II mmiza MARKETS 01 et TELEGRAPH. New."Komis, October 14.--Cotton open ed firm and closed heavy, with sales of 3,200 bales at 26%c for middling uplands. LFlour; receipts of 10,768 barrels; flour 5 0)10c better on low grades and rather more doing; with sales of 15,600 barrels at 55,50(4)5,65 for superfine Stale western, $5,65@6,30 for extra State, $5,65®6,40 for ext a western, g6,30©6,60 for white wheat extra, 55,90®6,35 for R. H. 0., $6 (417 for extra St. Louis, 5 7®8,50 for god choice do., and closing sady; in el ding the sale of 6,500 barrels; low • g des extras at 55,75@6,25. Rye f i b er a - 7 shade firmer, with sales of 250 barrels at , $4,75©6,10. Corn meal quiet. Whisky ', in fair request, with sales of 200 barrels ', western at 51,2134©1,22, free. Receipts of wheat. 18,974 bush; wheat is better and quiet, with sales of 66,000 bush at 4;1,25 for No. 2 spring, 51,15 for rejected • do., 51,42©1,47 for winter red and amber western, $1,48 for amber Tennessee, 51,55 • 01,60 for white Michigan, and 51,39 for No. 3 spring. 'Rye quiet, with sales of 3,000 Wish Canada in bond at 95c. Barley firmer, with sales of 4,000 bushels Cana ' da West at $1,55©1,60. Barley • malt in fair request, with ,sales of 700 buePela State at $1,60. Receipts corn, • 1514 bush; corn scarce and 3(0)50 higher; sales of 58,000 bush et 92c®51,05 for un sound mixed western, $1,06(411,15 for sound do. ReCeiptB of oats, 16,919 bush; oats heavy; sales of 36000 bush at 62%15 66c for new southern and woesftern. sake quiet. Coffee firm; sales 812 . ' of , Rio on private terms. Sugar firm; ,sales of 1,700 hhtls at 11%©12c for Cuba, ••, '12©12%c for Porto Rico. Molasses dull. • 3. Petroleum active, at 17%c for crude, and 32340 for refined. Hops quiet, at 10@20c . ° for American. Linseed 011 dull at sl' 1,02 in casks. Spirits Turpentine dull; ' at 47©47%c. Pork is firmer, with a fair demand; sales 850 labls at 530,50 €431,00 for mess. closing at $ 3O 75 cash; 526©26,50 for prime; 528© 29 for prime mess, and 531 for city mess. steady: 125 bbls at 513 for new Beef -; plain mess, and $12®17,50 for new extra • mess. 'Beef Sams quiet: 75 bbls at 18@ 26c. Cut Meats steady; 145 pkgs at 14% ' 015%c for shoulders: 17@)17350 for hams; middles firm. Lard quiet-and unchang ed: 630 ice at 17@185 for steam, and 18@ .• , 18%c for kettle rendered. Butter firm :•; ' 1 at 2,8®32 for Ohio. Cheese firm and quiet at 16@17,%c. Freights to _Liverpool are heavy SUCIIoWer; shipments 25,000 bush wheat 635157 d per sail, and 700 bbls flour 2s 3d per ball. ' Latest -Flour market closed 5c tte a ber in medium and low grades, with moderate export demand. Wheat is a shade lirmer and quiet. Rye quiet and •• -j nominal, • but +unchanged. Oats quiet ! . •', at 62%®65c for western. Corn scarce ;• ~ .., and fi rm at 51,00©1,09 for unsound and t :.-; $l,OO ®1,14 for sound mixed western. !- I 1 Pork quiet at $30.75©31. Mess beef un t changed. Cut meats firm with fair de- Bacon firm with moderate de mand.ma ard quiet at 17%©18c for fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet and nn. I t 'changed. .. CIIICAGO, c+CtOber 14.-Eastern Ex -4 change unchanged. Flour held firm at 54(4;5;85 for spring extras. Wheat less •-; active and unsettled, and I©2e , lo we r; 1 sales of No. lat 1,05®1,06; No, 2at 99%©51,01%c, closing quiet % at sl,oo© c ''. 1,0 e% this afterneon; sale& of No. 2at 99%©99%c; seller lost half at 1,01%.@ 1315/ 4 ,, buyer October. Corn dull at 2@ +, 235 c; lower sales at No. 2at 6565 j.,, closing' at 63% at 63% ®64; rejected at 60 + t@)63%c, eeller lost half at seller No ', vember. Oats quiet at %@%o lower; sales of No. lat 38@"38%c in store, and .1 seller the month; closing at 3814 c. Bye +., less active and a shade easier; sales O. lat 76©§0c, No. 2 at 7:-+@277. rejected at 69©72c, and closing at 79®80c for No. 1, and 76c for No. 2. Barley inactive 2, at 51,16 for No: 2in store. s ales I •I'.. unsettled and irregular, with sales at " ~ $1,12®1,13; closing at $1,12®1,12%. Su- ' + gars; 13%©15c for common,,to prime Cuba. Mess Pork 532,50, ,t losing at : -531,75®32. Lard 14%c. Dry salted I shoulders 14,,,g114%c. Sales of Mess Pork at 526®26,25 seller January; dos - hag at $26,37%@26,50. Freights dull at 6 1 de for wheat, and 4c for oats, to Buffalo. Receipts for past 24 hours: 5,402 bbie ' flour, 87,526 bus wheat, 55,464 bus corn, 56,365 bus oats. 13,33 hipm 6 bus rye, 8,578 bus barley, 7,366 hogs. Sents: 7,783 bbls flour, 68,493 bus wheat, 102,005 bin corn, 65,280 bus oats, 12,601 bus rye, 12,- 646 bus barley, 6,230 hogs. CLEver.a.rtn, October 14.-Flour firmer i and steady, with city d aub white at 5 4 , double extra amber 57,1 e extra red '1 winter 56,50, extra red do $6; country 1 brands: doable extra white 57,25®7,5% double red and amber 56(4)6,78, And i double extra spring $6@)6,75. Wheat • firmer and 2e better; sales No. 1 red at ; 51,14; no sales No. 2; held at 51,12. Corn 1 , dull, inactive and firmer; held at 821583 c 1 for No. 1 naixed. Oats; no transactions .and firmer; No. 1 State 41®49,c. and 1 Bye quiet and nominal at 90c for Nominalo. 1. at Barley; very little doing n a range of 51,25@1,35 for No. State sales and '. Canada. Petroleum firmer, wi • 2,600 bbls prime light straw to white at retail standard white held at 29%®3 2 c; retail lots 2®3c advance; crude firm at • 46,_ 50 . Tot.sno, October 14.-Flour dull. Wheat quiet, and 4to Sc low fror g lar white Michigan, 51,09 amber, $1,05 for No. red, $l,ll for No. 2 do.; 51,06 for N o . 3 do. $1,03. Corn shade lower; No. 1 74%c, No. 2 73e. Oats; lio. 1 at 46c. do. at 47c No. 2 at 45%c. Frelghts nominally at 4> and 10c to Buf falo and Oswego. Receipts-6,000 bbls flour, 27,000 bush Wheat, 400 bush corn, 6,300 bush oats, ,1100 bush rye, 9,300 bush barley. Shipments--3,800 bbls flour, 22,600 bush wheat, 6,700 bash corn, 3,400 bush oats, 300 bush.. Barley. ' iverkita October 14.-No change Cr . in flour. Grain generally dull. Tobacco in good demand, sales 156 hhds at s7® $5O. Whisky firm and in demand at 51,15. But little done in provisions. a c t 17 1 +0 held at 531. Lard 17%e; buyers at 17 1 4 c. • No bulk meats offered. Bacon sold at 17c for shoulders, and 20%c for clear aides; no shoulders now out of smoke. Butter and cheese unchanged. Eggs at 23e. No change in oil. Ezehang eggs , 10 discount buying. Gold at 180 buying, par selling., • ._._,,, , , MiLwi..ugackt October: 14• :Flour weak; sales of choice spring extras at 55,25 Q 5,85: Wheat weak at 51 , 05 for No. 1, and •99c for No. 2. Oats unsettled; 40©41c for • No. 2. Corn Mill at 70c: for No. 2. Rye -quiet and steady at 78@79c for No. 1. Barley dull and weak at 51,1f1 for fair de livered.- Grain freights steady and un chatiged; receipts of 5,000 flour , 129.00 0 wheat, 1,000 oats; shipments of 3,000 flour . 52,000 wheat. " , ParriaDgrirarA, October 14.--Flour is -dull and weak, with spring wheat extra ' family at $6.60@7, Indians and Ohio 167,25 Perinsylvanis • • 56,20+g/ 7 , 10 . Wheat is In more demand, et 51,40®1„4 6 Sir white. Rye sells at 87c. Corn higher; malted western at 981:051. °are dull and changed. f Petroleum nrichedged. 'P=rovisions dull. Mean Pork, 1132,25(4)33. lard 113 c. , Whisky Uniet M 2.111,20101. , , . Oswzao, October IL-Flour vtounilge; sales b usho bbla. Wheat drill Ames of '• 2,500 bush Na Milwaukee , l ab 041,16. • Coin' held at lglo f0r49.1.4 I, dull. , 5t111451 PhOice BitY linlet. at excuse`s *eighty to New York wheat 20e; barley 16%c. Lake importe:.33,ooo bush wheat ._., s~i Eli MIA . _ 333,000 barley; 2,000 rye. Canal exports: 36,500 wheat and 18,000 barley. BALTIMORS, October 14.—Flour nom in 1. Wheat dull; prime red 51,40. Corn firm; prime white 51,12®1,17, yel low and western 51,052)1,12. Oats dull at 57®59c. Bye $l,lO ®4l.s.ess pork quiet at 533: Bacon - flan; ribs des 2014 20 3 / 4 c clear rib 21@2.1qh, shoulders 17%c. Same 24®23c. Lard quiet at 18%® 19 c. Whisky quiet at 51,'20® 1 , 21 . Disarms October 14.-Cotton quiet. 242)24%c; receipts, 1,331 bales; 'exports, 1,123 bales. Flour weak, be te hg Corn: yellow ' Sc . 1,05, 51,10© 1,12. Oats 62Ac flay 627 and scarce. Bran $22®23. Corn nasal 55,50. Pork 634- Lard 20®21c. Bacon steady, shoul ders 180, sides 2110. _, !IMPORTS lI'V RAILROAD. FTrrostricoit , Foal WAIN it CECI• (moo Rxmit,OAD. October 14.-3 cars metal, Nimick & Co; Ido do, Everson, Preston & Co; 1 do do, Hallman eic Ham mett; 1 do do, Graff, Byers & Co; 1 do do, Superior Iron Co; 1 do do, Union Mills; Ido do, Lewis, Bailey D & ce; 5 b a les broom corn, Z B Taylor; 24 do do, W R McClellan; 15 bits crackers, Kramer Bohn; 16 bga feed, Jos Craig; 2 cars corn, Bricker & Co; 1 ear shorts, H Schnel beau 2do rye, D Wallace; 1 car barley, H H Forsyth; ',lOO bbls flour, S Lindsay Jr & Co; 500 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 1 car lumber. J Iltinz; 25 bbls high wines, Shlpton £ Wallace 24 bales cotton, Holmes, Bell £ Co; 135 bits cheese, 14 J Braden; 30 has cheese, S hir e & Co; 39 bgs oats, 13 do -barley, J W Jr; 100 sks flour, 75 bbls do, Culp & Shepard; 100 bbls fiber, J M Montgomery; 1 car stone, J L Roux; Ido do, C Miller.. 4 ILILBVICLa AND AND fTrisatitiev. SLIT ROAD October 14.-53 bbls oil, Spear; 1 car oats,Graham & Id: Ido wheat, J S Liggett Sr. Cc, 3 cars ; wash ore, Bryan & Caughey; 10 do - iron ore, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 1 do lake superior ore, Cole man, Rehm & Co; 1 do do, Brow t5iC n &, C car o; 100 bbls lime, Bryce, Walker Co; 1 shingles, 0 A Mundorf; 100 tar bbls, Waring, King & Co; 2 cars lumber, J D Layng; 1 do scrap iron, Mullin Jr. M; 35 cases tobacco, Atwell & Le cats ,e; 15 16 do do do, W H Kirkpatrick; 83 sks rye, McHenry &. Hood; 25 sks oats, Alex 81ack;,25 pas cheese, Watt, Lang . dt Co; 26 bbls apples, Bruggerman & O'Brien: 32 sks oats, J & W FairleY; 20 bbls flour, Jos Gregg; 50 bbls oil, D fly & Co. Ara.mosErcx v si.aair BAILBOAD. CO tober is.-4 bbls onions, H. Rea ch Jr; 140 s, sks oats. Scott & W aal; I coop icken 1 bdi pelts, - 1 do calf skins, 3 bbls eggs, 3lf Schruman; 1 box mdse. T R hie- Knight; 2 rolls leather, G W Richards; 2 bbls hair, P ?dam; 8 empty beer kegs, Geo Ober; 3 bas Young; Mutual Glass Co; 1 bbl oil, A 1 car metal, J Moorhead. ALLEC} lIENY STATION, Octobet 14. 60 bbls cement, 48 rolls felt B J ••Upde- graff; 20 bbls flour, M. Steel & Son; 5 'I do do, Hippley & Beckhart; 1 car flax seed. Ewer Hamilton & Co; 1 do wheat, W MKee & Co; 1 car stone, Jas Orr; 9 rolls leather. E Bently; 6 dos at, brooms, G F Comley; 185 bgs rye, 1 car whe R Knox & Son; 60 sks oats, .1 B MC Kee; 1 car hays, 6do atone, Richey, H&„ Co; 2 cars metal, Lewis B & To; 2 do do, Graff, Bennett & Co. . PITTSBURGH, 'CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, October 14.-65 bgs flour, S Myers; 100 bbla flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 2 cars corn, R Knox Ido scrap iron. M—Kelly; 130 bgs barley, Smith & Co; 5 cars rye, W McKim; 6 bbls apples, W B Graff; 1 car staves, W Haat & Inge; id1,222,132hum. L ____. _____________ ELLER t CO I • I Nos, 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin' now oiler to the trade at IoW tlgnres, stalely Prime New Crop New Orleans sugar and Porto Rico, Cubs. and 'English Isl altimo and Sug re Re ars. New York, Pl:dladelphiaß fined do. Golden Dr!Ps. Loverings, -Brings, Btnart,s, Adams , and Long island ovule. Porto Rico, Cubs and English Island Molasses. Young Byson, - Japan, Imperial, Onnpowder 'and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bankolli Site. • J "it. Lagnsyrs and ,io Coffees. , ToraLoco, ILard Cll, Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps Cotton Yams, &c., constantly on hand. ALIEPC)., . , IMPOUTIOIS OF Fine. BraudiesMbee and. Segars. 'Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hoek Wine, of Huitel & Co.. in bottles. Sparisling Moselle, t3eharsberg and JO:mauls burg, litookbeimer. Burgrdv,&e. - Brandenburg & Freres Vine Olive 011. _ do do Clarets, _imported in bottles. W or k & -White Wines. in bottles. M. Work & Sons, Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sperry. Madera and Port Wines. tree Old idottonawnels Uve Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch do do. ia..4 030, Sole rs Agents for Moot & Chandon's Grand Vin. lin4rson'ay and SeUery led. Groan • Brandies of our own, selection sad war ren I le•dss ___-...-------------- T,ATEST OM Wig lILE. fekuo. • iassurz t %cotton. I . AND OMB TIMM; i I To secure even banded Justice. Jost come end see what splendid bargains s umm ered in the gor geous stock of Boring end Clothes just the prepared and egniblted to public by B. C. Taaugnsiait. The fullest Lin to be enjoyed wpm' the man who enjoys it is neatly dressed in a sun of new Bummer Clothes whichilt him s° emu fortsbly u not to abridge tbe freedom of his motion.. Bach clothes are to.be had at B. C. TuaUsustan'a . To practice ffeorroWY, don't spend vast sums of tiOney where extortionate people charge fancy prices for unsatisfactory clothing, but come and get the worth of every dollar you spend. at B. C. TaILUSSLAI OS. Bass TILADS of the freest sort, practiced every day, and all day, at the bia No. 11 Clothing Hail. There the people bring their cash, and there they get their clothes, livery man free to buy at all times. Trade tremendous jus tnow at the Big Ho.ll Clothing I.oolf. AT THE PRICES. Cocoa nut suits for 47 wort 4 $lO. Spanish suits for $9 worth 90. litating park suits for 519 worth $95. 500 snits, Unen. at $9 50 each worth $5. Black suits for 410 worth4l9o. • Boys' for $5 worth 0. Mad a great many more to onemerons to men 110n. Call early and secure ybargains_, as We bare but a few dsys to sell. IleMember Big Ho. 1151zth street. 8. 84 TEL13101101„' r•SBMIGIi The metal marks Indicate two feet four inches ankfalling. The only boats or rivin* at • present, are the regular packets. —W. lEL - 7 Brown, a well known Ohio River pilot, is in San Francisco. —The Mollie Ebert was to haveleft Cincinnatl for Pittsburgh on Wednesday ck, —The Sate Putnam toff o the for do and will soon be in tip p con business. —lt is stated that one-half the steam boats running below the falls fail to com ply with thelaw by providing yawls. —Andy.Granger, the wickedest steam boat clerk, has reformed, Whit e river. to teach a Sunday school on White river. —The towboat Sam Brown arrived at Louisville on Monday from St.. Louis with a tow of ore, and Blue Lodg expected to arrive on Wednesday. e was —Capt. Dave Thomas and Mr. Thorn, who recently purchased the Enterprise, at New Orleans, place her in the New Orlea'ns and Axkansas River trade. —The Evansville Journal, of Monday, says; The work on Cape.Mtg oe new boat, now, building here, is progres sing fairly. The new Ada Lyon is rapidly approaching completion. She will be a beauty. Work on the Sam Orr, now on the dry dock, is being pushed forward with activity. She will soon be ready for business again. —Capt. W. L. ilambleton is building the w aters the io larst wharf -boat that ever floated on of the Oh or Mississippi. 104 over 350 feet in length. The hog chains weigh over 6,000 lbs. The princi pal one is of 2i inch iron, and is about 350 feet in length. The harf-bo Sat, whn Louis completed, will be towed to . and moored at the wharf of that city. The building of this monster boat on the Mound City ways fully demonstrates that they pOssess capacity for the largest vessels that navigate our Southern Waters. There is atways a good water at the foot of the ways, and the machinery and appliances for taking boats from the iver are unequaled. MollaseS. . , CUESINLI & 111E11111 OROS, . . .., PHILADELPHIA, ~ • 3131013LAEIC & CO., Jeweler s- GRAND OPENING!! For t" F AiL and CHRISTMAS TRAMS of a MAGNIFICENT STOCK of all the novelMee In Watchts, Jewelry and tillyerware. 1: 10 ~ - I'ANOT opp, &a. . . Bridal Gift a Specialty. World, *GO. haw the times Store In the World, and will at all times be pleased to re ceive and show visitor through their establish • went. iait: , . 31 . 4r. Co., NE W ../1141LBLE STORE, -. CHEISTNOT IWF.ISTII4TREETS, .04‘ 67 . , - fifitiOdoripq rehlitolgt 42111111/11 eta warranted UM to any Bt. now landing (tom T road for elle 11111 1151.1A1l Dit • 6AZEITEi FRIDAN, :OCTOBER, 15, RIVES, NEWS. • RIVER 'PACKETS. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, vicussugo. mEw onts.a.ss. FOR MEMPHIS ANDruriaria NEW OBLEANS—Theshame MESSENGXR ............. Capt. JESSE DEAN, Wilt Wave for the above and Intermediate pats on first rtte • t4HRIFBTt 13W ',NEN 1 se .S . ituaN NA______ 2 ,2_l2___ _ FOR CINCINNATI and Xida4 LOUISVILLE.—The tine pas " Mann. aR wall . . Cent. G. W. EitallTi Cleric S. Peppard. leave for the shove and intermediate porta on t3ATIJUDA.Y. 16th Inst• For. frviteht or passage Ipply on board or to eel FLACK & COLl'll gs: ---- 3°D ' "en". ------------- WHEELING AND CINCINNATI. 'OR IN lIEELIN o,xdge. I 1' MARIETTA.P.AItKEASI3IIIII.I Ala) CNINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY SATIIBD AT- 1% n. The swift and superb Sidewbeel Steamer ST. MALTS, T. C. SWEENEY, Commander, will leave as announced ibove. For Fteight or Passage apply on board, or to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, or I. . s. B,NO 7rewar"ICOLLINt3 & BAB ti F., Agents. -----------' STEWASTI /PS yrO LLIVERPOOL ANDsatb -6" QUEENSTOWN. TEM MOWN MAIL STEIAMSZEIVA Number= sliteeu first-class vessels, among to-mthe celebrated CITY OF BOSON,' CITY OF Al:TITBIT, C17..Y OP BOSTON,' CITY OF RAITIALORE , CITI OF LONDON. Billing EVERY SATURDAY, from Vier 45, north :Myer, New York. For +luggage or further 1211,117111.Li0LL &DPW to WILLIM BINGILM Jr. 1.1k3 831ITIIFIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ESTABLISHED BY A. A T o LOLLY. ISUI. W. ii. GORILY, WISIOLES/LLE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, WISZCITZT 01.7. I.A9L HOTIL.) PITTSI3I:TROU. P.A.. 15;1173_ W. C. iatliStRON G, Successor to Fetzer & incustrouti. PRODUCE COICONION BIOICHANT • No. 25 MIME! STREET. tavni 1%/1 EANOR HARPER, 111 FLOUR.' GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION M ERC ee HANT S, No. 829 Liberty Strt. PITTSBURGIEL, A . /fir Consignments solinted. ' tel ZiTAR HIM ....JAS... S. =cuss% KEIL b. BITCHAIVI I , COMMISSION MERCH.S.NTaiI AND DIALISS TN • FLOUR, ORLIN, SEEM KILL TEED, M. MS Liberty NL, Pittsburgh, my/hbar STEELS . 46 MILE. Air' 8 , 1i:ill - KVA , Onnmission Merchants, AltD DAALIFILS 171 FI.01:111. GIMULIN, VELV..I), £O. to. 91 OHIO aniflttoyisosrasterritCossinoih. L . J. BLANCIIIABD , iirholeside mid Retail Grow% go. $96 PENN . MIMI% spUlszSi ItITTLIEy n&IRD & PATTON, whOlellale (Mears, Conindssionideteliards u rgg h en Dealers •In Poduce. roar,' listen Cheese, Yis „Carbon and Lardioll. Iroa, OnnonYarna d sn a l l 124 nILUO2tD ehe JOU, I. 11011811..11DW. sousa....ont. 11. Sous& (c olors l. HOUSE SO&UBROS., Su to JOllll I. HOUSE & Cu.. VirOote: isio Grocers and Commission Me ants. Cor so! ot and Wales tltreets . tabtffirk. ............• 11•14.1131. §O.III3PTON &WALLACEWhoIIe- BALM 0 ROOM AND PROD UCE DIAL. No. 6 SIXTH STRUM. Pittsburgh. . ASE AND R:. FISSIONABLE' CONFECTIONS tir • • 11' " its Alta; tst - , gh _zy 00. I sdriamerrns iS2IZ rescELLAkill o y s MA MOM GM LOAD, stun. DOM, MORGAN I; CO., it Exchange Platt, and L h. JESEP & CO., Pine Street, ,T., offer for . sale the Bonds of the Ramat Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Gold save thirty years to MR', are fret from Government Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Killion Atria of th nest Lands in Hanna and Colorado u addition to this special grant the Com any also owns Three Millions of Acta KOMI which are being rapidly sold to evelop the , country and improte the road They are a first mortgage upon the eitension of the toad from Warr, Colorado, The road in operation miles long, upon whirl it is also a mart age, NO'S EARNS MOBR THIN ENOEGII NET INCOME TO PAT TILE INTEREST N Tllll NEW LOIN. There is no better security in the market, ---this being in some respects better than GOMMILCIIt unities, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST MOLE IN 6OLD, Price 96, and ncern - - ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and &Wars furnished on application V e have a fall supply of the abo Bonds on hand and for tale, and we take pleasure in recommending them as aver! reliable and perfectly safe investment. S. tIeCLEAN & CO., 'So. 75 Fourth Avenue, sole 2,000,000 Ac 11". CEOICELANDSFORSA.LE, nion Pacific Railroad Company, Lying along the line of their road, at SIP TO %WPCS ACRE, And on a CREDIT OP nvx YEA S& For farther partientirs, maps, ac., address Or CHAS• B. 1.141111308 N. Ses'y, sul 4 MT._ 3. EVERETT'S Scapular Shoulder Brace and CHEST STIPPOSTER. No Straps Under the Arms. FOB PRESENTS. mvEN, ridan, Hansas, to BY VHS 1 IWSTENN DIVISION JOHN P. DP.VEREVX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, linness MEM= DIEW PATENT Perfectly anataniical, couifortable and benefi cial. State sex; size around waist,, and length of back TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, tkc., LADY ATTENDANT 50 North Seventh Street, (Belovv Arch. FFITLADSLY I _ CAII"SIO N . ----- We exit attention of consumers to thermactice of Adulterating Lard 011, by mixing with It Cot. tort Seed 011, Rosin 011, Seal 011, and other info rior 0115. OUR LARD OIL WARRANTED PITRiE. Any person altering our Brand or co acinicording ng our Trade Nark. will be proceeded against to law. PROCTER & GATIIBLD DREn ,Importer and •et,sil dealer in "Ernirk. EITALTIONVatito WEDDING, VISITING, PARTY AND BUSINESS ()sup ssonsvise, - 110xoenuls, mots, lAvcrui#A.Titio, de, orders by seal 'receive prompt alteration. send for samples. LOU Cliostnut at.. Phila. retv ".! • -7, - refill QUAD RECEIVED 1 ,astly at BgNJAMIN PAILPEEBS 'Donnie! 1 h Stand, No, 46 Diamond Market, Pitts burgh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny City, corner of Ohio and Pedersl streets. an - be gad Beekds of Bea and and Ash, Halibut, Wad, , Codfish. Haddoeg Md. Also, large supplies of White, Late lrlsb, Salmon Bass, eteglegl'sig sell at lege IdloaVirmirrlig:pirrtelecii who or retail. We invite all. Wets o, fresh Flab to site us a call, and we WM lusur tlWzi & tllat. , rata MAIRSIIALLIS Et.JILLU. . 1 , . ..austiat.t.," Zwzits VIZ Cuss asapacina htrassrusi.a, a Itt.txta wra. Orrua alils!ara. Ma uanat.,s Esaxis WILL, Cosa 4.105 T .- Mite of Marshall , ' !Aix% $l4lO . . 120 .4 . De" t etel ,e mri vieiri.o A ag . For Co. . 'sale,. w letile.sud retail, ituElE._o.#. KELLY. rtiliburl___2! A! Alo rrolorirar -, ar ismaiNvi sa los aria swamis ., ITZTOBVIIBII. IL wisaira Mkt . PITTSBURGIi GENERAL INSIMANC AGENCY• ESTABLISHED 185 WE, FIDE, ACCIDENT, AND INLAI(D iNsl:riwrcz No. 63 Fourth Street. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER $30,000,00 0 ; A. CARRIER :if BRO., GENERAL AGENTS CONNECTICU T Mutual. Life Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN., For Western Pennsylvania PtRELY METUALitOWANY Numbering Nearly 60,000 Members ASSETS, (jilliE 18690 °nu 625,000,0 00 . , . 817.151 PLUS, OVER $7,000,000 Current Dividend from FORTY o SEVENTY FEIVIENT. Cur rent Inomeover $10;000,000 Per Annum. Its Income from Interest alone more than pays its , Claims by death. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING, For Every ;$lOO of Liabilities, 1F 1145' OF ASSETS Liberal Arrangements made with , Insurance Agents and o licitors upon al/divalent at this office. ALSO AGENTS _ ,Al4l//// -_ ; --,- : 711, re,-‹•=• -111. f e b -AI) ' I \'' .l '- 7 „-,,,,, ...,,,4, IN \ 7 . ft ' H '. t: - ' \ ‘ l' ‘ . nii ik,fl . ; -- . ! : rt l‘ P.: (-3 \\i C ON K ? \\\.'\ : Cll/1.13:11EBSD 1819. The Most Successful FIRS DiStttANCI , CO, Di MABICA, ASSETS, $5,352,532.96. Travell irs'' Ikteident, cash assets, • Mani City Ins. Co., 14 '40,000 Aetnalns. to., N. 1., ", " 500,000 State Ins, Co., Cleveland," " 2 iO,OOO 'ambler Ins. Co., Pa.," " 250,000 Insurance Effected upon die ns of Property at BATES AND 0 N LIBEBAL TER.IIB. Apptiattions Solicited. Policie.s issued without delay and ail business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. uZ7 -------- ------- SECIJUITY AND CONIFOR for the traveling communitY• eTe B. HABIaS Safety. Flee Jacket, cat Heater and .11NODElt4 TOR. Tor Mote magi Ea kir Pines, dispenaing with the use of stoves and Pres to or about the Parson get or Batman earn. with the attachment to credulity Om beat to arty teunpetnture that may le desired to the yossibUltl 'of flrint the es: or cars to which the sextet ma be attached. Wareing obtained of the Uni UM LAWS - Pasant for • Safety jacket No b s le warranted to retitle the most irdsinee best ,beethstina p plied to It in tith poeition and purPOse for wrl it is as It to a sure protection from accidents by Are, origating from defective dues' or where iron pipes used as C01141:1010T1 for smote or beet. lt is app licableapp to aU piping that may become overheated, and Is warranted to give perfect ast iehmtinn where wood or otter combustible mate- rid mat be Placed p i t dose proximity thereto, I am noW ready to apy my invention to stores, dwellings, (Astoria, ships steentboaukratirosa nem, he. Wherever pipe's. as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and secu rity desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or use such boveinvention. Alio Territorial rights toes may with to engage in Selling DTMII3OII either ser Stster v a l d i a 4 1 .• a e t l r tt Sir Office st the t'ffE rills uvrae: wart Vi va IlstiOintlCVA,ls.oriter of tWi2tbe Afts.e.- MZM •OHANGE . OF ,. %.,J TOIL £LLEGUrNT !ALLEM SOLIZOALIN . THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OM REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On and after MONDAY, Sept. AO, 1559. TWO ,THROUGII • TRAINS DAILY (exce er pt Sunday) will leave PittSailigt Depot, corn of Elev. • ' enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, Oil CitY.Ruf faith arid all points in tie Oil Regions. LSAVI PITTesiinGII. ARMY • lit PITTSBURGH Dag RZ ...... 7:00 sin 'Day Hz. ...... 8:15 pm. Night E 5.... 7:35 paWlNlght Ex .... . 8:85 aril pdMilton... 43:50 a rollst Hutton.. 6:55 p m Ru1t0n...21:50 a tni4.lllulton... 8:50a m 3d Button... 8:00 put .34 Halton... 5110 prn 4th litaton..ll:oo p MAth Hutton. 7:30 pnt Freeport Ac. - 8:15 am isodaWorks.. 'l:3o pm a m Soda Worts.. 8:30 pmirreeport 1.4, 6:15 RW11'111355 3:0 5 P iii BrarlYs B Ac 10:05 am Church .... • 1;00 pm t Church 10:10 am EXprefia t rains stop only at princ.pai podia/I. Accommodation rains stop at ait Jitati , ma. J. J. LAWRIV, fk'n'i lt. up` -' THOMAS X. la. A's% Sup% ENN WILY A.. ir-f - i- INIA CENTRAL NAIL '; - ..." -.; -...--- r... On and afte T wi11.34., dunday AUGTIBT 99th, 1669, Treit s arrive ;at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: /Pries. 1 Dsprt. \• Mail Train.... 1:90 am *Day ExPresslsl:3o aM - Fast Line.. .. 1.45 am *Pacific Ex... 1:40 sat Wll's No. 1.. 690 am T rain .1. 6:30 am Benton/Leen. 1:50 am Mail .. . . 9:10 am Wall's No. 2.. 9:06 am Bra`ksAs No 1.6 . 10 Ida . Cincinnati Ex.13:95 sm Cincin'ti Ex. 19;30 pal Johnstown Lc 1090 araWall's No. 2-11:39 are Bra'ks Ac Nol 7:00 pre. Johnstown Ac. 4105 pm Pittsb"h Ex. L91:4 0 Due . ; Dra`ks AC No28:210 pm Phila. Expres3l:oo pm; Phila. Express 3t50 pm Wall's No. 8...1:50 pml Wall's •No. It.. 3:ospm Bra'ks AcNo 29:55 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:0103 3 , Wall's No. 4. 5:50 pm *Fast Line. ...1:30 pm; Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's 1,0.5 . .. 11:00 pm .1` hese trains make close connection at Harris. burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walls Station every Sunday at 9:05 a. Tn., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:1'5 a. tn. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 19:50 P. in. and arrives at Walls Station at 2:10 p. in. Cincinnati xpress and Pacific Express leaves t 0 daily. All c thcr treats daily except Sunday. ~ For farther information appty_ 0 W.. H. BECErw ITS, Agent. TbeTenntrylynnia3sliroad Company will not as. same any risk forßaggsge, except for wearing. sP• pare', sad limit their responsibility to One Dub ai ed Doibtra in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by sp_ecial contract., iwt. EDWAXD M. WILL and General. Superintendent, Altoona, a. NI/Qr E ST ERN RA-LBOAD--On and atter August 29,1869. the Passenger Trains on tbeiVestens Pennsylvania Bad road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City,as follows: Arrfes. Depart. Springd"e No1:4 0 a mlliall. 6:30 ant Freeport No. i 3:30 a m i Freeport No. 19:20a t:xpress .. .„. 10:40 a mSbarpb'g No111:00 am Freeport No.11:: 10 rim; Express .0:30 pm Freeport N0.24:05 pp No13:10 pm . 6:50 p talFreeport N0.25:30 pm Eprtoid,eo26:llo p miSoringd'e No16:30 pre Above trains, run daily except Sunnsif. The Church Train leaves Alleghe in ny June ctionyn , ever) 'Sunday at '1:40 a. m., reachg Alleghe .City at o:stf a. m. Retundng, leaves Allegheny City at 1010 p.' m. ands:rive at Allegheny Just - tion at 3:40 p. in. CosanlxartON TiltrrS—Vor sale in oackagee of Twenty, betweercAlleg.beny City, Chestnut street, Heres Bennett, - Pine Creek, Etna Ann Bharpsburg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations specified ou tickets. The tains-leaving Allegheny City at If:00 a. us. make direct connection at Freeport Intl:Val- ker's line of Stages !off:fatter and Hannabstown„ Tbroush tickets may be purchased at- the Office. No. 1 iit. Mail' street, neartbe Suspensionßridge. Pittsbur,,b, and at the Depot. Allegheny . For further information applyto JAMES LoFFERTS, Agent. Federal Street Depot. The -genera Pennsylvania Ballrosd w . lO not assume any risk for Baggage, except for we arnsrel. and limit their responsibility tO hundred 'Dollars In value. All baggage ex reeding this amount In value willbe at the risk the owner, unlessuken by special contract. EDWARD 11'. WiL au2o general 11_--'-..uteriatendent. Altra:sl ____l-... 14.05.,4313A:2 [0 . 4 PIinffiEVIIOBLOOD• NOB 311,11 BY DRUCKIOTB SUM deatbiltinnr L p~grlon bbl Stu c am;: ranjtg% wit so r,,tjgro. b i. ristd intim? for 041 U. .IVidAVL DIAILEY $ 00. wa:weora ) s. -11,8Q9; --. 7 -0411-: :: : : !-,, Ti. Bali FOBTIVATNE & CHICA.9I3 S. rr. and CL AND &Pi BURGS F., B. From August 30tb, 1869, trains willies:re from and arrive at the Untcm Depot, north side, l'itta• burgh city time, as follows: Lagos. i - Arrias. Chicago Ex....2:08 & m i Chicago Fx -12:13 a m Erie &I'lcuEr..7:2B ain't eg cdfic 7. - x _ .. 7 :43 am Ci. & V., n gli,18:98 a m Wheeling Ex 10,113a_ra Clllasito 95a11..6:514 a n 2 IC . & St. 7:08 g 8 Put Fast Line. -..8:4 8 a nyChi'goEx&3ll2 m Cl. &Flrieglf.x.l:23 p mi Cleveland Ex 3:38p m Chicago Er, 1:38 p miErie & Yg`nExs: llB pM Vir , e & Erie Ex4:3B pm Cl. &Wh,g Ex6:3Bpm Deparipord Allegheny . 47111:18 Sit Allegheny. Bea , r ells Ac.9:08 a m Leetsdale dc..6:53 am Leehsdale'••••• 1 1 1:11,i ittrtottM'rcFs.alli: • •• •4 1 :31 ant - Rochester " 2:23 pmlEnon •• 9:13 am Enon " .3:38 raid Leet sdale " 3.2 :48p In Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm Bea r Falls. `.• A:43 pm BegOrFalls .613 pm Leetsdale • 4:33 put Leetsdale " 10:43pm " :31 91 Fair Oaks Bun- Fair Oaks Bun ' Val'•Clh:grchip.. milh&lg___oEsi tgsgariletive):sdsart Mr 1:2. v. m. Cbicago Ex_trest arrives daily: F: B. MYERS, et A. J. N. McC_Dett:Otrelli, , Be a n u l 3 . o F -- T AN ITTSBIJIMII, r-1 77,i7 ~. • CINCINNATI D • ' ;'": '. L 01118134. • .. , ~; . PAN HANDLE EOM& - CILLITGIC OF TIM3r..CM and after SUNDAY, Augast AV, 1859. trains will leave snd arrtre ea the Color:Depot, as hillow. 4 s: . , Jiffies. Mall._, ... .................... "71-611 i. ai. 1.4:03 p Ta. rut•Lize.................. 853 a. .1:08 p. irk Express ....... ....... _ 143 p. in 7:13 a. E., ligrdiii".l—r"ii i - fait • nt._. P lst stenberodite I,Atecii'L4Ni. 3i53 p. . 948 sou. McDousid's Aktc'n , Mo. I 5: 53 p. m San 11. us. EaridaChnreb Train.. 19:58 p. wi. WWI 4. NU Mr 1 1 :431'. M. tram wileave d . 1--, 19:03 r. at. train ill arrive y. All other trains will run daily, Bun sys Ural* . ed. - The 8:53 ti. la. - Train wake close • _Goer nections st. Newark- for, Zanesville. ..m.r....„. - -8. P General Ticket igert, Co 173:170 0 . vr. W. CABO, Supn., Dennison, tdo. avid - - Gil& LIIITSBUitir ILL OOZUSELLE. ROAD• ........ On ind dr ill TUESDAY, lirojettiber, -Mb. 1661..ta arrive at and - epart from the Depot, corner of Grant find Water streets. an f111117t0wn."""...4. ......... .7131'..912: "1 D :00 e94 A.. rti' AL.• 6 4"1 :00 .918 ; 51 ... mcasesport Aecodt,n 11:00 a. Y . 6:05 i. X . Bk. to sad trout 'llnt9n. 3:00 P. 6. 10:10 A. st: West Newton Accom,d. 4:30 P. nr. 13:35 A. 6 Br Aeccon,n. T :504. 111. 8 . rapt addock.s e.toMelt,spodtrt.lo:3o r: Y. 6:41 A. XI A Oundstr Chunk Tram ta . ~ • and Crom Wed Newton 1:00B. 5410:64 A. roe tickets apply It to 3. • . BLYBOND, Age nt W. B. BTOlnerintendent. S Ili" _ pox warm rawitir Eastern Division. .131)11 e lZ t a l ice tto Colorado Nevada, CalU'ornia 'Utah, Arizona Washltiliten, New !Neste°, :Idaho, . .oregon. , ... . Tye Trains loses State Unit and itiaveti oll a dolljialnat gre l i=don theserivalottrotail of r o ist. Lonis, and Simi. Dal and lit. Jot .11a4oati Won. Quincy'. 0013 Inv at Lawrence , 'roNka and Willer ) a li=ts'itrsis/VV,Rarworthl.L=the Dr' ' BTATFL IMO cQlstain,l3 Dom, .• ' COACHw QV ALAND X FOB I)VriVIFEIt iall•Vis 1411.12631$ All Points in the Territories. And with S.i.FIDESSON IS ziooTas•' Y I Till of COACH= for Fort Union; Bent , s Foot. 14411 1 . - Albminentrehw rts 11:11 . , and all points lo Arlo . " 'viz: the reeen additions of :cans i . \ and spesolble Orer elluipateat, WA the arrangements with rela d. nTransportation Llnell . tram its western termll44 l . this , road noor ogle/ unequalled hmilltle fez the trunstoisaloll of freight to tko Itor W 0 406 • _ Tickets tar sme at sU the prinollmt,olnoss tit aka united litsdem end Osnolts , - • - lis 50T5 and ask or ticke is win IBM erg" ant. Amoy ravuno BAIL kr' DIVIiii.ON. . . 1:1 ' - • A. 'alarDine4,oC ' , S. 4l W il • 13111 ; e . 41 , 4°4" ' ' . , : , r , . • !.'n;:. , I 14VriBilirlille Itiaugg'Sniectiargte Itjt U L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers