THE DAILY GAZETTE: rrousnro ay PENNIITAN, REED & CO., 0 fjirf . It I and' 8(, Fifth Avenue. P. E. i 7031M3 KING. T. P HOUSTON, N. P NEED, Vt•Frr.w, r IMMIZTOIRS. TICH3IMI U 8 THE DAILY• By matl, per 1. i'ellyrrul by elu-rlere. per meet. ..... °"' Ett sburnt etayttE, P571.0130:51 at Antwerp, film at 61f. L. F. Bonlß et Frankfort, Gt.!, closed in New York yesterday at 12706127;!. to Row at alt. Late Tits atmosphere at Utah le laden with "portents dire," auguring a speedy break fec up of the Mormon hierarchy. First, the outspoken denunciation of polygamy by ', ;et- President Colfax tell like a bomb shell into the camp, and was an admonition by no means to be slighted. As an illustration of its effect, I witnessed the following incident: E. L Sloan, a Mormon, and local editor of the Tele yraph, reeling aggrieved at the applause with which the "Gentiles" received Mr. Colfax's remarks, made an observation to the effect that those present were nothing bets set of thieves andlvagabonda. Mr. Sloan'wus roughly handled by one of the bystanders, who was arrested, carried belore a Mormon Justice of the Peace, and tined $l5 for the assault. The sec ond event of recent occurrence, and of significance, ie the excommunication of metre! leading men is the Mormon Church. A abort time ago, T. B. H. titenhouse;editor of the Balt Lsg.t.t, Tale graph. Wm. S. Htdbe, a leading Mormon merchant, E L. T, Harrison and E. W. Tullidge, editors and proprietors of the Um!, Maga:ins, Wifiltan Dunbar and Rout rt Ni elm, actors in Brigham's thea ire, were called upon to answer for con. tumacious conduct toward the Church autloirmes, and failing t) make a-good defence, were solemnly excounnunleated. Their real offence seems to have been an attempt to make a profit on their Individ ual account, which did not snit the Elders. Dr. Taggart. the new Assessor of Inter mit Revenue, looks sharp after the Mor mons on the revenue question, and is cot . - dla:ly hated by Brigham and his follow ers for the determination he has manifested to make the Mormon Church and people pay their share of the National debt. He also is quietly watching several Illicit distilleries, for some of the Saints actually have emelt establishments in full operation in the mountains, which no revenue ofllcer Las yet had the temerity to pene trate. Leiter In. m Father Hyacinthe Father Ilyacinthe has written the fol lowing letter to Rev. Leonhard W. Ba con. the translator of his sermons: •.11y.v. Ifiterritan I am highly gratified at the honor shown my Paris discourses by this republication in English. I wish they were more worthytbut, such aft . they arc, I commit them to the world. I pre. sent them to America and those Protest ant churches of which you are one of the heads. I am prnnd of being,a French man, and trust France will soon imitate the country which she did so much to liberate during the Revolution. I con tinue to belong to the Catholicanrch. I have entered protest against her usurps dons, but the world can i udge of my love for the Church by the bitterness of my lamentations. however, I am none the less _sensible of the sympathies of the Churches of other faiths on the stand I have been compelled to take. Ido not think that Churches separated -from the Catholic communion are beyond the pale of the Holy Ghost. Whatever may di vide us now, we will be united in time r. and all live In hopes of the same eternity.anal love of the same God. We are all labo ring in common for the Great Church of the Father. Men have laughed my ideas to scorn, but I could not expect less. I look, however, forward to one God, one Father, one Baptism, and one Shepherd. DUO - Me& Ilremetue" The New.. from Dr. Livingstone Letters received by the British Consul at Zanzibar, frOtn Dr. Livingstone, the explorer, were dated to the Bth day of august. 1888, • Dr. Livingstone wes iu good health. He spent the year nrevions exploring the section of the country lying,soutti of Tam ganajaka lake, which he found to contain many small springs or inner•lake fount. sine, which heclaimsto be the true soar= of the river Nfle. 1 Dr. Livingstone states that he had heard that two different instalments of supplies had reached Djoji ham Zanzibar fur bis Bee, but they had been received at a time previous to his arrival there, so as to have them early, and thin render them beneticlal. In Mete lettere he requests that further supplies of necessaries be dispatched to him, including nautical ht. strumentaand copies 07 Encliah almanacs for the years. 1860 and 1870. This fact indicatt*, it is supposed, that the Doctor purposed remaining in the country (or a lengthy period of time, more particularly as he has given no idea of his Intentions for the future, and has not mentioned at at what place or point of the territory he purposed to come ont on his Journey homeward. • ' The letters are ynitten on entail scraps of paper which Dr. Livingstone begged from the Aruba TWE SLIOCCIII9STOET of the wreck of the whaling schooner. Susan N. Smith, has been told. • Capt Itounseville, mast ter of the vessel. says that when the masts were cutaway, the wind was blow ing like a hurricure, and roared like heavy thunder. The sea was chopping ugly, and dashing in wildly from all quarters. The guthg over, and all, was ea quickly done that the captain could not change his position to go aft where his wife and children and moat of his crew were. Ile got on to the rigging at' the top of themist, by crawling through the rattlings, and there found nearly the whole crew and the officers collected and bolding on to the ropes and chains. While them he secured himself 'tektite rope, and the first mate did the nine. Uere Were tWettty OrrnOre teen in the rigging- The captain's wife and children perished In the cabin during the atom, and their bodies were washed away. Every thing edible had also been washed out of the vl. All through the week the &ptaht end his four companions clung to the wrack—eight days without food or water! Tice testimony of all is the thought Of food scareely entered their minds, but their burning thirst neirly drove them this to distracUon. It carne to be, through dreadful.- parching , Etat neither one could talk. Each tongue was swollen and hung without the mouth. As it couched the roof of the mouth, It gld'ed there, and scaled of In large flakes. Lc Sunday morning email came In eight and the men spere taken off. All were the merest skeletons. Capt. Rounsville, who weighed, before the wreck, 190 pounds, had lost nearly DO pounds in his eight days suffering! A teaspoonful of brandy was glyzn each one to dart with, bat even this was too much for their shat tered systems, and very oon alter reach ing the ship all were urteoZscions and remained in that state for two days Eventually, however, they'gecovered.- - Boston Post, Tun irrixranr nitvratv sr Brumes, In Asia, an honor of the Empress Eugenie, was a splendid sight. The troops were massed in a charming valley, under tint shade of gigantic trees. The Balton at.. rived with the Empress, giving, bends arm, and conducted her to a pavilion of great splendor. Tvienty eve thousand men, comneunied by Omar PaChst then Bugg off, the spocanuice of the troops be. tug superb. Notwithstanding the great distance from (..0' nstanfinople, an toot eums multitude was collected on 'the Neigh:?. Thousands of Turkish women were a te,,, present, displaying their splen did costumes tinder a blazing ann. In the afterzlihner,there was a display ad fireworks at Beitos, and the Bosphorus was illuminated. The Empress the neit day went to Pers; the weds and win dows were crowded with operators, and the houses decked out with dags. The teception given to her Majesty was of the moot cordial description. Aft,„ the Empress received at the Embassy the French notabilities and religious commu nities. and ul ttr wards visited the house of the Sisters of• Charity and the French Tee Mayor of Pere received her Alsjesty under a splendid triumphal arch. in an adireas which he pm. mounted. he. made a graceful allusion to the conduct of the Empress during the cholera at Amiens. In the evening. grand dimier was given fe.. , her Majesty by the Sairan. wits also hi'llßeeLitLe nth!' leers, high state reactionaries, 44411..4..*0 xi. legation, with their ladles. / - •:, P lt' '....-...; • - 1"• ) , L _.,..• , .., ~.. „:..,, 4 M 5,,is- - -.. ''...g.. :*: l'. ~. 1:-.411 ....4 ~ A > ... 4 • 1 ...:\, ... . P 2 - .- ),.• „ , ^l r 4 . , .....- .- •:: y .1. .i.::: VOL. LXXXIV. FIRST BOITIOI. JIIID.A* HT. THE CAPITAL. Cotton Case—Land Decision— Cause of Ilse Paraguayan War —Legal Tender Decision—fio licitor Bonfield's Report Postal Retorm••The Contested Elections—Postotrice Build ling Condemned Assistant Treasurership—Public Lands Located —Pay Their Respects. (By T.armas to the rittaberel Ga. La.. 1 WASHINGTON. November 5,18 V. =1 Representatives Churchill, I'eirma and Randall, the Sub-Committee of the Corn. mlttee on Electioos, after a conference to-day, decided not to go to South Caro lina to investigate the contested elections from the Third and Fourth Congressional Platricte. The reason for their action in that the Contingent Fund of the Ilouns Is exhausted of the moans neostwary to pay two or three hundred witness necetwary to be examined, in order to alTord full Information for the action of the House. Nothing more Will be done on the sub. feet until the meeting of Congress. The testimony In the Louisiana mem, taken by .the Uommittee on Elections, will make one thousand printed pages, and le now in the printer's handa. The testi mony in twenty other caller!. including the Covode and Van Wick contests, will cover probably six thousand printed pages. There are already about thirty contested cases. Gen. McMahon was before the House Bab-Committee on Foreign Alfairs yea terday, and gave a history of the causal of the Paraguayan war. He sibt It was Instituted by Brazil to extend monarchy and alliVerv, Ho himself was welt treat ed by Lopez, who la favorably discoed towards the Untied State, The Blies and Manterman din:lenity had been set tled before ho arrived in Paraguay. Max• Lerman. ne says, wan an English subject, and he would not have felt at liberty to Interfere In his case. His condult as Minister has been endorsed by the State Department. Ex Minister Worthington and J. Waltaoll Webb are soon to be ex amined. OhAOE LAND DEIIStON The Commissioner of the Land 011 es. bits written a letter to the Register and Receiver at Humboldt, Kansas, relative to entering the Osage lands in that 'hate. The joint resolution of April last confers the privilege of purchasing by bona fide settlers residing thereon, in quantities not exceeding one hundred sod vilify acres to each, the settler having certain prescribed quallficationa as to citizen ship. A person wbo has made a con tract to sell the land may acquire by title under the Joint resolution, Mitcannot be regarded en a bona fide settler. Of pia Investigation into the allegations agalnat Aaaistant Treammer Butterfield la still In the hands of Secretary Bout well, and will not be made public. Enough is known of It. cm:dents, bcrsr. ever, to warrant the statement that It Is not at all favorable to Gen. Butterfield. It Is not believed be was-directly Impli cated in the Fisk Gould conspiracy, but It Is hinted that he nr some of tan friend. were Interested in outside specutatlona IMEME=I To he Supreme Court to-tisy wan ar gued the case of the Coped smtea vs. George W. Ltne: mmesil from the Court of Claim.. It involves the detention in North Carolina waters of cotton which, during the rebellion, bad been Mt:might from within the rebel Ilnee and under safe conduct of the ia Hilary authorities of the United States. 17.1233=111 From late intelligence received through Mr. Thornton, Britnth Minieter, It ap. pears Her !deputy's government is WO pared to reduce the single rate of postage (or pre.patd letters between the United Staten and the United Kingdom to three pence. There to little doubt, therefore, of an early adoption of this measure of postal reform. I= For reasons not fully known, It la not railected that the Supreme Court will decide the legal tender caseh for some time to dome. From this delay the belief te founded that the decision la ad verse to the constitutionality of the law. PONTOIPPICE BCI DINO CONDEMNED. The Poatoffice at Nashville being unfit for use, the Poet manor Gen eral has Matsu:Med an agent of the ser vice In that fill:lawn to procure a suitable building In some other portion of the city. rualac [Aare botflavatt. During the . laat &bast year about 7,C 00.- 000 acre. of public land. were entered under the homestead and other laws. yielding Government_ betwcen 44,00900 our 1,5,000,000. THE AtIOISTANT TREAEU • TEHIP. No action testa taken ny the Cabinet to. day relative to the appointment of a cue censor to Asalatant 'boast:met Butterfield. RAILROAD DELEGATION A delegation of railroad men from Ten Delete° called upon the President this al lernoon, merely to pay their respects. ST. LOUIS. GloyernmentCorini struck by Lightning —lndian Born Coal Aloes. fey rokiripe to tbe ntn WO ) Sr. Louts, 'November 5.—A dispatch from Fort Harker, Kansas, to ,ienerai Eaton. Chief (Marten:muster of ibis der pertinent, oust The government corral at that post was struck by lightning on Wednesday, and sixty mule. instantly kilted and the building partially burned. A project la on foot here to form ■ com pany to purchase the Indian Rock fkial Mines on Green River, Kentucky. Very thorough practical toots bsye deenou• strand that the coal from Mr. mines I makes better Iron, smelting directly I rom the ore better wadeable iron for street car tall, end gm, than any- coal yet dis, covered on the continent. PEUDADELPHIA. sedan Convert'lkin—Womin tie Equal of stan.—starrtage tlings—No I.llvorens by the COurtil. [By Toloyrapth to the rittstoryb Gott Ito., PHILADELPHIA, NOTIMP beY G.—The Re form Convention of Jewish Rabble yes terday adopted resolutions favoring a change In the marital lawn, achnowledg. log the woman as the tqcral of the man. and providing for an exchange of rings a■ a part of the ceremony, and also aboi• letting .1111-arms by the Church, and leaving the power of divorees entirely-to the Judiciary of the States "Sing lo Me Wben . l Am Dyng•" Lity lotemosplt to the rlttebota °glottal CoNCIORD, N. H., November s.—Pike, wbo la to be hanged here on Thursday neat, for murder, makea a lequeet, which prpbabb' will ho granted, that a quartette of young ladies In Concord, who have often eung:4o him and other prisoners, - be allowed to Annan In his cell after be panto out for the ' Mil lltUe, and sang while preparations Miatinati Min Into eternity are being conolittlet hart is, after the oap has been drawn ever? bit face and while the strap are being' irk J tasted. Healia requests that no rotative ,of vlatizpi - chall be admitted to wit nesii hbk death. Andy Given ■ Banquet. TaltirraMi to MI rimburgh oar. ji.hemrimm, Nov. s,—Ea-Preald.iist Johnson gave a banquet to the mocriblihr of the Legislature, at the Stang .Honso, to-night. govornor fient.ot, Senator Fowler, and a number of Other dtsdrp gstrghed citizen., ware present. It was one of- the good agreeable Oniertain. mints everegiven In Nashville, and everything passed off pleasantly. Jebri son and mill.Jokoson men mingled MOMMely, nortiar snot (By Totograpti to the Pftfototsgb ll.tetd -1 CLEvsLAND, Nov. b.—Jacob Welch. Postmaster at New• Portage, last night shot and insiently killed a burglar named Win. Winter, Vb. was trying to enter Ma Mora Welch :had freqrteutly discovered TrlloBl , of depredsitionly and concluded to pot a stop to It and did so by watching for and ■booting the offen der. Winter's had served a terill to the ikestkustlavy for robbing the mall NEW YORK CITY New Loan at Four per Cent.— The Byron Scandal ♦gain— Another Alleged Defaulter— The Legislature f Telegraph to the PittsburehOszetta.) NKw Yong, November E., .....ThtiSun learns from Washington that Secretary Boutwell ix making arrange ment. to bring out a new loan at four per rent. interest, and it will he ctlidally an nounced at an early day. The Nun le deo informed that an agent of the Treas. ncy Balled for Burepe lu the ricotta on Wednesday last, with authority to nego bate with capitalism for a cmudderable part of it. The maximum rate of tots rest which he in authorised to treat for is four per cent. A long article on the Byron scandal, from the London Quarter/y.lm published, which contains a exnee of letters written by Lady Byran to Lady August* Leigh —lettere expressive of the varmint friond.hip, and written at the very time she was charged with one c•f the moat horrible crimes, and regarding her an the real cause of her separation from her boshand. The Sun publlch , n the rumor of the !butt,. of Seml. T. }Ratchford, a Deputy Coberms at the (Mecum Rouse, guilty of frauds, If such they prove, exceeding a ituartor of a million dollars. The Tribune Matte the Assembly at iieventy.two Democrats and fifty tux Re publicans, and the Senate seventeen Democrats and fifteen Republicans. La ter advice, indicate at least one and per haps two more Democrats chosen to the Senate. CINCINNATI Local Mblakey Guagtra being' Looted After—Death From kl)dropbobla—The itsbie-School Question, N 7 Telegraph to rare Pittsburgh Guettell el NeIN NATI, NOVOITIber6.—The wedal whiskey guagers sent by Commissioner Delano have jos; gone over the work of the local gaugers In all the distilleries in Hamilton county. In alz all was right. The remaining three had over three thousand barrels, of which two hundred and fifty were marked two per cent. be low the real proof. Among several thousand barrels examined, an error against the ilovernmout of live hundred gallons R. found. Thin is attributed to a mi.dake of the local gaugers, yid the distillers are not believed to be implica ted. William Ashley, aged twelve years, died of bydmphobia, In Covington, on Wednesday night. He was Munn last Christmas Eve. The first indication of hydrophobia was Tuesday. Owing to the Illness of Judge Storer, the care for on Injunction argument, oz• polling the Bible from the schools, was deferred till to-Morrow. '1 he L.l.tholic Tehgraph of yesterday contains the Indorsing: ••F nun the &tha t/WC theory that the rotate had authority to tax for education. separated from all religions Influence, the J-urnallatie sup. porters of school veered to ;he advocacy of religions Instruction. It was this transition that brought them into direct antagonism with the law to sustain the school system, that tramples neon the right. of Ottholica. That blintineas-has driven these defenders of the common school• tosecond the defeat. The first chapter In this school controversy is now closed. It ends with the triumph of law. Thesoond chapter will open with agita tion against taw Itself, In the name of Justine. and the right that both Protestant. and Catholic" have to positive religious instruction In separst, schools. If the school law. he coothded to secure denominational education for all, rattmlica will chow:fully pay their portion of the school fund. It thin wile amendment cannot ho made, taxation for school purposes meat cease. Now that the Bible has been excluded from the schools, If peofesied Protestor,* have been sincere In all that they have said to Its favor, they must agree with ea:ho lies In the scoond Inane of this question. Consistency Will make them ohr friends In the luture " Capt. C. F. Ilall. the A rr , .ic explorer, is le town with two F.aquicuaux. Ho was warmly received by his numerous islands here. The committee of the Board of Trade to night reported ■ visit to [tie uncom pleted Lerner, of the line of the Fort Wayne, Muncie and Cincinnati railway, and recommend acceding to the request efantd company for a loan of half • mil lion, at seven per cent. gold interest, payableterni-annnailly, the Conde to be taken up in 1889. Tots la for the com pletion of forty-two miles from Muncie, Indiana. to 131ufton. A connection via the Junction road will be thus made be tween Cincinnati and Fort Wayne. BRIEF TRLEGRARS. ' —The ateatombip City of Boadim,.from Liverpool, ban arrived at New lord. —Tbe United States custom receipt+ from ()ardor 23d totbe 301•, luelualvo were 113,134,10 a. —lt In nellmated that ono-fourth of the whole tomcat crop In Barren county, Ky., has been destroyed by the hue freeze. —Dent and Alcorn closed the cannel:a iv Mississippi at - Holly Spring. Thursday. Judge Dent left for Washington on a brief shot. —The hicCoole-Mien difficulty lose far matted that the light will come oil. Al. leo wax held in 12.tXM to keep the peace by a magintrate In Delhi township. —ffx-ttovernor Wicklifle's remains were conveyed to their last resting place at Bardstown yesterday. The Masonic fraternity to great numbers were In at tendance. _lt is reported that Samuel ;Match ford, a deputy Collector at New York, and nephew of Collector Grinnell's bondsman, has dimppeared, a defaulter to the extent of over a quarter of a mil lion of dollar.. —The property stolen on Thursday night from the Dorchester, Maas., Incur. anon Company, consisted of 114.85 0 United fitates honda, $6,000 In hank stock, and 12,60 P in bank bills. The los falls upon depositors. —Two children. aged two and (nor yean4 belonging to theory Huret, living on the W. S. Gilmore term, south of Hamilton, Ohio. wero burned to death Thursday morning. The mother was at a neighbor'. visiting. .Yesterday forenoon ground was broken on the Fremont and Elkhorn Valley Railroad. A large force of grad art-were on the ground, and Immediate ly wont to work. Ten miles of this road - will be completed this year. —Representatives of several Otto' tmanulacturing firma bold a meeting at -New York, Thursday, to oppose the ex tension of Smith and Wesson's patent. They will present a memorial on the sub ject .9 soon aa , Congress I.lloata. .—Jostah Bright was arrested In Phil., delplila Thunnisy by an officer of the Secret Service and taken le New York, charged with having counterfeit money tn. his possession. The, Commissioner hold him for examination next Monday. —Jame Mom, ails John Miller, once itla Meat skillful burglar In America, Who bas &Mien millions of dollars in the principal cities of the United States, baa Rua been sentenced to the Fentteptiary, for three months by Justice Dowling at Nett York. He was dying of consump. non and starvation. and stcle tbree dol lar.' Worth of flannel to get bread to est. —Sooners new colt, five years old} ' was driven, several days ago, to the Fashion Co urse, where Iloniter drove him, in a road wagon, half a mile at the rate of 2118 per mile, road wagon and driver weighing .9Q pounds. Be was then barmaid ton stalky and driven a I mile lie 2;19. Tee mit is a grandson of liambletoolan' and mat Bonner fle,ooo. lila time of 2118 is the rosiest ever rpsdp by a colt of tits ago. —A dispatch from New York mays: It was poaltively announced on Wall street 0111 Thpredsy that Decretary Sentare!l la prtnarlpg to throw a now loan on the market, tailing in all the fivectlientles tbat are rayable, and mking the rate of Interest four Fee cent. It is also stated that an agent of the Treason , Depart. anent sailed on the Mesa= Booth., last Wednesday, to consult with the fot clads and other Pt:opera' capita/WS , relative to placing this loan utionws out I foreign market, This action gro of a proposition of the ROIDISbiIdS some weeks ago In sending an agent here] but the American agent is not restricted to negotiattemi with that home. The pur chase, on Thursday. of One minion More bends than were advertised for Gan considerable comment, especiallyrt change of . policy WAS 1110 t =De shill about 8 r. IL., when bids had been under coninderstlou more than two DOUR.&M oral operators are suppcsed to have known of this intended extra purchase, pa they began to bid up the market kW PPP. lfap .ffilionrar44 PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1869. SECOIII EDITIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. JI NEWS BY CABLE Yacht Race—English Press on the Death of Mr. Peabody— French Court out Hunting— The King of Italy Sick—Ad miral Topete't Designation Accepted—Opposition to the Duke of Genoa—HlM Chances for Sin; Doubtful Boat Racing Tyne Crew Tie torA— Walter Brown Bough- 1 y Used (By Talrerapu to We Pllte.rgb Uuatte.l GREAT BRITAIN. Lon mi, Nev. b.—The News thin morning may.: Bennett means buttons. lie It reedy and willing to nil the Cam brat next March, ones at New York. If dehborgh falls to bring back the cup, it will not be for lack of competition, and if his onuipktilyint cannot tiqd a akar atria° and no 'favor In the itlintic in March they must be kiwi to please. The Post, In its obituary article says MV..Veabody was one of the few whose private virtues are followed by public fame, and whose virtues may` be cited at examples in laying the foundation of wholesome and cheerful home. for the working classes, lie acted upoo • high MOM of duty and touched the main eprioge of civilization. Ile made hie means the measure of bill philanthropy. Throughout hl• whale life, his conduct displayed • purity of character that could not fail to elevate and 11000 feel ings hill werairosity Inspired. The Telef . /rept\ says Mr. Peai ody's! lot was doubly happy—the inscription on hi. mausoleum may tell with ❑nques tlooed truth of the man who loved hie kind and served two countries. The steamships Java and Hobnail' ar. rimed today. The Tuts• mays the news of Mr. Pea body's death will be received with no common sorrow on 1 lth sides of the at lantic. Sentiments of regret will not be mere pawning tributes of gratitude to the munificent benefactor, who was a New linglander, who, when the South wn bowed down to the dust, stepped forward and claimed the right to succor It. He was no courtier, yet claimed and honord by sovereigns Re — was nrofuna In charity— was a philanthropist—liked as well no honored. There was nothing hard or narrow •boot this philantrephy. He humbly did whatever good came to his To morrow will be ■ holliday in Inn don, and the Frei:lance will not be open. goettn Vimorla will visit the city to pen tbe new bridge. The lib as of the live oared raves between the Themes and Tyne crew.. for 2'200, was rowed today, over the Thames course, from Putney to Mortlake, and the race wee won by the Tyne crew by three lanai h. A four oared match for two hundred pounds haa been arranged to take place on the Tyne, November 17th. After the rare on the Thames to day, Sadler, of the Teams. crew, e.aanerated by bla defeat, ahamefully &bawd and struck Walter Brown. the American oarsman. Friends Interfered and ore• vented the quarrel from limo...ding further. COMM Ps ats, November --The Court went nut hunting yesterday et Compolgne, the Emperor not prow... One of the electoral meetings held last night was dissolved by the pollee. Heart Rochefort. editor or the Lee terse, not out from Brussels yedarda his return to Parts- lin umehtaritie frontier he wan •rrested, but wee Pubes. quently relewond and fornivbed with oafs conduct by order of the Emperor. He then reuewed ft a Journey, and his ar rival here I. momentarily expected . h 1. rumored here that the King or Italy la mirk. No °Mehl] eontlrtrutten of the report ta ►et received. . 111313 NI a onto. November S.—A dutiral To p ete has positively refused to withdraw to. resignation. and It has been reluct antly sonepted. The Doinocrsts and Plogresalata are holding a pact confer ence to diecuce the sitnation and totopt a common worse of action. The critical mindition of affairs crest.. much pubilo anxiety. The oil , union to the Duke of Genoa are mastering their forces and or ganizing a general movement which la daily gaining strength against hie Wave lion to the throne. Signor ...meae has barn roles...oat from r .rlson. A batnilion of volunteers Balled rem Cadiz today for Havana. MEM= Tatar[, Nov. 6 —Le.patebee from Cataro announce that the Insurgents of Dale and Verblart have surrendered. At Wt accounts tmhoe were maroblog on Paboit. I=l Lostixiig, Nov. 6—Errwang —Consols for money 93%; on scream A merl e= Securities quiet and steady; Five. Twenties; 'UN., 142,i; e 3%; MX; Ton , Fortiea, 7754. Brie 2t. 1111 not• 101%. Atlantic and iireat Wellborn Lounls, Nov.6.—Tallow 40a. 9d. a Oiland t.I cask, quiet sd,mtand and steady, on spot I'd. for refined. Petroleum la. liNd.@la. Pd. Whale Oil 40.. Sperm 011 01. Caleatts Linseed Oil Mb, Petroleum at Hamburg film but unchanged, and at Bremen 7 thalers 20 groat. Cotton as Havre (Inlet at 13614 f., shoat. FRAN M PORT, Nov. 6.—Bonds 991 PAts, Nov. 6.—likinrse dull. Bente. 71f 27c. A PIT NV RRP, Nov. 5 nernang.—Petro. team closed firm and unchanged. LtranPoot., November 5. Cotton: mike for the week, 106 um hales, loch , ding 20,000 bales on &peculation and 24,- 000 balm for ext. - Jett receipts for the week, 44.000 bales, including 16,000 bales American; stock, estimated at 694000 balm, including 51,000 late. American; amount at ans. 541,900 hales, of which 68,000 bales are American; market to day steady; middling upland 1234 Or leans 12 4 .,; aa:ex of 12,000 baba: Alen cheater market Pisa favorable. Bread. stuff.; Wheat: receive, for three day', 25,000 quarters, of which 20,000 quarters are American; California white wheat lOs 34, ■ed western ilk red winter es 4d. Flour 23. Corn, mixed, 29. Oats Ea fkl. Peas 43, Pork 112.. s tit. Beef 86. Lard IL Cheese 69. llama 69; new product unchanged. SOUTH AMERICA. Negro Crown Sollerior Gael proem ?Teens petaled—cotton Crop—leal nave nepotistic By 7.1.p.0h to the re d mu tte. NEW Yon', NO /V. 6 —Specials from nirvana stale that the' negro counsellor, Constantine Burks, has boon made Crown Solicitor of Jamaica. Advjee. from VOUCZUOUI up to the= ult., date that Goo. PnlEter has again defeated the tiovernment troops near Ceara ffeSgMMEi The Weld Ntwe reeelysd from Ilsyti, says that .13eInsve'a treater have been sgsl,ll ilefre.ed by the Jecznel garrison, sgiehludhed forth and drove them as far si ipgoane, where they belted. HAVANA Havana Advice! tinintereeDng—CaPt• Gen. De Rhode. on RI, Trowels. =I iIAVAN A, November s.—An expedition composed of troops add volunteers re. °aptly lett this ally by sea and land to surprise a strona body of rebels at Chem pde F. mats. No newt le yet received hf the result. The /faro doubts the memos of the movement, believing the rebel' were apprised of it several data In advance, and that they have by this time withdrawn into the interior. taw.. Gen, Denudes has arrived et Ct. Ural Electlop. per TalfimPlti to th• rittottursh Oistwe.l ApiANIN .110Vember ft. —The 401.0 aiding 24000 majority in the Buie op Neleint otrer,Sigpl. The majority on &be balance of the ticket, they claim. will be laitger. The Argus claim. eighteen peatoollaht Sectetere and eeventy•tbree members pt tpelsoiebly. CHICAGO Third Annual Council or tile Evanweli tat Lutheran Church—Free Trade League Meeting.' CBI , 'roamh to the Pittsburgh Ossette.l Cittraoo, Nov. s.—The third annual Council of the .Evangelical Lutheran Church of North America commenced its twassiona In this city yeaterday. About seventy-five delegate* are present. littleA was done the lint day beyond the ery of the Prealdent's address by Rev, a W. Sctudrer, of Philadelphia.'-At the session this morning Rev. Sclimueker. of Pennsylvania. read the report of the Excentive Committee of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjacent States, which was adopted. The election of Milan* then took place, with the following result President, Rev. H. F. Kratel ; English Secretary, Rev. H. W. Roth; German 'Secretary, Rev. A. Spaeth: English Cur ! responding Secretary, Rev. IS. DL Schmuoker ; Norweigan Correeponding Secretary, Rev. O. I.llathaladt; Swedish Corresponding Secretary, Rev. E. Cort i eon. The remainder of theinornlng ars ' mon was devoted to formalities and the I appointment of committee as' follows: tin Minutes of teat Convention—Rev. J . Fry, Rev. C. Albrecht, 1.. Illelander, On Report of Treasurer—Dr. Bamberg Smith, Dr. Kennedy, Paul P. Keller. , Os Minutes of Synod, etc., R. T. K. • Probst, Rev. W. Drees*, Rev. Flab. burn, Rev. 0. J. I:fattest/Wt. Rev. R. Knoll, Rev. F. C. 11. I, mime, Itsv. J. L. ; I gtinesralt Rev. S. Klitigman. On Pre. ident's Report: Rev. Dr. Sobs, Rev. C. • Vole, Rev. J. A. Roof, Rev. Dr. Rasa rant. H. Leheman, Peter P. Keller, IL J. Rudisill. On Special Document; Rev. B. M. Schm ticker, Rev. Dr. Knuth, and G. A. Weneel. A young lady named Ella Horny, at Galva, Illinois, this morning while sitting by the stove Ignited her clothes and was so badly burned that she died In two bourn after. The Free Trader. of thle city held a meeting this evening at Falrwell Hall. The attendant wee very good, nearly filling the main body of the hall with reprolentaUve chicane of ail parties. Col. 3 W. Footer prodded. Unstated that be had never taken an active part In the political c00t...U.1 of the country, but had devoted almost his entire time to the deveiopement of the resources of the great ld boded ppl Valley. He was anxious now that this real question of free trade ind protection should be agitated and diacusaad by the people of the great west. They had too long been held by the leading Parings of the east, wenanst Inaugurate and assert a policy of our own, and that policy main be dictated by !airtime and equal Justice to all classes and sections. lie did not believe In taxing one class of people or one aeration of the country for the benefit of another section. at the conclusion of his remarks be Introduced Prof. Per. rs, of Willlam's College, Willismatown, blase., who addressed the meeting length. ST. LOUI3 Capt. VI a...Langton tMmand• Rod Gets • ('•mmtttre of le•nttgatlon—Mor e Bodice Vou ad. Teta/nob to the rti.taborgh Gasaite. HT. LOUlti. November S.—At the urgent request of ('.ph. John T. Washington. commander of the Nub Marine No. 11, who Is atleatal to h ave acted very t e he - Ix McHenry county, Illinois, eleven manly In passing the steamer Stonewall when she was burning without attempt- ; chess factories Übe the milk Of three thou and four hundred cows, and pro- • log to render any aid to the drowning duced during the past season one million re and crew, the President or I the Me rchant's Exchange has appointed six hundred thousand pounds of cheese. a committee today to investigate the A tours-sr of traveling theatricals, affair. Several of the crew of the Sub- from Chicago, it is said, are on a rwind• Marine were examined under oath, ling tour through Otdo towns. Front the tenor of their evidence being that Crichamile they departed In the night when they passed the Stonewall she war time, /am week, leaving sundry bills on almost entirely destroyed; that they saw no person on the boat or In the water, paid. noanima'. in the water; nobody on tin, AII tninEnka who wee hanged at Exe. .bore. and no evidence that there ons he, England, lately, stated during his ntlytody on or about the wreck. The . incarceration that tee Ides of shooting his e‘,Plr'eltiee seemed to he that the ham ' e.ctire wee suggested to him by the pie lug coat was the Colorado and that the lure of a similar occurrence in the Polies Stonewall had panted and taken bar ; brass. • erew and passengers off. It was In evidence that Cepa. Washing. A 'amain in ILessathusette having Viiillitettlited• that if be could sael.nit ;filed tub year four thousand bushels of , &Meal Struggling for life Le would potatoes, Item one hundred and tom TS i vaned to and render it sesiatame; but It I Sales, consideni the Worcester seeding wee the general ° P l.l°. of toe orn..r• the best and the Gleason the most pm , that there was nu niteemity for landing " ctlve an there was no one vtlible to assist, Or. I den were given to keep a sharp watch Tea Free Will Baptists have voted to ; for any demonstration of life, but bons move the Theological School from New , was seen and the boll passed on. Hampton, N. H., to linffelo, N. Y., pro ! The Investigation Will be continued to.; ruled $lOO,OOO can be secured for grounds and buildings, and 800,000 for endow , morrow and martial! the crew are exam- 1 , toed. meat fond' A letter from Capt. dated Nee-Shaw, ley 'a landing, November 5, ma": "Five I Two humorous young ladies of Circle more tealles have been ~feund at the Mlle, Ohio, wrote, bogus order one doe wreck of the Stonewall. The aerial[ will tor's slate, and were glad, berme they got , bo continued. The bottler found, are through with the still more humorous al:mooned from letters and other r physician, to pay him one hundred dol deuces on their persona to be lOU. lace to let It drop. Rinds. Chad FL Johns, Wm. McGee, CoLonsoo la composed of nineteen John Skold, who bed lived Terra Haute, I I and another haat, g nottnothing on ta m t o counties. Summit county, the largest, is Indicate his 1.1110. so extensive that the whole of South --•••.- TEXAS Dlnerence or Opinion between tbe Gov ernor and Gem ille)nolda. ley Telegraph tome Putaharga 00.-tw 1 liwr.vmtTom. November G.—The Pro. visional Governor -has •potted for an• thorlty to manne the ordlnannea adopted by the 110°one:ruction Convention, but General Reynold. ban decided that they are isot valid, and any■ the ratlOcallon of the Conathutlon will not In any degree validate and make of form these ordi monies. PMOIAL Min JULIA C. ADDIBUTON WWI elecird Hoprrintendent of Common Schools in Mitchell county; lows, at therreaeat Ono Liao. GEN. Wool. was quite seriously In Jared recently bye fall while walking on the piazza of ills residence at Toy, New York. Ex HEAD CENTICR STIMNX7III, • the Fenian, is sold to be In Paris, In great povery, .last able to keep alive by giving lessons to English at ten cents an hour. Pianos, the inthor of the story of the loss of the Powell expedition, has been convicted °Thome-stealing In Illinois and sentenced to the Penitentiary for Linen 'tank Gan. Br:waxen, the first captive of General Kraut, baa had his. Kentucky property restored, and la now working to get back into his hands certain properly in Chicago. Two years ago Amy A.. Johnson sued Edmund D. Smith, at Chicago, for Welsch of Promise, claiming damages to the amount of $5,000, but the Me laid compromised, 11Iss Jobitsoat accepting $1,200. Mr. Smith a re* months since removed to Pittsburgh, and Miss John son has again sued, in oar District Court, for $5,000. Mr. Smith proposes to coa ts et the case, and by this end Is now tak ing testimony at Chicago, which is said to be of a "highly interesting" nature. at anted Them Sorted Again. The following story from the Abend. geuung, the German evening paper of Chicago, deserves translation. It rays: "It was a small but merry company that met laid (Tuesday) evening at our friend Kenkers, under the Sherman Home. Brittle followed bottle In rapid =cession, and the 'taro' of the Imbibers was the most exalted, But finely came to a re. action, a drowsiness ov,ertook them:W=- 4 " g ity, al l but four departed. This q ette hasollt . so. obly th at the held wait Item ly strewn with th eir bodies, and was required to get them home. deco ly the proprietor called a carriage from the stand, opposite the way, and with Milli. culty deposited a customer in each cor ner, He then turbeslro the driver and ... Instructed as followk " 'biz one on de left corner drige to No. West Randolph street. Ilils one In the right corner you must take to the 1 marble front on Union street, near the Baptist church. You must take him up de stain, and tell his wife not to light mit him. Dad leetle feller in the back seat I take to Milwaukee avenue, by Schulize's : next the ow's Hall, and deodder one lives lake= Park.' Thedrtver, with an ' right,' slammed the door of the carrier" mounted hie seat and wits off. "Mr. }Centel and his 'doe' set tinge O to rights in the E*, .444 In abont wen- ' ty minutes weed ready to close the WOOD, when the Identical marriage again hilted before the door. I"What's the matter?' Inquired the proprietor. " *I have mct with a tad mishap,' an• flounced the driver. 'ln Pluming sharply around a. corner tie jolt of the vehicle I threw them all into a hap. Ikm been trying to right th em, bat can't tell which ' fropi 'tother. We'n't you Or a= to sort theta spin?'" CiENIRIL NE ws. Fiv. hums now rivals Chicago In the matter of divorce suite. exchlucts arc trying to In vent earthquake houses. THE recent fire in the Dismal Swamp exploded hundreds of shells thrown into it during the war. SWEET POTATOES too big fur stove wood and too small for dug outs are Kansas productions. Tarr claim to have a musical genius ; in Rochester, Minn., who whistles the Brat and second parts of a tune at the same time. SENATOR WILLEY was &lightly injured by so accident to a train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, scar Grafton, on Wednesday. Tux street car drivers of New Orleans, ! who act also as conductors, have struck for sixty dollars a month. The managers ' offer fifty five dollars. A raw days since Maria (iron, daugh ter of Christian Grose, of New Philadel phia, Ohio, died of lock-jaw, resulting from a cut in the hand. Two thousand bushels of onions were nixed on Leet'a Island, Conn., this year, and the farmers are selling them at sev• , linty-five cents a bushel. Ton Western talon Telegraph Com- piny owns 90 per cent of all the tele graph lines of the country, and has about 4,000 men In its employ. TEIx effort to raise $BO,OOO for the Col- , versa) , of Vermont has been completely successfuL Of ibis sum, $40,460 was , subscribed at Burlington. _ Hi m& Mootinotraft, the English EYSIP I genet, arrived at Wheeling on Wednes. day, awl held service in the evening in the P irst Presbyterian church. STIAPIEVILLE has had another "jail delivery," two prisoners escaping through the aperture made by two others who gained their liberty some weeks ago. . Du.. Tags, of Maine, says that the .rattlestiake has not crossed the Andros , - cog& river, and that there are no pole °nobs reptiles or insects east of that river. A RAW Is about to be made in Cincin ' nati upon merchants and others who thrust their signs across the sidewalk, a I city ordinance prohibiting them from so ' doing. AT 011113ell011, Indians, s few days ngo, because his mother would not give turn money to attend a fair, Stanley Clark, eighteen years of age, shot himself with a pistol with fatal effect. to Is proposed to found a hank-note es: tabfishruent in Washington. A munifi cent opera house is also In contemplation. It is to be situated near the State Depart. went, and to cost $250,000. A Damien in San Francisco has Invent ell a "shampooing helmet." It fits close to the bead, and has no crown. The suds are poured In, "sloshed about," and then ran off by means of a tube- Ar Crichsville, Ohio, on Saturday last, Wm. Watson, not feeling well, took, so he thought, some epsom salts, but it turn ed out to be oxalic acid, and ha narrowly eecsped death from its effects: Carolina, with half a dozen Rhode Islands appended, might easily be crowd ed within Its limns. A Rowas Catholic pnest In &Aisle, haslzur bscome a Mason, bas been exams municated by the Bishop, and ordered to be imprisoned •`untll he should abjure Masonry and fulfill the penance Imposed upon him." 1 N S• P LEMONS In SL LOUIS cannot be Bent to an asylum by the county Court unless they have resided in the county one year. Those who have no residence are, therefore, consigned to the Work. House as "vagabonds." ON IC Samuel G. Lyons, recently re leased from the West Virginia Penitenti ary, where he served two years for lar ceny, wan an escaped convict from the Western Penitentiary in Allegheny. He has made himself scarce. A max year old boy was recently "ahipped" by express from Jackson, Michigan, for Parkersburg, West Va., having the usual express direction fas tened in a button hole of blamed; charges 416, and the cost of board. A TOUNG lady of Canal Dover, Ohio, (name not given,) lately eloped from her home, by arrangement with her lover, whom she expected to meet at Canton, at her uncle's; but before seeing him her father appeared upon the scene and saved her, It is thought, from ruin. A corms-umiak keeper In Cincinnati a few days ago went Into a tack yard to I exercise his dog in killing rats, and while engaged in this amusement fell into a cellar way, where be was found helpless and speechless twentylour boars alter i ward, and was at first cupposed. to be I drunk. A rumens'. returned to the hot* of his brother and sister in Pontiac, Michi gan, the other day, and was received with open arms, ate the fatted calf and all that sort of thing, and two days thereafter `Guilt a nice lire with kerosene oil under the bedchamber in order to burn them to death and secure the property- In Rockland, Me., the lime kilns are running doy and night, turning out large quantities. The kilns which were des troyed by fire last summer are all rebuilt. Most of the kilns now Jn operation are what are termed "patent" kilns, which bunt coal as well as wood, and are great fuel savers, besides producing more and better lime.. Its an old house In Danbury, Lt., the other day, a well-preserved note was Ibund, issued under the act of Congress of February 17, 1770. It was for "one e:o of s dollar." On one side, among other things was the motto, "Mind your business," and on the reverse Bide • circle Icomposed of thirteen links, representing the thirteen States. A Bonen; shoe manufacturer is nego tiating for a contract to employ three I hundred convicts In the Virginia Pent aentlary in the manufacture of boots and shoes. Oov. Walker has the proposition ! , now under consideration. 1! accepted, ' the contractor will immediately Invest 450,000 In permanent machinery, and the like amount In stock. Ban use and boys in St. Clairsville I Ohio, were In the habit of playing card; In the Friends' Meeting House at that place, and leaving It In bad condition for meeting purposes. Finally they culmi nated In Infamous conduct by placing therein a dead skunk, since when the Friends' hove been Wade to occupy the Einlidlng as a place of worship, Two of the students at Bowdoln 001. lege were expelled last week; On Satur day a large number of students, fantastic- spy waged, formed la procession, arid accompluikd by s band of musk, escorted their comrades In the cars. Arriving Mere the band played, songs were Sung, and three cheers given to the expelled students as the cars suited off. Two boys near Columbus,. angora deceased confederate 41= thirty "cresol . tented land this year, com• met:thing on the capital of one pony. They supported themselves, mother and sister, and raised three bales of cotton and one hundred and fifty bushels of corn, which are worth five hundred and seventy dollars—their capital for a fresh start next year. THE l . v. Supreme Court has render. ed a decision in a gas company case that interests all enemies of monopoly. The Memphis (Tenn.) Gas Company had a contract with that city, guaranteeing to the company the monopoly of the bust. nese within the city, and on that ground enjoined the (tayoso, a new company, from laying Its pipes. The Supreme Court has, however, sustained the new company. A Snot xi,: strair ie reported in Pen delton county, West Virginia, on the 27th ult. Felix Myers, who resides on the North Fork, went with his wife and youngest child to attend a prayer meet ing some where In the neighborhood, and while they were nut their house took tire and four ;children, the oldest eight and the youngest three years old, burned to death. They had retired to bed and their charred bodies were found together. AT Hillabor°, Ohio, on Saturday even ing lest, John Patton while on his way to visit his affianced bride, to whom he was to be married on the ith, was thrown from his horse, and, his loot remaining in the stirrup, dragged a considerable distance, receiving injuries from which he died on Sunday night, remaining un til the last In an unconscious state, un able to recognize stricken friends as sembled at his bedside. TIM Commissioners of Public Charities and Corrections in New York, some time since purchased the ship Mercury, and converted her into a school ship, after the model of the Massarlrasset■ float ing reformatory, the pupils being boys taken from the public Institutions on Blackwell'! and Hart's 'eland!. The experience so far has been very satisfac tory, and arrangements are making to accommodate a larger number of the Juve nile tars. Ia Decembec, 1861, Henry Willets. then treneuret of Weachester county, N. Y , absconded, being a detaulter to the amount of $lBO,OOO. His sureties were called upon for $150,000, the amount of the bonds given fur him, but they refused the demand. and suit having been enter. ed a verdict was rendered in favor of the county, but an appeal was taken and the verdict set aside- Since then many el. forts have been made to secure another trial, bat the defendants in every instance have succeeded in obtaining a postpone ment. A WEEK or two since Abraham Albert, eighty-two years of age, residing at New Philadelphia, Ohio, by his own request had performed upon himself a surgical operation for calculus, from which he had suffered much for six years. The operation was successfully performed, the physician removing a stone about the site 01 a partridge egg and weighing I ounces, brat the patient was too old to re cuperate from the oft cts, and died on Sunday last. Tux City Council of St. Paul, Minn., has ordained that "it shall sot be lawful for any woman of evil name or fame to ride In a baggy, carriage, or other vehicle in the city of St. Paul, or voluntarily walk. or appear in cpaipmny with any person upon the streets of said city; or enter into any saloon, restaurant, or eating house in said city, and any person violating any provision of this section shall be arrested forthwith by the police, and punished by • tine of nut exceeding one hundred dol lars." TISK Moundsville (W. Va.) Council recently passed an ordinance levying a tax on town doge of $1 on the first, $2 on the second, $4 on the third, $43 on the fourth, 1111.1 so on, doubling the tax on every additional cur. It is regarded as a singular coincidence that on the night following the passage of the ordi nance a gang of the town dogs made • raid on J dozen sheep intended to he slaughtered for the subsistence of the Penitentiary convicts, and killed a num ber before they could be driven off. As old mortgage for the sum of sioo, given fifty years ago, on a tract of one hundred and tiftyalr acres o f land of the Wisnerburgh patent, weld of the Erie Railroad, In Elmira, N. Y, has recently turned up to plague the present holders of the property, of whom there are probably over two hundred. The mort gage is held by the loan erimmbudoners for the State, and the Interest has been paid regularly until recently, when It ceased. Somebody will' have to pay the $lOO, or the whole property, now worth a vast ■um, will be fold under the ham mer. Ton leaves of California chaparral have been discovered at Ban Francisco, pat up as tea It seems that the leaves of this and other shrubs are gathered in great quantities upon the California coast, and packed in bales and shipped to China, whence, after being &leo and prepared by some process unknown, it is returned to San Francisco, properly put op in packages and branded and sold as a superior quality of tea. While there Is nothing absolutely poisonous about the leaven of the chaparral, its effects upon the system are very disagreeable, and de cidedly prejudicial to health. Ton hydrate of chloral, the ametthetie discovered by Dr. Liebright, of Berlin, bet summer, is rapidly coming into favor with the profession. A paper was read before the New York Medical Society on Monday evening, by Dr. Jacoby, which bore strong testimony to its merits. It mid that the chloral produced insensi bility when the most powerful narcotics failed, inducing long, peaceful and re freshing sleep, without nausea or sicknors of any kind, and exhibiting masked su periority over chloroform or ether. Ole. en with water, mucilage or orange peel It was a pleasant medicine, which children would take with smiles Tun "Almana" is the name of a pees. liar settlement near Marengo, In lowa. The colony consists of a succeulon of smut villages, seven in number, lying along the lowa river below 'Marengo. It was orgenized in 1855, and now contains about 1,300 inhabitants. The colon owns 20,000 acres of land. The first vi t. lege settled, called "Almana," Is much the largest, and is a town 01 400 inhabit. ants. It is the parent of the others, and the principal officers reside and carry on the operations of the colony here. The colony Is conducted on the principle of having all things in common. They are a religious reel, and all who join them must conform to their views. They are all Germans AT TELE Woman's Rights Convention, In Hartford, last week, Mrs. Celia Bur. leigh spoke words of comfort for old melds. She mid: "I trust that the time draws near when no woman will feel compelled to marry for a home, nor to marry at all unless the believes that in that relation she can live a larger and more beneficent life than she can alone. I believe that 'womanhood is a greater fact than wifehood, or maternity; that we should aim at being' good women, rather than good wives and mothers. I would have no woman despond at the thought of being an old maid. I honor the single wo man, and predict that the time is not distant when they, rather than the ma•. t ied, will be the distinguished and hon ored clam." TUE "short and long of it" is the cap. TORE FOR RENT.--In good loe•Ilon for . WaddelTT.~ infulshis• none. rraie Y ;:lii=VAßZ ".. &tree.- Hint low. Lismwdlate nosaistao. lion of a Cincinnati reporter's annoance. I sc , CIITIIO3.Ia & SONS, 30 illisto a. 8129111. ment of the arrival in that city of tho "smallest man in the world," Col. J. 11. Chaffin—being Mat twenty-lumen inches high and weighing exactly twenty-five poimde—accompanied by his brother C. C. Chaffin, who lasix feet four and three- quarter inches high and weighs two hun dred and ten pounds. They hail from Liberty, Bedford county, Ye., and the Colodel will be forty-four years old on the 22d proximo, while his brother was forty -2 ve on the 22d of baguet last. The re porter says further that the Colonel wears a full snit of hair, moustache and adds ken, dresses In military fatigue uniform, and when called upon and "interviewed" was partaking or a hearty dinner of roast turkey, vegetables, milk, 'Chu. MST bays a Model Collector of Cus toms at Port Martin, Mich. On Monday last au excmaion party arrived therefrom Montreal, over the Grand Trunk Rail road, composed mostly of railroad pee . plA'• - •lnclucUng Mr. Potter, of Ragland, President of the Grand Trunk Road, and. Mr. Brydges, the Managing Director. They had the directors' car of wi t h rand Trunk and propostrd to go on A la C. NO. 258. Chicago and 1.0u,5. Rut before pro cee d," th e Lector demanded that B duty of sl,24J,tri 0.0,1. he paid on the car, and in n were al! protests, the as sertions that it was not intended to keep the car in thin country, and pointing to the fact that cars run into and out tat ('an. ada every day, on roads that roan, ct, without thel payment of any duty. The Collector was obdurate, however, and actually collected the money before he would let the tourists go on. Additional Market. , b Telegraph Nem Uni.s..,Ns, November s.—Cotton: receipts for the week were 38,106 bales, alien for the week were 34.50 hales, ex ports to L'verpool were 2,90 Salm, to Havre were 3,760 bales, to Bremen 0,046 bales; to coastwise 20:46; Stock; MI 244. Market closed dull but staler, 213 , ,,(5.,244r for middlings. Receipts to day were 7.161 balm males of 4,700 bales, Coilse firm, fair at 1.5(.915%c: prime et Widaky dull at 8 1,200,1,22. Other articles unchanged. Gold 127. Sterling 370,. New York alpht par (. Si discount.. NAstivit.i.r., Nov. S.—Cotton—low mid dling 23 , 4 c, good ordinary Mc. Wheat red 111.0 S, smiler 81,10, white 81,13641,20. Corn 81,00. Rye It. Barley 61,25. Oats 6.6 c. Flour /547 for superfine to fancy. Bscoos-,fides Mc, hams Mr., shoulders 17.,c. Lard 190. DETROIT, Nov. s.—Flour very active, the demand exceeding the supply, at 85,50403,76. Wheat--extra white quiet at 11,201,21; No. 1 quiet et $1,121i; em her In moderate demand at $1,05, regular nominal. Barley unsettled at $1,7 3 1g 11 , 36 per contai. ccErw ADVBR arTHE NEW CHAPEL OF TEEN (TV CHURCH, Sixth el Avenue, t, open (or Divine gente on EItiNII•Y (to memo) MORNING and EVINING, at the oat bo(ra, 11,4 0. 111. and •!, rgy — THE FIRST METHODIST Nate nII H 7 ~.I H M i .Y r nOWT , HEI ,Nuo ) Preuhlny ZVILIrr Saunayu. at 10)a a. x. anal T r. Pantie cordially invited. rar C RIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ALLEO EMS T.—The Rev. BENI. Y. tl 11. A IKE. It clot.ll otiletsie at di vine atrvkc this Church on TO-kttIItITOW at halt-put ten M., and tiadf...ant seven o'clock r. t4rFIRELT CHRISTIAN IIUKVU con. sod I( oragamr, avenue. Allr_ghcmy laity, .1, 'SEP H K I NU. Preattlinst TO. MORILOW. (Lord's 0.• I . 10`s • 0. sod ki r. 0. Nests vstirely Dee and • cordial invitation to arFIRST CHRISTIAN CHU - UCH DT rlTTlSHlntlifi t W. B. Gray, ?aster. to elatedly In NEVILLE HALL. corner of Liberty and ?earth streets. Services every Lued, Day at 10‘s A. it. sad TS* r The panne are cordially Invited. far raTTspuliGH CHURCH til:1 LI) —The annual Illeet,ror the Otald wilt be bald la th. new Chapel of trinity , porch. A.. nue. Go SUNDAY NEXT, at r . it. The annual reports will be presented, mud apropriste ado reues will he delivered by toe Bishop. by the Bettor of Trashy. and othars. The attendance or all Interested to the wort of the Guild 19 Welted. rgraIERAIATI EVANGELICAL LUTHENAN en OUCH, itieveral bye • «IA NILO sm.". It v. J. N. W. tiTUCHIiN • it CHO, 111.0, To.)-MU/160W, at 10). A.ld utd tit. r. r. runday tietriol N. 9 r. N. /oaten and Prayer blearing WaIiNESD•Y I YEN' alln. Friends of the emigre/ANN" and parr r cordially I witted. Seasa free. erILINITEIRSALSST cuuncn, corner street and Thin, Avenue, are. W. 3i. V• 1 / 1 .11A.H% eamarr. tlereleve ILVirall DA Y at 103 a A. x and T r. Y. rrn, welcome to all. Sunday Betto el 9 A. 31 rand will rult I. Novemn, lth, Mr. t o De Maga will drove,, the four h eta, ofthe tmvular oor, a. 000)001: ••Loanng and Working's rjrILIEDIf 'ATION.—The Na rrestreterian ['numb or elwow E.ld. 10th ward. will tate Plate on next liabbattk, NOV. ?, 18. V. Rev. J. Wilson, D.D.. will wear% 10 , . o . flua 0. N. - . . . W. D. oward. .I/ o' c l o ck r. R. . B. lielllvaina at Tao mall, are caralaDy lorlte.l to a. wad. tar P Ifl BIEETING.-The people of Allegheny and adjoining tore 'blot ore re•op,tfully nottgled that toe al • 'tt •let ut Public 31oetlere ro.etne la the t't I AME.Io II A g.oT clltleCH, ea Water .treat. Altepnenr, Trt ORSIt AY. Nov. I lta. ler the peep .. of e.,n2pl. Ong prtlanhadeoe to send de tint , • Lathe' °LONE.• M EN'a NA TIONAL LAlttelt CONVENTION, which will • • assemble lo IV s.hington City, 1). C., the ten Monday of December, 11162. TEE =flatus rill by oresalted A will o'e.ocut M. Several neat tv cocoa deliver wddiveses. •11 emu, of both sem.. who ue istereetod Dm act- Joon:mut of the ereat question of labor. With reference to I lb sexes, am o.rdlatqlxvited be present &no participate to the dellhatstlons of the meet me. . . .• BENJAMIN T. rULPIALSE, AltaeN UuWARD. Julio B. LUCAo MEAL o /kt Y. 0. 6 B. 1. MEAL , . Ch. fI. W. A Id 10 - CANCERS. TUMORS, lIL. egg., /le.—Astonishing and almost allesculont cures hr Cancer are being daily made by Dr& g- H. KLINE .1 CO.. at the Philadeloth, Calmer Innen:Lary. %M Arch hereof, Philadelphia. Pence., and It the branch of fice lo charge or Pronessor E. O. DaLToN, Ise Kim rot-, Cinetnetail, Ohio_ She treatments ion,' are Cancer •ntidotes, lb< too.t telentille ant soecessf- I known In Ito elvllleed world. not ttttt le, eat's/ or burning medi cines. They glee Iltt ror nu pain. They aIW en dorsed by the best surgeons of tee ago. No other parsons haea these antidote. No other treatment should to lobed. For particalare eall or address A.l above. n06:q311 TM, FDH SALE. A LA WYE MAW PRICK MOUSE, nab tot 33,110 het, on Male. tear Batter @treat. 17th nard. I Lawrenceville disart..l). booth Is pleasantly located In soviet and demob. swum borhood, 00115.10, hR rooms, Ineliadlos 0(010, cub and bath rooms; warble mantles through vestone° cora'rei sod ctotra Were In parlor... stibulet and ball; stone and trod window and door anis: thsida shutters, eta. root. Alto gotber, a substantial. eJUS extent and bonne Posaesalon Oven laniardlataty. le ggin, or U.l. WILLIAMS. Weal ,stale sod 1. samara Anent. nth Ward, Pittsburgh, PA, opooalta at, John's Episcopal Church. sod gall 1870. DIARIES. 1870. Pocket and Counting House, I= W. EL HAVEN & CO., Car. Wood RI and Third Aram HAIR JEWELRY FOR nit: .. HOLIDAYS. reithas dralrbsa to Iwo Harr Jewelry made law holleay proximo, would do well to leave Welt Orden nth, 1O be gam 'to ham them la Proper limo. W. have a *ample Mob, from which you ems avian anything to the Jewelry lirm vett with mid. WATTLES & SHEATEIEL 101 lITTEI AV11.11111., abov• 83allbilleld street RARE AND • FASHIONABLE CONFECTIONS POE PRESENTS. UEO. BEAVE7I, =I kDININISTRATOWS NOTICE. —Wberem letters of selpaetatratlon kar ts, es inkute4 to ise .detoWned es the es tate of GELMIJIC 801.11 h law of ZeKeespoet. ?a., deed, MI peewit. Indebte4totbraddsstat• req Milted make Immediate payment, nod ho tse haying cla ,o ims or demands aplut thews taw or Me raid decedent will make twos the ease without delay to Mrs. kV 80LIEZ Adosistatzstrix, W. Z. HARRISON, Admietstestor, non:qZ a Me/Leesport, Ps. VIooIE4IIIIIITS AND DRY FRUIT. 111 bsis Poo Nolo; 5 do re.ebea: 1 do Peol-d do: To or 2:10 r A Z: AM \A DICKEY Al ro. SCARLE'T IVOM.EN Vi UNDTRWZA lon ,R , Old 61.10 /310ektpg *4 tth Arvaue. PLAINLAIN AND FANCY C14111E1) , RAVELRin MIMS. PatLlal . o d Walla blackleg More. 94 ilftbsmeana . ADIEP AND CIULDBENYA la &WO HNIT JACILDI AND BACQUAN As JANIS rLDCLANV Old Mad Movltlng non, 44 rift &nem. r AHDIrS , MID CUILDBE,UPA IasS,asJANES M O LN SOAd SS ad BKT lag Blare, 314 filth imam BUCK 'GLOVES AND AFITITain. • J1111:14 Ptts,LANns tn 4 fltan4 th`oo4ll/1 Sure. 94 MTh smut*. IlDireiVAT.-9. car loads ken. TV timky While a superior %stela - pas arrive, Prr sale In . DICEZY & MINEANIUTI4.-67 ttapnow Lad log bon newer mom. gbb.n.for by Dlusiii Ph THE WEEKLY GAZETTE 1. t.t. Mail cheapest ,ommerrtal and family vropa,r t,e4l In Western I,lo.7lrsals No farmer. me,salr tuerrLant a • pg:r sulltteri, t Int,tor RS, •.1- I=l vy or a caul. a ten I . .attn.terl an nquemed PENNIMAN, REED 44 CO. EZZIZZI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS, 167. 16S, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are po. prepared le RATIO . Vl.NOlit 1.4,ce MA 6 IC KT RATIO. Attention le pae• tkalar.• call. d .0 our EXTRA 'WINE VINEGAR. o=o VALUABLE LAW BOOM = 13E=I! SHEARIII•N 2 REDFIELD UN THE LAW O► =2 I==l I=l I=l I= =I =1 EC= I=l I=l FOR SALE BY KAY dr COTIPANY, 66 Wood Street. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE 17 RERERY GIVEN that the EA. lowing Accounts of Executors. Adnatralstraisma. (In'ardlans. tr., fosse Leen dull passed Is the Registers Ottlre. aunt crul be prescsd..d . to the Orphans Court. for coultrmetlon and allovaacch on MONDAY. Dec...mos, Orb. 1969: No. L. cepa. of W. 14. and H. Sqlms Mc- K ee. Extruiors of Thomas McKee. cee'd. BUN Ant. Mb. 1460. . . -. Y. AV., of of W h. aniff U. Mo. Eatout If • o , Prnderfek Moitta, need. Fflea t. 11th, 1860. No. 3. ?foal •en...ont of John Wig sarftvnin Ent cotor .* f• John Quinn. doofn. Y 11.4 An. . No. 4 neat account of Jo-ph Ftirby, 44- eitelet.ator .e 4. W. DulusA eue•d, 711,1 Aug. 19th, 11M9 Nu &. Arcount of H r. Xaeller, dlsn of mLuor of *brawn, H. Hess, 4e0.4. riled Aug 14,A. 1.80. No. C. loloal ouot of A lei. Politic", Eire. utar of Sazul.. 1 SI celerry, urea. 111r..1 .og. 14436 1669. No. 2. P.n.. smd Coal .o.olinH oyz! Marl on . Admulbara , rtx or How.. YrfAtal deedAU. 16L4, 1069. No. S. Ae onatla E. H. Mignon. Hag, ••. 14.1...-Atnr of Hobert r loss, d.e•d. riled AN. oth, 1609. - • No. 9. Sisal ao oaot of John 4 WNook,Oar dtanoe Panels Hass, soy, Me.. ladasle hlo9sUis Plied Ass. 91, 1809. No. 10 Final sooonla of Jolla N. llllPoelk ardi. or Al re liar. 1114.1. 1 bosons Hass. des.d Plied Aug. Et, 909„ d. 11. ringl Ass ons. of Visa 2109,0201.2.0. soloistrstex of Correlles Elossaand. d.. 4. Istisd Ass. 27, 1889. No I*. Plual sossou. of A. N. Ilart,2•Anhea of trsto,l. A. P. stars Plod •ag. 21.1029. N 0.13 Account of Jos. P. HLII.e, /seesaw of baralsills be, deed. Plied Aux. 31, ISMS. No. 14. at and psystal eeroeafor J. 89 U. Kelley..Adsnlalsussor, of /WOr. Lataty, ow e& tiled Avg. 22, No, 10. Plnal account of //Armes Osigsg.A.l. nios-stl o f.Jseol, Usiger, , e`d. 1124 Ass. WI, 1889. - - 00. 14. Account or Joe , ph P. Higbee. actlng Rxecipor uhodteth IC/4c, deed. 111.4 AA& 31. lA6II. No. 11. /lest sod 1001 accatmtof Daeld Adounotropor of Kama H. Noµ detra. her, 1. 1141.. No. IS The fourth account of Botch .Rd oess Wightsna 1t n% Of Jams, 111414- toe, doe,. TPcd dept. 1. 1169. No. 19. copouceptatol a -count of John T. locran, Admint.trator C. T. A. of Taos. 114/M,, I Ad. •t• d /flied rect. A. 1999. No. 80. Account of Thomas Fa4cett. Adag4- 14rator of botch Lauchlln. dec'd. /Um 21•14. A rag. ha. 21 0. coati and partint eteocutof D. R 1..- beet ..a J. A. tiartoo, Ldtallustraeoca of 7- /114 Ramos.deed. /Con Sept. 3, 1469. No. 119. Plea and pultal .foo=ll of Alon e 14 Those pnAl, Aoutioletrator of Llauttl /lied Sept. 3.1469. N0e1.,4 letret ofd 101 l ...uncut of WIRI4III Executor Ruud /Wafers. doo.d• 11114 " e; 4 i4 1 . 8 ; 9 1.;11 acrouut of /amok B• 1144. Ottardlao or minor heir. of luso 14441444. decd. .111.4 rect. 9.1469. . . • • . . N - o A 6, Atoms. oi Noward Neffforffs6, r.O. "".tor '', Aaron L. Botfo. &AO , pint lir . Jo, 1869. No. 6. Mal moor ant of Jamos oachrtfl, 610.61f0s of ALbert Vanoorbt. 11104 0.. t. U. 1869 No. 67. Aonount of Joiteph 0. HAI, tat, of t • t Henry Strothaff, dstl4l. T led Nee, 16 1666. No. SS 'First and Soo' .ccount of Mr . Lambs Sou 4, Admintor.d.rix of .red. Samar. dor% 7 / , ..d N.^ . le. long. . . Zia 9 9 Fmal acc,avt r f 11.. D. 1:1•xes oor of a ame• Hume, dtc . d. Y. cd /T. 111160. No. 30. Acrnun • a Thomas B 1:1441114, mir 1 •tm , or of ma 4.4•14 f Zaba Moo Mon, 4 T1 . 4 ' ..3t 3' Pa 1. .1 ' .. 1 00 11. 11 . 111 " .4 9 ;0u 'tot 8.M4m11l a. Ems, an. 84 010 - • f aasml vio.tta. 4.4'4 Vgl 4 8 pa. 01.1. 189. Do. 34. First aoll dual so oast qUiera. 44.104 1.. Ors... active Zoo. otarof W 1.1.104 00.. boa ID•c•d. 7.184 0.01.1134,1809. N. 33 . AreutEnt of Jam. ratiarion, DOM.. mu-Moe of Jai ph Ilet:raeiy d.. ,`4• NAN hem 27. 1089 • • • • • No. 36. • es.. of Catharima Epee s Mats. In-acrt: Ealdsmin LOOP, A.cld. Plied Ileya. 2419 1969. No. 36. Plaslacroonl of ]lra. P. O. Br Aston -6459 Araduluntr of ear. Arlalsoah sai'ds 1114 aunt 91th. 1569. No. 36. Float account of •Was. i. 691dgemila 41.4rolstIltrator re bolds nom. of Oa rasa. Of Isott .U. Curry. ed. Pllad Sept. 20115. No. at. A•uount of H. IS. Utllloohan sat 9 us. Farb_ ado...torso( /9.1..111/.. 4.44. Plod Oct. 69 1569. No. 34. PUst4 9.0.1. 8 1 oreasot of Atbrit Cra•ford, Jos. K. 1 a 01910.4 Ilartha Y. Clam ford. Admlrilstrass... of David israu ford, deed. Yltrd Ors. 4th. 1869 m • o. 3N. /told ot per lo of Laweetee Ad. Mb. is 1.09. mica a Annie Usaa, dee . 4. Plied oa. 1 •. • . No. •0. 111..1 *noting a Jaw NOllllto Itatt Rubart Lstteny. ••Amtenatrallat M . ism..PIM- Up, J. dte. I.A br John Pantos. saurnyte. rit.a cco: tt. 1869. . . No. ILL Irlrat and aoa aotoont ot 04•14 11. 114..a . 7 1, tt . drIciig i ztor of John 14ra. doe& No. 40. %rat and II nal aerostat of John Ira rl,Ol. Acatoolaalator of Jun. Stirlen dec . & 7 , 114 Oct. 7. 1.09. • . No. 63. nest and I=l tiled im A t d . Va lu ate tor of7Ja "Lu eobibotrioao, "4 61*. No. 64. rloalaerator 61 61 tor MarDiy. Ottarditu ant.. rhll4ree 199449 - dea'd, •11.61. ct: Y. 1649. No. 45 Aer mina at Thomas Llaiiref anus of extriur child of Peter Weber, ' 4.0.4 94.4 Ott 91959. No. 46. At - canal otJ. S. Neenasses, Acles.l9l6- 6140 r cam reellmenta andero• of Margaret Moo dom.,. deed. Tiled Del. 11 1/169. No. 41. Account ore. Ito alevy. Jr.. •66W/s. Nicholcoa , ExtemonlofPautekDmilser c 4l666. Tiled 00 . 11, 1669. No. 49 dtiedmat at Wm. H. arlekefl sad J: Aiwa.. c of William Erletell Att . & riled 001. 10, 1669. . . No. 49: no. sooosoat onion no, U r 'd o ik.rireo''of 14,1 t. ate.. °Tiled Oa. 15, IMA. N.. 3L of J. P. 71.10109 68d Jame. Tpin[. 6^B.lllBl..aUrs de 16.9000= tato of 9•81 buff. Ifdediaes. 1 Ns. 69. WNW attoast of Neon* C i l l ifkAr mic 0..4188 of km:. S. 71.86 tfet. 19, No. 91. Mod ont of Robstt 9.• otadszL Executors sf !Lary 0i watt, 411.41. Flea 0.. 90, 1869 •.• , • o. 6*. nest anal *sal *occult of WIAOJIO. Gowth, Admlni•tralor of Alex. 11e110w1et.666.6.• Plied 113. 2669. No. nil. hal. cc• Trull • Adettntstratur Trull 's"l"°°. w " Thfir • rufttue. se tom. W"nag• N. 86. 1 0 1.nt end Mal swoons *(SoowSli• Bey. 4.ple Orator of /chla • N o. •- N. WI Pint soli 0041 arcomat of la Moor: Her ste•ger...fallolotrot as of TooNAM 'Mom 1r . .• dad Oct, MN. 1069. No. 014 /lull oo.aont of Davao! A M dmin otroulf Jeihn Notbltaft. floo7ro U NO 11169. H. Irma adcoont cf Thomas Massia... AMalsamro , .r of t .Mate Imms•Modsmak . k lro d fiVal metai b ot Joll Harm; Althalli. ' Intruor of the .0114 of Man Lallua,ataa'd No. el awl tioal &moat of !Wiwi llartooto'szul Morgues C. Pettit. loureoloro eg livq.toto V. est..ll, deo.d. :Nod tmt..., SR' No. 63. llrstortel 6611 amount of Mules L. Sooner. Guardlse of Woof child,'" of II loam 1. Ounotr, ded. 70.6 Nov I. 1606/.. .• No. 63. First an 4 to.l seeonot Of 61fino WO {so. AO•non • tolor4 f TboroaaWlllo•o6.o . 6.. Plied Moo. 1. 11169. Gk. Areouatof air!otorhor Linbart, mmlritaiorr Oe bon. non own Leualooa lwo*, n so, of the touvo of Jacob - LI nut, dove.: ' 1 111171.7.,t1. 9 4 041 oretornt Calborbib Yonne. Admini.tratot of T Tooth) Loos. ate'L Prete4 Nov. 111. 111119. • . . No N. Otani aceoant of Harala-et.orart. nil te.atrtz of Mary 51.:wirt, Gen'd. IIIM Nan." 11159. • • No. tact, az voto ndf hnunt at Jettai batter, dor& % Nov. 3. 1650. No. CT. /Mal Veon at et Alai. Nlaitak, dtao M tiarld al' d Banana Nandi& . /Nod Nen. IL • H. No bo. Account of Woad L. IlanAtan Pock. Ilawntoro of Owego E. Banionoz.,.:: oewd. No.. * 1800. No. TO. float ow ..t *tar dans ilostesiall; 31. Adad.atra oos.tounnonta e anseso. of Margaret Karam dee'd. irpsetper e VorTl Pooratconat .Ardroir - TUICT , on* deco.. Piled 4112160.- o f Them. ' 70 ke n" Llon 0 gad uno lim" rdo o ""i .34ll4, " ti ala 'ocor' '' soc. or Eaton A. Seem dan.,d,... ;NUS. .Kota " . 5 1859. 'N0.13. Account of JOAO. POO 2 101d11 11 4 , - , =,. dlan .toor entldrra Lowy don% TlledNow.O., AM: ' • ,•,• JO9.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers