IEI MI tip l ifi s b ut ti ~ I. Ott. CITY AND SUBURBAN• Tar 13hrrrra is purerked ok. way . forlas &to of the reek ler 15 erre Pa emetke "by stela, $5 pee airere OM, rit IlasasSapkrda Bridge stock sold but araainteat Mellwalne's Mock room, at lidpar stuma The second span of the A. V.qt. R indite. al OD city, Is completed. Only ow spin remains to be constructed, and tbe bztdfe will be linished. • liatracted.:—Dr. D. N. Rankin yester day extraeted the ball from Leonard Hartman's led at the penitentiary. The wound was ght, no bones or ar teries hating be es oilfired by the ball. . Capelmik—Aboat three o'clock peter day a wagon Loaded wtth sand; to which there were four horses attached, while sseendtwg the Incline iodate from Fifth avenue to the Jail yerd, all& off the ta dthk precipitating horses and wagon to tbs• West. but the hones was was emir Inking!, no otter damage was dem Released en Ball.-11 icholu Hoffman, Indicted ftir the murder of James Leash• ran. and who him been confined in the county jail fur over two months, was =released on ball. The ball at 1120,000 by the Oonrt, and Francis Hogle and George Hoend be raspotudble In that amount for the apples:anal of the sonased. Christmas and Art.—The Mined and cultivated gift makers will not need to be advised to Walt during the holidays the elegant art establishment of Boyd, Murray & Fawcett. No. 110 Wood itreeL Fall lines of painting. chrome and en gravings. in frames and framed to order, will be found at prices reduced to suit thetimes. No more acceptable present Mould be Male than a beautiful chromo or engraving, mounted In &pretty-case. Cagat.—Moille Basch, Jaime Crawford. Rata Armstrong and Mary Prloe, who wore arnotal on Monday, on a charge of km= and maintaining a bawdy house, a bearing before the Mayor yostardiy. and were committed to Jail In default of ball for their appearance .at emort. MoParland, Maggie Thompson. Matte' McDonald and ahem, arrested on • idealsr charge, were discharged on condition that they would vacate the boom on Third avenue. thmestiA mailed concert via - given as Eo.wlson appointment, Ltwer St. Olalrtownahlp, Monday arming by Prof . DiliPler, Tor the benent or of the Know!. eon Sab bath School. The affair win a complete wooer in every respect. The bones wee Stied with a large and appro. Motive audience - and the entertainment was all Shat could have been desired. The programme, included both vocal and instrumenta l gems, which were . rendered try the Maio or Prof. Delves In a highly Artistic manner, reflecting emelt, bath upon themselves and their worthy hairnets& 'Beal Estate Traturttea. The tbllowing deeds were admitted o record In the Milos of I'. H. Hunter, Req. Recorder fbi the county of Allegheny Tuesday, December 21, 1869: to 1, pastas Mclntyre. 5 .55C11 5 MO: tot ea Nixon atm. oilexheoy. ru.. 340 Ms to, . env Robert. a. 0 arta lire lenio; r 110 elm Logan anent. Tint Warn. Pit— burgh 11.630 0. Monte to 11.4nird Pens. Jan. 11. leort rut y rgi Nei on 11005'strer_150 , ydsto 4-, .S2t/ 0•1. Wm: Deaploli 0 Jam. A. tep, 1,101; lens woe of protean to Ylloabetli tor o e* ille; 1*17 ..1110ta tio , dllin to to Joee tneins pli 0. Mu Mard ,. Ni, V! M. Non, 15 tre. • *ad poyJn•• plan. abonion townobt p.. • 44 Ul Another ,Hlgftway Robbery. Anagbeity has had another sensation. In the Mghway robbery line. Monday night about half past eight o'clock. Wm. Hart' aiming man, was passing along Middle allay. Second wart, toward the Diamond, when be was suddenly con. botded'hytwo men, one of whom mak ads...insme while the ether ig nn- bastant — knocked - -film down with a. bandy billy, at the same time making a thrust at him with a knife, which out through a gaga percha Makatea:Ms vest. and, grand the Hts pockets were than rifled of-eighty = dollars, when the , thieves left him Hart ...recovered In a short tines: and Made his way to his board . Ingham% the Bolshoute Hotel, on Ohio t. He wag employed at Olendlnnissfe isddlary tstsolistunent on I Federal etre*, and "at. the time was returning from work. He can give no clue to the Om, a n d does not think he can identify them, which renders their arrest ex tremely dcgabtftil. THE Losr HOMICIDE Laveriligetron by the Coroner—The Tea dareny—snotner adjournment. The Corm rr's irry emptiotelled and sworn to inquire into the canoe of, and after what manner d'Ohn Noting. who died of, loch Jaw, or tetanus, from loin. ries received, came to his death, met at the Cereeeee cdgee, and commenced the Invedigation. The billowing testimony was taken: Or. Deescas. aworn.—Was ealloltsies John Dialing, the deonsede"--IDe morn ing of the ISO Inst.rltoritil him suffering ..• • •- , Cr Manua, molting from a wound on the; thumb of the left hand; the wound caused his death. MoSMas BiZOV. bre th fr of the de ceased. Wald that be was present at • the dlflentlty In which deceased received the Wary. referred to, on Saturday, Doc. • Lit& ' , They bad gone Into the saloon to• tsther Midi somber brother, and had taken one :drink. Before we lest, two men who wore sitting at a table com. viewed throwing bonaeat us. Deceased smonstrated with them and alterwaids sat down On a chair and one of the men who bad been throwing at him got up and MB him In the face. The other man ;got up and struck my other brother In • - the face. I then went to the door and 'Galled "watch!" When I turned back deoNead told me he was ant =disband. I know the parties when I see them. I --lea% ow bow many persons were pro sent.- There might have beau two or three more . than those engaged in the cOmagnenoe of the absence of im. plaint witnesses, the Coroner adjourn. ' edThe Instigation until three o clock ANOTHER. LARCENT Dentemmet of erase -An Intercedes Teem elan - arrested-Inereawe to idarestLin the League-Me nets Clow leleattel, sea neat Qum Of it. Yisterday arta:non' a young man- Thome Sothtt-wasanssted by Mayor Brush , " police an en Information fOr lar ceny' preferred against blot. lie was Charged, together with _• companion, - - With deallogAl_lllm Taoa and attain, valnintat forty dollars. fro -- 1 - n be. ---a-11 Mil. Ifteaffarty, L _No. 6 Stamm& Smith bad Ind been released from jail, where he had been moment/ad briday or ' Drum for &stoke:mem • few days ago.. Attlee lockup be occupied the ad with lfrankkat and ^Hiunbrigba, the alleged Might stealers, particulars of which are given In another column. It seems . . l e became quite confidential wit two partners In *Motion. end oommuni . salad IS them several Interealog panto- Mars f ' life. Re was too con Wing. sad wail brought to stlll farther grief. KM two now and Mende learned all they could of Mahood sold him vary lit ' de of thereadves. Soon after they wok . - lane before the Mayor and bad a bmr. log on the charger against I them. At the enneheeket, their own case being settled, ' Franklbtte -- b dont - Wog again ru t mended to the sell, annmunkated to the It 'Mayor his knowledge of Smith, who, so l. Gorda" to his statement, was engaged in 'limner badness, and had In his posses don keys Mitch would gain him admit. . team to any freight oar on the Air Line monad, between Cleveland and Toledo. . Intektbrt further stated that Smith bah atalfessed the theß ors tot of teas. which ~,. had bean sold' In Toledo, and boated of kis inure hopes is this ilea w Acting On the Inforatadon received, ithough hardly believing le, Clerk Pat , terlowludd et_itilltinung Smith end 4 • searched hie pockets. .mong --- Aestmt i yellow coyared literatitret,--- and other. Poristall .PrOPerty , terwheYa were found, - ma of wotettiborelthe hsecription of the Ill.‘Ralboted. sad answered to ^ deetuiplion of (base used by the baggage masters along the line. In answer to I • nun* Smith mid .be belonged to , that one Mike keys opened his . estebel, end the marked one bad been bond in Cleveland, . \- -No further Information could be ob - Mined from him. HU satchel was es- Mered lannottdo of Imp ortance ro und. TlANtetheht a t i ll=eleiltote, and in Mee meantime. twinformation of him, dente. 11101 ate sit stork man Si am In am- , INNIS= with able* oweasuope ca tit* . •P!! "2".'- -;-:•° ' , . . YIRE L't ALLEOHESY. PI M. wird Public locbool BullAluß De stroyed—Lou over 11114,000—lusur. once 541,000—The Parilcuiars. Yesterday afternoOn shoat fire o'clock fire broke out In the Fifth Ward, Alla• gheny, Public School building, corner Fulton and Page streets, and In a vary short Um° tho magnificent structure, one of the finest of its kind In the State, was In mina. The fire originated In the cloak room, a . small apartment on the third Boor, underneath the gallery, at one end of the main hall. School had been dismissed about an hour, and no one was in the building but the janitor, who at the time' was engaged in the lower rooms. The flames were first ob. served issuing from the roof, when alarms were mounded from boxes Ave and seven in tee vicinity.' which brought the en- 1 glues out In a few minutes. Glen dial- 1 culty was experienced, however, for want of a sufficient supply of water, and hot little headway could be'made. The I flames spread through the interior of [hal building, destroying everything In their I path. In about half an hour the roof, , which was of slate and had withstood the Are until all the rafters undirriente had been 'burned away, suddenly fell In a mass and cut through for the most part to the ostler. The beU In the northeast tower also fell crashing to the ground, but strange to say: the walls withstood the pressure and rte. retained firm to the last. - The firs burned for several hours, and when our reporter left the ground last night at nlneo'clock, the flames were still destroying all that remained of the woodwork between the walla. The only part saved were the teachers' desks In a few of the rooms, to gether with a very small part of the fur niture. All else was completely do ettrOYod- Tne origin of the fire is not known. A flue from the furnace in the cellar runs up the wall near where it originated, but It is hardly poesible any defect there, was the cause, as the flame!" were first ob. served several feet away from the well. There was not a stronger fire than usual to the furnace, and the cause of the die. artronsOontlagrattOn remains, and prob ably ever will be, a mystery. The total ices is estimated at 104,400. Tbecontract twice of the building was $40,000, Adoed to this, the furniture, heating apparatus and general fitting up, made up the amount stated The lot cost $10,400. Upon the property there was an Insurance of $ll,OOO. divided as follower. Merchants and Mann bunnrers, 510,000: Peoplee, 116,000; Allegheny, 55,000; Citizens, $5,00k Pitu burgh, $5.000; National and Ben Frank lin, of Allegheny, $5,000 each. If the lower walls of the building, which seem strong and firm, will be safe to build upon again, it is probable this hour. awn witl nearly, If not, unite cover the loss. This remains, however, to be in vestigated. The honsewas erected on the corner of Fulton and Page streets, and was oound ered the best public school building in that State. It consisted of seventeen school rooms, and was arranged to com fortably accommodate about eleven hun dred scholars. exclusive of the main hall on the third floor, for exhibitions, con certs, ,tc.. Everything about it was of the most approved modernized pattern, special care hating been taken to make It perfect In every reopen. The scholars occupied it for the first time at the open. log of the session In September last, and were jeer getting accustomed to their better co when It was thus Iso quietly destroyed. A new building will be erected as won as possible, while in the meantime rooms will be secured for the pupils and the school be carried on in usual. We extend thanks to Mr. Robert Lea, one of the Directors. for gentlemenly courtesies extended In our search for Information. M2I Quay.iiCommercial ii Libel Case—Final Hearing—lleiendaina Held to Bak for 'eir appearance at Court to ttiesum of 111,250 Bub._ . . A anal hearingin the case of the Corn. monwealth vs. C. D. Brigham and R. D. Thompson, editors aid proprietors of the Ornisserdal, which has been engaging a corederabte isSition of public attention for several days past, took place at the of fice of Alderman Ziemer yesterday, Tues. day, December 21st, at t o'clock p. n. Mr. Hampton stated that after consul. tation with Mr.• Carnahan, who was his oolleagnein the ease, he had concluded to ask the Alderman to dismiss the case, for the reason that probable grounds bad net bean shown for holding the defend ants to ball for trial at Court. In all crim inal cases the defendent bad a right to meet his accuser face to fare and cross. examine him on the subjtet matter of the inforination. The prosecutor had been present at the bearing it was true, but tbe.defendeeta did not have en op portunity of. - a thorough crow examine. tion, because tlin questions were not an swered., He (Mr. Hampton) understood the alleged libellous article to mean that the money which was expended in the erection of the $ll.lOO home in Bee yen had been obtained corruptly, and be attempted to get at the truth of the fseta connected with that charge,had asked the questions, but they - had not been answered by the prosecutor, because of objection by • the counsel for the Onn monwealth. He held that the defen dants had been deprived of their rights, and he therefore demanded that the ease be diatolised. He desired to know bow ths- Alderman would rule in the are, and he would then mate Ids intentions. Mr. Marshall objected to Alderman Making amy decision until the_ defend. ante should sigh* that they had closed the examination. The counsel for the Commonwealth did not publish a paper and were not Interested In getting up matter to promote the sale of papers:. They would, therefore, in order to pat an ereirtaghe ease, !tit that defendants be held fortria6 -. The Alderman inquired If the defend ants desired Si offer any testimoner Mr. Hampton replied that he would state his intention Mier he bad heart whether the Alderman would dleadas the ease. . The Alderman replied that be had auf: !Went evidence to jostifyhim in bolding the defendants for trial, and would, therefore, bold them to bail in the sum of $1,260 each for their appterance at the present term of Court. Mr, Hampton replied that the Alder man was hasty, aa be had something to may before thecae' was finally disposed of. They had testimony to oiler, but he thought It useless under the rulings of the magistrate to bring his witnesses here, many of whom lived at a distance from the city, sus he would want to inter rogate them al to matters wlitch the Al derman bad already ruled as irrelevant, during the cuss examination of Kr. Q Mr. Marshall, said he stood ready to justify every ruling the Alderman had made dttrlng the Investigation, and was willing to Make hie reputation as • law yer, that the. Court 'would sustain him throughout. After some Miter opening between counsel, the defendants entered hall, their attorney. - Sailers. Hampton sad Carna han being reepooadtde for their appear ance, ma the crowd "which had assem bled In theoffloettlepereed. China Ware and - FRllCyPtiodf. . The palatial salesroom. of Moira. B. E. Breed Co.; 80. 100 WoolVstreet, which have recently been supplied with an immense stock of Ibisign and Amer lean China and queeruiware and general mberelbuiyof statuary, also, sliver and fancy goods, is daily thronseewith pat rons briefly engaged le making useful and ornamental selection} This home, whichis one of the oldest and moat sub stantial and reliable of our horns ',stab battmenui, has recently taken On a frisk quantity of enterpneo, and are to-day in poslUon to cordpetir with the leading importersof the E &tern cities. L would be needle.' for no to attempt thennmer te the thousands., of articles which are luxurtottaly spread out on the-shelves and counters to attract the via. liar's attention. • Indeed, unless the prenentnnaker `made up hill mind as to what be is going to s& tech be will iind himself in bewildering altisaelarint on entering the Mom as the tempting array ir viewed of China wares of moat elaborate character, rich pores sequidte alms ware,artistic statu ary, Chaste qtmensware, • elegant silver ware, One tea and chamber seta, unique fancy articles in the war bf writing desks, work ands glove bases.. cigar stands, card receivers; and an indefinite number of articles peculiar to the Moot trade. The ...tort is thoroughly aim plate and is offered at largely reduced prices, lo order to meet the popular de. mends for ortnmodltie* it gold retell of the present day. • Wholesale pairmiii; as well as retail purchasers, will appreciate the advantages offeredlaits house, both iu quantity and q of stock, and the reasonableness of - e prices at which offered. We' earnestly room mend our readers to visit Messrs. Breed &Co.:durum the holiday seism - even they do not want to purchase, as we feel same d they will be delighted with the &Wing array of handsome goods which they will find to please the eye and pet- - and varied assortments at ribbons; trimming; Isom, mei; collars, subtler and notklns in 'WWI ct Moorbilidil/2 30.10 - 1/Stkatatztolt. _ • EREIGHT STEALIIG. Extensive Robbery Developed—A Freight Car Broken Open and Emptied—a Flee Thousand Dollar Larceny-i-Ar rest of Two !inspected Parties—lbe Evidence Against TIMM. Mayor Brush and his detectives are just new engaged in the investigation of an important ease of larceny. The trans. action occurred In the early Dart of No vember, at the outer depot of the Penn- sylvania ,Ratiroad, when a freight car was broken open and robbed of the greater part of, its contents. The °facials of the road, upon demote log the robbery. next' morning set to work to develop the perpetrator', at the name time observing such great caution that none outside of a few en gaged in .the Investigation know , any, thing about the affair. Mr. J.MoC: Creighton, Assistant Super intendant of the Western division of the 'road, undertook the case, and worked I at it indefatigably for some time before the slightest clue could be obtained. It was at last discovered that a house near the place of the robbery had boon rented by two men who told conflicting stories. Tee rent was paid but the building ap. parently not occupied. The neighbors in the vicinity occasionally observed men climbing in and out of the windowv. Several times largo. bozos, evidently filled, were brought to the house under cover of darkness, and afterwards smaller boxes taken away Under like auspicious circumstances. A raid was made one evening on Vie dwelling but nothing found there except two empty boxes, but bearing the marks of the box es taken from the ear. With this clue, Mr. Creighton proceeded and eventually discovered that a lot of freight answer ing the description of that stolen had been 'hipped to Chicago and sold by the two men who had rented the house. The geode were sold by an auctioneer, and the next step was the intercepting of a letter to him from the sus peeled parties, dated Lancaster, and asking for the balance due on the sale, about POO. Mr. Creighton lifted the balance and answered the letter in person. Lest Sunday Officer John Fox at the Union Depot received a dispatch from Lsncastei, instructing him to corns on with another partv, to whom a email lot of the goods bad • been sold by the men, and who thought be could Identify them again. 4a a result, yesterday morning the detectives having in ensign .the two prisoners arrived in the city and. found lodgings for them In the lockup. They gave their real names as John Frankfort, apparently about thirty-five, and Samuel Hambright, a young man of about twenty-five years of age. Each of them had about &deem' atoms which they have been ' Levitating under, at various places. An information had . been made against - them by Mr. Creighton several . days ago, .upon which the warrants were issued, which secured their arrest in Lancaster. Yes terday morning, however, a new Dila motion was preferred by W. 0. H. Saul- Iv, Transfer Agent of tbe road, charging them with - the larceny of the freight, amounting in value to about live thou. sand dollars. The accused were brought before the Mayor Is the afternoon at three O'claelta for a bearing, when the following testa. mony was elicited: W. 0 . H. Scully. Transfer Agent, tub.; fled test he was aware of good. being stolen from the cars and platibrin of the Pennsylvania, Railroad Company at the outer (Weed. Teseedsome of these reads to No. IU, Hines' Block, Liberty attes t. Found empty taxes end the faimslos of some ofthe goods there.'` Mr. Hines, owner of the property. t tined that he idenehed one. Of thei Tele oners (Frankfort) as a man who had rented - the building No. 10 Libertarstreet, from him, October Mb, len9. 'Did not know what time the prisoner left there. He said he wanted the house for his family. The neighbors said there was a great deal of hammering going on there at night. Mr. Stagher testified that he saw Frank foal in October. He rented a house from witness, fors month. Ile said it was fur his wife and family, who resided in Bal timore. The prisoners were both to zither. When Mr. Fox went there be found two empty boxes In the cellar. He saw men several timer, go in and out of the building at night, through the win dow. Mr., Ifirk.patrick testified thkt the prisoners came to his store to hire an ex press wagon, some time in October. lie wanted it to haul feathers. The wagon was - engaged and s lot of bedding and feathers hauled from No. 10 Hines' Block to a second band store. The goods were brought out to witness, who Old not go Into the house. The next time he saw. priconera waste the Harris burg 'jail, last Sunday. Mr. John Heath toutified that he made empty boxers. In October last, Frankfurt came to his mill and bought some dry goods boxes. He thought Fraultfort, at that time. was accompanied by Ham. bright. The bezels were sent to No. 10 /31.,e's bleak, Liberty street. At the conclusion ornate evidence, Mr. John Dairell, solicitor for the railroad, mated. uo other evidence was on hand, but asked that the accreted be committed. se the tionapany expected to have other witnesses present in a few days. They were accordingly committed in default of ball for • further heartily, until Mon day,. January 9d. It is said other parties are coming in to make similar Informa tions against the accused for their depre dations. Frankfort at drat was about to waive a further bearing and have his case go to court, but when Informed that other Information would be made, con. eluded to hale a further heating, when ' all the etssiges against. them will be heard. FOILED. A Dastardly Attempt ferestrated—A • Little Girt Atittera—llow Use Chap was innuaned—And not 'through Yet. Yesterday afternoon about two o'clock, a little girl, bright and attractive In ap. Rearanke, bat bearing'evidenoes of great 111-usage, was brought to the Allegheny Mayor's office by • young man who had met her on Anderson street, and to whom she bad appealed for aaalstance. , The child gave her name as Bridget Ma.' antra and had a strange story to relate . She said she lived with heir aunt on Patin. sylvanla avenue, but had been seeking a place to be raised, for tame time.' Hear ing of such a situation, sbe had come over to Allegheny in the, morning, nut lost her way in wandering around, and tiould not get back again. In this diffl. nutty she found herself near the Third ward school bones, on North avenue, and was .inquir tog of • lady for Ander son street, from whence the knew the road home, when a man came along and offered to ahow her the road, saying he was going by It. She gladly availed her self of his supposed kindness, and walk ed with him down Cedar avenue, ex.. paining her circumstances with childish confidence. as she went along. When they had reached the foot of the avenue, the man suddenly turned around and endeavoredto induce her to aoooropany him into a stable near by, and yield to his fiendish desires. She atone° refused and attempted to run away from him. when be strtvk her In the eye with his fist and knocked her down. She got up again, however, and ran door: Church avenue and down Anderson street, when she met- : the; young_ mail toy whom she related -bor- story. The youth waited until her* pursuer came along, when be knocked -the fellow - down,: and .idurinlitered to bleu a dreasing Which It prObable he will hot forget. After That be accompanied the child to the Mayor's ol9ce and mode informatbin agalnittlhe man for riswinit and battery , with Inbred' to commit' raro. -In the meantime the chap wan picked . npend taken -to Tr. Ba se office, where half an hour was event In patching him op. Re was then headed over to the I police, who put him. in the tombs. .The hearing will, mite place Ibis morning,‘ the little girl in the meantime having been provided with lodgings at the hones of a friend' Allegheny: She la not yet twelve years of. :age and makes bee •statement In a 'straight forward, artless manner, never IO the' least 'deviating The • matter frilly investigated at the hearlog.lieri, ever, and unless the accused eau- bring something to refute the evidence against him, be will quite likely spend a meson Orval:Mont In one of our prisons,as he richly deserves- He is* resident of the Second ward, Allegheny. and quite well known.. For the present we withhold his name milli the crab ties beau official ly Investigated. . . hosaithhqg Nem for the Holiday', Moller 8. Rayne have just received a ireah Invoice • for the holiday smil e, o f thoes . siqulatto Eureka . Grand Ghtena, the most wovel instrument of the kind ever tnyenled, and fez ahead, both ter, beauty, and usefulness, of the red fashlotted Eureka Organ. •Thar. 1 43r.u..4" are delightful in tone, oom. bletugllte gresteas power and sweetness, and are the moat charming pluce of fur niture that can lo ve mgied. To see them, le to fall in with them. Per. mai in search of a, novel. =eta l t d arable, present. should examine the- - o Granda.” Remember, the Eureka , Grand Organs 'alai only be found at Mellor Home's Rooms, 63 Fifth avenue, next door to Masonic Ran. The Oontinental;next door below the Poinettiee. will be may today rqr. the atoenuiodallark of hutgry. people. Bo ;motor the Ideal. *- - _` ... PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE d WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1889; Piutt Tolug Grant made s reputation for Gernert= brevity when be slinuncantly telegraph ed to the interpid Phil. Sheridan, ..Push things." and ••Sherry" did push and came out with victory parched upon his banners. Ss it is In everyday life: we must prish thin= if we would be Imo. caudal in business or politics. "Push thinly." Is the grand, though simple .ecret of the great =axes which has attended the perseverance, energy, en• Woes° and devotion to business of our (lend Mr. Joseph Llebler, the proprietor of the ever popular and extentive Trunk Factory, No. 104 Wood street. Front humble tegiaming this gentleman, wham best capital was a disposition which knew no such word as fail, gradu ally assumed place among ourmorwprca• parous merchants, and finds him ruff, after a few years Incessant toll and labor, at the, you bead of his business and proprietor of a trunk manufacturing establishment, which has few equals In the country. ',Meter "pushed" things with vigor and force. He "pushed" nothing but the very beat made articles en the market; he "pushed" his patrons to a knowledge of the fact that he sells cheaper than competitors; he "pushed" Ms Idea of popular prices and Is now reaping a benefit In the way of an exten sive whole/lain and retail trade, which "pushes" himself meet its full require ments. His fac'ory Is constantly kept going, and affords employment to none but the very best and most skillful of mechanics. His salesrooms are fairly gorged. with goods, trunks, valises, toy trunks, and satchels of more styles and varieties than old Mr. Noah would have required for his numerous family In the ark. Llebler's name Is sus fatnlllar mg a household word, and It is Insepetably connected with well made, handsome, and durable trunks. He tolls at prices to snit the stringency of the money market, and during the holidays has ar ranged a grand clearance sale. during which he - will offer special bargains. Those contemplating making presents will do well to Invest In a stylish trunk or nobby valise, and of course makethe selection at LieblerYs.. We must cantlon our readers to look to the number, 104, before entering the store and to remem ber that there is another trunk store, not Laebler's, next door, Ito. 106. Bo look to. the -lumbar and sign, before entering for great bargains. Scott Township Teachers , *emulation The last seeded of this association was held at liansileld r , Pa., in school room No. 7, whitey depaithient of the graded school, Miss .7; R;Davii, teacher. The exercises In the forenoon were conducted by the teacher, and taking into consider ittion the site and age of the scholar., the great inconvenience which they for the put three or four years have been com pelled to labor under in-the way of school building and actic3l furniture, apparatus. tko., we give them credit fur the excellent manner In which they te• cited their leasonat and we must nesse verily compliment the teacher for the strict diesdpitie which she seems to have established in the school room, and also for the neat, clean and tidy appearance of everything connected with . the room. We trust that this WIT will not soon be removed from a position which she so ..faithfully nil.. These exercises were witnessed by alarms and Interested au dience, among whom were Prof. Dou glass', or Union township, Wes Mary easton. of South Tayside, Rise Via EUll and Alas Rarhilion, of Robinson, and Prof. W. B. Whitmore, of Ch anters township. The institute adjourned to meet to the grammar department of the Kanstlidd-pnbiloeiatic 3l , W. M. McCu!- lough, tauter, on Saturdo — c - theriktrof ' January, - 1870 , for- wf:tch time an excel lent programme of - peqoartances has been prepared, coniletine of lecturer, essay a and claw drill. _ Splendid ex e c odes aro anticipated. Dave 8/10105. Boole 1 8004 21 Boolig I I Webster's Unabridged Pictorial Die tionary. • . Carpenter's New Guide. • Alison'a History of Entnpe, 1 vols. Brown's Philos:tram, 2 veil. Dryden's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Modern British Emmylsua Horne's Introduction, 2 vols. Watson". Theological Institutes. Newton on the Prophecies. Wesley's Sermon's, 2 vole. • Wesley's Notes. Chalmers on the Romans. Junklo on the eropheeies. Sorkitt on the New Testament, folio. Classiest, Theological, Medical and Mechanical works, among which are alms very rare and valuable books. Stationery In great • variety and of the best quality, at p ices lower than at any other store. Toy Brits for Christmas and New Tsars, Sabbath School Broke, School Boots, Pens,. Ink and Paper. Call and get hartalos at — (LL J. D. Egan'e, No. 41 Sixth avenue, near Smith. field street. =I Yesterday we announced that Goals bad received the popular cattle drover, bad received three monster prize cattle, which he will expose at rams on Now Year's Day at the Morgan House, Alle. ebony. The monster bulls have attracted mach attention, and the chances are be ing sold at a very lively rate. Ten dol tars is the price axed fora chance In each One and. if lucky, the winning party may feel that be has very soddenly grown rich. These cattle are the very finest specimens of bovine excellence and perfection ever_preeentc d In these puts. They promise many regal enters, but It would be almost a sacrilege to slay them In order to gratify the human appetite for. juicy roasts and tender outs. Ibe cattle are at the Morgan House, near the drove yards, where those Inter ested can inspect them. Our sporting friends will not be slow to invest in chancel. fio Cl&p•Tiap Mr. W. Heapenheide, the minter clothier, No. 60 Sixth (St. Clair) street depends not onanv sensational clap trap methods to attract cnstomors, but rests his reputation upon the principle which has already won him such great success —that of warranting every article that leaves his establishment to be exactly as represented In style and quality of goods, and to be equal to the very beet in the general make up. Acting upon this he has, built op a large trade, which is the surest evidence that his goods and terms are satisfactory to those who know bow to appreciate nue workmanahlp and hon. orabledealing. Our gentlemen readers should give him a call or leave an order to eithly themselves. Cortatmas Pratt:M.—Groat variety of fancy articles atlowast priors, at blioacrw, GLIDE dt Co's: The /labia). —ln making holiday presents. nothing can be more beantlful than one of those elegant engravi ngs em braced In the _stook of Barker it Hazel tine, No. le NNW avenue. Among the, choice new pictures. "The family scene in Pompeii," "Little Eva' sunshine reverie," and ..The Birtlpplsoe.of Whsr. tier," appeal Irresistibly to every lover of the perfect in art. Call tn and look over the stock. Drop In at Burn's corner of Bmlthdeld street and Sixth avenue, for, lunch or dinner to-day. Fresh ousters, game and other dollen:ilea will tempt the appetite and prove be:inking to the partaker. No better 000ke In the city, or more wont. modating waiters than at thh: establish. 'med. Everything neat, clean, well prepared gild healthful, makes Barn's our of the! Most popular restaurants in the city. . ~ Giover, Ilona and other useful 'Jutted,* Tot gine, at 3farsnm & Coxlnt!a% 27 111111 .. Mem,. Kier & to., No. 383 Liberty street, have a large and varied assort ment of queensware and Bristol ware. A very neat and appropriate gift may be selected at this house in the shape of a table sett, handsome and durable, com bining beauty with weft:anew. It would be an acceptable present to any btmachold. _ Alt saudree Gloves—full asacrt• ujoni, black and all colors, just received, 'at MEDIUM, OLTDE Q CD'IL '"Call at Youngman's, corner - 'of - Smith. .bald street and Diamond alley, for Christmas confeetloneriem. They have a merrlarge stock on hand. and no place In the city* affords a better choice for turchasers. In. Cheatham rees these ' articles ,are trimmin indispensable. geoure a supply at thm brat elms mash. lishment. • • Jewel, Glove and liandkaraidef Boxes Ind , present*, Micrinn esidisle, 27 Fifth avenue. Bathos* men will God something-to their advantage by calling at the • Oontt nental at their earliest eornimienerk, . . Elandtatattleflatollara, fioarfs,•&a , tbr the 11011 ClaVa; at Mamma aparlialtea; 27 Fifth avenue. • • • Frith shell oysters, game and otber varieties at she. Continental. Fifth ale mia, below the Postafßee, today:- . • Even to teme appetite .sod esitery t he bi g erevlnp pt of th hunger, $t the Continental. Continental in aboodanoa, • . - }Aimee Bud ano tapas tor, tbo Ldle' M blotaboottor -Ito. at. Market street. A Joy Foiever. A good piano or organ In the house la "spy fcirecer." for aside from the pleas ure and improyement which It affords to the pertbrmer himself, who atm estimate the benefits which Ii 'confers upon the other members of the household f to that such a present will be a source of enjoy ment to the entire family. Therefore, if ` , llelsy present buy— desire to confer hob. resent buyers to • lasting benefit on their families or friends, they should rah In at Mellor tr. Hoene's mammoth music store, No. 53 Fifth &wen°, and select a beautiful pl eno or organ out of their holiday stock. Mellor & Hoene, being Such extensive dealers, have the .insicia (sack" in the music business, and can offer induce ments to purchasers, In the way of gnat- Prices and terms, that far -'coed Icy, phase and term . , that far sit any ether house In the city. Remember the. place, o . Fifth avenue, next door to Hall. . Merchants teal Dcaten In fancy goods impelled at Eastern prices, at MADAME, GLIDE S Co.',, Nos. 78 and Btl Market street. For Holiday Presents.—Jett received, • new supply of the celebrated Bertram dr. Fenton sewing machines, expresaly for 'holiday gift& A very appropriate and rueful present. Office at No. 77 Fourth avenue. • When yea aro thirsty ask for a glass of that generous liquor which invigo rates the body and cheers the mind. Ail first alma saloons sell Pler, Dannals ft Co.'s Cream Ale. Toys, Dolls, and many fancy articles for Christmas, at Maar= & Carllale's,l7 Fifth avenue. PhretielogY.-Fowler and Wells, a. Lafayette Hall day and evening, tell make examinadons a few days longer What to do and how to make the mos , of time and talent explained. • If Elegant new styles Jewelry.pat opened at Mamma et Carlisle's, 27 nth avenue, BasiicTlee, lilaxpendere, ell new boll. Macrum Car Me's r. 7 A Superb Saturday dinner la to be served up at the Continental, Fifth ave• nue, to-day. Don't pass op Fifth avenue without Ito ping at Holtzbeliner's Continental Real Fine Lace Coeds for holiday pees: eats at Maernm & Carlisle's, 2/ Fifth avenue.' • Fancy artlelea for Chestnuts presents at Moorhead's, No. Bt Market street. =ME 1101:111TOS-8CHOML—On morolan. Dee. NIA. at the realdcaoa of the bride's mother. 137itea,Tbomaa-li—nlanoa A. P.' nousroN. of Lowellallia. Cato. and Itrifi — N2l3.lLl SCHOYEII. of Alleataf telti. No War. I 1.1161 Pf A You day evehluir. D cumber ilOth:18119. at She rulderiSo of lb bride'. father, A. Y. Coulee , . by Ire, Alex Clark. Yr. 00011.11 E P. HILDA kill. of ton eord, Mass.. toCAMDIL C MCC of Pittsburgh TINDERTAKERS B. ratillallOS YAW L. WU.Lia 1:11 sTra MON & Undertautry. cornsof Vltth .venue ono gh street.. Blltalror.S. Calu of all .2041, Shroud.. Crap. rand Gloves. and every amyl.. Bun Of Omar.' fa fnt.hl ca Food furnished on the maatr a.o. One term. Iv the City dram and earrnUres f-ren.hed. °Son olendy eud CEVI(`®ABLER £ PEEBLES, Inil• RTAXERS AND LIVKRY even.. f 6ANDINLY SUM= AND CHUM 6 ANIC6IIII Allogbury Clty. whaee theta COP7II 60031.5 ape oentetanUy_aappltad WILL mat act teoltattua Rea DaaoetaAT gaol' Walsh (Natal. et prloos varying Ron 16 to 6100. Ec Deo teremred foram:ail:um. Ifaarees sod Ca, Altos foralebt4; also, ell &Inds of Doane', bloolLL.lf matelt. Oftoa vrale Si all how.. 6., and alsbt. JOSEPH MEIER & SON, Erir.oEirr&H.E.HH. ==E=ll Carr/alma ftr 11Pasuraii. 33.00 r. 4111 d CONTENT owl al ?aural rariel.bamet atseer . re rate& C 1430 TO WITTLES & HEIFER' brew Jewelry Store TO BUY TOUR CDRISTMAS PRESENTS. LADIES , GOLD WATCHED AND CHAINS, 41. MTN.UO WATCHLa AND CHAIN,. RELAIN AND AAND RHArELITIL HANDEENULILLE HoLDEtis, 01.• assort ment- ) _ •MOND RINGS AND FIFA MGR% AGATE FUROR • r LIMY? TIUTTONS. WAIL/ OILININ • • D PLATED WARE, GOLD ANI , r•ILVIN HEAD GANN.. TOILET BETA. VAISOL rAltuN MARBLE Al. &A tems at tet New York At the redveed num of Gold. add wio he apt I very doer to o' der to re. deco oar stock as mach as 0014010. Blesz•fuol and ue A WATTLES & SHEAFEE, 101 FIFTH •VLIUZ; .Dot• emlthield Meet del JOHN M. COOPER & C 0.,. Bell and Brass Founders, LOCOIOTIVR k LOLLING JILL Muds , JProrspSly to Order. BABBIT'S METAL Made and kept On Han& Proprietors and ManaActuren of LM.CoopefslmprovedßalaneeWheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN STREET. Tawdry, Oar. lltk sad Ba!brad Streets, ===l TWENTY-NIATEI Seml-Annual Bowl of the jiaLMUSAVINGS , L1A61L11163. lne Ara O depositors Ikea, .11.,111,16 1 410 9* luVas .• •• •• .• 64,494 06 Connsont Peed, Deg., UM.. 113.444 SO Total Liabilities 0.599,311 60 Loan • on Pond and 1444041444-8.1.9 0 'Seal Saute 111,11 , r• 69 el le Titiabstgir II 034 04 U. 5.41)605tia. leased .11•7.... 4.10.1100 oti U. 6. six twr &sit, Boob. SOL. , 80 04. 15 le ir•bie 91066 4.0 (3•414 ha Bank. and on /mad' 183.389 49 •TaW Airet• ' mage.aii 60 The antlerolgned: . 4.4 . 4ing Com:dater, re -11011) r pout um* um, .0 .0.1•10101114 . 14 sunset . . • goon for the mist sin mootba, sad. ing boweiab r. 39, 11449 sod 44114 esamlord 40 Asset.* the Bs• k, oor•sisting orPonds sad Mort s. bee& et 41•111.44146, 4 4411fiestes rot Back 6 cc , . Bilis Boogie able. 1:1•14.4 61strt rise-S*444y six war pat. 8.44. 116 sad 417, U. 14•4 41.01 • six pet ad t. Kola. lilt. sad rut in Balks sad os M. sad So :Um mum to corn. w r n i t alib i: v=4lr • •48.41 KVLLY. Auditing Cos. P. A. 9ADEllia. Pirta6Utan, 1) e. 1869 , Tbellastaw bare i t dared a dirl4nol of tbloe . 3) Dement. onto! the profits tut theist 41x ni atDs, ent.s.g ovewbet 30. 1869. tt •of I.4.,veroment , aSy.ble 10rb.141. U not drimn, will bear Inters.; holm let mat HAS. A. gurLIVS, Trea..t. Pirrsvonilit. Dee 10.'11480. t .10044 HENRY O. .HALF, =CHANT TAILOR, Omer of Penn lug Sixth Street, FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW, COMPLETE., LADIES OR GENTLEMEN nun pretest Mr their HOLIDAY CIFT. Would do well to rtotica anil examtoo my Moot of WATCHILIS. vLOCRO, J ILLItY elle vice waits at tba moss a. all Plat.r/4. Jost W.'-d: DUNSEA'rI3.I3. .rawatza AND opvictwsr. SAS 1117Til AVZNUL . • PiECOPAL • LASSICAL 'ACADEMY, (sento.v.kluittal.s.vewiyitmto Wla ter Tana WEN* oa YONDALT. January , ad Ora.laia to be bad flagilbf Crtuotp i l. *Ohre ay. V. olif LAY." 250 13BLEI CHOICE APPIAN:I, ramie J. S. CANFIL9). iTX TOW' BEST BRAINDS soda • •-• mo.••••••••• 3. B. CAIONWLD. CIMBBLe ricuum at" rot Well J. a. CASnaLU. E .-~-~~< PiirPOTICES—u7b-Lei," "Pbrtiste," "Low. as Trani'," "Ibud," ...boarding," de., net =veiling POUR LINEQ wal be inserted in thew columns awe for TWENTY•FIVE CENTS; wen add& firma! Lim FIVE CENTS WANTS. • WANTED. --From March or April next, THREE TUBI:33HR.DOII USFURNI•LIED 1100 11 o„ setee noarning for Ilse aloes persons, to a genteel pllolle In Pltteburall or Attest... 7. An.rtss. ho. tiArtrrittlYFlCl. WANTEDIIELP.r..-AT EM. OPTICS., CS Street,PLOYIIENT BOYS MUMS and MAN, for dinere M m Mee of employment. Persons mantling bely of all kinds eau be sunned on Mart noties. • WANTED—An BERT for this v city to .11 the erJebrated flAhTithal TAUTON SEWINU MACHINE. on erbkh wt otter ters more liberal W aal any othei company. Call ann e x amine at 161 Waal atreet. - H. C. WILCOX. TraTellne Agent. VIVANTED.-40;101TtiV every- WHIM to sell the AMSMICAN KNIT TWO MACHISE, the only thentiesl Knitting Machine ever Invented. Pelee 123. VIII telt $llO,OOO stitetith per. minim. Ad dress AMEUICAN HNIITINO MeeCRUM CO., Keeton, Meth., or St. Louis Mo. WARTED. - MORTGAGE& •30.000 to Loan In lan =I • far rate or Interest. THOIIIII K. PETTY, BEI, Bold tad Seal Estate Lecter, No. 119 thetbneld otrset. WANTED:- TO Bogsorv.— s.l,ollo.—Three ttousaud dollars to sums of $3OO or more, for two or Wee years, at 0 per eat. Intnert. A first m 0 ,100.00 nin elm., property 'lvan u security. Address. la" 'mantel,. X. X.. Gazrrill OrrICS. WANTED.— AGENTO. $250 per month to sell tie only SIINNINN PNOVitlt CUNI4ON e.If.N , IC INSWING Ks. CIIIN E. Price only 118. (treat Inducements to nitents. Tells Is the Most Popular BentNt tle thlne of the day—msles the mmons Lott Btltch•l—well do any kit d of Port that can he done po any toschlw-100.090 sold and the demand contmetly tocresslnfp Now Is the Um. to tan nu Agency. Bend for circulars, silh.Bni 0 0 Address tINCONB Boston, ratt.hqff PL. or Bt. [APIs, No. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.-STOILIi AND FEL TIMIS, LEASE AND GOOD-WILL, of dee:class (honey. doing • good business. Tle undirsig• ed beteg ermined to other bedew., Is the reason fat selling. G. W. FIDDLY, 69 /ed• end street. Allesh, ny. 1 FOR SALE. ♦ GOOD BZCOFD•H•RD . BRADBURY PIA 10; 7 1.2 OCTAVE, Neatly new. Lien. several pan of FE/arid* :BLINDS, Alt Wer.ud neatly new. The above trite "all be • old nurse, for want of room. APO, to la. 1130 11031", Corner ' Inr - iresnue and graltbleld Entreat. ciallrs3 , rer Fnß • • SIME.-4 FIRST MARS nut. s d NICW BRICK DWELLI2.O 110012..-11 soot ren 04. Also. A men 0004 MU' Beek Hansa and Large Lot o Prolpect street. a lion, an any sr tr linen Moose of six rooms, ball. auk, good cel ; ar, ga aed vret:r, Porty- Pl6h.tart. Ale. an excellent "'mu. Bonn of ffAirrOcana and tool en Per 5-1, earth •Lre• t. Also. A Well built rt,rio• Ilonen on Potty. Your h envoi. Pared In Iron. end sv. erten a • Ana I Ocular for anon, r house ea same 13t • . A ro. A ant elan modern little !Tame Noose of lax rooms, • Al.o. A ember cf Iltalding Lots on different am ets. Lads I Blaaailidd, alai tan year ay. aware or D. R. William', tt6ll Irate and 'cabal.. • gent. Ward. Pau appall at. Jobs , * I.i.plaapal FOR HAILE. lim n and Lota on Spring 9111. Sarentb 6ittat orice 46.400: 11011 wre. neat /lesion Station. 66.400; Reim and Lot, 34 .. 4 1k 9.3.600: 9 bons. on Yli min[ attn. 1.1,3 0i3011: b ; re " Trait eger ' ilhii i n ' arroit Y ttrilt omen mid, 06,1100: iota on Fremont street, $6,0491. house awl lot to 000 , 00; a.. Eros. In Bellevue Bore. 311,044; bonne and lota, head of Beaver 0.....161.6150, 0911. aer. In Iliaateth Moro, 01.000: noun an. lot 131141(1M11.111 . , eount7—bouse nontatia 01 moms, 63 by 11110 featy4lloo; Wm at Pair Va. Mallen, 34 any., spa per arm. tn.. 6. WIIITNIOII3I. Ilea re ale Aimed. corner Vldo •414 bandllay . street& FEIIRONAL—AII persons seek. IN& HOPIPS, or Invesua.sia Is Real Po tato: .111 nye Woo. trouble ouLtikoney byrioi curio. • copy of tae "PITHIBUSIJH HOTATIL lila ply. away ozone or ertll be loot by Hall Pitt to any notitoollsgll4 Pena. ammo% 1•41 to pet eon. out of the oupg Ust eoptols& CHUFT & PHILLIP., Pat, Usher. sao 11101 Palate Agents, Ho„ 139 aeon. VOIR SALE.—Engines and Bon- Az ars e free lead &Toad Mad, of all Mode coustaatir ca W.& Orden from all parts of ihr Country' promptly exentod. JAMES MILT. A CC... Corm r Marlon ATIIIIIIO A P. F. W. lb C; H. W ♦lieebeny. Ps. e44EAPPROPERTir for Sale.-- N.." No. CT Port.. trout Avenue. tsefory ture• feet els lueles trout by one hautleld bud t•n de p. to an •lley. A large (Ivo c outlet sultable (or • roan , 504117 or dwell... Alio. n dwelling novoe .11 500 ms frontlet, on e t s propetts 0111 be sold sta. bargstn. •pDI. to S CITTRBART * 'OB9. dsU 261 ntstb Avows*. row& LAND FOR ALE.-800 „S. Aoow of choice lend !tinee beat onto.. II lln lowa ear tee of the (-Want° • Northwester , walwpad. nod In o e of.the tooat teodertl e port.eue or the State. 'Wall be told low, the whole or a put. APT.I? at ono.. to R.110../t1 N two., OR SALE -ENGINES AND esdaTtmTd. ea t""n"'"4" ssicic Cornet !Westmeath an 4 Pike wpm. nolktf Plttsbundy Pa I JL,.tl=l NOnCE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONBl7llllltet.—We are acne read,- ato% of 40,000 bosher b erendly4edeeted ; l.teth4reatteatl. - 71.9 T, end Morena coaaUee. Induna. This lot of Wheat Is the my best to be Mod and cannot be eorpassed by any In the United tDates. We hare also !Waked .oar lesprovenntate to .Naebleary. Bohlen Clothe and Cooling Room, .4 are now prepared to furnish the beat Floe, we hare made tor ten years St prices that dter oteapeuttel , on the wee grade. of Saar. IL.IIEZENE COY & BRO. reAti lime= NIA, Unb ar. QTENE LOEB! FLOUR! FLORA! F 111301330 TA BAZZIiS 11.1.1M1 r • 4110 bblo. Leiral_Tender, 311711411•_ _a. 35T beim %MUM. no Wit oamsoll - 8110.10 300101 a 11111soni C0..1110 3ted 31,0 t. 133 We Nay Day. • CH OWN W 111.0013113 noun.. 360 001.31sentlde 11.114 bbls Vinlta thar. 100 1011 ...tious braoMria• 10 best noun WiNTY.III.II T r3.1311LT-TIA) • 0 . 77 Nll 1. 014prl uLi=hlo, p llool= 31n/ W i teas sad C U rtnnik, 010010411. /4, 10wer 13.3. 00.0 belprok tbe 1110tt.: WATT._ 00.. 3111 • ' • aTili 00.11 IT Wood Streoo. • COTTON MLLLB. EIOyEEEh BELL & Amemoircorrom Easabatarits of MUTT lIKDIUX aaILIG axone' •an it•exioila tirtW7TWill , l HOLIDAY BOOKS • • CHRISTMAS PRESEhTSI • LANNPIT; AND. BEST ,AIDORTNIO,NT I).A.VIeI - dr. CO Finals Illuerated Works .dillinmit Bible, Tuts= nts and Elam Books; invenlte Books of all Mods. Tay Hooks, Fame. and Puzzles . naln P . me • stationery. Dtat C.. roast Book. Loa rtttaaDesta and Panay Inkstands. Plantar/rat h Myna.. Chan Man as d Beards. • Tim Lataat Pablte Mon.. Praise Cal, and Exatelna A. , BRADIIEY & PO. $O WOOD STREET, Manafoot t oraro of fixeslest yanoty oe Cook, Parlor and Heat Lug !stoves, ear amortme to found an the LATERT PATYKIISa LS D IMPILUVILMINTS, and the mtmtatlon or mune,. a to tech that any one In want of a (0.1 antes ehoulo purchase none het rhos. manullatured try no. no they wllt be toyed t , s. most durable an .Ulu ere melee?. Would run ;intent. &MIAMI to our new VULCAN() OVSYS. for churches. hall. andetorm. Wee 6Weold 'hr. Mont/M.. ?need, d foe with or 'mho= .0.101. AU WINO tate Oiled Inca WY. nomnr th. m morr.or 10 any other m3dltas cheap.; er. tend for Cambs. And Prise Llet. ter' ,4ARGE SHIPMENTS OF . ALL' linden( freak - Tata dab are reeelarg Call I,,,,lpme_pagatlar and nd: las. CI Diamond Market. YlmatArght at' the My nand. Allegheny City, egme and Onlo streets. Our 10121( IMPtne.fir the VlMletu to alnayahaye on bandanna glass ankle, and east Deli Whit.e nob. gm... Merrsa. Inset Haas awl White Prefab an at yen Irgarei v 6 i i=mze=rav A til l u g . pisamtallr. • IrrritaT cOMMON ifadstrie Nkas MA -% iiintriuSsonstalreitOGAlNMSLOßbalf. • slIZE:11 . 1C ATINIVICiI SAM , ‘ 4l 4 : l** l l W 4A a l / 4 U"i" - TOWNS _.<_ - = THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOT! & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Aso aim prepared so 1 urolah VINEGAR at SA LOWEST MARKET RATES. Attention la oar =I EXTRA WINE VINEGAR. MRRORANT TAILORS. II'PIIERSON & MUHLANBRING SUCCESSORS TO w. a. nsuniz & co., MERCHANT. TAILORS, No. 10.11IITH IT„ ha Bt. Clair. We have jest received a large ...POT Of Ten and Winters oode, Welch Wilt be enld at reatoz able Oen,. Mr. Mil ttlAti RR. NO will still atr tend to the Cottine Departtnamt. de.1:00 - Mall/CH.SON 6 MUILLASIBMEIO. MEN AND BOYS' CLOTECING. A Imo sad complete assortment of Malt= a Flee goods, et the lowest vela.. GRAY & LOGAN, IMINOMM;ig P. 319.AJEL-131.00, ME CHANT TAILOR. Xteps constantly oa Mad Cloths, Casainserea and Vesting& AIso,OIINTLXIMPS YITILNISHISIG GOODIS. No. 93 'l-2 Smithfield Street, les.airilienV Oa e Clothing made to order in West NEW FALL GOODS. • .platelld new stock ol • CLOTHS, OASSIMHRES, /17., Jut reutud by lUdilti 111:19MIt. rah merchant Ttlln. VI Ikniabgeld Mist COAL AND COST. BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, MINERS AND BUIPPZILS 07 GAS, :BLiCIMIITII lAD FAMILY COAL, Nut Coat, Black and Coke, ANTHRACITE Of an as and Of the teat duality. eau be for- Mabee at leasonable rates. Lerre ord... at o f and yards, No. 13 ANDELOSON UTELET. Llteatieny Cllr. and Liberty atteettoPPila•rl. Box b wive% Pltt-bitrab. Address POS Box 51114 tittabarria, and shay will real bioreot &Mallon Sir tromp% attextton [hen to western ably mews. dall3lll CIIBLES 11. EMSTNING, , H= tx Youghiogheny and ConDellsville Cold, Lid Msangacturer of COIL. CLACK IND DYISQLPHURIZED COIL or/Ica ANTS TAMIL turner B auer Gaff Norton eUvel. Marty lad Clgwer amen. lama also Second streak. /Math ••sLi envoi .aro ' Po e Gy". P. • CrH. S Depot, Orden ieftat either of the at offleet. or ad. dram to me through Plttaborith P. 0.. wW w• ogre prompt aortal= Hafer to 'whom lam sualff VOW Deasy t We. & Co.. Wm. Smith. Cele. Iron MUG, 11,. Vog ler • Co,. Mitchell. earphereloy & Co., Slaarll • Co., Graff & Huger. Ale: Bradley. Park, Bro. & Park, Macon? & Co., Hem. Urea • Dun. Wm. M. Faber & Co.. .1. B. Lyon & Jamo. it...tun a co.. McKee • Co., 1.10 on M- K! 211,416%.7.:411:;i1t H. IL. Pennsylvania H. QOALT COALU COAL 11!: DICKSON, STKWAItT k CO., Wants roamed taatrlto to NO. 6437 LIBERTY MEET, allure, Yknu• Z3II OILIONDII.OOI. 1121 2 RZWIA ' 001rdralrIfft lAMBI inorketra. Au onion thalTollae, er Aftt aim uuogsgA at asu. will be sa se woonniv. =2ttl2o WINES, LIQUORS, $A SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, MIS, BRIBES, GIN, 120, WHOLX/lIALIL Diatts~ 11. 1411:4:01441•11 . ,1:11:)1r , ' 409 PENN STRUM Have ltainioveld to NOB, 884 AND 888 PENN, Cor. liloventh St., Ocawatt Canal. 01111P11 & FINCH & CO., _Distakd Pare O £l.o. Ul. 10111:11IN VIIIN Wil arl CIIIONS. Is ar. Mamas. LIVERY ROBERT 11. PRIEM & CO. Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., prrrsousealt, sue Wilt on Event Saturday Sok' AN AUCTION SALE HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES In Liberty Street. WAGONS, • Aft=litrinaW HO SA. to otlt *sus lo I=4:kpiong a omatt za , balbro Tliatoda t y of tenUon altoortari vl/I " o3lretail i ra , . • • JOHN H. erEwAirr.mtuoseer. 7087 H . 11111WAIIT ...,110XT• ILTATI2IBIII4 ROM IL PATTERSON & eaLian Arco xximm . CIONIEWSION STABLEEP COLIBTEITILOINIIII 11 1110?! ft prrriontart, PI. ELEG PA ANT PEa jrAionGs. Zamaled, Wall rums hugalai taste MM. vlaus us foot and MOO. , Yptlllll.llsl4MTMldll riltrina l VA "lffi d t air...mnna ;Twat unmade/amiss the coma . Womb if - • TOL Pe•BEAItSELLUI:a NEW -WALL PAPER.. STORE, 181 !iiberesi Street.. , DEC On AT 1 0 Bi fi.-.41111 1110042 MOM lad Treseo szoltatioul toe Wald ase I"etileg. ot . Dtalasxl -E!iss. Bally *a e " lastlun. at. ~,,, )(Serif 11. Ii1710111:1.& BPX/.. ITAINIPEIO I 4IoLD PAPERS for pumas, at, AMU% u IoT Yakut stmt. rinal ISO, - - • WHAT SORE ACCEPTABLE • • cnrutm.p emit to alopniF s!tne. =Other or stator than s Polley of Llfi Insurance In THE PENN MUTUAL Life Insurance Company ?le Only Truly Mutual 'Company In the ACOUNIULATLD CAPITAL ' 10.500000 0 ►n.ry.7Lg loss. tole. .m•t ot-.111000.000 Than Is a special WraM•[e in taking out a volley now. as thaw who gel their policies Wore January In will hare the benefit of the 50 par cent. dteldend of January next. JOSEPH S. TRAI7IILI, Agent, 1=52=1 TEE NEW JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance Co., Assets, Over $500,000 All rade. Issued by ibis Company sre perptM nally.lton-Porfelting after tile payment of one Annual Premium. • Dividends annually declared ant applied on third annual premium, either . ..ea the perniaaent Inerease of the policy. or in reduction of Veldt- HENRY IaidEPATRICK, General Agent, 167:1-3 Woodfitreet,(2d floor,) PITTSBURaIf. XI- Retail* Affirsite vrautad. N2IMISIONISdII INSURANCE COMPANY. 114BWE'S BUILDING. No. SS lrlrth Arrow. liorood Floor PrITSBMIGH,.I%. N. J. Earley. 111.W.Oltrer. jr,lpard.N.Bslier. Dan e n ul allsee.. I N. H iv ti ci ert u, Ler . . j e....C m. hern i.lin terei • Ternisie Smith Jno.S. ROBLiT 11. KING, President. alto. 7. JENNINGS, Vice President. • JOB. sonasroN. neersierl. Cart. N. J. 011./LCZ. Hen.' ,asset. Insures oneral Terms on all Pita Marine Rada. lamed .PITIII3IIItOH,. N IINSUILINCE CORP as ca. Prgadent. WM. P. 111.1111Zirt. !Secretary. CAPT. tiLtalltll NEALE.. tlenersingnat. Dino% BC Water t reettseng & Co Wane , %TIM - are ails% Ifitinds of Pre and Yr rise stns. home lostitetton, managed by Di rectors who are well boson to th e menteurdiy, lad who ma determined br Prdhinthers end ub alit) maintaln Me character warn they have assumed, as othe best yralatittnnt to the* whe dales to bu ret: • DrICICTOIS: &Ignader Maga. Jean B. harCallirs B. Miller, Jr. Chas..). Clarks. i Jame. hienult , y, W 1111sa 5. Alexander !Meer, Joseph Hir=r, `a r rle ; 47 ; rer= . .11inmen. nal pENaunri.veniA. , . .INNURAMCE COMPANY OF MITTENIUSSNI -0771 CK. Ito. 151)4" WOOD STRYIT. BAIR OP 00113112011113113:11110.. TAW" klo=6 00:nralii, WI Warns sestast lota by llre vimI LiONAILD IMES, Preadult. 0. C. BO Pre.ddent. Erawf,,P.i.,Aga: ~......: C. ....;_._......tit.,.c1,...... Lent Perm, t. C. I=. __ 'fi. way. PI. A. ArraV iL s. svm.a. AGM:NI= LOSS Br !TIM - MUM INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. Orizos.ass.i IisiONSATNITZ szmar ANN. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cot. Icdend It. and Diamond, Illigkony, a m iti tt . u. aRCOND NATIONAL MANN =3=lo M 7 :7NsTr.;7l comma or WAIL PAP lE$ 01' PEULADELPEILI City or State I=l 2l Floor. Boom No. 3. NEWARK, N.] Capital All .IPaldilio. CRIA211:11W. EUtek.V. Ifordecol&gdell Totdaa Wairar, David B. re anat. awb p.m .! ittrain. Dal.. Crari ti. MA Prtoillr- VI 4 I m ati t ee rrealdaat. • • J. ktAltDkilang r afr;ll.= Moth West corner Third aad Wood WM:wig XllWnWirreddel r . id i c aum B ETTINAZITB....Z• JY.L.9tfbr , m. ItoDelt Lea, C. jw ar knfr==aaapso x b I aIT. lIMMUIVCE 00n. 03177401. Z.l VOINKIL WOOD i r 1211,113% 1 REM FaZ4l* " l " 2l". ... _. Ley, .1 e L 4 /= '. !. oa te n Mitt W. /...WIIII.. 4 mu D. Verso, Flamasl ..m.smouri ru v ariftildens. iv. , - .. • 'F. OALUDirrar. k. &resat t : . ' - C.E RSIEN le INSURANCE COMPANY IV PITISBUROR. (MN*. 1111Tr713 ITlMT.liass.BLOcs. sislatt all kinds of TVs and 11lianas oats. JIM= rawrs. Prral_dent. . I I J. laeliltiso2l , lo4Prasiaant. CA% WElf&t. Vii!N_ Z . 414 1 . "1 .1 Tratinistett H. Ivmae. . tgat i l le mz. Guar . /Let. J. T.lstockdala. Guru Wm. Daf. T. H. Nevin. •LABS. =NA. crutuamat 100 WOOD STDEET. NEIPIT GOODS: NASES. ammumg AND CHINA. law lama =lam emomme errs, cw OIPT ours, SILVER puma GOODS of all dasaiNgtions. • {w 611 ca . z ia r B. E. lUMED & CO. 100 WOOD. STREET. CALL Al D LEE THE NEW China Sete, Pariah Statuette,' sad Pomp:leek% a: t oropealog t the H. HiGl3lr . & C 913., lousern.snuiti. . brio zsaortmoot oft• Pb. inn, Omit. WWI for fasalay and hotel moo AVOWS Con PROPOSALS. orrlolt OP Title ' Coarraottas or ALLCancst . & mar, PA., 3. . rrrisuaaals, Dec. 90th . lAN/. NOTICE TO BilliEmi;— Seated PHOP, . 9gAt.B. addreised to .. Thatospea. torar Os! aneshearCoanty Crosoa..artubir..... 'oared at this atlas nattl alat last. luelastre. tar tarnlatrlng the Cl :titrl'ilsoltyrltli Bmo Or *Li soatha frau 'January ano. Loaves to ta , IN • +ewes to weigh - to A poiuide respeeileelli suet. b• of app.:Fred quality.. Bids to be wale ao math pet pou.s4. Dowd for two thainattd . dallan will be I : vivaria tor rattail paiitilasc. of contact. The same of the uses eitY itealiatty the ad. Mill, redacted by the Werke aad probatia at this tU a; will be pad at. 12.17; , Jimmy LaliNgsari Cositreller.— L*~ Orman of ern' beam= t 11c.71 1 41 `; Prrrastraans. Dee. 9111. 1 ._ _. • VOTICE.—NEALED .PELOPO. !ALB tot the eopotraettos ot• PLANK WALL on the GROSSUIIIt Terapil.. fro. Mat. My *raise to Haley (met. Alto: • On` • HOARD WALK. on .Ad Oast .411 m. lug. host. Aiken. Las. He'..lll 1. realtad st - t 11 ores naut 11011DAY.1. Ilaracilkalle•a ass be oboist Ibis' The eight la ••sarred to nikaini . •11•14i1: 0•14111 Effellfll3ll4 IarNEW OPER& ROTIVE. Last night nut three of the young and bean Ural •rtlate. Mb' ENNA DIADDERN. ,? tarItD.LEDAT EVENINO. Deeeunte, AA egg% will be presented the great 3 act drama of .SATAN IN PARIS. Mtn Emma Madden In ate. ehartotere. To conelede with the popular fare. of JENNY LIND. IMMO Naddern Malin. on Chrlattnae. Iq PrePeralloo—Erooch ELI and Pocahontas. IVOI shortly be rrodoong—lnoeh Arden: arPrITSIIIIIIGH THEATUC U. W. WILLIAMS. Lessee ans Mutates. TO r iNlti HT. Ike great dog 11•171Cer and cowed.% DICE Zia liDa. ileappearseet _Of the resettle& •otellst, Miss CLARA - BURTON and dis favor- Ise torasidienne, Miss LUCY Itltltrlldst. toad t7rfrmar In a h ;11711 ► new Programme, }I LO Misstate on . edge. 'Oa, Three grand performance. os Childless. On; morning ratlehis•Ftessoors SiAS: night at! Pettey, beat& os Isessudir. al .- ACADEMY OF MIMIC. Director Unu. Grand German Opera. THIS wzmit3DlX—Gounod`s Brawl Hpera FAUST, Can lOUs Um following great sitininiwnni.t presented It so the Atne quo Dunne: yARI TRIEDIRICr r vest sole or MAU- I=l =3:333 =I = = preptrattop, naeey. Wean Open, riar...TlErtvraisek LA arrivv.. BATURDAY I —Orand 0.. Matinee &Mahal. .I.o6'll,erved 5.05..11.50 155001 y Mee 60 410107 06 • • •NI/ ceri ma* bs ma .% Efeber*Bnx Igo ISt Ward meet. • FALII=I.; . OPEN 3e.vmziy.lay.ErrzriGi. IN lI►9EIINT OP Oki /MORAL. rerCITY HALL, DIAMOND, PITTABUROM. • 'Tbll depot, lugs ida commodious 0•41)0 • .1 n theroughty refit.' end refunded. ed. and la new offered tor rent. for Italia.. portico.' fairs. I rono lons. It curer end (en - rat emus. meu. tla the largeatand tar.t veallteted room theln oily. end I. the 0,0 7 11• ff will D.P. mimes Or eV*. In case of are or •eri• dent. A upper hall, dinlng room sad kitchens ell In lint Mara style. have neon r coolly added lete Anyelotene4e. masts, it the mint colleen. and de:miriade Mr vans parties sod rtuulfine. For ""'s tad ==:==! ASSESSMENTS AitsonlCY Clfl. Lee. 11. 1869. NOTIEE.—T4e asseument for Gradng of Baena . Vista Street, Iriotra.Taylor ►venue to Carroll at sat, Is aww is and eau wseen gm Ws. • ZeensitlltilTlJEDAY,Doc. fistli,lllB9,wlits will be pined In the binds at Lbei City Treamor 12=0 OM= 4:1111111,23 DAVIS. _Mr= I=lll3 urgao N OTICE.—The assessments for The Eintding and Paving - of 1111=0011 ALLEY, Yrom Ytthiu street . to Triton street, are nob reedy lbt examination and con be sews at this oboe until - THURSDAY. December 224., WIT, wires, they will be pieced lathe beads of the City Truant ter collection. CHAJILES City Engineer. 123E1 VATETTE sTur,ET.—Notice Is berebr Oren that the undersigned, appellat e view Fa y et t essess damage. Ane n tuellts tor. *Denten street, they of ny. - litten avowal to the Ohto rlrer, nil] meet on the Onto.. on r CINSUAY. Meamber 1109. at 3 o'clock T. te, to attend to the Mates, a' their appointment. augg B. INOIIAM. - JOHN AlAi ISTON itiCHAND Da*surt. IMEM PROFESSIONAL gra W. De CANC.- ATTORNEY MID .COUNSERILOR AT LAW. • oinua 157 YOUSTIA AVlghltriz Mee b ylgehe, h. Mirgetre grent r a Lou t Qoaren la y e Stair I weine and ell Ws Court m a t eghen meaty. and snake ogle°. bow of theaellseeneleanntles. Wen= AItCHISAIL! KELM!, ILTTIDII2q3ITY.4LINJLat.W. OS I/IM' 111111LETT. ===l ==ll .w:omauiL,smr. • adP Z2•4120104131tee_ ftri • ?Ir c ollee ma roai rte; LiEPA. Malsaa4.l„. AetawMarideata, sad all 7sharU Ea/1140u amonia! wtt =nu • • eaa and dlanatell. • Natal :1011N-.4BTILIMIti• . ..A.7.:xnar:atubar. o or Tar rracneArn CS tintlltATZ. • • 0110.7.1 R 'arra Wirt. on:wane the Cow thettal. itstatr. Dtta.. nett,Att.:twig tUM [wt... tea, US -Lows Sulam& ta Dip trii-aassanen " ALDIMILLIN ASI . I . EX..01771710 OBTICIN 01 .. ... • .104FICIC, 8 . 9 lITFTW AVENOIL o, liMt attentive/ sarea is. eaneeptagg=l as. ada...Dana. a3a4 11 Illa also all legal ?enlaces WiepadelWralat4l/ sad acenratelv. APPLEDATIONIS TO SELL UL- Qlltthe. Mee In the Chit'. Ones the the tamale or Deethater. . Pittabiersit . .• Theodore Tr/Wk. estlir bowie. ad Ivied; Jenne Z. saran &Co., other toads. INA vosr& J. e. Mertes, other goods. La went; e. IleKstri. other geo4l. wu Trerd. Tred• 'Matte, other goods., 3d ward; Bann rgne, tsvera. 4ta &rd. Theldeense Soard bartinia• store ratimtotwr M et 1 . D x 1.1 MALAY r iled's:Ma MR clerk. • Cray C. /11.7.4011ENT. PA.. t TaxisuariVs Orrwm. Leans.. 13. 1109. • NoTiez BEJR:OBIE HIVEN • • may've. citoNT; ilasicipal•Botido'raf the City of illtglioly, • .that the C0.T.11..21•480nds 4 cotes& One:Tna vary IA Idlo..orn no pale on' said esy OM nno State. tax) dins Stank of rlttibutign. in the 'elty of .Finiburi,"*.-.. itACITZESION. • Tro•antar Of the Clfy PRY tiI'IALAOILIMP PA: Thiaenarms r,e_rtoz:Der.monte 'a, um. g A LLEI4IZENT CEEL . - ' iftompinnifse Bonds Wanted. . . . Pe lm* bolding Comyromh Bosh of lb* MY of Andr•oo.T. r." an bonny ooti ed that dm blobleg hnd of limp viit, lomegted to taw .loath u the loweit Mos offered. 'Prolongs Teedynd.brnbg ondorolont3 tosUlagT , Istday*Oaarry, 11171 i, , . MAO/1/111074 Tressuror of th Clts of Allegbfa7./1, ALPERtaLKOHLEIC' Xnuatacenreis and I.l.lers:hillOOTS, MONS ANDWArraltg., Kew =Alaska, stn., nue. Pe:ltchier &Waistless /Wm. Custiod Wort. We beg leave to alma She, attention of the Debits to the p Oaf are nor grew. to anannthetatre to sad! aboes for, persons troubled with ants, Bunlons, - or dammed act, under the personal supers Monot our Xt. rftiLT,tormeny oldlltte. ellY•uboull be Wens. to see custosnal W.. we bars adorned Xr. jusert , s mods of measured Um toot, hs unfelt ber sahibs marmot. easy Mid comfortable Foot. .4 Mtn. for the tender est tea. MMus SIAM sn4 FT 0211 1. .'a rartat airport : KETSTONE POTTERY: CO., 111,1311111111 1 WASZ. Baicsrei. wogs , caw sa4 Waraboass. 283 entlnrt cntenntlV alinnonni tn. AND -01111NAMENTAL'CARTKRS,' • jo, 6g Eiddy~tl , EL, illeshcny, h. • • • sAmarusest at ,NZWIEL POSTS taa lea s 112inanatlyosk laaA. . TURNINO VOItTaIEUOLIONM—IIuer . .a: tearer* email member Mat we tarp oensi b.t Wilihv. 181.11. Naha Mikal„ Y. kW. feta rustled drat.... Lae le the 11n, ak emced • 04.1. UN okea Favorite Momato. Teeters .11,110* Feeettes. . kfer..foes .Yoratee Omen una, from re., sad Ilaitarooss, rlel Corn. nave. R L. • Overalkse. at... a,. for awe al. lawns 4" . " "b. tail Omar takm Illso anau. IirWASOI4.III4IIIOTILLItSr • si r re rarlid i t=t. D•Ons II ill 0 ZEE=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers