II N IIarDWIDEND NOTICE. — The Directors of the Sharosburs and Law renceville Bridge Company pave this day de clared a dividend of FIVE PERCENT. for the laSt el: months. payable at lite once of the Treasurer Lu Shatpaburg,fortbwith: - JNO. EED, Treasurer. EqtAitPSHURG, Oct. 7, ISO. ' R ' ; 0e13p71 07" THE BOARD OF I : • TOILS of the 1 COLLIS/HA OIL COMPANY Have this day eeelared a di 1 dend of ptVE PER. ENT. On the capital St6ek, payabi Monday, I A. P. MeGEE • PITTSBURGH, Odt. la; 13894 _ OrJUST OUT- IroiCold, ;:tfir tt h i :, l' EVe C T T bi l •Y AL tic None as good, none as , pf:tartt n , d ng r : n _ 'I.23,9II3eiI,k,T.JOHNSON,'& OLLOWAY &COWDEN, rhlladelphls. AND SEE THE NEW China Sets, Parian Statuetts, Vases and Fancy Articles, now opening for the H. HIGBY & CO'S., No. 189 LIBERTY . STRUT. N. B.—A large assortment of Fine White Granite Ware for family Mut hotel use always on Llano. oc7 AN OLD ESTABLISHED CONFECTIONERY IN A NEW PLACE F. A. IiTERSH & BROTHER Rave removed their establishment to their new and elegant premises, No. 24 Sixth Street, (late St. Clair.) • Where they will offer to their frien.'s and cieto raters the finest assortment of CONFECTIONS, FRENCH CANDIES, AND CARES, their own - make. xrair4 elegant wherethenou saloon will be found up statist best of lee Ureal/15. fresh Oysters, In al. styles , as well as Cakes. Tea. Coffee And Chocolate. 'will he served In the promptest manner, at their old rates. orfhpsl • - THE liIIIIDETT ORGAN. IN The onl organ containing Carpenter , e won andderinl lately improved Human Voice Stop—Vox Humana - . '• -; The Rmaothest Toned Organ, The Most,,Varlons Toned organ, ' - The Most Durable Organ. ;:- . • The Best Organ for Singing, t' .. The Best organ for Insrurnental ' Music. 1. • ! The Cheapest Organ for the Quality, , --;; . - ' BURDETT ORGAN. A splendid stock personally selected at the Fie Son" Just received and for sate at manufacturers prices. It. ELFBER & BRO., 1212 Wood street, 00 Bole Agents Tor the Burdett Organ. FRESH GAINED GOODS, The subscriber is now receiving in stcre a largd stock of hermetically. sealed goods of chnice Vitality. esp. Malty selected for a dratchtss family 4 trade. and would call attention to the "COOKE'S FAYOBITE TOMATO,' The best In :he market; atan Winslow's and Yarmouth Green Corn Ilarding'n Vresti Asparagus, Pine Apple nnd.Strawberries, Terke's Golden Peaches, Putup with the greste - t care for onr own trade ind warrantld to give satisfaction In the trial. .Familes and Dealers supplied by the casc at wholesale .pOces by I JOHN 41 RENSHAW, H Corner Liberty and Ninth Streets. .ocl?,:p70 1. ANDERSON & SONS, Book and Job Printers, 6 , e AND 69 FIFTH AVENUE, Dispatch Building, Pittsburgh..; • Having extra large founts of Types, sad Press belittles-for the IiaPID execution of -- • PAPER BOOKS, Would respectfully solicit the patronage of the legal fraternity. Those who favor us with their orderS, can rely , 4 on having thesis done NEATLY, and AT THE TIME AGREED ON AU Kinds of ELECTION PRINTING . x.rtoz4..rnmar .rrx-Flairrmco. A B. OF 'C. FOR F. M. BOOKS. BOOKS. rs elegates and othe attending the meeting of the A. .8 A OF 0. 'FOR-, F. M. i Are invited to visit our Store during their stay. Utley desire to purchase we can offer them a , 1 , Fall Assortment of Books In eveu Deportinedt of Literature. Butrdni School Books and bonds.) , behool Requisites; Theological and Religious Books. • Blanc Books • and Stationery, Ac., ge. Dr. Anderson's Work on Foreign Missions for sale. Liberal discountS offered. R. S. DAVIS & 183 Liberty Street, roar OP SIXTH AVRNUE. •I N THE ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLIGHRRY COUNTY. No 39 of Octo r Term, 18651. And row, September 3.1. 1899. J. C. -MoPHERSON, administrator or 'Robert Dalsell„ dectd, granted leave to pay into Court $44.13, the balance in bis hands, and a rule granted on all persons interested in the es. tste uremia decedent to 'how cause on or before the PIBST MONDAY OP DECEMBER, glisch wby said administrator aboxild not be discharged trom his said once and trust. • , A. M. BROWN, sei7:o3Q4^ Attorney for J. 0. McPherson. R ED " ' AND , FIRE - MUCK l i l , . PEEBBIO. CLAY _TIULPEBIN(.4 MA. <MINES and B CB MAKER'S T TOOLS may. taciired at. No.l:lolil39tzth WM street„ Ptlls clelplals. Pa. afteSii , pa t Pall Trade, 'at Is She i t Casein:Lewes, BATES oell:awr Being a history of the Three Great National Camp 'Meetings held at VINELAND, MAN HEIM and 11.0IIPD LAKE. A Book for the Christian Massey 111:541 CREDO, 114.50. The Supernatural ln the Bible METHODIST ALMANAC for WIG NOW READY Send In your orders to 04:14 WET POTATOES. 7 10 barrels itholee Jersey Sweets received thu day and for sale by the barrel or at retail at the Family Grocery store of • ' JOHN A. RENBHAW • oat - Corner Liberty and Ninth Ste. BANN or PlTTallinikarf. October 1 3,1869. f NI ELECTION FOR ' ELEVEN DIRSOTORB of this Back win be neld at day of NK vm*HOUxtE.b onMeONtDhAY,the 010 a. M. and 9P. w. The mauler annual - meeting of the atockhelders will be held on TUESDAY, November Ad , at LI o'clock A. X. W. AOSEDIInG, Cashier. 0c14:p713-TH . . A SHINGTONOSTBEET W PROPERTY FOR BALE.—Nos. 101 and 103 .Wasbington street, 49 feet , front and 98 feet deep. Improved by a modern built TWO STORY Britt% ROUSE, Gas, Bath Boom, Am For terms apply to • ce144075 WANTED.—BEESWAx. BENG. DRIED PRII/TS, ivOoL, arid GENERAL PRODUCE. Oor Southern and Western Friend/ can obtain the highest market rates, and get prompt returns by consigning their Produce_ to ns. , J. ozakassoN GRIBPITIy; General Commission sein Merchant, -. 1 %. • No. AO N. Wont Street, Philadelphia, pa. • otto. MAPLE SIJGAIL-10 baneis metraur ., 1.41!,t11 . 1 0018 WtINDSRSOLYA saaa ee Ltbseti : i = i t ia 404 tat . B. P. MILLER. WILL , lAM ,F. ROBB, Notary Public. and Commtsaletter of Deeds for all the States, No. 149 Fourth avenue. Pitts burgh. Pa. Prompt attention will be given to to the taking of Depositions. When a commis sioner certi see under Ms oinclal seal t^s t an la• ailment of Writing has been executed before him. It gas be used or recorded In any other State without lumber intbentteatton. ocis 1 .18T OF ING IN B 1 toper 10, 1869: A . Adams Mrs R Adams ss m Balls Mr. • loge) , , r Inst. Batrot Jno . Bonsonville Barcro MrtaC Black J C Crouch Jim cc , Corbett Jno ichl- Campbell B lure l ampbpll 111 Carter ;141fit Camp Miss A Cceegan Jno C4:eman & Bro LETTERS I CHAN&N PO lismEtt J B Rays J C Jordan H B Jordan B Jonas Wu Keefer Aire iL st ..,. E Kelly John l) I Kearney Jots Keefer Isaac L Lay Samuel Lumley Peter Leap Jo. DI Stollen Thou I Morgan A Matthews W B !Morgan D S I etoriran Mrs *ll.er Wm J !tiara on Jae McMinn C W - McMullen Jim McMillen S SleMann 'nos McCoy D o lrskr Owens Miss B Pollard Miss Al' ?rfteherd Miss Puff Frank L PHILLIP • D • rs. y A Davie 8 Disney J p Davis Miss g Dyer Robt Eaton E G W EItBtE MrsFeathe Fl Eller Wm. Fatrman Ma H - Ittlaebran 311aa .7 Head Hes Sarah cels OFFICS tuWar, oms, 1 22D Distil/GT. PA rf: .. Oct...II,REA-t 18E9, - f • 4 ... that le on E Mo l t t ly, t l H E te al / 1 31! i d ir ay o r f t..liciro G I V E N 3 69, there will ve expose , to sale at ! ' 7l l fe warehouse of A. GITCAENBEISI KB & Blau., No. 9501rst avenue. city of Pittsburgh, on the following art,cles seized for violation of Internal Revenu,s - Law, to wit: 3.900 Cigars; • 73 pounds Leaf TobaJo: • 800 Cigars; • ' 10 pounds Leaf Tobacco: ~ AM pounds Leaf Tobacco:, . 7 2.titto Cigars; , • . 3 bbls. - Cnt and Dry TobaCco; 700 Cigars; ' 1 half caddy Louisville Navy Tobacco: n quarter bo Holden Bar Tobacco; . • 1 quarter cadd g y •• • •• 20 ounds lu Te , isco: , 2 ba p les Vir P ginia :1m0,. t iTnobacg Tobacco: . . 8 papers Cut and' Dry Smoking Tobacco: 5 12 quarto :- pipers Gen. Grant tmoking Tobacco . . `• ••, 17 knoll - and 4 Tobacco Boxes; 8 navels Solace Chewing Tobacco: 30 cigar Tubes; 3 Pipes and 1 box Clay Pipes; 1 bcx Chewing - Tobacco; 3 barrels Leaf Tobacco; ' • 20 boxes Cigors; 17 -bo 91 boxes Scraput Tobacco: 17-boxes Tobacco; 400 Toby Cigar: xes box Cvntury Cnewing Tobacco: 1 Lot of Leal' Tobacco, 575 uounds: . . 1 Show Cast; 1 Lo; Cigar . 9.800: 90 pounds Cut and Dry Tobacco: 1214 pounda No. 1 Smoking Tobac: 960 Paper Boxes: 1 image; 1 Box Pipes; 6 nottaas Chewing Tobaceot 1 Counter Scale and Weights; A Glass Jars; 1 pair Sheap Shears: 4,5110 Cigars, with stamps of 1864 t. 'l'3ElO trAS W. .121A.NTIFI, 0015 Collector Interbalßevenue. A SILK VELVETS ! Black Silks, DRESS GOODS, Plaids, LINEN. GOODS, Iffl & BELL'S. ETHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY PENUEL, Face to Face With God, JOSEPH HORNER, Agt., 129 Smithfield Streets • ELI EDEENDSON, 98 and 98 Third •venue Op. . .PMt,3I3 . IMGII GAZETTE POPULAR BARGAINS .. 3 ;)r27' Goods AT REMAIN :TOYFIDE, Oc IPowell Mrs Di IRussell I outs& Ramain;Wm Belly Jilo 0 Kelly *Wald Reed Cr J git a tlikiWin ssynar Wm C Sylvls D W Mattest B SprinthilssJane Sisley John Di Slicker P Sweaty Jno ithinith St C I Shook Dire E Smith Miss Lib Searnm D SEXPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ' ALLEGHENY CITY. At 61c. Remnants Dark Calico, 12 yds. for $l.OO, Dark Calico, At 61e. Linen. Towelling, Smith hlup Tipper Win i Thompson Mrs 4f, Williams D M Wtldams W D Ward M At 121 C. Extta Wide Towelling, At 121 c. Good Yard Wide Muslin; At 25c. Yard Wide Feather Ticking, Wallace Jas . Wallace Natal Wllson R Whetsel tleo A WilerJno Wilting Peter OBER, p, At 121 c. Good Canton Flanne At 25c. Heavy Gley Flannel, At' 25c, Good Shilling Flannel, At 871 c. Waterproof. Cloth, At $l.OO Waterproof Cloth, HEAVY WHITE COUNTRY BLANKET HEAVY BARRED COI TRY FLANNEL.' HEAVY BED COVERLETS LADIES CLOAKINGS. Wholesale and Reta . WILLIAM SEMP.LE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal &tee CITY RESIDENCE AT AUCTION, ON BEECH STREET, ALLEGHENY, On Monday, October 18th, At two o'clock, will be sold on the premisee, that very desirable property, No., 43 Beech street,Al• leghenv. The lot is 40 by 100 feet to an alley. The house is a neat,substan flat two-story pressed brick front, containing 11 rooms, It hes Slate roof, vestibule, spaclons hall, high celllnge,mar ble mantles, marble wasti stands, hot and cold water, furnace, fine gas fixtures, closets, bath, range, &c. Aleo, wash house. stable and car riage house. All drainage Is I:e.d to the main sewer. /t is, in short, a complete house, and worthy the especial attention of ,all In want of a good house - a good locality. The 'street is paved and Is a beautiful thoroughfare to the Park. A thorough Inspection of the premises, prior to the / ale, LI Invited. Terms liberal. . GT, ocla No. J 59 Federal fi re , E A G llegneny City CILIRLES 11. DEALER IN • Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coal, And .Mantifactnrer of . COIL, SLACK AND DESULPIIIIRIZED COKE. OFFICE AND YARD, I corner Butler and Morton street. Liberty and Clymer streets. Ninth ward; a'so Second street, Eighth ward, and at foot of Rosa street. P. & v. It. R. Dahnt, Second ward. Orders left at either of the above officeu, or ad dress to me through Pittsburgh P.' 0., wILI re • celve promrt attention. Refer to whom lum suiplying: Hussey, Wells A Co.. Wm. Smith, Union Iron Mills, S . S. Fow ler A Co , . Stephenson & Co., Bissell & Co 4, Gruff & Hogue, lex Bradley, Park. Bro. & C0.,1 Park. McCurdy A Co..,Reese. Graff & Dull. Wm. N. Faber & Co., J: B. Lyon & Co., James Marshall A Co., Allen. McKee A Co. Un on De pot Hotel, Connelisvilic U.S., Pennsylvania Ito U. I Allegheny Valley R. R. APPLE PABEEL—I have. a fall assortment of Apple Paring.Coringand Slicing Machines, which I invite all to call and see them tried. The PARING, CORING AND SLICING 4 KACHINES, takes only three turns o the crank to pare, core, and slice an ordinary sized apple. It will pare without slicing or coring requirlees. Dried App d sell much higher when sliced with this machine than when quartered by the old ld process. Also, a full assortment of • Lightning &Turn Table Apple Parers. !or sale. wholesale and Retail. bT JAMES SOWN, N 0.136 WOOD STREET. map • STOLEN. -- S IOO" IIEWARD.=• • from fro t m he c subscriber, one mile on the roast leadinf. olomblans to New Llabon, Ohio, oa Oe Ist, TWO 3 TEAS OLD HORSES, Near 16 hands Moll, dark bay color, and Phod all on Mane, one Is curbed on both bind ions and hal short Mane, Tail and Mane dark. The other's Mane and Tall Is thin, and has a small white spot oa the nose. A reward of SSO will be Del for the recovery of the horns, and $5O additional fOr the appro. hension ottbe thteyes. Any tutors:Afton can be addressed to the underalold stOoltielb ann. O.; AUG. mILLICH. .. • Z. NICHOLS.. cooll:p50 It. sr. 2700 WAN ..... . .............. .r. 2. 1 1 v1022r. ' - - ' B. M. IlleCOWAli-a co Boulevard Pavers. . L .. Office, No. CS OHIO ST., ALLEOHENT, Orders left at Gazgrez onus, pittaburgb, promptly attended to. P•rve lattlestraLka, Cellars, Ism • Yards, Delves, Le. Warranted against (Menses of beat and cold. Eiritaitleoza—Max. Mo..rbead, Lyon* Shrift, Body Patterson. Win. Psi*, -lames N. Long,{ Bon, Hartley 4 McKee, Andersen's it Maxwell, Aiken A Campbell, Isaac Orme. jy11343, Tr • ME ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY To BUY A pADIEti , BOLID;GOLD ZEM4TTING CASE WATCH THIRTY DOLLARS, WATTLES & SEIZATEWS Ms Vs' JEWELRY errc•xtin. 101 MIMI AVENUE. Above tholualeld newt. a* 1 WM4I 4 IIM-100 bireels_ mum Law 900 tbis liryte do., tbr we Di • Lizthiratize MEM CISSIMEEES. AND JEANS Nag ALLEURENY CITY 18 A.I. FR a, ,OCTOBER 15, 4869 OPEN] AT I DA 7 WILLIAM SEMP • Nos. 180 and 182 Federal St,tl!)et, Ladies' and Children' HATS, BONNETS. RIBBON§&F.LOWE WIDE SASH RIBBONS, Roman Ties and Sear ARAB STRIPED SHAWLS, Nbw Woolen ~Shawls CHILDRENS' AND MISS HOSIERY AND CLOVES Undervests, Shirts and Draivers LADIES' AND GENTS andkerchlefs, Paper Collars and Cuffs§ NEW ASSORTMENT OF Alpacas, Poplins, Black Silks, AT LOWEST ;WOES,. WHOLESALE 'Si RETAIL, WILLIAM SNMPLE'S, No. 186 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY R.A.BEALE'Y'S HAT PARLOR, No. 22 Fifth Avenue A FULL STOCK Of All the New Styles HATS AND CAPS 0 0 1:,_,T, 8 11,E I S EAS - 0 N. ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COITIVr SEUL E. By Virtu C o unty ; rder of the J'Wphans , Court of Allegheny dated the 13th day of Octo ber, 1889, there ,will be exposed to public sale At the Court House In the Oily of Pittsburgh, on Baturday the oth day of.NOVEMBER, D, 1889,at 10 () ) 0101:, A. m..the following dedcrib. ed property of IdATTHIAS FELL...deceased. viz: Mariehose two certain town ots situated In the •sub-divleldn of th e Town of 'Braddock's Field, In the county aforesaid, as laid out by James H. Oliver, a pian•wbereof Is duly record ed in Plan Book, vol• 3, page 51, of said Alle gheny County-Records, an t known and marked in said p , an as lots numbered one hundred and twenty-dye and one hundred and twenty-MX, fronting twenty tat each on T.lbot :treed,' by one hundred and ten feet deep each, to an alley. and being the tame lots which A. H. kit ler at.d soya, by their deed dated August 30th. 1804. and recorded In the oillee for the recording of deeds 111 and for the county of Allegheny, in Deed Book, vol. 181, page am granted and conveyed to Frank Kronie, and which the said Frank %roma and Margaret, his wife, by their deed dat •d the 94th uay of January A. D., 1888,_ and recorded in the r dice aforesaid In Deed Boot, vol. sato, bete 564, granted and conveyed to the said Matthias eld. Bald prom ises haying a :Iwo story frame dwelling honse of four :OA= hrected thereon. HENRIETTA MOHR, (Late Henrietta Feld) Admtnistratrix yf Matthias Feld, dee'dd. • oe 14:p74Tur • 13-/Lkss r JFRUIrr "OrArk.S, 1 The old sad reliable A. &.DrTi. CEEJLRIBEREP UMIONcRUIT JAR, With Um cove? and wire Antenna. Cheapen sad best. laAanasket.. - • OFF MOT? GLASS JARS, iPis Wtiiit, to atoCiitild for nig by cimrigiirass!, 11, WATER STREET. etsmis • T4ARGE SHIPMENTS OF ALL !rinds of fresh lake fish afereoetred daily a en' ..Telpress•_populu ,stand. 2 , 10. CI Diamond Market, rittsburef.'enti 'at the Tlin City Stand, A l lOlMen7 City. comer of, rederll and Unto , litteeta. Oar - long 'expellente in the business emales us to always hare on tilts first class &riles. Ind can nil Whtte Pith mon. Black Hasa and White Pereh a et yeti low prices. Cebu us a tall. we will Insure's fine article. Wholesele or deSall. Ail orders Ailed promptl GEO. H. NULTEINBERGER, BOLZ AGENT IMAMS tsLTABLE WAnni, FILTI23. A3B Pfau /treat, urns , , , `Pirnausall. Pi. la IL LION, iseillor of Weights sod *mut% 0110e—zeo 5 PQRBT.H ALVENITE, rittabartk• mlll i t i i. J4 ?" "41 3 /VEL S s DOW, Pittaborth Lteiv t t B. mattruT, Dont:, AUG , orm e . 4-.;1 ALLEGHENY, Plaids, EMI Orr F IR BALE.—. 4 desirable resi• mice on Prospect t. near Butler St.. a sth wardt lot Tia.:llo feet. Also. a line large, AM class - taint& .1300 M and DWELLING of 5 A ro n oms X Ad tgood an e d afro on bßuutlmr S t. l o 1 7hw s d ofeet. A . DOUBLERRICK nWELLING on 41st St., ward; lot Ssxlo0 7 eet on A. V. ft; R. Also number of Ltouses and Lots from 0130 np to. 0,000. 16Also,' GREAT BARGAINS TN BLOOIIc i TELDL th Ward lots 510x137 feet for $O9 . Ten years tspa y. Two years allowed for tlmt pay ment when the person wants to butld. 11Blittre of D. S. WIALIAMS. Real Zstata and Insurance Agent,lßutler 17th ward, otoposi.e t•Johns Episcopal church. cep= F OIE!, SALE-10 ACHES, LESS or more,' In Plum townshlp, Allegheny coat!. Afiegheny Puller B. IL rums through It. Two hundred yards from station.' Frame house of sit rootur, and good stable. and all other ne cessary out - buildings: orchard of 100 be,aring fruit Ire efl, of all kinds; good gard gra_pe ar bor., and geoseberries and curra. te;526.000 worth of rock, quarry opened; will suit for resi dences or manufacturing establishments; coal under entire place: good Indtestions of oil; deepest water and best landing on the river; all well fenced. In q uire of A. B. BEIM, on the! premises. VOBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Re AL: -EBTA.TIC IN THE CITY OP ..5.1.- i i GH NY. By nue of an . order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheay county, the undersigned, as stee under he will of Esther Stock ton, d c'd. will over at Public Sale. UN TH d BEBILSES. on FRIDAY. the bth day of Octo next, at 10 o'clock A. Y.. a LOT OF 01110.1 D belonging to avenue, te of said deco dent, s Mete on IStoc.kton near Beaver street, nting AS feet on Stockton avenue and prese eir the same wtoth back toward Water street, distance of 140 feet. Term of tiale—One-third of the purchase money hon confir mat on of sale , the balance in twoequal ADl:lual payments, secured by bond t and mo age of the purchaser. • Pot fu rther Information , enquire of THUS. B. !MOINE, Truetee. -N . SOB Beaver.lveuue, Allegheny. Pa. selB:o4g . __"... J. W. 3A$ EarNOT/CES—alb-Leel" "Ibi''Sdr-," il Lost," ',Wat" ""Found' alloeliwing," 4, not exceeding Fo rth 412872741. be inserted in the.ae ccpluinne once cr TWENTY --FIVE CENTS; each ' tionaz line FIVE (YENTA ' WANTED. 5t.,,-..-7,...........___ _ ktnairTED--REP.—=-AT EM• of an -MVP OTIC,__E No.l Bt. Oat, GIRLS and suss - . tor Mersin 'Meat. Persons trantina hell s se runplled on short notice. ,W2l lllTED.drmai PUPILS.—Ptek U. !pin ten easy-;,sons, we„,,,,,,,,.............._ nall9t• Pee, /no. Addrew HAND gam 02Ice. ht private- W Ari tP . Y a lour- To enrehnse the old reliable' 6a- LANG MA Nltiti MACH' l'4E D'USTk edAugost 4th, 384313. All o'her Buc9, Blast /Fauns used for conveying thuringsM. on the abo from woodvweorking machinet7l3 an infrlnget, BrottY & PARKER, Proprietors of renzksyr , l/ vanla . ~ McKBE & BOCA LASS. Agent of Alleghnly County., °face corner of Penn and Thirty-third streets. WANTED.—Two Good Tin for Jobbing. ners to work on assorted ware and two .V V at LACOC.II k HARTHoRN . No• 98 Ohio wee% rAlleatieny City. Pa BOARDlNG.—Boarding can be obtained at 15a9 Second al- , nue, at the fol lowing rates: Reams with .fLre, 15,54 per week; without fire, 115,00. • , WANTED. -TO lITTY.-A GOOD SvCOND VIAND PIANO. Please ad dress A. GLENN. 156 Ridge ireet, Allegheny. stating where and when instrument can be seen. WANTED. --A- Good Nurse, kind and attentive to children, will find a pleasant situation In a small faintly. Apply at 65 Beaver street, Allegheny City. NV ANT ED.-4A OARDIVG.-A 'Large S•icorfd Story FRONT ROOAL suit able for a sreatiornan and wife or single gentle men, with board, at No. 137 Fourth avenue. LOST. C OST.—On the St. Clair Street J Snapenalon Bridge. or Federal Street, a GOLD PEN AND PENCIL.. A liberal .rewar d . A.lll be glv.n If returned to No._ 1A Stockton Avenue. Allegheny City. TO LET. 1 To LET.—A Second story front room. furnishes', opening on beleony. En quire at 18 Wylie street. TO LET WITH BOARDING. Two Irro”t Renrus- Location the most de arable In the city, 181 North avenue, Alloghen, City TO LET—BOOM—A well an- !shed second entry front room, suitable for one or two _younr gentlemen, No. 33 Ninth street. hate Hand.) T" LET.-A Second Story Room. suitable for two single gentlemen or gentleman and lady. at No. 18 Wylie street. - FOR SALE. e.ne"rwe FOR SALE.—RARE CHANCE. TO close a partnereib/P. WARE ROOM Nos. 96 and 98 Thtrd avenue, 34 feet front and 80 feet deep; tour stories high. For terms apply to , ELI grobruNnsos, 96 and 98 Third avenue 1c14.p76 von. SALE.—One Two HOrit Baring Wagon, suitable for a gardener, brewer or glass works. One Covered Ambulance. 800 empty Packing Barrels for glass ware. , 600 empty Wlthiry Barrels. r Apply at Warehouse, 82 Harrah street, opposite the Pearl Mill. Allegheny. oc;:ps6 JOHN DiEß.' _ - poi* SALE,One Tliro Horse 11 Team for sale at Thirty-Birth Ht. Paw MM. DUFF, CHILCOAT k CU, FOR' SALE.--LOOK HERE I-- 011.E.t P FARIff one mile from &Station on the C., it P. 11. 9.. In Jefferson county. Oblo, containing /20 mires .AT OtiLlC.s3s.ner acre: good lint rovements, good water, underlaid with coal. and in a good neighborhood. Itr p sr r BE h O m D don't saieasy can y o u n a n th a N h a a E fa at m office of ChOFT & PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth avenue. 59 MARKE Bargains Bargains Bargains Blaine Bargains thmtahn i4ttgaina Wriptins :aargains ; , rgains Basins attains .23Austiic 5 9';'/W4UtiM • . 1 F OR SALE— PROPERTY. 8 lots 25x131 feet, traded, oply $5OO-: 8100 per year. 4. lots 24.1.132 feet. 4400- 8100 per year. 1 lot 25..t/29 feet, 500; Heed street. Frame house of 3 rooms, lollt 24x100 net: only 8/,100. Oiler house of 7 rooms,,bath room and stable; 22x100--c au°. 2 %urea storied brick houses on Yukon street. cacti 42.- -• 500. 2 nve roomed tressed brick houses finely .finished, new; /ot 80x100. Two brick bout•ed‘ pumps and hydrants.. alt for so,ooo. New two roomed and cellar brick house, lot 20 x/00t et -400-8800 cash and $lOO per vear. Good seven roomed how& and lot 24x280 feet, $2,- 500, and easy terms. 8 roomed frame hous lot 24x80, 81,500- 8500 cash and balave In 1 and 2 years. 2 lots on Wylie street 24x80; fd"18950. 110 avenue reet 3178xLii5; 11.50. eole:lpor,:ewelolnlorrdtolovicsidt Centre e:tz l cl o . s C ul e li t e r2 B e s 2 b olao3tesexi2ol2an prop e r ty e C S e e :7 e (l a i je w a are a: t u t- I located and within /0 to 19 minutes walk of the Court Howie, and on t. e New CeniritiPallsenßer . R. 20 acres on Western Penna. Railroad. 4 miles from the city. 20 awes on Pan Handle I tallroad, 4 m il es from city, New 8 room frame house 1 mile from Court House. , 225 scree ,ailesonri land. ' Persons desirina to purchase a home or make 'ovestment, and those wishing to sell, please t , a or address. ",,,,, ifcCLUNG & RAINBOW. --- •03. 193 197 and /99 Centre avenue. i HELP 'This• STATIONd PROPERTY beatili, for private resid.„9l. A 1 4 -0 • to both cities, 4"• Western Pennsylva airing InformatiOn abou ne4 be "riusee4 it by calling at the offi Von ao elotaacetn TUAL LIFE -INSITRANCEIII( ntrtha emu do. Federal street, Allegheny. Lo acre to five acres: also. mall lot• ebtallt , chasers. There la a goon location or ' taring establishment, between ?be Rai • Allegheny' river. t ann. Fu. SALE. rIOEBE AND LOT, No. 54 James street; House, new frame. contains 7 rooms and store room; also Frame Shoo on rear of lot; shop 17. r. 28 feet': the lot is 20iby 100 feet; is a splendid chplace for a grocer, baker or butcher; will be sold eap. .OQUSEB AND LOTS frouttif, on Pleasant. Valley) P. It. It.: houses each contain 5 rooms: . lots are,l7 by 200 leee, 2 Homes and Lots on Flemincstreet; 4 kite on•gobtnson Road; :seventh Ward. - HOUt:E AND LOT In alens. Ohio: 8 acres of ground In 'Reserve township; 2 lots on Freemont street. Other Horses and Lots In good locallt/ess Inquire of M. WHITMORE, Seal litsate Agent, corner Ohio and Bandstreet,Allegnenr.usky A T PRIVATE SALE--VALEA—' 13LE LOT OF GROUND situate on the north-east corner of Btoetton avenue and Beave St., Allegheny city, frotlting 37_ feet on StocktOn avenue. preserving the same width long Beaver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet, preserving a width of 00 feet to Water Street, on which erected a t4ro•etory framet dlelling housed and being the late residence of Esther Stockton, dec`di This propErty fronts on the Allegnenv Park. and for beauty of location and surroundings cannot bE excelled. For terms of sat and further information, enquire of THOIIAS B. UPDIKE, No. 209 Beaver Avenue. selsm4s pon SALE—FRUIT FARM and 1 HOME, containing /3 acre Stations from the city limits and 4 miles Iron On the A. V. E. E.; kindsse. stable, jtc ; an acre in gripes. AlI or fruit., from a entrant to an apple. The Improvements and fruits are worth all that Is asked for the property; 6 acres underlaid with c‘ al; every. acre tlicable: sell equal to any In the UNITED bTATze. Apply to CR, iFT ft VIIILLIPd, Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. FOR SALE. -SHOP ON NORTH ANEA UR. ALLEGH.h.NY CITY, PA.— Tne 38.'70 feet. Is being used by Jas. Godfrey & Co. as a manfacturing establishment. One of the members of the tirm wielaing•to retire from business on account of poor health, we have divided to close out this part of the busi ness t a bargain. , Also good will of Stet= Pow r,-(25 1010 horse power.) tools • and Machin. eblnery: would make a good wagon , maker emit: lot 60x100 feet, on 5 years lease.. For farther particulars Umpire as lie.:4ll , Ditio itzere,, - Alie gbeny, Pa. 110ERSONAL.—Allpersons seek. L /NU HOMES, or investments In Beal Es tate, will save time, trouble and mOney b_ypro. tuning a copy .-of the •• PITTBBI7II9H HEAL ESTATIC BEGI8T131." Itis given awayonATlS or will be tent by tnallynrit to any requesting it. Fersons cannot tall to get suited out of the list , 1t contains. CROFT & PHILLIP*, pub lishers and Real Estate Agents, No, /39 Fourth avenue. S&LE.—A Very Desirable .a: s i tuT OP LAND, containing about 415 acres, ate within Aye miles of the city and abOut two minutes Valk from Ingram Station of the Panhandle Railroad; has a front of about one-third of a mile on CbartieriCreek: all capa ble of being_cultiyated. being rich bottom land and admirably adapted to being laid out Into lots of from 4to 5 acres or less. binail house,orch ard and well of water on the premises. Terms easy. Apply to B. itteLAlN & CO. 1e22 To. 104 Poartlil Avenue. $65 AN ACRE WILL PCII.- CHASE a desirable Farm of 100 acres it. Columbiana county. Ohio. 4- miles front Enou Station, Y.,.1r.. W. .t C. R. E. Can work every foot of the lai d by machinery; all second bottom land; comfortable improvements. good water. &c. This Pro rty is located in. what plight bi; called the of Eastern Ohio: Land around this sells for 1100 per acre. • Cannot fall to please 'a good farmer.. V i sprisr. pry to ~ C fe-PHILLIP6. ~ ocl f 370. 139 Fourth ay nue. 11. 4: -- -,-----------k---1 sALLE,. sinew g --6.-4 on Chestnut street, Alleghet=p4hats a need as a bakery lea catabb number of years, and I.l.lalSW__9tototsed as such Pia with a good ettstom. Thlti;es an.woonir seldom offered, and a practical man can do a number one business. Terms easy .and ,asertsuettuot.viaanas for selling. Apply to CLOFT & PHILLIFS.NO. 139 Fourth avenue, : • .-„ .. ~- . ... OR SALE.-SOUTH AVENUE RESTDENOR....9IO//0/by. Clitt witiv i ss eet by 150 to a 90 fret alley:; bOtmeost&alos /1 room. good cell gag tarostaboweintratHibed In good order. Apply_tocßOXl'44/111 Real Estate Aaents, Ii0"."/3107battb rtesVP" zioArir rillitVirr! 1,4 MONEYI TJ LOANra:sl2,oiie. tO loan orilllonit and.ll444iairrWri. or rmall amount& .THOMAS g. =My,. bli. 8111 R ler% C . STREET ....:' .1 ..„.:,.ia i ft 4il : „.1, J,, , „., .. 5. . ,. r .r . .4 ~ ..t . 2 . 44 : 4 : 4 1.4.414 , 7.111C41.1 01', 14:7 MEI IL n • • t Eli (Aft . csc:wwele T - STREET. FOR SALE. Fpill4'tsMl9ld street. 1111,!fl,tu•_ mylnr I 4)i . _ 't , itilPJ r_ @lWl}..@lW l}.. A r a m , • o 3; t:rEtr. , •- . 1 1Ivf: , fru ;I•mt.). Merittoeis,.: Alpacas, Blanket., PoliDniu4 Prints, Flannels, Dehthuy Musibilh
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