— xaiers itlifiltlOLl BANK,. NO. 80 FOIIitTII AITIINTJA PITTIBIIIMIL taxa csprrAz. • - • • • mom* Stockholdels Infividnall Ltdle. RANH OP DISCOUNT SID DEPCNOT. ' JOILN LLOYD — WIC FLOYD. Preddeat. . , .- ; gash,lar , DilaCTolla. r.. liaraltatt 1 Jotra x; xtruita. la. T. thanaoa s . Archibald WaWard. saes W. Arndt, J. D. Luz. ..., a. Leech, 1 IVlsuriO7d. , 1. Irleid. Ws Bank 4 now tally =I gad linVookt to do a general llaallag l. • MO G}ol - , P. ' _ SILVER AND aIIIPOID3, Boteght at Meted Price... , F g. AtEBTZ, Banker, Car. Wood St. end sth Amin S. McCI.EADI & CO; BANKERS. ma, :mamas is Go-Verranent Securities, 7.s,rerrthAlmit.w ? PITTSftQ6aB, vs. Personal and prompt attention given to ever) , thing In UM Imalaies, Collections sum,. • ow items.. Weed, and Irettr.st allowed ballot* Deposits. Advances made on kerne Collateral s and Government Securities at liberal rates. ie-Poselgin and Domestic Iselmges Gold, Slier. giant Notes,' AM.: ie. AB local or other Ulseellaneons !woo, Bonds, Noetinden. Commercial Pater, to.. negotiated at the meal rates of commission. JAMES T. BR.LID ‘ Y CO., teaeeeuon to o.;Ances * CO:. Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., Bur and well all Wads of -fkOVERNIENT sou, swim min canna 0.::1 *RIF TAVORABLIC 11 Interest Allowed ea .Depielts. ifir'Eunev loaned ea Ornament Vasa lowest market M.* Orders exaretteri for the IPurelasdk &lad moo of STOMA BORDO sail FOLD, A],o3 T. BRADT 17i CO. 5000. ALLEGIIBNY VidlEY L IL 7-8() BONDS. For tale •e N. ROM= & SOX& 12111/11 Cls Mitimegirraktito. FINANCE MD TRADE. By Tele cepa to the Pitteteatte Gazette New Tons, March, 1870. The announcement Yeaterday of the sale of 'three tulillonsi in gold In March was today corrected by the Assistant Treasurer, the order of the Secretary of tbe Treasury being to sell two millions only, which consist of a million each on the Ph . and 23d Instant. This, with heavy purchases and the circulation of a sensation story about a formidable com bination to 101 l gold, frightened the Dears and caused au upward movement, under which gold touched 1163(. ' - Money easy at 443.8 per cent. on mat Sterling heavy at 834 Glir. per cent. Gold active and excited; opened at HE, touched 1163( and closed at 11634. Car. rying rates 6 per cent. to flat. Clear. &nose 889,400,000. Governments strong. Coupons 'B4 16•Rallig; 432, 14Q1414; 434, 13(4t1P,i; •65, 19%(§0.11% do new, 12®123i: 'M. IPA@ 12X0'68, 123(0 12 14; / 0-40 ' 6 . 8 14C4 9 ; 1130 F: realty Its, State bonds quint; now Tennessees de eined under a premiums of Wag new Virginias advanced to 69, the fact having been made public, th a t ; the State debt .Slate reduced by the payment into the State Treasury of a Largo amount of bonds by one of the leading trunk' rail roads in that State In process of construe- , tlon. Missouri.. triXtold Tennessee', ars new 45R; old Virginias, 68%; new, 69; old North Caro li nas. 46; Railroad market active and higher ore the. entire list. Northwestern shares wore the most active and five thonasnd shares of common were bought by one broker. There was also considerable activitybrNew.York Central, Pittsburgh, Lake Shore and St. Patti. The adrenal la equal to 1 to 2 per . cent. on the general Ass, and Harlem advanesd *per ct.' The --market closed off from the highest p olo; with less activity but firm. Dr I. lanced' and Express stocks generally quiet but steady. Pacific Mall Is the only active stook and advatteed to 893‘. • ! • • , Fire Thirty Prices.—Canton, 594;„; Cum , Berland, 3 0: Western Colon Telegr B aph, 1133 i; Quicksilver, 12%; Mariposa, ; Telegrap h , .yrreurcredt; 14X, Water Power.- --rcr; Adams 'Express, 61t ; Far .2tH; American Express, IN; Mated Stowe, 619 i; Peel& Mail. 119}0 Sew York Central, 9534; Erie, 253(; do. preferred, • 45; Harlem, 14234; Hudson Scrip, 98A - Reading, 97,4 ; Michltran Central, IW. •UL tio fib ar e dig; Slime' Central. --P1;58 'Pittsburgh, 9831 'Northwestern, 9it do. preferred„ 734: Buck Maud,. tigHl St. Pant,' 653(. do. preflerll4, re; Wet bash, 4334; do. preferred, —.• Fort w a yae, _92 ; • Terre Haute, 68; dO. Preferred. 00 : Chicago ; and Alt e g i llls4; do. preferred,' 1118 it x., r xi* Jersey Central, 102%; Hartford net Erie, 73{,: . 0. 0 . di /930./rou kinuntaie, At meeting of the Directors of this Erie Com y. Feb. 23d. it was resolved 'that thd Treaihrer be ' otrected to extend. the Clad .for the pityment of the scrip dividend declared 'on the 22d of Nor.: lap, to the suit of Maio/4.1 1 0 0 - Boston pre Oopner Falb, 1S; Cal. amet, 72; irrasklin, e; Heels, EA Quid. Bob•T - balsam: gold, s7B246l,_o6l% currency." VI balance. r=ftoLEUit th7Mr?' ,Tt!3= . AT' 'The ott• tmsinesa continue' very quiet and the ■ales oonainne •'few, and far ha tween." In regard. to prime, (whit* ire Oswalt, coati:sided 14 biology Mere :he no -material change,- though If Way thing, the lendeney L still downward, sad buyers, generally. are still dlaposed • to hold off in entielpstlon of a Still further decline. Sped could probably be placed at 23, but Otero Mr fen salient belay 123‘. We understand that purchases have bean mado above at what is =adders& equiv alent to lir t bare. Buyer all year, ltd( anted; and 14 1 K naked: Market was reported s shade stronger this evening, but there hi no violable ad vance In primes. Spot, 17)4; March, 28; April to rune, MN; March So Doom:ober, 80; May 10 Deostriber, BO bid; March to June, 2834; buyer all year, V.K. Milararts OP Mum oil. k. V. Z. . Wilkins 240, on account Phirs and Borten Pei, Co; Model (H 1 Works 242 On account .T Munhall; Fisher Bre 883, on . saloon( ma Long; J Wilkins 80, ens munt AEI Palmer... ) Gallagher 18D, on account B Honsall; Brilliant 011 Works 80. On soot:sn El A Hill; Fisher 8r063 2 . on account A V It 8. TAM . .... . . 2,218 kb]. arriailFrii4 - oir ;177.:. v. st. _Lookhart, Frew ,t Co. 188 bble benzine to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. otr, anima , sun rennyzews OZPOV. • litltChinson Olt altaftatng Co. 394 bbls imagine to A. B. McHenry. Phlra. pry Goals Maria. IrORIC, Much 1.--Market quiet, stud all cotton goods of standard makes very steady; New York mine from 223 i to 21. Toe print market Is excited; Um. to U. &meth= Uto W. aer'sp rinto • Claiogao, March I.—Llts gogs dull and depressed at 68. 604 5 9 . 00 11:tr coma= to good. Cattle In far request and firm at 6e,10434,25 for oommOn to good taws nod 5teer5,g5,75Q6,25 for fair to medium, 63,50©,7,50 for good, and 11,76 for Cara prtmesteers. Alarob 14 --Cotton' gas/ea for low sniddltog at Nyite, wood ordinary Po. , prriissuacas ItABILETS. Omcre Prrrastritem Genertn, Tuannes, March. 1.. WO. There In no improvement to note In trade, gene:slip The absence of and• thing like a speculation, Together with the tact that the demand for almost everything ts restricted within n very narrow oompase, curtails - btudneekvery muCtl, and then again -the uncertainty In mem to value" la not ~ f fit.bout its effect. The receipts of grain' and floor continue light, though the supply is fully up to the requirements the trade, and dealers, generally, cent ne to corn -plain that there is little or no margin, nothing to stimulate them in making business, there being no pr of any return. Provisions and Sugars conhnue unsettled and rather weak, which, of course, tends to restrict the demand, as buyers are not disposed to stock up, be. log apprehensive of a farther decline. 'While we are not disposed to be ..bear lah't yed the impression seems to prevail Pretty generally that the hog product, notwithstanding the material decline within the past sixty days, Is still too - high, and not a few, including some proOlitithtt''deah3rs, expect stilt lower priOos. It to not a little remarkable that meats of all kinds are much higher, rel atively, than anything else, and it is this Mainly that creates the belief that prices must go lower. APPLES—Demand fair and market steady, though prices are unchanged, ranging from 82,60013,50 for fair to prime. and 88,7E434 for choice. APPLE BUTTKR—Goored at 655075 c. BUTTER—Prime to choloe roll Is in steady demand, while common and in (odor is doll: sales of the former at 330' 85—fancy brands, 86E887- BEANS—DuII but unchanged—V.@ 23.c i p t or bbl. tore , No. 83,76 15 No. 8, 84,50; No. 4, 85,00; No. 5, 85,60. carpet Brooms, 86, 00 50 6 4 0 . BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-23033 cts. BROOM CORN-18017 eta per pound. , CHEESE—Is steady but unchanged; Western EASIerVe and New York 171 Factuty. .17(3 ,17 )0 New York. State Farm Dairy, 18019; New York Goshen, 19%@20 CARBON 01L—Is offering more freely and prices are a shade lower; we now quote Standard brands at 25(32534, for CO or 100 bbl lots, and 2814@27, in are. tail way. CRANBERRIES—Prime to choice eastern cultivated, sl7@lB Dar W. DRIED FRUIT—The market is very quiet, but the time Is now at hand when mere le 'usually a good demand. We oonUnua to quote Apples at 7508 arc and Peaches, at 85090 for quarters, and /2® lie for halves. Blackberries, 15 @tB eta, and pitted Cherries, 25E030 eta. ' DRBSSED HOGS-930310 0 . EGOS—In d steady demand but art change at SS. FEA.THERS—BaIes at 855090, and the usual &drones for small lots, in a retail way. ' FlSH—Sales Lake Herring at $434 per half bbl. and White Flab at gsq. FLOUR—The market continues dull and unchanged. We continue to quote 5.75@e western flours at $805% for spring, and 4 for fall. GKAIN —Wheat is quiet and unchang ed..l,lo(3l,l6 for goad Le choice winter red. Oats dull, with a supply conaider. ably in excess of the demand; sales on track at 44; In store at 46@47, and In first hands at 48. Corn Is quoted, on wharf, at 734375 for ear and 785083 for shelled. The arrivals have been rather small for some days paid. Rye Is un changed at 804386—we have heard of no wale* of No. 1 below 86. Barley, sales of Several cars of No. 2 Chicago spring at 70@75. -Prime state spring Is, quoted at 90 and fall at 81. HAY—Sold at Allegheny Diamond market today at 115(320 ~p er ton, and market dull. HUSKS—SaIes at 23450.30 per pound. HOMINY—SaIes at 85,7550,00 per bbL IJMR—Ralca of Cleveland White lime at 8'1505,25 per bbl. OlL—City brands No. 1 extra quoted at 81,38(31,40, and. No. 2 at 90. ONIONS—Quiet and unchanged; rugi 2,75 Der bbl. as to quality. PEANUTS--Prime Tennessee quoted at 9@lo eta. POTATOE3—Quiet and unchanged— we continuo to quote at 46 by the car load and 500 In store. PEAB-11,70@1,75 per bushel. PROVISIONS—Market dull, but prices are unchanged. Bacon Shoulders, 13(4 18V, for plain and 14 for Sugar Cured; Sides, 1514 for Ribbed and 17 for Clear; Breakfaat Bacon, 18; Sugar Cured Hams, 18501834. Dried Beef, 20; Ham Sausage, 1834; Mesa Pork. 82830129. Lard, 18 in tierces and 17(31734 in ,bbls and keg& POULTRY—Receipts continue very light and market is almod bare. - Ws continue to quote droned chickens, at 140115 eta., and dressed turkeys, 18 50 20. BDEDS—SaIea of Clover seed at 834, and It 11 held firmly at Mrs figure, lei atom. Timothy seed is unchanged 843035, and Flu:seed at T 2,100245. STRAW—SaIes of rye straw at 8 . oats at slo@l4, SALT—Is quoted at/ 1,75 by the car load. MARKETS - 131( TELEGRAPH NEW Ycnic, March I.—Cotton heavy _._.. _ and lower with sales 6,800 bales at 2330 (or middling uplands. Flour: receipts 8,@3 bbls; flour a shadei-easier on corn. man grades, with sales 6,400 bbls kt $4,76 .4,90 for super State western, 55,05. 5,85 for extra State, 0,7503,00 for extra western. 15,70.6,80 for white wheat ex. tra, 16.00.6,15 for round poop Ohio, 15,50.6,25 for extra St. Louis, and 58,25 08,60 for good choice do. Rye Flour quiet, with sales =5 bble at 51,25.5,25. porn Meal in fair demand, with sales 700 bbls at 54.70 Marsh's calorie, $4,00 05.00. /handy Wine. Whiskydull, east at 51,05 for western; 51,01 for free. Wneati receipts 1,890 bush; market lees active and without changes sales 48,000 bush at IL= for rejected No. S spring; 111,22, No; 2 Milwaukee in store; 11,30.1,22, winter red and amber western: 51,85. red Vir , giniat 5.427.1.50, White Michigan; 51,60 01.65, &doe white State. Rye quiet; sales 1,000 Cash western 51 950. Barley nominal. Barley Malt quiet and heavy. Dim - receipts 4,861 bulb; scares and Teel firm; 'sales 88,000 bash at 92.99 e fbr new. mixed western; 10, 0 iNeAdd. old do. in store and afloat, an 51,02, new yellow Pennsylvania. Oats: receipts 17,671 bush: market dull and hefty) , salts 29.000 bean at 55.5634 e for west -aro; 62.6334 e, State. Rios dull at 6.70 for Carolina. Coffee quiet and tine. Sugar quiet: sales of 150 hhds Cu ba at 934151030. Molasses quiet. Petroleumquiet at 15,0 for crude and .D 3 140„ for refined. Hops Quiet at 18.293. American Welted CB quiet at NOM In auks. Turpentine lower at 4650510. Pork heavy and !ewer, with sales 1855 bbls at 525 50505 75 for new mass. $ 2O 50 .2160 for prima and $23.24 for prime Marc; also 1500 bbls new mese, seller March, April and June, at $2,5 60.75 75; stook of old and new,41.890 bble—isst montb, 87,775 stea d lo st year, 46,268 bids. Beef quiet and steady, with sales 280 bbls: stock, old and new, ZAMA pkge— last month, 21,210 Virgin ion year, 6 3 , 857 Pkgs Tierce beef quiet and unchanged, with sales 20 tierces. Beef hams quiet, with sales 150 bbls at W.= 60 for new. Cut meats quiet, with sates 150 pkgs at 1014C51.2ef0r shoulders, and 14(4,14„5ic for hams; middles quiet, with saber 50 bxs , Quote - Hand cat at 111k,"0. Dressed' hogs 'hoary -at. 11(111110 for western. —Lard heavy and lower, with sa l 6T ' tierces at 19811.14%e; steady at 160316 c for kettle rendered; also 47. tierces steam tendered, se ll er March. Apr il M ay and June and 4 montha, at 14301 We. BM. tor steady at 14.260 for % O at Cheese dull at 16114080. Freights to Liverpool quiet and nsavy. . Latest.--Floar closed dull and a trifle lower on low grades. Extra *best nom-1 inal at 51,14.1,18 for N. 2 spring, and 11,80.1,82 far. winter .red sad amber we tern., Bye quiet at 90511950 for west. ern. Oats firm at 01(396o for sound new mixed western. Pork more active and fa l marth firms dor mew on spot 525,76 bid. and 828,00 Wuxi; sales 1250 bbls at 125.7 5 . seller , and 528, seller April. Beef in request and steady. Cut meats nominal. Bacounominal. Lard •shsde firmer; 500 tierces prime sperm, buyer twentydays.M.Lo)o. Eggs in moderate demand and =changed. CrICUMATI, March I.—Flour dull and under a Was supply and some pressure to sell; prices are 250 lower; extra 11,50 @4.76 awl family 59.5,25. Wheat un. changed and dull at 51,06@1,05. Corn firm, at 68.700 for mixed and 78@740 for white or yellow sound. Oats dull at 48.53 c. Rye dull at 80.8.5 e. Barley very dull; spring 900.51; winter 11A. 1,12. Cotton dull; middling 220; no de. mead, therefore this rate la nominal. Tobacco Unchanged and in fair demand; tales of 88 lthda, st 56,10.22,40 I 1 for trash and good leaf. Whisky closes firmer at 05e, and the demand la better. Mesa Pork dull and held at 07; 1 word country brands could have I:cem I sold at m utt There was a better demand for buls this afternoon and 214.000 150 sold at 10c for shoulders, and HO 14340 for clear rio anti clear sides. Bacon Is lower but there was some demand at a decline for aides, with isles 'at 11554(~ for olear rib and clear. Sugar oared hams dull 18.190. Butter stareandlinn at SOGMe. Cheese dull at 16.17V0r Western Remus end factory. firmer and selling at 19. Pk. Mu 00.1,01. Lard oil stilledeellning; winter 11,50.1. 95 . Po. trolsum unchanged; relined 11035 1 0. Su. pr dull and yia lora O 054 r .3 and =ON _GLUM, March-1, WO. New Orleans unchanged and steady at per-oent Laze. . ..._ CB3CAGO, March I.—Floor quiet and a shade easier at 55,25 for sPlieg extra°. Wheat: No 1 quiet at 87 No 2 opened stronger and %0%0 ar. wittieele• at 79%079M0, and - Cl quiet , at 79 945 1 79340; this of the market quiet and steady at 791,07934 C. Corn firmer, with sales No 2at 7007054 0 for fresh re. voted 69y,c; new 60%5%e4 ilo 61g ede 7049 c, closing at 89%069M0 for 4o 2; this afternoon No 2 dull at 69}401 2 Y,c no grade 47549 c new 80%c. ' Oats dull and firmer at 37%5380 for No. 2 in store, clostne at 37,60380. Rye Inactive and firm at 670. ELsrtey entirely nominal. Ifighwines Arm and 340 higher at 950260 closing firm at 95340960 for iron bound packagea. Mess Pork fairly active: sales at $25,25025,56025,75 buyer Msreln 1254 0 seller April. closing at r 25,400 25.50 cash. Lard drill at 14c. Meats quiet; dry salted shoulders at 93409140 far loose shoot clear; middles seller first half of April at 140 loose. Dressed Bogs dull and steady, closing at 110.25010.50, dividing on 200. Receipts for the past 24 hours-6,883 bbl, flour, 80,800 brat: wheat, 20,450 bush corn, 10,480 bosh oats, i,7'29 bash rye, 2.990 hush barley, 15.046 head hogs. Bhipmente-7,888 bbl, flour, 7,218 bush wheat, 10,967 bush corm 2.5811 bush oats, 795 bush rye, 1,080 bush tar- ley, 2,901 head hogs Br. Loco, March I.—Tobacco steady at full prices. Cotton nominal at 2114 c. Hemp unchanged. Flour: low grades still scarce aadvranted: sales fall super at 14,85a5; X 16,4008,75: XX. 115,05(i5 5,25: XXX. 55,5005,75. Wheat steady, with - sales No 2 red fall at 98.0011,05; choice 11:1 4 0 1 , 11 4 Prime to choice white ' 11,0701,08. Corn firm and choice &hip ping lots lo higher, with sales prime mixed at 76c; yellow 78077 c; white 800 850. Oats Leavy at 450480 in bulk and 490530 sacked, Barley dull at t 1,65 for Missouri -spring. spring and 11,1714 for prime fall.- Rye doll and drooping at 740. Whikey dull at 950. Groceries dull and unchanged. Pork nominal, with sales at 127. Dry Balt Meats: loose and clear rib on spot and to arrive at 14c; do clear sides at 14%0 shoulders packed et 10340. clear rib at 1434014;4c; clear , sides at 15c. Bacon lower; order sales ' of shoulders at 1.2(§)12 1 0, clear rib at 16c, i clear sides at 1614 0. Lard entirely nom ' tral.• Cattle steay and firm 4%05340. for real to prime, 6074:f0r ch oice to ex. tra. 'Receipts: flour. - 5,800 bbls; wheat, 8,700 bush; corm 13,400 bush; oats, 7,800 bash; barley. 700 bush; bop, SM. LOUISVILLE, March I.—Tobscoo: sales 22 hhde at 13;5,75085 for trash: 15.5057. logs; 57,501015,50, low to good leaf; mar ket -moderately active. Cotton dull: middling =a. Flour firmer • extra family 15,25. Grain quiet red and white.,wheat 11.100 1 , 2 0, corn 9 8 0 ; oats 630: rye 00e. , Provisions unsettled end' demoralized: mess pork 127,50: bacon shoulders 13340; clear rib /5% 0 ; clear . sides 18 34 c; halk shoulders llist clear rib 1434 cc clear aides 160. Hama: sugar cured 1901934 e. Lard: tierce , He; keg 17e. Whisky: raw 950. Curvaciaavo, March I,—Flour dull and unchanged. Buckwheat Flour 1607; ' steady. Rye Flour quiet and steady at 1555,25 por bbl. Corn: nothing doing and nominal. Oats dull and nominal. Rye quiet and unchanged. Barley dull at 85c011 for State and Canada. Petro leum dull and lower, with refined at 20340270 ttir standard whits and large Iota; retail 20So advance on these fig ures; crude drill at 15,80. Mmerius, March 1.-0ot:on dull and nominally T.4%0; receipts 745, exports 474 bales. Flour quiet at 1 5 0 7 . Corn melee at 90092 c. Oats dull at 640. Hay scarce at $2B. Bran searte - st 125. Lard nomi nal. Pork WE 50029. Bacon shoul ders 131,e, ,idea '183401734c. Bulk meats: shoulders 11011340. sides 143440 1534 oents. • .. .Tomcno, March I.—Flour dull and nominal. Wheat a shade better; No 1 while Michigan 11,22 4 regular do $l,ll, amber $1.06; No 1 red $1,14, No 2 do $1,04 No Bdo 970. Corn quiet and unchanged; new 7030, no grade 64c, yellow 7630. O&M malet; No 2 a shade better at Clover seed $3,10. PEMADELPIELI. March L—Wheat; new 11,24Q1,26. Rye unchanged. Corn fair demand; new yellow 9140920. Petroleum Inactive: crude slo@2ller and -refined rde. Whisky; small foraMess at 990 for Pa. wood bound and $1 ent iron bound. MIDWAUICEA March I.—Flour Un changed. Wbeat firm at liNo for No. 1, and S2c for No. 2. Oats steady at 40e fir N 0.2. Oorn dull and unchanged. Rya nominal. Dreamed Hogs Mindy at 110® 10,25. BALTIMORE. March I.—Wheat: Pa. $1,24(41,03. Corn active• white 94(i4960 and yellow 93e. Oats 533540. Rye 19®900. Mess p0rk327,60..8acen quiet. Rama 19Q200. Lard i6Xc. Whisky 0,02. Dxruorr, March I.—Wheat steady; extra white 1145; No 1 do amber $1.05 , 41.013, regular 51,05. Oats 47e.: Bar. ley 1;46.5®1.70 per mutat. Claverseed 111. Dressed hogs i11@11,25. • IMPORTS_BV . PITTSBURGH FORT WATe R ARID ORD OAOO RAILROAD. March 1,-4 Ms iron ore, Superior Mills; 60 w bbis alcohol, How tatter & 27 bal ho. White Jr; bee bacon, Balee es n &.T, 6 b bla better, 2 bbla eggs, Volgt, M & Co; 15 bbla, 10 sks flour, S Devol; 19 ski rags, B Christy; 200 Dal flour, Senomaker &L:100 do do Seghmyer &V; 1 car limestone, Shoot; berger, BA Co; 5 aka woo), W J Barker Jr ;1 car wooden ware, Dllwcrrth H Co; 51 bales' hops, Spencer &M; 10 doe brooms, 1..1 Blanchard: 434 do do. J A! Renshaw; 45 bdla shovels, Myers &A: 14 doz brooms, J Hinkle; 9 -aka rags, ' Godfrey dC; 5 bbla eggs, Vangarder El; Ido do, H Riddle; 1 car lime. J Mas klmen; 50 has felines, Hare Bro 100 bbla dour, Jenkins Bro; 40 tails Rudman Ban. • CLISULLAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL. sown, March L-6 cars or% Shoenber ger, B &Co; 1 do brick, Erato! C D & S doz brooms, Volgt, M & Co; 10 has • machines, Smith& 7; 6 kits lead, Davis. & 00; gar 1 oar m stuff, 200 bbls flour, P Duff & Soo; 25 but cheese, 3 bbls egrt, 3 bde su .1 Dilworth & CO, 21 bd chairs, Q , Dante* & Boni 103 Wm a la m, A Black: 5 bbls onions. S bids eggs, F Craighead; 2do do, Wll Graff d Co; 1 car fseed, J & W Farley; 63 bb le flour, T 13 Jenkins Bro; 1 car corn, Rose &E; - 15 bbds sugar, J McDevitt: 5 Ms ism, W F ATMSIIODB. 6 bales, lamp, ears H Ganrig A Co; OIL Mrs soap, El P Shriven 21 bbl o coal, Seward & E;1 car pig Iron, Loomis & C. Przninowcriz, CLOrarenvalei Aim Br. Lome Bassoon. March 1.-100 Wet flour, D Warmer 90 do do, W Kirkpat. rick, 2 cars barley, Gilmore B 0o; do wheat, It T Szumedy.BrO . : I do grain, idollenvy lif; Bdo staves, P Adana A Boo; s do do, Hastings t ub e D; 6 bbbi d ponettos,,ldesuuhr A Et; tubs butter, J A Grath 4 do do, 8 this eggs, I d hog, FG Craighead; 105 .13gs barmy b a rl ey, ood; 88 do oats, F 47 do Smith Jr. Co, 53 bales b corn, I Dickey; 103 bole sour, Watt, L Co; 100 do do, Schenow her dc L; 10 tca hams, F Boners A Oot 25 do do, H Parker; 25 caddies tobsooo, C 0 Bear. AziaarozWr VALLEY RAILIO/24 March L-2 cars metal, McKnight A Co; 4do limestone, Shoenberger, B Co; 6 do railroad iron, C A Carpenters 50.bbla oil, Lockhart, F A Co; 51 bars m1'410114 F A 11; 88 do do, dimatowng, D 0o; 111 do dci, Coleman, It di Co; 8 aka oats, J Malwaine• ; 1 oar toe K Moorhead; 90 ski oats, J A Dietz; 2 pkgs eggs, John Halbert; Icor oats. S Hood; 6 pkgs trot ter and es F Templeton; 4 dodo; A W Boer. 1 box mdse, McElroy. D it Co; . l do eggs, Paul &G; 8 aka cats. Lehman: 45 she oats, T Duncan. ALLEarrierr Braenow March 1.-49 mks corn, J B McKee; 1 bbl poultry . .1 Herbert; 1 case tobacco, Hoch A - M; , 2 cars metal, Lindsay de Mt 1 keg butter, J Hoch; 2 bbla eggs. Coo Myer 23 sks flour, J 31 Lusk; 150 bdls paper, Fader 1 M; 20 sks oats, Jos Craig; 10 doz brooms, W 51 Seddon: 25 bbls whisky, 2 do gin, 9do brandy, P. A A Carson; 6 bdis sacks. tit 0 hiteldistersi 600 sks bar ley, Murray it 14 1 car metal, Porter& Co. KEYSTONE POTTERY. .... S. XL KIER Matustactstran of Queenrioare, Bristol Ware, virvroarr.trizragmaarartm2 F lB lll . bni. No. 11 1, 11looterol; YU half. do , do 1_ 3.. bOto Lugs asegeml; 105 er g ailizei do.; ttd;o4Pltled. fitorin do.; DD d; fi regiat CHEAP STOVES AND Tmwesz, 11121D1/ 3 / 8 , OVAL Senn. 71111 DWI& /le. cm WISH. ""; 11 P kt ke n aeilsh; No. 1. airl sekercl-SS Asa pkgs• laarratior kiut Meral; SWEET ?a:casim& OIiANOE9• ll:eatoed tote dof as Isrolo• of Sweet Mikis °^.111.6 1 • Pi.a area for nig by Ms bpsor Yo r N A. ' 57 cliff Ms Center LlDufir gad =alb prrrEgyimun Dm • e .1 , • L .%I . I .4'‘ t` MAICH 2; WM My radio and Ailantionl(snraoh.) 'Maximum... Pa., Minh 1. -111 9 6 f fallinicalowly with shoot if feet of ter Itf the Channel. Snowing, then , norneter 33 at 6 r, x. • OZEICNISBOUD, Pe., Marsh I,lllva Ming slowly with 7 feet of water in the channel. Snowing, thermometer Si et 5 P. Y. . P. hfonokwroww, W. VA., March I. River atationary with 6 feet of water In the channel. Weather cloudy, then• mometer Mat g P. 31. Pa., March I.—River at a stand with SO Inches of water In the Outman. Weather cloudy and anowintr, .thetinoote er 34 at 8 r. The river was receding last evening with EN feet In the channel by MonOn irahela marks. weather condone/ stormy and cold, with Indications of Knorr., Mercury at 5 r. x., 50, and fall- The Camelia, from Nashville, le the only arrival we have to report. Capt. Mason will probably ( load for St. Lode after the Glendale. The Mary Davage will depart for St. Louie early this znorbmg, .with a good ' trip and all she can take below. The B.C. Gray, Cept. Whittaker, is up for Nashville and will be ready to de. part on Saturday. I The Kate Putnam, Capt. Ed. Evan; is filling up steadily and will be the first boat out for New Orleans. The numerous friends of Gan. Chas. Bares will be gratified to hear of his ap pointment as sealer of weights and measures. —Capt. Y. N. Marmite, of the 111-fated Emma No. 3, relates that he had a very remarkable dream one night on the bat trip down of the Emma, in which all the terrible owner of the burning of that steamer—the consternation and panto of the passengers, the swamping of the life. boat with its load of human freight, the struggle In the water for life—were viv idly presented to his vision. The dream troubled his mind somewhat the day fol lowing., but hs -noon forgot. It. This Is certainly a very curious circumstance, even If we are not inclined to bellow, In dremos.—Cis. Ravtirer. —Says the Cincinnati Omonerciah Dispatches from hiemphhi announce the sinking of the Nightingale In Arkansas river fi fty or sixty miles above the month. She was bound from Cincinnati to Little Rock and Fort Scalia, with • valuable cargo. She was speedily raised: The Nightingale 1S owned 13y Capt. John Kyle, of this city, and valued at $12,000. There was no insurance on the boat or her freight Ina, while the bulk of 'her cargo is insured in Cincinnati offloes. —The Nashville Banner, of Thursday, Days: Advioes were recei ved here yes tenuity that a consisrnment of cotton shipped per the Blue Line reaehed New York within fourteen days. The route to Cairo per the regular packets and thence by rail. As there are considera bly over 5,000 bales of cotton In Nash ville warehouses, we Mat that shippers will afford the river interest a fair chance. —A. Bt. Louts paper says: Mr. J. Q. A. Parr, clerk of the Salle, ran over here trim:: the Ohio river, and left by rail again for Cairo to join his steamer, which la en route for New Crime with a full cargo of Ohio river products. Ha deems it pretty certain that the Sallie will come here from New Orlearw. —Four persona were killed by the ex plosion othe boilers of the Neville as North-Bend, Indiana, and another deck hand, will probably die of, intuldea received. Theerteck of the Neville le made fast to the willow. only about one Mile below where her boilers explod. —The U. 8. Lead Inspectors, at Louis. baNe restored the.ilostise of pilot Sterling Illondniant, which was sus. vended, January b, for neglect of duty, by reason of which. It was claimed, the Leonora No. 2 was sunk at Louisville wharf, Dee. IT, late. —lt was reported at Cincinnati the other day, that J. W. Gaff had sold his one-third Interest In the Lady Gay to Cant John N. Babnger, at the_ rate of 145,00 0 . . —A dispatch from New Orleans, states that Mr. H. Lockett shot and mortally wounded Capt. Howe, en the Rate Rear-1 ney, et - Alexandria. on Thursday. —The Golden Era, sunk in Red river last week, has been raised, anti was to go to New Orleans for repair. —The Nate italneoh, from Cairo to Cincinnati, has for Pittsburgh 176 aka peanuts, and 89 Wide sugar.. PITTSBURGII AND. CINCINNATI The new and splendid sldewheel a dr o b. Steamer. ARLINGTON. DAMES. )LOOEX. Naator, A. S. 211111,01 D, Clem; travel Tlitsbnegli for Cincinnati every TIIINDAY at promptly. Returning. leaves Claclusati for Pittsburgh, at LS Y. ewer,' FYIDAT. Toe Mien. ram" or other inhasnation. an ply on hood or to JAIOI23OOLIANIS. Al FLAGS COLLINGWOOD. Aguas.. PR EVANSVILLE, I.eIIIOSVILLZ MID Neill SM line Passau. - IL C. EIIILAT Carr. WlttreAlsg.. - Wilt Mee me the alleire anti interkeedlato :Kea on 8 LT CAMAY. liasob Illtb,st s z. 111. . 1 71WRIWPYWIrtir b"" °"' luta /LACK ö OOLLINUWOOD, Agents.. F ° C Iii ii;D E AM TAN D st i . V f L ouiL LE2 xidroe, iturvaren sm elteries.' • - Capt. kino. MoIIIZILAC. A. J..Hascr. Clerk, .111 1 112 Ms Above Itn portser••T VAT . Itarelk 14. 48 9 4.1. yor Mlebt . 131, gareitplorwx8. -- 10. • KM P. C. DCTrri. r==i so. ass VZIL MX= . , • RIVER/. MEIWs JUNMI PACKETS. =23:1 PACKET LINE. E=Ml7:l BT. LOUIS AND MISSOURI SOLVER rlt ST. LOUIS ANDAdr im b' IiCIAOIIIIt RIVER. op elnald pmellger atealltba OLLNDALZ Capt. Ina; . . tll leave for the above .411rtermedlete 2/11:11LSDAT, Nardi 4 r. - K for frateht ar pawn apply oft board or to nv FLACK at OOLLINGWOOD,Agents. frIENRILIS AND NEW 011LEASII r II RILEMIPHIS A . ND m i gA=l.4 . anru...73"pAtM47 The ATE PUTN Cot .".• .. .. Capt. ID. Z• 11.1, Can: 9114 , HAtiliox, Glut- wilt leave fm. toe above .iii 4 Inenwpcitssir Dory ea NVXDDIKIRAT. March lid. - 7" tm 4 r ! r rintirePil i klgirs a , :: "' i - /LACS. a COLLINU nO9D., • GU Agent& 1 FOR EVANSVILLE. atkate-E FB r new a ge-140 PmeaKt Om 07 zvelranuar„....cot. H. Ihrlix, Will tom fen. the Move sad lakruko.X.X , Wag cat WT. MiXeDAT, lizrch X. 70lim itr. fen YL•OX. • 1301.1.1N4 WOOD, Agents'. STELADISEUPS TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. -' *ire maim Srem wrirenuanra lir'rtgrertl CIIT nritS, Env; A BM Mei (NT. Oti 3 ONDON. Hailing ZWICKY tiLTWIDAN, from Plor North Brnr. Now loth. /or ralloioor thrthir tatormalloa apply to - , WILLUR EINORAE, itasiirransui mu m% Ptnielrigh4 I:l;ii:E; r llQ[atJK. .I{L.II .9011T4V11•11011. HENRY. BIER & CO., ionic N. =man & CO, Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS JUDI TAMMY TO ORDZ3. laleatile and Grey Irini Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, 711101111, SUM AHD cgt us, IRON COCTIKIS, Brass Work of every description for Stoup, Water and Olt 11CANIIIPAC111710111110/.1. 114 0001%11 411 0011 Impmed labium-WM Wpm Pump. Agents /0, Dreidtid , patent Oa. ers, the bad id Ad Market. Mos AM Worts. paver =Men* sad MO ATWOOD & BicOAFFSET, ConierLlUrty stacqt m_lll3ll Anus. tip FOUL= AND ZION PIPE FITTERS. sad assns ges A. a. wawa • cicro mut martAsolLOWll6. iRr4)Oll/SVIIIIPTION. naRENCES PULIZONIC 5111112 for the Cum of Combs, colds and Constinthtlen. DZ. dealt. Clt'fi ISLAWhItIi TuNIO for the cure of We path and all the Debilitated Cunt sloth of the nom ath. DR. PORZSOKth ZZADRAZZ Pays. for phstamis of ttYhe . Ltry orb act ea a Dentierlaum wive: . Ali of these three Medlel•ea are often rtethirth to ...,...canentantion, thotigh the Telmonic Wgererld ;TX m an des} "'"' Storanch and Liter. and Wady the r=onlii i iangp . dtheat and slarth ti tan red, the tamed. • • These Kedidure Lim conscisidionlythmed to the Public es the only safe, certale tad POuoIA. reamer for ruhnonery Consumption, end th,,n titoso morbid conditions of tea hotly whkn lead to Distaste' Manse. Liver Complaint and Dys- miptin are often Itheninners of !Commentian. and wiien they eneolfeet themliellva they I.lpun 'the 1310_1. plant PIACIA:011. The Palmdale Byrne Is a medicine Width bee - had a long probation before the pa .Deymm has then proved by the thousand emu has =the through a venal of more that thirty.dyn years, tn alief which time Its Menai.= has ! dimmed.' thd the most obarnami skepticism mn holonger doubt that It la • remedy which may need with confidence in ail eases which ef • lf a the cure. yetleat will imrsevertngly faith the di. Diction. width accorthath each bottle he wilt certainly he cured, if his Innen are not tho much wasted to meth a mars yossi.la. Zara themes latex the toyed the ufe ofthe. WAIL mad rulared Min to melba health. Dr. &Atha does net say that sll taw of Pet.! lathery consumption are within the reach af medicine, but ns merle that often whoa patients Dave the EMS War molt as • violent cough, erethifirtiris.M Welts. general deWlity, errs to Se s that they are obligedte by to bad. and ailia stlna.w~s amen np Dr moir physician they may still petard. leomedleal trestatent can dreata= teaggan.. but gadlo t ter:ire: ir [Terri : lA ■'e V d beer. w`Att:l.D=Zi)=l"l.l..s• Mandan are equally OD Ant. Dr. Scheme* has , 'Moto. graphs of • Seabee of Demon , WhO pate bees tawny covered with mutter sere' Mc now 5/1 boated sp. This anal,. tie Within; tholiertlea. which mast be able to heat ca. lues in. the &Mot. le the trutrecat of Eleasezeptlolt It la ex Sae Moon hopertaeoe to glee vigor and a healtth tone to the Wheat. Hence It m miseasary to Mithatthe the ethstite of the Wand sag Lin move the Mimetic... Proper. omelet/meat la re pelled together with mich mesth sa will nuthe the toed easily digestible. The article. most imitable for the diet of DlOSeiletheDetteete see d In Dr. Sebenek , s Athistace width d ar=lanted gratultotieth gamest. the most lithely nutrition art.k . ble me la be pre. ferred.buttlithintestme orgths maths st.r . t= cued la order to make ether to oths serriemble. Thin tedelmmtht u met by the Demuth Teeth, od Pm this yawn It was dar t touted. the Medi. Dthrers the tint good o r, the foodhee Its proper erect: the mime of listless is borigareaed and ire me gin to exercise their thalttese latg la • mental 1..11"7 rrn"thOonaniti";j62tai'lls al"M.mosialthyll""necrt: Dlirat with DymeTtalit end Liver Complaint. lielkenek.s Medullae* Ms are la smiled to re more obeernMele.. • from Liver and restore Ds mann, mom They lall the celery which ascribed to calomel aceM masa, ead ara trarrnated not to contthei particle or Sae ado . tell NOM Them curs the meat otetlaste eortivethas, .tank headache, Vire hineell Item Dow, raw all other diseases width...rise from a to or obstructed condition of the Liver. One box * of theme olds will Pm. th e fateaT of the athlete. iinOoessuentem the Son Wood Teetered Yea. drake rui. are Invaluable anxillary sardlcises -They rotten toe milferthis of U. petleat and midst the Pelmordo Synth mire cane They Immo lima found them Is advanced mum of o=Maptlon, where the daub ere tenon en- Meth destroyed end ell cymptceab Weald's/ to dtti:LedgineVicTif.tl= hinted Lerligc I na .trMs_ 0354111 M Mee ?Teel WierTir thistle by Us nes of fiehamthell three path maw *dr.,le Behenes Almandithitaille ►4iliso 1110 mtee canna fad o Minute Ilia mode of treament, the genera disectionshow toughie Wires lolo an"As: ta m e l s e , So. eSt litorU Veer& ". &Vi e ia:Mtr" Tiocce. - rOr mile b e i 1 TIN UES TOIarDOCRWHITTIEJL CON TO TIMM ALL PIIIVATIC DISTABIa. TWO rouseroos aim of rum mob tou Vas oulf.Lbuon. prod uelnot nerroau Oulolltygttllty, onOltlaro. =Whoa. am! Imo Iterauseutty mod. Porous 1.13.1 k ats.lntricate fo sa long to onnolOuLWAI eon .= pol d itely Invited to cal r oosattanou. olo,...terotatat.Zroortenoo. botirmaelorat at ° uaroVet. ma% moot coma" ta wed -voltboot hindrance to tutOons. Woos prepared to outolgiultwist. width =- tine. Olds. remotion and orsOloi lOC blau , :LW, and sletyinu apartoorta tOr roogloo l V t lcouoal attourtton, auripor sod souontrallag tae Oozed stoma *dugs. o nutter Veto ban Med. MSG your am. Road to s o y he - .ay la kW paro, phlot. AM pow nut to soy addrou for two Osamu to scalod envelops. Tbousoodu et omen mood =molly. at affro and over Übe moo- Mot atrir4 4 Vja• street, law r &liossoy Wrii ar. to 7. 7 9 alifliOncarlitany stl3 arcus Dar too Wand. • far . BATCHELOR'S 111.1111 DIM —Tale splendid Bair Dye Is the best la world. Harmless, reliable, iturtaataaeou. does not contain lead, war =Volta/to ;alma to promise analysis or death. *old the vaanteall tad deluriva prenarailoaa boasting virtues Wel ao not amass. The_soautue W. A. 0.1403149011 U. Die has had NO Tun nutaralstued reputa tion ao append tug lataarlt7 ta• alli7 t Hair Dye—Black or Drown. !Sold Joy all Dew Beats. applied at 111 Bona Street. S. gel WANT OUT. .CHIEBBY PECTORAL T11017133:5.! , tort ooLiS, coma a elg u resoAs AND sms N 01161.0 pIeWIIL Naas Care mal i e r ik ow a .... • lotor Boom NeerYark. lloe no more or Wase norrible treed Immo u ••liroene Cutlet) ) thlue." dell FINANCIAL TBADISIITS NATIONAL - BANIK i Wood St., tor. Rand Avenue. INTENZST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Ekdd, Oonpons, Bondi ad Stooks • notion AND. SOLD. A. BYLAWILM , President. W. VANN Via Prultiest. 02.41/1/ OrkIIII CLARKZ. in..MOM/. PEOPLE'S WINGS BANK Of Allegheny. Cor. Fede .. H. B&ST=*3.PxWgR . P. :TOUR% Csaliter. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUN MuneMere Willfully Liable. ALLOIWZD 01 SIYB D THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. vri-rentricon TOZ TEL Safe Keeping of Valuables, Vida 'wants.. ina!ltAke =Win/ of WU to Ito Fire and Burglar-Met Units. Z,o. 83 FOURTH, AVENUE President—WlLLlAM PHILLIPS, Me Prealdost—lMlST LLOYD: =I grealvritt.'" 4 Nee. WILLIAM Vityobr 2111%744!Litakir. JAS. t. ainorxrr, SIC' Taias-11.11 . . 11011111110.11111 Ti Opel !LAUF toos 9 o'clock A. IC. to 4 &Clock CITY BANK. 112Fffth Avenue,PittOurgb, Pa. (arms, fonimmmo. WILE INTERIM PAID 03 DEPOSITS. • rosuausr s. 1011•20111 Smelt aa , ll NMI. sad lams deans% remitted Is Massa. Muse:lass suds col . • rukcirat paltaid of LEe lIWteO Bata . Ana U~o A•. JA.IM McClain. W. A. llosass. rses iteCsba mat Kedtleic, • tense CaskpOsi. JUMPet, Lt " 1 VISA JOS. X. Y. eolleltar. 11.-J. Orme. leltki N. Houma 6, soars, 33.A.raimits, 57 MARKET STREET OcifledSou nada DE al tie pthistau psdati et lb* Vattad States man Classelak Stocks,Bonds old other Securities 11017 ' 0111" AND BOLD ON 0011111181071. ouzo* pal 66 Us ruiskire saLlllCi UWted State4l. Securities. ART, CAIIRRET & CO., AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Wes% P/A. csocooso z TO BO MA: HART • co.. =EI Coin, Coupons, EM ♦.a partlnlar sttrltm e ltid to the ruebiali COVERNMENT 101NIDS lELV Drafts' on Lion,don„ LEGHENY. AN ORDINANCE , To Authorize the Grading and Pav ing of Frarter'e Alley, from fledg wick to Fulton street. 51C. L Be ba ordained and enacted hp the Select and Common Councils of the City of-Alle gheny, .0 U hereby ordained and eeaeted by the authority of the same, Tbatthe Committee dirertreets be andwady are beretrpantharized and ted to invite receiv proposals for the grading std paving of Praelersailey, no afore• said, and to contract themefor with the lowest and but bidder or bidders, at their discretkm. eoad That for the purpose of defrsying the n and expenses or th e odd improvement., there be, and Is hereby lerled,• ahead tax. to be equally assessed upon the severs! lota boned. leg - and abutting upon the said IrrasieVa idler respectively in proportion to the Omit front In them respectively comprbed, and bonding and ablation as a/Would. Plc. 3. That as sun as the east arA expenses If said improvements shall be folly ascertained. t shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to assess and apportion the same amen(` tbe several lola bounding and abetting upon said Pressere alley rempftevely, according to the rule above Indicated, and therupon proceed to make de mand ud colint. the same, according to the Act ot the uenexal Amenably of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled ••An Act denoted the :nutter of collecting the expenses ofgrading and ulna of the streets and alleys of the Lily Ilie S tlifstrjaa ' c et f ile= rlaillr".." passe d .10. t That me much of Loy ordlnaue as may conibet with, or ho hi the foregoing , he and the same le beret? rePonwi• tied and enacted Into a lax. this tbesl4lll dell a reirruary. Anne Domini. one th ousand idgh hundred and feTil JAM litY. BS BIefIBIEIt. President of the beleet Canull. Attest: J. B. (Miser, Clark of th e Schaal Connell. WAENlift. President of the Common Connell. Attests Bonnet llixWonTia, Clerk of Common Connell. felh AN ORDINANCE • To Authorize the Grading and Pav ing of Nixon strain, from Beaver street to east aide of Manhattan street. gnomon I. Be 4 ordained and snorted by the Soled dad Cessmon Conant/ AY tes OWN or 1 10 .- o.ov. and Y le hereby ordained and mutat by eethoren or the rams, Thai the Committee on threats be, and they are hereby authorised and directed to Invite and mein proposal. Pre thekmullng and peeing of teen titter. reet, m ann ul 4 and to comrset therefor with Ms lowest sad beef hider or bidden. at their discretion. _San. 9. That . for the none. , of defraying the cost and expense of ealdlmproveasents, then be.&no la hereby levied. • eleent tee. to he wildly encased upon the several ion bounding and abutting upon the uld Mann street. respectively In proportion to the feet (mat In them re opectivery comprised. and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. BSc. 3. That as soon. the cost awl =mann of odd Improvemenis Mall be frilly ascertained. It shell be the duty of the Street Commissioner to uses, and apportion the same &moan the several lots boundleg and abutting upon said liismo streetrespectively, according to the mils. above Indiuted, and thereupou proceed to mete demand and collect the same, p roceed to the provnae of the net As( the Gettall Amembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled An Act define the =nun of coliectint the expesses of ing ?wrist of the streets sad a/leynof p City of tr a u, estryo i r i ott mos, • assial the • Elec. 4. That so much of any minnow as my wallet with or be supplimi by the Ilsrellomil. he and the same Is timer eneeled. Ordained and enacte A. d lino a law 001 MIA the Alta at 1010. fLlllPresitent o ,%701.. musti J.B. Oxirr, mak of.the belect Council. - ISENRY WAUNCTA • President of Common Connell. Allietz Bohm Duarooool. • Clarklif Common tOO.Oll. A BF ORDINANCE To Authorize the Grading and Pav ing of Vista street, (7th Wand,) from Madison avenue to street terminus. EEC: 1. Be a ensat.ol ond 111600gla II Ow Ward and Colantow Coosecile o' Ow Vity of A lieribi. sad 0 la ',web. wedded by the or:korai ur me gem, That the Commit. on streets el. and lltry are hereby enthortsed and directed toll:Tito of mane ansporals for the grading and pacing of Wats Orem, as albresaid. and to contract therefor Mitt the lowest =dims" bidder or hid de a at the... Mention Bic. R. That Der Me purpose of defraying the oust eat albumin of the sald improvements, them be. led Ii hereby levied. a special tax. to be 0444117 wormed awn the several lots bound ing and stetting non' the said Tins sweet. reepectlyely in proportion to the feet front In them respectively Comprised, and boundlin end +dna , tins se aforesaid. LW. 3. That se mem as the con. amPakienm. If mid Improcemeets Okra be fully eseensla ed. It shall be the duty of the Suva Conuniesioner to Wes. and apportion the tune rummy the Gemini lots Winding and abottitig oyez! odd Vista argot meireetively. accord Inn to. th e role above In dicated. . and thereupon proceed to make demand en& collect the elate. according to the preelgolis Of the AM of Me tientend humbly of the Commonwealth of Pemmican's. entitled An Let dep. the manner of collecting th e . expenses of ing and_pacing - of the streets anti alleys o the My or wthotheng, au4 Wrathy pun... W . Weed the thirtieth easy of March, 1113‘. enc. 4. That so meek of any ordinance regatta Of erdlnanee se my candle% with or be unveiled -by the foregedini. te and the men is hereby re. pealed. Ordained and enacted Into • law tills the AGM day of lebmary, A. D. 1010. l AMES M 010111.11.. £ll ' olll J.H.3. B. of Of ".°""" di • Clerk of Select Connell. itglinT WAHNILS. President of Common Conseil. AMA, P. Dtemonne Clerk of Common Coemil. fell 1 AN ORDINANCE To Authorize the Gradlog and Pav lof; of Adams Street fr.an Fulton to Ptahle Street. 800. 1. 300 ordatsed asd vandal lir LW &Led asst Canemlie °smartie ethe City ef ALlyiwor. Land it to Away ardalmatened modal by CO. an. glorify of the ma.. That the Conunitte• on streets be, and Osman hereby auttiorthed and directed to Invite and receive prop math far the grading and period of Adams street. as afar said, the to c.nstroct th ereto, with the lowest ad bran bidder or bidden. at their diecrerlon. Thst for the porno. of defrallea the ruit and expenses of th e sold impresses...a th.re be, and le hereby levied. a special tax. to be equally moresed upon tee Deseret lots boned. thy thd omitting nym the wa Adams street, respectively le propOrtion to the feet front in them menectirefy comprised. and hontidlet end ebonies as aforesaid.- !Mc. 3. That oe tool as the colt ad expense of sald improvrmente then De tally theerthleml. It shall be the duty of the Bleat Ccatniteelover to &mesa end apportion the mate mom the see. mat lota hounding and abuttlosaptra sod Adams street respectmely. accord: Mt to the tale Mole thoreated. mad thereepon emceed to mate de mand and collect the tame, acoordt=e DM. 'Woes of the Act of the Genera My of the Comnwealth of renualivania. entitled ”Ast Act de lls ind the manner tf collocated the ...Velem of I=Oteg_ end Paving of the meet. ano alley. of the l asedf Alle=xhast„foorf tig h. meate " p the Bre. 4. Rosin, Moth of alirdhitheem law eoeMet with, or be impelled the Uteri:tit, be end the woe la h ereb y mlth d Ordained and enacted into a lay, tom the M4th dayof lebrearl. A. D. igTO. Pre. IdttiVe r telt Pan& MUM, J. R. G2Liy, Clark of Select Owned). HORST WARNER. • Prealdent of Comm= Coattail. Attests Clatot Mammon °Menai]. feta 1 A N OXIDINANCE To Authorize the Grading and Pav ing of Manhattan Street, from Washington Avenue to Sheffield Street. - ithentox L Be It ordained and emitted be the'. Vent and Gonne= Connen• of the Cite of Ans. , Oman sad It le hereby ordained and ense4o Be' . the authority of the wee. That the °osmium on. Streets be, fled they an nester anthortson and .direete4 to Invite and receive . m=ds ter the, dersad aortas of II strut so j e t v eld t or to contracefor with the Ion • ' as , Wor bidder.. al theirdlsmetlan. ' arc. SI. Teat for the nertmes of detrerlse the ton and envenom of sast lawoveritests, than be. and Is hereby trend. a soectal tax. to be equally 44240 upon the !must 104 bounding and shams upon the sold Mulattos went ma ' peettsely In presort!. to the test front to Mat rotpeestrely ountorteedt WI Sounding sod abut'. as storeostd. era. IL I has u own as the mitee miss's.. sea It told Improvements shall be tali? assortodatd: It thall la tha duty of the Street Comminnoner to emu and swortion the name weal sae •everal lots bundles and MUM, upon sold . Maalattea Moat tuerottuts. lecordlng to the rule above lodteotod, sad tbarospea ;Inoue to tasks damned red oollset the same. moonlian to the ororrisioss of the Act of the Gene rslAsseine , bit of the Cooduaseolth of Yeastrualso on: tilled ...An set deflator:Us mous of sollectlog tato eXpeneee Of rrsams me mtwi at Ine weeds end Wargo, the city er 10yg...7... for,oinelli4l44l4" Winn lb. Minna 4 1 / a. mueb.. 2._ , . . sac. 4. That en meth or us enflame* se sul eultietorttlo or be ' , Mated by the rorriOtod. to sad the same le hereby repealed. teary muted into slaw fl the IlSti day of 14 A.D. 1110. JAMS Ifelillfra, President - of Select Connell. Aunt: J. EL Oreir, Club of betestConnell. hi I,..... Pre in alte w n a mi ttf .. ° Cmsotte ay .91 a n ill antl Clerk of Common Connell. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. Aso. siiirnwaDimfie WORKMAN I EMS SUCCESSORS TO Workman, Moore & Co., = CIABBIAGES, BUGGIES, Spring and Buck Wagons, lin. 41, 44, 4iind4B Bever It., illeghezy. drrif.rsilt*=l=4li Ol .nrnated L IT. satialletum every parties lfewe.t . Bu L& AULN ter 112171,741112.11.144t4V: rpatr i t r a=rateint {NMI Mita line H. IHOBAHD HINDI havtag par owed the l ln r at H o O m K o M t, aN W.tZ D. Non I n th In e a W nes mat narsattar bo continued altnia old stand. Ms nuns sal aria al .WWLY/LIN Ordars satiated. NATI% la's Ida Ottinann , Haub Bank, Itt,talardh. MAO ITRADE MARK. DMMIDGE'S irusan- P71007P Lamp CHIMNEYS. ~ ICBSONJAH 8. ROTHEII IL END Masati zabe Zt= D " lum la gar' PITTSBURGH. ANORDINANCE N ORDINANCE appointing new Viewer. on eliindnl M lnrnabng un button 1. .Be it ordained and enacted SD the thlraf Pirfsbargh. a -ikiOri awd 001..1001 aseembisd soul O te honey ontabud and eastated by the authority ,of the three That Me Tagineer be and he Ls hereby authorised and directed to surrey and open the Othenabarg Tamping from nutlet to .Hth street; and to air" rg 3, 1 4 Intecordanar with an Ara of Ammo pir o'4 , llZn e a r 7 61b, con l. flating with the passage of Ars ' ordleance at Me prevent time. be and ; affectse le hereby re pealed so tar as the same hls onlirthrice. Ordmoth and enacted into a law 10 Count:llN thls A/W day of Ts heathy. A. D. 11170 JAllib WADLEY, President of Select Council. Attu; It. e. YOlinOW, Clerk of Beleet Connell. W. A. TOULLTIBON, • • President of Common Connell. Alert: IL McMA. , Tes, Glen of Common Connell. sal AN °ROMANCE to amend the ate Code. ' Title. 13011410 M meth. OEM. or mon 1. Be k ordmined and enacted If Ole City of PiaseuryS, in &UM and 0001a* Colos cite othreseted, and a is hereby ordained and enottad by the authority of the gates. That the eighth seethe of title Boldlnne of the City Code. Mill be midis he robs. amended, so this the same than read ae follow.: No person or persons Moil erect or cause td be erected any Isaildlng.er addition to. hullo ing. the of alls one,hic the not cemPoned entirely of br i ck . M mortar, iron. or other Ineentherstlble materiel. within that part of the Cloy of Plitsbargh composed of the •Clty of Pit thrush. the Borough of Lawrenceville. and Ninthm of : a nd'wnship lying between toe ward sad Bortough of Lawrenethille se they existed before the pmsage of toe Act of Asithable entitled, ...rennet Bop lement to the Act lneorponning the C 10.. , o Pittsburgh, in tending Its nosndsriet, approved Asnil 6th. 1567: and If any building wn the limits half Olt le destroyed tease extent of one. half thereof, It thall he unlawful to rnbllld the mama. warms the oath? wale of the portions re. built &hall be composed entirely of incolabustl isle material. Any person who shall violate any of the provlslons of MN section. shall forfeit sad pay the sum or any dollars. and the farthessum of ten dollars for each day the same atoll berm. ranted to reseal. wlthent being made to oonthrai to the law and ordlnences or the cloy. and such building then be a public nnlether. exc. Mi. That th ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting w ith th the peonage of ills ordi nance at the present time. be and the sea Is hereby repealed so far as the there affects rats or /Mum. da is Ored sad enacted Into law Ude th e 151.11 day Feery A. N. 11170. / AMES licAl7LIfT.. 'Preordain of Belect Coosa/. Anted: Z. IL liOnsOw. Clerk °Dieted. Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, Preetuent of Common Donna/. Attest: H. Ifollassra. Clerk of Common Connell. ' fell NOTICE. fi . the latter et Opening Loop Street. Not le ben be sly ea that the assessment Us made by 'the Viewers for the ovules Of 8000 street bee bee. sled I.my sae* for esathetthst that If the tame be not 'este within thirty dale from the dote hereof. Ilea. 0112 be lied there for SIMIIISt the properiles assessed, with 'starter. east+ sad fees, sad the same oollected by 20.01 process, J. 1. ELAGLE, qt 7 Attoreel. 80. 10611th Menem. nrilierCiatr. Feb. 97.1070. te24:260 oTicz. the litter of epilog of itwool Strut. NOttoe le hereby glees that the assasesnelet lilt made by the eleven In the opening of Atwood street has been tiled to lay odies for collectlo.; that if held menu:lent* axe not ',old within thlrly dies from the date hereof. Ilene will be duel therefor against the properties mated, with interest, costa and fete, and the lame col leered by legal Dreear• J. r. SLAGLX. City Attorney No. 105 NM Avenue Pirmstrzau. let, 23. INTO. 2243110 • CONTRACTORSPIfOpO n T I LLS .W lie received at the °Mee of the ter Works. emery!. plans and epeelliestions con be seen. up till noon, Mo,oh 3a, 11110, far the ementation end erection of a Plls sa4 Mande. tins for knees and rumps at the Water Wart, an Beaked avenue. thadekrobill navel!. pelt* of eat stone, ashler and common 'won workby the perch. sad exenvattens by the cable yaw; eiso. for the Amerman of an engine bens. fell it/SUM 7311.011. enpetlatendent. .ALLEGHIANY., CITY arinisws Orrzau. AMAMI= CITY. /•W U. 1110 NOTICE!! °lnnen Of Beal Sainte, west of Federal meet, who have Chad to oomthy with the Beg tstry Law. are hereby swilled that they .111 ha required to return titheriptione of their Drawly for registry (to Ailment deeds or title pipe.) to this <Mee within the tome tf thirty deth frees the date of ibis ailvertisetneht; otherwise they will be held liabie to the penalties eat forth la the clause of eat herewith appended. KOROT FROM RE9II3ERY AVE State Laws, 180, Page 644. . • • • Should the duty of registering property be neglected or emitted, or not Ds toniellod with as prom:MUT as may la deemed necessary to le mma Um early completion of the plans, then Mtn , ono month's notice, by public adTtl4l3oo.llt 16 the °Metal 'lepers of the city, to the owner. of real octal. In said city not reshrkred, and • written or printed notice shall have been served aa the owner or owners. or delivered on the properly. ailoold they. fall to bale each rotund made. then end in that case they shall ho Imblect to • One of Five Dollars for emit month of each =sleet. dotter from the termination of said ad. vortlremmt; and le CU* the came be netlected for the epaceyef Ms mouths, • bee for the seen. undated Ines and wets shall he died aria pollee claims arm now or may be hem. slier by law cotlietedt the end ends to he paid Into the City itrieteury; the aotloa to Tonle. falling to rentstnr property may be even so to embrn , o the Prillorrf of nay particular ward or mottos, canny ansaltrof Verdi, or the col eat Witt. • • CHARLES DAVIS CM=M EMITI PITT W1IC11147.81 • 11 OPTIC{. 1 A24.IIOIPOISCITT. PA.. Yeb. 20, UTO. NOTICE' HEREBY GIVEN that the assessment made by the Viewers for the opeslas or PULTON STEMELT. 111th =1 lien. and cab be seen berm butlrblareb 111111. 11110, wiles It will be returned to Councils for eoalrm►tleo. = =I STONE WEST IDOMESION Machine Stone serunticaoloof weitotoolco. Amon. . ssau[s - a, co. We on orj rirjk oas own notlea Hearth WersnelltdifflTZgt.getts.Bn"*. r-A Z(0: 11 1"1 , 3:6.0 B alm& MOSER, ,zurr Holm assoommox•.Burrausas Sac II sad-TOL Moir Btreet, PRlebaroh, Pe.' Omni atteatloo given to the . dsalpotag ifolletfaa of COURT ROUTES anti PUBLIC' •WITOVIStirs• WILLIAM ZEILER 8. CD., llos 111 gad 111 Liberty neut. Camera now attar the trade at law at , araa. t o Prise New CIO,WOW OrlBlllll Paw end Lam& Porto Moo, Cuba and Irnillsb Island Bodun,._ Blur Tort, FinnicPM. an rua dned do. Golden Drips, Locals is. Stoart4 rsad Loss baud limps.. o Woo, Cuba and Lupton Island Illolausu altitUroaTr".o". CoPertal. Unnposidu Cuollna and solugoto Moe. Jun, Lamy. and ItloOoffees. Tobscon,aard 011. itrt. Nails, thus, Sopa Cotton Tarts, 40., constantly oa nand. ALSO, DILPOBTERIOF Fine Brandies, Wines and Rhenish, Moselle and Elsoonling Lict e i l e of Hinkel • 00.. in bottles, • hparkllnclloselle,bebsesbelg and Johann ,h 2 , 1 , 2= 4 Ti v i nz o g.. on.. •- • -do do Clarets,_linpor ted bosuns do do Whits . In bonnie. X. Wort tralisiiiimesnling (Mnn a,. • vim, Old ab... 1. Madeira aid Pen free Old Yonoo ...ALUM P. do yeen dope io ta motels do do. ALSO, • • • "1:01:wen to foe Waft ChandoWs eV Tacna and Belled Cbampagno. Bundles of onr cnm sononlon sad virtual Linda SWINT & BRATT, AHOECITZ TUBAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVRRS, No. Bf &Mull It., Uglily, h. tAi, Wr,°4 u— ° ' ll l b • '" =4=ll I - L ARGE SHIPINENTS OF JILL nob of treat labs f ab .arorocelved doff rLaftti4o4ar isr ey Stang Allogbeay city. cones of frtfreg sad•Obb Won& Oar loaf ffOr busbien enables ea to ataralttive oa loaf slot gW article. and eta sell wane 1 1 . '" treo ps oar Win MUNI IL_WI orbrot aiW oistotly. •le or - . ABwfiluL!) l3 UlU=Ms e=4)3,•.,r-LsW. SO wars swizz!, a 1141d1INSP . . . k • . L . . -...,..-,...,.,•,,,.',f1-1..-,,,,,.:,.,t`...-' ~4...`,-;.,'.,'.;•,;,,,.::„,-,,:,,'Zrz.,..,`1'',7p:,,,::,,t-.,.1,,,:ii,..V,..;,,'',,,.;...,,,,,,,,,:,,i-.,.',;- DIIVFONE WORKS.. COLMAN: UM.ic..4:110. Maas.oqtareziat IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRING. : DVQUE Nt. LX ADDJIMATA• /LAT BAR, LeuIIND AND EQUAllie MON, HUILD , It Hoot' , RETA.ND TANK IRON. PLATED AND lIEADD, GUARD IRON. DRAG End DIRIFFT.It BADEh FLANGED., CUTTER • RADS. ELANDS. IRON. • ZAN? Ita T ti RAIL, , for „, r TEETH. 31•BLNO.YL W ANDCULTIV TWISTZEI. STEEL. WIN Gdi AND MOU IL eat to pater. Until. TIE= STEEL! tSBL TING. A. B. iSTEX L. 001. U% UMW!' and WAGON BYRUM., and A C _ CUT NADA AND UTE= All floods First Caws and Warr/Bled. 01710E3 AND WORKS: Illztaentd Strom magi Alinglimay mai T 1 Water Bareat, CLUAIAITCA mid • MILLER, 888 & ?MIN. WM. YITCALIN REI7BSW WILLIER. liZo. W.'S/JUL. • CRAB. PA.1111.14. = CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KEILF,II, BABB k PARKIN, OPIUM Ne. ISO Liberty Street, prrrsnuaza. PA. felCdo prrimitnaen. STEEL WORKS. I= ANDERSON & WOODS, SST 1111111 0 111 D OAST STEM or every elesetipttos. • Also, best idlied German Plow aid Bldg IltaL comm. BM AND ATM MMUS. MU rn anarAD DUQUESNE FORGE WILLIAM MLLE% (tilsoonsOr to iOB. RANH N C0.,).1 Has 11rilltles ao-extonslyd with tbe leadiaj To% sillacterkrPrifr.for SrW&BO►T NAM it c ago r l r .`;rTniA. n pV4tEs u rSll7l2l ft= tamer Of Damn; Way aid Pint Biitet. somme BLIMISHAIJON PRESS The TriISIANI are nag_prepared to grant neon tea far the ale of too .IPLLICHSHAUHIN C T ESOha. • • sapericripusilty Imparted to good fro g,the great tinpronoment innellor Iron. cad tits in diced root, commend It to all tagoalhotanos of • Portico 'tithing to use Lt els atilt' Ilion's, by applying to JAMES P. SPEER, • Attorary LOX ttia 1100111 1 and A ItogUan , a nall= " 4l Youth Pottle& Intarosted aro Invited to i Titi • t the 13110ZNEE/14111t WORKS. ram 1g suoorndul op wham theP eration. •zatsO/2" priveinnuan NOVELTY WORKS. roalows A. D. isst. MEMBEAII, ADAMS &CIL, MIITONT. ISTANT,AND MASIZICABE FAT ANT) max - roux litp comma SCALES. haus 'hoed Pasant Door - Loeb angli Latau. Pala sallOodee 111.111 n, 0011116 0141:41nANIEJLIT • SHEFFIELD STEEL WORE& IThiGER, NOOK & 009 rrrrarrenan, FLT Muni acturers OT ovary description of CAST AND mama HEREIN 2.1111,WAT spumes radsane Lim lu.A.Tivitit anuses, AXLES. STEEL. TIRE. Er... RC. Wirehouaq SS Water aadlloo Pint Ste. BLACK DLIDIOND STEEL WORE& PARK, BROTHER & CO., Ilaaviactarets of *ll diddriPtiddd of EITP-T.E11:1-s. =lee and Wait" . house, T HIB77HTB. THIRTY MST and RdlpfiCht.D . BTH.T.LTS. FOUN.DIZEIS; BVI.O3HIPISTS NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. IlMomer Carroll ax 4 ManWisamlltr•Mts, tXtbiTil WAKEN) WILLIAM SItITHi KkWOILOII7IIII 01 OAST LEON BOWL PIPE vga GAS AND waTis wom: • My ripe. are snout invariably la Pita . Is d•FT Sand IA Mt Alao. cau reortemat fin Gas do Water Works: Ii oetA also ailltimattetatltm outs of flu Works t• ellam•f KNAP FORT PIN FOUNDRY .001PANY. 0111011 AND 1/0111A, TWELFTH STREET. PIMIBUBOII. PA. Engines s UoMng EUU Ma. elilnery, Elachilles: Re• terns. and Caninp generally. MONOMMA POEM, W. J. ANDELSON-&410 - • . Numiletssers of MON HOLISM -MONIS. WIADOW SaliTiLLI sad 51.14. a. add 4 Castings of all Da m.; of OASTni a la and Isra i lltus ' A rAis ,lll M 9 jl; AxrD STUMM Ilttsbosilimrzorr. —X•• no „Willa ti. Pa Rosin soar, DE* & BaCOWCrill to leourecnr, mons &Dimming.' WASHINGTONIVORKS: Foam 111 D ourimantrrnisum. • . . . . Ilfaxistietnren of Balittv;4l Ka l jel . saairlaipi ttaSawa . _ , aw Baiter sad us., a. Ilk isarpar. ryas sad Manama eets. • ' Mrs far , 11 Or/FAZD rArzirr nrararcnt far •Mal 233==! Tim wi.!i - = 1!e& co., Nwt/iWaid hairy ud Kukla IP" ItAHDIISET . . Irma°tauten at Sad POMOIa Baena rauaaaa. ult• A..__Shat'llnk= sad Sam WU Wort. 211131 and ClattaVOltata Etua.—Waidata,'"Wapla Baud Q bnua to ordsz pad alga as baapingtimui ad pncrnx ROLL 701121Mtlr, Cor:LLEIVITIC aus imam arm ens. BOLLIAIIIN & BACALEY, Oki llsind Rolls is lPinloisi. 3sts immass. ra RAL-r , ROADS . ENNSIFLVAL-MtaSirtra ~ NUL CILNTR.6. NAM r. ~. . i - Rtri, Oros tbs ;don: Depot, _c w orair at WubtlibtO" aid Wanly streets. a: Arr". Sall hatar.. 1-10 as M 9 so liktat,lo.ll. lOW sail : • am . .• nitt , , Z d I laN 0 lm rWt•tal,tr,.,.oa...t.- .. ~•. . : 8 I.M S Ma a llooSs 0 slLs NoS..ISOa Aso 10010 T S a m s s m 9O am Ntillalll:A=M No i 1 IpSidel 02td V r i i tz..l4%„: = t ,,,S en: a : A: .. s T:O p . Noa• l. . lA= w.„tO 2050 . w ilnttNo 2l : =it ntLttar=4:4 l its 1 .• :.. ~. •,, V. Ob ß a a lr dgds . ~ .I.oti s iLu S ul Sandy at. 911 Iii 2. 4 i .4 .10:0* a. au Be taznicie, tas as __. ISS9 D. at. and - arrives at ss ” Arley. la._ . ._. .. Clicacincsil =Ma t Vireos daily • B.lll'. N.l.oololses dslll Wept Monday. .311 s thei r , Wain daily essept sunday. . Vartartber intot W. i ti:alram 3 At out .: - ' Tbdl , saa77 rastaNallro irtdas. al- q. , nuns say ..forlbutgass. neP ' e lU Tti 9r,'"erbUlSlSM,,""ne ".. - . tbat amass& 111%1.. vill be at ...e Tilt Se avers. Milan talc. t 4 special soa,..t.sia6 as" Chitral traartteadltdt ' ... . . _ . . 3v., -. 8 T E It-N- Kiligigill PENNSYLVANIA A.D.— the afttENOV. /4". I=l • r Trains m the western Pan P li= erlll antra All and aMnr._-,tratra OS rederill Meet Down, egheny may, as whet • Arrive. Depart. W... :a Fs MCI a ralltall“:ll%.t e n ee ott PAI...lE*Nta 14=4;en02 odle a ra Sorlihrueja PAM NM Tbn Canna Train le name rna dill r ' Xikl_aittit ~_,.'Jiinamos . .7 danday at :4 a.... ranrA.a szra r i ty at Ghia a. nu - bratriralatc laavra Ott, At 'IMO v.. ar, ezd arrival:l Auectuets , non aa IMO F . ... • • pea -- a ~, , .„,, nuTrakeirlicannviAgocArtane2ilmekeWan: ' tars Masi Stage& b e and tonne Thera xlk hams ma be purchased at.the No. ISt. Me, aeartha .BEtrE . W . Plan and at the Deper, ell/le.F.. "7" et JANES tirilaYS.Ao, •• • Federal Urea The Wastam PannsPrinnln 81/roa MS Warns my rlElarf.VVE . ,=tu r y i tr l l lir trran red' Ware IValee. All baggale ei. mewling t d menet la Tab:Medina MISS MUM the owner, sales. taken hymnals' c9ntract. EDWARDIi. Wtt , nal! 'General BarnEstrAdent. Altoona. . 11; -11 : 10 ---" 11 "i mam" 8 1709V4TaTiraill 11112 antra a s h . Onion I alLat.ma..as 1011 am nanim....17.01 a m • ma Cala Rl~Asa9 pm agaliMlE ri s ja r fima " ffti 'v ea: Bead ran. itus.ala a at I1oelite4t1 1 :11 8 1m my= *. f.ose p Leeted&Aeolleri err Beer 6:131pm Lestseate Tarr Oaks fle fipm la %a 1 . 1 . % Gal Pas. II We. soli 114 E 01) 101.41VALLSY ilan.soaa atniT D AVcaMe r ic Tl'ut Vara: WM.' IrliAllrard ruubmo 13.ffiak..... 11 .. - Of eltbsallElka strott..l l :m r.W.M. 011 . 1 =1) , We. awl allmoMMA 1a the 011ummom. LilYi irrn M G .«. im TIL E , meat Md Maltom....lltoo am SM IMMO* 1M CilOpm . 9a HuMmt..ll:oop m 41th thrum, •1315 •Am SOW • m Mods Warta. OM Mr:Wit RAI: umtmar 11;00 pm ClPPreb .. . . mital • m miss stam only $4 .mMaaj& Pan% tooOTaadri? All sitia.ms. • THOmAm"ll7l[ll74...ll.4rah • 1 1, CINOWNATI Az+ . LOUIS BAILIC G A•Te • PAR ILLNDLIBOIPIIL GUANGZ 01/91112.-0i sold after 'ISOWDAre Telb. 12160. trains will lune and erstilisan Dm Wn Depot. rlttotrasiwatli s tli Divers. Arne. Wall 13:013. 111:11 Anther's =press 9:98p. sa. Mtet lleDonalX ni;e•st,NOa ra. me peatal 'a Wince% No.'S /S 3 Ist &P. ant", AB 1111:113p. us: 9. a. 9. 9 AB r.Express win town deli. 3.11:13 P. Nail 991 aril ve de111,,,...„ B. Y. Genera Tlaket asset. W. W. cusp, Bill Pt. Dennison. Ohio. nalf a x = • asul Liter TOMILIT Mho ;11110.1ratu lOU arms se se a a ciepars e.t.a • • t. torus at (Mat WO W•Lar atom& as ! . 150141 &sato:M.lton tsown.. 7: 1 30 a: It. stoo I. X. 11S001.X. sms T . L. s. to and from Unita. 3t15 r. 10:00 • .x. Wart Newton Accom‘ 430 r. ar. II•35 a. Y. 15ruldock4 Accamdc . n. 0:15 r. N. 7.50 r. -Mitt Se. toile/V.150X 1020 r. , :1115 A. S. M.llll Chlirr.ll Train to 7.. namWaIOIAIB COWII a O . AOS x, HARDWAREI & OUTLBRY. ESTABLISHED 1881. CREGG 1Y C 0..- =1123 HARDWAa iVahr doers above It. Charles E:=l Cassia"' Merebauta aro Iniital oin mud auUMPlue our stook wheat* the city. Aitlorlew =Var L = o * r ts NbO O A rleill 'a A full "Meek of Eschillalato. 1111ftek• t Willtlis aged Carpenter.* 1 Al= , our.. - Leaslor IteltlNE.7 allow. &C.. A1w.711 elm hose. • AZI:LIS BEAVER. FALLS MIRY CONANY, ►re new oftertnit In their Satan 'DEM Cam wlth their lull unkaann=ritilllMles TABLE KEITS AND FORKS, Carvers, Butchera,' Bread AM Pocket Rifts. RAZORS.. Mule emulate fir their bell by the boot XI& lUD manathetartn. BEATKILFALLSTUTLEBROq, fa , No. 70 Wood Street: YEZ9:E=M MOBS R. MORO% . • . Tonetlogbeny and ConnellavlDe Coal. *id Itlaootata+af COAL. lIICI MID DRAULPHRMiII COIL 017101 u TAXD, COrn? BrOlg Mort= atria. 1.11447 nalL Ninth wad. also Second ino•SM O M =Oat Mot a ears arms: r. , • s• • Wars Wide:Mara she /boos IS: arm to la• stow• Ill 9". 11 14 wart prompa a••••••• • • Pau towboat I am•sMTkilltarillilislla • itOoa.araLibilroatetr. ag ult nio 7424 co.s. Coo Graa.t.gaartz. a •. hartin Sp., mum '11 "" r fi" WI le IV ' S! a l ylVal• D t E t * B =filleyS.l l . • fIOALS UAW COMAS; nomisoN, sTriveßir-a co.; goo= remove' Mar 'Moe t 4 NO. 667 LIDEBTT STURM MittaT 0134 Huai iliilMittgiNn =Vim M i r; Mtn 4 .1. «me krirailirj %Wrest auaket wk.,. • • All *ran um at; tbetr Wi ll or sall rPoilla the MAU. win be stmq to . , ALIZGIOCIFY„ w_ow C CtrO T/ ISM I F lEOIS 1 WNTI DBALLRI t rND EOL I I e . "ars g asowtai r usy a? poonsi l or Meson. Punk eining isti. nein"- Inttlien. Wit it Waist Übe vat buy to b e c=d i ratgaar..l4lV Naellisny. Iketlss Maur and Mahn Umbels Tore see aids be tell 7rlrli at" grloui IMO ...anises Ow isles stolen et Ism nt. 11..1101311NMDT i =O. Pad L golualir USW = m 111 MOMS WAYNE. *OT I S •PlTTSBllikitt 9, trans 'miss nortIICIAI, 17:71 • . trtfttgorcri:s3 a IS ram sz,..imip.ai wb...urAs a...lo:_glig a 0.118..1. Lg. ligm Cla•goltxtialllit g it Cleveland Ns 2.Sim big a_gtnltte. a . CI. twne g =Ts pal gm. tl.4l4ggetf. _ Lettglale 411...f1:gt ggg Bes•r Valls • 210 W an LmeatUs n tit I, L•tetadtle " : is Beg•ePtlls ". II: pa L re iala 1.1; 11 VW Mkt tag. day uhureb, 9:Slim. • sztrou loam ta. ~iNg....t... . finuunia ..t. eau. 'two:. ,~ AMMO CM= 52 Wood Street, P/TTSBIIII6III, PL. = OQAL AND COSS 1vr,.1.14 ?~~~: ,_~, fig:.. II ■ II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers