11 b•wm#, 3 / y kijpj PIC-NIC. WEDNESDAY. AUOIIIiT 25. AT MAVSFLELD, Pa, /for the Benetit 0 r ihe Cat o in Church. Excursion trains leave. at O 3 o'clock A. and 111:43 A. 2 _ , Music by D. McELRA VT'S Rand. R . :gores by Col. JOa. LkIRISTY. . au 23:n46 TIISSOLIIIION OF PARTNER -P jue SHIP.—N tine Is hereby given. that the portnershin her t . fare exlB%trg between MARY Me REDITH a d WM. C. IIIna,DITEI, Imaged In the retail tirOcery Flualn.v, at No. 256 hart dusky street, as dissolved on August 2 ...SAO. All ac•ounts will Or sett.ed in , the undersigned; also. the under signed will pay no debts contract ed by wM. C. MERE VIER atter this date. su3:e4s. MARY AIEREDIVT. CA~J'I'ION. We call attention of consumers to the el-settee Of Adulterating Lard.oll, by mixing with it Cot. ton seed Oil, Eosin 011 and other inferior Oils. OUR LARD OIL WARRANTED PURE. I Any person altering Our Brand or coning our Trade Mart will be proceeded against according to law PROCTER & GAMBLE, au24:044 ANTHONY TROLLOPE'S NEW STORY, "The Vicar of Bullhamoton," IS CONTINUED IN THIS NOLI3ER JUST ISSUED. The September Number OF LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, With Two Fall-Page illustrations. CONTENTS: I. "THE VICAR OF BUT LHASEFTON:" A NOVEL. PART Idustrated. By Anthony Tr dope. 11. SONNETS. By vaal H. Rayne. 111. GROtThE SRI 'T •N G. By J annary Searle. IV. DI R. •' • MIRROR. V. LAND IIIoNOPOLY. By Geo: Pi , zhugh. 'VI •-tEA BO REP E. 3 By hoes Sargent. VII. BEYOND THE BREAKER.h• a NOVEL. PART IX. tS‘ Hen. I .obeitlialel)Wen. VIII A WZ.irls. I AN AQUABIUNI. IX. THE NATIONAL LIB 1%. By Gineral Irrancls A. Walker X. MAGDALENA: A Novni.trrn PART I. By the author of ".Jld ce , crec." XI. SNOW ETON THE WATER.I. By Mrs. L. H. Hoo•er. XII. THAT MAN. X , I. AN ERB a 136 MP?. XIV. 1)UB M...iNTHLY XV. LiTEB4.I'I.IRE U THN DAY. For sale at all the Book and News mores. 'T.arly subscription $4. single •number, 33 cents. Ncristinn. 'with ,Preiniom 'List, sent to any address on receipt of Thirty-five cents. Addess, J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 MARKET ST.. Philadelphia lautti:ro NEW BOOKS. The American Woinan's Home; or Princi ples ot Dome,tic Science: being a guide to the formation cud maintenance 01 nnmical. nealthfa I, beautiful and eh Ms tlan homes; by Catharine E. Beecher and Harri t Beecher Stowe. Large 12tuo. Price 25Q The Man who Laughs. lay Victor Mugo. Compl,to • 1,25 Niemeyers Text BOOK of Practical Medi- ,/ eine. with particular reference to Pnyall tr, oio,y aud Pathaloglcal Anatomy. 21vols, Eivo: moth / 9.00 Meyer's alectririty, in MN relations( to Practical Meant:in:. with Lotca and edi t' Ala by wm. A. Hammond, M. U., late Surgeon General 11. S / 4,50, Duesy. • second and concluding part of - "Melbourne Mouse," 2.00 Ruskln's Queen of the Air / 1,90 Hospital Saetchea, by the awthor cf •• •'Lit le Wom 1 50 Seven Cussea of London / 1,50 Dens taemner ' 2,00 Robertson's Sermons ynew ed., 2vols,cont .plete. 3,00. He Knew He was Might. tiempitte in 1 v0....1,50 White Lies. Seven Census. Pout Play.. each 25 Our Own (American) 1. irate Lse. Appletoa's Journal, vol. Ist 3,50 Pepper's Cvciop.dic Vci-nce Sarnolitled 1,50 7 hackeray's Shabby Gents el- etcry, paper. 50 Rooseveit'd sive Acres soo Much. 1150' Flagg a European .... 1,55 Firat Love situ Last Love, by James Giant. 140 Appleton's Josirnal,monthly part No- 5 . 50 S. A. CLARKE & CO; 119 Wood Street, • 2d door Wiwi, Fifth Avenue. TWTII au24 OFFICE 'OF THE - COMMISSIONERS O• 'ma Sralloard *.treaaury Department of renusvivanta, - • Hattaisaveo,August 20, 1889 REALM) BIDS WILL BE BE CEIVED for the redemption el ONE MIL' LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common. Wealth of Pennsylvania, due July Ist, 1870, tit:81118 o , clo.tk 11. OC roBER, Ist,lBoo. Com • munications obe addrested to% W:.-meciapr, Eeq State Treasurer, Harrisburg, - 'Penns.; and endorsed bids for redemption of State Loan: ; • • Jr. JOHISAN,. •Secreta , y of State. , . HAETBANFT, Auditor General. ? , • B. W. MAGNET. State Tr. sourer; Cpmmissloners of the Sinking Fund. N. B.—So newspaper publishing the above without authority, will receive pay therefor.) au23;n3B . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE- 11 . ME NT. , 7fo the elttznis or adjoining Conn ties. who are forming =Uhl or Milken' Coro !antes, LANE & TOWNSEND, 430 Market St., Philadelphia. )11er for sale a large quantity of .the Dark Blue Cloth 'ln fantri Pio* Coate in sound condition. for the low price (in quantities o 100 or upwards) of $5.00 each, cash on deliv ery. atann4o <. . ALLEGHENY °ITT,' PA., t • AUGUST 9. nott. r I NOTICE' OF DIBsOLUTION. I" The Co-partbership, heretofore existing under 1 the firm name of HILLIER, BONAWITZ,. ISCHEME' & CO., and known as the KEYSTONE COFFIN MANUFACTURING CO., 1 i dissolved by mutual consent. Thel basiness will be settled , r ,the office of Rush & ArCIWI3, No. 242 Beifortr ~ ' vsue. by Jacob Ruth, whole authmized to set : ./..se same. Ai . f it. 31 ABRAMS, CHAS._ D ' , ULM , ' E ' ....ilbEX. CAMPBELL, JAWS RUSH, GI 114 1 Jr_. C. COUCH,_ R. •c.sitta obi EF JOHN RONA wI fZ, tom •w, BROWN, .W.O. SCHEMP. JAMES LOWRIE. i uto 20 Bra { nASPL HILLIER. 4 • , CLAMATION. .t. A iled votes s of the City of Pittsburgh ..4 B eat their u time and place of uulding o. n 71 1 .8 DAY, August 81 1889; .. - , ,: - . , r TO VOTE Nt+ - .Against , a Public Park. • -, -:N:Ilots voted.' shall be marked on the oat •k,+' and Upon I the inside "For PAM' , - • nut Park." i ections snail ‘be held by the officers an ...,..:4iedtoholdihe general electloss in said city. ,r'' : JARED 31. BRIMIRODayot. :. Airatrwr 4 , nag. ' 1 suin24s - . FtirONES , FERRY COMPANY.- / TIIIIW VAY E cdilNd. August 24th, et 8 o.clock,. on mend floor of Co.oneretal deice )11ors; 100 Smithfield street, - wilt be addea to .i 3 the large fist o. stocks, . ~ . ' ' • ' 0 shires Jones. Feiry Co.; 11 .0 shares reopl , V Insurunce CO. ' • - "'a - ' A 11cIlmAIN.E, Auctioneer.' *BRET WiLLOYIII 4 , 200 bdli • in store, for , sale SY ' ''' . - • ' -", LelAtlAll , rummy' It co.-. . , IBrAinr.; ittath-a,OOO in inde b hiltkil DICKEY & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. fr. THE MAN 'WHO LAUGHS. Cotareote. I . MEYER'S ELECTRICITYy $4 50. I I. NIEMEYER , S TEXTBOOK OF FRAC- T.I . AL MEDICINE. 69. IV. APPLETONS' JOURNAL. MONTHLY PART 50 cents. D. APPLETON & CO., Nos. 90, 92 and 94 Grand Street, PUBLISH THIS DAY: THE MAN WHO LAti' , HS: on, BY THE BING'S COAMAN,,, By VICTOR BCCIO. Complete in one vol., octavo, with Portrait on Steel, Paper cover, price, $1.25; in cloth,fil 75. Also the same, PAR( SECOND. Paper, octavo. Prjcc, 73 cents. "It may be there is perceptible in Victor Sago, something tot. much of positive intention, of prepense application, of composition and fore- thought; what if there were? One question stands forth first 3,1 . 3 last—is the work done good work and great,-or not? A lesser qaestion is this—these that we find "to be faults, are they qualities reparable from the man's nature? Could we have its work without them ? If not, and if his work be great, what v ill it profit us to blame them or to regret? First, at all events, !et us have the sense t 3 enjoy it and the grate to give thanks What. far example, if there be In this book be have inoken of errors or language, errors historical or sodal ? Has it not through out a mighty hold upon men and things, the god• like strength to grasp which only a great man can have of them? • • • If the style be over charged and overshining with bright sharp strokes and points these are! firework S of an v mechanic's fashion; these are the phosphoric flashes of the seafire running on the depth of the limitless and living sea. Enough, that the book is great and heroic, tender and strong; full from end to end of divine and p Intonate 1.3ve,0f holy atd ardent pity for men that suffer wrong at the hands of men lull, not less of lyric loveliness and lyric farce."—Charles Algernon Sreint.urns. CINCINNATI ELECTRICITY IN ITS RELATIONS TO PRACTICAL MEDICINE. By DR. 'MORITZ MAYER.- Translated froni the Third German Edition, with' Notes and Additions. 87 WILLIAM A. HANIV.OND. '4I.D 1 vol., 8 ro.. cloth. Price $4.80 •Tb ballet• that Dr. Mori?: Meyer's Treatise on Electrie!ty; llsits Belations to eractlc i i Medi lclne was the Vest which had yet appeared on the subject, must be my excuse for presenting It in an English dress to the medical profession of America and Great Britain. , --Extrarlfrom Pre faze. A TEXT BOOK OF pRACTIC LL MEDICINE. With particular reference to Physiology and Path6loßlcLt Anktomy. By Dlt. FELIXVON NIENLYER Professor ; of / Pathology and Therapeutics, Di rector of the Medical Clinic of the university of Tubingen: . Tranelatod from the Seventh German Editioa by :Ipeciel Pet natation of the Author. By li LOltaE H. HUMPHREYS. H. D., 2 vols.. Svo, cloth. Price. 69. _ - irrof. :CieMeyer's volumes present a corclse and well digested Epitome of the results of ten years carefally recorded clirical observation by the mist illustrious medical authorities of lb u• rope, together wills many valuable and practical deductions regarding the Causes of disease and the application of remedies, such as we believe, have not as yet been assembled in any single worit.`*—ErPract from the Prifaee. APPLETONS' JOURNAL.. Mhnthly Part No. 5, Containing 136 pages of Reading Matter. Beantifully Ilin.trated with Steel and Wood En graving& Price 50 cents, or $4 Si) • per annum, in Advance. Itlthei of Or &bor. sent tree b) mall to any ad dress on receipt of price. D. APPLETON & CO, Publishers, Nos 90. 93 and 94 GRAND ST., New York an 24: n 76 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. PractiCal Furniture Manufacturers, in n us VOI7IITIK AV'ENII.M. Where may be tbund atoll assortment any. Chamber aDd Kitchen Panama*. des AtPERT & KOI-ILER, Manufacturers and Deslets in BOOTS,-SHOES AND GAITERS. No. 38 Market street, Pitta ti trab. Pa: Particular attention given to Custom Work. We ,beg leave to tlrect the attect ion or the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Hints a d litotes for persona troubled gab Corns, Bunions, or deformed feet, ucoer the personal sup r. iston of our Mr. AI, PERT, fdruferly.of Allegheny City, WWI wl4 be pleased to See hie old customers again. We have gdopted kir,Altiert*s mode f.f measuring the row. bv,which we can be safe In warren Ang easy and comiortablP Boot and shoes for the t.nder. eat feel. Give us a trial and be convinced: -, • ALPERT & kGI-G.Ekl, au2;n2l 38 Varket street. Pittsburgh, es. KEYSTONE POTTERY. Q M. KIER &. C 0. ,• • Manufacturers o 411EENNWABE. BRISTOL WAkBE office and Warehouse. 303 LIBEItTY air All A•ruirii nromotle to FRESH SHAD RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN . PULPItEes Ix: T oler -tab Stand, No. 45 Diamond Market, itts bn•gh, and at the Twin City. Allegheny City, corner of Ohio and Faders! streets. Can . be had all kinds of Sea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shad, Seat, (Jeddah. Haddock and Eel. Also, large supplies of White, Lake Irish, Salmon, Base etergeon. Herring and Haclnsw Trout, whici enables as to sell at . the lowest market prices,. wholesale or retail. We invite all lovers 01 fresh Fish to give us a call. and we will loser them a treat. mh23 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, • Glom.ti OIL CLOTH - FOR WINDOW SHADES. TICAN:IPARENT WINDOW BRADES, TABLE AND FURNITURE - OIL CLOTHS IN EVERY VARIETY. ..1 H. HILIPS& BB -P Bixth L Street THE C,OMBION SENISE WINE . AND CIDEtt MILL, Manafactured by the spiand Whig) Machine Company, is the most Practical. Cider Mill In the world. Ily one opera tion It grinds the apples, presses them at dry as chips between rotten, while, the cider passes dt. rent Into the barrel. They are run by hand or power, easily operated, durable and sonatantial. Before purebaslag a Older Mill send for an illus trated Circular. aul6:n39 H D. LYON, • SOnler of Weighta and MeasnreP, Office-lso. 5 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Capt. JOHN MESSNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh Market. Lieut. MoMULT F. Deputy, Alla. heny a fkiit. XEWSPA PER FREE.—CoaI Miners, and persons desiring a Western one. and others, can have a t ploy Weekly Paper PRZE FOR lIONTZIS by_ 8¢113(1112$ name and Po>toMee address to GaDDEEB JOU ilataL, l#aidner.lWnols. Itunla PEA NTEI.-110 Baena' now - U landing from ra troad foraale by _. ISAIAH DICXE a co._ 41. Alllle-20 sae or sale . J. D. ANPIELD. • • PITTSBURGH GAZEITE : TUESDA.Y, AUGUST 24, 1869. Ira Will on Saturday, July 31•t,1809. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sale of HORSES, CARRIAGES , BUGGIES, • WAGON', -. And.everything appertaining t the Berge. Partite debt log to eel, will please leave their notice of coneigoment on or betore Thursday of 'each week In order for &Wealth g. Prompt at. tention and good care will belling:l.BP Stogie left ferule. ;WIN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. 19 243404 _ R. M. UTOWAN J. R. IVROWN., R. M. McCOWAN & CO „ Boulevard -Pavers, . . 0111ce i No. 65 OHIO ST. I ALLEMENy iOrde momp rt y le t t u a del lierrTg . QPJI CE,., Ilttiburgh, Piave SleLernak,o, Collargyhaside Yards, Warranted agsGsichengesei test sad cold i• RErstrscas—Msx. Ma-rhecd, Lyon & bborb, Roay rattersou, Wm. Park, James N. Long & don, Hartley & McKee Anderson's & Maxwell, Aiken 3 ChunPoall. Mao Craig' jynan93 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .APT EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN Opened To-day FINE QUALITY WOOLEN SQUIRE SIII\VLS AT $2.25. laetavue !Size, NICE MEDIUM DARK COLORS, 'Having just bought a large number of the above Shawls, and :Wishing to move them out as rap idly as possible, they will be of fered at the exceedingly. Low Prise of $2.25 each, LE WLLLLkiII SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY ctry DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretsifore existing between JOHN M. COOP-ER and HENRY BIEIt, under the name and style of JOHN M. COOPER & CO., was this day dissolved by mutual consent, John 31- Cooper retiring from Laid Min. 10IIN COOPER. lIENIIT BIER. PITTFUOSOII, August 12, 1562. The business will be continued at the old stand, corner ut•Thtrteenth and Pike a trtelti. by the under.slened, who Is satl:Orkzed to settle al. bus- Igess of said arm 1-11EINJR.117 131 =I SOHN M. COOPER 6c CO.. Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAD'S PROMPTLY TO ORDER. lialeable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, lIIROTTLB,SAFEM AND CHECK VALVES. ALL WM= PATTERN. Ell C4OCIKS, Brass Work of every descr)ptlon for Steam, Water and OIL MAN UFACT MILERS UP J. M. COUPE an 3 ImproTe4 Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents forDreyfus' Patent Oil- era, the best in the Market. °Mee and Works, corner Ihuteenth and Pike treete. spZe LATEST OIL STRIKE. J LtiTICE LIBERTY! ECONOMY AND FREE TRADE! To secure even banded JUaTICe.. just come and sea what splendid bargains are otlercd In the gor geous noel of Spring and hummer Clothes just prepared and exhibited to the ?write by S G. TRAUXIMAN. The fullest Ltrilifery to be enjoyed when the man who enjoys it is neatly 0.1160 in a cult Of new Gomm - r Clothes which lit him so comfortably as not toabridge the freedom aids motion.. Such cl-dhes are to be had at B. C. Tnauzitsdaree. To pract`ce itcorrowT, don't spend vast sums °fin oney where extortionate people charge fancy pride for unsavosractory clothing, but come and get the wor.la of every dollar you uncoil, at S. C. Tit A trEaldiAN' a. Fnas TRAinr. of the freest sort, practiced every day, and ah dsy, at the ig No It Clothing Hall. There the people bring- their cosh, and there they get their clothes. r.VerV Man i'ee to buy at all times. Trade tremendous just now at the Big Nu. 11. Clothing liall. WON AT THE PRlfins. 'Orel)* nut finite (”r $7 worth CM, linautalt sults ior $9 worth $9O. Plcatlng park cults for •12 worth $2ll. 500 sulk, linen. at 44 50 each worth 40. Black tufts Jur ♦lO worth 440. Buys' sutra for •5 worth •10. . . Arid a great many more too numerous to awn tlbn. Call early and secure your bargains. as we hive but a few days to sell. itethemlier Big .ho. 11 ellztla street. S. V. TRAUMA& jy10:717-6 ROBERT 11. PATTERSON & CO., CORNER OP • Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBURGIII, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW, DRESS ' GOODS I JUST RECEIVED DESIRABLE STYLES & QUAILITIIS Very Low Prices. Rob Roy Plaid' Flannels BOOKFOLD COUNTRY FLANNELS, Than Prices at the Mills. Extra Inducements offered to Wholesale Buyers of One Hun dred Pieces and upwards, WILLIAM ( SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, 1 44 *TC:toll I CM LARGE SALE OF IRON. DIN..? Q. M, OFFICr. JEFFIRSONViLLE, IYU.. AugU.t 16, 1669. I Isla sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the De- Dot. at JEFYERSONVILLE, INDIANA, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. ON WEDNESDAY, 22d Day of September. 1569, A LARGE LOT OF IRON, conslst!ng of various 111 Atm,lit Bs. LB3 lbs. of band iron, of the follow lug viz-s• viz! 34.13.16 tn. 34%316 in. in. 11 4 x3 is In. 2 1x4 a'1!14k.1:1•16 •• '- 4 I') • 3',V, 4 , 5x3-16 ••• 3siss-16 •' 5 x', •• 6 s 3 Its •• 4 , ,6116 •! 6 1 , 41 " 4 s 1 Is •• " 1 . 4.13.16 •• About 114,,098 lbs. round Iron of the following sizes, vls: v. In. 24. In. 2'a In. *t 10. Ay In. •• 5'4 •• •• •• 4 •• i•• lIENRY BIER Al out 710.4 0 Dm square iron of the follow ing errs, xis: 24 in. 34 1.. 3 In. 3'i In. 3,1, In. 2% In. sla •• 2% ' 1 4 i" About 344. '62 lbs. bar Iron, consisting of the following els I. 4 x li ID. 11.4 in. 5 x ~ 4 ' in. 4 ,, ..,:l to. 3!i51.•,, " a I.' " 5 x., •• 4 x . - i S X 4( " 4X r"e .. 3. x .'s " 5 a e x ~... •• a ~,, .• 5 x I•• 4 at •• 2 xi , . " iii - ‘y 'I '4 " ~ x, " X‘:34l I , „1 .I •• I. ••13.5x i " IS.ti " ”1 I'A i'•l :II •.; 1 '1 .• 2 x 'e" 24x 1 .1 24 al -'• .2%11's " 2 11's " Vaal% 2,lxl'i " ....1.x , .!1 " 2 xl,•:. " 3'4x IS aL,x 4 •• 4411. " 3 , ,ixt 3.. . 21..1 44 ,` 2 x .1 4 " 344x.4 X . " 2 - xl •• 4.ix 4%x1,1t " T l / 2 .al " llixi " 14.11 •• 1141 % " l'ix at " 1 1 4 x 5, " ••11x.% •• 2.44x 1 4" :I Z. 4.• 3 . x%" 3 xh" ll4x % " 1%/4 % " .lia. % " I 15 16 . • s, •• , i a. 1 % •• i . l zti " 2 1 i a 1 ‘; ••• .7.Sia 3,6 - " 3 a3a " P 4, ". 4% va. i . 3as •• 24e% •• i34a %.• Pea '7l •• I%xly, •• 214X !.4 " I x,4 • • 4 x . 's " ilia 1 4 • • Anon& 27.0 co lbs. half rounuiroTs. About 704 Lbs. o 111 ~..11ron. iron. AboutNO one an. OU , SUV.e tire iron. About 200 ons wagon tire iron. Terms of lia e —Ca4h. Sly order in he Quartermaster General. J. A. POTTER. Brig Gen. and Q. 11. U. S. .... Depot Q..21' Breve au2O:VZ) Imp.rter and retail dealer In FINE 13TATxONERY, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARR ENGRAVING, MONOGRAMS, ARMS, ILLUMINATING de, Orders by mall receive prOmpt attention. Send fur samples. . 1.033' Chestnut St.. Philts, mvaa77•rnedr tTHIRTEENTH LIST, 1469, APPLICATIONS to Solt Liquors, tiled to Cltok's ()ince: Pittsburgh. Johl B. Kennedy, tavern, let war • Ms•beee Lawton, tavern. Sd ward: B. 31 done. taveru. sth ward; L. A. H. lierriutt. tavern, /Ithimard; lona I open, tavern, lath ward. Joseph Ltmettrover, tavern, 15th ward Allegheny. W. IL 14711" Co.. °thee goods. Ist ward, C. M. Lednek. tavern, 410 ward: - Jacob Held, tovern. 7th ward. Boroughs John C. Patch, tavern, tiirmlngham; L. lilocklinger, tavern, East Birmingham. Towne!'l pr. John Snyder, other goo 1 o.`Charl lets; Thomas flevue. tavern: DIIMM: .lone ullkey, eating house, Versailles. Toe License Board will sit for hearing the 'Nom applications on the With Inst., at to Welock J, 0. BROWN, Clerk. sub% bb Our entire Fumsner Stock of oye, Youths , and Children Clothing, closing out at greatly reduced prices. • GRAY & LOG 'S, No. 47 SIXTH 8 TREET LATE BT. CLAM. auto . wooi o . . 100,000 Pounds of Wool Waited by . MEANOR it HARPER, AT THE WHITE FRONT, 329 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TJAKE - 011.18 P,•• STONEUDHO , PA., (on line or Jamestown and Franklin tu 11 fted.), EDWARD -, llttLatt. Proprietor. TIPS favorite liutniser It enure 11 11 w MAY for the reception of Wiest's. lrla "dedgatlally situated, a few rode Iron !SANDY L aKIC, the must beau tiful 'hint of taster in Pennsylvania, and is ac. reset le by Salt from ALL POOP/IL bpienelld Medicinal dining, on the grounds. annual na AND AT LESS Da ALLEGHENY CITY REM t''NOTICES—"To•Let," "For Ikae," "Lost,""TVants," "Found," "Boarding," dc., not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be inserted in tisese columns, once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional tine FIVE CENTS. „ WANTED—RV:TAT/ONE. WAINTED.ISITUATION, by a married ma ntas a drlr. r. Can give good reference. address baZZiTa Or a ICE. WANTED.—A SITUATION by Married Man as carriage driver for either Livery otable o_private family. Couniry pre ferred. addrem H. x H., GAZZITE OFFICIL. IVANTED—A SITITATION AS fora wh C le s rkle Sr l m m e an, e t o u r iTv aeveelvb n li g h A m g s e n ht . Can sive good city ?sternness. Address .Box "51, " New Cumberland, W. va. WANTED---EGELP t l— . B°OM / Mt:Ella at LACuCK. & HAW. ZS Ohio street. Allegheny City, Pa. UTANTED.—A first-class MA. I~LIISCHINE 111.ArKSMITH. Enquire sane WORK 4, corner Foist alley and Duquesne Way. NITANTED-HELP.AT PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 St. Clair Street, BOYe OIRLIS and MEN, for dliterere kleds of employment. Persons wanting belt of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED---AGENTS. ANTED.-1,000 Men Want ", 1r ED to sell the' WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACIIINS on salary. Address Lock Bgx 368. or call between the hours of 3 and .3 P. at., at our eltice,'l4O WOOD b . /MEET, Pmts. burgh. Applicants most come well recommended. - WM. SUMNER a CO. WANTED -101) Contideutial AGENTS to dispose of a good oaring arti cle. An energetic and trustworthy man cau mole $50,000 In two mato lis Particulars free. Cali on or address LAILEY. A: CO., 208 Broad • way, N. V. au2:II73d,S;TI WANTS. WANT E D.-PARTNER. - A goo I, reliable Traveling Agent, who can Invest from three to elaht thousand dollars In a got d paying manufacturing business can learn of an opportunity seldom offered. by addressing. Osvi , h name and address, E. 8., Alleglieny lty. WANTED. -10,000 Acres of L•Nte WARRANTS end AGRIC, RAT. Cf:LLEGE LAND SCRIP. wanted. Ad• dress, JOHN B. BRADDOCK, Mount Vernon, Onto. WANTED.= -A good second• AND END NE AND BUITES• ..ngine about 71.. eh cylinder: Boller from 184.20 leer, 36 to 46-Inch, end flued. Parties havf ug noel" mach Mery to eell will please addrese Box 384. Pi.teburgla Postoffice, stating Else, make and prier. WANTED. -A SHALL HOUSE, of three rooms. in Manch• ster or Law renceville. Also. a rITUATION•LI a clothing store as salesman. Good r, Terence given. Ad dress W. P. BRANDON, Pittsburgh PostoSlce. LOST. lr OsT.—ON WEDNESDAY AE. TEtINOON. between Allegheny and East Litwriy. by mayor Sharpsburg orldge and Morn- Inestde road. a *I EFTED BLACE. ..NI) WHITE PLAID e•HAWL. A suitable reward will be paid fur Its retuin 10 the Warr= OFFJCZ. TO LET. rllO LET-FOUR NEW HOUSER nf SIX ROONIS eac t Jalappa street. Flth wart), Ailr•ahens. near Allegheny avenue. nue square from Alanch-ster street ears ' Enquire of T. M. StitlbeS, 89 Federal stre..t. corner of Stnes , on -venue or CHARLES P. STRIGHT, 171 Norlb avenue, corner of Webster street. m O-LET.-ROOMS. on Second wits Boarding. Location the most desirable in the city. a.ltb the conveniences of ba , h rooms. the comforts of a private family, as Jew hoareera are kept. WI :North Avenue, Al legheny City. FOR SALE von SALE—THE CHEAPEST FARM IN ARMSTRONG COUNTY. Pa. 1014 scree for $4.1.100, well Improved. good Orchard, good klulidlngs. good Witter and good Netanbort , ood. There Is a totrgatn In tots prop erly; we have seen It and know It.'. Apply to . CROFT PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth ay. nue. FOR SALE—Five acres Within five minutes , wale of the Leetsdale eta t-on. P., Ft. W. &0. K. H.. 1.4 raLes from the cur. 4 acres cleared, House of 3 rooms, Small Fruit,, Grapes. &c. Wlii ha solo at a bargain. Apply to CROFT 3 PHILLIP:, No. 139 Fourth avenue. F"" LE-FARM ATA GAIN-840 PER ACIRR VIII purchase goon l rm iS39 acres in Westmoreland coun ty, Pa., two miles from Railroad. flood soi', well watered, underlaid w lin coat and limestone. House. Barn, i , rehard, At.. an. e , ms ea y. Apply to CHU r:,t PHILLIPS. No. 139 Fourth avenue. ‘I• TOll •SALE-MANIUFA I' TUII.• IND SITE, fmntiogonthe West Penna. R. R and tne Allegheny river, In Alghth ward, Alleghenvci , y. (formerly Duquesne Borough.) Lot 18104 feet on river, 104 on Railroad by 335 feet deep. splendid locatl , n for any kind or a manufactory. .terms easy. Apply io CROFT & PHIL LLP.tI. Real Estate Agents,lyo. 139 Fourth avenue. "VOIR SALE.—Lease and good will of a TAVERN STtND!undesirable iceslity, - Terms easy; doing a good business. Apply of WM. JACKuON, 73 Uraut street. OR SALE.--MOUSE AND LOT. F --Ituate at Holton itation..Lot contains 1154 acres, on *blob 19 erected a good frame Dwelling containing 6 rooms. wit& fruit trees, &c. - Address JOHN COPPS. Hutton Station. FOR SALE.—One-half of a valuable PATENT for Pennsylvania., A small article used In all houses. A chance for an active young loan with a raw hundved dollar s . Address PATENT. Postoflce Box 6011. Fan SALE - CITY BENIDENCE On Colwell street, one square from street cars. The House has ten rooms, hall, good cellars. prettied brick front. gas and water throughout, bath room, range In kitchen, and In a pleasant uelghnorheod. Price olcur17.000; on easy terms. Apply to CROFT dr PHI LailPo, Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue. F 0 It S A tt.-I;EASE.-TEIE Pain p an l s C e o lo at W y o rkoc a ct u at e d y o n t heh eEurnka of !Horgan a reet and the Railroad, in the 4tn ward, Allegheny. consisting of a three story Br!. k Building. 90xS0 feet. containing Engine and Boller complete, together with Shafting, Alto, st large shed suitable fur atOrare, and a tv, - ct story Dwelling. For Blithe, particulars aprhy to I. 31. , FENNOUR, No. 19 Seventh (late Ir win) street. Pittsburgh, 'Pa. au2l:ns6 3. W. BALE. 59 MARKE A LARGE. AND CO SEASONABLE .A.t erar L. T. W. $3 AL L 59 MARKE FOR SALE. Two three story pressed brick front houses on C. n Ire :tit tine, store rooms and dwellings, *l3, • 000. Good 5 roomed brick house and large lot, ',500. Two three story brick houses on Ful ton street, a 5,000. TwoS roomed pressed brick houses on Kirkpatrick .trees. Good 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue New 6 roomed frame house and large lot, near the Central Pa. R. It., and within two minutes' walk of street cas's, with good buildings and all conveniences, only $4,000. Frame house, 5 rooms, lot 24x 100, $t.500. Frame house of 3 rooms, lot 14x 100, 31.200. S lots on Centre avenue 4300 to *BOO. 4 lots on Mahon street. 24x132,1.500. 1 lot on Reed street', 251129 feet, $5OO. riots of ground on Mi. Washington, to size to suit. 20 scree on Western Pa. Raiiroad, 3 miles from tae city. 20 acres on Pan Handle Railroad, 4 miles ftnm the city. 225 acres of Missouri Land. Per.ons desiring to purchase a house or make an loves merit. and those wIAIng to sell, please call on cr address McCLUNG & RAINBOW. au23 Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. FOR SALE. • A r,resz RIGHT YEARS TO EUN of h lot of ground ;rooting 138 feet on btrawberry Lane. running back Sag feet Immediately- In rear of Pittsburgh, Alio henv and Manchester Passen g r Hallway Cols stae- P i t t sbu r gh the line of the of the Oleve and and Ratirtltd Com pany, adlacent to the Ohio river, on which is erected TWO GOOD PEAMETEN ANT HOOBEB of three rooms each, with good stabling and out Douses complete. This property Is well adapted for lumber or coke business, there being already erectee thereon eight coke ovens with all theinecessary appliances for carrying on Mat but ludas. A t.att.for rent or lease, a corn f"rtable FRAMS HOUSE bf three rooms. In a good locallon-wlthin five minutes walk of Wood- Icon Station. P.. Ft. W. & C. to which them. is attached a bout halt an acre of ground. Tnis property will be rented low for a term of years to a good tenant. Inquire of ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Lumber Para corner Preble and Juniata streets, or No. 157 Rebecca street, opposite the tias Works. Allegheny City. y 293027 F OR SALE. Good 6 roomed brick house on Centre avenue an. 1 large lot-44,500. Good 0 roomed frame house with all improve ments: lot 66 uy 110—/1.000. Frame house. 21zooms: lot 24'by 100-41,000. Two well finished . press brick houses ana large lo!—only 96,000. Two 6 roomed Douses on Fulton street-12.500 each. .One lot 24 by , 'l79 feet on Reed street-4500. Plot'of ground on It. Washington. 20 acres on Panhandle Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 30 acres on Western Pa. Railroad, 4 miles from the city. 225 vcr-s good improVerl land in Missouri. Will be divided to snit purcbuers. 20 lots on lettre avenue—s3oo to $1,500 cacti. Inquire of , . It CCLUNG & RAINBOW. . Real Estate and Insurance Agents, • Jylo Nos. 195, 197 and 199 Centre avenue. mira SALE. LOTS near Breed's Grove, within eve utes walk of Pleasant Valley Past enter Rail way. Lots are each 20 by 150 feet. running I br,,u gh from Gallagher to Ann streets,on which there Is over 400 grapevines. besides pear apple, peach, p.um, and cherry trees. leo, a variety of ht.er smai. units. Price 113 500; 42,000 cash. balance in oue and two Tears. c lso one acre of ground in Bellevue borough, sb ut half a mile from Jack's bun e tation. P.. W. & C. B. B . on which there is about 30 or 40 fruit tret s. The place to well watered and fent ed. and in a good neighborhood. Price. Other Houses and Lots in good Lcalities. In quire or M. WHITMORE, Beat Estate and Insurance Agent, corner Ohio and ;Sandusky streets. Allegheny. a= FOR SALE. . SECOND AVENUE.-Two houses, 3 stories: 9 rooms, with all modern imprevements Will sell' for *5.500 and $0.500 etch. Easy terms. eQUIRHEI, HILL.-4 acres of arounti, with Erd .naid view over the Monongahela Valien Ad nted fur private resielence or to be laid on': in is,' mine Lots. At a bargain. THREE MILIt P. .11 SEARPSHIIRO.--.20 acres of best ga den land, with 500 of the choicest Oult tree, In lust. bearing con,ition. Convenient to tloar and sow mill. F...r particu lars enquire at ant4 Tll STEN & VOR S4LE.—THE SIT XII— Ogt .22 ERR wi !ling to retire to the tuft, wishes to sell the St ock.v ixturea and oo Nur of his business, and will lease ,the warebentielor , ' one or more years. The business has been eatab, liaised a-me thirty years. come eighteen years of - which the present pronrietor has been its bead. Ther,de is Wholesale and Retail. Mercautilie and Manufacturing, and wit pay on an average 50 verctut. profit. From e,12,000 to i 116.000 Inn be required. time for part of which may be given. Can be Increa.ed •Indefinitely, with bnt little mo-e capi.at. address, with real name, Box C. GAZETTE OFFICE. Pittsburgh. Pa. 1 HOBOKEN , ' STATION PROPERTY FOR SALF;,.... This beautiful situation cannot !passed - bd. ;ftt • for private residerices in any direction, so mow to both cities, being only eight Mlles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de. siring informstion about thlinronertv can obtain it by calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL LIFE uveunexcz COMPANY. 75 Federal street, Allegheny. -Lots from one-half acre to five acres; also, small lois . to -teltrit dieters. There is a good location for a manatee taring establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. PERSONAL.—AII persons seek.. INN HOMES, or investments in Real IR. tate, will save time, trouble and money by pro- curing a cony of the "PITTSBUtitill REAL ESTATE REUISTICIL" Rio given awayanAnn or will be tent by mail TIME to any requesting it. Persona cannot jail to get suited out of the large list it contains. CROFT PAiLLiPe, Pun- Ushers and Real Estate Age No, 139 Fourth avenue. SALE OF VALUABLE PROP.. zwry of 130 ACltu S In South Buffalo Town ship. Armstrong counts, Pa. on Buffalo Creek. adJoinino the Freeport Use. 'Flouring Mill, Saw 31‘11, a d best Water Power in the State. Brame twel int House of 8 rooms and cellar, hand somely situated on the t,. P. it. It., now build. tug from Freeport to Erie. Will he sold at Pub lic Sale on TH.UIts.DAY, August 26,1869. For further particulars addr.us. • au2o JOSEPH B. WA 1. Freeport. INDEPENDENT TERIPER ANC& CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. an 4S 2 AIAH DICKEY. • C HEESE. - 50 boxes Factory Oheeseolls boxes Gosben do., for sale by r. Q. iIANFIFCLD. &Ea & CO" T STREET. ABE NOW RECEIVING MPLETE STOCK. OF DRY GOO.DS, .. • 1 AND ARE SELLING ow Proloom. E AND RETAIL. 3Fa JEL cill3 4130.„, T STREET. FOR SALE. SI Grant Street CANDIDATE Fa HMSO
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