of the Macs Widely known, and a general favorite, poem:seed of energy and keou business tact,• and withal a thorough gentleman, be is °mi. neatly qualified for his new position and cannot fail to prove the right man in the right place. We extend him our hearty conarratulatlons on Idesucoess, end know tow.that the citizens p r edi ct Castle al ways appreciate merit, for him a happy and still more prosperous future. 107,141, M=M=9 . . All person' Indebted to J. W. Barker et Co., t Market street. on book ticeoant or in any other way, sm . respeetfutiy re. quested to settle their amonnM on or be fore the eleventh day of March instant, as the business of the firm will be wound up finally on that day. All amounts retraining unsettled after that <kV, alli he put In tho bends of nn altorusy for clJlloCtioct. G 00413 wlll be sold until that date at Adadadatraters , Bale at crest reduction In plow as entuUdat must 11e askl4. PITTSBURGH DAILY_ GAZETTE WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1870 ESCAPE PRO, JAIL Two Fri/OMM Bence from the Now . Portion , of Aim County Jail—llkisperl. eneed Jan Birds. . . A both three o'clock yesterday morn ing two cementite named John Frankibrd and John Read/. UN? lc an uneerearlrdoui leave of oellifo. - 27ctoosted in that por tkm of thejall recently erected, and sup posed to be imams.. The oak had been visited about seven in the evening, and et twelve, midnight, and everything iband In theta Customary p l a ces . ' Bar.. oh :o ow • tering-the cell ytaamday morning, It wit found the prisoners had amide good their exit. The censors Ilnedirlthlran pianos, 1 riveted at the edge to the hoe bars. On the beads of theee• rivets the prisoners worked, and from the particles left be- - hind, it would indicate that they bad I been cut loose by a very-fine maw, prob. 1 ably a watch.sprlng saw.' By th is I they succeeded in removing the headset about a dozen half inch Basta; after which, by - means of a slat belonging to the ' bed, which %boy had upended to , serve AS a ladder, they pried up the loos ened end of the plate and rendered egress 1 to the upper Joists easy. When ogress I there, with their penknives they cut through! the sheeting and made a hole hi the roof, through which .they pawed thence to the bell tower, and descent ing , with to the ground al e ered easy, tak- 1 them all their clothing nd whatever bang's* they had In tho cell. 1 John Frankford le a native of Lsnmater, Penna., and speaks Odrnitin fluently; a man of medium height and , about twenly-nine years of age; Is I tnabhinlat by trade, And him sharp visage and dory I, eye would denote Inkennity, which, of late years, he seems to have brought to , use in procuring h m much of this I world's goods by all . linnet of - roguery. He is properly a j bird 'of the first I i water, , having been confined In--end 1 escapll from live tint prieous, vii I Cherry Hill prlson. a of •Pelladelphla, 1 prn tion, the Ohio State 'prison , and, tautl y but own, in which ho was confined 'for; I navingcomtnitted is seriesofdepredations 1 atolls the • Sae - Of . the Pennsylvania - Railroad, about the first of January. ,Be wore dark Ciothing while in tustody. Ready Is a native of .New 'York, evi- deutly a 'German, but speaks good leagliak, a young man of about twenty four, having black hair and a smooth face. Nothing of their whereabouts has been yet learned, but great exertions are being made to have them -rearrested. Knowing they are only loosejo again' enter into their damnable practice, we would warnymiglilxtring towns to be on the alert. - _____ Pew Steamer,atiof Eyansvllle This 'splendid" liriv: , pressure steamer ties been attracting conalderable tam - Son recently, having bativiallesit . .by great number of persona within:the/sat. feW days, and the general impression Is that she Is in all respects: , the Amid steamer that has been both -bete for years. She was built under the per. Donal superintendence' of Capt. H. T. Dexter, a steataboatinan well aml fa vorably known, particularly on the lower Ohlo, having been engaged with great success in the Evansville and Cairn packet trade Air a number of years. • As we have elready intimated, she was built expressly for this trade, and that she will eclipse anything now on the lower Ohio, there is no doubt; tbtila the impresaion of old ateanalwattattergOod and impartial judges. The dimensions .are Iblicrarai ° et. feet in length; 38 feet beam; Ettfeet Boor. and 5j depth of hold. The hop, which is in excellent job. was built by Lattai -00. The cabin, which is. very mach admired. is the handiwork of. Bunton d Miller. It is very conviently and hand tamely arranged, being lance and roomy, constructed out of the best ma terial, and the workmanship isexcellent. She has a "freedmen's lmrean,"—better known, perhapsi• as the 'fifteenth amendment"--torthe accommodation of the colored Whin Crew. The tease, for the accommodation of the officers, Is large and admirably arranged,-and eon tains f atele.romus. The carpets, which were 'tarnished by W. E. French d Co., of Evansville, are very rieh, and that portion of It in the ladies. cabin Is very generally admired, and add :very lunch, to the appeaninca of the saloon. On one aide of the ladles cabin :is the wash house, bath room and water clown on the other there are snug apartments hued up for the chambermaids. Tim chandeliers furnished by • Sheriff A. Laughrey are also 1,017, much admixed. :being of an entirely new and original. design, including a centre lamp which can be lowered to the tables. • The furniture la very handsome end elegant and in complete harmony with the other cabin appolntinenta. There are forty-five atausroomx In the main cabin, each of which le farnlahed with 'closet and washstand, and the bedding all fresh, clean and new. The land scape paintings wore executed by the 'well known artist, Emil Bast, 'and add very much to the general appearance of the cabin. There are orate a number of beautiful views, including one of a race between two rival Evansville and Cairo packeta on the lower Ohio, and another presents the ricer front of Evansville, showing ~very .plainly the wharfboatsi wharf, drays, wagons and warehonsiss. Capt. Dexter hes named each one of the state-rooms In the ladles cabin after some of the river towns between Ev anavillo and Cairo, and to lady Damen- gore who reside In these towns ho In tends to give the rooms named after the place In which they reside. This la an entirely original Idea. • The pantry, whickis well filled with quisensware of all Wade, has silverware. : ir.fricient to cat complete eight tables. Jlere, as everywhere, everything is ad. mirably arranged and In good style. The cookhouse, also, Is axed tin In “apple pie" Order,and from the ar rangements both hre anoint the pantry, it Is evident that Captain Dexter Is do. termined to live well. ' We now. come to the engines, which are usually termed Hartupee's low pres sure, the same as those on the Great Republic, Carrie V. Kouutz and Quick. step, and Capt: Dexter, like Coln. Ronnie., thinks there is nothing like theM. There 'are 4 cylinders, two 15 Inches, 'and two 33' Inches; with - 6 feet 'stroke. ' Three boilers 26 feet long. 38 lashes In diameter, doubled fined. Ha, a Cameron donkey engine, and doctor; steam cap sten, freight holster and :Mato' can., - Wheels, 25 test in diameter, 12 feet buckets-17 arms In a flange. • • The painting was executed by Boggs& Co.; upholstery; by Edmundson Oa; silverware, by H. D. Dahlel & Co., of Cincinnati; glassware Bakewell, Pears & Co.; queeneware, J. O. Huntington t 'Co., tlincimuith mirrors, &c., etc.. J. J. Gillespie .& 004. bells, gas fitting, Fulton & Co.; blacke:nicking, Jame* Kennedy; sheet iron and copper work. Kean &Kell tort blocks and tackle, ohlTom.Davagel spats; &c.. U. W. Coale; furniture, G. Renshaw &Co. Cincinnati; steam table and stoves, J. 'G. • Handritn,' tiltieinnati; capstans Icirolahed and boat modeled by R. E. Rogers; ship chandleryand stores: 'by •Evans, Gilmore it Dallas.', We might go on and write a good deal more about tide fine iteamer' but time and space forbid. No trouble or expense has been spared In her con, %traction and outfit. Captain Dexter I. completely eadsited, and It has agate been demonstrated that Pittsburgh Is ahead of any place In the West in building steamboats. The following la a list of the oMosrs of this steamer: Captain. C. T. Dexter: Clerk, N. S. Penntutton; assistant, Harry Dexter; Engineer, Baker 'Reynolds; As sistant, Wm. Ho lmes: Mate, Mat - Stollen Stewart, John Goff. • Ii Is expected that she will. leave (or .Evanevllle .tdday at 6 P. • ; 'deal Estate.granafers. The following deeds were admitted Of record In the office of Thos. H. Hunter, Hocorder for Alleghen4 : cOunty,. day, February 28, IVO: Blizabeth V. Denny to Ctuiatopbar Bonham, , ldrtn 24 by 1221. het el M a ' warn. rittabgb Body rottener, ur -6.. Au as Bch ltdeeker. vs . .- 12. 18'7: 2 lots, first lottd ley 170 last. eneeernf Ont. lar sad Morton masts. the second lot 7A by Lto A ." 4.triltr• I ttr.ri;n - Int lrlf. g &l . Uota ' , .760::0 by enfant on Agri atrest,finat Bl[ an a matnabasn al Coo L. P. Hitchcock to Jr.. Harms. hob. S. MO: I: by =fast on Be dlbrd avenue. 11th was , Patoo brume 11 B 0 Ilisma , b. Mande to lt:lsa Ann Illndmarelt; Neb. 2. lAlt 22117150 lost In McLain A Maples , piss, ' Lotter at Cialr Tp fillta Geo. A. Bayard touseultest Bayard. Web. 11.1/0; acres and 63 perches of land, a 2, Vcraallbos tp. WO Henry O. belneman to Be. Illenungsr. lab. 24 MO; lota Nos. 21 24mtd 25 In al. U. Belau span.. plan, nprtor b 111 • 31.00. Jan.. IlnAleer tp MM . BJ•neuder,Pe6 la. 1270, if by lat . (get au Island Lana, Am - omq City, 214.= W Barlitah Linbatt at alb James B. Llnhart. Au gust W. wr, acres and 10 5-10 pare-has of land " In ilkins Tp 114,444 11224 DAT. Horeb 1. 11170. Pat. lelt Fenn to C 1311.11/• Kennedy, L.: Yeb. 2', IVO; 10t.40 by non Web:Went.. fo r t2lloo Helm of Illebaal Allen to same, norm and Wm. Walter. February 0 IVO; 101 30 try 180 P. on Water elt , Pittabot 11.1,101 H. W. Clemens to 1.• sic Bloke. Yebritary 10. 1170: 21 sewn and :perches Ds rem. tp....530,M0 Wet W. yhttlips to Yallip eenemr. January II ICet tot= by 20 ft On Ilanar stftot,tlonthl'l 11.. bomb SIM C. 11. Lora I.B.M. Ulbson. MM. 1. Men P 1. ,on Itobamon North Itayetto rozu A. /kJ. Johnston Sen. - Homer G. W. goberti Jltnowl WM; V/ acres la rammed town ship SHAM C. U. Love ts Wm. manner. ne.14‘.1. 0,0 C lots In Onsaant's townerott.. l.2l. 7oo Jacob rotor to Jacob Nientmset. Yenntery M7Ol in 93 57 100. on ratter rib sburgb. ..... ..12,r50 E. E 1 cot . lot 0417104 it Oafmn..El////f . Cra •/‘ 1/ am fla 4 .1,./sro ta. 13.0/ lot TA 1107.110 Lc 1./meal/a ei., Pia ward/ ta OM gebemn L.Nay to Carotins J. Incellatoet t /111.111=r0.1=3 ands: 7""$Z2l !!MEMMtEM!EM!E ISE COVETS. neither Coart—Patlce Hampton. I tranbatTi March the CAM of 'ELllottm‘ )444 prectocaly reported, the Jury fanind for the plaintiff in the sum of tir' l°ll eXteaSe taken np was that of Hutchinson for himself and for the u of ethers vs. The School . District of the Twon 3 gllP Of Indiana. 'The defend. idts It SPiletirs. under Art or Assembly of lbw providing for the payment of bounties to volunteers, Issued bonds in accordance with said act In order to pro. Vide money with which to pay bounties to till their quota of volunteers. The amount of bonds issued was 116,240.80; over 111,000 of. which was expended in enlisting :nineteen men: The suit Ls brought to recover the amount of the bonds held by the4lslatifle. 011 trial. • TRIAL LINT POIigIigEDNERDAT. 110. City 011 Befintog Co. ye. Dilworth Benny. 184. Graham vs. Pleber. 168. Exalter et us vs. Becker et al. 181. Gelligher vs. Sweeny. 140. iGninore et al se. Batley et el. I 01. , Iteee Ts. Morrow. 112.!,Jteoby va.Sehoen & Laurent 192.1R1ehay Va. Stuttlar. 197.1 Young it Co. vs. I,loollntoo 200 % melima vs Reed et al. . G;NE!EMiI TIMEDLT, Max= L—ln the 4airter Settalons Courtroom, Judge Stews pro. gilding, the ea= ,of Tannehill va. Pfaff, previously reported, wee resumed and Concluded. Theory found for plaintiff six oenta demeans and six cents out, aublect to the opinion of the Court; on a question of law reserved. • • The next ease taken up was that of the American Iron Mountain Company vs. James , O'Connor, action to recover the value of e quantity , of iron ors lost by theeenklag of a barge on the Ohio river. In tigLo r mmon Plena • Omit room Judge priwiding, the case of join; 1.. - stewed vs. Clark dc Sumner,, was taken up.',!. Thbi was an action on the 1 `D to reeover the sum of g 959.17 dam egos alleged to have been =stained by , the plaiffhitionsailtienco of a violation of °attract by defendants. Ths defend ante,-Clark & Sumner, on the 6th of An gola, 1868. authorised Waring 4t Bing, I oil brokers, to purchase for them five hundred barrels of refined oil, at the rate of `tom cents per gallon. to be delivered . In the last half of the month of Aligns& at buyers' option. In moordsnoe with the inatrnetiorarthe oil was purees's= from John L. Stewart, of Philadelphia, on the stove prom, the seller to have ten days 1113111131 me of delivery. Tho oil . angmtgeti to $7,016.97, but mum ths_gutrolime was made decliWi• In price, and when the - Soda- of delivery . mane • the oil wee- tonderedbia 'Abe defeedants declined to adieptit. TO plaintiff after wards =MAO oil ati loss of 1969,17 on the Brat rate, end hlChrtriXo this colt to recover that amount. Defendants' coun sel moved for a noneult for the reason that defendants had made no contract with plaintiff; that their contract was with Waring, King Co., of Pittsburgh, and that plablitira contract was with the firm of Waring. King .A Co., of Phila delphia, end it was to them that the ten der bad been made. _ - , , TRIAL LIST FOR IVEDXSIMAT. 401. Carr vs. Pier. 1191. Turnpikh*Soad Co. vs. Oakland P.R. W. Co. . 97. Cook va. 119, Person vs. West Penn 8.. FL Ca, 144. Sto te ner& 00. vs. Edwards. 182. assiert Vs. Porter. 180. Higley 8101)onald. 181. Insley vaadoDcrnald. 185. faceinnls vs. HaMilton. .- 215. Pa. R. Be Co. vs. Waring._ _ 215. Pales et al. vs. Pa. Balt Maul. CO. ET.2=1121 OPZIU. Houtcs—A large audience as tionibled at the Opera House last evening notwithstanding the severe rain storm, to see the new senestlonal drannentitled "After Hark." The piece to well put on the stage, and the several members of eompany, in the cast, maintained their parts admirably. This evening Wood Benson, the popular !'funny man" of the company, - takes a benefit, on which 00. melon a splendid bill will be presented, Including "Waiting fore the Verdict," and the ...111ithwaymemi . Holiday." The house *lll of course be tilledie.orerlioe% lag. Thursday evening Blessm. Garber SW Bieck, usher and doorkeeper, will take spirit tenant. • clutuki.- , - Haire Journal of IlialtA glyea the It lowing account of a man In New York. who never dined without bin brandy and water, nor went to bed without an oyater or terrypin supper, and who was never known to be drank: "Months be.. fore he dled—he was a year in dying—be could eat nothing without distress, and at death the whole alimentary canal was mass of disease; In the - midst of Me millions he died of Inanition. He had boon. a steady drinker for t wenty.eight years.? New, a man with a stomach as tough as ens of Llebter's remota trunks could not stand such ■ modo of living. But while the poor glutton hi dead we will let him pass and speak a few words on the merits of Liebier's trunks, *blob are known and recognized as articiee of superior quality. Nos. 101 and 106 Wood street are the main establishments run by Llebler. Popularity and Suciesa We are pleased to hear that our ft eDI al friend, Mr. E. Patterson, of West New ton...hi dein& • lively beater in ttieWsky of supplying the wants of the town anal vicinity In groceries, provisions and confectionery. And ;beim whoselthoughts may chance to run In the literary chan nel will tied with him a variety of sta tionery, newspapers, perlodloal. pees, Inks, magmlues, envelopes, pen holders, weitinickpeper, pencils, dte. 'Oar readers who may want a copy Of 'the °sneer's will find it at all limas on his counter. Mr. Patterson la a genial, com panionable gentleman and a shrewd, enargetioand=.trosiness man, as di who brie with hhn can tee. _ . . - Ilaw,„itustatari , New Turkey Figs, New Arabian ,• # Dates, New Imperial Prima". Estee., Whitman's& Glernan's Premium Chocolates, Cocoa Brom?, and Cocoa Shells, M2I4iiIEMM Waves advise bousekbepera, young and old, to call at the warehouse of the Reyatode Pottery, Menet. It ler ,t proprietors, 210. 563 , Liberty street, one supply their households with queens. wareftemthateatablishment. By deb= not be cesM th d i tlYlrill_prucure articles WhichUart. en`chespness or =Oriel anywhere, while at the same tithe they will be supporting a home manufactory. The moat delicious bivalves are served np daily at Tomoson's, eornerof Smith field etreet and :Diamond alley: Lunch for ladles or gentlemen at any hour of the day or evening. The finest cakes, pastry, confectionery end foe cream can be had for banquets or private parties. Clean, palateable, prepared in the beet style are the chemeteriatice of thkartieles from Yottogeon's: " ' - • Pier, Dumas & Co.'aCreellt Alit-wrer7 day add. new customers to the large Bat at Brewery.. Thiel:lira finds It quite difficult to keep up with the de. mend, on great a favorite is their ale Excellent for Coughs and Colds, Cayenne. Lieorioe, lismatras, Ginger: Peppermint and Cough Lcizengea, Row. hound Drops, Licorioe Gum Dr° P a.C°ll4l Foot Rock, Marsh hialleMa. and Chinese (liner, at 112 - Federal street. Allegheny City. Gico. Bitscre. 3 , . , • Illerehints-dlnltur down town estllal' ironies no better establishment than the Continental, Fifth avenue, below the Post.ofiles. It Ls convenient. meals Can be had at any hone of the day, the fare is of the beet quality and abundant, and ernrYthing le nest 'and .clean. Call at today Continental and give Holtz heimer. a IrlaL . ' Reinder Saturday dinner, at the- Oen tinentel to-day. Flab, gain, Madera. and , !trimnainge" in ahnndance. Fifth 'aventinh below the Pcaet-adloa. • The Castineatal, flab ifitnne, below the Post-Wilco. will be an attractive place to - daY retail levers of the rich and rare In edibles. Glover, hosiery, scut, shawls saUno. Voilfoill, ribbons, flowers andjeirelry, for ths - ladles, at Moorhead's, 81 Market street.. , .. . 7111 8 1 1nbaga, variance and hinny 'M ena :tar ladles: WOW . a i ..Diadrhead'a 81 "'lee . 13teert' 'fitablerhible , naveldei dreas good! at Moortizad'n, Al Mir. Itt•L Fine lies goods at Dieenhead'a, II Mar ket amt. MS • Hooks, Magazines and Papers at 001. J. D. Eget:l'B,Na. 41 Sixth avenne..Books at half price. The latest putilkations and standard works. Subemiptlons received for all the magazines, and heck fipple.. furntehed. All the illustrated weeklies and the Most popular dailies reoelved promptly. A large stock of statiobery and envelopes constantly on hand. No. 41 Sixth avenue. BUSINESS NOTICES The Ladles' forests Club, of New York. fretntly .changed their I/ hmatutions groa, woman'a waren° te preparattone mid Pimple Banishers. They declare that when .naturis hid cot endowed them with beauty, it was their right—yea, their duty—to reek tt where they could. so they air vaM4 that Meg none Balm overcame sellosfiess, - Hough Skin, and Blegnmeks, and Rave to the complexion • most dfstfonsm (Sorosian) and marble•like ap pearance (dangerous tomes. no denbtl; and that Lynn's Eath•iron made the bait grow thick. soft and awful 'pretty, cud moreover prevented It from turning gray. If the proprietors of theta articles did not send the sitters an invoke they are not smart. =I • Mtn •- •(:In Monday, February Seth, MO t•MAS 444(10111BS. aged SIT years. sacral will take place amts xsagletteo, 3d. at 10 o'clock. from bl 4 late realdenes, Ads:l:m street. Allegheny Qty. The of the Amity are mutated to attend. ~! ER NIOHT—Ou Tubas,. March bat, at 51:35 at the rraldenee of bar hatband. corner 'tt nimbi'. street, MARY. olreof Itobest lbht. riot lb nand to Thuriday month abet"... UNDEIRTELICERS riILIJELLES a PEEBLES. UN. DIiRTAX.7O.3 AND L1VERY..87..6.131A11, CuTral r f dANDUBKY bT.ItEXT AUD CHPIiOO Ay Ramie. Apagken, City, where t 1 elr L'UNTIAI noolt4 a,e conannia, nyllod with. - mat ant Inaltstlen tosawoot. bi nr nialSW and Wnlnst co..M,t Wu. varlialt fro. , to 41.UU: dice an g }....^,..1 for lwennent. litarned emu Ca:. ring. nrcUaYedt Wen,. Al finds o.: Mourning 0.00.1. if laaalrea. Monti:Ku at all ham. OM 08E141 DIETER & SON, -17D . r3)17MITULe. = OlUrralle• Ifer rllllllLarlaS ihandahail. 01.1119/17513 and all runes.' runishinent al r due.' nue.' • 1.7 CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Ac. CARPETS. REDUCED. Oil Cloth Window Shades. DRUGGETS. DBUUGET SQUARES, litgrain Carpets, At tk Lowest Priees Ever,Ofera) BOYBD, ROSE & CO 21 FIFTH AVENUE. rizca NEW CARPETS Reduction in Prices I= WHOLESALE RATES McCALLIIM BROS., n FIFTH AVENUE MOVE WOOD STREET. ?? .. .I%IZWI CAIIPETS L. AT POSITIVE REDUCTION IN PRICE, I=l NEW SPRING STOCK! trasurpartsed for extent sod variety. Can prising the net mot best patterns In English and Imillean 'Brasilia an. Tapestry Carpet:, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, &C Whteh we offer I/liken to Twent•eve cents per yard le s. than the lowest tale.. a t Teat •esr. Thll help, the Largest reauetlon that has hero warlalor several retwker. oar Few fftock Worth the attehtlon er pereliaaais. & COLLINS 71 and 73 Fifth Amnia. f 44 ISICOND 7LOOILI REDUCTION IN• CARPETS For a Short Time to Prepare for SPRING TRAIDE. OLIVER IdeCLINTME & CO llays nuked +-lair gOodl..4llowa below bilk MP 000's przeut. Toll /Ines of . .. ~_ . - . .. .Cariltig; . ' Oil Cloths, • , Druggets, hc., . AT EASTERN PRICES ran twisecuiedWitbosa .atlet• r: 4 N,Thar t : =l l l7 'WIWI Idtantsia of Um OLIVER IiteCLINTOCK & CO., 23 Fifth Avenue. REMOVALS 3111311 Co .A. . D. DUMMETT, (Lane of Liberty otreet..) Das ..welted Mr. DAVID N. TITZMMAIONM erlit lam la nada... and taken the new and commodious storeroom No. 64 Wood. Street, Where the new Inn will continue the samara g lath e nd Ws at the lowa% pimatbi• priers tare American Confectionary - L. D. DONMETT JD CO. fle= M cylir M. WI3ITRIOBE, sworrr —...---. remoect rum WWI Ohlo . sidilindusty streets, to 103 OHIO BTRBE1; •LLEOBENY CITY .71 °IP Cei3vAw4Aii GRAY & LOGAN ===na= 89 Filth Avenue, Until lenprovonents on old stand am contd. 'OU M. COOPER, di CO. and - Braes Fowlers,: • 811111111, LOOOIOTIVE k Boum mil 'diode Prokpriv go Order. BABAIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. ftlifiebdors.gdi Xszudlcturersof , Lia:coopefamprovedmumewhod STEAM EyI3M;P:, - Offtee, 882 PENN:STREBie: foundry, Cer.Viyissaliallresql Strootig =mums. SA. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & ADANS, 167; 168, 169 and 170 SZOoND - AVENUE, Aro inow ;mowed to torntahVINZOAS at tag LWAIMIT MARS= KATZ% Attention Is oar tietaiirly tolled to oar EWA VINEB BUSINESS CHANGES. ISSOLIPTION OF PARTNER.. D 15111P.—Tbe nartnereblp betetefore ex- • Wing bitter. D. B. Discrete and Nathan Mor genstern, under the etyIeorMACIIIIM.GLYDE 01., Is dllsolved, David S. Marrnm having Ode day disposed of his entire Interest In the Bald arm to NATHAN AN DMORRIAMOROAN. STERN..ho assume all aunts and Ilabilitit. of theold arm, and mut:lone the baelnmu ander the style of NOWIANSTERN te CO: In retiring from the TRIMMING AND NO. TION bnilnees. I take 'treat pleasure In ream- mending car suercuomrs. MESSRS. MOEGAN STERN f CO., to the con I deuce and patronue Of MI tat customers sod- Mends of the old arm DAVID S. MACRAME. TuartoCur Ulai.lBlU. RN CO-PRTHRSHIP NOTICH, The eadstrigned have this day entered into • partTherentp for the narpere of carry's' rnt the Iftolesale and Fatten NOTION, TOY, •FD. FANCY GOODS BUSINESS, At No. 118 YEDERAT. IFTEXET, Yreeler•s non, ander the Int Won of O'LEARY & SINGLETON T. A. IPLZAJIT. EDWAKII SINULETON. ALLIGUINT err,. J.. 1.11110. Messrs. O'LEARY • lilleliLUTON hue lust returned 'rem the Rut. where they pore/m.4 for tub A come ete Bowl, of NOTIONS, TOTS sod FANCY 130l1Dnl, comprielne In °snot Ho. awry, Linen Ablrts, Paper Collars, Pocket Book.. Chil dr end Gents Satchels. Cutler!. klAskets. 's Carriages. !lobby Hone( Carte. Wagon., fe. which will be opened and ready for tale TIIIIIIIIIS/LY. 70. 8, 1810, when we will e pleased to baye our friends and the Publto generally to tall and seamen one stork. 111,8 o , l,l4klint k SPORLETON. B. W. ROBERTS. W. •. NICHOLSON J. A. TOOMPSON. CO-PARTNERSHIP • The undersigned have tele dsy entered hates Sw r a t=h , 2 for the Impose of earrytng on UPHOLSTERING Lt No. in WOOD STHEILT, Tinder the style of ROBERTS, NICHOLSON k TIONPSO • R W. ROBERTS, W . CHOON J. A A. . TH NI OMPS LS ON. Preresuaan, Feb. 1. 1170. The long experience of Mr. Hoberta, who re. tires from the house of Hobert.. MoeelP 1 Co.. • and that of Mr. Nicholson. late with Messrs. Ul.ver McClintock t Co., armholes them to node, stand thoroontily the wants of the trade , and with a new uid neat, fleet of good.. embracing fl e l ut o h l in cta ahe r U o hi a s hl 7 n t e ro tf d o . x . i th x e e y • loeoe2t . PVISOLIFITION OF PARTNER— SHIP.— The pvteerstopof SPAT. THOME , i L 00.: te nits day dissolved by JOON MYST purchasing the Interen of Mr. GEO. THOMPSON to said duo. The hassofacturtha of Glasa will be eouttrued as heretofore, order the; no of JOHN BEST A CO. N NUT. USCO. THOMPSON, JOHN MACLEAN, THOS. A. BEST. Prellilsoadu. Neb. 111. 1810. lemur , ij:(.): ;4: BEENBY OA. KALI& lUMCBANT Comer of Penn and Sixth Strada, FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE ITHERSON & YDfIL% BRING 1511CelL001113 TO W. IL 01'01111 & 00., MERCHANT TAILOIIIS, No. 10 MITI NT, late Nt. Clair. We have Just received • large supply of Tall wall Winter Woods, which wilt be t ot of reason able LAMM iNU wLli nth at- W arnarlier e' o ftlio D r i" ai 11 . 011LARBUIZiti. P. M'A-1a1:11.4.1E, rasiumszin&A MERCHANT TAILOR. Kerte couttaatly ea hood and Ratings. aboassimAnzwe 7011.20SILING Goons. 21e. 93 1-2 Snilthfleld Street, prrnauma. PA. Oaths, 8.1.•. CioiWas nob tO Ord. Lu Ito law; niums NEW FALL GOOD& ' A tplimald n.w .toot *1 CLOTHS, GABSIMBSZA so n Mug 1110.1•0011 l a. =YEA. mei; Marthaat Tnllar. T$ Badtbllald striet. ri.g.m. ,, iNinN-.w , ml 100 WOOD STIIEET. riEw GOODS. C.) FINE — VASES, DOMIADAN AND MINA. NW WAS ONTB Tzi hs, =mum o _ GMT Crollk — Aline stook of RAWER PLATED UOODS ===2l 0.11 and sismine ow goods, ”e teol satisio4 no ono mood tall so be salted. • E. E. BREED & CO. IV::ltYia iau'iNHJl NINA. GLASS QUEENSWARE. ♦ large userunent of new pattana and alum. Plat recenritd. ;Also rlated .ad Drlttaata Ware, Vasa sad Parlaa Ware. navy *maths and for Ws at My km sates at •-•H. 13IGBY & Na 189 118111i91 EMMET. JIM • LIVERY & BALE STABLES ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & CO, 001(11111ER OP Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBI7BOII, PA. ;SU on Every Saturday Hold AN - AUCTION SALE lORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES . • WAGONS.. • grgrral.g agpertaislacto the Bone. , Pirtle.ld - desiring to aell vud Vole. leave their notice of aindanvaeat on or baron Thursday el nab ereeeln <dder As advertising. Prompt at tention sad good eara will be given all knock lelt Magda. JOHN H. STEWART. Auctioneer. /011211. n.rivernacnr. R omrr. H. PATTCBSON & CO., xavxamr. swum COMMIMON STABLEEP isTERTY AITTalt k LIRgRYT ks IFTIVSBURGE, PAL alk ^RA . rustaterron NEW VARY Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over $500,000. Ali Yoitelea Meted by this Company are perpet ually . Non-Forfeltioi after the payment of one Annual Yremlurn. DiuMends annually &elated and .oTatud on third annual prrtnium, either.= the nano annul Lures. or the puliul. Or La lnductlon Of VIM& HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 161 1-2 Wood Street, (2d Stour, ==! .Mtl i ell•ble,Aitests vntzikUmll THE IRON Urn MUTUAL LIFE 'DURAN CO Of Peniitavlvamia. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City i • DEXElilreala aaJA Capt. IL KOBINbIJai. • Bev: 81LL i b r 13. 0 0 3 . )... A. REE%C o uti ni lev AlleadeAr gIiZT Mitt 1107010f 1 Llut e titl. C. W. 333 1. Hatter. A. B. BELL. t tn em _ D. L. rAirrEVruN, Ln. b c .A . T o c lrjlovaans,ritrestdelat. BAY .1 D. GLA11L.11.134.1 r Proaidiant. atrea, See G. IL. BICXBIY. Troaa rit = X. W. WHITE. INEDiCaA'ADTHSIA. DANIEL t19T091611. eePlAgnite COALIBIBBIONED AGE 313 YOH' TUE COO John EL Donaldann, Aoeah.n7. Va. X'• W. Han.,_ltouliester, ra. Bey. James Holling_arread. Waver. Hai • . T. H. round.. XUA ruvlintiv G.e Sk e t rHay.Jo. J nm na t Ma . n a i . era. Company strictly mutual. All profits accruing to volley bidders by dividend returned ly from the end of tha n rat 7 ear. All policies hea -1 forfritt.N. CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PUTILANIS =ID/NG, - oh $ Hutt Amman& fecomd Elmer, EITTSRINUSH. PA. Capital AU Palai:a. DIRECTOR& N. J. vim N. I OsSNILBAUS& Dann allure, S. H Hartman. A. asamml. JAMBI& S. M•Clurkan. Jas. EL. Daley. Thaw talth„.o.l3,Wrllosk. JVlLWJlNvittizy .106. T. JOHNSTON, 06 Car& J. CHAO& On Wares on Liberal Tarawa warn AGAINST LOSS AY FIRD. FE/ARM INIRMANCE CO, OF rwourmui: 017/OZ,W• iiTWILE Mutat OM. DtztaarcES. • cresnosiv. Newton, Yordeazet Loa hli TOW W /. ff. .111 , 71111. Enamel rant, Jacob B. N i ta, ff:l2. Iw' Mr% V I R. EDW. C. DALE. slime Mar P. C. STEELE. Seere z 2 revs. • • b rya, /am*, North West corner mot Wood pIIfINEVELVANLL INSURANCE COMPANY OF ►IITTEUUUUN, ornoz. No. 167% WOOD ITTBILET. DANZ O 7 cohudaracr. BUILDIFO. TWA Is a ro Hexeome Caro lr pairr, aid WWII Olitaid Wu by Piearte. • LEONA.BII WALTEJS, Prestelext C. C. BOYI.X. View Yrettlent. . Ettiftli JIWILE IfeHLHENr. RT-PADILWS., Beeret Dreamer erf .. Dinecrose: Lemma Walter. M : WI B I.ra.. S e. Jeoob Planer. J. Jogni. meg, • Jobe Voegele7. , Jae- Horeb/. Allllnetli Henn Orme. - Mary irringrlANCE RNlMlCEntlerat. U. P. HERBERT. Beeretary. CAPT. ttleEtir. NYMAN (react.' Astra. 011tere ; 9Y1 Prtte r r u ttret. hPertg • Co.'s Wale Wiit thtro soden aVVlnds of nn errei rte. Ma. • bertnin Irtelltuhlon, moortgrel hl rectors who are well known to the corhormatty, lied who are determined try - promotes.. sad entry to areletaW the Come= which they POOO assurned, ol oo att the beet protect:ea tO UM* rho tleelre to be totem& Aletsader Model. I Jena R. I ph P—Vraki. Vlittg.V. 4.lep.dvrpneer. .1.54gn Ktrk7 " wilm oar ' David M. P. Thmar..n NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Federal 11. and Diamond, illenkray a r a r r o. the MOND NATIONAL w. miumw,..ersdan t. 4011 X 8a.u1V14,41.v JAWS Z. Wray - EA - sox. bacretsm • ***%.,.'=ll!Valfa. PEOPLEW INSURANCE WM. PAST. ornaa. A. 8.006x=8 WOOD a aura WC ♦ Slam OlemPazy,takliti itniand Nadal Slab Dtalt47ol4l: Cart. Js L. Mid; Balavel ah P. Mutter. Charles AtbacXo, Jared Y. Cram, - r va redden. President. L. ecaretary. L . . C. N. tot e Janesau Ants LI. Verner. Wk. PHIL JOHN WATT I . ,,EiGi Ii EN If 110311JILINCZ OOMPANT OP PITTSBURGH. CMOS. ZIPIPTHSTRTET.BANa BLOM solar. all klada at Pim aa4 MMus JOHN Mai . JOHN IRWIN. Ja. Pru Wad. • ' ' T. J. HOSHINSON, 'Vim Pr MOM, ' 0. G. DONNELL. Nemeury. - (APT. WM. PISAN. Gaunt Asilt. DIESOVOaa: t e . 1 7. i l " Vt,s Jr. .N , t ' s' . , 1 ' I k ft i v " " li° a v a o a •0. U . wammy L ' ' lam.. H. a...• 1 4, Haney mime, Francis /killers. Comte. Ham. yam. J. T.15L001411., OW. Wm. Dam. T. B. Nevus. - WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER At Greatly Reduced Price& To make alai room for stew roods• We willed till the EM of March stock now to store, - Without Bogard to Cost, HANINIONN PAST-0R PAPERS. MINIMA NOON PAPERS, UAW. AND CRAM sn rArxm L i glao, a large aseartteestof Cal! AP PAPlCilgia4 N 0.107 MARKET STREET,. JOS. IL HUMES £ ELEGANT ' , APES HANGINtia. ameled Wall Pawn In olain tints Iminn. Moms to M o te t and unote. Vermillion grounds with gold and Inlal.l nrutw. ICM rionilzu Vl/111, INDIA TPISTSV. PANXLB Manhood and minted gold. Newly Imported d ale to be found elmiwbirne country. /or t W. P. PRARRELALLII W WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street. WINES, LIQUORS, &O. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, JUIFONFLOS OF WINK BBANDIKS, GIN, E WUOLESALIi DiALNZII3,IX PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed to 108.284 AND 386 PENN, Car. Xteventh ISt. (iorgterly Ca:Etat) JOSEPH S. FINCH C 0. . - YH.lL6,lB7,ll@.ln.7fJppi Mar erMler, Pirrtszeteev, 111/11TUT/1=.21,4:3 GE C441,44r Diatillod Pare Eye - 0 Alio, &alas la FOSEttla Will= k at ill & QIIWIII. ROM it nalaSal rirDEDi OPERA. 110IIIIE.. BEN Ern dr the D 'chub. caseates. WOO DENSON. WZDNESDAT I.VeaNG. Mare. SI. 1170. Ant time tkliseiwn of ma. gnat &Masao drama., In three sots, entitled llTLite 703 TIIIS V.NZGIG I4 . INL TO conclude arlinths nen, faros et the atonwAypules nouoiT: CIiLP to 1112 BIG TiltlESDAT—Boonnt of Oa Attaches. FRIDLY—DiNICTIT or Jars ossotorP.:. - . Grand Tana, Matinee on Ilaiarday. . . larG. A• . B. LECTVBEL MISS SUSAN B. ANTHONY WILL LICTITAS AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC; Wednesday Evening, March 2, 1870 SUBJECT--"Vvoig, *ages and Iti! Ballot." TICKETS rots lii7IIOLESELLE GROOII3B. am. DILIVORTILIIMPER &,, 243 Liberty, Street, _ (0990.1t0 head of Wood tireota WHOLESALE GROCERS, Pittsburgh. .Pa. Ems... -" A. &T. GORMLY, .1812; W. hi. GORILY, WHOLESALE GROOM 271 Liberty Street, (Di.most.T CM?. ram. HOTI.L.) AL BTLIMIL .1. A. STULL M . STEELE & SOY, Commission Merchants i'„ I No. 9. 01110 BTBSIT. sear lan Gambia.. = cerlelest. on, all VW* MEANOR & HARPER, 11A)1711, ORLIN ABD FRODOCII 10153=3#1313i011 Piteioh OAS, No. FM LIMINTIF MUM Onl4mm.UmMaN Prrza HLI7. "zutaa I.=MUM 'WEIL & rIONI/11131111101g DIERCEUINTS, PLODS, GIULTICBEIMB, 1011 FBBD, .411 We Liberty lIIt., rittablimli. taVtimell .W. C. ARMSTRONG, • . I.SugritNar b Yet:sera Armstirg.l rsomeg ctiNnistaos N O ; Aktkrlclet letzeoet, arm 4 • • srsnressi: n. L . J. Wholesale and Retail Grocer,. NO. 396 rETT TS:ZArgT 1 'WILE; /MUM & rewire?", Wloteggeroler w s . i Cod 11111=2: Ash. lA Dea A% and "Lad OTI: Dim Ear 114111:1 1 Re b are' iirt%itert: rolrx I. ntrusz..sow• moues— mtit. N. stools.. TORN.I. HOUSE & BROS, Soo. We_ ecalura to JOHN flOtirdt • CO, Waaaa- Bale Grocer. and Connadaaltrn Marettants. Colfax of andahflaid and Wafer .treat.. Plttabufsk. .101 m mirror' W Lnwm roaweixscr..whiar k SALE 6ROCERA AND PEODI3OII DEAL* No. N BLZTH STANAT.-Instsoomit. wsunick suarfiP,' I== Petroleum and ,Its Products, DALTEWS BLOOK, DUQUEMIE WAY.' ranaDziamil. ADDEI:SO. WAILING, KING & CO., 109 WALBUT STREET. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DNALANS IN Petroleum and na Products. rteoonroy e ?ag; tad Itwia t Bv g a MAMA sol;wm ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. mu= moms. JUNTITACTIINC3 or Labtint* &High Test Itendig 011 s. •'eltiaaallraa,Y Am 160% - Stands gnat brat trlttorrd ensagse _IIIMMO Rabid unsaved toraporaturn. Spools. I OR Alf .traPlcal climates or hot 'simmer. Imeiniestive, Sainte, MarliAis• Wlllsaat Sams. HMI AIM andristalse EMI OM, Adapted tor tddb_speed. liptmlBl.B 011. - Woel, If sedl , LBBlBB 4111. 0111.Tammers , M$806.11eumele, Mir mm 4 Haishingidueollima, OU. Hams . . Oil. I Parade. ARMOR VARNISH, to presort* Btlhtt lota Work and Ruhr umr Ron int. Then gradacte masmAketarei sada ter. Tereddle , s_patent by Sayetbeated Wean la VP e no. The Longo:lane Otto an dawn *dollen, porno ly pore, outlons, saA ummtly HAM cols cored. nand • RMAR temperature sisoltwort, sod mann Morin doting roman cold. MI lel roadOlis ara speared= stf . s , Vs "": Varrincl.= k SMEARY. ' . Worn at surmount Bridge. TX THE COURT OF QUARTER IDINBIONS of Allegbeny county, No. *Do. combo! titostons, 1969, Mlocu/Luonsus Docket. L =aflutter of tie °pram of Hazlett sired. Clef orl'ltta? aril. Appeal of Alba • W.VA. Notice Is hereby siren that the eofersloand Commissioner. arpoleted by !be Court to tab' the boatmen/ offered by the perdu Wanted In the abate eaten la relaltaito the motion at 'Lune therein and report the tab:m..llh 111 opts. inotherean as to tech loollicatlon of the nput of elenesa, D aln: and the finm of gm once to be made by the Court. wlll attend to the tones or We appotatonot At hit one.. No. PT Dlamentel street. allot rltttburib, on FRIDAY. the 4th day of March; et. D. 11110. at 1 o•deeh ohan and where . all yanks !obtruded may at. ~ tumuli I. W. (IVOR. 001111111$11/11412. A SPIGNEEteI SALE OF BEAL AaL Ea TATX.—WIIII De sold • Tuesday, March la 1879, Ie • the peessisto COUSINS BRAVER 6711CZT Atilt 11•01 , 1CYT ALLY) PITY. Pa, all the right Idle and lattweat JOHN or. la awl to all. that cattala let rpitee aground Wasted la the Sacond ward, o efts and county cf Alleattelry. Pa., tact*, • (cunt of {Rutty-two MS) flat Slid OVenthog hut along said Barnett alley parsalait ta• tame wldto. oae handttd and tam (110) fast to Pomp alley, hating•t•eted thereon ass two y t:Ly Wet and two two etas,. trams etwalllag h es. pinsusl rental cf this property.fia about . 60 Ttds property wID be sold sued et to a morl gars %bassoon., bell by tbsCluseselosarsses cos psnyorPldsbersh. ea, far " 4 " issuers lilltb. wi th Utterer& sad lash' 1111410 , brooms yLsystdo mool•atooslly. To be sold by pier of .1 JAMB IW•Agr= k l is n iSxotr i . '" Algtil of ifebruary $ll. 11170. - COTTOI\ , MILLO , 140.LIKE8, 8.E14 ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. anT%•snoia.ciu, o.l.bstaotosars or illart BZDICY azd WIRT , , LaCICOIS SAD UW6410111, 8171VMKIII `~}'l.. ~~_~j:Y'.'<Fia t irijr^:•T:u~ ~-µ'~. .._.s .~ >.~~:J:6~,t.X. ... I=l = OILS =znza:3 rg7rns & co.,
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