• /ittinao Gay*. 01110 Er OAZETIt BUILDIRG, 84 IND 86 FIFTH AT Of PIWDaK~ . Alllegbeay aad ALM gbeny Comity. TUURSILIAT, OCT 28, 1869. Finneran's et Antwerp, 601 r. U. B. Bonds at Frankfort, 88. GOLD closed in New York yesterday 11130. Tax Rilpubliesn press of Clarion and t Forest counties unite in 'the general de. 'rrialld for the restoration of the spring ••--elections. l 7 IT IS the iMpreSISOII of the British Le- whin, at Washington, that their Coloni al autharitice, at llama, will follow the Amertpui example, by detaining and con. demaing the Cuban privateer Lilian which entered that port. TnEDtspaleh yesterday emerind from the quarto shape Into the folio, and with a bran new dress from head to foot, came out as bright, smiling and fresh as a May morning. We are glad to note this new ' , evidence of the conUtued prospe4 of - Our =temporary. A Orlin/co 3oFnai la a:winced that `the Lame ba. rdOsylvanla lately was trnrrOrfittgiailWooinpared with the Thlt inteitins Okla great, remand prosperous 11Bnoii,` that aro Imperilled by a Repub lic.= deleat in Cook county." We them. • ble for tho result 1 press and the country are deeply Allferatedia—the lune of lb° lltigatitm, Upon the wood•paper patents, which is, Tiegi week, to be finally closed in the Bat -, ireme Coast - If the monopoly bebroken in by the expected decision of that Court, ft - will be of advantage to apo • • •• • pray. i'a;tl'Muklitda BisUctU , gives to the • late Attorney Gamed credit for "the bitualing up of the gigantic Gettysburg ,I d ottur7 echethel the abollthing of the re - . , Gthithun of sentences by the criminal • courts; the collection of the railroadton. nage taxes, and of other .important , ..,.0,1* . r, ~.. . • : , - ____ 1M53 • Cunaanyr tixOns 'or itn_Aesel'fimosolidation ot: ,:itultel railway companies of New Jersey bith the PetuasylvanlaTeetraL The 41- ? Teat results of such a moyemezt Ma be ,rielidlly appreciated byThe public; collat erally, the effects might be more bettelP 24) 4:1fif td'lcltrinoie than to Philadelphia, . ,the Mater of a regular steam communise:len with Europe. 'Vt. • weAsn-xsarrl tnoner of the' local Courts of New York tuts undatedcen the uveeUgptlou of the extraordinary state. ~ menta of Certain notorious and ungsd' n -4*x:dawn in gold, impeaching ,the integrity of the President and of ell -Isms of New York, with whom his llsion has been Insinpited. The issue of fhiilr ingithiea cannot fall to slow the inipudent but 'Wel falsehood of there • nee' asation s. M . . ' ' • ...' ',, ',. ',i,i , i..,1::::., ! ,4; ! :.,... , :..;!..... -, , - ..1!•••••.....:4•1::.?.,... • .r.'..'.1::-...•'.7.::::1..i-:-,r:: 1. • • Ttlit TAW aPprdienslons, of ,serions • ticaftfiga 41.sturlbances in Parisi= the 26th, have not been justified by the event The y was very gulet,,and the reacike of :'public feeling cannot fall to he parked, in -tlee.support of the bitpetial authority. The -Liberal leaden penxived that the piiietument was too strong, and wisely ""fterhoWfto - prest sn lastieNybkh weed, for the-present. held vomited in great - damage to their cause. ME ' ' i. ( , • ) Tun first clear half year of Gnswes t.loimthistration shows an aggregate of ti use in the revenues, and of decrease in flutexpenditures, of 146,461,157.64, as almpared with the same period 'of VS. :.That increase oru over 119,090„000, Ind `::tire'., decrease. was ores, Via,coopo, the utter mainly In the army expense,, „iviNch baro been reduced from 161,000,- + 000, down to $29,000,000. Auilitg Other Wirings, is that of 14 per oraCin theme* ' Ofeellection of the Internatlbmmuo.Ttio '4 1 44 which substantiate Utah figures are W splendid trinacstion of the justice of :-.!tepuldicatt expectationL .„: ..4 =lll lINE Zr`.. ' C .- !". •ez t • ' , ;1 4 , • t,ov, k. . . . .'Ei-Sisisiort WADE, of Ohio, is re ported 4,Washlngtow,, wbere be Z=l , listed nudes the euhanglibusterlogjouta 'hurex•Eleur4or seems to ban , esubsugeji jria regular ~,autunntl.. deer-hunt, for it vi r implign againatibeCticody tipwthods• lie should. go at wee tolhe float. under - , "Aleitesal" JORDAN, without losing shy more, tlrae In our Pala* (lupus, cverlOg litento" Its, plans, to • the loclviour at a luta Into nay ropotre tilieClutisa mum es. Iligo= l l l 7 ll4- Y4-I;iuiliss.much out of place, at bouldli :-OUiteetoeful Capital, as when he "aoselsi ,Conthieut onAtto nor 'Odom of :feubi; turpoctlug Urania, from that ex. ttfatitlltuary starutivint. . ;•;. , !.zi 7- .&... ._ , !-' - ',.,.:..:;,=;i'.::i , ;,; •,..::• - : , i''' , .`:-tt-:..:. - ;, 1. 1P,1 ,-,-;.-::,:;,7.-i;,,-::.+Y.,•.7:,;,..,:',.',;:. ME i'.' ''t ;?.;i,-',,,:!,:-;'_:,,1,.'-;:,i, ". "'Wm but feii . 'exception!, theyre's gerieralliyegards the deeteleirin the Tee : ~ ger roe as not touching the merits of the "region 'whether the' Act of March 2a !Tedf;prOviding - for' the trial of civil :effaces, by military tr i bunals la thelalll6 '.'constructed Blues. II conadtationally valid. Nor is triers anything whines . = In the text of the Court'i interlocutor* ...,oidikut, to truirrit an Inference as to the otiniona of Judges upon these mutts, un less-it. be the sharp fling of the Chief lustiCe it the Congressional' intervention ,in theidcArdie case, and ids covert Intl. - Minton that the Court:should then have ' disregarded It ' ' . It bas been imggeated that the ; effect of - Ude, decision le to declare tirrapy . that 'tie iivil power bas beast all times am prime in these States. This Ito,ot. a* Anw. The.: Court, at the - utneet;tiould ,Only. bold this to be true of the Adana Authority, for there woe - legally no eitill. es - sniirierd of look calginv in those , Stele"; •• Ii may be decided that; with the . . close of the war, ibirederaletril !awls; 'aimed its . supremsey, but nothing more. Opposition Joureuls are far the most 'lWit abiewdenough'to - foryriii speli iiio: mature felicitations, epon the vindinded *Wren. sel,Or the Ccreatithileet," are lu , ,:,dinged In by , the OlUal* l :'! ° o s . 6l Tl 1/1.%0 .entirinigng nenaisper "ikon* . the opinion:. of the Court as 1-tnbeeltity ,t)IIr ', - indication ea return to . the forms of constitutional government, long dice Awed num, %ad by many e 0 00 i6iial lore edu ier :lost tla w e ds : . uz niag untry 7 " 6 l ' nip ;, lined !nu to' in mining fo - the • next Detinicrille Presidential - _ , lon, it taioAliefrieittli thet the #eireallf / 'Patter* its . toprenhdan - of Ida stbigh - = :z.:',:,';'..', : i:'!::' ; ' . .:&.4:.•." : ;...: , , • „ ' z 4 4 A ,. r • : 11 . - ).1';;;' ,- ::':' - - x .:itli . •-id.:,..,,,,,-...7-';:... EZB M EN I NM oat . - log, JUlts4"l24 eharactgr:"ll..... indecidbit thekt,_lll.-. . ~.. - . illail:1:w ....4- ---. •• thief 1.-.. , , 1- ' ROW mitiits oath the - —men:. to 04e! itatto„ .clunot• so., : . win- "Ma above f wilmi- an,..._,....._d the, -- leg th e dignity . - - - L .. -.* wv. , i jr o[o9 ...,dittdb,...rinzoutg' The Chials o .., P. ..,- Tb eamoona tioni . _._. ..4 , .. —.4 ..- now t oo late lb? -. its =man. - .11 ill rpme:lllMell -.62l;xtdod: ; Of lam I -'-a $ 1,1 1 3 . 4; a time 1114.61,417 =01030.1 • • ' ''. ~. Iti,e roretspient. then .„,L _ .. v+awllndseva thcixtessetio . r i g; 14,-a:posodl o F.l4 l ' zro -Plowd''esriar 1 , '----,-,,,-, - t iopp=wanzaskrun . ~A : .:-.,,.: ti_amitike___........ lifts t e lr a g ik ;g"i'' 1.=,7 '-4..'''''' IMI =II • • • ~•• OFFICIAL PAPER LICENSER-1N NO SHALL GRANT THEM: ' The granting of lice:sum to sell tntosi• rating drinks is properly devolved by the general system of Pennsylvania upon the Courts of gainer Sessions. In par- dealer counties this discretionary power has been lodged elsewhere, as, In kiTe gheny county, with the Commissioners. In'tio county, so tar as we have know edge, have special arrangements of this sort operated satisfactorily to the majority of the Inhabitants. From the nature of ttufteee;they cannot. The granting of licensee le a judicial proceeding. Applicatkrn is to be made, evidence la to be heard, tkri facts to be duly considered , and a on arved at. The whole business wigs to the 13oart, and that body ong ' not to be re lieved from the respond yof Mtend• ing to it. ' Another consideration has weight. So I L long as the licensor shall granted by Me Commissioners • mmici i s liable to prevail that political cal , ens enter into the determination of It this btudness Mall be sent back to the Court, from which It was unwisely taken, there will be no stronger presumption of politi cal Was In creating or withholding licen ses than indeterminism any other matters within the competency of the tribonil. It has been alleged, and perhaps with reason, that to mend ails business back to the Court will create a =amity tit an additional Judge. If so, the answer is obvious. There timid beJudgea enough In any Court properly to hear and dispose of all matters depending. In cases of this sort, it is a wise economy to have so many magistrates that haste and delay shall be avoided, and each application receive so careful a sifting as to ensure the public welfare. The it Is fair to pra m:vac, will be glad to be relieved of this duty, and the 'Judges camel object to snylabor or responsibility thin properly devolves . upon them. We trusts there- Imp, that the Leg/nature, et W main/ massive, will relieve this county from the special . legialation, on this_ Ith iitact; ft is aftlletal, by stathor. - fly to grant license's to sell Intuit:Ong bentragett exelittively with the ICdurt, where it belongs under the general *plan. To this proposition there tan be no said 01022/02 - firm IK §:Ai. the advotates - or abithienise or indulgence. Even the submission of the question of granting or withholding /Menses to apace, tiliOrote in the visions wards =town , ships would not affect this lodgment of authority, lbr u the question !bora be PoPtiliu44iidata - IB Vc;itn would act or ,.ttmoi:it,irruk - Wittuut Latvia, a gentleman artralways entitffidto re 'petrol eoulderatiOnOmbeatta Millie pecs- Welt this clatsynoywealth :ts Mitelese for, an EXcliii Mud, whiih h as follows: I propose, therefore, Shake lasPeassiten fuel tlie niceteesslon broth Legialabare. amending the present mum, by taking from the County Commando:mere the power to grant licenses, and placing tt In the hands of a mart, to be called the Es else out to tenolistilubart auk ' Id each county In the State the J:=lte u z s everal count i y o rnta t rall . sal by the Senate. one Excise Judge for each cocnity, Kilo atone Mali hare the power scones, continue in - ate a salary men dant tajnattly tbastecerptanee of the of fice by a nut-rate man.. 2. Each ward:lxtralisdi imetowrisihip shall alert one person each jeer at the Oatattreletaion,to actia Ecanullealoner of Ideptin pall mit with the al l else Its idvbiory 4axansel, In all appllea item AL met district, with .7,=" e rni Ino Manna: of hum gas carnpensatkm tut his sereleta theelf Ikea dollus per day:, orAdefassa 4. AU applicants for ileums than pO , to.the prow Utica of the Excise Court the sum of flu dollerson filing their sp spileattone, which sum shalt be pedtinto =a s 7 tfoonarAas a fund to psy the of add eon* the be.e, if any, to rernabiln the hands of the Treas. I neer Or county purposes. If it sinstinvosed to apply this plan to A en* linetlithemnre*Akina counties, reliermight Band in 11, far some pres ent emit*. But applarret to the :whole State fa decidedly objectionable, as we are constrained to fudge, It would Clfitl, saw= of new offices where none ire needed; for In moat of the connliesithe Clouds of gustier' Simians have jurisdic tion in the Mauer of llenesek and are per forming* ditito beat gado:ton. Wbraussliall. :hew Comt.,xi much ex- pease, to do that which Is already well I done, end *Musa' extra coat t To confine this scheme so a few of the denisinpoilifited eons:dies, is one fainsi Of . special we would sooner pee discontinued altogether, than divariffiled and enlarged. Besides, it meant to of that Conn .. of flialter Sessions, In and for thliCieuitY,44 just u competent to deal with this matter or nee** lit Otter tottettur. MAn addi tional Judge,would to this etiOi t omiienarm,letlilm pierided. That la cheap* and simpler than to mats s now tribunal We are glid Mr. Erma; has thrown out his scheme.- Let other gentlemen contributesuch suggestion as mal occur, tom Ai Methadon& Let all be sifted.' Vire 'weft/k i lo!) mails tenacroos, ind If we were Otti *MI nothing uniesstleapopedar - tudgment should hap pen to'oolneide with as. But we ars con fide:it that the cinsationke Dow- trithump, handling lan*iddlikillerehaila r ked aPPoreigAlger., l 3 ,lo 4 l r-gs , will Out melt wit rile* ,Wri , " l . • coniforia tiriviceieA-46erietkin the common pouf " Tlteret*liiponstoxiik. bioarw- Ittile objectloooto devising More. 'ThAjciteenrid poinnitv aa toettottlenof htistarbueettear And - _ nov,ll . ire usohnt ,beek'f-tiyou it in the at reitteit Ettefi, itutrie With/YU of eteranain hen tatltioned thetlreer , nor not to prarlihn the fedi*, kir DO, doleirbeascelntanennstbst it .hell te better ebrortril *VI e sem% teeth% brimMatSoir abd prayer." '4 brew** that the liatieiliositteciliir - lie Wenn:. ed things iA . efl efoondlnir the Aytil :Tut with the Itoomber read. • eo Om an edifice the liodoit OM belem has mad*, 0 1101ee,ht, the irottd. *lam drat ualeithhostapeadeaseltial, toot olditted in-a . storm at. ezeittiaiat; ,I$ tad 9413tibtlee.: the hugs eigta;, the Kg aerial. pad tbetotaado toblehortich. .ed it. ••limas . drawn tivia peat taitry . eadesaerd to be epee Vie' day when • All*J.ltexttitithkit etbsed ag the feel. lop of the eculitteett,;teorltegiandera , /1!..0 b aitc o 4 de ol of 90 1 0 ,1110031 , on to be dodged taxa the solleothas that It aliete: at lease:id that when thoOol• bet= la epokeat ,ot hessian , it most be #ith* litaBa**,l4l**o:l to, thi4letbet redaireiiim rem; Mn. Osonon Varmoutorr, probably ihnmoat over appeared befere„rnianvigh mob me% iiisitudotd. 'yielded to Abotatoptathot of a- vary Minim , oiler made to him by an 'antioprtabig - eastein tawmps.stnd consented to return to the liege wid th be onokadorned, and scolorg ago ' abandoned., In Ws roaditio„ Vandooboff atarl"' tthrrifforidna , and power often tbdtonos bill' bonen diroilloniffoxs•cor -fftunt‘ittrllt& to mood Ws dewed= of ramt Which he ckreemor Geary.bu issued his au did Ira erbium, eslaidsted; both bi Mitten innstant e r a k.:tor , the .ohm t vi i uns iar r of this ranandill4aPPP"WniedatedWa"Vethe "1"11.1n wilb he le ach " ILed lii r tf 6 N Predd ointn en btit 47lll N.l4 lPP :OU in a ti tiCt 'Wafted in Plit**Sh "lamt by itrrhai r tagiVilaff:tbd afordor Takeo& frequent returns to. our !W l t- 'lrreaident' of thii.Nidied States lb" homs7 glee u 5. yet another oPPW having tuned the toregelnkpOckuiddlon. holly to hii-emietia l ridw well be . F. 'O - tricot ,I!ilTdeiar: the sustain. Llhaaelf in to on, new , people .of the Commonwealth of Pe d'aeler - • 113 4 11 ; SOUK ) . riaPP!thergik giv en, 01 , n iab d s i erv w alit d mm t d hi h s il i o al m of the ieditrod* Cony at threebtulh 011125 M .4 004bmitt.tbevesz et our Lord Aft.°Po ol Sini d O ibli *-* , d ight hair.. -- d and sixty.' 0 -04 0,141*"-fthilir.OPPI4401 the . Independence of ihe t `went of ibe : B 4 ) l l *, : 1 0unt`**- 4, mittastatet pladY•ftllifthe bo4 r Adeilli. ipdanktiv:,sip.• )01itle,1101 - ''Pranthee - ••• " ' tikei;krazazin W. *-' OC-1.1 0 .440 ,1 10*.'* 11 GI gal,; ; 19 ; 17 • ~ :14.:.,44r::::v1.tta : ' i ..„ii313,4 , . • • , , """ - 4itn-:mk the great ow:Ulna:lt of Australia and sev eral of tho smaller islands of AnstraiSsia came to be peopled, prosperous, growing, olvllised coionlew. tiold Is Wolf the pid lourpber's stone whose very touch is the great cause of some of the most marvel' oul - and astounding mutations. If the =sent tamer he tme, we 'hail, before the present decade of years low Named by, here • populous Sumo In that far dua. taut and recently acquired territory, which then would no longer be known as "Iteward's -- Tar personal mutts made upon Clem Grant and all the members of his Cebb net as well as upon the leading Witt. clans and statesmen of the Republican patty, might have some effect upon the popular mind, If they were not so sweep. tog, but as they do not leave a single man at eminence, mial erred, and es they oome constantly without Intermission, they have become what the humorist Twain would call monotonous, and the public wearies of that same old strain. If a single man were left unattacked, some faith might be put In these dharges I against others, bat as It Is, the slander ers over-reach themselves, as slanderers often do. The public faith Is probably the stronger to-day in en Administration and a party which have done so much for , the common word, while surrounded by a whirlwind of jealous reproach and mallet% In time, these calumnies must 00111110, for the day when they could do harm, has mussed away. Tirana will probably be knaves In ao. testy as long as there'll?e fools to attract them there. One of the favorite added' of wit and sarcasm in the early American literature was the sham n o bleman whom society bowed down to and worshipped fifor • while, only Co find at last that he was only afraui of the very commonest clay. ',Numerous authors of more or lean note have had their say upon thie. now thread-bare subject. We have all laughed ' at the stupidity of the duped in the books, who were so easily taken in by ' the sharpers. We now hear of a young English Lord who dresses with exquisite taste, after the English style, bouts of his Intimacy with 'Prince Arthur, fleshes like a gem of the purest water upon t h e crowded Saratoga and rectio , cheNewport, fine with envy all of young New York anobdom, by the sorgeourness of his dlimere, marries ■ beautiful heiress and departs only to be proclaimed as brat u a gambler and a rascal, son of an ancient London jockey and valet to a Frenchman of &inaction. This affair may be hut Par nil, but It Is a very sad jcat for the pour deluded girl who Is his victim. " IT WILL teghlte. r . • • • 'Made CFn the siihjeot, ;1,500,000 to place the city of Chicago beyond any contin. gently. eo far as her water supply is con. corned, for many years to come, cod the qUesilon Minor bring considered wheth. or the financial condition of the Idly will permit the outlay. The -income from Water tents, now .1420.686, it is thought can be doubled by the time the contem- Plated tmprovetnente are made. Those tooter*: the exteaudon of the present lake tunnel to s point on the west side of the Clay,' LIM construction of • second tunnel, and additional pumping works, with enlargement of pipes. TheenbJect 4w been brought to particular attention by the occurrence of an accident re. enmity, whereby the water main which suppllestbe larger portion of the West Division of tho city was broken, and In conscquenon of which ale hundred thou. sand people, or more. were derortved of water for one day. The West Division covers nearly donble the territory of the two other ddviatonsof the city combined. Pronolvaxas:a New All t onul (learn i. The Hon. F. Carroll Brewster has been selected by Governor Geary to fill the Important post of Attorney ‘General of tho Commonwealth of Penneylvania,vice Rork, B. Brewster, who retires. Judge Brewster has promptly accepted the proffered position, and the bench of Ulla city will lose one of its most vaned members. Doling hie brief career , as Judge, Mr. Brewster has won "golden opinions "from all sorts of people, Wing- log to the bench a mind trained in the Intricatemszes Of the law from early boy hood, and -enriched by many yawl of oapadOOPer lit the bar, a opals of Indent& • gable industry, and a sense of all the re quire:matte of the important position that anon endeared him to the entire commu nity, Lamed in the law, strictly hnpartial, .courtcons and diligent. Frederick Graoll Brewster, In the short apace of three years, has earned for himself the aria Lion of a model Judge, and that, too, in a city' the legal Women' and Integrity of whose - ,ludWary has become Justly pro- While Philadelphia bases an excellent lodge, the'State gains an excellent At tinney General. As to Kr. Brewster, pepionally; the clone will prove an ad vantsgbaris one, his Geld of ruefulness will be wider be will occupy a more prominent position, and he will be Placed more directly In the way of the still fur ther.lidmincements that his merits deserve and lila In time readve.—Philadalpllia Inquirer. The Fade to tae Xerox Cue. An . eg.otlicer of the United States army, tamed Crane'. being Mayor of Jackson, Miss., had, ' In the pursuance of hie edictal deity, causal..gn anadunent to Issue against a piano in Yerger'a real. denim. to IlOtildate certain overdue city Wes, This ocearred.while the latter wu in illigmdsace as a delegate at the Mem. phloCommerclal Convention. On Ter gees reitern,lte look the levy as * per ssmal=and taintlonal Insult,' and at tempted to call Crane to account, accord ing loam Miscalled code of honor. This 'mare Wu blandly ignored by the Mayor, who, sbon after the reception of Yerger's ' :tete, appeared on tiut Weets In the dia. charge of an official duty, Tam b e was metby Tenger. ° who brutailf a rnurdered .% bite open day. In the of many witnesses withotit 'denten g one word of mqtlanation, ihs was *muted, as. reigned before .* military commission, and, believed to have been found guilty fro_tre the fact that the accused has been OW in confinement ever since the ad. jeaunmeot of the tribonaL While the military coact was in session. an applies. tion on visit of habeas corpss wu made .deface the United Mates Judge whose die. I V uthadod MbolosiPlO. but it was re, f on the DIU of want of pulediction. 46. nether application sus made to Chief JttsticeLChaseras an individual member os-Abe supreme Judicature of the Union, whole:pole the , plea under ,consideration, bat deferred • action until the cause =lid be heard before a full court. The present decision bees been the result. • The Sam Demsterery la manias. • ••-• We bear or the positive 'distort* , of art ehotreoits bed of rocksall on the Cs. %sedan shrift O Huron: TbeVans dims deposirbi o f f o tbeMost eitinsive In the' world. It is already known to reached, least forty miles In s direction neaty fore north bysenth, while -nothing is known of its breadth from east to west. It undonbtedlyis to berfound far beyond the extreme points Mordant dlecov .eries:" ILatealsfar grestarthan aft of the famous salt miner/mar Cracow, which are known to have been worked ever Macs the beginning,of the"twelfth mite , ry. and extend over svaite , or Abed one mile and raven (asleep in length . by six . stul Ulf furlongsln -km,dth. ;..rsectladry the Ceinellais depo s it s jile. . „ - konesilble,.. Tinkle** from it always nesethelpoknt itaproTel in proportion to the Increase of its use; from it 1111.0.116 the mbltest end best Yet kdown in commerce. The esse•vilth which the manufacture cab be , curled on Ann the 'facilities of shipment toilet ports of the upper great lakes indicate tbstit Can be Sold in Uhl. mite fm. Shout a' barrel in 'specie. . PTPint/MGR DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1889. A TRIP TO KtNUS. The Find Route—Cheap Lands,innuce meats for I...Were—Both aides of the Quat2o6-11oinp tor the Indslatreinui Diekenson County—The Bueneye Col- any. EDITOR! Gen:TYR - fraying recently examined portions of Kansas, with a view to the settlement of a colony, by your permission I will glee a brief ac count of my trip for the benefit of those who may desire to make their future homes in. that growing Suite. THE BEIM ttOl7llL The best route from central and north ern Ohio, all things considered, is by way of the Lake Shore and Michigan South ern, from Cleveland to Chicago, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, from Chicago to Quincy, the Bait. Thal .. and At. Joseph from Quincy to Kansas City, and thence into Kansas by the Mathias Pacific Railroad, which is I in fine condition and doing a large busi ness. Thnsee who travel by the above route willifind a =tooth track, first class tars, no vexatious detention., and clever conductor", willing to answer all reason able inquiries. The fare by this favorite route from Cleveland to Kansas to lowa. than by- any other mute, end time as quick. Colonists and excursion parties can always obtain good terms for through passage and Insight. KANSAS—TER JUIRIBT erDIE. Kamm is destined to be one of (before most agricultural and fruit-growing States of the Union. I was told by old farmers, who have resided in the State fir fifteen years, that the wheat crop has never been known to fall in Kansas M-jor Barry, of Junction City, who has been farming near that place for thirteen years, told me that In 1860 there was no rata from Feb ruary 1860, until April 1881, and yet his wheat crop •veraged fifteen bushels to the ' acre—part bottom and part upland; and he said that the spland or rolling prairie, though sandy, stood th e droullibetterand yielded it Much larger crop than the bot tom land. I saw as tine a crop of corn in Kansas as I have ever sus in the Tenser emu or Scioto Valleys in Ohio. I brought home with me some samples of "sod corn," grown near Abilene, in Dick enson minty, which cannot be excelled by corn green' on our best bottom lands in Tuscarawss. At the Salina Pair, held in Saline county during the time I was In that vicinity, sweet potatoes, weighing six pounds each, were on exhibition,and there wore cabbages on the ground which weighed 23 pounds to the head. The ex hibition of cereals and stock would have done credit to any one of the richest counties in the older States. Bach was the testimony of competent judges. In traveling through the older settled "por tions of the State I saw as fine fruit, par ticularly apples, as I have ever seen In Ohio. The varieties mostly in bearing, as far ea extended, wear the Belle Fleur and the Wine Bap, and with these the trees were liter ally loaded down. I elsosaw wild grapes in abundance along the Weems, and of 'superior quality. Kansse will certainly be one of the largest fruit growing States east of the Rocky Mountains. The climate of Kansas, I think, le bet. , ter than that of Ohio. It is my opinion that a person with weak lungs, who should make his home on the high rolling prairies of mated western Hoses might live ten to fifteen years longer than , in the Eastern States. Good Made tan lfe had on the line of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, at prices ranging from $1 to $7 per acre, accord ing tp quality and nearness to the road. Persons who wish to purchase any of these lands, would do well to address, of call upon lion. John P. Devereox, Land Commissioner, Lawrence, Kansas. I found Judea Dearman- an honorable gentleman with whom to deal, and I ad. vise all who visit Kansas, with a Slew of purchasing land, to call upon thpludge at the Railroad Land Office as shove, and thus avoid falling Into the hands of land 'harks. Every picture has two sides, and a." faithful chronicler of facts, - .1 must pre sent both to the reader. As a general fact,. timber is scarce in Kansas, - after learns the tier of counties bordering on the Ellwood River. Its scarcity, how ever, Is not seriously felt by those who settle near the line of a cal where where lumber eau be procured at a small ad vance upon •Chicago piicea. Neatly every man who now locates in Emma will have to buy all his lumber and fueL Wood along the line of the Kansas Pe. eine Rothe ad, la worth from 64 to 16 Per cord, and atone coal from 20c to 30c per buzheL Mines are now being operated at Wilson Creek, west of Ellsworth. FT requires time,latience, labor and a few hundred dollars in money to make a comfortable-borne In Kansas. But this is true of all new countries. There Is one tact which 'I would Impress upon the minds of ell whOpospose to settle upon the prairies of the West. You will find it necessary to change your habit/rand modes of livings everything will be new and entirely different from that to which yoahave been amastomed, and you will probably become "homesick," and for • year or two you will wink you had purer seen Kansas But those who have ihe luck as, imProart their lauds =Wing houses and biros, smdtplan4 lug orchards, hedges and timber groves, can In a few yaws make for themselves beautiful - and attractive homes, and then they would not on any account vschange them for their old locations in the Zest ern States. But to reach this enviable round up the ladder. of materialprosperity, requires privation and self-denial for a few year', and th ose who are not prepared this ordeal had better remain where the) are. There is considerable fever and ague along the dreams and bottoms, but on the high prairies lt la unknown. The winds are sometimes severe, but coming from the mountains and of the lakes they are much dryer and less chilling _than in Wisconsin , la Bortheru )Itch. igen and Ohio. Taking It all la all, I Think Mimes presents more advantages and fewer disadvantages, to those sees. lug homes in a new country, than any other Western Bate. Emigrants am now flocking in by thousands, and In • -few years Kansas will be thickly settled by an activemd intelligent people. Tux isucizu coutvir In looking over the country I amid And no other plate presenting as many inducements for the location - of' a thrifty colony, u Dickinson county, Kansa& Railroad lands can, be had within's dio tonal of from three . to eight miles from Abilene, the county aut. ..There are also sub cIUVItakCS Of. Government Mai, sub act to liomaitculAmd pen•omptkin only. There is Meneueed . land, within three miles of Abilene,' as good em Can be found in (USW... A number of ititiuns, formerly of Bolivar, Ohio, tam poi. anted lauds near Abilene, and probably not leas than twenty families will luve Bolivar Mid vicinity, for Di4inson county, Itlist Apra, at which time the majdrity of the "Buckeye Colony.' will mettle in that beautiful country. Lriclttn. son will be one of the richest. counties in Kansas when It is once uttled and Its rich, tolling paints brought into enhlTa. But thielerrer to tenser. %hail 1 fito- Posed; and 'I mite( ctox, prontising your readers Milker particulars of Dickinson county, in a future article. V. I'. Wuaon. New Plitladelpbli, O. Jouneon oa lire Iticrotta Andy Johnson, nce at - lean, perhaps twice. casually r emarked, In a quiet way to a confidential friend, that he bad gone the round, tt anon holding from the lags althorn* hi the'ltreldent of, the United Meet: and that hts ittahltkm sru imbued Thlsremmic laikcd ont. some. h, - .when J o hnson neurar wrack the Msme, and the: peopkrowne la belles° th at banally made that remark. - Bat Johnson hsrtag deceived every. body elan, and hiring no more humans to conquer, finally- tboind blmaell lie Linda out that his amliltion is not satisfied, nod he proposed to take the back track of olthaelolding . , pad step down . the ladder troth President to village Constable But ordert round' of the ladder:4og Way WI weight, and, he. ht Precipitated to the foot, bruised wad. mangled and effectually tisedap.-r,Okiciand Tan Ltahift4na Wiener trite bow the German Reformed' Church at F. [Wirth and Green streets, New York, wits saved ?remixing Sold It/ Pet debt Of i 94.000. It iris Offered bY Write 11110:!)/tlio Con. OdstorY; and an ffer' of, i1t19,000. 4 t1Z ai catreill‘con • Ulm ,matt 'to . It. Pacing the maw= rose TO and said: i.Brethren," am. opposed to the Ede of the .church .: Pnnidedee has put it into my-power to relies e,pu of this Indebtedness, end I the) it today to do sm. mould,howevar; ,nettbert Do lontokma, nor Imo torrent. abat I.shonig pay Ina .44n, alms, anti wii_ Do what, yam caar towud redutinifitlissnitie the Wince. . These wads:Wilke an% oleo .trinshock nPoR the:audience, and teats of joy band from =repot; fflho,con gteptian mimed - about 110,000,lind -the bantber ANOVA; balance,' M ILAulls on the Republicanism at Ham CM Lieber tel a pleasant story of an inci dent which occurred at Rome. Just after the Congress of Verona, the King of Prussia Niebuhr and Humboldt were talking together, and the young Lieber was a silent listener. Niebehr, spoke In disparagement of Arago, the French U. tronotner, who was a resolute republican. The King, of course, "simply eschewed republicanism." But when Niebuhr had spoken, "Humboldt said, with sweetness which I sisidly remember, 'Still' this Tender It the dearest friend I have in Prance." Long afterwartisl after the sad 18th of March, 1848, fnßer in, when the royal troops bad swept, with cannon, the 'streets of the city, and the foolish Ring had been compelled to salute from the window of his palace the dead doilies of his subjects whom he had slain, there was a great funeral procession in honor of "the deed for liberty." as they were called, and most eminent of. all who stalked In It was Humboldt, universally remarked and sainted. It Wit the only time the Easy Chair seer saw Min, and It was upon the spot In horde the palace of the Crown Prince, on which a few days before, on the outbreak of the revo lution, It had seen the Crown Princes, wife of the present King of Prussia, hurrying, alarmed, Into her carriage to hasten to the royal palace.—Holy Choir, Harper'. Magadan. THOU BRINGEST ISE LIVE,- LUBIG-W OR?. lETIES=:C:II]ZI= be obtained Dom the caption at the bed IM!TM!!!!CC:11:M2 I= prevalent [heo therm which hake the lusty sesO palmonsry tissues. Whether me Mond Is ul dleeesee M the light of a merely OEM coalle. ended Is Met l➢e tonenesser of a mote salons salads. or ss • deep lulan corral's' and dl► solving Mc pun:souse, stroctogn, It 1 Y•ql preglitat with evil .ad fortbodlng of awl. ffl!!n==ll:=C Me Mends lama Welly of she paliebl Moon eeeloeale toreeisrbed Os. Is tbs. et the lOOSL It is In them that early and edleleat tint of to moot oloslrablo, on 6 It to then Llool doom be weeded off sad a ten effected. to DS. ILETLISIVII LUNG CUBS yoLL lLavo • =adieu of Um. mate. Taloa In all lima eandli/oaa. AA Yter.tle.. • tank. • witaleut and roolveal, ,jrT.nrr.r.tTfl'flLJaflflßfls d.. Pa.e-r• .1 . in. 11111teli4 Its bro.:awl work Inge, to ►armory erit► Oa regular faarglelle. Ma be readily obeerred by t►e use of one or tor° ►ot IMI!!E=Z1 sesor.Lblea th.. ellseerb w tueseotam. waft lace of fte /elm. ecofte./. The COodb. U. pabilldl resoltaLlo, I. .puts stszotod iollb blood. .111 /woo /Ivo slow to to mama and prop. wont., of bealth and .trot. ...tamed exim.iceted of one *tarty year haa enabled Dr. Kern.. In the eospoandleut of hL 4„1:1HU Cllttf, to glee nee hoed to the en.- adoptive Invalld and at Um wan Wm etaandy added to thus nov peeve/nal. catarrhal and throat ad.:batons..n llstreadebt to Mar areal,. and so elm.; certainty 101s 1 la their tendencree, o dens cared try Dame approprlote moody. DU. .11. At Milli LUNG CURE le co tharo...o eod or acle:O. Mot 0.7 oae wbo Ose era ..od 0. .U1 vrt be .MW. It Is the twase. 11 .111 en. •no wt. levorythins else talli4 sad to amplc mill awe ofteatlmes m ►h. flays. Tu. mtnuo. of rai.ut... **(l • • • tt novoatalty lartlod io t 3 now sod alnabl•olditloa a ue Viarotaay of Me eonaa. DU. lIit , LY .a.sr De emoubgd N 7 n.cl;l4.a•utvcii t. r..ltlds Orwt Ye4Waa Mom lOt Litany .trees. sag Rm { 10 O W • to f .1 night- THE 0111 PAT VITAUZIE. B . Tina wan may We fairly Meta YarfOwatlte which by takes preoodanes of all miter tonic and alien:Me grew:Wows for spertal of owns mesity Tear.. Dense mat love tater.' HOS fTERIO STOMACH BIT rims may he truly, said to hare ewboed surlvalkd Dopell01 1 17• May preparesloet We beam got up to Outeliete with a. but they Imes ell hales Into Us warm or ant into oil trios fur want stroaese. Pron. s the Ira. ails new wurldfretutrued 17. estable Toole Um been both medlotnallx and tossetsta anceesaaa. liver> Year to NI& dto the et its triendi e sot the &mend tt; nue d solely avian the experimental proof. at its excel lence as a prereeame and carsilva, 00th. to ha , . oo emisuahle limit. The medical profresios portion tind approve to use, sued it le sweat the and of • eerie of meeloloes to which It hebbeits, Or admitted, sedlipatrel TOVe.6•IO). Tome or ten nor- Th. ...Sinaloa of am lamed Mates tbevesele De trarimea. salt verity the amitemest Mal It made Mona and unapt...awned in the tomtuitede of tte eel. ae compared with those el .ay eater proprimary remedy nalrerilamd en Mb WI. co (the Atlanta. Trut liiirSeXerlall Of 11011 fact may be ,2121. /those Is • few worda. 13131STITTLit i ti &TOM le at come the petrol., the sairst and the moat palm:mot alt •egetable wales. and lb. bat .ntIYY Y nosy tarl.ly of ...1.e.... dlaismi . Huese b Y aelPeabilly adapted to Um pro:.•111 WY. of dialing dew. sad tie. bati stes. VW*. - FRUIT CAN TOPS. . , SELF LABELING . . . 1 'Fit IT-LtiN TOP: -, • COLLINSf.t "!N Ys ralainsi 1a: atapla. gab go Vamp • 'AWL. Ma baying nano Tarim stamped span 12a COM. Dna iika orator, Gag salons ay fatale , Una U. 840914 Waa. b gel" Dbandtr renuatatfir kV =MO placing Uoe ruse of tka flan UN vas WOW. ammo the_ potato. aad masa la tie miataary amuse. No WitaMer Of Ramat aaod Inosackanof will sal say OLE Was Beraftl monthly WOMIXTES calusrpleAsboikruncpin 6e lam et lb. }MM . & IFo. 41, Cullum Amis. Tuiroatiow. A*, It. A ottenthuson &Ilion, wires:momenta on to bhnimlo Ito Om onalyectlom-' , on17:411" WItOTICE.—The regular au , 'nal meting. of the Oteohlkelliere'entne TIMPOSILV4ISII4 tYfIIIII4IIO>9 0021 PANT -tor the election of Ellredtere. will be waa ea MONDAY. llovembee ht. Oar each • Ames thni bean of 104. weed le. or. neve:l7 ' 1111141 SeItLIUDIT. neenetero, tarn macaw lumar---The Rusclon ot%be gamisidintri ita. 4 ." ilassolo..ooiend of YLV cram. tot b. 4, WY six wombs, IM M'. St tb. amour lb. Isamu la Blisipiburg foribvith. - JlO. 'herons. Mil•ArB101t• Oat. 7 lath WWI • • • Ritz of PaZsgvai . prim ECEOrios tor ri 6 EY4f! the 15 ,IPIPMIO 4 I76Z n _ " elg i g&tr IS th L• 7 Xamsber san. on. eit,b41132 10_1 0 tc . ". 4 1 41s 2 rilre Vid a trAta lri t ....mm1114,..1140e10t1r • •• • • _. W. ICUSIBUIti. CaAtlty M 7711: I°e=l CLOSING ',OUT . SALE! I. ' llo4; l = 4 ga . * wi " U ' in e .l . = .llB' In I ntload — BVK(JAL IIiLD • REOUIDMM OP COST. The Stock to New and Complete, • CONOISTINO OF Silks, Blaff and Oland, Poltntla Poplins, • trial Poplins, - Black Oda, MAW., Inaba Shawls.. . Plaid Bhalsls Csutmem, Ad a till line of toiestieGtodkat J. - t ,BURCUIELD $ 152. "STRZET. rietlaTearrr .1110IISEKEB. AHY• I . i n .. • Stool. of IL 11,,50t• rm■a froor.lol.l4&olrjr 30 r tr a :Parne. ..4 1 59.11 t tr A. Y. talloalloOtrio mrOtar Ittraropagl=rol7.lllo4 V.= l u rl all rri d ir_ ?CT Ira% ritri AV n " IS ri !. poor 81Thm i t o or Irani or ,41•010201,11. Rzb. AND 1111111 . , MUM • =M. act gra. 0H1U546a snioK &LEZ ootrir. bitatiCat No. swim*. Aral rum. mt. • Fare rd*DIIIIIT bertren n a MiZ dwM,._ ILI Mr Oaks. 4.170M.1r meFMaeru rkw 4°131% lA ' ji °2ol mita Ani.l.• tilarJE - ClOl U.N.1.-Stelh• I t T uk ilitri4a l t6; anitrezmac by frpeccaralfef aciairag44 414.2.& r is it PaiTM-101'4:43$ 1 00: 11 j. 11,10 --- Goon BARGAIIIII IV-DAY IN DRY GOODS 1 I . No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY AT tap CU& Double Width Alexander Poplins. IN CNOICN COLAINS. AT 50 CENTS, Double Width Americas Poplin, IN AI.L DUO NADIA 001,0R , -P iOO UrILRION TO AB Y lIITOMED t/4. i A ECIE01:113 Et Lite A.IN. AT $1 1.2 CUTS, TH317131.1E1 WI.OICF/ CHANGEABLE POPLINS =EI Changeable Dress Silks, AT 87 1.2 CM% WATERPROOF CLOTH. Waterproof Cloth. BARGAINS IN Heavy Country Flannels, Shirting Flannels. Country Blankets, Casaimeres and Jeans. Heavy Bed Quilts, Beaver Cloth, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street rriii.s wP-AP - i s 0 1-k. Hairy Carded Brawl ?opal chap at {l. 6! 1-84 4-4 Silk Finish Black Alpacas; real bargain; worti 87 1-84. 7 1-!e. Nixed Poplin', wort► 611. h. Blatt Bliks dint,. gspreu Clod clap. 1114 Poplin cheap. 7, :7% fie. limy Plaid Pimala. tic Heavy Flits finials. tk. Hari kd Plinth. 11c. Inn He GraT Twilled Flammle. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY tilmegium, Wraps. Walking Coats, BROADWAY .7 ACULIM, . All 114IW P Jw ai ',ay Law rex.. PAISLEY SHAWLS. ammr BMW Anis IN Tait CTI7. WHITE BLANKETS 1 1 - 4 ALL WOO 112. 5 0 To WOO, ♦ NAEQita. /MAP. fiOUD noansa AT. TAXI) WIDE /RATITES TICKING E. R GARDNER, N 0.69 Market Street,, Wed Corner Market gad funk. oesrrm THIRD ARRIVAL WINTER GOODS. BRAY & LUGAN, 89 Fifth Avenue, 47 81xth Street Men and Boys Ckdlting in the OTEICOIII ILL 671151 lUD 61211. Ilse lemma pd. , . In tb gload sotrtaa tla3 pads. TL. .p 4 coati. lt» cordially tattled to GRAY de LOGAN'. 89 Fifth Avenue, RAMALEY'S BAT PARLOR, No. 22 Fifth Avenue Sig Of All the New Styles HATS AND OAPS qr E SE&SON. WATCH REPAIRING Telma% easarlaz. sad eettaw Ant anitairP Most Experieneed and skiunit w. It Ms city. Mr. WM. SCIMINXIII, lug reflli Wrir.Berwrarea. tla 3110.. Liberty atiest. wb may sow be tburel Joust wrzwunoro soma a co-. narks! am* Pittoberglik =M riaIUBOICCANDLEIII & !Lk (Left WNW Pit VDNI WEOTLZ DMUS bitigniaullklustiolla Get*, F[=7;l ArLE -6114141,11..40 banels sissmitMIitesVAIIT.LAZILL COll .lair irEw ADITSRTIS: MMDITEI. EMPLETB ISSOVEINTS WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. NO and Is 2 Federal Street, •Str4ped Woolen Shawls, Arab Shawls, Pa Shawls, k Z7jtbetMa arta, Ladizie and Children' Hata, Ribbons' and Flows re, Sash Ribbons and Ties, Embroideries, ladies' and Chtldrens' Pure, LT $450 Stockings and GioOes. Ladies' Underwear, Cioth and Balmoral ,Skirts, Hoop Skirts and Corsets, Handkerchiefs, and Cotton', AT $l,OO, Hair /Witches, Wholesale and Retail Nos. ISO and 181 Federal Street, maimMEMED DAILY ARRIVAL NEW GOODS ONE sitnizow) :1: CVII I VIII V!! =l:3 Greatest Variety, 44 Sixth Street. A FULL STOCK In AU Ds Bre:riches. ~ '. Cl= TO-DAY AT =I Bet Jetvelev, &C., Be. WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, E=l Fine Bilk Bowe, Wide Mash Ittbbons, Ladies , Bilk Scarfs. Resnais Piaid Ribbons. 1.1517011 VC LINZ OP KANO SNIT GOODS. Ladles' Wool Shawls, Ladles' Wool Vests, Children' Knit t3segnes, Infanta Knit Hoods. Black Silk Fringes, I=l ADZES' AND GENTS' HOSIERY ♦ Comptsta Use. ailUntlarg BILIKOBAL 110191121 T, Gents' & Ladles' Underweu BERLIN & CLOTH CLOVES. All Mims al u• Boulevard Skirts. Gents' White Shirts, Paper Collars,- Heradkerchielli Laces, &c., MACRUM, GUDE & CO., .1g all 78 & 80 Wet Street. DRUGGETS, lIMB CLOTH, EXTRA QUALifY, BRUSSELS CARPETS Direct Importations, MULLOI BIOS., Aro. M FIFTH 4r ADOVI WOOD WTHILIT °et CARPETS. NEW FALL STOOL Oil Cloth; Window Shades, DRUGOETh. DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOYARD, ROSE & CO., *1 IMPISH ATENUL NEW FALL STOCK CARPETS, The First In the Marken THE CHEAPEST CHOWB ILTllfilla Two-Pk and Threa-pig FMMT7Tr7.'‘MU.'r, = BODY BRUSSELS ffivor Offbred la Plitistiurgh. bus Stu* and =Met by bilis" boa NIOABLAND a OMEN S. T 1 and TS TUTU AVSSISS. r=1123 ELEGANT CARPETS r►o was and nod emsesl dowirm sr* sionn TAPESTRY OR BODY FirtVSSE/LPS. Jus rateind y direct tempalas fres Sae use. EINUCTC443./IPZ" Of the Wolf dries la latisawutWa• OLIVER • • ReCIAIMCK . . 1 / 4 00. I* Fifth Avenue. B riir " vs • Watches arid dewelq 11FATTLIIII lOWATMS ion era Ati64ll. 4 . r.ttrtiL"'" 6 )'' "11. • IA degSs aman i Moat, Call WI see la. 14 a 1VAT214113:19 dr. SUCCULFREIEL I,43r:AWAiki3lz:Vlol. - V . 1 ,, 1 ,614-! VELVETS, Lyons and 0 renaw. NEW STOCK. VATES & BELL'S. DRESS GOODS FROM 37k. UP. BATES & BELL CASSHIEHES, CLOAKING C,LOTHS WATERPROOFS. ,BATES & BELL.. JUST OPENED JOSEPH HOMO & CO. I= ARAB SHAWLS, IN !MIMI £ND SCOTCH PLAID, ALL. IMADEL Reversed Satin Pleating, Tan . T ri m, m Innnnt irove7l.ll De Trimalim Qatikel dattming, Pat 7 d rd Servals Pralda, istill,7atla and Velvet BUM.. &Wen Tlald (Hasa Buttons, Brac k Lean and IBM Peterral Vatintitabbona. Merino and Wool Underwear. Ix all ass. seld dvsll2l4l. Child's 1111=,=,..... HOSIERY. Ugl2;ggil VICTORIA AND STUA r tr ' C I PBMIIR HO& I n a slmm. Ovso• H alf Rose In Wool. Wenn° and eapl Intonl Cantc., AT NEST LOWIAT TRICE/1. :I FA I.L 1:)3E. New liooits! New Geode SCRUM do CARLISLE'S No. 27 7411 Avesiner lITIIROWSPOLIWM N lINTI BOW ItIBRONS NIN THE LATIN! NOVZIALLS IN WOK. NNW STNlMMlNliiractlrwonis. GLOVES AND HOSIERY I=l ILSIEWIND WOOL Shirts and Drawers, Al 4, mars AID RUMS" sf illin o itlit n aiT A APAVC ACK nOOUII lIRPTIO LSD /AHOY 000130.. llifellaste itsd Dank." sapplted ai lowricas. , . QART.TRLP,MAOBIIM Qt rirCtt. 27 JIFTEL AVE'pli7 E. CHM & TOMB STBM PHILADELPHIA; 113A..ILLAFY &VD., iTeewre3.er3. ORAND, OPENING!! or igrati."6ll2727mVAlft: Wit amity and Humus. raitoT mom am; • Bridal aids a Specially. raol Mar Wes b i r=re htt a21 , 11410.1.w1e.t0rs Woe. their XZ W MAR/348 atholii, CRUMMY ARO TWEIfTII STM:III,. Pidiathaseito. • banal vita THE UMW ORGAN. A1:1• diriVa r Tir" Wall io I Ilap-in Mow Li m ikre*: • N ahlti,peist OryFmt do: taisivir. nw BURDETT uilnltalt . s. ors Baia Mau lb/ sae • ANIMAL a mast. groin suATIN ua ONNAMENTAL cmtvama kostesphorolv: . wort; ra. staari; DIRECT IMP 1046.RKER 10*, (1; `" 1 Co ASTBICAN. CLUJ'S NAPISB qons CABActick awls The Celebrated 119 .A:I..~'AC~~I~J, • • 7313 L. 1 617: -.:, - -, !SB'Mi~titF; EMI NEW AiIITHRTIBEINUINTi. CLOAKS MO SUITS. NEW GODS BATES &BELL'S. , COIINTRY BLANKETS, AND .Fletaailela BATES & BELL,/ 'SHAWLS AND ARABS. NEW GOODS., ; BATES BELL.] uT 1:11 ci 0 12 C. D 0,/ I V a = pi a t 0 i rs g r4ci z t i 1 d GC d 4 5-7 mi l 1 1 PI il 1 1 ie. rn - 7.1 g . <> PI rii r 4 4§ we 4 d la Z 12 a . k .4 k AL INNOBSON & SONS, Book and Job Printers, 67 IUiD 69 FIFTH : Dispatch Building, Yil ilethig rr t a. ' = " 7l ""Tn re "l6*" . • 'Wade mammals: of 111 . 70rge ,g 4 . 11;0r as srisa taste orlana . vaa set, at alsaa SZATLI, AT TERME AGILEED all-glnds of ELECTION PNINTINS PIVA3UPTLY D. • D• • 111137:0111 , . • ' ' DR. NIMITTICEI i W ?, L ti.wa n tituibm.,:i. .... -:.,....„ . .1., m a. 262 ..n. ri:M......m. - .am -- tr uni. caftany paroaratar • iall." •= r a 4 a2argall asl.atall airtal; Maris, - , , d i. .. r. . of &MAU 14 a=ai ll am , 11 " i h br .65. p11110041 .lll W' t ti r = e. SOUS / 1411 7 4 %.,5e1na,........., Walmaarailillt — ailla* atirsaanu inseam, ' : • .. i. ...., . TM Dodat uum patilabes a • r , = ,.... M444 . atvAl Ita A=par.Th i t,. .. - ;.; . sal =Visas iliaaeliam , lika " lirs.. , s , ..M ix. 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