0 Ilittsbutil &Alt, Il II CM AND . SUBURBAN ' bide lor . bale.—A good paying mute In Allegheny City can be bought by an 31eFgetlo, ;monomial]e man, one who will glen hie entire attention to Ida- mute. Mgt& other need apply. Call to-day at RteChizerrat Counting Room. e lettnas needs a steam tire en ns. Ailekneny City, nnanclally, was never in abetter condition. • The Paid Pire Department in Alle gheny goes toto operation next month. Tbe riltsbargb steamers did effective asevice ai the Are in Birealogbaed ye". eager Callow bad three disorderly .eases WMe him yesterday, which were dispcsid of in the usual way. If the hens hereabouts Old as much *laying around. ss the loafers, eggs woukl be pL•nty sod Try cbesp. thnistleasendashing • new furnhthed lamant moots for sleeping, and near to wilt And them advorthiad in today's paper.' ' Le Jan.—Charles 'J. Ferdinand, wbo oifielated as editor of the Republic, of thls eity i lbr a brief period, is said to be in jail n Cincinnati. W . Ws tare received a oopyof the Atlan tic kfcratbly crud On.ley's Lody Book for r from W. A. Cilldearanny, of NelAugatrareane. Maguire Robinson was arrested* by om. ear totder yesterday for Moody conduct, wed was, to default of payment of a flee, oottimltted for twenty days. 'nettles:ant twit building erected In the Seventeenth ward for public school pim p:an will tie dedicated with Interesting always' to-morrow evening. A he of the Oonsolldidlo • Com mittee of the South Bade wee ed for Mewnt, but no quorum wa4 present and no awa was transacted. Baldwin Township papoose an moms !yin the - matrinionial line. a female With two husbands, one white, the other a Shade darker than Breton; and all 11/41120111002 and happy.- . The 'Members of the Water Coramilns of City Monona easembled last everilas at that mato arid ordardzed. for 1870 by (doodad Mr. fin&sany rotary. Lloyd chalrmataand Mr. Murray A lime of hose stretched across the treek prevented the running of the BM. -mitigham street oars during the fire yesterday; Al one time ten care *ere atelitisd at Railroad street. • Grrat preparatkms are bang made for UM Burns anniversary oti Tuesday nest. The ur n s promises to he even more enjoyable than any of former years. It Will be held In Idasonlo Halt Chloral Piglet Bowden, or Allegheny, will open an alderman's oflice in the Second ward. on the Lint of April next. He Ilse two years to serve before the ex piration of hi. magisterial term. Henry and Christina Rains, for assault and binary, on oath of J. G. Smith' were yesterday committed to jail by Alder. man Shoe,. Similar charges were Made emdiaataltem beans Alderman Thomas. . . . 'WEL Stewart was betters /turtles D. B Soltrion. of Mt. Washington. yesterd atyy charred witb whipping wife. H e was pat nnder bonds to keep the ;mice hereafter. and discharged upon payment clears. . At the regular election Masers. James L Graham, A. Moore, D. De Haven, S. a Sayer, John Brown, 0. Wettsch and Andrew Ackley were chosen directorsof suing year. the Allepthemy Savings Bank for the en- 'lntern* Andrew Lewin made in• Ibrmagon before Alderman Taylor against Jamst Ranter, proprietor of a saloon on Liberty street, for selling li quor on Oanday. The accused gave ball for a bearing. Rev. Charted! fledges will be regularly Installed pilaw of the Grace (colored) Preabyborian Church thee evening. The exercises will be held in the Public &taxa Hall, Killer street. A number of minbitera In the city will participate. Atreat Committen—TheStreet 03m. Whom met yesterday and organized by W A. G. McCandless chairma. B. W. Morgad wee the Doctor's competi tor for the position. The Tote stood twelve foritcCandiens and fire for Mort • • Britet IgeDerrue4t yesterday In an in formation before Alderman McMaster., charged Johanna Blank with abstracting from her trunk um dollar. dining her ab senae serving a term in JAIL The charge could not be proven and - the girl waadL missed. .. In the Official Litt of. Onnmittern of City Councils, published in yesterday's Charms. the name of Geo. B. Chalmers, of the Water Committee, sraa printed Chambers. With this exception, the list weir correctly given, according to the copy frmiphed: lEZ Tbolll4ll Grogan, having taken an over quantity of ..benzine" yesterday, Went Into and Wok possession of Mr. Sine's saloon, on Wylie street, driving the pro prietor out. He was arrested, and in de fault of a dne of 126 and costs was com mitted for thirty days. Alleged. - Gambling tionss.—Jas. Quinn made Informations before Alderman Mc, Matins yesterday • against Elijah Hall, for fabulous assault, and keeping a Quinn Ming house on Third avenue. Quinn alleges be lost all his money in the house, and was then driven out of It by the pro. prlstor, with a hatchet.• The accused Ors ball for (bum . • Thrown Oat—Yesterday mornina hones attached to a buggy in which Mr. John Morrow, of Allegheny,waa seated, became brightened and ran awes. Mr. Morrow war thrown out, bad his arm broken and was otherwise severely in. lured. He was taken to the office of Dr. T. W. Heron, where the fracture was reduced w and Ma injuries properly as. tended Tbe funeral of. Mr. John 1.14.1rew, "Of Allegheny, took place yeaterds3r after. noon. Services were held In the First aulatien Church,. and were conducted by Syr. Dr. Page, Rcy. J. R. Kerr and Hey.. John after which the remains were followed to their final rest. log plans by a large concourse of friends who had gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to Ids memory. NWfas Taller ' en old .. m vagabond - elding in . Virgin alley. got drunk last night and drove hie wife and little child out of the howls, and•keg them out In the cold Ire= b o'clock until -An of ficer wee then sent for and Taylor taken to the lookup, where be was provided with quarters until this morning, when the Mayor will probably make provitlon for tdm fbr the next thirty days. Thomas Hisgston made inftirmatiori bodge Alderman Ida Hatters. yesterday. charging Charles H. Simmons, an former." with fah* pretence, the alleged offence consisting in obtaining fire dol. let., together with the amount of costa to settle a suit before Alderman Shore against Kingston for selling liquor on Sunday and then neglecting to settle the eleg Simmons was held for a bearing. An Indignant likeledtet appeared benne Alderman alalinders jaaterday for the purpose of making Information against his allbotlonate compamcin for false pre• tenee,lhe ha!Jng pretended and mutt. Wad report' to the eff.ct that he had attempted, by mean. of poison, to assist her to °shuttle off thi, mortal eon." The, magteunte failed to comprehend the matter and_ declined to entertain the Mb Dorris, a big loafer, who le In the habit or annoying defenoeleas wo. men and children, went into ■ house on Webster avenue yesterday, occupied by a widow lady and her children. He had with him. cavalry saber, with which he threatened to- kill the inmates of the honan and drove them out of doors. He Iralkerrafted, and the Mayor committed him to jail for thirty days in default of a Assault ant, ilatters.—Cisso. W. Rope and .11ammt Geiger, hotel manors, got . Into a diAlunity at the Union Depot. Tomas, night, when, it is adored that °staler amok Hose with Malin in the 075. whereupon Rose returned the favor hf striktog eleisier aver the head with a lamp. Rose was arrested and taken to the lock up where he deposited 1130 for his appointive* at '7 o'clock yestediV. and not appearing at the proper time his "lorognivsnes was forfeited.'! He, is order to get "square," made in Worms. ties Charging Gelder with salault and "Warm ♦ waits= was Waal CIYTTERG AFFRAY Female Brufters la Virgin Al Between Kate ',OW and !Frank Fos ter—Frain Woundcd and Kate Ar- I=N3 Between eleven end twelve o'clock last evening the peaceful and quiet denizens of Virgin alley above Smithfield street, were aroused hem their slumbers, If any pf them sleep between darWJ%nd day. light, by cries of "fight," "watch," "murder," etc., which it was afterwards ascertained proceeded from Morrieon's court. The cause of this untimely though not uncommon disturbance la that locality, was a free fight in which Frank Feeder and Kate Welsh, two no torious itympAs elapses, were the princl• pals. There was a dill:e° between the two frail creatures w ho, appears, occupy rooms on oppeal sides of the court, and they met on dented ground in the centre of the court to settle their - quarrel. In the find round Frank knocked Kate down, and as they were not fighting under the roles of the "P. R did not wall for her to get up, but proceeded to take advantage et the situation. Vir bile Kate was down, and Frank on top of her beating, biting and choking her, the former drew a Jack knife, with which She stabbed Frank in the side. This ended the fight. Frank at once released her hold and cried murder, then laid. down and tried to die. 13oms of her friends who had been watching the fight, carried her into the house and another ran for a physician, several of whom were UM- . mooed, but refused to obey the call. In the meantime an officer bad arrived and arrested • Kate, who was taken to the lock.up. Captain . Reid, at the solicita tion of Frank's friends, sent for Dr. Mur doch, vibe-visited the injured woman, and found the wound to be a very alight one. Kate was locked up and will have a hearing this morning: DIRTRUCTITE FIRE. Tatep C0. , 4 Class Worts . Destroycd—lame over fl2,ooo—tar. tl~lly Insured.. :About balfpast one o'clock yesterday a disastrous oonflagrationoocarred at the extensive glass factory of Melling , Estep A. Co., situated at the corner of Twenty, second (late Page) and Jane streets, East Birmingham, by which the flattening room, cutting room and packing house were totally destroyed. .The fire originated In the straw loft aver the pecking rosin, it is thought, by mark from a flue, as when first dis covered smoke was isming nom the roof aver the straw loft. The alarm was elven and the ,fire department of the South Bide end.the Duquesne engine of this city were soon at the scene of the conflagration, but the fire had madesuch headway ea to render it impomible for heft remen to extinguish it, and their efforts were exerted to prevent it from spreading to the adjoining buildings. The building destroyed was a large frame about 60x100 feet, and there was a large stock of "double thick" glass on hand. The lam will not, It la thought, fall below 716.(00.-There is an insurance 0(17,000 upon the stock and building de. strayed In the following companies: Eo terprise of Cincinnati. $500; Miami of Pittsburgh, POO: Hartford, Connecticut, $3,000; North American,Philadelphia, $3,000. The works , we uderstand, will be rebuilt Immediately. FILM Avenue Sewer. The report. of Viewers appointed to make assessment for the payment of . the costs of nonstruction of the Fifth avenue mower, does not appear to be satlsfae. tory. Property. owners residing In the seventh and Eleventh - wards, who have been assessed, protest against the pay. went of the assessments. A • meeting was held Today evening at the Frank lin street school house relative the of fair. The meeting organized by calling Mr. Kelley to the chair and appointing Mr. Sackett Secretary. (Nat. Ward then offered the following: Basoived, That we, the property hold ers of the Seventh and Eleventh wards, resist by all civil measures the payment or the unjust assessments for the con• strut:Son of the Fifth avenue sewer. After considerable discussion the question on the resolution was called for end the resolution was unanimously adopted. Tato'meeting adjourned subject to cal Remarkable Case of Longevity. One of the moat remarkable asses of longevity of the present decade, is that of Mrs. Olivia Lynn, at present residing in Brownsville, Fayette county. Mrs. Lynn was born near Alexandria, Va., on the bib of January, 1764, and is now one hundred and six years of age. She is the mother of eight children, five of whom are yet living. She has fifty-four grand children, two hundred great grand children, end has lived to see cblidrea of 4be fifth generation. She came to Fayette county from Virginia among the first settlers, and has never been outside of its boundaries since. Notwithstanding her age, ahe L quite bale and hearty, ernjo) log good health. On the one. hundred and Mb annlver. oozy of her birthday ahe walked from Brownsville. a distance of three miles to the country, and returned next day. The •.Sar" IHstetee. The Coroner's jury called to investi gate the circumstances attending the death of Mrs. Alexander, returned the following verdict : We, the jury, find that the deceased, Sirs. Alexander, came to her death by an unavoidable accident caused by the sinking of the -Star, striking the pier ,pposite Bellaire City in the Ohio river, erected by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Company, and upon investigation ofthe case we find that there were suitable signal fights on all the - piers, but by the cause of fog or smote the pilot could not discover them in time to prevent striking the pier. and we .farther find that the captain, pilots, engineers and all the bands were at their proper posts and did all they could to save this deceased, end also to :save the steamboats and bargee'. E= A singular case of Insanity was brought to th• notice of the Court of Common Pima yesterday. It appears that bilss•Calliarine Cable, aged about 35 . . years, for over twenty years has made her home akthe residence of Mr. Corne lius, on Neville Island. Recently she resided id Allegheny, still making her borne with Mr. Cornelius, and a few days ago she returned home evidently insane on the subject of matrimony. blonday evening she made an attempt to cut her throat with ••butcher knife, but was die. wrens* and the attempt frustrated. Tuesday sue was brought to the city, and veererday the case was brought before the Court on a petition, which wee re. calved. and ten o'clock this morning fixed fur a hearing. Another Burglary J. P. Thompson of the firm of 3. D. Thompson & Co., made information be. fore, be Mayor yesterday, charging John Bane and Daniel Stalwart with burglary. It appears that the store of the firm of 3. D. ThotoPiOnA Co., at the corner of Wood and Liberty streets, was entered by burglars on Tuesday evening, when six 'revolvers valued at fluty dollars and mix dollars in money were stolen. Two colored men were In the alley and saw the men coming out and recognized one of them. Mr. Thompson was Informed of the feet and yesterday morning a warrant was tuned and the amused w rested and looked op for a hearing. The goods amt money have not yet been recovered. held for Trial. Charles Chambers alias James Daily, the confidanoe man, an Amount of whose operations and arrest we published yes. terday, was, alter a bearing before Corn. rnbraloner Gamble, committed to jell Air trial at the next term of the United States Court, for uttering counterfeit money. He stated that he resided at No. 21.1 East Flfty•second street. New York. At drat be Insisted that his name *an Daily, but when — asked by the Coin missions, if be had not sent a telegram to bla wife the evening alter his arrest, addressing - her as Mrs. Chambers, he admitted the hot, and also admitted that his name was Chambers. He stated that this was his drat offence. Pita, Accident. James MoCrystal. • boy who resided at Stenbenvilleoras killed on the Sin. handle Railroad ZHOU Elanltia's Station, Saturday night last. It appears. that he and William Martin, another boy, also a resident of Steubenville, got on • freight train at the latter place, about half past eleven o'clock Saturday night, to steal a ride to this city. They were on the platform between the oars, Rota whence Mc fen to the track and the cars over him. Martin came on to the city, and thenext morning the body of his companion was found at the place tasted: - horctbly mutilated. It was re• moved to gatenbenTlLle tar traria • THE coIIIITS. DLtrict Court--Judge Kirkpatrick. WEDTPESDAY, January 18.—The case of Mct,•lurkan vs. Thompson, previously reported, was resumed and a question of law was raised and argued at considera ble length, which was held over by the - Court until Thursday morning. The (Mal Muir Mining Company vs. TheW,l3ool3B Coal Company. Action to recover amount alleged to be due plain tiffs for towing. Juryuut. • TRILL LIST POR THURSDAY. 134. Heineman vIL Hervey. 34. McCullough TA. White Trustee 04. Rees ve. Morrow. 82. Hill, Pattenon & Co re. Biker tt 88. Flinn vs. Graham. 105. Greer t Boyd vs. Tomlinson. 116. Smith vs.Yough. Iron and Coal CO. 110. The Citizen tril Itel'g CO. vs. 1)11- ' worth & Benny. Common Lieu—Judge Sterrett. • WEDNEEIDA r. January O.—John Frans vi Jonas dt Ltughlins. Action far dam ages. previously reputed. • On trial. Judge Collier will hold court In the Common Pleas Court room Thursday, and Judge Sterrett will resume the ease above reported, In the Quarter Sessions room, and after it is . concluded, will go on with the regular list, in order to ox. pedite business. • - • TRIAL LIST 70m. 65. &Mt vs. Roseburgn et ux. SSC Shields Vs. McAboy. 98. Hasinntrer vs. Patton's Executors. 22 Rogers & Bro. vs. Ilsam. . 24. Horner vs. Abbott. 41. Bradshaw vs. Dad: 42. Olin. for use vs. Baker. 41 " 'Taylor. 44. Tierce. 46. Smith. 45. • " Huey. 51. Sproul vs. Tilton. • 67. Davis & Bro. vs. Schalk. 68. Stein vs. Hutchison. Real Estate Trusters: The following deeds were admitted o record In the cake of Thoe. H. Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny county, Tuesday, January 18, 1870 t G. Thome. Cannot:v , liberates. to Jas. G. On. Nov." MN to 0,0.1 01 boles In lot DO by ICO f..et, on V. 5 • ole. et.. II- lb Or Robert 11 u 0111.011 0, tit 60 Juba Gluey. tops 23 1810; 1156 by SO foot on Perry •tru..t. ee 13 al baba= f Joh ' n- Manorl to Pitt? ango, One. keg. 21, 1181) rt• la Greer to. 0 r tuwnsblp .. .. • 500 teak 'nen.. rb. tp Zoos, 8 . , 7. 3 1319, lot Au. I to Hod 11 Nell'. p an, letb, ward, rI %- burgh It, to Ge •re 'M. Warner - to Gnarl. Ktnyr Ono. )9 1800; ,0 by 1110 fur ton Calvin Wen. &none of • Low norr , l.• lame{ e. M. Woo barn to Kelwarrl iien • ILerrn 30 ' we 8. IOW; nonh end of lot. Nu.. Wand 7.1 n Jo ' sgially_ s r p rl i t r allit e orWll P l . - 1171! M 2 . by he feet. corner of ',dent '.rear boa . Rump ro Roe, AlieBbear . 47.081 Prier to. Bold to Atm. Jones, Januar., 1. 1106 24 by 94 Ratan Dinh *Met Knot btonlngtt tn. • es.l6 Abo.ff tluley to No p W. lobar, Doemlon/ 14 1N1n; 1 ocreon/ , 0 pevoneo with lonlldlnga 11., plot+ H.. Clair to ...hi n. 41410 WEDNISD• T. January 19. Joraph Kirkpatrick to Joh.. ciicp,an, At .jun IS. PO: 10124 by 129 feet on A4ilton street. . y SAO tr oth Walter tv 11,• Slaty A. Arthur.. A cigu..t 111, It. 14K by filla ivet••corstrot Llberay alio ft star streets. Plttaborsh 11 6 ,. W 11. 'radlay to Catuarta• Ano Brawn. Jan. 18. INT: I be.. and 4K per In Fawn to th • •S 0 at %Late to W. H. Amber, June 1 4 . / 98 /: Vac above dv , e7bed Int ', 11.9 too 4 7 . 1 7 to J. I. a did Hse Fro , Ile,. too 9: lot Cif be tO4 Bairaley•s Lane. oil.. Om) =.303 t•ni. o Fit rrrrr 10. fete Ju 1.7 lota Nos. 86 ond.7, Mot/ilia pion, Mint tl-.. t t ot 11 Pater Coil to John Coll, Jan. 11 1E0; lot ^y b 4.10 t rin str-et, Segbeny 91.910 Job, P. (Amin to Wm 11•ry • •rilti, Jan. IT, 1570; thierew to 1. 4007 100 fi.et. Canal we., A 1. /away t 1394 Lien. H.nea .0 Henry Wan. July T.. 31 V 50 02 Centre strewl6th wilt. P1tt1i0550.L.11.100 plorlat Wain, to Sil tabs 1 O'Hara. parse/ al lease or lot 111 by pp feet on Victory r rect. 471 , ward. Pittenoc. hat a yearly r• et of.. Joan C. abater 90 W. 0.1.71 5.105kAr . John H. Pare, Jr., 1) evb liblilins John C. mat tern. N. Lapp n. T Brat. owevlneen. Joe. A. Phi lips. Wm: Beattie, O. L. It. To tear and 1/ . S.' ti. Rennain. Dee. To. 1944: 19 lures 550 53 p/Icles of land to Union Itopier •. 54,243 I===3 Orsis Hogan —Mr. John Broughams' drama of the of "Red Light, or the Signal of Danger" wee presented at the Opera Mouse last night by Mr. Canning's ex cellent company. Tho house was well tilled and the andienoe was apparently well pleased with the rendition of the drama. It will be . repeated this oven log for the teat time. Friday evening Him Georgia Dixon, the pleasing young actress and general favorite wlll take a benefit. ACJUMUY or bluato.—Tau evenlni Mr. C. o:Cotlin the "Carleton" or the Boston domed. will lecture at the Aca demy under the auspices or the GI. A. R. inbject—"Chico and the Chinese ques• =ion in America" -A more lntereeting subject coula not have been selected at - :hie time, and there is no one who could handle it more effectively Bum "Carle ton." No reserved seats. ORPHANS' FAIR—The interest which bas been manifested in the Orphans' Fair linen the opening night has not abe. ted. and the Hall iecrowded every even. log with visitors. The excitement over some of tho articles being voted for is on the Increase. _ Viestern University The Western University comes before the public with exercises of more than usual interest for the next eight or tea days. This morning we give notice in oar advertising columns of the exhibi tion of the Preparatory Department, under the charge of Mr. Levi Ludden, and never in better hands for seen or any other emergencies. Then there are the splendid lectures of Prof. Barker, of Yale on the spectroscope, the course occu pying two nights, Monday and Tues day next, at the Academy of Music. We learn that the demand for tickets to We course Is very great. They are to be If luatrated by splendid experiments, the splendid spectroscope and powerful bat •ery of the University being put at Prof. Ws -disposal. 'Then on the Friday tot. lowing the Janitors are to give as their views on Reinjects and matters generally. The University, of late, tea found it easy to attract audiences to this latter class of entertainments. C=3 Wm. Semple, 180 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny; returns his sincere thanks to his friends and a kind Ind dis criminating public, for their very liberal patronage extended to him for so many roam, and respeo fully informs them of his return from the different markets with a large stock of goods and some extra bargains in fanny and staple goods suitable for the present 602400, which are now open for inspection, anti as onus) - will be offered at very low prices, there by rendering all clearance sales unneces sary. During the past lesson. owing to the great throng many of our customers could not be muted on.. In the future, ar rangements will be made so that all can be waited on promptly, pleasantly and profitably, by able and experienced as sistants, at 180 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny. A Eleetkm. At the annual election for of of the Allegheny County Medical . Society the following were choeent—Prealdent, T. J. Gallaher; Vies President, _J. D. Maglnni; Recording Secretary, W. H. Daly; Asals*it 'Recording Secretary, J. H. Boodgraea; Corresponding Secretary, W. Smody Treasurer ' N. McDonald: so Cenr,' T. W. Shaun' Delegatee.to the American Medical Association, which will meet at Washington—Drs. Shod. grass. Spear, McCarrall, Pollock. Sample, Mowry. 'hioCanee, Bruce, Wood and Knox; Delegates to to the State Medical Society, which will meet In Philadelphia —Drs. Walker, Daly, Gilmore, James Rtutelton, Heiler', Rhodes, Otou• ard, Jillson, P.eter, Bruce. Shaw. Sav age, Speer, Magtrini, Roos., Vanklrk, Semple, Snodgrass and Gallaher. Was It Larceny I • Yesterday morning Jolla ßensenhaturer called at the - Allegheny Mayor's office and stated that some one had atolen from his premises at Glendale Station, Fort Wayne Railroad, the evening bake.% a helve and light spring wagon. He made Information charging George Hooch. baum with the larceny. Soon slier a couple of boys brought the missies prop. I arty to the Mayor s office, Mating thst they had picked It up In tho Sixth ward. at an early hour in the morning. The owner taus came In possemlon of his property' and withdrew the suit.._ It Is probable some tired but bold traveler, without any Intention at larceny, thus helped himself on his journey toward the city. Congeniat Worn.. John Mcßride and his wife appeared before Alderman McMaster' ye■terday, he as prosecutor and she as defendant, in an assault and-hattericaae. She bit him in the eye, he said.. She claimed the &Mac" as justifiable, alleging that John had come Into the house intoxi cated and threw a bucket of water maliciously Into the. flour barrel, de. itroying the last of its contents, and refusing to furnish money fcr Placing It. The Alderman prole/rid to Ist the Me be settled at Court, and held Isabella accordingly for trial ' PTITBEURGH DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1870 To the Rescoe. Was Annie E. Dickinson, for her MK. and lecture at the Academy of Music, on Saturday night, has selected ''To the Rescue," one of the moat popular of her discourses. There will be no reserved settle, and the tickets will be sold at the Library Rooms, corner of Penn and Sixth street. That another humanise audience will einem bleat the Academy on the occa sion is almost a foregone conclusion. and the wiser ones will appreciate the advan tage of purchasing ticket's berate start. Mg for the place. In this connection it la proper to state that the Committee, no matter how large the :assemblage, will not permit any chain to be placed in the aisles. Considerable difficulty was experienced in enforcing this rule Tuesday evening, but it mo t be rigidly adhered to. Every coneldera lon for the law , and the safety of the au lance necradtatea thla action. no aid* +neat be kept dear. A mo ment's ttiought will convince any of the reaeonableness of the rule, and It is hoped that those attending Saturday night.ll beer It In. mind.: Ttitt. Cow , oulttee endeaCor to the utmost of their aid, kyle acalmmodste all, burin this respect shall insist on strict compli ance with the regulations. Each ay Increases the renitation of Pier, Dakinala ,t Co. aa brewers. When ever a person wishes a wholesame and nourishing drink. he asks for their cream ale, and is always satisfied. Persons desirous of having their horses keptfor kkomtuter, can he aexqunoda• (Prom tb• New„York X,ealns Post. lan.r.) Why is it that so many' of the families of the !shoring men in oar tosins and cities live in such a poor beggirdly way, and in so many damp, dark basements, and up in such !Mom, confined, ricketty old atticks 1 Many of the head, of these families receive good 'wages,' and get their pay every week or month regularly. But where, in too many cues, do their wages go tot Xot to the banker, the grocer, the butcher, the merchant; they go for strong drink, ale and beer, which do not strengthen the physical man. Franklin taught the printers of London that cold water was better than ale; and cold water has lost none of . Its .virtues In 140 years. The cost of tippling is in the aggregate enot mous. The Inquiry. Is often made, how are so many drinking houses sus tained P Let us see.. Twenty men, at 30 cents a day, will pay one of the • "tip. piing shops" $2,190 a year. A man who pace 80 cents a day for "drinks," pays $10950 a year.. This is the Interest. on $1,504 at 7 per cent., at simple interest. This sum, 80 cents a day, amounts in ten years to $1,171 95. All this is waisted, paid out for "an enemy that steals away a man's brains," and robs hint and 'lds family of every comfort: Intoxietting liquors give neither strength to the body, vigor to the mind, resolution to the will, elevation to morals xior dignity to char acter. Strong dying drags. a men dow n from his high estate, depraves all his ap. petites, and leaves him in want and mis. cry, the mere wreck and semblanoe of Man. The constant use of intoxicating 11 quota makes hard times far many a man; Inns, a family of five persona will con sume four barrels of Hour a year, or 1,056 pounds of bread.- This is nearly three pounds a day. Good flour can be bought now at $7 a barrel; four Jiffies seven makes $2B; and thirty cents a day for drinks is $109.50, or $B2 50 more per year than the bread fora !amity of rive per sons costs. "Ant," says L., "I only take two drinks a day." Very well, you pay then for your drinks $73 a year; only $45 more than you pay for the bread Con, sumed by your whole family, if it con buns rive persona. This sum would pro vide tea and coffee for them. . - Here, then, we see that the man who pays even twenty cents a day for liquor spends a sum stullelent to supply his family with bread, tea and colic* (or tee year, Is it strange that times are hard— that men complain . of the - Government, and charge that it oppresses them with. onerous taxes ? The above figures she s how men tax themselves; and how they nu properly too. In 1868 the Inebriate Asylum cost the taxpayers of this city $144;472 40. While the amount of money paid by the city for flour for all its hospitals, wining; and for the relief of the poor, was only $102,- 573 38. The outdoor poor cost the city, MlB6B, 8122,228,6 C How much of Uds could be charged to intemperance ? The nutter of persons committed to the workhouse in this city in 1868 was 11,738. The Commissioners say, "a Considerable proportion of the commit lain is for ilitoxication." The police sta. lions, the prisons, the almshouses, the penitentiary, the miserable homes, all tell of the work of intemperance. lilt the great curse of the land—it feeds upon the wages of labor, and like The horse leech's daughter, "It cries give, give," until all is gone of health, character, Me. The Latest River Disaster. An inquest was held upon the body of the unfortunate victim of the wreck of the Star, at the Bellairebridge. The Cap. tale testified that he was on deck at the time; that owing to the smoke of .a steam. er that had preceded Meer a few minutes, the lights on the piers could not be seen in time la straighten up for the passage through. He immediately, however, or dered her to be backed, and the attempt wan made, bat such was the force of the current that no visible effect was seen. The harm forward on tad left struck, swinging the steamer around broadside against the next pier. She Immediately creeled over; th e Captain seized the little girl, daughter of the chambermaid, and jumped on the pier with her, and told her mother to follow at once. She hesitated a moment, but finally jumped, and fell among the coal and rubbish piled on the pier by the collision. The Captain , took hold of her hand and was palling leer out, when just at that moment Alm aide of one of the barges turned up on its edge, creeled over on the wogruin, and forced him to relinquish his bold on her. Finally the side of tile barge slid off the pier and floated away, when the woman was die covered where they had seen her int. She was at once taken on the pier; whence she and the others were removed by the SECIIMICI Harrison. They were on the pier about fifteen minutes.- The wo man was taken to the National House. She Was seriaitole when taken pp on- the pier, and told the Captain that she would die. - The Captain also stated that there wore terenty•four persons on board, all of whom were saved and accounted for, in cept one, a German, whose • name he could not give. He thought be-was on one ot the barges that broke away. A JOIIIT meeting of the Untied States Indian Commission, Senate and Howse Committees on Indian. Affairs, Secretary of the Interior, and Commiesloner Par ker, wu held on Saturday at the Depart. ment of the Interior. After a prayer by ex Governor Lane, of Ind., Secretary Harlan uked Mr. Bennet, chairman of the commission, 0/give an account of the trip ruide in the Indian territory by him. self and colleagues, Commissioners Dodge and Bishop White, which be did brirtly. Commissioner Colyer was then asked to repeat his report of the day . previous on Arizona and New Mexico. The Secretary of the Interior urged on the Congression• al committees the value of the service' of this commission, which he said, although it - had only been in existence six months, had visited half the Indian tribes In the Union, at an expense so small and they had spent tau than one-third of the small appropriation of ✓196,000, and bad served wholly withoutpay. He hoped Congreas would continue the commission Derma neatly. Commissioner Bishop said that the serious objection to the present man 'gement of tribes was the constant change of agents and sometimes of policy.. Mr. Lane, of Indiana, said he thought we should make no more treaties with the Indians. General Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, complained of the want of discretionary powers In the ex. penditure of money or supplies for In- thane.' . It frequently happened that some Wiling clause la the act. defining the appropriations kept the money tied up in' his hands • Ha hid now Oyer binds for month' $lOO,OOO for the Navaioes, which be could not use toe this restriction. Ile believed in abolishing tho treaty system, and thoughtreservationsesamdlal Own inissioner Oolyer made en earnest appeal for the Indians la Alaska, giving a favor able account both of the people and of the country. —The State oonstabniury Tuesday night made.' &soma upon .four of the principal gambling Saloons In Bolton. -They arrested eaghty•aeven persons and 'sized the gembllntr paraphernalia. Those arreated stare fined yesterday la the Municipal Court from No to each. making a total of 111,700. . , Timm arrfied in Cincinnati recently, over the Kentucky Central Railroad, single car containing horses valued at $ 11 ,700. The horses were.pnrchased at the sale of Dr. L. Herr, of Lexington, Kv., and were being brought North by their owners. On the way up the freight train ran off the track, and every car was more or less smashed tip, with the excep tion of the car in which was the valuable cargo of horseflesh: The lot embraced a Ane, large mare, tbree_years old, "Main. bdno Queen," by Dr. Herr's "Mambrino Patchett." full brother to "Lady Thorne," price $3.0530; a two.yertr old braWn stal lion, "hfambrino Thorne," same stock. price $1.500.. These were purchased by Owen Tuller, of Terre Haute, Indiana. There was also in the lot a bay gelding, seven years old, price $330, purchased by Mr. W. H. Wilson, formerly of Cynthi, ana, Ky., and a fine "Andallah' bay mare. "Fanny Miller," purchased by T. P. Murray, of Terre Haute. of James Martin, of Cynthiana, for $6OO. A athaionur, lust submittedi to Con areas by the managent of the thirty. seven furnaces located in the Lehigh; Schuyl kill, and Susquehanna regions' of Penn• sylvania—that is, the Anthracite region— states the average cost of making Pig Iron in that busy region at $29 10-100 In the first six months of 1809. The men who unite in this statement make 270,000 tuns of Pig Iron per annum, and some of them are personally known to its as of unim peachable character. If Anthracite Iron is or can be made cheap in this country, they can and do so mike it. Yet they testify that it costa their $2B 88 100, which Is barely 82 cents per tea less than the $2O 68 160 which the Diahoning Valley Iron men certify to be the cost of their Pig Iron made with Bituminous CoaL —At Cincinnati George Seel, a Ger man. undertook the taking of forty-one pints of medicated warm water In leas than twenty four hears to cure rheuma item. -He began at seven o'clock itondey evening, at twelve o'clock bad taken twenty-nine pinta and was suffering excruciating palm- Tuesday morning he died. A man named Rosohenborn, who prescribed for him, bee been urea ted. He says It Is a recipe be procured from a botch in the old country. —The re 4ina of Hon. Charles Durkee, Governor of Utah, were interred at . Kenosha. Wisconsin. yesterday. A large concourse, including the city Gov- . ernment, fire department,. do., attended the funeral. Ad4ltional Markets by Teleiyrapb Liva9.2oot e January 19—Cotton steady. uplanna 11.501, Orleans 17%d; aside 15,000 bales. California wheat; 9s Id. red western .7s Bd. winter 8e 9d Floor 21s. Col n• at 27a 9d. Oats 2. 9d. Bar ley ss. Pow; 345. Pork dull at 102. 6d. Be'e 102.. Lard dull 69.. Cheese 71s Itarini 57s 6a. Naval stores firmer. Tur pentine 28. a 6d. LONDON, January 19. Tallow buoy. ant and unchanged. Sugar 89a 3d. Re. fined petroleum firm. Common rosin easier. Linseed oil SO& Sterling U. Cattos6o, January 19.—Live Hogs are In fair demand at 88,506%8,60 for common; 66.7569,10 for fair to medium; P.M@ 9.85 for good to choice, and $9,60®0.6214 for extra. Cattle in fair demand w 84,40 (36.3734 for fair to good cows; 55,50(46,26 for lair to Medium, and $6,55t47 for good smooth stoats. Dlzatrada, January 19.—Cotton quiet and steady at 21 (®24;4c. Receipts 842 bales. exports Mu bales. Flour steady and unchanged. Corn 90e. Oats Okt. Eta] 125. Bran 127. Lard 17@18c. Bulk shoulders 120, 'ldes W. =I CARTWRIGHT—On Toecdar night. January U. 111141 .. 12 oclock. MAR ..NC2.2 oought.er of W. and H. Can • origin, yid 191moncho sad 95 da,TI. Th. (sacral VIII take plate VIII MORNING at SO o'clock. from her pantais' reeldence. No. 11113 BOVeT street. All . friends of the fatally are respectfully invited to &Mead. UNDERTAKERS B. P&Trinsoar....— V aasa L. Witimat. rArr. RSONI & WILLIAMS, tht.111•••11., comer of /Intl avenue mad el street. Pittsburgh. C. fins (of deter! &mond.. Crape. and Woven. and every IWO of funer•l huntabln yowl' Stu - tanned on the moat r.nsousbie terms In the eity. Htnr-se and enrrlavva faralshed. Wlee open day and mint. FMAJFILES /0. PEEFILIM, UM. vv DKRTAIMPLa 62 , 41) LIVER? STAPILX2, rruenel f fiIaII)UaILYISTIULET AND CHURfa aVNNICUL , ,AIIearenp CUT. wren ucireUrril 111=e ^ isr ' = " , it= ypettrx. 1 PAO. ,adilas R olf ea to all/0. Be • dna prepared Wier exakent. hearses and Cc. el Neatehed; LL Anode or 'founds, doodle. If matzo& °Sae Meil at all boo.. dal and 04(00. JOSEPH DIETER & SON, 11/WESSTAICEIu;, No. 4514 PENN STREET. Oarrl.goo tar 'amoral., $3.00 =u► W and all ratieral Turaletuatat at n. deasel rates. ans JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, SHIRE, LOCOMOTIVE k LOLLING KILL • BRASSES Made Prineptige to Order. RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Proprietors sad Yanalocums of J. IL Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN STREET. renithitUer.l2thaistillallreidBtnetk =I RENBY G. HALE, MERCHANT racoon,: Corner of Pena and Sixth Streets FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE LIDIES ORYGENI'LEMBN, Wiabtog to parttime • mite present for Limit Mende for • HOLIDAY GIFT. Would do well to 'top In nod exmlne ID r stock Vr W ATCH FS. I,LOCKe O , JEWELRY and MI, ER WARE o/ the meet acalz•ble pattern. Ali received at .W. G. • DIINSEATH.T., aiwiLis AND opriclika..' do. b PWTB TIERIOVAL. ere6Ants Fire Int. CO, ChialP, ABStrk 11141,640.03. MARKET FIRE INS. CO., N. t . Parlltlpatlon. ILF1111.21„ 0e09.011.40.. Connecticut Fire Ina. Co., Hartford, , Aierre. etoomoo.oe. EDWARD 1. 1111161111161 k Arent. .ResonTed to 105 /01.12.1 11 AVE , . Ull., betwinta od oalltladeld Mvet. PlstsbatiO. ko. .r..so . CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Watches! Watches! Watches! AT. WATTLES t SHEAFER'S, • • 101 JILYTH AV ILH OIL : • Howard Watet, i ria . lol:tilat o titt. w.k.h... itle;tl42:lrgTirrj.all:T.t werriss 4 esserErva. ullENix ROLL FOUNDRY, Y' Liar err and strwerritz BOLLIVIGN &' BACALEY, Waufmturers of 3091,110 r Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls &Pinions. Ja kABGE SIIIIPOOMFTS OF ALL kinds of tees Inte nob ars reseised dal fligMfarbregr Lem a trPthil ' itin s City Stand. Allegheny City. tomer of redessJ win Milo streets. Our long snuggle.. In Use business swiss is to absiiv ir bays bninsi• Ant e &rensaieVitsi e rstrPWlilt3ere l ki h. lllll% . Ism istrieSs scull, in iffitt.lnslire •las ulnae. tee to or rain. Ail ..."" onnustille. Itgrout or morrurirro • •Tttit ^ AND /lilt; AVANIIII TON ! —IAT it room and mime. &attune ma thud holm, the lame halt on foo:thltror wee/ ho , h atone., tad the ball over two Otranto's°. Filth armor. All eantleetver bt 'ttoltNAY nth entra nee on Plith Arany. Tau lit the 'volt bat. lneu location far tent In with. alt FEWe ire id' cUrtiff liar BoNs. aft Until liirNOT/C/4.9.—.2b44t," &step .gLogv ..8r a .2„ 4 ” nß oa , : ti n vi Ace, not exceeding FOUR LINES, be inserted. in these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE DENTE; each midi. limed tine FIVE (NWT& WANTS. WANTED.—IIy l small lam- ILX. 31 GIRL to do geuerat noasoft. Knqul re at 31 •rn th d aid street. WANTED. - A COMPETENT 800 KEEPER at I)Lamont Hornnal. None teed apply valeta thew arc or good moral ebaraernr, arrant-lee to and can Orlon goon rreninmendarlonr. roe Infornut-on en- .•..•.• • • - • - auLe of PdoCoNDI...BI, JAIIIOUN k C 1.14 103 Wood etßvl. Plidaborgo. WA NTED —A respectable SIT UATION by young an 1.1.1 gro c e r y con.ld•-rable ormlrnee In b ei Ibuilly nod prou bunneum. boolg-kaeol•g Sod tuer eantlle Bin d neneralle. Unexon-tlonablz onces. Address B. C.. Onnorsz orb,. APTED.—Healed Proposals wilt be r eslced fur ore testa for ten nip nd .10.01/0) IrIEZT fir CURB STONE, to delivered in Pittsburgh or Lawrenceville. tiv lw of arreep .rt or Baean moue. SU nil be oa oelivery. retaining a per re . me for 1111111 ml. of Coot. net. Aoloreas, 011.1, lIIIUTTKRLY. - Real Estate Agents. Lawitactellle. ANTED.--1113ELP,--AT En. PIA)YHENT 01710 E, No. It. Clan Otto4ll, NOYb WILLIS and NEN, for dllloon, Clads of asoployment.. INIISOIIa wanting lull of all landi can 1,0 nnoollod on abort notica. WANTED—An AGENT for fhb TEL giVV s t klital l 'atraft:E; A kb jttlewl arm . terms more liberal thin illy ether company.- cal and gamine at 161 Wood street. ii. C. WILCOX.. Traveling Agent. , WANTED.—AGENTS every - WHERE to sell um AMoIIICAN KNIT TING MActILYE, We only I . IIMUCILI Yatolly Itnittlort Mdeldne ever Iptented. rrlca 8113. Wltl Pott 30,000 et tee ns per Woe*. Ad dress AMERICAN E.NII7ING MACHINE Et:tattle. Mue,. or Bt. Louie. Mo. WANTED. - MORTGAGES,- •30.000 to Lout In large or small amounts. st • fair rate of Interest. THOMAS K. PETTY, BW, Bond and Real Estate Broker, No. 199 Err..thaeld street. WANTED.— AGENTs. —l6 - 4.10 el/TIV t152,181r 1 11112 1 ',1 1 . E iNe7 1 ,11: CHINE• Price only SIB. Great ludeoernents to oh lf lne Tel, Is the moat popular liewleg ela ohlne of the day—makes the gamma "Elastic Lock SLltch"—wlll do any tied of Work that cast be done ON any Machine —100,090 sold and the demand constantly Internale& Nom la the time to lake an •gency. It for circulars. Pk—Bo— ware of Infrlngers.-111l Address bECOII/1 & llostoo, I'lltsbarith Pas s or It. LordAblos LOST TT esr.-11101.IDAY, Vlth lost., j at lais Drove Yvette, Allfgheny, Lli•• 1),13 CLUnTEK GOV D IthltAtir PIN A literal reward oh! he p•l4 to the antler on leer, Ing - lt at the llorhea putee. Alleshehl City. veer More anis. 1 OST STOLEN.—Wednes. teu l) YSUR Janaais 1870. ICGT.YOA4I4 )eara.thlrt Watt e."hr,,.;f7; "s"..". : rolkaV.rC.T:%v b arlgiakl Et'Entatt. ' o-Ivatttn !analog tofu, alt. °ovary wal be thankfully rawly.% at No. 611 Yrs- All'iL'ul l "Y ilAßY STEWART. TO-LET • To -LET.— BOOMS. Several nae.la - ga and wen faratebtd rocas la • weasel. location. quiet and near to built... ,o r .n . na bad by Peuelersep as eletplas ruo. , relN;re ' ::Tra r a : „ " 7,:rt e ‘ n".r"tigeb LET.—Tlil — TilsvBtore build ".MI We...trees. Enquire at do Penn street. MO LET.—beak Room in a haudaoauely du. to up oface4u rautnal 10 c... c... fur bustnets, Apply at No. SO fourthsato., steonu 11.1.4 BS TO -LET. ET.—lrt ell ing House No. A. 39 berry etre. Enquire at 3013 Peen street. ee the en t h e nra otlU and VA A. Y. and II and 4 C. IL V-LET.-11S": rehouse N0..323 a I' rear le al t o Net. to Aprtl Ist,Llbertv 11111. - Any aro Janu at rear ° to n t. 4 [amts.. TO- Fin 'tithed Front Itil(1111.1, withor arltoou 1.3.1,41110 t. he kof mouth. Apply at No. CV GRANT To -LET. —.l desirable St re H .OX u•I Alec, f ler, fIOO and ocoud foot. and RM 60 by 20 on third fl tor. Entiolto of U. C. WALK. H. Otto. Deco. Co. 1 bintb tOtet. LET.--The 'Large Store r )C Roam No. Uel Witte Aye., .t.r..et. Plltsbarge. A. K. BRO W N , 111 14,1 t seen.. I TO LET.—Two 9 story brick t onset. Noe. Os atilt 118 Centre avenue. cowhide.' ten rooms each. with al Aflll 11A. • ro.emente. Irek noire t No.Bll centre leenue. Ye. FrO LET.-IFlie rooms-ene ithiragMT7r...t r 7u r :OW:l . 311 0,0 If 171 e C rn: 11,1. b g r, [nand seven mum. I quire • LET.—Thailarge,4 storied .3. WAREIMMISA tooter of. Firs; Avenue mao Wood street. n•er tone.. be the M. &M. nallorol nook. inquire o NONE itT NVIpVK. 0, Wo 139 Poo .w. nue,o A. V. HOWARD, No. 4 Wood Ore,. LE r.—A Feat of Rooms T s....7:tf r ia l ."l press. L V;. la le, l '.lll4nlM !' front alumnus& 300 floor. telte Isere Halt Ith two ante. rooms on 11th floor. One More R oom, gm /Igor. No. 911. to b.og Ob.. new building, Forth settee. For tetra inquire of A. H. KNOLItqI ,kt 13.... No. 96 Fourth Avenue. T LEI -Dalt STABLE.- Allood Brlek ntable.two ivories hlntl.arl ft biz lame stalls and earnage room. ntdeaot In , waterf..tkap all in .ord repair; at Ith , nrgt lot •ttaened. Ira tine o 9 la unmet avenue and tun• Wing set ISIS feet to an .11,7. ktqatte of 3.116 ZEL &LON. Jr. Nos. 99 AD. , •d 30 Diamond. corner ot Diamond and /1223 PlTni-LBT.—NEW HOTEL—Fur- NDRICO. 11 .504.1.5011.nn I,so6cHtsr. T trietT. et bt.fit, • P I TT boon and ocati.w. eo rooms wr. rated en calm, with w.f. tweet, wastietswid sod bath. Am grates sod toseltet• to tact rotoos t tolalards. bar, Ottlat rod parlor. bested with etesaa. App eite. Jultri maid.. 1731 CI eq., street. TO LET.—A lot of ground 192 , feet by 2917 f errelLh a large, 010.1111lIal brick bolldleg f. et by PIO feet, aad oal%dlog eaotatatee two ream.. former y ea tattled ay Jameetalltierar a. a p.antag mul W anted, Cacaos and It.st *Uccle poet.. MI.- Z e t t.i.g . ltalvt4f . .;firtitafac taring purpose.. a ATI7.IIBURy & CO.. Canoe and Tenth .treat., Birmingham. TO LET.-7 • bLORES, DWELLINGS, ROOKS AND OPW/CILIL Ci liquire of ZZAY t CO., - 06 6100 AT... FOR SALE. PRINTING OFFICE. - Ti.. atom i'rree.• nit • large tionlity type. More work than they can torn gill. o JOHN A. BREIT, Ukh__ Sad 1 nuset Bunt. SAP E.—The Lessee of a goodwill uit t.isnnn (newr=:;ta.l,l drollheath. A.trogd yiLrtf;rtr " moon. Ad. • FOR SALE OR HEAFT.—Three ISTORY lIRICK DWI/AIN!. ROVan, Fn. 11Phrrn an aarnon, fronting on 'rest Common, •Ilenn.ny. jogai,* of H. IIeILLHEN Vat ornye Prunsylvanla insurance Company. 1073{ . W 05.1 FOR SALE. 4101228 or wt Wlthle the city Hems. W)II be soht cheats and co easy term.. Waquire of WM. BIAIiELY. Att rney.avLa.. 91 Want mane'. J.l7sit F OR SALE.--Btock and "'lir TGREI, MUSE AND ROOD WILL of aret , elue Or Km. doing • wood bo:thees. Th. oodeuslgued Lethet ••g•atelit other b•liheshl the remon Ihr selling. 0. W. PIGMY, 49 ltd rat street. Alleoblum. If.. •FOR SALF.—aplendi.d Farm or lee Arlitcl4. two and a hart miles hum Midwayelation. Pailbsaille Railroad. All au derlalo with asix fart of superior coal. and for WNW...I Paid.. the rot, Is No. 1. brine a liwe.,one. the whole coal. and se add be Proll at a osier.lu particulars of morel. 4 PHlLi.letl,liral Estate Axersta, No. 109 Youth 1111V414.. volt sALE.—Engines and Boil *: Z 63, New .4 Second Band, of all kinds eeaata►llf on Paod., prdera from all parts of the country promptly s e..ente4. •" J416E5 HILL It Cora. Nation •7eaae •ad p. , P. W. aC. R.W., •Ileshear. Pa. FOR PALE. • TOMOS . SHODDY MACIMMES; Two Pleigna Ind One Lawmen. luqnlns at Fo. 1111DIAUCitiD, •Ilegkeny Cray, • Pen*. won &ILE,, . . .. .._ 1 onse seat...lts on Sprlnn Hlll, Menai weed, 1 11 i" 11 '5,500; 16 an. MST 11.181111,64/10[1. 11,000; Rouse and Lot, 00 Jul.. street- GOO; II haws on Piss:dna guest, atm* 1 ' 44 h 4 7 0 4 14 u m alna d R e 3 s er o v t e . l t a o Pnehasno nV 3 1 e y s 00003 mad, 410,000, a lots on Fremont street, 04,000. house and lot In mum, (1010, Fiasoo; / acre- Krona 4 In Bellevue Born, $l7OOO- nosao and lets. bead of Beaver street. 40,850; 5 0 .... sad 74 acres In Ellsabetti BOM, ,1,000: 5,,,..,• and lot In Bridgewater, 0 6M, 000: hoot'' contents 31 row... let 50 by RIO ne* a ono, Dona at rar Oats Manton. a* ....., per acre. Inquire of Us ICEIITIIOIIIIII4 * 2 7 mama Arent, am= Ohio and Banded, streets, Alleghent. --_ ____. FEU 80NA.1.-4111 persons seek! no BOXID3, or tarestrosnts heal Es 4 Nr .xx i " 2111 ralblV2l b it - SU Ta r Kau It Is oven swim/awns or will be tent bronu.,...p.a.vmzu.,,. gliTtatulk cuuci• C`lniu.ter, = Ushers and Seal LOW Agents, No. 1 1 19 roorth I[OIVA LAND FOR 1 1- ALE.-300 . Atm Oracles lane la one of the ben gotta. a to lowanear the tine of the Clouts° it Northwester., ttalLroad. sad In 0.. e or the most prOduetl a porthms of the Male. Wlll le sold tow, the whole Or a part. Apply at once to . B. McLAIN Co • 104 built ev en t.. . . VINEGAR. TILE PlivrBßlTßoll VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU It ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are now prepared to Wotan 'VINEGAR at Um LOWEST MARKET HATES. Attention Is M. Ocularly called to our, EXTRA WINE RURAL pua.aa• _ fd.L'RORA.NT TAILORS i'PIIERSON & MUIILANBRING, BOCCE ORS TO W. U. WOES & CO., • MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 10 813TH IT„ late Bt. Clair.. We have Just received a large supply of Ifel mot Winter tiootle, will be sold at reason able prices. Mr. MCOIL•Natti NO sehl MAW st tend In the Cooing Department. deLeßo Mont/L/000 & MUMLANBEING. P. IVVALT2I3I...E, FASHION/ MIA MERCHANT TAILOR K, p. constantly on band Mae, Candmeras and Vesting& AIscheZATLEKENIS 71:1P-1•11Ba1li9 GOODS. No. 93 1-2 Smlthfleld Street, =I 4 11 .7 . 21 "." elOtning made to order to th.:2l.atett MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING. • A large and A/replete newtons( of Math. end Pine Goods. at the le price. GRAY & LOGAN, 4 Sixth St:, 89 Fifth Avenue, (Late Mt. Clair. . nog) NEW FALL GOODS. • senendid, new Mock of _ • moms, GAMIBLINITES. ADM, Jut neutron b 7 nziorr =:===3 rMr.rilirt • I nMMI • BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, • DINERS AND PIIIPPEJIS OF • GIB, BLICHISITH ADD EMILY COIL, Pint Coal, Slack and Coke, • ANTHRACITE COAL. Of all slam and of A..e beat quality. cants far nlabed .t reasonable rates. lower of den at .1. fire and Dada, to. 73 ANDEEMIN sTRART, Allegheny Cita. sad Liberty street loelioan sees cree.t I Put burgh. 'Addr••• Co. sem Box 687: Piltabargn, sad they out texture I tomtit anent!. AO' Prompt attoallon given to western ship. mania. &IND tffilliißS 11. lIIIISTRONG, &WEB IN Yokleogheny and Connelsville Coal, Aid Dann:situ/et of COAL, SLICK IND DESOLPHDEIZED COIE. OFFICIt AND YARD, earner Beller and Norton street. Liberty and Clymer &meta. Ninth ward; also Beyond &rem Eighth waed, and d at foot rd of Hoes street. P. & V. Depot. tieeon wa. Orders left at either of the above ogle., or ad. drawl," me through Plttabergh P. 0.. re• Klee prompt atintin. ll•fer to whom lam supplying: Hulsey, Wells & Co., Wm. Pitt!, Union Iron MUls, B. S. Yow ler A Co.. ntepbenawn & Co.. Bissell • Co., (DOT& Haan*, Ale: Bradley, Park. Bro. A Co.. Park, kleennly & Co., Beam finer A Doll. lf. Faber & Co., J. It. LyCo., James Marshall & Co.. Allen. McKee & Co. Un on De pot Hotel, Connellaville tL R.,.Peraisylvantaß, R., Allegheny Jolley R. R. °BALI COALII COALIII DICKSON, STEWART CO4 . Haling Moored their Mee to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, Mater City Rom mno est:Dap iLOOII., art eaor Lu x e' , N UT ftrabill jipod 1017431110. 011 ANY Luxe', NUT COAL uitaLLACOL at Me Waxen aortae peke. • All cede. lab as their Mem, or ad demeal Or Mem Lemma Ma mall. lOU be atMadad u, HOOCH 11. PAITERSOI & C 0 • , . COMMA Or . • Seventh Avenue and Liberty 84. 1117112101101 E, PA. Will on Every Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE Or HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, "rtnTgratZ=VuVtgali war aotim neewoe►l 1:37V murfors T i Mray of tentless sad good can swill Ds act all Stott= MIL*. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. Co.,Joel e. •TIWAZS 1012. Roam. a. rarrEasoa a s r..1-vraw. samar. Alm OGREMBISION STABLEIP COL MIR HUUB I MERIN It prrrignmai, Pa. we:hi WINES, LIQUORS, &o. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, narrow/use Or WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, al, W110L112151.4 DIALES. is PURE Biz WHISKIES, 4011 PENN STREET, Have Reinoved to NOB. 884 AND 888 PENN, Cor. Zleventh St.. (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH & FINCH & IM. HILO& sad no, /Rat MUST. ITlTalitiliSH, ICInlDIEUlied Para ir dealens la TORSION R AMS and. WOKS. HOPS, me:2%am IV rAti:4lll XOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND OUNI3IIMERS.—We are now real, or blot of 40,000 bushels carelected WHITS AND ANHUI AND TENNABOOO WHEAT, SMISImed Et Gibson, Parse, weep and Wort. sountl. Indiana. Tide lot of wheat I. the ecry tont la be foand and cannot be surpassed by .y In the Mated Wet.. We nave also Mashed our haprotercente Illschntery. Bohlen Cloths and Cooling Booms, and are now prepared to nu.. the beat Floor we heves:Me for ten years at prices that defy OtOnpstlllon cm the same erodes of Sow. 11. T. KIICANICIDY i 099 0 read Mare MA Aneihany. eirptasiber 11169. - FLOUR: IFLORRI ' FLOUR! mniNZaoTA BAIK11317,017E& 480 WA& Loral 'Midas., 847 Mao Ha M. in am. grodomh ITO Dbl. 8.36,1 t 13111 910 bblll .7nmons Co.. 180 beta IWO M00r.197 Dbl. May imotax vnebosuria nottisa. 160 tads RiveraMr, 66E bbls valte Btu, $O6 varloo. broads_OprthirW beat Moor. WINTER MURAT FAMILY 'FLOM W C ; I 2 gep li mangleader and Croon, GllCtito for sale 10660 Man cut to orongin From the Won. WAT7' Lille cm,, /0/ Aul Ili Wool cam, INSURANCE •BB NEW J SRI gutual - Life. Insurance Co., NEWARK.; N. J., Assets, Over 8500,000. All Polkles Ironed by this Company are perpet ually Non-lortelung after the payment of one Anneal Premium. Dlvidemla annually declared int applied oa third annual premium, either on the pe inereare of the policy. or In redaction of primal.. . _ HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 16 1-2 Wood street; (2d floor,) errnstrasa. lar Reliable Agents wasted. de3.7710 TICE IRON CITY EMIL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. °tee, 75Sederal St., Allegheny City. Dinzerons 3 Hon. JAMES L. ORAMAII. Her. J. B. CLARK D. D.. Cant. R. BOBINSOk. Rey. A. - K. BELL,_O.I.I,_, Rev. B. H. NEOBIT, D.D.. W. A. ItnED. Cashier Allegheny Treat 00. JACOB NUNN, Neal Estate As.ill, SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny. .O. W. BENNY. Hatter, A. B. BELL. Attorney-at-Lap D. L. PATTERSON, camber Merchant, D. BWOGNIL nisuranee Agent. Capt. ROUT. D.OBINIDDI, Prost/lat. Roy. J. B. CLARK. D. Vies President, JACOB noon. Secretary, C. 8.. BENDY. Tr canner. M. W. winen. inene.n. neneen. DANIEL BWOIREB, Genii Agent. COMMIMUONED AGENTS POE THE CO.t John M. Donalds.•o. ny. Pa. W. W. Malt . , 1 - I.,ehesier. tn. • Rev James Hollingslnad, Beaver, Pa. P. H. Cenrslo, McKeesport, Pa. tienrge H. Johnson Blairsville. Pa. • J. B. dtrayer, 4 , 43[1100.ra, On. Company .tr ied, mutual. All prollts meriting Loom°llly held,* by dirldred returned ammo lay the end of the Arm 3 an, AU Ankles non forfeiting. Itl3 P 4f V >I $lll 4x: LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW I OBK. Established March 4th, 1850. One of the oldest and repot reliable Instinw lions In the country. A.SBETS. tierd. Is., 1849-83,51111.017.111. A. surplus orer' all liabilities of almost half • actlllgn The Directors are among the ifeet respectable nuanclal men of New Torn. H. L. BOLLKAN, Pres't N. 6. K. NM. Back. GEO. A. BERET, Prss't Citizens•. Nat. Musk. JOHN HARPER. Preen Bank of Pittsburgh. JOHN WILSON. Olt sitar 'Lion Nat. lisak.• JOHN D• SC. •LLT, Cashier rtrst Nat. Bank. AUHUSLUJ HARTJP., Direc , r 36 NM. Bulk. A. WiESE. Pres`t German Bay. Bank. Allegy. J. G. BACKQFBN t SON, Booksellers and OM= O. HARDENWRIIPER. . Gene's] Ascent tbr Peuasylvanis, 451141 Wahmt atreet, W. H. EDIS, Afoot tor AHriborm cortot7. Canoe In Penns. . I. Co.. 1613 Wood U. m=o4 min ma INSURANCE COMPANY. PBBLIGEN BUILDING. ■.. illltk Ammo. Naomi Ilan PrITSBUROII. PA. Capital. All . paid lID. Da alum.. N. tuVlra«,l,l". ?ill'''. 'NM. ll= • Ittl'imitb,_l'.l.• 4 1 V. Orlitiz. 3 " . 241.7. ROOEnaki. Prealdnat. • JNO. r. Jr.rxtrain, Preafdaah JO5. T. JOHNSTON, SePretatT. • Cpt. H. J. fiRACZ. Hen Await. Warson Liberal Tema on all itni and Marine Bins. • AMMO Ini3TN INSIVRAIIMIXIIW.. ER .Artr or PITTSBURGH. r BURR NlatlOE, WM. P. GRIM:GMT. Secretory. CAPT. Eilteßtid IffeJa.D. Genera &gat 06e*, WI Water stmt. MAU • 00.4 Weiw 1 1/Tiltortgain . %T M. tn. ma "A rm Make. A home Ineriturion, managed by LB melon who an wall enact to the commomity. sod who an deummtned by promputem and liber. eat) to striatate the character arida they Inffe amanted, aa offering the ben istotoctkss to Whig who dales So bs Insand. DIMICTOLL • Almada, Also Ml. Je UI an R. SIALDLILI• L IL. 11111er, Jr., Cbsa.4 . Clarts, James IIIeALILD Williamlah r. ALlerVirjrees.. t i mit LE . a. Mald it. Long. , Wm. D. Ibmsen. lUD pENNSILVAI9 . Is. iNIAINAIICE COMPANY OF P17171=104 017102. Da 16736 WOOD BISKET, BANN •-•- - • OP 001101261W1C BOTLD1111). /. • Ham OaaPeur. lamina yaw loaf_ by Iflre exclusively. • ••',WHAM) 'WALLIES. Pnalsteat. er .• C. C. VI?, President. IVI B OWA A L T INA Lament Welter. 0. O. Bet flert ll :=. • saM l Zter, Leach King, Jo ha Poeitlarh H. Hopkins, AMMO. . • ary apnea. • trki" INDEMNITY. • • AGAINIST L 033 Di. MLA. FURMAN INSURANCE CO.OF FNUADELFRIA. 0171011., *SD di *SI 0112121M1T a . ..nit Wm. mam =et if. Bobcat.. I Wa& ordeod W. Loam gam.. . David B. Brows, , Dooseleroot, Jacob ft. 1914, i ' dward l44 k Del/I, 9 W. ti. BAADDCR. Piontret. . DW. C. DALD,X7 Prsiden. W. O. iffiELr tow. J. EtDrilrat t' WlTN, Ad a = North Wert corner Mad mad Wood whannt Lww46l; INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Ventral EL and Diamond, ilioniraY, 5200XD SITIONALT. EAU • w. w. rrmideak.id.t. JOHN BROWN ‘ inaloe JAMES t. anr. )I,4llecretary. tV niasCroxi: John A. J.: Lackluirt. Joe. 111 Mi. Ju.L..Or O " iflobert Lea, IC. C. Boy* TIVI= Jl G ingrp:62 MibeNVAtir. IaIEOPLESP IfitiIOBARCEI CON. 0171171 % N. A. 0011.197JA WOOD • 111111 FEL • /Jam «aoaaf, laalln sad ludo• nai mu.. Amin& 5121 7rpt r ...1010 MOW. Watt,— Samuel P. Bar War. Jo➢a E. , Charlp_ArbaCtia - O. H. Love. ' JArtd M. brash. Jame Wm . Van Slit. Wm P. 142 2 .. iiit D. Varner. Hamad PRILLM,_ Prerld m. WATT, Vloa Peva:dant. .T. Ha RONNIE. 13.4. eta ry. hitLL Eti AI EN V EIItIURALNCE ooMPAXY OP PITTSBURGH. • • • MN°. BITLYTTI IiTSZETReice BLOM tatitre. NM= all Mittel of Tire isII KWH TORN IRWIN. Je..•Preeirleat. ... T 2- WM-KIP:SON Vlle Preildeall. tiii i N v O l ietL . W o. taa Amu 1:4012C70.: E. L. 111.6nwiest 4 . . J. l =oll. W. N. ETervort.. 0. 43, Harm . Ilabwfai. Davie s Ji,ar.l.Sellers, &V ti TR.De .setrekeele. . Wat!sa, T. H. Nevia. 'Less. CHINA. otrrmati. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. ' FINE VASES. BONIZNIAS /LIED ORM& Nig mr ii , 011111. 15MOXINO ut*atackcf k SILTED PLATED GOODS 1- of aU disertplassa. = ar a., = = be ll we R. E. BREED& CO. 100 11,00/11 SITIIEIgT. CALL AND SEE THZ Brrw - China Sets, Pariah Statuette, Vues sad /SAC/ Ankle.. patDoSTodist M Us H. RIGBY & C 073., No. 189 LIBEETY sriErr. ossonasorat of rios ISIIH. Wise ror faanlysiza Dotal use shows on eet AItONITECTS. BAHR & MOSER, IletliT HMIs AseOCUITOF 11:111=11113, Not. Imi ft. Ow. , stmt. Putrberis, Pe, Randal attention amen to ttut designing sae MiliOntit of cause 8013.311 and 11:151.10 IBUILDIREIL AMUSEMENIII rir - FEN OPF.llllfli POPE. Great .attar of Mr. BROTISHAM'SIast aawr• rensattosaldrasts. TIIIMIDAYSWILNINS, Jamul, 1111Ut. asle, last Uoso of Y. Broaghata'a great /Imam ag TRH RED LIGET Or the Signet of Danger. FEIDAY EVENING. Benefit of tae &mite artist...oEollolZ • Bon t noes now open for On ongsimm or Me. 'DIM 11MRYST. , Wend Matinee on t3siorday ellorsoon. arG. A. B. The sezt teemed 01 the Grand Amy.: t►e It.pu bile Course will be dell Tend et lee ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On Thursday Eventity, Jan. 20. 0. C. COFFIN, =M=E7!!1:1!13! ECEEEM Chian lid the Chinese Qaeslh►a in /mien. No Rename' Beata. Adzasslos. 71t47 Cast*. Jam 74 arBRILLIANT AND IN. STBDOTIVE LACTIYIDLS ON . LIGHT AND THE SPECTROSCOPE , Atioreing the ohmmeter aed salve of tit: recent groaderial dlsoorerles to eeleace and theft here tical eppltutton: to be 111 tad Or expert- Meats et the greatest Interest. 311/6 DAT 004 TUICaDAY EVININMA 114th and 96th lath to the AOADEMY OF MUSIC. By Prof. CEO. F. MIK N. D., E=CI Tkkets of admission. 50 casts. Tote had at the principal Book !toter. Reserved Heats 56 °eats extra; to it had at the Western Univer sity, come Ross and DLamond streets. between II lad A alter the 11th last. t;iironriiitTs, N I A OPEN ELY 3317.ENINti. do2IIN BASEMENT Or CATHEDRILL. • LEGAL E'XECUTOR'S PA LE.—I he ere. pkttoIGINED, executor of DAVID BOWW. Esq., late of Am, to. • nostrong comity, dee'4, will. In pursuance of the dbectlet a et the ban. w It and teetameet of the said decreed and the mkt er of the Orphan*. Court of Armstrong county. sell at Dublin outc•y, on the premiere. Ltlf No. 8 In the goroush of Apollo, In two wet porparta, by a tine microsilh:centre of the lot, on TIIIIIDAY, the bib day of February. Idyll, at 1 o'clock r. 9., to the highest and bed binder, the asst half thereof, haring thereon erected a double two atO:y frame Haase and* *table and the west Walt having erected oit It • two story Teams House iud porch attseked r mid a good wallet Water thereon. Also, at theses* time and place. T sore, of Mad, mere or tea, 0110 Apollo. edjolutog 'lnds of Joluillbtrley, and others, cleared end' under teem • He will also .ell as public outcry, to the highest sad best bidder. 110 acne of Med. mere er less, loPatres Tewneblp. Allegheny Atlanta; en WILDNICS. 'A tm, DAY, the 9th day of February, 1191 en 1 o'clock r. w. en the premises. Mews GO es. thereon Masted and elide, feet% sad k* . thereon erected • two Story Log Holum and s. small rtable. the balance of the land being well inbreed. ~. - • Trans or 13ii,POnei-half of toe premiums money to be paid cm confirmation of the sale, I 3 percent. thereof obeli the property bknoolt— ed doers, and the other half of tee por.hamo money to be paid on conermatlon of the ea/e, id , It Pitmen motored by bond end motto. fie. Jetenal JAOSSON awes; INAG D. S.:tumor o ncs• • WASHINGTON, D. 0., et. 10. 1111110. ON THE PETITION OF ALEC* DODGE, of DlDoblingb., relay, tra•lriz of Carta Dodge, deteued, the extension of = patent resets d the e ski (idyls Pease is She ISth der of Mosel% Mir. and reissued o the EU day of lot/. pot Eve I=2 It la ardent that the teell=aby li Ms ease be cloud on tee Uth DAT OW 7.1132DARY Nair. teat the time for Ming ergement• bad Ds Zze smlttei•• report be Dinned $o DA Able day of Feeteen text, wet that Ms eakt_tet4tles lm heard as tee 24 DAY or mAgon MIST. =! ISAMII7III. FUBHII, COMNIZSIONIII OP FATFNF& TN .THE auTrze or THE APPLICATION of ”The ClUsea'a Mogul Sultdlas a 4 Loon •moclaUou of Sharnebmg and lima for a Charter of loomporatkm. And note. to wit, thts 11110 day of Ifersher.. A. D. 111/91the ottlea net thea testmant ol orltlon•hselny Men moaned to. Fumed sad exmolsed by the Court: and the ektotte, art MM. nod ...Cons the. eln set forth and emr tooled, amazing to be Imo Ott aOO ant IaStrIOM.. NM ordered and directed that am/4 thmssisent of Insist be 0104 In Um onlee of the Prothonotary of the Conn of Common. Pleas, .411ta settee of .Yd sootiest!. be Inverted lath. Mohan* Dallylloratair °Azores for at haat three week/4 setting forth that an applleathth has boon made .o the Court of Comm. Pleas of the Conath of Al Wooly to grant the oath “ClUmnli gptnal Dallding and Loan Low .110. of Shargiberg nod lOW , • Charter of nourporallos. , . - tad that euelt Charter will he gra..d it the neat term of said Court, anima %excentlout he Nett Onver_ozne. 13. A. SY THLIIU 0NG,.17111. IIcO Corner Gnat and .:roots, Solicitor. Jallm62 0. iIiARBIIIALII 017102, • W. D. of Pennsylvania. 71t7entrunt. January la. 1210. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 13th day or December. A. D.= a arrant In Bankruptcy was baud tO I.tate of 11103111 - 0 Deep. • f POD. boron, in the County of Allegheny, and Mate err Pennsylvania, who has been adjerged a Pane nn on Ms own pelltiont tan the payment of any debt. and defivery of any proy bel ing AO' mcb Ilankrupt to Itim or for a, em. and the transfer of any property by him am for ofby law; thart • Meeting orals t realms tne Irani eankrupt„ to prove their Debts and to choose ova or more assignees of Ms ltstate. ill In hold at a loan otßankptey. to be holden lit the office of the Rtlatt.r. No. Dh . mead Mt et,Pittsburgh, Afore PA 1 OIL M A it e - ral..gefrt 042laptlt1 4 An•r f 2 .. a3 10. i. 3014110 17. B. Nan u . SPRUCE ALLEY.—Po op Cs • htreby given that at No: , A,. Dtheaber. haulm,/ Of Quarter &Wont Court, stilettos ~mated to show eau* -why sad Way, from Beaver anuete to the Meer, .. Should not beiracated and Aloud Hp,. ,th.t.b..in be made absolute milass aro Mad In proper Lam. JOHN C. MoODDIBS. Solicitor. =MEI TEIRDISTRICT COURT OF y . THE UNITED 3TATIDI. RI N LIBITUM OF PE NNSYL roB THE WT. VANIA. WO4 D. HA ILTON, of A :It gllvoy Co.. Pa.. . a Bankrupt. under the set of Congress of Marti 11167, haring applied fora dleeharge flora all Ids debts. and of a eielros provable coder Rold Are. by order of the Court melee Is beorby ea to atl medium oho hare proved their debts. sod other Venous Intererted, to at on the NW day el JANUARY. nap . at 10 o'cloctA.N.,before HAIIP lirelster to Rankniptee, at Ills ogim iLi kt i til . Itiamimd street. Fittaberelt. to show ewe, If py they have. why. • discharge amid not Mt granted to the said bankreht. jai:ale-TO O.C. RcOANDVENN. Clerk. T. , J ETTERS OF ADMINISTRA , N on the estate of XLIZAHITIf J. of inson totrashap, Ajj.gbor TAMA. t•• 0100 been guested to the ealltrolany ed. adtpenonaladebte to tole.){ 1111 I 1 1 3. 4 . a. ane all p nom Melon ddetnts *eaten thy we. will orysent OHM Me etly authenticated fbr settlynteet to thy motets !din ed. HILL. • hr...ffdd 'raw/. AlHoresay coast'. ra. PIM Well • ;TO 7i aT:.1:3(4);f1 G. W. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Oros. No. UT POURTIi tr- l eras. tronaorly *templed sr ... ri...) will prattle. Is the .S. Braislot Coo. I o the Mate Torovato= Coons m otor Allelisary cososy. and sae collo*. glow la tbeadisoiroScoontJou j • ..,. ARCHIBALD BLARELET, AlCrosoMß-AT-t,ANY. ir•. M =nu maser rtiviningeH.rii QtlLl7l JOHN A. STRAIN, ALlMMatiamr. 1/1-0771010 SIIIITICI Or TUX MONA= rOLICIC KAGIBTILLTII. th""44"l46 e ll2fi ksoWb.l rn irtir i la F 4 /Sulam ezeeete4 winkDrmanditers iris a. NEEPEU, ALDZIMAN A , 21 Ari x Ora c ep MIMI as °anal:, 89 FIFTH • eottroj,=:. nTs t°dlrirrimnsirt i p and all legal glisineee a likagedae r sad saenteately. 07/ICa Sprrusraon Aso arattarit,La t ltalLtatit CloartaT. PI tinet non. 4 , 6..4714 , 4 UM Nancy, TO lIONDOOLDEILS• Coupon So. fl. Tarns Creek Dtvlt los Bova, oaf rotatory 1. 1110. Ito half of .ad attar that data ott fraseatattou SUM. lint National Ba^a oiiint"Mt ta 'li:272Z .1171 th •r• a.. Traaa X. T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers