i , 6. prnsimuGu. &TEEL woREs. `- filwilasuip IN 1845, ,ANDERSON & WOODS, laextrraicToases or VEST REFINED CAST STEEL Of every deseriPtio. Also, best ReniKfierman Plow and Spring Steel, BOSS AID MST ATENUIE,PitCs. tasib. Pa. - MLR,ERR & ?MN GY, ' Ngn,AL ifatTl{/118 WM. METCA.LT. CE GEO. W. B.ILER. , CHAP 4ORK SPICCL'ILL r.ULTNI.B- cßrsc.Err. EOM, :39 Liberty street, PITTI3BUTIQS, PA. DUQUESNE WORKS. COMIUS, R & CO., Ilaanfacturers of lON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS s DPQNSSNE, L X AHD .111:111lAKX. • PLAT BAR, ROUND AND SQUARE 'sox. AND, HOoP, SHEET AND TANS N, SWUM PL &SKS AND HEADS, GUARD IRON DRAG acid DROPPER Al vbrrsu Bess, cna, BD. ~Q N AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. Es c,KOWBARS,W7DO A HARROW T ETH, RINO, PLOW ...ND CULTIVATORS EEL, S'a.EL WHIGS AND 'MOULDS cut to p B. ST EEL TIKES, STEEL -SHAFTING , A. B. .BUGGY and BMX S and XLICS CUT ITAILS AND SPINES. .1111 Goods First Class and W tad. - OFFICES. AND WORKS. ilistaidtth Street mad Allegheny River, sad 71 Water Street, Pittsburgh. Rao BIiEFFIELD STEEL iffirowilt. SINGER, NEEd & 00., Prrirsausgs. PA. ) Xenufacterere of every deeerlptrn 01 CAST AND GERN.AN STEEL, UMW SPAINGS, ' I ELL.I...:CkMATITITWP 2M Warehoal36, 88 Water and 100 First Ste. I 1 - .: ILACK , DIAMOND STEEL 'WORKS. EARK, BROTHER & CO., litonolsetarers of 41 deaOrptions of IBSLIMMX.A. 22Lock and Warehouse, THDITISTH, TECESTY. ,rOiST _sad .11.1.41 WAD STBESTI4 BRASS FOUNDIM: smuts Brea, kiENRY BIER & CO., succurus TO .TOUN M. 000PE8 & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRANS CAIWEINGS MADE I'BODEPTLY TO ORDER. Maledie and Grey, Iron Fittings, GAS PIPS., AND TLABING, AOTTLI, SUETY AND CHINE YLVIEII, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. YR ONCrITS, WO Work of every desc ption for Steam, Water and mi. KA prursannums Or J. X. COoPEE a co , B Unproved Balance-Wheel Steam pimp,- 4gentBter Dreyfus , Patent Ott. ere, the best in tie Market. .0111ceritiieWorkor,'Aftirner Thirteenth end Pike stet ------ --- Alli 0011 fir e . pice • FREY, corntr Libel* street and • d Menne, Atitftq u ialN,Fl• w g .1 ` ' , EiMVAI FONNQ OLAND IRON. P PE FITTFRSI and AGERTS r J o :Ad , Eli CAME : ON & co,E BTEAIf . AND. PLOWZBI3. NPWORIES' 1. lel ?ROODS& The Trustees I now prepare dto Kraut llama. - assor the of the A pra d PRO. 23613, - The superi quality imparted tcy hood; of the great, imp ement in inferior iron, an the rednced cost, end it to all. man • features' of .Lrom , Parties to use it min Oh licenses by 41P911 11 4 " J 8 P,:..forth • Trustees, ROOMS 1 and 2, English's B • ding, 9 6 2 roulth avenue. Pasties interested are invited 'visit the 2302 hi BIOME& WORKS. where t e mess is now in auxessfal onegailog,,,l 1e13087 ,„ NOVELTY WO pITTBIII7UGHL•3I tz 7 ..'T NOVELTY WO KS. Founded A. D. 1S a • 1 AD.2118. MICE* & CO; \t0t.....,; .. - stan;Ficiiiiiiss9: IT =TE SINT) PLATFORM N W 00IRBt ER SPAT. tuna Faced l'a i l T/i:ML an sift .or Paint and Ooßee KW P Er ArkliSieGl t um . mita. • saworr AMEUTEATUBAL AND O,IIIINAMENTAL*ZAR 11 - 61 &Malty S 1 Illegken A lawn assortment of NMVICI. 2 BALUDTBILS constantly sit9oLVI. - Of AY nefont/P dim ENGINES, BOILERS, act. SEEN. BOLE tk, CO., Cot'. Point Llley and Dnquesnefil., - .44 Maks Tas POINT.)_ _ Engine Builders, FousandsTA, Mac lan4B l . :__ vt STATION- Manufacture gr 1114:r21D 'OIiTABLIC lace7AßY /DLO .1.P. 1 %._ made tciorder stow 1 Ar c lettr4r im Mer /UV BOILE/k 0 fella TOBACGOIIO2ZWara CIASTute uam, an head and mods to sr wary i o r . \ , rao HAI M STRIAL WORKS, ate" 4 4 catbs#XellficaY Banrosear the Point. PITTSBURGH, PA. . . B! All orders promptly ailed. TaT 178. "FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAM Wa i RK CARROLL & SN TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLU= TUBULAR, YIBZ-BOX AND CYLINDEB BTEAM BOLL sTrLLO AND -OIL T ORDINEYB, BRBBCHINEt iCi a \ ASH PANS, BETTLINe ANB, BALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: STEAK PIPPB, GA6011E7103 AND. /BON BRIDGES• raLsoN DOORS AND COAL morns OfSee and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, Jar Orders pr ptly ttended sent to. to the above address w7:18 9 ill be om a . mh WK. IMAIMEPLI: BOILER MAKERS . , AND SIIMILT IRON WORRXRIS, NOS. AO, so. se AND AG PENN BT. -Having secured a large yard and turuigb sd it with the meet approved machinery, we aestare pared to manufacture every description of B 'ENS in the best manner, and warranted ee to say made in the country. Chimneys Breeching. Fire Beds, Steam Pipes. Lotennotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks. Oil Stills, Agita , tors, Settling Pane, Boiler Iron, BMWS, Sugar Pane, and solo manufecturere of Bar=lll'S l'at ent - • - 4 llepairing delle on snortest notice. 1a5:011 JLfIZD X. D. D31:152 JARED M. BRUSH & SON, :. 4 gimp - Ammons os Steam Boilers, Oil ; Stills, Tanks. BULET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, pittsburgh; Pa. STOVES, CAStNGS, &a. A.BRAINGEY dr, CO., N0..40 WOOD =Err , lianutscturers of the [ greatest karlety Of _ Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BP:191:1ND. In our assortment will be found all the LATH= PATThENS AND IMPROVISMENTtI, and the reputation of our Stoveals such that anv one In want oi a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by.us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call Darticular &newton to our new ,VoLCANo STOVE. for churches, halls ana stores. Over 500 sold in three months. Intended for w ith or with out casing.. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send foiCatalogne and Price List. je3o aaarr, HMS oft CO., IKANCrkertrairt. Or STIOLI TARIM 01 '• 9 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "TILE FIERY FURNACE," l'os Wm's:wit Isunamas. THE NKIN ANTI-DUBT COOKING OTOVB, "BZOITLANWL" COLUMBIA COOK STONM YAK'S o(arneirgictritarintl, PORTABI trarkrilows.lllßbfree troz . and dui; 206 and . 20S Liberty Street ' ' 5e215:717 PITTSBURGH. PA. PITTSBIIBGH. GUiTA.VVSIBASCII. COOK STUNT& • CET THE BEST. BISSELL it CO: TRIATNIPEC, zroz Brrumnf7a9 Warranted to Cook, Bake sr Boast as . stll assay other Stood is the Union. BISSELL & 00., No. 285 'Liberty Street. Also on kind and for solo, PABLOmp ri vf, 63"00111113. TO !MIMEOS_ 1 ~ , , . • -- 500.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. i /50,000 feet 1% Inch Clear Plank; H 5,000 feet 131 Inch Common Plank; ~.,.. .14,000 fee Tyr and ,A inch Oak; : 4 1509 X/ ft. 1, B and 5 inch Poplar: 1, ,,,, illi feet ry uplar_hcantling; p.OOO met Dry enow rine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 feet No. 1 /8 Bleb kaginall Shin - Alla._l l z ..... .1. ~....: 1100,000 No.l 1 6-I nch Shingles. sawed; 10.000 No. 1 .15-ine/ titilAple, shaved; 40,900 ltire Brialitl..; , 1,000 Illre Tile. 1 100 Fri Fire Car , Also, Saw LI Lauslyet...l4osllSt and Cedar Posts, and all articles in the line on hand and for No by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. "lards— No. 151 Rebecca street sastegyzier of Preble and Ambits streets, Sixth ward,Atiegliely, late bor ough of Manchester, llie :it . - GLASS. OHINA„ CUTLERY. Latches, • BIS 3=El2 11: ,Pa. DER, XLNUIACTURESII 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa. fil,Te:)3);4 auk; k_DJ TX:on I NEW GOODS. FINE VAI4ES, AND IrBWMIAS SE nuTS sin. Bmome ez " . OUPS, A i large stock of Slii 51: PLATED: Gons of all desoilptions. " 454 ! P. o o l == m a . E. BREED & CO. left 000 . PITTSBURGH UNpT ,H. A. FHHYVOGLE FOENDRY, w. J. AND} BSON & CO., Minafactrirers of IBON HOUSE FRONTS. WINDOW LINTELS and SILLS. and Castings of all Descriptions. Aar Special attention paid to ARCHITECTU RAL CASTINGS and to Castings for Window Glass Houses. Orrics aND TothinitY—No. 150 WATER ITREET, -Ittsburgh. • OAP PORT P rrt FOUNDRY COMiNt OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. !'Engines, Rolling !NM Mad. chinerY i , Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Erroll and SmaUman flitreidel (NINTH WARD,) l'la"Tti3l3l:7llGrEit I'd. , WILLIAM SMITH, • Maainfaotrirer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE Fos GAB AND WIT 33 wousa. juso, bion f L i rl i tt o , dry U t r it i nd feeilengals: of general Castings Do aaa an Water Warta.) = ld 115?v(egitil...".4narof'fBVICIR.". DUQUESNE FORGE. WIIIIIIIII (Successor t,41 JOS. P. IiLIOH 41c C 0.,) Has facilities afratenstvo with the leading Forges In the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily all all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS. CRANES. PISTON ROD+. LEVERS, PITMAN .1 AMS WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVEFRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Otkce and Forge; Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street ap14:640 R°ll eo l N , 1tE.4 , 84 co., , • BIICCESIOTII to SOMMSOILIMMIti M.ll.ltati, WASHINGTON WORHSI FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,PITTSBORGH, Maness:toren o; Boat and Stationary Mara Ell. gimes Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Heartu, ShaiNsatings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and St ' BollerAnd Sheet Iron Work. Oelet, o. IR. corner First and 13n1tkle1d Streets. Agents for BIPEARD'S PATENT IN for feeding Boilers. )a11:r53 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, BANDITSIM BT.. A.WfAiIiiENY CITY, Fa... Yanufa*tinting Of Stillman and Portia:de Steam Engines, Oil Yresses, alleys, Shafting, Grist and Saw itlll Work, Bolling XIII and IdaehLue Castings, Orate Bars, Weights, W Boxes, Se. Bald to order and halre On hand Engines of all sizes. . Myl4:o DIAMOND OIL WORKS, HI. M. Loma lit CO., Ma, DALZZLL summie, tell Duquesne Way. Pittsbatatt. Pa. WAJUNG AND ComaLudas Merchants and Brotin la Petroleum and Hs" Products, DALZELLI BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PEULADILPHIL ♦DDBtBd. Room 17, C7eamber of Commerce& 1U SOUTH SECOND BTREKT. TACK Biteraritil, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND DZI.LE.R6 12f Poirololllll and its Products, Tlttaborgli Odioe—__DAIJSZLIOS SIIILDENO. corner of D 11111261110 Way and Irwin 'meta. WALNUT BT. aplfwao - eT • , ECLIPSE ; PETROLEUM:: REFINERY. man Mbar, ILANiiirAOTURRIt OF . /411Ideating Meilest Buriiktg Oft _ - - Se=lMppsleod r S e g il i n tD la ri t b e uo s o iSd t Azle t O IL • 1 lm h ei weauter. IDototnotive.lClglue, llibeDismr ?Mop, Il Ooils. s• mi vai•buut Oil. il. Taupe's' itua r ßeasyle. tugaltlalshimrol. Gefoline, •larness oil Iron Wort VARA - Mi l . to miens Bright - von Work and Machinery Haw Asus‘ rs iziamevr_pdintAtf.yelapel=ild "d in r V Dr. Ono. '1 he Lubricastns u sOus are.alminft odorless, perga.Tharzrm, light reandrilimpld during: l l4%e e a ol u t.Nre g ßallroad Oils are unequalled. and are In constant use cm many of the prlnelpar Railroads. Samples eau be examined and, often left at 174 WOOD sTREFIZA Works at-Bharpstrarg Bridge. , . saVier all bsar g rOi& v: co a dmi " T wax* l titlea l lt m a jr zik l iC Itt:a7all"4 0 —lll 044. 1 - TTOMbeiallalle 1114. 340 ressossbui FRIDAY OCTOBER _ 1869. 011ENISTS. TRADESMEN'S 'NATIONAL BANK Wood St., corner Second. Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS • Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks 130IIGHT AND SOLD. A. BRADLEY. President, CYBUS CLARKE, Jr., Cashier. RICAN Bin. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, CASH CAPITAL $200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. - BAHR OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. thuscroas. Thoi. M. Marshall, I John M. Murtiand, Wm T. Shannon, I Archibald Wallace, Jamas W. Arrott, Jas. D. Kelly, Chat. B. ,Leech, Wm. Floyd. Joh Floyd, Thl Bank is now fully organized and prepared j to doelek43t general Banking business. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Is nr open for Discount, Deposit and General • Banking Business. Any sum received from One Dollar upwards,. . Interest at. the rate of six per cent. paid on time deposits oms.' STONE: FINANCIAL. PITTSBURGH. Of Pittsburgh, DIIIV.CTOP.S ED. DITHRIDGE. W. P. WEYMAN. W. H. SIMS. • FRANE sIERERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, HENRY MEYER, DAN. EINZER, POERSTEL. 1). et. ARMOR, EMIL , • ED. DITHRIDBE i President. F. F. SCHEI(ICS. Cashier CITY. BANK. 112 Fifth Street , Pittsburgh , Pa. CAPITAL, 8100,000. - 81 1 0CIIIII6DEBB INDIVIDUALLY. LIABLE. 13TEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the Points of the United States and Canada. - DOMINICK lawszir, President. JAMBS MCCABS. Vice President. W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. DIIIZCTOI3. D. Ihmsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Resting. .1. Dunlevy. Jr., - Terence Campbell, Patrick Sane, - James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, H. A.Freyaogle. Jno.Jos.Hermann. Thomas Barnes, jeltka, JOB. M. GAZE/at. Solicitor. FM SAFE DEPOSIT.COMPANY I Of Pittsburgh. Incorporateby the Legislature of Pennsylya, nits, January 24. 1867. For the safe-keeplisg is; Bonds and other !Securities, Rola and Buyer, bilrer Plate, Books. Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions. under guarantee, and for the renting of Safe In Its burglar-proof vaults. . Building and °Mee: .Fo. 83 ! OUR.TH -11rE. 1' ilE, lr' ITTSBERIBIIH, VA.• 1 Paulus:yr—WlLLlAM PHILLIPS. VICIL Ens.sunrit—iihNßY LLOYD. DIBSCTOgR: WM. PHILLIPS, :JAMES I. BENNETT, HY NUN LLOYD, :BYRON 11- PAINTER, WILLIAM REA, ;JOS. 8. MORRISON. WILLIAM CURTI LYONS O. H US SEY. BLALK, SZCHILTAAT ♦ND TBILABITRILE FS. P. VON BONNUOLIST anZ3:na HART, CAIIGHEIt & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Verner i Third and Wcpd amino, rrrke11 31 171 343 4 , IiIIOCHS S O B A TO HATINIII HAAT a 00..1 DlALand nr Excl. nge, Coin, Coupons, And ;articular st i t zt oatiln e. pild to rho parchate DOVESINNIEN I T BONDS. Melt Drafts on London. DM•sa . DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 415.9 FOIIIITIL STREET. CHARTERED Ibf, 1885. AlOllll4l 83,503,431 33 Open daily, from 9 o'clock A, sr. to 3 o'clock V. AC, and SATURDAY EVENINGS.. from May let to November Ist,_ from Tto 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May let, from to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONN DOLLAR. and A dlvldead of the proud declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually in June and Dec slime the Bank was organized, at the rate ember per cent. a year. Interest, If not drawn out, la placed to the credit or the depositor asprlncipal, and bears the same Int erect fromth r Ist days of June and componndln twice a yea December, r., without roubling the 4epoSitoe o call, or evenio present \his PasshoOlt, At this ra money wilt double in less than twelve Years: Books containing the arter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulation's, Marsh grails, on appltca ion at the °Nice. - • , PRZAWINT•43 6 RGE jams= • VICZNIAB John G. Backofen, A.M. Pollock, M. D., Benj. p. lame:took, Robert Robb. James Herdman, / John H. Shoenberger, 1, James McAU te.y, i James bhidlet 1 James B. . meads; Alexander Speer, 'lsaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. Tirtrterkxst IWm. 4. Anderson, Robert O. Loornisi Calvin Adams • Henry J . Lynebh 'John 0. Blnd ley, 1 Peter A. Madeira, ,George Black, I John marshal, [ Hill Surgwin, ' Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, I John B. McFadden, chariesA. Cotton, David McCandless, John Evans, H. W. uliver. John J. Gillespie, Ormsby Phillips, S. Haven,. Henry_L. Ringwalt, Teter IL Hunker, ' Schmertz, Richard Hays. iexander Tindle, James D. Kelly,William Van girt. TAlAtionitn—CH LES A. COLTON. . Stonarear —JAM 8 B. D. HEEDS. E, MARK. MDGES R'XIADCOV unp FINANCIAL. 40-Crr'''''''' SILVER AND COIrNS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. lIIERTZ, 13anker m oor. Wood and Fiftli N. HOLMES & SONS, OC9•D&F 57 MErket Str Oolleet1on(lade on all the principal points of the United Btates and Canada , . \ Stoeks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMDDSION. Particular attention paid to the purdiase and sale of ITnited States Securities. I . JAMES T. BRADT (Successors OS. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., .7:: El. re' 312 E. "JO 7EL. IS, BITE AND BELL ALL HINDS 07 M 1 1 h GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERRE. Interest Allowed on Delimits. ARP Money loaned on Ekmerament Bonds at OReit market rates. Orders exeeuted for the Airebase and Sale of STOplia, BONDS and DOLL. JAMBS T. BRADT & CO Vjr gittsburAt Gaitttt FINANCE AND TRADE, Clip Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEw YORK, October 14, 1869. The Lake Shore Directors to-day elected Augustus Schell a member of the Board, vice Mr. Whetmore, resigned. It is again reported that J. H. Banker is elected Treasurer of the Road. Money easat 5(7. Discounts dull at 10@15. Ster ing dull at 9@9X,. Gold dull: opened at 30 1 a , and closed at soy 3 © 303:. Carrying rates 314 per cent. Governments dull but-closed steady. 'Coupons of 'Bl, 19%®19%; do '62,- 15© 15;;; do '64, 19;4@ 19/; do '65, 19@19%, do new, 17%@)17%; do '67, 17%@17%; do '6B, 17%®17%; 0 40's, 104,4@w8%; cur rency 62, 107%©107%. State bonds dull and heavy; Missouris, 86%; old Tennesseas, 60%; new do, 55%; old Virginias, 50%, new ao, 54; old North Carolinas, 47; new do, 40%. Stocks generally quiet but strong, with the market advanced in Lake Sho e under the, rumors that it has been placed virtually under the con trol of Vanderbilt. Pacific Mail is an exception, being lower and. weak - on tho report th t Garrison had abandoned the intention of obtaining the controlling interest in the company and that the stock held try,,Lockwood was pressed for sale. Cantoll, 51; Cumberland, 26%; Western Union 36%; Quicksilver, 13; Mariposa* 7%; do. preferred, 15%; Pacific Mail 60%; Adams Express. 57; Walla & Fargo, 25%; American, 35%; U. S., 58%; M. U„ 934; N. Y. Central, 177; Harlem, 130%; Hud son, 158%; Reading, 95%; Erie, 33; do pref'd, 57%; Michigan Central, 122; Mich igan Southern, 91%; Illinois Central, 132%; Pittsburgh, 100%; Northwestern, 72%; do. preferred, 84%; C. C. & C., 75%; R. 1., 106%; St. Paul, 57%; do. pref'd, 80%; Wabash, .61%; do. preferred, 80%; Ft.. Wayne, 85%;.Terre Haute, 28%; do. preferred, 5834; Chicago and Alton, 143; Ohio and 15,11Ra 1 otatppl, 27%; Dubuque HO; C. C. ctr L C., 25%. Mining shares dull and unchanged. The Government sold one million dol lars in gold at 130g1130 21-100. The Gold Exchange voted to establish a Clearing House within the Exchange, the plan. having been adopted by a vote of 61 to 45. The steamer Maine took 11400,000, most ly in sovereigns. NEW YORK, October 14.—The market is rather quiet and depresed. Amoskeag A 4-4 Bleached Muslims are reduced from 1634 to 16e, Hope do. from 153 to 15c, Blackstone A A from 1535 to 16c, Atlan- tic Brown Drills from 1734 to 17c, Great . Fels Drills from 1734 to 17c, Pep erell do. from 1734 to 17c. Muslim are selling at 150 for 44, and 81340 for 17X widhUi. white, regular brands command 160, ana 1434 Naumkeag patters are selling at 1734 and 180. Sr. Loup, October 14.—Tobaceo inac tive and: unchanged.; Cotton quiet, 24c for middling. , Hemp: nothing doing. Flour • very Quiet- and unchanged, 'and business sm al l; super $4,25®4,75, extra 24,25®4,90, double extra 21,75 ® 5,60. tre ble extra 65,75®6,1 2 , family brand $6,50 @7,50. Wheat: low •grades dull' and heavY, choice qualities in demand and arm; No. 2 spring sold at 93c, No. 2 red fall 21,02®f.10, No 1 do $1,12(41,1 8 , choice $1,20®1,25, No. 2 white 51,08® 1,15, prime .81,20. Corn better, mixed 80®95c, yellow 87@90, prime to choice white 92®950. Oats , unchanged at 44® 46c in bulk and 50(4)53 in sacks. Barley: choice grades firm, but new medium qualities dull, drooping, and difficult to sell; good to choice lowa spring 60@9 0 % prime to - fancy Minnesota 111,25® 1 , 50 . Rye Arm. 80@85c. Whisky steady, 11,15. Groceries quiet and , unchanged. Pork dull and nominally lower 031@31,50. Dry salt rneati unchanged, 19Xc for shoulders:lila:for clean rib sides: Bacon steady 'and •firtia, shoulders on orders selling at 17Nci clear rib sides zuc, elm .1114ets 203ic. Lard dull at 17%@ 1841,1'0114rue, &Ad 203 for keg. Catle in changed at 234®63ic. Hogg steady at 8 4/000. B4oalptar.6s2oo flour, 2 ; 2 0 0 intablilieat,/,oo(i'bush 'corn, 22,600 bush pats. 4,100 bush barley, `2, 9 00 , bush MP, 700 hogs. r=2l 1:21 11, PS• CO., Dry Goods Market. PITTSBURGH MARKETS OPPTOR OP PITTSBURGH" GaßrruL; THURSDAY, October, 14 186 9 . Business continues quiet, but as the election is over an improvement is ex pected. If the Pennsylvania Railroad Company: would give PittsbUrgh a chance to ship east, and place her on an equal footing with other points west of here, business would be much better than it is; as matters stand now, our merchants are, in a manner, shid'off from any communication with the sea. board, and, as a consequence, are obliged to limit their business to Pittablitgh and vicinity, as there is no margin to sell or make consignments to Philadelphia, Baltimore or New York. APPLES—Ari coming in more freely, and the market is easier, though prices are unchanged, ranging from .1)1,50®3,00 per bbl. ASHES—Steady but unchanged-4® 4y,, for Soda, and 9 for Pearls. BUTTER—Prime to choice Roll But ter is in steady demand, with regular sales at 35®ff7. CHESTNUTS—Cannot be quoted above $8,00®9,50 per bushel, and it is doubtful whether a round lot would command these quotations. CRANBERRIES Unchanged—rang ing frbm $11,00©12,00 per bbl, as to quality. CHEESE—Is steady with regular lir bing sales at 151518 cts—the outside g ure for prime New York Goshen. CARBON OlL—Standard brands 25.3; ®29 for round lots, and 30®31 in a retail way. DRIED FRUIT 7 - . Appk . is are quotedJ 9@lo cts. per pound,ind Peaches at cts. for bright quarters, and 14c bright halves. EGGS—Firmer and we can report sa: at 23@24. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at 80 cents to the trade, and the usual advi for small lots in store. FLOUR—Is a shade better in the 1 but dull and unchanged here. We tinue to quote good to Choice West Winter Wheat brands at $6,50@6,75. GRAlN—There is a moderate inqu for wheat at $1,25 for prime red, ti $1,30 for white. Oats quiet and 1 changeddemand, if anything, rat better, we continue to quote at 48(4)49 track, and , 50(4)53 in store. Rye v sell at $1 for Wtstern, and $1,05 prime Pennsylvania and Ohio. Cori in light supply and steady, with SE at $1 on whitrf and track, and $l,( 1,07 in store. Sales of good to ate, prime barley at $1,25©1,30. HAY—Sales from country wagon sls@23—inostly at $15@20. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%(_43 cts por pound. LlME—Bales of Cleveland white lime at $2@2,25 Der bbl. .. LARD OlL—Extra No. 1, at $1,43®1,45, and No. 2, at.51,05@1,08. - ONIONS—SaIes at $2,50@3,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. - PRROVISIONS—Market steady with a continued fair jobbing demand but Side prices unchanged. We now quot ahold ere at 17(17y‘; Clear Ribbed Sid 20M; Clear do, 21; Ribbed, 20; plain Sugar Cured Hams, 23. Lard, in times, 20; In half bbls, 2035 in kegs 21. Meal Fdrk, $3315 0 . • POULTRY—SaIes of clack ins at 55 to 65 cents per pair, according t size. POTATOES—SaIes of Pea Blows at 50 cents per bushel. Jersey !sweets are still quoted at $5®5,25 per bbl. • SEEDS—The arrivals of flaxseed con tinue very light and it is held gener-+ ally at $2,45@2,50. Small sales of timothy , seed at $4,25@4,50. No movement clover seed. , SALT-1s firmer, with sales of load lots at $1,85 per i bbl. STRAW—SoId m Allegheny' market at $l2 per ton. , / 1 I PETROLEUM MARKET. -OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAzrarit, THURSDAY, October, 14; 1869. Business in this market o-day has been fairly active. A firm fe ling has prevailed all day, although races are not quotably higher than tho e ruling yesterday, except for refined or spot or October deliveries, which has advanced per gallon—October having sold yes- I terday at 32%, while to-day it realized 32%. The crude oil market • is also strong in feeling, but the sales do not ag gregate so much as yesterday's transac tions, while prices are not quotably dif ferent. CRUDE. l ee fn the crude . oil market a oderste number of transactions have n re ported at yesterday's ruling p cea, viz: 2;000 bbls seller 60 days, at sc; 1,000 seller November, at 15; 1,000 eller all year, at 14X We quote spot r seller .. October, at 15, and buyers option all year, at 15X. V4:44•01:4•}1 Sale 2,000 bbls on spot at 323;; 500 bbls each, October to December, at ' -44; 1,000 bbls B. 0. all year, at 33. Fo spot or October oil, 32X was bid tbi- after noon. LITBRIOLTITTO OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating 0i1..:.. 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle - 50 Eclipse Machinery ' 75e Eclipse Spindle 80e bbezirrs OH barbs, OIL BY A. V. . B. B. Siena Refining Co. 480, on 1 account Fisher Bro; Plebe; Bro. 640, on account Fisher Bro; Commercial Oil Wo Its 400, on account Fisher Bro; B. W. Morgan .t Co; 249, on accoubt Owaton & Sowers; Waring, King & Co. 400; Fisher Bro. 80, on account H. M. Long; Owaton & Sowers 80, on account Goldwick; Spray Oil Works 400; Holdablp Refining Co. 640, on acootintEL hicKeivy, OIL eyaiiiD Ban By A. v. B. B. Fawcett. L. & S. 246 bbla refined to W. Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelpha. Citizens. Oil Co. 543 bbla relined to Tack-Bros., Philadelphia. - Standard Oil Co., 516 bbla refined co Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works 250 bola ref. ; ._ oil to Wardtnt. Frew & Co., Philadelphia: Porsyth & Bro., 655 bbls refined to Warden, Frew Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 105 bble tar to Libby & Clark, New 'York. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 407 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. Livingston &' 80., 450 bbla refined to Warden, Frew &Co. - , Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined.. 2,867 Total shipments tar 105 OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DIMBIEDUI DEPOT. Hutchison Oil & Refining Co., 318 blab to Warden. Frew Co., Philadelphia. McKenna & Rodgers 50 bbls relined to P. P. Phlpps,, & Philadelphia.,' Brooks, Ba l lentine . Co. 55 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew .it Co.. Philadelphia. Holdship & Co., 197 bbls ref. oil to Waring, King& Co, Philadelphia. R' alston & Waring WS bbls ref. oil to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined CKICAGOt October 14.-Cattle steady at $3,70®4,50 for common . to faircows, $4;623405,25 for light steers. Hoge sc. tive and 100 higher at $8,75@9,20 for common; 19,30@9410 for fair to medium s and f9 1 65@9,130 for • 0 A U 85 ... 788
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers