AM RICAN BANK 13 NO, 80 FOIIRTEI AIMIIIE PITTSIMIZQU. 0/0111 CAPITAL .. . . 11100000 Stockholders Individually Liable. smut OP nitivoummerunzroirr. JOHN FI.OYD FLOYD,. Prealdeut. Oader. ninscobinta. ha. John W., Wm. T. Mom non, - Archibald Wenn , " J , ames W. A Irrott, towth. Win. surd. lJohn ar:ll . bei:arfilir.irirmilsed anaTilinired to do 1 'impend .11.1[Ing bitaleak. /elata GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, B oug hs at lijghest Prices. B. NEBTZ, Banker, Cot. Wood St. and sth Avenue T. BRLDi c ._lt . CO., (Bocaessors to 8, JOH= It 00. Corner. Fourth Avenue and Wood St., SAN~F.~Ei, , , Say kad all all 11110 et ail ' : ?.K 1 4Y >; GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS. ON INAST FAVORABLE TIMM. Ur /Wend Allowed on Deposit'. M==;o Orders executed for tbie Parolee* and Sate ter ISTOCULS, MOLD, mud JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Vitinntr Gaisitt FINANCE AND TRADE. • 077111NorPrrreattatou Gamma, / WEDNESDALY. Jan. 19, 18 70. S- The bouyency of the markets in Wall street received a check to-day, from lower quotations of our bonds lo London end Frankfork, Gold; which was very strong yesterday at from 1214 to 321%. suddenly yielded to 12134, with scarcely any fluctuations at all, closing, however. very gm. Government bonds, of.widcb the Sub4reasury - bought two millions to day, were off shoot per cent from the average,quotations of yesterday, closing. howeverodth a alight improvement on the , old• lames. Opinions• on ' Govern. mint bonds differ widely among those whO are able to form It correct opinion on our national finances; but the pros. eat ease in moneyon call seems to favor highbt price. for all our bands except 10 los., 21;torise of bonds, gold and staike; balmier. was based on the idea theta new issue of paper circulation would be pat afloat without any retir ing of other evidences of debt, and al most,-.-witnout any restriction. The tenor of the bill brought In by Mr. Sherman.' and the Ideas advanced by Senator limner, leave bat little doubt. that no farther' iodation of the car. renoy Is meant. On theme:Mary, a neat" We currency is sodght alter, to give the country the - necessary currency when needed 'and -withdraw It When not • The principle Muse for the prreeet and preepective rise In bonds must, how. over, be looked for tn the unprofitable mercantile and manufacturing enter. prises, and nntuattal timidity - of capital bus to risk... Melt .money ..on anything that will not at= oitce - pnatuce the in. ' veiled capital In money. • Under such circumstances It moat not be surprising to see stocks, which are high •at present, considering the market value' two weeks ages, '-tether. dull . ent& , 161101.11 ( 11.' The grand rise cannot come wain stocks ad. vanes six per cent In one week, and outside capital will not flow unless they can be - bought cheap... • • . - Money s stilt mama and our discount Inatitunens have no more than they Can manage for -their own mailmen. Bonnets very dull. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mart= Gold, 121%; - Sifter, tun 'Eighty. one's, 11734, Five Twenties, 184, 11534; do /See, 4154; do 1885,. 1154: do 1866, Ceasols, .H 44, do- 1867, 1144, do 1866, 1144; Ton Fortier, .11 Adams Ex press: Clunopeny 6234 ; - Merchants Union Rorer Company, —; 'American Ex. ppros .4 30113 7 441 .7. 3634; Western Union laterenh. 33i New York - Central, 93:' Reading, OW; Plttetargh, • Fort Wayue & Chicago. 87%: Ohio & Mk els mad, 2.634; ktichltran Southern, Niff: (Moreland ce Pitteburgb, 924; Moog% Rook Island & Pacific. 197%; Chicago & North Western, 71%; Oninso & North Western Predicted OM Erie 28X. 11108.411611. <- • Lams. &eon. London, per,16„..,.„.,,,,„g9gr ge s og Para, per ' 234 Berlin, theirs -....—. 91 93 Frankfort, g0tin5........,.... ,-62• 54 (By Telex:nal to Ulna Plustruzsll ammo New YORII. January 19, 1870. Money easy at 6611 per cent., mainly at 6 per cent. Maraud firm at 83439 per - cent. Gold doll and steady; opened at 121%, and closed at 1214. Clearances woes 914.000,000. Governments lo wer and ekalog steady. Coupons' of 'Bl, 173401184; cm. '62, 1534 .cslogy do. '64, 16%01634; do. '65, 1534 (61 1 6%; do: now, /44®149‘t do: 0 67; 14% 014%; do. '6B, 14%8 8 %. 10 40a, 1.2%0 1234. Pacifies, 934@10. Toe Sub-Treasury bought $2,000,1100at 113 78.190©11412.100; the offer' reached 16,710,100. State securities weaker on • new Ten. nessees and North Carollcuun . the rest are Arm: -Missouri,. 67%; Old Teo. maces, 61; new, 4730; old Virgin ias, 54. new. 6034; old North -Carolinas, 41; new, 23%. Stocks heavy. Vague rumors of - a receiver of Quicksilver r Company. Ave. Thirty . Prism— Canton.. Camberland, 111; Western Union -644 Tel., t 33; Quicksilver. 13%; Ideripcm, 8 ; do preferred, 17; Adams Erman, 6134; Wells & Frage. ; American, 3634; United Slates, 624; Paella Mall, 41%; New York Central, 9234; Ede, =4; do ots forted. sth Harlem. 137%tdopreferred, 139; Hodson Scrip, 8734; 2teaMlig,'9l34; Michigan Ventral, 118; Lae Shore, 85; Illinois Central. • 119 'Pittsburgh, 91%: North Western, 78 do preferred, as,: R. L 106.4: St. Plan. 744 . do proterred, 87; Wabash, 68%; do 121 Ft.- Wayne, 673,A -Term Haute. 22: do prefared, 14; Chicago and Alton 145; do preferred. 145; 0. it 61., Ete.loe, 112; do preferred, 11134; 0. 0.. et I. C., 1834; Dubuque, 108%; Hutted et Erie, 8 54. . - Soden prlees-00pper stocks are on changed. ElabAkeetuity-ba1ance974.974.- 229;ourronry, 61.190,286; vestal balance, 180,595.= Live stock Marie:v. NEW ,Yonir 4 January 19.—1 n the live stork market there were 810 fresh and 476 State cattle. To day the market was a limo Omer. though not much advance an lie voted. Some fat - Kentuoky and Gbh,. Veers sold at 17. i. but tenors' good collo want at.1631@160. No Texans - offered. Thin little steer. and heifers sold at 1013120. The yards were cleared, and at the eltoe prices a little firmer than at the moaning, In slew of expected light arrival. A car of extra 6y, owl State cattle sold at 170,130 lbs per owt; -130 fat 7; ewe Kentucky grades brought l5Xt 17c; 100 Idlesourl steers fiff owt sold at 140150; 79 Illinois stews, cwt on nu average, sold at 14,4im 175 1111nole cattle of 6 owt mold at .1354(41 4 c..1 'Sheep scares,. only 1,230 ar riving to day, but some were held over , tre.,:yeaterday; ihey have all bean sold at 4%e for 71 lb OhIo; 60 for muse 99 lb Indiana; 7o for same weight State stook, and Ellio per ear of 6 - can KO lb Canada; market - -closed firmer. =catalogs at, r i ve d to-day ; roles made at siggaxe. a ear of 187 Oblo hogs brought tto, cloaca at 12140123ic; western Illf@lltte, one ear sotto% at 11366. The wr a W ci . cooler Ind favorable. my Goods Marlist. 14:w I - mut, January 10.—There Is no Change 4 to day. the eteeptlon that one particular jobbing house Is sell ing all baton of kinerton canton flan nels regular ' and selling off their lines of Linsey In the same way. The market qUiltrt In the *ay of willing tome goods, but very satisfactory In full package gales. rirntausou isAsticurs. Osamu or ?trot:sultan Garwrrn, WEDNESDAT, Jan. le. IE7O. I, The markets continue very quiet and drill, and devoid of any , new or Miter tant characteristics worthy of special nonce. The demand for all of the lead ing articles is confined almost exclu sively tosopplying the local trade, while in regard to valuea, there are no material changes. APPLE BUTTER-Quoted at 7n85. APPLES-Demand a shade better but prices are unchanged, ranging from $2.80 to 113.50 per bbl. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-Dall; Sy, ®4. BUTTER -Continues dull and can not fairly be quoted above 30@33, for fair to cboir -131 IEANB—The dein . and is light and iarket dull; we continue to quote at 2 .224401475 per buabel. BRiOOOOM OORN—bales at 113(4)14 Ms. CHEEITNIITS—Quoted at $3.10. CRANBERRIES -Dail; sl2® 15. ClDER—Continues dull and nominally unchanged, at $5,0048,00 per bbl, as to qUality. CHEESE—Br firmer, but not quota bly higher. Western Reserve, 1 700 1 734: Factory, 184:41834: New York Dairy, 'UN (419: Goshen, 20. CARBON OlL—Quiet and unchanged; 26.4@27 eta, for standard brands, in a fobbing way. _ DREMED HOWL—Receipts fallen off but prices are unchanged at n ®ll3O. DRIED - FRUIT—QuIot and un chanted- Apples at B®9c. Peaches at 7%9 for quarters, and legllo for halves. Blackberries 14 cu., and pitted cher ries 30 cts. EGOS—DuII, with a supply considera bly In excess of the demand, and tresh packed cannot be quoted above 80C33. FEATHERS—In better demand and higher, and wo now quote at 85(90 to the tr ade and the usual advance for small loteln store. . . . . FLOUR—The demand continues light audited/el" local while. prince are un changed. We continue to quote at prz MO for spring. and $5,75@6 for winter wheat. Rye flour $5.00@5,25. GROCERIES—The grocery trade is moderately active with a fair buelnees in the aggregate. though there la plenty of room for improvement. In regard to values there bad not been the elighteat tlactnatlon, compared with last week. New Orleans huger and Molasses con Urines to meet with a steady city and country demand, and many of the re. Callen are now laying in 'supplies, hav ing concluded that prices are not likely to go much lower, and there lea Maly: of an - advance. ;Coffees,- poem . , Spleen, Soaps,: etc.' etc., quiet and un changed. Following are the ruling quo. tsuoana-8 H, 1034010 k; Havana 12Q 13; Cabs, 1135@)13; Porto Rico, 123501335 Demerara, - 14@)1430 New Crop New Orleans Sugar, 13@14 for ebotoe; Re. 180. tined Ex. C„ 1.43‘;11, 14%; A, 15; Hard, rdoxassEs—New Cron New Orleans Molasses, 78®800 Porto Woo, 65®75. Braurs—W late Honey Drips, 90c: Sliver Drips, 80c; Perfection Drips, 51,00; Jersey, 70e; Lorraine., 80; Golden 65; Amber, 55; Common, 50a Booth t Edgar . fancy, 93. Comta—Fair to Good Rio, 20Q21}0 Prime, =1523; Cleolee. =311% 3110a—thirollna, 8 0 ; Rangoon, 7,4 e. P.. 111. — RaYo o g 90.89 81,00®1,60, 0. 10 1, Imperial, 81,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 86 to 111,45. Son Ctiong, 900 to 81.50. Eiranon—Pearl, 7; Sliver Oloia,ll3c, and Corn Starch, 12c. CONCENTRAIIID LTH =3l . case, Fnurra—New Layer $5 per bOx; Prunes, 15Mc; Currants 15c; Wan. els Raisina 17®18. Smmits..=Classla, 65m Cloves, 40m pain PeE s er 85 Allspice, 90c; Nutmegs, 81,50. 12m Shot, MVO per bag. EloArs—“BabbiPs," 12e: "Oakely's, , l Ile; Rosin, sto 7m "Dobbin's,' . , 12c; Wax, Oct Chem. Olive, 834 c. Cartzmrs—Mould, lic; Star, 23.3. BI Cann SODA-403‘ per 100. ' PN/Et—Lake Herring per half bbl 8,00; White Fish do do, 7,0. No. .1 Mackerel Shore In bbla 100: Shore 2 do Bey, bbLe, 117,00; No. Bdo large bbla 814,0 0 h Half bbls MU In additional; Labrador Her- ring 8104®11.' GRAlN—There Is no improvement to noteln the grain business, and the MM. cation( are by no means encouraging. Wheat comes in very slowly, but the de mand La light_ and prices unchanged. Wistmatinue to quote at 5415(31,18 for good to choice red. Oats dull and In better sap 1-47(548 on wharf and track and 4950 in store. Corn is firm and the demand Is keeping pace with the supply; ear 80(382 and Mulled 85(387. Rye Is dull and neglected, and prices are nominal. There le no demand denary log of the name, and it is not likely-that distillers will buy much until they get rid Of 110018 of their whisky. Barley la (inlet and unchanged; Sluing may be gamed at 81(31.05. MAY—Is In light supply the arrivals from the country twang restricted hl con. !sequence of the bad condition of the man. We continue to quote at M8(328 per ton. .111313 KS—Sales at Socha; per pound. MOMINY—HOMINY at 88 , 00 06,60 per bbl. LlME was —Sales of Cleveland white lime at = Der bbl. the at n 5003,00 per bbl, the mated& figure for choice. LARD OlL—Sales or No. 1 extra at 51.4351.45, end No. 2 at 95. PEANUTS—Quoted at 9(510 eta. PEAS—DuII; 8240 per bushel. • PROVISIONS—The market la firmer, in the west but there is no imprbvement bare as yet. Shoulders 1434 for plain and • 15c for Sugar Cured; Ribbed Sides 1630. Clear do 1734 e: Sugar Cured Hams,•ahg 20351- Breakfast -Beam. 20. Lard, /70 17,ti0 In tierces, and 18(31830 In kegs and buckets. "POTATOES—SaIes In store at 15(i80 eta._ per bushel. POULTRY—Scarce and in demand though unchanged. Dressed chickens 14(515 eta., and dressed turkeys, 18(320. SEEDS —There . I. an Improved de. Mend for Clover seed, and the market is firmer; may be quoted at 8 9 3GG/ 8 34. .Tlmothy seed. 88M(34,00. Fax seed none in market—we quote in the ab.- Sauce males at 82,10(32,15. . . SALT—Ii dull, and Allegheny River brands sre quoted's& 11,80 by the car load with the usual advance for small I lota n store. frficAW —Sales at 114(4)15 per ton. WHlSfry—Highwlnes firmer at Pe@ Mr! rectified, f 1.00; proof ree..fled, 1410. Old whiskies soiree and firmer. rirraomum ' Comae 07 Prrranunan. flamer; - WILD2III2IDA7 Jana 19, 1/170. A good deal derogatory to the 01l hued haw has been said recently, and those who have no knowledge of the trade or who are not engaged In It, would natur ally come to the conclusion that theie Is roahlng good about It. It Is hardly necessary to state that this Is not true- It la generally conceded that the trade lost year, no far at taut aa Pittsburgh Is itonosrued, was notmery successful, but this was owing more to the manner In ,arialch the business was conducted, than I anything else. The manufacturing of relined oil has advantages. over nearly every other branch of manufacturing business, and some of them very Impor tant ones. One of these is, It is a math business; the iron and glass unmeant. urer Is obliged to sell on time, while oil Is pearly always cult on delivery, and the oil manufacturer Is thus enabled to turn ULvrer several times in the • • doers, of a year. Therelsanother very ilnportant point, the oil manufacturer bee no difficulty In finding a market— be can always sell, though, as a matter of course, there are times in It as in si nned everything else, when there is lit tleor no margin; bui as already intim*. tad. he can always realize. On the oth er baud, .It takes the Iron and glass manufacturer years to build up a trade; he: Is: frequently obliged to employ agents to canvas the country for custom, laud in a business where nearly all the sales are made on time, it is Impossible to avoid making tad debts, and of mune Rood deal of money is lost in this way. The great btilk of the refined] oil manu factured here Is sold tar export, and the refiner always looks for his money when his delivery has been made. • .11 The market l aves. considerably armor, but there is nothing doing—there are plenty of buyers but not at quotations. Spot or seller January are quoted at 13 as., bid, though, ea yet there are very lbw buyers at this figure. We heard of in Offer to sell 2,000 bbl; buye r , s opt i c ,,,, , tintLi July Ist, at 13 with 14 bid. WINED. Also, Armen. And tending January, 110% bid, 8l asked: Nero, t o June, g 2,34 bid; February and March 31; February to April 313‘; February to Jane 31st. Manufacturers generally are not Inclined Lo sell. Particularly long lines; and there are net Tory nutty buyers. ASIIIIPTS OT Crat7DB OIL MT A. IL A. B. Mills 80, on account W. Bartle; Eclipse Oil Works 81. on cocoon 0.8. Tnonallsrlirrenturn Ott-Works 320, on account Hutchinion .011 Co; Basle Oil Works 166. on account B. S. Duncan; Reyaume Oil Works 80, on sceount Jas. • InentWErna OP OIL ETV V. n. L B. W. C. Twaddle 126 bbla lubricating Oil tolfachataan 0,1 Co., New York. -H. w. O. Twaddle, 60 bbli rat. to J. B. Bartlett, Piii'a. - Total lubricating, Total reldad 126 bbli 60 bbl, MARI:P.2w BY TEJLECRA - 1P,13. NEW Yong, January' . 19.—Cotton heavy and drooping; sales 2,900 bales at 23%c for middling uplands. Flour—re. celpts, 181 bbls—lioavy and In Mayers favor; sales 5,800 bbl,, at $4,30@4,80 for superfine State and western, :5,10@6.00 for extra State, $495@6,10 for extra west ern, $5,75@6,35 - for white wheat extra, $5,85(0,20 for round hoop Ohio, $5,50@ $6,25 for extra St. Louis, $13,25@8,00 for good to choice do. Rye flour quiet; sales 230 bills at $4.2.3@5,25. Corn meal heavy and lower; Weer 300 bbl' Bradywine at 1 4 , 8 0. Whisky firm at 12.50 for N% astern, $1,0134©1.0314 for free. Receipts wheat, 19,176 bush; spring wheat a shade easier and rather more doing for export; winter clover lc better with a fair milling de mand; sales 74,000 bush at $1,123:(D1,15!4; for No. 2 spring, $1,20 for No. 1 do. 11,25 @1,27 for winter red and anther west. em, $1,27 for amber State, 1145 for white Michigan, $1,45 for white California. Rye quiet. Barley dull and heavy. Barley malt quiet. Corn—receipts, 1,320 bush--dull and drooping, with sales of 20,000 bushels at E 097.3 tor new mixed western, the latter price for very choice, ii,oigtost for old do. In store and de, livered, 99cfiti1 for new yellow Jersey: Oats—receipts, 8,124 bosh—heavy, with sales of 27,000 bush, at 57(?,58a for west. ern, 600 for choice do , 61@02c for State. Rice easier, at 6®7e for Carolina. saes ofand quiet. Sugar quiet, with sales or hhds Cuba, at 10@lic. Molasses firm, with sak' of 200 hrids New Orleans at 700)80a. Hops quiet. Petroleum quiet, with sales at 1634® itly.o for crude, 31),(c for refined. Lineeed oil dull. Wool firm and more active with sales of 1 .000,000 pounds at 44Q58 domeatia fleece, 63064 e for pick lock, and 35®45e for untied. Leather steady at 29g310 for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande. Walt with sales at $5,25@7,00 for domestic drooping. Turpentine quiet. Sheeting copper quiet at 32: ingot copper firm and fairly active at 2134421,44 e tor. Lake Su perior, Baltimore and Tennessee. Pig quit at $2%34 for Scotch and $34@35 for American; bar dull at 11820 for refined English and American, sheet kW quiet at 811@l2 gold for Russia.' Nail* at (44,10 for cut, 6g@gly,c for clinch, and 25 Cgaue for horse shoe. Pork heavy and lower; sales of ten bbls at 27.50@2775 new, mesa; g27,50@27,75 for old do; 123(423,50 for prime; $_4028 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales of COO bbis at $10(g;15 for new plain mean; $14©17,50 for new extra meas. Tierce beef ateady; sales of 170 tierces at 12.5g= for prime mess; =WO for India mess, Beef hams firm; taloa of 120 Molest $31@33,50 for new. Cut meals dull; sales of 75 pkge at 113.4 ®l2o for shoulders, and 14@i534e for hams. Mid dies steady; galas of 475 boxesat 13Xc for Cumberland cut, and 14%c for short rib, bed; also sales of 200 boxes-deliverable in Chicago., at 12%..0 for Cumberland cat, and 13 - 3.0 for short ribbed, Dressed hogs firmer at .10.71©11Mc (Sr Western. Lard firm, malt e of toe tierces at 113(Al8Me. Rutter quiet at 18431 c forObio. Lheese dull at 16&18a for common to prime. Freights to Liverpool quiet and very firm. Shipments per sail: flour Is 9d. Latest —Flour closed dull and a shade easier. Wheat; better for winter, quiet and - scarcely so firm for spring; No. 2 spring $1 12@1 15, winter rod and amber western $124@1 27. Rye nominal at 95 @9E4. Corn quiet and heavy at slol@ 103 for old and 82@95c for new mixed western. Pork quiet; 1127 37 bid for mesa for February, and $27 82 asked; $27 50 bid for March, and $27 75 asked. Beef steady, with a moderate demand. Cut meat nominal. Bacon in fair request at full prigs. Lard quiet; 16 . 14 c bud and Itleic asked for prime steam tor February. Eggs . lower • and heavy at 28®304 for Win. Cmcsoo, January 19.—Eastern ex mange unchanged. Flour steady and unchanged; 1 3 ,75134,75 for spring °strati. Wheat more active and firmer: gales of No 1 at 8.53.0. No 2 at 77j.i@i8c, closing steady at 77,3(0378m this afternoon the market was quiet at 77,41.3 cash and seller January,.7B.s seller February for No. 2. Corn: old more active and Nfgilc lower. rejected and new firmer and quiet: sales of No 2 at 70@710 for regular, 72341473 c far fresh receipts, rejected 70071 c, no grade 59340, closing quiet at 70®7034ef0r No 2; this afternoan the market was dull at 7le for No 2. Oats firmer and ..,to@y4'n higher: salsa of No gat 40@403.4c, closing at 40(4103.01. Rye dull, inactive and nominal at 70c for No 2.' Barley quiet at 700375 c for No 2 regular, and 8048.5 c for atrictly fresh receipts. Bighwlnes in higher, closing firm at 923 for wood and 93c (or iron bound. Provisions active. MOM pork Imo active, and 25c lower, closing at 526,75@27 cash, and 527,50 sel ler March. Lard steady at 15,?4@16e. Dry salted shoulders 14/@lO3Sr rough aides 1.13.4 c; abort rib middle.. 185 4 ®13%c, Rama steady at .14,4 ®ls3‘c for aweet pickled, and 1.4@ WO for green. Creased flogs steady at 111.0(4)10,37% forlight, and 511®11,25 for heavy, closing at 110,25 11.12% dividingon 200. Receipts for the past twenty-foes hours—flour 8,175 bblz, wheat 21,540, corn 9.010, oats 7,460, rye 300, barley 8,165 hash: hogs 9,000.. Ship ments—flour 5,059 bbla, wheat 14303, corn 4,801, oats 6,688, rye 746, barley 819 knob, hogs 3,457, • Sr. Locus, January 19.—Tobacco In fair demand and rate; unchanged. Cot ton firm at 2414%243‘c for middling. Hemp steady at $1,25%1,75 for undressed and 82,%2 0 40 for dressed. Flour quiet; sales fa 21 15 superfine at $4,15%4,25; extra 11,40%4,75i double extra at -14.9505,25; treble extra to fanny at 85.35%9,00. Wheat dull and heavy; sales No. 2 spring In elevator at 115 c; choice Kansas 95m No. 2 red fall • 11%1,04 No. 1 11,12%1,16; titmice 11,20. Corn dull and easier for buyers:-sales mixed and yellow- at 75e; mixed white76c; prime white 90o; fancy 25c. Oats alow at 54%56c. Barley dull at 81,05 for prime Minnesota spring. Rye dull at 78(430c for prime" to choice. Groceries dull. Coffee:- sales at 19%23e for common to choice Rio and Louisiana. Sugar 11%140. Molasses very dull 'at 05%80c for plantation. Whisky doll and drooping at 950. Pro visions doll. Mess Pork T27%28,50. Dry salt shoulders 1 le; clear sides 15c. Bacon ehouldars 111%1810; clear rib aides 10c; clear aides leMc; sugar cured hams 192; plalti2oe. Lard dull at la@ litic for choice tierce. - - Hogs dull and nominally lower, with small salon at 8®8"ic; gross number by owt to date 217,M. Cattle In fair de. mind at 23f@ktic for inferior to con:I -MOD, 4@)530 for fair to prime, and 6@6 fir choice. CLNCINICATI.• January 19.—Whisky dull at 93c. Hoge firm but few offering at 118@9,76; receipts 2,600. Proclaim= quiet sod unchanged, closing rather dull; -no speculative demand. Ideas Pork offering at 127,60; buyers do not Offer over 127. Bulk Meats held at it 14g0149 r felt shoulders, clear rib and clear .Ides.. Loose Bacon In fair lobbing demand; shoulders 13c; clear rib aides 144©101;c, and clear litigiley.'c; holders generally contend for theoutaide rates. Bogy' cured Hams Ifil‘®l9so. Lard dull, with kettle at 16,pigirc, and Meant at 4514(3116,%c; only malt vales. • Green Meats 1012)1144c; aides 18,14©124m hams 14%@/lE*. Butter doll at rBga3c. Eggs dun at 25c. Linseed Oil 90c. Lard 011 arm _at 11.4.51an.4& Petroleum 29®310 for retitled. Gold Ifilit buying. Es. change steady at par bu log. CurvEr.arto, Jan. 19—Flour; market unchanged. Buck Wheat flour; mar. ket steady and in fair demand at PA® ft, Wheat active and • shade firmer; held at 11,11 for Igo. I red, 41,0311:41,04 for No. 3 do. Corn: no transactions and the market nominal. Gann market dull and nominal. Nye; no inquiry but nominal. Barley'nothing doing. Petroleum: Market Orm, refined firmer, but Un .abanffed: held at 264g27e In large, lota and 21®300 to small Iota; mode firmer and a shade bettor; held at 15,65@5,70 per bbl. Lorrisrrrax, Ta n a 1 arm; calla of 71 hbdg at Tobacco• and leaf at 13@)144'. Provillona improving and feeling bettor; 'messpork 1124‘. Bacon: shouldera 183(e, clear 'rib 160 and clear aides 16Xe. Bulk shoulders 113g0, clear rib 143(,er and clear sides layto. Louisiana sugar cared barna 16®20c. Lar d : tierce 173 e. Whisky 9.3 c; common fairly act ive-with Wes at 92c. Low middlings 240. Grain firm and unchanged. NASHVILLE; January 19.—Cottin ae• tive: low middling 23g. good ordinary 22%®23. Wheat: red ;1,05, amber $l,lO, white $4 . 1.5. .Cern 930@1i1 aneked and delivered. Oats 70. Aye U. Flour 14,40 k -- --lino to tan.- Bacon for sixpence to Piney. am. clear alder 17, shoulders 13, hams 1734, city auger cored 20, plain 18. Lard 8734, Bulk meats: cleersidee 16X. Clear ribbed do 16, aboulders 12, rump pork 25. Mitwgprzym, January 10.—Flour un changed. Wheat quiet at 830 for No.l, and 77%c for No. 2. Oats and corn nom inal. Eye steady and unchanged. Bar ley nominal. Dressed bogs unsettled at 510 2rgioll. Receipts. 1000 Mils flour and 11,000 boa wheat; shipments, 1000 bbis flour and 4000 boa wheat. PHILADELPHIA, January 19.—Provla. lons dull and drooping, but Floes are unchanged. Petroleum: there is airmail business in crude at 20@20340, refined at 30 .5 in. Whisky arm, at $l. for iron pound. STEAMSHIPS TO , LIVEITPOOL . . QUEENSTO WN. TUE TOOlarl MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Numbering sixteen Ent lava tassel; mnogg latina y t i ir cu.lebrattil W r CITY atilt", t CITY OF A L . II.I,2ILAK. 8 .n.5 rt. 41 Nong Myer. New Sort. Per Damage or farther lagnmailionspoly to , WILLIAM BINOLLM Jr.; trICITHSLILLD bTII.7AT. PI tigarith, z: I H DAILY GAZETTE : THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1870 RIVER NEWS The river continues to recede steadily at this point with 17 feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks last even ing. The vreather has • moderated Ilghtly with indications of snow. Mer cury wax down to 27 lathe morning, and np to 31 at 4 r. u. There has been no arrivals since the date of our last report excepting the packets. The Wattanita, Believernon and Wild Duck, all from New Orleans, are among the first boats due. The Haggis Hays departed laud even ing for New Orleans with an excellent trip on boat and barge. Pilots—Wm. Hall and Joseph Whitten. The Glasgow departed- for Nashville with only a moderate trip but she doubt less had engagements below. Pilots— Thee. Javene and Maria' Hays. Several tow boats, It la expected, Will get off to d'.y or tomorrow. The R. C. Gray, Capt. Whittaker, will be the brat boat out for St. Louis. She will get off on Friday or Saturday. The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, will be the,first boat out for New Orleans. Quite a number of our Insurance com panies have curtained leases by steam. boat disasters below. The Lizzie Gill L the last on the list. Business continues very quiet at the landing, the offerings of freight for all points being very light, and It takes* boat from 7to 10 days to pick up any thing like a trip. —A case of considerable linnet Lance to steamboatmen has just been decided at St. Louis. Mr. Win. J. Kribben, the treasurer of the Western Boatmen's Be , nevolent Association, was arrested three or four years ago on a charge of ember.. element, but the case was not made out, and he was discharged. Ha was charged than with being a defaulter for ■ large ■mount, and suit was brought against his securities. The case has been reached, which perhaps will be Anal. Alen Martin, Esq., was appointed ref. erne to adjust the amounts, and Ma re. port. was tiled Saturday. Alter going over the whole case and making careful examination% and correcting mistakes, the referee gives a judgment for Mk,. 710 40 against the defendants. He says: "This la the sum with which the securi ties and Mr. Rribcen are chargeable. Mr. Kribben alone would be chargeable with a much targeted= under the evi dence before me. —The St. Louis Democrat of Monday says: Capt. John 8. billaw • was on 'Canoga yesterday. and expresses him. self as well satisfied with his vitt to Pittsburgh. Upon presenting ids claim for insurance on the Stonewall, the amount, 830,000, WWI paid over without one moment's unnecessary delay. By the Montane° man of Pittabergh he was treated in a kind and courteous manner. —Perna have gone to prospect ibr a boat sunk some twenty-flys years ago near the mouth of the St. Francis. It is said that a i.eL,N amount of treasure was lost on board:Amid the prospectors are very sanguine of finding IL —Negotiations are pending for the charter of the Pine Blug to run between Rickman and Cairo, connecting with the Northwestern and Illinois Central rail roads. --dint:A. M. Ilutchlnsou has put Ms linealds.wheel steamer COUnte= 111 the Vicksburg, Bends and Natchez trade as • tri.weeUy packet. —Thera is a rumor Mat the steam Arkansas has Men sold at New Orleans er to the White River Packet Ompasy. —The Hawk Eye No. 1 wae reeeny purchased by Mr. llutchens, a coal meUr chant, of Evansville. Price 1i.5,000.. —There is at Evansville a large ac. cumulation of freight 'for New Orleans. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTSBURGH. eIACIIIMATI AND ST. LOurs Ramatoin, January 10 .-1 5 We meal, Schomaker & L: 8 hides, J Donnie; 9 tuba lard, 10 bets dried frult,2 kint a butter;o Shendam: 140 tl i tglt flak Jai os Conner; 25 bbls h win, ttle & Mech. ling; 25 do do, It Wood & Co; 1 bbl whisky,.ll Jones:6 dodo, H Swiggett: 25 tame, mindles, Watt, Long & Co; 3 tea beef, W - B Rays & Son; 30 bbla oranges, J Deminso; 10 bbls dried peaches, J Hap pen & Co; 29 bbla flour, J Porterfield; 4 Braces sausage, 5 casks bacon, J H Par ker; 8 hbd. Lemon, J P Henna & Co: 4 tierces: beef, 6 cask. bums, F Sellers & co: 0 hales cotton, E Hyde & Son; 73 hides, Popp, Baker & Co; :Obis whisky, S.Steln; 16 do do, J Selfreth; 8 bales hemp, Gently & Gerwig; 10 bbl. whisky, F Evert; I cask beam, Dalton & Town send; 25 bze loop, J A Renshaw; 20 bbls bongs, A B Mils; 6 hhda tobacco, W &D Rinehart; I oar stave*, Beatings & D; I do bone dust, Seward & Emerson; 10 tee, lard. 10 obis lard oil, Haworth & D; 30 do lard, J - Dalzell; 6 bbls oil, A. Hick. patrick & Co. CL&VELAND AND PrmallUlloll RAIL. WAD, January 19.-14, cars Iron ore, fiboenborger, B.t Co; 4 do lake sup ore, McKnight At Co; 2 do do, Zug tt Co; 4 do Coleman, R & Co; 2 do do, Reese, G k D; 65 mks p note, I Dickey Jr. Co; 9 'bdla pa per, W 0 JOllOlOl3 & CO; 11 ski °ate, 1 bid Sundries, 1 box butter, Adams st I s ; ll hbla beans, 1 sack do, Vangorder de 98 17 bdle framer, McNlsh dt Butter, 42 ski olds, 6 do rye. 6 do rags, Graham tt 17 do d apples, Bruggerman de 0; 178 sks oats, W Ei Nantker @ Bon; 63 bbla mo lar, 8 P !Raiser & Co; 36 do do, Watt, Lang 3 Co; 101 do do, 31 bbds eater, W Haulage Co; 17 Ude sugar, Arbutides Co. • PITTEETmoIt FORT WAYNE AND On -0•00 Re4rdaos)p. January 19 —l7O bbla flour, 120 aka do, Culp & Shepard; 1 car corn, Kell it Rltcharts; 25 brs soap, S Ewart & Om 4 Wl* scrap Iron, (kilo. man, Rehm it Co; 2 cars limestone, Lughlin ct. Co; 2 his books, A W Eng lish; 1 car scrap Iron, J Conway; 10 bales cotton, I Dickey & Co; 200 bbls flour, 400. sks do, T 0 Jenkins; 2 cars old lead, T II Nevin it Do; 100 bids flour. Schomaker it 14 100 do do, Watt, bsng & Co. ALEDGEZNY STATION January 19.- 1 car rye, Ide barley, J Rhodes dt Co; 48 hides, Jae Callery; 1 car flaxseed, M B Suydam; 124 aka oats, lot onions, Schmidt Du ff y; 2 aka wool, At B & If Fullerton; 178 aka oats, 2 do c seen, 1 car corn, It Knox & Son; 1- CET lIIITIbera NUM 51 sks feed, W C Brown; 25 bbls flour, 8 C McMasters; 2 cars wheat, R'T Kennedy Bro; 100 hbla Ilme, Jos Craig; 1 oar flour and feed, GOO Stewart. ALisainury Varszr RalLnoAl), Jan ary 16,-11 aka eloverseed, A Kirkpate rick dt Co; bears limestorm, Shoenberger, Blair A. Co; 2 bxs butter. 1 sack raga, L J Blanchard; 1 car metal, Nitnlek d 3 dressed hogs, J Hoffman; 32 aka wheal. 5 do rye. Scott et Ghat 44 aka oorn. Gra ham h Marshall; 21 pkits potatoes, J Mar. term; 63 can opal, Kier Foster & Kler ,. 63 do do, .Armstrong Cm 9do do, Cole man, Rahm it Co. RIVER PACKETS. MEMPHIS AND NEW .ORLEANS; _IVOR MEMPHIS.adrie VICK 4110101 , and SRW OR L ANO.—The One Rotenone,. nem.. • • YMEIEWOII3 No. A ....:Capt. Jtan Dux, Will leave tbr Om above and Intermediate porta oe DATUIIDAY. AAn lost. - for trelttiojor to Jan FLACK I vOLLINLI WOOD, Arals. LOUISVILLE. CAIRO Ina ST. LOUIS. FOR CAIRO AND BTw i dir m a IA) E• 16.—Tbo a.a pant op H. C. GSM' Capt. Watrrazza. Wilt lure for tho aeon mad lotenordloto porta on II LTC BUOY. Mid Lost. • /or tuba t or I:wows apply.= board or to _ 011181.13 i. Pngltit. ion /LLCM A vOLLIBUWoOD. Assn,. ALPERT & KOH.LER, Manufacturer. and Valera la 1100T2, 8.101:11 AND blrgh. Pa A1T7023., & No. 2V Market 'trait, Pin. Panienlar attention items to Custom W ork. We tag leave•us direct the attention of the nubile to the tact that we are now prepared** manafamere t .. 1?0t. aod tames for pennon. e litriia ' sat liggltelf.4%l7l6°.lll PEAT, fOrmerly of Alkalies', Cuy, who will be aimed In see bls old customers again. - We hare adopted Mr. Alpert.. mode of reasserted the foot, by which we eau be Into la warnralha eat, and comfortable loot • and oho!. to, the tender , tat feet. Wye ne a trill and be convinced. ALPICAT ACM LAW,' . tn2aull It 'Market street Pilisburgh.Pa Imparter and setall dealer la szerm Errwrxoraianar. .WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CAIRO LIIIGRAITINU, • MoNoeßilte ARM, ILLITMINAVINO_ ie Ordenby 3141 mane promptamenuirs. and ter zusplez. - Lois Cileationt J. 2.5. FM? SWINT & BRATT, a LIMIT A]iMEUTILOTURALL AN D ORNAMENTAL CARVIRRS, So. 66 Sandozlrf IL, Aileen!, A. It t tr iz Tor , tame of ITEWNL POETS nil :ran doovirdloon=.! l7" "nd. TUMID' KEYSTONE POTTERY. S . M. KIER AcU, • . . Itaauhketaren at avrasswAius. BRIMITOL Wily= ia office and Wacybous., 2I LIBERTY EMERNT air•ll ardor. nmemtl• a1t•n.1.4 •e. —...- 30CASKS PEARL AIR IN store sad tor solo, by J. B. 0u111.11.10 SPECIAL NOTICES rgrCONSIIMPTION. DE o fCHENKS PULMONIC ET ItUrfor the cure Ceuhe, ark. ad Von:notion. DK. SCIIIK.CIini SEA. We.P.l.. TONI , I for the mare of Dampsla and all the Debilitated Cone. lions of Dm' DR. eCIIENCK'S Mk.ADUCKE-PILLs.- for Mama of the Liver or to act as a Gentle Par. gauve. caring these three Medial es an often *aired In Coneumation. though the Pulmonk 117ga ' rert 4ttinTl arin&u:PrAt"..Zln, ageienng the Moms. Live, 1p th e Pelmale !Syrup to dleat and aareh t hewgh the blood nestle, by which mean. a care le soon ef. fees These Medicinei are amclentlevely offered to the PubOe the only safe, email% and reliable reuset.y for Palm um y Content ption. and for all those morbid conditions of the bay which teed to that fatal disease. Liver Complaint and Dye. ' pepsta en often forerunners of Conematoluet ad wren they manifest themselves they require Theo t prompt ettenCou. Pelmonic B.rao te a medicine whleh has had along probation before tee public. Devalue Las been proved by the thousand mines it has mane through a period of mere thee thisty•O ye years. In all of which rata Its reputation hula. messed. and the molt otothate skepticism can no lonia doubt that it Is a remedy which may be badly litteenedam In all cues which aloft of • Chet. . • If the patient flit perneeringly fellow the de. rectione which accompany each bottle, he will oertmely Co cured. If tos lents are net too mach waited te mate teen pos.l .It. Wren In ease* eePPind to be Incurable. when Made and by. hlelte. b eer dapideed, the use of this Medicine as saved the Ilia of the patient red restored him to perfect b. al th. Dr. Schenck does not sty that it eat. of Pen niman Conlininption a within the reach et Medicine, bait he emphatically aserts that often when molests have the to set &tannin liatentomil, ace. a a violent mar, creeping chills, night rti er ' 1 bt ` t b ,:d 7o r lb t 'bgn.:4 4 .l'4 they ale given up by their phyeician they sit e .11 be Cured. treatment Can create neer 111111. bet " th te lute. O flee Very ga d 7 'U". teitetrryre.lrgn.:. beef.may Also. In Scrotulom Dwane, tine medieleee are equally s ego ent. of D pe re H o e n n s a w.o hap hoeteon. many covered . with Dinning are s and now all ;gal git Lhlbt,lngl ko to e tro.thient of Consumption It te to tee the tongs; Ottecest import...a to_give vigor ad a healthy tone to toe system, Vim It Is necessary . to re stngth. the ap . of be the patient and tic prove Meditation. Proper nounateat le ra atelgod*rateTtyr with m TT:VgI:I e n s' Ll= Datable for the diet of ConamtUve patients en designatrd In Dr. Scbenck's Almames , welch nee alcanenteal eratultously. It general, th• meet highly nutritious ankles are to be pre. ferredut the Meaty., orgatiemeetbe Doman cad In order to make either lood or medial.. nervlceable. Tide requlrement is met by the Se wed and foe this Plt was des ord.ate - • .M. Wben.t, hrpo e dl tufa p•wers are put In /nod Da patient ore.! ngoraud proper effect; the *Men le tri lit • RID be- gin to exereite their Santee.tea no la rmal and healthy manner. Then the healing power. pf Piemonte Syrup will eff et thee., Dli:Valfel*l AN C° lf . rare l irg: l ft7e t r i Vrlgirllr. &beach's Madras Pills are Is ended to re. move obetructlona from the Idea and restore Its healthy action. They have all the anew, which le aerated to calomel or mega" and are warranted not to cantle* pallet. of lay min eral pole.. Theft Pills cure thorned Obrflate cattlynneaeollek headache, Pile.. Wale.. Mice Does and all Dews which "Ise i l w a torpid or obstructed andlitioacf the Liter. tine box or these olds wUI prove the efilesey of the ' mediates. InConsmaten the Sea Weed Tale and Man. drake Mlle are Invalueble of tllry maknees They troller, tee euetringe the pathint and assist the Pelnionic Syrup In electing a are. They btve ban found useful in anima saga of Consumption, wane the lenge an almost an ttrely eestroyed and all symptoms According to the Judgmem of the physician la. hated ..peaty death. The live of patients who were Utah'''. 120:11.4i4ibeatetnetocTieliktritetrilra° fo r- Dr. the! Almanac m. contain. a MI treatise on ' the neatens tonne or Mime. C. bla lands of treatment, ea natal dlrectlens how to usable medicine. es• be bad wrath. or en by mail by addressing hie Principal tales, No. 15, North Meth street. Ptilladelobla. Pa. Integer the Pannonia bleep and Seaweed Toe. gEso per bottle, or 11.110 • half - dean. Id ult Tail poi ls SS ante a box. For rale by all dfalliste. deTtolale IarDOCTOR WHITTIER CON_ TlTitila TO TEAT ALL PIIIVATX DEISP.AI3II3. That antarrooselam of cm. result !. from self-abase, namanlinem. nee.. debility, lerttabllity,-ensptions, seminal emlsoloo.. and linally Inspateney permanently cured. Persons ankted with dellease. Intricate and long standing onastltational wmplot 4. an politely Invited to tad emmultation. wt. moor nothing. Isperleams.' boa attends...a h.a enabled him to perfect remedies at ones 01- ..1.4 safe, permanent. and whirl to most ease. nsed 'litho. Mulitese. Med lelnes prepared In tb. eliabilament. which em braces olio.. recent!. and walling roe., also boardlng and limping ansrlitents fiz o rlipte Me l Vls B d ‘eiel sleeping Wg= g the Itir,l minuet springs. o trier who ha. failed, PiTri l :l s llllr&e n s. " lnt rary rirrig hi fit= liars. to se caret... Thousands of eases usual ammally. at OM • sad all over the woo. try Consultatt. free. , Deneeml/Y or ay moil olio. No. Y-Wylie nest. Omar Conn et.stal PlUsborgb. Pa. floor. N., se. to ■ P.O. 800. a r ras for twos SIP. m.. Pamphlet east to nor ad* dress forl4=w. sod arCIVICEIIB, Tumults, III; CIES, ie. — Astonishing and shunt miraculous cures ot Canam am being daily wide by Ins. P.. H. KLINE I CO., et the PblladelnhL Curer LoArmary, Trey Reset, Philadelphia. Penns., and at the twaneh at las In charge of Profeseor L. O. DALTON, -1110 Elm St., Clocl°eatl, Ohio. The treatments used in Cancer Antidotes, the most Matilde and mccessful Anoint In the etellleed world. They are not mustle, eating or bunting medi cines. They glee Iltt's or ad pato. They an se ders.] by the best sorgmes of the age. No other Demme have them antidotes. No other treatment should he used. Poe parttenlers gall or address as Mare. naLulllmme • OrST ovr. JU -CHERRY PZCTOBLL TROCEISA” ton tow?. co n iitat it eNa THROAT AHD Sane So .00.1. Nose so pleasa'at. Nona arre as Poky. 110aliT011 00.. 10 Aator Hons.. New York. Use sto cora of thole s.. "hoible tasted nausea iha ••11row Cubsb W a ErBATCHELOWS HAUL DIE. •rm..plesulid HUY Dull, the best In the world: the onLy tine and perfect Dye; tarmless, sena. Ole, nstantaneons; no dlisippointannt; no el elicnioes tints; remedies the elYeets of taxi dyes; basic antra and ie.. Um Eats soft and beautiful. Nock or brows. Enid by all Dm/nista end Perfumers; and yinsiserly ;inland Bne tors Win traelsory. 8.. 16 nod street. New Tart. rit: if'.l:l44l3gf- ate)* 12,11001:14,A Not. HI and !ft Liberty Sind. Coiner of Ineht, now ea. etel offer the tnde at,thw 111 , aretly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and lenses. Porto Rico, Cob. and Basilan Islam! Sugar& N. York, rldlactripbla and nalUmors Et! need do. Uoldea Drips, Loseringt, BrunDs, M.D. Apon e dams , and Loon Wand Monkish Syrups. Rico. Cobs and Isld Molin .T d otzZyr.Japan, Itapertal, an Unnpoard a. er Carolina and nanasdn Java. Lunar& and RbsCollees. Tobacco, Lard OH, Ptah. Haile, Mare, Soaps Cotton Yarn.. Ile., constantly on band. ALSO, =ME= • Fine • Brandies, Wines aid , }Menial. Moselle and Sparkling noel of Hinkel Jk Co. In bottle. Sparkling Mos4le, Sebareberg and Johan* Moir, flockhelmer, Burgundy, no. • Bradenburg•grams , sue 00.0 011. Va b iariZt d bo b Ate" 21. Work I Bone' Sparkling Catserba. • Y.e Old bherrY. hinder. and Port Wines • Fres Ord Monongahela BY :..dairles, para. • do Vary Superior 010 booted CM do. ALSO; • 801. tin Non Chasiton's CinadVia lavertar verzenly own Brandin of our own seleouon ana w 110:dia • ESTABLISHED WE A. itc T. GORMLY, 1812. Iff. 001111LLY, witoizseur. 1 3180(31116, No. 271 liberty Street, U711110?1,T Oar, 7./.01.3 /WITCO !TITBITIGH. Y. BTSinf.lll J. A. STSZLE. M STEELE & 8011, • Consnetssion Merchants PX. 01311 ,0/IAIN.VMED. ate. .No. 99 OHIO MAW, aux Luz Ocuusem. •LLIOHINY arr. rs. ern= HCIL - JamisMlTl rc an,& ILICHART, —10111:111MMON 11211108 ANTS, Flotra, GRAIL FIEZDEI, FEED, kA gia Liberty RI.. Plltabeirgth mEANOR 4 HARPIEII2, MOUE. GRAIN ♦ND PRODIIO2 Commission Merchants, 829 LIBEILTI: Oanfirnmea ea sollelAgd. " W. C. ARMSTRONG, telanapiam to retest • Armatraew muck coloussiox macarr, No. 25:115141colt Street. L.i .11wrowelt, Wholesale and Befall Grocer, .18:30No. was rzsar wriurs? _ ;liTTLE; MIAIRD & PA TON, wh o h y d. upsets, Comesissioobuds • Deslento readopt. Flour. Basso, Cassia: Nish. ,srboasa4 land OU. Iron, Nails, OLS S. tatioalranss sad all Pl9stt_Taa llsawrsaares mt 51 .4 011.111 sad u! USWND BTAILLT,. Joao t. nocres..sow. nacres—Am n. 101 IN L HOUSE Is HIROO, !Inc. •• • moor. JORN From • co.. ow.- nle °mg. *OO OMNI A te r ettauta. Qom or of oanithelool sod Water streets. rictobarib. JOHN 111111,747/ A. WALL.•OI4 drPTO s t R &WALLACE.WhoIer ivm f f ri k s wiumi nu awrAit FINANOIAJA S. McCLEAN & CO BANK ERS. I=l Government Securities, No. 75 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. Personal and prompt attention given to every. thing In the bosinese. Collections made. Car- Udeates issued, and Int allowed oa Time Deposita. Adv.oes made on Prime Collateral. nod Government Securities at liberal rates. Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Inchoate. Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, de., Sr. All local or otherittscel.aneoaa ?tucks, • Bondi, Idortgsgen Commercial Pa• er, de.. negotiated at the metal rates of commission. . telt " 4 : 1 41: 1 4 1 6 1 ): 1 4 1 1 ,1 hillill OS vri-rtairtaccial, 13:1303 Safe Keeping of Valuables, Under goaratttee4 and the renting at Bata lek Ste Wire ind Burgin-Proof halts. No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE PresIOND—WILLIAN PUILT IPS. Viol) President—HENßY LLOYD. == Wlf LIAM PITILLIA BYROM H. PAINTER. HENRY LIA , AYD, - .108. B. 11012111d0W, WILLIAM REA. HICORMI WILLIAM M. LYON. MIRTH! G. AILINALT. JAM. HAMMETT. Hse'T TaltA.-11. P. 01A BONNIIORIIT. ()pen 'dIALT from 9 Wel.* A. 9. to 4 o'clook TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL DANK, Wood St., cor. Second Avenue. ENUEEsT PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocky BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. 1111ADLL7. Pruldani. W. VALIUM". Vles Pratldeat. Ot •dal °THUM CLARICE. Ja.. Cu.utd N HOLMES b. SONB, 57 MARKET STREET ETZTABDRCUI, PA. 00Thlet.10111 made em all tem stlekelval palate at tau Oaßad States sad Ows. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities swam. AND SOLD ())i oommutszomr, =rim . al:Ludlam paid to the purchase NW Vtted States Securities. HART, CAILIGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Strad., prrTssunon, re., 03110012350111 TO HANNA...ELLET • 00.,) E= Exchange, Coin, Coupons, 4144 puttealar attentlos pod lie thi maw and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Ve i t Drafts on London. CITY BANK. .112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 11100.000. ITOCINOLDERS INDiVIDVILLT MLR INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIM YOBBIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to „Europe. Collections male on all the principal pants or the United State. and Canada. Donitinci trinann, President. Jamas lloOsne. Vlea Prasideat, W. N. MOaciag. Cashler. ninscgoria. D. Dinneen, Janes McCabe, Thomas Bourke, Hugh Keating, J. Duniery. Jr., Terence Can:TWIN Patrick Rana. James Phelan, ChM, B. Barr, H. A. Preyvoila, Jaci. los. Hermann, Timms. Barnes. 1t ea. JOS. DAZZAH. Solicitor. *: u , .!. : ya ~~ DUQUESNE WORKS: COLEMAN. MOW & 00la • Namtfactarera at IRON, NAILS • STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. DIIQIIX/137; L X AIM JUNIATA. PLAT BAR, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON, BAND, Hula' +MEET AND TANN IRON, BOILER PLATES AND HEADs. lICAHD IRON, DRAG aao DROPPER RAM PLAID:MU, CUTTER BARS, CYLINDER WO PLAT RAIL, Ibr Ooal Road,. • W BARS. WEDS &HARROW TEETH, PIUNG A PLOW AND CULTIVATORNTEEL , STE E WINGS AND itOUL WI It to pattern. !VITAL TINES, irnizz, SHAITINO, A. H. dl EEL COACH, BUGGY sad WAGON SPRINGS lima AXLES. OUT NAIL§ AND SPINKS, All Goods That Clam and Warranted, OFFICES AND WORKS: • glAteenth litnrai and Allegheny River and FT Water Agrees, Pittsburgh. nits NUN, BARR & PRIM. emu& rAITNIMS: falk Mow. Pairnris-6. Y. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BABE & PARKIN, MICE. h. HO Liberty Street, raitaa rrereauirs7l. PA. pIITSBI7IIGH STEEL WORSE. ' IJITABLISTIED IE 111141. ANDERSON & WOODS, ~INAIRITACTIMPLI OP HEST IMISIED OMIT STEEL Of every deseeptioa. 411.0, but Wined ilenm Plow mid Spring !Red CORN= ZOOS AND NEST AVlNOZ.Ttna barph. Pa. uncall DUQUESNE FORGE. •: WILLIAM MIL, (Successor to JOS. RUSE A C 0.,) Hu tulllges eo•extensdre Ith the lead'" Poll fridlos . toTlWVlPlo r irgt Ari t rallar 'SHAM!. ChANICe, POOR together 5110 every Pflery_ le 'RODS. LLITZIth. PITY AN .7 A IL% WRIS v 3k 1 , 110/it. AXLie. OT LOCONIVie dew:lotion of BILAPX Orge• Caner °Monza Way hid Ent Strtn. soli:hal • BLLERSILIESEN PROCESS. egraratnrirmawn a anDerlorquallty Imparted to peat latotor tro ff." 'h. 9_ , Oed oat. am e n d lt to all matarLta " rara l"" rat UOlll. isitlos lOWA' to use It eta obtoa Memo to oPPIIInit JAMES P. SPEER, wain I .4 Sl A gi n lar 501141.M4 Your. avosso. Pink* htoreste4 ars loslted to visit Os BLIOENSIZRGICK WORKS. vs.. lb. pro.. Is Dow la saccoalut owasJon. • MO.O sinErriELD STEEL WODES. MNGER, 11110101 & CO l ',mailman. PA, . Manatactusgra of even d**210 1 ... of - DANT AND °NOLO STEEL. "M r itl i n a h.il7ollll MIN _a •114121, BTXLL ac„, warehouse, 83 Wsterandloo nut fits. BLACK auaoxa STEEL WORKS. PARK., BROTHERA CO., NI said Maims of iII dtacriptlons of BT L,, • ciratatremn TitIRTIETR AD ST vvrimitraon. PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS - WILL NJ boreceived at the (Lice Of the Chief quar termaster. Military Division' of the Missouri. Chicago, Illinois, oath 19 M., On TuII:OAT, Ifehmlerl 2. 1170, for the transportation of Government troops, militatv. Government and Indian supplies between the following points, 0. Indietted ;luring the time from Mach 20, 1570, to October 21, 1510, vb., „Le i, Prom St. Louie, Mo., Manx City, Yankton Agency. Fort Randall. Wh Waite Creek. Lower Realm and Crow Creek odes, Fort Sully, Bag Cheyenne and Grand Hirer Agencies, Ports , Lice. Ineveason. Buford. Camp Cooke, or any poet that may be established at thimouth of the Romieshell river, and Fort Benton. From Wyandotte, liren.. to Sioux City. Yank ton Agency; Fort Randall, Whetstone Creek. Lower Beale. and Crow Creek •neneles. Fort Bully. Big Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies, Forts Rice. Stevenson, But Camp Cooke. or any poet that may be established at the month of the ktescimhell river and Fort Benton. From Port Leavenworth, Ran.. to filoix City, ' Yeekton Agency, Fort Banded. Whetstone Creek. Lower Brutes and Crow Creek Agenelea, Foes Bully, Big Cheyenne and Grand Meer Agencies, Forts Moe, btevenson, Buford, Camp Cooke, ormtv poet that may be establiihed at the mouth of the Museleatiell river and Fort Benton. From Cenahe, bleb., to . Sioux City. Yankton Agency, Fort Randall, Whetstone Creek: Lower Brole. and Crow Creek Agencies, Fort Sully, Rig Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies, Forte Rice, Stevenson. Berard. Camp Cooke, or any poet that may be established at the mouth of the Musclesbell RSV r and Port Benton. .- From Sioux. Cite, lows, to Yankton Astute, Port Randall. Whetstone Creek, Lower Denies and Crow Creek Agencies, Fort tally, Bog Chey enne and (Send Rarer Agencies, Fere B e'. t 'Monson, Buford, Came Coale, or any post that mey be estabilehed at the mouth of the Maseimbell flyer, and Fort Benton. From Yankton Agency to Fon Rendall,Whet stone Creek. Lower Brutes and Crow Creek Agencies. Fun Bully. Big Cheyenne and Grand Ether Agencies. lone Rice, Stevenson. Buford, Camp Cooke, or any post that me) be eetablish , ad at the month of the Musclesbell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Randall to Whetstone Creek, Lower Bruits end Crow Creek Amen., Fort Sully, Big Cheyenne Lad Grand River !Lennie., Porta Rice, Stevenson. Beford, Camp Cooke, or any poet that may be taint tithed at the month of the Museleabell ricer, and Port ointtom From Whetstone Creek * Ammer to Lower Erotic rid Crow Creek Agencies, Pon Melly, Blg Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies. Pon. At co, Stevenson. Refold. Camp Cooke, orany Pon that easy be established at the month of the Mutieleskell river, and Port Benton. TM= Lever Brules Agency to Csow Creek Agency, Port Bally. Big Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies, Forts Rico, Stevenson. Buford. Camp Cooke, or any pest that may be enablithed at the month of the Museleshell river, and Port Benton. From Crow Creek Agency to Fort Sadly, Big Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies, Forte Wm, Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cooke, or any poet that may be establiehed at the month of the Muemealiell river, and Fort Benton. Tram Fort roily to. Big Cheeenne mid Crud River Agencies, Forts Rice, Stevenson. Ealbed, Camp Cooke, or any poet thatmal be established at the mouth of Museleshell steer, and Port Renter, From Big Cheyenne Agency to Grand River Agency, Ports Rice. Stevenson, Burred, Clump Cooke, or any won that may be established a: the month or the Rmelestell xiver, and Fort Benton. Prom tined River Agency to Ports Rim, Ste. venom. Buford. Cann Cooke. or fly Pont that I ma) be established at the month of the Muscle. ehell river and Port linden. From Port Rice to Forte Stevenson, Belford, Camp Cooke or any poet that may be established at the month of Mundethell slier and Port Renton. From Fort Stevenson to Fort Buford, Camp Cooke, or any Jost that may be estabUshed al the month of the MusclestoU river and Fort Beaten. From Port Buford to Camp Cooke or say post that may be estabinbed at the month of the Museleattell river and Fort Benton. From Camp Cooke or any post that may be established -at the month of the Mmelmitell 1 river, and Fort Renton. Proposals are aim invited for the transporta tion of troop. and sappile...during the mason from March 90..1570. to October 31, 1570. from Chicago, Illinois, via BOux City. lowa, on through bills or lading, to all the pobeta above Sioux City that are above Levine& Bidder. reinstate the rate, (separately for cock. month from March 20th to October alst. 11110; inclusive. the date of Martine til determine the rate to be pall, at which they will nerform the merthe from each of the etarthil Pointe to too several rotate or destination above-named, a. follow.: Lt. The rate at which they will transport each oaten. and soldier (cabin passage to be provided for oMoers, and (Jr soldier. necessary IMMO. for cooking their rations, which will be supplied by the Government). Id. The rate pee COO pounds at which they ! will transport eupplies. I 3d. Tone rate at which they win trampoet horsee, miles, antic, annolancea.urts,wagona, . etc., (troughs tor feeding the tet lamb to be pre- Tided by eteamboat.) A must preference will be given to parties who own and control boats. Boats will be expected to always give the Goverment freight the pref. creme. end in no ease will be allowed teicarry private to the etc/mien of Government freight. The oontrsc or will be minima to transport mores by land la the scent of failure by water; and ail stores received by the eentractor Mir transportation meet be delivered at their dent. LCon within the year 1570. , Bidden 'nil please give the rate at which they will Ihrutele tronsportatios down Orleans though for that exclusive purport no boot will be required to go op einem uoleu to down at least 160 tom of Government freight. The contractor for transportation from Chleago will not be retired to furnish any down stream tramponation.' he ease the contracting party fella to carry freight an reerind. the Government reserves the eight to inruish the transportation at the ex. Dense of the contractor: and nothing herein contained shall be so connoted as to prevent the Government from transporting its euppika on any of its own tons. Bidden are innummil that no boat landed with Governmeutt stores will be Wowed to go above Sioux Cite. lowa, drawing aver three nod sae. half feet water. As no boats will be required to go to points above Sint: City with than one hundred tons, bidders:Will state the rate at which they will . transport detachments of troops of 100 or mere witeemtlreight Bid& - - " ' - lees should gine their nanses In fall, as roll as their places of risidenu, .ad each pro. port/ moat be aceompanled with • hood lathe eons of 00,000, Mimed by two or more respon sible persons. snarinteelits that. In use tb• oontanit' to awarded to the penon proposing. It will be aocebted and entered l o to, and good andt surgelcut seconty fornlahed by sold party. In accordance with the terms of tblsadverusentrott. Tb• contractor will be mewed to give tends Let the awn of ( one hundred thousand donors. The party to whom the award la made, mus be•prepared to ereeete the echtmet at once, and to We the required bead for It, thlttithl w ren:mum. • • The Government reserves the ?tett to reJeet or all bids that may b offered. Copy of Wank form of enamel. both fbr trans_ Donation from St. Louts. MO.. sae Cbleauo, Ct, to be =UMW into In the event of award, and bleak fame of propoea.s. eon be bad by applica tion to this omee, to the oflce of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of Abe Missouri, Louts, Mo.; Chief tleartennaster, Depart ment of the Platte. theaha. Neb.; to linnet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Mooney (leaner. master. Fort Leavenworth, Eau., and to Captain Jem.• Ohl:" anaistant gnartsrmasnar, Slone City. /owe, Proposals for transportation from Et. Louis, etc.. should be Indorsed. ••Proposals for Army Tian/partition on the Mlssonri Rim. from at. Loot Mo.. elm.•• and those for tiaarrortstlen from Chicago, “Proposals ter Army Tramper. ULM. from Chicago, 111., to iminte on the Mis souri/Myer." and addressed to the ondenigned. By order of the Q14111191.1.1ter Cenci als D. U. DUCKLM. I=E3 Quartermaster Genaril,lte4 alum Army and Chief Qaartarsnanci tn •itlon a Oa 311nhaan. jUii‘ m ) RIFLED c,, NC 211781 AT or ORDIW.OI.,t IM WASOTON ClTT7attufay 4,16). SICKLAP YRO,POS4.LEI for the purchnse of 3O : Weeder and AO pounder Parrott Riau. with rinciingcs, Implements, and ProJeCrilta mw nn h oo d to the egf.yardi at, N. If.: Boston, New York, Philadelphle, pruidost o o. and Norfolk. will be . 111ftwered at tide Bureau until 10 o'clock nooe, JANUARY 3411170. • t o the mgt. rats there are about 30011ites, 334 Ogg sea. eed 04.11 T P.ltetilea. !shed.' ales In detente the art cles at each Nod will be furnished on altuticallon to this Bureso. • Bidder. 0111'state the number or guns. ems nu., implements and projectile. they desire to purchase at each yard sr puately. nod Won the calibre of the gun, kind of raniege, whether broadside or pi rot, and the kind of projectllem. The gone, to., will De delivered at tit, rupest lye nagy.yardn, and mug b. removed by the mugger or Durham rs within ten days afar the acceptance of We or their bid. Basso de liveries will he made of any article until the partite purchasing shall have deposited with the paymaster of N. nen-yard the alumna of the purchase Money In each case. alum of the guns are new. And *II are service able. Madera will therefore Mfg accordingly. Necker for lb s 0 artlelee as old Iron or wood wlll be considered. • The Horgan mem' the rhelit to reject Ur Or al& Math lt ma) not consider to the Lateran of the Giverata at to ouch!. Proposals thoWd be indorsed on the enyelope 'Propo.als for rotates of Mae Coupon,. &a" A. LUDLOW 0413 C • • Chief of Bores. I OTT CONTIOLLNIVi 0777.111 Ptressanou, Pa.. Jaanary nth: MO. P.ELLED .PROPOSALS WILL' M Melnd It Ms ale* to Jal _ =l:3 1970; for farntshleg the eltr irlth BriTloll - awl BLAME. /1041[8. _ . • • Jet7tall B. J. MtllOWAlr.routrollar. 75 TONS BEST BRANDS Soda A. 14 tor eW trt J. B. OAXIIIRLD. OILS DIAMOND 03L WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Office, 13 /.14ZEL!..5 CIJILLMiti Ifewayint Way, rittabarxh, ACE BROTEIERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALIRS IN Petroleum and Its Products, rlttsbargh OMee,DALZELL'S BnILDIH4.I consez of Duquesa• WAY and Irwin street. ThllidelphlnOT-ne—LIT WALNUT B?. anlvelo WARING & KING, Comadnion Xeretuulta and Brokers la Petroleum and its Products, DWELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY. reurnstsniA ADDIMR). ROOM' 17, chansber of (7,cn,snseree, 133 SOUTH SECOND - !STRUT. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HEIIBEEff W. C. TWEDDLP. MANWACTITRZIL OP Lubricating & High Test Darning 137, rai l . Railroad Azle OR, Lad, great beat velment change: remains aid at lowest temperatures. erected oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive. rwilas, Biaehtsas nap e Raw Rill and Plaids** Rill Adapted toe bleb speed. Illielakles Wool, illeall•lglat D s 011,Tannera• atafal Mammies lag sad Ifatablagtimuoltne, Olt, flagmeas Oil. Irantillue. VARNISII, to preserve Bright Iron Work and inarnincrrmurg Rom These prodaets are tuanalhottered tinder Dr. rezed . tt4Vir a t , e4t . rilusgheated /team In Van are almost odorless, puree ly purr., arronn e and manly light col ored. stand a high semperatura unchanged= remain limpid dodos extreme told. The rums (Maar. uncenaned e and are in eminent oae on many of the nod Railroad. gemPlee eat be examined and orders left at 11l ROOD tirltarr. Worse at eharpsburg Bridge. STOVES. OAST/NGS. tko. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other t3tere la the Ualea. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Al" on bud And ftr24410. PARLOR OTOVRB, =AXING OTOVIN, GATE PRONTO, 77.NDZIPS. COOKING RANUNA HUT, 11110113 ki CO., wrarAcTuitia3 of TriaT Tun= OP STOKES, BOSTON COOKING BA2roz, "THE FIERY FURNACE," • 70a Wailluscißinicnisrall. TEE NEW ANTI-DURT COOKINR STOW.. “RiftitlLATOre," tIOLUXIIIA CoOK VA,h'S (Cincinnati Patten* PGRTABLIC HANGS CAST ZION MANTLES'. WILLMAN'S RE T LECTOR, GRATIS, hew Non MN and dust: GRATE 715.u.NT13, rit.NDEBS, 200 and 208 Liberty Street s . ate' •7H PITTSBURGH. PA. A. BRADLEY & CO., NO. BO WOOD ISTIZET, Itsnaroctscon of tho Groatost Voristiol Cook, Parlor and Heating Stem, In our aseoranuent mill be roweled! the LATIN! PATTERNS AND IMPROVEIIENTS, and the repolail. of our St. ta to on. that any one In wont of a good ortlele ohoeld purchase none bat !hose tallitabetUt. by 1116 Y they 1.1 be found I.e.°. durable so well as whoona Leal. Would Mtltrefr O.S.W9rbtiFIrLA"it<TOLCtAOI3 SOD sOld to , ht. Inenteo. Intended for 0115 of without easing. All who have and them pro noun.. th. m etweror b any other &Ad Suchen.- . hood for Rotolo.. and Pala Litt. }ale WALL PAPERS. MEI PAPER IIMIGING& ivartieled Wall Patotrs In Vain tint" raki,' , 'ions to soot and mate. YonnUllotkiron_nda VlPTlrVirl d AVAl l trAlt . arairme. .pe. printed gold. Newly Imported and not to to toned *lambent ID the Gauntry. Tat sale at W. P. NA m:Tar 'S _- NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Alfred.; II 1101.4111A:i. ORR tt IicCONA:HY, .TeNo;relerill. 114 PERM ST., toner of Water, Oar Goods are Unsarpaased (4C1401)5. W. M. HAVEN do CO I=3 EL Good Assortment of BLASE BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Cana Wood Street ud Third Irmi l alive PUBLIC NOTICE. aerteg been antatleiten UANand OAS ILICITIt INISPICTON ter Allegheny County. nonce limb) glean that until tee necessary oleo gag Mechanical Tuition Mar Alas," can be provided. I be Sound at the 01/10n OP WIN NA. TIONAL SOUNDWY AND PIP/ WORlft e Twent7•thtrd street, UM Pena. =Debunk, B. 11. asli'H. 3= Gas and Usilteter Impector Tv" DATES. • lost reeetred, new eroj Tonle Dotes, TOTY Soo. for solo by Ms box or pono4Y the Nasally tiro pennons of JOHN A. =NM .W, Comer Litextr mi.:l44ln* strtats GUN CLOTHING. PANTS. OVIRLIIII. CAPE. 26. - Alto, Oiled Clothing at all kinds ilwaya on hand 604 for sale, witoles•!* or ratan, 57 J. •O. ranurs. • deg • .26 and Moth Woe% CAltnacOANDLEr cu ir.r. waoLzuzz MAL= roielga and Domes:110 Drl Goods, 9 94 WOOL MOM% Viltd ibex' Moos Mum:4d W. 91.4picED RIIIITCED NEAT. kJ Wright's ogletoitod . ...Igo ems Mira" inbred gest at messed' prim, v 16616216 sad retail. put • p ld Lars, t4t.166, Yr by Um yeasd, 6S the Family Unseary Otani of. „. aousr A.Ersistiaw. Corn, r ilberty and Matt strata. n BARRELS CLEVELAND I Llmb 00 bbl: T=4. 'or by '"'" B. eiltritt.o. BUTTER -10 Half bbl e prime roB Bmer• b ?t. It. flLlll.l.lff.f) LEAD —27 a Pigs Foit Galena LLD. You sal. by 11. CA.II7IRLD. RtaLllcleiDEl . . . -...........—... Tin X Nri AY L V Alanwei n NIA OE6IO/.1 LAI illittiAD..l4l4l9..l"corrwillii ar r. rry . e . rt M ani= trout the Union Dom., Immo. of Washancoo2 aid Moray atreeta. as Wears: Arram. ' Dttaort 2.111 Train.... 1110 anal.w. anthem 6E,. 2 . 21.1. Cut Lia 0..... 1.45 am rracine Es... * atm Wall'a•No. 1.. 6 20 as' Wall'a N 0.1.. BrintonAn No11:60 am Hall Tralli .... 2110 MR au Wall's No. 2.. 2:50 am. Branton Ac.. ICAO oft Cincinnati El .0:20 am!HralmAa NO • 1•10 Ma Johnstown AO 10:50 anCelnelti`C IE. + pm Into Ac Nol 7:OU pm f Walcs No. 1.. 11. as Pittoteg I Ct. 1:30 pncJohnotown 2/.4• cm Pachle Cop% 1320 cm . looks Ac No 211: pm Wail's N. 1. .2:6opm Ptlta. taprets : pm 1 , 117Ht:V0 N ... ° 1. i % Mrs ' 12 : :11:: Pg . it.: &ILI i wrintonAc II o21:11/ pm 9%0 Un0 . .... TroODII i Way rmanl 10:20 tum Wall's 30. 5.. /I:Cw tut 'These train, make cioto connection at Harrloa him/ for Halthnore. tine% C a u rta r t. "' zi., ~..%f2,,' PtI"'"11 . • re.Y ;: m. gedtorningh..lr4sZtra 2 111,10 p. la.. . . • ChachnoU Znpreas I. awe/ Maly. Son Scores I aa dalit wip% Monday. AU 0 Woo. daily accept nontlOl Per Author tallmmataon apply to ' . W. H. BEII2 - 1111 AK Wt. . Tka PeastayivaalallalLroad Conway wlll - noa •fr. lam. any nib fortis/omm wasept MC wiMalla s p: 1 St r PLitrior U Ml b ag r e. r" rtltr 4' last Masan la Talus will t* z the risk 4r Ml effi ' L amaar. =WU tll2. DT SpeAtal Tor& EDWARD tl. 1101 i He 80Darlatendent. Altoona. i N r w E S E T. P th tt i nz,., „ .l3 r anda e e Wr l NeiOeVi. 1{ i i.. D571 i 11m669an H ats 4111 .1 d ep = ar Pedant Btrcet Depot, Allegheny City..Mig Wr A*'. e 4 fEn I De . art. ioß. : r 2: 2 . .. ..,.....,0!, ao iii . 4l , a Pr. A Z4l l - 2 .•';-'4 L= , . ... , , TN, teller, /mime. At, eipsaliki l;:4 At I:04 e. to. make direct arenectima at Freeport IMI9WeI. halos Meer au”. tor Put]. and narambetotra. 'ramose tickets atalee parehmed at tb lea lin. Call. Mrde the Bas_peagloalar; Blittantla. and et theeemt. *meet.). For Mika . talbroutlan applko irrs. • JAYAB 1.Y.11 Federal BtreetVit: Thu Wesirm reaaerMarde Hennaed lea agnate say Mak Mr Sugars. ..t . t for treenail s i z m pise n k t ta ,o lgal i t . th:l i rxerfazio u. Lll3l2 . Ong O. seeding tbia antematta value millbei7S7"elsk 01 the ovrasr. unlessittg A ti soli ililiseral Iftoortatendant. '.......'.......K1N1M1N . a IYNT.... a 00.1 M Yr,4.105. ... tsall l 6 0111 tra• ' cUl e T6._ • : • "1",. 1 . 1 10 pI , ...Tarim , , a greisad Ex a BLaagp.'' a Ammo on Lectsdnle Al.. . a as illea'r Falls • sae 1 Be. Castle ••1 ear I gape .. as Leetsdale ••74:1i as Hex's. lalla .. Es • Latttaalls I ;ya k, rat,. Cap Ilast• ' °I. day sibuseb. 91110 e Leaves lairtiresa ta l 1.. Beal. •• NO *. I .P. Vtt •-• Mrc:10118 •• WVICIAT:: " fr. .... 9:34 a m Cl. • 2 . • Sp II:08 pa Wrrgitistl7 ° f r arlrit A tAt& a 13; 10 . :11111 • .. • - • 1 11Ati: .• on •J. *. pr. 41WiMlart " PAY@ . 4 10;489' te r tjuril; 1:13 pia 111:1118 " Gent. EM. 41; A.101.0S j O m: AN G E OF QMIIINT VALLIII TEM ONLY /MUM HOUTZ 1011 (EL OAn =MONS WITHOUT MUNOZ 0/ OAN & OpaadaltmeNONDAY. Nov. 2A. 1 TWO =WWI YEATS DALLY lexpeps wlll lea. 1.10409/11 eattlandYltp streets,lbrN7Elila blo, awl all Watt la Me 011 Fh ib, D r ..rallMl.. IN3 , . ....Ty %Ex.... , SAO pm It ...... 11. am rap... 0:110 a m titan.. 6. 4y*. v a SA a1t0n...11:50 a m Plion...' lil, A m al a110u... 11:00pm NA plum.. 2: pa 411. Rolloa..11:11/0 p m 11tb liAlimi. tt . t _pm Miarkit ' egg ;:igifr.ti 111 5 14: Brady's BAo 11:15 pm R pa /1.1.3 1L01011• a . Wt . ~..dleto p . m . oo t r ze... MAI= AearmmodPOPP J. snap. mopLA.WftiNCA at , I /1314. J. wan T . N .... • IC • . THOMAS XING. Asa.t. rITTBI3I3IGIII, _QIIICtIrLTI AR WWI YAILWAT• . . PAN HINDU ROMA MANGO OP 71117..--0 a mid niter IiIINMT Nor. 14t11,11169, trains will tears and arrtft hi tle .llnion Depot. Pittsburgh. m • • Pittsburgh Thus. Dopors. • arnow.. Mall s. III:13 Rm. Bouthern7Lrproll....... RIMS D. m. liOtta. vs. 411 a 'es 7:18 in. fesj a risVii: -.. " ,—... 543 s.. us • 4:BY p', iratalNr: • Ilteettell•llleACCOmmad. 3%43 p. 133. 10,19 L. McDonald's Am's. No. 28:13a v. 115. 3.113 Bluida i rorth 111:18 p. m. a. in. ear Br. Express roil learudaur, • oia P. 9. Mad lOUs:rive dallz, m, 11. , ikniersl Ticket Amt. Coluin' - ‘17•17b. W. W. CARD. Demalson. Ohio. no . EITSBURGH & OONViLLII VI L L Oa awl after TtTEEMAY.. lirOyealber, XVI. Maas mire at awl depart trap Depot COMAS Of 'alma end Water Street; INw , m. .1•711114*," 07C1=M21 aCt. it iar: la from UnVA. 3:00 r. x. 110g10 A. BA Wort Newsom /meow.] CPO r. x. 1131/ Bruldock'm _11:15 P. X. alp P.M Night .te. Wile& sport.111:110 Y. M. CAI A. Sanday Glrateh Train to. • and h . = Weal Nawtoa I:00 P. At. 11. Por Matta apply tc 11. RAYMOND. Avg W. B. /TONT. Nan* rlntewlaat. DILWORTH, HOP. I & CO, 243 LIBERTY STEKET, (oypos!y, head of Wcia.i Are reeelrtaz base ehlemeete of NeW Crop New Orleans SUGAR and MOUSSES: [$ 'They give 12 per mist. ion on cniSnyar by the Ilogshfad • LATOT OIL • ". • -" I Tint T • LTSTATY I • To mem* emu bladed 'Omni. last come me What gamed bargains me entered let the goer • nee. mock or norten and Bummer Ckettasjetet proved sad emelleteet to v. ..... rg u aig. The rallest Lreeernr to be enjoyed man who en~o.. oat! eeeuee In : e we diet amt o YwtlYmmer C!. , r sot u t t Lt. Cl.tat4 CV:„.: r ray, Witr: C y PM. kir g.s zi.•••:••.,t • Tam • n• •. Ott dapt. Ms • clo ermetoTthe.. ndos howls tramee itel•lis LOOS. AT Clottne T r HE PRIM. • tall ter el w0n2.1111. r9t ZIV • • spause DO' ~•••••• 1.1 DIVA em. s. c. Titsuisiiiis. A PPLF. PAIREI2I3.-1 have a• ro-lo Sal assortment of Aisne Parins.Crolas =etas lf aehnak okras I Invite all to call all ma them teed. Tao PAULY% CORING AND Silent() 1401113(5, takes only GM twos • tam ink to pare, core, and slice an cerallaff Wont anPos. st. VS pen oltboat OUWy Of antes required. °nett rundes - sell meek Weber . /ken Steel onalto Ude melds. than wham esattarsok Or proses, , Alm, Oil smarm:at of . Lightning & Turn Table Apple Parer& For sea. wholesale sae Wan, try JAMES SOWN, NmlB6 WOOD STREET. iTRADE MARK._ , Dffilours EMEI.V.,. PITA( V , Lamp . CHIMNEYS. • ApisnHays ELELI2. • Tuicniwira, evi3ELAlrat. tra , • ateammixwmLemm lumulAws EM= WIZ& COll/1 COSTETIF sive& az °rare ZUjtr. 'LILO aLow,tbnikuut.. • ' at.mattl.b. -4 E 9 WII~E[OI ifaeMse Stone Wofits. ii" ,„ ... lo( Waseossmoli6Alletbrxr. - ATVATaiIL 41. COL Moo on nand or iTgra an abut Oath* mina mil Map s__ sa at Vaaia4 ia YR T -•- ; O • Weliskti ; OaerlDa 5 sottirni xcjaJOHN IILtI9HYi S Deput. pluatuggii: Lion. ILIM 14. IisEIMATT. Daman 'Us. - sway Unruh . DI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers