, , :',-; AMERICAN BANK, No. ea roinera Avlirkruß, N prrrantritars. CAD/1 CAPITAL .1. . . . $200.. '.....; Stockholders Individually Liable.. ELMS( OF DIPICOVIIT /LAD BEFOUL'', JUDY /LOYD WY. /LO TD. ;1- . -PreOdost. Dohlet, In KZCTOU. ----: X X -' Will , I. jth " 0 . 4 4 ; John LAI= v,, •.. otow, ._Aftolbalo .saes . Art.u._..--1 J.. D. TOIL Quo, 11 1...1w , Na. /kid. , &go II 0 14,07 0.2•• ?O imas/ ..d "'W." rural 21002.02 D 0 boobse m GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Itourla at Ilighut Prices. PII. IL MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue MI JA.IES T. BRADY 8c C Me.. ..." ,110 4 JOXTS i CO Corner Forth A.venue and Wood St., 11 3.41.INTII:MRIF# Bar Yd *ell all Wads of GOVERNMENT SECIIRT 1 GOLD, SILVER AND .q)0.0319, ON MOOT Fmron.A.BL3 TININE6 rir Interest Allowed on Deposits. Mie.Money loaned on Government Bondi al lowest mutes. mem Orders executed for the Purebute SOLD. Rale se orrocir" Bolin aall I&MZS T. BRAIST & Cis Eittsbuti Gay*, FINANCE AND TRADE Orrice or Firmament( GI/sew; Tura:oar, December 21, 1869. t The over =dilating policy of the Gov . ernmeut regards . Treasury aales of goldj and nurchisera of bonds glvis " Mese operations the character of scanah ling with the national credit, and be the • main came of the present uneasiness in commercial and flmincial circles. Who cares for buying anything to-day when to-morrow he finds the market price changed, and, inatead of making a profit on hls outlay, finds that he la a loser. So long as there Is no radical cbsnge in the the the Ad ministration, the tendency of all velum must be towards loWer plc= -and a gradual approach to deeper of gold— may even go further • than that, si the stagnation of business is moat likel ne y ° causing an undue. depreciation of all manufactured and. imported goods, and likewise of raw yooducts. Whetba • r the Government will sell ' any more for the balance of the year or not, will have lit- tle to do with present prices. The im preaston that gold is the cheapest article now on the market has so taken hold of the Deeple's Maim that in all proba bility few of the January coupons win be presented far payment or offered for sale, thus staying the, further decline of gold until It la apposing how much gold we want to . pay for our import; or whether we can still pay on bonds, opt. ton, - Any further decline will bring so many new speculators that large amount of gold will be hoarded .and thus the general money market will be eased by bringing back greenbeclui into circulation. A email advance in gold would be no inducement for that clam of speculators, whilst a large advance need not be feared except on account of political troubles. On the Other hand, a gradual decline would thereby be I Government tortilla were weak,lnayni. pithy with , gold.: but tamed, steady in tone tinder improved Erni:peas quote- Stocks were very weak early to day, but gained strength and closed • with an average advance of , two per cent over last evening's quotations. Money le =elk in. demand at MO rates, but =slams is only active in a Quotations as reeelved ley Mu B. Marie - Gold, 11930 Eg leer. ElthiY• one's, 11N: Five, Twenties, /682.• 11214'; • L eo 111: do 188 A. lIING- do ISA ls. 111154; do 1882. 114; do 1868. 114%; Ten Forties...loß_ Adam*. She preen Company 80: Merchants Union Express Company, PK: American Ex meraCompany, 89 Western . Union ph. 31%; Re ading. 99.30 New York Vann= l'ittabairch, Ant Wayne & Chicago.' tkk Ohio MIMI& 21M; Atichlinua Southern, 85%; Cleveland a Pittsburgh. 811; Rock laland a Pacilks,• 104%; Chicle° at North Western, OM Masco 'it North Western Preferred AMC Erse 21 - acccoraismt. • Larva. Rance & London. per 7-36,97 • Paris, per .24 25 Berlin, :haler. .......... 90 • 91,,Q Frankfort. • /SS • I Hy Telegraph to the Pittenargh puma/ iTtw Yogi. December 21.188 p, ~ . . Wall street =a very quiet,. Money easy and Meaty ,st, NV. Sterling dull and lower at IGi(4ll3‘. Gold teary, opening at 170's, fellic 119 X, and closed at 120@1944. CarrYing ram 4€oB,,per cent.. Clearances • 1140,000,020. Export to day ;JOAO. • . • , . Governments lower alai Hall. clotlne steady: Coupons of MI, 117,41@11t do. 62, 112,14010113; do. 'B4, 11034: do. Ma; lit30:1111)4i • do. new : • •118X4§1118X; do. '67, liteill4X; do. 418, Tem•Forties, 1981pa108,10 PIMA= 1 , M,tc . State bOnds• firmer Miaow* old Tennessees, 50X; new, 44; old Virginias, 4910 - new.M; old North Caro. Iklaar 42 1,: new, Mb new South Caro. lima, M. It is =Wally announced that the interest on the latter will be paid January Ist In gold. • The • Railway market was generaily dull and steady with a little more move went In Vanderbilt Woke Among the Western ahem the print:Mal dealings Is In Lake Shore and Northwestern. Re, preas shares allowed some lltde =pron. • merit on rumors of a dividend on Wells, Fargo A CO.: and a reidlviehtin of rates among other compatille. - ••• Ave-Thirty Aloes: Clinton. 49; Cum berland, 254: Western Ifukin Talegrard4 4 82; Quickailver,l4x; Mariposa, 7,4; pre ferred 'day /6i `Adams Enigma, 'de; Wells Fargo, -12lAs; American: 89 ; United States, 49 paari e 48 ; Y. alh/rale 8f .; Erie: 21 %; dcr. pre ferred. 88; Rade= 8134; Beading, - 993‘.• • miebigan Central, 122; Lake Shore, MlD_l ll inois .cam ta i,, ill ; pittetetogb, 133: Nort hwestern, do preferred 823‘i Erie, Si. . 73%; do preferred; -13 X; Watestil 5214; do preferred, 72; Fort Wert% Nil Terre flaute 24 ;do preferred. 66; Ohl= go and Alson,l4l; preferred, 140.34; Ohio and Mlaaislopi, NW, V. O. el I. 0., - 1911, . Mining shares duil. " Boston. Priem Calumet,- 59X: Copper.] Falls, 83,4; Franklin, 7; Hefei, 75; Quin. cy, 20. ' Sub Treasury balance, MADAM &mummy'. maims*. Osman cis Prrrantinton Gauss; Tosettas. Dee. 11 1. The oil market .was, comparativnly quiet to day, the sales haying been ups. pilots have waders Pe no qucttbin change. The Chide market continuos to be :he great coatis of • sto traction, refined for the present, being almost andrely neglected; notwlthatand hig there ce not rough of, tide par, 2 8 /N \conrlderable lo terestientantrested In re. gard to the mums of the market be• tween now and, the'files otlanuctry—lt le a hard PrahaN and many an operator i would gbie a good deal to bas it 1101144 Thom are tboid, Who think 'that are not !Italy to go any' higher. others. again, say that they Would of be surprised tome antes sell MU mesa at 18, or even 20. There is another problem which roam pennon in the Mid/ would /Ike to have solved, and that -is as to - bow much oil tbere Is .. ebott." or how many et the seller olt• Uosca this year, are yet outstanding ne. settled. 'There le, ea might be expected, pe al V—Zic eal b: r ! r e d a reirai m 7k..) •• . • 'c~~ 4,000 bble—lt Is probe* however, that the laid fa much nearer the truth than thefts; though we do not elalrn to .•4 a prophet nor the eon of a prophet." • There was a fair business in Crude to. day, though compared . with yesterday, prices area abide lower. Hales In lots of some 6,000 bbls, seller this month. at andraaosozeoo-iieller6o at ISM 8,000 Mr..fan IMPINZD • I There Ls little Or no movement In re fined, the market being very quiet, though It was revolted a ahede 'ravager this evening. Sale 1,000 bble January, at 313,0 1,000 each January and Febro• ary at 31,te::, December quoted of 803;t3, 303 i. Aro=pig OP (TROOP OIL BY A. T. MIL Fairview 011 Works 1,200, on acoount Lockhart, F & Co; earns 480, on aceount Flatter Bro; Brilliant Oil Works 900, on 80 account Owaton & Bowers; Jas. Wilkins , on 50031121 t Fox & Fink; same 560, on account J. EL Wilkins; same 2 00, on Iso• count. Phila. & Boston Pet. Co; Fisher 800 400, on account E. H. Long; Peerless 011 Works 240, on account .1 Hawklimey; Waring. Bing & Co. 640, on account Fisher liro; wattle 80, on account J. Mon hall;:Anohor Oil Works 820, on. amount Orman &Sowers; A. B, Mills ao, on ao • count W. Bartle. . • .................. ..... .....4,68p bbis. eittrlcsars OP OIL Bs k. V. Lyons t Co., kill bbls reflood to W. P. Logan & Em ., Philadelphia. Pennock it Beason, 63 bbls ret oil to B.' W. White, - Harrisburg. H. W. C. Twaddle 65 bbls lubricating oil to J. Bartlett, Boston. Total ..... .... ... ....... _, .. 379 this. OIL SHIPPED BAST DOQIISSZIE DEPOT. Hutchison Oil & Refining Co., 872 bbl. to Warden, Prow it Co., Philadelphia. TetaL 372 Mal& PITTSBUIIGIi ILtEK.E'I.S Oman or Prrrsztrxen Gamma Tosnav, Des. 81, 1880. The general marketsare quiet and dull, and devoid of any new or Important features worthy of Special notice. We can repent a moderate lostlidemand fir most of the leading articles and a fair business In the aggregate, but then, as already Intimated, trade Is by no means active and not what It should be at this particular season of the year. There will be a meeting of the ..Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Rail- , ' road In Philadelphia tomorrow, (22d) I and the memorial of our Pittaborgn merchants In regard to the alleged dis-I elimination by that corporation against this city, will be submitted for coned 'nation. As Intimated in.- them I column@ aome tints aloft, tnere is not much doubt but the grievances submit ted in this memorial will receive that attention which their Importance de mands. and that the company will do what Is right and proper In the mat. tar. This is all our merchants want, and to this they are . certainly entitled to, and they will be satisfied with noth. big ApPLP:3-Dill and In good supply but unchanged: we continue to quote at $8,60@3,50 per bbl . Most of th e sales at 12,60 ed. APPLE BUTTER-Quoted at 75@8i. BUTTER-Is In fair demand but with • good au ply, - prices are well =da ta! COM for fair to prime roll, - BROOM CORN-Etales at 1841114 sales .REANS-In fair demand with sales at ' B.oolbr fair to good and 1133( for choke. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-4,VMM eta C HESTNUTS -Quoted at fe. CRANBMI,RIEEt-Glnoted at 812C416 per bbl. as to quality and condition. CIDER-Contbies very dull, with a supply oonalderably In excess of the deo mud and prices are nominal at 44,00 g 7,00 per bbL CEIRsZE-Is quoted from 17 to 18 for Western Reserve: Ohio Factory L Ohio Goshen, 19; York State farm GalrY. • 19; and York State Goshen 20. CARBON 01L-la quiet changed. Standard brands, I ;and un n ajobbing way, may be quoted at 2481144. DRESSED HOGS -Sates at 12€113 cha DRIED .FRUIT -Sate of apples at 814 (49c. -Peaches doll; small sales at lel° for quarters, and 11E112 for halves. • ply EuGl3-- Increasi Salee reported at 38 to 38-eup. ng. FEATHERY -it better demand and higher, and we now quote at 85G90 to the trade and the usual advance for small lota in store. FLOUR-Continues dull, as the de. mand almost entirely, local, ad It Is an almost inipossibllity to sell round lot. We continue to quote at 118,50@6,00 for Winter Wheat, and 15,6004,78 for Spring. Sale of 100 bbls. said to be choice Winter Wheat, at OM. GRAIN-What le quiet with little or none offering In this market and prices are nominally unchanged, at 11,15iitoto. Corn is very scarce, and in demand with adesof new at 80694.-no old In market. Rye Is quiet and unchanged, 98.3111,00. Barley oontinues very dull as buyers at May price seem very ecaroes we continue to quote Spring at 9 1 ,00(3,1,10 for good to choice; Oats still quoted 48 on track and wharf. HAY-Sales to day at Allegheny Die-, mond market at per ton-mar ket fittri h 2 elneirldrence ailed receipts,. and the light arrivals is ot:,:g..mainly to the had condition of the HUSKS-Sales at 2 centsper - pound. HOMINY -Salsa at 50,00W,40 per bbl. LIME-Sale Of Cleveland white lime . at colas Per bbl. ON/ONS-Sales at 1=9,00 per bbl, the outside figure for is LARD 011.-No. 1 Extra la quotedfirm POULTRY-Ia fair supply but tinchengedr we now quote- dressed chickens et 1204 eta, and dreamed Tar. Ice ß4l4 s lll4:fides at 5.5 . , eta.; by the unload and at 60 i s bi store. PRAM:ITS-Quoted at 9@lo eta. :PRASDuII; 112,50 per bush -Rim with a modes. ate demand: Shouldens. at Itiliegl7; Breakfast Baum, 21 ,912130"5uger Cured Hams, at 22,44021 L Lard in tierces, 19M, In kegs and pans, 2010103 g. SEEDS-bales of °lover seed at He (IX; and Flaxseed at $2,200)2,25. Tim othy need nombratat $1,5004.. • SALT-Is dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted at VA by the car load, with the usual advance for small lots in store. STRAW -Bales at 112@14 per ton. ==:= Onrwie O Pm manila GAzirrrz. ..Mos. AT, Deo. 2D, 1860. There was &comparatively fight sup ply of cattle on sale today, about nine hundred head, bat the • average quality was ranch better than for several weeks I praileding. Indeadethare were some the anent cattle in market we, ever. Naar including seven head from Kentucky, which it was universally ooneeded,eould not be' xcelled; in proof of tbia it la only necessary to Oats, that three of them brought otirccen cods per Pound. live weipatt and the owner realised ivithin a fraction of, sixteen hundred , dollars for the seven head. • There were several other lots of show cattle on tale, but the Kentucky cattle took the horns, and it is probable there never Waa a finer lot of • • cattle offered la this or any other mar ket.• We also take occasion here to state, that In no other market in the tenantry • will good cattle bring a better price than here, as tbere are many cif the 'butchers that do dot hesitate about paying • price when they can the get right-kind Of stock, and there are few cities that have as good • than of butchers as Pittsburgh AS e already Intimated; there was a wer proportion of good cattle on sale today than usual, but with a good demand, and a limited supply toaether with the bat that there were S.M.] eastern buyen: In attendance; the mar ket wets a good One, particularly tor the beat dredge, shadeprime, compared with lad week, a higher. Ties demand fbr common and inibrior stock wee h a rt Illahrialua • natal. ea la usmav -the aaa preoldlog the hoadars, the botch' era generally wanting to bny better cattle than tutuaL . S. Marks & Bro. /ad v er y fine IthOW cattle; from Ohm. This firm sold one ateerarelibing I,lDolba to J. P. ihnith. at 12 cta; also, one to Christ Suisun. weighing one to lbe at 12: and ode very fine heifer, welshing about 1.6021 be, to John Herchaniatr, at 11. • ' . Jacob Need/. also hid four Tay fine Ohio ahow ate" on aal6—he held them at 10. • . The Kentucky Cattle atcmi relbrred wore mold a Kentuckian -named Fry. boa. shaeoberg obught lof them at .111 eta., and the other four, a ll ends,' . ! were sold at an avenge tif 10 cta. i.,lsOott Needy rep ort'having sold 65--4 head show cattle held at 10 eta. Keefer et Kant 40 heed Stout Ca:age and °bloat 607 ate. Nicholas Mrr sold 23 head of Ohio steers at Gov* Jae Hands' sold 22 head of Washing. ten Oa sack at 4641 K. •• - Holmes, • Zags:By it CM sold 80 Wad i mixed stock at 610108 K. • Hasiewood a Illackstock 40 head from Waahltutton Co. for Petrie' at 530:18:. 10 bead for GLIZIPbOiI as 8138%. • B. Marks it Bro. sold 63 need at 70317 x. Trammell it Lohman sold 243 head of mixed stock at •• Greenwald it Zahn 70 head of Cumin= prime at 6yffi#7,4l. • • • 17 at 43m#5Jae. Mee•Blater 'old 18 head at 6 ®7311 %. ' Banal O. .hine sold 211. • • John Shipler sold 15 head Dews and hetrers from Belmont Shomaker & Horner W h o l e saled 20 head good Ohio steers, ,18 at 6,86, and 2 atC as. 5;4. s. Metz retailed 12 head of mixed W a hlngton Co. steers at an average e SheitemenUe &Stouffer 25 head Butler Co. stock at 4.50:463i. . M. at 414 nner sold 18 head Butler oaunty etock soffit C. Beeler sold 2 good Butler Co. steer. at 634; also 2 not so good, at 5.40. Blakely ,¢ lily. sold 18 head of mixed Penna. stock at 43,-;®s. Jaw Shaw epld 6 heed of Mercer Co. stock at an average of 5 eta. L Bethel:lids & Zeigler sold 28 bead steers at 63466%. B. Lowenatine sold 18. head of Wash. Mitten Co. stook at 5®1144".. • Peter Hartman sold 40 Green county steers and heifers at 4®g M. Verner 18 head from Chicago at 7® 8; 16 from Washington Co. at 43‘1383.i. Haas &Kraus sold 55 from Quertgo at 63(07q. • SHEEP. The supply of sheep on sale to-day, warn Unusually small, only about 1,300 head, but In the absence of eastern buyers, It wee nevertheless pretty well up to the demand. In the case of cattle, the average quality was much better than usual, and all grades, In con sequence •of the limited offerings, brought a alight advance. We are cognizant of several of the butchers having Paid .53‘, and even 53ic for extra fat steep, averaging 100 to 103 lbs, and wiles were made from that down.to.l/.50 par bead. Ev en th e ecru " wooer grades seemed to be held with more tenacity than usual, and there's no doubt but what the Butler butchers Isere obliged to pay more to day than for some weeks peat, and. As a general thing, they are very mese buyers. Jonathan Darts sold about 215 head at front 85 down. David Fry wholesaled 85 scalawags to Hamilton at 81.85 per bead, Btakely & Bro. KU 28 head of fair to Medium. at r.®3.- - - Garet Befghlo 109 sheep at an average of 823 i per head. Geo. Christi= 44 to Geo. Morse at 33i par head. John Gallagher sold 27 bead averag. lug 78 lbs. at 135 i: Jelin Fairley told 30 head at an average of alh• r head. W. Neely had 180 head on sals—aold from 530 down. John Young wholesaled 82 sheep to Hamilton at 1490 per head. Jacob Rynn wholesaled 210 fairish ecalawags, to Patridga, at 11,88. . Brumes Bold 44 head sheep at 1 2 3£ 441(e • Sheltmantle & Stouffer -300 abeep at: /1.25%5 per head. C. Beeler sold 14 heed averaging. about 100 Its taffy( pet head, 01111. . The market, although steady, is quiet and unchanged. The butchers do not buy Tort' freely, being unable, se they allege, to pay the extreme prioea. We continue toquote In a retail way at $ 10,50 (611,501012 Der owt gross. David Sherrick sold 27 from Stark Co., Ohio, at 10,85. at Geo. Christian sold 22 to J. Rothchild" 10,50. John Young sold 4 at /0,25. eanor had 19 which he J. Bl held at 19,50. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. - New lose, December 2L_ , -Cotton dull and lower, with sales of 1,200 bales nt 2530 for middling up tan& Fleur—receipts 13,743 barrels. Floor slightly favors buyers; sales - 9,800 bbls at 54 . 40®4 70 for superfine State western; 'l5 10(t a iO for extra State; . 41 90®6 10 for ex western; 15 7 0@6 20 - for white wheat extra; 15 woe 05 for B 'FL 0.; $5 75®11 03 lies extra SL Louis; 16 500.8 50 for gecholce . do, closing quiet, Including 6, 1 100bbl s extra State western for exp os -at 15®5 . 4.55. By e Flour in moderate request, with salsa 250 bbls at It 5005 70. Corn Meatqulet with sales 100 betehels Marsh's Caloric at $5 10. Whisky a shade firmer, with salon 450 bbl, western free at 96c(311, Nosing firm- at 11. Thscelpte—wheat 7,692 brah, Wheat le lower and geld; sales 51,000 bush at 11 2434325 for No. 2 spring dellvered; 11 33®1 36 winter red ember western. Rye quiet. Barley dull - and heavy; sales 1.000 bush two rowed Canada at 11 18. Barley malt dull. Corn —recelpts 3,486 bush, dull, heavy and le lower for old; eaten 82,000 bosh at 11 12® 1 14 for old mixed western; .9 84311 for new southern yellow; 11 for white smith ern; it 04 for old and new mixed west ern. Oals—receipts 13,178 bush, &Wand heavy; sales 23,000 bush at 63(00330 for 'western; 64.30g650 for State. • Moe quiet at 743730 for Carolina. 'Coffee dull. Sugar active and lower; sales 1.100 htubi Cuba at 11(311304 and 4,000 begs Per nambuco. Molasses quiet; males 600 bbla New Orleans at 74480 e, and 20 tihde Demerara at 66c. Hope quiet at 18®280 for American. Petroleum quiet at 17(317.30 forcrude; 31(331ti0 for refilled. Linseed 011 quiet and steely at 91® 92c. Pork heavy, with sales 300 bbl. at 11 31 . 5 0@32.00 for new mesa, 121.50 for old do, 124E426 for prime, and 5 2 6®30,60 for prime mess; also 2,000 bbls new mess seller February on private terms at $3l. Beef quiet, with sales 120 bbls at 151313 for new plaint mess, and 512017 for new extra mesa. Tierce Beef dull, with I sales 50 tierces at 1254323 for primemess, and 127®30 for India meet. Beef Hams quiet, with sales 30 bbls at 130.011®32,00 for new. Out Meats heavy, with aides 90 pkg, at 12®130 for shoulders, and 17431730 forborne. Mid dles.diall. utilisable 80 boxes et /630 for Cumberland oat. Dressed Hogs quiet at L2.34®13a . for western. lard h areyend lower with sales of 500 Unman 17 0 113 3 Pit chliilly.linto for steam and.. 1 9 ®1034,C for kettle rendered; also 2,500 tierces steam seller December, January and February at 18 k13118eie. • Butter steady at 1801132 c for Ohio. Cheese quiet and steady at 16(3180. IFreights to Liv erpool heavy and lower, with shipments 0f25,000 bush wheat at 111 per sail at BO steamer, and 2,500 Ms flour per steamer at le 91. L2teat —Flow closed with • fair extant demand for low grades at steady prima. Wheat dull and a shade lower; No. 2 soling at 111.2314 , 1,25; winter red and am ber wettest at 81.8261,35. Ryenontinal. Oats dull and heavy; 6 2M@6.30 for west ern. Corn lower and heavy; 11.12,41.10 for old mixed western. Pork doll; 1131.50 for old and new mesa, and $3l Ihr Feb. ruary. Beef dull and heavy. Cut meats and bacon nominal. Led more active and In buyers favor: sales 800 Heroes prime Meant at 18m@littio kir January sad February. and 18Mc for February and March. Eggs in moderate request without decided change, Coteau°, Dec' ember 2 1.—Esstens ex. I change 1-10 off buying and. Dar selling, Flour dull with sales at 13,85@} Wheat weak, pulley and Bfj3MO lower, with eats of No. /at 86c, No. 2 at .803;10820, and chadng quiet at 110)/68113 Ihr Na 2; his alteration the market was hairy and lower.-with sales at 80c . seller IS- I camber end Blc miler January for No. 2. Corn doll 3@liMe lower; No. 2 rang- lag at 78@78e- closing dull at 7S®7B3{o r regular; rejected 760 -and no grade at ti9€o7ocrthit aftemoOn the market was neglected and Wesson st.73jie seller 'January for No 2. Oat. dull and ligti No lower with isles of No. 210 acre at 421 , 076434 closing quiet at 4834 c. Rye laxative andloweivelth lades at Tio for No. 1 and 72@7/10 for No. 2. - Barley in. aCtiVe and nominally shade lower with valet at for 210.2. Hightrines dull at 91(41920a Bogen 11%141430 for common to slobs Orleans. Provisions dull and heavy. Mess Pork 500 tower. with sales F 19,50 seller January, wed 130.50 seller last half, closing at 2 22 @ff'.500sab, 129.25 stller - January, and 8 12 4 80 ,25 seller February. Lard Me lowers closing at 17ma cash, 17M(g173.0 seller January, and 1731 ®l7ffeseller February. Sweet , Pickled llama 16c, closing at 163 L Wee. Dressed Hoge quiet and_ bOo lower, clos log at 1 1 11,2411,75, dividing on 200.1 Lire dull and drooping at 118,70,510,75 for bonus= to choice. ' digOINNATI, December 21...Whisky Ault but held at 95e. Hoge quiet and demand light at $0,75 to 10.25 for gross, and 111,75 to 12,50 for net—receipt. 4760.; Mess pork 'doll tut °Cared at 128,50. Bulk meats fully cured at 2 1 53{@ldi for aboulelenieclear rib and . Sear sides packed: - Baron quiet and demand light, 'shoulders at 14Xe, clear rib rides at 17Mci end clear do at lat.. Sugar cured. hams at 21jja,22e..; Lard dull and nominal, prime steam offered- this afternoon at 173(c and kettle tendered at litage, bat no d Butter armee at 88485 e: Egypt at 37 ®Se. Chem. al . 1 734(3,18Xe. Lin `seed oil at 138 e." :Lard oil unmuumed at $1,V91,55. Petroleum dull at: thane. Bogar dull and drooping; New Orleans at 13@fayie.• Coffee at - 1843240; New Orleans molasses at 78€800. Gold 119 M buying. Exchange dull, Dale =PAT M to 1.10 discount buying, 140 discount to ter *selling. Money market closed /045L2 Der cent. Sr. Lotag, De ce D.—Totem feel- log better, but btu mber dnesa small. Uotion quiet at Ste =for 'middling, Hemp üboagod.'vitti tales* undressed at $ 1 ,4 04 g Wbtaky (tan lower, at Pbc.. Yroeterfes gulp and iincllangtxt." Prost; Mons nominally unchanged{ park 580.60, dry salt eh:nth:len Lle. clear tildes 18 e. Cattle quiet and unchanged at - - 1134 c. ilows,huyers ;holding off -- for lower prices: email treks at 9moloe, tent 'tilde Mont elation lots, averaging lbs. wers run Quotable over Dkitt.' - '• .et•WrnLAWD, - December 21.—Baolt. I *heat Flour Wryly and.in pond demand PITTSMURGH ‘ 2 ,PAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY - MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1889: lat 27,50(342.5. Petroleum dull and heavy; Mined bald at 773 4 e for western trade; nothlog• dolog for eastern, await jobbing lot at 2tpc adVitlocg mode held at ts.9o per barrel. m Solesltv/Mo. Deo. 21.—Cotton doll; low lng 22Km good ordinary 22340. Wheat—red ill 10; amber Si 15; addle 11 20. Flour gsCs , 7for superfine to fancy. Bulk meata—clear aides /Owe, clear ribs 10c, shoulders 12c, new hams 22c. Rump pork g 22 60.. M/LWAIIKEE, December 21-Floor, weak; choice spring eztraa at 14. Wheat, doll at 84,4 c for No. 1, and 81xo for No. 2. Oats, tirm at 830. -Corn. steady at 80c for No. 2. Pirnann.pors, December 21.—Wheat 1 — Pennsylvania red 1 1 , 25 for fair. and 1 11,28. choice; white it,4o@iAs. Whisky inactive at Plicall for iron-bound west ern. Lomarna.g. December • 2L—Cotton, quiet at 2234 c. Leaf tobacco active; sales of 902 beds at {7g9 for logs; ILO@ 12,75 for leaf. Whisky, declined to 95c. Cameo*, December 22.—Cattle ( * mist and steady at 4,25@4,75 1 ibr common to good cows; 15G6 for fair to medium; ittl.7s (46,8734 for good steers. • " TOLEDO, December 21.—Hoge steady at 11 to 12)0, dividing on 150 and 200 pounds. Clover seed at 18,10. Aliments, Dec. 21.—Cottou quiet and nominal at 2.404 high grades mauve; re. ceipta 1,021, exports 872 bales. BALT/MORE, Deeeinber M.—Flour nn. °hanged. Wheat—prime red 41,26®/.40. Whisky held firm st:/1. stead Daynorr, December 2 1.—Dreamed hogs y at 1 1 2,26(4/2,87 for heavy. • Dry Goode • Market. !caw Vona. Deoember 2l.—A little more business doing among proininent Jobbing /muses, buton the whole th e market la extremely duU, yet More are without material alteration. The only changse of importance are an advance of Mc on Imperial 4.4 bleached mtuni• and Atlantic V brown 'hooting& na IMPORTS 11VOIAILBOAD. PITTSBURGH Foalm Wer2ra AND QM nand lionaci a.D.Doceber.2L-300 bblo flour, owner; 200 do do, Shomaker AL; 12 pkge meat, I,BB7pcs, hams, J P Ran ce Cu; hldes. J Hammett A Son; /00 b A bla flour, Watt, 'Lang A Co; 2 bales broom corn, Kurtz; skg. liquor, 1 car ,rye, Jai. S. Finch A0o; 45 bbl, hams, J H Parker; 3 bre crackers, O W McClure; 2 do do, J Porterfleld;• 10 bb Prunes, 15 Ors moccaronl , drbucklea (kit 2 bre 011, A Kelly; 2. do do, It II Sellers A Co; 19 aka rags, R Christy; 1 car barley, Bricker A Co;' 1 car Inman: El P Adams Bro: 16 pkgo brooms, Heod.it Metrirarrit bble onions. Day A 00; 50 reen'tddes, G N Hottstott; 1 bbl butter, Haworth & Dewbunnt 2 eke cote'', W D Cboper;l4 bgs beano, C Slade- 1 bbl hams, hams, Vangorder AS; 15 bids nnakWoodpork, p Hanna Co; 8 eke tri, . Worth a D; A I car Rm.:atoune,dpe - - Shoenber ger, Blair dr Co; 2 do do, Laughlin, de Co; 5 bbls whisky, S Applebaum; 2 care wheat, Mitbnell, Reynolds dr. 00; 100 bb b! flour, John Wilson A Son. - PrrTantrlgalt, OleirOnficAT/ A 2113 BT. Lorna Rartmosn. December 21.-4 boa brushes, J Patterson; 2 dos-choir% H Bergin; 50 do brooms, McElroy &QC 4 boa h ware, Moorhead A Co; 15 empty bin 7do bid; 8 8 Marvin; 49 bga oa 28 d o 169 do barley, 25 do wheat, F Soitll ts, Cbristy Pten s; rye. Mn hato; 4 . bbor & II; ls 10 d apples, do ' Head A id; 18 oil bbd, Spencer &M, 1 bbl peachu. 2do eggs, W H Graff Co; 20 bgi meal, F Craighead; cant wheat, R T Kennedy. Bro; 65 bbd pork, W Han & Son; 20 do molasses, Watt, Lang &cm 2 bra mdse, J J Gillespie; 1 bdl wheels, H Mackey; /0 musks era, S H t a r in t n 'l5l P ll 17 / s il o ? t r18° a n t In I. B u • I keen, DeCember 2L-7 cant ore, Inman. I barger & B; 2do lumber, GA Mardorf do ore, Clark & Co; I do do, Zug & 00; 2do do,•McKnlght aCm 120 bbd tur nips, Vide, 51 On 2 ma rye, Robb & B; 10 mutes tobacco, Seghmvor AV; 10 do er do,& Bro; 20 L J BlanObard; Johnsen 6do do, W Coop. do do, & 03 wine!, 11, Young:B pea marblo, .7 E v ans; 15 eks d apples, Ca, NI & Co; 4 bbls eggs, H Rea Jr. corn,6 bbia be-ma, Dilworth, H Co; / oar, OH . Mama/mai Vax,rxr lianmoaa, De oember 2L-52 bble refined ,II Lock. hart, Frew & Co 64 cars coal, Kier, Fro. tar dr Kier; 9 do do, Armstrong, Dickson et Co; 14 do do Coleman, Rehm tit lki; 13 ake potatoes,' M W O'Connor; 48 aks wheat, 1 car grain, cott & Glsal; sdo corn, Ido °Mono. S Morrbsoe: 49 mks oats, Hush Knox; 3 boa butter, Bruner man a O'Brien; 18 eke flour, F Temple- ton; 1 bbl eggs, Watt, Lang de Co; 2 oars metal, Nlmlck & CO; 2 do no, John Moor head: 15 eke rage, R Christy; 17 do corn, S. Patterson. A.I.LEGONTIT STATION December 21.- 4 oars metal, 4do N a n;e Bailey . 2 DO. do !amber, .1 1 do Meta], Graff. Bct Co: 11 dos brooms. Moon de Bre; 10 balea hops, Mulles dt El; II rolls leather, Graham ,t Spangler; 42 hides, Popp Et . ,t Co; 2 mops poultry, Wood worth D; 4 bus b nour, J 2 care limestone, Superior Ircin Co; 2do wheat, Kennedy Bro: 1 do mfilfeed, Stewart. RIVER P.&OHETS. NA~99ILLL. on -.NreseviLLE.-- aca s ee —Ti. Am patnenget steal:car •110081" capt. W. Y. lam , eava for the &b.:mould Intermediate porta m=ll dt' )LACKt COLL a NUW oOD , Amts." • MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS F m n 7 : E .7. ° T , t:rtiv:::aidri s t gaWvrzza, KoNNTZ...Capt. J. C . VAX/ROOF. ftwriVr u l t .o /vx . d . larrillato bona For freight oryt j arFo apply of bout or to lartkl U N air °°D. deli MEAL .1 1 .1111Nktl, Amt.. ST. LOVIII R ST. LOUIS -Theadr i e • • MANY DAVAOE AND RANGES, Will Melee trelsht tole moraine for the above and Inter snenlau..port. Will leave ea W/.- .11.D.DAIN 11114 hut. Aire VI to dell CHARLEd BARNS.). Agent. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL ANDsack QUEENSTOWN. Tim nvasair etasr . sTneasaMPO. Numbering slateen trat-clasc recces, atm./ ace the celebrated SIR GINA. • CITY Ur nALTnIU Santis IC4IIVIITTIMITY. iiom Pier did ono Biter. tor Medusa, farther WILLIAM 1113OH/L1104r.; 14.35111THPIILLDBTRIC6T. Plitaberit. OILS DLIJIOND >WOIINJI N. M. LONC & CO., Oftea, DALZ6LL'II BUILDISO. Duquesne W.y. Plttabonen, Pa, T 4 820111E1111, COMMISSION MKRCHMS &ND DL►LCB/5 IN Petroleum and IUI Prodnets. ..mbovagri,gpmcgmaieixe• PhPathlibla WALNJUT ZIT .anlarie WISING 3 RING, Cuminlulon Merchants and Ilt.kera Is Petroleum and IM Produeta, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY DaLLADYLPRLA. ADDRESS, Boom 17. Member otConstsierce, am 133 301717 11120011 D 3TIUCET. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY =BIM W. C. TWEDDIA KAIiI7I4.OTIIRZIL OR lubrieating&High Test Burning Oils. MI . ps o Railroad Azle Of I. ds Irr at neat wilkoat °cacao:- remains limpid aclowest armorial.... Opecial oil lor tbbacal climates of hot b. a. her. . ! LOOOMOUVS, NNI/1110, Iltaehlaa law% win cot.roao. _ liar NW aad Planted Bill Ow , . Adapted for Mg/ ap.d. _l4 . lp , taklla OH. Masai Ifflea444.ltarkalan.. oak Taatiaara'aluMilleazale, . :land niasheim uamine, . cm , Siamese OIL I Paraallue. . ROW VA.4.411511,.5a pors.rre Bright Irolli ork aa4 Yacalacrr nt.oll M 15111,4 TIT:INV I =3.4 n I = I 7I3II4:I7,AY CI& Tabilbrrialsort cis ar.. almost <ma perfee 17 rn.aalaana. and maw) , Pahl c o 01... grititrtmptrerl_stn.".r. m 'a e ft c " .T.," " r, g "' kV • sea. oils are upeTazoo4 l ans are In ronstlist We oa many of Om principal Railroads. Pa plias a -ntr.,......"4'4141 Xgt e .rmgftntt,fli. w°4ll 1 On BARBELS . CLEVELAND b bYstir.:,ll at' t, /QC We 17 e_p. Cazwisswa' RIVER NEWS. 1 - Cliy:the Elate sad 411.141.11t1e 'X*lmrsoti.3 Om Ctrir, Pa., December 21—River fining slow/y. with 3 feet 2 Inches water In the Channel. Weathercloudy. Than mometer 27 degrees at 6P. X. : • • Ozzarreiroao, PA., DOOM:Ober 21.—'112e river Ix falling slowly, with 4 feetotwater In the ehannel. Therrw3meter at 38 at P. Y. Etwoontermus. PA., Dec. 24—ItIver s , rainhn Blow'. with 53i feet of water In the channel. Thermometer &I degrees at4r.x. The river continues to recede ateektuy at this point with 8 feet 8 inches in the clarinet by the Monongahela marks, Weather cloudy with an aocainonsi spitting of snow. Mercury 28. The Abeons front Cincinnati is the onlYuansient arrival we have to re. port. She bad over 400 tons for this point, including 113 bales cotton and 154 tome metal. She Is announced for Cincinnati and Memphis. o The Argosy, It is probable, would get would f Iblenhaglie luiblnitte:ntll43lhit laid over until this morning.. eve The Mary Davao), Capt. Hugh Camp bell, is announced for St. Louts forth. with,'and shippers should bear this in mind. The Belle deputed for Parkersburg yesterday; also, tho Julia for Zaneavllle. The new steamer Carrie V. Roun ts, , Capt.Vanbook, is filling up rapidly far 1 New Orleans, and will be the drat boat . Mr. W. D. Rogers has taken charge of the office of the Carrie V. Remits. 1 —A St. Louis dispatch wader date Sunday, says: The weather hag b ee n quite sold for the past 48 hours, and there Is considerable new made Ice running in the river. which is falling again. A few days of such weather will suspend navi gation north of here. Col. Long, alien. Warren's staff; left St. Paul on the 16th bum for Si. Loots, Cairo, Louisville, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, to get u Plans for light draught boats to be used ir, improvi ng the upper bilasissiput and tributaries. Phil Sheridan amid Clara are leading for Ohio river. 1 —The Evansville .foorn of, of Bator- I day, says: The owners of the Armada ' and the Underwriter, of Cloolonati, have settled the Armada cue. Ths In , euranoe companies pay the owners KOOO and the latter take the wreck. Shewill probably be sold a she lies, and some.' body will obtain a great bargain. Capt. W. W-Collins, the "Ancient Mariner," left by yesterday's train for Louisville: "an mbel?d the :impaled happy." Didn't he, Gi - I —We clip the following from the Cln. detest! Commercial of Monday: The case of the U. S. Mall Co. vs. the Cin cinnati Insurance Coe.. haying risks on 1 the ill.fated stamens America and Uni . ted States, is on the docket for to-day. We case will. Drove interesting. Capt. R. M. Wads stopped off the United i States yesterday, to testify in this case. —A late New Orleans Paper says: The Sliver Bow, afar snaking • Emus fel trip up and down Red River, on scant water, less leaned up against the 1 landing to think. She will probably en ter one of our bayou trades shortly. The Mayflower, with over 2,000 bales cotton, Is receiving for Camden. The St. 'Charles left Cincinnati for Plttaburgh on Sunday, with, among other items, 200 tons metal, 70 bhda vita i 4 . l 3r i ls ed meil m irs i 7i3 . l , isleetoo tsea anttdot cabin passengers. —The steamer Rebecc, wrecked by striking. the Parketsbnrgh bridge, le lying just below the smith pier badly: wna. recked, and will moat likely be a total lo The R. C. Gray arrived at Bt. Louis on Sunday. —The Kate Putnam was at Louisville on Sunday. _SPECIAL NOTICES far' SCHENCK'S PIILNIONIC MANDMil lat t lILLI K VITfirre In to Liver Couplet at and Dyspepsia,. lf teh.e act•td• u apt d leeeuoea . R,'"ey ' lea ' b*"kel . re 'Lithe liver and et p It Co work: then the anaetite becomes goodiihe food Mom, and mob., blood, the Patten:eta to_oterer ER Untamed matter el to the 'lunge, a.. Lalrent eintgroviit ?At: nod get. era .• - To the rhge iste=lues DT•fiftl. &het ,• Philadelphia, owes his unelvaled:theeess tetatinent of ptilitionery Coxituni4Uon. Th: monk Myrtle ripen. theporbid natter :. . Intlbr=ar p i tl:en " ontralterri ' irel; slight Numb will throw it olf. end the micas ham rest awl the lunge beet. , a heel. To do this, the Heaweed Tonle sad Mandrake Nil. Mug ho lively heed toe/ea:lse the einothen and liver, a. that the Pulnionla Byrne and the feed will make good blood. benenek•• Mandrake rills eat =o 4u % Hen. gall%tiletlgrbll:"= 7.14,4 thellver le thou reiloved; the stools will show what the ren'elot=i t:Perdry,_-.Augrauvrevd::: ft=`6:74lna l , T l,l l74lil: "" tg.. i " of the liver like soltehors Mandrake yule. Liver oomplalut Mow at the moat prominent causes of tioesuroPtlee• Belmar-Vs beetweed Tonle I. •gentiestlntelaat and alterative, and the alkell the Seaweed, which toreparalloo _le made of. amelets the Lto.nrietttitilhtturi:wrge F enno Jamie lo 415.11 In good Wood wlthontle,rate. aderc?:l4=l4 I In the stomach. CaThe great +limn why thysielthi do not tiere nsumpUoals, they try to do to the thee gl. modleJaa to stop the eoush to atop Chills, 4/ mad Hop night threats. hectic fever, and by so dole, they derange the whole dhreetlve powers.. that. ` tigt =l L—. t ltgAttezzaaAtur.tt. trfll7:.ll°- re the cense, and the w ill f ul stop of theu tal.72l%eg:be"d of cr .. ; ,Mn bev eled tx,Tna., nin e ~ te I.Hee eed v . ar `lir"Lr"'lte"d =relflefrirelelT erssee. bronchial Inlistlon. ' pleura adhoulOh. or the lance are a aulaa of lsilarnaththa t aad hint d Io nee ecaying. ha such caw. what must he done? It th' 1.'114 thatu tI•ft11 .meting.u a ar.itg. their power to male bload out of food. How the , only change Is to take Dr. Sot/elicit , ' thews wied.4 eines, which wilt braid eP • Loh* to the clam tht i fi;uent n er a ill . twelnfood ilo wargLadatizlearb: I glue to gain In gem,. nail), thanes the bohy be-, Wire Only [tows the %VIVI ' lnaldWue aid ma, Liver Honinlatnt nail Dthpepals, Bet vet,. Seaweed Tool* thel•Mandrake tilt. are sulh cleat. Without the Pulmonle Syrup. Take lb. Maar/take Plat :•sreely 10 all Wilms OCIOD .Islat.t as ther WS Ohl , iltetly harmless. /Jr. lichenek. who bon enjoyed helhtvratdh"aulMiTf ...i the sth eotayMTMuf Pulmonary Cessumtnlee. tz.v.b.nide:tt nwrgunr.i. - 7.1. by the &Shrewd medicines, mid Mace iHa r my many thlusandselrollerly &Meted hare nee ente d m.a au ItSe=rragtate=t bettil making EMIL ' VI InTetlYllllTe”feiti ge7rTiVe =egamlned, and few thilerrpoeti Le pretemten ay, TlreVe alligteg.for advlo t elt b esi trerl ;17rrill'reltDrueir 74° th'eregesealmy, mid at No. Mil Hanover strlat e lloirtoth gym other Wedamday. lie gives advice ' het Mr • thetwegh .ism wlth Megrim is la. Olflee hours at each Hama L. M. to 3 er.• tai Pram o elisPithoonlie:yretirailltezen Toe. dlat ' Plilsl4 . lent. ° ' Act Pee tale gni dralflaatt. farDOCTOR WHITTIER CO.lll. Eif,IVAT t. aulaal onnddn one. as ...ally Impotency 1.. p loni a .Atty cued. Persona agleted with delicate. Inteloue and big atioadins conautitUonei eouptu_ u PolniclY Nit lied to 001 foe einieltiteUot. Vilna coca soidair. T.ltnaeleace. tee belt Meacham Pint le enabled slat to perfect laud lee at no. ell- Av0re.4...." 17" ed. Wass prepared to Um entabliatiment. which etik braces caw. nauptkoi and wattle, name also rr b ae q ~e tl b" lfi git i n 113 4 '"P it i nal ° 11: " 4 . t';',,u caemica rthan.'"er...l mineral Wine& No matter ko cat your rue, Dead what ba'aMibt. twat of Ilfr i fiArea. mat to any address foe iwo ave.Vol= tz..c 2:1 33.11 1, 10. 3 11q. , IN14.4111; It by mu. Man 46 9E's 111 B"'" thr. ie u. Plaiddst 4... rot Mgr stamm beat ioyy ad., i rIMA V i jk l eTriti D r r iot th Z . 4 1 igrinrartri r r i rrnia and /Indic Core of Nerron>ntea. Conan= lion Mitne.s.% filtilr. u ). ° 4ll6ln P vttirl a i P 1`;'" itTIL:L II ,7 =TA °Pt:Ma:A. l.6 x r,"l a lt ent °pa to any addreui. tostesld. .re. CYfle./ C Ittilihr/ESOrti.,7ll7'lititry= yore; Poidollice Box 45516, &a, Dr..lloitiver. we , lie ``ttnerilini 0 11 0 , 1114 nytf , 411, OUT. POR 001.1;IMITTIPMAITIITRRACTIME, 117.0NetriliS. None So rood. None so rolearant. Norm Oars as Quest. NMINTON 00., • , 10 Astor House. New Lott. trurno more or more borriblo tostesin sum. ../trosro Co twb Woes., Atari 14,TanUELOW8 /4W D' Teta spliesdfd Mils Dye ls best the worlds Ale ells too Mid Pen t rl Dye; Wolves. woo. co, twee t ostasst disappointment; so d 126.1. corned, thy /II effects of bed am i lmhortr: , m i r • % air ~3 d I l egritz " Ydie :•" . 117,. "' 11.... " ltNew Yen., K rigrTnE HEALING POOL-- ZSAATS VIM YOUNG MIN who ha,o ea InVeloorialMag I:11AV a Mahe, *Crei n :l7m gralStaiol..lSeiet I. osatirlri ...25,=i,...,T;1:g1,101751111141%.3°423141 r_.cosor wcyr..u. •. • . - • • A PIZONIII9O4T NOTZ drowa by tbakooder 0041, Osted Illttsbureb. October lat. n suisberid 4. for BIN.IILtS lIIINDRiII DOL LAR; ont140.00.) et twelve reoutbo from data .Itb thismr. payable to the order of JOON A. WlLtwa. toos milled 'as October let to tn. gam Jobe A. iraseir, New Tort My. but Yale, re. et lord inixisa garages rte boreal . wales= agaatet negatiatian mem as Dayaleat lam tame . dallini 016.'2; stn!rakbei, TODDIES 'S' NATIONAL MANY, Wood it; cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. 6old, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks BOITOUT AND SOLD. A..lnunixt. PreAd.t. of w. VAS/URN. Vice Prezidea% dEr CYRUS CLARKS. Ja.. noLstra & soN& G 7 MARKET STREET rITTSZIMIGEL Pa: Connell's. made on all the principal points or the United Matte and CaUldi& Eitocks,Bonde and other Securities BOUGHT AN:ict BOLD ON 0010/NIEON. earth=lar pald to, the Imrchns• and ted. States Securities. LO:al HART, CAUGHEY 4.00., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Corner Pourth and Wood Streets, PITTSIII7IIOI3, PAL - , nsucuseaose TO HANNA, RART a CO. =II Exchange, Coin, Coupons, 41210 puttoolar scion:son paid to tk. porelow and Wrof GOVERNMENT BONDS Sight Drafts on London. CITY BANK. 112 MTh Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. • cuprrAL. m 0.04% • ETOCIIIOLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. ANTRIM PAID ON DEPOBITB. POREIGN EXCHANGE Nonght and min, and Whet desired reanittad t o tazrOrtetMA°l%lllP.,°,2 ?th'iD* l Dominant Humane, Prend.as. tint !Plgatt DIIINCTOII/. em. H. Ihmaen. James McCabe, llte ugh Xmtumi_ • J. Denlary. Jr. Patrick Nana. Pn1ia72%17,u"1. Chao. B. Nam H. A. anes, 100. Jo., Hermann. :nazism Kamm leLka JOS; M. MAXXAM. &Waft . FIFTH IVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgl4 Baaloas Row opts tor Discount, Deposit azul Baslaw. Any inna naive. bola One Dollar aowes. i121•1111/1, at the eel. of 812 per p od al Was dawraita. Mffl ED. DITHRIDGIL, W. P. WARM 808 nly,l ;vat icuz itt roa.,,itivat HA DITHRIDGE, President r. r. IieBENOX. Cashier' " Zalgit i girtZ r a g riU. pIIOPORALLII FOR MAIL LOCKS. -WKALYD P/IpPOIIAL3 for faralsldoe Mon Locke and Key• of now blade, to De selistltutod for the Loots sad Zero auras." ea the Voltam Maros al:s, will bs reeelred at MU D.P.,- oast anti 0 o'etc et a. V. the al day et rill - It Is desirableto allele Leaks ‘7Ol If tr. of tho • : ioc 1:4 nal 'sae •f aopeppwea. WO and loop ottp whloh • falr eempetWonamenginvooton, hero. by Invited, may develop. /t aMtdeat to de tallow.: the orincipoil reqMsltes of a Mall La... follows : Pelf•Lonklog nolfortn'ty. PeOPPity. 1 Ightemi, arength, durability, novelty of .00. and et obi. Two Made of Loeb. .4 keys. anther brass 03.4 otkor ef Men. different la este:tar fors aid laterlar eatistroetlaa or arrameement , are retiOlredi sad Propoeals shonl4 speolfy sep.ntely tho pries of esek bra, Leek, each ley fm the um*. *sok boa Loot toed each Key fbr cams. Dept,ato samples of each kind of Looks and Nee. pre pooed, ars ramired to b. estmotted Ilk the Proposals; ono of sea mop, ,Loelt biro Meet -04 op and finish., and another to be opus ar st elvelod, to that Its Internal armature sod ar notation,. may .sly be exam/sod. !red', asander . ehoold tm Plainly marked With Um bid. der, same, 004. if Um eat. or oar part .f It bo favored by • patent, the date of inch patent and tho nem* of the patentee must be also at. tubed thereto. Intereatagaa or arratiltutelee of th. Leck alarm, aad the partkudar sham or the Hey re oaten* to do en,theri, mut riot be Ilk. my now to heretotom la ay. They must he marrasted act to tattier..mon or omelet with any patented ]mention of which he bidder Is rot the patentee. Pretarenaa wpl he /fun so a Loa, Use Key of widen has lot been exposed to general Obi rtatlon or been publicly rleeertbed, disclosed-or suggeeted. A decision .on the varlou autumn. and Pat. meal. will be Mafia en or before lb. id day of MARCH. 1170; and nalesithe Postmaster Gen eral hall deem it to be for the Interests at the Department to retest al the Propeents aria eyed naeu sutunltted ander Uds adrutleenmet, the . Mont tracts wilel herby e rpress mendly reserved to Um ) eon. ) a. be e Leto as .ace thereafter es practicable. with the mammal Mader who.. Loots shell le adopted, fbr furnishing deader Locks nod Ku. tor tau yews... they easy be. mended ea ordered. Il mate ally aimed la 01 win g . the coetractor acid Peuntaster ties. onal. ter t he lime not leas than eta mould before Its expiration. the entrut any be oz.' United old costineed Lir an ueltional term of tour yeare• Ott on atd after the mylnibien of tallier terra of the untried, ear ea nod otter He righttim smalment abany time, the Patrtmas tem General stall base the right to contemn with a Weopiey sae other party to fareilek th e same, any ether kind of Locks ea !Heys; sad If he shell Cum proper to demand and meets. from tld late or det.olt'ai °outfitter all 11.1. W Or nallalsked Heys and the lam nal pity of the Look contraeted for, and oil lles, gauge. sae dealumrtwkleh woeld • nude litters to make or forte .uca Locks and Rey a) In the maaseasion of sack mattactir. who; after ttelr .amender to tae Denartameat ahW be paid teethe same, at sub polo. u asoutelaut far op. pralseramt. The matractor mut au. and alit, If required sod ordered, 90,000 Brass Loelmentl.l,ooo Ream Heys within three months Irma the time et agitation late oentract. and 110,000 Iron Latta and 40,000 Iron Heys wt h. la tea samba I'm. mei time Rat the Pon sastsryksayst • 11l rums tee right to laertuo as dlitialsh. as tie mutte or lutereats et the. ear. 7100 Lady Oneast, lb. eventide. of the Locke and K. y. above smells*, with n proportlossie &House. of time to furnish them All the Locks fa robbed by Lk. eontrartor mut ' be weiriated to keep la good werliles order tar two years to the 'ordinary nu et the wok*, wbea not subjected to °Vetoes violence t sock es beteen• delkellre lentil* that alms to be .placed 11111. penult Leeks without etarge. All the Locke thealshed wader contract are to be; eats. Alettuay malted "IL I. Lath" In either mot sweat eel letters, 00441 am %Ms art to be num belted In the natural eider; each Loy hi•hee tin appropriate nosolity dlennotly Bumped neon one Me of the bow alto "IL U. Mali" on Ma 07p0d1e Mee. • • • . Too contractor wIL be pupated to doles, Ile Luta at Ids tomes at the Protonic@ Moan aunt. Wathatitoi. D. Dot upon etleka,forn- Imo sopartve boodles o/ Aro Looks each, and imo. oorelY Plated In wooden boxes coat/Wog not more tban two hundred Locks • uh. The X.,' are to be deLverel to aa &stator the Down/teat duly and ouolally authorized In each cue, to take thole of and convey Ou mote from the outraolor's manoreatorY to 'IP. DlPmlolok wh, re bun Lulu and Kaye are to be tarps oted lad et/Proved be lbor obey oball be held tor. The contrutor will be rotund to pre bond with amyl. aocarlty•la Mann of Nitcy Shu ttled Dal arr. to be /battled to IL. Uslieulltata. Ma 114aldsted damages, 1 us' of LI. t.llars to ruforot the toctfur, either at to tar. UMW/ the uppllea ordered wlthlo • tunable Uwe, or al to curdle,' tha maanaration of the Molt Locke stud Mays with doe Prlrot7. Intetrily ud eye. Bo proposil will Manton bit ace - vied If not aceomptuled with a bond of the zonal sem et Tom ty Thousand Dollarsodnis ebroniad bf tsa propmed sareitea (whose respoesiblluy Most be nett Ile d by a J.die of •Clonrscf N.:IN nearest to their place or reeldenos, attested by the Clerk of a,O Clout ender the 0400 thersoh) and conditioned f.r their t wades respontible a. 'sureties on the repaired bond for Me lblellment Of the coats mi . , to awe each PrODOII4I Shall be miertned.. The aumafee: are of /fall Looks ass itielgaittos4r.,loo4ll:lNte b n g" %l " nlit tog ° Ida to no Nod., who. trOrmals ' a not also. socompantad with testimonials of good cliarac. • ' • strewing Oceanpose/1 and misplay lb.Postmentermar deem It enfeeble{ to select the BIWA Lome( ose blink? sad the Iron Loelt of enmities. lia therefore. tee .teat of eon rotas wok different lantrio• sills for bosh mffemmt binds of idellie MI he May , fzenoiais oh• old be etrefally seated and ad. drooled to tno •Itecoad Ambtant UeF ray • and *adorer ea lop e ar for Mall Lona. , 4 •- • • dream onsiewmi,.•• ;.104aian • • ......swileastiar DILWORTIICO: 243 LIBERTY STREET, HAVE JUST BICLIVI.D 100 Barrels "Perfecion" Drips The hoe et ever brought to tale mute 55 BARRELS . N. 0. MOLASSES, caorcz msw mum 25 RHDS. N. 0. SUGAR, PRIME YELLOW CLARIFIED 2b which they Invite the ditto. de2 non of the rade. WILLIAM KILLER & • CO., Nos. Ul eod Hi Liberty litereL 4:ortier of Irwin, :Oar or t eA c t t lgt trade at lola Os- Prime New Crop Ferrer Orleans gager and Xolasses. 14Porto Hdoo. Cuba sod Ra wWO Island Baran. 77,0.50 a. Philadriptan .4 Finlttro•ro Holdla 7 ?rir4, Lorene., Brnopa, Stout's 'l:rr.to Itrkit::ga 471:trisland sad —perw, tio•P•••••r garoll.n• 4arroolo Wee. Litany and RloCollers. .Orfarrririti3V,leortietio Soap. ALSO, IItPOETZES OP Fine Brandiag, Wines and 1p di t roarkllog Bootie: b e. iXtUfhfl*metr?bb*T',.. "ha'. e. ardrkorr • teree rineYolLre do d o Viltieuiri =lo d bottlo b i u . 1" Y. Work • eOllll. dvarkllnd Cot. whs. krt:Uoo ktadeirtand Pon Wider do Veep 01.1 3 =1: ' pen. WWI do do. ALSO. Solo trots for Moot It Chatidon's Grand YIN T lVienif and B,'tory Chaa;parao. Bniottles of oar oma solooluw mid walinated ESTABLIMIED BY A. & T. GORELY, 1812. W. X GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROOM, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dziscrir OAr, Emus Ham") X. BTEILLE J. ISTZZLE. MSTEELE & SON, •Comtnission Merchants AND DiALIZIS IX amoral, oruk.rm, No. 95 OHIO MEET, near Haat Oononon, ALL untrair CITY. Ps. MITRE xxxi. ........ . ... :AMU 1. 81011.4.11. T. Re'ElL & -11onsaussiort arEnonalms, AND DIALKLI PIXIMI, OR MD% MILL nsa, &a, U. Liberty Pleteburallb 111111.017 EANOR & 7L0112, GRAIN LW PRODUCIR Commission. Merchants,- No. 140 LIPIEIitTr STRUT. Oon glramentawlidte4 W.' C. ARMSTRONG, L'EOPL , ,E iditrOtet iai..eurcheAtur — , Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 308 'ZNN Wl rr nirafl:l3 nAla r!, D PonITIMNI vl .b. Daalarala Prraloc" Fiaar, ;tiara en "d. carbon. Lard OIL Iron, Nada, Or e 'a Varian Yarns and all Pltrabanth franara rare% gm t 7 . 1:x11.9 sad 114 SECOND ST REET, . JOUR I. R 005,. IDlir. trOcrest....Wls. U. WM& • TORN I. HOUSE & SLOS, Sue ens.. to .1014 N I. nourt • co.. 10 Grocers ace Com Isrloo Smlthileld a W r streets Plttebnrgri. •o ICIPTON A. WALLACE,. .nmproN awALLAcE.witoi aig.g I . Rnerni &ND PRODIabD.RaL. FRI7IT-CAN TOPE • SELF LABELING FRtTIT - CAN.IO.P. - :COLLINS A ; wRIG.HT, IVrTSBURGII, PA. ntr. ur n -.gpr:v.ft7.__ r. the . plain too. hale/ the MUM of she veraotl arAttra.:MaMertir=4lolll= the top of the • Uls mirth Distineus antl Perameottr . T. A Tarrs- by merely placate the name of the wank the eau contains opposite the pointer had mallet la the automata meaner. No preserver of belt Oa Waal nz hoosekeefar will wee •117 other after one. sorl , Silo. . LEGAL VTHE MATTES OF THE i r hpßoatlo n of the FUZE/IOW) BANK end BUILDING. AIGIOCIATION for &Maritza: lb. oorp4ratloo. . • No. 11E0. December Tenn.llloo. Notice': hereby elven that an a pplteatiOn ham beeninade to the Corn of Common Phu Allegheny, at No. 1190, December Term. 1960. by the Freehold Bank and Building Ana elation for a Chub. rof Ineorporatton, and that the axon will be granted by the Court at the De. ember eoatrary Tenn. antem mafiteleat mama be Shown to the . JACOB H. WALTER. Prothonotary. Frerattnail. Deo 7. ',go. detafg 'LIXECIITORII NOTlCE—Notice I:lll'VrAt&t,l3l74 =0"11:tai;?..4,2 win preseat am properly aultentleswd roe settlement. • ' ALAILGARET COCHRAN rxecedrlx. de9 mrsa sot ZzemeLor. CARBOLIC SALVE 44 , The IMportant discovery of. the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING, PURIFIING, and HEALING Agent Is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical .research. During the late civil war it was extensively used in the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a thorough dhdar. fectant, but also the most won. derflul and speedy HEALING ItENEDY ever known, It Is now presented In a scientific combluatlon with other soothing and healing agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and, having been al ready used in numberless eases with most satistactory and ben. earl:Unmans, we have no hest gallon in offering it to the pub. De as the most certain, rapid, and effectual remedy Dor. all Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how k i ng a billadbig, for Burns. Cuts Wounds. and every ABRASION of SKIN or FLEW. and for Skin diseases generally. Gold by all Druggists. Price 23 Arent& JOllli F. IY, Sole Prolfr 20.6 COLLEGE PLACE:New York PITIBLIC NOTICE: Us,la '440 s Wes aopoutif4 ata GAB urns tisPsoToa 'Alleghee7 Cohn,. 1.010.". hereto , Elven that sent the iteemarr ease sad Yeettaolsal Twist Ititettleterr ens be provided. lola be hoed at the OPTION OF THIS •NA ?TONAL JOUNDRY 'AND PIPE. WORMS: Twentr.thlrd street, sear Pews, Plttaborsb. smyrn, r_t2t3 17Y and Gal YedrleurcMoi, caasts PEsill. Ass iar 3%, Alan aaell for isle. 4. D. our NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, Conger Carroll mad isuallmalaltriola; 1.1.1 ""rSISURG1111, YA WILLIAM SMITH, OAST IRON BOWL PIPE von am AND WALT= imam My Piper are all ran tariulably la Pit.la 4.7 laud and IA rapt :agates. Also, All easartmeat Castings for Chis & Water Works. would Also eel tla altanUou of Booftelettoad• rat. of Gail Worts tom, mate or =TORTS. HOP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. 0F7P1173 AND WORDS. TWELFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA MrEngines, Rolling MIII Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Ile torts, and Castings generally. RIBBON. & BRO., /IBM t .111711.GLAR4B00/ SUES AND VAULTS. NO DAYP, NO.3IOIILD ENGINES AND MACHINFIDY, HHLRLrtimmillaP. AMMO AND Cot. 17th mil Pike Ste., Pittsburgh, Pa. YGI.:.iI W. J. ANDY/AWN ........ 11. PRZTVOOLL, MONONGAHELA 'FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & kfanalletnrars of IRON HOThal mum- WUNDOW 241NTZUS Ltd BILI.o , and =!mmmi CutThipi Fall Desceiptlon. itial*Vl.2ltinTto I"3 .vas i"Be lAr WInOoi; elm Ems. ornot Aim 1 0TMDIrr—No. ISCVWATIR: ritubwrie. e. D ROLL WORKS. YBO .IPen.FL Street. BOLLNAN & BAti Solla, 111 n Caltianatod Luba'. *a rm. lIMUIk STILL AND TM WOILICS. CARROLL AND 8111YDER,. ,n , rid: tl r, 7,..11•771.-A • 11 ANT , • tET t St SYN. W a, -A.Nr, I . Mil-. - 11,3 I . AN Jr IV) I'll'4l 6,lAsoirizrzim. Alm nun " rancribooss ADD coax. sauna. - Taira. Shaft skadM ETTTantrit= PAL I!;7zlm== Gli IL BOLE& et, Cor. Point Alloy sod - Duquesne no (Naas ?Ea POINT.) Engine Builder,, Pounder. and Mcwhinlats. EsauSkaterre STEAMBOAT ENGINES Aid STATIONARY ICJIGINES, of *Balsa. A IV ' te wet ii . ;.. - rnt;:alirpSTAra BOILER, of LS bona parer. - OAST/NuR o feeervionA. stadAto aro.. . fates? Pratifor ot i nv i ti l it. 4 llPAYAL"plrea k 1111151 wimeL,76=wa o made too rder, as INDUSTRIAL W0R150L:,...,.. ?uss thaaugetainritie' mar the rant ----—:rmastraa I . MirAn Olden yec.pu y ed. TAT 171. OMAHA - BMW WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO Iganottiotuers of en Lir BOMICRE OIL TANILO, OTlTavllk , VLllaint"Tpllt Vauk'"371111:511715; Fritf. BODO. ao, 28. Cora of Second Irene and Maly Et, prr.risinrana. - Stashing delee • pecoaDtly. Orders seat to thi *bore seeress will De Deoroptla attended .11. F. Et CPIEIos. R Al% Almeria alaaease at OaEXOLL BNYD oclaqeal RatIFHILL & BOILER MAKERS amp 8R ET IRON WORKERS. ROL SO. MI, 14 ARD gang fteni..4 • large yard and fOratebed It vita the most approved meenipery. ore an gra rairtgl"to:k to itta e=e7,74=Wrigareat Condensers. bolt Zon eeam a. Tants. Oh ohne, *JOU- Pa r ite,trATur " Repairing denion eliortort slake AMOR_ .7.1.11 D sit 7/4 11111117111.... .... 225 1111211) D. u tiAIIED naFi...u&sonr, • MANI7I4.O7QHMES Or Steam Boners, Oil Stlila , Tan SUM:ft IRON WORE. &O. 61 Pent s Street. Z -Vitiaergh. Inw3B tourrDEßs. 1t131 . 31 Y11 1 / 4 ...... .... . . .... . .... SCIITAIM /14114314. HENRY, BIER „di CO., oneeeesetto to some a. gonna et coo Bell and Brass Founder& MUSS CASTINGS MARL PROMPTLY TO ORDIR. Kideable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, filltoTlLE, SIM IND SIMI VALOIS, ars. Gun= PATTERN, 1:1E1.01‘11 VClleffErSo Brass Work of every description Ter j Steam, Water and 01 • 1 l iazuno.Tinzsagt N. coorm • oo;e Improved - Balance-Wheel Maui lamp. dgenti for Dreofise , Pate se og .ere, she boat in the .fforkot. • ' s Ofite . iusel Poits, toner Thirteenth Lad Plc* ATwOOD ii.BiceArritlllc CorairrUberfir arms an!: TUN Assinie, nit/bank Pa., • ' suss FOUlnunsf i so nom PIPE Ming and AGELN22 Ibr , A. CAII33OA (Doi errzsat iglu% A2tr) nunrsas. e 8 g 8 .4 4 u k es, mosER, nori:aotris .uounoir munii. sa. aail rit; Wattles Om Ma, mut. Pittston% rot allottol boOolltas of .0011;1 oat- IVA MIR 111 tmlllllitut ENNBV 1. V NIANENTOIO6n.A/L . zArb 7 - , vzr. r, :7:54.7.7:0t wa-im 4", 1:134/ am j 9o ptherstear.. 0.00 4101 pfij•k;lifi 1,;(ia..j.,F514.47111". rl to NOI : ?rata arta ..i \ O V s 'n t . oe N TA P! 'i LI S : ° ll a n al I Per i l FE 11 . " - 17itiRzi ;J.; ;: WILLI'. No. 2...,11:50pm.Ph11. Expow.afin. nooks AeNo 2 0:55 pm , Wall's No , 3.. 3 ma • WalPs Ho. 4. 5:50 pm I Wall's N 0.... 01 " .2 . 1'5'2 1 . 111 1 113r5: W- s oeserrotas snake close r:3"11 oars for HattltoPro ' The Charsh Trani leaves 11:4063mi" arth.lay at 0:05 a. react:Ong i'!ttstrarat al /3105 a. to. Ite_taaal% ItawiL.=4l, • N.3aatonatl Express I. Ives WM. Sou Express leaves dot, steep(2o:oo: m. tra Oa/tee:coot Halt-day. 1/i 0 ; • for farther Informama asolY tO W. H. Skt•ZWITIZ, Ile VennwvaritskiatlroaclOoar win 13011 ea. sumo myna tor Erna% *WM 35r 02.310.1410. r4.714D111.1.ig ra.tri.respsitairt,:=3** that &Mount to value 0111 be at the rlst of MI owner. tales tabahnzilaj.OvaLset.aur 4:hsarral ttaisertntsodeal...3.ooo., As • (I/STH M►IIU,) ILLTUF. 7 •CTUREB:OI LEWESTER N Argsam PENNEIYLVARIA AD. - -Lba Lad altar NOV. 14. 1440. Lk e r= er •rill ei Ara ham uj Frt.! etrect Depas, e Allegnear t and de v l / 7 . al Arras: Depart. • , =IMP. PTO tft!lig a 4:04.4 If.sp4at h ..!. iglkg ittil i trarp eP iTrr4i a N0.11:90 port N0.1f:07 olsarz,;;zetlyz.7,:_ 81.rogrehtralaam 4tkr 11D1D L 1 5, 1 4 .7..i • •n Tae &pada) at 140—L rd re:e l 4:7Allei . on, m 9.50 a. a. Retaralag. are. ALID44a4I? Clty at 1:110 D. m. ands ien it eettenetn7,..e. Item at .1:40 p. m. The MAO h arm s ASltelirri CIO at 'IWO o' • I g• l'L l k /111 4 170 " tr Vt#l , 7l-.. r - Tt ra7l.ll7", Tbufnaa f.U.sett ‘ kaa e ae pare-Pura at (Mgt No. lac. Clair streekvearcha akkeaudo.2lll34or Ptitsbaratk. as at 1. • Depot. di , mtheaz. , - sar AMIN/ lakormatiaaames • .„ JAM= I ..cm.a.TS, A e..t. Yed•ral Mena rlalakt.. Saa Weeteen Pennapeasda Itallnaad et not =amramenztehroilm ex,,,,mAbrlmmulat ad Dalian La Talk:La.:Vl bitat (. St 'AratlTlge.cgr n ,.,..4,untt."'!!°‘ 11013 Gemara! Matta tea %a I MAM 11 , 1; 111 W.;. aO6 E xit %AV and arrive aethe Union Murk el=w, Li Mallon iR N e Eta Vn TA..:II:: R AM/ .. . . am Weaso a " Iv Erte ar.s4.l) 3 " Dm:aryrost atkeuw. neveauq.e.x:att • m no . alt:: noeheatar Put feVadal4 . 4rl: Erai . Taut oata nen- - a-113n: V&A,' 4 e2171K. Ch t! Oral. Pam. • Tleant A go •.. - : - r I H/LNGE• ' OF -asurim ..,,. 4 ....Pract. Ausmammy visuanrieuzscoUi ,•`!..! THZ . . 101715 aVTITiOUTIIRM Of 12141.118. TraVelP r TlMlt t Di ft}: N1Z1L1743 1 .will leave Plttaburgt • Dmarz atu l ita . r eata and Pike aseauhter ale, and all Dalai, 111 *a 01/ LIAVIII arnsamilL rittly, ! Arllni...:: . ras ;L. t/ . 11x.:,." . 16 flea'l: ass Helaaa... az4o ma Halton. 11!1! a si , ~ L18L44 Ib ara '...lll 2l . pt 341 li ' 717::: '',, o'l I „- ruto;;:Atonga,t24l4,m.' tx.i...,: , i . , 1, 1 141,..g: au . p i ~,,,,,,arß. .a...fa a p a :•• c=" 1 " tat ,1., cnab...± l .. 10;10:: Estaase arable stop oela Jaartrimpolall. ::,• •.,, t , J.P . 16 . 116.. Gee., 1 . ... 7110 AR lit..BlNo. *set. Ifta romirEgir ITTSIIIIIIGLI F AMEft Pea lUNDLit • imairat 0,1 1311:6.011 and aftenvlltiblb/lti war. I oz lktb=9,nistiir will lawn and arriedi dn. ~pp inn Uzi Pittnnard_lht=rn.l__ F. 1:0. 1111.111 D. 116 SouthertriEtpnes. ..... .W 5100.124 5:50 11; 2 4:: 1.1 tretx.,C., - Av. Colulak,se.., ' '.‘;. P. n • -- • m r iga 7 - i alait . after Tromsna • r Wake_ ngaik lialltimutermunsolt, P• va "? . .,. .gret4;;Vaaiaii;Pl,a f: P. ierd . trool D 12111.: 1L . 0 0r.x..! to ...Alt • '' 1 a ra nkr7141.. j'.1 3116 . :+ 4 and IVIGAW"' t . ;eV; to' Jroll. tiCketa .p ply It. • . W. B. STOUT. liokriinitivielrini. QQ S WIZ HILL mort „nano PAlLweir, Tim 11110/LCZBI: AND MUST 31ILL&N4 itli)yriirarn the &natio al voutes.l Colorado. Nevada, . • ' California"''Utah, ' ' _moo. • . e Alit; teats elate Llitd rad Liar...T=l SFr Mir ~ =id lailall,n bal awl L J. Railroad Rona Lozlom , a oto ai tot arratook, Tagalog ad Skis:Eno rutr waUp r g ordut an ' "M EatREMINVD WM L' .. • paareviaue Li i s i zir .14.174 All Polnii . let the Teiiiit • &Rd el 11.SIDE8SORI TRl•Wirelatrall of 00/RREalbelfturaker.BeErni NAN: en b rilraN4V 4 a-to. "4 " 4444"14- 4" gm. um nom. . witriora'ot a . . awl tivittoßst, sae. th• Rmageneas. - . vitt mreciuthis (Pariah} Twasponallos . - tem ILI westentserallaßK Ras rood Raw sem • ' waptateti tactuak.. tor- Ike Insuabdea.llo , . . Anil "tararßtel 'p'ill2cl:'€;llo4l. -:—" foe 17.1104 . AlLfts 4r tad CRasthis , ,- . 11 fp" fulaaracsrAlmir.lloMo R OR OR . • ' : . ~ ::. : qii..111161.394 ...score or . • • OEML fiBIbR RM. Union Koifio Rnilcad Conl.Posio;v:, Lylag sou the thth or their reed. ei,44.o4lll.lagglei $l,OO TO sa,oilitic mar. Au form - ' Pa hither Diniciasis.ii addn", &Ora PSszleavx. : annadastozei., Topeu:gu ft „ - Si ClUati. E.. Liazon pea's: aaltx ' ' Rt. Mil.. itlapeen; seg . nr • ,ANl.L.wipogirrpireF:..!,.a. J. 13..11.1.112Wp Safety kire Jacket; (sr. -= Heater mid ; t Otkezt4 : - u AV% I :Wg' trgt ra4l ; gee olguelatteiViarj! OrAlglZEZetetat g a geolnlitarn .k u: ?warn, or re a l Min% rtill>t the VoroorireltriV . al tar . .Horoty Jacket, wltle& ohaden lb* mow w arm thumb or. - t 0 .11 2 tom WN Hosts ol alines., On !eb ` IV In sure irottetion holm olielnottas from dareolve Euro •or whorallim 1.0.05du.tr: Mote or boo. 9xll t. 44 . 1 4 , 14tr 0 1l lob ohs. wail or entsex colilmalliso stet Inal mor by alicealb, close eta-Thom; 4 : s ogoareVg. ingr tvoa.ktloa tf, maw _ wils. Oa. boroirt..r Clintendog. =do u ttq bolos' overhealed nit wean, Oworall, I wit fond opolleollotrballo onansietora or Si. Mr &bore asmolore Alas 4 Territorial Molar la mel yam -vial ta 001,.4/ mivalegu tipser or &lota moons:Tr '1• eYa , • J. a sautailv ; . . glr A . Towar , xt TRADE MARK. 2 -:,%:; DIEBIDGEW ... .r,....... , ViCEM. intooo Lamp , 4- : , la i : Itrea .. CflpfNEya... - 1, i :-.4.1i,;' t=3 ' WAriva cffnmeo' ar/Tllllll aRI 9. Mims will lam aim Dot, north Ma, raw i r e-dia" 4 .. . :l dasid a .': ta' allriFit, ' a tea fr ..! ei...wad la re a aiiTtent- t i =. ae..ir . i& I t. f`X`e l an:4l 2:' . ..41 • ika .a,. -d. 1. ,- .lsdalip ..11101 ii Egadti la . ....t.t: day Lama. 11:5• an 2 'T. 10 Z.Dreas lorry eat,. ..I en . _.t . x.ptjas arrives datiy, 1 , X I,3lLMLl_,...pujj, Mis4,ll bivlstou. ==l Oregon, A Wir WE/WM r C.. " • • • "• ,. ..... 7. 0 , 4/ A REIM 'inns •aiS gEi El 1. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers