FINANCIAL. AMBROIN BANK, NO. 80 FOUitllo AVENUF, PITTSBURGH. - .200,000 =I Stockholders Individually Liable. BARK DINCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. .1. WM. YLoY Ui stiCTOllll. =11.rg "11 J.. , D. Kely. Wis. Flora. Thos. M. Marsh I Wm. 1 . -Lusts., J lanes rroul, Ches. I, Ursels, John V ioyd. rant is or artealeed eod do ral _JelOtS.l GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought tis Highest Prices. PR. R. MERTZ, Banker, l'or. Wood St and sth Avenue JAtEs T• BRADY & CO., ltuceessOrs to 13. .108 , 111 • CO Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St, 13.A.".N ICETEI s, Boy lad sett al Undo of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVER ►PD COUPON% ON 1.03 T PANOBABLI TERMS. Pr Interest Allowed on Deposits. • gar MO.', !ORO rti on Government, U 0.411 lowt-Lt mute. r4tes. Orders a:asst.! far the Purchase Ana Sale of STOCKS, BONDS laud SOLD. .1 AM • S T. BRADY & CO but,gll Gaittit tqe Lit AND TRADE. FIN AN OsTiott oil PrrieStateE Gegirrrz, Flat OAT, Dec. 10, 1389. Gold was tattier weak this morning at from 122% to 123, but anon rallying, it closed at .123% strong. The cease as. eigned for the sudden decline is the low rate for exchange on hoild MIN and the increased demand for our skecuzities ab road. Government bonds were strong 01 day wall an advancing tendency, closing very firm. The prospects now for Gov ernment bonds are for as high quota. dons as they ever attained, and if a 434 per cent. bond is to sell at par, a e per cent. bond is worth 120. .. • . fitocks were very dull and lower during the most part of the day, closing, however, at 'advanced rates, and a brisk demand for all share. tdonoy is extremely scum for com mercial paper, and high rates are offered for four months paper, although on call money is easy. Buetnass remates• dull and inactive. - quotation", as recelvod by Ph. R. Men= Gold, 125,4; Silver, 126; Eighty one's, 120 y, Five Twenties, 1802, 115%; do 1861, ,1 ' 13.4; do 1885, 1134: do 1865, canisols. llby,; do 1867, 116 y; do 1866, 1153 ; Tea Forties, 110%; Aciama Ex• pre. Company 60; Merchants Union ramie. Cordpany, 2%; American Ex press Company, 40%; Western Union Telegraph, Ill: Reading, 1005‘; New York Central. 90%: 'Pittsburgh, Pori Wayne 8 Chicago. 87%; Ohio .8 Madre slool, 26; Michigan Southern, 88%; Cleveland & Fittatutrgh, 82; Chusego, Rock Island & Pacific, 107%; i'hl"ago 8 North Western. 72%; (Swag° & North Western Proferred 844; 2 8 14. NLICELLSJIL Larva. Baca! London, per .8 18.16 Paris, per franc 23% 25 Menlo, thaler 91% 93 Frankfort, florins 51% 54% —Cloning quotations received by James T. Brady ,h Co. Gold: 123%; United States Rises, 1081, 12014; Five-Twenties, 11162, 115%; do. 1884,l11314• do. 1865, I l 3 Ten-Forties, 110 y; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and Jelly, 11:65, 116%; do. do. 1867, top,i; do. do. 1868. 1167(: Union Pacific Railroad, 88; Central do, do, 99; DT. Pacific, 10%1 Lake Superior 98. ( By Tely,ry vn N t he imistona Gyartte. Nsw Yong, December 10, 1869. Money quiet and easy at 6(4)7. mostly tho former. Sterling doll at 8%(48%, with a good supply of cotton and bond hills. Gold animated; opened at 129, fell to I=, and closed at 172%. Clearances thirty million. Governments active and higher, closing strong: Coupons of 1881, 20140 2111%; do '142, 1514@1514; do '64, 13%0 13%; do '65, 13%@13%: do new. 1034(9 16%; do '67, 16%®1634; do 'BB, 164@t6s; Temforties, 10%410%; pacifies, 9G914, Tile Government sold one million gold at 122 76.100@121. State bonds firm: Missouri, 89%, old Tennessee. 49, do new 4234, old Virgin ias 4814. do new 54,, old North Carolinas 42%. Hiceirs higher, with Increased activity 1p loading 'hares The features were Reading, Northwest, fit. Pant, Rock Island and Loire Shore. The market closed strong: misoellaneotts thmisr and e= "i f y. ?;m d rbanton, 57%: Cumberland, 2/33; *seism Union, So; Quicksilver, 17%. Mariposa. 7%; do" preferred, 18; Aden's Express. 66; Wells Fargo, 1734; Amorlocus, 40%: United States, 6034: Pa cific Mall, 52%. New York ()antral omits:- Mated, 91%; Erie, 26%: do preferred, 4634; Harlem, 13414; Huds on Rlver scrip, 23%; Reading. 1 Michl. gan Central, 121; Lake Shore, &134; Illinois Central. 134; Pittabilrgh, 8234: Northwestern, 73; prefereed. 5441; Rock Island. 107%; 85 Pant, 74%1 pre ferred 865; Wabash, 57%; preferred, 70; Ft. Wayne, 69%; Terre Haute, 26%1 Clamp , " and Alton, 143%; preferred, 14234 Ohio and blissixsippi, 26%. Mining Shama dull. Boston prices: Calomet, 50; Heels 75; Qulney 19%. Nub Treasury balance P 1.478,457. rarranußGH aLtimu'rs Orel= or PriTILWOUGH. Dec. 10 , Fir Mar, 11189. There is nothing in the character or tone of the marketer in a general way, worthy of special notice. We can re• port a continued steady demand far moat of the leading alleles, and a fair volume of Inutinese in the aggregate, while in regard to values there Sr. no eaeentlal changes. Those of our commission merchants who make a epeciaity. of produce, such as butter, eggs, apples, potatoes, de., ere boring a lair run of trushress, Put dealers in fit ur and grain, who opera . . on t heir own account, complain bitterly Of bnelneas being very dull, and they have good. reasons therefor. Moraine are so cut down that there is do inducement to low" money, Particularity when it is • so hod to get. with no promise of anv rerurn• /dopy of our merchants could do better by loaning their money on bond sod mortgage at 10 or 12 per cent; this le as much or more than they can realize In following up their. respective t.ranches of trade, but as &general thing they would rather be engaged io active Luelneee. P surrEs—Quotod at 7 5 0 85 . PPLES—The demand continue right WIC ( the market le doll though prima are tarettartged, at aztta per rid. 1 urrEu.-4.quiet and rather dull but Unchanged; we oaatinue to quote at 20® Ofi f,,r fair to prime, and 36L2137 'for choice 111t00.11 CORN-=Sales at 12@14 eta. BENNS-1.0 fair ddmand with sales at $2.60(.43,00 for far to good a nd, Fax for Cholco. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-4@W db. illl o ..sTNUTH—Quotaifir 65: - CRANNERRII*I—Quoted at sl2@lf, pet ao to quality and condition. e1D1t..:. 1 1- B erason about oyer, and mar. kot dull; o continue to quote lOW per bbl. CI:IIESE-11 quoted from 17 to 18 831' ui dd „ r n Reaoryos 10 for Factory: 20 for Ohio and 21 for New York 13,: d b d , CAN BON OIL—Is In fair demand but unchanged; Ofig. 2o . DRIED FRUTF—Apples In dud_ demand end limited supply; weed idtfo to quad at 13@gt4. readies 0 for quarter... and 10011% for halves. Et3f;S—Sales of freab packed et 380.110. FLOUR-10 =and unetunged_ tipply In afore • end --- remit:As continue Liberal. we ono. tlaue toquout at 15,504 . 6 Isar Obi. FEATHERR—In better demand and higher, and we now quote at 95490 to the trade and the usual advance for email lots in store. GRAlN—Wheat la quiet and tin. c h ang ed at 91,156641 h Dealers dod It bard work to advance the price of Oat■ and some, who in the early part of the week salted 60 cts, have since sold at 40 and 490. Corn la scarce and to demand with sales of new at 75c and old at $l,OO. Rye la tirmor and in better demand, and we quote It firm at OI,OU, with a sole of a car load reported at :1,95. Harley is quiet and uneh►nged. HA Y not corning Ito freely In con sequence of tite bad condition of the road, and prices are higher, ranging from 116 to 124 per ton. HOUS—Etalea of drawled Bora at 12(g. 14 cta—matnly at 12N (A 13. EVERE—SaIes at 3 cents per pound. HOMINY-43stae at ga,0046,50 per 41biE-Bales of Cleveland white lime at 1E42.25 per bbL ONIONS- Salce at V.,50@03,00 per bbt, the outalde figure for choice. LARD OlL—Firm at $1.50 for Extra No. 1. POU LTRY —Demand more active and market firmer; we now quote dressed Chickens at 12414 eta, and dressed Tur• keys at 1507i7. POTATOES—May be quoted on track at 50 eta. in bulk, and 550 sacked. PEANUTS—Quoted at 9410 eta. PEAR—DuII; $2,50 per bushel. PROVISIONS-640°n Shoulders, atl7; and Sugar Cured Hams, at 23. Lard Is firmer and higher, and we now quote at 1934 In Derma, and 203421 In palls. SEEDS—Clover Seed Is quoted at 18,2548,50. Flax Reed can be sold at 12,25, but no higher. No demand for Timothy. BA.LT—Is dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted at 11,80 by the car load, with the usual advapoa for email lota In store. STRAW—SaIe. at $1.2 par Inn. WElLSKY—Elighwlnen quoted st 'LW (411,06; BealllPd 'LW and kroof, do, 11,1 b. PETROLEUM MARKET Orville 01 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 4 FRIDAT, December 10, 1109. The oil market continues dell and un settled and what is worse still there la bat little prospect at present of any Im mediate improvement. Ae noted yes- , terday, the time and attention of the trade geuerally Is absorbed 111 making deliveries and settlements, and there is no disposition manifested to enter into new negotiations this year at least until the old onea havo been pretty generally adjudicated. In addition, refiners, cannot in the present ootutitimo of the market, do anything, EVER if Eudtsposecl. from the fact that there Is no induce ment to either buy or sell, as there Is no margin; crude continues much higher relatively than refined, and some of them who had ttold refined ahead, have bought to cover, and are now selling their crude, and they are making money by so doing. True It does not look well to see a manufacturer pursu ing such a course, but in the present state e affairs, It Is the best thing they can do. Those of our refiners who neither bought crude nor sold refined ahead, will be obliged to "shut, down." suspend operations, and that some of them have done this already li evident from the material falling off in the ea• ports east recently. °Mpg. The crude market was more active, at least the salmi reported were larger than usual in the aggregate. though most of them were settlements. Following le the report of gales: 1,000 bile seller December . 115; 1.300 spot 16?", 2,000 spot 16 1,000 seller December tor.; 1,060 spot . ISt; LOCal seller Dec., (40 to 40) 16,4: RETTERD. Teo refined market, also, was dull and weak, and compared with yesterday, prices are lower. Bale of two iota of 1,000 each for December, at =t,, and, subsequently. 2,000 at 32. Lets in the afternoon. 3134 was bid and 32 asked. Antwerp remains unchanged at 01 , .. —Since the above was put In type wn have 600 each January and February at 32 and 1,0300 Crude, at 154;. It was also rumored that there had been a sale at 1534, and that during the day 10,000 Mils bad been offered at the same figure. Later etill, the sale of 1,000 bbl. at 1654, is confirmed. Market clotted weak. RECEIPTS Or CRUDE OIL HT E. V. RR. Peerless oil Work■ 480 MAG. on ac meant Parke - , Thompson /t Co; Brd• lieult Oil Work• 400, on account Lock hart, F. & Co; Flatter Bro. (eel, on cc. • count Fisher Bro•, mandard Oil Co. 1172. on account Flatter Total 2,738 bbl.. SHIPMENTS OP OIL ST 4 V. E. 11- J. M. Biter. 50 bale relined to W. , Blair, liarrieburg. .1. M. Biter Ulu bbis relined to W. P. Logan & Bra., Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros., 250 bills refined oil to W. P. Logan Bro. Philadelphia. Forsyth Bro. Jr. Us. 158 bble refined to Warden. Frew .2 CO., Philadelphia. Revetone Oil Works ffi9 bble relined to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wegner, 130 bble ref. all to Warden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. H. W. C. Tweedle, 50 tibia reL oil to M. R. George, Phil'.. TataL 1.005 tibia OIL SHIPPED EAST DCHLICEEN DEPOT. A. D. Miller 11l bble refined oil to Waring. King at Co., Phila. Hutchinson Oil & Refining Co. 38 111. ref. to E. B. aubley, Total.— 176 bble PITTSBURGH IRON MARKET Orrios or Prrranunon Gramm, / FRIDAY, DOOOII3DOT 10. 1880. The metal market has been vory dull during the past week, unusually so, and as boyars generally aro holding off and holders are ansiona to realise, material concessions have been made in some in. 11±11120011 to effect sales. This is more especially the case In regard to eastern irons, which are arriving freely, more so than usual, in colunquenee of a falling off in the demand In the east, muted by some of the eastern mills having ins. pended operations, and some parties In the triage, quoted a decline of 111,00@1,60 per ton In this clan of irons. Western Iron', are, also, dull and neglected. though not quotably lower, and It looks at present as If all kinds of metal would have to drop within the next sixty days. 20 tons No. 1 Foundry 03.00 4 mos 10 ". No. 1 Foundry......._ 41.00 esods 10 Carbonised do .... ~ 37.50 cub 10 No. 1 Foundry.. 4E150 4 mos 20 Extra Way Forge..... II 00 4 mos 10 o CloseQ. Mottled F'g_ 88.50 30 de 10 0 Open Forge NeutraL 36.50 30 de 50 No. 1 Foundry 48.004 mos 100 No. 5 do ........ 87.00 cub 10 " No. 3 Forge. 37.00 4 mos 150 " No. 3 Rod !Short F'g. 86.00 5 mos 130 Inferior Clear Nen• trig Forge.. 811.00 6 mos 70 Common Nen't Fg- 38.50 0 mos 100 " No. 8 Good Neutral Forms. 06-4 mos 20 No. 8 Good Neutral Forge 89.00 4 mos 80 " No. 1 Foundry 43.00 4 mat 26 No. 2 do 40.00 00 ds Blooms. 10 No. 1 Sunless $lOO.OO 6 tn. 20 No. 1 do 95.00 cash grwarnous 001.1. !MEN= yspat I.lX$ aillEl 00 OAII. 100 Win Gray. .............. mos 88 White.-- 88.006 mos 60 " Open Gray Forge-- 87 50 4 mos 150 do do do 37.50 1 mos 60 do do do .. 87.50 4 Moe 126 Medium Forge at Furnaea....-- ..... MOO 4 mos 150 " Forge to "arrive., 37.00 8 moo 160 " Gray Forge to arrive. 87.50 5 mos 200 0 Clear and Mottled Mixture with Na tive ore to arrive.. 38.00 8 mos 300 " Clear and Moll-aid Forge. 36 DO 6 mos 100 " Common Gray Forge 36.6 u 6m. 500 Clear Gay for Ratio. P. T. CDR IL 100 " Red Bank._ (YHA RODA L. 50 " Cbolce Missouri rg..551.00 4 moo 10 " No. 1 Hanging Rock 44 00 4 moo 10 " No. 2 do do 47.00 4 woo MARKET'S DY TELOGIIAPiI NEW Yong, December 10.—Cotton better; sales x 2,606 bales; 26N0 for IDId• dlinkuplands. Floor; remit ta of 13 318 bbls; dull and 6010 a lower; sales of 0,800 bbl* at 31.6504,90 for sown noe Rude wa wa. 10,3603,20 for Extra Siete. $5,10 0.6,20 for extra western, 1604,30 for White What eXtra,,113,1100 6 , 20 for R. 14. 0., 15,7606.6 0 for extra St. Louis, to,bo@ 8,60 for good choice do. Rye flour noted; sales of 100 Ws at. i4.7500,90 , '' , 0 0 ra meal dull. Whisky heavy and lower; sales of 400 bbla western al 11,0101,M free, closing at p.ol. Wheat; rec t ipte 10,400 bushels: dull and 1020 lower: sales of 60,000 bomb at 51,17% tor No. 3 spring. SIX% for Nos. 2 and 8 do mixed, 11,1r201,24 for No. 9 do. 111,16 far unsound do, 11.3001.34 for winter red and amber western, the bitter Vic , an extreme. Bye quiet: Baum Without decided change, Wm 06,090 bush at 111,01@,,1,08 for Canada West. Barley malt quiet. Corn firm and quiet; salsa 34,000 bush at $1,07(911,0 for un sound mixed western. $1,10(4.1.12 for sound do, 90c@f1,06 for new white south ern, 81,00 for new southern aI:L.4 Oats heavy; Hales 30,000 Duch at 62‘,04.6354c for westeru, 04(465e for State. Bice quiet: sales 63 bags at 12;.,c for Carolina. toffee dull. Sugar dull; .1110 , 1 72 hbds Cuba at 11(gillyie: 115 to Havana at 11411 , ,5c. MOLE.e dull: sales 250 bbla New Orleans at 77@60P t c. Hope quiet at 18427 c for American. Petroleum dull at la , 4e for crude, 32(4‘32 , ,ic for refined. Linseed Oil very dull at 02€0114r In casks. Spirits '1 orpenilne quiet at 4.31.“444c. Pork Leavy and lower; sales 44 bble at 1132432,75 for new mess; 1132,50(4,32,13 for old do: 1a,b4.1427 for prime ana $27,50(51 :hi for prime mesa; also, ftlX) bbl. new mesa, sellers January, February, March and April at t3t.50. Beef staady; . Risks 1,200 Able at Ls®l3 for new plain mesa; 310®12 for neer extra mesa Tierce 11oef steady; Bale. 100 tierces at 1P25®20 for prime mesa; V27®20 for India mesa Cut .Basta steady; sales 100 pkgs at 12® 180 for alaouldera; 17 ®l7yie for hams. Beef hams quiet; .ales 00tibia at i. 30 ® 31 . New Middles quiet; sale. 40 boxes city on private term. Dressed Hoge firmer at 13wg13y,a for weetern. Lard a shade firmer; sates 400 tierce. at 18@il9lic fbr steam; 1£0,4@21c for kettle rendered; also '1.5.0 tierces steam, seller February sold at Butter dull at 20413.3 c for Ohio. (Amu. quietst 1n(q,17 yin Freight.. to lAverpool quiet and unchanged. L dear —Flour alcood dull and be lower. W heat dull with a limited arn ,rt de• wand at 51,21®,25 for No. 2 aprlng, and 1,301,34 fur winter red and amber wextern. Rye nominal. vale dull and heavy at 62(541:34e for western. Corn quiet at 111,10@1.12 for mood old mixed western. Pork firm at $33 for old, and $32,50 for new mese, with sales 250 bbls mesa for February at $32. Beef In fair request and ateady. Cut Moats quiet and steady. Itsoon nominal. Lard cloudy at 19®19‘,., for good to prime steam. Eggs steady with • moderate demand. New YoRN., December 10.--Of Beeves we have 1,685 head to-day, making 6,600 head no far this week; market good at Wednesday's rates of the name quality, only no very extra Cattle are on We; they varied from 12 to 18,4 c and all were sold in a lively market but 30 head; 7,6 owt. Ohio steer. brought 1514®10 Sc; the quality was fair with only 50 Texan. sold at 13 yi a. Sheep active at prices last quot ed with males 8,800 head to day; 4 ears 74 pound Ohio sheep sold at 5€05%c; a ear 92 pound state at tbpa. Toe 8 cars of hog'. to day make only 13,850 glom last Saturday; prices advanced to 10‘.(011 , .c for alive, and 14c for dreamed; • oar 192 pound Ohio brought 1t o. Nsw YORK, December 10.--The mar ket remains - quiet but very steady for most (qualms of maple goods. Heavy Brown Shooting. In light stork sad firm, at 144ig160 for southern and best east ern makes, and Prints at 11yg.123.4c.. Printing Cloths steady, at for stand ard light. Woolens adapted for the clothing trade, at 155c4.111. are In request. Cute o, Doeoober N.—Eastern Ex bangs 1.10 Of buying and par @l in premium selling. Fioar dull with *ales of spring extras at 1.4,50@5,75. Wheat dull and N lii(4l,a4e lower, with sales of of NJ. lat 87e, o. 2at I,l‘,C,aiitOo' alos tog at 144%€2,it„Se fur No. 2; market this afternoon !wavy and Irregular fur No. 2. Corn ,quiet and to lower, with eel.* of No 2 at 74 i..„(rete, rejected at 14 (47.5}, n, no grade at 64461 — .. r, elming at 74474%c for No. 2; MI. afternoon the market was neglected and nominal. Oita very dull and lower, with eel of No. 2 at 40, , %403.0, cash at 414 e, ee lar Ode seller lent Cult of April, closing 4utio cash. Rye quiet and Ic lower, with wales of No. I at 73e, closing steady. Barley more active, with Wes of Ns. 2 at Ble, closing at 80. Hie:mines opened fairly active at 053 and cloned weak. Su gar 12@14e for oomuaori to choice Orierms. - Provisions firmer but less active: Mesa pork in good demand, and 2.5, Maher, at (31.50431,75 cash., 13 . 2 eel. ler January sod February: lard steady at rash; short ribs shoulders l2(gaz.Nn; dressed hose moderately ac tive at 1i2r413,1.5, dividing on IMO Its, closing at ;12.t.E.412,73. CUICAcio, the. 10.- flogs-Live less active and firm at $7,50Q4.° for stocker., i9,50gm,02 for common, 111.8.5410,40 for medium. $10.10411 for good to choice. 11,1235@11..150 for prime. ()tittle quiet and steady at 11405 for fair to good cows, 15,625tt,50 rut good shipping steer. CINCPtst ATI. December 10. - Cotton firm: middling at Zita,a. Whi•ky dull at ilec€lll, doinand light. Mesa pork !Inner and held highor at 1121, offered at $.31.51/. Bulk utrala nomin•ily un chariet d; 12 , ,0 for al - midden, ISt.(j, for aides 20 dap. In malt. folly rune] b ol d t( o 10.00 r Room In moderato e, ,and anti firmer at 417% and le Hoge omit,. / , .(401. 1 .1iit: PIT rz heavy Id at $10,76, W r iltl,l3; 01,10. n. •en weals. Nam; hold al 114410, ,d 15.1 e; buyers ..c BALTllloits, Derain bar 10.—Flour, fair and active, but unchanged. Wheat, steady for prime astouluu red at ;1.35(4 1,40. Ca - mu active, white at 1156r.,1 1 0% I,B@, Oats, active at 65(it.'!./tr. Rye, dull at i AK,401." Maas p„rk, quiet at }Leon gout. Rib alder, 1$ (.y Or, clear Sidra ithnuiderti, 174., Lerd, quiet at 19c. Whisky, fair huatuesa, 11,0341,0355, Ware. de. tot in. Dec. 10.—Tobaom declined to Cotton firmer and more doing at 'a yi ®2:15-4c.. Hemp—nothing doing Fluur dull and unchanged. Whisky firm et 11. Cattle unchanged at 2 , ..,(e r 0e. Hogs —the weather is warm, buyers Mr and th• price. are lower, at 9@et,4o for light to gond, i/ai Col lOc for choloe to extra. PM Id, OEI,III A, December 10 —Petro leum quiet; crude and reheed Floor dull; superfine 84,87!., and extras 11545,87. Wheat declining; red 11,274 1,80, and white 111,4001,48. Corn firm, old yellow 81.09 and western $l.Ol. Ost• erg..4Boc. Prey - tato. unchanged. Whis ky 81,09. NAMIVILL6, Dec. lo.—Cotton active at 23c for low middling. and 2M03 for gond ordinary. Pi Loat— red 11,10; amber #1,164 arbite 11.20. Oate 70c. Corn 11. by. fl. Ninny 11,20. Floor at ItE.@7 for an per. One to fancy. C LW:ELAN D, December la —Petroleum mai Icot arm and nnetianged, with ro fined at 29(528,,c In large lota, and 320 330 for email lots for the retail trade, crude steady at j 8,50 per barreL hf IC3( ruin, Dcoeember la—Cotton arm or, 2341 c; receipts 1,822 bales, export. 1,473 bales.; work's recelpta 1,013 bah., week's export. 14,882 halo., stock 10,808 bales. Loctsvicux, December 10.—Cetton un changed. Hogs steady at 9y,;(410 , 40; gross receipts 7.000; killed 3,000. To $8,60(49,20; itrafll2,so. Whisky bac. IMPORTS filf RAILROAD PITTNIIIIIIOII, CINCINNATI AND BT. LOMA IiAILILOA D. December 10.-39 bri barley. Ham'! Hood; 60 doe 'brooms, A C White; 2 bble tallow. M Delange; 1 tub butter, M W Rankin, 6 bid. dried peat , as, Head & bletzgart 0 pkg. poul try, El Miller; 7 boa rye, F Schield: 20 bble apples, .1 A Gratt 37 bga malt, -Fisher; 27 bbla tallow, .1 6 Daniel; 2 care rye. Dan Wallacra 2 do do. staves, Haat- Wg. A Davis! Ida do, M P Adams Bro. 1 car min, J S Last. 25 bbla bighwines, Shlpton A Wallace; 25 do do, Schmidt & Friday; 50.tra lard, Ili do hams, F Sellers &Co; 200 bbls flour Saghtny er Vim. kemp; 100 eo do, Scott &Waa 100 do do, Watt. Lang A (Jo; 4 balsa cotton, Ken nedy, Childs & Co; 21 caddies tobacco, .1 LI Lippincott; 2 do do, F. 64 McGinn/in; 2 Wile liquor, J C Clark; 7 do do, Munhall A Wigton,' 10 do do, R & A Carson; Ito issuaage, .1 P Hanna A Co; 60 Ulla, 20 aka flour, RI) Clark A Co; 6 bble cider, F Stewart; 25 pkge tobacco, RI % Jen kin. son; 10 do do, Curter, McGrew A Co; 20 bri (esthete, Volgt, Mahood A Co. PITTDDU ECU FOOT WATS. AND 001- OAOO ItAILJWAD, December 10.-1 car rye, Dan Wallace; 100 bbla flour Culp Shepard; 800 do do, owner; 80 bb's grease, Jae D 411011; 20 toe lard, 14 H Myers I Co; 10 bait °rankers, Kramer, Holm A Co; 9 pkgs butter, Volgt, Mahood A Co; 21 bble ulghwines. M McCullough A Co; 100 bbla flour, Watt, Lang A Co: 80 whisky bblit. Joe S Finch: 2 cam lime. Cone, Laughlin * do do, Shoop. berger & Blair A Ciki; 700 galls stoneware. .1 At A Mots; 6 bides, W Llamas Son; 40 eke buckwheat flour. 3 bbla tallow, Dilworth, Harper A Co; 10 bee cheese, J Braden; tit do do, W W Wolcott; cat rya, Woodworth Davison; 22 aka raga, Godfrey A Clark; 11 bait soap, W France; 6 tibia eggs. W H Graff & Lb; 6 do do, Li Rae Jr; //AI kgs pearl barley, R Heasleton; 100 bbls flour, Shlpton Wallace; 1 car lumber, W CHopper; 100 bbia flour, owner; 14 bola do, H Riddle; 1 bbl butter, I do dried peaches, H Itas,Tr. .1.111 00 8 mow CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, IRICANDbOt 111.-6 cars ore, Simon iwrger B dr. Co; Ido do, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 9 do do, McKnight, P it Co; 2 do lumber, J Jenny; 2 can rotators, Woodworth it Ir; 2 do de, Hulett Bran 126 bobs do, 8 Dowd; 1 car g stones, MCF. Bans it A; 2 do ore, Zog & Cm 2 do do. Union In Mille; 2 do do, Coleman, It ' & Co; I do do, J Wood & CO; 6 s ma chines, Smith it P 1 16 came tobacco, J W Taylor; 3 dodo, H Daimyer; 6 age a butter. BrUggerman & 0; 2 cars pig Iron, Itimtak dt CIA 12 aka rags, Frasier & MI lid hogs. A Christy; 17 aka oat, Arbucklas & Co; 8 bble older, it Buse; 45 aka corn, Bricker A Cce•3B tbis apples, J A Graff & Co; 21 dodo. head & M. At.moisterr STATION December 10.— 8 care cooperage; Rely. leßobertsont hides, Jos Wiery: 6 bbla fire clay, Jos Craig; 78green bides, ne Stkrath Bare, 2 bhde toK=o, R W Jankinnon; 13 PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1889 dressed bogs, El ippley t Be,•hert; 5 mra cooperage, J b 1 Hemphill: I car ila.rdiedi M 13 Suydam: 3 mire metal. Unditay dr. sWritcheeu; 5 camas tobacco, P Schmidt: 1 car barley, Gilmore, Straub di Cot 12 dressed bogs, Chas Warner: 1 car wheat. W McKee & Co; 5 pkga pearl barley, 4 do farina, I do oat meal, Moon liro; I keg pearl barley, 1 bbl oat meal. Jut Lock hart; 4 bbl. atm., John Herbert: 2 cars ore, Leads, Batley & Da1.011; 1 car lum ber, Smith & Cremwell. ALLBOIFIKNY VALLI, RAILROAD, De cember 10 —l7 hide., J Eisenbela 6 dressed bop, W Hoffman, 6 do do, J Bolin:ism:7 but cheese, W Stewart; 0 dressed bogs, Bruggerinan S 0: I car metal, Nimick t Co: In .km b dour; 3 bbl, onions, Dilworth h dr Co; 1 pkg butter, 1., J Blanchard: 6 hides, Halbert it Berg: S bbls onions, 4 dreued bogs, Vulgt, Mahood at Co: IS eke rye, 39 do oats, Scott A t Mud; 24 do I 10, J Crothers: lb bb's ermine, W dressed help, Tbos Donnelly; 60 bbi. tar , W P Logan Bro. 25 eke putatues, John Camp bell. • RIVER NEWS upper Rivera. I Pacific an.l i.tiant:c tinauwanono, December 10.—River on a atand, with four and a half feet water in the channel. Weather cloudy and raining. Thermometer 42 at 6.25 P. Y. Bru,vidavti.t.n, Decomher 10.—River stationary with fire foot elz Inchon water in the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 2$ at 10 P. I. OIL CITY, Ili - womb, lu.— River falling owly with twenty feet water to ellen el. Weather cloudy. Thermometer ETZTEI MoR ANTOWN, 44.011.14 X, 10.—RIver .tationary, with thirty Inches water In kennel. Weather cloudy. Thermome er 44 at 4 P. R. The river continuer to recede !steadily with 6 not 6 inches in the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather has again turned soft and the indicatione last evening wee lavoreole for rain. Mercury at 4 r. M. 42. There has been no arrivals since the date of our lest report. The Kate Put nam from New Orleans, and the St. Ch.rtes from Cincinnati were due last night and will be found to port this morning. The R. C. Gray departed for St. Louie about noon yesterday with so eseellent trip, with her guards almost dragging In the water. Pilots—James Whitten and Barney Given. The Sallie, It wag as ported, would get off for New Orleans last eight provided atm could get all her freight on board. Pilots—Nick Whitton and Geo. Hughes The St. Cherie., Capt. l Than. A. Drew', la the regular packet for Cincinnati to. day, leaving at 4 P. C. Mho Is In all r► spouts the largest and finest steamer that mimes to 411111 port, and, therefore, offers superior . to passen gers. Mr. feu. L Reppart la in charge of the office. The Mollie Ebert, Cant. li. W. Ebert, lositztonnotel for New Orlearm, and will be the first boat rut. C L Brennan's new l'ltt•hurgh and Parkereburgh packet will be launched at Freedom to-day. The Camelia departed for Naahvilie Thursday riled with a flair trip, heclud- In quite a number of paaaengera The Belie, Capt. John Ritchie. Is the reenlar packet for Parkeraburi today eating at two°. —While the Glasgow, Pitteburigh to Nashvilla. was loading anna heavy stones at Franklin Landing. dftaan tOOVe Portsmouth, for the Cumberland ^one In Tatin.aee, on, Monday, three lc • 'oda boned, Id .ner deck hands, - twit , ant to white, had legs broken by • heavy one precipitated over ot blufr bank (Kli ng on them. Every p.,•sible attention was given the unfmtrinet• men by the of the boat, and on arrival at Cincinnati, they were erns to the Ma rine Hospital. The white man, named Morgan Sweeney, itraa it: Marietta, and the two colored men, I. 1.• Morgan and Wm. Winters, I along to Cincinnati. —A diapateh Irmo Memphis gam Mona are being made hy the mm. chants here to increase the stock of the Arkansas itlver Market Company to Voo,ooo. The 570 non mineetutry to effect this in being rapidly taken, In order to ...tire to Memphis the trade from that river now going to (11 - minuet! and Hi. Louie. —The local Ineris.nt rit Cinch:matt have autitieuded the Iteenaea of MOHO Iloiddridge, and CV 11. Dorsey for al ity day. for miustmit the nnlltaton between the !dimmer. Cannella and Annie Lauri. tit November teat. I ,, rivy we. nn the olio and Dodd:lga en tho Ann' —The Aboona was announned to leave Cmciutmit for Pittalmrgn uu Thursday. She le a elnoinnell last—bunny must be getting dull down there. —The (lisegow, Putahurgh to Neale. stile, left Cincinnati on Wednesday with •Loot 400 lona Pilots—tiardner and Kirkpatrick. —Capt. Win. Donn. of to. city. was on 'change to Cincinnati on Wedneaday. —The Maggie tiny.. Pittsburgh to Bt. Louis, watt at Cairo on Wednesday. —The Hawkey° State left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. —The Lorena is loaaing at Cincinnati for Nes Orleans. —The Mondale arrived at St. Lout. on Wednesday. —The Meatenger . at Cairo on Wed nesday. RIVER PACKETS. MENIPHIS AND .111:VI ottLILAIS V - - OR PrIERIPIRIN IND NEW 01t1.101NA —The One ..... swamp r 11,,LL16 N.LIENT. •T t W. f nor,. (ler% r.ppsnl, for the anow• Intermediate port+ on 1 1:10.10i Y. 14th Man.. at • r. ror frteght or p. •p,ty on Laud Of to Ltll.ll a, I.IIIKI EMT II run dsti FLACK A CULLIK V tCWU, Agaats. V 4 Olll MEMPEII 4 4 AND 12 NEW ORLI•N*--Tbe ntearne ..... Caw, T. P C11.11t4114. the &hove 0.1 In t•rmediala Po on TIII4 D T. 1104 1n.,. a Jo t LI " ( 1 .:11 !TR V; JI V, :';',.1`.°,41.1:: El =llll2 CIIIICININATI WEER— LT PAVE IT. I •selee Pletiten.r.b. B•TITRI) .1. • F. Leaves CI alrin•tl I. T. • TB° now •12•1 splendl4 wh • tal rumens Bt. anaer, Br. Cfl•lel BA. C. • 1111AVO. CBamikoder. Geurpe, Clerk. 1.111 leave •. teoneed Fur rrdlbl ‘7l " . S P. il . 7 .l.7.lretiViioll. 4.1 J RI ....1,1.1k5. STELAIASIII PS TO LIVELLPOOL AND , QUEENSTO WN. TUB &N NAIL ST EMINISHIPII. 2.rourbertorr orslires !LW...class yesrurts. =0.4 tbror Ipr crleoratr4l CITY O• PANttl. CITY or 111(11Illtt CITY lIF IIUtIVIN, CITY ..1" . lALTY or L , q4 14 BATURI , A Y. Om ?ter 45 Nortelnver, New yolk. For ousair•or turbot . Intorrlmiloo apply to WILLI/111 BONHAM, Jr., 143 %MITA 411.1.3 Wilt IL 6T. rittsoorall WALL PAPERS ELEGANT . PAPER HANGINGS. Nnarneled 1771/1 Pape., In plata - tlnts layer nione to toot and mote. Venn Mien amund. IrDb Auld nod Inlaid nnurps. nolnED VTh. INDIA TAPInTNY. GUSILS. PANILLA null:l3prd and printed gold. bloWly and not to be Lunnd elaanyber• In %Da awantry. 11 . 40 sale al W. P. MARSHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, .19.1 Liberty Street.. sell DE" B•TION Wood, Mare..*ad Fry.° tatitatkma to Walls Awe fettle's al Maio' Do-ma, Hails, Le. , Nr ; 41.11/ Market stmt. JOSI.InI H. HOMIILS 6 BM). FAMPED GOLD PAPELLS for rkrtara, at NO. MIT Market Waal. JORktll II II MOH Ca t emu. EIOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTOW MILL I s IT"1 - 1211iii ILVAJ LI Can. batmen Ntl 4M7 m Itll awl LIBIS, WICIIOSI, ♦MU ■SYnoLI* /11111 HA'rflPG NE PLUS ULTRA IDISCED MIAT.—Wa keep a..1.e bat‘V.labPs pla ning apical allayed al. Itr,a from cores mod parings. Sod e•ect with the 1111.0113 fare ea ',rawly tar raptly ace. Pot cafe by lbabarral. drain. or Goo.), al the ramtly Ornettreillere of del Conan JOHN n. itlYadallAVY. Lllmrty and SIMI Matta. c „s•- s SPECIAL. NOTICES SCHEIVCISL , S PULMONIC ?YELP, a /L.Leikili TUNIC /ND ANDKAK PILLB will taro Comamption. LiVer COMP/Mht mad DT.P.I.4r, tithe. &mord- Itmt: directly .: Rs:, at . thze to be take. lait the liver sad pot It to work: then the atoe appetite bles good; the !hod digests sad makes gad ood; the patient begins to 11.1”, L• Intl; the dmeued matte. Mat) Into the lungs, w e ll the patient 0114091•11 the disease and gets well. Tide It the ottly t h r e e medicinesumtin. To these Dr. J. H. Schenet, of pbiledelobla, was bls ham/rated success In the treatment of pitimonnryCunsumption. The Pal. mom. Syrup ripen the morbid matter in the iungs, nature throws It of by an eo.y expectorw Moo. ( cough hen th e D 0 110 matter Is ripe • slight will throw it OZ. end the patient he. rest and the Image befit to besl. To co thr tie•weed Tot, and stomach Pall. mu t treely used *o Mesh. it, s o d smach and liver, the" the Pelmoole Syrup n tett Ltd will make good blood. ticiaentk•• Mandrake Pills sot upon the Item nmovisg obetructdoes, Ries the duets of the gall b f adder. the bile start freely, and the liver Is moo relieved; the stool. will show vf/P4i. the Pill do; set bas ever meg Invested ex. repscelemel la deadly pelsoo which Is very dan• gore. to ate nn.ess with great rare,/ that will selock the gall Pluider and It the &mentors. of the liver lake nchencl'a k ...Lao Pills. Liver complaint Is om sr the meat promlassa chutes •f Cozumel/sm. ticheurk, mmereed Tonle 1. • gentle stimalent mod Mterative, nod the Idled In the Seaweed, which this preearation Is made of, It•SLIII the ach to throw out the gmtrio puce to dissolve sto thefood with the Falmouth /yrop, end It 1. made into good blood without fertheMatioa or wearied In the stomach. The great reason why phvelelsos do not core Consumption is. they try to do too moth; they glee medicine to stop the coati/. ;es mop e tellls. to stop night ••reets, hectic fe•er. and hyet/ duals. they derange th e whole digestive powers. leer/Ins up Me ss antle., tad Ili the patient sinks end Mee. Ur. behest., in his thestmest, dam not try to stop • cough. sight sen ate. chide or fryer. to- Mfr. the rause, sad they veld ad stop of their . •on accord. N•ehe can be tared of Comuutp lion. Liver Complaint. Dyepepria, Catarrh, Canker, Utcersted Throat, unites He liver and stomach me made healthy. If • Deleon has roneumptloa, of coarse the lunge isway ere dlerued. either tethered., Menses.boa, bronchlal irritation, pleura adhesiele, area elms of Madams/Letitia and fast decaylas In each eases what must be done? It it to: only the Wage teat are wt... bet HU the whole eddy. The •thuoth and es liver have lost their lower to mete blood out of food. Nov. the oply chance M to take Dr. beeetect `s three medi cines. which will brine op • tome to the no/omit, the patient will begin to want le, d, it will digest coal, and male good blood: thee the palleal gins to gala in Coo. and. won es the bob y he-' gins to poste, the lungs coalmen. to heal up, eno the pauest gem ll.sby sod well. Tkat LI the o n ly way to cure Consumotion. It hen there le hes mug sod only Liver Comolarta end epepele. Schenck/0 Seaweed Toni • mad Mandrake PHI. sea trident, withosi the poimouic stoop. Tote the Mead/eke Pills Reedy In all Whom eoroPihinth, m they Me Per fectly hanniese. air. betteuct, who has euloyed aninterrepth4 health for many years past, hod now weighs SIMS pounds, wm emoted away to a mere skeleton, In the very last stage of ruhrsonare Ce mumptlon, his physicians baying pronouered cma hope• less and tmodened Man to his fete. He was cored /sy the eforesald medicines, sad6/We 61s nacu•• 01•11, thou...ode similarly •Elleteei hare d Dr. .chest' • preparation elth remarkable suc cess. dlrectioos eccomphay each battle, meting It ot elmolumly torcessary persortelly sevenek motes patient. wish their Image camel:led, and (or this purge., he Is profeaslun• ally at Me ['rand Unice Philadelphia, every Saturday, when all totters mar adMee mum be ed• Its is Ms , professionally al No. 33 Hood street, Neer Yorkr every other Tuesday, end et No 33 Hanover street. Patton. swan other Wednesday. Ile gives ad•lre fre• but for a thorough ementhmion with Ms hese/meet, the petrel. I/3. l/Mor boon at earl y teem 9 •. la to 3 r. Pol. oshe Pulmottie Syrup and Seaweed Tea k each e f.{ o per Pulite. or 51. 00 • half dome. Mandrake Pills RS casts a boa. Per tale by MI druggists sayll:ISI-da I NEE arnocrion w HI TTI ER CON w TINUEN TV TitILAT •LL FRIV•TE DISEASES. ,hat imam roue lam of mac. result* tag from eelfaCouvr, ucloc mumatilleema nervous Irritability, •rupliona, wmlaal maltalorta wad trail, impotency pormarp au) mad. rfr•On• •Ilirt."l with d*ileate, aad iona atandinn mutiatitutuaa. carat:dal La aro politely 10,1Prd r• ca I fur eucaui.tiork. att.. roma amt.'. IL :De noun, the heft uttuachara. has at shied . portal ront•dies at el.- • El mem. safe. perm.ont •nd which I. moat ea.* c. mac. without hindrance to healums. lane. prepared In lb* t..oll , binen• which em• bream urge, rarption and widtlogmot. ; also board.. and elm ping spar. enta for patlaat. requiring Bait) porrocal a...olio,and *spot and chemical taws, too. honeratrUieg the pa.. mineral whits. No mattur who boy. faliaa mat c oar mat. Read a hat be ar. le Olt pam phlet of If. parea. seal to Th ou sand. for tyro *um, :on o: d ea•eltpa. of mom t , .tea .."" o'er *.u• . 17 Pirt.urgh. Pa. flow, r. •. du • days II 0. to 9 0. ramphic Mat 1.• any ad um. for tyro stamps. atd igirCA WEBB, T1A114112/9, C 9.83, to.—A.stoulthlng and almost adrenal... cares or Caneer an Wing daily wade by lira. a. N. [LINO A W., at th• P4lWletoua Case., ladmary. 935 ♦reh Maim. Philadelphia. Patna.. bad at lb. brush of. S. 1. char(• or Prore•e.r I. U. li•I.T(o . 196 Cis St.. (Aorta...l Ohio. Th. ire...eats used Sr. Cancer ♦ntldotes. the 1110tt orisdittle au , l succes•t•l ■too In the el.lUZed arortd nary are not ides°. eating ar banded meal et aria. Thai giros Ott •sr Paha Tina) eh* a. - doreed by ta. bet surgeons at th. ad.. No other persons b••• Pau aotldote.. No other troairaest •aoald h• amid , fur P. , ticisiahs had or itddr•se a0.,n311 Trail igir3l A SITIOOD : BOW LOST 1 111,101 . Hi...TIM CD 1—.1•61 rata abed, It Trit, T A Y ktT. and Hada Lps..p., and Y•ls 11.11 W ana r H. , .T. J. • tat., of ta• • •ttu hoot. • • le. "• ado. la TOnnuada at Male+ rea ars • • Pleat vader ••al. In • soy •AArestsrr. 1 tm.r4. stan.s. J 10.1.114 1 A .t., Di/ T.rh. P. 41.01..• hos • . n 3•16 e.„,. =ILE W4UST OUT PLCTVII/11. TKOCH ' POI/ COLDS. COAtOLS 6 MR , : . T1111,•T •DI D Jr on. so growl Mons rgrg *on. Cur. ea loglra. 1111,111 TON CO., 10 Astor glints.. hay oft WEIATCIIELOR , BII•IIIDVE. I LI Har Hy* 1. the Oa-in , . , no ..tor Ha. and perfect Dag; ta nnies. talla ustaoton eau, no dinappolnlneana, no d ucal.,. How roniedlos UlB iii Affq.cla of load .I,er; lovla^,aini and luvea the Hair son and ,I", 11 or Noun,. 84.1 , 1 Or all Drairatata nod Ilerfuniarl:aa4 vroloarl7 ayollon Ba , nbol ,r`a ractory, Nu. L 4 Lusa Moen 1, 5 York. =MA: I"9THE El EA LEVG POOL. z..v.• rt R 101 , NY KIN who bin Wien Into • Leon. M 0.., and nun 4.11 re • mew ofre wad lwetver •N eertala Trip I t, lb.aflhekerd. Scut In ireak..l le{te: envelo free of clines.. • HOW•RI: MaSol p,. TION, Ron P. l'lKlKLelptila, Penns. iv •Alr WHOLESALE GROCERS. &c. ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. GORKLY, 1812. W. IL GORILY, wHoT.T.GA TX GROCER, - No. 271 Liberty Street, (Ltaac - n.i OAT, Lliocz 11. trTZZLIE J. A. ISTICILLIE M . STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants OflAIPi. FEE U. 411:o I= N EIL & IHICUART, ZIMENIISSION DIERCHANTB4 FLOUR, OWL BEEN, YELL FED, Ell 749 Liberty XI., Pllteboaxia. ....4 on EANOR & HARPEU, mous, £ D PRODI3OII Commission. Merchants C9ell.l.menta solleltad AT W. C. ARMSTRONG, tlNtoeitosor to Feint • ♦lmttloe(.) PRODUCE CORID2RO3 RERCHABT, No. 26 Market Street. u J, BLANCUARD, Wholesale and Retell Grocer, e No. 896 IPZNN 6111.8.88. ridl li TTLJF, BAIRD & PAT'rON, Wholesale fIIOPTIO. Commlsitne X ershaels es. Damien to Prides, Floor. Bee_se, Lard Utl. Iron. Vottna Taras sada! litisaban r h .4.;:z . 116 LO.III. SOURS—ROW. HOURS.... WI. U. SODS OnN 1. HOUSE & BROS., Sac P• LOJUIIN 1. HOURS • CO., Who: mle Grocers sad Gfiimmissine Gerd:mut. Corns ot Smithfield •ed Water streets. Pittsburgh. ON MILLS JOUN .utrrox eIIIPTON aIWALLACE,WhoIo- NALL I,RocElLis &ND PUIPOWDe DIAL- N. eSIXTDISTIDCILT. Pictaburat. CANDLES f't CANDIES TIL I CTLT 11.V.LIA-11.L.E 112 FEDER4 L BTREET, GEORGE B EAV EN scrr:q•kniat - - TN COMMEMORATION OF THE Hut • Its (costa ILlelmos . , ”erember 10 irtter• quarts. IL 1141.1.16A L 1T ioao tlou of •Ls e•latoszs• us. us, 17 giving • nt•elus DAM AID OTIETEM At Ws. Ikkooa.111111 1 ar • 111 . 1111 r, Trity . rigalumrsdrazi. ♦ 8,4 0111=0, Is ra•peOthlly •stsidsd. de/ RIDESMEN'S NATIONE, Wood , cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks W. V AN KIH.K. Vlce President. • •rAr ('T 111 , ('f.A xi( e. Jw.. (..el • HOLMES 8. SUNK, .1 57 MARKET STREET CollectlonA made on ell the principal Pointe of the Called elutes and Canada. Stocks,Bon de and other Securities I= partieula, attention pall to tha pnronnae and Si. of United States Securities HART, CAUGHEY & CO" Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, =I Exchange, Coin, Coupons, kid parttoular attest:Wm paid to the putekamt and We of COVERNMENT BONDS. Si ht Dratte; on London. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 9100.000* ITOCKDOLDEILA INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEKKFIT PAID ON DEPOSIT . POBZION HZCHANfI Bought and wad. and whoa destredrytnieted to u•opu. .A. 4,111,00 WA* on all the principal pelts. of tn. United mate and Canada. 1./..nini. a Itin•gtr. Aran Mt. C•• D. Von. Pr. sittuat. W. N. lionu•n. Castile, DI RALCTOI. D. IDID/eO , Jane. Whelan., nom.. Bourke, Hugh Ileattng, J Itunl,y. Jr., Totes/ Caaupholl. Putrid Hama, Junes Ph. lan. C 0... N. Harr, H. A. Trry•astai, Joe. low. tsar - mans. Thom. Harnett. ).11.10. JOU Y. HAZZAI4, wAmgIiAELA Is now ern .r Discount. Depour and Ounni. l lAk• o s g u B uslo i m e from One Dollar •pwards. Imre m oc D* ram of Si. per coat paid on Um. dowel.. DIAMOND OIL WOIU&S, Duque.," R.V. TACK BROTHERS, Petroleum and lbi Product& 111122=1 PITT Slllllll.l A SAD DASISMII IS I= = I=l I:=1 Over 100 Kinds. Al price. to compare tilt tat. at ALLEGHENY CITY FINAN DIAL BOUGHT AND SOLD =II s, PITTSBURCIII. PL. BANKERS AND BROKERS, PITTSBURGH, Pd. Of Pittsburgh, IL . D. MT/UMW& W P. WEYWAN„. W. H. Mktg, MANIC •ILIBSKr W. c. it-B•RT6ON, H.l. BT lilitTrai. D• 11. YINZK I ant. Poranl'R., D. IL LL. EIIua. + ED. DITHRIDEig, Praddent. m:=l:= OILS N. M. LONC & CO., I=l 'OMISSION MERCHANTS I=l rttLahargb rag, of ..... Way wad La HP .treol rbPs.lalphia u. 111,4--131 WALNUT IT W•IIING 8 KING, I=l Petroleum and its Products, DALZEWS BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY I=l Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 1110CTH SECOND STIIIIIT. •pL , CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, I= Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad •Ile 011, Mau Is gr at bt al slabuta ettasca; MCI. • limpid. , lowest daw , a , I• WWu ethos.. or put vb.,. Laroonitlri. avagLao, Marbles Shop, milt eat treas. Saw Mlll and Planing Mill 01.16. kdapf.• a for high srord. Oleankle OIL Wool igeadki.tibt OU OIL Taao•ro•no2ls. law mod Vida Wing iliinaceltsse, 011. Hammel Oil. Pompla. ARMOR VA RN Intl. au Inas. rye Bright Dan Work sad tlisnainere Dom Inst. Thins products are manufactured under Dr. infeddle's ruLtent by gapes heated finam In Vet, can. The Luarleatind , one ar4 almost Mande.. D'efee /7 pare , uniform, and slowly light eel. tired. stand a nigh tempi ral ...altar MI, Ind remain limpid doling Limn tar e Id. The Mali n/in unieniatiM, and an In counsel one in many of the prinalpal Italinnicia /beanies on be •sanlncd and orden left at 174 WOOD Woras at Mm - patient andla. CARBOLIC SALVE The important discovery of the CATABOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING. PURIFYING, and HEALING Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research. During the late chill war it was esiensively used in the nosalla s. and was Mond to be not nly a thorough disin fectant, but also the most won derful and speedy HEALING REMEDY ever known. It is now presented In a scientide combination with other soothing and healing agencies, in the form of a SAINEI and, having been al ready used In numberless cases with most mAisfactory and*u. i r eticial estilta, we have no hesi tation a offering it to the pub lic as he most certain, rapid, and e ettnal remedy for nil Sores Dud Ulcers, no matter of how I ag standing, for Barns. Cuts Wounds and every ABRASION of SKIN or FLESH, nod for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Druggist. Price 513 matt JOB F. HAY, Sole Prop NO.B COLLEGE PLACE. New Yore 7 rb URE 7 • - SEWARD'S A Safe and Speady - CUITICICOaIghI,COIdI Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup Influenza, Whooping Cough, Innpien• Consumption, and ull Diseases of Throat and Lungs. Don't negle rev-rc Lough, or throw away moncv on a a•orthle» mesizczne. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER Bpi-Tu. Yreram.l by SEWARD. BENTLEY Pt. CU ENI Y. Drug-gista..lNEßLio N.Y. Sold by all Drugyian Wl.lema• Agents-6CHW MITZ 1 lILLLTII. TRADE MARK. DffifillDGE'S , vmm.pnoos. ' 4. i- Lamp i .CHDINEYS.. =1 IRON AND STEEL. DU4LIESSE WORKS. OOLEM 1 N, RARM & 00,, I= IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DUQUEANY.. L I AND JUNIATA. FLAT RAH, MOUND AND.WCARIE BAND, 11 , ,1 . •EIRsT•NIJ ANA IRON, Bolt.Eß PLATIII4 AND HEAD,. GUARD IRON. DRAG sod 1.R./FFIR fLANOICIL CCTTLR HAM. CILINDKR IRON, Tj, ND ?LAT RA IL. for Cost Route. CRoWm•IO W [OGG , A HARROW TRZT spluse TIVATORSI RE WINO, AW,. . STELL bTA L, EL Mon 8H•IITING, A. • 11 . 71.0. L. ("UCH, BUGGY sod WAGON SPRINGS stld AXLE , AND SPILLS. All Goods First Class and Warrantke. OTYICILA ASO WORKS: eeeee nth Street end Allegheny h er wed Water harensl.: Pllaebargh. stagy MILLER, BIRK & WY. METCAI.►. RKURPN 1411.1.1 R. 010. W. BARR, CHAS. PARKIN. i77fl_j. - . - . • CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR ti , PARKIN, VIOL Mo. 110 Liberty Bletet, d=l DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, (I.egitor to JOS. HAIGH A CO., ) Has rartll•lea ooareatlve Itts lesang Tor t*. Hea l tbs US , Lad prrparetl to promptly asMaont nn.l►r, Eli all orelrrt r trrEAMUO•T 811 PD., Ctt• /4 ICS, PI`lTuN LIVSIIII, rm Ja tt H 115 1 4.4, AXLE., 1,/m Ulll✓l'i\'L VII ale rrl, to,lb•r rta , l doacrlption of em•re WIRE. OWoe laud Forgo Corner of Bowing Way nod Fint Rtreet. _ _ FUTTEIBURGH , . STEEL WORKS. 1:=0 ANDERSON & WOODS, HEST REFINED CAST STEEL = Refined Orman Plow and spring Steel CORN IL 6 RM.. AND lIINT AVLNUE. Pith LIMSIIIU ON PROMS. pow yrf:r .r rht " ::: ro ° a.= real? e.s. The saperbr go.lty imFiTed 7. 1 11. the rod.l l"' ' c ' Zi " ;::A 1; ' te r :11 :LI tr. or Psitto. grtattn. to oto It tonal try DD /lul to JAMES P. SPEER, Alton.? rot the Trestas ttahlll/1 sc., Ithansh • nnumniVS% rtrerth avenue. Parties Interested are invited to visit the Mt MN stet. ell WORE.I. when the Perm Is new be 5e...1el overet.tost. teS3LS7 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NTEGII & CO., FTrraBIIIICIEI, PA. I=l9 CAST AND GERMAN STEEL HAMM AT CI•HIN'IIY, 111..1 inTit' AND I'LATYORM /31.111N05, AXLES, ,rlf.ll. 11.1 L, Sc. 6e. Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 PIM Ma. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., =I sirrim=.. Elace 1111LLTY sad RAIL/LUAU 5T111f.211%, PITTIMOROLI ROBINSON, 111 EA & (0., 15=1 WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND ■ADHINISIS, PITTSBURGH Illatafactunts of Bonk nod trt,loosry Fl.ano and -I ht.. lieu., Lod eLlkert iron Work No. It, corner First nod nrolthnelll .tree Y. miIsg . f:V3 k IZZA.III,S PATENT IN J YeTt 11.11,10 THOMAS CARLIN h CO., earth Ward Foundry and !Lachine Works, I= Iduittrartarent °Mations, and Portable SI,. [urines, edl Presses, Pall•rs, Ithaftlae, sad east Mill Work, Rot nig VIII sad El ne Casting. Urine Hers. Wrtinta, W 1.01,1 Bone s Or, nab* to order and haws on band Entine. of a/1 ou. taste:al STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. 0006 STOVES. CET THE BEST BISSELL .& CO'S TRIUMPH, 808 BITUMINOUS COAL Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well u any other Stove to the Colon. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Alm, on h.d and no WA PARLOR NNW RR, HLATINII nruvm GRATE ►LONTR. FINDERS. CIROCING KAROL.. te. GRAFF, RUM & CO. S7PCYVES, BOSTON COOKING RANGE 'THE FIERY FURNACE," TO. WARszao Bomono. TAX NEW ANTI-Dtr, MORINO STOVE. . 6 REUULATOII. 7.LUM eIA COOK 4ToVif, VAT 'is COloclnuaU Pattern) PoRTABIAL RAWGZ CAS r ELNIIIft R MT. M R A A N frV.L- AS, WLL AMA N GRAT E /10) Te.ALNDEBA,&a.diTad Mu ,: 208 and 208 Liberty Street, =I MnEl A. BRADLEY & CO., NO. ISO WOOD DUKE% I=l Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, ET370:10 In oar anorteant will b toad all the LATII3SI. PATTEkliii AND iiirituvLUZßlTs...d au' reputation of our non. l..ab that any ea In want of • good ardele none purcione none b. Mon mauranurad cute ea ilavy will to rand la :nondurable S. Sell ero•onittal. Wont' all par:lntl.gate talon to our sew VULCAN° erTOV Z. for thurchra ball. and atom. Oyer 800 sold In br.. wont.. landed Ow with or without ening. All wan have aid then Pro nano- th ut anon or to any other Idaartan:- or. and tor Catalan. aud Price 5. FRUIT CAN TOPS. gry, E Dritz:L C ATtpraN TREITt I9 N I TO 4' t ; 9 !' n '• I ' ' •.• Re us caw prepared to enaPtrrthhert etla Potter. It Is perfect, atmple. and to cheep to the into top, /myths the names of the Tatum Pratte naming un the wren foliating from the te e top o cenfr. the eta end an . po dr.-1 or pantile stunphdl opoa th { M y 1 ~. ~ WI loorol7 Vadat UN cam of t Mai Os eon commis oppodte tba_polid slats the sazstoisory issasor. No a inK4 b o ..mienvirUl lin WiliZr c atex. was 4, inn saf 4. 1, . .• FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS CENTRA L FOUND RY AND ROLL WORKS. I= BOLLMAN & BAGUET, Chill Koii. Ml . Cut nn. Rost L.thn. W. J. ATV.itt it. A. KEY V.ULL. MONONCUIEU FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON A: Co, MxnutLetur.rsnt..N WINDOW Casting's of all Description& /Hr Sneetal att.o Hoc p. 4 to A R('H ITC( V • Rat, ( A(ITIN Lo 4 to lkat hog for N . 11140. (Hue H• 1011481.. OFTICI AID roexpnr—s. I6U WAT CH 5111.1[67, tittaborgli, ra- KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY 011102 AND WORKS. TWELFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA or Engines„Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Ile. torts, and Castings generally., NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, Corner Carroll Sad amallmaan Iltzeets. =I PlT"lsiti uunc. 11 , PA... WILLIAM SMITH, I= CAST IRON BOWL PIPE riAl 0113 •ND WATILit WORK IS. My Pipes are .11 cut Invariably In ma, In dry mad and 151 feet leogUaa. Also, full assortment of Leserul Castings for Gas & Water Works. 1 .00id also call the atterstlan of Sol:Galant eats of Gas Worts to my mate of 9IBTOILTB. ENGINES, BOILERS. &e. FORT PEIT I'D stp 1 WORKS. CARROLL APJD SNYDER, SIANITFACTUSIZES OF TUBULAR, DOUROBTLUED TUBULAR SIRI-BOX AND CYLINDER sTILAM BUIL EOIL AND OIL TARES, CHIMNEYS, RREECHINO AND ASH PANS, SETTLINO CANS, MALT PANS AND CON DEPONs, STEA CI M PIPES, IiASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES, PELSON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES. Oaksnd Wwrobeasf, earner lienNema, Third, Shoal. wad Liberty Stre4l. c PITTSIMMGII. PAL /o"Ordera trot to we .bore address .111 promptly att , 0..411 tn. m07:11111 UGH N. BOLE & CO., Car. Poled Alley and Mumma Bt. I=l Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. llanstractore tITIAM.TiOAT INDINILS JO ATIVN ANY ANGINISS, eh Oyes. erpeual mural. 1 , 4 , 1.11 to our Dew STATIOLY ONT OM *ELL 6NUINE AND PONT/LBW Ott * E 16 bone power. CASTEN/DS. of •Tere Alrld,inade to order starer r° llV4 T ioroTr i tni l i.,ll3 " i E ß'lrar y r " g . ...llhB. H• N 0 88, HO Ile .ad TOD ACLa.. tT ue. w 8 arta letON TOBACCJ rILIOSSICS, hood and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL. WORKS, Fettucini on the Allegheny Meer, belt the Pointe =I 4011.11 order. promptly Plied. Tar Pl. BOILER WORKS. . F. REPH AN & CO., ISTILCIK BOILEES, (IIL TAMEN 'MILLS, 4ToRs. SA LT , A 2.18. OADOKETILIQL SIT- • • • LINO YAN•, PRION/11 i34.11./Ito CHININLIM UnICIIEN FINE BEDS. to., Coy. of Reeond ►venue Lod Liberty Rt., =I U. pelting dose promptly. Orders seat to the ebovr ad • dress trill be promptly attended to. RICPEILN. formerly &muter st C•PSOLL BN YDZIVS. I.l3:te' W . 11.411.11111 LL £ CO., - - • - - - BOILER IfULIKERS AND MEET IRON WORKERS. 808. 10, 15, 54 ASID SO /TSB IT. Hsulos secured a large yard and famished It with the most apnroved maebtnerr. w• are _lore - Now% to man ara tore every detkeriplion of It Ku In the best manner, and warranted equal to Wiremade la the mummy. Calsoneyu. Breeehlag. Wire beds. !ham. Opt*, L.:m.2.m0 Soluns. Condensers. tall Pans. Tanta. Olt ttllla, Aglta. tom. &Wing Pass, Holler leas, Bridges, Pans. anti sum umangseturemet •arnatllls ent hailers. IteplArlag done on shortest netkle. ela JAILED IL DraUSII A. 80,31, = Steam Boilers, Oil Still& Tanks. SELEET IRON WORK, 10. 61 Penn Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. BRASS FOUNDEIFIEL lINXILT Vaal OURllirl IWIGI. HENRY BIER & CO., i 511CC723011.11 to JOHN XL COOPER & Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS DEAD= PIIOII7TLT TO ORDM. Inleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, ?DEM% lIDETY lAD MCI WU, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. 13RCOINT COCICS. Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and OiL userurscrunzas Or J. Y. MM.= it CO•15 !rayon+, Ealance-Whol Stara hap. Agents for Dreyfus' Pettent OQ eel, the beet in the Market. 01 and Works. cont. Lad Plat Buena nen ATWOOD & BIONIFFRET, Corm , Litany Mori mul Third Amos, =1:1133 BROS FOUNDIIII3 AID IRON PIPE FTITEIS and AGENTS An A. S. CAMERON A COS/ STEAM SUESS AND BLONEtiti. 51017ELTY WORKS ITTSOTTIIIGH NOVELTY WORKS._ .__ . Dessuded D. 111 DI. BIIOIIHEAD,ADABIS ca Wt 71.0.141312 iL'Tr"),mirrlLlANo'n'VLAlES,Tai%Lr''' . SOALEB. (SW tom' relent Door Lod 4 u tad Wake& Punt sad Corm 111111 MITES OF MST ATELTITE &MUM aft SMlttabirsiron. P 11131.01. I:ifio44 NVEST COMMON Icacbitta Rime Wooks. savr..4atersaremm.scoos... &m any. 01111CWIL AVVIIT ICA • 00. • • atria& brad at s, ea sten abotaa Itur, gza lap Stoats, rot Walt; ft. Sad Tomb Olden IMMO SZIP I I4, time RAILROADS rENNSTLVAaSMEN NIA CYNTHJJ. raft .D. on And after 11 r. irturday 1415. 16611, Tea , a arlll arallre al and 66.611 Ilvok the Union Depot, corner of Wa4.1116/11611 and Llberte garnet.. Aertne Mo.llTints ... 1:99 as ax. mara. 3 90 4111 Past U5e..... 1 OS as•P.lnc . *IMAM Na.AO am N ., • 0 3010 e a - 50 ant Mal I ra n 10 ae (Vlore x ASo Lc. Brottoo A. 10.20 nan a 11. , ‘ Ft 910 flit Bra kt“ flol 5.19 pl. 5, a•town • A 10 511 (lulu ' : 151. 10. 6 111191 (Sr. 1. 7 041, ltp e. a. • 02 , I 11111 Pitt Ft. I 10 urn Job..tows 81 . 1:0051 Pu.ln Oa • . I 50 pm 5, AV pen e Wall 0re...3 SOP= Nr.ll. 955 pna Wall s No. 3.011pn • • 5 Soon, ft all N. 4. 6.01111111 Olsatoc.a. • 110 Ora 'Put I '-e 114051 111 a 1 .. 1.°05' ta rt•shrir....3 a., ,at 05 . ecacutns Plusbotgb Ito 5 a en N. turn.l.. r.t , b.rgi 14 r• arrive...l 'rb MAU= al ILO p. m. at,nartanatt lexpaAns I even 9.111. 6.0 1 1 tan,. leaves except Honda,. AllO 1 • ,at trier ptav fn-tner tneorensiton arml)t. A" H. BR( NWITIL 33 7,61 • Tlae Pennqlvanla Railroad t,ompata , y irni TaVrjr::fig.i.. " lgr W" la 1 Dollar value. m ' Itame:• A. Amount Ins, ua cam be at tie. tisk •••100 Wet 1 two speclat eantebet. I , IMAII/1 H. WILLIAJers nols tieneral Snia.rtate..leux, Altcons. tn. EE ST ERNigglipM Eli PP YIN a NIA • [OlD.—/a and atter NOV. IP. 1.109, rtheepom Tea:m.lM the wearer. Fel:with:oa Hat road willthere et and depart Math the rodeo I street Depot, All eetesep Arrtes. S i4ral ' S N o ° . tlllO Lemon. No. 40s= Exprem... c‘ .. 11 . 2 e m at; tr .te lilt ;: =lt 14 :OP m S• ll 4 . 7ed'e No I PAO pm p rt/1.11:40lam pprtned`e e.3o:ode ny of 40:411 Above trathe runaxes Ilandsp. The Church Trate Werth kph.) Jezetken :men dander at 4:40 .. et..rseellai ADM:WM Otth It SHOO m. Itetbrellat, leaves Alistitteth, City et p. m eld arrive el Allethealitetb.' Poe at II:00 na. The wales leartht A/let/UV MT at Tle.•• . make direct thuneCtlon at rree,pms.obirsi tr.a Its. of Mr. BSitilir 610 lahlthos. Through Helm,. ma) be pa:chased at the Mak No. ISt Clair exec near the Buspeaelos4o244. fittabanh, arid It the Depot. ItHetteallY. For farther telbratatlom ain i te irre, JULYS I. Federal MeV& The Weetera Fertherthartht Ithlthbea hmeme andO Pm }league. eampt Abrme.e ti ll r bjertr ibMi 1° ea. melee this .em= md elllbe t • at the menu. zelera takes 147speeial ematreet. EDWARD H. CFI eoD o.theral Severletondeut. W. gad CLILVtLAND - V.& 7g tat NOV. dfkLb, 1939, Using Ell Way. frail gad satire uthe Moos DaPalg ItortilidM POW Maria . CMIPaSo Ex— ::. , •., .m.C. etatutpp& Mud m I• rd. Cl. • WW•gii *Avg, CNN E. 9:9W pm Itric Yd'u Pall 03pm W • Wale 1a4:03 pa 1..3. G WE'D/ 2.21:00pm B. D :r•Wa r ng AttS9 st'Lwelad:le V.. 1513 pannier `• 9:•3pm anon ••_11:1111sm 1.11011 4;•VPIRIAISI3 , i•JO ••1919p latetadals Lca./1:13 pm, • ges•r Wang •• Slips iges•rrs.O. •• . a m . 1.2• 12 1 . 1. 6: Pm tJadadalg •• 10:•6Pm •• .11 mit m Pak Oaks Ban- 'lag Ogg. ago dz., (lamb. 1:13 pm' g.gagga. 9166 4:46 p . m. cpaggao td.Javag baggy 4al/1. sg-19 08 p. m. Chiespc Lar.regs gni,. dant. 7. 11 . ky was, J. N. ilcOULll , OOa. Gaul. Psa. 4 Widget Agora- ogal. lisasiv. /Lou CnANGE OF TIRE. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD THE ONLY DIRECT BOUTR TO THE OIL REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGI OP CARS. (75 and after VIONDA Y. Nov. 99, ISAR TWO PUI THROUGH TRAINS DAILY le•aPt 810110131 lease Plrisbartl DePOl. roraes era' and Pile streets,for panalia.,oo airp i ,ra tale. sad all para• ra tan LSAT'S r177500aca1.. • 00007 13 Prrnalream Dar Pa 7:15 • ra Day 70p m Pleas Ex.— 5:00 pm Mehl 7:041• 1,0 Helton— 6:40a so Helton . 6.35 •al fad 11•11ao...11.50•16,314111sda• .. 10.00 a a 3d,3d Halt. . 9:10 a Lork . . .11:00 p ' ilk Heller 7•117 • m =Ae. 9:30 aso Soda Work. 7.53 a eta 6.30 p m Preepurl n 6IA p Bradra A. 315 p UMPIy• II kr 1 6 05 • 1:00 p m Chorea-- . 10:10.s Exprea sales aeu only as parlay. wall. Adsamsmodasloo salsa atop stall stall ea. J. J LA WRZNCR. Oats' Yap% THO9IB IC RING. AIWA 11•94.. ITTAIBIORGIpIiIM h. tfqui c" ialti T sv i . PAN HANDLE ROUra 0y100343). 71156.—iad after 51330.11, Nor .4th, L 1961 Salsa I lay.' and arra. al tea talon yea, Plasta . a"6.66 Pittsburgh 1 OAA u. Sall 11Arli; Souther.. 1.•17.74as II 21 p m. 5.00 a. a. I Pas 1.011 t.. —.•..-- 048 a. os. 71.111 p. Weed 00-.11 21,t.r.Wf. il — diaLuTsFs - Aec l n,No.l ii,lllll ir,: Cia - 1:i: i Steubenville Aaeammod. 3p43 r....• 3:41/ &Jae illeDanale . • Ate . n. No. 21b . 113 P. en. 3 23 o. • . elaudev i,burcl train.. ;511 p. u m. 9:bil a. Is. Er al I. e. a riPre ern' It etealye . T . .1 :13 r. IC Mal al ierrl7 . Vig ;,..... ewser.l I.rottiws.COok. W. Vr..VAIM., WI .1... Ve • , : _ -• rli.rrrisuitiellam• • 00/4111..La V 11., am•crilll • WAD. , .---e , • 011 atta after Iltlia , l , •Y. 1 paaiba. MI, Mt. Inn arrive as alai, apart DI% =fora. of etrant all 4 Water Areal& el Darart. Arrest& - Vallto awl rem 131001. town. 7:00 A. x. 15000. W. elieeeport Aaccatallk 11 . 00 A. N. MOS?. of la .• to and hoot Uattlk• 3:00 r. a. 10,101. 11:11 N•irton A... 0 d 4:30 ,. a. RAU A. tt,, Bra. Heel `a Aceoutdt'at. t 6:10 r. tr. Itleo r. N . MO t AE. tolfeK•apor.-10:80 P. S. Md.. WA land Chorea Taal it to sad lip Welt taeown 1:00 P. IC. la I e 119 _A L ___ Yam Vaal , • , ta aoPly t .1 , X. a. se rilOitO. AV.S W. U. ROOS. EaLacruftenclant will Esileu & BRO.. FIRE t BVIIGLAR.PBOUI SAFES AND VIIILTt NO DAN?. NO MOULD ENGENTS AND MACHINERY, BRIM - CRTWORK ft miasma Ain> PUT TING, VP An:LIAM Cor. 17th and Pike Sta., Pitlatmrgly Pa. NOVELTY WORKS. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofors existing ander lb* AUA.SI• lieHEit • CV.. has lads day be.. dissolved by mutual epee CUL N 16. 11160. J. LC Moorhead, Calvin mamma. Isieuhra Jarvis, James R. tem.. Jacob ...user. ) weld F. ileYee. h. Jarvis ...dams. Tamer Strnitorldpe. The business stilhhe eunthrued ft the old stand try ❑ etoborrixn d, under the an. ot 1114/3- HEAD, ADAkid Co. I MOORIIILAD. CALVIN ADAMS, Dl. N .4.IOZHILII D. November 5151. iB6Y. tranfia_ PVISLIC NOTICE. Ragtag don annmalaA' OAS and GAS YLTRX INSPILTOE to, Allegheny O. a ty. snit. La loon/ eon mat snail It. =gnaw yogic. and w a natano geolng Maztalreso can to provided. I will be found at lbe DYFICS 01 THi .111A TIONAL YoUSONY AND PIPE• WOOLS. Toenty.ibtrd amts. mug non. Plttabnrab• =I ee3:q63 G. nod Ono Meter Ins' wt. ALPERT & KOHLER, idenefeeturces and Dealers la ROOTS, ITIIOI2I AND MAITRE.% No. r Karim% street. PILIm booth. Pm Particulm attention even to Cyrano Wort. W. beg Mare to direct the attristloa.of tla m~lle to th e fact that we are now prepared to Pte Y facture P lad Shoes for pane s trouled with Carom Bunions, or demisted feet. alder tie personal 'open Woo of cam YE. AL. PEAT. formerly o ld leabey My, who will be pleased to see his costennere agalm Welfare adopted Yr. Alpert'' modeof seemouvlad — lbo fool, 1.• which we can be safe in warren: Dm Imo sad comfortable Boot• and "hoes for the totter est feet- Glee ass Seal and be coarineed. ALPERT A 10 , 111414 potanal 311 Market street Plti,l RAIL Pa EMMA I'ENALE COLLEOE, UNDEB CARL CI THE. SYNOD OF GENEVA. TWA Ls• Homo. and • fr. ail Mod nod orgarts.dollereettero yout..‘ tote • to rs puue MIPS Moo. and I Of .t u d, coI,LEGIA.I =LIU:IW Of LOAD EM.r: De: arttortits. TERIIO—W bolo expo.. of Tottloo. roc= Clarales rod Modern I.aogJlgt, mrht, forntAre4 Jiro,. and roe, sazio per hall 'early ourioo. Addms. UEV. A. W. COWLES.D.D , DREKA Importer aml retail Artier Is FIDA£ es^rAmirorrmi'sr. WEDDING. VISITING. PARTY AND lIIISINESI CARD lIONOGILLIK san3,- ELM:MD:STING A. Orders by mW reeeil•PlAlllg /insults's. limit tor stmtilt 6. 1.033 Chestnut At.. Phila. MAJZSIIALLTS £LI3/2. CiniZEILLWACIM W LuLIiALL•EI MAX= WILL CLLL DIWZMISIL. YLLus, wits Cam Verve. rece of Mafiosiln Mies. MOO M. bottle a P jr:bg:,k i,k 4, ' ALL rtv.N ,rtac.t one retsMtlee . ta KEYSTONE. POTTERY. fli. aiEJI Marx eIDJELBWCY.S.I3.j: °Cu Ell PILESII/SN'T lie 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers