FINANOL&L. AMERICKBM NO. 80 , FOURTH AVENON. INIIIII_CDPITAL, • • • • . OSOLOISS Stockholders Individually Llable. NANA OF DISCOUNT *so nzrossr. &OLIN 'FLOYD RD. FLOYD. President Joan Aralbald %V Waco,. ch. nlan• 1 Jas. D. Kell, SOD•. held. - nd. Gant 1 tly • now fa ad . ... 1 d• • matrallsaat tiiiW. , .r d P " P ` m° to 3elata ;•4:::07L.1:70, SEWS AND COUPONS Sought at iltrattst Priem PH. B. HERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Street& JAMBI IitIRADY & mrs I coacteAnizp ca.,' Corner Fourth tutd Wiled Sts:, 33 AL Thrier.. 33 = • S Pg? ... ZUM", ovwzwiffr "WA 1WA234,142.0 UN'ICUBT rivoateux 'WM& Bar Interest Allouvd ad Deposits. air immimarket-rates: Noun. knaca .011 acminsp • ost Bonds • " • Orders ro u ftrolorl for Me Parer. sae Solo of Btoolol, BONDS alla JAVIRS-T. BRADT & CO. ids ~~iu~ ~~.Z~#~~: FINANCE AND TRADE. canna euraTrralroutdOWarrra t • WtionyzertivrOctober•Sl; 11369. The money market L extremely '•atrlageLtlsore..prttialpallj ou moonlit of large amounts required by,the _ 01l leeway witihniiitit at 11411 1:VOla ,, In4•••hina., e. d 1,73 atl a ilbstaitthat abbot '6nmillion. dol• lam will, be required fbr the regulaUbn of dialers and apm:Wagon aceonnts. • liereitrnment gradnalijlde alining, and . now 85a have toictied MK. with a prospect for lower quota tlottar with' tlurdealltilng , 4andancy of gold end rumors that the Government ,ragINIMSB buying boMis for November: 7; flhould thlaworr, S i b e correct. . Which, hititroier,' ii "much doubted, a forth*, ~.- decline of four or Jive percent. may be _ ........_ lacked tor. - ,": . .- ‘ 2 '. - ~ • . ... ... ~., , NMI bidsllond beevy, old mem*. saatalM4oo l ,4*l.9nejtald.-VO. ,illii*Vq u#ler..liiiliiiilifPle l ealillec. r'ifiel*ftimit. llNCifiiiioelpitipZiesiiim 1:), cif plietqatrir,,:wod4Aistitii:4*** C'::tioni;ei,tgoitoi,i , ;(4lit. •' tjuiii4mr . iii4 mi4ii;biiiiis • :iiiir:iiii;,fle- I * 6414iist#IiiocipOkin g ,ii::asiiiket 1 I *.ft*fir :Xt**4***idgm* I:4a the rill ii*l4-' a(tiletiiicie-- all oconglad _ .ra cr oll ll/ 1 #. 4 ,Q NY. „ammo are mamma,. bat man:dideed - it qicaidonli ;with ': bal . few exceptlona ! •" Lower ptioia," liottOicar, mo - Moked km, . .. .. . • - B;12/E10215 is inactive . ungnr„..a,, severe . . . prnertire for money. : ... ~„;.i..- ; , latietatteni .- ii . itiiiiii,rof - Pn. N. arta: "Gold. llu , tillwthrAiNn INS :atket.u934;_Flire Tor. . 71/12, r, ald liaa, ilex.;' do'. ... • !... , , Aba .Console, 1103kAM:. I , • ....ill do . .11M, 1 A/13.10.' , Ten . .: . 80ittha,107...0 . t.-„, 4 ,:.:,.Tcen,,, • tlentmd,4 B W; f rei . q. - •,.. ;116,1i =h i; rt • ayoe a Cddclano 1, Ohio d Eleimipid, Viii; le66ipret -- :!•:t6onthernr.:l4so , :j, Meow lend ' • te - Plitabdtgb, — 8G - Chicago - a Back Wind. - /OW attrerlio & Berth • -"Weetern, 7 0 .NiChieeplA North Western . Preferred, 04; Adams . Express Pont- PIM tir,i Merchiniti :Union ' a egra Padito Mall, —..,.,.. Western coon" .. . ph Company, ne*.A.Tociux .tF ,preaa Comp:Ayr& . . wrotajwine .. , ..t London, Per 464.-.......48,40 1 6 1 6 0 ' Pada:par franc.. t .... . :....... - 20 . 27 • Berlin. tuner- '• ~ ..;..;;;. 7 934 -NM trankfOrt;toraiLl-, tax Go —Gliwingenotatrred by -7iMee - Co. "d; - - 188 3 a United ' 1861.219 M; Five.Terentlela 2882. /253i100. - 1894:M5%; do-46 5 4 18 M .Trn-Fartice, IS* Mtwirenlntleu -eau wry and ..Ibly, jerk, 117 g: , do. do. issr„ 11730 do. do. 1865. 117; • Due COW ppoo QS —; Pacific Beilroo4 um Duals' do, 15k Paelfht, 119,G Labe"Supedlor 96. 37 Tingsnina so the eltattlial email ; /110 w TOltry,lMObee blonaiealy..4,s€l7-, per cent. on 86 0 1 1 11 61 , /094311.5%. Golds dull and lower. and opened atlflOg and 0108 4 /. 1 .14 1 0180. Oman& rake 502 P eg Mit ' t6 . 11 4i: The •;Weteleee; Wind to B.lWepool.teohllloo.lXslstwrlthll in wervieline. ' Tbe.6,aandairt - Trerworer.lorneld two lIIUUOCI of 520's;takIng. thewhole_from 1 0 Pao .0 118 effr= - They've undendnod have...lbsen sold ler arnonattlieredleidintbanka. Governments _lower andLdillk elorin4 .terely steady: Urotons - or 81. 119)4 119;irdo. 'ffk 1 . 2 9303 126 )145 4 .41634. .61181114 p.., %Si .419)01119 213.. new, Utti; -do., '67, 1.174 j) 0det, 1 68 . , 117 1134.--Ton forties; 10761056'..Gtrn rtney , , 1 / 1 1...., Southern We t . brnda mitre abil high? nein theTtorth.Gare l ldktr6l4ll:ol/..60 the:' "tepid Tarknonneenianti , that the' Treatbrer of Stale 0wi1dbww.5402,4 000 of them as atlhrn. A* school find.: The special tax.Wfd apt° 4 04, the new trona - 46 1111441nda 47; balance of thelltr, 57x; Tenneasolee GNP new 651 old 50; new 66., The stool; mernillrna s=JWlTiunter: WS diets, but dull and heavy In West. ern shares. The,illeakeat stook. of the day were lake Shore, St. Paul, and 7144th r" . / F P3 ! 1144 1 0 Perixesticabe • _ • Ave T'Afely.Priow.44:lattow; 68; CUM.; barland, 2850 Western Union Telegraph,; . 9i1I111! and 48gf 18l do fred," la ; Adam% - 661 k.,9.44-45111 , 1/0111v-454 United rYaoido Mall, 60%; .14ew TOOL Gentra_4429)4; UV do?. preferred. 641. Harlem, 148; _stlo,,,,yevo eared: / 4210 Ihrleon;474'S .0414%.943G hogenTuvfel;'flAVl..ahettbore,_9oo,.. 111,. V entral . Jae'r.uo*„bZ, 804 - fferthl •Wralernr7o.lil do. - 'preferred, Sorb.; blend, 105; OW: do. preferred.. tem;;Wateall, 84 1fltImEasrrer 1 1 5 11t" Walree. - 8.% - Alton *1( Tern Sante: 2lt• twaferred AN chlosgoa.mun iusg sg i v 14 134; - 01no - dt We: 11,0. & L 0., Wt4' *Mug shine . 401% Maiton Gahnnot. 49; Copper Falls, Qt Prank., 12, - ,ltlabareerng. 4terawl.' — **irrestatan 111611113111. _ elndigSkialTrinititaati/1701 Wan t, October. '2l Bellow% - mmetelly; contietim - erateli active, as much act as aw_bir ma petted ender existintiSili - rcßisdhiges there are many' 61111 C -that. the eenepis too far atlimieter,kolTiarrait Gm graft. hope Amproyemest., ignihi trade, which is tort - *lir . 1 * west /0111011 at the year , .IM;tame and +lesold,g Ufa aid anithation; - aed iblvilanie troe oraourt 'doiakra bang uuoießo%hip reat:lutPbbilifeld 3 44 fine their oponalops to this ph* and With a stroag Qompetitloa tbr local bud siou; , =ursine. am reduced to shoed , App 3—Clontinue to meet ith rigor sele et MKS perlitd, tor -Mr t 6 • 41631M4teedr but k,m e gotb‘brt 9 lb/ "1117ATEB,1 11 -Itt . Seed -windy and i i am . ; dom.. but atectultwed; akar of prime to BEdlith-thdre es thßhilid,oo per K4T/$ 0 1364 akel e , - at.„ --4 3i0 mAsdenta`BEithi vio@la per tdd ~ oultHidel- l ittlite 110 . ehoicembelle"Airriell• • - ^••• - GBEESE•I4.* don 'turd -leading u p. ward:. we pow mug* dlite .ititt!ollt gap doors Tor oritunieW k. Gahm, (anew ow -il;itpd; `tend 3g I= upward, but unchanged, 3034(p1, for small Intact standard brands. - CHESTNUTS—Offering pretty freely, and prices are weak, ranging from 1.5 to PM per busbeL DRIED FRIIIT—AppIe are quoted at #3@ii cta. pet' gourd. and Peaches at 10 da. for bright quarters, and 12(9 bright delvers EGGS—Scaroe and firm with fides at az. FEATEIERS—Inir demand and blither, and we now quote at H 5(% to the trado and. the usual advance for email lots in afore. FLOUR—There to a moderate local demand, but with a good supply and plenty offering the market la weak, with a drooping tendency, We con tinue to quote at $6@6,60, for good to choice winter. GRAIN-Wheat is unchanged at 11,20 for prime Red-White would briog 31,25 ..01,28. Oats In fair demand with ealea oia track at 47Cak48, and loin store- ealee to arrive at 46, buyers tarnishing nuke. Prime ear corn is in demand for feeding while 'belled is quiet though unchanged; sales of the former at 11.00; mixed may be quoted at 83696. 'Rye le dull and nominally unchanged, 11,00®1.05. Bar ley Is dell, cepeciallythat in bad oondi don, while either strictly Prime airing or fall will all at • , fair pills% taking everything into ommideratikkr 'We heard of a Bale on wharf today at six. GROCERIES-The market is t er rather quiet and .er . till, though prices generally ar e about. quotabl e change. The nub Sugars is About over,. and the market Is -soder. while 0011006 are quiet but atea4y at former quotations. 'There IS, however, a fair ,lottrade, motif of the !Ending having more or lea* country or. dem but under the influence of a strong coMpetithan, margins are very slim, and country buyers ran do about as well here u they can east. Polkaing are the ruling quotations: • guimga_g li„ 1134111113‘; A A, 18g r it ; vans 183®14i Cebit; lalfigilit.j; Rico, Demerara, 14€115R: New Orleans, bet little prime in market; Relined Ss. .4.1, 15,1 i; B. 15,4; A. 10: - liard.l7,* , tioutouts-New Orleans of good_ oesl4, ity is inqdrong retried and bring 90015; Porto Rico, 85®75. Etxtrets-White . Honey Drips, 1 1 .10: Ritter Mpg, 15m Jerse y .Leverinar 90; Golden - 701' Amber, 110; Conind . s.. gel Booth a Edger fancy, Ill" Comut-Fair to Good Rio, 21 . 34®211; Prime, 256)25gC, 211.4Q4d. • Itmos-t..Yro 930010 c, Rangoon, 9. Tius-Young , 11,00®1,80, G. P.. 31,10 to 1, 11 0. 1mPeria1.,,11.44 tit 1,80. Oolong, 85 to 1145. Sou Clitottgllgo , t l rAtici L4 iierl.NiElliveii*W, r ll3ic t and Can 'Muth, tzget---;" -. • 011S(1101171ATND Mir-4845V Wail& .; - .Panut-Layer Redefos, 14,25 per latz; Prwatal. Ilitiei Curtint6l234o, Vatesto - la ; HALM' 17@lii. 113.01dpii,47asala, ' 7ls r, :Chweee, gee; lenge Re1P04313 Allsplos, gam Nfitutemsig Da n L Shot, 13;25 . perg; Scarn--"Babadtl47 Ilk: waakelrr, , 1 it e;. Rosin..s to7m . DobtAn's,!' 15ot „W t ;ars,loqCliet t l i iir A. 4 8 0 1 . 3ti3e . • B! CABS SODA .16y Pei 1 00. • Plan-Lake Herring per half bbl 1,0e.' - White Matt do do, 7,00; No. •1 , Mitakrel Shore In bbl. OM No. 2 do Bay, bble. 1115,00; No. Large bbla 114,1111; Half Weal% In additional; Labrador Her ring 1103fgliL RAY-May be fairly quoted at 1115® _2og m hz . from osontrymottnn. -Higher; .1 Wesel na HOMINY-Sales at . $0.25W,50.g,. . .. ' - LIME-Bales of Cleveland :wOO lime atV@tiA R 25 per bbl.; ._ 011.-Itrtrallo. 1, is quoted it 11.44601.4 and No. '2. at 111406e1.0s; ~ONIONS- at 151,60®8,00 per bbl, the outside fi gure for chola. - • POTATOM-peach Blows to eta. per 'bushel. -..Prime Senseyswpota, ere Bold at KW per bbl. -- - ' -•-- . . PROVISIONS,-Shoulders. at 17 [Tic tnets.EWlo2-4:lldeatlON't Mow des. 111 - Pride lieges C ured Hama, 824=54 . 7. ,Prbate kettle rendered Jard../11%10 in 'tierces; Lo Eagan Meta Pork, 132,75W:k , POULTRY,..-Salot of stiletto:o4as 66 tor 65 benta r per pair, accordiug.tosise. • • SEEDS-Sales of - flaxseed at.l 2 , 40 , and but little o ff ering ' ln • this market: Tintothyseedle dull :- and. no m inal at tivii4r li. - Nothing doing in clover used. BALT-la 'firmer with saw of pit kiiittiots at 111485pertbl. - . •., . * Z0 3 n 3 .4 1 V - . 8 0 1 . in - Alleglice7 - =Odd at V 2 per urn„ ff===M Ori Prrtszersait GA.SJEA7. ' cW,444o4irmay..o4saber. D. Ufa 4 Thera Is nothrag new or Important in gurral trinket. nothing at least worthy Of ineetal mini. Refined for this month le drm with _but little offering, while retldoirron theldher hand, is Eras, appa• realty, any diratipir than It was a day or. two ago. Al 424 F noted, however. Um demand Is • lir tbr this nionth'a 0 6 ,40 1 57. . S osulsquesss, 2130 t or bee er to the-Mg- la worth % to a Arent more than Ihrvember . o' December. Antwerp atilrkiont well up, 60N francs atunding to latest reports. but, for some cause or other, oil la relating higher there than trate. • =UDR. -- More active• led prices are suithotit ten days, at I_6W 4000 . snot, (40 to IS greatly to to &limed at !Saw MW Bunk at, i& Wit November, - .and 1.000 liiirDemmter 10th, 40 to %at 16304,D00 seller OW December 10th. at 1630 and 1,000 November, (no gravity specdtled) Market firm especially for spot. which *quoted at MM: MC and Saw jugtpd. November an December gm:Sadist 833063331, Boyers option all year, UNC63‘lit 0 OIL& Sclipme Winter Lubricating 0i1..:... 401 Felipe Ballroad $O. -11ellput siscatzwanicionis om a..*. Leech SO bbia, on acmant 0.8. !dentate, Herder & `Occ 9621„ on same= Thrston & &menu Star 011 Works 160, , on aomumt Fisher Bzu Vista ergti Oft f Wti tt orts 160,. oa itccoan J Vand Fisher Br6:6110; 0011tnc Oil Woks 104.calactxtunt Fisher Be a liberty Oil WorkSB2o. ort account, yeintergdilt Mahar Bro. 800. on account CbratonK Sowers;_ Brilliant Oil Works 681:6 ammo 480,1 On account Owdon .0 mac ..OIL gouracians liss Inas mum A. IX ldillsr Bel bbli relined to Waring, King* oo.,PfilLsdelphia. Baden &Werlngtid Me ref. ell to Wmagbig&Co.,, - - • p& /khlitS this refined oil to Waring. King Co., Philadelphia • Union-B & ,4a,teg Co. .242 btda oil tO W.F. - Limo &Bre., Philadelphia - • Kfrkprifrielf*'Lrotis Silerbble reßrilsi P. Logan it Bro.: Philadelphia. Fairview Oir Works 690 bbla ref. oil to ,1.04 bbla riser El A. v: J; al. attar bbbi refitted te Leon & BrO4Ptilladelplds.,, MoKelvy &, lira„ 99 Ms let ell •to w. P. logsn & Erq.. mamma. __ Fawnett. L. st Et, 44l bble rsfted tolV4 P. 3.mitan et Bro.. PhUadelphts., • Oc-Itro;; - 233 t919 -- 3 , 011tie310 " Arden, Wes a Oe.i.Prillsdiaphie. Morw &Oa, 110 bias rat oil 'Loarden, FrewPhiladelphia. ckhart,, Print& M. 522thlie 4o;t9atiltik grew ecw. - .FAUOOI9 Libezty OIL Works 600.bbla reL to Warden. Frew & Co., :, • Sermons 011 Werke 113 . blots Vaned to Warden, FreW &M., Phila. • ' Patterson & Niehonser4b bbiszedited to W:B.,lCtitzer, Mama* - awns to & =mei BD bble env* same to Bright liar. • • • calbbla at =QUM= Dam, ~,,llntehlsonCel &Relining 00,720 bilk to Warden. Frew & Oa, Philadelphia; Brooks, Wenn= & Co. 131 thin ret all to Wart Frew & Philadelphia • • lUD! &Cb. bbls 'ratted oil to Warden, w it Ca, Phibidelphis. C. •larkpatileic it Ca ,49 blitirto Wei s ta : Philsdelphls. i.ssa tabs.: MIABILUTS sr TELEGRAPH. 41wW.Yona,. , Octobint 47..-Clottoit" aabsl2,2oo• bales at "giixd for mtddl , . uplends. •FMax— receipts 15,430 - , - baser and6oloo lower; sales West= et . 15,7600,26, eaten SW Fet MOO, ( atm weatern at !Kat 'white wheat ettrifao MAO;R. H. at* 111.2.5(36,76, extra 81. raids at 1768.60, good t 4 tholes Ara dour quiet; males kerebblild ik8060,70. Cam ,meet quiet. Whisky quiet:lutes ISObbleireeternatsl.st346l,9l for free. MeMilde 'whew, : SA= 'busk -shoat opened, la patter, closed dull 110,010srera askst 04000 as' $1,83.t0r No: If slitlng.lll,oo44o • log4ol M. 60 forty Micldirsn. 51 - ,e. , (41,45 far , wlnter 'And amber worleg atil;42(§ll,43l‘._a La ate aside 2.000 bush srepi", Barley dull, with Wes 0400 at 11..1401.4 far two" rowed litste and 11,42fcir !bpi sowed BMW Marla, malt puts with 1.200' bush prime old 41. 6 0. Cam recollcitsr: , 22 . 01 : 0 bush motet t r be/terjytukjatog 740,1NW - tralibr • c for Jumulud nalaediresteraisfl," c 410 rut` =lad dor latter price ibr , veryadios.,ll,lo white western. 0214' receipts" ADM bosh; market without decided change, with mire, 47,009 bush at 130@)61)40 for' new adathern and we tern Bice arm. Lamed 01l dull and heavy at 913(398e. owes firm and quiet. Sugar Astrattri Wes 70 bride at 11@1.1y th lai l l ia : s w Cuba, and 12,1Sitxb lbr Pane • also. mile! 030 boxes Of limns.M Petroleum Arm at IfINo for crude and 33 Hr for retitled. Elope dull, at 10(3,90c for Assericen. Wool in fair request; mire or 560,000 pounds, at 46®65c for domes:He fleece, .WASIO for unwashed, and 38@,,40r for pulled. Leather; Rem lock sole lirm, at 1104531 c for Buena Ayres and ?do Urande light and middle weight.. Mal: foreign firm al 114 for Cannel; doorestie firmer by auction to day; 70,000 tons of Scranton was sold, showing an advance of 31. per ton on stove. Spirits Turpentine dull at 44/g, 4034 c. Sheathing Capper steady at Mc. Ingot Copper quiet and drooping, at 223.405228 c for Like and Baltimore. Pig Iron quiet, at 5.16®38 for Scotch and 33i@40 for American. Bar dull, at 397 for refined English and Awed can. Sheet quiet at 3115012, gold. for Russia- Nails steaay at 4%c for cut; et.fc for clinch, Sod '10?,300 for horse shoe. Pork quiet and steady; sales 316 bbl. ar 531,37E431,50 for mess; 1125,50g20 for prime, and 527,50®23 for prime mess. Beef steady; sales 146 bbla at 5431.13 fur new plain mess; 1112Q17,60 for new extra mesa Beet Hasse quiet; sales 60 Mils at 3184a2.5. Cat Meats steady; salmi 120 pkge at 14340416 c, shoulders 17®19e, hams middles firm andmile; sale. 30 bbae Ice cured at 1734@l7Aiii. Lard firm and quiet; mire 323 Unarms at 17®180 for Steam; 189518340 for kettle rendered. Batter quiet at 20 Ce51/0 for Ohio. Cheese quiet at 17@1et4o. Freights to Liver pool quiet and very arm. Limited supply of freight room offerica. Latest.—Flour closed dull and b@loc lower. Wheat dull and 11212 e lower; the extreme scarcity of freight room materi ally check' export demand. Rye quiet, at 5406@1.08 for western. Oats plenty and dull, at lkqpistic for western, porn , very firm at 94c(4)1,05 for unsound, and 31,06(41,10 for sound mixed western. Pork quiet and steady at 131,37®31,60 for' MOW Beetle in moderate request and unchanged. Cut meats and bacon nom • Mal. Lard steady at 1734©18c for fair to prime steam. Eggs steady at 35038 e. Sr. Lotus, Oel. W.—Tobacco—Wirings small and prima full. Cotton quiet at 24 ® 24 340. Hemp. Atm. aud unchanged, with very little id triarket. Flour dull Acid unahenged; spring sod fall super it 504.70, 3i 14,25fa6,10, 14,60€55,60; XXX 84,7540.25; family brands 58.70@ 0. Wheat Ina bettordemand and higher, but Irregular; Nebraska spring 02cs No. 2 do 95e; No. 2 red fall 21,07 @LION; No. 1 do. 31,15101,M choice 31.2501,55; low cholas to choice white 111,80®1,45. Corn unchanged; mixed In bulk at 7330; do in sacks 82083 o; yellow 85m01c, An prime white. Oats firmer at 48 ,*l,se In bulk; 48®51c, In sacks. Barley droop ing at 0,1601,115 for prime to choice Min nesota epring. Rye dull at 50Q70a: Whisky steady at 31,15. Grecerim dull COMM ranges at 20@25 . 10 for common to choice.' Sugar has a downward tendency abd ranges at /3(g11484a, the latter for strictly choice in refilled Mule Moles me unchanged at 5643175 c for rebelled. Pork—small 'aloe of old At 329,75; stock of old nearly exhausted. Dry salt meals --paokedolear eldeasold in the small way at 18c, a dealbut inostm-.4try little dolorloose shoulders eold at 10c; packed thi 1001:deer rib tildes 103,c clear aides - Laid "dull; sales of old steam at 160., Cattle—common and 'medium I. fair supply and good deutemd; choice in entail supply, light demand and prices range at 214@634c. Hogs declined, wills moderate sales at 83inee. Itecelpts— dour22.soo bide wheat 12,200 bush, corn 7,090 bush, oats 18,600 bush, barley 10,0110 bush,,ye 2,400 bush. CUIC - AOO. October 27.—Eastern •Ex change &toady and firm at Dar baying and HOtm selling. Flour dull at ' for ' " spring extras. Wheat wake and %®le lower, with mien of No. 1 et` WWI, No. 2 at 94(p5c, and chilling at 0tt,a9434c; this afternoon the market wax irregular, with sellers of No, zut lao buyer October and seller No- Voltdier. Corn quiet and armee., with Bales ofNo. t at 570. N0. 2 at 1351,0466 m. rejected at 63i414 , 04Ac, and closing at 8.5)4488c for Nokillkttintisdtarneam the market was doll at 134MiegO5c salter Oro. 'heisted 05540 bUyar Octobsr. Data quiet at fal@tqc for No. 2 and 361.00375.0 for ea jaded; dating at 896@295 4e for No. 2. filo lees salve and 2c lower; sales of No. ild 93 C, No. 2 at 68Q71c, rejected at 63® 050, dosing. at 700 fox Na 2. Barley , more WRITS and 450 5 c lower for N0....4. palm oflio. tat 95®31. closing witb "U . , at .950 cash. Ilighwinea lase active afar needy at 21,12. Mesa pork steady: 230 for new, 1131@32 for old mob and 128,75€11134 , Ballet January. Lard' quiet. 1634(4 9%c. Green shoulder* 103450123 f. Freights a shade easier. Receipts for the i.. 24 hours: 7.531 btds dour, 80.780 "wheat 63,645,bu5h corn, 61,074 bush Oath, 0015 bosh rye, 2,480 bush barley, 12,020 hogs. Shipments: 1.950bb1a flour, 18,352 bash wheat. 10.06 bush corn,ll, 165 bush oats, 1,030 bush rre, 6,633 bush bet •io7l'4l3l bolts. • - trWehrrieri, OrlSivr V.—Piper dull and unchanged. Wheat dull at 11,100 1.12. Corn 8.5Q87c, and in fair demand. Oats steady at 50(j56c. Rye 95097 c. Barley dull and prices ueminal. Oatton arm at 2.5 c; Whisky dull and lower, dprices at 111,11. Tobacco active; Abe Girt, it reported, caught aconaid arable amount of the plants in the Bed and harertilueet these Provisions nom- 1 Wally_ unclaimed: green meats dull at 113((411348 fur shoulder', 1 4t(o for aides. and 1534 fur hams. Hogs dull and droop. log at 39,60 to 310,25, Butter and cheese unchanged and Wet. There is no change in the oil ourket, quiet. Gold 180-boying...Mixtry maritatutows. -, - Iturvato, Comber 27.—Flour dash Wheat lower and more active, sales of 17,000.bnah. Bbabergan and port Wash. Baton club. at 21,08, sales 21,000 bush' No. 2 Milwaukee club at MAO, eales 6,000 Racine club No.l at ;145. Corn quiet tales at 78®780 in lot' of 8,000 bush, yei low wtsternat 780 Oats In small par cels of western sold at 476047% i ng Ohio at We, but generally held at for Na lwestarn. Rya nominal at 90® 92c for new; Ades, 20,000 bash. old 1111.50- Barley easier, Wee of 12:000 bush. Can. ads at 11,123041,13, Peas nominal at 1410®1,15. RighwEntse nominally at ll btot/TAiMaJM,'Ciatotier M.—tagging. Le q_nlet and Ann SA 2140. Cott on qtdet at •=ot_..Flottrafearly at 34,50 for superfine. Arabi quiet. ,Wheat.-red 11; Corn 850. Oats 600. Rye 900. Groceries In good demand . and 'Unchanged. .Leaf Tobingo than. sales bi Blida at 56,90 for lap 10 314,71 Sir leaf. .Provialons—stock low and prices steady: Mesa Pork 1131. I Bacon, shoulders 17rx clearribMm Blear tides:Bytes Lard,,,lBo. 500 hogs were abnegated 4xeday,.weli fattened and heavy.— Hoge quoted at9I4O9HM - Whts. ky steady at 31,12., Tormno, October . quiet. and ' steady. Whest 'a' Shade better, -with eater ofNo. 8 white Mlchigan;rat $1,07„ reguhurahlte Michigan amber at 111.11 t Mal led 11,10, No 2 do 21,14 Ina Na 9 do held:ll'2lX. Co"M unchanged; Na liliteantlMo4l3oo. Oatitaleady; No. /480 Ind Ne. 2.850... - Freights 834 and 40e 410 ufddo end OAR . Reaelpts: 8,900 tarralattann hear 4,000 bush corn. Shlionletttel 2000 bids flour, 86,000 bosh wheat, 7A:001:lush,too tnanklatai.- • • thsysnatto, o.nober, tsar: ket steady but rattier . Armen. , Wheat market dull but firmetilind lc better, No lred 53111,16,:p2 do, al $1,12(5)1,18; M ria at Ber but re, No. .1 mixed Midst 8861313 e; . '2 &L5l 8 3 @ 84 ri Oats steady and nomina ll ll, ll nolitl Rye steady and golint'Nri..l meld ar 3400, No. 2 at 900, Barley, State • a range of $1,0061,25, as to qUality and oundl [ 4o.ll,9anada 10, 20 QH, 55, ,• • r:') , MRrektmlMW . CteMder " 27:irleur on. changed. Wheat quiet, 9934 e for No. 1, 924fe for No. 2. Oats weak at 40e for No. 2. Corn 'teed at, 10c for N0..2.,41ye Is enusety; layrlweak and lower, at Aso tor lair deliver]. Greta 1 1 freights artiffrrner teßaffalo andOswegft, .R.Vapta-8,1.100 l.Wa flour, .1 12 ; 0 00 , blmb wheat, 4.000 bush cats, 2,000 bush corn. Shlpaiente-4000 bbbs flour, *01191#4 - whlpit, , 4:,•• Nitanatertia, October N.—Ficiir dull but steady, with ealeatNorthweaturn extra at, $(440®8,50. ' Wheat dull with of w - astern red at 2457@/.39. •Marbangeti... Cara dull; western owl - 1: 0 3..,, Oats nulet and firm; w Yell eidern4 )l Bo6lB3:, Barley in demand, with tales Of 8,000 hash two rowed New York . at 1415531,25,, end four rowed do at 111,40. PetrObitun,. pr visions. and whisky on eball/104,- - • - . ../3aurzno' Ea October 22.—F/Oar 'did! but - fawns' buyers , without' ,daclded change. Alibis& steady, red western at 11 1, 38M1:14. Cora; white at ,111,12Q11,1/5. : Ostia lintdo. Rye unchanged; Meek pork arm at 330. Basalt quiet at 18@183.0. Whisky In fair; m dfx ! end at 11,20@i1.2i. Warms., October 27.—Cotteus 2414 c; reetatds Moo zaftig experts •I,ZOT babel. Flour dull and unchanged. Corn old! M. new gte. Oats 070. Hay FM. khan 1271. Peet , OW Marti '183.5(g20,0. Be eon weak, shoulders 1914 c, sides Business is generally suspended to at-, toad thavralr. Caultoo, October . 27. Cattle du11;` 10,75€84,75 for common. to good. 00W11,, 1E0%76 'tor - light to tali and 17,25 cbokalAddAutt Stoats. . Hogctirmi and staadyrlB, medium . ' controon, - 0;250' FAO tor h a ir to ll o sl3ild log Pod to choice, and 110,10 • for extra choloe.• - , t..- 1 41reeteCIL nurser: 21sw Mops, October 27,—11te receipts of Wives for toasy'a; market were 1,860 0;8 fresh: and-4000 Kate.. Ttude,was MOW, but 481 - trurn Words ' sold at prices acarcedy wr Rood-as Monday; sales 126 Milnois..of ?Mewl, at LS@lrlic; SO Tex. of'. 8 newt, at 10c of 8 0wt.41,4112; 113 Ken tucitY.4e7M cwt. at 14)40)16c, and , lndiana, of 6,ti cat at Llc;' 300 local cattle were lent in. Shoep—arthals to.dayl,MO, but not all abbltibe market fir Nd'inad'pricei scarcely aserfo;.2 cars 7/ lb* Ohio sell ing at Oct 3 cars 80 its 'ening at 4Mc; 90 saor:Vabadas-10:4 1 1be at 6N'ef 100 of 109 pounds, :;;. 834 c; 100,atata lambi. 66 pounds, at 7 90 Clitiodae, 81 pounds, at 754440 of 0 pounds at By4v, with 60of 77 wands ,at Nom reqdpta.. 47 pars; mama; 'will:but atuangii; a car of course latahipis Sgr. a car of primp =nide; M 10140. **- PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1889 Ennui NEWS The river was stout stationary last miming with Mar feet four Dacha. In the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather clear and cold. The New Mate, from Wheeling, ar rived and departed as canal. As will be seen by card, the splendid h„...proanite, Great Republic, Copt. W. EL Donaldson, will isms St. Louis for New Orleans on Saturday evening, and will leave Cairo on the following Mon day at fP. s. Here I. an excellent op portunity for person. suing South. Passengers leaving here on Friday af ternoon, via. Indianapolis, will arrive at St. Lona In time to take passage on her on Saturday. —The Mollie Ebert, Copt. O W Ebert, takes her departure for Cincinnati to day without fall, leaving at noon. The vetran Standish Peppard still retains charge of the office and will wait on all having business with the bow. The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, will be ready to depart for New Or. leans, whenever there V sufficient wa ter, and the same Is true o.:Jhe Glendale, Capt. • . for St. Cottle The Salle Capt. Thos. S. Calhoun, is =nu or Madison and Louisville, leatlng 14.00170 W at noon. Ss we have pipeidally stated, the Sallie will remain permanently in the Pittsburgh and Lonieville trade, and our shippers ahonid give her all the encouragement they pan. - - Capt. Frank Marratta's gew Trinity Rivet boat, Henry A. Jones, Is an. noun to leave New Orleans on data. Frcilghts are offering pretty freely for all points, and If there was more water, so that oar large boats could get out, the shipments would be much larger. Many shippers do not like to ship on a boat going oat on first rise, as it fre. quently happens that a boat is obliged to lay for weeks t. k n al „ I n tim for water. is Work g steadily on the new J. N. out', and she will won be entirely "closed in." —Capt. John 1.. Rhodes left Cincin nati for the place on Monday. —Bellevetnon. Now Orleans to Pitts burgh, passed Memphis on Monday, —The B. C. Gray was to have left Memphis on Monday for the Ohio river. —The On:cella Pittsburgh •to 86 Louie, at laud aceounte, was aground at Walkers Bar. --Captain D. Masan, In connection with U. Carona and .1. B. Cross, has entered the commission business In St. . —A barge belonging to the AM*WOO Valley Transportation Company, laden with 3,000 barrels of flour sunk at the levee at Bt. Louie on bbuiday. Cargo Insured. —The atrike of the roustabouts at Idettnitda etlllaontluney and boats are aornettume delayed there two days in couspqt.,,ca. Th7'7 , demand le for from be to 60 certa-•z t::..•r. —The kw, tail vv^L I , IW/ to take the ;:taro c 1 :lie lsot,,r,' A JA . .r wn eel. ,311, kAzo, Ing in ~ ar. arF. itatt. xc. On, no.nrn, ME - tmeg to the htliaottri ..rust Cnm bridge on Saturday, and was badly awe sget4.. The Sliver Bow also, struck a break in the Missouri 100 miles below Brunswick, the name day, and she, too, was badly damaged. —Capt. J. T. gtockdabs has received reliable intelligence from New York, announcing theware arrival at Barran quilla, Amertea,of the Australia. It will be remembered that It was ru mored that She had been Codtbsnuted ss unseaworthy, at acme foreig n port, and ist . sho wouldnover reac her destine. —The /downer Sully, which /eh SI. baits on the 14th Inst. for Outabs, struck a swat at Smith's bar, thirty ulna. be low Joseph. Friday morning about nine o'clock, and sunk in lbur feet of , W.A O MI ;About: half bar 'freight was saved, and the balance will be taketiood in ',enraged condition. she belonged to Joseph Knight, John - Waddell and lianhies Knoebel, of St. Joseph. and wee valued at 145,000. She was insured fur Bin,ooo,orte third In the &Ma, one third In the Monongahela, and the bal. ante in another Pittsburgh company. klande and ptunprvig be snot frout St. Icatiple to her eastatanoe. • —An EnoteeiHe dispatch, under date of Monday, says: The Oora 8 sunk oppcalte 81:tawneetown on Sunday In pretty deep water. I; is supposed that eho struck a piece of one of the Cum. berisad'a bollerw, , At the time she had 3,01)on 'tease of compressed cotton' fur it. K. Dunks:sou &Qs. of this place. Ii is reported that no effort will ho made to raise the boat, but that she will be abandoned to the underwriters. This has been ;01114'410d trip to the boat. She broke s chart ItUd his been sierattnd efiehie Unto. No Brew lost, and no great' amount of fright, except cotton. This hi said to be the fifth time she has sunk.. Theo:moo will be brought here by theffornlans- 11111.01M1 11611410A11. CISTWIALWIS Air trrnunason RAlL spun October 23.-dears corn, J W lamp oon; 1 cars pig Iron Oral, Bennett A Co: Ido shingles. Mellon 1008,3 do wheat, R T Kennedy.; 1 do grain, W O Miller; 1 do grind atones, 14rdinoott & B: 100 bbis lime, D Wallace; I do bunter, W W Higdon A 418 I do lake superior me, Everson, Preston & (kr; Ido do, Brown & Co; 2do do, Zak & 0o; 2 do do, Mc Knight £013; 6 btgaall.-W. Maekacrartk Bro. 8 case tobacco, Prattled Bro'd 2 do t ' erlay,3 MI Carmel 2134 aka claw Gra ham A Id; 50 bbla oil, J Bimar; 25 bga oat; J & W Paiday; l 2 bbla apples, Head A 51; 24 aka rya, 28 do oats, 8 Cameron: 7 kege oat meal, 3 do pearl barley. 1.1 Rianohird; 15 kgs pearl barley, 6 bas farina, E Hamlet= 25 bra pears, II bbls egg; 2D do apples, 25 do vinegar, Vold, Mahood & Co; 3 bbia due, Day A Co; 37 aka barley, Wainwright; 10 bbla apples, Van Gorder & hi 3 do do, care .1 B kinestrieri; 100,do do, W Graff di Co; Rd do do, J A Grafi! 28 do do, Woodworth A D; 130 do do, J Allan; 45 do do, Bragger luau 10'B; 2 huh eggs, 1 hi butter, J 8 Thomas: 20 btda apples, 13 Riddle; 9 do dry apples, 2 bbni eider, 8 dO butter, 26 aka oats, B Devon 62 obis rippled, Steel & Bro; 45 dodo, W C Armstrong; 10 half bbls fish, 8 P &atm A Cat; 2 Wile cider, firkicis butter, 2 mks onions, P Duff& Sao; 2 bbla eider, 4 do, 6 baa apples, 0 Bogies,;B bid, ebbla dry apples, 1 box eggs, kl Rea Jr; 29 chairs, H Adger, envenom:o4 ' di:MT 'Ward* A Oat , °AGO &mhos" October- SZ.-150 bbls flour, J U Montgomery; 100 do e wywrit Voilsamp; 100 do do, Ethainaker & lengenhelmi 100 do,do, 3 can barley, VISO & Rhepard; beer ems, 111bilicack, McCreary &Co; 1 car feed, Robb A Bar ron; I ear oats, Oakland Passenger It It Co; 8 bbla now, Shepard A D; 1 car oats, Bildt& 4130;3114ks Void, MOCCandlass, Jamison & Ccu 1 car wheat,/ 8 Liggett A Cdl car bakleyaolni Whits - Sri oaks rye flour, John Hinkle; 10 . pk lard; 8 Marvin; 3 . lfida eggs, Volgt; Mahood A Coq 11 do wanints, 'Woodworth A Davi auditlllll.ll.Orapra-li.Elallawa-Go, -80 aka 13 11 1 4 elddreigA Clarkt 7 do do, B Chrody ly t 4 tint aggs,ll Rat 25 kt wbite lead. Partial; 16, do. do, mbh gar cheese, .Rohnstoo 4001 i hir ' Niemen & MaßaytotO lbb whisky, llingar itiltareasam Edo do, El Livingston, 5 do do, Jas McKay; .5 ISO latft#o:(N Hokfilluou 4.40 do, 11 I:lim o:lb; 5 o do, Mills A yon; sdo do, W D Cooper &00r3 do do, A 0 Cribbage; 4 dodo, ltamters Blu, k ad, barley, Z Wainwrlght;27 - sks raga, John Dunlap. - ALLE.Ocarir STATION, Odialion kr,* 43 bids apples, Base & Ewing; lot Ewe ware, Backfield & !Rehouse; VI ads dour, do, El Moldutena, I car wheat, Keened jw ßro; cazi Ore, Lewis, Bailey A • 100 bbla dour, 30 aka &dined, 51 &San car comers" Ralys & Robertson; I ear wh eal, W McKie & Co; liar barley, Gerd, A Son; 1 car cooperage, J Hempb; timothy seed, 20 do flour, Ice lll Cra loo ig np ; 2 care metal, Lindsey & Mothitchoon; 1 car mfilfeed, 11 Knox A ; Boa; 5 dos 'brooms, Its' O'Huilltr; 39'dm Potatoes, A U Prank., Ptricairmorr, ABU Br. Louts Itannala,, October 27.-4 bbla liquor, Bli Fahneetocilt; INA liquor, 1 ad grain, FEibbsidl2sbradulfibM, P,Bill -letiql2 do do,JlßM:hisit; 39 bite pedantic, Avatar & lrck 1 air wheat, B.T Ken. nady; Ido staves, Mailings & D; 2 do rye Babb& 11; I dodo, 100 bbl. dour, W gendenon; 100 bbls dour, D 25dortighwIne4. Itkalimfdl & P; 100 bra Olken, =worth et 11; lit bre potatoes, 14 Rlannb vv% ,142 - 4...b u t e r . Smith & Ocq 220 do &Arley, Odeon, D A 00; 100 bbla bide 3 le llinntgomem I oar scrap iron, T idalcuut z t=co', A Moore; 1 do do, t& f 1.11 • = exaxenkkrz Vaal= RansakA 00. WWI W.-41 ems metal, Diegmigat, P Co; Ido do. GraZ Byars /Co; 1 do. do, 11 Woodal whea t. bush ts. W Welsh * Co. po aka Scott aMak TO labia Mama, 011, Wood r idarrell & Oay lb trash potatoes, J W l'humby; 60 aks oarn, W aloldkOneLkikl Volgt;•Msbxod Co; pe bv WI; Adatne a Amalie: 43 ski noun a arl*Jr: 7do do. - "Program= a O'Brian; 2 pkp butter. 222p10n a We- lEMB 87BONS,IML7' TO LITEn1 0 19 L AIW _ _ -91:11.TQW/40 'raja MP= MIL Muiretstiiii gyp, orrr V= tarrwz jrs„ wn . s ern - ivz o. l l-oLainVit a4 m. north arritraroll Trlng. -11 4rrthorerthr "%Ma totormarlas apart* WILLIAM 111111MAKAN 1111,11111MIMLD =Lib . tnat RI VELII PACKETS ===l== OR NEW ORLEANS. Ai dg i e F—Tbe .plendla L. prewar flar.AT RZPUBLIC. Capt. W. B. Detsrawsos, P. B. Altluso,. Clerk. talll leave Ot. Lours far Near Orleans au SATURDAY It TERLNO. Oct aim... 5 I. r ., er! -.11 leave Cairo. MON DAY AFTEKNoON. Ramose, Ist. peelneeD. Passau/refs uo reach h.r at et.. leaving Pltavanrga an Y riday afternoon vtalndlanapobv. are. FOR CINCINNATI,s a ge s t MEN rlll5 end NEW steam., wll - KA e re Er IS Capt.. W, Rana. a lor din above and 10 LenotSlate p .r . . an YE DAS, IitILD Inst., 4 , 14 M. Nor ftelyht Or Vamp. apply an board ve to cm . FLA., CQLLING OW/. Ag..sle._ BIERIPHIS AND IIII gZ t K IJEWUSLILANS—Theor D ian, Clapt. Jail. WIE leave for ibe above and latermeallata peava on Stu rfae• tiiiHIVIST a BWAYET, ten FLACK A I.X , LLINGWOOD, Age., ClPll.l3llii7 - . PACKET FOE Cleaol bTINATL.— tOmmodlou steamer XOLLIS EBEIIT --Capt. f.; W. Easy,. W , ii lenvells algra TIIIB TIIIMID A V. october a 1 11111 _ . o ircAdis* COLLI NU WOOD. Asa.. 13=31 "VOR MADISON AND LuITIBVILLE.—Pea floc pas Geogar inflamer ISLLLIS . CaaL 7. 14 C.. 1.170.711, WIII leave aa above oa FUIDLY, Octane/ MA at 10 a. al FLACK & COLLIN° WOOD, Airecita :1 0 - 3': fgr SCHENCK.% PIIILHONIC bYNIIP. NT:AWNED TONTO AND MANDUANT PILL. gill mire Donna:Woo. 41 , 0 , ChMPhial end Th/Tileinde, II taken sword ma to direction. They are all three to be taken at the muse time. They Demme the Mareseb. L b.. : Dw e ll . egy. the food ? m en ..k the a . lg= blood; the patient Maine to grog tn hang the dlsessed malts, ripens Into Um Illalth and the pathent outgrew@ the ensesee and gen well. This is the only way to cum consetnytion To th Phll.d em three mediolnes Dr. J. ki.nebenek,.of trrytmeett , mit p oems hie tincl o =d_pcoess w. Ti gite , atonic Byron times the morbir . mauce 1. the n th ar r by or p,sl - off. entitbil Pulses hei rest and the lanes begin to heal. do MU, the thewetd boas gad Kandreke mils Isaias be may used toed...Me the stomach and Oyer. so that the rohnonle byre. and Um food will :mike good blood. &bench's Mandrake Ptlier act mem to. ltver, FrAnds:P,MINVIA." I 4It. iltrttl ot ll th e mon reitevedt the steels be moo ghat the Pills an do nothMe haa ever been Weaned ex- Copt calomel la dewily poison wiling la very don. Serene to um epics,' till grunt We.) teal gin enlock the nab - Madder end elan the petrel:tone of the therllkatiallendi h Mandrake Pills. Liver Comptatat IS one of the meet prominent mules Denseamtige. eed tiemeMd Tonle le a goalie ertimulmt and Literatly. and th e Olen to the hemmmi. which this reperation I. made of, mists the monarch wi thuger out tbe nutria laical. &melee the food the gnomonic by re p, and it le made Into Rood hoed without temente/10. ea mating In th..tomact. alt,=7ll- 1 V'eltr;',VV,V 7 the eeine to Mop the dough. Idetop ' stop ni gh t nit sweets. beetle reser, and by so doing tney derange the whole digestive ars. lorl , the seenticess. end event the Pella% 3 /1.114 41114 . '1 tit tsnataHr,S dect Liv, e • • • itpta , 11 s r 4 eatra. aar ' ;sins dl togi.emettou :.101 decay/HA' km =Pm mem bt, daa, 11 M oot o y the 1 . 7 ton ...e 1 , 1, 3la the whole body: .100.011 godliest" &ma:44 that" poem to • Wood oat of Mod. Now the ably chasm 10 to tae It,. licheseks• •Uwe% dom. which will ap•tatt• to that theism/est old twgioto wast Iltmd, 10.111 41 malty and make good blood; then she metes Kim to gain to flesh. md ea sotto m me body la• trim to goosed Um Mgt Moggiatkal to km/ tip, Sad Wm patient este ­ god tcL. MOP tin mat way to core Coimmtwittik. Whoa them is so tang dtweaso sad owls , Liver IDociptalot Dintepein• lindirock's liosareted Thal and Mandrake gldasts salcient, withont the rstworde errnß 'fake the Ague r k • Fills freely Is 1111 Whom erestplalitts, on they a.Port hotly Wuhan. Dr. Beheask, wko has noiloyed linliderrsptad health for Many yeah pa* and lure weighs Oda m ondn, was wasted away to • mere skeleton. la hit STlVetts= ► r it d istruredr iMa =nly and Mmattolted wilts ue wasmuld ale by the aforesaid met Immo, md Mace ht. Mom, gr. ' intgett . `i " °*" to e 0 cees. 101 l simmis . selterlatmay each, malting it hotabwitstelyrteeemary SO per. mealy me Dr. gettemk, oaken pollards wlsb Sher loom examined, wad toe std. _porpole be in uy M tdw rrittegmi armed, MOM.'" phia, may lietarday, erbeAl letters for advtio moot he Wormed. He balm peofessiollally at :fa. 311 Bond sanytio Tort, emery other Ternemy. mot at No. hialsoven stspar b tort. every other Wedn BO Wd bet fur a thorough examination .210 hit ittapd rometer the price 2.u. OCIC• boa. at earl dtlf. Rom 9a. M. to 3g.m. .:%, , n"5. a e Ilmdra e QR Tog s std SO canto • boo. For tale by all drnewuto. IW — DOCPCIR WHITTIEIt IL*lll - Tt) TILEAT ALL 111.1V•TIC DIME knEB. That mommoul clamof WU romultoom from self - abase. produclAs ue • ntalmorm,nervous detollitl o Moe. ecoolnal .malestloaa. sad 40a127 too potency permauentfy eared. Perham afilley ed .olth °Olean, Intricate sod loos nand. los comtltutlonal =soloists me polltelyta Mood to B eall for omaaltatlom IMMO mem nothiblp Xnglemer e Ive&oot teschars. hall mantel rimrimM, th caw at oleos aldateat, mlll, permanet. mos to nom mem em be mod , without hindrance to Dueness. Medicates pow pared In the estatoillhowinite *tech embraces oi ler !Tomato. and emoting roomou Moo, coardims a.optue aputmwY for MAW". 72=f dol . eat o i gargsn . n i a=gornWlTlC ti7rratoti ' mineral ' • No matter who have failed, Mate yonr 0000. Read most he . ran la hit pamphlet of MOM. Ma to ea, addrtm lor twostatowe Meiv eel eaThopec s a d of omeostratted mow elle, al °Moe sad over the etiatotrv. Conon "11"'Wylle t."" stree . P"*"1 1, Mum 7 d r oult W ii - I L OMMIM Ma. l . lll.aba il t . l2l. l ! F.. Boars 9A.9. to P. 9. liaudaTe 19 tt. to 111 te. thanblet seat to say addrculbr COO atemospe. eta Or !LAW 1:113.013 RAW DTEL. L. ' Tals Wend= perfect Is Mesita Ina ii= Ms osd7 telis lad • ble, tralsatsuadas; as a:meat:" ll dlcalo as War re:nes ,1 11 tarts tad =ll l ,,l.VeePer erws•Mtl i l id annigrada tafir=4, riPrid . toad seveMi TOll4 anyldjeel HEALING ran.— fatten laVrkNo r ia l atilr, aftnoff i ltintla l tra Itta, atal aIIattorMANIMOD. WU cattalo meats of react far the atalatatl. Beat la otalat letter 494 fr. of cast . _ra Addle, HOWARD tar AtAIIVNTIUR. But PiltialtalWalaa Yaya ttitaclAl frg - JUST OUP. • •CkilltftlllLAL •• lror 03145. Vvarbs, Soreee“.. *ad arancht Us. No.lso as rood. eon*. pII4UM, Imre core aa quick. Phila 11.14 de Iphia.y JOU NtiON.IIO44OWAIrAtOWDEN, • i 0 Tr, STABMUML M INIED BY A : ir e , IB bir, N. GORALY, WINCIT-v-qAtt G 12,0013,, No:171 - Liberty Street; tuntscnor Urr. Emma 1101M34) .:Fte O. ARMSTRONG, Biscaramax Zal , ag • Anoi r , PRODIJCE COIUMMON II T, 110. 515 sisisinrr enraszi , =vie EANOII4, 11411PEn.- • AND RADLID:o.IIC COlit MISSION lasttetrawrs, 11 ! * lam ": 16P-C =lefts sallow& rzras =MUNI , KEIL & lIITCIIABT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS* 5; was mttais • noun, OWN, 13ZZDS. MILL. PIED, 1c... 11.01 ZOOM es„, putsbuslog, ior3f:b.ll 1. MIMI. orsfax & sox. Commission Merchants, indlatrii.GMAJEKr VELEFVOIko. No. Wong? !ITEM near Eatt'Claxamos, Ammar.= arm PA. J. BLANCHARD. Iftudesap aad BetaU Brew* avitio Nob SW PENN INFEZNT, kE ITTLE, 111/11111D1k, PATTON, ngrg= Tr i 116 = and lAN 011 Dna,latiVna,,a, 0012arna and all Pltana via rld l an elsmo kllALand...ll.4, 5114141:4 0. La• • •• , _•• • •• • :—• TOR, Is. IMOVVE .4113n0g,4 en*. u awns to Jinni L Howls a co., Whole. ”ji Grocers and Ecentabtslon Merchants, cora roes eanma .. • a , WA ,., CIPTORA .. WALLACE,Whote etitaltlftoCllltfig AND VWD OCZ DEAL .p.,T,TAMUCICC. NEW LARD. noz-ntizt. F All Y 'LikR D. -W:EpellerlrAngirtlll4,"!? hY woe VIZ CALD/Vl3; bUlb. 'Cana. Tor prigs otes PitocrEs & GARBLE, rie inxiatl; 0 .11X4WWWW_I- AminurVe Cininfx.A.DAcus Emma wiLto.Cralettrinasza. WILLY CFriu . coenni• lint i gir =VP ittr ' " I t nt 4 .•• altu a rkol vi :rvaii : l i eu es eso s rryrwsr4 TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BASK, Wood St., corner Second Avenue. INTEREST PAW ON DEPOSTTS Gold, Coupons, Bondi and Mocks BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. BRADLEY. Pre.Adloat, W. WARMISH. Vies Proatdewt. ETUDE CAAED,r• cci•Doll 01 HOLHEB & OOHS, • 57 Market Street. L . /TT2b/313.111.0.13, Pd MT=• nada cm an Um arbialaal totals al atiaas and °iambs. Stoeke,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND 00W ON 04111X1611103. roooontor ationitoo paid to IL oorakao. uoi We of C i tjkij.ed States Securities. HART, CAVGIEET & co., BiNKKIS AND DROK.Ea3, Varner Third and Wood Stresia, Prrrsistruct.u. PA.. onowasauza ru BABZIA, UA • C 0..) Exchange,.Coin, Coupons, AAA partlealsr. slintlas paid Ile CM froths's sad Ws of COVERNMENT BONDS. Want Draftson London. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, le now roe. for Discount, Deport' awl thinoral Banking Business. An, aura reeelso4 Cram Olus Dollar upwards. Interest at Um rate idols par dot. paid on time slapicts. M=MM EZTMMIZaI pv: 6:ainsitribox. DAN. ILLNEVIL. M ANN N. ANIL. rocasTA. Pmadetit. Ca 11 "r': ", 7'tt bict h, o; I= ITICILBOLNIU 11111111DULLI LIMA MEM= PAID 03 DEMI% BooStOssoSoda, oad loton a il the notIONI to Loop. CoHee:lona mobs oat ail the principal WOO of the tinned Btu. old Como. Doom= loom.. President. Jonas icon. Yloe Proldsat. W. X. !Wow!. Gabler. atllitTfOf "" O. Moms. Jug IleOabo, . .. _ trash Iniattris. Terence CAMOa% Patrick Kam, - Isaias Phalan. Ob.. H. Barr tr.-1m Hernia.. Fic.. " =., JoPal • lOU. tr. GASZJIJI. eollcitar. THE 1,1:14 1):4.41hi vl4l Of Pittsburgh.. locorporato4 bl tb. Lee.lama of Pooloytoo.. biz, January 44. MIT. /or Um salb-loopiaa of Boa. and °Um Socurittea. Uola and Mar. alloof Plato. Eataasto. Dionaoada saga Valaabla• of all clueriptlons, taadm faaraftioa, and for the noting of !Safes ha W •lfalta. Building and Man Xo. 83 FO U 14711 4 re.ruz, I= ramps:gm—WlLLlAM PTIILLIrs. Vic& ralauular-ILLNEY LLOYD. frran pt, W GUAM k i e Jt B. " lifasa.orary. 6lcsvirrAST A TULAWan: 6. I. VOX 6011/6111.166T tualadg • DOLLAR RAVINGS HA RR. AM 65 roams- Mani? aware= Ea ma. =I o any. from 0 eredoet A. w. to 111 coda* Awl ISATMIDAT lIVSNVOOIS. „glum rullirself ilem * M b lighla h re =1; ORTIVIts.• a d mil d rillvidedli g of thl " pralta declared Mice • mr, Jam end tome - sober. litt=b.mtes=urrtliimitvt=a4 m the rate of On pot cent. year. letarces,- rietotrelrs eat. Is placei to the credit et the depositor es principel. and boars the ' nine hat nest trosothe es Mt days et w. June cod Decem, the Mena sl withou Imsbilas ber the &modest to cail.cde o rniele priteut t We MN Wet. Al Ws Mill mom] mita doable te lea than twelve mare. Boa/. aosulag tbcObarter. gilt i sg= taralpsa as4s. oa rizsunzarr—GlZOßOZ ALBEZ.Z. gyp/ il i =ma ck, A,. M. Pollock. M. D., Robert Robb. is llardoms.abs M. aboaabarcar, Jamas MrAstal. J amas Nadia. J. B. D. Meads, AleseAder _Speer. • ' Isaac It. Pennock, Clarloblas Teaga. Wm. J. Aadermogl._Locamvi ioV Adams,V y. ""l.:li2A, Deans Mack. oho Marshall. Hai Darrell,. • Alamo A. (Amin. rovvotzia i`basMod.. Calms, • David MeCandlova. olko /Maas, H. W..,Dver. otto w t ; ; Ullimbia. Ormsby MIDI" iz ., ~l l=. Dark lOmprall. Da d g,Z , lassadar dla, =ell • lI Itr kYRAAL a ir V rIVV . =b i t-•JAILLI D. D. /DM& MMO-BAILWAY GOLD LOANS buss. 101011 t CIL, II Wage Place, tad 3. I. JESCP t CO., II fits Street, L Iy offer, for solo the Bolds of lho 111 W PnalUa Railway 'Mae Nadi pay man per MIL is Cold; late tkirty pan to vu; ate Fro item tam* Tustin; are' stance by a Ind Groat el 'thee linen kens et the Finest In linos u Cotondo. h &Min to thhoptehl grail the Com pair oho owls true 11111fou of lan la Dun, which iux being npldlyiold to derelop the cotatrylmd itaprore the road. nry ink OM curtglige aponths utenilan of Itto , nad Inma likortdu, lulu, to tanner, Cofontdo. fie toad fa operalliai, 411,mila Ion& spealrbla it h Rho a matt• go* NOW BIM JOB THAN ENOUGH NET 111COIE • TO PAT THE orsjcur ON TIE HEW LOU. There la no better badly to the bubl--11111 baba in some rapects ktlertkaa Gamma b. etaillei. MUM IND MB ER PITIBLE IN UM hice if, ad lard ed Interest, In Camay. mph Bap and Cicala, Itirikked a Applicata. We ban a fall supply of the don Beide on bed ud ht ult,, end ere take pleeenee In' ntaratitidleithem - n a very nlleble mad petfeepi ub Ineutment. - 8. XeCLEAN s co., Poore Avaftoo. A.O Plttatnorth, Po. B. LYON, neater not We n end .lessaes, t w ir ui gM e Z z l ags 7i 1 74 41Mb li mn /IMO ans. MIMI X5101,30 , 1:411J,1.tvzi0;11:9,1 CENTRAL t FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS et+U fern Street BOLLILIN & BAGAIET. I= W. J .H. A. FILKIVOHLE. 1110NONGARELI FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Manufacturers of IRON HOUSE TRONTR WINDOW I.INTZIA and SILLY, and CIISI/Dll5 of all Descriptions. nrOrgiN tiTV3 l rto p. 0 4 AR° . .11970 a ; 31aam Roust a. Orrlcs •ND rOVXDUT—No. 150 W &SIM ISTREIST, PHUALrgh. P. MP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORRJ, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBIIII,GE, PA. • 'Engines, Balling Mill lla- Ohistery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. =! PICITIRI3II7IICIEI., P 4114 WILLIAM SMITH, dianoSootauror of I' , YA:Srll. l : l . l )4:ill',V 4 •4'-1 I I nr ri.. are all cast Invnriablyta PM, in dr? tan& and Lla fast Warns. Alio, WI aseartensat of gesend Canting& for Elsa And Wider Warta. I .K.ld also call toe , 0.0 00 Of !Etre:nuts:ad mots Of Oss Work* to I_, teuso Of RETORTS. OUQUESZ4h FC),RCz.: Tirt,L12.7.1 MtEB, r'. 11 AliFli 3; Ct. rrsciil7 Oka ?AVM, CRAITIrAPIS , RAT 80 OA AXLE& uf ELTAA NJ•i rir WRIWIS Vint arm lessrlgAlca Corm of Daquesno Way ad Pint lima. who ROBINSON, ILEA s CO, Biteounon to 1013:1111014 MINI/ • 11.11321; WAIMEINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND lACHINISTS,PITTUdIGH, gailliteiltaf al Han sad at: ean Zama Ito. %11Art. Magtoos, MI Mooktnery, 6 , Colthzre of 01l deoralptlonc Olt= tad Boller aaltliMont Iron Waft. hacktack o. IS, oamez Tint and Malaga . . . . . . .. . . . s far WY/LSD% PAMIR'S LII.TECTUB ttor fteam Hollers. isumel THORAEI CARLIN & CO., 'mara Wud Foundry and Kadin* Works, 111A.10111RULY ALL/AH.IMT cnir. Alassitantarars at Stationary a 44 Portanisiteara IT=tru ttcssaa. Maas, MAW& Grist KM Wart. Ito Was KLII and Maatina Weigh W at Wass. =THAI STOVES, CASTINGS, atcr. . ft CO., ND. 10 WOOD STEEL% siumarantar. of as greatest, raditty al Cook, Parlor aad Heating Stoves, 0. lilleAtietti vat be tout el thsLAMEar P•Trall.NS AHD atrliOVltYttert, sad the rerretutos or our Maus le =eh that a no n to Wont al thud wile. Would ot thou eseholodund by u, as will be laud the mon durable or well or eemoadosr. Weald eat pleotor latentlos to oar neer VoLCANtr MP IL, tro rharehes, hallo •lIIMOSIS. OrubM sold throe months. tolerated far with or with oar coring. • who bare ued Mum pronounce them ourertor to au otharead lar Co.hadre dead for tAtelegoe sad ?rice LIU. Jo= - RIFF, DOE & CO., ISPINCIVI7XEM. BOSTON COOKING SAMOA "THE FIERY FVRNACE," IV. M .ERI EEN XFOI Lam."A PURER% O LT dMaite& $O6 and 208 Liberty Street, tailkyff PITTSBMCGH, COOK BTOYE& CET THE BEST. BINSELI. att C 0.15 TRIUMPH. 708 BIM 1111:NO M COAL. Warranted to Cuoks Baks or Bead sa eon masa other Month Os Vito, BISSELL & CO, No. 485 Liberty Street. Goomulle OILS DIAMOND OIL WOW, M. M. LONG lk CO., OSes. DILLEELL =MN% Danusse W.. ettirbarob. re. WARING AND 111110, Oosualtalas Iterekaata lad Woken la • Petroleum and lta • ,‘, ORZEIV3 BLOCK, mown WAY, ranrozzamu. ADDECES. _ i M,. _~ 0.~ ~ .a•~ sours noon) mum. - mg" Tama etnommEna„ COMMISSION MEBCRMfIS, ARD MALMO Id Petroleum and Ha Prodneta, amour€'7o.4l%; IVATATatienrlaoWS.. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM. WINERY Runuarqr.. c. Tlnmma. • iwalrAormuut or Lubricating &BOTestßnteing Olla Mtge, II ask on. ~ MN*. LW Intlloll 41/120: MUM I I agau =II , =SUM& bp•CSIIOUtO/ ' Zere=iline• liikitaiii Obel i Sairlll s =Modairliall OW -':' ; . , _ •.. ZE 6hiall iroolltioaritiigaiiir Wrini•re*Statrn•o. . toga insisktatots. wasousipi usininsis OM per, SAW t.: IRNESEIgI=ft BIWA Ir= a omm achi ratremesiisql 4„ wn =p it misr= is ood. Zoltrad,==re a v M at igirter i rnt are muss IMalli ratilWartdatir _IIMIn Waal 48 ISWPsburaSmis. -" Aft STEEL WORKS P URL STEEL WORKS. STABLIBEIED IN 1045, ANDERSON & WOODS, 1ca.Nc5...... - traliss or IP T =FIN= CMS srszi. Of even AeurlpUms. Alp, best Wined German Flow and Spring Mel. CoILNISR FD.ktS AND MIST LVIDIMC,PttI.- 'arm h. Pa. HILLER 1111111 & rxurri V : Takk traititi A lkt i lea t. Y. ELM CRESCENT STEEL WORSE, MILER, BABB it PARKIN, OFFICE, h. 3:9 Liberty direct, PVITSBITEOH. PA. tel4Al4l DUQUESNE, WORKS. JOLEMAN, RABli & 00, (RON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, ovior.eurs. E.:. AND ADNIANA. ROLLA pLA•tax AND EIEADE6_, M A AR i Ii c IONWAIR R I 'LID W WWI WILLVIWTB. LIRDZA : NO P W WAIL. itra. % ,c irt iu rzer r it , OUAtni. BUNDY Ana WANDA MIMS sad OPT_ NAILS AND MINI= stavete. Ui Goode Ent CO= and W 0711013 AND WORKN. dateaatk Illtrart wad Altlidasay an TV INatar Strout. rsittabad • - - - 3 EiErrizmo STEEL WO SINNER, mum& am,- EMZi itanafactaners 01 rre.l7 ducriptlos ]AST AND GELMAN STEEL, Ull.ll 17/11403, ALL/. IC AND PLA_MPI_WI ISPEINIIS. alums, urgy TITIL 110:6. a• N an:ammo; 138 Water and 100 Rad Mr aLACK DIAMOND • 4r:r.E.E . L WOP.M. gitOTETS 00-1 E.ass[enas of •n o,3vlV.Zon, st EiTrPTIMriC CMS!d U'srelloase, 713187114TH. 211111111' Lad iii17.114)/LD UTBSTIIS. ENGINES, BOILERS; &O. BOILER WM. F. REPHAN & ILwataastarem of STEAM BOILERS. OIL TASHS, STILLS. AG ITATOM SALT PASS. OAREIJOCTEMs. BET. ?LING PASS. PRISON DOORS, CHIXITZTB. 81001135 /LEE 5303. 3.c., Cor. of Sttand !muse and Liberty Xi., PITTSBURGH. PA. Smooths dm. promptly. Orders Rest to the addteo will I.e promptly attended to. P. R•Pti AN. lormorly Manager at OARJEOLL A soIIIDERTI. IWO ffi. BOLE 86 CO. Con Niel Meg , and Duquesne Mpg Engine Builders, Founders and Ala as i mesAWr ti a3l2l ,. rd 121.. Ant muca=tldia or a ir ARM S gfiar 11. ilyi nw ban" ercutiZsmiletecirderatencr " VA: 011 Walls, 8a TI EIAtter.MMIMEssedTOBACUOINC&WB = sa4 I R O N To mx r117210Z40x kaatl made scr at tits INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Proastaa ea Um A.Uestatel grim, war tie bib. or ►Q wan p2oritil IMO& MIT V& FORT IPITT WOUKS. CARROLL* SNYDER, nomasArt.inar SMILAX AZD CrTLINDTII 10:2/1.11 DM. tat erase 4WD OIL Saab,liTrA" =DO ELM, RA P MID 00.0. r. wars& ripis. immure= /JD 130 X ?kW '3:3- woks LIED GOAL. antrzoi Odle* sad WimWime•aerane Ilan& Mart and Wiparpritrada PITT3I3I7RaII. Pa, Orden to am* Mew irM • •• • • Mewled to. O&M • wo. naoautu. Co., . BOILER SLUCEIFUEI •WD !HUT IRON 121 TOMMI, MOIL SS, 1111, 114 Azusa rionree. , - . : Swim=lay slot ' iliiaidied tt vita n e ars Mae bat% assaar n. i l . 1a up =via ia tbe amai 41= ri, ru. Beata Mama rtra. Oosaasam, Batt rain, Tuna: 1111114 Asa,. tars. Matta= P&IIS• BMW rdt=llll naildiataltri S W itataziag dos.= unstwineues. —451.121' MUSD= Dogs= JARED saves& !ON, itAinananums or Steaziallallers. 011 811104,Taake. SEIM 11803111701/11411A 61 PM* 811%1, B4s. BRASS FOITNPHIM attar ArananlCß4cm HENRY BIER & CO., tom M. COOPER & Bell . agi Rem roamdens. BRUM CASTINGS maps TWITTLY TO mums. Mileabla and Gray Iron Fitting . GAS PIPE MID TUBING, 71110111MAYETI IND LUMI nun, ALL DLO= PAISTIMX. monr cocci t~ Bran Work at airy deserlpgia tar Stun. Water atat OIL • aasuracroaxaa 0/ Y. COOP= £ 000 Imprond Balneeoifinl Steam haf t Agent* lbr Drenteil , Eagemermi• ens ea beet UM Itfarkei. Pace awl Watts. cow Muir= =Mks inns. A TWOOD & • IliclegilMi c •S• Corsa Liberty street sad 1:1 Ana* rittabursh. BRASS FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE nrrm, aaa £OZNIId A. a CABLISIZON s anti /117.1.1/ PIMPS AND. BLOWILES, IRON' WOMEEL: ILLESILIBEHROCK rhelhetifeeti tercefflpeiemee tea* zze the mot the , • OrvieT i ior e =s g i V t ortes., '6"l 4 2 4 "moo cost. Me mesetatutmeet • r'sttlethithlse te *lt esilotitelh7- JAMES'R 'SPEER_ Ariesees far the =lsles* 110011E5 1 awl 111. lhyttlitot Bale, a& laterrl 10 VIMO taltlee ti Tuts -la: li Irene the =IV! a >i I ) 1 , • . •,„ r ° W, 4 ana. Dui= tp, --apt mamas: ---- Ezuweirmr-s. PAVISAL ekIL rbkasklefter 11 Kato elltakT.l Seek. 19 00. emu • arrive et o the Union Depot, moms of WVIIII9IIIII Meese sweet.. as I MMTM rnim sun m A 4l,—. 1:110 aelliVapUreeCa Past Ups—. 1 . 45 ask - mace Y. l t Xi W. 0 1 ,11 No. 1..0 00 as WWI'. No. 1.. 00115 ON Srlotor.Acoha. 5:50 or Katt Trat....40 EP Walt., Na I_ 9:05 am' Ste'keit No 1- .10 pi clasitatteal 50.8:113 sewetnelnett •WO a4teMetere ka 1040 WalrelTo. 11t3011.. Bra'kElko Nal TlOClpse!Joemstosra Ae•PrO• Mitu. E...11.40pn Itre•Le .noNal e 1 . 00 pr 1 No vo3o o p Watt., ttso pm, . &OSpm Pea •Ls AnNo 2 9:55 pm, PS, 4..1: Pot wwp. No. 4. 5:509m • Fiat Lide.••.,Y. OPo W.I . P.m . ,. 10:20 Weireata.6., 11 1 . 1. 4 nTose troths made ehoe connection at ba_rg toe Balttmote. eaTe yM .1 9:05 0..° e,m re s t W eat l agle'l Sitatiellea 10108 m. Be Carulag, at Plttebet /1:30 p. to. nod arrives at Walla !swims as 11:10 p. et. "Clattorom Entrees and Peclac Tapreeelekelll dolly. Atl other mins daily except 1111Mbly. rot ranker thAW‘'..}lNTeLict4l,4li4a, The Panawovadalansuroa4 tAtm9.ooylll•4liana The any ra for laggeeteostocp.kitae-entertl_ kle Twat, and Itadt thar maponatbliltY 00Viti 12ta did Dothan tn 'alma. All It4Take' oat automat to web. .111 ae et the 1 , 111, t1i swam eaten Won tre ettemaLcontroct. • PLDWAPIe Lt. WU. day General SilDertntalaltid. - . - _v... ErESTEIIN• PENSYLVANIA N 111.1411).—On and aflu Anneal a9.11/alntlie Paamenaer Trains we the Western P Ral road will arrive at and depari trtroopn e Illitnil Buret Depot, Allegheny etty.a.kgbllknagy• 16•40aaLitaU. ' •aer . M .l :isits;tr.77l7,6' i . 1 szkvAiititurg.zriFiar l at: 4thriewiiwirac:lB.4.4t,..lsl; Above trains row etailyenee i litday :it The Chereh-Trala Jekrbe ; even eleaday at T:10 a. re.. COG at 9:50 a. at. ' Itetuaing, hems Glig at /4•0 a. at. sad *MUM 11.1141nagy tan at 2:110 D. at. Ocatarorem• nehmlll—Dar see la•I .... el Tensafre,betee . x.o4B.s eca at Alln e F it. iitaamsrpatue at n oak ene ana dnedeneleteU. rt. = make d easetec tranultirnes auto City AI , a t . et. ram got kat W ter. linear Intake. Ibe.m.ler Thee? "eel any be .... Anima N pita i te ( ll, aanritt7 Dree=ty.;'; Perfbetber Latbrtpv ta • - , ..:?!.. , , Aral litreeign. The Westerns nrywahla Itallmed eathearay Kat her Umpti rm aArge to. filt=ll= d itC. - value. Al ban eeedlna tab amount Wraiths irlllbo Willa ar . a Z the tamer. aalese lakes ler er ll. eetai • =MUM anal "General Benedateadthat. . ettehah • • HT WAYNE. It at , : •-• B. •asteICLE ND a PTTT•B , tit: lreat•artft Seth, 11104, tad= will - . • aad antra at the Ilaleatfleget.l39:llloll4 • ' 1 =llk elta m en, aejellowip •1. -...:4 W0r n . , 1 . 4.69 Mil a seiChleaes 11•:nalall a a. a Tin r.a.7:111a m , P.etae 11 x... •:111 au CR. • Zh i r/2.1::: i glared E i gog i tit V.lSa MiEitigril__c . ElVlsd li" • a jai Via.. z .z...,,• I:33ep ea arm& re's! a ere ,Iteleala social, •••WitX 4 , al B• rk rrtiZfrr•tthtrr; g Lgral Le ellV6 L"` R 4"l. :. 1 :11g :: .I ',' ; ', .: ' l 4l atla :: " Ilf as T K =I "W " ilea ti=adere -;111 as lirg r al i t.t..2elarz t ."l . =li ...., tem . _. Lstada/a " 10.141 p re f .. .• %ON in Pale OW W- Ilea, Clati Sch.` • parat.ech. Ida Dmj da_ y Llutaill.• :Val saa 1,38 p. ra. memo AISKISMS /MTV" 4.41__1T. T:113 p. is. CeleagalLaprese settees aatel. I. E. MT aita, .1. N. xeeII7LLIWAIII, CfatL Pas. • Tkelat Agent. , •••• swum, nage .. _.. • a 13 7 :" 15 C V07.1 . . • r.v.mungsßotrrs. 011 A 3Z Y. 02'1 , 317... 415r.35Thar Am rut SP IRA. ;1•Au:•;•111;c417•511.4 arzttssi . 11 5 1 1 7 1 .M4A.ML. 81t),:ows.: L a .. 7.1Vri.;=1;4=17. - z.. 11 8, V; a.. ...... . . , -4 ... '5:73 14134' =0r7571.a A .4..... - 41,43r; ea. al. .01:0= 19 • 7:57 7.1.-..4e..'7.2.b.t. MaDm1514751.8011.217.15.87 si." • 715 5.71. Ilanda• andel Teas.. 19:88 7.n. 915515 1 / 4 111.._1;43 e. N. tram gn pave 5514. 1.7:07 N. train: u mill ard•O , AU ether Maths mill rasdally. 2.110833810 e ed. nap 8:53 mi. Tral7 mm 5517 154 $044 Mir • mellow u Lievark tv Zaagerll7. Gea lake Age Z l. o% . h i mP. W. W. C 511 r. ' 5L . .... j r...11.5. . 5.11 • • fin Alif4GE ,0F=2.11111 TIXE. . 00,51 = 0 11-1-Cin eumatuarrr VALLEY VAlLaailk . THZ ONLY,DIRF.OT HOOTS - 2.0.0raz4m. REGIONS wrrootrr CHANGE or CAW O On and silos MONDAY, Sept. SO, 1' TWO =WOOD TEAMS DAILY (exceps , llwlall "l en ra:k,.ll Plae 1 ttri lie OM Livia rirrelstAglL !AZAD'. 1311 Day Itr 7:001213, Day Alert VMS pari Med a 31 ms%nr . AA NAN misataW T O SNI flols WorkE. 6:3u p m,precloor_. 71 Andra B Adlo &OA is st,IBIWysI3 AO Cbufth 1;00 p m:cnonb,-I,:z...'subslkas Arms UAL= stso-AIM3 milltu;al 1;04Mo Accommodalloa nansgop 43111.z u ta.Tokulrela.Alle _ OWINNI•sties.TITZSDAYJIItiIer,:t .flan:Wass airt...ntrmaft 'Of Ciro= and .Wllll4t. landl34 ...Azagg. • lb:Souk Nallte MI trim 17:1cM riAggi lg. A.W.ilmongtits 1.1. AM at. ferat_antrtrom Uottn. 3:170 r.5t...10110/11.g 17.1%741g 9 rAcce. A =. 1 6ID isL tZtil! wish% Ae. raMe.1..1040 r. L 11:411.a. ims Banda, Chunk Tra.M wad Wat Nevi= COOt.Ss. MOIL BA.2lfo=l, Agert_' 10.3..11101rt. aggpmalendear.......= • mil SsomaALLIKKONI UNION -PAlayttf 141:44111, _ _ itrUbMiDlVM‘l6 ' Tat saolinfor ASD ,1111. 1 4SMASS Spittle:Am ta.SAnto.l 1:41 , 0 1 Colorado Nevada, - California - Drab, Arizona - -Washington. , New Meilco, Idaho& ~ Oregon. :.; Too Tratiii illsire' &us LW Gad . . prigned ww =lllll l ~ t au t 0. 1”... et tram ir 4elieT A; z Lavrasas, sal 144mq= IS =a v i iipal 1 toingiri. iimai,M sauclib Afl Points WOO, Witzliniisit mays , innnandarivin- —lmolai* or OrlWakey !• .+l Bpri Van ta &IP una •AranVt addAt •• a alklr Othiakii. i paznost i diad o,.. =- T. noom Muli o awn* ono. , - 14. - , • . "a'2 l "l°°l bemvelat• t . ned creJa sa a sa i tztl:Napal . fgll . Cpkb agar tuna %I* ?Hi A vlp L'Agail3 RAMS - - ' '-'''' ', fiardirnalo3tV4 • • . •••.;* sna eat Imo Itic ii Akilr 2,000,000- "REP ar monis Lantroftaiitt, f,.• • • 'arms! tTnion Pada° Railroad'COmpir • • san. aux twine ottbitr raid:as. Slafire SIOXIPERACRir,t , =4 "WWI: 4I *M Or tar macs pistbscaui, maps, tio„,44iii47:' Lou wasmisimia.t.FoPa444.4 or astag:a.sasross i we ISL Loin , Ylbol~a E . , .t.T estuDt OQM,Ea SaretY,Ee Mt,FOl:- gt - Jacket, Oar Redd , a , , • " INIODER.ITOWA. ''' ''''''` * Ifbit . Sie Chi itte.. tlittiout = Oa to ol Write a k anitis olLtext the tet or tea - lent lb. tuaetateart• e " ta.t tee a w e Etats to which the setts tee tiortott Wise ma y, twig eht, oleet Y late3 W i l ehms wi ralitei - r . =rap peottiaa tad plarrerot„. , Attaaani rs tgas " ratangi/P:lttre . .es sae *add be toetelteton the eitioho u i tegt= "l l zs MI ea ts inimM i ta ova pe ob. idiaMat own WOC4 Of illMiten =UP - 1114 . 111: T ho tined In ,titro y. tl io ihasolit 1 ittreilillitß l nat i nim treitetto. wt. 11k0.,.M .140ei al vow suds e =aoss b r insitotint a g= Rinwhet Tm a ir its int4 D l=l:oli7 - thi ,=ditto to seetimilwiehoi to na. =u1kg , ..441.47 rrsitie•qswr;:vaiuw v T r w .-eoraeratanwo ISMS ViretMtretele• Wih r P r. "11'264 : ~, , . - 411iPairk izzat .. : , NaiiiiroTY WO : Tat illat , ~.-isravErarcwouts,,, riATNY 4III JAW 0011 : acALESz : 1 1 74 Mont -doer-fofts 0/#4. ,Xtrgat: - - E 3 gr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers