THE DAILY GAZETTE: PIKNNBIAN, REED & CO.. Onice, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue JOBILIf El G. H. P HEED. F. 'H. PENNIMAN, T. P HOUSTON, =1 TEEMS OP TUX DAILY By mall, per gear Del Preyed by cartlen. Dar weak gittsburgtiglaytte. PILTROLZUM at Antwerp, firm. - GOLD closed In New York yesterday at 12601211 j. U. P. Bolide at Frankfort, 139(4139}. PERSON/IL. • Da. liow►nn MAHAN, of Philadelphia. in eminent and venerable Baptist minis ter, In an appeal to the churches, says: "We Baptists have swung from neglect. IngminLierial e intuition. to neglectlogen unidatatcsi Ministry. • • • lisvneo noticed the seizure of Dr. James Thayer's circus, and mentioned as two of the claimants for money due for services, Mr. Franklin .1. Bowes and to(ft, • Cincinnati paper has received s letter from a lady in New York, who claims to be the only lawful wife of the said Howes, and emphatically denies any connection with Thayer's circus, or any other, for several years. Two Americans at Baden Baden, the other day, were dining with • p air of Paris ladies, when a Russian Prince, who perhaps wished to pick a quarrel, pur chasedtwo glorious btiquete and sent them to the ladles with his compliments. The Americans merely glanced over to his table, bowed cordial ) y, and sent him back byllte waiter two -Napoleon& He warredintich chagrined that he left the room. , VAC Bitimay once wtOte to aloung Coutrikke: "Iffy -young friend, I ob serve that you Dave used several French arpressions in your article. I think that if 3 oil will study the 'English language you will find it capable of expressing all the ideas-you-muy have. I have always found It se• ad In all - tindl have written I do not recall du Instance where I was tempted to use a foreign word but that, on searching, I (cued • beater mein my ow n language. " PorrErus IX. is now 71 years of age, skid he has been row. 23 years. He is described at a 'Memos old man, of moat benevolent and venerable aspect. Per smelly be le extremely ,poptdar with. al most all classes-of Map .wpie. He Is said to be a man of blameless life and the best possible intentions, but be adheres to the Wets of the past, both political and theo logical, with a tenacity most wonderful to witness, especially to his power as a temporal L eovereign., He is a man of the simplest Manners and habits. AT the close of his lecture in Music Hall, B01114:111,, recently, Rev. Mr. Fuller was intro duced to several ladles occupy ing seats on the platform, moue others to Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, who refused to shake handswith him, and said: "You profess to be a Christian minister, air, and you have reviled women." "Better do that, median," replied he, "than to revile Jesus Christ.' "I never reviled Jesus' Cinist," , she mid.' You bale deem your bat to do be.' "Blr," she responded, "you have played the part of a dramatist and-a buffoon." " Mad- aro," said he, "your birth, your educe. tlon, and yourposition In society should have made a lady of you." She replied, "Do you mean to say, sir, that I am not a laity ?" "I mean total', madam," said Le, "that you act likg an outrageous ex ception." At this point Km. Livermore and Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwell took up the conversation, and Mrs. Howe with drew. ithanelota—Country, Climate iuul ream 'The traveler who starts from St. Pull and travels westward will find prairie country of deep rich loam; but if he travels eastward, or towards the north east, be will find himself in the woods— danso-foresta, where tall pines and sermaits and -oaks and maples rear their 411- pall - Cl:mike it is not all forest, for hare and there we are "openings," where the sunlight trillion pleasant meadows or patches of prairie; hot spoiling in gen eral terms the entire country east of the Masialppl. in Minnesota ancrnorthern Wiacousin. and Ut that patted of Maki :pet lying ..between Superior iind lake Michigan. le ono vast torest region‘-the filtradthe of -theitimbermsh. The soil in pieces is sandy, and the ge. ologlit will see-satisfactory emcee of the Britt period when a great flood , of waters pat southward over all the country, Wing ipg granite boulders, pebbles, and stones from ate rintellyPrAbelwyen Godson's Bay and a... he isop ar or. The forest - snwth Wale the climate. The snow and rain - fall ffast - Of the aliodppi much greater Una West metf dividing stream. The 'temperature In Winier od Lthe Superica is:milder than at Gt. Pint, but there is more moisture in the sir. Tim climate at 'Duluth or Supe riorTify during the Winter does not vary Murat from that of Chicago. Sotwith. standing the difference of latitude, the Isothermal line of mein temperature for the year runs from the lower end of Lake . Michigan to the Western end of Lake Superior. Probably:Mote snow fells In the Mthlthithia Lake region Matt In the cry aroma Obhmgo, forte a forest mionfi:jll Northern latitude, there la' Waitaki a heavier rain and snow fall than Riots countries. The time will crane when the rain fell of Eastern. Minnesota angt Northern Michigan will be tem than ft is alba present tine. When linemen try becomes settled, when - the lumbermen Jame swept away the threats, whew the aura pouting down its rays dries up the moisture, and the winds waft It to other reglons,lhere wine las , deposition of moisture East of the ld .WlWppl, while the probabilllits are that it will be in. creased,Westward over all the panda° legion; for if in a wooded country civillt. 2ittion sweeps sway 'the forest, ao lea prattle region brings In }taw serdsge. Orchards, groves, patches timber' -band, corn fields, wheat fields, clever lenda--all will appear In time, re quiring and receiving more moisture from the surrounding air than the gemmed° at the pr sent time. prairievlr body knows that Gm bawl of man Is pow mid , enough to change &mate. to In c:menthe rain fall here, to diminlah tbre; tolower thetempentareortoraiseft. The Ohio river Is dwindling in sire be. cause the forests of Ohio and Pennsylvse nth are dbappearto,g. Palestine, Syria and Greece, although they have sup ported dense, populations, are barren to day' because the forest* lave been cut down:- if this were an - essay on the pow er of man over nature, instead of the writing out of a few not®' on Minnesota, ;night go on and give 'Wedeln data, butt allude to it inadentally In comae tltm with:the climate" alba Northwest which, liftryean hence, will oat I D a ll probability be the same that it is today. Cor. Boston Journal. Bridal cuts Aa thluss go t10124141)111111 111•11411011 t o a w oOdtilff is no laughing 'matter. Those pasteboard spares, with their entaeglionent of monogamy, summon us to take plut in great many absurdities of custom; but, of all these, the most ab surd and truallensome is that of giving presents. The fact Is that the mauling potpie practise upon all theirfrilddritt t‘ie present day s aystetCorehatrefaced ...;orUon without ering4Lem the We" eesent.:,otop4ww - It. There is no 'GCB 'ot,epolitantrity or sentiment In toe...efts:they are purchased becausethey , most be, and this me receiver well under. rands. The exaction upon people of moderate =um, rating their affsciiani before the town by the number of dollars they are able or willing to in- vest on the occasion, and notifying them, If . , the gift b e . ma n, p i parading name attached, in con. Vast with the -0 0431g Wealthier Wanda, h BO essesils ll om l girmid cudelleste that It la a wonder how it'ever-?atitaa to be tolerated in any society ersindutto:bw refined. The custom 12 g3222d a t aN i a well as vulgar and burdensome. w h en one Dames to reflect upon it. The maWl. sionial part really gait: nothing; f or they have to y repay the same In vita . henth , ' donors Invite them to a similar :ccasion. te that their gifts are simply, loans. flow many times the bride must bade said. •' Thank you very math; how lovely it Is!" over this amount of plate, when she knows that the eipilvalent which must given for it th e ihiturti.Woulik intruleso a 'Uniform seilledafter teat. As it Is, coch couple find them. selves possessed of a heterogeneous mass of silverware, not only unlike In design, but with cremes and deficiencies midcb, embody could forma—lli 7. Vora. r - - it i l it 11/V-1:11 Ztitte MD VOL. LX ME EDI 1011 FIRST .Irf IDJMII2 Ur NEWS BY CABLE. Coining Ecnminical Council —Dogmas to be •dopted and Reforms to be Effected—Death of George Peabody-GbAboat Explosion—Hank Discounts Raised—Priests Brutally Bea- ten—Prussian Budget —The Begignation of Adtuii al To pete Replied—Another Move in Favor of the Duke o f Genoa fin' King of lipain —Emperor of Austria in Greeee. (By Telegraph t the Ylltabstryb J. Wet) RODIE. LONDON, November 4.—The corres pondent of the Pear writes as follows from Rome concerning the expected action of Connell: The dogmatic definition, of the assumption of the Virgin Mary will en counter no obstacles. The people ear nestly desire the consolidation of this dogma. The erection into a dogma, of theneeeeilty of the ternporallewer is not considered possible by its most ar dent chstathioni. The fonnffatien and preservation of that power do not afford the elements of s dogma. and belle) in its necessity is not even „proximo fldt , but tthly of high imparter*. Protueto the protests of 1862 and '67 will be received. It is suggested that the liberal Bishops will advise that terms be made with the Kingdom of Italy so that alt appoint ments—even the Popedom, may be con ferred without the destruction of nationality. But such • change of policy, although desirable, is improbable at present, and must be left to time and the tome of events The Council does not have the initiative with respect to the syllabus. It would be ab surd to think that the syllabus will be abrogated. It is more probable that the Bishops will be asked to saoction it by open and unanimous adhesion, and to explain such portions as are ob. scurely warded or erronlotudy in terpreted. Beyond these points the Council will only be occupied with qaestions of internal decipline such as reform of missions, the reunion of &aliment& andlheieticte with the church, modificationa of the religious orders, the smellbration of Instructions to the clergy, and the adatatiorusat the Judicial power of Bishops to the rendi tion of society. It is important to ob serve that the intative In everything belongs to the Pope alone. As the hu man Catholic Hierachyi le strongly slid Judiciously constituted it Is improbable, that any serious opposition will be maul ' tested, c:== LONDON, November 4.—lt Is now sir .81'414, that the. contemplated tntarvieW between Empefor Frannie Joseph and King Victor Emanuel will take place at kir India, Italy, some time in the latter part of November. Afichtisat--Oro. Peabody died at half past eleven,o'Cloog tonight, at his resi dence in this city. While the gunboat Thistle was on a trial trip off,--kMeerneas this aneolsoon her boiler exploded with terrible *leek Ten men were killed outright hand eight severely wounded. The Bank of England ha raised its rate of discount one-half per cent. November 4.—While a party of priests and Wheys were returning from a land meeting in Cavan. they were attacked by persons lying in welt on the • roadside and brutally beaten. One has sines died from his Inluries. The luau ainalion is generally considered . an Orange menage, and a coroner's Jury has brought a verdict of murder against seven Orangemen implicated in the af fair. I:I2ED hiAnaln, November 4.—Admirat To pa* Mann upon tendering hie resignn• %lon en one of the Cobinin. The Regent Yenisei to accept the resig nation of Topete, bat the Admiral re mains firm In his determination to with drew from the kfinbArv. It Is probable the whole Oebitad will resign end . 4 a ea. Prim will form a new one. The Cortes haw again adjourned. it la thought the Government will endeavor to fill the vacant mats to the Come with Deputies favorable to the elevation• of the Duke of Genoa to the throne. .13amtni. November 4. —Stielnhite " - rIN Budget has been laid before the Diet. It recommends - the creation of a stoking fund to absorb one per cent. annually of the public debt with a mite =filmd The vdiegwet t o Its ulti otimnvendonb u of the me pre= Into Mur and a half per cent. rents.. If thorium:ober escreee to these measures the propciiial for an augmenta tion of the tares will be withdrawn. AITSTRIA.• Taurrn, November 4.—Advicee from Callum sate Ova the troops oiler a battle which gated fur hours, defeated the rebels and captured a arong position which had been occupied by them near Lesla The population of two districts bad sarrenderedlo the Austrian anther. ities., fiIIEV4,E. 41011xs; NOV.' 4.—The Empardr of Ahatria Usti arrived here. lie landed yesterday morning In the Plazas's, where he was remised by the ging of Greece and conducted to the city with greet cer emony anti festivity. . - ~HALC~ "~ Piaui. November 4.—Many electoral meeting's have been held ID various parts of tha City. , The PrPaled/ 1 4W were y i rdi . , werY. few liino4ratutoirlro lee' I Wl' femora of the police required. !Mtn Pants. November 4-4 dbrpateh from 4Alexaddrfaihnottoomi the arrival of the Empress Eugenie et the term Mum of the Sues Canal. trIgATICIAL ARO COMMERCIAL. 14' :room, NaVember iLd-Nveskrid 'Consols for money 93,54 account us% American securititss : Flvo-swenty 'bonds. , 623, 61; '66s old, 82; '674 834; Tentortirss 2 O: 9830 A. *G. W. 21.4. Stock N s arm, inola num November f. —Boum Renton TLC *2c. .LirzarooL, Nov. 4.—thiton market, 'steady; middling ta i s. 12Sdi 0/18IDie whiteNl .1,23.4'41; ssisia.l2,o9o tabs. thWrogn Wriest 10e Id' red weatern 9.1 2d; red winter Qs bd&s 6d. Western Flour gas 6411." Corn: Dalvad 294 60. Oats Is 6d. Pess43a. Pork ll* arti Dre We. lewd, 71. Marne 695. Sawn: Rs, oar prime. Riurnms, Nov. f—,Petroleum Minima°, November -S.—petroleum farm Linseed Ann at ;V. LONDON, November f.—Tallow We ad. Linseed Oil amp Ta. gporm DII Ks. du els Ora. Calcutta Linseed 62e. AN'timtar, November &.—Petroleum Mirage Straember 4.--Specie In the Sauk ofArad la ad .f. 123 000. Mayfta. ovaciaair }-,Cot on closed wait. nuaggroirr, NoveMbeizairt . . bonds ekoseditrui at 891309%.' L 130IITZ AMERICA, Siege of Joemel lialoat—Piale of lit Domingo to the 11. $. tar Telosropb to Um Pittoba4o ClasettS,) Jaommt., Oct. 24, via Ilavarmaimr. 4. General ObenMar. Pritlident Allitave'a Secretary of W > urrffter, ng &wined Gtrfortedght t lfaie dcnopelled to name aitie• Dexti.Brice, who was advancing on the oily of Port as Prime, bad already cap tured the town of Mlragoane. CARACAS, Oct. SO—via Havana, Nor. 4- - report le in circulation that General ldonsgaa has captured the town of Stu scan°. St. Domino°. Oct- 2.s—afa flapono, Nov. 4.—Toe Revolutlonprie remain loan. I live near the town of Alma. Ramon prevalent of the sale °CFA. Domingo to the URll.Od States are gaird y ng ground. —lrbe dwelling o 1 Nathan Downy In Harwich, Massachusetts. was destroyed :=7:ll;n m es i i i is t r . e l ir i erg, esadibt o annlyd ' The wanes were NEW YORK CITY. serious Charge—An Ex-Colonel in Trouble—The Seceders En- dorsed —The Yellow Fever on Shipboard—Counterfeiters Arrested,. with Interesting Particulars of their Capture —Dr. Schaff NI Mission to Europe—The Gold Muddle. t BY Telt 'mph to the Pllttbargb euette• I Now YORK, November 6, IBM A 0.149 came before „lodge Fithian yes. terday to which Patrick O'Toole, a lad of el gh temi,sued the managers at the House of Refuge for tan thousand dollar. Mintage, ou account or bad treatment to keeping him In a Mese room on bumf& dent food, in consequence of which ha got the itch and became much data. Wed. Col. Clarke, formerly of the Thirteenth Brooklyn Regiment, wee before Com tallaalonor Osborn yeateaday, charged with engraving plasm for the manufac ture of counterfeit carrency. He was held In $2 5 5,000 bail. Last evening the St. John Baptist Society met In hisaonle Hall and ap. proved the action of their delegate,. who had wlthdtawn from the Fiftieth (]en oral Conventioo of the French Cana dians In the United States, which assem bled In Detroit, October 18th. The steamer Euterpe, .from Havana, has arrived. The first mate died Nov. let of yellow fever. The ...wood mate, a waiter,* seaman and one puesenger are now drOurn with IL The steamer .1s de tained at quarantine. Col. Wittily, of the Secret Service, and Assistants, have for over a month been engaged in farthing out one of the most notorious gang of counterfeiter. in the country, and have Just brought their Labors to a atuessaltil close. It was Snit ascertained that a dangerous sixty uound fobsooo stamp was being offered to enterprising Wharton: Itterehanis at about ono-fifth the Government price—s 3 for • stamp sold by the Government at $l9 and $2O. The inducements were so great that many Arnie heretofore bear. log unblemished reputations in this city, Virginia, North tbrotina, and other States. embarked In the enterprise and porchatied large lots from the hew York manufacturers. The that arrest was made October Mb. In the person of Volney Wright, who, it is aliened, had endeavored io sell an Immense quantity of these $6O pound stamps to men named Copeland and Walker. He was quietly held to bail in eight thousand dollars to await the action of the Grand Jury. The bed piece, roll and plate, with six trans. fare, were secured by the detective. The next arrest was one Hart Pierce, au accomplished engraver, on October I 30th, with whom were seined all the dies and machinery in one In counter felting, among which wait a press for transferring, costing one thousand dol lars. Col. Robert Clark, who, during the war, commanded the Fourteenth N. Y. Volunteers, was next secured and his room searched. In almost every ho. reau urawer, stand drawers, bores, trunk. and valises evidences of his guilt were fbund. One of the V&11.3121 contained the plate of the sixty pound stamp, dies for marking one penny stamps, hundreds of sheets con taining 210 pound stamps, together with about $15,000 worth of clean genuine stamps. The property waa all seised It wee next ascertained that the mill where these stamps were ground out was situated about fifteen miles from this oily at Princes Say, Staten Island. Seven men were seat to the spot, and after a tramp ors half mile trough woo/a, they discovered the building in which were arrested John Elton, steel and cooper plate printer, a native or England and thirty-six years of age. His phrtner, Wm. 8. Hampton, a native of Maine, forty years of age, a rr" tired 'sea captain, Ripon's wife, threo children and. colored girl were on the lromisee. lo %one room was bound a arge amount of paper, such as Is used by the Government in the manufacture of revendeirtarnpa, A large supply of inks, Mislaid Jugs filled with gum—the latter used for adhsadve purpose.. Also, a die for making three cent silver pieces: steel dies for stamping • coins con• tainlog all Um letters of the alphabet: dies fur all anthruetical figures, but no plates or prtnt.ed work. In another room was a perforating press for punch ing the holes between the stamps on the printed sheets. In the garden, about eighteen Inches below the surface, was found, on information given by Ripon ' • box which contained the Mate which bad been tretnittkred the one cent rev enue stamp two hundred and ten times, the bed piece and transferring die, • large number stamps, thousands of printed b o eta rawly for use, and other Articles. The prisoners and rostertabrwere brought CO the cite, and the firmer taken to U. S. Marshal'. Milne where they were held In custody. It Wes now ascertained that an engraver named Reuben 16.rpenter, having an office in Boston, had been employed to engrave the United States 620 bonds. Officer. were sent to Boston, and with the asalatance of detectives' tare, arrested Carpenter to the act of engravings Pam on the Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road. He surrendered to the officer* • Ili,ooo 620 bond, which he had been employed to engrave by a man in thls city, who was in the last stages of eon aomption. It le alleged numerous other ereuninent penionaof 4hta 'dry grounder ausplegori sett Vairveillanerti and it Is be several hundred thousand of these bogus stamps have been put In oirculathm. dv-hgrgecrueetiog7was held' to-day to bear the report of Rev. Dr. BMW upon bill late rotation to Europe, onpneeted with the Convention of the Evangelical Allianm, to be held In New York next autumn. Dr. Schad' reports gaits a large delegation who have engaged to be pre.. ent from England, including clergymen of the Church of England,Dissenters and laymen, while the Ar chbishop. of York, Canterbury and Dublin, and other leading prelates, expressed hearty co operation pith the movement. - Rev. Dr. Thomprent. apesithig Of rather Hya clothe, mid that, while pot desiring to reveal prints eoftvergation. he would say the Ilyielnib brought letters to him from two French Protestant clergymen 'apmking of him m In close mellitus! mm nluniou with them, and as taking the hobo pogition of Luther. Rev. L. W. Bacon read a letter tom Father Rya cinthe, alluding to his desire for fraedom of °platen, The Orand A lury la I nveatigating the gold cop die, g opoie carping on the investigation till 54010 maguli %moo Is reached. e 13 — AITtraoRE. Celebration or Emancipation Day—Pro eesalon Nevoid Dile' in Lent/1 7 4MM Day of the Colored Heide. ' (By Telegraph to theltsborgo casette. ILl,Tisione, Novembor 4.—Ths color. ed cltipms of Mimosa and Maryland celebrated the miniver/WY Pi their ailint . GIPS , 4 O / 3 WWI ar,l ontbredaem. The proresaion wea setersl milex long, end woe composed of a numbor of berierotrilit sociletits to full regalia. on bosses sad in carriage:. trade association to wagans and on foot, and the total representa tion* with banners. flog. and appropriate dovicep, preee4.4 by roll band of mindo. MMflny persons tare tiroaccd from the District or Oplambla, and Tine a camber from 41stautdtanta. 4. long/he dnai.r proalop the side walks were crowded yeith Iliitee anti Macho. Macao. piect order . Blabop Waynan doliypnxl an addremi this evening, and the celebration ;dosed tomight with a grand ball at Douglass fluktltitte. LPUDEIV/LIAEL ADother Ban Ball Game, ter Telegraph to tha Pltvha,aa 0115,[1,1 LonleviLi.g. November 4.—The arse ulna of Cincinnati End Mocking Club of Cincinnati played a picked nine from the Kentucky and Eagle Cube, of. ibla city, this afternoon. Six innings only were played, deftness preventing a fall game. The result 4 as follows: 9 3 11 3 3-40 Reales and Nenta'ye 0 0 0-10 The Cincinnatian" made giro° &WWI playa. Leafabler State Banda lay Telegraph to the Plttabirgli Oaxatl.e.) New 0RL1M4.1421, Nov. report bar* log been circulated that Governor Ws:- month had tamed ten and a tuff million to bonds of wtdob there is Pe °Mobil rw cord, the Governor publishes • state- Meat that all the bonds lamed have ht ti 'dale recorded by the Tresurer, and mn ,,, chase u follows{ 'One thing tscertaln, and that Is that not a singly ..d a . State has been Waned Without an " of law during any administration, and the Interest 'has been and' will be PreoPilY Pad." PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, ; NOVEMBER 5, V 369. ECHO EDITIOA. FOCA O'CLOCK, d. X THE CAPITAL Protest of Pork Packers—Cap- tat Removal—Waibingtonl- ant ♦kitated—Loekin6 after Califmmia Ilei4nue Matters Minister LOW and Chinese Immigration —A ppoin tment. By Telegraph to Uts rt'totot rib Olootto.) WAlumtopON, November 4, 1889. PROTKBT OF PORK PACKER), Some time ago Commiseloner Delano decided that under tireinternal Revenue law, ea It now stands, pork packers were liable to be taxed as manufacturers. The pork packer . , think this unjust, and the Chambers of Commerce of New York, Boston, Cincinnatl,Chicago and St. Louis have sent a delegation here to protest against it. These gentlemen called upon the Commladoner to-day, but that o®• dal gave it as his opinion that the fault was not with him, but with Congrees, and if there was any grievance Congress was the place to go for redress. The pork packers contend that they produce one of the necessaries of life, and have no more right to be taxed as manufacturers than millers havo who grind wheat and make flour. The differ ence le, however, that the law expressly excepts door, while pork le not mention ed. An effort will be made to get the Comintesuoner to call the attention of Congress to this matter in hie report. Congressman Eggleston, of Cincinnati, who Is one of the delegates here,.says it wet; not the intention of Congress to tax pork packer. es manufacturers when the internal revenue bill was passed. OUR CUIRINE MINISTER- Minister Low had nn interview yester day with the President and ti.cretary of Mate, at which the various questions relating to the policy to be pursued iy this Government toward■ Chins, nrtloo- tarty In regard to the Inrge anticipated Immigration from that country, were quite fully discussed. Mr. Low's aug geetlona on these subjects were found to accord with tbeidewsentertained by the President and liecretary Flab, and a Wahl was settled for the .tormer's Instruction. which will outline the leading features of a policy the details of which he will be showed the largest liberty In arrang ing and carrying Into street. The nature of the Instructions now in course of preparation halt not been made public, but It Ls understood on reliable authority they contemplate giving a toll and fair trial to what is known as the ooncillatory policy. =I The effort Lo counteract the influence of the capital movers in the West, is beginning to assume form. A paper has been prepared to to handed to the Presi dent, with the request that he will tale some cognizance of the matter in his forthcoming annual 1111381.140, discoun tenancing the subject of reu•oval and to use his Executive influence in stopping an agitation of the subject. AID TO kW PAIIVIgOIt Yr LYON General Cowen, of Ohlo, has been requested by cowmlaotooor Delano to aecompany Supervisor Fulton to Cantor , nla and aid in the Investigation of Rev enue affairs In Gust Supervisory Irtstriet. =I wup,rsdror Fulton, of the Maryland District, ham been maligned to duty In California, where be will make a thor ough investigstlon Into the Internal Ravenna affairs. C=l The following A.oxsoro of Internal Revtlnlat‘Tfi. Nana Appotutqdt Whttst Pkortrttr Distrtct, Vn., MKS — W. Doss, Second District, Tennessee. CHICAGO The lard-alct.orto:rt l hurcla 11laically —Trio. of Nev. Isaac 11. Smith Uhargra WILL llruvnung Nu Walt. (kly Ittlegsaph to Wei Mt et ttr,h Uatttite Ctttcsoo. NOV. 4.—The Committee Of the Preebyterian General Aesombly, O. S., which has been In session for moms time peat investigating the affairs of the Theological Seminary, closed their labors lest evening. The long standing dna greement between Rev. Dr. S. Lord, Di- ' runty Professor In the Northwestern Theological School, and 11. McCormick, I has been brought to an and by a compro mise, satisfactory to both parties. It will be recollected that Mr. McCormick sub scribed one hundred thousand dollars to the School, and had paid seventy-livs thousand, when political differences arose in the institution which resulted In the,glection of Dr. Lord, republican,to the Divinity Chair, and In the refusal of Mr. McCormick to pay the balance of the pro. mined endowment., which he had mean while transferred to the theological de partment of a university tc Virginia over which Gen. Les presided. The matter was brought before the hod general as sembly, and a oommittee appointed, at the head of which wee Senator Drake. of Missouri, which met here a few days ago. Last evening the result was arrived at. Dr. Lord remains In his present chair, Mr. Mecortnie• is released from the payment of the twenty rive thousand claimed to be due the school, and the three directors, Judge Lincoln, Clark and It. G. !Mefferd, of this city. and one 'other, who were elected during the quarrel, all of Dr. L or g. s party abouldio make thing abartuonlons, resign, and that three others, acceptable to each party, should take their pieces. To this all consented, the contestants signed the papers, and tho strife ended. The trial of Rev. Isaac It Smith, the Congregational clergyman residing at Junction, Rene county, charged with drowning Ws wife In Poplar creek, a small stream ip the conduce of Cook and and tiatte counties, on the HO or June last, wee commenced in the Kane Circuit Court, at Geneve, yesterday. It will be recollected that while fording the stream In a buggy, in 'which was himself and wife, that the latter, as be claimed, fell from the buggy in a fainting fit and was drowned bepirp be could regale her. The water in the creek where shs was drowned was line than twenty inches Subeequent developments led 1 to the aiisplcifin that tirriltb had drowned his wife for the purpose of obtaining an insurance to the amount of nine thousand dollar,, wbirh he bad on her life, and he wax arrested, Indletod and committed on the chargeof murder ing her. All day yesterday was ocoupl ed In impannelling a Jury. A large nninhereffsiergymen wile present yea. terdey who gave the prisoner their gym. pathy and support. The Pourt room Wag crowded and great Interest is mans- . /rated In the trial, The prisoner Is de fended by Hon. J. Y. Sarnaworth, Hon. Charles Wheaton, A. Harry and J. S. Wilco'. The prosemition is pondmited by D. 4. Mauer, elfate A tlorpev, q 8. Joslyn and JaMes Weigito. PHILADELPHIA fl Te;tgrlloh to lb. Pittaborgil U•setle ) 41ewlati Rab4le laCcalerante--lieforma. Oryltesoldtton Adopted. PR' 114Dit1 1 rEt lA. November s.-4 num. ppr of jewlyb Rabble, from the minc4 pal cities of the ilnlop, are le conference here on the subject of reform in the Jewish March. They adopted resole. dons abolishing the use of prayers In the Hebrew tangos as unintelligible to the messes, disclaiming the doctrine of bodily rtworrection, or the revival of the Jewish etsto by regret:Atop from all other nations, and deciarTeg.the Aaronlo priesthood and the Weide pacrtflcial Worship to Isyp been reeretfpreparsiory esiletuti prletthood,wed there. pm) thinge of the put IP 't). {portioned paritrayer only y in Ittelr us p4ncational co and mit to be Oe:4 t. CINCINNATI Tao IlleCoolooAlleo 11111t1—Brulaero la Trouble.' pty Telegropo fu tpo AtuFririt. Outgo 7 Cmoisivrt, Nirrembor 4.—PlBilsMa W jp trouble bete. Allen and his backers serum MaChipt Yr. Murray, of 13k Lon* asi Anal stakeholder. /1411. Carroll came here MA nritit tor the punime or select- Moulne, satlstactoty to bath pullers. demands Murray. The MM. tiaall.galitllts to WO up the Ittaloole• mien aapardlag to the annakeratbnt of CID. " = and pr i twenty. ouiha .between xb e n e h a l d a rowdy LU,903 watts and colored: Of them 1.01853 are In Clneiarunt. ST. LOUIS, f Closing Proceedlogibl u ie Bapthst Sun. day School Conceit systematic Piracy and II obbery —Tgte Perpetrator* abet. iP y Telegraph to the Fittabn het...sic; Sr. Loom, Nov. 4. g the well= report. presented today . o 9 the Baptist Sunday School Conventio n was one giv ing the following Mattel* Number of Mates represented, 19; nuilber of retire. 6. mutative% 135; number 1 -Offieere and schools throughout the tintry,•ll3B; teachers, 2408; scholars, , holt , Mr. Marston reported thilioxamon management of Schools wa need • series of uniform lesimns rly fre. pared and pupllabed in a. y Hun. day School p per for the beinelli of all Baptist Sunday fichoolsof AM/rides That such a aeries would be 4 irmstimable value to superinteadecaa r and secure the cooperation more fuLa of pastors and church member.. .. Rev. Mr. Lowry, of Chiilego, Chair matt of Swami Second, mega a report that the flee of question booE e raa hurt ful and injurious to antidan rogrees in the knowledge of the of God, In preventing the degree of 'may newts. Nary promote intellectual 41111110 thine. Reports were also made tenni Section Third, and two euppleztekil= re ports, were presented, all of hav ing been hurriedly prepated, re refer red back to the van .tria co to be perfected for publication. During the devotional eilialses pre ceding the afternoon wedozOtlev. Dr. Bronson, of lieutoah, Ludt; nildreseed the meeting by invitatlem b ala. an of scribed the good Sunday le in Beumatt. The children hymns which they wag at home andidda toter. ested their parents in the Owlwir. fie add he thought they wadi going too far in the old took in mission work. They ought ttl, something now. It was not that • missionary should be • learned Doctor of Divielty. They waded some body to tell the simple atoryed Jesuit. Let the Sunday &thuds Neuf them Mather*, and they would suppall them. Re sashed the thmrentlen bsidiponald ered the relations of Sunday Wola to foreign mission work. Hs w taiM them to be filled with mission work, wed they would raise up wreathing to likauence the heathen world. Ilintedithebtad seen thirty-Ave years of mission work be wan not tired, hut would gird himself afresh to the work. Subsequently, Mr. Jacob; of 'Won°, d _ ated that for lack of funds, Woe sou would be obliged to return 40 Bur. mah by mail vessel which Would'illoopy live months, w henna If he had• thou sand dollars he could go to Endiod by steamer, thence via Seel dal tif a few weeka. A subscription was lake. up on the spot, and about eight hundetad raised, namely, from the Various Sunday Schools is all parts of i t i t coun try represented in the Conran Rev. E. G. Taylor, of to reads paper on the luthrovediant of the Sunday schools, but suspended read log at the request of Mr. Blackall, of Chicago, and toe entire coev4gin re paired to the church eters, W • fine photograph wee taken of them, alter which the proceedings were resumed. The evening reunion wile held 'at the Iderchantile Library Hall, w . 4zraa well filled with delegate s and re. The exercise. consisted of al neft and live minute.' speeches. Of r lime twenty-five or thirty werelimule, several of them by pastor. and na trntle. men belonging to different de In. dons Much enthuatum was ming...tad by the audience, and the speak etil ear ned genuine Christian feeling andiplrit In their remarks. The Convention rim been eminently imormafa I, and will be medi:dye okreat good to the ranee of SundayS•&oola throughout the land. The meeting ad journed at a late hour and the delegates will leare Mr their homes tomorrow. Salt was brought In the Circuit Iticlurt today by Goa S. Witham, and others, against Socrates Newman for om .. qt dyed and twenty_ thousand ..d legato have bro . wrongfully rd! ..' ita= or withheld from the estate of Graham, who died In MS. and of which Newman wan administrator. On Tneeday lard, an old man named J. W. Lester, keeper of a wdod.yard op. posit. Wand No. 18, half way between Velro and Memphis, while on his return from supplying the @Coulter Lady hey with wood, was boarded by a skiff eon. gaining two men named Moore and Burns, who robbed Lester of 81081, the proceeds of his wood. As they were leaving the boat he shot Moore througn the heart and Burns through the hips, Burna was taken ashore in a dying au dition, and confessed that he belonged to • gang of Water and thieves who not only practiced systematic piracy on the river, bat robbery on land, and that they bad murdered and thrown overboard from boat. of different kind, four men. LaILWAUKEE. Ammar Free Trade League alestlug— Spathes, die. k By Tell grap/3 t.. 1.1141 Plumbursb Berme • MILWAUK al, November 4.—The Mil waukee Free Trade League had a meet. lug here to-night. The attendance was good considering the weather. Hon. E. J. Holton presided, and read a long list of Vice Presidents and Socretarim, compcaod of the principal citizens of the place. Mahlon Banda, Secretary of the New York Free Trade League, first .poke, reviewing .brittly the objects and methods of the Beciely he reprerenta. Gen. Brinkerhoff, of Ohio, was then introduced, and for an hour deeply ln• thrusted the audience in an exposition of the practical workings of the tariff, tak ing a an allots Abet the duty upon an imported article Increases the price of the home product. He demonstrated that for every dollar received by the Government from the tariff, the people paid twenty dollars to monopolists. Ea. timatlng the home product of lumber at one hundred and fifty mlllloua of dollars per annum, the duty of twenty per cent. lazed the peo- ple thirty millirem; and yet the Govern meet received lama than seven hundred thousand. Estimating the product of pig Iron at OM and a half tonic the duty of nine dollars taxed the people nearly =ten millbons. and Wive the Govern ment only ripe milbou. The duty on tar iron taxed the people twenty mil. lions, and gave to the Govern ment one million. The duty on railroad iron taxed the people fourteen million& and gave to the Government one and a half millions. On these three article} of iron alone the people pay an nually about Otorty.flue Millions of tax, of which the Komi:lineal gets Live mil. llorm and the iron master party million& Thee, the eloquent sheets?, hi • thousand ways the loUing millions are plundered to build op • few grumping m °Depollute Profmenr Perry was the next speaker. He was listened to with marked atten tion and frequently applauded. Prof. Perry has alto, within k few days', ad drawled the etuim=t_Pn.iver sity, and the ted e palverslty at 'Jellison. e re that free trade text books are used In those colleges and that near: all th e professors are free - trader& en. Brinkerhoff also spoke on 'the 20th o October, al tUe hype Vulvae slty of Michigan. XIOI3II3VIILLIfi. Funeral' of Es-Gevereor h 'dingle-- Dope Thieves Wonted in a Fight. By Telegraph to the PlUahargh desettr. l liCitilxvi us, November 4.—The re mains of Sz.ltoeernor ekes. 4. Wick liffe, of Kentqaky, reached here this morning and left at three o'clock this af ternoon for Bardstown. pi :zit to his memory the Cogria ewe ad in rued and the members of the bar the usual rerolutiotui of regret and vomit. thyA letter from southern Kentucky gays that teat Saturday night a bond of kitty mounted regulators, alter stealing heron. went to the reildenoe of M. Maddox, neer . Preetonytile, aqd demand ed that be end the owifrofw wko worked on his farm shOuld surrender. Mr. Mad dox said that erlik his two eons he would defend 141244 4 1 this the armed regulators commenced Bring Ryon the house. After • long light the bend was dispersed,. though they declared they would return. In their flight, the ram. cats were compelled to leave two of their stolen horses behind. DestraMirs Vire —Engine Hagan and p parting' Alain Dyed. llltysleg.oto OM TIN"; e'# l 4 4 CONCORD. November 4.—The My of Noah= recently pnrchased a steam fire eniiiPs, and the loestam of the steamer muses mama realm among different mo tions of the city. TWO morning the e m teame e r , s home woe set on gm Tne m. two Mee carriages. "Mh= and hook am' ladder tine*, ware o destroyed. cottage Momdamaged. and ham witioinlng were seriously Lem oitY. 110.000. immranmai PPM to the ~•.as•ar•~;Ya Capture or the nteamer Hundred and Twenty of Her c.row Arrested—The Balance at llaaaatt. =II KEY W mrr, Florida, Noy. 3.—The schooner W. IT Cleans, from Nunn, arrived Lore title morning with one tam. dred and twenty men, who were taken from the Crams steam er Lillian. ghe wan raptured by the English au. thorltien at Nunn while at anchor In the harbor. The yeomen la meld to be badly Iniured and condemned as uneenworthy. EBSMNaMiI SAN FRANCISCO 7 za CDT Tele ph to Um PUtebergh Gesell. 1 '• law lotted ',— Treasure &migrant Travel. RA FRA.NCIIIOO. November 4 —John C. Helley, Deputy Internal Revenue Col lector at Oakland. la @opposed to have abloondsd by the teat Panama steamer. He Is a defaulter to the Government to the amount of SHOW, _ The treasure exported during October stnoonted to over two millions of dollars. The emigrant travel over the Partite railroad la rapidly ineresaing. BRIEF TELEGRAMS —There !Lave been heavy rain storms throughout Oregon -The steamer Etna, from .I.lverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. —Tbe ammo in the bank of Frame de creased 14,000,000 during the week. —The Steamship Cambria from Glas gow arrived at New York yesterday. —The Bank of Newland Me advanced Its rate of dleunt one•lulf per conk —The 'steamer Alamo which Palled from Nee York yesterday, took kloe,ooo In gold to Europe. —H. C. Cambridge, • Boston mer chant. committed suicide yesterday at • hotel In New York.. —Three houdred mechanics and labor , era were diachargod from the .Beaton navy' yard Wednesday. Nearly eery depirtment is being reduced, —At two o'clock Wednesday momma Pater Ferden Irma horribly scalded at an Iron foundry In Youghkepeee while lying under an arch. The engineer not knowing he was there, opened a bkovell cock. The flesh wan literally stripped from him. He died at six o'clock. GENERAL NEWS Tinc Niles and New Lisbon Railroad Is under extension to the Ohio river. CI,CIINATI is to have s new lifer. chants' Exchange. A company has been organized for the purpose of erecting the building, with a capital stock of $400,000. NEM' ORLEANS papers record that one visitor at • hotel in that city, when Jeff. Davis' name was inscribed upon the register, stooped and kissed it with the greatest fervor. Tux late Postmaster at New Orleans, W. M. Smallwood, li alleged to be a defaulter to the amount of h 19,000, and proceedings have been instltniM against him and hhisuretles. A EIPFXIAL 'MUMS on the Chl i cago and North Western Railway, on Monday last ran from Chicago to Omaha In seven teen hours and ten minutes, including stops—distance 472 miles. Titulars (earful disaster at Cincinnati, resulting from the explosion of coal oil, has called attention to the matter of stor• ing large quantities of combustible mote dal In that dense population. Oars. Ono. A. COSTAR was advertised to address a Democratic meetingin UST enworth, Kansas, one night lam week, but promptly authorized • denial of the tratenient. He lanolin that business. Tun students of Bowdoin College have suggested to the Faculty that they could Seep the Sabbath muchmpre !Maly were Monday morning recitations abolished. . The emit/Whets come before breakfast. Too Free Will Baptiste have voted to move the Theological School from Now Hampton, N. H., to at ffalo, provided $lOO,OOO can be secured for grounds and building's, and 119.0. 0,000 for endowment funds. Iv has been demonstrsted by figures that, when the producave power of America ie fully developed, the country will be able to feed four times u many persons as there are now on the face of the earth. Juntas in Ohio, by a law wood at the lest session of the Legalature, when con sidering penitentiary or capital cues are not allowed to separate until they have agreed upon a verdict, _or have "agreed to disagree." Tuts Superior Conn, at Cincinnati, has decided that a hum has such an interest In the widowhood of his wife u gives him the moral fight to annex limitations to hia bequests where she la made the recipient of his bounty. Tux Leavenworth (Kansas) Time, says that the Indians, having learned to fear their Great Father's troops, are now for the moat part peacefully submitting to the Quaker policy. It sums up the proem of subjection ileac "After war, peace; after bullets, bread; after Custer, Qua kers "Tia Gas TENTH of the entire flat of the Philadelphia Quarter Benton" 'cases at the present term are cases of homicide. The criminal calendar 111 made up of one hundred and twenty Mal. The Grand Jury at Its recent sitting was merciful to the county. It Ignored an especially large number of pettifogging hills. AT the recent special election of tax payers of the city of Newburg, New York, Mrs Margaret McQuade, a widow owning property in UF , depos ited her ballot with the ap city, ancirs, un. questioned and unchalint ed. The lady is the fall of her sex who has ever voted at a public election in Ziewlmrg. Tux general agent of the Franklin Tel egraph .Company says: "In every CUM where 1 have removed a man or boy and placed a lady In an Mace the receipts have increased largely, and the company have got the neccipta" He declares, far ther, that he would be glad to till all the places of the strikers with women. Twgayg•Two alleged "repenters," 11. legal voters, were taken before Judge Mc- Conn, at New York, on writs of habeas corpus, and Immediately discharged, on the ground that the accused persons were Improperly detained at the station-house, Instead of being taken before a police magistrate sitting during election day. Tug hoop skirt business Is languishing. Tho eimuttiferecee of the snide has dwindled from seventeen and seven eighths feet down to nearly nothing. Ninny ladles have entirely abandoned the use of the Steel. iloePs that once sold for four dollars are to 'be bad for seven levies. Bub tyro the trezerauts- Uone of fashion, Tug '•wickedest man" exdtemezt to New York Is being -imitated at London. There me now placards posted tt t e Clap ham,Welting worshipers to a Chapel," and the Inducements offered are In these words: "lied Virldght, wim beim ci r tscrtlpp wha pagrepled Wee times of eify, Wlll deliver a llospel ad dress Come and It 0001X10i 4o colter.- tlonl" Providence, the other evening, Just u Maggie Mitchell's company mu runty to go on the stage, Mt. Button, who was to play the part of the old man "Morti mer," received &telegram that his mother was dead. The play went on, and soot' the cheeks of )[lr Mitchell and Mr. But. ton were bathed in genuine tetra. Miss mounts mother died only a abort time since. T im greater number of ktatene oA horrors ale u much la be attribated to the ignorance arid carelmabeis Of the parties using the lamps, as to the bad quilt of the 011. Amy people handle lighted beco me lamps as carelessly as they would vessels or water. With ordinary are an d draddipectlap al less/ tbree-fourths of the beroveile 11 4 1 P holToll T it o was a perk= raid the New Or iel= r once made on They sweated about 100 bakers seized 8.1490 Irgtral of bread. This ex hausted the itreed maret, and the Wad rapers call it the kettle of k the light weights for the championship. The Police anie ant ahead, tke bakers being dead Ca to =h, and thelr Wan coo- TIIERIC has been more Mel progress la agriculture in Georgia, since the close of the war, than in any other branch of in dustry, and in knowledge of the soil, its capabilities and the more effective modes of developing its wealth with the least amount of labor, the planters have, with in the period stated, made greater advan ces than they did in the twenty years precedlpg. Gan of the most affecting Incidents of the late flood in Vermont occurred at Brattleboro. Just before Frelderich, who wan lost, went over the dam and falls, two of his children were on the bankand saw their father on the fatal raft of lum ber. Too young to understand the dan ger to which he was exposed, each In childish Innocence hailed and cried to their father but an instant before be went down, "Good-bye, papa." A New Jeaser preacher took for the subject of his Sabbath discourse the fol lowing, "The Divine Pluvina and River. Ins Manifestations Exemplified in the Missions of Noah, Moses, Eine, John the Baptist, Christ, St. Cecilia, and St. Pat rick, Columbus, William Penn, and Bt. Tammany. Row shall they Culminate Diplomatically, tinder the Star Spangled Banner, that Righteousness shall Cover the Ear th as the Waters Cover the Great Deep, through the entire Supertedure of the Commercial and War Marine by the Nautilus or International Gospel Fleets of the Family Yacht" Dm. Cush/ate KIDD, an eminent Eng lish Burgeon, In a recent letter to a London Journal,thus nobly declares: "Chloroform, with all Its subsequent reform, in sur gery, was dot to a gentleman in America taking laughing out at a sixpenny public lecture for amusement, and knocking hi, shins against a seat while excited, which were cut and bled profanely, the remark being made by him that he felt no pain. To Arneriea all the glory of ancrathetice is decidedly due. Hut Wells and Morton, who have done as line a thing a, Harvey and Jenner, are curiously _ignored in England, but not In all the world beside." A ccidoce incident happened at the Varieties Theatre, In New Orleans, one evening last week. In one of the beau tiful scenes at "lied Light," the moon rues from the lake, ovcr which its light ripples Ina way almost true to nature. The moon by which this effect is prodn cal, is constructed of • heavy copper box, On the occasion It was conducted on its slow, maleatic ascent from the bosom of the black water until it disappeared In the lowering clouds above, when some' thing gave way, and the moon coming down with a run on the stage carpenter's head,laid him out as list as a grilled meck• erel. A little cold water soon brought him to. Armor three hundred Philadelphia 'repeaters" made their appearance at Neat York on Tuesday for the purpose of liking part In the election, ander the leadership of a notorious bruiser named Sam Joseph& A party of fifty voted in a bad) , in the }'tftb district for Norton, the Democratic candidate for Senator. Three of them were subsequently arrested, and it bras developed that there were only three bona fide voted living in the house from which the party of fitly were registered. It was reported that the no tozious Alderman McMullin was among the Philadelphia band, and instructions given to arrest him at any hazard if ob served disturbing the public peace. A onNuixe Stainer violin wets mealy sold in Vienna for three husittrisd and forty florins. The history of that violin is quite Interesting. Count von Traul manadorf, a celebrated personage at the court of the Emperor, Charles the Vllth, bought It of Jacob Stainer, paying thirty five gold pieces down on It, and agreeing to pay him, during the term of his natal'. al life, twenty franca a month, and to pay his expenses for a good dinner daily, and to furnish him every year a gold .ern broldered coat, two tuns of beer and twelve kegs of fruit. Stainer lived for sixteen years, so that the violin coat the Count about twenty-two thousand franca. Tim cafes In St. Mark's square, Venice, where Eugenie took her curacna, are never shut up. There are no locks to the doors—no shorten to the windows. Some of them have been .3pen since the days of the First Napoleon, having been closed only twice in all that time—once In 1845, and a second time in 1840, when they were cleared out by the police. These cafes are the centres of Venetian the. They are the drawing. rooms of the gentry and aristocracy—the perlors and club-moms of the people. People receive visits and transect holiness at the cafes sa if they were at home. Ladies and school-girls go there. Whole (=ilia sit -down to coffee, and turn the piazza into a drawing-room, the band playing there et certain hours, and the whole beau mode of Venice passing through. A CHICAGO paper thus describes a rare dower from a city conservatory "We have a specimen of a Power of one of the most remarkable pistils In the country— only one of the species In the West, if not in the country—the Phikairmdetps. Im agine an oblong, cream colored, open cup, springing from an open stem, widen ing In the centre and turning at the end into a twilit, such as is seen In some shells, the whole of about eleven inches in length. In this vessel la an elonga tion of the stem, of the length and size of an car of Yankee corn, and looking not unlike it, which Is unsupported except at Its base, the whole being one of the most remarkable specimens of the floral world that we have ever seen. The tree, which la about eight feet in height, haa many of these flowers, and after the bud becomes visible a whole year elapses before It ma tures." ON Sunday last, in the Congress-street id. E. Church, at Troy, N. Y., Itudas the pastor bad concluded an address, smoke was discovered issuing from the registers, and immediately it was sal mimed that a the was In •progvese In the room below. Presently a loud noise, caused by a stumbling individual, startled the congregation, and many supposing the floor to be giving away, a &artal and indeseribable,acene:of confusion followed. .0,.n Immediate rush was made for the door, and a large number of children present were in danger of being crushed to death. Some of the more quiet of the congregation stood upon their seats, en deavoring to calm the excitement, and as It became evident that the danger from fire waft not Immediate, some one struck up a familiar tune, which was taken up by the others, and during the singing partial quiet was restored, and a leas expeditious egress of the audience took place. Additional Markets by Telegraph New Ont.serra. Nov. L--Cotton rimed quiet and lower at 2434(424Xm elm of 2,400 hales; receipts, 6,74.5 babe. Flour scarce and firm, at $5,2646,63 for super fine. 56,66 for extra and 56,00 for double extra. Corn: mixed;tau and white 51.16. Oats 509®640. Hay: prime W. Pork dull at 531.60. Bacon firm, at 17x @70x(6)20 ye for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides. Hama 5220. Lard lower. tieree 18x ®1254c and keg 1501140. Sugar: receipts light; fully fair I.2%aia. and yellow clarified 16y(414X0. Blots& lea: prime illagele. Veniality dull at 51,26. Coffee firm; 60r 16016 ye and prime Gold 127 y. Sterling WM. New York Sight Nectierige par to y, dis counj, MlLVarger. Novlgpber 4.—Flour weak and lower; choice lowa and Min newts at 55@6,25. Wheat firm at $1,0034 for No. 1 and 51.13734 for No. 2. Oats firmer at 39c for No. I. Lbro steady It 700 for No. 2. Rye weak at 72e tbr No. L Barley nominal. Vreighta Om and un ,213.1404„ geoelpta--6,002 bbls flour, IU,OOO bush *beet. 160 blab oat.. Shit. manta-10,000 bbls flour, 191,000 bush wheat. BUTPALCI, November 4.—Freights are easier; wheel 22(422)4c, corn 190 and oats Imo to New York. Flour dull and un changed. Wheat dull, with edam 017,600 hush No. 1 red eat 11, 10. Corn nominally at 82148.1.1. Oats firm, with sales of 36,010 bosh No. 2 western at 630, tan-thirds to arrive. Pork and Lard unchanged. Ilighwbuis nominally al 5 1 , 1 411, 1 2. °ammo, November 6.—Flour in fair demand; one mill has reduced Its prime 250 on all grades; elm i,Ree tibia N 154,515 @6,150 for No. 1 spring. Wheat quiet with nasals& Corn quiet. Belay dull; Wee 'g1,01.10 bush Bay quints at $1,26. 11ye litactive. Canal. fred_ghts CM want 190, barley LlSyci to New Wk. 2Taallell44olloreatber 4.—Oottoni iow catddang at 2211e0 ; good ordinary 22a. Wbeet 1 red 11,06; amber ILIO while $146611,10. Porn 11.0 a. Oate 05e. Rye 1L Barley 1140 Plour 16117 tbr =par- One to fancy. Bacon: odder ; den .17. N. Hum 250. Lard DM, O. tr.i7. I= BUNTON [NU! ISH.— Yy the lir• Jobs MeilLan. oo .• Ith Nytt.l3ll(?, 1100. •1 res.deurx • of Nirs. Wad, Ir. ll•tkeea atrret. .kildribelly llq. Julit4 IJUSIoN, Eq.. of ]em Cuua all 11l • 141110 ZMJLIMI, taw form•r hoar, •I.JLT--osicn.—ooTbonday, Nov. tober ♦tb, 111EY, b) Rev. .lobo Deo.l u, V. D D. W. A I:1.T. Cog., of New Tort, r.. sod 111. CHAU. LOTTI W. ORM& of New tislllee. <wow. Pa. DlHM—JltNtlf—Jn Wednesday eveuto g. Nov ena... 34, et the Third Presbyterian , hurrh. 41 the Rev. 1. A. Noble. I Astor. J• 11 a tl W. DIHN. of Alit/hes) City. and MAITIC A. JONES. of Pittsburgh. = ale•LWATN—lta 7 horselay =coule Novelle. heir 4te. at • o'clock, Whiff A. if ciL. e, WA/N Numeral oa eaIDAT November fhb. at 9 Loan Ole redden. cf etre. parents, NO. 97 Webster etre.. Alleskan7 ate. Therrien& of the farallr are knelled to attend. fcCLELLAND—JA his minden., O mu► burg. on wenn .de. mantled. November 3d, al sl o'clock SR DIBILD YteLICT.Lh.III). La the 1111.0 tear of his ad*. I from lb. On'on Depot. on the males' or the Johnstown hemommodatton train. TO- T. Ith Instant, at 10:30. Petards and ac quaints/sees of the Molly ran.t.folly tamitsd to attend. DALZULL—Ou Thursday ordain. kloyearb-r • j • 1669, ak h. (-haat t-a o'lock, la Illirmlag ham, Mrs. MLRY L, vireo( Andel'' , C. Iral.n. i No leo ol tamer& la croulud papers.) trIiDEERTAHERfI B. P•171[11.10,1 Lan L. WILLt nue. 'PATTI MON & WILLIAMS, .1 Underlain., comer ol Fifth avenued nigh street, Pittebnak. engine f nll 115 4. , Care...dr erspeensid filoae, and every deeertp nun of funeral ann. hleg rood • funnaol on the Meal f. actable tern. In the eta. Henan Sod earring. I funned. Odlee opn day nnd LEX. AIKEN uN Drat ./, No. 160 676.11111 a tkzotjo. a p: ...(10:1=of r i ettLytPke plabinigoods funtlabe4. 9 600.1 open daart . . azrassacwk—B.r.r.D•Vid Item U. ,D. Lev.) W. Jacobu, D. D... 73swa.s• C &Ulu, Z.. ( - MABEE* & FEEBLE*, UN. lJ DIETAINNZI AND LIPEUT I &ANDVARI( ISTNALItT AND OHDULA •VZNIJI Altegbe elm where Male COYPU HoOM sr • coestaal ny ly euted 1•111 real at! lsoltstlon Breemooet. Oordwe, at prim ear7lns Eros **wane. Ne thee prepared ter temeineat.Hennes and eal• rtes. deruNbed Alto, • 01 Undo et llaarstri Goods. If amazed ODee open at all Amen. de/ sad WAAL JOSEPH MEYER & SON, UN EcUIArr.A_K_EARN. =3 I:l4:rriagas far Posurals, 03.00 We I. dy COF M FINS and all ?attend l'onalatunala at na e/xi I.& an? WATCHES, JEWELRY, i to. OPERA GL ASSES FOR SALE OR HIRER W. G. DIINSEATECS, JAW MACY •ND OPIICIAL ATOM ISO VI YTH •VENUE. oeff Vpimaite Ilaseale B.U. I~Wp,~\~]'l al iiiyf:}ahS ~af:Y 47 OrDEDIIeATIOAL—The dedi .C&TIUN 01 the New rent/et/man Come!, of Illoon 160 owe, olli take pleas on meet elabballt, Nov. 1, 111/19. Rev. 0. 1. D.D.. eral preach u 10h, o'clock S. N. Ect. W. D. Howard. D.D at 3 o'clock r. Y. W. B. lielilsaiso tt T c'etoot r • st. Too pablic ars cordially lartied to to woad. ItgErWARREN AND ♦CIIANCO OIL C.MPA NT —Tao Baar4 of Dire. Una ha; • Trll IJ►Y declared . &ridded of TM lien (31 PLY I'CNT. or the cannel atom. psychic, free of Gov. relnent lax, at tic Ulnae of n e co.apaor, SI Intl PlUsberdt. Pa.. on cad eller N.... Inn.. 11169, nail wined day gn. nasal, nooks ot the Company altar nano cloenaL By ord. r the lakerd. MiMM = arIiTOCILHOLDERIP BIEET- I NO.-1 meeting of the eteckholdere of the MIIIE:WEARY •ND LYDIA ALVIN CON- NtI.tDITED KILVIII MINIM) COYPINY whi no held at the tdlee of J. CH a DLLS DICK IES Lau., lir., street.oo FIDDLY SVSNINO. at 1 u . . buck. A full attendance of the atoel uulders la requested. iIY °RDA& 000:qt NOTICE T( O CONTRACTORS. MEALEDI PROFOSAIA Will he r rvlved at this Oft. ontli 3 o`oloet r. VIIU V. Nov. Ilia. 1369. for We Orr diug zed Psvlog of It. foilovnag etreets sad Al io), viv: GRADING AND PAYING GRADING ONLY 13E3M== lioeelfloatioos can be seen at the ofilee of Chas. Dar/s. Key . Claylhnotheer. The tight . Is reser red rel... any or all DM& 00.0 W. W. PORTCII., ClWCootsoller, 1870. DIARIES. 1870. Pocket and Counting House, I=l W. S. HAVEN & CO., Car. Wood St. and Third Irenue. tto6 04.41/11r ROBERT R. PATTERSON & CO., 1=1:1 Seventh Avenne and Liberty St., rrrrsparrou. Witt on Barry Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES WAGONS, r.m.treirawzmts,„ than ankle of ocantganase ea ar birders ?Standar of nob Week In order for advertising. Prompt U. ut natio& sad good ran .111 be gins all Moat WI bre JOHN IL STEWART, Andlamer. CONTINENTAL Fire Insurance Company, No. 102 BROADWAY, N. Y CAPITAL Ili $ 500,000 00 51 , RPLIIII Of •liatTa,tjoly 1169013 20 15 Malang to total Comb Amato. $0.2514030 TO Threeeenarters of the prodts are 41sLeed, la a essa y to lu ass/omen la eetlp, naming Intent at Sit per cant. pit at nut, until redeemed in eaab. Ono-quarter It divided I=l By Ws e►aleat the metazoan of the Gomm., Mush, Mete at about what It coats the coomehy to protect them, all 4 ander so atom moue. Co. they liable toe the lames. 14 MIL —7le largert rowan{ of ••Net therplos over Llattilittes. Balasorsitu and Capita.'• as shows by tas "Official Bllt.llllll. •• Islas& of Ow cONTININTAL INSURANCE CeiIIPANY. Tbe Directors of , um Company bass ordered las follostisi divide ads: Ist. ♦ weal soastual sash 4tehlood of roma (I) per mat.. pas•le to the stockholders forthwith. Std. ♦ cub dividend La the n Aunties al ter ellp of 1163, with II per amt. Woven Inegoolo, I=! Ad. Au (stem/ dlvidead W bra aeclartd as gggigauldiu .edp of . 44, 411&, .014 . 61 lad `GIL Farago Is *sal lietnember WU. 4000. ♦ sotto dirt& se of arty tiOs per osos. I os coned pentdalts of sostootess ca/1.1.0 to psrtidpoes la the Mats of tho CCingai Is pas able fottlmlth 00 Nis oallos of tka Compass, No. 141 Wood sun), Book of Commmr♦ lialklNg. Nao. Compass ta.Ve. asolast lon In llss on at 01.11.41. Nnatiandls; 7.aaltsa . Nutufacto- Hes s t ;mot of tits more Defeats Muds. Ism 7topan7 aUd 010.0 tn..abta littnests at num abt. sates of minion. for a4.1211.4al two .140 august 00 Mina. pfaa. a►tee. ie. Cal ot or odds.= JAMES W. ABBOTT. General Insurance Agent No. 167 WOOD BTBEETI • ritTIMISCIE. P 46 a • DI I4IWA Is the Leel atkd ebeapost commerdal naw.paper pnbashed In Western 7eangheab 12rMWM!!1=IM:1 vtahogi It. , I ,Onnle nnhecritners (In. of ten... . I=l =1 I= PEINNOIIAN, REED & CO, I=== WrNOTIC.SS Tb-Let," -Lust," Wcmis," °Pawed," "Bowedisip,” Gmertivng FOUR LINZ% ania De Inserted ta Mese eotamssis one lo TWENTY-F/ CENTS; awl, odd*. esenull GI. FIVE CENTS. WANTS WANTED.—A few shales of lne Ilanehe•trr harlvn bum Mock. Kneo Ire a. the lianklu Hot., •ttenhe hl. WANTED—IIELPAT EN. PLOYIIIVriIr a I Bt. Clair acrec4, BOYb MILLS uld NYS, for ltiamli [tads of motor:nerd. Penn. rroo=bral of all lauds ma 00 malted an abort WANTED—An AGENT for this elq to bell the eeletoar. guuniuna ♦ T41;71131 86% IN() 31 /WHIN/. INA ogrettersos more lihrold teas ary °Vers... CW and exal flre..A , a . a X, Traveling A( 1. • W ANTED.— GENTS eyes . . Win= to sell Ute .11.111/311CAN TrleG MA.l.LitNi., the only essetkal ru4thr ttig m kti, I.2lrln• k " L orAt AleitlituAN H MACS:Wit Co.. Seaton. Ham., or 54. Lola,. Mo. WANTED. - ISOBTGIAGIEJL - $lO, 000 to [AAA In lugs sr small mown& THOMAS I PITTY, Hifi, BOMA and HAM taws Broker, No. 119 am tAlekl IaTIOL WANTED. AGENTS. —1110 E ND. per WANT ED. to sell Mr mat tiCti MINS. PROV/to tatklYON cc tiltlettitt 11 1 / 1 - Clll/. 6 Price ooty Orem ladootunelta derma. Tot. Is the moat popular dewing St Lane of the day-males the moons •1011MSO uck Patten — wi ll do ant tit dof vett that can be done on any :ambit,. -100.000 sold mot the demand coat tautly Inemarlng haw te lbe Use to take an agency. ME.d ktr eiren/am. Male ware of Infnneers.-MM eitettllS CO.. o, yo Boston, Mom., PU . MP, Pa of Lott LOST LOST.—ON MONDAY AWED -La NOON, on the Roe of tha Pittsburgh W blaaraestar Hallway. a P ecze BOOK war- Llght, Three Dollars, by a lady. Tbs finder will be Doers'', rewarded by learlug same at this Ogre, or at T0rr...., t Col:ma/Va. Marlon art nue. AllaahraY City• frilein2in4 _L LET.—RARE CHANCE.— 'too earl°, a , .1 Bed Iktoso a Pau. Mar street. I:tutored hed Vaal at ...boa. Part of the foram,* for saht .quire frt. I to 3 tae 6 la 9 o'etra ft J. a. Jutitrattal. Rattan., No. SO eszsb rro-tET.--A Pleasant Room auliable Is rtiatleumed siaeytet MM. 14..ya1n, at No. 38 Cb•lb.up street. LET.—Furialsbed or Va. W.A.,. O 1 4 11:71lN ak 18 S .. ID 110 u MA. Albin. A. t. rLET.—A Large. rarniebed i I ItINT ROOK; mat, 11.hissa4 ears ot Ye mom laeladexL @efer ecee required. bir.. W. eLaruc.. Allanteny City. rEt RENT —Un the Mist ay at Aprit acct. the two nabbed Stith elltag House. coutalatha twelve rowwa t aithe ate eto the canter of chocks., avesse lad WO.. .107 atroct, watt autole attached. To • good lame sat dose pew:blow wall be let tow. Ittelatra TERAILLa B. UPDLCA. 11100 beset, Av.., Ameglies7. FOR SALE. EOR SALE-A FOUNDRY .IL‘D MACHINE SHOP. Irish gas I facilities r tna His anda aood trade bltahed. /A. !Hasa, •••oOrlDlt Y," resa at Vila Ocoee. tinter and Igtritirr47 cHANCE. welt: uotru. , 34 bter. Oast sal 10 t 46 .9; ram stories WO. /at lalla - tg4l7 to LLt iminnrusoa. 96 and 96 Third 5v6696. Fen BALE—Enginesaad Noll era, Niter Lad bceen4 Bead, of LI ►tad. mem sally LI band. Orders hem 11 pArta of me CoantaT promptly rroromrs. JA111IL• HILL 1 CO.. Cars. r Marton Avenue A P. ►. W. it C. S. W JUlregbelay, Pa. rII MALE. SOUTH romp- ILINGH reLJPERTY, —A neat TWIPSTURY elOll DWPCLIN. !MUNE SU Boom aan cot., Os /Inter., H•draat and a Well or Water. Lot trr-nty fret Front no Passau •tri et by our hatod dee?. Priem /WOO& To. ms oda , ha , f .x 5, • 53,15dt r one tied tea near.. B. CUTti Wart ranee, a 9 LIII9 nae. E.-E1111011" NOTATE r SAL ALNL1.07... A LLIGHI.NT CITT, PAL—. oe btlaptd. tli a lx a TO feet. I: k tV r es T a d try Jas. Nue of the membernrthe 1140 wt•Olug rettll trout bootee. ou amount 01 poor heattlt, Pave decided to close out Ode rt of the Wad, se. t • berdwhi. Alto will of Maude Pow (0 to 10 Porte ) load. sad =adds tbinery; would putt e • good wagon maker filmy; tot 60.‘100 feet, od 0 No. lease. Toe /Maw parttealars led:etre at No. 40 Ohio time, Alraw Sitetty, Pa. FOB SALE-10 .141 BES, 'LIM or more, In Plum township, /Beam qtnitOttegTl7=ll.7lrl:::lMl re Ma rooms. end (COO stable. and all other SP augury our-buddLoge; orchard of /00 Ogailac, Rail Mel; or all kind.; good ItardatiVilli• nor, anti gooseberries and urns. OM, womb or rock, quarry opened: all, mitt MN& denims or manulseturaaß estabilS/MMIVS . ender entire Nam: good hadicattou poopst wader aml bast landbig MI U0.1111614' well ianeed. Inquire Or A. a. s:zza. es premises. • ' FOB BALE. 'oum and LO. 012 Spring Md. daremb mars • prim M 5,300; lan acres near Plealaintardsm. 'soma; linme and L.. 34 JaraM Mra $3.300, A homes on 1/ Inminc serval. *5. *0 m 11 houses and 3 :MI lo Mamma; Vs lay. 300: 8 aeres I• Smarm to...ft Oa EMIT. rt rem. row, 83,000: 83, Dn . :. ill ,. r,..a. t Or/w 4 . ime iron to ennet. Rom am. EO4, aa ta. bead or nearer stnreL Abut iii m sod 0 acres In 31,sabetb Bore. 14.0004 sad lot In Brtdaewster. &mean ea. ...maim 21 rooms lut 05 by 1110 fret 174 Cana at Yalr Data !nation. 34 aortas. sere. Ingelm of winvatoiLlN goal Ze c tat i gworoar Okla sad Anemias EEIISONAL.--All persons seek. tau EIGYLta. or Iseestatesta Is w sate t e, trO IY esl - 10 cur,=lll eeby e tm MP b. BJt z tlil b utt CITAT a 111111 LL... Itis (IVO altiVillain et -In be teat by apall WIWI also INMPOSIL/ 1,.. Penons mot LW to get salted oat of, Ms Um It mou th s. CllituFT • PHILLI Ushers sad Beal Estate Aireate. bto, 121- Pub even.. IArABITINGTON STREET PKOPERTY Polt 3 4.1.11.—Nt 6, 101 wso 103 WeAlbgtcna stmet. 44 L et Omit and US fret dorp, Improved Lny • IsLodens WWI TWO eToRTI3OI.3 H01L133., Batt Room. 34., Per 11411312.• •opl/ to ELI EDNUND3O3. oeleg3l 94.404 Ttillt4 pnvsnonGit BANK FOR SAVINGS. " - No. 67 MIRTH •77.11111 L. errnmosegu OMB DAILY nom 9 to •o• lID c10E4.11.11.1LW1 BATIIAY ZYZIHNO 99 10 .®beelst, from cod o'clock. and wasbor In So May In. Bb 110`01oW. veld at um ma or sa per tett., flee 01 1117Clia at Rot withdrawo compoossase wool-Lo cal, Y. Book. of By-Lowl, AS.. Ow atabod lathes:Woo Board of Mornoens—Oro. A. Bo 15im p, 7 4,48.0 . .590•01 IL H. Hortoso. Joy Part Jr.,Yloo u. lit•lblley Beeretary 118 d Twwwwo.. ley J. (I 8011. WW. W. N A sislts, tow% Dllos " An.s. A . SWAM. beeassonuo Bltodeo,Joo.Wolol4ol.lo Clinsonebef Hog. D. W A A. ILBell. Solicitor. , • • y 11099 PdERCIIANT TAILOR& HENRY G. HALE,. MERCHANT TAILOR, ; Corner of Penn and Sixth Streak, FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE BRABB FOUNDRY JOHN M. COOPER & CO Bell and Brass Founders, giant, LOCOMOTITE a Loma BRASSES Made Prompt/1y to Orden: RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on nail& provrtet= uul le•Mitictargri 9t J. N. CooperslmprovedßalaaeS STEAM PUMP. OM*, 882 PENN FITEELT., -. .: Fondry,Car.l7thasolltaltraidineistft-- 1111 . 111311/4111. 14. =a
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