6. Er - - . SBUIIGH STEEL WORKS. ESTABLISIIID.IN 1845. ANDERSON & WOODS, -31ANUFACITBEI S OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL Of every description. Also, best Refined German Plow and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AYENDR,PItts• burs Pa. nalGoi4t INUESNE WORKS. COWMAN, RAB & CO. Xararactarerf of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DUQUESNE, L X £iU ) JUNIATA, ROUN. D AND SQU aBE IRON. BAND, HOOP,_ SHEET AND TANK IRON. BOILER PL ATV+ AND H FADS, GUARD LRON, _DR AEI and DuorrEß BAR?.. OXFLANGE:ON OUTTEIL RAM, CY LINDER • Se AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. c_ROW US,W EDGES & DAR Bq 1W TEETH, LISRING,PLoW .e...ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TInES, STEEL SEANTINO, A. B. COACH, BUGGY and W LOON SPRINGS and LES. CUT .NAIL,S; AND SPINES. IA Goods First Glass and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Sixte enth Street and Allegheny,Rtver , and 'II Water Street,Pittsinuvh. mb9 BBEFFLELD STEEL WORKS. UM, NIMICK & CO., przursuunGu. Manufacturers of every deseript!on of CAST 011 GERMAN STEEL, RAILW MARRS; C. AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, .tc;• au Warehouse, 83 Water and 104) First Ste. BLACK OIAIIOND t STEEL 1770 EMS. rmaK, BROTREW it CO., l‘anufacturers or all descriptions of . m an d warediWi! & GeMS I_,, T aad - 21. 0.74. TR EET5, • .—tuareau. IRON WO} US. PROCESS. The Trustees are now prepared to grant licen- Setor the use of the ELLEI W.13.A1.15.E.N . FR O - M. • The superior quality imparted to good iron, ' 3he great immorement in inferior iron. and tee .•educed cost. commend it to all manufacturers of • Pirtle; wishing to use it can obtain licensee by svpiying to ' JA2dES P. SPEER •• Attorney for the Trustees, ROOMS 1 and 2. English's Building, 96% 70altb. avenue. Parties inte• - eeted are invited in . visit the . - STIOE :MERGER. VOWES., where tile recess is 10.ourixt,..seiecesstuloperation.. 1.0:c1t7 i,, , ' - ' .' • ' ' . ' l3l "`' : 1 ,'i:-IP.KESTON Zs. CO., ' k:' - ---lii tvivania Iron Works. . , ware,...e. Nos. 166 and 167 FIIIBT iTBErr, o ,iposite nonongaaela llon se, 5p24748 PITTSUURGII- . -•---•••• - ••• - • BRASS FOUNDER MILLER, MBA tt PAIII IN. GENEILLL PAIITNEitS • WM. METCALF. , • •ARIIBN E GEO. W. Biatltt MIA& PARKIN• SPECIAL PARTNER-S. KIER, CRESCENT STEEL. WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, No, 319 Liberty Street, PLTTSBURGH, PA fas:d4S WINES. LIQUORS, &C. SCRIAIDT & FRIDAY, IMPOSTERS OF VINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &O. WEIOLESALE DE4LEBS IS }4 I9ITRE RYE WIIISKIES, 409 P3MI STREET. 'Agave Itemo-ved to 11105.354 AND 356 PENN, r. Eleventh St., (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH S. PEW , ' CO., Nos. 185, 187, 1130, 91931 and PM, VIRST STREET, PITTSBATILOB. • XelmireCTinuala OP Copper Distilled Pare Bye- Nirldskey. Also, dealers in FOIMIGN WEEMS and 1.1. QUOES. HOP & RA. erth96l.l. F. • GLASS. CHINA. CUTLitat u . 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE < VASES, BOHEMIAN AIM CHINA. NEW STYLES, WYNNEBETS, s TEA dE , • Ern CUPS smonsa SE A. T i g o . sge stock os , S PLATED GOODS 'triTER . . Caflood examine our (ova . and we feelfiandsded no one need mil to be stilted. Re E. BREED dr. CO. IMIOnn•••••"'" -- " .1.04 WORM WrIREETi RUeli 1130 LE Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of in sleet. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY' OIL WELL ENGUiE AND PORTABLE SOILElkof 15-horaelflower. CASTINGS,_of every kind, niade to order stow foundry, on THIRD URIC below_Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, B ANGERS HOUSE andTORAOGOBOREWS and IRON TOBACCO rIiESEZ, cni hand and made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL - WORKS, fronting on the Allegheny Myer, near the Point, sir AU orders prorddle tiled. TRY 013. 'FORT PITT BOILED, STILL Al TARE; CARROLL & SNYDER, ÜBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, T Fith-ROX AND CYLINDER, STEA.II ROIL OIL STILLS AND OM TANKS, 013ITA2dILYii, B.URECHINO AND ABM CC N- 01.i."PLINO PAN - 6, OALT I'ANI AND CON DENSERS: STEA,II. PIPES, OAEOIEETBI.O Ala) IRON BRIDGES: PHaSON DOORS AND COAX., ettice and 17brobovtvr, cortit'r Ooromd, Third, !Mort aid Liborty Ittrooto, ti®` Orders tent to the above address will (1b ra=tly a.ttended to. nit7:3l AMIN= M. BALBNUILL & CO., BOILF,R MASERS . AND ' SKEET IRON WORKERS, NOS.-20, AA. s 4 AND FAS PRIM Sr. Raving secured & large yard and inrnhshed It wan the most approved machinery, *e are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys Breechiag. Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condeneers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Ag tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans_, and sole zuanuiacturers of Barnhill's ro ad. Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. tareell JBI ES . N. larER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, rrrrgr,v=s!ix, PAL., tUCT17721.073 7 . 7 . 2 . IRON OIL TANES3 17.1 . 17 , 12T 6 FLYS, corrra mum PIPS, BOLLING - MILL STAMM. • ♦nd MEET =ON IiPOWL. For Steamboats. JAUED It. 1007511...•- ..-..EDMVDD D. MOUE JARED 13111 USU 1301% Du/TarAcrupsnei or Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. SUEET IRON WORE, &O. Cl Penn Street, PittsburO, Pa. Of all degarlptions. (NZ.A.R. 'MS POINT.) PITTBBMCCM• rA. WVISLES. I'LAIIIT3ACTITar,II6 Or PITTSBIiRGI-1, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, &.e. &t.. BILDIEJPAY di CO., 80 WOOD STREET, tiSnalcturcrs of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor asset Heating StaTes, TO BE YOU'D. In our assortment will be forma all theLATEBT PAT A. ND and the reputation of our Stoves Is such that any one in want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the tuosigiurabie as well as economical. Would call particular attenilon to our new VOLCAN. bTOV E., for churchei halls ana stores. Over 500 sold in three mouths. Intended for with or with out casing. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cueaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Jae SUF. MIS it COI, larcorAcrtraras or , Amor vAnurrir or EiPTCYI7M IS3 , BOSTON COOKING RANGE , 6 9. THE FIERY FURNACE," Fos WAnioNd BUILDINGS. TEE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. 'REGULATOR.,, COLUMBIA. COOK STOVE,. PAN'S (Cincinnati Patter n)) PORTABLE RANGE C AST IRON UANTLES, WELLMAN 'S ORATER _i_l_RATES,free from dirt and Mist: PB.O. FENDERS, to. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, serarn Prrrelltrltoll. PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. IBISISTAILIT. ,C0:1% TRITJXI2I - 1., FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Woxranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as tall as any other Stove In the trnion. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 liberty Street. 43.0 on nand and for sale. - PARLOR BTOVE% HalatiagOormilanca. La. LtfblßEß._ TO BUILDIETIS _lOO.OOO feet Dry Pine Boards. 150.000 feet 154 inch Clear , Plank; 515,0011 feet, 154 Inch Common Plank; -85,000 feet Dry 1 and A inch Oak:. 5x5,000 ft. 34, 1, fa and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Pordar e.cantllng: • 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. • soa.uoo_ feet g o. 1.18 In bagin*4 sbin- lut. • %00,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, sawed; E; • 50,000 No.-110-inch Sitinglefa, ensued; 80,000 Fire Brick; • ' 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust. and Cedar Posts, and all articles in the line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERsON. Ya and rds— So. 161 Rebecca, street and corner of Pre te bor ble Juniata , streets, sixth ward.Allegbeny , antsi la t 1 Hugh of Ma n che ster . M STONE. WEST COMMON madam Stone. Works, . Northwest conies Of West Cammon. Allegheny. ATVATEIt a CO. Him on hand or prepare on short notice dearth and Sten Mmes, lime_ for eddemuks, Brewer, v a et a aho, mid sad Tonsbllyones. se. Wain "MOW eXanatods „ft Wes mammon PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1869. ERB; MAIDAINISTS Is I{3IAP TORT PITT • FOUNDRY COYUNY OFFICE AND WORDS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA: —IXT-Engined, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Be torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY • AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Elnialknass Streets, (NINTH WASH.( PI'T'rS3I3I7IICI I3I . , WILLIAM SMITH, naatufacturor of CAST IRON' 'BOWL PIPE You 6A.9 AND WATER WOBXB. My Pipes are all east Invarlablyin Pits, In dry sand. and 153 feet lengths. Also, fall assortment cf general Cas•,ings for pas and Water Works. I 'Would also cell the -.Mention of Superintend ents of Gas Works to L 7 make of RETORTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. • WILLIAM MILLER, (Successor to JOS. P. VALOR It C 0.,) . . Has facilities , co•extensive with the leatting Forges In the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily till all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CR A NES, PISTON ROD-, AX E PITMAN" J AMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD LES, LOCOMOTIVK FRAMES, together with even , description of BIL&PE WCUK. Office and Forge, Corner 'of Duquesne Way and First Street. apt4:ll4o ROBINSON, BEA. 66 CO., Stiocessors to ROBINSON, )LIMB MILLI-BS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, FITISBLIR 6 N, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Waring. Shafting, Castings of Sh e etscptns Oil Tanks and stillsßoller and Iron Work. Office, No. 17, corner Vint and Smithfield ' Byteetz. Agents r GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. jalintl THOMAS CARLENE & CO., Furth Ward Foundry and Machine WOrki, SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGHEFY CITY, PL.. • Manufacturris of Station • ry and Portable * Stease. vu Yreeec., ru.leya, Suatting, Grist and Saw liUl Work, Boaing Mill and "Machine Castings. Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, e. Build to order and have on hand Enuines of all sizes. " ravii:gs - - CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS st3o Pena Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chi' I Rolle, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, ie. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Office, DLLZELL BUILDING, Mil WARDED AND SING, Commission Merchants sad Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, YHTLIDELPHL& ADDS 2s. Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, spin TACK Buommts, COMMISSION MEM:MTS., AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and Its Products, co ;l t iggrf.. k .,,TlTZ A VOlign= t". Mode once-Lay WALNUT BT. Lpt:Trza ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT Ws C. TWEDDLY, ILLIIifrAOTITBER 07 Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Azle OD. Stands great heat without change; remains tropical c lo ma s e t s o m h p o e t r w eatherpe c a 011 for Locomotive, Engine. Machine Shop, Will cut Screws. Saw 31111 od Planing 31111 Ofia, Adapted to s r high speed. Spindle OH, Wifolillead•Lightoll. OH. Tanners, StalVidenzole, lug &Finishingoll,kJasollae, Harness Oil IParraffina, ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Work end Machinery from Rust. These products are manufactured Under Br. Tweddle , s patent by Superheated Steam le Vac perfectubricating 011 is are almost odorless, ly pure, uniform, and mostly light col. orcd, stand *high temperature unchanged.and d remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroa Ulm are unequalled, and are in constant use on many ol e principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET, Works at libarpsburg Bridge. prrirsninuan NOVELTY IVORIES. Founded A. D. DIM ' ADAMS. BrILEE & lUMBTONZ BTANDARDagERBA am PAT -811T) PLATPON.aI AND COUNTZIi • SCALES.. Mu /aced Patent Door Loots and Latches. Pant t a n Q gree WM. M. MEM OP ITIST AVMS IMa, UJANT Pease OILS. Duquesne WAY, Pittsburgh, Pa. 133 SOUTH SECOND EM MET. NOVELTY WORKS. KAlirtruntrascps or AMERICAN NO. 8O FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASS CAPITAL 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable, ,BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Caahler. DIntiCTOItEI. Thos. M. Marshall, Jolonl4. Murtland, Wm. T. Shannon, .4 i Archibald Wadace, • James W. Arrott, , Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, ; Wm. Floyd. 401:111 Floyd, This Dank is now (Idly organized and prepared to do a general Dant ing business. jelOW FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh. No. .195 FIFTH AVENUE. CRPITA.L, 1100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. Si X PER CENT. IN PEREST allowed on time deposits. Collections made on at accessible poi n ts n th teems. United States and Canadas on most fable r Exoange on all the . prinsinal Foreign ages bon¢ut and sold. Oi.count deers Tuesday and Friday. Open rrom 9 M. 103 P. M., and on Saturday evenings Ir.an 7 to 9 o'clock. DIRECTORS: DITHRIDGE, W. P. IVETMA.N, IV. H. rims. FRANK :-lEBERT, W. C. ItoRERTSON,ItY EY ER, DAN • N.LN ZEALIL roe D. M. ARMOR, EM IISTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President F. F. SCIIIENCIL, entailer. au It nSI CITY BANK.. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 8100,000. STOCKUOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY - LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCEIANGE Bought and soul. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the liaised i,tates and Cava.sa. • DomiNteic Imusint. Presient. JAMES "dCI'AnE. Vice President. • W. N. 310i1GAN. Cashier. DIRIGCTOI4B. —D. Ihmsen.James lleCabe, Thomas Rourke, ' J o hn Savage , J. imulevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick: Kane, James Phelau, - Chas. B. Barr, 11.A.Frevvogle, Juo.Jos.liermann, Thomas Barnes, tiugh Keating. N 110LNIES,a 'SONS, 7Eate&M4722POsaa.6s, 57 Market Street, ii-ouettionslande on all the,principafpointa of the United Mates and Canadsc. Stecks,Bondsand other Securities BOUUUT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase , and gale at United States Securities. Jaaml. 11.ART,CAUGUET is CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, l'a'rTls3l3l7B.Cal. t3Uccrs.sor.4 TO HANNA, HART t. C 0..) DRAM= Of l Exch.ange, Coln, Coupons, And particelar attention paid to the trarchue and tele of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. trivusch PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN, Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., ' Exchange Place, and N. E. JESUP Si C Pine Street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railwa These Bonds pay scvea per cent. in Gold; hate thirty years to ran; are Free from (nutmeat Taxation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the nest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this special grant - the Com m), also owns fliree Millions of Acres n Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to erelop the country and improve the road They are a first mortgage upon the eaten sion of the road from Sheridan, Kansas o Denver, Colorado, The road in opera ton NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET INCIIE TO PIT : THE INTEREST N THE lE\V LOIN. There is no better security in the market—this being in some respects betttr than government Se mines. PIINCIPIL IND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96, and nem ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets) Maps and Circulars irrnished on application. sum J. wasi & K. "A" S „ con HITECTIIHAL ANA OR AMENTAL CARVERBI No 68 Sandusky Allegheny, Pa. • assortment of 21115W1L POS-Te and HAL - Z An constantly on land. lulumul ft of all as, done 0030 FINANCIAL. 4 CW 4 ::: 03 r t. . SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at flighest Priccs: Pll. R. HERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. JAY COOKE & CO., 33astaialm.ers., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET,- ' PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. nth:A & 1:i LIES ,g. 4 RADI • 0.2 teacceLoors 08. JONES Jr, C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., X 3 MZ" Z-=el BUY AND BELL ALL EllyS or GOTERNtENT SECURITIES GOLD, SILVER AIID COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORA:ZLE TERMS. rar Interest Mimed on Deposits. CV -Money loaned on, Government Bonds at ovest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and date of STOClid. BONDS and SOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. r,ljt r 1 1 Y etairttf. ANCE AND TRADE °MOB or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY,. August 23, 1869. 1 Gold opened at 131°4, advanced to 132 g, and closed strong at 132. The downward tendency has been arrested by the more favorable crop reports from England and from heavy purchases. Bonds are weak and dull, following the gold market. Stocks heavy and lower. Money easy, but a more active market is looked for within a few days. Quotations as received by Ph. R Mertz: Gold, 132; Silver, 127; Eighty one's, 12234; Five Twenties, 1862, 122%; do 1864, 12134; do 1865, 12134; do 1865, Consols 12634: do 1867, 1203 1 ; do 1863, 120%; '4 Ten Forties. 114%: New York Central, 200; Erie, 25%; Reading, 96%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne (.4. Chicago Railroad, 15135; Ohio et, Misissippl, 32%;• Michigan Southern, 10534; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 105%; Chicago & Rock Island, 115%: Chicago St North Western, 87%; Chicago It North Western Preferred, 963;; Adams Express Com pany, 5735; Merchants Union Express, 393 1 ; Pacific Mail, 803; Western Union Telegraph Company, 3834. EXCILN.I4 GE, Large. Small. London, per S. §6,50 16,60 Paris. per franc 2634 27 Berlin, thater 96% 973,f, Frankfort, f10rin.............5634 57 —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 132; 'United States Sixes, 1881, 122; Five-Twenties, 1862, 1'2234; do. 1864,121%: do. 1865, 12134; Ten-Fort:es, 114%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 120%; do. do. 1867, 12035; do. do. 1168. 120; Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 8-8 1 4: Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 109%; Lake Superiors, 96. (By Telegraph NEW to the Pi Y ttsburgh Gazette.) ons, Aug. 23, 1869. Money easier at 6@7 per cent. Hints of an approaching stringency, however, were thrown out on the occasion of mov ing the western crops, and by the combi nation of leading bears and Shylocks. The railroad war in freights is consider ed about over and the rates have already advanced, and it is expected the old tariff will soon be restored. Sterling dullat 934@W. Gold active and .opened a 13134, advanced to 132%, and closed at 132, Carrying rates 4% per cent. to flat. Clearances ?110,000,000. Governments strong; Coupons of 'Bl,- 12234@122%; do. '62,12235®122'0; do. '64, 12134 (1.21%,/ - do. '65, 12194@121%; do. new. 12034©120%; do. '67. 122%@122%; do. '6B, 120%@12u34; 10-40's, 11.4%@114,4; Pacific% 97%. State bonds quiet; Missouri% 863.1: old Tennessee% 60%; new do., 63%; old Vir ginias, 55; new do., 60; old North Caro linas, 54; new do., 50. Stocks dull and unsettled and rathei lower after a somewhat irregular day. Five-Thirty Prices: Canton, 60; Cum berland, 35 1 4 ; Western Union Tele graph, 3734; Quicksilver, 14; Mariposa, 7; ' do. preferred, 12; Pacific Mail, 79%; Adams Express, b 734; Wells 19%; Ameri can, 38 ; United States, 64 ; Mer chants Union, 10: N. Y. Central, 198%; Harlem, 162; Hudson, 179: Reading, 953;: Erie, 29; do. preferred, 52%; Michigan Central, - 130 ; Michigan Southern, 107% ; Illinois Central, 139 ; Pitts burgh, 10435 ; Northwestern, 86 ; do. preferred, 96:' Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 78 ; Rock Island, 115 ; St. Paul, 80; do. preferred, 88; Wabash, 84; do. preferrefi, 85; Ft. Wayne, 151; Terre Haute, 34; do. preferred, 57; Chicago and Alton, 157; Ohio and Mis sissippi, 32 1 A: St. Joseph, 123: Dubuque, 1 Mining shares dull: Gregory, 2,10; Quartz Hill, 1,15. Coppers at Boston: Copper Falls, 93,4 Franklin, 13; Quincy, 25. Sub Treasury balance, /92,266,16,16. Dry Goods Market. NEW Yong, A.uAust 23.—Dry Goods; the market on the whole is rather inert than otherwise, except for certain bulky of classes of goods which are offered at relatively very low prices, and the best ofbein l o w in consideration the ra tes of freight than any pressing wants of the trade. In the prices of staple to Cottons there is no par ticular change notice. " ' ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. OFFI or Prrrsnunon GArETTE, - CE MONDAY, August 23, 1869. S . cTATTLE.. • . The market was pretty well glutted to-day, about °5O head on sale, which is the largest supply that has been on sale in this market fo some time, and, as a consequence, the drovers had a pretty hard time of it, and many of them, it is . probable, lost money. As has been the case for some time past. the great pro portion of the stock was of an inferior' grade consisting mainly of thin cows ' and heifers, and rough steers and stags, •, not the kind usually sought after by good butchers, and as a consequeoce, • I while the better grades brought about last week's prices, common and inferior ruled from ;( to % ellet lower, and even • at the decline the demand was very light , and quite a number Were left over un sold. Quite a number of drovers pronouncee this the hardest market they had experi enced for several months, and even gcv,l cattle did not move as quickly as useif The butchers had very bad moat me kets last week, owing to the extremely, hot weather, and as a consequence they did not, as a general thing, buy as freely as usual. Another thing to be taken Into consideration, is the fact that meat is relatively higher than anything else, and people are tisi. , •g, less of it and buy- • ing more vegetables,fruit. etc. etc.,which is abundant and cheap, and better for them, particularly inthis hot weather. - The Mee. of paying 20®25 cents per pound for choice cuts of beef when a half bushel potatoes, t on:at oes or apples • can be bought for the same money, does not sound well, and it looks now as if cattle must go lower. mid this is the im pression of drovers and dealers gener ally. Of the cattle on sale to•aay, 17 cars from Chicago; 3 from Cincinnati; 2 from ludianapolis; 2 from Newark: 1 from Up per Sandusky; 1 from La line; 1 from Ashley; 1 from Orrville and 1 from Co- • lumbiana. In addition, there were quite a number of State. Cattle, from Washing- , ton, - Butler, Green and Lawrence counties. • Emerick & Co. 19 head mixed Ohio stock, at Hedges & Taylor 40 head Ohio cows, • heifers and steers, at 5%@63. L. Rothchilds sold 20 1 7 ead steers, from Chicago, at 5136A0 same kind o4 left over. Kauffman 20 head cows, heifers am steers. 'at 4@5%• S. LOWenstethe 19 head WashinEto2 , Co. steers and heifers, at s@s,B7—roue - pair of extra 7% !offered and refused. John -Beeler 12 head Butler Co. steers • and heifers, at 3%@5• Garwin & Co. 20 !lead from Butler Co., i at 4,87®6. Flinner &Sheitemantle 13 head Butler Co. steers and heifers, at 3% ®5. Haas & Kraus 45 head Ohio steers and heifers, at 6®71/ 4 . M. Verner 21 head of steers, from Bel mont Co., Ohio, at 5®634; 32 head mixed stock from Green Co., at 4®5%. Peter Hartman. 42 head mixed stock from Green Co., at 4 1 af,®7. L. & J. Shamberg 56 head fair to prime, from Chicago, at taD7%.• J. Needy 36 head good to extra, at 6e7g. • 4 Traurman & Lobrnan 60 bead from Ohio and Chicago, at 5®6%; 18 head un- f sold. . Keefer & Katz 37 head from Chicago, at SCsW,. J. Zeigler 23 head Washington Co. stock. at 5g634. S. Marks &Alm. 82 head from Ohio and Chicago. at 5®7%. Jas. McAllister 34 head Indiana steers ! —could Lot be sold. Smith & Blue 20 liead small Ohio steers, and heifers, at 4% ®53.4-20 left over. J. Rothchilds sold 16 head common stock, at 5%. Holmes, Lafferty dr. Co; sold 71 head mixed stock. at 4@6;70. Hazlewood & Blackstock sold 40 head -I mixed stock from Ohio and Penna., at 51,f®6%. Greenwald & Kahn 51 head Chicago steers, at from 4 , 5 7 3.1. Davis & Carter sold 30 head from Mar shall Co. West Va., and 20 from Green Co.,Penna., steers, cows and heifers at an =I average of 5V,,. N. Carr sold 25 bead Ohio stock, at 5@ : 7 cents. Dan Kennedy sold 14 head cows, steers and heifers from Lawrence Co., at 43@5. SHEEP AND LAMBS. There was also a full supply of sheep , and lambs on sale, about 2,300 head, and with only, a moderate demand, ttid mar ket was very slow and dull, and the 's common grades ruled even lower. than Masi week. Prime to extra . fat sheep, all will be seen by reference, to the report ,; . of sales, sold at from 4 to 5 cents per pound, and the best lambs bronight 53® 3,50 per head. The weather wasAtard on the sheep - market, though when thy, number on sale is into consideratio the market held out even better thee cattle. M. Beighley 501d:32 sheep—expectedtb. • average I 3 per head. Flinner & Sheitmantle sold - 275. C. H. Moulton 62; sheep at 1 50. lambs-1 , at I®3. Batista Stouffer 125; lambs at 1,50; sheep 2,25. John Walte 2, r, 100; sheep , at 2®3,50; lambs at 76 ®5O. Mitchelr 200 head lambs from Lawre Co, at 50®3,50. • Adam Eckert 80 lambs at 2®3,70; 33 sheep, at 2,40. Garwin et Co. 125; sheep at 1@5,50; lambs stout same. Stakely & Co, 193; lambs at 103; sheep 4 at2@4. . Frank Kraus 80 sheep at g2@.5. Chas. Haas 74; sheep at 3@4,75; lambs at 1,87@2,75. N Fallen 200; sheep at 3@4,75; lambs t.; at 1,50. Sheffer to Hoffman 57 sheep at N. I. C.MeNeese 145; sheep at ;fl®4; lambs at 1,25, Jacob Rinn 200 head Indiana sheep, for James, at 112®2%. Jonathan Davis 214; sheep at 51154_. lambs at 2@3. Smith & Blue.4s—unsold • HOGS. The retail demand has 'again fallen off somewhat in consequence of the hot weather, thhugh prices remain witb out material change. Fat hogs may be quoted at 10 3 / 4 @lly„ and stock hogs at , 10®10%. LOUISVILLE, August 23. firm and unchanged. Flour very` • superfine 55. Grain declined. red 51,15, white $1,25. common in 80@85c. Oats 45©500. Bye, new, 1. 950. Barley , $1,15®1,25. Leaf to sales of 32, hhds. at 07,30@ 12 . 5 0 visions steady. Mess pork $34 Bacon: shoulders 14Mc., clear rib 1914 c., 'clear sides 191 c., sugar cured hams 231.4 c. Lard 293 c. Ilighwinas $1,17G1,29, tax paid. PHILADELPHIA, August 23.—Petrole um quiet; sales of crude at 22©22350, re fined at 314 e. Provisions quiet. Mess Pork at ist. Flour dull and no demand, with auner d n e at 13,28®5,50. Wheat is dull, with new red at 111,554g1,67, white at 81.80@1,70. Rye at 41,2001,25. cc r i t dull; sales of yellow at 31,20. Oats un. - changed, Whisky firm at 31, 27. . ,
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